Re: Skipping a mark card

2010-11-03 Thread Richmond Mathewson
 'Skipping the difficult bits' is a well-documented sport, as well as 
'Jumping to conclusions'

and 'Running a temperature':'s_eye

So 'Skipping a marked card' is an extremely SHARP thing to do; mind you 
I don't

how much money I would plonk down on the table if I knew my opponent
was using marked cards . . .  :)

On 11/3/10 3:48 PM, wrote:

Do you always want to do this, to always go to the following marked card?
In other words, to always go to the second marked card during any navigation?

If so, why not just lock the screen, go to the next marked card, and then
go to the next marked card?

It seems like an odd way to get around, though. I am missing something.

Craig Newman

In a message dated 11/3/10 8:46:17 AM, writes:

I have a project that uses marked cards to navigate them. Aside from
unmarking a card, is there a way to skip a mark card when you are using a
script (go to next marked card) to go to marked cards?

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The siglum key explained.

2010-10-29 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/28/10 11:21 PM, wrote:



And what is the story with siglum?

Well; on Mac keyboards the top-left key has a siglum: § on it, rather
than a `; that key usually being to the left of the Z key.

Whether § should be classified seriously as one of the sigla is a bit
of a moot point; I do know that it is often used to mark secondary
footnotes in 18th and 19th century books. Why the thing is on a Mac
keyboard I just don't know.


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Re: LiveCode mention at Programmers Stack Exchange

2010-10-07 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/7/10 7:54 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

I have to register to vote. That means someone I know nothing about has my 
email address and I am gonna get a whole new flurry of junk mail. Homey don' 
play dat!

I guess I'm the only person round here that has a special e-mail address 
that I never, ever check which I use

for those purposes.


On Oct 6, 2010, at 2:11 AM, RunRevPlanet wrote:

Hi All,

There is an entry for LiveCode at a new site called Programmers Stack Exchange in a 
question titled, What’s your favorite programming language?

The web address for it is:

in case anyone uses that site, and would like to vote for it.

Scott McDonald
Components, Stacks, Tools and Resources for LiveCode

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Re: Distinguishing between ASCII and UTF8

2010-10-07 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/7/10 7:59 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Okay, so that begs the question, if there is no difference between UTF8 and 
ASCII, why make the distinction? I mean, what would be the point to converting 
from ASCII to UTF8 or vis versa if the results were always the same?

Just being practical.

Some of us grew up in Britain in the 60s and 70s (Oh, how depressing) 
and remember the feeling of moving from
short trousers to long trousers; as far as I understand ASCII and UTF8 
are somehow the same without the place
being trashed by the . . . . . (whoops, no politics) . . . those of you 
who want to understand my reference should
watch Carry On At Your Convenience; a light, easily digestible 
introduction to the politics of the early 70s.


On Oct 6, 2010, at 1:29 PM, Jeff Massung wrote:

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Richard Gaskin

I have an app that needs to auto-detect Unicode and plain text, and render
them correctly based on that auto-detection.

I have the UTF16 stuff working, but with UTF8 I have a problem:  there is
no BOM to let me know if it's Unicode, and some plain text files will
occasionally have high-ASCII values in them (like the dagger symbol).

What patterns should I be looking for in the binary data of a file to
distinguish UTF8 from plain text?

Sorry, Richard, but I believe you are out of luck here. The idea behind UTF8
is that it's indistinguishable from ASCII (0-127). You may be able to scan
the files, and if they are large enough, try and deduce some thing from them
to know which they are. For example:

On Windows, \r\n (13, 10) should terminate lines. Could very well be a
text file.

In ASCII there will never be a NULL terminator anywhere (byte 0). There's
likely many 0-byte values in any appreciably large Unicode file. This would
also be true of byte 8 (backspace) and byte 7 (the bell) and probably a few

If the number of bytes that have the high bit (0x80) set is extremely low
(  1%) then most likely it's ASCII.


Jeff M.
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Re: Distinguishing between ASCII and UTF8

2010-10-07 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/7/10 8:02 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

I have a saying: You know exactly as much after you say Maybe... as you did 
before you said it.

I always wonder about the word 'Maybe' and whether it might be almost 
semantically empty . . .  :)


On Oct 6, 2010, at 4:55 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Jeff, Dave, Peter:  thank you!

Good stuff - I think I'll be able to distinguish most files using those.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
LiveCode training and consulting:
Webzine for LiveCode developers:
LiveCode Journal blog:
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Re: [OT+ANN] Just finished a rather large project

2010-10-07 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/7/10 8:04 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Oh, so we are on speaking terms again and sharing tea and crumpets? ;-)

Just so long as it is crumpets and not crumpet; see my posting prior 
to this one for contextualisation.


On Oct 6, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Jeff Massung wrote:

The past 4 months for me have been pretty grueling. But me (and all the
wonderful people in my team) have just finished up our latest project and
sent it off to Nintendo...

That is all.

And thanks for anyone who put up with any short/blunt comments I've made
here while working 16-hour days, 7 days a week for the past 3-4 months. ;-)

Jeff M.
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Re: Distinguishing between ASCII and UTF8

2010-10-07 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/7/10 9:39 PM, Jerry J wrote:

On Oct 7, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

I still have sweaty nightmares about DOS code pages...

I whisper quietly to myself in a corner: EBCDIC.
--Jerry Jensen

The thing that wakes me in a cold sweat at the Brahma Mahurta
is the FORTRAN Format.

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Re: RevBrowser bug

2010-10-07 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/7/10 9:44 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

I'm just curious, I guess... is it only during dev in the IDE that you are
toggling the resizable of a stack? Or if you do it at runtime, I'd be
curious to find how you're applying this functionality...

In my current project I need to toggle this according to some META TAGs
inside of the html source.

That's what I was looking for... thanks!

Ken, I was not born yesterday (LiveCode-wise) :-D

Don't I know it! ;-)

Very few of us were born yesterday; but when I look at LiveCode / RunRev
I wish I had been:

then I could have dived straight into LiveCode / RunRev without having to
spend Velikovskian Ages in Chaos with FORTRAN, PASCAL, ZILOG and
even relatively leverable stuff such as ToolBook.
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Re: data from USB joystick

2010-09-26 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 26/09/2010 19:57PM, stephen barncard wrote:

It's all on the net. Your cheapest and easiest solution is to use a Keyspan
USB to serial adapter and Rs-232 serial protocol. Here's one hit from
searching google for joystick rs232. Sooner or later, some soldering may
be required.

Interfacing Atari-style joysticks to PC parallel and serial

I think the above is missing the point; presumably David has a USB 
joystick and a USB port
on his target computer; so no need to do the down-and-dirty with the 
soldering iron.

What he needs to do is ascertain is, for example, whether the USB 
joystick sends Unicode chars when
it is moved, rather like the chars for right-arrow and left-arrow on a 
keyboard, and whether
they are interpreted by the computer as mouseDown and mouseStillDown 

I have a Belkin Nostromo (silly gaming pad) which I use for 
RunRev/LiveCode programming:
now it comes with a set-up control panel where one can set all the keys, 
wheels and twiddly things
on it to do what one wants - having set up one's preferences 
RunRev/LiveCode can pick up

whatever I do on the Nostromo without any trouble at all.

However, I suspect that David is trying to be somewhat cleverer than me, 
insofar as he wants
to 'skip' the requirement of an intermediate, platform specific, set-up 
panel / driver-thingy.

My own inclinations would be to run round the corner and buy a crappy 
USB joystick and plug the
thing in, and then set up some silly little stack that will pick up the 
signals from the USB stick

[ they cannot be that other-worldly ]

and see whether they can be interpreted as KeyDown, rawKeyDown type 
signals . . .

On 26 September 2010 06:10, David

Hello folks,

I really really want to make  a Rev  (Ooops) LiveCode app with a push pull
interface like on a mixing slider, or 'dive' and 'pull up' on a plain old

I have raised questions about this a few times on the list over a number of
years, and got some helpful pointers.  However, having followed these into
the underpants of USB, I have discovered that is not a place I have the
ability to work.  So I give up.

Is there anyone on this list who could create a cross platform extension or
library thingy which would allow me to read the state(s) of an ordinary, off
the shelf USB joystick?  If so, what would the cost be?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow

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Re: Rev script editor widow corrupted for a single stack

2010-07-23 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 7/23/10 8:02 PM, Jim Lambert wrote:

Anyone know how to deal with this?

I went to edit the script of a stack and suddenly the contents of Rev's script 
editor displays, not the script, but a kind of image of parts of the current 
Quit  restarted rev.
Same thing.
closed the stack
opened another stack - script editor works just fine for that stack.

reopened original stack - script editor wacky again.
Curiously good ole tRev is able to edit the stack's scripts!

this is dp 3.

rolled back to dp 2
that Script editor has no trouble with editing the stack's scripts

I assume this stack has become somehow corruoted BUT only in regards to dp 3's 
script editor.

Tried 'save as' but problem is inherited by the copy of the stack.

Any one see this before or know how to fix it?
I'm heading into a meeting now will check back in a few hours.

NOT the place for talking about 4.5 developer previews!
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Re: The State of Rev (Was Re: [ANN] Rodeo IDE preview video)

2010-05-31 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 31/05/2010 20:46, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Andre Garzia wrote:

I think the market for Rev and Linux is not an end user market, like 
to users but creating custom software for enterprise and 
organizations and

all the web stuff such as RevServer.

In the future and Linux gets even more widespread, creating 
commercial linux
tools might be a good option. 2D Boy proved that you can sell linux 
and sell a lot (of course world of goo is a cross platform game, but 

sold a lot of linux licenses anyway)

Currently, Linux is at the pre-tipping-point stage characterized by 
this catch-22 as a key contributing factor:  end-users want more apps 
on Linux before they switch, and developers want to see more end-users 
on Linux before they deploy.

An example of this dynamic was provided by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols 
of Computerworld recently:

   Ubuntu wants Adobe, even if Apple doesn't
   Canonical marketing manager Gerry Carr told me that in a recent
   survey we did of the Ubuntu User base where we got 32,000 plus
   responses, Adobe Photoshop as a potential application for Ubuntu
   got a 3.52 rating out of 5 being the second most popular
   potential app after Skype.

Umm . . .

I cannot quite see what the advantages of Adobe Photoshop are now that 
we have GIMP and


between the 2 of them I think they have Photoshop just about sewn up.

I am not trying to run down the idea of commercial software on Linux; 
but I would
like to point out that the fact that the vast majority of Linux distros 
are FREE does
tend to set up users to expect everything that follows to be free, and, 
where adequate
substitutes that are free exist, tend to choose them over commercial 
ones; both from
financial considerations and from the everything should be free 
mentality that Linux
(and even more, everybody's favourite hairy nutcase: Stallman) pushes 
people towards.

The most important bit of what I wrote above is:

where adequate substitutes that are free exist

and there's the rub: there will be a race for commercial developers to 
plug perceived niches
where a demand exists but an Open Source / Free solution does not exist; 
followed by an
Open Source / Free equivalent hard on its heels. The 'trick', if indeed 
there is a trick at all, is
to find a niche which won't be plugged directly after your commercial 
offering by an O-S/free
alternative which will make you go rajj because of all the time, RD and 
effort you put into
your 'thing' for the peanuts you get paid before one of Saint Richard 
Stallman's acolytes

get you by the small and curlies.

I, myself, run my Macintosh on the basis of the software that comes with 
the system install
DVD, Open Source / FREE stuff, and RunRev (which I paid for, only 
because there is no adequate
substitute and I cannot find a suitable (FREE) anti-addiction programme 
to get me off it): Now

part of the reason for this is:

a. I cannot afford much commercial software,

b. I feel slightly queasy about using pirate software (although it would 
be disingenuous to say

 I have never used it; age does funny things with one's morals),

c. I can see absolutely NO reason at all to shell out hard-earned money for
anything unless no other choice exists.


I do believe that Linux might be about to tip: in fact I hope it is.

However, I don't think this means that all those people who suddenly 
stop using Windows
and Mac, will suddenly be digging deep into their wallets for costly 
programs such as

the Adobe suite.

I believe something different will happen:

1. Apple and Microsoft will have to completely rethink and rearrange 
their way of doing things;

both need to iron out some of the warts in their operating systems.

  Windows, for a start, is going to have to be so much better than 
Linux that users are going
  to put up with viruses, and on top of the OS, shell out monthly fees 
for anti-virus sofware.

  Mind you, it escapes me why people do now: just run ReactOS:

2. The commercial 'majors' will have to radically cut their pricing 
structure, and make sure

that their offerings are killer apps.

I am sure, should Linux 'tip', this will NOT result in a Stallmanesque 
heaven, where there is pie
in the sky and endless free beer (well, even if only because I want to 
pay for RunRev 5!),

but a more mixed system, with a freer sort of competition.

I also hope, that to buy a laptop without anybody's OS preinstalled will 
not involve a hunt

across 3 continents . . .  :)


Quite apart from my, probably, ill-informed speculations; I do know that 
RunRev have to
look to their Linux version and sort it out lickety-split, less they 
lose out to others.


Re: Problems setting a player object to an alias in a script

2010-05-31 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 31/05/2010 22:04, Howard Bornstein wrote:

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:36 AM, J. Landman Gayjac...@hyperactivesw.comwrote:

  Try using the aliasReference function to get the real file name and set
your player to that instead.

Thank you thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for and solves my
problem nicely. Since I may have a mix of aliases and normal files, this
function makes it easy to tell if the file is an alias as well as providing
the valid reference to the actual file.

This was one of the multitude of Rev functions I didn't even know existed.

Join the club!

I've been messing around with RunRev for 9 years and I have now reached
the conclusion that I know about 25% of the functions - and that's having
developed quite a number of applications with the thing!
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Re: Problems setting a player object to an alias in a script

2010-05-31 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 31/05/2010 22:14, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Howard Bornstein wrote:

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:36 AM, J. Landman Gay jacque at 

 Try using the aliasReference function to get the real file name and 

your player to that instead.

Thank you thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for and 
solves my

problem nicely. Since I may have a mix of aliases and normal files, this
function makes it easy to tell if the file is an alias as well as 

the valid reference to the actual file.

This was one of the multitude of Rev functions I didn't even know 

Another example of the value of the Rev Dictionary's See Also section. :)

Mmm, mmm, mmm, merr, merr, merr, so there!

Really? I found aliasReference by typing in 'alias' into the search box
in the top right-hand corner.


The problem is not with the dictionary, Ding An Sich; but knowing 
exactly what

term to type in the search box:

Let's consider the word 'alias' (quite apart from the fact that in the 
context of WIMP
GUIs on computers it has been radically resemanticised from its 
prototypical meaning

in the non-computer world):

Macintosh:  Alias  (actually 'alias' with the meaning of a graphic 
object which opens a pathway
to a directory elsewhere is a Mac-specific term that I remember learning 
when I cracked open
my first Mac with OS 7 - a bit confusing, having only worked with 
BBC-MOS and UNIX before that).

Windows: Shortcut / reparse point (whacked-out or what?)

Linux:  symbolic link

[I see that UBUNTU 10.04 has Make Link in its menu system - that's not 
going to help
what Steve Jobs calls the switchers that the South African Astronaut 

envisages converting from Windows to Ubuntu in droves.]

UNIX:  Symbolic Link / Soft Link / symlink

and they don't all behave in the same way . . .  :)


Now, let's suppose I am a Windows-only sort of chap (I'm not); so on 
Iooking up Shortcut (not knowing

the term 'alias' or 'symbolic link'; I will get:

short Specifies a format for the date and time functions, the convert 
command, and the name, ID, and owner properties.

and  shortFilePath   neither of which equate to 'alias'.

Similarly with Linux; on looking up 'symbolic' the dictionary draws a 
complete blank.

This means that, while the IDE may be, moderately, cross-platform; the 
dictionary is not.


There are other things one can do with aliases, I see.

Sometimes in my spare time I just browse around in the Dictionary 
clicking See Also links, and almost always learn something new.

Nice to have spare time . . .  :)

Personally I prefer my Sanskrit dictionary; it has, among other things, 
the advantage that it can
be propped up next to the chopping board in the kitchen when I'm getting 
supper organised; no

real problem with splashing ghee on the keyboard either!

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Re: Survey Caution

2010-05-29 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 29/05/2010 16:02, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Joe F. wrote:

 I'm in the middle of taking this new survey when I realized that 1
 is most important and 5 least important

That's exactly backwards from every survey I've ever seen.

Hint:  5 is greater than 1. ;)

I wonder how many other results are as invalid as mine were because of 
that unusual scale

Yes; I fell over that one about half way through; so half of my stuff is 
completely the wrong way


I suppose because the whole thing is cack-handed, and many people will 
be caught out

by it all the results will actually have no value.
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Re: Survey Caution

2010-05-29 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 29/05/2010 20:45, Jim Kanter wrote:

This is becoming an interesting survey about who actually reads
instructions and who just assumes the way things are...

By the time one is in one's mid-40s the brain is half-rotted  . . .   :)


This is directly relevant to a current situation in my EFL school.

Last week I decided to run the kids through a practise PET test; and 
they all

f**ked-up big; this was odd as their English is reasonably good.

So, after a suitable rant on my part, and suitably splashy tears on 
their part,

we did another one (at the next class); and they all did very well indeed.

The difference being simply that I went through the instructions with them
before the second attempt (they had charged at the first one like a bull at
the matador's cape - didn't bother to read the instructions).

Now; while I'm on this particular soap-box let me have a go at the
RunRev documentation:

the other day I asked a question about how to duplicate a card with all 
its controls,

scripts and so forth . . .

now the reason why I asked this question is because I searched through
the documentation under DUPLICATE and COPY . . .

now, maybe I'm thick, or maybe it just didn't occur to me to look for CLONE;

by why would it? when everything else of this sort comes under DUPLICATE.


So; there are 2 problems; coming form each end. so to speak:-

1. is the user has to read the instructions.

2. the instructions have to be written with the user in mind.
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Re: The new RunRev Survey

2010-05-29 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 29/05/2010 21:14, Neal Campbell wrote:

Surveys usually go to a percentage of the audience not the entire audience.
They can extrapolate the results based on the size of the affected group.

However, as the surveyors have no way of knowing who did the survey
correctly, and who did it standing on their heads, the only thing that
will be extrapolated is a set of data that doesn't really represent people's
opinions, and it would be disingenuous to represent it as such.
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Re: Survey Caution

2010-05-29 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 29/05/2010 23:54, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Now; while I'm on this particular soap-box let me have a go at the
RunRev documentation:

the other day I asked a question about how to duplicate a card with all
its controls,
scripts and so forth . . .

now the reason why I asked this question is because I searched through
the documentation under DUPLICATE and COPY . . .

now, maybe I'm thick, or maybe it just didn't occur to me to look for 

by why would it?

Because it's included in the See Also list for the copy command.

How many people are going to read a set of documentation in such close

I program as an exercise in pure poetry, as artistic expression; and how 

painters do you know who read everything written on the tubes of paint??

Especially the see also bits at the bottom of the 'tube'.
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Re: Survey Caution

2010-05-29 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 30/05/2010 00:15, stephen barncard wrote:

My personal experience with looking at the 'see also' links is that they are
incredibly valuable when working with previously unknown functions,
properties or commands. I look at see also every time I am looking up a
definition or syntax and learn of alternate ways to do the same thing, or
something new altogether. A learning experience every time.

Well; thanks to you and Richard I think I will change my approach to the 
Documentation . . .  :)

On 29 May 2010 14:03, Richmond Mathewsonrichmondmathew...@gmail.comwrote:

  On 29/05/2010 23:54, Richard Gaskin wrote:

How many people are going to read a set of documentation in such close

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Re: Survey Caution

2010-05-29 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 30/05/2010 00:26, Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Now; while I'm on this particular soap-box let me have a go at the
RunRev documentation:

the other day I asked a question about how to duplicate a card with all
its controls,
scripts and so forth . . .

now the reason why I asked this question is because I searched through
the documentation under DUPLICATE and COPY . . .

now, maybe I'm thick, or maybe it just didn't occur to me to look for

by why would it?

Because it's included in the See Also list for the copy command.

How many people are going to read a set of documentation in such close

So you're implying the documentation is not good enough because you choose
not to read it.  Hmmm.

I program as an exercise in pure poetry, as artistic expression; and how
painters do you know who read everything written on the tubes of paint??

Especially the see also bits at the bottom of the 'tube'.

To be fair, See Also is the 3rd block down in the docs, pretty well above
the fold.  And if your tube of paint required an operating system to run,
shipped with dozens of example tubes and documentation describing how best
to apply the paint, explaining what media are most suitable for the paint,
then it seems pretty likely you would crack open the docs at some point.

Point to you . . . :)  I, honestly, find that continually looking up 
things in
the documentation can get so stifling it cramps all the other thought 

necessary to program effectively.



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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Re: OT: Panorama of my local iPad queue

2010-05-28 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 28/05/2010 21:03, Colin Holgate wrote:

On May 28, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Klaus on-rev wrote:

But wouldn't it be nice if the rev-web plugin could also do this without QT? ;-)

The shockwave version doesn't use QuickTime, but then it does have hardware 3D 
as a feature. I suppose you could do the same thing in Rev using the Franklin 
3D add-on.

Somebody wrote something just now about embedding the portable version 
of VLC

in a stack: I don't suppose that could be done in a revlet 
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The new RunRev Survey

2010-05-28 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 I have a feeling that in putting out this survey RunRev are
demonstrating that they are listening (Peter A. take note):
so, Please take the thing.

And: DON'T discuss its contents here, as per request.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.
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Duplicate Card ?

2010-05-28 Thread Richmond Mathewson
 The answer to this one is probably moronically simple; notwithstanding 
that, I do not

know how to do it.

I have a stack with a card absolutely heaving with controls/objects and 
I wish to duplicate
the whole thing so I have 2 cards that are identical (controls, control 
scripts, card script) one

after the other.

sincerely, Richmond.
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Re: Duplicate Card ?

2010-05-28 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 28/05/2010 23:10, Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

   The answer to this one is probably moronically simple; notwithstanding
that, I do not
know how to do it.

I have a stack with a card absolutely heaving with controls/objects and
I wish to duplicate
the whole thing so I have 2 cards that are identical (controls, control
scripts, card script) one
after the other.

Did you try clone this cd  ?

No, I didn't: I was naive enough to look for a menu choice . . .  :)

Thanks so much.
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Re: Duplicate Card ?

2010-05-28 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 28/05/2010 23:16, Mark Wieder wrote:


Friday, May 28, 2010, 1:04:17 PM, you wrote:

   The answer to this one is probably moronically simple; notwithstanding
that, I do not
know how to do it.

two more ways...

the easy way:
copy this card

the hard way:

Why do I have my doubts about this?

Well; because experience has taught me that the layers of objects are
not always preserved.
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Re: [OT] Microsoft to announce Visual Studio for iPhone OS?

2010-05-27 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 27/05/2010 20:11, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

That is weird, and raises some interesting questions -

Does this mean .net for Mac, iP*?

Would this also provide additional food to a federal investigation? MS
previously announced that Windows Phone 7 would only support MS tools and
Silverlight. Or maybe this means Silverlight on iPhone?

Does this mean MS employees no longer have to hide their iPhones in Redmond?

Lets see, lining up:

Apple   Adobe
Microsoft   Google

and guess who gets 'squished': we do, and, maybe so does the
efforts of our favourite software developer to keep up with

Remember Clash of the Titans? -

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Hard CASE: cracking the nut?

2010-05-26 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 A while back Scott Rossi wrote:

Maybe because standalones have an (editable) script limit of 10 lines,
meaning you can't build scripts dynamically in standalones that exceed
10 lines.  There is no such limit in the IDE.

seems not to, directly refer to my script problem;

EXCEPT; my problematic script (that works in a stack, but not in a 
thread through a variety of scripts that exceed 10 lines and reside in 

Does anybody know if reffing scripts infields is interpreted as building
scripts dynamically as they are not directly entered in the 'script space'
of a particular object ?

If the above is so; would I be able to circumvent the need to store 
scripts many times over in each object by stroing a script as a custom 
prop in
an object than can be reffed from other objects (why do I get a funny 
that scripts stored in custom props can only be accessed by that 
particular object???)?

How about storing the script in the stack / card script and calling it

How about running down the main street with a plastic bag on my head 

noodly, noodly, noodly, pip, pip, pip, poop ?

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.
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Re: Hard CASE: cracking the nut?

2010-05-26 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Thank you for all the good advice: especially the last bit: -

How about running down the main street with a plastic bag on my head 

noodly, noodly, noodly, pip, pip, pip, poop ?

If you decide to do that, take videos, please. :)

However; being a bit of a slob, I have taken the easy route: instead of 
having 19 faux buttons (images)
reffing a script stored in a field I have copied the offending script 
into each button.

Oddly enough, considering the offending script is somewhere near 2000 
lines (serious stuff),
it doesn't seem to slow things down noticeably: compiles and builds as a 
standalone that WORKS.


is  Any script that needs do in order to execute is dynamic.
adequately documented in the documentation ?

When using a standalone application created by Revolution, you can 
include up to ten statements in the statementList. This limit is set by 
line 2 of the scriptLimits function. This limitation does not apply when 
using the development environment.

Um . . . not terribly clear (well, at least not to the likes of me); how 
do sillybillies like me
understand that a statementList ( a what ??) refers to a field or 
some other sort of container?


Peter Sarstedt is singing

I am balanced well, you see,
I am a Cathedral locked in stain glass windows,
I am a Cathedral dimly lit.

and hemmed in solitude, and yet,
I see a shangri-la,
whenever the mountain wind blows,
I see shangri-la and I touch it.

And will you share,
your crust of bread with me,
and will you dare,
to trust your head and see.

and I know the feeling right now . . . :)


relieved to have jumped that hurdle . . . !
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Re: [OT] Microsoft to announce Visual Studio for iPhone OS?

2010-05-26 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 27/05/2010 06:56, Richard Gaskin wrote:

The weird world gets weirder:

   Microsoft's Steve Ballmer to Present During WWDC 2010 Keynote?

   Barrons  reports that one analyst is predicting that Microsoft
   CEO Steve Ballmer will be part of Steve Jobs' WWDC Keynote

   According to Trip Chowdhry, an analyst with tiny Global Equities
   Research, 7 minutes of Steve Jobs' keynote is allotted for
   Microsoft. Microsoft will reportedly be talking about their
   development tool Visual Studio 2010. The new version of Visual
   Studio will reportedly allow developers to write native
   applications for the iPhone, iPad and Mac OS. 

Or, the world gets 'smellier'.

Methinks Jobs had cut some sort of deal with Microsoft way before he 
cocked a snook
at Adobe. The fast that ballmer will be presenting at the WWDC means 
that Jobs is going
to get a slice of the pie from the version of Visual Studio for iPhone, 
iPad et al, while

he would not have got a brass farthing from Adobe.

Or, maybe, the 2 Steves are in love; mind you, sharing a bed with an 
iPhone and an iPad

could be a bit lumpy . . .   :)

Let's at least hope the new Visual Studio is 100 times better than the 
awful MS Visual Basic 5
I had to learn at the University of Abertay: the only purpose that 
served was to make me realise

how wonderful RunRev was by comparison!
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[OT] Plovdiv . . . / hard CASE

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Somebody on this Use-List surmised that Plovdiv, Bulgaria might
be rather like Madison, Wisconsin (or thereabouts).

Going in search of a new PATA 160 GB disk (not that
easy now that everybody except Richmond has
gone SATA) I ended up parking my car next to
this place:

Had no time so didn't pop in for a drink; but fell for it
instantly: I mean, with a name like that, who wouldn't . . . :)

Tonight I am disciplining myself to work through my CASE problem;
where a CASE loop goes AWOL when the stack becomes a standalone.

Theories so far:

case 101
if the vis of group CONZ is true then
send mouseUp to img 2327k
send mouseUp to img f2310.png
end if

doesn't hold; so . . .  Perhaps:

case 101
if the vis of group CONZ is true then
send mouseUp to img 2327k
   end if
   if the vis of group CONZ is false then
send mouseUp to img f2310.png
end if

(err . . . tried that one last night; no joy)

case 101
if the vis of group CONZ is true then
send mouseUp to img 2327k
   end if
   if the vis of group VWLZ is true then
send mouseUp to img f2310.png
end if

(groups CONZ and VWLZ flip their visibility back and forth)

if this doesn't work I will go for a pair of off-screen images that
VIS in-sync with the groups and pop them into the case statement.

Will keep you posted.


May yet end up walking across town to the Backside Cafe if things get 
too, too other . . .  :(

At least I might learn some Turkish; after all, having lived on-and-off 
for over 10 years
in a town that was part of the Ottoman Empire for some 500 years, and 
where 25% of
the population are either Turkish-speaking ethnic Turks or 
Turkish-speaking ethnic

Romanies it is a little bit disgraceful I have not a word of Turkish.

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Re: [OT] Plovdiv . . . / hard CASE

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 25/05/2010 20:25, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Tonight I am disciplining myself to work through my CASE problem;
where a CASE loop goes AWOL when the stack becomes a standalone.

There's not enough info to say what's going wrong, but you'd save 
yourself a lot of time if you set a breakpoint near the top of the 
switch structure and step through it line by line. That would show you 
whether a case instance is executing or not, which line of the script 
isn't activating, what the state of the variables are, whether or not 
the engine thinks a group is visible, and so forth. Without that, it's 
just stabbing in the dark trying to guess what's happening.

Thanks so much; you caught me before the time I would
have wasted had I not had your advice.

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Re: [OT] Plovdiv . . . / hard CASE

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 25/05/2010 20:30, Mark Wieder wrote:


Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 10:25:49 AM, you wrote:

There's not enough info to say what's going wrong, but you'd save
yourself a lot of time if you set a breakpoint near the top of the
switch structure and step through it line by line. That would show you

Unless you've got some trick in mind I don't know about, that isn't
going to help Richmond in a standalone...

The problem; very simply stated is that the CASE loop works 100% in a stack;
but when built into a standalone does not.

So I will have to muck around with alternative ways of doing the same thing
(and in RunRev . . . Thank the Lord . . .  there are many, many ways) 
and, each time,

build a standalone and see if the thing still works.
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Re: [OT] Plovdiv . . . / hard CASE

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 25/05/2010 20:40, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Mark Wieder wrote:


Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 10:25:49 AM, you wrote:

There's not enough info to say what's going wrong, but you'd save
yourself a lot of time if you set a breakpoint near the top of the 
switch structure and step through it line by line. That would show you

Unless you've got some trick in mind I don't know about, that isn't
going to help Richmond in a standalone...

Oh. Oops. Forgot it was a standalone thing. I guess the only recourse 
then is to sprinkle a bunch of answers into the code, i.e., case 101, 
got here, vis is true, etc. Or better, log all that to a text file.

Richmond: there should be no difference between the visibility of a 
group in a stack and in a standalone, so I think something else is 
going on. My first impression was that running cross-platform would 
mean that the keycodes aren't the same across OSs, but if you're 
running the standalone on the same system you developed in, then 
that's not it.

I'm testing on the Mac PPC I'm developing on.

I'm off to have supper (Yup; 9.15 over here in the Wild East) and then 
boogie on
down; shame, though, really, I lost track of my leopard-skin posing 
briefs years

ago: really used to help with the coding . . .  :)
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Re: [OT] Plovdiv . . . / hard CASE

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 25/05/2010 20:40, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Mark Wieder wrote:


Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 10:25:49 AM, you wrote:

There's not enough info to say what's going wrong, but you'd save
yourself a lot of time if you set a breakpoint near the top of the 
switch structure and step through it line by line. That would show you

Unless you've got some trick in mind I don't know about, that isn't
going to help Richmond in a standalone...

Oh. Oops. Forgot it was a standalone thing. I guess the only recourse 
then is to sprinkle a bunch of answers into the code, i.e., case 101, 
got here, vis is true, etc. Or better, log all that to a text file.

 You know that sometimes (just sometimes, mind) I am a bit slow to 
think my way

round things . . .

Now in my 'Devawriter' I have the same problem with groups and their VIS 
being flipped;

So: cracked open the stack and found (I mean, how come I am so flaming 
thick that after
a matter of about 3 months I had forgotten how I effected that) that 
there is absolutely no
reference to the VIS of a groups into which my faux buttons (images) are 
grouped; but to
the VIS of an image outwith the group which has its visibility set to be 
the same as the group.


Probably stupid Richmond encountered the same problem just before 
Christmas . . . . .   :(

Listening to Peter Sarstedt:
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Re: Happy Geek Pride Day (OT)

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 25/05/2010 22:03, Jonathan Lynch wrote:

May 25 is Geek Pride Day, so, just in case there are any self-proclaimed
geeks on the list (such as myself):

Happy Geek Pride Day :)

A related article:



Now that's funny; in my dictionary a geek is a person
who works in travelling circuses by biting the heads of live chickens:

Not something I would want to own up to; even if I did it;
which, just in case you're wondering; I don't.
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Re: [OT] Plovdiv . . . / hard CASE

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 25/05/2010 20:40, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Mark Wieder wrote:


Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 10:25:49 AM, you wrote:

There's not enough info to say what's going wrong, but you'd save
yourself a lot of time if you set a breakpoint near the top of the 
switch structure and step through it line by line. That would show you

Unless you've got some trick in mind I don't know about, that isn't
going to help Richmond in a standalone...

Oh. Oops. Forgot it was a standalone thing. I guess the only recourse 
then is to sprinkle a bunch of answers into the code, i.e., case 101, 
got here, vis is true, etc. Or better, log all that to a text file.

Richmond: there should be no difference between the visibility of a 
group in a stack and in a standalone, so I think something else is 
going on. My first impression was that running cross-platform would 
mean that the keycodes aren't the same across OSs, but if you're 
running the standalone on the same system you developed in, then 
that's not it.

I have just tried all possible combinations within the Card script; all 
that work in the stack.

Each time; on building a standalone the script fails.

So; what I shall do, is start a new stack that includes those 2 groups 
and the card script and

see if that works; and build up my stack from that.

Very, very queer indeed.
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Hard CASE: not what it seems.

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Oh, Blast: I got the wrong end of the stick completely . . .

There was nothing wrong with my CASE script at all !

The problem seems to be that standalones have a problem with
the second part of a script that runs like this:

on mouseUp
   set the useUnicode to true
   if fld fBUILT is empty then
  set the unicodeText of fld fRESULT to the unicodeText of fld 
fRESULT  numToChar(2311)

   do fld fMAHA
   if fld fPROC is empty then
  --do nix--
  set the unicodeText of fld fRESULT to the unicodeText of fld 
fRESULT  numToChar(2367)
  set the unicodeText of fld fRESULT to the unicodeText of fld 
fRESULT  the unicodeText of fld fPROC

  put empty into fld fPROC
  end if
   end if
  do fld fARSE
put empty into fld fBUILD
put empty into fld fBUILT
select after fld fRESULT
end mouseUp

i.e. from the first ELSE onwards.

fld fARSE (it concerns 'r') contains the following script:

if fld fRRR is empty then
   --do nix--
  set the unicodeText of fld fRESULT to the unicodeText of fld 
fRESULT  numToChar(58107)

  put empty into fld fRRR
  end if

[i.e. post-positions Devanagari 'r' in a conjunct consonant]


Why do I get a tingly feeling (err . . . probably called wishful 
thinking) that RunRev 4 is not

going to allow execution of a script in a fld in a standalone??


What I still don't understand (and this is the sticking point) is why 
this all works in the

stack but not in the standalone . . .

So, only marginally wiser . . . :)
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Re: Happy Geek Pride Day (OT)

2010-05-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 25/05/2010 23:22, David C. wrote:

Now that's funny; in my dictionary a geek is a person
who works in travelling circuses by biting the heads of live chickens:

 From the wikipedia link:
Formerly, the term referred to a carnival performer often billed as a
wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live
chicken, bat, snake or bugs.

Sounds much more like a '70's era rock band. ;-)

I think Ozzy Osbourne used to go in for that sort of thing when I was a 

teenager (i.e. mid '70's);

Hey; do you remember when Alice Cooper faked his own guillotining
in Paris?

Ooooh; tooo late at night; reaching for my juju beads for a spot of
psychedelic meditation . . . .

Peter Sarstedt is singing where's my semi-precious plastic Easter egg?

Right on!

I dunno; right here there is a wild RunRev programmer who is
going spare over some of his own funny code (see earlier posting);

I think I'll just pop to the fridge and bite the head off a live . . . . 
. carrot . . . :)

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Coming unstuck with standalones: a real head CASE

2010-05-24 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 I have been working recently on a teacher version (wrongly called 'Pro')
of my Devawriter program for Sanskrit.

Feeling reasonably smug (Hey-Ho, pride comes before the fall) I sent 
some standalones
labelled 'Beta' off, down the pipe, to my Beta testers; only to recieve 
a fairly forthright

answer that the thing didn't work properly !

Cracked out the standalone, and it DIDN'T . . .  :(

Went back to the stack, and it DID . . .  the mystery thickens . . .

SO; what's going wonky???

A tediously long SWITCH routine;

on rawKeyDown RAWK
   set the useUnicode to true
   switch RAWK

--- buckets more CASE stuff here 

case 101
if the vis of group CONZ is true then
send mouseUp to img 2327k
send mouseUp to img f2310.png
end if

--- buckets more CASE stuff here 

pass rawKeyDown
end switch
end rawKeyDown

In the stack, when the group CONZ is not visible the latter half of
the CASE statement 'fires',

In a standalone, when the CONZ is not visible the latter half of
the CASE statement DOESN'T WORK.

Poo, Poo, Poo!

Moronically speculative interlude.

Maybe standalones don't behave themselves re the VIS
of groups??


Advice, recommendations, help gratefully received; Please, Please,
pretty Please!

Richmond Mathewson.
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Re: Resource Centre

2010-05-24 Thread Richmond Mathewson


  just tried it (Mac PPC) and it worked fine,

 just tried it (Ubuntu 10.04) and it worked fine.

trashed my XP Pentium 3 as it was virussed to the hilt.

I would be inclined to reinstall your RunRev; things
can go 'sour'.
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Re: Coming unstuck with standalones: a real head CASE

2010-05-24 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 24/05/2010 14:58, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

In the stack, when the group CONZ is not visible the latter half of
the CASE statement 'fires',

In a standalone, when the CONZ is not visible the latter half of
the CASE statement DOESN'T WORK.

No wonderful ideas, but are you sure the group CONZ is really
invisible, or is it inside another group that is invisible?

Just checked: the card had 2 groups; CONZ and VWLZ; when CONZ
is invisible it is invisible, rather than as you suggest.

  That's a
trap that has caught me before, although I would expect it to behave
the same in the IDE as in a standalone.

Well so would I; one of the reasons I am so mystified.

Another possibility: could there be two groups with the same name?
Maybe they are re-ordered in the standalone, so the script is looking
at the wrong one.

I will probably have to ungroup the group and set the VIS on all its
components individually, curses, curses, curses.


Thanks for your ideas.

You are lucky, there in Australia, as your winter approaches: here in 
we are just starting our hot and sticky patch rising to 48 degs C and 
humid that

lasts from now until mid-September!

sincerely, Richmond.
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Re: [OT] Emsisoft

2010-05-23 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 23/05/2010 15:10, Douglas wrote:
By default OpenOffice is set to not allow macro execution - perhaps 
someone in the staff specifically went round and enabled it?

You don't know these people! They keep downloading the Windows version 
of Skype onto
Linux machines because it is better than the Linux version and then 
throwing tantrums
because Windows programs don't work on Linux; What is wrong with these 

everybody knows that computers cannot run without Windows.

Enabling Macros . . .

Having installed Linux on a 'new' machine I left it to do an apt-get 
update overnight;

telling the people not to touch the machine.

The next day I had to start installing from scratch, because, being 
unable to turn the
machine off (despite post-it notes and so on saying DON'T) they had 
yanked the power

cable out the back

This IS Bulgaria; or, as an American friend once put it; I love 
Bulgaria, it allows me to
experience the same sort of thrills my ancestors experienced in Texas in 
the middle of the
19th century. Have you seen that film Wild Wild West; a sort of 
steam-punk America
through distorting glasses? The problem about Wild Wild East is that 
one is unable to

remove the distorting glasses.


I have the perfect plan for the virus problem these people are 
experiencing: take all
their computers to the gypsy quarter where they will be scavenged for 

metals . . .  :)
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[OT] HyperNext

2010-05-23 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 The other day somebody took umbrage (wow; that feels good;
haven't used umbrage for about 20 years) at my suggesting
that the music channels in HyperNext were the work of one
man, but came as part of the package of Real BASIC with
which HyperNext is constructed.

Maybe so . . .

The same respondent stated that the programming language
of HyperNext WAS RBScript; this is not strictly true:

HyperNext can be scripted in RBScript, but its native
language is 'HyperNext script'.

How far these two scripting languages differ I cannot say;
however it is claimed on the HyperNext site that the
HyperNext script works more quickly than RBScript in the
context of HyperNext.


under 13 Circles.

see comparisons of the 2 languages here:

HyperNext seems to be a language which compiles to RBScript (a sort of 

HyperNext is the main programming language in HyperNext Creator and 
It is a full high-level language with over 1000 keywords that allows a 
programmer to
control user interaction, develop complex algorithms, call plugins, and 
create/run RBscripts.

Why am I bothering to point this out when:

1. I am not using HyperNext, and not championing it.

2. Feel little or no motivation to swap from RunRev to HyperNext. 

Because Hypernext is an achievement of a different order to RunRev 
insofar that

it is the creation of one man.

It may, eventually, be a contender against RunRev in the Educational 
software development


I hope it really gets going; mainly, admittedly, to stimulate RunRev.
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Re: Who is the author of codes.widged?

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

Who is the author of the website: ???

Presumably Marielle Lange.

I did some work for this person about 7 years ago when she was staying in
Edinburgh. The end result was not satisfactory insofar as she felt I had 

a week to do something she could have done in a day; on pointing out that
if she were able to do it in a day there was no point in paying me to do the
thing our 'relationship' took a turn for the worse.

I understand she is now in New Zealand.
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Re: Who is the author of codes.widged?

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 22/05/2010 00:42, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Did anybody receive similar promises from
Runrev as codes.widged???

Of course not. Nor any of the other things claimed on that site.

Who is the author of the website: ?

Someone who's name I won't say here, because this list is publicly 
searchable. Just don't make her aware of you in any way. Once you are 
in her sights it is difficult to escape, and she will invent all sorts 
of imaginary things about you too. And then she will email all your 
friends with her stream-of-consciousness commentary as well.

Oops; Richmond's big mouth already has mentioned her name. And, I can 
bear you out; having experienced a lot

of psychobabble about 6-7 years ago.
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Re: Who is the author of codes.widged?

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 22/05/2010 02:52, zryip theSlug wrote:

2010/5/21 J. Landman

Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Did anybody receive similar promises from
Runrev as codes.widged???

Of course not. Nor any of the other things claimed on that site.

Who is the author of the website: ?

Someone who's name I won't say here, because this list is publicly
searchable. Just don't make her aware of you in any way. Once you are in her
sights it is difficult to escape, and she will invent all sorts of imaginary
things about you too. And then she will email all your friends with her
stream-of-consciousness commentary as well.

The only thing I could say that see her profile on the web, given to
me a bad feeling.
I'm sure she's not a slug's friend.

She'll probably put salt on your tail . . . :)  Elle n'aime pas les limaces!


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[OT] A Big, Big Thank You to JLG!

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 I hosed my Linux box the other day (living too close to
the edge) so had to reinstall.

Reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 followed by my licenced
version of RunRev 4 for Linux; 60 minutes.

The connected via revOnline to JLG's Metacard
setup stack and had Metacard 4 up and running
inside 10 minutes: Wow, Wow and Wow again!

Thank you Jacque! You're a star.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.
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Re: Who is the author of codes.widged?

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 22/05/2010 11:11, René Micout wrote:

Elle pense peut-être que la bave de la limace (du crapaud ...) n'atteint pas la 
blanche colombe

Toujours Je suis un crapaud brun avec pustules noirs; et Je vais manger 
tous les colombes blanches

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Re: codes.widged

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 22/05/2010 17:15, Mike Harland wrote:

Could somebody please substantiate the claims that Ms Lange purports to have 

What does she purport to have disproved?

I find it disturbing to see that people on this list are behaving as she 

Where and what does she describe?


A long time ago, in another country; when Ms Lange and I were some 6-7 years
younger . . . treat the whole thing as a minor, heretical, episode of 
star wars . . .  :)

No doubt she and I are both older and wiser now.

I have no quarrel with Ms Lange now; and I see no reason why she
should have one with me.

At the time, however, I did (as did the Use-List) receive a number of
messages which were distinctly odd. I, myself, have also been guilty of
sending distinctly odd messages in the past.

So, please look upon my earlier posting as of historical interest only.

Other people, I believe, have been in touch with her more recently; their
opinions are probably more valuable in the long run.
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[OT] Divine Bliss

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Elsewhere on the Use-List I read this:

you are invited to give up everything else and count
on runrev alone to bring you happiness and success.

Nobody in the RunRev community ever invited me
to do anything of the sort.


Since I discovered RunRev about 9 years ago I
can honestly say, with the odd 'foray' into
Hypernext, I have stuck to RunRev/Metacard
98% of the time and it has given me very little but
happiness, and my 'Devawriter' has been a success.

While I wouldn't advocate giving everything else
up, I would advocate getting into RunRev in a big
way; the deeper one digs the more 'gold' one
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[OT] Emsisoft

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 I have been sorting out several machines for a client;
an office that uses a mixture of machines running
Windows XP, Ubuntu and MintLinux. The Windows
machines work in an intranet that has no connexion to
the internet or to the other intranet consisting of
the Linux boxes that are connected to the internet.

One job I had to do was to take 2 hard disks out of a
Pentium 4 running XP and pop them into a faster
machine. However the machine was running slowly
and behaving queerly; so, although it has not direct
contact with the internet I thought just for fun I
would run some anti-virus stuff on it.

I downloaded Emsisoft because it allows one a
3 day full-featured trial. It is extremely impressive
insofar as it does a job which I don't believe should
be necessary on any operating system in an efficient manner.

Well my just for fun very rapidly became egg all
over the face when it became clear that the Windows
machines were infected with an even dozen of nasties;
the most ugly being

Trojan.Win32.FakeAV!IK and


The only way I can account for these computers having become
infected is through workers in this office transferring infected
MSWord and MSExcel files from the Linux boxes to the Windows
ones with USB Flash drives.

The only other possibility is that the staff are being 'disingenuous',
and have also been using their Flash drives on computers running
Windows at home or elsewhere.


As an essentially Non-Windows person (and my recent finding
only serves to make me even more 'Non' than I was before) I
should be very grateful if somebody who knows more about this
than I do (well, that shouldn't be difficult) could tell me:

1.  Can virusus / trojans attach themselves to MSWord / Excel documents?

2.  Can viruses be downloaded simultaneously as documents onto USB sticks
 plugged into Linux boxes that then infect Windows boxes on transfer?

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson
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Re: [OT] Emsisoft

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 22/05/2010 23:20, Neal Campbell wrote:

Some of the nastiest and earliest viruses were macro viruses in excel and
word documents. Most corporate machines prevent macro's from allowable
execution without a warning (if they allow it at all). Also, thumb drives
are possibly the biggest threat to corporate computers. An audit team from a
top 3 firm I know tested the security mechanisms in a company by dropping
infected thumb drives in the parking lot and watching how people picked them
up and plugged them into the corporate computers.

As the thumb drives, like cds/dvds, will play an autoplay file when mounted,
its a perfect way to inject a virus if people allow it to run.

Most secure shops prohibit thumb drives.

Thank you for that useful information.

However; all my client's computers (whether they run Windows or Linux)
use Open Office; I was unaware that a Word Macro virus could operate
via Open Office.
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Re: [OT] Emsisoft

2010-05-22 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 22/05/2010 23:47, Mark Wieder wrote:


Saturday, May 22, 2010, 1:34:20 PM, you wrote:

However; all my client's computers (whether they run Windows or Linux)
use Open Office; I was unaware that a Word Macro virus could operate
via Open Office.

If macro execution is not disabled then there's no reason why a macro
virus shouldn't propagate. I realize that's tautological, but you

Right; first thing tomorrow I will have to disable macro execution
on all 10 machines.

Thanks so much.

As 99% of my work is with Linux and Mac I had actually forgotten about
Word Macro viruses, although I had one messing up my LC 475 in
illinois a while back.
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MidiBuilder stack

2010-05-21 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 So, there I am sitting at the back of my classroom today
while some kids sweat over a practise PET test. Start
fiddling around with RunRev 2.2.1 on Linux and stumble
upon the MidiBuilder stack in the Samples folder.

I wonder why it isn't there with RunRev 4 ?

Lunchbreak: opened the MidiBuilder stack with RunRev 4.0
on the Mac; and . . . it works; it exports midi files; and, hey,
yeah; why has there been all the recent correspondence
about midi-sequencing when it is there for the taking
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Re: [SQL][On-Rev] Bulk import into PostgreSQL on On-Rev

2010-05-21 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 21/05/2010 19:54, Bob Sneidar wrote:

I wouldn't look at it that way. You can get an all day ticket at Disneyland. 
You can ride all the rides, or just some of them, or none at all. You can't get 
a cheaper ticket if you promise not to ride some of the rides. It's kind of 
like that.

I saw a great video of an English man trying to get the price down on a tooth 
extraction. He said that getting the cost down was of primary importance. After 
talking the dentist into not using an assistant, having no anesthetic, taking 
only 15 minutes as opposed to an hour, and making clear that the procedure 
would be excruciatingly painful this way, but after all low price was of 
paramount importance, he talked the dentist down from 1400 pounds to just 200!

Once they had settled all that the man said, Excellent! I will send my wife right 


I did better than that in Carbondale, Illinois in 1995.

I was due to have a root canal and they were going to charge me $2000 ( 
a sum I didn't have) and
were unable to understand why I felt that was expensive (it's cheap 
because the University dentistry
is subsidised). I told them there was absolutely no way I could pay 
that for a root canal and a crown;
but if they could just kill the nerve and plug the hole my Father-in-law 
would do the rest in Bulgaria for


Bless them; they killed the nerve and plugged the hole (and 2 weeks' 
later Tatko put in a post and a
gold crown which is with me still - although, sadly he is not) and 
charged me nothing.

I still don't have $2000; but I have bought a pair of pliers so my kids 
get the gold when I move on!

And the lesson is: always let a Scotsman in a kilt who has connections 
in Bulgaria off the hook . . .  :)

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Re: Reading the HyperNext manual #1

2010-05-20 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 20/05/2010 07:31, Geoff Canyon Rev wrote:

HyperNext is hardly developed by 1 person. It is based on REALbasic,
using RB's scripting language as its programming language. So the fact
that it can play multiple sounds, run on multiple platforms, etc.,
comes courtesy of the hard work of the team at REAL Software.

It would be about the same as giving Ken Ray credit for the amazing
graphics capabilities of stackrunner (no offense, Ken).


Fair point!

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Richmond Mathewson  wrote:

There are five dedicated sound channels and any sound
or music file must be allocated to a channel.

The idea of having sound channels so that 2 or more sounds can
be played simultaneously comes up here from time to time; but
never seems to get anywhere.

Now how is it that a RAD developed by 1 person can manage
sound channels while . . . .  ?

What I do not understand (and I have asked this before) is why, if
so many languages/IDEs/RADs have sound channels (my BBC has
sound channels in its hardwired BBC BASIC), it seems to be such a
sticking point every time I mention it the possibility re RunRev.

Plying 2 sounds simultaneously in RunRev is a no-no; and the
addition of sound channels would be a significanr addition.
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Reading the HyperNext manual #2

2010-05-20 Thread Richmond Mathewson
 HyperNext  supports  note  playing  based  upon QuickTime Musical 
instruments. On
Windows machines note playing requires QuickTime to be installed. There 
are 128
instruments available and a list of their names can be accessed using a 

 Three different approaches to playing notes are supported. The first 
two are useful for
playing single notes whereas the third allows melodies or sequences of 
notes to be
defined and played. At the present time HyperNext only supports one Note 
channel so if

a melody is playing then any PlayPitch or PlayNote command will be ignored.

(1)  Notes can be played individually using the PlayPitch command which 
specifies the
instrument, pitch, velocity and duration. This method is useful for 
allowing the user to

play a particular note, perhaps via a keyboard displayed on a card.

(2)  Notes can be played individually using the PlayNote command which 
specifies the
instrument, octave,  note, velocity and duration. This method is useful 
for allowing the

user to play a particular note, perhaps via a keyboard displayed on a card.

(3) Notes can be played as group using the MelodyPlay command. This is 
more powerful
than the PlayPitch/PlayNote commands and gives greater control over the 


OK, Peter, leveraging QuickTime instruments wouldn't be much cop for Linux
(but, that - as my Grandfather used to say - is a coming man already gone).
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Reading an old Hypercard document #1

2010-05-20 Thread Richmond Mathewson


the soundChannel determines the channel on which the next sound
will be generated.

Funnily enough Runrev claims to be Hypercard's natural successor;
but . . .

Ok, Ok, Ok; I can't crack marrowbones with my teeth like some of
my Neanderthal forefathers.

However; I would not describe Hypercard as 'primitive'; a word I
might be inclined to use about Neanderthal hunter-gatherers.

set [the] soundChannel to /integerValue/
set soundChannel to value(the soundChannel) + 1
if the soundChannel = 1 then play theTune
integerValue resolves to a whole number in the range 1 through 8.
ThesoundChannelproperty is the channel through which sound is played.
The sound must have been generated by theplaycommand.
Theplay command operates on the current sound channel. By immediately
switching channels and playing new sounds, several sounds can be played
nearly simultaneously. 

Unfortunately I cannot get Hypercard to spin off a standalone to play
Oh, Why are we waiting? on QT instruments that will run on any
reasonably contemporary operating system . . . .  :)
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Re: HyperCard for the iPad

2010-05-20 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 20/05/2010 22:10, Peter Alcibiades wrote:


Someplace in Cupertino there is Politbureau sayinging no, life is as it was
in 1985  Alas, it is not.

No, it isn't 1985; but in North Korea it is somewhere round about 1950; in
China it is a real case of mixed calendars, and in Venezuela they are
trying Back to the future. The fact that this happens in socking great
companies as well does not surprise me in the slightest.

They shot Stalin and Beria; only to replace him with Khruschev; who, while
looking plausible was the man who supervised the slave labourers (political
dissidents) building the Moscow Metro, and used to whip his pistol out and
shoot people who flagged.

Hitler saved somebody the bother; the West had a jolly show trial and shot
a lot of totalitarian types; but let Spain go on its foul way under Franco
until he died.

So; as Apple seems very much a top-down sort of organisation, replacing
Steve Jobs would only mean finding another of the same.
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Re: Reading the HyperNext manual #1

2010-05-19 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 19/05/2010 02:36, Judy Perry wrote:

I'll say it again:  Because Scott Raney didn't want to do it.


And, rather like not moving Granddad's shoes from their place by the
fireplace even though he has been dead for 25 years, it has to stay
that way . . . .

On Tue, 18 May 2010, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Now how is it that a RAD developed by 1 person can manage
sound channels while . . . .  ?

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[OT] WebM: another fly in our friend's eye?

2010-05-19 Thread Richmond Mathewson

another 'Open' initiative started by Google;

how OPEN this is, and whether it intended to
be something 'real' or just Google chucking
something into the current soup brewing
between Apple and Adobe I don't know.
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Re: Reading the Supercard manual #1

2010-05-19 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Dear Stewart,
   That is a lovely piece of software: Thank you very much indeed!

On 18/05/2010 20:33, RevList wrote:

Richmond  on May-18-10 at 10:26 AM
-0700 wrote:

The SuperScript utility allows you to almost instantaneously export all
  or some of the scripts of your project to text or RTF formatted
files. ?

Not that I am aware of, but have you checked out this?

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Richmond Mathewson

What happens if you type into the message box:

  delete stack main stack

Does it go away then?
(Make sure you specify the mainstack, not the substack.)

Yes, it does!

However, if you have saved the stack
it will still exist where it has been saved.

All that DELETE STACK does is remove it completely
from the memory of the IDE.
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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 19/05/2010 22:19, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

What happens if you type into the message box:

  delete stack main stack

Does it go away then?
(Make sure you specify the mainstack, not the substack.)

Yes, it does!

However, if you have saved the stack
it will still exist where it has been saved.

All that DELETE STACK does is remove it completely
from the memory of the IDE.

Right. But that's what he wanted. The issue is whether or not 
destroystack is working as it's supposed to. I haven't seen any 
problems with it but since two people think they have, that's what's 
under investigation.

Is this chap running on Win, Mac or Linux?

Unfortunately I hosed my Linux box (trying to be too clever
for my own good; nothing new) and am, right now, in the
process of doing a complete reinstall. But can try this in Windows
directly and in Linux in about 90 minutes.
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Reading the Supercard manual #2

2010-05-19 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Using Help From Within the Script Editor
The Help System's Language Guide entries can be looked up automatically 
from within SuperCard's or
SuperEdit's script editor window. Simply hilite the word you wish to 
lookup and press Command-?. If the
help system is currently not running it will be launched and the 
Language Guide window will open to
the hilited entry. If the highlighted word is not a SuperTalk word the 
help system will tell you.


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Re: Reading the Supercard manual #2

2010-05-19 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 19/05/2010 23:51, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 Using Help From Within the Script Editor
The Help System's Language Guide entries can be looked up 
automatically from within SuperCard's or
SuperEdit's script editor window. Simply hilite the word you wish to 
lookup and press Command-?. If the
help system is currently not running it will be launched and the 
Language Guide window will open to
the hilited entry. If the highlighted word is not a SuperTalk word 
the help system will tell you.


We already have that.

That's funny; I tried that and it didn't work.
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Reading the Supercard manual #1

2010-05-18 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 How about this:

The SuperScript utility allows you to almost instantaneously export all
 or some of the scripts of your project to text or RTF formatted 
files. ?

Can one do this in RunRev?
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Re: Playing wav sound file in Linux in background?

2010-05-18 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 18/05/2010 21:14, J. Landman Gay wrote:

John Patten wrote:

Hi All...

I've been having a problem playing back an audio file on a Linux 
computer using an arecord  a shell script to first create the audio 

The audio file gets created on the local machine, it then gets 
uploaded to an ftp directory, however when I go to play the sound 
file locally using just Rev it's just static white noise.

This is a typical symptom of playing back a file format that Rev 
doesn't support. You can't use any kind of compressed file format. Try 
re-recording using an uncompressed format, preferably saving as .au 
for Linux playback if possible.

That seems needlessly bothersome (re-recording); I would be inclined to 
convert them using Audacity:

I'm not sure, even so, whether Rev will wait for the whole file to 
arrive before playing it. I suspect it will.

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Re: Reading the Supercard manual #1

2010-05-18 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 18/05/2010 21:15, Mark Wieder wrote:


Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 10:59:01 AM, you wrote:

I used to write dumpers every time I picked up another xTalk, but after
while it occurred to me that I never actually do anything with the
dumps.  They're boring to read, and for working with code I find it far
more helpful to work with it in vivo, so I've put the time into things
like script search tools instead.

That's my take on this, too.

cutting down the reverb time


Richmond- why do you want to do this? Do you have something in mind?
Maybe there's a different approach than creating text or rtf files...

 I don't; but everytime I have a peep into a competitor's manual I see
things which RunRev doesn't have, and wonder if RunRev might be
better off if it did.
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Reading the HyperNext manual #1

2010-05-18 Thread Richmond Mathewson

There are five dedicated sound channels and any sound
or music file must be allocated to a channel.

The idea of having sound channels so that 2 or more sounds can
be played simultaneously comes up here from time to time; but
never seems to get anywhere.

Now how is it that a RAD developed by 1 person can manage
sound channels while . . . .  ?
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Re: Rev audio clips

2010-05-18 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 18/05/2010 22:17, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Hi all,

After learning about the binary string produced
by compress(), i am curious to know if one of
the professional audio experts in this platform
have examined the converted audio clips
that Rev uses internally, after importing an
audio file.

By trial and error, you could isolate the audio
binary string from a saved stack.

Oh Yuck!

I made a new stack ZOUND and imported an AIFF
sound ZND.aiff into it.

I then cracked both the stack and the sound file open with

and could NOT find the 'audio binary string' in the

Maybe I went about things the wrong way . . .  :)

  Then, analize
and compare with the original imported audio clip,
saved in different audio formats.

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Re: OT: Adobe's New Anti Apple Ads

2010-05-17 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 17/05/2010 10:13, Kay C Lan wrote:

To me, this is competition and competition is good, very good.

Yes, it probably is nothing more than the grinding together of
competitive forces; but,


1.  A lot of small companies and their dedicated clients seem to be
 getting ground up in the process.

2.  Competition CAN be conducted in a gentlemanly fashion; but
 neither Apple nor Adobe seem to think that matters - maybe it
 doesn't from a commercial point of view; they both have enormous
installed bases on which they can depend. However, it makes the
world a whole lot more pleasant if competition can take place
without infantile adverts and name-calling.

Competition is, undoubtedly, a good thing; and as the computer world
is dominated by Microsoft, Adobe and Apple one could argue that not
nearly enough is taking place.

Competition (rather like war [not something I would advocate])
development and innovation.

One of my sadnesses is that, at present, there seems to be no
company in direct competition with RunRev . . .  :)
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[OT] Installing Linux fonts

2010-05-17 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 [I hope that the thread I am attempting to initiate will, eventually
lead to an understanding of why RunRev does not play 'nicely' with
Linux fonts]

[Ubuntu 10.04  -- Debian deriv.]

1.  open a .ttf font with FontViewer

2. click on 'Install Font' button ;  'Install Failed'

Q1. Is that because I am not root user?

3. attempt to open FontViewer as root:

got distracted by Font Manager  /usr/bin

click on 'Manage Fonts' blob at the bottom

navigate to where target font is installed

on selecting font Font Manager opens and blow me down
it seems the font has been installed as a system font:

4. Open RunRev: and the target font DOESN'T show up . . . um, mumble, 
mumble, excrement, and so on.

5.  AbiWord (what my sons call Shabby Word - never mind, it will 
suffice for now):

 font (Unicode TTF) shows up.

Q2. Could this be because my target font does not have an accompanying 
.conf file 

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[OT] Installing Linux fonts

2010-05-17 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Here is what is probably the real reason:
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Re: Nice OSX tip: creating an image with a desktop snapshot without scripting

2010-05-15 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 15/05/2010 11:37, David Bovill wrote:

Perhaps the coolest, most-secret hidden capture shortcut is
Control-Command-Shift-3 (or 4), which, instead of creating a file on your
desktop, copies the capture into your Clipboard memory, so you can paste it
where you want.

1. Press Control-Command-Shift-3 (or 4) from any application
2. Switch to Revolution and in the stack you want the image - just paste!

It's all about that control key :)

This is the place to find out about all this:,00.shtml
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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement

2010-05-15 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 15/05/2010 12:32, René Micout wrote:

I agree !
+ music (Midi ?) functions

Le 14 mai 2010 à 00:16, Robert Mann a écrit :

I would prefer that a minimal audio/video library be made, like the datagrid
enhancement of last year (simple fade in and out, cross fademix, minimal
reverb, tone correction and normalization) and possibility to ouput a
compressed quicktime format. It is important to be able to produce good
quality audio/video by program too since runrev claims to be a media

I have been banging on about sound export for years:
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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement

2010-05-15 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 15/05/2010 19:07, stephen barncard wrote:

In North America, the words *Bung* and *Bang* have very different meanings.
It's like seeing 'bloody' all over the place to a UK'er.   It bugs me every
time. I get bad visual images.

Our Bung is your Bloody, buddy.

Just thought I'd remind you.

You are not reminding me; you a teaching me, because I did not
know that.

Notwithstanding; Thank you for reminding me - I shall avoid that
word in future . . .  :)

As a person who believes the 'UK' to be an illegal entity created
after our legal monarch (James VII) was expelled from the
British Isles; I jalouse at the term UK'er. I am either a Scot,
an Anglo-Scot, or at worst British.
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Re: OT: Adobe's New Anti Apple Ads

2010-05-14 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 14/05/2010 17:02, David Bovill wrote:

Just for fun :)

- Adobe starts Anti Apple Ad
- Adobe's reply to Mr Jobs
- Adobe on openness
- And Microsoft don't like Flash

I just had time to have a quick read of Number 1:

I mean, talk about the pot calling the kettle black:

If it weren't for the fact that Apple and Adobe are socking great companies
wielding I-don'y-know-how-much financial clout it would look like 2 boys
in a playground fighting over which one of them is a liar; i.e. all rather

Neither company have got a leg to stand on when they start talking

open markets and an open Web

for 'open' read 'controlled by Adobe's stuff' or 'controlled by Apple's 

I say stuff them both and go west young man to the land of Linux and
Open Source; while it may not be to everybody's taste, at least the word
'open' is not being resemanticised quicker than you can guess the colour
of Steve Jobs' underpants . . .  :)

Hey; I tell you one thing; I reckon I've got an even chance on they're not
being 'Adobe Red'. And I would suppose
the boss of Adobe goes without as all is Air.
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Androids and Cyborgs

2010-05-13 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Ooooh, look at this:
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2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 12/05/2010 02:14, Mark Wieder wrote:


Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 12:12:47 PM, you wrote:

   Wow: I'm running an OLPC Sugar live CD on a P4 just now
to get a feel for the interface.

Before you go too far down that road, let me warn you that attempting
to run runrev as a Sugar app will have each stack window take up the
entire screen.

You're light-years ahead of me; first of all I've got to p*ss around with
the Terminal to get the thing onto the hard disk; whether I can be
bothered to do that is the biggest question at the moment.

Until I have had the smallest kids I work with (7-8 years old) play
with the thing from a live CD I'm doing Nuffin further.

'Objously' the GUI of RunRev would have to be re-done to be
successful and congruent with the Sugar interface.
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2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 12/05/2010 10:26, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

'Objously' the GUI of RunRev would have to be re-done to be
successful and congruent with the Sugar interface

Well, it also needs to redone to be successful and congruent with the Gnome
or any other Linux interface!

--  virtual desktops

--  resizing of IDE elements.  Or resolution independence, if they prefer


Yup: Go On; Rub It In!

However; what incentive have RunRev got until somebody
or something shows them that there's gold in the Linux hills ?
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Re: Zombie Win icon

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 I'm sorry, David, I don't know the answers to your questions;

1/ What is the silver bullet needed to kill off my horrible first icon? (I 
know, silver bullet is vampires...)

2/ Why does my IcoFX icon only appear at small sizes when all sizes are built 
into the icon?

But, having experienced the same sort of nonsense I invested in
Axialis IconWorkshop:

(which works extremely well under WINE on Linux)

and left all those problems behind me.

It is, however, $50 . . . but it is a real case of 'you get what
you pay for'.
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[OT] Licensing question

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 A friend of mine has just gone and bought a Windows 7 install
disk and is busy installing it on his expensive, bells-n-whistles
PC. He wants to give me his Vista install disk so that I can bung it on
a P4 for testing. As he is upgrading to Win 7 he doesn't feel that
this is a wicking thing to do.

Any bright ideas about the legality of his idea?
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Re: [OT] Licensing question

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 12/05/2010 15:08, Ian Wood wrote:
Did he buy an upgrade or a full install? If he just has an upgrade 
then it's s definite no-no.


On 12 May 2010, at 12:47, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

A friend of mine has just gone and bought a Windows 7 install
disk and is busy installing it on his expensive, bells-n-whistles
PC. He wants to give me his Vista install disk so that I can bung it on
a P4 for testing. As he is upgrading to Win 7 he doesn't feel that
this is a wicking thing to do.

Any bright ideas about the legality of his idea?

No; it is not an upgrade disk, and it is not an OEM that came with the 

However; he has told me that the disk will install a functioning system 
that will run for
a month prior to registration, and that I could run it for a day just to 
do my testing
and then blank the disk; presumably this is no worse than running a Demo 

As I really am not screamingly interested in Vista (or Windows in 
general) I am merely
looking for a way to do about 3 hours testing of my software (a user has 
reported a
problem; which, if it can be reduplicated, is a general RunRev bug) 
without, quite frankly,
having to pay for an install disk. However, for various reasons, I am 
not overly keen on

breaking the law.

Another friend of mine offered me the loan of her laptop running Vista; 
but I really

don't want to run the risk of bu**ering up her install.

What I need to do is this:

Bung Vista on an old P4 1.7GHz, 512 MB RAM I have lurking under my bed; 
bung RunRev
Studio 4 on it; run both the original stack and the standalone - ONCE, 
to ascertain if the
problem is real or just a problem with this chap's individual install. 
Wipe the disk.

Time for all this (inc. OS install) about 120 minutes Max.

If the problem is real, there is nothing I can do about it and it has to 
be lobbed back to
RunRev so that it can go on the list of bugfixes: which I very much hope 
is not the

case as they have a backlog going back for yonks.
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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 12/05/2010 16:18, René Micout wrote:

Why learning JavaScript ? I want use RevTalk !!

Yes! Having spent the better part of 9 years getting
reasonably good at RevTalk I have neither the time,
energy or inclination to start learning something as
un-xTalk as JavaScript.

I am pondering whether to learn the HyperNext language
but have yet to see what benefits will accrue from that;
the developer says he should (nice modal verb there)
be popping out a Linux version in September-ish.


Apple have closed the door for Rev developers as far as
the iPhone and iPad are concerned; at least for the
meantime; so any further discussion in that direction is
a waste of time.

However; outside the cow-byre of Apple there are lovely
green fields full of flowers just longing for programs made
with RunRev and revMobile; so sucks to Apple and move
on . . .  :)


From my point of view, RunRev's failure to bring the Linux
version up to par with the Windows and Mac versions is
not much better than Apple saying boo. There is a vast
area of computing (i.e. Linux deployment) that is being
excluded from RunRev developers just as surely as
Apple is excluding RunRev developers from the expensive
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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 12/05/2010 16:48, René Micout wrote:

Le 12 mai 2010 à 15:38, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

so sucks to Apple and move

I like (love ?) RunRev but I like (love) also Apple computers (hardware and 
I love RevTalk  no JavaScript (while...)
I love Apple  no Linux, no Windows

I have been married for very nearly 20 years; the path of 'true love' is 
rarely, if ever, smooth.

I love my PPC G3 and G4 Macs; should I suddenly become a bit richer than 
I am at the moment
I would probably rush out a buy a maxxed-out MacPro,a big, juicy laptop 
and so on.

I have 3 children who come to my school with iPhones; I have played 
around with all of them
extensively; they, frankly, leave me cold: when I want a mobile 
telephone I want a mobile
telephone; when I want a computer I want a computer; when I want a 
record player, camera,
personal psychiatrist . . . blah, blah, blah.  And, last but not least; 
curling up with an iPad for a read

seems a pretty poor second to a real book.

I don't have much time for dictatorial types who tell me what I can or 
cannot do with something
I, supposedly, own; or stop me from helping other people do what they 
want with things they

supposedly own.

I also love the fact that, thanks to Linux, my hardware overheads in my 
school are about ten percent

of my children's annual pocket-money requirements.

I don't like Windows; but, like it or not; most of the people who use my 
software outwith my school

use Windows - so I have to test my stuff on Windows.


I love Runtime Revolution to distraction, and have repeatedly tried to 
'stretch the envelope'
with it. I love it so much that I would like it to be available to all 
and everybody, as so with
standalones generated from it; hence my hammering on and on about the 
Linux version.


I know that Kevin and Co. are in an awkward position. However, I did 
state a while back

that I wondered whether they were not over-extending themselves a bit.

I do hope that both RunRev and RunRev (i.e. the company and the IDE) can 
survive this
particular storm - which, in all probability, will look rather 
insignificant with the

wisdom of hindsight in a couple of years time.
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Re: [OT] Licensing question

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 12/05/2010 16:34, Michael Kann wrote:

Richmond, I have a Vista machine if you want me to test anything. Don't 
hesitate to email me. (It will take me a while to find the parts and get it 
going, so don't wait till the last minute.)


That's extremely kind of you; I will let you know in good time if the
possibilities round here don't seem to be the right ones.

sincerely, Richmond.
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Unicode and Windows Vista: Not Good At All

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

Having at last got my act together running Windows Vista

[Installed Vista Home Premium (unregistered) on a Pentium 4,
  1.7 GHz, 512 MB RAM; running Windows standalone smoothly;
will delete tomorrow]

I have the unfortunate information that previous
feedback about the behaviour of Unicode fonts in RunRev standalones
running on Windows Vista is distinctly wonky; as per my previous

I previously wrote:

Recently I had a slightly worrying post from a chap
attempting to use my Devawriter on a computer
running Windows Vista.

The problem is that when Devawriter calls a Unicode
character that is not meant to move the cursor/insert place
forward, merely print something either above or beneath
the preceding character it does not; while printing the
character it also moves the insert forward so that
everything comes out incorrectly.

Installed RunRev Studio 4.0 on Vista (all remarkably smooth
and unproblematic); runs the original stack a wee but slower
than the standalone (no surprises there):

Exactly the same problem!!!


Tinkering around with the RunRev code will not affect this problem at
all; therefore there is something going on with the way Vista handles
Unicode fonts that upsets RunRev, or the other way round.

This is hugely problematic . . .  :(


Mind you; having had exactly half an hour of the Vista experience
I am extremely glad I will (probably, hopefully) have to have very
little to do with it again.

By contrast XP looks really rather positive to the Windows-hater in
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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement [MOT]

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson
 MOT: Ministry of Transport / Miles of Topic / Mad, 'Orrible  
Twisted; your choice.

On 12/05/2010 23:16, Andre Garzia wrote:

Believe me, I can't understand Nietzsche even in Portuguese... and I had
classes about him at the university...

My son had a Nietzsche patch about a year ago, and all our meals were 

by all sorts of pronouncements about how people who didn't contribute to
society should be shot, and more awful stuff. Luckily my son is 17 and 
has now
recovered from his Nietzchean aberration and is now taking out his 

frustrations on the piano and his parents . . .  :(

Perhaps I should also point out that the inventor of Nazism (who was 
English, oddly
enough), Houston Chamberlain (married Wagner's daughter), drew on a lot 
of Nietzsche's
stuff for . . .  well we all know where that went: millions and millions 
of people being gassed:

So, frankly, I don't think I want to understand Nietzsche.


Now; as a holder of a degree in Philosophy, if you really want to read 
some philosophy
that doesn't lead one down the garden path to racism, fascism and so 
forth why not

try a spot of Wittgenstein:

I have been trying spots of Wittgenstein for years, and after about 25, 
feel I am just
beginning to understand what he really wanted to say (and I am probably 



Oh; before I forget:

1. Unicode fonts don't work properly with RunRev and Windows Vista.

2. Fonts and RunRev are enormously problematic with Linux.

3. Nietzsche never played football for Arbroath.
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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement [MOT]

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 12/05/2010 23:53, René Micout wrote:

This argument is used by the enemies of Nietzsche's thought. All these stupid things 
taken from La volonté de puissance book that Nietzsche ever wrote, but was 
built by his sister who was anti-Semitic (and fan of Hitler) (with whom she strongly 
disagreed) after the death of his brother. It is true that this philosopher is dangerous 
because it is misunderstood (Chamberlain) that can lead to aberrations. Nietzsche 
condemned anti-Semitism very strongly in his writings. Recent studies of the philosopher 
(in particular by Gilles Deleuze and Patrick Wotling) shows the depth of his concepts of 
the 19th century sheds light on issues pertinent to the 21st century ...
As for Wittgenstein, I recommend L'abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze which defines his 
thought as the degree zero of the philosophy ...
Désaccord total... but ;-)
Bonne nuit

Well it is a good thing that Thee and Me, at least, are grown ups, so we 
can disagree violently yet still carry on a civilised


This is, of course, quite unlike somebody else . . .  :)

I think that the reason many people discard Wittgenstein is that they 
think because he did not write in some sort of
metaphysical jargon, but plain, simple words and sentences, he wrote 
crap. In fact, if one takes one's time to work

one's way through his work there is a lot of good there.

I, also, wouldn't doubt that there is a lot of good in some of 
Nietzsche's work; it has been, however, overshadowed by
historical developments; whether as a result of misinterpretation (and 
that has to be a subjective judgement) of what
he wrote, distortion by his sister, distortion by Chamberlain, or what 
he actually did write.

What constitutes one man's misinterpretation may be another man's 
verité; ne c'est pas?  And as Nietzsche is dead

we are quite unable to find out what the man actually intended to say.

It is also extremely difficult to read any writer whose work has had an 
historical effect without one's interpretation
being coloured by a knowledge of that historical effect; reading in 
vacuo is not an option..

While Wittgenstein has had an effect on late 20 century thought, he has 
not precipitated (even if unwittingly) what
happened in central Europe between 1933 and 1945, and whose echoes are 
still being felt.

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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement [MOT]

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 13/05/2010 00:10, René Micout wrote:

I am so sorry to drift on our computer's subjects, it's my fault, I made a 
citation about which I do not think there would be these returns back.
I also know from experience that the name of Nietzsche can be controversial. It 
is a paradox because it is a philosopher of life who fights nihilism and when 
someone is nihilistic we assimilate his remarks to those of Nietzsche ... 
Strange that this man is so little understood. We must recognize that his books 
are not easily accessible.

C'est sure, mon ami ; et Immanuel Kant, Nicolas Malebranche et al aussi 
. . .  :)

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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement [MOT]

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 13/05/2010 00:25, Dave Cragg wrote:

Bringing things back on topic (well sort of)...

Nietzsche also wrote something called (in English)

To come out of the closet, or to stay shut in; that is the question.

The Gay Science.

Oh dear! Polysemanticism and the perils of translation.

There is a chap called 'Randy' over here the other day, and my first 
name is 'John' . . . the whole thing can be carried too far.

At my school there was a chap called 'Shufflebotham' (pronounced in 
'that' way) who was an extremely good country runner;

although he was often beaten by the chaplain's son; 'Alcock'. I kid you not!

Sooner rather than later our good wag, J. Landman G. will quip one off.

This is something of which a certain person on this list is sure to endorse, 
and illustrates Nietzsche's great foresight or aforementioned person's 
retrospective hindsight with which we are all familiar, relatively speaking.

Thus spoke Dave

Try a Google search for Revolution . . .  :)

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Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement [MOT]

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Die fröhliche Wissenschaft:

The Gay Science was about poetry
and the idea of power.

It has also been translated as The Joyous
Wisdom (which avoids any latter-day

Personally I would go for an entirely
literal translation of 'fröhliche';


nothing either wrong or ambig. about

Bon Nuit,  ???, Slaap lekker!

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Re: [OT] Licensing question

2010-05-12 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 13/05/2010 03:06, Jim Bufalini wrote:

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Bung Vista on an old P4 1.7GHz, 512 MB RAM I have lurking under my bed;

Vista (unless it Vista Home) requires 1 GB of RAM (including Vista Home

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

Well I got Vista Home Premium running on a P4, 1.7GHz, 512 MB RAM;
and NOT glacially slowly; quite sufficient for my quick test.

Aloha from Bulgaria.
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RunRev on the OLPC

2010-05-11 Thread Richmond Mathewson

funnily enough . . . this article does not mention RunRev; I wonder why?

I agree wholeheartedly with this article; and I do think that were RunRev to
get RevMedia (prelicensed) onto the OLPC that would be a very good thing;

as would having a socking-great advert for Studio every time RevMedia
started up.
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2010-05-11 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Wow: I'm running an OLPC Sugar live CD on a P4 just now
to get a feel for the interface.

It is totally other; i.e. non-WIMP, which is rather
refreshing; although the whole thing is rather
confusing i you have been using WIMP GUIs for the
last 20 years.

It is, however, not targetted at people who have had access
to computers, let alone WIMP GUIs, at all.

I shall subject some of the kids I teach and see how they
react to the thing; although they are bombed out on
Windows XP, and are comfortable using GNOME in
my school.


How would one integrate some form of RunRev into
this interface?

Certainly worth thinking about.
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Re: Apple: 100 good reasons for revMobile

2010-05-11 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 11/05/2010 22:37, Matthias Rebbe wrote:

I 100% agree.

Am 11.05.2010 um 21:21 schrieb stephen barncard:

Just hit delete is like saying opt-out. The noise level does get high
here, and that's the reason for the complaints. This is not a forum, it's a
linear mail list - like a freeway on-ramp - one at a time, and it does
requires a bit more netiquette, like trimming posts and keeping down the OT.

I don't think keeping down the OT is necessary, unless it is so 
tangential no-one
can make any connexion with RunRev. However it would be good if 
everybody flagged
their OT remarks with [OT] so that 'strict types' can filter it out and 
eat a fat free diet . . .  :)

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Re: Where is going Apple ?

2010-05-11 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 11/05/2010 22:39, Pierre Sahores wrote:

You are right.

Best Regards,


Le 11 mai 2010 à 19:04, Bob Sneidar a écrit :

You may have a good point, but I'd like to point out that you are not stating 
facts, but rather a point of view.


As none of us can see into the workings of either Steve Jobs' mind, or 
the corporate mind
of Apple, it seems that everything that is stated re the recent 
cafuffle is opinion

beyond restating what has already been stated.

Rubbishing Apple won't help one bit; it is what it is; one can either 
choose to live

with the thing, or not.

The fact that RunRev (et al) has felt that Jobs' ruling is a kick in the 
pants is an opinion;
until Steve Jobs pops over and physically kicks the RunRev people it it 
a feeling; however

unpleasant it may feel.


Many years ago I was working on a farm (mucking out beeves); and turned 
up every day
at 5 am to get on with my work. One day the farmer told me he didn't 
want me to work
for him any more. I asked him why; and he said that he didn't feel a 
need to tell me.

So I went home, feeling dejected, unloved, and so on.

The next day I walked about 30 miles round lots of other farms, and by 

had got a new job; felt wanted and loved.

2 weeks later the farmer who dismissed me went bust. Poor chap; he is 
now a raving alcoholic

who props up the local bar.

So; until every farmer tells me he doesn't want my labour I will keep on 

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Re: News on revMobile

2010-05-10 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 RunRev, like so many others, have taken a socking great kick
in the pants from Apple.

Kevin's Article seems remarkably sober considering
the circumstances - perhaps it was preceded by a 'slightly'
more vulgar internal memo . . .  :)

I can only say that I hope it does not affect RunRev
unduly; and that is DOES affect iPad sales (mind you;
here in Bulgaria, the usual mindless morons are
queuing up to get one - the same ones who send their
expensively dressed children to my school with their
iPhones; never mind, they subsidise some of the kids who
either don't have any money or don't have fathers to
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Re: That nice XML exporter for stacks...

2010-05-10 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 10/05/2010 21:32, Andre Garzia wrote:

Hello Folks,

Anyone here remember a sample stack that would export a Rev stack with all
properties and scripts to an XML file?

I don't see it anymore in the bundled files. If you guys don't remember it
is ok, but can someone here think a clever way to iterate over all controls?
is something along the lines of

repeat with x = 1 to the number of cards in the cardnames of this stack
   repeat with y = 1 to the number of controls in card x of this stack
   end repeat
end repeat


Do you mean xmltree-view.rev ???

If so; look somewhere 'vaguely familiar':

If NOT; try and think of its name - I have buckets of stacks
backed up over here.
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Re: News on revMobile

2010-05-10 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 While I don't like Microsoft, and they have tried to
force people to use their shabby browser, at least they
haven't got up to the same sort of restrictive practises
that Apple have; consider:

I can wander down the road into any tatty-old computer shop
and buy a tatty old PC and get some sort of Windows running
on it relatively easily (as I can, even more easily with Linux).

Apple have always tied their operating systems to their

The 'iPad thing' is really just an extension of the same sort of thing.

This may, after all, be one of the reasons why Apple have never commanded
more than about 10% of the market.

I know that Windows is a second-class product; but it works to
a certain extent in areas where Mac OS cannot even bootup the install

Unless Apple democritise they will probably go the way of all
aristocracies; and, just perhaps, it is Apple that should feel threatened
by Linux, not Windows.
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