Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Markus Jermann

Hallo Ernst, *,

Am 03.01.2014 19:07, schrieb E.J.Minhorst:

Markus: Menschen, die sich nun mal gerne an bequeme Dinge gewöhnen, mit
Schmeissfliegen zu vergleichen, finde ich ein bißchen hart! Man muß
diesem Gewohnheitstier nur erst mal mögliche Alternativen bekannt machen
und vorallem die Philosophie von OpenSource nahebringen - dann klappts
vielleicht auch mit dem Nachbarn!

Wenn ich hiermit irgend jemandem zu nahe getreten sein sollte, so 
entschuldige ich mich dafür in aller Form.
FB und Konsorten ist für mich nunmal ein knallrotes Tuch und ich habe 
für so etwas nicht erst seit Eddie Snowdon nicht den Hauch eines 
Denn es ist mir einfach rätselhaft, wie man gerade in diesen Tagen seine 
Privatsphäre (zumindest Teile davon) so einfach einem probritären 
schwarzen Loch anvertraut. Und das nur, weil es Millionen andere auch 
machen, die (offensichtlich) auch nicht genau wissen, auf was sie sich 
da eigentlich einlassen.

Das Argument, das Frazenbuch sei der ultimative Platzhirsch und würde doch
schon von der ganzen Welt genutzt, sollte man ganz schnell wieder vergessen:
Selbst die weltumspannende Krake aus Redmond, USA muß sich (noch) mit
Alternativ-Produkten messen - und das sollte möglichst so bleiben!

Verglichen mit Scroogle ist M$ doch ein Hort des Datenschutzes und der 
-sicherheit ;-)

Ansonsten: Scroogle = FB, mein letzter Satz.

Für die Förderer und Sympatisanten von OpenSource müsste Vorgesagtes
eigentlich eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein! Deshalb würde ich als alter
OpenSource-Verfechter auch unbedingt und ausschließlich nicht-proprietäre
Software in Betracht ziehen - sonst überhaupt nichts!

Dann sind wir mindestens schon mal zwei :-)

Ich möchte noch als weitere Alternative Friendica in Erinnerung bringen!
Hier der Link zum deutschsprachigen Wiki:
IMHO ist Friendica aus technischer Sicht Diaspora vorzuziehen, weil es mehr
features bietet und auch optisch ganz gut daherkommt.

Friendica hatte ich gar nicht auf der Pfanne. *Das* liest sich richtig 
gut, vor allem wegen XMPP.

Ich habe mal versuchsweise ein eigenes Node von Friendica auf dem Server
installiert und sammle noch Erfahrung damit. Kontaktaufnahme mit mir
jederzeit und gerne via bzw. testweise anmelden
unter - DANKE!

Du hast/bekommst'ne PM. Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe!


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Re: Bugs melden, vielmehr hier seine Verwunderung ausdrücken

2014-01-05 Thread R.R.Rienäcker

Am 04.01.2014 22:35, schrieb Isch:

Hallo Dave,

Am 04.01.2014 22:04, schrieb Dave:
Die eigentliche Frage lautet, warum will dieser Christian partout ein 

einsetzen, wenn es auch so geht? Er soll aufhören, sinnlose Fragen zu



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Die Diskusion kommt mir so bekannt vor. Immer der gleiche Stil.

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Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Jörg Schmidt
Hallo Markus,  

 [] On Behalf Of Markus Jermann


Ja, Kritik

 Strikte Ablehnung! beschreibt das wohl deutlich besser. 
 Zumindest was mich betrifft.

ich sprach von der deutschen/deutschsprachigen Community, nicht von Einzelnen

  Letzteres ist vielleicht eine etwas ungewöhnliche Bitte, 
 nur die Sache liegt doch
  so: ich kann mir nicht denken das irgendwer etwas gegen 
 Diaspora, Friendica und
  ggf. Weitere hat, auch dürfte das nicht viel Arbeit machen, 
 nur alles wird
 Das kann ich mir auch wirklich nicht vorstellen.

Und nach Dem was Raphael schreibt irren wir uns nun leider Beide, denn das:

Es muss mindestens ein PMC Member als Admin der Seite dabei sein, damit 
die Seite als offiziell gelten kann.

Ist natürlich ein erheblicher 'Aufwand', besser gesagt eine erhebliche Hürde.

Andererseits schafft es Klarheit, denn so kann ich Dir sagen das es um Diaspora
zusätzlich aufzunehmen zumindest der Mitarbeit eines der PMC-Mitglieder bedarf,
somit wäre es wahrscheinlich unkonvetionell, aber nicht falsch wenn Du einfach 
versuchst da jemanden zu überzeugen. 
Alle PMC-Mitglieder sind hier aufgelistet:

So ist leider die Lage und ich habe darauf leider auch nicht mehr Einfluss als 

Wobei ich mich frage wie wesentlich weiter wir mit AOO schon sei könnten wenn 
die Energie die Apache in Formalien der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit steckt in Inhalte
der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit stecken würde.
Für ein '08/15-Medium' ein PMC-Mitglied zur Pflicht zu machen ist wirklich 
bremst aber natürlich das Projekt zuverlässig aus, denn es schränkt aus rein
zeitlichen Gründen die Möglichkeiten extrem ein.


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Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Markus Jermann

Mein lieber Dave,

das Schönste soll man sich ja für den Schluss aufheben.

Am 03.01.2014 20:59, schrieb Dave:

ob ich den Widerspruch zwischen FB und offener Software nicht merke? Aber
bitte sehr, egal welche Software du benutzt, letztlich bist auch du auf die
Leitungen des Monopols Telekom angewiesen, oder hast du da OpenSource
Leitungen parat?

Ich habe deine Beiträge bis jetzt immer sehr geschätzt, auch wenn du 
Trolle fütterst. Ändere das bitte nicht durch derartige Aussagen.

 Ich bitte dich, wenn schon Ideologie, dann die richtige,

nämlich, dass wir nicht kleinkrämerische Alternativen brauchen, sondern
eine neue demokratische Gesellschaftsordnung. Die wird durch eine
gesellschaftliche Revolution erreicht, und nicht durch OpenSource-Projekte.

Ein kurzer Ausflug in die Politik / die Zeitgeschichte gefällig? Du 
kannst dich schon daran erinnern, dass 1989 in der damaligen DDR auch 
alles mit ein paar Leutchen anfing?
Und die Open-Source-Bewegung (so muss man sie wohl nennen) hat einigen 
propritären SW-Herstellern bereits richtig weh getan.

Übrigens: Ideologien lasse ich mir schon gar nicht aufzwingen. Von keinem.

Ich selbst unterstütze nach Kräften Apache OpenOffice nicht nur weil es
OpenSource ist, sondern vor allem, weil es inhaltlich MS Office haushoch
überlegen ist (haushoch ist noch eine Untertreibung). Mit OpenOffice sparen
die Studierenden wertvolle Stunden und Wochen Zeit. Daher unterrichte ich
das auch gegen den Widerstand meiner Vorgesetzten. Aber ich mache mir doch
keine Illusionen, ausschließlich OpenSource zu benutzen.

Da hast du aber Glück, dass deine Vorgesetzten mitspielen. Woanders 
bekommst du für so etwas die Papiere in die Hand gedrückt. Fristlos.

Bin übrigens auch Linux-Fan - die meisten AOO-Anwender dürften allerdings
nach wie vor unter Windows arbeiten, auch so ein Widerspruch. Nach deiner
Theorie dürften wir überhaupt keine AOO für Windows anbieten, und auch


nicht für Rechner, die die China unter grausamsten Arbeitsbedingungen
hergestellt werden. Die (kapitalistische) Welt besteht aus unzähligen
Widersprüchen, und FB ist nur einer unter vielen.

Erstens rechnet dann wieder die halbe Menschheit mit dem Abakus in der 
Hand. Und Zweitens muss ich ein Geschwür nicht auch noch pflegen.

Alles weitere diesbezüglich bitte *nur* noch via PM.


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Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Raphael Bircher

Am 05.01.14 11:46, schrieb Jörg Schmidt:

Hallo Markus,

[] On Behalf Of Markus Jermann

Ja, Kritik

Strikte Ablehnung! beschreibt das wohl deutlich besser.
Zumindest was mich betrifft.

ich sprach von der deutschen/deutschsprachigen Community, nicht von Einzelnen

Letzteres ist vielleicht eine etwas ungewöhnliche Bitte,

nur die Sache liegt doch

so: ich kann mir nicht denken das irgendwer etwas gegen

Diaspora, Friendica und

ggf. Weitere hat, auch dürfte das nicht viel Arbeit machen,

nur alles wird

Das kann ich mir auch wirklich nicht vorstellen.

Und nach Dem was Raphael schreibt irren wir uns nun leider Beide, denn das:

Es muss mindestens ein PMC Member als Admin der Seite dabei sein, damit
die Seite als offiziell gelten kann.

Ist natürlich ein erheblicher 'Aufwand', besser gesagt eine erhebliche Hürde.

Andererseits schafft es Klarheit, denn so kann ich Dir sagen das es um Diaspora
zusätzlich aufzunehmen zumindest der Mitarbeit eines der PMC-Mitglieder bedarf,
somit wäre es wahrscheinlich unkonvetionell, aber nicht falsch wenn Du einfach 
versuchst da jemanden zu überzeugen.
Alle PMC-Mitglieder sind hier aufgelistet:
Ich kann nur noch mal sagen, Schreibt an die internationale Dev. 
Möglicherweise ist es gar nicht so schwer dafür jemanden zu finden. Auf 
der internationalen Dev lesen auch alle PMC's mit.

So ist leider die Lage und ich habe darauf leider auch nicht mehr Einfluss als 

Wobei ich mich frage wie wesentlich weiter wir mit AOO schon sei könnten wenn 
die Energie die Apache in Formalien der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit steckt in Inhalte
der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit stecken würde.
Für ein '08/15-Medium' ein PMC-Mitglied zur Pflicht zu machen ist wirklich 
bremst aber natürlich das Projekt zuverlässig aus, denn es schränkt aus rein
zeitlichen Gründen die Möglichkeiten extrem ein.
Beim alten Projekt hätte es je nach Sprach Community ein 
Wahlverfahren gegeben und dann wäre es auch nicht mal mit anderen 
Sprachen abgesprochen gewesen... Also Bürokratischer finde ich Apache 
nicht. In gewissen Teilen ist halt Apache sehr strickt. Dass die 
offizielle Vertretung bei AOO relativ bürokratisch geschieht, hat auch 
eine gewisse Schutzwirkung. Ich kann mich erinnern, dass die Ankündigung 
der TDF über die offiziellen Kanäle als offizielle Pressemitteilung von raus ging. So eine Pressemitteilung würde bei Apache 
spätestens bei der Projektübergreifenden Marketing Abteilung blockiert.

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Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Markus Jermann

Hallo Jörg,

Am 05.01.2014 11:46, schrieb Jörg Schmidt:

ich sprach von der deutschen/deutschsprachigen Community, nicht von Einzelnen

Alles klar.

Und nach Dem was Raphael schreibt irren wir uns nun leider Beide, denn das:

Ich kürze es mal ab: Was ist, wenn wir die Geschichte autark machen? 
Dann nennen wir uns eben Circle of AOO friends oder wie auch immer. 
Aber ich sehe schon, dann gibt's auch keinen Verweis auf/von der 
offiziellen Homepage.


Wobei ich mich frage wie wesentlich weiter wir mit AOO schon sei könnten wenn 
die Energie die Apache in Formalien der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit steckt in Inhalte
der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit stecken würde.
Für ein '08/15-Medium' ein PMC-Mitglied zur Pflicht zu machen ist wirklich 
bremst aber natürlich das Projekt zuverlässig aus, denn es schränkt aus rein
zeitlichen Gründen die Möglichkeiten extrem ein.

Full ack.


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Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Raphael Bircher

Hallo Markus

Am 05.01.14 12:23, schrieb Markus Jermann:

Hallo Jörg,

Am 05.01.2014 11:46, schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
ich sprach von der deutschen/deutschsprachigen Community, nicht von 

Alles klar.

Und nach Dem was Raphael schreibt irren wir uns nun leider Beide, 
denn das:

Ich kürze es mal ab: Was ist, wenn wir die Geschichte autark machen? 
Dann nennen wir uns eben Circle of AOO friends oder wie auch immer.
Solange du die Trade Mark richtlinien beachtest, kein problem. Im falle 
Circle of AOO friends glaube ich kaum, dass du Probleme bekommst. Wenn 
du auf nummer sicher gehen willst, musst du schon an schreiben. Aber wie gesagt, versuchs doch 
erst mal noch auf der internationalen dev. Vielleicht findet sich ja ein 
PMC Member dafür.

Gruss Raphael

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Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Jörg Schmidt
Hallo Raphael, 

 From: Raphael Bircher [] 

 Beim alten Projekt hätte es je nach Sprach 
 Community ein 
 Wahlverfahren gegeben und dann wäre es auch nicht mal mit anderen 
 Sprachen abgesprochen gewesen... Also Bürokratischer finde ich Apache 
 nicht. In gewissen Teilen ist halt Apache sehr strickt. Dass die 
 offizielle Vertretung bei AOO relativ bürokratisch geschieht, 
 hat auch 
 eine gewisse Schutzwirkung. Ich kann mich erinnern, dass die 
 der TDF über die offiziellen Kanäle als offizielle 
 Pressemitteilung von raus ging. So eine Pressemitteilung würde bei Apache 
 spätestens bei der Projektübergreifenden Marketing Abteilung 

Mein Gott Raphael, jetzt mache doch nicht wieder aus einer Sachkritik im 
eine Fundamentalkritik an Apache.

Als ich las das für eine solch relative Bagatelle, wie die Pflege einer Gruppe 
einem sozialen Netzwerk, ein PMC-Mitglied nötig ist (und nicht etwa ein 
was ich verstanden hätte) war ich mäßig entsetzt, weil uns das schon rein wegen
der Kapazität lähmen muss, denn es ist doch offensichtlich das:

-die Pflege EINER Gruppe braucht 2-3 Stunden wöchentlich (Deine Aussage der ich
auch zustimme)
-wer hier bei AOO ehrenamtlich mitarbeitet und im Rahmen dessen auch 
Aufgaben als PMC-Mitglied wahrnimmt ist wahrscheinlich damit gut ausgelastet 
er denn dafür bis zu 5 oder 10 Stunden pro Woche aufwendet (denn er will ja
sicherlich auch noch direkt für OO arbeiten, z.B. programmieren oder QA machen)

Daraus folgt dann rein mathematisch das, bezüglich der Wahrnehmung von Aufgaben
wie der Pflege einer FB-Gruppe, insgesamt nur eine Kapazität von ungefähr 2-3
dieser Aufgaben pro PMC-Mitglied oder insgesamt ca. 50-75 Aufgaben gesamt
existiert und angesichts der Winzigkeit der Aufgabe und der Tatsache das wir 
über ein bedeutendes internationales OSS-Projekt reden ist das imho sehr wenig,
zumal mir meine Schätzung hier schon eher optimistisch vorkommt.

Kurzum, ich verstehe _an dieser Stelle_ nicht warum das so geregelt ist, denn es
ist offensichtlich das technisch jeder Dödel in der Lage ist eine FB-Seite zu
pflegen und worin Apache Gefahren sieht damit einen Committer zu beauftragen
müsste Apache mal erklären, denn welche Gefährdung geht denn von einem Committer
aus der das Recht hätte sowas zu tun? Meiner Erachtens Keine.

Im Übrigen sollten wir so viel Realitätsicht haben die Kirche im Dorf zu lassen
wenn es um 'strikt' geht, denn jeder kann sehen wie das gehandhabt wird, mal 
den Vertretern großer Firmen mit laissez faire begegnet, mal werden in
Blogeinträgen 'third party applikationen' plötzlich stillschweigend zu Teilen 
Projekts, solange es niemandem auffällt.



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Re: Deutschsprachige Facebook Seite

2014-01-05 Thread Markus Jermann

Hallo Raphael,

Am 05.01.2014 12:40, schrieb Raphael Bircher:

Solange du die Trade Mark richtlinien beachtest, kein problem. Im falle
Circle of AOO friends glaube ich kaum, dass du Probleme bekommst. Wenn
du auf nummer sicher gehen willst, musst du schon an schreiben. Aber wie gesagt, versuchs doch
erst mal noch auf der internationalen dev. Vielleicht findet sich ja ein
PMC Member dafür.

Danke für die Infos.
Ist auf meiner To-Do-List und ich mache mich die nächsten Tage dran.

Habe jetzt doch einen genauen Blick auf die PMC-List geworfen. Du und 
Regina stehen da drauf?!

Dann kann einer von euch beiden doch den Request committen.

Oder ist das schon wieder zu einfach, da ganz kleiner Dienstweg?

Markus, der jetzt erstmal für die nächsten Stunden logoff geht.

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Re: Very dissapointed

2014-01-05 Thread Dave Barton
Copy to Nick - Non-Subscribed Poster

 Original Message  
From: Rob Weir
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2014 22:16:39 -0500

 On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 5:15 PM, nick van benthem wrote:

 I deleted some text and then got it back useing control z and then the 
 programm crashed. And i didnt saved the progress and with the recovery hÚ 
 couldnt Get back the progress.

 But when did you save the file?  If you deleted some text, did a
 control z and then the program crashed, then the file on disk has not
 changed.  Unless you did something like: delete some text, save the
 file, did a control-z and then it crashed?  But if you did that then
 you were vulnerable to many ways of losing your document, such as a
 power outage.
 - Reply message -
 Van: Dave Barton
 Onderwerp: Very dissapointed
 Datum: za, jan. 4, 2014 19:17

  Original Message  
 From: Kay Schenk
 Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2014 09:57:11 -0800

 On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 7:59 AM, nick van benthem

 Thanks to your great programm i've just lost 12 pages of my portfolio..

 Hello Nick, and so  sorry for your troubles.

 It would be very helpful to us if you gave more details on how this
 Did OpenOffice find these pages but fail to open them? And if that was the
 cause, what was used to create these pages initially?

 Or, was it some other problem.

 Thanks for any additional details you can provide.

 Nick, please reply to the email address,
 not directly to any individual. There many other list subscribers who
 may also be able to assist you.

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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

2014-01-05 Thread Rob Weir
On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Hagar Delest wrote:
 Sadly, quite nothing to do, see: where you'll
 see that I've recorded more than 150 occurrences of this problem.

And there were 368 reported UFO sightings in December:

But I'm not rushing to learn Klingon...

If you search Google for phrases like Word document lost when saving
you'll see 100's of reports of this as well.

 I've raised this issue on the dev mailing list: and
 interest has been slightly raised (new comments in the bug report) but this
 is a difficult problem that can't be reproduced, hence very difficult to
 spot. Nevertheless, even in case of bug, the save process could be improved
 Any power shortage?

 Check the temporary folder of the system (see in OOo
 ToolsOptionsOOoPaths). If there are folders like sgmlf.tmp with a file
 having the same name inside, make a copy of that file, rename it to .odt and
 cross your fingers. If you have not rebooted, you might have those files
 still there.

It would be great to ask for information like this whenever someone
reports this kind of problem.  150 reports without this detail are
useless.  But even 10 reports with this detail might indicate a

1) What AOO version is in use?

2) What OS version?

3) What file type (extension) was being saved?

4) Where was the file being saved?  USB?  Network drive?

5) Is autosaved enabled?

6) When you returned to your computer was it in the same state?  For
example, had you lost power?  Did the OS force a reboot?  Did your
laptop hibernate?

Just anecdotally, and without deeper analysis, I see a number of
reports on OpenOffice and with Microsoft Office, where a USB memory
stick is being used.   Savvy users know how to properly remove a
memory stick.  But not all users do.  This can cause problems.

Another case to watch out for is old Wordperfect files.   A user saves
a WPD file, upgrades OOo 3.3.0 to AOO 4.0.1 and now their file won't
open.  But this is due to the loss of WPD support, not due to damage
to the file, though the symptoms look the same at first.

Another thing to look for is a forced reboot, the kind that recent
versions of Windows do when installing a critical security patch.
Some antivirus software does this as well.  If you have a document
loaded in OpenOffice with unsaved changed, and have autosave enabled,
and leave your machine on for a week, with OpenOffice running, and a
system restart is forced, what will happen?  Is there a correlation to
problems in that scenario?



 As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the
 mailing list. Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at - replies to my personal email address will be

 Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the replies to
 your query.
 To subscribe Apache OpenOffice mailing lists go to
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 Le 04/01/2014 14:04, natalie guttridge a écrit :

 Please help
 My daughter has written a 2000 word essay. She saved it and then when she
 opened it again the whole text has turned into hashtags...can anything be

 Sent from my iPad
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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags--commentary

2014-01-05 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 17:07:27 +0100
Josef Latt wrote:

 Am 05.01.2014 15:06, schrieb Hagar Delest:
  The power shortage is clearly a root cause.
  Perhaps we need an old disk to test what happens when we pull the plug
  during a save operation.
 Whats about the autorecovery function of AOO.

It can work, but for critical work relying on it can be catastrophic in the 
instances that it fails.

With an unimportant file, try pulling your power cord a few times; it is not 
10% reliable..
Rory O'Farrell

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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags--commentary

2014-01-05 Thread Rima Schulkind
Despite my fear of being considered too dumb to use OO, here's my experience: 
when a document I was working on (just trying to insert a line by hitting 
return between two lines) suddenly became all hashtag gibberish - as then did 
all my stored OO files -  I reinstalled OO. And all was well. 

On Jan 5, 2014, at 11:15 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 7:23 AM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
 On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 12:47:59 +0100
 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
 Hagar Delest wrote:
 losing the file saved last time is just unacceptable, it's a major data
 loss (P1 in the bug tracker). This problem should be investigated as
 seriously as possible.
 No bashing needed, just look at the facts.
 The problem here is all with reproducing the bug. OpenOffice has so many
 users, on so many systems, that even a problem that occurs, say, once in
 ten millions save operations will get reported.
 It's a fact that there exist some users who report losing a document.
 But it's not even clear if the culprit in those cases is OpenOffice, or
 the operating system, or a RAM problem, or a disk failure... Like you,
 I've been a regular OpenOffice user for many years and I never had a
 similar problem.
 A random note if this can help: to study this problem, once I tried to
 deliberately fill the hard disk until I had a few MBytes free. Then I
 opened a heavy presentation file, with many images, and edited it
 normally, adding and removing content. An automatic backup failed (due
 to the full disk) and I think an error message was displayed (I/O
 error). I then tried a save operation, which failed with the same error.
 But then I was stuck: the file I was editing was corrupted (the images
 did not display) and the last saved version on disk was corrupted too
 (of course this was a test so I had made a backup before testing). Maybe
 this deserves a better investigation.
 It could be that some or all of these bug reports are due to a full disk
 (I do know some people who work with 100 MBytes free on disk, so it's
 not even a 1 in millions scenario). The good thing is that this
 scenario can be reproduced.
 I think there are two problems here, which both Hagar and I are aware of 
 from the Forum. One is the Hashtag problem, which I agree is not readily 
 reproducible and in many cases may be caused by over hasty close down of OO 
 or operating system, the other associated problem is the erasure of the 
 saved copy which seems to occur often alongside the hashtag problem; no 
 matter what causes the hashtag problem, I'm sure we all agree that a saved 
 copy of the file should not be spontaneously erased.
 The question should be asked When does OpenOffice erase the previous copy 
 of the file?. Surely this should only be after the Save process reaches a 
 conclusion. I can recollect from my CP/M days that one had to adopt a 
 certain sequence in saving a file for best security. One saved the file to (say), then renamed to File.bak then renamed to Is this or a similar protocol being followed in OO? Perhaps some 
 temporary relief can be obtained by changing the options in OpenOffice to 
 _always_ generate a backup.
 That would introduce other failure modes:
 1) User would require disk space for two complete copies of the
 document.  So in the marginal case a user might load a document,
 change just a character and then be unable to save.
 2) Some file systems handle modify and create permissions separately.
 So you could have the ability to modify a document, but not create a
 new (temporary) one.
 There are certainly cases where such an approach could help.  But it
 is tricky when dealing with the exceptions.
 The other thing to watch for is that some users cannot find their
 files after saving, even if there is no problem with the saving.  They
 forget the same, what folder they used, etc.
 If the user turns such an option off, then on his own head be the 
 responsibility for file loss!
 I should say that I have not experienced the hashtag problem in 6 years of 
 heavy use of OO Writer on Windows 2000/XP or linux systems.
 Rory O'Farrell
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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags--commentary

2014-01-05 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 16:12:20 +
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

 On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 17:07:27 +0100
 Josef Latt wrote:
  Am 05.01.2014 15:06, schrieb Hagar Delest:
   The power shortage is clearly a root cause.
   Perhaps we need an old disk to test what happens when we pull the plug
   during a save operation.
  Whats about the autorecovery function of AOO.
 It can work, but for critical work relying on it can be catastrophic in the 
 instances that it fails.
 With an unimportant file, try pulling your power cord a few times; it is not 
 10% reliable..

Sorry! 10% should read 100%
 Rory O'Farrell
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Rory O'Farrell

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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

2014-01-05 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 11:05:25 -0500
Rob Weir wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Hagar Delest wrote:
  Sadly, quite nothing to do, see: where you'll
  see that I've recorded more than 150 occurrences of this problem.
 And there were 368 reported UFO sightings in December:
 But I'm not rushing to learn Klingon...
 If you search Google for phrases like Word document lost when saving
 you'll see 100's of reports of this as well.

With respect, we are not concerned about MS Word's reliability. But 
OpenOffice's ought be a matter of concern for us all. We are all on the same 
side here.

  I've raised this issue on the dev mailing list: and
  interest has been slightly raised (new comments in the bug report) but this
  is a difficult problem that can't be reproduced, hence very difficult to
  spot. Nevertheless, even in case of bug, the save process could be improved
  Any power shortage?
  Check the temporary folder of the system (see in OOo
  ToolsOptionsOOoPaths). If there are folders like sgmlf.tmp with a file
  having the same name inside, make a copy of that file, rename it to .odt and
  cross your fingers. If you have not rebooted, you might have those files
  still there.
 It would be great to ask for information like this whenever someone
 reports this kind of problem.  150 reports without this detail are
 useless.  But even 10 reports with this detail might indicate a
 1) What AOO version is in use?
 2) What OS version?

The Version and OS are usually indicated in the footer of the repoorting post. 
Most OS versions are Windows
 3) What file type (extension) was being saved?
 4) Where was the file being saved?  USB?  Network drive?

In many cases to the hard disk. USB saves as you say below can unreliable and 
we try to separate them out from spontaneous hashtag events.

 5) Is autosaved enabled?
 6) When you returned to your computer was it in the same state?  For
 example, had you lost power?  Did the OS force a reboot?  Did your
 laptop hibernate?

Hibernation/Suspend of a computer with an open OO file reportedly can cause 
corruption. Some hashtag/damaged archive events seem to be caused by over hasty 
closedown of the computer, such as by snapping laptop lid shut, or power off of 
the desktop before the software/hardware write buffers have flushed. 
 Just anecdotally, and without deeper analysis, I see a number of
 reports on OpenOffice and with Microsoft Office, where a USB memory
 stick is being used.   Savvy users know how to properly remove a
 memory stick.  But not all users do.  This can cause problems.

We know this and advise not to work direct to a USB stick, also advising 
observance of correct removal protocols. Also (added information) anecdotally 
(also personal experience) USB sticks of earlier manufacture can fail (internal 
chip failure) after a smallish (circa 1000 is suggested in some postings) 
number of read/write cycles. I have no knowledge of more recent USB stick 

 Another case to watch out for is old Wordperfect files.   A user saves
 a WPD file, upgrades OOo 3.3.0 to AOO 4.0.1 and now their file won't
 open.  But this is due to the loss of WPD support, not due to damage
 to the file, though the symptoms look the same at first.
 Another thing to look for is a forced reboot, the kind that recent
 versions of Windows do when installing a critical security patch.
 Some antivirus software does this as well.  If you have a document
 loaded in OpenOffice with unsaved changed, and have autosave enabled,
 and leave your machine on for a week, with OpenOffice running, and a
 system restart is forced, what will happen?  Is there a correlation to
 problems in that scenario?

Rory O'Farrell

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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

2014-01-05 Thread James
I have never encountered any such problem with OO. I am running Open Office 
4.1 under windows 8.1 on a Hewlett Packard HP p2-1334 desk top.

Jim Lambert

-Original Message- 
From: Rory O'Farrell

Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2014 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 11:05:25 -0500
Rob Weir wrote:

On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Hagar Delest 

 Sadly, quite nothing to do, see: where 

 see that I've recorded more than 150 occurrences of this problem.

And there were 368 reported UFO sightings in December:

But I'm not rushing to learn Klingon...

If you search Google for phrases like Word document lost when saving
you'll see 100's of reports of this as well.

With respect, we are not concerned about MS Word's reliability. But 
OpenOffice's ought be a matter of concern for us all. We are all on the same 
side here.

 I've raised this issue on the dev mailing list: and
 interest has been slightly raised (new comments in the bug report) but 

 is a difficult problem that can't be reproduced, hence very difficult to
 spot. Nevertheless, even in case of bug, the save process could be 

 Any power shortage?

 Check the temporary folder of the system (see in OOo
 ToolsOptionsOOoPaths). If there are folders like sgmlf.tmp with a 
 having the same name inside, make a copy of that file, rename it to .odt 

 cross your fingers. If you have not rebooted, you might have those files
 still there.

It would be great to ask for information like this whenever someone
reports this kind of problem.  150 reports without this detail are
useless.  But even 10 reports with this detail might indicate a

1) What AOO version is in use?

2) What OS version?

The Version and OS are usually indicated in the footer of the repoorting 
post. Most OS versions are Windows

3) What file type (extension) was being saved?

4) Where was the file being saved?  USB?  Network drive?

In many cases to the hard disk. USB saves as you say below can unreliable 
and we try to separate them out from spontaneous hashtag events.

5) Is autosaved enabled?

6) When you returned to your computer was it in the same state?  For
example, had you lost power?  Did the OS force a reboot?  Did your
laptop hibernate?

Hibernation/Suspend of a computer with an open OO file reportedly can cause 
corruption. Some hashtag/damaged archive events seem to be caused by over 
hasty closedown of the computer, such as by snapping laptop lid shut, or 
power off of the desktop before the software/hardware write buffers have 

Just anecdotally, and without deeper analysis, I see a number of
reports on OpenOffice and with Microsoft Office, where a USB memory
stick is being used.   Savvy users know how to properly remove a
memory stick.  But not all users do.  This can cause problems.

We know this and advise not to work direct to a USB stick, also advising 
observance of correct removal protocols. Also (added information) 
anecdotally (also personal experience) USB sticks of earlier manufacture can 
fail (internal chip failure) after a smallish (circa 1000 is suggested in 
some postings) number of read/write cycles. I have no knowledge of more 
recent USB stick reliability.

Another case to watch out for is old Wordperfect files.   A user saves
a WPD file, upgrades OOo 3.3.0 to AOO 4.0.1 and now their file won't
open.  But this is due to the loss of WPD support, not due to damage
to the file, though the symptoms look the same at first.

Another thing to look for is a forced reboot, the kind that recent
versions of Windows do when installing a critical security patch.
Some antivirus software does this as well.  If you have a document
loaded in OpenOffice with unsaved changed, and have autosave enabled,
and leave your machine on for a week, with OpenOffice running, and a
system restart is forced, what will happen?  Is there a correlation to
problems in that scenario?

Rory O'Farrell

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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

2014-01-05 Thread Rob Weir
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Hagar Delest wrote:
 Le 05/01/2014 17:05, Rob Weir a écrit :

 It would be great to ask for information like this whenever someone
 reports this kind of problem.  150 reports without this detail are
 useless.  But even 10 reports with this detail might indicate a

 1) What AOO version is in use?

 2) What OS version?

 3) What file type (extension) was being saved?

 4) Where was the file being saved?  USB?  Network drive?

 5) Is autosaved enabled?

 6) When you returned to your computer was it in the same state?  For
 example, had you lost power?  Did the OS force a reboot?  Did your
 laptop hibernate?

 Have you at least read the topic and the post with all the cases I've
 You'll see that most of these information are available. And each linked
 topic usually have also these information (with more details of course).

Well, obviously reports with partial information from 5 years ago are
not really useful.  As I pointed out, I can show over 300 UFO
sightings from just December.  So what?

I'm suggesting collecting this information systematically, for new
reports, in 2014 using AOO 4.0.1.  For example, you did not ask all of
these questions when you responded to the user on this list just now.

 Just anecdotally, and without deeper analysis, I see a number of
 reports on OpenOffice and with Microsoft Office, where a USB memory
 stick is being used.   Savvy users know how to properly remove a
 memory stick.  But not all users do.  This can cause problems.

 None of the 150+ cases I've recorded involve USB drives. Of course we know
 that case. That's why I've discarded them systematically.
 NB: one more case this very day.

This isn't really true.  I did a spot check of the reports and some of
them did involve USB drives and for many of them the question was not
even asked.

 Another case to watch out for is old Wordperfect files.   A user saves
 a WPD file, upgrades OOo 3.3.0 to AOO 4.0.1 and now their file won't
 open.  But this is due to the loss of WPD support, not due to damage
 to the file, though the symptoms look the same at first.

 Again, just read the topic. Most of the files are ODF, some .doc. No exotic
 format like WPD.

 Another thing to look for is a forced reboot, the kind that recent
 versions of Windows do when installing a critical security patch.
 Some antivirus software does this as well.  If you have a document
 loaded in OpenOffice with unsaved changed, and have autosave enabled,
 and leave your machine on for a week, with OpenOffice running, and a
 system restart is forced, what will happen?  Is there a correlation to
 problems in that scenario?

 Even if the boot is forced, as I said, it would be understandable to lose
 the version that is currently under edition. But it is unacceptable to lose
 the saved file.

And it would be unacceptable to see a UFO.  The question is whether
any actually have or whether it is user error.

 I know that this is a difficult problem but please stop trying to find a
 If nobody wants to investigate, I don't have any problem as long as I don't
 suffer from this issue.
 But then, just accept the rants from users who lost important data.
 NB: I've switched from MS Word to OOo after I lost data. If I ever face this
 problem, that would be the end of my use of AOO. Users want reliability
 first. All the nice features you can put in an application will never
 counterbalance any important data loss.

No one is scapegoating.  I'm just saying with 100 million users and 5
years and not a single reproducible error?  Really?  Seriously?



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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

2014-01-05 Thread Rory O'Farrell
I've clipped the previous messages as this posting doesn't depend on them.
Rob suggests the following queries be put to Hashtag/file loss posters. I've 
added some choices to the file save destinations.  Are there other questions 
that should be asked? Once we reach agreement on the questions I'm sure the 
Forum will use this questionaire to gather information on hashtag/file loss 

1) What AOO version is in use?
2) What OS version?
3) What file type (extension) was being saved?
4) Where was the file being saved?  Local Drive? USB stick?  Network drive? 
External drive?
5) Is autosaved enabled?
6) When you returned to your computer was it in the same state?  For
 example, had you lost power?  Did the OS force a reboot?  Did your
 laptop hibernate?

Rory O'Farrell

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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

2014-01-05 Thread Rory O'Farrell
I've added your suggestion Roband Steve Ahlers to a draft document. I'll wait 
in case of more input and then we can consider a short questionaire and revise 
the wording.

Rory O'Farrell

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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags

2014-01-05 Thread Hagar Delest

Top posting.
OK, you win. I'm fed up with this kind of discussion, so last post in this 
I won't ask your questions because when we ask even a basic one, very often we 
get no reply (I guess that frustration is for something).

After almost 8 years supporting users in forums, I think that we have a 
reasonable 6th sense to spot the smoking guns in such problems. I'll continue 
to record the cases in the forum. Even if you're the most vocal one on the 
mailing list, I hope that some dev will try to have a look.

If you think that crashed filed are like UFOs then let users experience UFOs.


Le 05/01/2014 19:45, Rob Weir a écrit :

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Hagar Delest wrote:

Le 05/01/2014 17:05, Rob Weir a écrit :

It would be great to ask for information like this whenever someone
reports this kind of problem.  150 reports without this detail are
useless.  But even 10 reports with this detail might indicate a

1) What AOO version is in use?

2) What OS version?

3) What file type (extension) was being saved?

4) Where was the file being saved?  USB?  Network drive?

5) Is autosaved enabled?

6) When you returned to your computer was it in the same state?  For
example, had you lost power?  Did the OS force a reboot?  Did your
laptop hibernate?

Have you at least read the topic and the post with all the cases I've
You'll see that most of these information are available. And each linked
topic usually have also these information (with more details of course).

Well, obviously reports with partial information from 5 years ago are
not really useful.  As I pointed out, I can show over 300 UFO
sightings from just December.  So what?

I'm suggesting collecting this information systematically, for new
reports, in 2014 using AOO 4.0.1.  For example, you did not ask all of
these questions when you responded to the user on this list just now.

Just anecdotally, and without deeper analysis, I see a number of
reports on OpenOffice and with Microsoft Office, where a USB memory
stick is being used.   Savvy users know how to properly remove a
memory stick.  But not all users do.  This can cause problems.

None of the 150+ cases I've recorded involve USB drives. Of course we know
that case. That's why I've discarded them systematically.
NB: one more case this very day.

This isn't really true.  I did a spot check of the reports and some of
them did involve USB drives and for many of them the question was not
even asked.

Another case to watch out for is old Wordperfect files.   A user saves
a WPD file, upgrades OOo 3.3.0 to AOO 4.0.1 and now their file won't
open.  But this is due to the loss of WPD support, not due to damage
to the file, though the symptoms look the same at first.

Again, just read the topic. Most of the files are ODF, some .doc. No exotic
format like WPD.

Another thing to look for is a forced reboot, the kind that recent
versions of Windows do when installing a critical security patch.
Some antivirus software does this as well.  If you have a document
loaded in OpenOffice with unsaved changed, and have autosave enabled,
and leave your machine on for a week, with OpenOffice running, and a
system restart is forced, what will happen?  Is there a correlation to
problems in that scenario?

Even if the boot is forced, as I said, it would be understandable to lose
the version that is currently under edition. But it is unacceptable to lose
the saved file.

And it would be unacceptable to see a UFO.  The question is whether
any actually have or whether it is user error.

I know that this is a difficult problem but please stop trying to find a
If nobody wants to investigate, I don't have any problem as long as I don't
suffer from this issue.
But then, just accept the rants from users who lost important data.
NB: I've switched from MS Word to OOo after I lost data. If I ever face this
problem, that would be the end of my use of AOO. Users want reliability
first. All the nice features you can put in an application will never
counterbalance any important data loss.

No one is scapegoating.  I'm just saying with 100 million users and 5
years and not a single reproducible error?  Really?  Seriously?



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Re: All essay text turned to hashtags--commentary

2014-01-05 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Hash: SHA1

Anthony J. Rudgers wrote:
 Greetings All!
 The present hashtag problem is is symptomatic of the entire OO 
 software suite.  An ordinary user of OO, doing ordinary things w/ a
 word processor or other office-suite software, suddenly gets
 something that is really screwy,  doesn't know what to do to fix
 it.  Much of their production gets lost, or else, they spend a lot
 of time attempting to get their WP document or spreadsheet the way
 they want it by trying again  again to get around built-in or
 default features (or bugs!) of OO that they don't understand or
 know how to modify ( OO documentation, as I have found, is meager
  inadequate).  Unless you're a long-time  dedicated user, the OO
 suite never seems to do quite what you'd like it to do  you
 usually can't figure out how to fix things ON YOUR OWN COMPUTER W/
 YOUR EXISTING SOFTWARE.  One has to have the ability to fix things
 quickly on their own w/o going to the experts every time a 
 problem w/ OO arises!  For the casual user, the OO product appears 
 flawed.  People who use any software product want to spend their
 time  creativity on what they are developing, rather than spending
 time  effort on issues associated w/ the tool they are using to
 develop it. OO office software needs much effort to make it more
 efficient, largely error-free,  much more user friendly.
 Beat wishes,
 Anthony J. Rudgers Orlando, FL U.S.A.
Mr. Rudgers;

Though your criticism bears much truth I feel it over emphasizes
certain aspects. Many of the support questions that are seen here and
on the forums are in the ways that AOO differs from other software of
the same type.

Most of my 20+ years in industry were spent in doing direct support
and I know from experience that many ordinary users frequntly do not
even bother to consult the help resources that are available or just
complain that it does not work like xyz did.

This particular problem is one that is very difficult to track down
because it happens so infrequently that it is difficult for QA and
developers to replicate.

You say that documentation is meager and inadequate. I would direct
you to
Though these are for Version 3.3 much of the information they contain
is relevant to later versions, including version 4.0.1. Also available
is a getting started guide for version 3.4 from

There is an ongoing documentation effort to create up to date
documentation for Version 4 and beyond on the wiki. We are always
looking for volunteers to help with this effort and could use your
knowledge and skills in this effort. More information can be found at
our orientation page at

All software is imperfect and has bugs. The only way any software
product to improve is open and honest dialog between all parties. This
is specially true for Open Source Software. Honest discussion on
venues such as this and clear reports of possible bugs in the projects
Bugzilla tracking system at are ways
that all users can help make this a better product. The QA volunteers
have provided excellent hints for creating good bug reports in
Bugzilla at

Keith N. McKenna

 -Original Message- From: Gary Frost Sent: Saturday, January
 04, 2014 8:26 PM To: Subject: Re: All
 essay text turned to hashtags
 Maybe, I'm an anomaly here, but I've never had any of these issues
 at all. Generally, I work on a MacBook Air with the current up to
 date OS. I do also create PDFs so that I can work on documents on
 my iPhone in Pages. Using the iPhone is usefully for last minute
 work for me.
 I've thought about good version options for other iOS devices such
 as the iPad Air which I intend to purchase. I work scrips and
 other technical documents so it is essential for me to use best
 practices to prevent loss of work.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 4, 2014, at 5:15 PM, Alan Cliffe wrote:
 I don't know if it can be retrieved; for whatever it's worth,
 I've had that happen too once or twice so now I always create a
 PDF copy of everything I do in OO.
  From: natalie guttridge To: Sent:
 Saturday, January 4, 2014 8:04 AM Subject: All essay text turned
 to hashtags
 Please help My daughter has written a 2000 word essay. She saved
 it and then when she opened it again the whole text has turned
 into hashtags...can anything be done? Regards Natalie
 Sent from my iPad 

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Re: All essay text turned to hash [marks]--commentary

2014-01-05 Thread Brian Barker

The present hashtag problem ...

hashtag : n
... a word or phrase preceded by a hash mark, 
used to denote the topic of a post

(Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged)

Brian Barker

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Folks seeking help

2014-01-05 Thread Timothy Wulf

I came to this list a long time ago and have seen a great number of people
simply berated for seeking help with what to them is a serious problem. If
a user has made their way to this list they are already frustrated, most
likely confused and probably angry they haven't found an official support
system in place for the product they are using. They have no clue what a
bug report is, they have no true understanding of what community
supported software is all about. They have no clue you are volunteering
your time and efforts. All they want is help solving their immediate issue.

Folks responding with just open your backup is no help at all and will
only push the user to drop OO altogether. To some of you I'm sure that's
fine, you are seasoned users, maybe even experts and you would gladly not
have to bother with the noob, but that's not what this list is about. It's
about support. Supporting the users of Open Office no matter their level of
experience. If you don't want to help -- PLEASE don't. Just go on your
merry way and let those that are willing take on the task at hand.

Please be polite and offer constructive suggestions and recommendations.
Hold their hand and walk them through step by step if you need to, but
please don't brush 'em off. Yes, it's a lot of work but in the end you will
have an educated user that may be able and willing to help others down the


-- Just my two cents.
-- Timothy Wulf
-- An Open Office user