Re: [Users] Dstat plugin for OpenVZ CPU statistics

2006-10-16 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


Thank you! I actually use dstat on my Gentoo note.

Speaking of counters, /proc/user_beancounters is of interest to any 
OpenVZ user. Format is described at held and failcnt 
columns are most dynamic. You can use the values either directly, or 
make some consolidated figures based of formulae in wiki.

Other thing that might be of interest is /proc/fairsched{,2}. These 
files are from OpenVZ Fair CPU scheduler. The only problem is looks like 
the format is not documented (well, not counting the source code).

Also, Kirill Korotaev will give us some suggestions...

Dag Wieers wrote:


I've just written a small dstat plugin to monitor CPU usage per VE. You 
can find the plugin in the dstat subversion repository linked from:

Dstat is much like vmstat, but modular and versatile. So you can extend it 
with whatever counters you want to visualize, next to other counters. This 
helps to relate counters and find/troubleshoot bottlenecks.

This plugin can help to find the most consuming VE, or visualize how VE's 
are matching up to each other (and the system CPU usage).

I don't know whether the nice-value in /proc/vz/vestat is ever used (maybe 
I shouldn't add it in the list of counters).

I also don't know what other information in /proc/vz would be interesting 
to vizualise (over a timeframe). I'm willing to add more plugins in dstat 
for openvz if I know how to make more sense of the current counters (and 
their usefulness). Feedback from developers welcome :)

Visually it looks like this (without colors though):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] dstat]# ./dstat -M cpu,vz -f 5
Module dstat_vz is still experimental.
---cpu0-usage--cpu1-usage-- --ve-301-usageve-302-usage-
usr sys idl wai hiq siq:usr sys idl wai hiq siq|usr sys idl nic:usr sys idl nic
  0   0  99   0   0   0:  0   0  99   1   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
 25  15  50  10   0   0:  1   1  76  22   0   1| 26  15  60   0:  0   0 100   0
 31  18  12  40   0   0:  2   2  70  25   0   1| 33  19  49   0:  0   0 100   0
 16  14  35  35   0   0:  0   1  53  46   0   0| 16  14  70   0:  0   0 100   0
  5   5  59  30   0   0: 16  28  30  26   0   0| 20  32  47   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0 100   0   0   0:  3   5  88   5   0   0|  2   5  93   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0  98   1   0   0:  0   0  99   1   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0 100   0   0   0:  0   0  98   1   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0  96   4   0   0:  0   3  97   0   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0

[EMAIL PROTECTED] dstat]# ./dstat -M cpu,vz -C total -f 5
Module dstat_vz is still experimental.
total-cpu-usage --ve-301-usageve-302-usage-
usr sys idl wai hiq siq|usr sys idl nic:usr sys idl nic
  0   0  99   1   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0  97   2   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
 19  12  61   8   0   0| 37  23  40   0:  0   0 100   0
 12   8  41  38   0   0| 25  15  61   0:  0   0 100   0
 14  14  35  37   0   0| 28  26  46   0:  0   0 100   0
  4  10  84   3   0   0|  7  20  73   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0  99   1   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0  99   1   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0  99   1   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0
  0   0 100   0   0   0|  0   0 100   0:  0   0 100   0

All feedback welcomed.

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  [EMAIL PROTECTED],   --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
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Re: [Users] Installing BIND on VE's

2006-12-22 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Jan Tomasek wrote:

Hello Al,

Al Sparks wrote:

I'm trying to set up a test environment of name servers.  I downloaded
the BIND tarball to one of the Virtual Environment, and tried to
compile it.  That didn't work, because there's no gcc installed.

why you do not install gcc into VE? I'm handling VE almost as ordinary
system running on physical HW. Template which come with OpenVZ (at least
for Debian which I'm using) is very basic instalation of Linux, I have
to install there numerous packages to be able use it for my work.
That's why it is called minimal -- it's a boilerplate, so you should 
use apt-get/aptitude/any-other-tool to install whatever you need on top 
of that. By the way you can tar the result and use it as a template to 
create other VEs.

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Re: [Users] vzctl start id VE start in progress, vzctl statusVEID exist mounted down, vzctl enter VE is not running

2007-01-29 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Oh I see. There is an open bug about it already in our bugzilla.

Still, I want to resolve this by adding -z argument handling to upstart. 
I have already asked about it (see, but got no reply so 
far. Perhaps you could ask, too.

Stephen Fletcher wrote:

Issue was due to running Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy as the guest. I tried
re-symlinking mountdir/bin/sh to bash instead of dash but this did not
help. Perhaps is due to Edgy using upstart daemon instead on regular init. 

Soon as I tried Debian sarge as guest it worked fine. 

-Original Message-
Of Kirill Korotaev
Sent: Tuesday, 23 January 2007 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] vzctl start id VE start in progress, vzctl
statusVEID exist mounted down, vzctl enter VE is not running


Is  there anything in dmesg?



vzctl version 3.0.14

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# uname -a
Linux stephens 2.6.18-028test010 #2 PREEMPT Thu Jan 11 18:20:08 EST 

i686 GNU/Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cat /proc/vz/*
Version: 2.7
 0 b 016 *:*
 0 c 006 *:*
 0 077
Version: 2.5
Version: 2.2

  VEID   user   nice system uptime


strv   uptime used   maxlat
totlat   numsched
Version: 1.0
cat: /proc/vz/vzaquota: Is a directory
qid: pathusage  softlimit  hardlimit   time
777: /vz/private/777
  1k-blocks 1910485761153434  0
 inodes  11473 20 22  0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# lsmod | grep vz
vznetdev   16928  1 
vzethdev   10764  0 
vzdquota   41748  1 [permanent]

vzmon  41988  2 vznetdev,vzethdev
vzdev   3972  4 vznetdev,vzethdev,vzdquota,vzmon
ipv6  279776  15 vzmon

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vzctl start 777
Starting VE ...
VE is mounted
Adding IP address(es):
Setting CPU units: 1000
VE start in progress...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vzctl status
VE id is not given
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vzctl status 777
VEID 777 exist mounted down
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vzctl enter 777
VE is not running
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vzctl restore 777
Restoring VE ...
Error: No checkpointing support, unable to open /proc/rst: No such 
file or directory [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ifconfig venet0

venet0Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr

  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ip 
ethernet0ip/27 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src ethernet0ip 
default via localgwip dev eth0

Help? :)

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Re: [Users] Locales

2007-02-10 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

This forum thread should be helpful.

When you will solve your problem, I suggest you to go to 
and create an article with the solution.

José David Bravo Álvarez wrote:
I have a fresh install of OpenVZ and I need to enable ES locales in my 
VPSs, what I need to do? I need to install the templates first?

Thanks for your help

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Re: [Users] error on login

2007-02-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
You have to have either /dev/ttyp* /dev/ptyp* devices in your VE, or 
/dev/ptmx and /dev/pts filesystem mounted, or both.

For more info, see

Perhaps the separate wiki article is needed for this case...

Mantelle Johan wrote:

I have the same error :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# vzctl enter 133
entered into VE 133
mesg: error: tty device is not owned by group `tty'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# ls -lrt /dev/tty
crw-rw-rw-1 root tty5,   0 Feb  6 09:45 /dev/tty


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of José David Bravo 
Sent: lundi 12 février 2007 13:43
Subject: [Users] error on login

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cpbackup]# vzctl enter 101
entered into VE 101
mesg: error: tty device is not owned by group `tty'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# ls -l /dev/tty
crw-rw-rw-  1 root tty 5, 0 Dec 15  2005 /dev/tty

Any idea? thanks for your help.

José David Bravo Álvarez
Gerente General
Colombia Hosting
Tel. (2) 6832660 ext. 120
Cel. (300) 6174073
Av. 4 # 48n43 Of. 301

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Re: [Users] error on login

2007-02-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

This does not looks like something specific to OpenVZ. Still, let me guess.

tty device here is not /dev/tty, but either /dev/ttyp* and /dev/ptyp*, 
or some entry under /dev/pts.

mesg is a program to enable/disable receiving messages from other 
users. It is probably called from one of user's login scripts 
(/etc/bashrc, /etc/bash_login, /etc/profile or something like that, or 
their ~/. analogs). This programs is _possibly_ SGID to group tty (run 
'ls -l $(which mesg)' to check that), and tries to change the mode of 
one or several above mentioned files. Since files doesn't belong to 
group tty, mesg complains.

This problem is most probably the problem of a given distribution.


José David Bravo Álvarez wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cpbackup]# vzctl enter 101
entered into VE 101
mesg: error: tty device is not owned by group `tty'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# ls -l /dev/tty
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 0 Dec 15 2005 /dev/tty

Any idea? thanks for your help.

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Re: [Users] Using NAT for VE with private IPs

2007-02-25 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Lloyd R. Prentice wrote:


I'm closing in on my first successful install of a VE on openVZ but, 
having trouble with network configuration.

My hardware NODE is behind a firewall connected to a dsl modem. 
DNSmasq on the firewall supplies a static IP  to the hardware NODE.  
Let's call it hardwareNODE.

Following the instructions in:

...I issued the following command to the hardware NODE:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j 
SNAT --to hardwareNODE

Then I entered:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to hardwareNODE

Finally, since my system didn't hve the file /etc/modprobe.conf, I 
issued the following at the commandline:

modprobe ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_enable_ve0=1

Then I rebooted

Oops. Why a reboot?

All the iptables commands, and modprobe as well, are not taking effect 
after the reboot. In order to make them persistent, you have to put 
those in some startup script.

, entered a VE and tested by issuing:

apt-get update.

The system failed resolve the addresses in sources.list.

I double checked that I had entered:

vzctl set 777 --ipadd --save

...which I had.

Any ideas, please, of what I'm doing wrong, or need to do to diagnose 
and solve the problem?

Many thanks,

Lloyd R. Prentice

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Re: [Users] Patch for openSUSE 10.2 kernels?

2007-02-28 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:


some time ago there was an OpenVZ kernel rpm for openSUSE 10.1 / SLES 10
but I have read in the mail archives that this kernel is no longer
recommended and one should use a 2.6.18-based kernel instead. That's
fine for me (especially because openSUSE 10.2 also uses 2.6.18), but
I can't find an OpenVZ kernel patch which would apply to the openSUSE
10.2 kernel. There are always conflicts and I'm not sure whether it
will work even if I fix up these conflicts.

Running the RHEL/FC OpenVZ kernel is not really an option because I
depend on some of the patches in the openSUSE kernel.
Can you please specify exactly what is missing in our stable/devel 
kernels and is available in openSUSE kernels?

Will there be
a patch which works on top of the openSUSE 10.2 kernel or a matching
kernel rpm?

There will be, but I can not give you any timeframe yet.

Besides that, I'd like to test OpenVZ on some machines running a
vanilla 2.6.20 kernel. Are there plans to support that one or merge
more stuff into mainline?

Definitely. We will start porting to 2.6.20 in a few weeks.

I'm mostly using the network virtualization
features and hope the current discussions will lead to a merge in
the near future.


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Re: [Users] Re: 2.6.18-ovz028test015 and 2.6.18-ovz028test018 break IPv6

2007-03-05 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Wolfgang Schnerring wrote:

* Michael H. Warfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

This may not be an OpenVZ problem, per se, though.  Some time in the
very later part of the 2.6.18 release updates, a problem was
introduced that broke IPv6.  Some patch or another caused nodes to fail
to join the all nodes multicast (ff02::1) address.  This is critical
to IPv6 router discovery and advertisement, neighbor discovery, and
autoconfiguration.  All fall down go boom.

I've raised that same issue here:

But even though Den Lunev found and backported the upstream patch (I
think from 2.6.20) that fixes the problem, I don't think this ever got into the
OpenVZ repository... any update on this?
As Kirill said in comment #4 to the bug, this patch goes to 028test019 
-- which is not yet released.
So you either have to wait till we release 019 (or later) kernel, or use 
the patch from the bugreport.

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Re: [Users] bash segfaulting on 2.6.18

2007-03-06 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

* Vasily Tarasov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is known problem, you've compiled OVZ kernel with CONFIG_PREEMPT.
The bug is already fixed, look at:

Ok, that fixed the problem. 
I've added this to the wiki.
To me that makes little sense because we have already released a fixed 
kernel (028test018).

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Re: [Users] OpenVZ vs. vserver

2007-03-23 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Darryl Ross wrote:

I've not been able to get migrations working in openvz at all.

Care to file a bug report (or two) to

 I just
end up using the same process I use under linux-vserver to migrate
guests between machines: rsync once, rsync a second time (to reduce the
time stopped), stop the guest, resync a third time, start guest on new host.

This is basically what vzmigrate script does (well, there's no 
intermediate rsync, but it can be added quite easily.

I also have some other issues with openvz as well.

One is related to the resource limits -- every guest I've built I've had
to play with the limits to get the software I need to run. The defaults
just don't seem usable.

Perhaps those defaults are better suited for a lot of tiny/lightweight 
VEs. If your VEs are relatively large, I suggest you to either use 
vzsplit utility to generate an initial config, OR use something like 
example C from

On the other side, the problem with linux-vserver is by default a guest 
(a VE) is NOT limited, which means you can not give it to an untrusted 
party without doing some additional work.

The OpenVZ idea is like the one for your firewall -- deny all by 
default, then allow what you need. Here, as well, you start with a 
limited set of resources, and then tailor those to your environment. Of 
course it can be changed server-wide by having a different config set as 

One other thing, which isn't really a major issue, just an annoyance, is
that if I run netstat or ps on the host it shows me all of the sockets
open and programs running, even those inside the guests, whereas under
linux-vserver the host machine is a context in it's own right, so they
are hidden.

There is a two-liner patch available to switch to hide VE processes 
from VE0 behavior:

My only issue with linux-vserver is the lack of network interface
virtualisation, but I've been working around that for so long it's not
really that much of an issue for me.

My recommendation at this point is still towards linux-vserver. I'm
planning on migrating work away from openvz back to linux-vserver as well.

What are the reasons (if other than specified above)?
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Re: [Users] OpenVZ vs. vserver

2007-03-24 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
As per my experience porting to powerpc platform, OpenVZ is easily 
portable, i.e. it is 95% platform-independent code (not counting the 
checkpointing functionality, which IS very platform-specific).

So, if somebody needs OpenVZ for some currently unsupported platform 
(say, ARM), they can either do a port themselves, or provide us with a 
couple of boxes and we will do the port.

Mike Holloway wrote:

The type of embedded platform you are developing for may steer your 
decision.  I went looking for which cpu architectures are supported by 
openvz and vserver patches and found this wiki entry.  Someone may 
care to update that entry.


On Mar 22, 2007, at 4:36 PM, Ian P. Christian wrote:

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

Hi folks,
does anyone known an good compasiron between OVZ + vserver ?
I need an virtualization within embedded systems (small devices).

I'm not sure this will help - but when I was looking at various 
visualizations systems, I decided vserver wasn't an option very 
quickly when I noticed it didn't do migrations.

--Ian P. Christian ~
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Re: [Users] linux-2.6.20-openvz tree

2007-03-24 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:

On 23.03.2007 10:01, Kirill Korotaev wrote:

This was possible for years in OpenVZ:

man vzctl

Network devices control parameters
--netdev_add name
move network device from VE0 to a specified VE 
--netdev_del name

delete network device from a specified VE

this is exactly the thing you are talking about:
you can move eth0 and eth1 to one VE, eth2 and eth3 to another VE
and keep eth4 to HN.

Great! The OpenVZ wiki seemed to suggest that this was not possible.

Can you fix this wiki page? Or at least point me to it, so I can fix?

Next time I'll read the man pages and not only the wiki before
asking questions.

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Re: [Users] OpenVZ vs. vserver

2007-03-27 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

* Darryl Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


One other thing, which isn't really a major issue, just an annoyance, 
is that if I run netstat or ps on the host it shows me all of the sockets

open and programs running, even those inside the guests, whereas under
linux-vserver the host machine is a context in it's own right, so they
are hidden.

I personally prefer that way, so I can easily see what's going
on in the VPS. But there should be some additional info from 
which VPS the stuff is coming from. Maybe the VPS' process names 
could contain some prefix ie. [${VPSID}].
You can use vzps/vztop utils from vzprocps 
(, whey show VEID.

OR, alternatively, you can look up VEID manually from the 'envId' field 
of /proc/$PID/status file.

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Re: [Users] OpenVZ vs. vserver

2007-03-27 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

* Kir Kolyshkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


As per my experience porting to powerpc platform, OpenVZ is easily 
portable, i.e. it is 95% platform-independent code (not counting the 
checkpointing functionality, which IS very platform-specific).

we probably won't need checkpointing, so I hope it will run 
on mips ...

So, if somebody needs OpenVZ for some currently unsupported platform 
(say, ARM), they can either do a port themselves, or provide us with a 
couple of boxes and we will do the port.

maybe I'll have a look at it in a few weeks.


Also, you can look up for 
patches with PPC prefix in commit subject -- those enable OpenVZ for 
powerpc arch. Same for sparc -- check for commits from OpenVZ team 
members with [SPARC] prefix. There are less than ten patches for each arch.

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Re: [Users] How to specify my own init program ?

2007-03-27 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

Hi folks,

I'd like to speciy my own init program for an VPS, so I can run
my own setup stuff (before the actual init is called) without 
touching /sbin/init.

How can I change the init command per VPS ?
Just move /sbin/init to /sbin/init.real, and put your own prog as 
/sbin/init :) Later you can restore it back.

Other way is to modify vzctl :)
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Re: [Users] Problems w/ busybox's init in VPS

2007-03-27 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Let's move the discussion to devel@ list. I'm now posting to both, but 
please remove users@ when replying.

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

* Enrico Weigelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I've got problems with booting an busybox-based VPS: init does
not seem to do anything (at least it does not run the boot 
scripts) ?

I strace'd a little bit, and there are some strange things
going on:

* init tries to write to fd -1 ! (maybe it didn't get some 
  valid stdio passed on startup)

Perhaps it tried to open /dev/console and failed (open() returned -1).
* it tries to do some tty specific ioctl()'s on fd 0, which 
  doesn't seem to be an tty (at least it gets ENOTTY)
Again that should probably be /dev/console (in case no fds are open the 
first successful open() _usually_ returns 0).

* when reading /etc/inittab, it gets fd 0, so it seems no
  other fd's (ie. stdin, stdout, stderr) are open !
This (the absense of stdin/out/err) is probably perfectly valid -- since 
init does not have a parent process, nobody would read/write those fds.

* when trying to open /dev/console, it gets permission denied.
Ah-ha, probably that is the root of the problem. What if you will create 
an empty text file named /dev/console?

Any suggest what could be wrong here ?


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Re: [Users] Wrong links for downloads

2007-04-09 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


Thanks for reporting! I have now finished (hopefully) the restructure of 
the /download/kernel site area, everything should be OK now.

Feel free to check and report any b0rked links though.

Jan Tomasek wrote:


on page:
are links pointing to:
but they should point to:

Also older releases have same problem.

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Re: [Users] IPv6 support in VE

2007-05-11 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


With venet, you use the same ipadd command, for example:

vzctl set VEID --ipadd fc00::01 --save

Before that, make sure that
* your kernel is compiled with IPv6
* ipv6 module is loaded (if IPv6 is compiled as a module)
* IPV6 set to yes in /etc/vz/vz.conf

Kirill Korotaev wrote:


venet supports IPv6 addresses as well.
it's just an article concerning veth only :)


Jan Tomasek wrote:


what is state of IPv6 support inside VE? I found:

but that looks quite complicated comparing to IPv4 where I just need to
use `vzctl --ipadd` and that is all.

Do I have to go with veth or is there chance how to configure IPv6 on venet?

Thanks for sugestions

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[Users] Join Our Team at LinuxWorld San Francisco

2007-06-30 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
We're very excited that this year OpenVZ will have exhibit space in the 
dot-org pavillion of LinuxWorld in San Francisco, August 6-9. We will be 
showing and demoing OpenVZ server virtualization, answering questions 
and so on.

Here is the best news of all. We can have up to 7 people at our exhibit. 
While a few OpenVZ developers will come, it will definitely be less than 
7. We do not want to stall OpenVZ development. :)

We would like the community to participate with us in the event. If you 
live in California (or can come to this LinuxWorld), are an OpenVZ user 
and would like to be a part of our team at the OpenVZ exhibit -- you are 
very welcome to join us! Please email me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) your details 
and we'll discuss arrangements.

 Kir Kolyshkin on behalf of OpenVZ team.
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Re: [Users] Failed to compile with enabled Checkpointing restoring Virtual Environments

2007-07-09 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
If you want to try checkpointing in 2.6.20 you can try using ovz008 
kernel from git:;a=summary

Thorsten Schifferdecker wrote:

Hi Jan,

Am Mi, 4.07.2007, 09:38, schrieb Jan Tomasek:

I failed to compile linux-2.6.20-ovz007 with enabled Checkpointing 
restoring Virtual Environments. Compiler says:

in version 2.6.20-ovz007 Checkpointing is disabled, see offical kernel
config for 2.6.20 at but now
in git (2.6.20-ovz008) (-;a=commit;h=1a0f402ff521b49d4fbb297119239db8f6f2e5779

is turned on.

Hope this helps.

Thorsten Schifferdecker
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Re: [Users] Scripting ve creation

2007-07-31 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
It might be a stupid question, but is that problem caused by the simple 
fact that there's no terminal created during vzctl exec -- so everything 
that requires a terminal (for example, any ncurses/slang-based 
application like top) fails.

Possible solution would be to implement execterm command or the like, 
which is the same as exec but with a terminal.

Kirill Korotaev wrote:


Good to know. Anyway I've created a bug
so we'll try to reproduce and resolve your issue.


Steve Hodges wrote:
We have a suitable workaround now.  Instead of the creation script 
running all the installs etc, it writes to an install script in the VE.  
We then log in to the skeleton VE and run the script.


hm... something went differently and there is no such a message
in strace :/

can you give me an access to the node to check it?


Steve Hodges wrote:



The file is on my web server

I noticed that the command did not terminate and had to be killed (I 
tried it a number of times with the same result)

the command I used was

vzctl exec 101 strace -f -o /tmp/out apt-get install exim4 -y



On 27/07/2007 9:56 PM, Kirill Korotaev wrote:



Can you please run the following command:
# vzclt exec 110 strace -f -o /tmp/out apt-get install exim4
and send me /tmp/out file (it will be created inside VE)?

P.S. it may require installing strace package first.

Steve Hodges wrote:


I'm trying to script the creation of a number of VEs.  The template is a 
minimal Debian Etch.

part of what I'm trying to do is thinks like:

vzctl exec 110 apt-get install exim4

exim is one of those packages that wants to run dpkg-configure as part 
of the install (actually I think it's dpkg-preconfigure, but it's the 
same sort of thing)

When it gets to that stage it complains that it can't re-open stdin 
and generally fails to complete the install.

Is there any way of executing a whole series of commands like this 
without having to run them all manually.  Some things have to be done 

from outside the VE too, so just running a script in the VE is 



problematic :-(


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] openvz and 2.6.20

2007-07-31 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

DULMANDAKH Sukhbaatar wrote:

Hello all.

I'm new to openvz, and trying to install openvz on ubuntu 7.04. But
I'm having some problems that I cannot describe here.

Is openvz for 2.6.20 kernel is stable? Here I see that
it's already stable, and usable.
It is usable, but _probably_ not quite stable, and the text doesn't say 
that it is stable. What it says is that software [is] for the most 
recent stable Linux kernel 2.6.20, meaning the mainstream kernel 2.6.20 
is stable, but not the OpenVZ kernel based on it.

 But and says that it's not stable yet.

That's right.

Which one is the true information? If it is stable, can I install it
on Ubuntu feisty? Is anyone had success running openvz on ubuntu?
You definitely can install this on Ububtu, some info is available from (I guess it will work fine 
for Ubuntu). Still, I recommend to use our stable branch, 2.6.18-based, 
unless you really want to be on the bleeding edge.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Odd errors from the kernel

2007-08-01 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Steve Hodges wrote:

On 1/08/2007 1:42 PM, Steve Hodges wrote:

I get this during the running of a script that creates a VE.

I probably should add that I don't see it very often.  This may be the 
third time.  And I've used that same script to create hundreds of VEs 
(mostly to test the script).

What kernel version is it?
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] openvz naming conventions; numeric vs symbolic

2007-08-14 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
See vzctl set --name

Steve Wray wrote:
 Hi there,
 I'm a long time user of Xen virtualisation and have been evaluating
 OpenVZ as a replacement for certain applications.

 OpenVZ appears to be technically superior under certain conditions and
 I hope to iron out the issues that I have come across.

 The main issue confronting me at this time is scalability of
 management; OpenVZ may scale well with respect to performance and
 resource usage but at this time I don't see it scaling well when it
 comes to management of virtual machines.

 I am sure that I must be missing something obvious since its a pretty
 basic issue. I've searched extensively for some info on this but found

 The problem?

 Numeric rather than symbolic identification of virtual machines.

 When I start a domU (a Xen virtual machine) in Xen I direct 'xm
 create' at the config file the name of which corresponds to the name
 of that domU.

 When I list currently running machines in Xen I see a listing of the
 names of the Xen domUs and their corresponding numeric IDs.

 When I create a logical volume for a Xen domU I create that volume
 based on the name of the corresponding Xen instance.

 In each case I try to ensure consistency by making the names of the
 Xen domUs correspond to the hostnames of the servers which those domUs
 are running. Host foo is on the domU named foo and is in a logical
 volume named foo. To start domU foo I run 'xm create
 /etc/xen/domains/foo.conf'. This scales well and makes things very
 nice and obvious.

 OpenVZ seems to do away with symbolic names referring in all instances
 to numeric ids, a bit like not using DNS but putting an IP address
 into a URL.

 I have an awful feeling that when the pager goes off at 2am the person
 on call, bleary-eyed and tired, will make some horrible mistake when
 trying to mentally map numeric identifiers to server hostnames. This
 is what I mean by 'not scaling well'. Use of numeric identifiers may
 work ok when there is only one or two, but when there may be a dozen
 things will get out of hand.

 I am sure that there must be a way to use symbolic names instead of
 numbers in OpenVZ but I can't for the life of me find out how.


 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] openvz naming conventions; numeric vs symbolic

2007-08-15 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Steve Wray wrote:
 Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
 See vzctl set --name

 Well thats a nice start.

 Now, to follow on from that great progress, how do I get it so that
 the directory where the root filesystem lives corresponds to the name
 I set instead of the numeric VEID?
No standard way.

I guess you can create a symlink; something like this:
vzctl set $VEID --name $VENAME --save
(cd /vz/root  ln -s $VEID $VENAME)

Same for /vz/private if you need it.


 Steve Wray wrote:
 Hi there,
 I'm a long time user of Xen virtualisation and have been evaluating
 OpenVZ as a replacement for certain applications.

 OpenVZ appears to be technically superior under certain conditions and
 I hope to iron out the issues that I have come across.

 The main issue confronting me at this time is scalability of
 management; OpenVZ may scale well with respect to performance and
 resource usage but at this time I don't see it scaling well when it
 comes to management of virtual machines.

 I am sure that I must be missing something obvious since its a pretty
 basic issue. I've searched extensively for some info on this but found

 The problem?

 Numeric rather than symbolic identification of virtual machines.

 When I start a domU (a Xen virtual machine) in Xen I direct 'xm
 create' at the config file the name of which corresponds to the name
 of that domU.

 When I list currently running machines in Xen I see a listing of the
 names of the Xen domUs and their corresponding numeric IDs.

 When I create a logical volume for a Xen domU I create that volume
 based on the name of the corresponding Xen instance.

 In each case I try to ensure consistency by making the names of the
 Xen domUs correspond to the hostnames of the servers which those domUs
 are running. Host foo is on the domU named foo and is in a logical
 volume named foo. To start domU foo I run 'xm create
 /etc/xen/domains/foo.conf'. This scales well and makes things very
 nice and obvious.

 OpenVZ seems to do away with symbolic names referring in all instances
 to numeric ids, a bit like not using DNS but putting an IP address
 into a URL.

 I have an awful feeling that when the pager goes off at 2am the person
 on call, bleary-eyed and tired, will make some horrible mistake when
 trying to mentally map numeric identifiers to server hostnames. This
 is what I mean by 'not scaling well'. Use of numeric identifiers may
 work ok when there is only one or two, but when there may be a dozen
 things will get out of hand.

 I am sure that there must be a way to use symbolic names instead of
 numbers in OpenVZ but I can't for the life of me find out how.


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Users mailing list

Re: [Users] openvz naming conventions; numeric vs symbolic

2007-08-15 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Steve Wray wrote:
 Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
 Steve Wray wrote:
 Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

 See vzctl set --name
 Well thats a nice start.

 Now, to follow on from that great progress, how do I get it so that
 the directory where the root filesystem lives corresponds to the name
 I set instead of the numeric VEID?
 No standard way.

 I guess you can create a symlink; something like this:
 vzctl set $VEID --name $VENAME --save
 (cd /vz/root  ln -s $VEID $VENAME)

 Same for /vz/private if you need it.
 I did find that after one has created a virtual machine configuration
 one can edit its config file and add:


 for example.
Both VE_ROOT and VE_PRIVATE can be set in vzctl create (--root and
--private options). If you want to change those values later (either by
using vzctl set or by editing a configuration file) you also have to
move the existing directories (otherwise it won't make sense) --
something like this:

vzctl stop $VE
vzctl umount $VE
mv /vz/private/$VE $NEW_VE_PRIVATE
rmdir /vz/root/$VEID
mkdir $NEW_VE_ROOT
vzctl set $VE --root $NEW_VE_ROOT --private $NEW_VE_PRIVATE

Now, if you need those symlinks, move them as well. vzlist -oname $VEID
should tell you the name of your VE if you want to script this operation.
 I have yet to figure out the 'vzctl create' commands though; they
 appear to require an OS template tarball.
Yep. There are a lot of such tarballs available from
 While I dropped a root filesystem tarball into the required place,
 vzctl create didn't like it.
Well, it should be a normal root filesystem tar.gz file, better having
Linux distro at the beginning of a filename (this is how vzctl guesses
which distro is it -- for distro-dependent operations like IP
configuration). So you'd better name your tarball like

Other problems that may be with your tarball are:
 - it's tar.bz2 tarball
 - it's missing some really required stuff like system libs or /sbin/init
 - it's not a root filesystem, for example all the filenames are
prefixed with /root or smth.

Finally, in some cases you need to do some modifications; those should
be described in
 I'll keep plugging away.

 OpenVZ looks pretty good for performance scaleability but what I'd
 love to see is better management scaleability.

 If there are any tools which abstract away some of the detail for
 management of multiple virtual machines I'd like to know. I did try
 easyvz ( but there were
 problems with the python dependencies. I run Debian Etch; when I tried
 to run the gui there were issues with strange characters in the python

OpenVZ is more of a virtualization technology with good CLI. If you are
looking for a high-level GUI, you'll have to develop one, or join some
other team developing GUI for OpenVZ (those should be listed at, or use Virtuozzo which comes
with a few GUIs.
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] openvz naming conventions; numeric vs symbolic

2007-08-15 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Gregor Mosheh wrote:
 Steve Wray wrote:
 Steve Wray wrote:
 There seems to be a slight inconsistency across the tool set here.
 vzctl does respect the given 'name' however vzquota does not appear
 to and seems to require the numeric id.

 Quite true. Did you check the bugtracker for the project, or log that
 as a bug? I'd love to see that fixed!

Can you tell me the use case for that? I mean, I never use vzquota
directly; it's vzctl that calls it whenever needed.

I guess you use vzquota show or vzquota stat and want to use VE name
instead of ID, is that right?
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] openvz naming conventions; numeric vs symbolic

2007-08-21 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Steve Wray wrote:
 Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
 Gregor Mosheh wrote:
 Steve Wray wrote:

 Steve Wray wrote:
 There seems to be a slight inconsistency across the tool set here.
 vzctl does respect the given 'name' however vzquota does not appear
 to and seems to require the numeric id.
 Quite true. Did you check the bugtracker for the project, or log that
 as a bug? I'd love to see that fixed!

 Can you tell me the use case for that? I mean, I never use vzquota
 directly; it's vzctl that calls it whenever needed.

 I guess you use vzquota show or vzquota stat and want to use VE name
 instead of ID, is that right?

 Well, on the basis that consistency is a Good Thing, yes.

 I'm only just getting started with OpenVZ so am unsure of the real use
 case for this. But I am busily finding the things that confuse,
 confound or seem inconsistent :)

OK, I filed a bug for vzquota with minor severity, it will eventually be
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] swap space?

2007-08-22 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
E Frank Ball III wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 11:18:53AM +1200, Steve Wray wrote:
   Hi there,
   I'm noticing that 'free' shows no swap space in a VE.
   Is this something thats abstracted away (ie the VE gets to use the hosts 
   swap as needed) or is there a way to configure swap availability for 
   each VE?

 kernel 2.6.18-ovz028stab039.1-smp:  no swap, RAM = PRIVVMPAGES*256

 kernel 2.6.18-8.el5.028stab031.1:  swap = host swap, RAM = host RAM
 This does not seem right.
This is not the kernel, this is just meminfo virtualization plus newer
vzctl which has --meminfo privvmages:1 by default.
 I haven't done much with the el5 kernel yet, my server is still using


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Can not allocate memory

2007-08-23 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

1. See

2. Network traffic can be limited by standard Linux tools, i.e. tc. See

Leoman wrote:
 Hi all,

 I installing a new openvz on debian etch via this document [1].
 I create a new virtual machine this [1] configrations.
 Ok, my vps running normally because i'm try to installing VHCS CP. I
 have got any error when installation time but i can see not running
 bind dns server. I try to starting manually (/etc/init.d/bind9 start)
 but i get

 Starting domain name service...: bind/etc/init.d/bind9: line 24:
 /bin/mkdir: Cannot allocate memory
 /etc/init.d/bind9: line 25: /bin/chmod: Cannot allocate memory
 /etc/init.d/bind9: line 26: /dev/null: Too many open files in system
 /etc/init.d/bind9: fork: Cannot allocate memory

 errors. /bin/mkdir is running normally. (mkdir /root/test, ok)

 Same problem for proftpd,

 /etc/init.d/proftpd: line 13: /bin/grep: Cannot allocate memory
 /etc/init.d/proftpd: fork: Cannot allocate memory
 Starting ftp server: proftpd/etc/init.d/proftpd: line 94:
 /sbin/start-stop-daemon: Cannot allocate memory

 Why i get this erros.

 And How can I limited inbound and outbound network traffic per vps?

 Thanks all.

 uname -a : Linux vps01 2.6.18-openvz-12-1etch1-686 #1 SMP Sat May 5
 00:26:59 CEST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

 Links :

 [1] /etc/vz/conf/1.conf

 # UBC parameters (in form of barrier:limit)
 # Primary parameters
 # Secondary parameters
 # Auxiliary parameters


 # Disk quota parameters (in form of softlimit:hardlimit)

 # CPU fair sheduler parameter

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] error using vi in VE but no beans?

2007-08-27 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Steve Hodges wrote:
 On 27/08/2007 9:16 AM, Gregor Mosheh wrote:
 Steve Hodges wrote:
 E297: Write error in swap file
 E303: Unable to open swap file for rc.local, recovery impossible
 rc.local 17 lines, 387 characters

 That's vi saying that it can't save a backup of the file (yeah, swap
 file really intuitive) That's probably just a permissions issue. Are
 you able to manually create and then delete a fake swap file named
 .rc.local.swp ?

 It turned out to be a disk quota issue.

 GOOD: the VE didn't chew up all the available disk space (as it would
 have in a couple of hours)
 BAD: the violation of the disk quota doesn't show up in user_beancounters

It shows in df (or df -i) -- standard UNIX/Linux tool; it is all
described in (which I guess I
should add to must read category.

See, ff there is a standard way of seeing something, why invent
something new and unique? For disk space there is such a tool, for
beancounters there was no, since beancounters only appeared in OpenVZ.

From the host system though there is a way to see all per-VE disk quotas
and their usage -- cat /proc/vz/vzquota
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Kernel 2.6.22-6 and patch-ovz002.1-combined.gz

2007-09-06 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
2.6.22 ovz kernel is in early alpha, and chechpointing functionality is
not yet fully ported. For now, you have to deselect it if you want to
try compiling that kernel.

Also note the latest 2.6.22 patches can be found in

Albert Czarnecki wrote:

 I trying compiling kernel 2.6.22-6 and patch
 but I having some error

 CC [M]  kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.o
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c: In function 'check_process_external':
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:129: error: 'struct pid' has no member named 'ns'
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:131: error: 'struct pid' has no member named 'ns'
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:133: error: 'struct pid' has no member named 'ns'
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:171:31: error: macro find_task_by_pid_ns
 requires 2 arguments, but only 1 given
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c: In function 'vps_stop_tasks':
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:171: error: 'find_task_by_pid_ns' undeclared
 (first use in this function)
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:171: error: (Each undeclared identifier is
 reported only once
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:171: error: for each function it appears in.)
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:184: warning: implicit declaration of function
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:199: warning: implicit declaration of function
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:205: warning: implicit declaration of function
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:592:30: error: macro find_task_by_pid_ns
 requires 2 arguments, but only 1 given
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c: In function 'vps_collect_tasks':
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:592: error: 'find_task_by_pid_ns' undeclared
 (first use in this function)
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:1129:30: error: macro find_task_by_pid_ns
 requires 2 arguments, but only 1 given
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c: In function 'cpt_vps_caps':
 kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.c:1129: error: 'find_task_by_pid_ns' undeclared
 (first use in this function)
 make[3]: *** [kernel/cpt/cpt_dump.o] Błąd 1
 make[2]: *** [kernel/cpt] Błąd 2
 make[1]: *** [kernel] Błąd 2
 make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/usr/src/linux-'
 make: *** [debian/stamp-build-kernel] Błąd 2

 gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21) System is a
 debian etch 4.0 /

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Users mailing list

Re: [Users] linux-2.6.22 from

2007-09-06 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Plz file a bug for that (to, and attach your .config.

Albert Czarnecki wrote:

 Now I trying compiling kernel from but I have some error

 Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 933 modules
 WARNING: wrmsr_on_cpu
 [arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-centrino.ko] undefined!
 WARNING: rdmsr_on_cpu
 [arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-centrino.ko] undefined!
 WARNING: wrmsr_on_cpu [arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/p4-clockmod.ko]
 WARNING: rdmsr_on_cpu [arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/p4-clockmod.ko]
 make[2]: *** [__modpost] Błąd 1
 make[1]: *** [modules] Błąd 2
 make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/usr/src/linux-2.6.20-openvz'
 make: *** [debian/stamp-build-kernel] Błąd 2

 Any ideas?

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Debian - Odd, hopefully minor, machine name / prompt issue

2007-09-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Can you run hostname on the host system and inside a couple of VEs? Do
they show the same or different hostnames?

Jim Archer wrote:
 Hi All...

 I just upgraded the kernel on my machine from:

 actual:/home/jim/openvz/kernels# uname -a
 Linux 2.6.18-openvz-12-1etch1-amd64 #1 SMP
 Fri May 4 23:37:24 MSD 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux


 vps5000:~# uname -a
 Linux 2.6.18-openvz-13-39.1d1-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Sep
 3 10:11:00 MSD 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 I did this because I have been having a memory consumption problem
 with Exim4 I was hoping to resolve.  I had been told that the Exim4
 memory issue was a known issue and was fixed in later kernels.

 Anyhow, I installed the new kernel using dpkg -i and it seems to
 install fine, with no warnings or errors.  It boots and runs fine,
 even iSCSI. But, the odd issue is that the machine name in the prompt
 is wrong.  As you can see from above, it went from:




 The name of the machine in /etc/hostname is actual and vps5000 is the
 highest number vps I have.  Is this a serious issue or can I safely
 ignore it?


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Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Physical server to OpenVZ

2007-09-15 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
P2V migration is described in,
that involves some manual tuning.

V2P is also possible but don't make much sense to me -- it's way better
to use VE than a real server.

Stefan Kok wrote:
 Hi List

 I am brand new to OpenVZ. I will get straight to the point.

 I want to  backup physical servers on remote sites with tar/dump and
 restore them at our central office to  virtual machine.  Once disaster
 strikes move the virtual server to a new physical server and transport
 it to the remote office. 

 My question: 

 1) Is this possible (backup physical server and restore to virtual) ?
 2) If so is there any documentation / HOWTO's or pointers that you could
 give please ?

 Thanks in advance.


 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] linux-2.6.22-ovz004

2007-10-07 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Michael H. Warfield wrote:
   Looking at the GIT tree it looks like 2.6.22-ovz004 was released 4 days
 ago.  That should have the fixes for netfilter, correct?

Should be clear from GIT log. Well, I don't see any. Do you mean some
known bugs? Any bug ##s?

   Any idea when
 it's going to appear on the site?

We release kernels only after QA is done, more to say, we do not release
every kernel we tag in GIT.

For ovz004 it's still in progress, we're aiming for next week.

   I need 2.6.22 for the TCP_MD5SUM
 option (for bgp route advertising) and I need ovz004 to get netfilter

   I've also noticed that CONFIG_IPV6_SIT is not set in the 2.6.22 (or
 other development) builds.  Anyone know if there is some problem there?

Just file a bug asking to enable this option, telling why you need it
and which kernels have it enabled.

 Yes, I need that too and will probably end up recompiling the kernel
 just for that - it'ss default enabled in the EL kernels and Fedora


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Users mailing list

[Users] any openvz-on-xen users?

2007-10-16 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
As you might know already, since 028stab045 kernel from RHEL5 branch we 
support Xen architecture. That basically means one can run OpenVZ kernel 
on top of Xen hypervisor, in both DomU and Dom0.

My quick question/request is: if you are using it (or want to), please 
let me know.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] boot error - unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0, 0)

2007-10-16 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Ian jonhson wrote:

You probably configured your kernel incorrectly (missing initrd, device
of filesystem drivers?). Try installing a pre-built kernel image
instead, it's more likely to be bootable without problems.

Where can I get the pre-built kernel image? I suppose. The wiki page you referred gives info 
about how to configure this.

After install the kernel-patch, the system compiled the kernel and
created the optional item in
/boot/grub/menu.lst. What I had done is under the instructions of
openvz wiki. Is there something wrong?
These instructions are OpenVZ-specific, i.e. they only recommend 
openvz-specific options in kernel config. Any other kernel config 
options (there are a lot of) are on your own. One simple example of what 
could be done wrong -- if you haven't enabled support for SATA disks, 
and your HDD is SATA you are in trouble.

So, if you are not experienced in kernel recompilation, you'd be better 
of with precompiled kernel.

Thanks in advance.

Hope that helps,

Best Regards,

Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: AW: [Users] any openvz-on-xen users?

2007-10-18 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Dietmar Maurer wrote:
As you might know already, since 028stab045 kernel from RHEL5 
branch we support Xen architecture. That basically means one 
can run OpenVZ kernel on top of Xen hypervisor, in both DomU and Dom0.

My quick question/request is: if you are using it (or want 
to), please let me know.

That sounds interesting - the question is if I can still control all
recources (cpuunits, memory)?

It's still the same, it's just you have Xen and OpenVZ at the same time, 
so you can have Xen domains as well as OpenVZ VEs (with OpenVZ itself 
being in one of Xen domains). Hope you get the picture

I am also interested in a KVM/OpenVZ combination - is that feasable?

To my mind, KVM is still not mature enough for that. Having said that, 
in theory I see nothing against that -- OpenVZ can definitely coexist 
with KVM as well as it does now with Xen.
- Dietmar  

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Re: Fwd: [Users] boot error - unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0, 0)

2007-10-18 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Have you enabled IP forwarding (as per Are you using real IP 
for your VE?

Ian jonhson wrote:

Thank you very much~~

But it seems that I can not connect internet in VE. It is OK when ping
to its host system, however when ping external IP address, it dumps. I
google the internet to find how to set the netwrok in VE, but I can
not find any hint to do it.

Could anybody give some advices how to configure network?

Thanks again,


On 10/18/07, Kirill Korotaev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


just like to any other usual machine using
ssh from your workstation.

1. assign IP address to some VE using
ve0# vzctl set VEID --ipadd VEIP --save

2. just in case, check that VE is pingable from your workstation:
ws# ping VEIP

3. just in case, check that VE is running sshd service:
ve0# vzctl exec VEID ps axf | grep sshd

if it is not running sshd then enter to VE using vzctl enter command
and install/start sshd service.

4. don't forget to set root user password
ve0: vzctl set VEID --userpasswd root:mypassword

5. now you can login to VE as to usual machine using it's IP


Ian jonhson wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Ian jonhson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Oct 18, 2007 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] boot error - unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0, 0)

Thank you very much!

I have created my own VE, however how can I login VE by ssh? I used
the IP setting described in

Thanks again,


On 10/17/07, E Frank Ball III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 12:20:01PM +0800, Ian jonhson wrote:

  Where can I get the pre-built kernel image?

In your sources list add:

deb etch main

I added the line in source.list, but apt-cache search said it can not
open the website.

apt-cache search linux-image-2.6.18-openvz shows the openvz kernels
for me.

I'm using linux-image-2.6.18-openvz-13-39.1d2-686_028.39.1d2_i386.deb

I opened the link given above and found the image file, but I don't
know how to use it after download the image file.

Could you give me some advices?

If you manually downloaded it then install it with
dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.18-openvz-13-39.1d2-686_028.39.1d2_i386.deb



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Re: [Users] Re: installation on sles10sp1/x86_64

2007-10-23 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

In case I do not need them, I installed vzyum --nodeps
and I downloaded the opensuse-10-x86_64-default.tar.gz  from, and put it 
into /vz/templates/cache.

Well, it is in /vz/template/cache, above is a typo.

but vzpkgls just shows me one empty line, the same with vzpkgls -c

This is still the same, vzpkgls --cached still only produces an empty line 
on as its output.


vzpkgls is for those templates which have metadata installed.
vzpkgls -c is listing those with both metadata and cache existing.

If you need to list template caches only, ls /vz/template/cache should 
be sufficient, no special tool is required :)

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] PATCH for small cron prob. in /etc/init.d/vz

2007-11-20 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
I see that as a workaround. We'd better find a reason why it happens 
that way.

Can you demonstrate that mtime of /etc/cron.d is not changed?

PS please consider subscribing for users@

Gerald Villemure wrote:

The init script in vzctl-3.0.18 installs the file:
as part of its startup,  what is strange as that on CentOS5 at least 
the last mod of the folder /etc/cron.d is NOT updated!

What this means its that CRON does not know about the new file as as 
such does not run it.

Hope this info helps,

Here is a quick patch to fix the prob:

--- /etc/init.d/vz_orig 2007-07-31 16:54:05.0 -0400
+++ /etc/init.d/vz  2007-11-17 01:56:30.0 -0500
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
   [ -d $SRC_CRONSCRIPT_DIR ] || return
   chmod 644 $DST_CRONSCRIPT_DIR/vz
+   touch -m $DST_CRONSCRIPT_DIR


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Talking to a SCSI tape device from VPS

2007-11-20 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Jim Archer wrote:
 Is there any reason that software running in a VPS would be unable to
 drive a tape device, so a backup server could run in a VPS?

Never tried that, but looks like this is possible by giving a VE an
access to the device you want using --devnodes option of vzctl set.
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Venet's ips disappearing...

2007-12-03 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Kirill Korotaev wrote:
 Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
 BTW... does your host system uses DHCP or static IP assigned?
  aaah, now that you mention it, this is the only dhcp-configured machine
 with openvz I've got around... and today I disabled DHCP server and few
 hours later noticed the problem with openvz. 
  This might be it, and it would explaing non-immediate connection with
 networking problems. Thanks.

 Yep. DHCP client tries to be too smart :/
 I've added this KB:
The proper URL now is
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VE fails to stop

2007-12-11 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
This is probably a problem with VE start, not stop. VE started badly and 
can not stop.

This is known issue (a bad interaction of Ubuntu's upstart (init 
replacement) and vzctl) which is fixed in upcoming vzctl release, see

Now you have three options:
1. Wait for next vzctl release (should happen real soon now).
2. Replace upstart with init (sysvinit) inside a VE
3. Rebuild vzctl either from GIT or just adding the patch from git 
linked from bug #622.

Cliff Wells wrote:

Hardware: dual Opteron 242
Kernel: linux-2.6.18-openvz-028.049
Host OS: Gentoo
Guest OS: ubuntu-7.10-i386-minimal

Both host and VE are fresh installs.

I noticed that vzctl stop 101 would fail with

Stopping VPS ...
Unable to stop VPS, operation timed out

This of course also prevented me from properly shutting down the system
(power off required).

I found a post [1] that seemed related, which led to investigating halt

vps1 ~ # vzctl enter 101
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# halt -p
shutdown: Unable to send message: Connection refused
shutdown: Unable to send message: Connection refused 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dev# halt -fp

got signal 9
exited from VE 101
vps1 ~ #

Does this appear to be a problem with OVZ or with the guest template?


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VE fails to stop

2007-12-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Cliff Wells wrote:

On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 19:35 +0300, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
This is probably a problem with VE start, not stop. VE started badly and 
can not stop.

This is known issue (a bad interaction of Ubuntu's upstart (init 
replacement) and vzctl) which is fixed in upcoming vzctl release, see

Now you have three options:
1. Wait for next vzctl release (should happen real soon now).
2. Replace upstart with init (sysvinit) inside a VE
3. Rebuild vzctl either from GIT or just adding the patch from git 
linked from bug #622.

I installed vzctl from git.  This seems to solve the problem with the VE
starting and stopping.  However, after the VE is run once, the network
refuses to come up unless I delete the VE's IP address and add it again:

vps1 ~ # vzctl start 106
Starting VE ...
VE is mounted
Adding IP address(es):
Setting CPU units: 1584
Configure meminfo: 72498
Set hostname: vz106
File resolv.conf was modified
VE start in progress...
vps1 ~ # vzctl enter 106
entered into VE 106
id: cannot find name for group ID 11
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ip addr
1: lo: LOOPBACK,UP,1 mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue 
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

inet scope host lo
inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

3: venet0: BROADCAST,POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,1 mtu 1500 qdisc
inet scope host venet0

inet scope global venet0:0
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=238
time=98.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=238
time=99.1 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=238
time=98.1 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 98.106/98.696/99.138/0.504 ms
exited from VE 106
vps1 ~ # vzctl stop 106
Stopping VE ...
VE was stopped
VE is unmounted
vps1 ~ # vzctl start 106
Starting VE ...
VE is mounted
Adding IP address(es):
Setting CPU units: 1584
Configure meminfo: 72498
Set hostname: vz106
File resolv.conf was modified
VE start in progress...
vps1 ~ # vzctl enter 106
entered into VE 106
id: cannot find name for group ID 11
ping: unknown host
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ip addr
1: lo: LOOPBACK mtu 16436 qdisc noop 
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
3: venet0: BROADCAST,POINTOPOINT,NOARP mtu 1500 qdisc noop 

If I exit the VE and delete/re-add the IP address it starts working

vps1 ~ # vzctl set 106 --ipdel all --save
Deleting IP address(es): 
Adding IP address(es): 
Saved parameters for VE 106

vps1 ~ # vzctl set 106 --ipadd --save
Adding IP address(es):
Saved parameters for VE 106
vps1 ~ # vzctl enter 106
entered into VE 106
id: cannot find name for group ID 11
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=237
time=76.8 ms

Could this be another problem with upstart?

I am investigating the problem right now, will keep you updated.
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VE fails to stop

2007-12-14 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Cliff Wells wrote:

On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 19:02 +0300, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

OK, here's what I found concerning ubuntu-7.10 VE vs. OpenVZ.

Seems to work fine.  Minor nit would be the unknown group 11.  I did a
'find -gid 11' and it turned up a bunch of /dev/fd* stuff with that GID,
but chowning them to root didn't get rid of the message.

This message (id: cannot find name for group ID 11) comes from id 
binary which is executed from /etc/profile during user login (or vzctl 
enter). Since root belongs to group 11, id tries to get the name of 
the group.

The line about group with ID of 11 is absent from /etc/group. I'm not 
sure why. Since you found out some /dev/fd* files belong to the group, I 
guess group name should be something like 'floppy'. I guess that adding 
something like

to /etc/group should fix the issue.

I will file a bug to ubuntu about that, but generally it should be 
harmless as it is.

Networking now seems to work fine.

I was a bit curious about the results of 'mount':

vps1 ~ # vzctl enter 108
entered into VE 108
id: cannot find name for group ID 11
simfs on / type simfs (rw,noatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec)
tmpfs on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec)
tmpfs on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
tmpfs on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec)
tmpfs on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec)

It looks as if perhaps the tmpfs's are being mounted twice now?
Yep, first time they do it in /etc/init.d/, then in 
/etc/init.d/ (calling pre_mountall function from sourced 
/lib/init/ they bind-mount both /var/run and 
/var/lock to under /dev/shm. That is why we see what we see.

I am not touching that stuff now because I already learned they assume a 
lot of things (like /var/run is clean after reboot) and one can open a 
can of worms breaking their assumptions.

Still I don't understand why they mount twice and I will file a bug 
about it.

Overall this is much better than it was before.

Hope so :)
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VE fails to stop

2007-12-14 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

Cliff Wells wrote:

On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 19:02 +0300, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

OK, here's what I found concerning ubuntu-7.10 VE vs. OpenVZ.

Seems to work fine.  Minor nit would be the unknown group 11.  I did a
'find -gid 11' and it turned up a bunch of /dev/fd* stuff with that GID,
but chowning them to root didn't get rid of the message.

This message (id: cannot find name for group ID 11) comes from id 
binary which is executed from /etc/profile during user login (or vzctl 
enter). Since root belongs to group 11, id tries to get the name of 
the group.

The line about group with ID of 11 is absent from /etc/group. I'm not 
sure why. Since you found out some /dev/fd* files belong to the group, 
I guess group name should be something like 'floppy'. I guess that 
adding something like

to /etc/group should fix the issue.

I will file a bug to ubuntu about that, but generally it should be 
harmless as it is.
Well, apparently the problem is way different. They do have floppy 
group, but with a different GID. The problem is it looks like MAKEDEV 
script used by debootstrap to create devices is using host system's 
/etc/groups, thus /dev/fd* has a group ID of 11, which is 'floppy' on my 
host Gentoo system I use to bootstrap this template.

So, this looks like a bug in debootstrap.

It looks as if perhaps the tmpfs's are being mounted twice now?
Yep, first time they do it in /etc/init.d/, then in 
/etc/init.d/ (calling pre_mountall function from sourced 
/lib/init/ they bind-mount both /var/run and 
/var/lock to under /dev/shm. That is why we see what we see.

I am not touching that stuff now because I already learned they assume 
a lot of things (like /var/run is clean after reboot) and one can open 
a can of worms breaking their assumptions.

Still I don't understand why they mount twice and I will file a bug 
about it.

Apparently they do want it that way
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Virtual Ethernet device

2007-12-17 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

Hi all,

i am trying to setup a veth as described in:

but vznetcfg script alwasy returns:

According to /etc/vz/conf/.conf VE has no veth IPs configured.

Seems vznetcfg script has some errors, because it simply calls
EXTERNAL_SCRIPT without parsing parameters, i.e. VEID is not set.

Or do I miss something?

From what I see, VEID is passed to vznetcfg via environment variable, 
and vznetcfg script itself exports VEID before calling EXTERNAL_SCRIPT 
-- so it should work at least in theory :)

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Apache and MySQL together in VE not runnig reliable?

2007-12-17 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Any lines with failcnt0 in /proc/user_beancounters for the problematic VE?

stepken wrote:


We discovered, that apache and mysql running together in a VE will 
hang (sometimes apache, sometimes mysql), when coming close to 
reserved memory limit.

What could have caused this phenomenon?

We are working with stable gentoo distribution, uptodate.

tnx in advance, Guido Stepken

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Users mailing list

Re: [Users] vzctl --cpus causes strange load in top

2007-12-18 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

stepken wrote:

vzctl –cpus causes strange load metering:

System: Gentoo + stable openvz kernel - runs fine so far

As Vasily points out, this bug is fixed in 051 kernel. On a Gentoo 
system if you want to upgrade to 051, you have to do the following (as 

# To enable ebuilds not marked as unstable
echo sys-kernel/openvz-sources  /etc/portage/package.keywords
# To emerge this kernel (they have changed numbering)
emerge --oneshot =sys-kernel/openvz-sources-
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] no internet inside ve

2007-12-29 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

dny wrote:

hi all.

just start trying openvz.
i follow everything from the openvz wiki.

everything installed ok on latest updated centos 5.1
i can start and ping and enter and ssh into ve.

but, once inside ve, i dont have internet.
cant ping anywhere except the host.

Do you try to ping using IPs or hostnames? Is name resolving working?
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] How to reset the failcnt?

2008-01-28 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Jorge Fuertes wrote:

After modify the kmemsize we want to know if we get more fails at

Can we reset the failcnt to see the new errors?

Please see

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Shell job control in VEs

2008-01-29 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Tim Hudson wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
I have just checked and it works for me (using kernel 
Could you try using 2.6.18 (i.e. stable) kernels, or 2.6.24? Note 
that 2.6.20 (as well as 2.6.22) is frozen and unsupported.

Thanks for the quick response!

As you suspected it works fine in 2.6.18-ovz-028stab051.1-smp - but I 
had problems with building that release from source

Can you elaborate here?

which is why I moved to the same kernel release as the base Ubuntu 
7.04 was using as I had no particular kernel version preference.

I do have other modules I need to compile up

...and here?

- hence the issue with compiling which lead me to a newer kernel release.

How 'stable' is the 2.6.24 release in terms of usage and known issues?

It hasn't been tested much yet, and still in very active development. We 
have an intention to make it stable though.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] IPv6 ??

2008-01-29 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Can you give us the the output of
/sbin/ip a l
fgrep ADDRESS /etc/vz/conf/*.conf
command run on your hardware node?

Perhaps the problem is that the network interface(s) that is/are present 
on the hardware node do not belong to the same IP subnets as your VEs.


Maybe it makes sense to add a warning if vz_get_neighbour_devs() returns 
an empty list, with the URL to a wiki page with long explanation?

Jan Tomasek wrote:


problem was caused by setting:

# Controls which interfaces to send ARP requests and modify APR tables
# on.

this option arived with vzctl version 3.0.22 when I was upgrading from 

After I removed that option and restarted HW node all IPv6 hosts get 
imediately online. Ufff! :)

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Shell job control in VEs

2008-01-29 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

I have just checked and it works for me (using kernel 2.6.18-028stab051).
Could you try using 2.6.18 (i.e. stable) kernels, or 2.6.24? Note that 
2.6.20 (as well as 2.6.22) is frozen and unsupported.

Tim Hudson wrote:
I've got openvz setup and operating nicely with three VEs (ubuntu7.10, 

redhat9) - but shell job control does not work in any of them.

^Z should suspend the current command inside the VE when in a shell 
where you've
 ssh'd into the VE - but instead it remains inside the current 
process. I've

checked stty settings and they appear equivalent in both the VE and host.

Have I missed enabling something which is mentioned in the 
documentation or is

this a known issue?

I'm using 2.6.20-ovz008-openvz1 (built from source) following 
instructions for

how to build when using Ubuntu as the host OS.

Any pointers to how to resolve this would be appreciated.


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] 2.6.22/2.6.18 security fixes

2008-02-18 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
The fix for this issue was included into 2.6.18 kernels .spec file (to 
release the fix faster). Now we pushed that to git, too, it is available.

2.6.24 kernel (not yet released) was just synced to latest 
update, which covers the security issue as well.

2.6.20 and 2.6.22 are frozen, means they are obsoleted and unmaintained.


Josip Rodin wrote:


It would be useful if the linux-2.6.22-openvz tree included the security
fixes added in the later versions of the 2.6.22 kernel. Notably:;a=commitdiff;h=af395d8632d0524be27d8774a1607e68bdb4dd7f;a=commitdiff;h=53d06121542c36ec0f0e5504c8358a768e25cb9a

Does the 'frozen' tag preclude including these things? The 2.6.22 kernel is
still described as maintained on the main web site, so it would make sense
to add those fixes.

At the same time, the linux-2.6.18-openvz tree is missing the fs/splice.c
fix for get_iovec_page_array(), WRT the latest local root exploit. There
is no upstream git reference for that, because stable/linux-2.6.18.y.git
appears to be long abandoned, so here's the patch:

--- linux-2.6.18/fs/splice.c~   2008-02-12 00:34:49.0 +0100
+++ linux-2.6.18/fs/splice.c2008-02-12 00:34:49.0 +0100
@@ -1122,6 +1122,11 @@
size_t len;
int i;
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, iov, sizeof(struct iovec))) {

+   error = -EFAULT;
+   break;
+   }
 * Get user address base and length for this iovec.
@@ -1141,6 +1146,11 @@
if (unlikely(!base))
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, base, len)) {

+   error = -EFAULT;
+   break;
+   }
 * Get this base offset and number of pages, then map
 * in the user pages.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] OpenVZ oops in shrink_dcache_for_umount

2008-02-18 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Please file a bug to

Frederik Himpe wrote:
I am using Debian GNU/Linux Lenny with kernel 
2.6.18-8.1.14.el5.028stab045.1 (x86_64). The VEs are on an XFS file 

When stopping a VE with vzctl stop, the kernel oopsed in 
shrink_dcache_for_umount and the box completely hung with this backtrace.

Is this is a known problem?


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] New kernel release?

2008-02-18 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Rus Foster wrote:

I know there is a bug report open for the new kernel release for the 
vmsplice exploit but wondered if there was a date as it apparently 
should already of been released but nothing yet

2.6.9 kernel is not vulnerable.

For 2.6.18 kernels, see last messages on the announce@ list:

2.6.20 and 2.6.22 kernels are not maintained anymore, we recommend you 
to switch to rhel5-2.6.18 (for production environments) or maybe to 
2.6.24 (for bleeding edge).

2.6.24 git tree is now synced with latest which contains the 
needed fix.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] /dev/mem: Permission denied

2008-02-26 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

I have debugged this case a bit and found out that

(1) The /dev/mem: Permission denied message comes from 
/usr/sbin/laptop-detect script which is being executed a few times 
during packages installation. Well, in fact the message comes from 
dmidecode which laptop-detect calls... Anyway, laptop-detect decides 
that we are not on a laptop (which is correct for a container I think) 
and exits with the code of 1 (correct in non-laptop case). So it's all 
fine, except for the scary error message which you should ignore (and 
please do NOT give a container an access to /dev/mem -- BAD BAD idea). 
If you want the message to disappear, do this (as root):

rm /usr/sbin/laptop-detect
ln -s /bin/false /usr/sbin/laptop-detect

That way laptop-detect is linked to false and will always exit with 
1 (meaning we are not on a laptop).

(2) The warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a 
directory message comes from xfonts-base post-installation script 
(/var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-base.postinst) which (aside from tons of 
other things) calls these two scripts:

update-fonts-dir --x11r7-layout misc;update-fonts-alias misc

Each script tries to check if a directory named /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc 
-- it does not, and it prints a warning.

I am not sure why there is no /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc directory but 
xfonts-base assumes it's here -- for that, you'd better ask Debian people.

I have also tried to find which packages create the above directory (or 
have files in it) and found out nobody's using it. Instead, a number of 
packages put some files to /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc.

Executive summary:
1. /dev/mem can and should be ignored.
2. warning about directory is not an OpenVZ issue.

Hope that helps.


Dean Gostisa wrote:


I have problem, i have created openvz Gentoo Server, and create Debian 
VM on it, but when installing some packages like this i get:

apt-get --reinstall install xfonts-base
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not 

Need to get 0B/6131kB of archives.
After unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
(Reading database ... 20054 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace xfonts-base 1:1.0.0-4 (using 
.../xfonts-base_1%3a1.0.0-4_all.deb) ...

/dev/mem: Permission denied
Unpacking replacement xfonts-base ...
/dev/mem: Permission denied
warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory
warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory
Setting up xfonts-base (1.0.0-4) ...
/dev/mem: Permission denied
warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory
warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory

Do you have any idea why?

Thank you for your help,

Everybody have fun!!!

Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] usage of swap on host server

2008-03-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Markus Hardiyanto wrote:
does openvz can use the swap partition on the host server for the VE 
inside it? because i have 2GB RAM and 2GB swap on the host server, 
then setup 2 VE with 1GB guaranteed RAM and 1.5GB burstable RAM for 
each VE.

it seems that if the 2 VE burst the RAM usage more than 2GB in total, 
the host didn't use its swap partition to accommodate the burst need 
as I check the swap partition is always show 0

is it true that i can't use the host swap as RAM for VE? in other word 
2GB RAM + 2GB swap != 4GB memory can be allocated for VEs?

Host system swap is definitely used then needed.

PS in OpenVZ we do not understand terms such as burstable RAM. Where 
have you got it from?

Users mailing list

Re: AW: [Users] problems with vzctl init logging patch

2008-03-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

This looks good. Can you
(1) make it optional, i.e. retain the old behavior by default and 
provide a way to turn init logging on (command-line switch, or VE config 
(2) make init-logger so it would not depend on perl being available 
inside the container; i guess it can be rewritten in shell as /bin/sh 
should be there
(3) add the comment to init-logger saying that this file was copied from 
the host system to this container and so any changes made to it inside a 
container will be lost during the next container start

(4) document it all
(5) add init-logger to the vzctl.spec file

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

Ok, exec solves the problem. Attached is the new patch.

Users mailing list

Re: AW: AW: [Users] problems with vzctl init logging patch

2008-03-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

This looks good. Can you
(1) make it optional, i.e. retain the old behavior by default 
and provide a way to turn init logging on (command-line 
switch, or VE config



(2) make init-logger so it would not depend on perl being 
available inside the container; i guess it can be rewritten 
in shell as /bin/sh should be there

Will try. But cant we depend on perl? Perl should be available on most
platforms. I can even add a test if perl is available, and do not start
the logger if there is no perl?

Adding a check makes sense. But first -- why do you need perl at all? Is 
there something that can't be done in shell?
(3) add the comment to init-logger saying that this file was 
copied from the host system to this container and so any 
changes made to it inside a container will be lost during the 
next container start

(4) document it all
(5) add init-logger to the vzctl.spec file

Ok, will send a new patch when ready.

- Dietmar

Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Mainstream progress?

2008-03-13 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


Please correct/enlarge me if there's anything missing/incorrect.

Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:


the ongoing merge of OpenVZ-based lightweight virtualization into
mainline Linux seems to be progressing nicely and I have a few questions
about it:
- How usable will net namespaces be in 2.6.25? I'm especially interested
in assigning a real hardware ethernet device to a VE.

I guess some network namespace stuff is NOT completed in upcoming 2.6.25 
(a lot of stuff done, but not finished)

For 2.6.26, it will be more-or-less working, with just a few exceptions 
such as conntracks and IPv6 -- maybe.

- Will there be an OpenVZ patch or against 2.6.25?

As of now we do not plan to have one. Porting to each mainstream version 
is too much work to do -- instead we concentrate on

(1) merging stuff to mainstream
(2) supporting our stable kernels
(3) stabilizing 2.6.24 (for now)

- Do you expect net namespace/virtualization work to be completely
merged in 2.6.26?

As said before, we guess that network namespaces will be more or less 
useable in 2.6.26.

- Which OpenVZ features will not make it to mainline in the 2.6.26

A lot. Network namespaces is just one piece of a pie.

To paint in big strokes: resource management and live migration are 
still on our todo list.

Resource management: some stuff is in -mm kernel, need to add much more. 
Will work on that after finishing with net namespaces.

Live migration: this is much more far perspective, we haven't even 
started to discuss that seriously on containers@ list.

Some of the questions above probably can't be answered without guessing,
but a good guess is better than no information and I'd appreciate any
status update newer than the OpenVZ blog entry from 2008-01-26.

Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] Re: vzquota 3.0.12

2008-04-18 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Do you have CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA enabled in kernel .config? Do you have 
vzquota kernel module loaded? I guess the problem is in that.

PS please do not use personal developers' emails -- we have users@ 
mailing list for such inquiries. See for more info

Zhaohui Wang wrote:



Hi  Kir and Alexandr,


I am a student at GMU and doing a project need to use openvz.  I found 
that vzquota seems not functioning well on x64 platform. Now it is 
3.0.11. But I checked git tree at and found that 3.0.12 is 

Can you tell me how to checkout this new version so that I may have a try?


BTW,the error showing on my system while creating a ve is:

# vzctl create 3 --ostemplate ubuntu-7.10-amd64-minimal

Creating VE private area (ubuntu-7.10-amd64-minimal)

vzquota : (error) Quota getstat syscall for id 3: Inappropriate ioctl 
for device

vzquota init failed [3]

vzquota : (error) Can't open quota file for id 3, maybe you need to 
reinitialize quota: No such file or directory

vzquota : (error) Quota getstat syscall for id 3: Inappropriate ioctl 
for device

vzquota init failed [3]

vzquota on failed [61]

vzquota : (error) Can't open quota file for id 3, maybe you need to 
reinitialize quota: No such file or directory

vzquota off failed [11]

vzquota : (error) Can't open quota file for id 3, maybe you need to 
reinitialize quota: No such file or directory

vzquota setlimit failed [11]

Performing postcreate actions

VE private area was created


# vzctl start 3

Starting VE ...

Initializing quota ...

vzquota : (error) Quota getstat syscall for id 3: Inappropriate ioctl 
for device

vzquota init failed [3]


It’s a x86_64 system,while fc8 is the host.The kernel is compiled by 
myself .I checked /var/vzquota and nothing is there. It seems that it 
can not create it by ioctl??


Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

Thank you.



Best Regards

Zhaohui Wang


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Re: OpenVZ template confusion

2008-04-25 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Sean Whitney wrote:

I don't.

When I use vzctl create VEID and it untar's the template file, it is 
changing the UID/GID of the home directories in the tar file from the 
original UID/GID, to the UID/GID that the same individuals have on the 

If I peek inside the template file my UID is 1001.

On the HN my uid is 501.

When I create the VE, my UID inside the VE is now 501, screwing up all 
kinds of permissions.

Can you check your tarball is correct? Maybe you have to use 
--numeric-owner option to tar when packing it.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Skipping quota at start and doing it later?

2008-05-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Gregor Mosheh wrote:

Matt Ayres wrote:
VZFASTBOOT is the option.  /etc/vz/vz.conf is the main Virtuozzo 
config, not a VPS/Container config file

Ah; my mistake. I misread you and the script.

This sets a flag that this VPS needs to be restarted normally later 
on in the script.  The normal restart will cause the quota to be 
fully checked.

I assure you this is the option you want enabled.

Hm, I'll take your word for it, though it doesn't sound right. I don't 
want them to be restarted with a full quota recalculation - I don't 
want quota recalculation at all. These fellas have 250 GB quotas and 
are using most of it, so the recalculation takes 60+ minutes per VPS.

I guess that if you can live w/o disk quotas you can disable this 
entirely and forget about the problem you have. Option to set is 
DISK_QUOTA=no (in /etc/vz/vz.conf)

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Re: [Announce] New kernel release: rhel5 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 028stab053.14

2008-05-29 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Dmitry V. Levin wrote:

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 04:50:04PM +0400, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

OpenVZ project has released an updated RHEL5 based kernel.
Read below for more information. Everybody who is using
this kernel branch is advised to upgrade.

Is there any progress with non-rhel5 linux-2.6.18-openvz kernel?

We will do a release next week.
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Set kernel name (uname) for VE

2008-06-03 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
See /proc/sys/kernel/virt_osrelease -- there you can see/set kernel 
version as visible from inside containers.

MailingListe wrote:


is it possible to set the kernel name a VE get for the uname call? 
There seams to be a bug in the oracle installer with long kernel names 
and we try to test if this is still the case for our oracle 11g client 
setup dying with segmentation fault inside the VE

Link to (possible) Oracle Bug : 



Users mailing list

Re: AW: [Users] Kernel panic with latest 2.6.24 from git

2008-06-09 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

Hi all,

Just compiled latest 2.6.24 from git. I consistently get a kernel 
Panic when i stop a CT (ipv6 related)  - someone else 

observing that?

We do. Fill a bug in bugzilla, we'll look whether this is 
already fixed.

I just update to latest git (commit
da8a02e8fc4f14f976d38c844b6e5d98badea9eb), and it works again.

But, please, provide some more details on the problem, rather 
than I see some crashes in ipv6 code.

Well, just tell me how i extract that kernel log from the console (no
digicam here, and log is too long for the screen, so ist only partially
displayed - and no entries in syslog)?
See -- maybe you can arrange 
serial link or netconsole.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] memory leak in 2.6.18 ovz kernels

2008-06-30 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
First, I hope you know the difference between memory shortage and memory 
used for buffer/cache. In short: Linux tries to use all unused memory 
for cache -- and if more memory is needed cache is shrunk. This behavior 
is sometimes a source of confusion for some Linux users.

Second, can you give us more details regarding Athlon died after 
exhausting memory? If it was an oops -- we need its text.

Third, are you using x86_64 kernel? What is your exact kernel version?

Cliff Wells wrote:


I've been running 2.6.18 releases on two servers and both of them have
suffered a slow but steady memory leak.  The first server is a dual
Athlon MP with 3GB of RAM, the second a quad Opteron 275 with 8GB of
RAM.  I first noticed the issue on the Opteron a few days ago when I
realized it was using 7.6GB of RAM and had started using swap (it's only
got about 2GB allocated to VE's).  Today the Athlon died after
exhausting memory.  Both had been up for around 70 days.

When investigating the situation on the Opteron, I stopped all the VE's
but no memory was reclaimed.  Nothing in top showed any significant
memory consumption.  I wasn't able to investigate on the Athlon system
as it was in an unusable state.

My immediate solution was to upgrade the Opteron system to 2.6.24 and
boot the Athlon system into a stock kernel (I'm not currently using
OpenVZ on it).

Anyway, my concern is that I've seen no mention of similar issues from
anyone else (and in fact, until the Athlon server failed today, I was
inclined to believe it was a configuration issue on the Opteron), so I
have a fear that if there is a leak, it might still exist in newer

I'm going to babysit these machines to see if the problem reappears, but
has anyone else noticed similar patterns of memory consumption and is
there anything I can do to track this down?


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Problem with new os template (pld)

2008-06-30 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
I can't really help with --ipadd failure since it's *your* script 
( which should perform it. Try to debug it.

As for the container entering problem, see Check that those device 
files exist and correct. Check that you can enter other (non-PLD) 
containers fine.

Łukasz Chrustek wrote:


I am trying to make os template for polish linux distribution

Here it is:

Here is the /etc/vz/dists/pld-ac.conf: ( ( (

First three files I have changed. I started playing around with openvz
4 days ago, so this changes may not be accurate (and they seem to be
so, because vzctl set 111 --ipadd dosn't work).

111.conf looks like this:



The system seems to work well (I can do vzctl exec 111 ps a x and
others commands), but I have two problems:

1. I can't assign ip address to it: vzctl set 111 --ipadd
   doesn't show any errors. vzlist shows this ip address, but:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] /vz/private/111]# vzctl exec 111 ip a l
   1: lo: LOOPBACK mtu 16436 qdisc noop
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   2: venet0: BROADCAST,POINTOPOINT,NOARP mtu 1500 qdisc noop
   3: sit0: NOARP mtu 1480 qdisc noop

link/sit brd
2. I can't enter into the VE:

   vzctl enter 111
   [hangs here... nothing happen]

end of strace of this command looks like this:

open(/etc/passwd, O_RDONLY|0x8 /* O_??? */) = 12
fcntl64(12, F_GETFD)= 0x1 (flags FD_CLOEXEC)
fstat64(12, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=856, ...}) = 0
read(12, root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/zsh\nb..., 4096) = 856
close(12)   = 0
munmap(0xb7fe2000, 4096)= 0
socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 12
fcntl64(12, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(12, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=/var/run/nscd/socket}, 110) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
close(12)   = 0
socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 12
fcntl64(12, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(12, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=/var/run/nscd/socket}, 110) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
close(12)   = 0
open(/etc/group, O_RDONLY|0x8 /* O_??? */) = 12
fstat64(12, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=608, ...}) = 0
read(12, root::0:root\nbin::1:root,bin,dae..., 4096) = 608
close(12)   = 0
munmap(0xb7fe2000, 4096)= 0
rt_sigaction(SIGCHLD, {0x8049c70, [], SA_RESTORER|SA_NOCLDSTOP, 0xb7ea34d8}, 
NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN}, NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGWINCH, {0x8049c7f, [], SA_RESTORER, 0xb7ea34d8}, NULL, 8) = 0
child_tidptr=0xb7e77708) = 8946
close(3)= 0
close(7)= 0
close(9)= 0
close(10)   = 0

Can You try to use template which I made and say what is wrong ? In
return I can make (try to make) three templates for pld-ac, pld-th,
pld-ti. I need right now some indications, clues to solve this


uname -a
Linux pld-machine 2.6.24vs #3 SMP Sat Jun 28 21:11:20 UTC 2008 i686 


cat /proc/mounts
/dev/root / ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0
/proc /proc proc rw 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw 0 0
/dev/sda1 /boot ext3 rw,user_xattr,acl,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/sda3 /obrazy ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/sda5 /obrazy2 ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/sda6 /vservers ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/sda7 /vz ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0

Re: AW: [Users] Multiple bridge support

2008-07-03 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


I have committed both the patch and the script to git, see [1] and [2]. 
I have modified the script a bit, hope I haven't break anything.

It would be just great if you can provide a patch to vzctl man page 
describing the new parameter, and the according wiki 


Dietmar Maurer wrote:

And here is the vznetaddbr we use (attached).

I wonder if we can include that into the vzctl release - I 

will post 

the patch if soembody is interested.


it will be useful indeed, please, provide patch to devel@ 
mailing list. 

Please do so. I've written my own solution for this, but 
yours looks much better.


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: AW: AW: [Users] Multiple bridge support

2008-07-10 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
I don't quite get it. Is it supposed to be a replacement for vznetaddbr, 
an addition to it, or is it orthogonal to it? Who and when calls vznetaddbr?

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

Hi Kir,

Von: Kir Kolyshkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 03. Juli 2008 13:35

An:; Dietmar Maurer
Betreff: Re: AW: [Users] Multiple bridge support

How do you invoke it? Using EXTERNAL_SCRIPT?

Would be good to have a patch adding (conditional?) 
invocation of vznetaddbr to vznetcfg.

One idea was to add a new global option in vz.conf:


If set, we automatically setup the bridge (we need to pass an additional
parameter to vznetcfg, but i guess thats no problem at all). That also
avoid a hardcoded default bridge name (vmbr0).

Here is the totally untested code. If you like the idea I will test it





echo 2 vznetcfg init veth dev [bridge]

local dev=$1
local bridge=$2

if [ -n $DEV_BRIDGE ]; then
if [ ! -n $bridge ]; then
echo Adding interface $dev to bridge $bridge on CT0 for
/sbin/ifconfig $dev 0
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$dev/proxy_arp
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$dev/forwarding
/usr/sbin/brctl addif $bridge $dev
ip link set $dev up

# Call the external script if defined
export VEID

if test $# -le 2; then
exit 0

case $CMD$2 in
if test $# -le 3; then
exit 1

init_veth $3 $4
echo invalid action
exit 1
exit 0


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Debian-style init scripts considered harmful?

2008-07-10 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Steve Wray wrote:

Hi there,

Debian uses start-stop-daemon in the init scripts to, for one thing, 
stop services.

From the man page:

Note:  unless --pidfile is specified, start-stop-daemon behaves similar
to killall(1).  start-stop-daemon will scan the process  table  looking
for  any  processes  which  match the process name, uid, and/or gid (if
specified). Any matching process will prevent --start from starting the
daemon.  All  matching processes will be sent the KILL signal if --stop
is specified. For daemons which have long-lived children which need  to
live through a --stop you must specify a pidfile.

For example, nfs-kernel-server does not use --pidfile. It looks for 
nfsd processes to kill.

Suppose that the Openvz host and one of its guests were running NFS 
and, on the host, one were to run /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server stop

As I understand it this would have the side-effect of killing off the 
nfsd processes on the guest.

That is right, and this is just one of the reasons why we don't 
recommend to run anything (but the needed bare minimum like sshd) on the 
host system.

There is a solution and a workaround for the problem. The solution is, 
right, to fix bad initscripts. I mean, it's not OpenVZ-specific -- 
relying on process names is wrong, any user can run a process named nfsd 
and it should not be killed.

The workaround is to introduce a feature to hide guests' processes from 
the host system. This is implemented in OpenVZ kernels = 2.6.24 as per 
bug #511 (

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Another 2.6.24 problem

2008-07-11 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


The best course of action in such cases is to file bugs directly into

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

Hi all,

With latest 2.6.24 from git we get errors inside 'futex_wake'
Not always in same program. It only happens from time to time.

Any idea what can cause that? v2.6.24-ovz004 works without problems.

- Dietmar

Unable to handle kernel paging request at 8fcc289b RIP:
 [8025cbf2] futex_wake+0x58/0xd4
PGD 203067 PUD 207063 PMD 0
Oops:  [1] PREEMPT SMP
CPU: 2
Modules linked in: e1000 thermal e1000e button processor evdev floppy sg
pcspkr sermouse psmouse dm_mod usbhid hid usb_storage sd_mod
sr_mod ide_disk ide_generic ide_cd cdrom ide_core shpchp pci_hotplug
uhci_hcd ehci_hcd iTCO_wdt ahci libata scsi_mod i2c_i801 i2c_core isofs
zlib_inflate msdos fat
Pid: 4927, comm: pycentral Not tainted 2.6.24 #1 ovz005
RIP: 0010:[8025cbf2]  [8025cbf2]
RSP: 0018:810205287dd8  EFLAGS: 00010282
RAX: 0001fec2 RBX: 2ad4fac5d0e4 RCX: a1dc
RDX: a3a5f0f6 RSI: 97c3d800 RDI: 8fcc2883
RBP:  R08: 2ad4fab5a2b4 R09: 
R10: 2ad4fac5d0e0 R11: 0202 R12: 80637f80
R13: 81011451c520 R14: 80637f88 R15: 7fff
FS:  2ad4fb121f60() GS:810215d19b40()
CS:  0010 DS:  ES:  CR0: 8005003b
CR2: 8fcc289b CR3: 000175d6e000 CR4: 06e0
DR0:  DR1:  DR2: 
DR3:  DR6: 0ff0 DR7: 0400
Process pycentral (pid: 4927, veid=0, threadinfo 810205286000, task
Stack:  2ad4fac5d000 81011451c4c0 00e6
 810205287ea8 2ad4fab5a2b4 2ad4fac5d0e0 2ad4fab5c000
 0001 fab5c320 7fff 8025d8c4
Call Trace:
 [802b0e9a] may_open+0xc2/0x21f
 [8025d8c4] do_futex+0x84/0xa66
 [8025e3a0] sys_futex+0xfa/0x118
 [8020c03e] system_call+0x7e/0x83

Code: 48 8b 5f 18 eb 43 48 8b 14 24 48 39 57 48 48 8d 47 48 75 2e
RIP  [8025cbf2] futex_wake+0x58/0xd4
 RSP 810205287dd8
CR2: 8fcc289b
---[ end trace 542031ea75a6aeb3 ]---
note: pycentral[4927] exited with preempt_count 1

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] figuring out why openvz kills processes

2008-07-11 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Geoffrey D. Bennett wrote:

Hi there,

I'm having an issue with a process dying (being killed by OpenVZ
limits, presumably), and I can't figure out exactly why it's getting

Background info:
- kernel 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5.028stab053.14
- CentOS5 host, 2 CentOS5 guests
- The host has 2GB memory, 0.5GB swap
- One guest is only running BIND (plus the usual, sshd, syslogd,
  sendmail, crond services).  Am having no issues with this guest.
  privvmpages is set to provide it up to 256MB memory, and it's using
  about half that.
- The other guest is running postgresql, java, apache, and freeradius.

The problem is that freeradius keeps dying.  Whenever it dies, failcnt
on privvmpages goes up and indeed the maxheld privvmpages value is
above the limit value, so I guess the issue is that OpenVZ thinks that
something is taking too much memory and is killing radiusd (no other
failcnt numbers go up -- only privvmpages).

There doesn't appear to be anything logged in the dmesg output on the
host or the guest to indicate that anything was killed due to a limit
being exceeded (should there be?).

A few strange things:

- Although the maxheld privvmpages value is above the limit, I've
  never seen the held privvmpages value get anywhere near the limit,
  even checking the value only seconds before radiusd gets killed, the
  held privvmpages value is under half the limit, eg. just before
  radiusd is killed:

  2008-07-11 06:39:24:
   uid  resource   heldmaxheldbarrier  limit  failcnt
privvmpages  224497 581366 506368 557056  486

  Then 10 seconds later (radiusd was killed and possibly restarted
  sometime in this interval):

  2008-07-11 06:39:34:
   uid  resource   heldmaxheldbarrier  limit  failcnt
privvmpages  182445 581366 506368 557056  487

  (is there any way to reset the maxheld values without restarting the

- Similarly, the output of free doesn't indicate anything wrong:

  2008-07-11 06:39:24:
   total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
  Mem:   2071924 8980921173832  0  0  0
  -/+ buffers/cache: 8980921173832

  2008-07-11 06:39:34:
   total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
  Mem:   2071924 7298841342040  0  0  0
  -/+ buffers/cache: 7298841342040

- I've found that I can reproduce the issue on demand by sending many
  RADIUS requests to radiusd at once, but watching what radiusd does
  with ltrace -f doesn't show anything out of the ordinary.  I summed
  up all the malloc() requests and saw only 22MB requested.

- Finally, using strace -f to see what radiusd was doing -- there were
  only about 22MB worth of calls to brk() (matching malloc(), as you'd
  expect).  And summing the mmap() length parameters (not counting
  munmap() calls) I only came up with 300MB, well within the free

Any ideas on debugging this?
OpenVZ doesn't kill anything in this case. It employs killing processes 
only if there is no any other way to enforce the UBC limits, and there 
are other ways in this case -- just return ENOMEM from malloc/setbrk.

I guess most probably it's just radiusd calls malloc() which fails 
(because of privvmpages shortage) and then either radiusd dies 
explicitly, or it fails to check the error code from malloc and uses the 
pointer returned by malloc (NULL) and dies with segfault.

free in either VE or on the host system will not help you
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] sysctl to hide VE processes from HN ps?

2008-07-21 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Gregor Mosheh wrote:
I was glad to hear about bug 511. I am running 2.6.24-ovz005 and was 
surprised to see that I had this great new feature.

But it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

# sysctl kernel.pid_ns_hide_child=1

A 'ps ax' or 'ls /proc' shows the same thing regardless of this 
setting: VPSs' PostgreSQL and httpd and so on.

Processes are hidden for all containers started _after_ you have changed 
the setting.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Netatalk in kernel?

2008-07-21 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Paul wrote:
Who would I ask about getting the AppleTalk module built in the normal 
openvz kernel?  I know I can build a whole new kernel but it would be 
great to just be able to update with normal openvz community kernel.

Does anyone know how I can just build that module for the current one? 
I have everything needed but get an error when I load it about an 
unknown swmbol.
You can recompile the kernel using these instructions:

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] No source code in

2008-07-28 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


Can you please help Aleksandr?

Aleksandr Levchuk wrote:

Dear Maintainer,

For this Debain package
64/base/linux-image-2.6.24-openvz-24-004.1d1-amd64_004.1d1_a md64.deb
would it be possible to publish the source?

Only Kernel of 2.6.18 and higher support the 34 Infiniband cards
(mlx4_core) that I have and
I need it to compile a module that is not included in the above DEB
package (igb2xxx).

The expected location to find the sources is, but there
is nothing there.



Users mailing list

Re: SOLVED: Re: [Users] How to kill dead container (init is dead)

2008-08-03 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Pongracz Istvan wrote:


Andrey helped me a lot about this issue and it seems, it was a human
I cancelled a backup process and this container left in suspended state.

I used the vzdump script to make backups and I cancelled it while it
started to create an rsync.

I think that vzdump can be guarded with traps to restore container state 
in case backup is interrupted. In bash there's a 'trap' command which 
should help.

So, be careful :)


2008. 07. 30, szerda keltezéssel 22.16-kor Pongracz Istvan ezt írta:


I use openvz kernel 2.6.18-028stab051 for long months on my gentoo
The uptime now is 105 days.

It seems, one of my containers completely dead: 
all processes are dead, including the init process.

I tried to kill them by issuing kill -9, but it is not working.
vzctl also cannot stop the container.

I tried to send other signal to these processes and the cron started.
The only process, which is run, but not really useful:
it is eating cpu.

The last message to the system log happened before the daily vzdump
Since then, there is nothing in the syslog of the container.

So, my 1st priority question, is there any other trick to restart a
container or I have to reboot?



Users mailing list

Re: [Users] resource limits don't apply immediately on 2.6.24

2008-08-03 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Jan Kokoska wrote:


I'm used to having resource limits apply immediately on 2.6.18 kernel
releases of OpenVZ. I run vzctl set VEID --privvmpages soft:hard
--save and free in the virtual machine reports the new figure right

This is not the case on 2.6.24-19-openvz Ubuntu kernel, where
user_beancounters report the newer figure and the virtual machine
would report the newer figure if I restarted it, however the change
doesn't apply online.

Is this a feature or a bug?
First, the thing you need to check is not what free shows -- look at the 
appropriate line in /proc/user_beancounters.

What free shows is some kind of approximation, and if it doesn't work 
right away first check that vzctl version you use in both cases is the 
same. Then check for 'meminfo' setting in VE config. Then report a bug 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] ovzkernel-xen for rhel5?

2008-08-22 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Aleksandar Ivanisevic wrote:


Whats the status of ovzkernel-xen for rhel5? I see in the repo that it
was last built for 028stab053.10 which was in April.

Are there any issues with it or is it just that noone is recompiling
Xen compilation was broken in the last kernel, so it went out without 
-xen-. It is now fixed and xen kernels will be available with the next 
kernel release. If you want it earlier (for whatever reason), we can 
provide an unofficial build.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Re: ovzkernel-xen for rhel5?

2008-08-22 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Aleksandar Ivanisevic wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Xen compilation was broken in the last kernel, so it went out without
-xen-. It is now fixed and xen kernels will be available with the next
kernel release. If you want it earlier (for whatever reason), we can
provide an unofficial build.

No worries, I can build it myself if I decide I want it, just wanted
to know if this is a SNAFU or not ;)
We will be maintaining it for a while, it's just we didn't want to delay 
a kernel release only because of Xen.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] ovzkernel-xen for rhel5?

2008-08-22 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Henrik Holmboe wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Xen compilation was broken in the last kernel, so it went out without
-xen-. It is now fixed and xen kernels will be available with the next
kernel release. If you want it earlier (for whatever reason), we can
provide an unofficial build.

Maybe I understand you wrong, but if the problem is fixed (with
specifically 2.6.18-92.1.1.EL5 + OpenVZ)
The kernel which is shipped as 028stab057.2 can not be compiled with 
Xen. There is a patch fixing the issue, but adding the patch would mean 
yet another different kernel (say 028stab057.3) which should go through 
full release cycle (see below).

Neither we can release a just xen kernel, because our releasing 
machinery and infrastructure is just not suitable for that sort of things.

 then couldn't this be made an
offical build?
We are already working on releasing a newer version, with lots of 
updates from RHEL plus some from us.

Please understand that a new kernel release is much more than just 
compile/upload/announce. Our kernels are going through an extensive 
internal QA before the release, and as always QA resources are limited 
so we can not afford two kernels in a queue.

I was just about to install a Xen enabled kernel on a recently
installed machine and it would be nice to have the most kernel based
on the most recent RHEL kernel. Otherwise, for me it would mean
installing an old one or waiting for the next one.
I am really sorry, but it looks like this is what you have to do for a 
moment. Our new kernel is in QA and hopefully will be released next week.

As I said before, we could provide an unofficial build for those users 
suffering from the old kernel bugs. Having said that, it's still some 
work to do so requests for such a kernel needs to be justified. I mean, 
saying my kernel is old and I want a new shiny one doesn't count.

 Compiling my own is
not an option for now.

Thanks for your time!



Users mailing list

Re: [Users] What vzctl --features nfs:on ... do?

2008-08-26 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Alexander Piavka wrote:


I'd like to know exactly what does the vzctl --features nfs:on ... do? 
When i should be using it?
If i have a VE with nfs client, while HN does not have any nfs 
client/server, is this nfs:on feature useful for me?

ps. does VE has nfs4 client support?

Currently no. Maybe one day...
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] 2.6.26 kernel broken?

2008-08-26 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Zhaohui Wang wrote:

I pull out the kernel source from git tree at,even not compile...

  CC  kernel/sched.o
kernel/sched.c: In function âtg_has_rt_tasksâ:
kernel/sched.c:8807: error: implicit declaration of function âdo_each_threadâ
kernel/sched.c:8807: error: expected â;â before â{â token
kernel/sched.c: In function âtg_set_bandwidthâ:
kernel/sched.c:8825: error: implicit declaration of function â__rt_schedulableâ
make[1]: *** [kernel/sched.o] Error 1
make: *** [kernel] Error 2

Please file a bug to Do not forget to 
attach your .config.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Sharing Unix Domain Sockets between VEs in devel version

2008-08-26 Thread Kir Kolyshkin


I suggest you file a bug to

Stefan Siegel wrote:


Currently I have a Linux-VServer setup using the official Debian Etch 
binaries with MySQL socket sharing similar to what is described in the 
Shared webhosting article in the OpenVZ Wiki (it works the same with 
Linux-VServer). Now that there probably will be official Debian Lenny 
kernel images patched with OpenVZ support, I consider switching to 
OpenVZ. The 2.6.26 images currently in Sid are very promising. But there 
is a problem:

When I try to setup socket sharing as described in (or just 
starting my Linux-VServer virtual machines in OpenVZ) I cannot connect 
to a socket listening in a different VE. Only when I connect from the 
same VE the connection succeeds. I tried:

- hardlinking the socket
- bind mounting the containing directory
- directly connecting from/to VE0
I tried both MySQL and simply creating/connecting to the socket using 
Netcat (the OpenBSD version works with Unix Domain Sockets). Related 
strace output:

socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 3
fcntl64(3, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
connect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=testdir/testsocket...}, 20)
= -1 ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
close(3)= 0

Using linux-image-2.6.24-openvz-24-004.1d1-686_004.1d1_i386.deb from doesn't change anything, but when using the stable 
linux-image-2.6.18-openvz-18-53.5d1-k7_028.53.5d1_i386.deb, I can 
connect without problems.

Am I missing something? Is the devel OpenVZ broken, or is it supposed to 
be a feature and the stable version behavior is deprecated? Is it 
configurable or is there a workaround? If the devel version's behavior 
is correct, then the Wiki article should probably be changed to mention 
that (and I would be forced to postpone my migration to OpenVZ). On the 
article's discussion page there is a user who also failed getting this 
to work.

Stefan Siegel

Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] Re: [Devel] vzpkg

2008-08-28 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Also see my comments below.

Robert Nelson wrote:

Is anyone actively working on vzpkg?

I've been rewriting it to eliminate the dependence on yum and rpm, so 
that it also works for Debian and hopefully some day Gentoo.  This 
also eliminates the requirement for vzyum, vzrpm, vzrpm43 and 
vzrpm44.  vzpkgadd, vzpkgrm, vzpkgls and vzpkgcache would just do the 
right thing.  This would also fix the incompatibilities between 
working with packages from the HN and from within the VE.

That sounds interesting, do you have a git repo or something I can take 
a look at?

So, how are you solving the problem of different RPMDB versions? You 
know, if you have used rpm-4.2 to create/manage an RPM database, the 
moment you use rpm-4.3 on it will become incompatible with rpm-4.2. The 
only way to fix that would be to use only specified RPM version.

We can definitely use rpm from inside a VE only, but then another 
problem of duplicate downloads arises.

Is this something that you would like to incorporate into the product?

One of the things I noticed was that there was a lot of duplication in 
scripts and data files.  This is because everything is stored in an 
OS/Version/Platform/Config directory, even though there may not be any 
difference between the corresponding files between platforms or even 

I have a change which is backwards-compatible which allows config 
directories anywhere in the template tree.  Files lower in the tree 
override any specified higher in the tree.

For example, instead of this directory structure:


You would have:


This eliminates a lot of duplicate work and is less error prone.
Will the minimal.conf in /vz/template/centos/5/i386/config/minimal.list 
be an addition to, or a replacement for 

In case it's addition, say you have a package called httpd in 
/vz/template/centos/config/minimal.list. What if in CentOS 6 we don't 
want package with that name, but want something called httpd3 instead? I 
mean, we can definitely add more packages, but how can we remove packages?

In case it's a replacement, I doubt that generic file will work -- 
every major version of a given distro have some changes in the minimal.list.

I can provide a diff of this change against the current git if you are 

If there is interest in any of this work please let me know the 
process for getting the changes reviewed and incorporated into the 

I put users@ to cc: in order to bring some more attention to the topic. 
I am definitely interested so let's discuss it further (for now my 
biggest concern is rpmdb compatibility problem described above).

Users mailing list

[Users] Re: [Devel] vzpkg

2008-08-29 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Robert Nelson wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

Also see my comments below.

Robert Nelson wrote:

Is anyone actively working on vzpkg?

I've been rewriting it to eliminate the dependence on yum and rpm, 
so that it also works for Debian and hopefully some day Gentoo.  
This also eliminates the requirement for vzyum, vzrpm, vzrpm43 and 
vzrpm44.  vzpkgadd, vzpkgrm, vzpkgls and vzpkgcache would just do 
the right thing.  This would also fix the incompatibilities between 
working with packages from the HN and from within the VE.

That sounds interesting, do you have a git repo or something I can 
take a look at?

I haven't got a repo set up but I could set one up pretty easily.

So, how are you solving the problem of different RPMDB versions? You 
know, if you have used rpm-4.2 to create/manage an RPM database, the 
moment you use rpm-4.3 on it will become incompatible with rpm-4.2. 
The only way to fix that would be to use only specified RPM version.

We can definitely use rpm from inside a VE only, but then another 
problem of duplicate downloads arises.

This problem was pretty easy to solve once I figured out what was 
going on.  I just remove the __db.* files before and after running 
commands in the HN then RPM automatically rebuilds them on the next 
Hmm... __db* files are just some temporary cache, removing those are 
safe (and is sometimes required) but it's not gonna help.

Here's a simple test:

1. Create a container using some template cache which uses RPM of 
different version than one on your host system. For example, CentOS4 
uses rpm-4.3, CentOS 5 -- rpm-4.4

2. Start a container:
# vzctl start NNN

3. Check container's RPM is working fine (it should at this point):
# vzctl exec NNN rpm -q rpm

4. Check if host RPM is working:
# rpm --root /vz/root/NNN -q rpm

5. Check if container RPM is working:
# vzctl exec NNN rpm -q rpm

Sure you can insert removing of __db.* files in the appropriate places 
and see if it helps.

For the yum-cache, I mount the /vz/template version of the cache into 
the VE.  I do the same for the apt/archives on Debian.

If you do it read-only, how do you handle the case yum/apt wants to 
write something to it?

If you do it read-write, how can you make sure that an evil container 
root will not put some home-baked Trojaned packages into that area?

Is this something that you would like to incorporate into the product?

One of the things I noticed was that there was a lot of duplication 
in scripts and data files.  This is because everything is stored in 
an OS/Version/Platform/Config directory, even though there may not 
be any difference between the corresponding files between platforms 
or even Versions.

I have a change which is backwards-compatible which allows config 
directories anywhere in the template tree.  Files lower in the tree 
override any specified higher in the tree.

For example, instead of this directory structure:


You would have:


This eliminates a lot of duplicate work and is less error prone.
Will the minimal.conf in 
/vz/template/centos/5/i386/config/minimal.list be an addition to, or 
a replacement for /vz/template/centos/config/minimal.list?

Currently it is a replacement, in all the templates I looked at the 
files were exactly the same.  The *.list files just list the desired 
functionality which doesn't change, the big changes are the 
dependencies which are handled automatically.  But they definitely 
don't differ between architectures for the same release.

I handle things a little differently for Debian / Ubuntu since 
debootstrap files provide the initial set.  Packages listed in the 
*.list file are added to a --include option to debootstrap, if they 
have a trailing - then they are added to --exclude.
In case it's addition, say you have a package called httpd in 
/vz/template/centos/config/minimal.list. What if in CentOS 6 we don't 
want package with that name, but want something called httpd3 
instead? I mean, we can definitely add more packages, but how can we 
remove packages?

In case it's a replacement, I doubt that generic file will work -- 
every major version of a given distro have some changes in the 

I can provide a diff of this change against the current git if you 
are interested.

If there is interest in any of this work please let me know the 
process for getting the changes reviewed and incorporated into the 

I put users@ to cc: in order to bring some more attention to the 
topic. I am definitely interested so let's

[Users] Re: [Devel] vzpkg

2008-08-30 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Robert Nelson wrote:
For the yum-cache, I mount the /vz/template version of the cache 
into the VE.  I do the same for the apt/archives on Debian.

If you do it read-only, how do you handle the case yum/apt wants to 
write something to it?

If you do it read-write, how can you make sure that an evil container 
root will not put some home-baked Trojaned packages into that area?

Currently I mount it rw, but only while a vzpkg* command is running.  
If the VE manages their own packages they don't get to share the 
cache.  There is still a window while the vzpkg command is running but 
I don't know how to specify different access to a directory for the HN 
versus the VE.  Is there a way?

Long term, the best solution is probably implementing something like 
Debian's apt-cacher for rpms and then running apt-cacher and 
rpm-cacher on the HN.
I guess we can run a caching proxy on the host system, so the first time 
any VE will need a package it will be downloaded and cached on the host 
system; any subsequent requests will be served from cache. The only 
problem is yum metadata which can become inconsistent; need to test it 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] New vzpkg, templates and package caching daemon

2008-09-10 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

A few more questions to Robert (sorry for top-posting)

1. Can you explain how you deal with chicken-and-egg problem? I mean, to 
run yum/rpm inside a VE you need to have those packages (and their deps) 
inside the VE. In old vzpkg, we use external rpm/yum (vzrpm and vzyum) 
to do that. Since you are not relying on that anymore, how do you 
perform an initial installation of rpm/yum/their dependencies in a newly 
created VE?

(My own solution to this is to have a list of URLs to a few packages 
comprising a minimal system in which rpm could work, and then 
download/unpack (using rpm2cpio | cpio -id) those into a newly created 
empty container. When we can run rpm --initdb inside and do 'yum install 
full list of packages. The bad thing about that is (per-distro 
per-version list of) hard-coded package names and inability to use 
packages from updates repo since they are ever-changing (but packages 
in base repo should be OK).

2. Is it possible to have opensuse template metadata? AFAIK opensuse 
lacks yum and you (YaST Online Updater) should be used instead.

Robert Nelson wrote:

Roberto Mello wrote:

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Robert Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a preliminary version of the new vzpkg utilities ready for testing.

These new tools support creating templates for 32 and 64 bit flavours of the
  Centos 4 and 5,
  Fedora 7, 8 and 9,
  Debian Sarge and Etch,
  Ubuntu Feisty, Gutsy and Hardy.

They are extensible and will eventually support OpenSUSE and Gentoo.

Fantastic! Thanks for doing this and for sharing. Will definitely be
taking a look at this.


In addition, I've created pkg-cacher, a transparent caching proxy daemon
optimized for Debian and RPM packages.  It is based on apt-cacher version
1.6.4 available with Debian.  This version has been modified to understand
RedHat RPM repositiories.  It also adds support for the HTTP Range header
and deals correctly with files which have the same name but different
content on different distributions or in some cases different versions of
the same distribution.

In my experience I've found that just setting up Squid and telling my
different machines to use the proxy (Acquire::http::Proxy
http://proxy.hostname:3128/;;) has been the best pacakge caching

Works accross different packaging systems too.


There are a few advantages of using pkg-cacher versus squid:

It understands the difference between packages (static content) 
and metadata files (dynamic content).

It only keeps a single copy of a package even if it is shared 
across multiple distributions. versions or accessed from multiple mirrors.

Removal of stale packages can be based on whether the package is 
referenced by any repositories using the metadata.

This means less downloads and less disk usage. Even a 250 GB disk 
starts looking small once you deal with multiple distros, versions and 
mirrors :-)

In order to make installation easy I've setup repositories for 32 and 64 bit
versions of CentOS 4, 5 and Fedora 7, 8 and 9.  I'll be producing packages
for Debian and Ubuntu as HN later.

I can help with Debian packages if you need.


Thanks for the offer, the only reason I didn't release it at this time 
is I didn't have a Debian HN set up for testing yet.  Should be 
available in the next day or so.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] New vzpkg, templates and package caching daemon

2008-09-11 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Robert Nelson wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

A few more questions to Robert (sorry for top-posting)

1. Can you explain how you deal with chicken-and-egg problem? I mean, 
to run yum/rpm inside a VE you need to have those packages (and their 
deps) inside the VE. In old vzpkg, we use external rpm/yum (vzrpm 
and vzyum) to do that. Since you are not relying on that anymore, how 
do you perform an initial installation of rpm/yum/their dependencies 
in a newly created VE?

For creating the cache I use the standard yum/rpm on the HN.  Once a 
CT is created the yum/rpm installed in it is used.
Hmm. Here comes a problem: try to create CentOS 4 (which uses rpm-4.3) 
template on a host system running CentOS 5 (rpm-4.4).

Not really sure how to deal with that in a less hackish manner.
Users mailing list

[Users] vzpkg2

2008-09-12 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Hi Robert,

I'm trying to play with vzpkg2. Here are some random problems I found so 

1. I am trying to install the beast on Fedora 7 x86_64 system. This is 
what I see:

/usr/share/vzpkg2/cache-os: line 164: /usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-create: 
No such file or directory

The thing is vps-create is located in /usr/lib64/vzctl/scrpts on an x64 
box (vzctl-lib-3.0.22-1.x86_64.rpm). This was never a problem because 
vzpkg didn't work on x86_64. Now this needs to be fixed, I guess the 
workaround is to check lib64 first and use it if available. Patch 
(0001-*) is attached.

2. In git commit 2fdcbfc56b4d823ff085e80ec79828f67b5de5a9 you have added 
%{dist} to the value of Release: field of vzpkg.spec. This is a good 
thing, since it makes .spec file to be more Fedora-packaging-guidelines 
compatible. Then in commit 0fe151bd07301c78c85a319d683c3e7fd9117f38 you 
are removing it.

The proper way is to put %{?dist} so if it's not set then it will expand 
to empty string. Patch (0002-*) is attached.

3. There are a few problems with setting VZPKG_CACHE_HOST in /etc/vz/vz.conf

(a) From my POV, vzpkg should work (maybe suboptimal and inefficient, 
but it should) without any additional settings. Now it's not so -- you 
have to specify VZPKG_CACHE_HOST manually. It should be optional.
(b) vz.conf man page belongs to vzctl, while this parameter belongs to 
vzpkg. It's a bit unnatural.
(c) Protocol (http://) is explicitly prepended to a value of 
VZPKG_CACHE_HOST. This makes it impossible to use anything other than 
http:// (i.e. ftp://, file://, whatever).
(d) This is a global parameter, which means it's not possible to have a 
per-distro cache/repo in different places. This is the case for me -- 
there are repo mirrors of pretty much every distro in my LAN, but they 
are not on the same server.

Not really sure what do to about that -- just started to looking and... 
here comes the weekend :)

This is it so far; will continue next week.
From 4d16e4280e2b9215997e1b8eaf0801aec22680ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kir Kolyshkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 18:19:48 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] functions: find the proper VZLIB_SCRIPTDIR

Fix for the following problem:
 /usr/share/vzpkg2/cache-os: line 164:
   /usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-create: No such file or directory

The thing is vps-create is located in /usr/lib64/vzctl/scrpts on an amd64 box
(checked on vzctl-lib-3.0.22-1.x86_64.rpm). So check for this path first and
use it if available.

Signed-off-by: Kir Kolyshkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 functions |6 +-
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/functions b/functions
index 04e8261..04527f3 100644
--- a/functions
+++ b/functions
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ VECFGDIR_OLD=/etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts
+if test -d /usr/lib64/vzctl/scripts; then
+   VZLIB_SCRIPTDIR=/usr/lib64/vzctl/scripts
+   VZLIB_SCRIPTDIR=/usr/lib/vzctl/scripts
 ARCHES=i386 i586 i686 amd64 x86_64 ia64 x86
 # check that configs are in right place - use old values otherwise

From 32fc918f5a4b8c6eed09d69ecede31592ea8bd5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kir Kolyshkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:34:06 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] vzpkg.spec: add back %{dist} to release

In git commit 2fdcbfc56b4d823ff085e80ec79828f67b5de5a9 %{dist} was added
to the value of Release: field of vzpkg.spec. This is a good thing, since
it makes .spec file to be more Fedora-packaging-guidelines compatible.
Then in commit 0fe151bd07301c78c85a319d683c3e7fd9117f38 it was removed.

Returning it back in a proper way, i.e. %{?dist} -- which expands to empty
if dist is not set.

Signed-off-by: Kir Kolyshkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 vzpkg.spec |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vzpkg.spec b/vzpkg.spec
index 824cc7c..e55f58a 100644
--- a/vzpkg.spec
+++ b/vzpkg.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Name:  vzpkg2
 Version:   0.9.2
-Release:   1
+Release:   1%{?dist}
 Summary:   OpenVZ template management tools
 License:   GPL

Users mailing list

[Users] Re: vzpkg2

2008-09-13 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Robert Nelson wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

Hi Robert,

I'm trying to play with vzpkg2. Here are some random problems I found 
so far.

1. I am trying to install the beast on Fedora 7 x86_64 system. This 
is what I see:

/usr/share/vzpkg2/cache-os: line 164: 
/usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-create: No such file or directory

The thing is vps-create is located in /usr/lib64/vzctl/scrpts on an 
x64 box (vzctl-lib-3.0.22-1.x86_64.rpm). This was never a problem 
because vzpkg didn't work on x86_64. Now this needs to be fixed, I 
guess the workaround is to check lib64 first and use it if available. 
Patch (0001-*) is attached.

I am also testing on an x86_64 machine and vzctl/scripts is still 
installed in /usr/lib.  This must be a change in the never released 
version of vzctl.  I don't think this change is correct.  /usr/lib 
should be for 32 bit and Architecture-Independent files, /usr/lib64 
is for 64 bit only Architecture Dependent files.
I checked with vzctl-3.0.20 and 3.0.22 -- official built RPMs from

Even if it is incorrect we can fix it in future version but the problem 
is people are using current versions and will use it for some time.

Which vzctl do you have, where you got it from? Maybe Debian build?

2. In git commit 2fdcbfc56b4d823ff085e80ec79828f67b5de5a9 you have 
added %{dist} to the value of Release: field of vzpkg.spec. This is a 
good thing, since it makes .spec file to be more 
Fedora-packaging-guidelines compatible. Then in commit 
0fe151bd07301c78c85a319d683c3e7fd9117f38 you are removing it.

The proper way is to put %{?dist} so if it's not set then it will 
expand to empty string. Patch (0002-*) is attached.

I know about the %(?dist), in fact I use it in the add-ons spec 
files.  However vzpkg is not distribution specific and there is no 
reason to build separate binary rpms for each distribution and each 
release of the distribution.
Still all the packages in Fedora have that suffix. I do not have time at 
the moment to dig into Fedora Packaging Guidelines but AFAIK it is 
required. It does no harm since it is expanded to nothing if %dist is 
unset (which happened on my F9 box).

UPDATE: here it is -- 
Basically, setting this makes it easier to become a part of Fedora.

3. There are a few problems with setting VZPKG_CACHE_HOST in 

(a) From my POV, vzpkg should work (maybe suboptimal and inefficient, 
but it should) without any additional settings. Now it's not so -- 
you have to specify VZPKG_CACHE_HOST manually. It should be optional.

With a bit of work I can generate default values in an install 
script.  But it is really hard to figure out a default static IP 
address needed to do an template update for Debian.

Is there some list of mirrors available? I mean, if I run say 
debootstrap I do not have to configure anything.

(b) vz.conf man page belongs to vzctl, while this parameter belongs 
to vzpkg. It's a bit unnatural.
I didn't find it unnatural since the vzctl package is really just the 
user-mode component of OpenVZ.  The naming of the file vz.conf rather 
than vzctl.conf reinforces that.

One thing I could do is create a vzpkg.conf in /etc/vz.  It could have 
the global defaults, then have the template version of vzpkg.conf 
override it per distribution or distribution/release.

(c) Protocol (http://) is explicitly prepended to a value of 
VZPKG_CACHE_HOST. This makes it impossible to use anything other than 
http:// (i.e. ftp://, file://, whatever).

This is a simple change in the vzpkg.conf files.

(d) This is a global parameter, which means it's not possible to have 
a per-distro cache/repo in different places. This is the case for me 
-- there are repo mirrors of pretty much every distro in my LAN, but 
they are not on the same server.

See my response to point (b)

Not really sure what do to about that -- just started to looking 
and... here comes the weekend :)

This is it so far; will continue next week.

Users mailing list

[Users] Re: vzpkg2

2008-09-14 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Robert Nelson wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

Robert Nelson wrote:

Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

Hi Robert,

I'm trying to play with vzpkg2. Here are some random problems I 
found so far.

1. I am trying to install the beast on Fedora 7 x86_64 system. This 
is what I see:

/usr/share/vzpkg2/cache-os: line 164: 
/usr/lib/vzctl/scripts/vps-create: No such file or directory

The thing is vps-create is located in /usr/lib64/vzctl/scrpts on an 
x64 box (vzctl-lib-3.0.22-1.x86_64.rpm). This was never a problem 
because vzpkg didn't work on x86_64. Now this needs to be fixed, I 
guess the workaround is to check lib64 first and use it if 
available. Patch (0001-*) is attached.

I am also testing on an x86_64 machine and vzctl/scripts is still 
installed in /usr/lib.  This must be a change in the never released 
version of vzctl.  I don't think this change is correct.  /usr/lib 
should be for 32 bit and Architecture-Independent files, 
/usr/lib64 is for 64 bit only Architecture Dependent files.
I checked with vzctl-3.0.20 and 3.0.22 -- official built RPMs from

Even if it is incorrect we can fix it in future version but the 
problem is people are using current versions and will use it for some 

Which vzctl do you have, where you got it from? Maybe Debian build?

I'm using version 3.0.22 and I test on both Debian and CentOS.  By 
default CentOS installs both the 32 and 64 bit versions.  On Debian 
I'm using the vzctl from and it 
doesn't use /usr/lib64.

Anyways, it is a simple enough to test for /usr/lib64/vzctl/scripts first.

This is what  did in that patch I sent :)

2. In git commit 2fdcbfc56b4d823ff085e80ec79828f67b5de5a9 you have 
added %{dist} to the value of Release: field of vzpkg.spec. This is 
a good thing, since it makes .spec file to be more 
Fedora-packaging-guidelines compatible. Then in commit 
0fe151bd07301c78c85a319d683c3e7fd9117f38 you are removing it.

The proper way is to put %{?dist} so if it's not set then it will 
expand to empty string. Patch (0002-*) is attached.

I know about the %(?dist), in fact I use it in the add-ons spec 
files.  However vzpkg is not distribution specific and there is no 
reason to build separate binary rpms for each distribution and each 
release of the distribution.
Still all the packages in Fedora have that suffix. I do not have time 
at the moment to dig into Fedora Packaging Guidelines but AFAIK it is 
required. It does no harm since it is expanded to nothing if %dist is 
unset (which happened on my F9 box).

UPDATE: here it is -- Basically, setting 
this makes it easier to become a part of Fedora.

Purpose of the Dist Tag

There are several uses for a |%{dist}| tag. The original purpose was 
so that a single spec file could be used for multiple distribution 
releases. In doing this, there are cases in which BuildRequires: and 
Requires: will need to be different for different distribution 
releases. Hence, |%{dist}| does double duty:

* it differentiates multiple packages which would otherwise have
  the same |%{name}-%{version}-%{release}|, but very different

* it allows for a conditional check in the spec to deal with the
  differing dependencies.

  Do I Have To Use the Dist Tag?

No. It is documented and standardized so that maintainers who wish to 
use it can do so, but it is not mandatory.

Above is the actual text from the Guidelines.  Since vzpkg doesn't 
have any dependencies it isn't version or distribution specific.  So 
it isn't necessary, the guidelines also specify that it is optional.  
If it is specified then you would need to generate separate RPMs for 
every distribution and every version of those distributions.  This 
isn't a problem if it is being built as part of a distribution but it 
is when you are building separate from a distribution.

All right, agreed :)

3. There are a few problems with setting VZPKG_CACHE_HOST in 

(a) From my POV, vzpkg should work (maybe suboptimal and 
inefficient, but it should) without any additional settings. Now 
it's not so -- you have to specify VZPKG_CACHE_HOST manually. It 
should be optional.

With a bit of work I can generate default values in an install 
script.  But it is really hard to figure out a default static IP 
address needed to do an template update for Debian.

Is there some list of mirrors available? I mean, if I run say 
debootstrap I do not have to configure anything.

I'm not sure how that is relevant to the issue being discussed.  The 
issue I'm talking about is an IP address for the container.
Is there a documentation for VZPKG_CACHE_HOST I can take a look at? Yup 
I know the best documentation is the code, and I will take a look, but 
  This is needed so that the container can access the network to run 
apt-get upgrade to update the template with latest versions

Re: [Users] 2.6.26-ovz.bulgakov question

2008-10-23 Thread Kir Kolyshkin

Please file a bug to


I have compiled and installed 2.6.26-ovz.bulgakov pulled from git after commit 
It's working fine, running 2 VE, one with heavy java applications (zimbra). 
I have one strange message in /var/log/messages,  BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 63s! [java:30192], I will add the whole text at the bottom of the mail. 
At that time I saw non-zero failcnt for this VE and increased some parameter for VE, I don't remember which one.

Is it an openvz problem? Should I file it into bugzilla?

Here are the whole text from /var/log/messages:
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 63s! 
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: Modules linked in: vzethdev vznetdev simfs 
vzrst vzcpt tun vzdquota vzmon vzdev xt_length ipt_ttl xt_tcpmss xt_TCPMSS 
angle iptable_filter xt_multiport xt_limit xt_dscp ipt_REJECT ip_tables bnep 
rfcomm l2cap bluetooth ib_iser rdma_cm ib_cm iw_cm ib_sa ib_mad ib_core ib_addr 
scsi_tcp libiscsi scsi_transport_iscsi it87 hwmon_vid fuse sunrpc bridge 
ip6t_REJECT xt_tcpudp nf_conntrack_ipv6 xt_state nf_conntrack ip6table_filter 
les x_tables ipv6 cpufreq_ondemand powernow_k8 freq_table dm_multipath kvm_amd 
kvm snd_hda_intel snd_seq_dummy snd_seq_oss snd_seq_midi_event snd_seq snd_seq_
device snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_pcm snd_timer snd_page_alloc 8139too 
pata_jmicron ppdev parport_pc firewire_ohci sr_mod cdrom firewire_core 
crc_itu_t usb
_storage i2c_piix4 i2c_core pcspkr snd_hwdep k8temp hwmon r8169 8139cp mii 
pata_atiixp ata_generic sg parport floppy snd soundcore pata_acpi dm_snapshot 
ro dm_mirror dm_log dm_mod ahci libata sd_mod scsi_mod ext3 jbd mbcache uhci_hc
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: d ohci_hcd ehci_hcd [last unloaded: 
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: CPU 0:
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: Modules linked in: vzethdev vznetdev simfs 
vzrst vzcpt tun vzdquota vzmon vzdev xt_length ipt_ttl xt_tcpmss xt_TCPMSS 
iptable_mangle iptable_filter xt_multiport xt_limit xt_dscp ipt_REJECT 
ip_tables bnep rfcomm l2cap bluetooth ib_iser rdma_cm ib_cm iw_cm ib_sa ib_mad 
ib_core ib_addr iscsi_tcp libiscsi scsi_transport_iscsi it87 hwmon_vid fuse 
sunrpc bridge ip6t_REJECT xt_tcpudp nf_conntrack_ipv6 xt_state nf_conntrack 
ip6table_filter ip6_tables x_tables ipv6 cpufreq_ondemand powernow_k8 
freq_table dm_multipath kvm_amd kvm snd_hda_intel snd_seq_dummy snd_seq_oss 
snd_seq_midi_event snd_seq snd_seq_device snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_pcm 
snd_timer snd_page_alloc 8139too pata_jmicron ppdev parport_pc firewire_ohci 
sr_mod cdrom firewire_core crc_itu_t usb_storage i2c_piix4 i2c_core pcspkr 
snd_hwdep k8temp hwmon r8169 8139cp mii pata_atiixp ata_generic sg parport 
floppy snd soundcore pata_acpi dm_snapshot dm_zero dm_mirror dm_log dm_mod ahci 


  sd_mod scsi_mod ext3 jbd mbcache uhci_hc
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: d ohci_hcd ehci_hcd [last unloaded: 
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: Pid: 30192, comm: java Not tainted 
2.6.26.ovz-bul #6 bulgakov
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: RIP: 0033:[7fd4dd07b9ed]  
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: RSP: 002b:402fe250  EFLAGS: 0206
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: RAX: 0080 RBX: 402fe290 
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: RDX: 402fe3e0 RSI: 0318 
RDI: 402fe320
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: RBP: 8100c86e R08: 7fd4bc2f8d50 
R09: 04a6
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: R10: 019c R11: 410cfa10 
R12: 402fe6e0
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: R13:  R14:  
R15: 402fe830
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: FS:  40300940(0063) 
GS:81408000() knlGS:
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: CS:  0010 DS:  ES:  CR0: 
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: CR2: 00365ff5d560 CR3: 00014e539000 
CR4: 06e0
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: DR0:  DR1:  
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: DR3:  DR6: 0ff0 
DR7: 0400
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel:
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
Oct 13 11:57:08 localhost kernel:
Oct 13 11:57:18 localhost nagios: SERVICE ALERT: 
localhost;Processes;WARNING;SOFT;1;PROCS WARNING: 257 processes with STATE = 

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Re: [Users] create CT with password

2008-11-10 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
The only problem is the solution is not generic. In other words, we
can't know how different distros handle local users. It used to be
crypt(3) and /etc/passwd (later /etc/shadow) manipulation. Now everybody
uses PAM which can be configured in this or that way. For example, new
passwords are checked (by pam_cracklib) for minimum length etc. (see
pam_cracklib(8) for much more details). Also they could be stored in a
different ways (this applies to both storage and hashes), say use (or
not use) /etc/shadow, md5 or sha256 hash or even NIS (see pam_unix(8)
for more details).

Because of the above, the only reliable way is to run passwd --stdin
inside the container (somewhat less generic (?) and more low-level way
is to call pam_chauthtok(3) function from a C code -- this is what I
assume passwd does). Using 'passwd' is the only way to make sure we are
doing what we should, not ignoring local configuration, not
circumventing any local restrictions etc. Unfortunately we need to start
the VE in order to run passwd (just chroot()'ing is not enough secure).

So, what if you approach the problem in a different way? Is it possible
that you run 'vzctl set --userpasswd' *after* VE start?

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

 Attached is a patch which passes the password to the postcreate script:


 VE_ROOTPASSWD .. plain text passwd

 VE_CROOTPASSWD .. crypted  passwd (md5)


 postcreate script can then modify /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.


 what do you think?


 - Dietmar


 Behalf Of *Dietmar Maurer
 *Sent:* Donnerstag, 06. November 2008 10:51
 *Subject:* [Users] create CT with password


 Hi all,


 currently you need to use the following command to change the password
 inside a CT:


 vzctl set CTID --userpasswd root:XXX


 This starts/stop the CT if it is not already running.


 That is OK unless you have preconfigured appliance templates which
 does some

 initialization at first startup. Let me explain:


 1.)User create the CT: vzctl creat 777 --ostemplate name …

 2.)User set the password: vzctl set 777 --userpasswd root:XXX
  (start/stop CT)

 3.)User starts the CT


 As you see, there is a totally unnecessary start/stop action. Even
 worse, the container

 is not fully functional at that time because HOSTNAME, DOMAIN,… in not
 set before the

 container is started with “vzctl start”.


 I wonder if it would be possible to add a  --userpasswd parameter to
 the ‘create’ command? Or maybe

 only a --rootpasswd option (because root is always a local user).


 /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow should be easy to modify directly, or are
 there some distributions

 with unusual file formats?


 - Dietmar





 Users mailing list

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[Users] [PATCH 0/6] Some small vztmpl improvements/tweaks

2008-12-17 Thread Kir Kolyshkin
Hi Robert,

Here are a few patches against your vztmpl which I developed while caching
fedora-10 template. All patches are hopefully self-explanatory, and are
to be applied in the listed order.

Patches are against current git head
(e42f6fad632b03b4eeb94fdb3e2ccc3dec82d58d aka vztmpl2-1.0.0-1).

Please commit.


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