Re: Header values when using HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()

2016-09-08 Thread Joe Tseng
I inherited a clusterf*** of a mess disguised as a JSP/servlet-based
MVC-ish app without the benefit of using Spring or Struts or any sort of
framework. No web services, but lots of $.ajax() POST calls to servlet
methods. I need to get this stabilized before I can redo everything using

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 3:27 PM Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> For MVC, you'd have to know how the requests are being sent and
> responses are being processed. You probably have to "listen" for the
> response and grab the response headers from there.
> I'm interested... what kind of work are you doing, here? Do you have a
> fat client with a web-services back end or something?

Re: Header values when using HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()

2016-09-08 Thread Joe Tseng
FYI I'm using Tomcat v7.x.

I guess I misunderstood what happens when I use sendRedirect() - it sends a
new request, not a new response - but the effect is the same. That was what
I came away with when I read this:

In any case, I gave up on using the header to pass additional items from
the server to the browser and ended up just using cookies. Unless someone
shows me otherwise, everything I saw online showed how to use
jQuery/xhr/your JS tool of the month to get header values from a GET/POST
response; meanwhile I never figured out how to extract those values after a
document was rendered in a traditional MVC app.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:22 AM Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Joe,
> On 9/6/16 3:36 PM, Joe Tseng wrote:
> > I inherited a codebase that calls
> > HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() to another page after a user is
> > successfully logged in. I want to be able to insert a header value
> > before that redirection is executed. I tried to simply add a
> > HttpServletResponse.addHeader()/.setHeader() to the response object
> > before the redirect is called, but it seems a new response object
> > is used and sent to the browser. Is that assessment correct? Is
> > there any way for me to modify the redirect before it's sent or do
> > I have to use .forward()?
> Tomcat version?
> This should work. Calling response.setHeader or response.addHeader and
> then response.sendRedirect() should include your custom headers. What
> makes you think that "a new response object is used"?
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools -
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> Nrc/mVhqezWJq0usCubNKeFPqMtHrGO8BJL4eUdVl/w6FVX0Srf/2C34APrgUJZC
> 9G0l4R8f8jatbnD2irqUo166Bq3TcjSjppdq3wYsGLb6vdRAkC9bMWqEr3piphBi
> yVdKTPflDXo5FEmHcxFgKctwCGzVaqXMJ4tyAEXHZ2jN6azK2mBwCtyZnakoo+Qy
> zFFbI6beczIAood49aohi6k0w/IGkH6KtbcYvWgbSuPoeRPrIUqZBb8VMZtrWF80
> oyyLa1+3gIGnxBv/4KCRUpLuz2iHdjJ/qwTBgiwNmpo68YZIoqN/ylm1VLR+A9Bx
> AV7+ifTZaBQ6oIRWFgziw6ZDtw5l3WCYX2LlyCrSGdbPA7IQ9fYSFNSX0iJUq668
> TUesB+5WapCmW73kZSB1OFYpxLTlJAMY3l8KvZbWfhQ3ozLLd8yKKVFBJ2HlM1i5
> GbquzKQ7qMWTVG89OUoK9b7Ipf1mApEg9CfvXnajcImM7QKASlUc0LEdtF5ujkEc
> IaBhqC8fbgOV31BwA81C3bUcEKRFcYdMASViZO8G1B/bn+s70FFnf+JBqLI96XfI
> xhQuuThjTx2zCU7oLZb0
> =Izss
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Header values when using HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()

2016-09-06 Thread Joe Tseng

I inherited a codebase that calls HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() to
another page after a user is successfully logged in. I want to be able to
insert a header value before that redirection is executed. I tried to
simply add a HttpServletResponse.addHeader()/.setHeader() to the response
object before the redirect is called, but it seems a new response object is
used and sent to the browser. Is that assessment correct? Is there any way
for me to modify the redirect before it's sent or do I have to use


 - Joe

Re: Nonce-secured pages generate 403 errors

2016-09-02 Thread Joe Tseng
One thing I forgot to mention... In my servlet controller's auth method,
when a user's login is approved, the controller redirects the browser to
another page. I noticed looking in my browser's network tab the CSRF_NONCE
token in the request URL changes value between the auth method and the
eventual destination. Is this normal? I also recall reading Tomcat is
supposed to cache the last five tokens for a given current session - the
change in token values shouldn't affect usage, correct?

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 10:14 AM Joe Tseng <>

> For my app I was *mostly* successful in securing it using Tomcat's
> CsrfPreventionFilter tool. I can land on my unsecured login.jsp page and
> get the app to still redirect based on login success.
> My problem is regardless of login success I'm getting a 403 error; I may
> be implementing the token check incorrectly though. When I originally read
> up on how to implement CSRF in a traditional MVC app I was under the
> impression I had to provide the token in a hidden field in a POST form. My
> initial effort was aimed at providing that value from the session's
> CSRF_NONCE attribute but that kept on coming up null or of type lrucache.
> Other posts said all I had to do was pass my unaltered POST form action
> URL through HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL() and the resulting
> CSRF_NONCE GET value would be automagically be handled by the filter (e.g.
> Now I can produce CSRF_NONCE values all day long and be redirected to
> action page, but that page is producing a 403. I put a print statement in
> my action page, but my browser isn't getting that far, leading me to think
> I need to do something additional in my filter configuration.
> As an aside, I currently use a custom class that extends
> org.apache.catalina.filters.CsrfPreventionFilter so I can override
> doFilter() and filter out any checks to CSS or JS files. That works for
> excluding unsecured content but is that the right approach? Is that causing
> my main issue?
> My web.xml is currently as follows:
>   CSRF
>   filter.CustomCSRFFilter
>   CSRF
>   /*
> Appreciative of any useful assistance...
>  - Joe

Nonce-secured pages generate 403 errors

2016-09-02 Thread Joe Tseng
For my app I was *mostly* successful in securing it using Tomcat's
CsrfPreventionFilter tool. I can land on my unsecured login.jsp page and
get the app to still redirect based on login success.

My problem is regardless of login success I'm getting a 403 error; I may be
implementing the token check incorrectly though. When I originally read up
on how to implement CSRF in a traditional MVC app I was under the
impression I had to provide the token in a hidden field in a POST form. My
initial effort was aimed at providing that value from the session's
CSRF_NONCE attribute but that kept on coming up null or of type lrucache.

Other posts said all I had to do was pass my unaltered POST form action URL
through HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL() and the resulting
CSRF_NONCE GET value would be automagically be handled by the filter (e.g.
Now I can produce CSRF_NONCE values all day long and be redirected to
action page, but that page is producing a 403. I put a print statement in
my action page, but my browser isn't getting that far, leading me to think
I need to do something additional in my filter configuration.

As an aside, I currently use a custom class that extends
org.apache.catalina.filters.CsrfPreventionFilter so I can override
doFilter() and filter out any checks to CSS or JS files. That works for
excluding unsecured content but is that the right approach? Is that causing
my main issue?

My web.xml is currently as follows:


Appreciative of any useful assistance...

 - Joe

[CsrfPreventionFilter] Adding base app URL as an entryPoint

2016-09-01 Thread Joe Tseng
I want to have my landing page be accessible without using a nonce but
right now I'm getting a 403. I do have a separate login page that works
without a nonce.

The pertinent section of my web.xml is as follows:

   /, /login.jsp, /JS/MIST.js

I also tried "/*" without success. I saw another config using just "/" but
I don't know if that person's config was successful - at least I believe my
line of thinking is similar to others.

Appreciative of any useful help...

 - Joe

Trying to use CsrfPreventionFilter

2016-08-31 Thread Joe Tseng

I'm trying to use CsrfPreventionFilter with a POST form in a JSP page and
my understanding of its use is I need to use a hidden value field with the
value I've set to ${session['org.apache.catalina.filters.CSRF_NONCE']}.
Right now when I load the page the value is simply blank. As far as I know
the configuration is correct and my app restarts with no obvious issues. My
/WEB-INF/web.xml is as follows:



And my field is as follows:

Is that the right way to get the value for CSRF_NONCE? If not, am I close?
Useful ideas appreciated!

 - Joe

RE: [PossibleSpam] Re: Tomcat Rewrite Valve

2016-02-12 Thread Joe Aldrich

>Am 10.02.2016 um 15:23 schrieb Rémy Maucherat:
>> 2016-02-10 15:06 GMT+01:00 Joe Aldrich <>:
>>>> Am 29.01.2016 15:34, schrieb Joe Aldrich:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am using Tomcat 8.0.28 on Windows 10 and am having a problem with 
>>>>> the Rewrite Value. I must include the escaped form of an ampersand 
>>>>> '%26' in the output URL.
>>>>> My rewrite.config has the following:
>>>>> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)?SCID=8(&.*)?$ RewriteRule 
>>>>> ^/(product|specs|avail-options|avail-category)\.php$
>>>>> /Product.action?select=Model+4+\%26+4C [R=301,L,NE]
>>>>> I am escaping the percent sign with a backslash, and I have tried 
>>>>> using the NE flag. However, Tomcat always is treating the percent 
>>>>> symbol as a back reference to the above RewriteCond. If I don't 
>>>>> have a second capture group, then I get a 500 error from a 
>>>>> NullPointerException.
>>>> The current tomcat code does not allow escaping of percent or dollar sign.
>>>> The parser just looks for percent (or dollar) and applies it either 
>>>> as a
>>> backreference (when it is followed by a digit), or a map.
>>>> I have not found any indication, that escaping is possible with httpd.
>>>> Could you provide a link to the doc, that states it is possible?
>>> In Apache mod_rewrite it is possible per this documentation:
>> Ok, I added an item for that since the mod_rewrite behavior should be
>> implemented:
>The fix will be included in 9.0.0.M4 and 8.0.33. The syntax will be the same 
>as with httpd 2.2 using a backslash to quota a percent sign.
>@Joe, could you test the current trunk for 8 or 9?

I tested the truck for Tomcat 8. Escaping '%' or '$' with '\' now works as 
expected according to the documentation.

Thanks for all the help on this,

>  Felix
>> Rémy
>>>> If you are willing to build tomcat yourself, you could try the 
>>>> attached
>>> patch, which will allow escaping of percent signs by specifying them as %%.
>>>> Your example would thus look like
>>>> "/Product.action?select=Model+4+%%26+4C".
>>>> Regards,
>>>>   Felix
>>> I will look into applying the patch as I need to be able to redirect 
>>> to URLs that contain %26 in the query string.
>>> Much thanks,
>>> Joe
>>>>> I was working with the documentation on this page:
>>>>> The desired output URL would be:
>>>>> In the example given for the NE flag on the page reference above, 
>>>>> the percent sign is escaped by a backslash to prevent it from being 
>>>>> treated as a back-reference. This is not working for me. Instead I
>>>>> get:
>>>>> Where the "null" is due to an empty second back-reference.  I 
>>>>> believe this is a bug in that it is not escaping the percent sign 
>>>>> (making it impossible to create the %26 in the redirect URL). Or am 
>>>>> I misunderstanding something here?
>>>>> As a side question, shouldn't an empty back-reference be blank 
>>>>> instead of adding 'null' to the URL?
>>>>> Joseph B Aldrich
>>>>> ---
>>>>> -- To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>>>> For additional commands, e-mail:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

RE: [PossibleSpam] Re: Tomcat Rewrite Valve

2016-02-11 Thread Joe Aldrich

>Am 10.02.2016 um 15:23 schrieb Rémy Maucherat:
>> 2016-02-10 15:06 GMT+01:00 Joe Aldrich <>:
>>>> Am 29.01.2016 15:34, schrieb Joe Aldrich:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am using Tomcat 8.0.28 on Windows 10 and am having a problem with 
>>>>> the Rewrite Value. I must include the escaped form of an ampersand 
>>>>> '%26' in the output URL.
>>>>> My rewrite.config has the following:
>>>>> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)?SCID=8(&.*)?$ RewriteRule 
>>>>> ^/(product|specs|avail-options|avail-category)\.php$
>>>>> /Product.action?select=Model+4+\%26+4C [R=301,L,NE]
>>>>> I am escaping the percent sign with a backslash, and I have tried 
>>>>> using the NE flag. However, Tomcat always is treating the percent 
>>>>> symbol as a back reference to the above RewriteCond. If I don't 
>>>>> have a second capture group, then I get a 500 error from a 
>>>>> NullPointerException.
>>>> The current tomcat code does not allow escaping of percent or dollar sign.
>>>> The parser just looks for percent (or dollar) and applies it either 
>>>> as a
>>> backreference (when it is followed by a digit), or a map.
>>>> I have not found any indication, that escaping is possible with httpd.
>>>> Could you provide a link to the doc, that states it is possible?
>>> In Apache mod_rewrite it is possible per this documentation:
>> Ok, I added an item for that since the mod_rewrite behavior should be
>> implemented:
>The fix will be included in 9.0.0.M4 and 8.0.33. The syntax will be the same 
>as with httpd 2.2 using a backslash to quota a percent sign.
>@Joe, could you test the current trunk for 8 or 9?

Yes, I will test it out as soon as I get the chance.

Thanks again,

>  Felix
>> Rémy
>>>> If you are willing to build tomcat yourself, you could try the 
>>>> attached
>>> patch, which will allow escaping of percent signs by specifying them as %%.
>>>> Your example would thus look like
>>>> "/Product.action?select=Model+4+%%26+4C".
>>>> Regards,
>>>>   Felix
>>> I will look into applying the patch as I need to be able to redirect 
>>> to URLs that contain %26 in the query string.
>>> Much thanks,
>>> Joe
>>>>> I was working with the documentation on this page:
>>>>> The desired output URL would be:
>>>>> In the example given for the NE flag on the page reference above, 
>>>>> the percent sign is escaped by a backslash to prevent it from being 
>>>>> treated as a back-reference. This is not working for me. Instead I
>>>>> get:
>>>>> Where the "null" is due to an empty second back-reference.  I 
>>>>> believe this is a bug in that it is not escaping the percent sign 
>>>>> (making it impossible to create the %26 in the redirect URL). Or am 
>>>>> I misunderstanding something here?
>>>>> As a side question, shouldn't an empty back-reference be blank 
>>>>> instead of adding 'null' to the URL?
>>>>> Joseph B Aldrich
>>>>> ---
>>>>> -- To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>>>> For additional commands, e-mail:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

RE: [PossibleSpam] Re: Tomcat Rewrite Valve

2016-02-10 Thread Joe Aldrich

>Am 29.01.2016 15:34, schrieb Joe Aldrich:
>> Hello,
>> I am using Tomcat 8.0.28 on Windows 10 and am having a problem with 
>> the Rewrite Value. I must include the escaped form of an ampersand 
>> '%26' in the output URL.
>> My rewrite.config has the following:
>> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)?SCID=8(&.*)?$ RewriteRule 
>> ^/(product|specs|avail-options|avail-category)\.php$
>> /Product.action?select=Model+4+\%26+4C [R=301,L,NE]
>> I am escaping the percent sign with a backslash, and I have tried 
>> using the NE flag. However, Tomcat always is treating the percent 
>> symbol as a back reference to the above RewriteCond. If I don't have a 
>> second capture group, then I get a 500 error from a 
>> NullPointerException.

>The current tomcat code does not allow escaping of percent or dollar sign.
>The parser just looks for percent (or dollar) and applies it either as a 
>backreference (when it is followed by a digit), or a map.
>I have not found any indication, that escaping is possible with httpd. 
>Could you provide a link to the doc, that states it is possible?

In Apache mod_rewrite it is possible per this documentation:

>If you are willing to build tomcat yourself, you could try the attached patch, 
>which will allow escaping of percent signs by specifying them as %%.
>Your example would thus look like
>  Felix

I will look into applying the patch as I need to be able to redirect to URLs 
that contain %26 in the query string. 
Much thanks,

>> I was working with the documentation on this page:
>> The desired output URL would be:
>> In the example given for the NE flag on the page reference above, the 
>> percent sign is escaped by a backslash to prevent it from being 
>> treated as a back-reference. This is not working for me. Instead I
>> get:
>> Where the "null" is due to an empty second back-reference.  I believe 
>> this is a bug in that it is not escaping the percent sign (making it 
>> impossible to create the %26 in the redirect URL). Or am I 
>> misunderstanding something here?
>> As a side question, shouldn't an empty back-reference be blank instead 
>> of adding 'null' to the URL?
>> Joseph B Aldrich
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

FW: [PossibleSpam] Re: Tomcat Rewrite Valve

2016-02-09 Thread Joe Aldrich

This is my first attempt at interaction with the Tomcat Users List. I haven't 
heard anything back on my response to the initial followup by Chris, and I was 
just checking if there was anything else needed from me on this.


-Original Message-
From: Joe Aldrich 
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 5:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: [PossibleSpam] Re: Tomcat Rewrite Valve


Hash: SHA1


>On 1/29/16 9:34 AM, Joe Aldrich wrote:
>> I am using Tomcat 8.0.28 on Windows 10 and am having a problem with 
>> the Rewrite Value. I must include the escaped form of an ampersand 
>> '%26' in the output URL.
>> My rewrite.config has the following:
>> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)?SCID=8(&.*)?$ RewriteRule 
>> ^/(product|specs|avail-options|avail-category)\.php$
>> /Product.action?select=Model+4+\%26+4C [R=301,L,NE]
>> I am escaping the percent sign with a backslash, and I have tried 
>> using the NE flag. However, Tomcat always is treating the percent 
>> symbol as a back reference to the above RewriteCond. If I don't have 
>> a second capture group, then I get a 500 error from a 
>> NullPointerException.

>Can you please post the stack trace from that?

Here is what I get if I don’t specify a second capture group:

HTTP Status 500 - No group 2

type Exception report

message No group 2

description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from 
fulfilling this request.


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: No group 2 Source)









java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)

org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ Source)
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache 
Tomcat/8.0.28 logs.

Apache Tomcat/8.0.28

>> I was working with the documentation on this page:
>> The desired output URL would be:

>Presumably, if you don't escape it at all, you get:

If I do not use the backslash to escape the percent sign, then (with or without 
the [NE] flag) I get a back-reference resulting in a 500 error if there isn't a 
second capture group. If there is a second capture group I get:

(where again, null represents there was nothing specified after the SCID=8 in 
the query string).

If I omit the [NE] flag and keep the backslash to escape the percent sign, the 
escaping of the percent sign fails and I get similar results except for the 
presence of the backslash in the output URL as:\null26+4C

>> In the example given for the NE flag on the page reference above, the 
>> percent sign is escaped by a backslash to prevent it from being 
>> treated as a back-reference. This is not working for me. Instead I
>> get:
>> Where the "null" is due to an empty second back-reference.  I believe 
>> this is a bug in that it is not escaping the percent sign (making it 
>> impossible to create the %26 in the redirect URL). Or am I 
>> misunderstanding something here?
>> As a side question, shouldn't an empty back-reference be blank 
>> instead of adding 'null' to the URL?

>I agree that the "null"

Tomcat Rewrite Valve

2016-01-29 Thread Joe Aldrich

I am using Tomcat 8.0.28 on Windows 10 and am having a problem with the Rewrite 
Value. I must include the escaped form of an ampersand '%26' in the output URL.

My rewrite.config has the following:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)?SCID=8(&.*)?$
RewriteRule ^/(product|specs|avail-options|avail-category)\.php$ 
/Product.action?select=Model+4+\%26+4C [R=301,L,NE]

I am escaping the percent sign with a backslash, and I have tried using the NE 
flag. However, Tomcat always is treating the percent symbol as a back reference 
to the above RewriteCond. If I don't have a second capture group, then I get a 
500 error from a NullPointerException.

I was working with the documentation on this page:

The desired output URL would be:

In the example given for the NE flag on the page reference above, the percent 
sign is escaped by a backslash to prevent it from being treated as a 
back-reference. This is not working for me. Instead I get:\null6+4C

Where the "null" is due to an empty second back-reference.  I believe this is a 
bug in that it is not escaping the percent sign (making it impossible to create 
the %26 in the redirect URL). Or am I misunderstanding something here?

As a side question, shouldn't an empty back-reference be blank instead of 
adding 'null' to the URL?

Joseph B Aldrich
Junior Java Developer
P: 800.981.1540 | F: 715.254.0996
4848 Industrial Park Rd. Stevens Point. 54481

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

RE: [PossibleSpam] Re: Tomcat Rewrite Valve

2016-01-29 Thread Joe Aldrich

Hash: SHA1


>On 1/29/16 9:34 AM, Joe Aldrich wrote:
>> I am using Tomcat 8.0.28 on Windows 10 and am having a problem with 
>> the Rewrite Value. I must include the escaped form of an ampersand 
>> '%26' in the output URL.
>> My rewrite.config has the following:
>> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)?SCID=8(&.*)?$ RewriteRule 
>> ^/(product|specs|avail-options|avail-category)\.php$
>> /Product.action?select=Model+4+\%26+4C [R=301,L,NE]
>> I am escaping the percent sign with a backslash, and I have tried 
>> using the NE flag. However, Tomcat always is treating the percent 
>> symbol as a back reference to the above RewriteCond. If I don't have a 
>> second capture group, then I get a 500 error from a 
>> NullPointerException.

>Can you please post the stack trace from that?

Here is what I get if I don’t specify a second capture group:

HTTP Status 500 - No group 2

type Exception report

message No group 2

description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from 
fulfilling this request.


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: No group 2 Source)









java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)

org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ Source)
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache 
Tomcat/8.0.28 logs.

Apache Tomcat/8.0.28

>> I was working with the documentation on this page:
>> The desired output URL would be:

>Presumably, if you don't escape it at all, you get:

If I do not use the backslash to escape the percent sign, then (with or without 
the [NE] flag) I get a back-reference resulting in a 500 error if there isn't a 
second capture group. If there is a second capture group I get:

(where again, null represents there was nothing specified after the SCID=8 in 
the query string).

If I omit the [NE] flag and keep the backslash to escape the percent sign, the 
escaping of the percent sign fails and I get similar results except for the 
presence of the backslash in the output URL as:\null26+4C

>> In the example given for the NE flag on the page reference above, the 
>> percent sign is escaped by a backslash to prevent it from being 
>> treated as a back-reference. This is not working for me. Instead I
>> get:
>> Where the "null" is due to an empty second back-reference.  I believe 
>> this is a bug in that it is not escaping the percent sign (making it 
>> impossible to create the %26 in the redirect URL). Or am I 
>> misunderstanding something here?
>> As a side question, shouldn't an empty back-reference be blank instead 
>> of adding 'null' to the URL?

>I agree that the "null" is incorrect. That is almost certainly a bug.
>[NE] should be preventing escaping of the resulting URL, but that might break 
>if you had user-specified input being re-written, but then not escaped.
>I'm not entirely sure if backslash-escaping is expected to work for 
>back-references. It's certainly a reasonable expectation, especially if that's 
>the way that mod_rewrite >works (and 

Apache Tomcat 7 on windows 2008: how to host mutiple domains

2015-07-10 Thread Joe Green
Hi there,
I’m new to Apache Tomcat. I have been asked to point new domain name to the 
existing domain name. E.g. We have, we want new domain name to point to The Apache Tomcat 7 server is 
installed Windows 2008 R2 server. We have created the DNS entry for 
Can someone tell me how to do this? Do I need to create a virtual host and if 
so how. How do I restart tomcat server on windows 2008 R2? 
I read that if I modify server.xml then I need to restart Tomcat. How do I 
restart Tomcat? 
I have a following entry in config/server.xml file:Host name=localhost  
appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
  Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve directory=logs
   prefix=localhost_access_log. suffix=.txt
   pattern=%h %l %u %t quot;%rquot; %s %b /


Re: Our tomcat just crashed due to classnotfound, not sure how to investigate

2015-02-21 Thread Joe Browning
pentesting going on?
On Feb 16, 2015 10:44 AM, Mathias af Jochnick

 Christopher, thanks for responding. See my comments below.

 Mathias af Jochnick, +46703414084

 On 16 February 2015 at 16:36:32, Christopher Schultz ( wrote:

 Hash: SHA256


 On 2/16/15 5:43 AM, Mathias af Jochnick wrote:
  Our server has been in production for years without issues, but
  today it crashed out of the blue.
  Last in the logs:
  Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
  aasxknsakadskdskdskdsakmxxads Caused by:
  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: aasknsakadskdskdskdsakmads at$ at Method) at at
  java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at
  sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at
  Could not find the main class: aasxknsakadskdskdskdsakxxmads.
  Program will exit.

 Where do you see this? Which log file?

 When Java can't load a class, a ClassNotFoundException or
 NoClassDefFoundError is thrown, but it does not terminate the JVM.

 The message above says Could not find the main class, which
 indicates that a JVM was trying to launch with a new main class, not
 that an existing JVM (i.e. Tomcat running your web apps) was trying to
 load a class.
 Right, well as i said, it’s in catalina.out

 When I run my JVM with a bad main class, I don't get a stack trace:

 $ java -showversion foo
 java version 1.8.0_31
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_31-b13)
 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.31-b07, mixed mode)

 Error: Could not find or load main class foo

 Other versions of Java:

 $ java -showversion foo
 java version 1.7.0_76
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_76-b13)
 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.76-b04, mixed mode)

 Error: Could not find or load main class foo

 $ java -showversion foo
 java version 1.6.0_65
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-466.1-11M4716)
 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-466.1, mixed mode)

 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: foo
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: foo
 at Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

 So, I get the exception and stack trace, but no message about how the
 Program will exit.

 So... how is this being launched?
 Well, that’s what i’m wondering too. Our Tomcat process died, that was
 what was last in the logfile, the server had been up for a week. Nobody had
 logged in and done anything, unless we’re missing something. The server is
 at a hosting partner and i’m pretty confident they’re not complete tools if
 you see what i mean.

  While its obvious what caused the crash, i have no clue as to why.
  We have no new production code, nothing has changed as far as we
  know. I'm not sure how to investigate this, to me it seems like
  some sort of dynamic class-loading hack attempt?
  Can i look for some configured service to turn off?
  I'm at a loss so any pointers on how to investigate / prevent this
  would be extremely appreciated.

 No currently-supported version of Tomcat prints the message Program
 will exit.. I'm at a loss to explain why you would *ever* see this
 message, let alone what is causing it in your particular case.

 I would treat the server as suspicious and take appropriate steps.

 - -chris
 Version: GnuPG v1
 Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Tomcat v7 Embedded

2012-11-03 Thread joe
Jesse Farinacci jieryn at writes:

 I am trying to embed Tomcat v7.0.11 into a self-contained, executable
 jar. The jar is created using Maven (assembly plugin) which packages
 the required Tomcat embedded classes and also an unpacked WAR archive.
 The listed Main-Class does a very simple creation of a Tomcat server
 and launches it. The unpacked WAR exploits Servlet 3.0 classpath
 Is there no way to point the docBase at the executable jar itself,
 again which contains the unpacked WAR, and have it auto-extract itself
 or otherwise be useful? Embedded Jetty provides this capability and it
 is exceptionally useful.
 So, right now Tomcat 7 is firing up and serving requests. I just can
 not figure out the magic incantation to get it to locate the embedded
 and unpacked WAR where it itself is executing from. Thanks in advance,

Have you tried pointing tomcat to expect the exploded 
war in a folder that is a sibling to the jar file?

If you did this and then added logic to extract and 
explode the war to that folder as the first activity
 in your main class (using java's zip libraries) then forward 
on execution to tomcat, perhaps it would pick 
up the war?

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Re: Tomcat v7 Embedded

2012-11-03 Thread joe
Jesse Farinacci jieryn at writes:

 I am trying to embed Tomcat v7.0.11 into a self-contained, executable
 jar. The jar is created using Maven (assembly plugin) which packages
 the required Tomcat embedded classes and also an unpacked WAR archive.
 The listed Main-Class does a very simple creation of a Tomcat server
 and launches it. The unpacked WAR exploits Servlet 3.0 classpath
 Is there no way to point the docBase at the executable jar itself,
 again which contains the unpacked WAR, and have it auto-extract itself
 or otherwise be useful? Embedded Jetty provides this capability and it
 is exceptionally useful.
 So, right now Tomcat 7 is firing up and serving requests. I just can
 not figure out the magic incantation to get it to locate the embedded
 and unpacked WAR where it itself is executing from. Thanks in advance,

Have you tried pointing tomcat to expect the exploded 
war in a folder that is a sibling to the jar file?

If you did this and then added logic to extract and 
explode the war to that folder as the first activity
 in your main class (using java's zip libraries) then forward 
on execution to tomcat, perhaps it would pick 
up the war?

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Re: Apache + Tomcat + mod_jk ; Why wrong content type?

2012-10-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Hi Chris,

Many thanks for your reply. I found out that mime_module wasn't enabled. So
I added the following line
LoadModule mime_module modules/
to httpd.conf file and everything's fine now.

Thanks again!

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 On 10/3/12 1:47 AM, Joe Hansen wrote:
  We are using Apache 2.2 + Tomcat 7 + mod_jk (all 64-bit) on a
  RedHat box.
  I have configured the settings such that the static content like
  css and javascript are served by httpd rather than tomcat. However,
  when I do so, the css files are returned with a content
  type=text/plain rather than content type=text/css. Why is that so?
  Here are the snippets from the relevant files..
  /* */ worker.list=worker1
  /* httpd-vhosts.conf */ DocumentRoot
  /hosts/ JkUnMount  /css/* worker1
  JkUnMount  /img/* worker1 JkUnMount  /js/* worker1 JkMount  /*

 What does a sample request look like (include full HTTP headers)?
 What does a sample response look like (include full HTTP headers)?

 - -chris
 Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
 Comment: GPGTools -
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Apache + Tomcat + mod_jk ; Why wrong content type?

2012-10-02 Thread Joe Hansen
Hi All,

We are using Apache 2.2 + Tomcat 7 + mod_jk (all 64-bit) on a RedHat box.

I have configured the settings such that the static content like css and
javascript are served by httpd rather than tomcat. However, when I do so,
the css files are returned with a content type=text/plain rather than
content type=text/css. Why is that so?

Here are the snippets from the relevant files..

/* */

/* httpd-vhosts.conf */
DocumentRoot /hosts/
JkUnMount  /css/* worker1
JkUnMount  /img/* worker1
JkUnMount  /js/* worker1
JkMount  /* worker1


Error while starting tomcat. Failed creating jvm.dll

2011-10-19 Thread Joe Hansen

I have installed Tomcat 6.0.29 on a machine running Windows 7 Professional
(64bit) and JDK 1.5.0_22.

When I start Tomcat, I see the following error message in the log file:
[206  javajni.c] [error] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
[985  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java C:\Program Files

When I googled the above error message, I was told that copying the
msvcr71.dll file to either windows/System32 folder or Tomcat/bin folder will
solve the problem. Unfortunately, it did not.

Can someone please give me pointers on why the above error message occurs? I
did not have any issues running Tomcat on a Windows XP 32 bit machine.
However, that hasn't been the case with my Windows 7 machine.

Please help!


Re: Error while starting tomcat. Failed creating jvm.dll

2011-10-19 Thread Joe Hansen
Thanks for the quick reply, Konstantin!

I uninstalled Tomcat, then installed JDK 6 64-bit version and I do not get
that error anymore. The problem happened because I was pointing Tomcat to a
32-bit JDK rather than 64-bit one.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Konstantin Kolinko

 2011/10/19 Joe Hansen
  I have installed Tomcat 6.0.29 on a machine running Windows 7
  (64bit) and JDK 1.5.0_22.

 Why not 6.0.33?

  When I start Tomcat, I see the following error message in the log file:
  [206  javajni.c] [error] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
  [985  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java C:\Program Files

 64-bit service and 32-bit dll?

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AJP Errors. Apache + Tomcat

2011-10-19 Thread Joe Hansen

I get the following AJP errors when I try to access a webpage after starting
Apache and Tomcat. Both Apache web server and Tomcat start up fine but I get
these errors in Apache logs and I get a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
message in the browser. Apparently Tomcat isn't seeing the request.

[error] (OS 10061) No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it.  : proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to failed
[error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (localhost)
[error] proxy: AJP: failed to make connection to backend: localhost

Can you please help me find out where the problem lies.


Environment: Apache 2.2, Tomcat 6.0.29, JDK 6, Windows 7 64-bit

/* excerpt from httpd.conf */
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/

NameVirtualHost *:80

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName abc.local
ErrorLog logs/ajp.error.log
 RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^abc.local [nc]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.abclocal$1 [r=301,L]
 Proxy *
AddDefaultCharset Off
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/

/* excerpt from tomcat/conf/server.xml */
Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
   redirectPort=8443 /
Connector port=8443 protocol=HTTP/1.1 SSLEnabled=true
   maxThreads=150 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443 /

  Host name=localhost appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

  Host name=abc.local appBase=c:/hosts/abc.local/webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

Re: Error while starting tomcat. Failed creating jvm.dll

2011-10-19 Thread Joe Hansen
Thanks for pointing that out, Konstantin.

I have now uninstalled Tomcat 6.0.29 and installed 6.0.33 instead and it
works flawlessly with the 32-bit JRE. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have
known about it. Thank you very much! :)


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 2:03 AM, Konstantin Kolinko

 2011/10/19 Joe Hansen
  Thanks for the quick reply, Konstantin!
  I uninstalled Tomcat, then installed JDK 6 64-bit version and I do not
  that error anymore. The problem happened because I was pointing Tomcat to
  32-bit JDK rather than 64-bit one.

 Latest versions of 6.0.x installer (6.0.30+) can autoselect 32-bit
 service wrapper if they encounter a 32-bit JRE,  but your old 6.0.29
 one cannot.

  I have installed Tomcat 6.0.29 on a machine running Windows 7
  (64bit) and JDK 1.5.0_22.
  When I start Tomcat, I see the following error message in the log file:
  [206  javajni.c] [error] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
  [985  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java C:\Program Files

 Best regards,
 Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: AJP Errors. Apache + Tomcat

2011-10-19 Thread Joe Hansen
I uninstalled Tomcat and installed a newer version (6.0.33) and the problem
disappeared. It is strange because the config files are the same.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 2:16 AM, wrote:

  I get the following AJP errors when I try to access a webpage after
  Apache and Tomcat. Both Apache web server and Tomcat start up fine
  but I get these errors in Apache logs and I get a 503 Service
  Temporarily Unavailable message in the browser. Apparently Tomcat
  isn't seeing the request.
  [error] (OS 10061) No connection could be made because the target machine
  actively refused it.  : proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to failed
  [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (localhost)
  [error] proxy: AJP: failed to make connection to backend: localhost
  Can you please help me find out where the problem lies.
 Have you checked the port is listening? (netstat -an) and the firewall
 permits the connection (telnet localhost 8009)



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Re: tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2011-01-06 Thread Joe Greenawalt
Someone here was passing it to tomcat on the startup along with a bunch of
other jvm parameters, probably in hopes of trying increase the performance.

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Pid wrote:

 On 1/5/11 8:44 PM, Joe Greenawalt wrote:
  So i went to the appservers and sure enough it was there *

 Out of interest in which config file was this set?

 It's not an attribute set as standard by Tomcat.


Re: tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2011-01-05 Thread Joe Greenawalt
RESOLUTION for those that come across this or are interested.
so i added velocity and velocity-tools to the pom and took them out of the
lib folder and it failed, just as it did before.  After some research, i
came across a 'similar' problem, where they mentioned the *-Xverify* jvm
option.  So i went to the appservers and sure enough it was there *
-Xverify:none*, so i removed it and it came up without a problem.  Not sure
if this is a java/tomcat7-6/struts combination, but i don't know of any
reason to have this so i simply removed it and i'm moving on.


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 4:54 PM, Joe Greenawalt joe.greenaw...@gmail.comwrote:

 right, its definitely going in my pom, i just did that to get it to work,
 when i get back from vacation, im going to try and figure out the problem.


 On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 On 12/22/2010 1:57 PM, Joe Greenawalt wrote:
  interestingly its not - not located in either place (mac/windows
  as a velocity-[version].jar
  I downloaded Velocity+V-Tools and added them to TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder
  now it works.

 Don't do that: put them into your webapp's WEB-INF/lib directory
 instead. Otherwise, you'll get confused the /next/ time you have to move
 your webapp.

  Its not on my mac anywhere, that i can find in a self contained jar
  Plus we don't have the dependency directly in our pom, thats why i first
  assumed it was bundled with something or the problem wasn't what it was

 Yeah, you need to add that dep in your pom.

 - -chris
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Handling Comet Timeouts with CometProcessor

2011-01-04 Thread Joe Biron
 Is there a better way to do this? Should my application handle these
 timeouts, and use the comet.timeout as a longer safety net?

 That sounds like the way to do it to me.


Thanks. It would be great if the comet event pump gave me a
PRE_TIMEOUT subevent, but at least I know what I need to do.


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Handling Comet Timeouts with CometProcessor

2011-01-03 Thread Joe Biron

I've been making great progress with CometProcessor on Tomcat 6.0.29.
I have a question about handling timeouts (and I did review this

I want my clients to connect and stay connected for a very long time,
but I do need to have my server time the connections out periodically.

When I request.setAttribute(org.apache.tomcat.comet.timeout,
timeout), I do indeed receive a CometEvent.EventType.ERROR, but I can
find no way to gracefully tell the client that everything is OK and I
just want them to back off for a while then reconnect.

When I do this:

response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, Timed out.
Please reconnect);

the client does not receive the response. They only sense an
unceremonious connection close - which, if through routers, may take
quite some time to be detected.

How can I hook into the timeout to send the client a short response
before connection close?

Is there a better way to do this? Should my application handle these
timeouts, and use the comet.timeout as a longer safety net?

Much appreciated.

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Re: tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2010-12-22 Thread Joe Greenawalt
interestingly its not - not located in either place (mac/windows tomcat)
as a velocity-[version].jar

I downloaded Velocity+V-Tools and added them to TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder and
now it works.
Its not on my mac anywhere, that i can find in a self contained jar file.
 Plus we don't have the dependency directly in our pom, thats why i first
assumed it was bundled with something or the problem wasn't what it was

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Michael Ludwig wrote:

 Joe Greenawalt schrieb am 21.12.2010 um 17:40 (-0500):
  interestingly its not

 Not what? (Lack of clarity and precision so typical of top-posting …)

  and when i add it to windows it works

 What do you mean when I add it? Weren't you saying that it worked on
 Windows even though there is no Velocity in the web app?

 So have you located the JAR on your Windows box now?

  (with some other things like velosity tools), but i still don't have
  it on my mac or in the app and it runs there.  So i have a workaround,
  but still don't understand how.  Guess i'll add it to the pom.


 Michael Ludwig

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Re: tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2010-12-22 Thread Joe Greenawalt
right, its definitely going in my pom, i just did that to get it to work,
when i get back from vacation, im going to try and figure out the problem.


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 On 12/22/2010 1:57 PM, Joe Greenawalt wrote:
  interestingly its not - not located in either place (mac/windows
  as a velocity-[version].jar
  I downloaded Velocity+V-Tools and added them to TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder
  now it works.

 Don't do that: put them into your webapp's WEB-INF/lib directory
 instead. Otherwise, you'll get confused the /next/ time you have to move
 your webapp.

  Its not on my mac anywhere, that i can find in a self contained jar file.
  Plus we don't have the dependency directly in our pom, thats why i first
  assumed it was bundled with something or the problem wasn't what it was

 Yeah, you need to add that dep in your pom.

 - -chris
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 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2010-12-21 Thread Joe Greenawalt
tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/apache/velocity/app/VelocityEngine;

i have removed all other applications from the webapps and have restarted
the box.

Application is built with maven, and i used the exact same war file.

Any ideas on what to try next?


Re: tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2010-12-21 Thread Joe Greenawalt
Well since its the exact same war file placed in the exact same version of
tomcat, the main variable being the OS (mac/windows) my thinking is that the
class does exist, but its getting loaded differently or something else is
causing the problem but this log error is getting reported.  If it will
help, i can try to find it in the jar files.

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Konstantin Kolinko

 2010/12/21 Joe Greenawalt
  Here is the lib Folder of the deployed app:

 and which one of the jars listed above belongs to Velocity?

  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/apache/velocity/app/VelocityEngine;

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Re: tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2010-12-21 Thread Joe Greenawalt
Good points, i'll start searching for them.  Anyone have a OS X jar
inspector recommendation?  'jarinspector' itself doesn't work on 10.6.

Thanks for the feedback.


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 3:18 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 On 12/21/2010 2:22 PM, Michael Ludwig wrote:
  Joe Greenawalt schrieb am 21.12.2010 um 13:26 (-0500):
  Well since its the exact same war file placed in the exact same
  version of tomcat, the main variable being the OS (mac/windows)
  Not necessarily. The Tomcats might well be configured differently.
  What's the contents of the %Tomcat_Home%\lib\ folder on Windows?
  Or anything in conf\


 What's likely is whoever set up your original system had the brilliant
 idea of pushing the libraries up to the upper-level class loaders.
 We've had a rash of questions over the last 7 days or so about this kind
 of thing, and we always tell people not to do it.

 This is a huge reason why not to do it.

  Same story for the JVM. Velocity in lib/ext/, who knows?


 - -chris
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 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: tomcat 7.0.4 on MAC my app works on Windows get...

2010-12-21 Thread Joe Greenawalt
interestingly its not, and when i add it to windows it works (with some
other things like velosity tools), but i still don't have it on my mac or in
the app and it runs there.  So i have a workaround, but still don't
understand how.  Guess i'll add it to the pom.

Thanks for the input and help.

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 On 12/21/2010 3:43 PM, Michael Ludwig wrote:
  Joe Greenawalt schrieb am 21.12.2010 um 15:22 (-0500):
  Good points, i'll start searching for them.  Anyone have a OS X jar
  inspector recommendation?  'jarinspector' itself doesn't work on 10.6.
  Searching? For starters, you should check the following:
  dir  %TOMCAT_HOME%\lib
  type %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\
  dir  %java_home%\jre\lib\ext

 You're really just looking for velocity-[version].jar. It should be

 - -chris
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Enabling CGIServlet causes SecurityException in Tomat 6

2010-06-02 Thread Joe Hansen
Hey All,

We are using Tomcat 6 on a RedHat box.

Today I installed AWStats and AWStats needs CGI. So I enabled the
CGIServlet in the Tomcat's web.xml file. When I restarted Tomcat, I
got the following error message:
SEVERE: Error deploying web application directory docs
java.lang.SecurityException: Servlet of class
org.apache.catalina.servlets.CGIServlet is privileged and cannot be
loaded by this web application

How do I get around this issue? Please advise. Thanks for reading.

Thank you,

Our Tomcat's server.xml file has two Virtual Hosts defined:
Host name=localhost appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

Host appBase=/home/hosts/ourwebsite/webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false

/home/hosts/ourwebsiet/webapps/ROOT/META-INF/context.xml file is as follows:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Context privileged=true
loader delegate=false /
ResourceLink global=jdbc/MySQLDatabase name=jdbc/MySQLDatabase
type=javax.sql.DataSource /

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Re: Enabling CGIServlet causes SecurityException in Tomat 6

2010-06-02 Thread Joe Hansen
I moved the CGI servlet mapping from tomcat/conf/web.xml to
/home/hosts/ourwebsite/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and that did the
trick! I figured that the privileged=true in Context.xml applies
only to that particular web application and hence I need to move the
Servlet Mapping to the webapplication's web.xml file.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Hey All,

 We are using Tomcat 6 on a RedHat box.

 Today I installed AWStats and AWStats needs CGI. So I enabled the
 CGIServlet in the Tomcat's web.xml file. When I restarted Tomcat, I
 got the following error message:
 SEVERE: Error deploying web application directory docs
 java.lang.SecurityException: Servlet of class
 org.apache.catalina.servlets.CGIServlet is privileged and cannot be
 loaded by this web application

 How do I get around this issue? Please advise. Thanks for reading.

 Thank you,

 Our Tomcat's server.xml file has two Virtual Hosts defined:
 Host name=localhost appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
 autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

 Host appBase=/home/hosts/ourwebsite/webapps
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false

 /home/hosts/ourwebsiet/webapps/ROOT/META-INF/context.xml file is as follows:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 Context privileged=true
 loader delegate=false /
 ResourceLink global=jdbc/MySQLDatabase name=jdbc/MySQLDatabase
 type=javax.sql.DataSource /

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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-05 Thread Joe Hansen
Mark, Chuck, Andre, and Charles, You guys rock!

Mark, I followed your recommendations and
1. I copied the virtual host webapps directories outside Tomcat.
2. Copied the manager.xml to Tomcat/conf/Catalina/abc.local and
Tomcat/conf/Catalina/xyz.local. Also copied the manager web
application to c:/hosts/abc.local/webapps and
3. I commented the following segment from abc.local/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml file

4. Removed log4j.jar from Tomcat/lib directory and copied it to
abc.local/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib and

I then restarted Tomcat. This DID NOT solve the issue complete though.

The MOST IMPORTANT step was to move all jar files EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING
jar files to WEB-INF/lib directory from Tomcat/lib directory:

As previously thought, the Quartz jobs (that run every one hour) were
not part of the problem!

I could not have resolved this issue without your contribution! I am
very grateful for your kind help. :) Thank you all!

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Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Hey all,

We are using Tomcat 6 on a Windows XP box. We have a web application
named abc. It was initially in the c:\Tomcat\webapps directory. I then
moved the c:\Tomcat\webapps\abc directory to c:\Tomcat\abc. I then
changed the Tomcat/conf/server.xml file to reflect this change...
  Host name=abc.local appBase=abc
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
Context path= docBase=
ResourceLink global=jdbc/MySqlDatabase
name=jdbc/MySqlDatabase type=javax.sql.DataSource /

Though the web application itself works fine, the web application
logging no longer works after this change! How do I get the log4j
logging to work again? Please advice!

Thank you,

log4j-1.2.15.jar file is in c:\Tomcat\lib directory file is in c:\Tomcat\abc\WEB-INF\classes directory

/* Here's the c:\Tomcat\abc\WEB-INF\classes\ directory */
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A2
log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ MMM dd / HH:mm:ss}
%-5p - [%c] : %m %n

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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Thank you for the super quick reply Mark! We are using Java Spring.
The reason for moving the web application out of the webapps directory
was that the Spring Context Loader was loading twice. First because
its in the webapps directory. Secondly, because it is being referred
to by the Host entry in the server.xml file.

So how do I keep the web application out of Tomcat/webapps directory
make the docBase different from the appBase? Or is there a way to keep
the web application in the Tomcat/webapps directory and NOT have
Spring Context Loader load twice.

Please advice.


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
 On 04/05/2010 17:32, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Hey all,

 We are using Tomcat 6 on a Windows XP box. We have a web application
 named abc. It was initially in the c:\Tomcat\webapps directory. I then
 moved the c:\Tomcat\webapps\abc directory to c:\Tomcat\abc. I then
 changed the Tomcat/conf/server.xml file to reflect this change...
         Host name=abc.local appBase=abc
                       unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
                       xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
                       Context path= docBase=
                               ResourceLink global=jdbc/MySqlDatabase
 name=jdbc/MySqlDatabase type=javax.sql.DataSource /

 Though the web application itself works fine, the web application
 logging no longer works after this change! How do I get the log4j
 logging to work again? Please advice!

 Put the web application back where it belongs. docBase==appBase is *not*
 a valid configuration. As you have seen, things break if you do that.


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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Mark, Here's the server.xml before moving abc out of the webapps directory:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener
SSLEngine=on /
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener /
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /

Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
description=User database that can be updated and 

pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

  Service name=Catalina
Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
   redirectPort=8443 /
Connector port=8443 protocol=HTTP/1.1 SSLEnabled=true
   maxThreads=150 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443 /
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
  Host name=localhost appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

  Host name=abc.local appBase=webapps/abc
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
Context path= docBase=


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
 On 04/05/2010 17:43, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Thank you for the super quick reply Mark! We are using Java Spring.
 The reason for moving the web application out of the webapps directory
 was that the Spring Context Loader was loading twice. First because
 its in the webapps directory. Secondly, because it is being referred
 to by the Host entry in the server.xml file.

 So how do I keep the web application out of Tomcat/webapps directory
 make the docBase different from the appBase? Or is there a way to keep
 the web application in the Tomcat/webapps directory and NOT have
 Spring Context Loader load twice.

 What was your server.xml before you moved it?


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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Thanks for the reply, Mark. You made me understand the mess I have created.

I have written two web applications abc and xyz. I have mapped
abc.local and xyz.local to my machine's IP Address in my Windows HOST
file. So when I visit http://abc.local, I would want the abc web
application to be accessed. When I visit http://xyz.local, I would
want the xyz web application to be accessed. This is what I have been
trying to achieve. Apparently I have been doing this the wrong way.
Looks like I have some reading to do! Will post back after I read some
Tomcat documentation.

Thanks again!

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
 On 04/05/2010 17:59, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Mark, Here's the server.xml before moving abc out of the webapps directory:

         Host name=abc.local appBase=webapps/abc
                       unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
                       xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
                       Context path= docBase=

 And therein lies the problem. docBase= is not valid.

 Currently, your app is deployed once under localhost with context path
 /abc and is partially deployed under abc.local with context path .
 Additionally, every directory under webapps/abc will be deployed as a
 web application under abc.local

 Quite a mess.

 What is it you are trying to achieve?


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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Many Thanks for the link Chuck! Here's what I did.

1. Created a directory named c:\Tomcat\abc\ROOT.
2. Moved the previous contents of c:\Tomcat\webapps\abc to
c:\Tomcat\abc\ROOT directory.
3. Created c:\Tomcat\abc\ROOT\META-INF\context.xml. Here's that file.
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
ResourceLink global=jdbc/ProgressDatabase
name=jdbc/ProgressDatabase type=javax.sql.DataSource /
4. Changed c:\Tomcat\conf\server.xml to
Host name=localhost appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

Host name=abc.local appBase=abc unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

End Result is:
1. Spring Context loader is loaded only once (Great!).
2. But the web application logging is working wierdly.The log entries
are written to c:\Tomcat\logs\xyz.log (i.e. the xyz web application's
log)  instead of writing to c:\Tomcat\logs\abc.log. .

Here's the c:\Tomcat\abc\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\ file.

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A2
log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ MMM dd / HH:mm:ss}
%-5p - [%c] : %m %n

Please advise!

Thank you!

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Joe Hansen []
 Subject: RE: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved
 outside Tomcat/webapps directory

 Looks like I have some reading to do! Will post back after
 I read some Tomcat documentation.

 Start here:

  - Chuck

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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Thanks Andre and Chuck.

Andre, I renamed Tomcat/abc/ to Tomcat/webapps-abc/ to keep the naming
consistent. The directory structure that you've advocated is exactly
the same as the one Chuck told me. And I have implemented that.

However, logging is still an issue. One webapp's log4j seems to stomp
over other webapp's log files. What could I be doing wrong?

Here are the log4j configuration files:
/* c:\Tomcat\webapps-abc\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\ */
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ MMM dd / HH:mm:ss}
%-5p - [%c] : %m %n

/* c:\Tomcat\webapps-xyz\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\ */
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A2
log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ MMM dd / HH:mm:ss}
%-5p - [%c] : %m %n

According to the following link,
If you have multiple webapps on the server, then you'll need
discipline that each webapp's log initialization does not stomp on the
initialization of other webapps. Each webapp will need to use unique
Logger IDs, which can be accomplished with unique package names.

Thank you!

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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen

Initially I placed log4j-1.2.15.jar in the c:\Tomcat\lib directory
only. This resulted in abc webapp logging in the
c:\Tomcat\logs\xyz.log file.

When I copied the log4j-1.2.15.jar to
c:\Tomcat\webapps-abc\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib and
c:\Tomcat\webapps-xyz\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib directories, it created empty
abc.log and xyz.log files.

When I delete c:\Tomcat\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar, I get Tomcat startup
errors (NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category). Also empty
abc.log and xyz.log files are created.


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Joe Hansen []
 Subject: Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved
 outside Tomcat/webapps directory

 However, logging is still an issue. One webapp's log4j seems to stomp
 over other webapp's log files. What could I be doing wrong?

 Where is your log4j.jar located?  You should have one copy in each webapp's 
 WEB-INF/lib directory.  If you've placed log4j.jar in a common location, I 
 think it will use the properties of the first webapp that references it for 
 all the webapps.

  - Chuck

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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen

There are common classes in Tomcat/lib/ but they don't attempt to do
any logging. However, the abc Spring Web application does initialize a
Quartz object which runs once every hour and does some logging. I
don't know if that has any implications.


Here's the stack trace from catalina.log file...
INFO: Initializing log4j from
May 4, 2010 4:06:53 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext listenerStart
SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener
instance of class
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:
org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No suitable Log
constructor [Ljava.lang.Class;@20f443 for
org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger (Caused by
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category) (Caused by
org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No suitable Log
constructor [Ljava.lang.Class;@20f443 for
org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger (Caused by
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category))
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(
... 26 more
Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No
suitable Log constructor [Ljava.lang.Class;@20f443 for
org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger (Caused by
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category)
... 30 more
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor(Unknown Source)
... 31 more

Here's the stack trace from localhost.log file...
INFO: Initializing log4j from
May 4, 2010 4:06:54 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext listenerStart
SEVERE: Exception

Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Thanks for the reply, Charles!

When commons-logging.jar is present in Tomcat/lib and WEB-INF/lib
directories, I get the following error :
Invalid class loader hierarchy.  You have more than one version of
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.

Here's the complete stack trace:
2010 May 04 / 16:28:34 ERROR -
[org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] : Context
initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
creating bean with name
'org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0' defined
in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/abc-jdbc.xml]: Invocation of init
method failed; nested exception is
org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not
instantiate bean class [org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory]:
Constructor threw exception; nested exception is
org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Invalid class
loader hierarchy.  You have more than one version of
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.
(Caused by org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:
Invalid class loader hierarchy.  You have more than one version of
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.)
(Caused by org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:
org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Invalid class
loader hierarchy.  You have more than one version of
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.
(Caused by org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:
Invalid class loader hierarchy.  You have more than one version of
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.))
at Method)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(

Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Chuck, please note that when commons-logging.jar is present only in
the WEB-INF/lib directory,
I get the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory

So, either I get
a) Invalid class loader hierarchy.  You have more than one version of
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.


b) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory

I am really stumped. I even tried the following:
 loader delegate=“false”/
which the following link recommends.
But that doesn't solve my issue.


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Joe Hansen []
 Subject: Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved
 outside Tomcat/webapps directory

 When commons-logging.jar is present in Tomcat/lib and WEB-INF/lib
 directories, I get the following error :

 As you should.  As Chris said, put everything (including the spring jars) in 
 each webapp's WEB-INF/lib directory, and as little as possible (preferably 
 nothing) in Tomcat's lib directory.

  - Chuck

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Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

2010-05-04 Thread Joe Hansen
This thread has grown too long. For anyone following this thread,
here's the summary:

Two web applications, each with a Virtual Host entry in server.xml file.

These two web applications have different files.
These log4j property files log to different log files
(Tomcat/logs/abc.log and Tomcat/logs/xyz.log).

The web applications abc and xyz using Java Commons Logging API (Log
and LogFactory classes) to perform logging.

Scenario 1:
log4j.jar is in Tomcat/lib directory
log4j.jar is NOT in WEB-INF/lib directories

abc webapp's log entries are written to xyz.log file

Scenario 2:
log4j.jar is NOT in Tomcat/lib directory
log4j.jar is in WEB-INF/lib directories

ClassNotFoundError in Tomcat/logs/catalina.log files

Scenario 3:
log4j.jar is in Tomcat/lib directory
log4j.jar is in WEB-INF/lib directories

Empty abc.log and xyz.log files.

Here's the relevant portion of the webapps-abc/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml file:



 webapps-xyz/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml file looks just the same

/* webapps-abc/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ */
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A2
log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ MMM dd / HH:mm:ss}
%-5p - [%c] : %m %n

/* webapps-xyz/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ */
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ MMM dd / HH:mm:ss}
%-5p - [%c] : %m %n

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RE: Re-deploying a war file - RESOLVED

2010-02-12 Thread Joe Wallace
 -Original Message-
 After reading  the Tomcat 6.0 User Guide, Section 4, Deployer 
 -Deploying on a running war Tomcat I expected to be able to 
 just drop the updated war file into the web apps folder, 
 overwriting the old war file of the same name and it would 
 automatically replace the previously exploded war with the 
 new.  The document says,
 'If the Host autoDeploy attribute is true, the Host will 
 attempt to deploy and update web applications dynamically, as 
 needed, for example if a new .WAR is dropped into the 
 appBase. For this to work, the Host needs to have background 
 processing enabled which is the default configuration'. 

 I could not get this to happen.  The new war would not 
 re-deploy while Tomcat was running and would not re-deploy 
 after restarting Tomcat.

I needed to set the Host attribute autoDeploy=true in the server.xml

Setting the Context attribute reloadable=true also works 
but is Not recommended for use on deployed production applications

 Context reloadable=true antiJARLocking=true unpackWARs=true
 Realm appName=xxWeb className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm 
debug=99 userClassNames=Webxx.LoginPrincipal allRolesMode=strictAuthOnly 

 Tomcat Configuration Reference, Context 
 section link to Automatic Application 
 Deployment where I read the following,
 'If you redeploy an updated WAR file, be sure to delete the 
 expanded directory when restarting Tomcat, so that the 
 updated WAR file will be re-expanded (note that the auto 
 deployer, if enabled, will automatically expand the updated 
 WAR file once the previously expanded directory is removed).'

This also works 


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RE: Re-deploying a war file

2010-02-11 Thread Joe Wallace
\conf\Catalina\localhost   appName.xml

Context reload=true antiJARLocking=true unpackWARs=true
Realm appName=xxWeb className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm 
debug=99 userClassNames=Webxx.LoginPrincipal allRolesMode=strictAuthOnly 

\conf   server.xml

Service name=Catalina
!--The connectors can use a shared executor, you can define one or more 
named thread pools--
Executor name=tomcatThreadPool namePrefix=catalina-exec- 
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=4/

!-- A Connector represents an endpoint by which requests are received
 and responses are returned. Documentation at :
 Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking  non-blocking)
 Java AJP  Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html
 APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html
 Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080
Connector port=8102 protocol=HTTP/1.1 
   redirectPort=443 /
!-- A Connector using the shared thread pool--
Connector executor=tomcatThreadPool
   port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1 
   redirectPort=8443 /
!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443
 This connector uses the JSSE configuration, when using APR, the 
 connector should be using the OpenSSL style configuration
 described in the APR documentation --
Connector port=8443 protocol=HTTP/1.1 SSLEnabled=true
   maxThreads=150 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port  --
Connector port=8109 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443

!-- An Engine represents the entry point (within Catalina) that processes
 every request.  The Engine implementation for Tomcat stand alone
 analyzes the HTTP headers included with the request, and passes them
 on to the appropriate Host (virtual host).
 Documentation at /docs/config/engine.html --

!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via AJP ie :
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost jvmRoute=jvm1 
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

  !--For clustering, please take a look at documentation at:
  /docs/cluster-howto.html  (simple how to)
  /docs/config/cluster.html (reference documentation) --
  Cluster className=org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster/

  !-- The request dumper valve dumps useful debugging information about
   the request and response data received and sent by Tomcat.
   Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html --
  Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve/

  !-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI
   resources under the key UserDatabase.  Any edits
   that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately
   available for use by the Realm.  --
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm

  !-- Define the default virtual host
   Note: XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.
  Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications
 Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html --
Valve className=org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn /

!-- Access log processes all example.
 Documentation at: /docs/config/valve.html --
Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve 
   prefix=localhost_access_log. suffix=.txt pattern=common 


-Original Message-
From: Pid []
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 5:17 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Re-deploying a war file

On 10/02/2010 16:31, Joe Wallace wrote:
 I have been working with Tomcat 6.0.20 running as a windows service for about 
 a year.
  I update the application war file every few months.


 After reading  the Tomcat 6.0 User Guide, Section 4, Deployer -Deploying on a 
 running war
 Tomcat I expected to be able to just drop the updated war file into 
the web apps folder,
 overwriting the old war file of the same name and it would automatically 
 replace the
 previously exploded war with the new.


 The document says, 'If the Host autoDeploy attribute is true, the Host will 
 to deploy and update web applications dynamically, as needed, for example if 
 a new .WAR
 is dropped into the appBase. For this to work, the Host needs to have

Re-deploying a war file

2010-02-10 Thread Joe Wallace
I have been working with Tomcat 6.0.20 running as a windows service for about a 
year.  I update the application war file every few months.  
After reading  the Tomcat 6.0 User Guide, Section 4, Deployer -Deploying on a 
running war Tomcat I expected to be able to just drop the updated war file into 
the web apps folder, overwriting the old war file of the same name and it would 
automatically replace the previously exploded war with the new.  The document 
'If the Host autoDeploy attribute is true, the Host will attempt to deploy 
and update web applications dynamically, as needed, for example if a new .WAR 
is dropped into the appBase. For this to work, the Host needs to have 
background processing enabled which is the default configuration'. 
I could not get this to happen.  The new war would not re-deploy while Tomcat 
was running and would not re-deploy after restarting Tomcat.
I then read the Tomcat Configuration Reference, Context section and followed 
the link to Automatic Application Deployment where I read the following,
'If you redeploy an updated WAR file, be sure to delete the expanded directory 
when restarting Tomcat, so that the updated WAR file will be re-expanded (note 
that the auto deployer, if enabled, will automatically expand the updated WAR 
file once the previously expanded directory is removed).'
I tried this and it does exactly what I wanted, so that is what I have been 
Can someone enlighten me on my confusion between the two sets of instructions.



Help with security-constraint in web.xml

2010-01-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Hey all,

We are using Tomcat 6.0 / Apache 2.2. We would like the user to login
over HTTPS rather than plain HTTP.

So, I have defined the following security-constraint in the web.xml
file of our web application:




When a user clicks on the login link a
href=/spring_security_loginLogin/a, he/she is redirected to the
following URL and the browser shows an Unable to connect error:

What do I need to do so that the user is directed to instead (which, displays
the login page correctly). i.e. I do not want a port number in the

Please advise.

Thank you!

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Re: Help with security-constraint in web.xml

2010-01-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Thanks for the super quick reply, Chuck! Here's what I did. I changed
the redirectPort on the following two Connector elements. From 8443 to
443. And that did the trick.

/* Previously */
Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1 connectionTimeout=2
redirectPort=8443 /
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 /

/* Currently */
Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1 connectionTimeout=2
redirectPort=443 /
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443 /

You were saying that I should handle the forced HTTPS redirection of
certain pages on the httpd end, right? Can you please elaborate on how
to do it or give me pointers on how it could be done?

Thank you!!

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Joe Hansen []
 Subject: Help with security-constraint in web.xml

 What do I need to do so that the user is directed to instead

 Fix the redirectPort attribute in your Connector elements in 

 BTW, since you are front-ending Tomcat with httpd, it would be more efficient 
 to have httpd handle the SSL stuff, and let Tomcat see the requests in plain 
 text - assuming you have a secure connection between httpd and Tomcat.

  - Chuck

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Re: Help with security-constraint in web.xml

2010-01-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Changing the redirectPort to 443 on both the Connectors (HTTP/1.1 and
AP/1.3) did redirect /spring_security_login to However, when I enter the
login credentials and submit the form, nothing happens. Somehow
changing the redirectPort seems to have broken the login form.

I'm sure there must be a simple explanation. Chuck, please help me out!!

Thank you,

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Joe Hansen []
 Subject: Re: Help with security-constraint in web.xml

 Only a couple of pages need to be served on HTTPS on our website. All
 the remaining pages could be accessed using just HTTP.

 Then I'd use what you've got and not try to optimize what isn't a bottleneck.

  - Chuck

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Re: Help with security-constraint in web.xml

2010-01-04 Thread Joe Hansen

I just forgot to enable the HTTPS Connector! Login form is working now
over https.

Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1 connectionTimeout=2
redirectPort=8443 /
Connector port=8443 protocol=HTTP/1.1 SSLEnabled=true
maxThreads=150 scheme=https secure=true
clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443 /

Many thanks for your help. You saved my day.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Joe Hansen []
 Subject: Re: Help with security-constraint in web.xml

 However, when I enter the login credentials and submit the
 form, nothing happens. Somehow changing the redirectPort
 seems to have broken the login form.

 Turn on the AccessLogValve to see what's reaching Tomcat.

 Are you using httpd for anything useful?  If all it's doing is forwarding 
 requests to Tomcat, get rid of httpd and let Tomcat handle everything 

 If you are using httpd for something else (e.g., PHP), it's possible the 
 routing is not configured properly.  That's outside my experience, so someone 
 else will need to help.  Start by posting your httpd config  and server.xml 
 in a new thread so a new set of eyes can look at it.

  - Chuck

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RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-28 Thread Joe Wallace
From Firefox Live HTTP Headers

Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=B4F06784FE4EAA0A7C9830BBF86D85B4; Path=/inetwork; Secure

H.  That looks like it is secure

My filter is getting this.

 Cookie0 name= JSESSIONID
 Cookie0 value= B4F06784FE4EAA0A7C9830BBF86D85B4
 Cookie0 isSecure = false

Filter code
HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest)req;
HttpServletResponse httpResp = (HttpServletResponse)res;
System.out.println (http request is secure =  + httpReq.isSecure());
Cookie[] c ;
c = httpReq.getCookies();
if(c != null)
for (int i = 0; i  c.length; i++) 
System.out.println( Cookie + i +  name=  + 
System.out.println( Cookie + i +  value=  + 
System.out.println( Cookie + i +  isSecure= + 


-Original Message-
From: Pid []
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:52 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

On 27/10/2009 22:31, Joe Wallace wrote:

 André Warnier wrote:
 Am I mistaken then to think that since the connection B from IIS to
 Tomcat is not over HTTPS but over AJP, Tomcat has no idea that HTTPS is
 being used ?
 Whatever consequences this has in the context (and which are beyond my

 I guess that is the question.

 The filter I have in Tomcat calls request.isSecure().
 This returns true.

 (All requests have been using https)

What steps are you taking to ensure this is the case?

How are you enforcing HTTPS, are you using a 

Under the general category of asking the obvious, can you clear all 
existing cookies and then use Firebug/LiveHTTPHeaders in Firefox (or the 
browser of your choice) to see exactly when the first Set-Cookie header 


 If when tomcat does this.


 A call to cookie.getSecure should return true.

 But the same filter that returns true for request.isSecure()
 calls Cookie.getSecure() and it returns false.


 -Original Message-
 From: André Warnier []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:11 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

 Joe Wallace wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: André Warnier []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4:48 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

 Joe Wallace wrote:
 I am using session cookies to track sessions.  I am used to Jrun where you 
 would specifically set the cookie to be sent only over SSL or https.  This 
 was not thedefault setting.  I want users to connect to my web site using 
 https then they might click a link on one of my web pages whose protocal 
 is not secure.  What is thebehavior of the JSESSIONID cookie in this 


 1) assuming your setup is

 browsers--  IIS--  Tomcat
  A B

 which portion(s) is(/are) using HTTPS ? A ? B ? both ?

 2) secure is an attribute of a cookie, written inside of the cookie by
 the server creating the cookie in the first place.
 If set, it has as consequence that a browser will only send it back to
 the original server with subsequent requests, if these subsequent
 requests happen over a HTTPS connection.

 In other words, if you set the secure attribute on the JSESSIONID
 cookie, because for instance your initial request happens over HTTPS,
 then you switch to a non-HTTPS part of the site, the browser is probably
 no longer going to send this cookie back to the server.
 In other words, you will, for practical purposes, lose your session.

 Not so, gurus ?

 Portion A is using IIS.  IIS holds the SSL cert.
 I am using AJP 1.3 connector for IIS
 It is defined in the Tomcat Server.xml

 !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port  --
  Connector port=8109 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443

 Am I mistaken then to think that since the connection B from IIS to
 Tomcat is not over HTTPS but over AJP, Tomcat has no idea that HTTPS is
 being used ?
 Whatever consequences this has in the context (and which are beyond my

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RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-28 Thread Joe Wallace
OK. Thanks to all.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

Hash: SHA1


On 10/28/2009 11:55 AM, Joe Wallace wrote:
 From Firefox Live HTTP Headers
 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=B4F06784FE4EAA0A7C9830BBF86D85B4; Path=/inetwork; 
 H.  That looks like it is secure


 My filter is getting this.
  Cookie0 name= JSESSIONID
  Cookie0 value= B4F06784FE4EAA0A7C9830BBF86D85B4
  Cookie0 isSecure = false

Aah, I see the problem: the cookie /is/ secure, but the browser doesn't
provide the secure flag when making a request, so the server has no
idea whether the cookie is in secure mode or not.

Rest assured that the browser will only send this cookie when using HTTPS.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-27 Thread Joe Wallace
Is there a setting in Tomcat 6.0.2 to make the SessionID cookie secure when 
created over https when using 
AJP 1.3 connector for IIS?  

RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-27 Thread Joe Wallace
I have a filter that calls
Cookie.getName and 
JSESSIONID returns false even when the connection is always https.
Tomcat version is 6.0.20.  


-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:04 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

 From: Joe Wallace []
 Subject: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL
 Is there a setting in Tomcat 6.0.2

Are you really using a version of Tomcat that old (Nov 2006)?

 to make the SessionID cookie secure
 when created over https when using
 AJP 1.3 connector for IIS?

What makes you think the cookie isn't being encrypted along with everything 
else sent over HTTPS?

 - Chuck

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RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-27 Thread Joe Wallace
I am using session cookies to track sessions.  I am used to Jrun where you 
would specifically set the cookie to be sent only over SSL or https.  This was 
not the default setting.  I want users to connect to my web site using https 
then they might click a link on one of my web pages whose protocal is not 
secure.  What is the behavior of the JSESSIONID cookie in this situation.


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:42 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

Hash: SHA1


(Can you fix your emailer to include thread-ids when replying to the
list? Your replies are not properly threaded, here.)

On 10/27/2009 4:12 PM, Joe Wallace wrote:
 I have a filter that calls
 Cookie.getName and 
 JSESSIONID returns false even when the connection is always https.
 Tomcat version is 6.0.20.  

If your cookie was created in HTTP mode, then the 'secure' flag will be
set to 'false' on that cookie. Are you sure you are always in HTTP mode?
Please double-check, and remember that /all JSPs will create a session
unless session=false in the @page directive/.

To answer your original question: there is no setting in Tomcat to get
secure=true on your cookies in SSL mode. Tomcat should /always/ use a
secure cookie when the cookie is created in SSL mode.

You may have to re-check your Connector attributes for the AJP
connector. Make sure that secure=true among others.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-27 Thread Joe Wallace
Hi Chris,
You wrote:
Tomcat will create its JSESSIONID cookie like this in all cases:

Cookie cookie = new Cookie(JSESSIONID, sessionId);

My filter calls HttpServletRequest.isSecure() which returns true
It then calls Cookie.getSecure() for the JSESSIONID cookie which returns false. 

I am expecting this to return true since all connections have been over https.
Or should I be looking elswhere?



-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

Hash: SHA1


On 10/27/2009 5:00 PM, Joe Wallace wrote:
 I am using session cookies to track sessions.  I am used to Jrun
 where you would specifically set the cookie to be sent only over SSL
 or https.  This was not the default setting.  I want users to connect
 to my web site using https then they might click a link on one of my
 web pages whose protocal is not secure.  What is the behavior of the
 JSESSIONID cookie in this situation.

Tomcat will create its JSESSIONID cookie like this in all cases:

Cookie cookie = new Cookie(JSESSIONID, sessionId);

(Note that the code might not look exactly like this, but it behaves in
this way).

So, if your session was created during a non-secure request, you'll get
a non-secure cookie. The solution? Make all your requests HTTPS. If you
have non-secure pages, you'll need to make sure they don't call
request.getSession(true) either explicitly or implicitly (say, by
forgetting to set session=false for a JSP).

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-27 Thread Joe Wallace

-Original Message-
From: André Warnier []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4:48 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

Joe Wallace wrote:
 I am using session cookies to track sessions.  I am used to Jrun where you 
 would specifically set the cookie to be sent only over SSL or https.  This 
 was not the default setting.  I want users to connect to my web site using 
 https then they might click a link on one of my web pages whose protocal is 
 not secure.  What is the behavior of the JSESSIONID cookie in this 

1) assuming your setup is

browsers -- IIS  -- Tomcat

which portion(s) is(/are) using HTTPS ? A ? B ? both ?

2) secure is an attribute of a cookie, written inside of the cookie by 
the server creating the cookie in the first place.
If set, it has as consequence that a browser will only send it back to 
the original server with subsequent requests, if these subsequent 
requests happen over a HTTPS connection.

In other words, if you set the secure attribute on the JSESSIONID 
cookie, because for instance your initial request happens over HTTPS, 
then you switch to a non-HTTPS part of the site, the browser is probably 
no longer going to send this cookie back to the server.
In other words, you will, for practical purposes, lose your session.

Not so, gurus ?

Portion A is using IIS.  IIS holds the SSL cert.
I am using AJP 1.3 connector for IIS
It is defined in the Tomcat Server.xml

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port  --
Connector port=8109 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443


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RE: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

2009-10-27 Thread Joe Wallace

André Warnier wrote:
Am I mistaken then to think that since the connection B from IIS to 
Tomcat is not over HTTPS but over AJP, Tomcat has no idea that HTTPS is 
being used ?
Whatever consequences this has in the context (and which are beyond my 

I guess that is the question.

The filter I have in Tomcat calls request.isSecure().
This returns true.

(All requests have been using https)

If when tomcat does this.


A call to cookie.getSecure should return true.

But the same filter that returns true for request.isSecure()
calls Cookie.getSecure() and it returns false. 


-Original Message-
From: André Warnier []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:11 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL

Joe Wallace wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: André Warnier []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4:48 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: SessionID cookie not secure over SSL
 Joe Wallace wrote:
 I am using session cookies to track sessions.  I am used to Jrun where you 
 would specifically set the cookie to be sent only over SSL or https.  This 
 was not the default setting.  I want users to connect to my web site using 
 https then they might click a link on one of my web pages whose protocal is 
 not secure.  What is the behavior of the JSESSIONID cookie in this 

 1) assuming your setup is
 browsers -- IIS  -- Tomcat
 A B
 which portion(s) is(/are) using HTTPS ? A ? B ? both ?
 2) secure is an attribute of a cookie, written inside of the cookie by 
 the server creating the cookie in the first place.
 If set, it has as consequence that a browser will only send it back to 
 the original server with subsequent requests, if these subsequent 
 requests happen over a HTTPS connection.
 In other words, if you set the secure attribute on the JSESSIONID 
 cookie, because for instance your initial request happens over HTTPS, 
 then you switch to a non-HTTPS part of the site, the browser is probably 
 no longer going to send this cookie back to the server.
 In other words, you will, for practical purposes, lose your session.
 Not so, gurus ?
 Portion A is using IIS.  IIS holds the SSL cert.
 I am using AJP 1.3 connector for IIS
 It is defined in the Tomcat Server.xml
 !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port  --
 Connector port=8109 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=443

Am I mistaken then to think that since the connection B from IIS to 
Tomcat is not over HTTPS but over AJP, Tomcat has no idea that HTTPS is 
being used ?
Whatever consequences this has in the context (and which are beyond my 

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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-08 Thread Joe Hansen
 Yup, it looks like you have more of your application objects taking up
 memory than the tickets you were worried about.

So True! We are right now designing and developing our next generation
of websites and this experience will surely come handy. I will now
think twice before I store anything in the session and will make sure
I remove no longer used objects from the HTTP Session.

 You can couple session-object expiration with lazy instantiation/fetch for a 
 that can keep your sessions lightweight yet allow insanely long session

Chris, can you please elaborate what you mean by coupling
session-object expiration with lazy fetch?

 Is it an absolute requirement that these objects be stored in the
 session at all? If so, then maybe the caching strategy can be tweaked a
 bit to allow both requirements to peacefully coexist.

The code is 3 years old and it does not use a caching strategy at all.
However, I am planning to use ehcache when we developer our future

 There are even techniques that will allow your session objects to expire
 when memory gets tight (which is super cool IMO).

I did not know that something like that existed. Thanks for letting me
know, Chris!

Thanks for telling me about SoftReference, Charles. Looks like
SoftReference existed since JDK 1.2 and I never knew about it! Is the
use of SoftReference popular?

Thanks guys!

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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-07 Thread Joe Hansen
WoW! jmap was a great command to learn Chris! Thank you so much!

I generated a histogram of the Objects in the java heap (while things
were stable) and here's what I got:
Object Histogram:

SizeCount   Class description
149989048   3496198 char[]
847084323529518 java.lang.String
58308016560654  tw.beans.TWFotoBean
35620304179282  byte[]
2328687230767   int[]
18220184142094  * ConstMethodKlass
14932056622169  java.sql.Date
10235120142094  * MethodKlass
1016478490757   tw.beans.TWFotoSetBean
8878248 134561  java.lang.Object[]
7949144 16190   * ConstantPoolKlass
6147768 16190   * InstanceKlassKlass
4590176 13997   * ConstantPoolCacheKlass

As you've pointed out, most of the data is taken by character arrays,
Strings, integer arrays, byte arrays, Foto and FotoSet beans! There
were just 67 Ticket entries (related to CAS) and the size of the
Ticket objects wasn't huge either.

Seeing the histogram results was an eye opener. I am wondering if
Rainer was right all along. Is it just the application data (FotoBean
and FotoSetBean) that's inundating the java heap?

I had changed the session-timeout in server.xml from 30 minutes to 240
minutes. That means an HTTP Session would now last 8 times longer.
Since the Garbage Collector runs only when the session expires, the
application's memory needs are probably increased 8 fold (Am I
right?). And I am storing the FotoBeans and FotoSetBeans in each
user's HTTP Session. As I mentioned before, previously the java heap
was set to the default, 64MB, and it used to be sufficient. From the
time I changed the session-timeout, even 512MB (= 64 X 8) is

Should I just decrease the session-timeout to 2 hours and see if 512MB
is sufficient? Any other thoughts/ideas guys?

Thanks again Chris,

Here are all the Ticket entries in the heap:
96  4   org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator
72  3   org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator
72  3   org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator
72  3   org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator
72  3   org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator
72  3   org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator
24  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.SendTicketGrantingTicketAction
24  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.SendTicketGrantingTicketAction
24  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.SendTicketGrantingTicketAction
24  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.SendTicketGrantingTicketAction
24  1   
24  1   
24  1   
24  1   
24  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.SendTicketGrantingTicketAction
24  1   
24  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.SendTicketGrantingTicketAction
24  1   
16  1   org.jasig.cas.util.SamlCompliantUniqueTicketIdGenerator
16  1   org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry
16  1
16  1   org.jasig.cas.util.SamlCompliantUniqueTicketIdGenerator
16  1   org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry
16  1   org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.proxy.RejectProxyTickets
16  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.GenerateServiceTicketAction
16  1   org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry
16  1
16  1   org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.proxy.RejectProxyTickets
16  1
16  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.GenerateServiceTicketAction
16  1   org.jasig.cas.util.SamlCompliantUniqueTicketIdGenerator
16  1   org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.cache.EhCacheBasedTicketCache
16  1   org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.cache.EhCacheBasedTicketCache
16  1
16  1   org.jasig.cas.util.SamlCompliantUniqueTicketIdGenerator
16  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.GenerateServiceTicketAction
16  1   org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.proxy.RejectProxyTickets
16  1
16  1   org.jasig.cas.web.flow.GenerateServiceTicketAction
16  1   org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.proxy.RejectProxyTickets
16  1   org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry

Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-06 Thread Joe Hansen

Thanks for looking at those long thread dumps for me!!

I am sorry. I did NOT take these dumps at the right time (i.e. when
Tomcat was inundated with requests and couldn't cope with the load).
After I increased the heap size to 512MB (from 64MB default), I am not
getting the OutOfMemoryError(s) anymore. After I set KeepAlive On
(Thanks Andre!), the number httpd processes isn't increasing either.
The number of httpd processes increased from 8 to 21 and stayed there
for more than 16 hours now. If the number of httpd processes gets out
of control again, I will definitely take thread dumps once again.

However, I doubt the issue is fixed because I should have seen this
issue long time ago (since I haven't changed any code nor the traffic
to our websites increased in a long while).

Should I just wait and see or are there any tests that I can do?

Your contribution to this forum is amazing, Rainer. I am grateful to
you and Andre for your efforts. Thank you!


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 On 05.10.2009 18:58, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Thank you so much for your tips, Rainer!

 The websites went down yet again. Increasing the java heap size took
 care of the OutOfMemoryError, but the number of httpd processes keep
 increasing until the websites crash. I haven't added any new code in
 the past few months, hence I am surprised why the requests are getting
 stuck. Here's a link to the tomcat thread dumps:

 Please let me know if you cannot view it and I will email the relevant
 portion of the catalina.out file to you. Is there an easy way to find
 out what code is causing the requests to get stuck?

 The dump file contains three thread dumps.

 The things all dumps have in common:

 - 60 threads for the quartz scheduler, all idle
 - 13 threads in the AJP connection pool, connected to Apache, but idle
 waiting for the next request to be send (the same threads in all three
 - 6 store plus 6 expiry threads of the EHCache, seems idle
 - 1 AJP + 1 HTTP(S) thread (port 8443) waiting to accept the next new
 connection to come in
 - 2 AJP + 3 HTTP(S) threads (port 8443) sitting idle the pool, waiting
 for work
 - a couple of other normal threads not directly related to request handling

 So the time you took the three dumps, this Tomcat was completely idle
 and did not have a single request to handle.

 If you are completely sure, you took the dumps while there was a storm
 of requests and your system couldn't cope the load, something has
 prevented the requests to ever reach Tomcat.

 I don't have your Tomcat version at hand at the moment, but for some
 time very special OutOfMemory errors (could not create native thread)
 lead to a situation, where Tomcat simply wouldn't accept any new
 connections. Although you report OutOfMemory errors, I'm not directly
 suggesting that that is your problem here. There might still be a
 relation though.

 Are you sure, that you took the dumps for the right Tomcat at the right



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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-06 Thread Joe Hansen

I spoke to soon! As I suspected, the problem isn't fixed yet and the
websites crashed again. This time I took three thread dumps at the
time tomcat was down. Here they are:

I will learn from your previous analysis of the thread dumps and I try
to understand what's happening.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Joe Hansen wrote:

 Thanks for looking at those long thread dumps for me!!

 I am sorry. I did NOT take these dumps at the right time (i.e. when
 Tomcat was inundated with requests and couldn't cope with the load).
 After I increased the heap size to 512MB (from 64MB default), I am not
 getting the OutOfMemoryError(s) anymore. After I set KeepAlive On
 (Thanks Andre!), the number httpd processes isn't increasing either.
 The number of httpd processes increased from 8 to 21 and stayed there
 for more than 16 hours now. If the number of httpd processes gets out
 of control again, I will definitely take thread dumps once again.

 However, I doubt the issue is fixed because I should have seen this
 issue long time ago (since I haven't changed any code nor the traffic
 to our websites increased in a long while).

 Should I just wait and see or are there any tests that I can do?

 Your contribution to this forum is amazing, Rainer. I am grateful to
 you and Andre for your efforts. Thank you!


 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 On 05.10.2009 18:58, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Thank you so much for your tips, Rainer!

 The websites went down yet again. Increasing the java heap size took
 care of the OutOfMemoryError, but the number of httpd processes keep
 increasing until the websites crash. I haven't added any new code in
 the past few months, hence I am surprised why the requests are getting
 stuck. Here's a link to the tomcat thread dumps:

 Please let me know if you cannot view it and I will email the relevant
 portion of the catalina.out file to you. Is there an easy way to find
 out what code is causing the requests to get stuck?

 The dump file contains three thread dumps.

 The things all dumps have in common:

 - 60 threads for the quartz scheduler, all idle
 - 13 threads in the AJP connection pool, connected to Apache, but idle
 waiting for the next request to be send (the same threads in all three
 - 6 store plus 6 expiry threads of the EHCache, seems idle
 - 1 AJP + 1 HTTP(S) thread (port 8443) waiting to accept the next new
 connection to come in
 - 2 AJP + 3 HTTP(S) threads (port 8443) sitting idle the pool, waiting
 for work
 - a couple of other normal threads not directly related to request handling

 So the time you took the three dumps, this Tomcat was completely idle
 and did not have a single request to handle.

 If you are completely sure, you took the dumps while there was a storm
 of requests and your system couldn't cope the load, something has
 prevented the requests to ever reach Tomcat.

 I don't have your Tomcat version at hand at the moment, but for some
 time very special OutOfMemory errors (could not create native thread)
 lead to a situation, where Tomcat simply wouldn't accept any new
 connections. Although you report OutOfMemory errors, I'm not directly
 suggesting that that is your problem here. There might still be a
 relation though.

 Are you sure, that you took the dumps for the right Tomcat at the right



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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-06 Thread Joe Hansen
There were 29 httpd processes running when the websites crashed.

One thing that was clear from the thread dumps was there were lots of
entries for
Starting cleaning of expired tickets from ticket registry at ...

Does that indicate that there is something wrong with my CAS configuration?

Here's the thread count from the first thread dump:
4 sleeping + 2 waiting on condition = 6 Total

60 waiting = 60 Total

Store ticketCache Expiry Thread (ehcache)
6 waiting on condition = 6 Total

Store ticketCache Spool Thread (ehcache)
6 waiting on condition = 6 Total

TP-ProcessorXY daemon runnable
20 runnable (mod_jk?) + 3 waiting = 23 Total

Java2D Disposer daemon
1 waiting = 1 Total

1 waiting = 1 Total

3 waiting + 1 runnable = 4 Total

1 waiting on condition = 1 Total

Low Memory Detector
1 runnable = 1 Total

2 waiting on condition = 2 Total

1 waiting on condition = 1 Total

Signal Dispatcher
1 runnable = 1 Total

1 waiting = 1 Total

Reference Handler
1 waiting = 1 Total

1 runnable = 1 Total

VM Thread
1 runnable = 1 Total

GC task thread
1 runnable = 1 Total

VM Periodic Task Thread
1 waiting on condition = 1 Total


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Joe Hansen wrote:

 I spoke to soon! As I suspected, the problem isn't fixed yet and the
 websites crashed again. This time I took three thread dumps at the
 time tomcat was down. Here they are:

 I will learn from your previous analysis of the thread dumps and I try
 to understand what's happening.


 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Joe Hansen wrote:

 Thanks for looking at those long thread dumps for me!!

 I am sorry. I did NOT take these dumps at the right time (i.e. when
 Tomcat was inundated with requests and couldn't cope with the load).
 After I increased the heap size to 512MB (from 64MB default), I am not
 getting the OutOfMemoryError(s) anymore. After I set KeepAlive On
 (Thanks Andre!), the number httpd processes isn't increasing either.
 The number of httpd processes increased from 8 to 21 and stayed there
 for more than 16 hours now. If the number of httpd processes gets out
 of control again, I will definitely take thread dumps once again.

 However, I doubt the issue is fixed because I should have seen this
 issue long time ago (since I haven't changed any code nor the traffic
 to our websites increased in a long while).

 Should I just wait and see or are there any tests that I can do?

 Your contribution to this forum is amazing, Rainer. I am grateful to
 you and Andre for your efforts. Thank you!


 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 On 05.10.2009 18:58, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Thank you so much for your tips, Rainer!

 The websites went down yet again. Increasing the java heap size took
 care of the OutOfMemoryError, but the number of httpd processes keep
 increasing until the websites crash. I haven't added any new code in
 the past few months, hence I am surprised why the requests are getting
 stuck. Here's a link to the tomcat thread dumps:

 Please let me know if you cannot view it and I will email the relevant
 portion of the catalina.out file to you. Is there an easy way to find
 out what code is causing the requests to get stuck?

 The dump file contains three thread dumps.

 The things all dumps have in common:

 - 60 threads for the quartz scheduler, all idle
 - 13 threads in the AJP connection pool, connected to Apache, but idle
 waiting for the next request to be send (the same threads in all three
 - 6 store plus 6 expiry threads of the EHCache, seems idle
 - 1 AJP + 1 HTTP(S) thread (port 8443) waiting to accept the next new
 connection to come in
 - 2 AJP + 3 HTTP(S) threads (port 8443) sitting idle the pool, waiting
 for work
 - a couple of other normal threads not directly related to request handling

 So the time you took the three dumps, this Tomcat was completely idle
 and did not have a single request to handle.

 If you are completely sure, you took the dumps while there was a storm
 of requests and your system couldn't cope the load, something has
 prevented the requests to ever reach Tomcat.

 I don't have your Tomcat version at hand at the moment, but for some
 time very special OutOfMemory errors (could not create native thread)
 lead to a situation, where Tomcat simply wouldn't accept any new
 connections. Although you report OutOfMemory errors, I'm not directly
 suggesting that that is your problem here. There might still be a
 relation though.

 Are you sure, that you took the dumps for the right Tomcat at the right

Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-06 Thread Joe Hansen
Thanks for your feedback, Rainer.

The DAO objects/methods that you've mentioned are used for almost
every page on our website. So I am not surprised to find them in the
thread dumps. However, as you pointed out, the parameters to these
methods change depending on the page they are on and if the user is
logged in or not.

I did not check the CPU usage when the issue happened.  I just checked
the web application logs and found that first there was an
OutOfMemoryError, followed by MySQL errors when
TWFotoSetListDAO.getAllFotosets tried to get a database connection.

I am *guessing* :
I changed the session timeout to 4 hours for the Jasig CAS
Single-Signon web application. This stores a ton of tickets in memory.
During a 4 hour period when there are more http requests, the 512MB of
Java Heap space is not sufficient to store all these tickets. During
that time OutOfMemoryError happens and all hell breaks loose

I probably should decrease the session-timeout to 1 hour or so and see
if that changes things. Would you agree, Rainer?


2009 Oct 06 / 10:48:43 ERROR -
[org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase] : Exception invoking periodic
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009 Oct 06 / 10:48:43 FATAL - [tw.conn.TWConnectionManager] :
com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
due to underlying exception:


at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readFully(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.reuseAndReadPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.secureAuth411(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.doHandshake(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.createNewIO(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.init(
at tw.conn.TWConnectionManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at tw.beans.TWFotoSetListDAO.getAllFotosets(Unknown Source)
at tw.beans.TWViewBean.getAllFotosets(Unknown Source)
at tw.servlet.TWQueryServlet.doPost(Unknown Source)
at tw.servlet.TWQueryServlet.doGet(Unknown Source)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-06 Thread Joe Hansen
I changed the session-timeout for the CAS webapp to 1 hour and
restarted Apache/Tomcat to see if that changes anything. If the issue
manifests again, I will surely check the memory and cpu usage using
the top command.

Rainer, I somewhat doubt that getAllFotosets() is causing the problem.
Because I have an administrator account on the website and I can view
more photosets than any other user. And when I login and view the
photosets nothing alarming seems to be happening. I am not ruling out
the possibility altogether though.

Andre, you are right. Memory is cheap. However, the machine has 8GB of
memory already. I am thinking that it should be sufficient. Here's the
output of the free command:
[r...@csiweb bin]# free -m
 totalused   free
Mem: 8113   7557   555
-/+ buffers/cache:861 7252
Swap:9012  33  8979

Its amazing how you and Andre are able to identify issues with others'
Tomcat installations just by looking at their logs and settings. It
speaks volumes of your experience with Tomcat.

Thank you,

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 On 06.10.2009 21:44, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Thanks for your feedback, Rainer.

 The DAO objects/methods that you've mentioned are used for almost
 every page on our website. So I am not surprised to find them in the
 thread dumps. However, as you pointed out, the parameters to these
 methods change depending on the page they are on and if the user is
 logged in or not.

 I did not check the CPU usage when the issue happened.  I just checked
 the web application logs and found that first there was an
 OutOfMemoryError, followed by MySQL errors when
 TWFotoSetListDAO.getAllFotosets tried to get a database connection.

 I am *guessing* :
 I changed the session timeout to 4 hours for the Jasig CAS
 Single-Signon web application. This stores a ton of tickets in memory.
 During a 4 hour period when there are more http requests, the 512MB of
 Java Heap space is not sufficient to store all these tickets. During
 that time OutOfMemoryError happens and all hell breaks loose

 I probably should decrease the session-timeout to 1 hour or so and see
 if that changes things. Would you agree, Rainer?

 Could be. But it could also be, that getAllFotosets() is able to slurp
 in huge amounts of data to memory and that this is the reason for the OOME.

 Once you run into an OOME on heap, there's no good relief than
 restarting the whole JVM. After an OOME you can't prove the correctness
 of your app any more. Random objects might be missing, resulting in
 largely undefined behaviour in your webapp or even Tomcat.

 I'm a bit insisting on the getAllFotosets(), because I once was involved
 in troubleshooting for a social website and part of their problem was
 special users having extremely large social data. So once they hit the
 server it went OOME.




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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-05 Thread Joe Hansen
Thank you so much for your tips, Rainer!

The websites went down yet again. Increasing the java heap size took
care of the OutOfMemoryError, but the number of httpd processes keep
increasing until the websites crash. I haven't added any new code in
the past few months, hence I am surprised why the requests are getting
stuck. Here's a link to the tomcat thread dumps:

Please let me know if you cannot view it and I will email the relevant
portion of the catalina.out file to you. Is there an easy way to find
out what code is causing the requests to get stuck?

Thank you!


On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 Hi Joe,

 On 04.10.2009 21:45, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Rainer, Thank you so much for your kind reply!

 I have increased the java heap size to 512MB (-Xms512m -Xmx512m). I am
 hoping that would fix the issue. I had configured our webserver to use
 Jasig's Central Authentication System (CAS). Recently I increased the
 session timeout from 30 minutes to 4 hours. I am guessing that must
 have had an impact on the number of tickets that the CAS could store
 in the Java's memory space.

 I did run the kill -QUIT command against the tomcat process. It did
 generate a huge output in the catalina.out file. I am unable to
 decipher it. I do not want to post it to the mailing list because its
 very long. Would you be able to please tell me what should I be
 looking for within this long thread dump?

 Can you put it somewhere on the web, so we can look at it, or are you
 afraid there is something private in there? You could use pastebin or
 something similar in case you do not have a public web server yourself.

 If you don't want to post in public, you can also mail it to me, I will
 post the result, in case I find something relevant.



 On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 On 03.10.2009 20:07, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Hey All,

 I get this error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space) after
 my Apache 2.0/Tomcat 5.5/mod_jk installation has been up and running
 for a few hours. This problem started just since two days. Never had
 this issue before!

 I have also noticed that as soon as I startup the server, 9 httpd
 processes start. Number of httpd processes keep on increasing until I
 get the OutOfMemoryError.
 $ps -aef | grep httpd
 root     31984     1  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31987 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31988 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31989 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31990 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31991 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31992 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31993 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31994 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

 Sounds like requests get stuck or responses are only returned very slowly.

 I would take thread dumps during the time requests pile up (e.g. httpd
 process count increases). Thread dumps are generated by kil -QUIT
 against the Tomcat process. Result is written to catalina.out. Always
 take afew thread dumps shortly after each other, e.g. 3 dumps each 3
 seconds apart from the previous one, so that you can find out, if a
 status in a dump is pure coincidence or lasts for somewhat longer.

 $ps -aef | grep tomcat
 root     31949     1 43 11:23 pts/0    00:00:58 /usr/java/jdk/bin/java 
 r/lib/apache-tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath 
 /lib/apache-tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/usr/lib/apache-tomcat
 lib/apache-tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

 There is no Java memory configuration included above (i.e. al defaults).
 It might well be, that you have to explicitely set heap size, perm size
 and if you like also eden and semi spaces.

 Can someone on this list please help me resolve this issue.

 Thanks you,



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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-05 Thread Joe Hansen

Here are the KeepAlive values in httpd.conf:

KeepAlive Off
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimout 15


 What are your KeepAlive* settings ?

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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-05 Thread Joe Hansen
Thank you for the reply, Andre.

I now understand how setting KeepAlive to On would improve the
performance of a website (The Apache manual says that a 50% increase
in throughput could be expected). So I changed the KeepAlive to On and
restarted the server.

I however wonder if this will fix the issue. The reason being, I
haven't changed the website code at all the past few months and there
hasn't been any increase in the website traffic too. Hence I am unable
to understand why we are suddenly seeing an increase in the number of
httpd processes. The only thing I changed is the session-timeout value
from 30 minutes to 240 minutes.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:04 PM, André Warnier wrote:
 Joe Hansen wrote:


 Here are the KeepAlive values in httpd.conf:

 KeepAlive Off
 MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
 KeepAliveTimout 15

 Well, since you have KeepAlive Off, the other 2 do not matter.
 But as such, it means that each request of each browser is going to create a
 new connection to the webserver, just for that one request.
 So if there is a page with 10 img links inside, you will end up
 establishing (and tearing down) a total of 11 TCP connections (one for the
 main page, one each for each img).
 That may or may not have a bearing on the situation you are seeing.

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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-05 Thread Joe Hansen
Andre, Thanks for pointing out the high KeepAliveTimeout value in the
config file. I have read the docs and have changed it to 5 seconds
(which is the default).

I am hoping that Rainer could find out from the thread dump where the
requests are getting stuck, so that I can put this issue to bed.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:53 PM, André Warnier wrote:
 Joe Hansen wrote:

 Thank you for the reply, Andre.

 I now understand how setting KeepAlive to On would improve the
 performance of a website (The Apache manual says that a 50% increase
 in throughput could be expected). So I changed the KeepAlive to On and
 restarted the server.

 Now wait.
 You should probably then lower your setting for KeepAliveTimeout (to 3
 e.g.), otherwise you may make the problem much worse.
 Read conscienciously the relevant Apache doc page :

 The point with KeepAlive is :
 - the browser makes a connection and issues a first request
 - the webserver dedicates a child (or thread) to this connection, and passes
 it the first request
 - the child/thread responds to the first request, and then waits for more
 - the browser, in the response page, finds more links. Over the same TCP
 connection, it sends the next request
 - the same child/thread - which was waiting on that connection - receives
 the new request, and responds to it. Then it waits again for the next one.
 - etc..
 - until at some point, the browser does not issue any additional requests on
 the connection. Then, *after the KeepAliveTimeout has expired*, the
 child/thread gives up, closesthe connection, and returns to the pool
 available for other requests from other browsers

 So the point is, if the KeepAliveTimeout is long (like 15 seconds), it means
 that a child/thread may be kept waiting, for nothing, up to that many
 seconds, although there is nothing coming anymore.

 I however wonder if this will fix the issue. The reason being, I
 haven't changed the website code at all the past few months and there
 hasn't been any increase in the website traffic too. Hence I am unable
 to understand why we are suddenly seeing an increase in the number of
 httpd processes. The only thing I changed is the session-timeout value
 from 30 minutes to 240 minutes.

 I guess that this is the Tomcat session timeout.  That should have nothing
 to do with the above.  I don't think that for Tomcat, a session is linked
 to a connection. It is more of a set of data saved somewhere, linked to the
 Tomcat session-id (the JSESSIONID cookie for instance).  Tomcar retrieves it
 whenever a request comes in with the same session-id number.  But it should
 not matter whether it is on the same TCP connection or not.

 What may be linked together however, is that one request to httpd results in
 one child/thread busy with it at the Apache httpd level. If that request is
 being forwarded to Tomcat by mod_jk, then it also holds onto one
 mod_jk/Tomcat connection. This connection then holds on to one thread in
 Tomcat, until the Tomcat thread (+webapp) has supplied the full response.
 All the while, this whole chain is unavailable for other requests.  Thus, if
 there are many such requests under way, many Apache children/threads are
 busy, and Apache httpd will start additional ones (up to its limit) to
 service new requests that come in.
 So if for some reason, your Tomcat requests now take longer to be serviced,
 that should also, by retro-effect, increase the number of httpd
 children/threads being started.
 The bottleneck would be in Tomcat, but it would show up at the httpd level.

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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-04 Thread Joe Hansen
Rainer, Thank you so much for your kind reply!

I have increased the java heap size to 512MB (-Xms512m -Xmx512m). I am
hoping that would fix the issue. I had configured our webserver to use
Jasig's Central Authentication System (CAS). Recently I increased the
session timeout from 30 minutes to 4 hours. I am guessing that must
have had an impact on the number of tickets that the CAS could store
in the Java's memory space.

I did run the kill -QUIT command against the tomcat process. It did
generate a huge output in the catalina.out file. I am unable to
decipher it. I do not want to post it to the mailing list because its
very long. Would you be able to please tell me what should I be
looking for within this long thread dump?

Thanks again, Rainer :)


On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 On 03.10.2009 20:07, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Hey All,

 I get this error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space) after
 my Apache 2.0/Tomcat 5.5/mod_jk installation has been up and running
 for a few hours. This problem started just since two days. Never had
 this issue before!

 I have also noticed that as soon as I startup the server, 9 httpd
 processes start. Number of httpd processes keep on increasing until I
 get the OutOfMemoryError.
 $ps -aef | grep httpd
 root     31984     1  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31987 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31988 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31989 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31990 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31991 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31992 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31993 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31994 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

 Sounds like requests get stuck or responses are only returned very slowly.

 I would take thread dumps during the time requests pile up (e.g. httpd
 process count increases). Thread dumps are generated by kil -QUIT
 against the Tomcat process. Result is written to catalina.out. Always
 take afew thread dumps shortly after each other, e.g. 3 dumps each 3
 seconds apart from the previous one, so that you can find out, if a
 status in a dump is pure coincidence or lasts for somewhat longer.

 $ps -aef | grep tomcat
 root     31949     1 43 11:23 pts/0    00:00:58 /usr/java/jdk/bin/java 
 r/lib/apache-tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath 
 /lib/apache-tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/usr/lib/apache-tomcat
 lib/apache-tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

 There is no Java memory configuration included above (i.e. al defaults).
 It might well be, that you have to explicitely set heap size, perm size
 and if you like also eden and semi spaces.

 Can someone on this list please help me resolve this issue.

 Thanks you,



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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-04 Thread Joe Hansen
I found the following error message in the Apache logs:
[Sat Oct 03 04:10:49 2009] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
consider raising the MaxClients setting

Here's a snippet from the httpd.conf, which deals with MaxClients.
IfModule prefork.c
StartServers   8
MaxSpareServers   20
ServerLimit  256
MaxClients   256
MaxRequestsPerChild  4000

IfModule worker.c
StartServers 2
MaxClients 150
MinSpareThreads 25
MaxSpareThreads 75
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestsPerChild  0

I will watch out for the increase in the number of httpd processes. I
am wondering if I should raise the MaxClients value in prefork.c and
worker.c modules. Can anyone on this forum please explain why new
httpd processes are spawned and why aren't the old processes


On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Rainer, Thank you so much for your kind reply!

 I have increased the java heap size to 512MB (-Xms512m -Xmx512m). I am
 hoping that would fix the issue. I had configured our webserver to use
 Jasig's Central Authentication System (CAS). Recently I increased the
 session timeout from 30 minutes to 4 hours. I am guessing that must
 have had an impact on the number of tickets that the CAS could store
 in the Java's memory space.

 I did run the kill -QUIT command against the tomcat process. It did
 generate a huge output in the catalina.out file. I am unable to
 decipher it. I do not want to post it to the mailing list because its
 very long. Would you be able to please tell me what should I be
 looking for within this long thread dump?

 Thanks again, Rainer :)


 On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
 On 03.10.2009 20:07, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Hey All,

 I get this error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space) after
 my Apache 2.0/Tomcat 5.5/mod_jk installation has been up and running
 for a few hours. This problem started just since two days. Never had
 this issue before!

 I have also noticed that as soon as I startup the server, 9 httpd
 processes start. Number of httpd processes keep on increasing until I
 get the OutOfMemoryError.
 $ps -aef | grep httpd
 root     31984     1  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31987 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31988 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31989 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31990 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31991 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31992 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31993 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
 apache   31994 31984  0 11:23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

 Sounds like requests get stuck or responses are only returned very slowly.

 I would take thread dumps during the time requests pile up (e.g. httpd
 process count increases). Thread dumps are generated by kil -QUIT
 against the Tomcat process. Result is written to catalina.out. Always
 take afew thread dumps shortly after each other, e.g. 3 dumps each 3
 seconds apart from the previous one, so that you can find out, if a
 status in a dump is pure coincidence or lasts for somewhat longer.

 $ps -aef | grep tomcat
 root     31949     1 43 11:23 pts/0    00:00:58 /usr/java/jdk/bin/java 
 r/lib/apache-tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath 
 /lib/apache-tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/usr/lib/apache-tomcat
 lib/apache-tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

 There is no Java memory configuration included above (i.e. al defaults).
 It might well be, that you have to explicitely set heap size, perm size
 and if you like also eden and semi spaces.

 Can someone on this list please help me resolve this issue.

 Thanks you,



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java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2009-10-03 Thread Joe Hansen
Hey All,

I get this error (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space) after
my Apache 2.0/Tomcat 5.5/mod_jk installation has been up and running
for a few hours. This problem started just since two days. Never had
this issue before!

I have also noticed that as soon as I startup the server, 9 httpd
processes start. Number of httpd processes keep on increasing until I
get the OutOfMemoryError.
$ps -aef | grep httpd
root 31984 1  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31987 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31988 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31989 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31990 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31991 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31992 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31993 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   31994 31984  0 11:23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

$ps -aef | grep tomcat
root 31949 1 43 11:23 pts/000:00:58 /usr/java/jdk/bin/java -Djava.u
fig.file=/usr/lib/apache-tomcat/conf/ -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/u
r/lib/apache-tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath :/usr/lib/apache-tomcat/bin/boot
trap.jar:/usr/lib/apache-tomcat/bin/commons-logging-api.jar -Dcatalina.base=/us
/lib/apache-tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/usr/lib/apache-tomcat
lib/apache-tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

Can someone on this list please help me resolve this issue.

Thanks you,

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SSLException: No available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled

2009-10-02 Thread Joe Hansen
Hey all,

Apache 2.0/Tomcat 5.5/mod_jk installed on RedHat Enterprise Linux ES 4.0.

Our web server has been up and running smoothly for more than 2 years
now. This morning I noticed that the websites were down. When I
checked the logs, I found the following message: The file /root/.keystore is not available

Sure enough, the /root/.keystore file was missing. I have no clue how
that file got deleted in first place. So, I created the keystore file
using the following commands:
Added the certificate chain file to the keystore (When prompted for
the password, I entered 'changeit') :
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -alias root -trustcacerts -file

Added the certificate file to the keystore (When prompted for the
password, I entered 'changeit'):
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -alias tomcat -trustcacerts -file

The above two commands created the /root/.keystore file. I then added
the keystoreFile and keystorePass attributes to Tomcat's server.xml
file's connector element as follows

   Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.Coyote-Connector
   port=8443 miniProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
   enableLookups=true disableUploadTimeout=true
   acceptCount=100 debug=0 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS
   keystorePass=changeit /

Now, when I restart the web server, the websites seem to be working
fine, but the tomcat logs are inundated with the following error
2009 Oct 02 / 15:18:29 ERROR -
[] : Endpoint [SSL:
ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8443]] ignored
exception: SSL handshake error No available certificate or key
corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.

Can a Tomcat/SSL guru please guide me in solving this issue.

Thank you!

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Re: SSLException: No available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled

2009-10-02 Thread Joe Hansen
I think I just solved my issue. I followed the instructions on GoDaddy
to get this done.

To install the GoDaddy Certificates:

Create a keystore file
openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -CAfile
/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/gd_intermediate_bundle.crt -in
/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ -inkey
/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/joesdomain.key -out
/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/keystore.tomcat -name tomcat -passout

To list the certificates in the keystore file:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -list -v -storetype pkcs12 -keystore

/* server.xml */
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.Coyote-Connector
port=8443 miniProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
enableLookups=true disableUploadTimeout=true
acceptCount=100 debug=0 scheme=https secure=true
clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS
keystoreType=PKCS12 /


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Joe Hansen wrote:
 Hey all,

 Apache 2.0/Tomcat 5.5/mod_jk installed on RedHat Enterprise Linux ES 4.0.

 Our web server has been up and running smoothly for more than 2 years
 now. This morning I noticed that the websites were down. When I
 checked the logs, I found the following message: The file /root/.keystore is not available

 Sure enough, the /root/.keystore file was missing. I have no clue how
 that file got deleted in first place. So, I created the keystore file
 using the following commands:
 Added the certificate chain file to the keystore (When prompted for
 the password, I entered 'changeit') :
 $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -alias root -trustcacerts -file

 Added the certificate file to the keystore (When prompted for the
 password, I entered 'changeit'):
 $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -alias tomcat -trustcacerts -file

 The above two commands created the /root/.keystore file. I then added
 the keystoreFile and keystorePass attributes to Tomcat's server.xml
 file's connector element as follows

       Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.Coyote-Connector
               port=8443 miniProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
               enableLookups=true disableUploadTimeout=true
               acceptCount=100 debug=0 scheme=https secure=true
               clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS
               keystorePass=changeit /

 Now, when I restart the web server, the websites seem to be working
 fine, but the tomcat logs are inundated with the following error
 2009 Oct 02 / 15:18:29 ERROR -
 [] : Endpoint [SSL:
 ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8443]] ignored
 exception: SSL handshake error No available certificate or key
 corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.

 Can a Tomcat/SSL guru please guide me in solving this issue.

 Thank you!

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null and zero issue

2009-07-17 Thread Russo, Joe
I wrote a web service component using JAX-WS API and deployed on JBoss
5.0.1 application server. And also, wrote a Soap client which sends a
valid soap request to server and server executes corresponding method
and returns soap response back to client but what ever parameters I
included in soap, it considers it as null for string datatype and zero
for int data type.


Appreciate if you could help me to resolve this problem.





override context defined in server.xml doesn't work !?!

2009-06-17 Thread Joe Lam

the tomcat is v5.5

I'm trying to override the Context in server.xml (coz cpanel creates a
default blank context for new vhost in server.xml, and we shouldn't edit
the server.xml coz cpanel will update it whenever it wants)

I created conf/Catalina/serverName/ROOT.xml with Context override=true
but it doesn't work.
the ROOT.xml should be fine. because when I remove the new vhost's Context
in server.xml. it works.

I wonder how does the override=true works ???

Please help. thanks 

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RE: Run multiple web applications in Tomcat each as an independent windows service question

2009-03-10 Thread Joe Wallace
We will have to rethink our reasons for wanting multiple windows services 
other than we have it that way with Jrun now.  It may be more of a 
mindset problem.
My initial problems in Tomcat were file locking (when starting
and stopping each web app with the Tomcat Manager) and then 
thinking there may be issues in sharing a single jvm.

The information from this mailing list has been very helpful. 


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Run multiple web applications in Tomcat each as an
independent windows service question

Hash: SHA1


On 3/10/2009 11:17 AM, Gregor Schneider wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
  because it makes your deployment easier.

 Hm, I guess I'll have to disagree here:

No, we're in agreement: one TC is easier than many.

I just didn't read his sentence properly. Nobody bothered to answer his
question in the first place, so I went ahead and did so.

My post was not very well laid-out. I had intended to say something like
your deployment will be easier with a single Tomcat but, if you insist,
you can do the following to get multiple TC instances as services

Hope that clears things up.

- -chris
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: Run multiple web applications in Tomcat each as an independent windows service question

2009-03-09 Thread Joe Wallace
The setup is like this.


App0,1,2 all being the same web app deployed with a different name, and with 
different url.
The concept being each web app serves a specific set of users with each set of 
users having their own separate database.  
Same web app different data.

Joe Wallace

-Original Message-
From: Gregor Schneider []
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 9:18 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Run multiple web applications in Tomcat each as an
independent windows service question

sound slike a very crude design to me, however...

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Joe Wallace wrote:
 I essentially will be running the same web app installed multiple times.  
 Each web app will connect to its own unique
 database.  Since I don't want them sharing static variables in the jvm I need 
 to keep them completely separate.  This
 is a well developed application being ported from Jrun where this was 

do I understand it correctly that the urls of your apps then are


or ist it



Still, I do not see any way how you could have loaded our app
multiple times in different instances of Tomcat without having
different urls.

Having this in mind, I'd just deploy our app with different names on
the same host. The only thing you have to do is to copy the app-war in

Chuck pointed out your mis-assumption regarding static variables already.


just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you...
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RE: Run multiple web applications in Tomcat each as an independent windows service question

2009-03-09 Thread Joe Wallace
You hit the nail on the head.
Performance being equal I see no reason to use separate jvm/tomcat instances.
Joe Wallace

-Original Message-
From: André Warnier []
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 12:47 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Run multiple web applications in Tomcat each as an
independent windows service question

Joe Wallace wrote:
 The setup is like this.
 App0,1,2 all being the same web app deployed with a different name, and with 
 different url.
 The concept being each web app serves a specific set of users with each set 
 of users having their own separate database.  
 Same web app different data.
 Joe Wallace
Let's summarise and restart from the beginning, building on what Chick 
and Gregor already wrote.
You are under Windows, and you want to run Tomcat as a Windows Service.
You have 3 webapps with independent sets of data and users.  Whether 
they are the same webapp (renamed) or not makes no difference.

You /can/ run 3 instances of Tomcat (in fact, 3 instances of a JVM 
running Tomcat), each one listening on a separate port, but from the 
above description this is not necessary.
You could run a single instance of Tomcat, with all 3 webapps, provided 
they have different names.  Each webapp will have its own set of static 
variables, as Chuck explained.
Using a single instance of Tomcat, listening on a single port (say 8080) 
would be easier :
- the users of your 3 webapps would access them by the URLs
and your layout would be
(where CATALINA_HOME is the top directory where you installed your 
Windows Tomcat) and you would have a single Tomcat Service.

The (possible) inconvenient I can see is that if one webapp crashes the 
server, it will crash the whole Tomcat with the 3 webapps.  But that 
does not happen very often.
You can start/stop/reload/redeploy each webapp independently using, for 
instance, the Tomcat Manager application.

Now if you absolutely want 3 separate ports, and/or 3 separate 
JVM/Tomcat instances, and/or running 3 independent Windows Services, any 
or all of that is also possible, but the setup is more complicated.
So, do you have a compelling reason to do that ?

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tomcat 6 cluster deploy

2009-01-28 Thread Joe Rosiak
According to the apache site the tomcat Cluster Deployer object does not work 
in version 6.  Is this accurate?  If so has anyone heard of a fix for this in 
the near future?


Re: tomcat-users.xml file becomes unusable

2008-11-15 Thread Joe Bolin

I don't have a copy of the changed file. Here is the original, passwords
removed. As soon as we see this again I'll post the changed one.

permission on the original file are 0600. owner is apache, group is an
internal name.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Caldarale, Charles R 

  From: Joe Bolin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: tomcat-users.xml file becomes unusable
  We are seeing a sporadic issue where the tomcat-users.xml
  file changes in some way. The file command repots the type
  as 'data' rather than XML.

 What version of Tomcat are you using?

 What are the contents of the changed file?  Can you post it here (obfuscate
 the passwords, of course)?

 Tomcat does rewrite the tomcat-users.xml file during startup, unless you
 specify the readonly=true attribute for the UserDatabase Resource.
  However, I've never known it to rewrite it with anything but correct XML.

  - Chuck

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?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
  role rolename=tomcat/
  role rolename=standard/
  role rolename=manager/
  role rolename=admin/
  user username=mon password= roles=manager/
  user username=tomcat password= roles=tomcat/
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tomcat-users.xml file becomes unusable

2008-11-14 Thread Joe Bolin
We are seeing a sporadic issue where the tomcat-users.xml file changes in
some way. The file command repots the type as 'data' rather than XML. The
byte size doesn't change. Once it changes, tomcat process still runs but is
inaccessible via web and no logging appears to be happening. This is on a
SLES(SUSE) 9 system.


Re: executor does not work with AJP connector

2008-10-27 Thread Joe Reger, Jr.
I upgraded to Tomcat 6.0.18 and am now getting a warning instead of an NPE:

org.apache.catalina.startup.ConnectorCreateRule _setExecutor
WARNING: Connector [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not
support external executors. Method
setExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor) not found.

So it looks like external executors won't work with the AJP connector.

The problem I'm having is on highly loaded members of an app tier. They end
up with a bunch of stuck AJP threads.  I wanted to use the maxIdleTime
property of the Executor to kill them off.

How should I deal with stuck/idle AJP threads?  I'm load balancing with
Apache 2.2 and mod_jk.



On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Joe Reger, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kinda late to this party but I've gotten the same NPE issue when adding an
 Executor to an AJP Connector on 6.0.14 (Win2000Server).  But, I've also
 gotten it to work on 6.0.14 on a different machine (Windows XP)... same
 server.xml.  Experimenting with the problem server I found that I could keep
 the Executor defined but simply not reference it from the Connector and the
 server started up (probably not much news there.)


 1) Could this have something to do with a native OS feature somewhere in

 2) You mentioned that it worked on 6.0.16... anybody know if there was a
 fix or if it's just an intermittent issue?

 3) Should the Executor work with AJP?  I saw a post from earlier last year
 that said Executors don't support AJP.

 Thanks all!


 On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists 

 just tried that with 6.0.16, and it worked


 nitin dubey wrote:

 Nope.. here is the top portion of server.xml

  Service name=Catalina
  !--The connectors can use a shared executor, you can define one or
 more named thread pools--
Executor name=tomcatThreadPool namePrefix=catalina-exec-
  maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=4/
!-- A Connector represents an endpoint by which requests
 are received
 and responses are returned. Documentation at :
 Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking 
 Java AJP  Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html
 APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html
 Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080
Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
 connectionTimeout=2   redirectPort=8443 /
!-- A Connector using the shared thread pool--
Connector executor=tomcatThreadPool
   port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
 connectionTimeout=2   redirectPort=8443 /
--  !-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443
 This connector uses the JSSE configuration, when using APR, the
   connector should be using the OpenSSL style configuration
 described in the APR documentation --
Connector port=8443 protocol=HTTP/1.1 SSLEnabled=true
   maxThreads=150 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443
 connectionTimeout=2 /


 --- On Wed, 27/2/08, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: executor does not work with AJP connector
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Date: Wednesday, 27 February, 2008, 5:00 AM
 you might have forgotten to uncomment or configure that
 actual executor, hence the NPE


 nitin dubey wrote:


 I tried configuring executor in tomcat 6.0.14 for AJP

 Connector like following:

 !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009


 Connector port=8009

 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443


 connectionTimeout=2 /

 While starting tomcat it gives this error.  Any

 problem with the configuration OR this is a bug?

 Feb 26, 2008 1:42:36 PM

 org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester startElement

 SEVERE: Begin event threw exception










Re: executor does not work with AJP connector

2008-10-26 Thread Joe Reger, Jr.
Kinda late to this party but I've gotten the same NPE issue when adding an
Executor to an AJP Connector on 6.0.14 (Win2000Server).  But, I've also
gotten it to work on 6.0.14 on a different machine (Windows XP)... same
server.xml.  Experimenting with the problem server I found that I could keep
the Executor defined but simply not reference it from the Connector and the
server started up (probably not much news there.)


1) Could this have something to do with a native OS feature somewhere in

2) You mentioned that it worked on 6.0.16... anybody know if there was a fix
or if it's just an intermittent issue?

3) Should the Executor work with AJP?  I saw a post from earlier last year
that said Executors don't support AJP.

Thanks all!


On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists 

 just tried that with 6.0.16, and it worked


 nitin dubey wrote:

 Nope.. here is the top portion of server.xml

  Service name=Catalina
  !--The connectors can use a shared executor, you can define one or
 more named thread pools--
Executor name=tomcatThreadPool namePrefix=catalina-exec-
  maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=4/
!-- A Connector represents an endpoint by which requests are
 and responses are returned. Documentation at :
 Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking 
 Java AJP  Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html
 APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html
 Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080
Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
 connectionTimeout=2   redirectPort=8443 /
!-- A Connector using the shared thread pool--
Connector executor=tomcatThreadPool
   port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
 connectionTimeout=2   redirectPort=8443 /
--  !-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443
 This connector uses the JSSE configuration, when using APR, the
   connector should be using the OpenSSL style configuration
 described in the APR documentation --
Connector port=8443 protocol=HTTP/1.1 SSLEnabled=true
   maxThreads=150 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443
 connectionTimeout=2 /


 --- On Wed, 27/2/08, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: executor does not work with AJP connector
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Date: Wednesday, 27 February, 2008, 5:00 AM
 you might have forgotten to uncomment or configure that
 actual executor, hence the NPE


 nitin dubey wrote:


 I tried configuring executor in tomcat 6.0.14 for AJP

 Connector like following:

 !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009


 Connector port=8009

 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443


 connectionTimeout=2 /

 While starting tomcat it gives this error.  Any

 problem with the configuration OR this is a bug?

 Feb 26, 2008 1:42:36 PM

 org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester startElement

 SEVERE: Begin event threw exception
















Problem with AJP connector

2008-09-24 Thread Woytasik Joe
We are running IIS6 and Tomcat 6, with the AJP connector forwarding
traffic from IIS to Tomcat.  Everything has been working well until we
started running some load tests.  When we ramp up our testing we start
to see the following errors in the connector log.
[Wed Sep 24 14:28:42 2008] [3456:1504] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1879):
(IppsClaimsWorker) Connecting to tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not
started or is listening on the wrong port
[Wed Sep 24 14:28:42 2008] [3456:1504] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1082):
service() failed
What could be causing this issue?  Any help or troubleshooting tips
would be appreciated.

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Re: [OT] question about realm auth and digest attribute

2008-09-23 Thread Joe A
is it really that hard to reply to a question without coming off as a
pompous ass?

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:23 PM, André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mark Thomas wrote:

 It took me less than a minute to find the JavaDoc for

 It's by saying things like that that you provoke this kind of question..
 It takes us mere mortals ages to find anything there.

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Re: question about realm auth and digest attribute

2008-09-22 Thread Joe A
i'm talking about this part of configuration:

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Christopher Schultz 

 Hash: SHA1


 Joe A wrote:
  if i'm going to be using sha-1 for the encryption, do i just specify
  digest=SHA, digest=SHA1, digest=SHA-1?

 I'm not sure you have a choice... I think it's MD5 by default with no
 other options.

 Note that MSIE 5.0+ apparently doesn't do things right, and will
 therefore not work (2002 report). Note sure if it has been fixed in
 later versions.

 - -chris
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 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: question about realm auth and digest attribute

2008-09-22 Thread Joe A
i'm talking about the part of configuration that lets you choose specify how
the passwords are stored in the users table.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Christopher Schultz 

 Hash: SHA1


 Joe A wrote:
  i'm talking about this part of configuration:

 Sorry, I should have been more clear. Although Tomcat allows you to pick
 the hashing algorithm for DIGEST auth, there is no way for the server to
 communicate to the client what type of hashing function is being used. I
 believe all current HTTP clients will use MD5 since they have no way to
 decide to use something else.

 Definitely let me know if this is not the case.

 - -chris

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: question about realm auth and digest attribute

2008-09-22 Thread Joe A
in the docs it says The value for this attribute must be one of the digest
algorithms supported by the class (SHA, MD2, or

so if i encrypt using the sha1 algorithm, do you know if i should specify
sha1 or sha-1 or sha?


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Mark Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joe A wrote:
  i'm talking about the part of configuration that lets you choose specify
  the passwords are stored in the users table.

 To repeat my previous answer, any digest that is supported by the JVM you
 are using is fine for this.


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question about realm auth and digest attribute

2008-09-18 Thread Joe A
if i'm going to be using sha-1 for the encryption, do i just specify
digest=SHA, digest=SHA1, digest=SHA-1?


Re: CometProcessor and DWR

2008-07-17 Thread Joe Walker
Thanks for the help Philip.

So I was hoping to use the normal Servlet processing for all requests, and
then do something special to drop a thread when doing comet.
My event method looks like this:

public void event(CometEvent event) throws IOException, ServletException {
if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
event.getHttpServletRequest().setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EVENT, event);
else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.ERROR) {
else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.END) {
else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.READ) {
// Does this handle blocking reads if we just carry on reading?

The effect that I'm seeing is a call to event() with event.getEventType() ==
CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN as expected, but I'm expecting some READ events,
but nothing until an ERROR(TIMEOUT) event a bit later.

When Tomcat starts it says:
Jul 17, 2008 10:35:31 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in
production environments was not found on the java.library.path:
Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 8828 ms
Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.14

Do I need to fire up a C compiler to get this to work?


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 for your connector element you must have

 protocol=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol  (and the APR and
 tcnative libraries in your PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

 Joe Walker wrote:


 It looks like servlet spec 3 is wy off. So I'm creating a
 of CometProcessor in DWR.
 I've created a new CometProcessor like this:

 public class DwrCometProcessor extends DwrServlet implements

 But the event() method is not called. It just leaps straight to service().
 Is there anything else I need to be doing (clearly I've changed web.xml to
 point at the new 'servlet' using servlet-class



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 Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.526 / Virus Database: 270.4.11/1554 - Release
 Date: 7/15/2008 6:03 PM

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Re: CometProcessor and DWR

2008-07-17 Thread Joe Walker
Just noticed: s/Philip/Filip/g


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:39 AM, Joe Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the help Philip.

 So I was hoping to use the normal Servlet processing for all requests, and
 then do something special to drop a thread when doing comet.
 My event method looks like this:

 public void event(CometEvent event) throws IOException, ServletException {
 if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
 event.getHttpServletRequest().setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EVENT, event);
 else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.ERROR) {
 else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.END) {
 else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.READ) {
 // Does this handle blocking reads if we just carry on reading?

 The effect that I'm seeing is a call to event() with event.getEventType()
 == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN as expected, but I'm expecting some READ
 events, but nothing until an ERROR(TIMEOUT) event a bit later.

 When Tomcat starts it says:
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:31 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
 INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in
 production environments was not found on the java.library.path:
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol init
 INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
 INFO: Initialization processed in 8828 ms
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
 INFO: Starting service Catalina
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
 INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.14

 Do I need to fire up a C compiler to get this to work?


 On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists 

 for your connector element you must have

 protocol=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol  (and the APR and
 tcnative libraries in your PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

 Joe Walker wrote:


 It looks like servlet spec 3 is wy off. So I'm creating a
 of CometProcessor in DWR.
 I've created a new CometProcessor like this:

 public class DwrCometProcessor extends DwrServlet implements

 But the event() method is not called. It just leaps straight to
 Is there anything else I need to be doing (clearly I've changed web.xml
 point at the new 'servlet' using servlet-class



 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.526 / Virus Database: 270.4.11/1554 -
 Release Date: 7/15/2008 6:03 PM

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Re: CometProcessor and DWR

2008-07-17 Thread Joe Walker
I guess I misread the docs. From:
While talking about EventType.READ: It is not allowed to attempt reading
data from the request object outside of the execution of this method.

Would it be correct to say - Use EventType.READ if you're worried about
blocking. EventType.BEGIN generally acts in the same way as the
Servlet.service method in the way it blocks.

Pseudo code for what we're doing now:

public void event(CometEvent event) {
if (event.getEventType() == BEGIN) {
// stash the event as a request attribute

// act like nothing is different
service(request, response);

// sleep is set by the guts of DWR
if (!sleep) {
else if (event.getEventType() == ERROR || event.getEventType() == END) {

And then we set sleep == true in the guts of DWR when we want to sleep,
having set sleep, we call event.close() when we're done.

Everything appears to be working OK now.
Many thanks,


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 what does your HTTP request look like, it would need to have a body for the
 READ event to be called.
 currently READ doesn't get invoked when you are using a
 this was fixed in trunk yesterday,

 also, in your begin event, you can call event.setTimeout if you need a
 custom timeout


 Joe Walker wrote:

 Thanks for the help Philip.

 So I was hoping to use the normal Servlet processing for all requests, and
 then do something special to drop a thread when doing comet.
 My event method looks like this:

 public void event(CometEvent event) throws IOException, ServletException {
if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
event.getHttpServletRequest().setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EVENT, event);
else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.ERROR) {
else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.END) {
else if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.READ) {
// Does this handle blocking reads if we just carry on reading?

 The effect that I'm seeing is a call to event() with event.getEventType()
 CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN as expected, but I'm expecting some READ
 but nothing until an ERROR(TIMEOUT) event a bit later.

 When Tomcat starts it says:
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:31 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener
 INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in
 production environments was not found on the java.library.path:
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol init
 INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
 INFO: Initialization processed in 8828 ms
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
 INFO: Starting service Catalina
 Jul 17, 2008 10:35:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
 INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.14

 Do I need to fire up a C compiler to get this to work?


 On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists 

 for your connector element you must have

 protocol=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol  (and the APR and
 tcnative libraries in your PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

 Joe Walker wrote:


 It looks like servlet spec 3 is wy off. So I'm creating a
 of CometProcessor in DWR.
 I've created a new CometProcessor like this:

 public class DwrCometProcessor extends DwrServlet implements

 But the event() method is not called. It just leaps straight to
 Is there anything else I need to be doing (clearly I've changed web.xml
 point at the new 'servlet' using servlet-class



 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.526 / Virus Database: 270.4.11/1554 -
 Date: 7/15/2008 6:03 PM

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 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.526 / Virus Database: 270.5.0/1556 - Release
 Date: 7/16/2008 4:56 PM

Re: Embedded Tomcat

2008-07-16 Thread Joe Walker
Thanks for the reply - I've been doing some digging into where the NPE
happens, and while I'm sure it has something to do with my Embedded setup
(it works just fine when I point a full Tomcat at the war file using a
Context file), there are other things I need to look at, which are nothing
to do with Embedding - I'll start another thread on CometProcessor, and
maybe come back to this once I'm sure that comet isn't to blame.



On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Radcliffe, William H. 

 Joe wrote:

  I'm not getting any exceptions on startup, and the exact war file that
 pointing is found because it's serving HTML
  and even my servlet just fine.
  But when I get a ServletContext, it's null. I've got a set of tomcat jars
 in the classpath (catalina, annorations-api,
  tomcat-coyote, tomcat-juli, servlet-api)

 I don't know if you are crossing contexts or not, but it doesn't look like
 you setCrossContext(true) on the context you created.  Should you?

 The API only says the following for setCrossContext(boolean crossContext):
 Set the allow crossing servlet contexts flag.  However, the Tomcat
 configuration reference seems to state that all calls to getContext will
 return null unless you set the context's crossContext parameter to true.
 When the parameter is true, the configuration reference specifically states
 that other contexts will have access through the
 method.  When it is set to false, the reference no longer mentions other
 contexts, it states that getContext() will always return null.  I'm
 that the setCrossContext method and crossContext parameter have the same

 I don't know if any of this applies in your case.


 public void setCrossContext(boolean crossContext)Set the allow crossing
 servlet contexts flag.

 Specified by:
 setCrossContext in interface Context
 crossContext - The new cross contexts flag


 crossContex:  Set to true if you want calls within this application to
 ServletContext.getContext() to successfully return a request dispatcher for
 other web applications running on this virtual host. Set to false (the
 default) in security conscious environments, to make getContext() always
 return null.


 -Original Message-
 Joe Walker
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:59 AM
 Subject: Embedded Tomcat

 Maybe I missed some docs somewhere, but my embedded Tomcat isn't working
 I doing essentially this:

 Embedded embedded = new Embedded();


 Engine engine = embedded.createEngine();

 Host host = embedded.createHost(localhost, .);


 Context context = embedded.createContext(/dwr, target/ant/web/demo);



 Connector connector = embedded.createConnector(localhost, 8080, false);



 And my web-app starts OK, however the ServletContext seems to be null, so
 web-app fails.

 I'm not getting any exceptions on startup, and the exact war file that I'm
 pointing is found because it's serving HTML and even my servlet just fine.
 But when I get a ServletContext, it's null. I've got a set of tomcat jars
 the classpath (catalina, annorations-api, tomcat-coyote, tomcat-juli,

 Any clues where to look?


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CometProcessor and DWR

2008-07-16 Thread Joe Walker

It looks like servlet spec 3 is wy off. So I'm creating a implementation
of CometProcessor in DWR.
I've created a new CometProcessor like this:

public class DwrCometProcessor extends DwrServlet implements CometProcessor

But the event() method is not called. It just leaps straight to service().
Is there anything else I need to be doing (clearly I've changed web.xml to
point at the new 'servlet' using servlet-class


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