Re: setting the value of a radio input field

2009-02-11 Thread Thomas Mäder
Server side state as a performance problem is WAY overrated. If you're not
working for Google, it's probably not a problem.
That said: if your Web application has state it has state however much you
may wish it were not so. The only way to remove that state is when you move
it to the client. Then, however, you have to transfer the state to the
server in order to do anything with it, so you're trading memory vs.
bandwith. You may also transfer the state to an external system (which
Wicket does with most pages in the session). Then you're trading memory vs.
If you have a MB of state per session (which is already quite a lot), you
can serve 1024 concurrent sessions per GB of server memory. These days, you
can buy 16GB of memory for just about the price of one day of work from me
(oh, perhaps I really shouldn't tell you that ;-). You'll need to measure
and then decide how important technical statelessness is for you.

State is bad has become an article of faith somehow. There are many
applications where that is simply not true.


PS: Arghhh...preaching again!

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:43 AM, Story Henry

 Thanks for the tip Thomas! I have it now.

 I am really keen to avoid state on the servers, as a design principle. It
 forces me to think the web way as much as possible, and when one does,
 possibilities start becoming evident. So no I did not do any measurements
 there. But these principles are also what brought be to Wicket. I like the
 separation of html and logic. I think more needs to be done perhaps to make
 stateless programming as easy, or easier than stateful programming, but I
 won't pass judgement until I have used Wicket more, and feel like I
 understand it properly.

 In this case I think it also makes for nice URLs.

 I am using Wicket 1.4rc2 btw.

 So here is the code that works. I even deployed it at

 The following html and the following Java:

 Give the following html

  form method=GET action=
   input type=submit name=Select /

   span wicket:id=person
   input wicket:id=radio type=radio value=
 id=webid1-radio2 name=webid/
   trtdName/tdtd wicket:id=nameAxel Polleres/td/tr
   trtdURI/tdtd wicket:id=uri

 On 10 Feb 2009, at 17:29, Thomas Mäder wrote:

  The approach with

 Component radio= new Radio(radio, ...);

 is the right one. You can still try to add the AttributeModifier, but
 probably, you'll end up fighting the Radio implementation (perhaps you'll
 have to create a subclass?)
 However, I don't see why you don't just use the regular wicket approach?
 you actually measure that there is more load on the server? I highly doubt


 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Story Henry


 I have been looking at how to set the value of a radio input field to a
 value of my choosing.
 If I use the Radio and Radio Group code as shown here:
 I get html such as

 input wicket:id=radio type=radio value=radio2
 input wicket:id=radio type=radio value=radio3

 whereas I was hoping to get

 input wicket:id=radio type=radio value=; name=selectionGroup/

 Searching the web I found the thread Setting a relevant value for radio
 buttons without using RadioChoice from December 2008 ( ) I came to understand that RadioGroup saves
 the mapping itself. I would rather it did not, reducing the load on the
 server, as I am using URLs as primary keys. This more RESTful and I think

 So if I cannot set this using the Radio component I thought perhaps I can
 use an AttributeModifier with code like the following:

 class ChoiceForm extends Form {

  ChoiceForm(String string, ListAgent agents) {
ListView persons;
add(persons=new ListView(person, agents) {

   protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
  Agent agt = (Agent) item.getModelObject();
  Component radio = item.get(radio); //this is wrong! looking
 for solution
   radio.add(new AttributeModifier(value,new
  item.add(new Label(name, agt.getName()));
  item.add(new Label(uri, agt.getWebID().toString()));

 I am not sure how one can get a component in the populateItem function so
 that one can then
 change the attribute for it.

 The html I am trying to work with is this:

 form wicket:id=select
 input type=submit name=Select/
 span wicket:id=selectionGroup
 span wicket:id=person

Re: Page composition question

2009-02-11 Thread Thomas Mäder
Hi Uwe,

what is not clear is: are the detail info panels different for each of the 5
customer infos? Then you really would have 15 different html markups for the
5x3 panels? Or are the 3 panel kinds (special, detail, or additiional)
always the same, but appear (or not) for the different customer info types?
If you have 15 different html markups, you'll have to implement 15 different
panels. What's the problem with that? Chuck it in it's own package and
forget it.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:37 AM, uwe janner wrote:

 thx igor!

 but i still cant see how i can define the subPanels.

 in facelets, in the parent i would have written:
 ui:include name=detailInfo/ otherHTML/ ui:include
 name=specialInfo/ otherHTML/ ui:include name=additionalInfo/

 then there would be 5 different childs, each one defining the 3
 ui:define name=detailInfohtmlStuff for detailInfo/ui:define
 ui:define name=aditionalInfohtmlStuff for additionalInfo/ui:define

 that means, the parent knows, somebody of his children has defined a
 for detailInfo, and this will be inserted at the ui:include
 and so the three snippets can stay within the same file, e.g. in a

 and in wicket?

 i see how i would construct 3 different panels ( newpanel1,2 and 3 in your
 example) within the child class extending parentpanel - but every panel i
 create in the overwritten methods needs its own html file, doesnt it?
 that means, for one of the 5 types of customers i would have to write 3
 panels, one for each of the 3 parts:
 SimpleCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, SimpleCustomerSpecialInfoPanel.html,
 then 3 for VipCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, and so on, ending up with
 different html files.

 i still dont see the way how i can put e.g.
 SimpleCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, SimpleCustomerSpecialInfoPanel.html and
 SimpleCustomerAdditionalInfoPanel.html into one html file (as i can do it
 with facelets above), thereby reducing the nr of html files to 5. the 3
 parts belong together.

 thx4anyhint, uwe!

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Igor Vaynberg

  class abstract parentpanel extends panel {
   private panel panel1, panel2, panel3;
   protected abstract panel newpanel1(string id, imodel model);
   protected abstract panel newpanel2(string id, imodel model);
   protected abstract panel newpanel3(string id, imodel model);
   protected void onbeforerender() {
 if (panel1==null) {
   add(panel1=newpanel1(p1, getdefaultmodel());
   add(panel2=newpanel1(p2, getdefaultmodel());
   add(panel3=newpanel1(p3, getdefaultmodel());
  On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:46 PM, uwe janner
   dear wicketeers,
   i'm facing a problem with page composition where i cant find an elegant
   solution; i hope i can explain it comprehensible:
   i have a panel named CustomerInfo.
   there are 5 types of customers in the application.
   most of the CustomerInfo.html is the same for all types of customers -
   except three div's:
   DetailInfo, SpecialInfo and AdditionalInfo
   these two div's contain different html and different components for
   type of customer;
   one way would be to create 15 different panels
   DetailInfoCustomerType2, DetailInfoCustomerType3, ,
   SpecialInfoCustomerType1, .)
   then, in CustomerInfo-panel i would include the right 3 panels
   the customer type, e.g. (DetailInfoCustomerType1,
   ok, its no good idea to have 15 separate panels, i want to group the 3
   html-snippets together (Detail, Special, Additional)
   how can i achieve this? as i understood, neither panels, nor fragments
   borders can be used for this.
   how could a parent container ( CustomerInfo ) fill 3 different areas
   3 div's) with 3 different fragments of a child (e.g.
   DetailInfoCustomerType2, SpecialInfoCustomerType2,
   if the 3 different areas were contiguous/adjacent i could use simple
   inheritance, bc then the parent container pulls out the whole child's
   content with wicket:child/ .
   in my case i needed sth like wicket:child id=detailInfo/
   html/...wicket:child id=specialInfo/ .much
   html/...wicket:child id=additionalInfo/ .
   where with wicket:child id=xxx/ the parent would only include the
   of the child with wicket:id xxx
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Thomas Mäder
Wicket  Eclipse Consulting

Tabbed Page

2009-02-11 Thread Daniel Ferreira Castro
Is it possible to have other tabbed pannels inside a tabbed panel?

Imagine the example
If I click on first tab, instead of showing This is tab-panel 1 it would
show, or at least I would like to, show another tabbed panel with tabs and
those would have panels.

Is it possible?  how?

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:37 AM, uwe janner wrote:

 thx igor!

 but i still cant see how i can define the subPanels.

 in facelets, in the parent i would have written:
 ui:include name=detailInfo/ otherHTML/ ui:include
 name=specialInfo/ otherHTML/ ui:include name=additionalInfo/

 then there would be 5 different childs, each one defining the 3
 ui:define name=detailInfohtmlStuff for detailInfo/ui:define
 ui:define name=aditionalInfohtmlStuff for additionalInfo/ui:define

 that means, the parent knows, somebody of his children has defined a
 for detailInfo, and this will be inserted at the ui:include
 and so the three snippets can stay within the same file, e.g. in a

 and in wicket?

 i see how i would construct 3 different panels ( newpanel1,2 and 3 in your
 example) within the child class extending parentpanel - but every panel i
 create in the overwritten methods needs its own html file, doesnt it?
 that means, for one of the 5 types of customers i would have to write 3
 panels, one for each of the 3 parts:
 SimpleCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, SimpleCustomerSpecialInfoPanel.html,
 then 3 for VipCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, and so on, ending up with
 different html files.

 i still dont see the way how i can put e.g.
 SimpleCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, SimpleCustomerSpecialInfoPanel.html and
 SimpleCustomerAdditionalInfoPanel.html into one html file (as i can do it
 with facelets above), thereby reducing the nr of html files to 5. the 3
 parts belong together.

 thx4anyhint, uwe!

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Igor Vaynberg

  class abstract parentpanel extends panel {
   private panel panel1, panel2, panel3;
   protected abstract panel newpanel1(string id, imodel model);
   protected abstract panel newpanel2(string id, imodel model);
   protected abstract panel newpanel3(string id, imodel model);
   protected void onbeforerender() {
 if (panel1==null) {
   add(panel1=newpanel1(p1, getdefaultmodel());
   add(panel2=newpanel1(p2, getdefaultmodel());
   add(panel3=newpanel1(p3, getdefaultmodel());
  On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:46 PM, uwe janner
   dear wicketeers,
   i'm facing a problem with page composition where i cant find an elegant
   solution; i hope i can explain it comprehensible:
   i have a panel named CustomerInfo.
   there are 5 types of customers in the application.
   most of the CustomerInfo.html is the same for all types of customers -
   except three div's:
   DetailInfo, SpecialInfo and AdditionalInfo
   these two div's contain different html and different components for
   type of customer;
   one way would be to create 15 different panels
   DetailInfoCustomerType2, DetailInfoCustomerType3, ,
   SpecialInfoCustomerType1, .)
   then, in CustomerInfo-panel i would include the right 3 panels
   the customer type, e.g. (DetailInfoCustomerType1,
   ok, its no good idea to have 15 separate panels, i want to group the 3
   html-snippets together (Detail, Special, Additional)
   how can i achieve this? as i understood, neither panels, nor fragments
   borders can be used for this.
   how could a parent container ( CustomerInfo ) fill 3 different areas
   3 div's) with 3 different fragments of a child (e.g.
   DetailInfoCustomerType2, SpecialInfoCustomerType2,
   if the 3 different areas were contiguous/adjacent i could use simple
   inheritance, bc then the parent container pulls out the whole child's
   content with wicket:child/ .
   in my case i needed sth like wicket:child id=detailInfo/
   html/...wicket:child id=specialInfo/ .much
   html/...wicket:child id=additionalInfo/ .
   where with wicket:child id=xxx/ the parent would only include the
   of the child with wicket:id xxx
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Two rules to succeed in life:
1 - don´t tell people everything you know.

We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight in France
We shall fightover the seas and oceans.
We shall fight with growing confidence and 

Re: Tabbed Page

2009-02-11 Thread Thomas Mäder
What's the problem? A TabbedPanel is a Panel, so you can return it from


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Daniel Ferreira Castro

 Is it possible to have other tabbed pannels inside a tabbed panel?

 Imagine the example
 If I click on first tab, instead of showing This is tab-panel 1 it would
 show, or at least I would like to, show another tabbed panel with tabs and
 those would have panels.

 Is it possible?  how?

Thomas Mäder
Wicket  Eclipse Consulting

WicketServlet-filestore and FileNotFoundException

2009-02-11 Thread shetc

Hi All,

I know this issue was discussed in some depth in:
How To Change Page Store Size in DiskPageStore? 

but I'm still not clear as to the best practice. I have a Wicket-based
application that was
recently launched into production. It is based on v1.3.5 of Wicket and
operates within
WebSphere 6.1 on an AIX o/s. It is regularly throwing a
FileNotFoundException; an
example is shown at the bottom of this message.

Based on the above DiskPageStore post, I am assuming that the available file
are being used as expired sessions are not being cleaned up properly in the
file store
-- is that correct? If so, is the recommended best practice to create a cron
job to clean
up 'old' folders in the file store?


[2/11/09 8:04:46:867 EST] 0076 SystemOut O 08:04:46,867 ERROR
DiskPageStore:424 - Failed to make directory
[2/11/09 8:04:46:867 EST] 0076 SystemOut O 08:04:46,867 ERROR
DiskPageStore:901 - Error flushing page
etServlet-filestore/GPfJlRcX_H4dda4AdcVtmHU/pm-null (No such file or
Caused by:
re/GPfJlRcX_H4dda4AdcVtmHU/pm-null (No such file or directory)
at Method)
... 5 more

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How to place form in own public class for extending

2009-02-11 Thread pieter claassen
I am trying to move a form from an inner class that extends Form to a public
class. This is so that I can override the onSubmit() method of my form.

Below are my files.

When I add the form to a wicket page with

add(new TemplateEditForm(templateeditform, templatemodel));

and the corresponding html code

form wicket:id=templateeditformeditform/form

My wicket code doesn't pick the wicket:ids in the TemplateEditForm.html file

WicketMessage: The component(s) below failed to render. A common
problem is that you have added a component in code but forgot to
reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be

1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = name]]
2. [MarkupContainer [Component id = version]]
3. [MarkupContainer [Component id = author]]
4. [MarkupContainer [Component id = active]]
5. [MarkupContainer [Component id = description]]
6. [MarkupContainer [Component id = textarea]]
7. [MarkupContainer [Component id = type]]
8. [MarkupContainer [Component id = submit]]

I am sure I am doing something stupid, but I cannot find the solution to
this. Any ideas?


public class TemplateEditForm extends Form {

private TemplateWebModel templatemodel;

public TemplateEditForm(String id, TemplateWebModel templatemodel) {
this.templatemodel = templatemodel;
setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(templatemodel));
add(new RequiredTextField(name));
add(new RequiredTextField(version, java.lang.Long.class));
add(new RequiredTextField(author));
add(new CheckBox(active));
add(new VariableTextFieldPanel(description, new PropertyModel(
templatemodel.getObject(), description)));
DropDownChoice ddc = new DropDownChoice(type, Arrays
.asList(TemplateType.values()), new IChoiceRenderer() {

public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
return getString(object.toString());

public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
return object.toString();

add(new Button(submit, new ResourceModel(submit)));


public void onSubmit() {
setResponsePage(new TemplateListPage());

And the corresponding html code


tdwicket:message key=name //td
tdinput wicket:id=name //td
tdwicket:message key=version //td
tdinput wicket:id=version //td
tdwicket:message key=author //td
tdinput wicket:id=author //td
tdwicket:message key=active //td
tdinput type=checkbox wicket:id=active //td
tdwicket:message key=description //td
tdspan wicket:id=description/span/td
tdwicket:message key=type //td
tdselect wicket:id=type

td colspan=2input wicket:id=submit type=submit/td

Re: How to handle this exception properly

2009-02-11 Thread Anton Veretennikov

Excuse me, but I really don't understand.
I'm asking about how to show Wicket error page. I thought that
throwing WicketRuntimeException will result in showing it.

But I get SERVER error page. I attached an image to clarify matters.

And error below is seen in Tomcat output, not in Wicket error page:

ERROR - WicketFilter   - closing the buffer error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been
called for this response

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Marcelo Morales wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Igor Vaynberg 
 the status code and the error page are orthogonal. you should still
 see the standard error page, its just that it is returned with status
 ... with a proper browser (a cent)
 Marcelo Morales

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Re: How to place form in own public class for extending

2009-02-11 Thread Ryan Gravener
I usually make a panel, add the form to the panel and write up the form in
the panel's markup.

Ryan Gravener |

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:40 AM, pieter claassen

 I am trying to move a form from an inner class that extends Form to a
 class. This is so that I can override the onSubmit() method of my form.

 Below are my files.

 When I add the form to a wicket page with

 add(new TemplateEditForm(templateeditform, templatemodel));

 and the corresponding html code

 form wicket:id=templateeditformeditform/form

 My wicket code doesn't pick the wicket:ids in the TemplateEditForm.html

 WicketMessage: The component(s) below failed to render. A common
 problem is that you have added a component in code but forgot to
 reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be

 1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = name]]
 2. [MarkupContainer [Component id = version]]
 3. [MarkupContainer [Component id = author]]
 4. [MarkupContainer [Component id = active]]
 5. [MarkupContainer [Component id = description]]
 6. [MarkupContainer [Component id = textarea]]
 7. [MarkupContainer [Component id = type]]
 8. [MarkupContainer [Component id = submit]]

 I am sure I am doing something stupid, but I cannot find the solution to
 this. Any ideas?


 public class TemplateEditForm extends Form {

private TemplateWebModel templatemodel;

public TemplateEditForm(String id, TemplateWebModel templatemodel) {
this.templatemodel = templatemodel;
setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(templatemodel));
add(new RequiredTextField(name));
add(new RequiredTextField(version, java.lang.Long.class));
add(new RequiredTextField(author));
add(new CheckBox(active));
add(new VariableTextFieldPanel(description, new PropertyModel(
templatemodel.getObject(), description)));
DropDownChoice ddc = new DropDownChoice(type, Arrays
.asList(TemplateType.values()), new IChoiceRenderer() {

public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
return getString(object.toString());

public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
return object.toString();

add(new Button(submit, new ResourceModel(submit)));


public void onSubmit() {
setResponsePage(new TemplateListPage());

 And the corresponding html code


tdwicket:message key=name //td
tdinput wicket:id=name //td
tdwicket:message key=version //td
tdinput wicket:id=version //td
tdwicket:message key=author //td
tdinput wicket:id=author //td
tdwicket:message key=active //td
tdinput type=checkbox wicket:id=active //td
tdwicket:message key=description //td
tdspan wicket:id=description/span/td
tdwicket:message key=type //td
tdselect wicket:id=type

td colspan=2input wicket:id=submit type=submit/td

Wicket question

2009-02-11 Thread Malik786

I have made a tree and this is working fine but i am facing a problem when i
want to click on the tree node so it doesnot work(expand).Can some one help
me in this matter? Help me as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; 

import no.vismaunique.ebilag.db.EbilaghdFunctions;
import no.webcenter.webmal.okonomi.e30.SelRegAar;

import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxLink;
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tree.*;
import org.apache.wicket.Page;

import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree.AbstractTree;

public class VenstrePanel extends Panel implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public VenstrePanel(String id) {

// create a list with sublists
String user = ((EBilagSession) getSession()).getUser();
SelRegAar selRegAar = new SelRegAar(1, 0, 2008);
List l1 = new ArrayList();

for (BilagNivaaKode bilagkode : BilagNivaaKode.values()) {
ArrayList temp = (ArrayList) 
user, bilagkode); 

if(temp.size()  0)


TreeModel treeModel = convertToTreeModel(l1);

final Tree tree = new Tree(tre, treeModel) {

protected String renderNode(TreeNode node) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = 
(DefaultMutableTreeNode) node;
Object userObject = treeNode.getUserObject();
String text = ;

if (userObject instanceof List) {

if(((List) userObject).size()  
Bilag bilag = 
text = 

else if (userObject instanceof Oppgave) {
Oppgave oppgave = (Oppgave) userObject;
text = oppgave.getNavn();
return text;



add(new AjaxLink(expandAll) {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


add(new AjaxLink(collapseAll) {

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {


private void add(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, List sub) {
for (Iterator i = sub.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Object o =;
if (o instanceof List) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode child = new 
add(child, (List) o);
} else {
DefaultMutableTreeNode child = new 

private TreeModel convertToTreeModel(List list) {
TreeModel model = null;
DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode = new 

Intercepting Calls To Domain Setters For Dynamic Feedback

2009-02-11 Thread walnutmon


I am using a custom domain which handles errors by doing checks when setters
are called.  If there is a problem with the input it throws an exception.  I
would like to use this in our wicket page to display errors, I've been able
to intercept errors as they come down from Form.process(), however, for the
granularity of showing errors next to a component that has the error, I
actually need to know which field and which setter is excepting...

The question is, if I have a setter on a model object, and through
reflection wicket invokes it while doing a form process, is there an ideal
place to catch it where I will have component and field info.

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inmethod grid and add/delete examples

2009-02-11 Thread Will Jaynes
I have just started to look at the inmethod datagrid in wicketstuff. The one
thing that the examples don't show are how to add and delete items. Are
there such examples somewhere?


Re: How to place form in own public class for extending

2009-02-11 Thread pieter claassen
But how do you then extend the form in the panel and more importantly, how
do you override the onSubmit() method of that form?


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Ryan Gravener r...@ryangravener.comwrote:

 I usually make a panel, add the form to the panel and write up the form in
 the panel's markup.

 Ryan Gravener |

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:40 AM, pieter claassen

  I am trying to move a form from an inner class that extends Form to a
  class. This is so that I can override the onSubmit() method of my form.
  Below are my files.
  When I add the form to a wicket page with
  add(new TemplateEditForm(templateeditform, templatemodel));
  and the corresponding html code
  form wicket:id=templateeditformeditform/form
  My wicket code doesn't pick the wicket:ids in the TemplateEditForm.html
  WicketMessage: The component(s) below failed to render. A common
  problem is that you have added a component in code but forgot to
  reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be
  1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = name]]
  2. [MarkupContainer [Component id = version]]
  3. [MarkupContainer [Component id = author]]
  4. [MarkupContainer [Component id = active]]
  5. [MarkupContainer [Component id = description]]
  6. [MarkupContainer [Component id = textarea]]
  7. [MarkupContainer [Component id = type]]
  8. [MarkupContainer [Component id = submit]]
  I am sure I am doing something stupid, but I cannot find the solution to
  this. Any ideas?
  public class TemplateEditForm extends Form {
 private TemplateWebModel templatemodel;
 public TemplateEditForm(String id, TemplateWebModel templatemodel) {
 this.templatemodel = templatemodel;
 setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(templatemodel));
 add(new RequiredTextField(name));
 add(new RequiredTextField(version, java.lang.Long.class));
 add(new RequiredTextField(author));
 add(new CheckBox(active));
 add(new VariableTextFieldPanel(description, new PropertyModel(
 templatemodel.getObject(), description)));
 DropDownChoice ddc = new DropDownChoice(type, Arrays
 .asList(TemplateType.values()), new IChoiceRenderer() {
 public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
 return getString(object.toString());
 public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
 return object.toString();
 add(new Button(submit, new ResourceModel(submit)));
 public void onSubmit() {
 setResponsePage(new TemplateListPage());
  And the corresponding html code
 tdwicket:message key=name //td
 tdinput wicket:id=name //td
 tdwicket:message key=version //td
 tdinput wicket:id=version //td
 tdwicket:message key=author //td
 tdinput wicket:id=author //td
 tdwicket:message key=active //td
 tdinput type=checkbox wicket:id=active //td
 tdwicket:message key=description //td
 tdspan wicket:id=description/span/td
 tdwicket:message key=type //td
 tdselect wicket:id=type
 td colspan=2input wicket:id=submit type=submit/td

Re: Problem with WebRequestCodingStrategy's and mobile phones

2009-02-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
we would have to add it to almost all coding strategies because almost
all of them use the colon.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:
 Can one of the core devs add a note to the javadoc of
 UrlCompressingWebCodingStrategy to the effect of NOTE: Using this strategy
 may cause errors in some mobile phone browsers, specifically the Motorola V3
 and other UP.Link browser mobile phones

 Jeremy Thomerson

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Jeremy Levy wrote:

 We figured out something very interesting with the default URL coding
 strategy's that Wicket uses when using mobile phones / devices.

 We run a fairly heavily trafficked mobile site, and having been using
 CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy for sometime.  While attempting to debug
 some page timeout issues we switched to UrlCompressingWebCodingStrategy and
 we started getting compaints from users that they were getting HTTP error

 We were able to repeat the error locally, it happened only when using some
 specific phones and mobile browsers.  Specifically on the Motorola V3
 (useragent: MOT-V3re/0E.40.29R MIB/2.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0
 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UP.Link/ and other UP.Link
 browser moble phones.  We noticed that when the user got the 400 error
 was nothing in our tomcat logs, or even in our apache logs.

 Switching to standard WebRequestCodingStrategy had the same issue.  I
 suspect that there are some characters in the form submit url ( :'s ?) that
 this crappy browser can't figure out to post to.  Swiching back to
 CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy fixed the problem.

 We tested this on several other handsets that we have available and can
 confirm that it breaks all form submits.

 This is a some what obsecure case, and perhaps irrelvant if you don't run a
 mobile site, but we saw our number's drop by about 20% - 50% until we
 figured this out.

 Hope this helps someone else.


 Jeremy Levy

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Re: Page composition question

2009-02-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
then simply change Panel to Fragment, and keep the entire html in one place.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:37 AM, uwe janner wrote:
 thx igor!

 but i still cant see how i can define the subPanels.

 in facelets, in the parent i would have written:
 ui:include name=detailInfo/ otherHTML/ ui:include
 name=specialInfo/ otherHTML/ ui:include name=additionalInfo/

 then there would be 5 different childs, each one defining the 3
 ui:define name=detailInfohtmlStuff for detailInfo/ui:define
 ui:define name=aditionalInfohtmlStuff for additionalInfo/ui:define

 that means, the parent knows, somebody of his children has defined a snippet
 for detailInfo, and this will be inserted at the ui:include
 and so the three snippets can stay within the same file, e.g. in a

 and in wicket?

 i see how i would construct 3 different panels ( newpanel1,2 and 3 in your
 example) within the child class extending parentpanel - but every panel i
 create in the overwritten methods needs its own html file, doesnt it?
 that means, for one of the 5 types of customers i would have to write 3
 panels, one for each of the 3 parts:
 SimpleCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, SimpleCustomerSpecialInfoPanel.html,
 then 3 for VipCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, and so on, ending up with 15
 different html files.

 i still dont see the way how i can put e.g.
 SimpleCustomerDetailInfoPanel.html, SimpleCustomerSpecialInfoPanel.html and
 SimpleCustomerAdditionalInfoPanel.html into one html file (as i can do it
 with facelets above), thereby reducing the nr of html files to 5. the 3
 parts belong together.

 thx4anyhint, uwe!

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Igor Vaynberg igor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

 class abstract parentpanel extends panel {
  private panel panel1, panel2, panel3;

  protected abstract panel newpanel1(string id, imodel model);
  protected abstract panel newpanel2(string id, imodel model);
  protected abstract panel newpanel3(string id, imodel model);

  protected void onbeforerender() {
if (panel1==null) {
  add(panel1=newpanel1(p1, getdefaultmodel());
  add(panel2=newpanel1(p2, getdefaultmodel());
  add(panel3=newpanel1(p3, getdefaultmodel());


 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:46 PM, uwe janner
  dear wicketeers,
  i'm facing a problem with page composition where i cant find an elegant
  solution; i hope i can explain it comprehensible:
  i have a panel named CustomerInfo.
  there are 5 types of customers in the application.
  most of the CustomerInfo.html is the same for all types of customers -
  except three div's:
  DetailInfo, SpecialInfo and AdditionalInfo
  these two div's contain different html and different components for each
  type of customer;
  one way would be to create 15 different panels (DetailInfoCustomerType1,
  DetailInfoCustomerType2, DetailInfoCustomerType3, ,
  SpecialInfoCustomerType1, .)
  then, in CustomerInfo-panel i would include the right 3 panels depending
  the customer type, e.g. (DetailInfoCustomerType1,
  ok, its no good idea to have 15 separate panels, i want to group the 3
  html-snippets together (Detail, Special, Additional)
  how can i achieve this? as i understood, neither panels, nor fragments
  borders can be used for this.
  how could a parent container ( CustomerInfo ) fill 3 different areas
  3 div's) with 3 different fragments of a child (e.g.
  DetailInfoCustomerType2, SpecialInfoCustomerType2,
  if the 3 different areas were contiguous/adjacent i could use simple page
  inheritance, bc then the parent container pulls out the whole child's
  content with wicket:child/ .
  in my case i needed sth like wicket:child id=detailInfo/
  html/...wicket:child id=specialInfo/ .much
  html/...wicket:child id=additionalInfo/ .
  where with wicket:child id=xxx/ the parent would only include the
  of the child with wicket:id xxx

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Re: How to handle this exception properly

2009-02-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
your attachment got stripped, but i can imagine what it looks like.

all runtime exceptions, wicket or not, are handled in the same way -
redirect to the error page.

do you have a custom error page? if you do - if your error page has an
error then what you describe might happen.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Anton Veretennikov wrote:

 Excuse me, but I really don't understand.
 I'm asking about how to show Wicket error page. I thought that
 throwing WicketRuntimeException will result in showing it.

 But I get SERVER error page. I attached an image to clarify matters.

 And error below is seen in Tomcat output, not in Wicket error page:

 ERROR - WicketFilter   - closing the buffer error
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been
 called for this response

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Marcelo Morales wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Igor Vaynberg 
 the status code and the error page are orthogonal. you should still
 see the standard error page, its just that it is returned with status
 ... with a proper browser (a cent)
 Marcelo Morales

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Re: How to place form in own public class for extending

2009-02-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
what is the problem of having the form as an inner class?

public class mypage extends webpage {

  private class myform extends form {

   public mypage() {
   add(new myform(..) { protected void onsubmit() {...}});


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:40 AM, pieter claassen wrote:
 I am trying to move a form from an inner class that extends Form to a public
 class. This is so that I can override the onSubmit() method of my form.

 Below are my files.

 When I add the form to a wicket page with

 add(new TemplateEditForm(templateeditform, templatemodel));

 and the corresponding html code

 form wicket:id=templateeditformeditform/form

 My wicket code doesn't pick the wicket:ids in the TemplateEditForm.html file

 WicketMessage: The component(s) below failed to render. A common
 problem is that you have added a component in code but forgot to
 reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be

 1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = name]]
 2. [MarkupContainer [Component id = version]]
 3. [MarkupContainer [Component id = author]]
 4. [MarkupContainer [Component id = active]]
 5. [MarkupContainer [Component id = description]]
 6. [MarkupContainer [Component id = textarea]]
 7. [MarkupContainer [Component id = type]]
 8. [MarkupContainer [Component id = submit]]

 I am sure I am doing something stupid, but I cannot find the solution to
 this. Any ideas?


 public class TemplateEditForm extends Form {

private TemplateWebModel templatemodel;

public TemplateEditForm(String id, TemplateWebModel templatemodel) {
this.templatemodel = templatemodel;
setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(templatemodel));
add(new RequiredTextField(name));
add(new RequiredTextField(version, java.lang.Long.class));
add(new RequiredTextField(author));
add(new CheckBox(active));
add(new VariableTextFieldPanel(description, new PropertyModel(
templatemodel.getObject(), description)));
DropDownChoice ddc = new DropDownChoice(type, Arrays
.asList(TemplateType.values()), new IChoiceRenderer() {

public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
return getString(object.toString());

public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
return object.toString();

add(new Button(submit, new ResourceModel(submit)));


public void onSubmit() {
setResponsePage(new TemplateListPage());

 And the corresponding html code


tdwicket:message key=name //td
tdinput wicket:id=name //td
tdwicket:message key=version //td
tdinput wicket:id=version //td
tdwicket:message key=author //td
tdinput wicket:id=author //td
tdwicket:message key=active //td
tdinput type=checkbox wicket:id=active //td
tdwicket:message key=description //td
tdspan wicket:id=description/span/td
tdwicket:message key=type //td
tdselect wicket:id=type

td colspan=2input wicket:id=submit type=submit/td

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Re: How to handle this exception properly

2009-02-11 Thread Anton Veretennikov
I don't have custom error page.
Link to image:

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
 your attachment got stripped, but i can imagine what it looks like.

 all runtime exceptions, wicket or not, are handled in the same way -
 redirect to the error page.

 do you have a custom error page? if you do - if your error page has an
 error then what you describe might happen.


 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Anton Veretennikov wrote:

 Excuse me, but I really don't understand.
 I'm asking about how to show Wicket error page. I thought that
 throwing WicketRuntimeException will result in showing it.

 But I get SERVER error page. I attached an image to clarify matters.

 And error below is seen in Tomcat output, not in Wicket error page:

 ERROR - WicketFilter   - closing the buffer error
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been
 called for this response

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Marcelo Morales wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Igor Vaynberg 
 the status code and the error page are orthogonal. you should still
 see the standard error page, its just that it is returned with status
 ... with a proper browser (a cent)
 Marcelo Morales

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Re: Problem with multiple AjaxLazyLoadPanel and DynamicImageResource

2009-02-11 Thread Felix Cachaldora

I am also stuck in the same situation. I have a page with several
AjaxLazyLoadPanels(ALLP) with one of them loading a DynamicImageResource. If
the ALLP contaning the DynamicImageResource gets loaded before some of the
other ALLP the remaining ones do not load. It's like if that ALLP (the one
with the DynamicImageResource) changed the state of the page. Examing the
ajax response from the server I can see that those ALLP that fail get this
response: ajaxResponse/ajaxResponse
I don't what's going on. 
Has anyone any idea?

Sergio García wrote:
 Well, i will try to explain the situation as good as i can. 
 We have a grid with multiple AjaxLazyLoadPanel(ALLP) that load a query
 each one. One of the ALLP is a ListView with an ALLP into each row (each
 row is a different query). This enviroment works very well.
 The problem comes with a ALLP with a Jfreechart image inside. When wicket
 loads the image, i think it changes the state of the page from domready
 to load, and this makes that the rest of the ALLP don't load properly. I
 fix it making a new implementation of ALLP for that image. The new version
 substitutes the call of
 response.renderOnDomReadyJavascript(getCallbackScript().toString()); to a
 new call of 
 response.renderOnLoadJavascript(getCallbackScript().toString());. With the
 new call the image loads at the end.
 But i still have a problem. The rows do not load because they will load at
 end and changing the javascript event from render to load does not fix
 Any ideas?

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how to give static pages consistant look with wicket - partial repeat

2009-02-11 Thread Vika

I am looking at wicket trying to decide if i would want to use it for my
Currently I am struggling trying to give static and dynamic pages consistent
look with wicket without using sitemesh.  I was able to get wicket
application to direct all static page requests to my wicket StaticPage that
would read the content of a file and add it to the page as MultiLineLabel.
However my problem is that i don't want to add whole html file. I need to
extract the content of title, body and meta tags and add these
separately. Is there anything in api or any examples i should look at ?

Please see the code below. 

in  init()

mount(new URIRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy(/docs)
public IRequestTarget decode(RequestParameters
String path = /app/ + getURI(requestParameters);
return new PageRequestTarget(new StaticPage(new

public class StaticPage extends BasePage implements AuthenticatedWebPage
public StaticPage(WebExternalResourceRequestTarget staticResource)
String staticResourceContent = ;
try {
staticResourceContent =
} catch (ResourceStreamNotFoundException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
add(new MultiLineLabel(staticContent,
Here is what i get in the browser when click on static link:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8
titleInsert title here/title
this is a test
This is in the footer

Another variation of i tried was
public class StaticPage extends BasePage implements AuthenticatedWebPage
public StaticPage(WebExternalResourceRequestTarget staticResource)
MarkupResourceStream markupStream = 

MarkupParser parser = new MarkupParser(markupStream);

Markup markup = parser.parse();

However I got stuck at this point since i still don't see a way of getting
individual html tags from Markup

thank you in advance, 


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Re: How to place form in own public class for extending

2009-02-11 Thread pieter claassen
What if you want to reuse the inner class form in another page (you have to
make it public and non-inner for visibility) and then you want to override
the onSubmit() method. If I just create a public class MyForm and stick the
form contents (minus the form tags) in MyForm.html, then wicket cannot
find any wicket variables on the form (see first post).

If you encapsulate the form in a panel, then the only problem is that you
cannot get to the onSubmit() method of the form (but if you delegate all the
work to a public method on the panel, then you can override that). Not so

This is a bit of a corner case, but the fact is that forms are not readily
accessible wicket objects like panels and pages ( you cannot easily extend
your own publically accessible forms) or am I missing something?


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Igor Vaynberg igor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

 what is the problem of having the form as an inner class?

 public class mypage extends webpage {

  private class myform extends form {

   public mypage() {
   add(new myform(..) { protected void onsubmit() {...}});


 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:40 AM, pieter claassen
  I am trying to move a form from an inner class that extends Form to a
  class. This is so that I can override the onSubmit() method of my form.
  Below are my files.
  When I add the form to a wicket page with
  add(new TemplateEditForm(templateeditform, templatemodel));
  and the corresponding html code
  form wicket:id=templateeditformeditform/form
  My wicket code doesn't pick the wicket:ids in the TemplateEditForm.html
  WicketMessage: The component(s) below failed to render. A common
  problem is that you have added a component in code but forgot to
  reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be
  1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = name]]
  2. [MarkupContainer [Component id = version]]
  3. [MarkupContainer [Component id = author]]
  4. [MarkupContainer [Component id = active]]
  5. [MarkupContainer [Component id = description]]
  6. [MarkupContainer [Component id = textarea]]
  7. [MarkupContainer [Component id = type]]
  8. [MarkupContainer [Component id = submit]]
  I am sure I am doing something stupid, but I cannot find the solution to
  this. Any ideas?
  public class TemplateEditForm extends Form {
 private TemplateWebModel templatemodel;
 public TemplateEditForm(String id, TemplateWebModel templatemodel) {
 this.templatemodel = templatemodel;
 setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(templatemodel));
 add(new RequiredTextField(name));
 add(new RequiredTextField(version, java.lang.Long.class));
 add(new RequiredTextField(author));
 add(new CheckBox(active));
 add(new VariableTextFieldPanel(description, new PropertyModel(
 templatemodel.getObject(), description)));
 DropDownChoice ddc = new DropDownChoice(type, Arrays
 .asList(TemplateType.values()), new IChoiceRenderer() {
 public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
 return getString(object.toString());
 public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
 return object.toString();
 add(new Button(submit, new ResourceModel(submit)));
 public void onSubmit() {
 setResponsePage(new TemplateListPage());
  And the corresponding html code
 tdwicket:message key=name //td
 tdinput wicket:id=name //td
 tdwicket:message key=version //td
 tdinput wicket:id=version //td
 tdwicket:message key=author //td
 tdinput wicket:id=author //td
 tdwicket:message key=active //td
 tdinput type=checkbox wicket:id=active //td
 tdwicket:message key=description //td
 tdspan wicket:id=description/span/td
 tdwicket:message key=type //td
 tdselect wicket:id=type
 td colspan=2input wicket:id=submit type=submit/td

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Re: How to handle this exception properly

2009-02-11 Thread Cristiano Kliemann
The problem is that you are calling getResponse().getOutputStream(), which
invokes getOutputSteam from the http servlet response. After handling your
request, Wicket calls getWriter from the same response. From the
ServletResponse.getOutputStream Javadoc:

Either this method or
be called to write the body, not both.
if the
getWriter method has been called on this response

So, Wicket can't render the error page.

-- Cristiano

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:57 AM, Anton Veretennikov wrote:

 Hello, all wicket users!

 I receive HTTP Status 500 error in this situation:

 I have a page with empty html-file and page's onRender() looks like:

OutputStreamWriter writer = null;
try {
  writer = new OutputStreamWriter(getResponse().getOutputStream(),
  String enc = getRequestCycle().getResponse().getCharacterEncoding();
  writer.append(!-- + enc + --\n);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
  throw new WicketRuntimeException(Invalid charset:  +
} catch (IOException ex) {
  throw new WicketRuntimeException(IOException:  + ex.getMessage());
} finally {
  if (writer != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {

 The problem is when this first catch is reached (because encoding
 desired is sent as a parameter that could be errouneous) and

  new WicketRuntimeException(Invalid charset:  + ex.getMessage());

 is thrown I see HTTP Status 500 error with this:

 ERROR - WicketFilter   - closing the buffer error
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been
 called for this response

 I would like to know is it proper to throw WicketRuntimeException in
 such situation.
 For example I want to show standart Wicket Error page.

 Thank you very much.

 -- Tony

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RE: Inconsistent Model Binding on Form Submit

2009-02-11 Thread Dane Laverty
That's a good consideration. However, the error logs show that the error
does not appear to be browser dependent. It occurs with Firefox, Safari,
and IE. I just checked it by hitting Enter rather than clicking the
Submit button, but that doesn't appear to change anything.

-Original Message-
From: Timo Rantalaiho [] 

Could it be that they are submitting the form with Enter on 
a certain browser?

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Intellij Idea Plugin Bounty

2009-02-11 Thread Matt Welch

I use Intellij Idea for my Java development. In fact, that IDE is one of the
main reasons I so often come back to using Java for many of my projects. I
also use Wicket and am starting to work with it a lot more than I have in
the past. While Wicket and Idea get along reasonably well, there's a lot of
room for improvement in their relationship. That means a Wicket plugin for

Nick Heudecker has done an admirable job with WicketForge
(, however 1) when I try to use that
plugin, I constantly get exceptions and 2) it doesn't do some of the the
things I'm really interested in. This is no criticism of Nick. If I recall
one of his messages correctly, he developed this plugin for his own use and
it was extremely generous of him to publish the code as open source. He's
even made pretty regular improvements to it, but at least for me personally,
it doesn't meet my needs for a Wicket plugin.

Now, I can't, in good conscience just pop on to this mailing list and ask
someone out of the goodness of their heart to get to it!, so I'm willing
to start the ball rolling on an incentive in the form of a bounty; one that
I hope other Wicket and Idea users will contribute to as well.  First,
though, I'd like to come to some kind of agreement about a feature set for
such a plugin so that when I post the bounty I can be as specific as
possible in its criteria.

Here is a list of my most desired features in the order of priority:

1) Navigation between template and code - I would like the ability to move
in both directions between a template and it's Java code. This means in an
overall sense (e.g. moving back and forth between a top level page class and
the HTML file) and in a more granular sense (e.g. moving back and forth
between an HTML element with a wicket:id and the Wicket Java Component with
the same id). I should be able to bind a keystroke to this action. It should
preferably be the same keystroke in both directions.

2) Code completion for wicket:message keys - I would like code completion
for the wicket:message key attribute. It should work something like the
XML code completion when there isn't a DTD or schema available. It would be
based on other keys already available on the page. So for instance if I had
already created a wicket:message with a key of
userform.detailfieldset.username.label I would expect that when I created
another wicket:message and started typing us in the key attribute, code
completion would allow me to expand what I typed similar to what happens
when typing package names. 

3) Properties file intention - I would like an Idea intention that would
allow me to automatically add wicket:message keys to a resource properties
file. By default this would add it to a properties file with the same name
as the template (even creating the properties file if necessary), however it
should be configurable to use an application-wide properties file if that's
what the user prefers. When adding the key to the properties file it should
be placed in a logical manner according to it's period separated name so the
key userform.detailfieldset.username.label would be placed just after
other keys with the name userform.detailfieldset.username or
userform.detailfieldset.username. The intention should leave the cursor
after the = in the properties file. 

4) Code completion on wicket tags and attributes - I would like code
completion for all wicket tags (e.g. wicket:extend, wicket:message,
etc.) in HTML templates. This is something of a lower priority as Idea's
Live Template functionality takes much of the pain out of not having code
completion for items in the wicket namespace. This doesn't help with the
error/warning issue, though.

5) Validation for wicket namespace and attributes in hTML template - In a
similar vein, I would like wicket attributes like wicket:id and wicket
tags like wicket:message to not show up as either errors or warnings in my
HTML templates. 

This is just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more and perhaps
even some that should be higher on the priority list. Once some kind of
feature set is agreed by Idea users here in the mailing list, I'll kick off
the bounty on one of the software bounty sites and contribute $200. I know
it's not much but I'll try to get my company to pony up a few dollars as
well. That along with whatever contributions anyone else would like to make
will hopefully be an incentive for someone. Maybe there's someone out there
who's been wanting to do this for a while and the bounty will simply be the
motivation to finally do it. I don't know, but I don't figure there's any
harm in trying. 

Please post your own ideas and list your preferred priority for the

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Re: Problem with multiple AjaxLazyLoadPanel and DynamicImageResource

2009-02-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
try calling image.setversioned(false)


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Felix Cachaldora wrote:

 I am also stuck in the same situation. I have a page with several
 AjaxLazyLoadPanels(ALLP) with one of them loading a DynamicImageResource. If
 the ALLP contaning the DynamicImageResource gets loaded before some of the
 other ALLP the remaining ones do not load. It's like if that ALLP (the one
 with the DynamicImageResource) changed the state of the page. Examing the
 ajax response from the server I can see that those ALLP that fail get this
 response: ajaxResponse/ajaxResponse
 I don't what's going on.
 Has anyone any idea?

 Sergio García wrote:

 Well, i will try to explain the situation as good as i can.

 We have a grid with multiple AjaxLazyLoadPanel(ALLP) that load a query
 each one. One of the ALLP is a ListView with an ALLP into each row (each
 row is a different query). This enviroment works very well.

 The problem comes with a ALLP with a Jfreechart image inside. When wicket
 loads the image, i think it changes the state of the page from domready
 to load, and this makes that the rest of the ALLP don't load properly. I
 fix it making a new implementation of ALLP for that image. The new version
 substitutes the call of
 response.renderOnDomReadyJavascript(getCallbackScript().toString()); to a
 new call of
 response.renderOnLoadJavascript(getCallbackScript().toString());. With the
 new call the image loads at the end.

 But i still have a problem. The rows do not load because they will load at
 end and changing the javascript event from render to load does not fix

 Any ideas?

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Re: how to give static pages consistant look with wicket - partial repeat

2009-02-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
all you have to do is this:

mount(new indexedparamcodingstrategy(/static, StaticPage.class));

class staticpage extends MyBasePageWithDecoratingMarkup {
  private final String resource;
  public staticpage(PageParameters params) {
add(new Label(content, new PropertyModel(this,

  public String getContent() {
 // load the resource content however you want
 InputStream is=new FileInputStream(basePath+/+resource);
 try {
return Streams.readIntoString(is);
 } finally { is.close(); }
} [wicket:extend][wicket:container
wicket:id=content]content will be

then if you go to /static/myfile.html the contents of myfile.html will
be shown within your decorated page


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Vika wrote:

 I am looking at wicket trying to decide if i would want to use it for my
 Currently I am struggling trying to give static and dynamic pages consistent
 look with wicket without using sitemesh.  I was able to get wicket
 application to direct all static page requests to my wicket StaticPage that
 would read the content of a file and add it to the page as MultiLineLabel.
 However my problem is that i don't want to add whole html file. I need to
 extract the content of title, body and meta tags and add these
 separately. Is there anything in api or any examples i should look at ?

 Please see the code below.

 in  init()

 mount(new URIRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy(/docs)
public IRequestTarget decode(RequestParameters
String path = /app/ + getURI(requestParameters);
return new PageRequestTarget(new StaticPage(new
 public class StaticPage extends BasePage implements AuthenticatedWebPage
public StaticPage(WebExternalResourceRequestTarget staticResource)
String staticResourceContent = ;
try {
staticResourceContent =

} catch (ResourceStreamNotFoundException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
add(new MultiLineLabel(staticContent,
 Here is what i get in the browser when click on static link:

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8
 titleInsert title here/title
 this is a test
 This is in the footer

 Another variation of i tried was
 public class StaticPage extends BasePage implements AuthenticatedWebPage
public StaticPage(WebExternalResourceRequestTarget staticResource)
MarkupResourceStream markupStream =

MarkupParser parser = new MarkupParser(markupStream);

Markup markup = parser.parse();

 However I got stuck at this point since i still don't see a way of getting
 individual html tags from Markup

 thank you in advance,


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Re: WicketServlet-filestore and FileNotFoundException

2009-02-11 Thread Matej Knopp

do you actually have leaking files in the store? Because this looks
like wicket tries to create file in folder that has already been
removed. How often do you get these? Is it reproduceable?


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 3:05 PM, shetc wrote:

 Hi All,

 I know this issue was discussed in some depth in:
 How To Change Page Store Size in DiskPageStore?

 but I'm still not clear as to the best practice. I have a Wicket-based
 application that was
 recently launched into production. It is based on v1.3.5 of Wicket and
 operates within
 WebSphere 6.1 on an AIX o/s. It is regularly throwing a
 FileNotFoundException; an
 example is shown at the bottom of this message.

 Based on the above DiskPageStore post, I am assuming that the available file
 are being used as expired sessions are not being cleaned up properly in the
 file store
 -- is that correct? If so, is the recommended best practice to create a cron
 job to clean
 up 'old' folders in the file store?


 [2/11/09 8:04:46:867 EST] 0076 SystemOut O 08:04:46,867 ERROR
 DiskPageStore:424 - Failed to make directory
 [2/11/09 8:04:46:867 EST] 0076 SystemOut O 08:04:46,867 ERROR
 DiskPageStore:901 - Error flushing page
 etServlet-filestore/GPfJlRcX_H4dda4AdcVtmHU/pm-null (No such file or
 Caused by:
 re/GPfJlRcX_H4dda4AdcVtmHU/pm-null (No such file or directory)
at Method)
... 5 more

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Re: How to place form in own public class for extending

2009-02-11 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:52 AM, pieter claassen wrote:
 What if you want to reuse the inner class form in another page (you have to
 make it public and non-inner for visibility) and then you want to override
 the onSubmit() method. If I just create a public class MyForm and stick the
 form contents (minus the form tags) in MyForm.html, then wicket cannot
 find any wicket variables on the form (see first post).

yes, what if what if. notice i replied to your original email, in
which you make no mention of reusability.

 If you encapsulate the form in a panel, then the only problem is that you
 cannot get to the onSubmit() method of the form (but if you delegate all the
 work to a public method on the panel, then you can override that). Not so

so something like this is horrible right:

class myform extends panel {
  protected void onsubmit() {}
  public myform(string id) {
add(new form(form) { onsubmit() { myform.this.onsubmit(); }});

yes, it looks horrific.

 This is a bit of a corner case, but the fact is that forms are not readily
 accessible wicket objects like panels and pages ( you cannot easily extend
 your own publically accessible forms) or am I missing something?

in wicket there are two kinds of components: ones that provide their
own markup and ones that do not. the core team feels that we have
covered all the core usecases with pages, panels, fragments, and

your usecase can be handled by selecting the reusability unit to be a
formcomponentpanel which contains the innards of your form rather then
the form itself.

that said, you can easily implement a form variant which provides its
own markup. see FormComponentPanel for clues.



 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Igor Vaynberg igor.vaynb...@gmail.comwrote:

 what is the problem of having the form as an inner class?

 public class mypage extends webpage {

  private class myform extends form {

   public mypage() {
   add(new myform(..) { protected void onsubmit() {...}});


 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:40 AM, pieter claassen
  I am trying to move a form from an inner class that extends Form to a
  class. This is so that I can override the onSubmit() method of my form.
  Below are my files.
  When I add the form to a wicket page with
  add(new TemplateEditForm(templateeditform, templatemodel));
  and the corresponding html code
  form wicket:id=templateeditformeditform/form
  My wicket code doesn't pick the wicket:ids in the TemplateEditForm.html
  WicketMessage: The component(s) below failed to render. A common
  problem is that you have added a component in code but forgot to
  reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be
  1. [MarkupContainer [Component id = name]]
  2. [MarkupContainer [Component id = version]]
  3. [MarkupContainer [Component id = author]]
  4. [MarkupContainer [Component id = active]]
  5. [MarkupContainer [Component id = description]]
  6. [MarkupContainer [Component id = textarea]]
  7. [MarkupContainer [Component id = type]]
  8. [MarkupContainer [Component id = submit]]
  I am sure I am doing something stupid, but I cannot find the solution to
  this. Any ideas?
  public class TemplateEditForm extends Form {
 private TemplateWebModel templatemodel;
 public TemplateEditForm(String id, TemplateWebModel templatemodel) {
 this.templatemodel = templatemodel;
 setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(templatemodel));
 add(new RequiredTextField(name));
 add(new RequiredTextField(version, java.lang.Long.class));
 add(new RequiredTextField(author));
 add(new CheckBox(active));
 add(new VariableTextFieldPanel(description, new PropertyModel(
 templatemodel.getObject(), description)));
 DropDownChoice ddc = new DropDownChoice(type, Arrays
 .asList(TemplateType.values()), new IChoiceRenderer() {
 public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
 return getString(object.toString());
 public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
 return object.toString();
 add(new Button(submit, new ResourceModel(submit)));
 public void onSubmit() {
 setResponsePage(new TemplateListPage());
  And the corresponding html code
 tdwicket:message key=name //td
 tdinput wicket:id=name //td
 tdwicket:message key=version //td
 tdinput wicket:id=version 

Feedback Next To Component

2009-02-11 Thread walnutmon

In order to add feedback next to the component I used a behavior.  I had some
code from Igor which got me on the right track, although I was unable to
actually get it to work the same way, I simplified it down to the following

AbstractBehavior printMessagesNextToComponent = new AbstractBehavior()

public void onRendered(Component component)
FeedbackMessage message = 
if (message != null)
final Response out = component.getResponse();

It almost seems too simple, I've tried it and with limited testing it seems
to work just fine, although there are some odd behaviors with Ajax... does
anyone have any comments, better solutions, or possible breaking conditions
that I should check out?
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LinkTree with BookmarkablePageLinks

2009-02-11 Thread Seven Corners

I have a LinkTree with BookmarkablePageLinks, wherein the nodes correspond to
different types of objects.  The models within the nodes tell me what kind
of page I need to instantiate, with what parameters.  I had some troubles
implementing it, but I got it working.  Since this kind of pattern is common
within UIs and I have been helped on other occasions by people here, I'm
posting what I figured out in order to give back to the community.

public class MyLinkTree extends LinkTree
public MyLinkTree(String id, TreeModel model)
super(id, model);
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree.BaseTree.LinkType.REGULAR );

protected Component newNodeComponent( String id, IModel model )
return new LinkIconPanel( id, model, MyLinkTree.this )
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected void addComponents( final IModel model, final BaseTree
tree )
final Object obj = ( ( DefaultMutableTreeNode
)model.getObject() ).getUserObject(); 

BaseTree.ILinkCallback callback = new
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target ) 
PageParameters params = new PageParameters(); 
if ( obj instanceof BeanA )
PageA.class, params ) );
else if ( obj instanceof BeanB )
params.add( myParamKey, myParamVal );
PageB.class, params ) );

MarkupContainer iconContainer = tree.newLink( iconLink,
callback ); 
iconContainer.add(newImageComponent(icon, tree, model)); 
add( iconContainer );

PageParameters params = new PageParameters(); 
if ( obj instanceof BeanA )
final BeanA myBean = ( BeanA )obj;
BookmarkablePageLink contentLink = new
BookmarkablePageLink( contentLink, PageA.class, params );
contentLink.add( new Label( content, 
myBean.toString() )
add( contentLink );
else if ( obj instanceof BeanB )
final BeanB myBean = ( BeanB )obj;
params.add( myParamKey, myParamVal );
BookmarkablePageLink contentLink = new
BookmarkablePageLink( contentLink, PageB.class, params );
add( contentLink );
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Re: WicketServlet-filestore and FileNotFoundException

2009-02-11 Thread shetc

Hi Matej,

Thanks for responding!

I spent more time looking into this issue. I have checked into 2
environments so far including:
1) WebSphere 6.1 running as my local host on my laptop and 2) as a single
node within
our development environment. In both cases, Wicket works correctly creating
and deleting
folders/files from the file store -- this includes cleaning up after session
expiration. Meanwhile,
our production system still leaves files behind in the file store. The
production system
consists of a cluster of 2 WebSphere nodes. I plan to test this 2 node setup
in our QA system
to see if clustering is a factor or not. 

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Re: Feedback Next To Component

2009-02-11 Thread Jonathan Locke

behaviors aren't really designed to work like components and render markup
like that, so it's a bit weird... what if you want to go extend or change
the markup for the feedback error? it's now embedded in a bunch of code.

walnutmon wrote:
 In order to add feedback next to the component I used a behavior.  I had
 some code from Igor which got me on the right track, although I was unable
 to actually get it to work the same way, I simplified it down to the
 following code:
 AbstractBehavior printMessagesNextToComponent = new AbstractBehavior()
   public void onRendered(Component component)
   FeedbackMessage message = 
   if (message != null)
   final Response out = component.getResponse();
 It almost seems too simple, I've tried it and with limited testing it
 seems to work just fine, although there are some odd behaviors with
 Ajax... does anyone have any comments, better solutions, or possible
 breaking conditions that I should check out?

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Re: Intellij Idea Plugin Bounty

2009-02-11 Thread Nick Heudecker
Hi Matt,

I'm sorry the IDEA plugin doesn't meet your needs.  I've wanted to implement
several of the features you mention, but like everyone else my time is
severely limited.

That said, WicketForge is open source.  I'm happy to accept patches or even
turn the project over to someone else.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Matt Welch wrote:

 I use Intellij Idea for my Java development. In fact, that IDE is one of
 main reasons I so often come back to using Java for many of my projects. I
 also use Wicket and am starting to work with it a lot more than I have in
 the past. While Wicket and Idea get along reasonably well, there's a lot of
 room for improvement in their relationship. That means a Wicket plugin for

 Nick Heudecker has done an admirable job with WicketForge
 (, however 1) when I try to use that
 plugin, I constantly get exceptions and 2) it doesn't do some of the the
 things I'm really interested in. This is no criticism of Nick. If I recall
 one of his messages correctly, he developed this plugin for his own use and
 it was extremely generous of him to publish the code as open source. He's
 even made pretty regular improvements to it, but at least for me
 it doesn't meet my needs for a Wicket plugin.

 Now, I can't, in good conscience just pop on to this mailing list and ask
 someone out of the goodness of their heart to get to it!, so I'm willing
 to start the ball rolling on an incentive in the form of a bounty; one that
 I hope other Wicket and Idea users will contribute to as well.  First,
 though, I'd like to come to some kind of agreement about a feature set for
 such a plugin so that when I post the bounty I can be as specific as
 possible in its criteria.

 Here is a list of my most desired features in the order of priority:

 1) Navigation between template and code - I would like the ability to move
 in both directions between a template and it's Java code. This means in an
 overall sense (e.g. moving back and forth between a top level page class
 the HTML file) and in a more granular sense (e.g. moving back and forth
 between an HTML element with a wicket:id and the Wicket Java Component with
 the same id). I should be able to bind a keystroke to this action. It
 preferably be the same keystroke in both directions.

 2) Code completion for wicket:message keys - I would like code completion
 for the wicket:message key attribute. It should work something like the
 XML code completion when there isn't a DTD or schema available. It would be
 based on other keys already available on the page. So for instance if I had
 already created a wicket:message with a key of
 userform.detailfieldset.username.label I would expect that when I created
 another wicket:message and started typing us in the key attribute, code
 completion would allow me to expand what I typed similar to what happens
 when typing package names.

 3) Properties file intention - I would like an Idea intention that would
 allow me to automatically add wicket:message keys to a resource
 file. By default this would add it to a properties file with the same name
 as the template (even creating the properties file if necessary), however
 should be configurable to use an application-wide properties file if that's
 what the user prefers. When adding the key to the properties file it should
 be placed in a logical manner according to it's period separated name so
 key userform.detailfieldset.username.label would be placed just after
 other keys with the name userform.detailfieldset.username or
 userform.detailfieldset.username. The intention should leave the cursor
 after the = in the properties file.

 4) Code completion on wicket tags and attributes - I would like code
 completion for all wicket tags (e.g. wicket:extend, wicket:message,
 etc.) in HTML templates. This is something of a lower priority as Idea's
 Live Template functionality takes much of the pain out of not having code
 completion for items in the wicket namespace. This doesn't help with the
 error/warning issue, though.

 5) Validation for wicket namespace and attributes in hTML template - In a
 similar vein, I would like wicket attributes like wicket:id and wicket
 tags like wicket:message to not show up as either errors or warnings in
 HTML templates.

 This is just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more and perhaps
 even some that should be higher on the priority list. Once some kind of
 feature set is agreed by Idea users here in the mailing list, I'll kick off
 the bounty on one of the software bounty sites and contribute $200. I know
 it's not much but I'll try to get my company to pony up a few dollars as
 well. That along with whatever contributions anyone else would like to make
 will hopefully be an incentive for someone. Maybe there's someone out there
 who's been wanting to do this for a while and the bounty will simply 

Re: Very Simple Security

2009-02-11 Thread Maarten Bosteels
I just had a quick look at wicket-auth-roles. And I like its simplicity.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

 You could use wicket-auth-roles. Can't think of anything more simpler:
 it provides two roles: user and admin.

Based on my brief look at playing around with wicket-auth-roles-eamples, I
would clarify the above statement like this:
it provides two roles _out-of-the-box_ :  user and admin,  but you're not
limited to these two roles, you can use as many custom string-based roles as
you wish.

Right ?


 You can secure your pages and
 components with annotations. I like it, but be warned: it is simple
 and intended to stay that way. If you need something more complex or
 different, use it as inspiration or example.


 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Dane Laverty
  I'm currently using Swarm to secure my web application, but I think it
  provides a lot more functionality than I really need. Would simply
  checking for a User object the session on each page load work as well,
  or am I overlooking some major security hole? This way, when the user
  logs in successfully, the session would get a User object, but otherwise
  it would be null and the application would kick back to the login page.

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Re: Intellij Idea Plugin Bounty

2009-02-11 Thread Matt Welch

I hope I didn't give the wrong impression. I really appreciate the work
you've done and looking at the code, it's a heck of a lot of work. If I
hadn't tried wicketforge and saw the potential there I never would have been
so motivated to start this process. I just didn't want to be that guy who
just said I want this and I want that to someone who had already donated
so much of their time. That's why I'm proposing the bounty. That way I can
not feel like such a leech when I ask for specific things. 


Nick Heudecker wrote:
 Hi Matt,
 I'm sorry the IDEA plugin doesn't meet your needs.  I've wanted to
 several of the features you mention, but like everyone else my time is
 severely limited.
 That said, WicketForge is open source.  I'm happy to accept patches or
 turn the project over to someone else.
 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Matt Welch wrote:

 I use Intellij Idea for my Java development. In fact, that IDE is one of
 main reasons I so often come back to using Java for many of my projects.
 also use Wicket and am starting to work with it a lot more than I have in
 the past. While Wicket and Idea get along reasonably well, there's a lot
 room for improvement in their relationship. That means a Wicket plugin

 Nick Heudecker has done an admirable job with WicketForge
 (, however 1) when I try to use
 plugin, I constantly get exceptions and 2) it doesn't do some of the the
 things I'm really interested in. This is no criticism of Nick. If I
 one of his messages correctly, he developed this plugin for his own use
 it was extremely generous of him to publish the code as open source. He's
 even made pretty regular improvements to it, but at least for me
 it doesn't meet my needs for a Wicket plugin.

 Now, I can't, in good conscience just pop on to this mailing list and ask
 someone out of the goodness of their heart to get to it!, so I'm
 to start the ball rolling on an incentive in the form of a bounty; one
 I hope other Wicket and Idea users will contribute to as well.  First,
 though, I'd like to come to some kind of agreement about a feature set
 such a plugin so that when I post the bounty I can be as specific as
 possible in its criteria.

 Here is a list of my most desired features in the order of priority:

 1) Navigation between template and code - I would like the ability to
 in both directions between a template and it's Java code. This means in
 overall sense (e.g. moving back and forth between a top level page class
 the HTML file) and in a more granular sense (e.g. moving back and forth
 between an HTML element with a wicket:id and the Wicket Java Component
 the same id). I should be able to bind a keystroke to this action. It
 preferably be the same keystroke in both directions.

 2) Code completion for wicket:message keys - I would like code completion
 for the wicket:message key attribute. It should work something like
 XML code completion when there isn't a DTD or schema available. It would
 based on other keys already available on the page. So for instance if I
 already created a wicket:message with a key of
 userform.detailfieldset.username.label I would expect that when I
 another wicket:message and started typing us in the key attribute,
 completion would allow me to expand what I typed similar to what happens
 when typing package names.

 3) Properties file intention - I would like an Idea intention that would
 allow me to automatically add wicket:message keys to a resource
 file. By default this would add it to a properties file with the same
 as the template (even creating the properties file if necessary), however
 should be configurable to use an application-wide properties file if
 what the user prefers. When adding the key to the properties file it
 be placed in a logical manner according to it's period separated name so
 key userform.detailfieldset.username.label would be placed just after
 other keys with the name userform.detailfieldset.username or
 userform.detailfieldset.username. The intention should leave the cursor
 after the = in the properties file.

 4) Code completion on wicket tags and attributes - I would like code
 completion for all wicket tags (e.g. wicket:extend, wicket:message,
 etc.) in HTML templates. This is something of a lower priority as Idea's
 Live Template functionality takes much of the pain out of not having
 completion for items in the wicket namespace. This doesn't help with the
 error/warning issue, though.

 5) Validation for wicket namespace and attributes in hTML template - In a
 similar vein, I would like wicket attributes like wicket:id and wicket
 tags like wicket:message to not show up as either errors or warnings in
 HTML templates.

 This is just off the top 

Re: Intellij Idea Plugin Bounty

2009-02-11 Thread Maarten Bosteels

I think WicketForge is already VERY nice.

About your wishlist:
1) is already implemented in WicketForge
2) and 3) : I have no idea
4) and 5) can be solved by changing the DTD that IDEA uses for validating

A few months ago I experimented a bit with that DTD and I could make the
errors/warnings about the wicket tags disappear but then other things
stopped working
 (I don't remember exactly, in some cases the built-in code completion for
html tags stopped working in other cases it was WicketForge that stopped

I like the idea of a bounty, and when you succeed in attracting
bounty-hunters, I hope he/she/they will work on improving WicketForge
instead of reinventing the wheel.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:29 PM, Nick Heudecker nheudec...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Matt,

 I'm sorry the IDEA plugin doesn't meet your needs.  I've wanted to
 several of the features you mention, but like everyone else my time is
 severely limited.

 That said, WicketForge is open source.  I'm happy to accept patches or even
 turn the project over to someone else.

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Matt Welch wrote:

  I use Intellij Idea for my Java development. In fact, that IDE is one of
  main reasons I so often come back to using Java for many of my projects.
  also use Wicket and am starting to work with it a lot more than I have in
  the past. While Wicket and Idea get along reasonably well, there's a lot
  room for improvement in their relationship. That means a Wicket plugin
  Nick Heudecker has done an admirable job with WicketForge
  (, however 1) when I try to use
  plugin, I constantly get exceptions and 2) it doesn't do some of the the
  things I'm really interested in. This is no criticism of Nick. If I
  one of his messages correctly, he developed this plugin for his own use
  it was extremely generous of him to publish the code as open source. He's
  even made pretty regular improvements to it, but at least for me
  it doesn't meet my needs for a Wicket plugin.
  Now, I can't, in good conscience just pop on to this mailing list and ask
  someone out of the goodness of their heart to get to it!, so I'm
  to start the ball rolling on an incentive in the form of a bounty; one
  I hope other Wicket and Idea users will contribute to as well.  First,
  though, I'd like to come to some kind of agreement about a feature set
  such a plugin so that when I post the bounty I can be as specific as
  possible in its criteria.
  Here is a list of my most desired features in the order of priority:
  1) Navigation between template and code - I would like the ability to
  in both directions between a template and it's Java code. This means in
  overall sense (e.g. moving back and forth between a top level page class
  the HTML file) and in a more granular sense (e.g. moving back and forth
  between an HTML element with a wicket:id and the Wicket Java Component
  the same id). I should be able to bind a keystroke to this action. It
  preferably be the same keystroke in both directions.
  2) Code completion for wicket:message keys - I would like code completion
  for the wicket:message key attribute. It should work something like
  XML code completion when there isn't a DTD or schema available. It would
  based on other keys already available on the page. So for instance if I
  already created a wicket:message with a key of
  userform.detailfieldset.username.label I would expect that when I
  another wicket:message and started typing us in the key attribute,
  completion would allow me to expand what I typed similar to what happens
  when typing package names.
  3) Properties file intention - I would like an Idea intention that would
  allow me to automatically add wicket:message keys to a resource
  file. By default this would add it to a properties file with the same
  as the template (even creating the properties file if necessary), however
  should be configurable to use an application-wide properties file if
  what the user prefers. When adding the key to the properties file it
  be placed in a logical manner according to it's period separated name so
  key userform.detailfieldset.username.label would be placed just after
  other keys with the name userform.detailfieldset.username or
  userform.detailfieldset.username. The intention should leave the cursor
  after the = in the properties file.
  4) Code completion on wicket tags and attributes - I would like code
  completion for all wicket tags (e.g. wicket:extend, wicket:message,
  etc.) in HTML templates. This is something of a lower priority as Idea's
  Live Template functionality takes much of the pain out of not having
  completion for items in the wicket namespace. This 

Re: Intellij Idea Plugin Bounty

2009-02-11 Thread Nick Heudecker
No, not at all and I completely understand your frustration from the user
perspective.  I imagine it's very similar to mine when I try to deal with
the IDEA plugin API.  :)

Let me see what I can put together over the next few days.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Matt Welch wrote:

 I hope I didn't give the wrong impression. I really appreciate the work
 you've done and looking at the code, it's a heck of a lot of work. If I
 hadn't tried wicketforge and saw the potential there I never would have
 so motivated to start this process. I just didn't want to be that guy who
 just said I want this and I want that to someone who had already
 so much of their time. That's why I'm proposing the bounty. That way I can
 not feel like such a leech when I ask for specific things.


 Nick Heudecker wrote:
  Hi Matt,
  I'm sorry the IDEA plugin doesn't meet your needs.  I've wanted to
  several of the features you mention, but like everyone else my time is
  severely limited.
  That said, WicketForge is open source.  I'm happy to accept patches or
  turn the project over to someone else.
  On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Matt Welch
  I use Intellij Idea for my Java development. In fact, that IDE is one of
  main reasons I so often come back to using Java for many of my projects.
  also use Wicket and am starting to work with it a lot more than I have
  the past. While Wicket and Idea get along reasonably well, there's a lot
  room for improvement in their relationship. That means a Wicket plugin
  Nick Heudecker has done an admirable job with WicketForge
  (, however 1) when I try to use
  plugin, I constantly get exceptions and 2) it doesn't do some of the the
  things I'm really interested in. This is no criticism of Nick. If I
  one of his messages correctly, he developed this plugin for his own use
  it was extremely generous of him to publish the code as open source.
  even made pretty regular improvements to it, but at least for me
  it doesn't meet my needs for a Wicket plugin.
  Now, I can't, in good conscience just pop on to this mailing list and
  someone out of the goodness of their heart to get to it!, so I'm
  to start the ball rolling on an incentive in the form of a bounty; one
  I hope other Wicket and Idea users will contribute to as well.  First,
  though, I'd like to come to some kind of agreement about a feature set
  such a plugin so that when I post the bounty I can be as specific as
  possible in its criteria.
  Here is a list of my most desired features in the order of priority:
  1) Navigation between template and code - I would like the ability to
  in both directions between a template and it's Java code. This means in
  overall sense (e.g. moving back and forth between a top level page class
  the HTML file) and in a more granular sense (e.g. moving back and forth
  between an HTML element with a wicket:id and the Wicket Java Component
  the same id). I should be able to bind a keystroke to this action. It
  preferably be the same keystroke in both directions.
  2) Code completion for wicket:message keys - I would like code
  for the wicket:message key attribute. It should work something like
  XML code completion when there isn't a DTD or schema available. It would
  based on other keys already available on the page. So for instance if I
  already created a wicket:message with a key of
  userform.detailfieldset.username.label I would expect that when I
  another wicket:message and started typing us in the key attribute,
  completion would allow me to expand what I typed similar to what happens
  when typing package names.
  3) Properties file intention - I would like an Idea intention that would
  allow me to automatically add wicket:message keys to a resource
  file. By default this would add it to a properties file with the same
  as the template (even creating the properties file if necessary),
  should be configurable to use an application-wide properties file if
  what the user prefers. When adding the key to the properties file it
  be placed in a logical manner according to it's period separated name so
  key userform.detailfieldset.username.label would be placed just after
  other keys with the name userform.detailfieldset.username or
  userform.detailfieldset.username. The intention should leave the
  after the = in the properties file.
  4) Code completion on wicket tags and attributes - I would like code
  completion for all wicket tags (e.g. wicket:extend, wicket:message,
  etc.) in HTML templates. This is something of a lower priority as Idea's
  Live Template functionality 

ApacheCon EU 2009 early bird registration still available!

2009-02-11 Thread Martijn Dashorst
ApacheCon EU 2009 registration is now open!
23-27 March -- Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Registration for ApacheCon Europe 2009 is now open - act before early
bird prices expire 13 February.  Remember to book a room at the Mövenpick
and use the Registration Code: Special package attendees for the
conference registration, and get 150 Euros off your full conference

Lower Costs - Thanks to new VAT tax laws, our prices this year are 19%
lower than last year in Europe!  We've also negotiated a Mövenpick rate
 of a maximum of 155 Euros per night for attendees in our room block.

Quick Links:  See the schedule  Get your hotel room  Register for the conference

Other important notes:

- Geeks for Geeks is a new mini-track where we can feature advanced
technical content from project committers.  And our Hackathon on Monday
and Tuesday is open to all attendees - be sure to check it off in your

- The Call for Papers for ApacheCon US 2009, held 2-6 November
2009 in Oakland, CA, is open through 28 February, so get your
submissions in now.  This ApacheCon will feature special events with
some of the ASF's original founders in celebration of the 10th
anniversary of The Apache Software Foundation.

- Interested in sponsoring the ApacheCon conferences?  There are plenty
of sponsor packages available - please contact Delia Frees at for further information.

ApacheCon EU 2008: A week of Open Source at it's best!

Hackathon - open to all! | Geeks for Geeks | Lunchtime Sessions
In-Depth Trainings | Multi-Track Sessions | BOFs | Business Panel
Lightning Talks | Receptions | Fast Feather Track | Expo... and more!

- Shane Curcuru, on behalf of
 Noirin Shirley, Conference Lead,
 and the whole ApacheCon Europe 2009 Team  23-27 March -- Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Re: Graphs, Charts and Wicket

2009-02-11 Thread PY

The javascript is done in the SWFObject.

To make it work in a Ajax request you need to add :
if (AjaxRequestTarget.get() != null){

where js is the javascript generated .
This will make evaluate the javascript and therefore add the flash object.


Thies Edeling-2 wrote:
 Works nicely but how to initialize the chart when the panel is loaded
 through an ajax req/res ? Is there a javascript method that writes out the
 Flash object tag ? That seems to be completely missing.
 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Maarten Bosteels
 Also have a look at


 On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 2:45 PM, newbieabc wrote:

  If you don't mind, could you post your code to display the chart you
  I was interested the gradient fill chart they offered, but am really
  wicket and didn't understand how to add it in wicket.
  Jurek Piasek wrote:
   I have been using Amcharts
   together with SWFObject
   On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 8:20 PM, Yazbek, Daniel (Daniel)
   Hi all,
   I'd like to put some simple bar graphs, pie graphs and possible line
   graphs into my wicket pages.
   Have any of you used a good framework that you can recommend, that
   plays nicely with Wicket?
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Wicket at ApacheCon EU'09 in Amsterdam

2009-02-11 Thread Martijn Dashorst
We're happy to announce a lot of Wicket involvement at the upcoming
ApacheCon in Amsterdam (23-27 March 2009)

First of all we have 2 training sessions available:
 - Introduction to Wicket by Martijn Dashorst on Mon 23 March
 - Behavior-Driving Your Apache Wicket Application by Timo Rantalaiho
on Tue 24 March (

Both courses are hosted by core members. Martijn has co-authored
Wicket in Action and Timo has been involved with WicketTester and
JDave. There is no better team to get you and your team up to speed
with the finest Java web framework available and start cranking out
fully tested applications.

Martijn will also present Wicket in Action during the normal
conference days. A quick introduction to Wicket's core features in
just one hour. But attending the conference will give you much more:
over 60 sessions covering your favorite Apache projects.

Amsterdam is great, but Wicket meetups in Amsterdam are even better!
We're attempting to schedule a Wicket meetup during the conference at
the conference floor. Details will follow soon.

Read more about ApacheCon EU 2009 here:

See you in Amsterdam!


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Re: Servlet container authentication in Wicket

2009-02-11 Thread Philipp Daumke


I had a look at that specification but it doesn't give any more hints 
how to use it. Does somebody have any more working examples? Or is there 
a tutorial how to connect wicket to the local LDAP?

Thanks for your help.

j_security_check is part of the Servlet Specification section
SRV. Login Form Notes (at least for version 2.5).  It did
exist in earlier versions but I've only quoted the latest.

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Philipp Daumke wrote:

Hi all,

I followed the Servlet Container authentication as described in, but I
do not get it working.

At the moment I get an error in firefox when invoking the
redirectToSecurityCheck() method:

_The requested resource () is not available.

_I don't even know exactly what j_security_check is and don't find too
much on the web. Do I have to configure Tomcat properly?

Below is my full src. and web.xml look like in the example (see
link aboe). Thank you for your help!

public final class LoginPage extends WebPage
  private String username;
  private String password;
  public LoginPage()
  /*if( ( ( MySession )getSession() ).isUserLoggedIn())
  // redirect to hide username and password from URL after user is
logged in
  setRedirect( true );
  setResponsePage( Index.class );

   * Common servlet login workaround
  private void redirectToSecurityCheck()
  final Map parametersMap = ( ( WebRequestCycle )RequestCycle.get()
  if( parametersMap.containsKey( username ) 
parametersMap.containsKey( password ) )
  // getting parameters from POST request
  final String userName = ( ( String[] )parametersMap.get(
username ) )[ 0 ];
  final String userPassword = ( ( String[] )parametersMap.get(
password ) )[ 0 ];

  // if POST parameters are ok, redirect them to j_security_check
  if( ( userName != null )  ( userPassword != null ) )
  getRequestCycle().setRedirect( false );
EmptyRequestTarget.getInstance() );

  /j_security_check?j_username= + userName +
j_password= + userPassword );

  public String getUsername() {
  return username;

  public void setUsername(String username) {
  this.username = username;

  public String getPassword() {
  return password;

  public void setPassword(String password) {
  this.password = password;

Averbis GmbH
c/o Klinikum der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Stefan-Meier-Strasse 26
D-79104 Freiburg

Fon: +49 (0) 761 - 203 6707
Fax: +49 (0) 761 - 203 6800

Geschäftsführer: Dr. med. Philipp Daumke, Kornél Markó
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Freiburg i. Br.
AG Freiburg i. Br., HRB 701080

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Averbis GmbH
c/o Klinikum der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Stefan-Meier-Strasse 26
D-79104 Freiburg

Fon: +49 (0) 761 - 203 6707
Fax: +49 (0) 761 - 203 6800

Geschäftsführer: Dr. med. Philipp Daumke, Kornél Markó
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Freiburg i. Br.
AG Freiburg i. Br., HRB 701080

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Wicket meetup in Amsterdam news

2009-02-11 Thread Martijn Dashorst
During ApacheCon EU 2009 we can fill a 3 hour slot in the evening with
a real Wicket community meetup. The meetup will be hosted in the
conference hotel, from 19:00 until 22:00, in one of the conference
rooms available on either 23 or 24 March. The conference is held in
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the Mövenpick hotel, near the central
train station.

If there's enough interest, presentations and sponsors we can let this
meetup take place. So to make this happen we need:
 - enough people that want to attend the meetup
 - enough people that want to give a presentation at the meetup
 - companies that want to sponsor the meetup

The deadline for the meetup is next monday, so we need to make this a
quick process.

Ideally presentations are about 20-30 minutes, but shorter or longer
presentations are fine. Just propose and we'll discuss the details (if
you wish, contact me off list).

[ ] I'll attend the 23rd
[ ] I'll attend the 24th
[ ] I want to present xyz on the 23rd
[ ] I want to present xyz on the 24th

If you want to sponsor this event, please contact me off list and I'll
hook you up with the right people. Sponsoring the event is not
expensive: a recruiter costs more, and you become an official
ApacheCon sponsor! Consider all the Apache software your company uses
and then think about all the money you've saved during all those
years. Give back to the community and sponsor this event!

Let's make this happen!


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Interacting with Client Side java application

2009-02-11 Thread jsinger66


I am developing a Wicket application that needs to interface with a client
side java application. The client app is a biometric application that
captures fingerprint images. It is non-graphical.

What I need to do now, is show this fingerprint image within a wicket form
and capture other user information.  The wicket app needs to 'monitor' the
java app to see when the fingerprint changes..

I have thought of writing the image to a file, and using an timer within
wicket to keep checking the file.
Or maybe JMX.

Any help would be great

Thanks in advance
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Re: Servlet container authentication in Wicket

2009-02-11 Thread Cserep Janos

 I had a look at that specification but it doesn't give any more hints how
 to use it. Does somebody have any more working examples? Or is there a
 tutorial how to connect wicket to the local LDAP?

I often skip the container and initiate a direct connection to LDAP (usually
AD) via JNDI (this is useful if you need additional information from your
users like company e-mail address, extendion, mobile phone, office, etc).

Here's a tutorial on how to do it (it's not wicket related):

BTW, j_security_check is only available as a resource if you redirect (or
post) to it from a secured url. Did you setup your web.xml to guard the
login page url from unauthorized access?


Re: WicketForge 0.5.0 Available for IDEA 8

2009-02-11 Thread Nick Heudecker
I've published WicketForge 0.5.1 to the IDEA plugins site.

   - Toggling between HTML and Java is fixed.  Let me know if you're still
   having problems with the cursor ending up at the correct location.  It's
   work correctly here but your results may vary.
   - The intentions are also fixed.  Nobody mentioned the intentions not
   working, so I'm guessing no one knew about them.  There are intentions to
   create a markup page/panel/properties file if you alt-enter while the cursor
   is on the class name.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Don Hass wrote:

 Here is what I see in Diana #9647 build on Windows XP.

 Class/HTML Switching (WORKS)
 Alt + Shift + W switch between class and markup/html.

 Inspections (PARTLY WORKS)
 It seems to work in markup/html files, but not in source files for missing
 Wicket IDs.

 Control+Clicking on a Wicket ID in the Java or markup takes you to the
 corresponding Wicket ID in the accompanying file.  Jumps between files, but
 not to correct locations.

 Completion (WORKS)
 When editing an HTML file, popup completion data provides Wicket IDs in the
 corresponding Java source file.

 Progress and thank you Nick.


 Nick Heudecker wrote:
  Thanks for the feedback Maarten.  I'm going to publish the plugin today
  the IDEA site then work on fixing that bug as soon as I can.
  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Maarten Bosteels
  Hello Nick,
  The new plugin installs fine.  This is what works on my systems:
  (a) ALT + SHIFT + W = switching between java and html files
  (b) in the html file clicking on a wicket:id value = jumps to
  Java code
  (c) CTRL + SPACEBAR when inside a wicket:id value in the html file =
  dropdown box for completion
  (d) in html file: warning Wicket ID missing in Java source when using
  invalid wicket:id value
  not working:
  (e) clicking on a wicket:id in the Java code,  expected to jump to
  correspondig wicket:id in html file, but nothing happens
  I saw same results on these two machines:
  Fedora 8
  IDEA 8.0.1 EAP build 9164
  JDK 1.6.0_11
  Fedora 9
  IDEA 8.0 build #9572
  JDK 1.6.0_11
  If I remember correctly, (e) used to work on IDEA 7.
  Nothing interesting in ~/.IntelliJIdea80/system/log/idea.log
  Except maybe this:
  2009-01-16 17:10:33,433 [   3126]   INFO -
  Native file watcher failed to startup.
  Let me know what I can do to help you fix this because your plugin
  rocks !
  On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Nick Heudecker
   That's what I get for trying to rush things.  You can download it from
   And rename the zip to a jar.  I'll update the instructions page next.
   On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Don Hass wrote:
That's just teasing Nick!
Maarten Bosteels wrote:


 I tried to download
 but it's an empty file (zero bytes)


 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Nick Heudecker

 I'm looking for some people to test WicketForge 0.5.0 with IDEA
 as I can tell, everything seems to be working, but I'd like to
 people testing before I publish it to the IDEA plugin site.

 Instructions and download here:

 Nick Heudecker
 Professional Wicket Training  Consulting

 Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

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Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at
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For additional commands, e-mail:
   Nick Heudecker
   Professional Wicket Training  Consulting
   Eventful - Intelligent Event Management
  Nick Heudecker
  Professional Wicket Training  Consulting
  Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

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 Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: 

Re: WicketForge 0.5.0 Available for IDEA 8

2009-02-11 Thread Andreas Petersson

Nick Heudecker schrieb:

I've published WicketForge 0.5.1 to the IDEA plugins site.

   - Toggling between HTML and Java is fixed.  Let me know if you're still
   having problems with the cursor ending up at the correct location.  It's
   work correctly here but your results may vary.
   - The intentions are also fixed.  Nobody mentioned the intentions not
   working, so I'm guessing no one knew about them.  There are intentions to
   create a markup page/panel/properties file if you alt-enter while the cursor
   is on the class name.


great news! i have been looking forward to this :) thanks a lot for your 
hard work.
small suggestion though: there should be a short descriptions of the 
funtionality in the plugin description, i did not know about half of the 
features until now.

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Re: WicketForge 0.5.0 Available for IDEA 8

2009-02-11 Thread Nick Heudecker
 great news! i have been looking forward to this :) thanks a lot for your
 hard work.
 small suggestion though: there should be a short descriptions of the
 funtionality in the plugin description, i did not know about half of the
 features until now.

If nobody knows about the features, they can't file bugs if something fails
to work. ;)

Nick Heudecker
Professional Wicket Training  Consulting

Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

Re: Using converters properly in Wicket?

2009-02-11 Thread Martin Makundi
 as long as there are no sets you can run concurrent reads on the
 hashmap. and since the setters are only called when the application is
 initialized we are ok.

Ok. So if one was to add converters 'on the fly', one must be careful.
Like I do with the ParametrizedConverterLocator (because I do not want
to guess in advance all the possible combinations).




 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Martin Makundi wrote:
 which part of it is not threadsafe?

/** Maps Classes to ITypeConverters. */
private final MapString, IConverter classToConverter = new
 HashMapString, IConverter();

 The ConverterLocator.get(XX) can be used from multiple threads, can it
 not? In that case, the HashMap would not be thread-safe..?

 public final IConverter get(Class? c)
return classToConverter.get(c.getName());


 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Martin Makundi wrote:
 Ok, then why Wicket's ConverterLocator is not thread safe? Or is it?


 2009/2/9 Igor Vaynberg
 yes, they need to be threadsafe if you cache them. numberformat itself
 is also not threadsafe. another reason i can think of why we clone is
 that a code that gets a bigdecimalconverter via getconverter() can
 execute setters on it and modify it- which will affect the converter
 globally. im not really sure how important the latter is since you
 would have to downcast the interface, but still. perhaps some sort of
 instance cache is in order.


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Re: Testing DataView

2009-02-11 Thread Timo Rantalaiho
On Sun, 08 Feb 2009, Erick Fleming wrote:
 I know Wicket likes everything to be serializable so does this mean that
 mocking frameworks are not compatible by default?

By the way, I've heard from my Scala-using colleagues that 
some Scala versions have had trouble in serialising some 
inner classes.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho   
Reaktor Innovations OyURL: 

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Re: WicketForge 0.5.0 Available for IDEA 8

2009-02-11 Thread Matt Welch

Perhaps I'm missing it, but I can't seem to get the intentions to work. So if
I have:

public class MyPage extends WebPage {

and the cursor is somewhere on MyPage I should be able to activate these
intentions? The only intentions I'm seeing now are the built in Idea ones.
Everything else, though, is working beautifully. No more exceptions when
idea loads and having a shortcut key to toggle between the components and
HTML and back is awesome. 


Nick Heudecker wrote:
 I've published WicketForge 0.5.1 to the IDEA plugins site.
- Toggling between HTML and Java is fixed.  Let me know if you're still
having problems with the cursor ending up at the correct location. 
work correctly here but your results may vary.
- The intentions are also fixed.  Nobody mentioned the intentions not
working, so I'm guessing no one knew about them.  There are intentions
create a markup page/panel/properties file if you alt-enter while the
is on the class name.
 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Don Hass wrote:

 Here is what I see in Diana #9647 build on Windows XP.

 Class/HTML Switching (WORKS)
 Alt + Shift + W switch between class and markup/html.

 Inspections (PARTLY WORKS)
 It seems to work in markup/html files, but not in source files for
 Wicket IDs.

 Control+Clicking on a Wicket ID in the Java or markup takes you to the
 corresponding Wicket ID in the accompanying file.  Jumps between files,
 not to correct locations.

 Completion (WORKS)
 When editing an HTML file, popup completion data provides Wicket IDs in
 corresponding Java source file.

 Progress and thank you Nick.


 Nick Heudecker wrote:
  Thanks for the feedback Maarten.  I'm going to publish the plugin today
  the IDEA site then work on fixing that bug as soon as I can.
  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Maarten Bosteels
  Hello Nick,
  The new plugin installs fine.  This is what works on my systems:
  (a) ALT + SHIFT + W = switching between java and html files
  (b) in the html file clicking on a wicket:id value = jumps to
  Java code
  (c) CTRL + SPACEBAR when inside a wicket:id value in the html file =
  dropdown box for completion
  (d) in html file: warning Wicket ID missing in Java source when
  invalid wicket:id value
  not working:
  (e) clicking on a wicket:id in the Java code,  expected to jump to
  correspondig wicket:id in html file, but nothing happens
  I saw same results on these two machines:
  Fedora 8
  IDEA 8.0.1 EAP build 9164
  JDK 1.6.0_11
  Fedora 9
  IDEA 8.0 build #9572
  JDK 1.6.0_11
  If I remember correctly, (e) used to work on IDEA 7.
  Nothing interesting in ~/.IntelliJIdea80/system/log/idea.log
  Except maybe this:
  2009-01-16 17:10:33,433 [   3126]   INFO -
  Native file watcher failed to startup.
  Let me know what I can do to help you fix this because your plugin
  rocks !
  On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Nick Heudecker
   That's what I get for trying to rush things.  You can download it
   And rename the zip to a jar.  I'll update the instructions page
   On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Don Hass wrote:
That's just teasing Nick!
Maarten Bosteels wrote:


 I tried to download
 but it's an empty file (zero bytes)


 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Nick Heudecker

 I'm looking for some people to test WicketForge 0.5.0 with IDEA
 as I can tell, everything seems to be working, but I'd like to
 people testing before I publish it to the IDEA plugin site.

 Instructions and download here:

 Nick Heudecker
 Professional Wicket Training  Consulting

 Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

View this message in context:

Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at
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For additional commands, e-mail:
   Nick Heudecker
   Professional Wicket Training  Consulting
   Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

Re: Testing DataView

2009-02-11 Thread Jan Kriesten


 By the way, I've heard from my Scala-using colleagues that 
 some Scala versions have had trouble in serialising some 
 inner classes.

that should work with Scala 2.7.2 - in the current version it's broken if
inheriting serializable from Java classes. It's already fixed and should be ok
with the next version again.

Best regards, --- Jan.

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Re: WicketForge 0.5.0 Available for IDEA 8

2009-02-11 Thread Nick Heudecker
Make sure the intentions are enabled on the Settings dialog.  Other than
that it should be working.  What's your IDEA version?

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Matt Welch wrote:

 Perhaps I'm missing it, but I can't seem to get the intentions to work. So
 I have:

 public class MyPage extends WebPage {

 and the cursor is somewhere on MyPage I should be able to activate these
 intentions? The only intentions I'm seeing now are the built in Idea ones.
 Everything else, though, is working beautifully. No more exceptions when
 idea loads and having a shortcut key to toggle between the components and
 HTML and back is awesome.


 Nick Heudecker wrote:
  I've published WicketForge 0.5.1 to the IDEA plugins site.
 - Toggling between HTML and Java is fixed.  Let me know if you're
 having problems with the cursor ending up at the correct location.
 work correctly here but your results may vary.
 - The intentions are also fixed.  Nobody mentioned the intentions not
 working, so I'm guessing no one knew about them.  There are intentions
 create a markup page/panel/properties file if you alt-enter while the
 is on the class name.
  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Don Hass wrote:
  Here is what I see in Diana #9647 build on Windows XP.
  Class/HTML Switching (WORKS)
  Alt + Shift + W switch between class and markup/html.
  Inspections (PARTLY WORKS)
  It seems to work in markup/html files, but not in source files for
  Wicket IDs.
  Control+Clicking on a Wicket ID in the Java or markup takes you to the
  corresponding Wicket ID in the accompanying file.  Jumps between files,
  not to correct locations.
  Completion (WORKS)
  When editing an HTML file, popup completion data provides Wicket IDs in
  corresponding Java source file.
  Progress and thank you Nick.
  Nick Heudecker wrote:
   Thanks for the feedback Maarten.  I'm going to publish the plugin
   the IDEA site then work on fixing that bug as soon as I can.
   On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Maarten Bosteels
   Hello Nick,
   The new plugin installs fine.  This is what works on my systems:
   (a) ALT + SHIFT + W = switching between java and html files
   (b) in the html file clicking on a wicket:id value = jumps to
   Java code
   (c) CTRL + SPACEBAR when inside a wicket:id value in the html file =
   dropdown box for completion
   (d) in html file: warning Wicket ID missing in Java source when
   invalid wicket:id value
   not working:
   (e) clicking on a wicket:id in the Java code,  expected to jump to
   correspondig wicket:id in html file, but nothing happens
   I saw same results on these two machines:
   Fedora 8
   IDEA 8.0.1 EAP build 9164
   JDK 1.6.0_11
   Fedora 9
   IDEA 8.0 build #9572
   JDK 1.6.0_11
   If I remember correctly, (e) used to work on IDEA 7.
   Nothing interesting in ~/.IntelliJIdea80/system/log/idea.log
   Except maybe this:
   2009-01-16 17:10:33,433 [   3126]   INFO -
   Native file watcher failed to startup.
   Let me know what I can do to help you fix this because your plugin
   rocks !
   On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Nick Heudecker
That's what I get for trying to rush things.  You can download it
And rename the zip to a jar.  I'll update the instructions page
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Don Hass


 That's just teasing Nick!

 Maarten Bosteels wrote:
  I tried to download
  but it's an empty file (zero bytes)
  On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Nick Heudecker
  I'm looking for some people to test WicketForge 0.5.0 with
  as I can tell, everything seems to be working, but I'd like to
  people testing before I publish it to the IDEA plugin site.
  Instructions and download here:
  Nick Heudecker
  Professional Wicket Training  Consulting
  Eventful - Intelligent Event Management

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question about adding synchronized on mountsOnPath at WebRequestCodingStrategy

2009-02-11 Thread ywtsang

at 1.3.5

class: org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.request.WebRequestCodingStrategy
method: urlCodingStrategyForPath

the variable mountsOnPath is synchronized
is this necessary?

because the WebRequestCodingStrategy is initialized once by request cycle
processor, which in turns is shared by all requests (i read this at Wicket
In Action)

so synchornized the mountsOnPath can produce a big lock contention problem
if we have many requests at the same time?

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Re: How to handle this exception properly

2009-02-11 Thread Anton Veretennikov
Thank you all for usefull tips!

-- Tony

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 1:51 AM, walnutmon wrote:


 Anton Veretennikov wrote:

 I don't have custom error page.
 Link to image:

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Igor Vaynberg
 your attachment got stripped, but i can imagine what it looks like.

 all runtime exceptions, wicket or not, are handled in the same way -
 redirect to the error page.

 do you have a custom error page? if you do - if your error page has an
 error then what you describe might happen.


 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Anton Veretennikov wrote:

 Excuse me, but I really don't understand.
 I'm asking about how to show Wicket error page. I thought that
 throwing WicketRuntimeException will result in showing it.

 But I get SERVER error page. I attached an image to clarify matters.

 And error below is seen in Tomcat output, not in Wicket error page:

 ERROR - WicketFilter   - closing the buffer error
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been
 called for this response

 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Marcelo Morales wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
 the status code and the error page are orthogonal. you should still
 see the standard error page, its just that it is returned with status
 ... with a proper browser (a cent)
 Marcelo Morales

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FormTester selectMultiple CheckBoxMultipleChoice help

2009-02-11 Thread ray bon

I am trying to test the case where a user is changing the set of checked
options for a CheckBoxMultipleChoice. When using FormTester.selectMultiple
the new values are added rather than replacing the existing values.
first pass:

formTester.selectMultiple(checkboxMultipleChoice, new int {0, 3};

result: user has selected first and fourth items.

second pass:

formTester.selectMultiple(checkboxMultipleChoice, new int {1, 2};

result: user has selected first, second, third, fourth items (0, 1, 2, 3)

desired (and to me, expected) result would be second and third items (1, 2)

How do I get FormTester to unselect values?

I see there is an inner class called 


but it is protected and the one method that looks promising 

assignValueToFormComponent(FormComponent formComponent, java.lang.String

is scant on description.
I know I can look at the source code and extend this class, but this seems
like an awkward solution for what appears to me to be a very common use
Am I missing something simple?
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