Re: Using Wicket 6.20 give following error

2015-07-22 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hello, just a quick observation:

In 6.x version IHeaderResponse is in a different package it's under
org.apache.wicket.markup.*head* so it's explained why you'd get the

I think this JQWicket you are using is the problem. Looks unmaintained and
designed for 1.5 version(previous version than 6.x). I guess it's this one 

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Re: Removing jessionid

2015-07-22 Thread Serban.Balamaci
1. you can remove the sessionid from the url and have it stored in a cookie
without any change to your app code. This is more of web container setup,
it's not really Wicket who should be handling that. With Servlet 3.0 you can
tell your web container how it should handle it in the web.xml file of your
app like 

notice the tracking-modeCOOKIE/tracking-mode option

Look into having it as HttpOnly also, it means the cookie value cannot be
read from JS so you'd want that turned also on to minimize the damage in
case of a XSS vulnerability in your site.

2. Actually Wicket already comes with session fixation protection if you
look in the Session class the method Session.replaceSession() has it
explained in the Javadoc

So say you have a LoginForm with a 
public void submit() {
User user = userDao.getUser(username, password);
if(user != null) { //pardon the stupidest authorization 
Session.get().replaceSession(); //we're destroying the old session
and recreating a new one - a new sessionid is returned to the user
AppSession newSession = (AppSession) Session.get();
} else {
 error(Wrong username/pass);

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Re: Wicket FormPost via ProxyFilter

2014-05-13 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Well how are you passing the user's session between the requests?
I mean your user's httpsession is stored in a cookie(not in the url), the
cookie containing your user's domain usersession will not be submitted to
this 3rd party in the post, and they cannot hand it over back to you. How
will your application correlate the requests? And this is not a wicket
problem, you'd need to think about this any way you go.

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Re: Wicket Can't Find Component Error

2014-05-13 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi, just my 2 cents. When I usually encounter this, is because of user
clicking on an old link. For example say we have a change-profile
AjaxLink taking the user to profile panel. But until the server responds
with the new Profile panel, it's possible for the user to click another link
products in the old panel. Since the page state is different on the
server and there is no change-profile link in the new ProfilePanel it's
rightly stating it's not finding the component.

We usually show progress and and disable the other controls with a layer on
top of the controls that prevents the user from clicking other buttons until
response from the previous request arrived. 
Just check doubleclicking on different links or buttons, or simulate an
impatient user clicking away madly after he clicked on the submit button and
the response is yet to have arrived.

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Re: Wicket FormPost via ProxyFilter

2014-05-13 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi, does this work for you?
protected CharSequence getActionUrl() {


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Re: Wicket FormPost via ProxyFilter

2014-05-13 Thread Serban.Balamaci
I meant IF your user's session is stored in a cookie(you can store it also in
the url - this is considered as a security bad practice without additional

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RE: Ajax timer not counting when tab doesn't have focus?

2014-05-13 Thread Serban.Balamaci

Why so low of a timeout 50ms?

should it not be something like 5000? I don't see the point of counting down
so often. Maybe count down every 5 secs. Don't forget also to decrease the
counter accordingly. 

I imagine also using console.log('time is now ...') when the timer decreases
might provide some insights on what's exactly going on.

I'd be mad as an user that something it's eating up my cpu if you'd do that
and be thankful for things like:

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Re: Lots of Images slowing rendering in DataView?

2014-05-11 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi, I think it would be much better to use a css class for the email icon and
for any other icons that are just repeated. 

Maybe another improvement would be to just use a single ajaxbehaviour for
the whole table that corresponds to a certain action like, for example in
case of a Delete, keep an itemid for the whole line and have js logic that
intercepts the clicks on the icons and call the behaviour with the line id,
something like. 

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior itemDeleteBehavior = new
AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior() {

protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
String id =
//do delete logic with item ID. Just be careful that
malicious users exploit it by passing items of other users.


protected void updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes
attributes) {

attributes.getDynamicExtraParameters().add(return { 'id':
itemid });

public void renderHead(Component component, IHeaderResponse
response) {
AppendingStringBuffer js = new AppendingStringBuffer();
js.append(function deleteItem(itemid)


then on the clientside js have something like: 

This way you'd keep the page size sent to the client small(there would not
be a big url for each icon link). Smaller pagesize, means faster transfer
and less data for the browser to parse and render. You get a bonus also in
simple component hierarchy because you don't even need to have a java
component for the links. 
The same for other common behaviours like edit, etc.

Hope it helps.

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Re: a little question about add(new XComponent(id).setVisible(false))

2013-12-17 Thread Serban.Balamaci
I've found it nicely explained here:

seems it's a great guide.

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Re: redirectToInterceptPage,continueToOriginalDestination and cookies

2013-11-03 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Don't know about a best practice but what comes to me is to implement
continue... yourself:

static void continueToOriginalDestination()
InterceptData data = InterceptData.get();
if (data != null)
data.continueOk = true;
String url =
//  RequestCycle.get().replaceAllRequestHandlers(new
RedirectRequestHandler(url)); --commented this
and use different request handler


public class RedirectWithCookieRequestHandler extends RedirectRequestHandler

private Cookie rememberMeCookie;

public void respond(IRequestCycle requestCycle) {
HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletWebRequest)

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

//generic set cookie code:
builder.append(; HttpOnly);

if (cookie.getSecure()) {
builder.append(; Secure);

response.setHeader(SET-COOKIE, builder.toString());


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Re: Tracking performance issues on requests best practices

2013-04-03 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Well I've switched on to AspectJ load time weaving and was able to intercept
calls on also the wicket Components methods. 
I've tested locally to see where are the missing numbers.

Seemed not much time was spent in onInitialize() afterall, the cause by the
fact that even if the Services layer was intercepted, I did not think of the
OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter which caused DB hits that were not going
through the Service layer and thus not counted.

2. I was counting also the first hit of the first page which meant getMarkup
calls for the components. That markup is then cached on subsequent calls but
when called it does take it's toll.

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Tracking performance issues on requests best practices

2013-04-01 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hello guys,
I'm trying to have a finer look at what is taking time on the serverside in
our application. 

What I have so far is that I'm using Spring AOP to track down calls to all
the methods and time to the Services layer. PS: I'm using JETM (it may be old, but is simple and give pretty much what
you need).

2. I've collected the time for the whole request to process in a
AbstractRequestCycleListener onBeginRequest, onEndRequest so as to see a sum
of the total time spent on a particular usecase.

What I've expected to find is that most of the resulting time would be spent
in the services layer and pretty much summed up to be near the request time
on the requestcyclelistener.

Practical data shows however otherwise, with the sum of the service time not
even close to the total of the request time. 

3. So I've fine tuned the result to also show the rendering time for the
components taking as example RenderPerformanceListener which measure the
time between component onBeforeRender and onAfterRender. 
It's pretty nice to see in jetm hierarchycal component-services call,
however it still not nearly close to the whole request time.

I'm still looking and seeing that there is some logic also on some
component's constructors and also onInitialize() methods that I see no easy
way to measure them. IComponentInitializationListener seems to only trigger
after initialization, I see no  easy way to mark the start time of the
onInitialize() and collect the time in the listener. 

So I'm asking if anyone got an idea, or I'm interested what you guys usually
do to track down any performance issues in the app. 

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Re: Deploy on production: optimization tip tricks

2012-11-15 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi Oscar,
Probably nobody responded because this is not a simple topic but with many
implications and turns. There are many optimizations that can be done not
necessarily related to wicket. 
I'd recomend blog, ,

But ok I'll play along and add my 2 cents: 
1. Setting Caching  headers on the web response is for certain something
that you'd want to do. Set a long expire date for JS and CSS file like
months even 1year. But you'd also want the users to receive the latest css
and JS files you make with a new release. So it's good to mix up the
resource name with some kind of version token(I use the app version nr in
the css/js files name something like link rel=stylesheet type=text/css
href=/2.14/css/site.css /).

Also most important optimizations that give the user the impression of speed
are related to loading the JS files. While JS files are being downloaded the
PAGE RENDERING is STOPPED. So it's a good idea to put them at the page's
bottom and using the css and html to render the page in an usable(nice
looking) state and then, while the user is reading and figuring out the
content, the JS enhancements like sliding menus etc are loading in the
background. Otherwise keeping the JS at the top results in the so called
WhitePageOfDeath in which the user sees a blank page while the header JS
files are being downloaded.
You can achieve the same thing as putting the JS at the page bottom but
while keeping the JS files at the head with the defer attribute easily
like . That means the rendering will not be blocked but the JS will execute
on DomReady event.

2. Minification and merging JS files into one:
A. Most today's browsers are limited to making at most 6 parallel requests
to a certain domain. So you don't want to have more js files merged into a
single one so you don't wait for another wave of free connections. There is
also the RoundTripTime overhead associated with making a new call to the
B. The the bigger a text file is, the better it's compression ratio will be.
So you'd get some benefit from merging all the js files into one and the
gzip compression will be greater and also the minification gain. I recommend
the *wro4j* project as it has lots of minification plugins. 
Unfortunately Wicket's component nature where every component can contribute
it's own separate JS file makes it harder to have a single big minified JS
file for all the page.

3. Using CDNs have the benefit of lower latency and also introducing another
domain and thus increasing those 6 max nr of connections. Using some famous
CDN like you did for JQuery also increases the probability of user already
having Jquery in the cache from another site that he visited before(that's
why I'm a fan of not also including the JQuery library in a minified package
of all your site's JS files). 

Using asynchronous loading for 3rd party scripts like g+, facebook, ga are
mandatory also these days.

4. Caching before the web server layer - using a caching proxy like Varnish
or Apache/Nginx with a caching module to save maybe DB generated image
resources maybe can be a good idea also.
The topic is far far from being exhausted so I think that's the reason why
nobody is playing along with responding. 

Personally I'm curios if an enhancement of providing Transfer-Encoding:
chunked and keeping the JS resources in the head with the defer
attribute(so the browser quickly receives the header and can begin the
download of JS files) while a slow DB prevents us from returning the full
html. But I'm afraid it might be a mess with not really huge gains in
performance and wicket by it's component nature means we don't know the
required js resources in the page's head until all the components have been
added to the page and got a chance to contribute there needed resources. 

I'm also curious what the future holds in terms of the SPDY protocol since
optimizing for it and might go against today's best practicies of splitting
resources across many domains.

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ComponentNotFound exception question

2012-08-06 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi guys, I'm asking for an opinion on how to approach the following:

Wicket 1.5.7, browser Chrome, Firefox.

I have a FormTestPanel with 
TextField and AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior attached:

AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior formUpdate = new
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onblur) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
 //do nothing just want to update the textfield model on
leaving it

The Form also has an AjaxButton:
AjaxButton btnSend = new AjaxButton(sendMessage) {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form? form)
//replace through ajax FormTestPanel with Empty panel
let's say

My view on this was that the flow would be to queue events in this order:

somehow it gets to 

This causes a ComponentNotFoundException: Could not find component

Shouldn't page versioning help with ComponentNotFound in this case? Sure
the component hierarchy changed after the form submit but that blur event
should have the older version of the page which had a different component

I tried putting a Channel 0 type Drop on both behavior and AjaxButton:
protected AjaxChannel getChannel() {
return new AjaxChannel(0, AjaxChannel.Type.DROP);
but it doesn't seem to cancel any of them, anyway I wouldn't have expected
this to work as it would have probably canceled the submit button event but
it was reminiscent of the times when I thought the blur event gets triggered

My current solution was so far to setResponsePage which I think might work
as it will clearly target another version but I didn't want to have to give
up on the SinglePage setup.

Any other idea how I can handle this?

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Re: ComponentNotFound exception question

2012-08-06 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Thanks Martin, I think it will work as the delay need be small enough for the
click event to enter the ajax queue after the blur so not much delay would
be introduced.

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Re: Making Autocomplete Form Stateless

2012-06-11 Thread Serban.Balamaci
I think Martin was pretty explicit with the fact that you could use as
endpoint an AbstractResource or even a plain servlet as your data source
url, you don't need explicitly an ajax behaviour(although just setting the
stateless hint to true on the ajaxbehaviour might work without any

You can add
but any implementation would work, and use the url of your
mountResource(IResource) on where you return a JSON based on the query
You don't even need to add the ajax behaviour to contribute the autocomplete
JS(which is a static string if the data url is not dynamic) to your panel so
your page is stateless. 

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Re: Login page stateless??

2012-04-25 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Dan, how about an attacker who uses a script to just call the login page 
lots of time. Could it not cause an OutOfMemory error or at least a
degradation of your application performance by your web server having to
manage millions of sessions apart for the legit ones?

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Re: Best practices for using CSS resource references

2012-02-07 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi Alec,
With wro4j you can do the minification at runtime also by using the
processors like:
you get to work with Reader and Writer. You could apply the processor after
the resource has been uploaded or even when requested(though probably it's
more efficient to do the first).

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Re: Best practices for using CSS resource references

2012-02-06 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi Alec,
Not really a direct reply to your question rather another. 
Wro4j project is more powerful(configurable) when it comes to grouping and
minification css/jss, and I think maybe the WroFilter can easily be turned
into a Wicket Resource, for a tighter wicket integration, I'm wondering if
this has not already been done by someone.

Also for JS references a parser for wro.xml that returns the contained js
entries in a group to distinguish between wicket development and deployment
versions could be done.

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Re: Set Wicket User Session to Servlet's HttpSession

2012-02-03 Thread Serban.Balamaci
It's not really clear what you mean and maybe you need to tell us what you
want to do.

A Wicket session stores it's attributes into an implementation of the
ISessionStore interface, but the default the store is HttpSessionStore, so
the HttpSession. On the other hand, the wicket session can exist in a
temporary state for the duration of the request and not have a HttpSession
created. See bind(...) method in HttpSessionStore and you can see the Wicket
session object being stored in a  httpsession attribute when the Wicket
session needs to be persistent. 
setAttribute(request, Session.SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, newSession);

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Re: Unnecessary 302 redirects in Wicket 1.5

2012-02-03 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hi Lim,
What about using an AbstractResource instead for serving the xml.

You can do something like:
protected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(Attributes attributes) {
final ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();

PageParameters requestParams = attributes.getParameters();

response.setWriteCallback(new WriteCallback() {
public void writeData(final Attributes attributes) {

return response.

And you have all the benefits wicket like @SpringBean available, access to
wicket session, etc.

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Re: Communication (in-vm) between webapps

2012-02-03 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Some REST interface to be called through Httpclient from the admin
application I'd say it's the simplest approach.

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Re: Using IResourceCachingStrategy with context relative resources(non PackageResource)

2011-08-02 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Merci Alex,
I indeed use the maven plugin and didn't consider a NamingStrategy, but at
first look we would not be able to reference back the generated file in
Wicket, right?

But I think that context resources not only PackageResources should be
candidates for a ResourceCachingStrategy and not need a special filter to
handle this.

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Re: Locating StackOverflowErrors

2011-06-20 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Are you perhaps using your WebSession in a PropertyModel? 
like new PropertyModel(getSession(), username) for example?

This way the web session might get serialized.

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Re: 1.5-SNAPSHOT build repository

2011-06-02 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Ah it's ok to use

didn't have an update policy specified(although default is daily) and the
snapshot version was red, but changing it must have forced an IDE reimport.
idApache Nexus - snapshots/id

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Re: 1.5-SNAPSHOT build repository

2011-06-02 Thread Serban.Balamaci
I was referring to a maven snapshot repository from where to have maven
check daily for new builds of the snapshot version.
What I currently do is to manually svn checkout and do mvn install. Not
really a problem but the phrase If you want to stay recent but don't want
to build yourself, you can use the snapshots generated by our bamboo server,
which are available at; means that
at some time this was possible?


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Re: Wicket in Action - 1.4 pending release

2008-03-28 Thread serban.balamaci

By the way Wicket is growing and changing i thought that the book would never
been finished as one chapter was probably done, another would have to be
refactored to keep it up to date with the API. Actually the only time when i
had to rewrite code for switching to another version was from 1.2 to 1.3 and
the migration guide made that quite painless. Congratulations on finishing,
although the MEAP is no good for me, as Romania seems not to be a valid
country(too many of us getting rich from buying pdf books with fake cards i
guess or something) so will need to wait for Amazon paper version :(.

Eelco Hillenius wrote:
  I'm just curious if the move to 1.4 will have an impact on Wicket in
 Hi Ned,
 I'm afraid not, because we are right now finalizing the book and we
 still have to start working on 1.4. I would also mean weeks of extra
 work for us, and after more than 2 years of writing, we've had it :-)
 The good thing is that it shouldn't make a big difference to start
 with; you should be able to use 1.4 without the generics just fine if
 you just ignore the compiler warnings.
 Maybe we'll bring out an extension to the book sometime around when
 1.4 becomes final. But no promises. :-)
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Re: Disabling serialization/storage of pages in session?

2007-11-09 Thread serban.balamaci

Why is everybody pointing out not to have database data inside the page? Many
times retrieving the data from the database could be the slowest thing and
having that sort of cache is one nice thing in my opinion. Is it not much
better to have data in the session? I understand that it will be a negative
point in clustering for session replication, but that might not be such a
drawback. The state could be replicated to the other server asyncroniously
after the request was presented back to the user so he sees no degradation
in performance, or better use sticky load balance and not have session
replication. Also you might need to sacrifice the availability of the back
button, although by keeping multiple versions of the page that can be
avoided? Are there other negatives?.

Johan Compagner wrote:
 Use detachable models.. Never keep database data live inside your models
 just store the minimal state so that you can construct it again.
 The DiskStore is for the backbutton and the PageMap (thats in the session)
 is for the
 current page. And as long as that page is statefull you have to store it
 the session
 There is no other way because that wouldn't make any sense.
 On Nov 8, 2007 8:22 PM, mfs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well that was just hypothetically speaking..what i meant was it would
 loads of data loaded in it was that scenario where i was wondering
 that we shouldnt store the state of each page.
 Yes as you pointed out using detachable models can certainly be one to
 to go..but at the same time since i am sort of presenting my company with
 all the features, i want to be prepared with answers and would want to
 as much as i can..

 So with what i understand the page serialization can be disabled by
 providing a dummy page-store but the storage of pages in the pageMap and
 hence in the current active session is something which is implicit and
 something we can avoid..

 Eelco Hillenius wrote:
  Now there would be certain use-cases/pages in our application which
  have alot of data in it (lets say in mbs), and in that scenario
  entire model-data/components would probably bring in too much of a
  the system (in my opinion...given high volume of users..) so with that
  be we would not want to store the pages in pageMap at all (which in
  stored in the session).
  But I hope you're not storing MBs of data in your pages?! Users will
  also get pages served that are MBs large? Note that you don't have to
  keep anything in memory if you work with detachable models.
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Re: Disabling serialization/storage of pages in session?

2007-11-09 Thread serban.balamaci

Most database expensive operations come from the result of stored
procedures(my current experience at least). A cache solution can be
implemented by caching the method results with spring(in case of using
spring) but is a heavy(difficult) thing to maintain that cache per user -
http session is a nice and easy storage for that-.

Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 You should use a second level cache to cache objects and queries from
 your database; and that's not Wicket's job, Wicket is a Web framework.

 For example, use Hibernate + ehcache.
 Yep. That way you'll avoid redundancy in caching, and have caching
 regardless of whatever UI framework you're using. and using e.g.
 ehcache can do things for you like limit the RAM cache and overflow to
 disk. Etc.
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Re: Disabling serialization/storage of pages in session?

2007-11-09 Thread serban.balamaci

I'm not for not considerate caching outside the web layer or a naive aproach
to cache everything even if that object changes 10 times a sec. I am just
saying that it may be ok in some cases to keep state on some objects and not
have detachable models. I'm not saying keep all in session and pay no
considerations to separation of concerns. A nice design surelly is where the
cache stands beetween the web and the database layer, but we may have the
case where we use stored procedures intensively and the result may take a
long time to return but that result may well be not be heavy(i guess that
can be the case with stored procedures). We always have to think of the
impact of presenting stale data.

Johan Compagner wrote:
 Also caching data inside a session and having those object over multiply
 gives in hibernate always errors like LazyInitalizationException or
 Holding on to data in sessions is really a bad idea because you dont know
 when they come back
 if you have a session time out of a few hours, and people open pages and
 then do nothing for 15-30minutes
 then a huge page is kept in memory all the time. So if you keep growing
 users then you will hit
 memory problems very soon. Also if you constantly cache objects are those
 objects not changing between
 request by others? How do avoid state objects?
 User A changed an object and tells that to User B that wants to work with
 it. Then User B hits
 refresh 10 times but still sees the old value..
 On Nov 9, 2007 9:13 AM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why is everybody pointing out not to have database data inside the page?
 times retrieving the data from the database could be the slowest thing
 having that sort of cache is one nice thing in my opinion. Is it not much
 better to have data in the session? I understand that it will be a
 point in clustering for session replication, but that might not be such a
 drawback. The state could be replicated to the other server
 after the request was presented back to the user so he sees no
 in performance, or better use sticky load balance and not have session
 replication. Also you might need to sacrifice the availability of the
 button, although by keeping multiple versions of the page that can be
 avoided? Are there other negatives?.

 Johan Compagner wrote:
  Use detachable models.. Never keep database data live inside your
  just store the minimal state so that you can construct it again.
  The DiskStore is for the backbutton and the PageMap (thats in the
  is for the
  current page. And as long as that page is statefull you have to store
  the session
  There is no other way because that wouldn't make any sense.
  On Nov 8, 2007 8:22 PM, mfs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well that was just hypothetically speaking..what i meant was it would
  loads of data loaded in it was that scenario where i was
  that we shouldnt store the state of each page.
  Yes as you pointed out using detachable models can certainly be one to
  to go..but at the same time since i am sort of presenting my company
  all the features, i want to be prepared with answers and would want to
  as much as i can..
  So with what i understand the page serialization can be disabled by
  providing a dummy page-store but the storage of pages in the pageMap
  hence in the current active session is something which is implicit and
  something we can avoid..
  Eelco Hillenius wrote:
   Now there would be certain use-cases/pages in our application which
   have alot of data in it (lets say in mbs), and in that scenario
   entire model-data/components would probably bring in too much of a
   the system (in my opinion...given high volume of users..) so with
   be we would not want to store the pages in pageMap at all (which in
   stored in the session).
   But I hope you're not storing MBs of data in your pages?! Users will
   also get pages served that are MBs large? Note that you don't have
   keep anything in memory if you work with detachable models.
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Re: Popup parent comunication

2007-11-08 Thread serban.balamaci

Wel i use wicket 1.2.6
Sadly it seems to be a browser compatibility issue. Default I use firefox
but tried it now in IE 6 and IE7 and in firefox there is the problem and in
IE it works as expected.


Johan Compagner wrote:
 yeah there is already a call happening to the server. But maybe this is a
 bug in the wicket javascript code, that it still thinks that the channel
 what version do you use of wicket?
 On Nov 8, 2007 9:24 AM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I forgot to look in the ajax console. Here is what it says:
 INFO: Initiating Ajax GET request on

 INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
 INFO: Chanel busy - postponing...
 INFO: Chanel busy - postponing...

 I guess that Channel busy must be the culprit.

 Mr Mean wrote:
  Not entirely sure about this, but i think this is because wicket is
  smart enough to figure out it has already sent the header, so it won't
  send it again. If you want to invoke that script again you should
  trigger it from your ajax call with target.appendJavaScript().
  On Nov 7, 2007 6:11 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, you must be right, another issue against the modal window is that
  datepicker does not work inside it, and I pretty much decided to stick
  normal popups.
  Well it seems that i may have something here:
  In the parent page:
  add(new AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior() {
  protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget
  System.out.println(Ajax Method invoked);
  protected void onRenderHeadContribution(final Response
  StringHeaderContributor header =
  new StringHeaderContributor(script
  language=\javascript\  +
  function call() { +
  getCallbackScript(false, true) + }; +
  In the popup window we have the link:
  Link link = new Link(addLink) {
  public void onClick() {
   System.out.println(Ajax Method invoked);
  protected CharSequence getOnClickScript(CharSequence
  charSequence) {
  CharSequence click =
  if(click == null) {
  return click +;;
  Current problem is that the method sometimes gets invoked sometimes it
  not(the text Ajax Method invoked apears on the screen). Actually
  first time in most cases. The problem must be with the ajax call cause
  added in the call function a debug message in javascript that gets
  called(the call function).
  Anybody has any ideas why this is?
  Mr Mean wrote:
   if your modal dialog contains ajax tabs it should work, but all your
   user interaction from withing the dialog must be ajax.
   On Nov 7, 2007 1:50 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I cannot use the modal windows.
   They are plain popups. I do not know if there is a difference
   windows that have a content a panel or a page, but i need to have
   pannels(which are links) inside the popup and by using a modal page
   panel content when i press on another tab(a link), i get the
   This action requires to navigate away from this page and the modal
   will close and after pressing it does close the modal window.
   I am currently trying the 3rd option, i think i can write the
   the ajax request.
   I will post the solution if i get it working.
   Mr Mean wrote:
Are you using the ModalWindow? in that case you need to set the
PageCreator to return your page, don't use panels. Second you
set a callbackhandler for the windowclose event. There you must
your combo.
On Nov 7, 2007 12:09 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have the following problem. I have a parent page, that opens a
through a PageLink.
The popup window is a window in which new records can be added,
need a
combo in the parent page to reflect and contain also the new
the popup.
1. Reloading the whole parent page at popup close link pressed i
as the last resolve

Re: Popup parent comunication

2007-11-08 Thread serban.balamaci

I forgot to look in the ajax console. Here is what it says:
INFO: Initiating Ajax GET request on
INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
INFO: Chanel busy - postponing...
INFO: Chanel busy - postponing...

I guess that Channel busy must be the culprit.

Mr Mean wrote:
 Not entirely sure about this, but i think this is because wicket is
 smart enough to figure out it has already sent the header, so it won't
 send it again. If you want to invoke that script again you should
 trigger it from your ajax call with target.appendJavaScript().
 On Nov 7, 2007 6:11 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, you must be right, another issue against the modal window is that
 datepicker does not work inside it, and I pretty much decided to stick to
 normal popups.

 Well it seems that i may have something here:

 In the parent page:
 add(new AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior() {
 protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
 System.out.println(Ajax Method invoked);

 protected void onRenderHeadContribution(final Response
 StringHeaderContributor header =
 new StringHeaderContributor(script
 language=\javascript\  +
 function call() { +
 getCallbackScript(false, true) + }; +

 In the popup window we have the link:

 Link link = new Link(addLink) {
 public void onClick() {
  System.out.println(Ajax Method invoked);

 protected CharSequence getOnClickScript(CharSequence
 charSequence) {
 CharSequence click =
 if(click == null) {
 return click +;;


 Current problem is that the method sometimes gets invoked sometimes it
 not(the text Ajax Method invoked apears on the screen). Actually only
 first time in most cases. The problem must be with the ajax call cause i
 added in the call function a debug message in javascript that gets always
 called(the call function).

 Anybody has any ideas why this is?

 Mr Mean wrote:
  if your modal dialog contains ajax tabs it should work, but all your
  user interaction from withing the dialog must be ajax.
  On Nov 7, 2007 1:50 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I cannot use the modal windows.
  They are plain popups. I do not know if there is a difference beetween
  windows that have a content a panel or a page, but i need to have
  pannels(which are links) inside the popup and by using a modal page
  panel content when i press on another tab(a link), i get the message
  This action requires to navigate away from this page and the modal
  will close and after pressing it does close the modal window.
  I am currently trying the 3rd option, i think i can write the
  the ajax request.
  I will post the solution if i get it working.
  Mr Mean wrote:
   Are you using the ModalWindow? in that case you need to set the
   PageCreator to return your page, don't use panels. Second you need
   set a callbackhandler for the windowclose event. There you must
   your combo.
   On Nov 7, 2007 12:09 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have the following problem. I have a parent page, that opens a
   through a PageLink.
   The popup window is a window in which new records can be added, but
   need a
   combo in the parent page to reflect and contain also the new choice
   the popup.
   1. Reloading the whole parent page at popup close link pressed i
   as the last resolve because the user may have introduced data in
   controls that would get lost in the reloading process. I could get
   this by adding a submit behaviour to the link and save in session
   inserted till that moment and rehidrate the model with values from
   session instead of the database, and so obtain the state that the
   in before the popup was opened, but i'm wondering if there is not a
   solution for this.
   2. I also tried(didn't think this would work:) but had to try) to
   combo to the popup page and tried to update through the pressing of
   ajaxlink the combo. It said

Popup parent comunication

2007-11-07 Thread serban.balamaci

I have the following problem. I have a parent page, that opens a popup
through a PageLink.
The popup window is a window in which new records can be added, but i need a
combo in the parent page to reflect and contain also the new choice added in
the popup.

1. Reloading the whole parent page at popup close link pressed i would take
as the last resolve because the user may have introduced data in the
controls that would get lost in the reloading process. I could get around
this by adding a submit behaviour to the link and save in session the values
inserted till that moment and rehidrate the model with values from the
session instead of the database, and so obtain the state that the page was
in before the popup was opened, but i'm wondering if there is not a cleaner
solution for this.

2. I also tried(didn't think this would work:) but had to try) to pass the
combo to the popup page and tried to update through the pressing of an
ajaxlink the combo. It said it could not find the markup id for the
combo(expected since it tried in the popup and not in the parent) so i guess
that this approach could be made valid if the ajax callback would be
directed at the parent page instead of the popup - i do not know how to do

3. Another option I am considering is calling a self.opener.function in
which i would have javascript code for the ajax update of the combo in the
parent. What code that is doing the ajax update i still do not know where to
find- maybe on the onselectionchange behaviour would be the way to find
out, or if it breaks something in the way wicket is working.

Anybody has any pointers of what would be the nice way to implement,
comments, or other ways to tackle the problem?

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Re: Popup parent comunication

2007-11-07 Thread serban.balamaci

Yes, you must be right, another issue against the modal window is that the
datepicker does not work inside it, and I pretty much decided to stick to
normal popups. 

Well it seems that i may have something here:

In the parent page:
add(new AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior() {
protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
System.out.println(Ajax Method invoked);

protected void onRenderHeadContribution(final Response response)
StringHeaderContributor header =
new StringHeaderContributor(script
language=\javascript\  +
function call() { +
getCallbackScript(false, true) + }; +

In the popup window we have the link:

Link link = new Link(addLink) {
public void onClick() {
 System.out.println(Ajax Method invoked);

protected CharSequence getOnClickScript(CharSequence
charSequence) {
CharSequence click =
if(click == null) {
return click +;;


Current problem is that the method sometimes gets invoked sometimes it does
not(the text Ajax Method invoked apears on the screen). Actually only the
first time in most cases. The problem must be with the ajax call cause i
added in the call function a debug message in javascript that gets always
called(the call function). 

Anybody has any ideas why this is?

Mr Mean wrote:
 if your modal dialog contains ajax tabs it should work, but all your
 user interaction from withing the dialog must be ajax.
 On Nov 7, 2007 1:50 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I cannot use the modal windows.
 They are plain popups. I do not know if there is a difference beetween
 windows that have a content a panel or a page, but i need to have tabbed
 pannels(which are links) inside the popup and by using a modal page with
 panel content when i press on another tab(a link), i get the message that
 This action requires to navigate away from this page and the modal
 will close and after pressing it does close the modal window.

 I am currently trying the 3rd option, i think i can write the javascript
 the ajax request.
 I will post the solution if i get it working.

 Mr Mean wrote:
  Are you using the ModalWindow? in that case you need to set the
  PageCreator to return your page, don't use panels. Second you need to
  set a callbackhandler for the windowclose event. There you must update
  your combo.
  On Nov 7, 2007 12:09 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have the following problem. I have a parent page, that opens a popup
  through a PageLink.
  The popup window is a window in which new records can be added, but i
  need a
  combo in the parent page to reflect and contain also the new choice
  the popup.
  1. Reloading the whole parent page at popup close link pressed i would
  as the last resolve because the user may have introduced data in the
  controls that would get lost in the reloading process. I could get
  this by adding a submit behaviour to the link and save in session the
  inserted till that moment and rehidrate the model with values from the
  session instead of the database, and so obtain the state that the page
  in before the popup was opened, but i'm wondering if there is not a
  solution for this.
  2. I also tried(didn't think this would work:) but had to try) to pass
  combo to the popup page and tried to update through the pressing of an
  ajaxlink the combo. It said it could not find the markup id for the
  combo(expected since it tried in the popup and not in the parent) so i
  that this approach could be made valid if the ajax callback would be
  directed at the parent page instead of the popup - i do not know how
  3. Another option I am considering is calling a self.opener.function
  which i would have javascript code for the ajax update of the combo in
  parent. What code that is doing the ajax update i still do not know
  find- maybe on the onselectionchange behaviour would be the way to
  out, or if it breaks something in the way wicket is working.
  Anybody has any pointers of what would be the nice way to implement,
  comments, or other ways to tackle the problem?
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Re: Why dioes this error occur?

2007-11-07 Thread serban.balamaci

Hi. Well in my case this error apeared when the user clicked on a link that
was directing the user to the next page, and while the user did not wait for
the other page to load, or he thought that he did not press the mouse button
and he clicked again. The server saw that the component(link) was no longer
in the the new page and therefore the nullpointer. I got around this by
disabling the link after the clicking.

salmas wrote:
 Every once in awhile if I am clicking around for awhile in the UI of my
 application I get the following error. What causes this?
   at wicket.RequestCycle.step(
   at wicket.RequestCycle.steps(
   at wicket.RequestCycle.request(
   at wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet.doGet(
   at wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet.doPost(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

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Re: Popup parent comunication

2007-11-07 Thread serban.balamaci

I cannot use the modal windows. 
They are plain popups. I do not know if there is a difference beetween modal
windows that have a content a panel or a page, but i need to have tabbed
pannels(which are links) inside the popup and by using a modal page with a
panel content when i press on another tab(a link), i get the message that
This action requires to navigate away from this page and the modal window
will close and after pressing it does close the modal window.

I am currently trying the 3rd option, i think i can write the javascript for
the ajax request.
I will post the solution if i get it working.

Mr Mean wrote:
 Are you using the ModalWindow? in that case you need to set the
 PageCreator to return your page, don't use panels. Second you need to
 set a callbackhandler for the windowclose event. There you must update
 your combo.
 On Nov 7, 2007 12:09 PM, serban.balamaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the following problem. I have a parent page, that opens a popup
 through a PageLink.
 The popup window is a window in which new records can be added, but i
 need a
 combo in the parent page to reflect and contain also the new choice added
 the popup.

 1. Reloading the whole parent page at popup close link pressed i would
 as the last resolve because the user may have introduced data in the
 controls that would get lost in the reloading process. I could get around
 this by adding a submit behaviour to the link and save in session the
 inserted till that moment and rehidrate the model with values from the
 session instead of the database, and so obtain the state that the page
 in before the popup was opened, but i'm wondering if there is not a
 solution for this.

 2. I also tried(didn't think this would work:) but had to try) to pass
 combo to the popup page and tried to update through the pressing of an
 ajaxlink the combo. It said it could not find the markup id for the
 combo(expected since it tried in the popup and not in the parent) so i
 that this approach could be made valid if the ajax callback would be
 directed at the parent page instead of the popup - i do not know how to

 3. Another option I am considering is calling a self.opener.function in
 which i would have javascript code for the ajax update of the combo in
 parent. What code that is doing the ajax update i still do not know where
 find- maybe on the onselectionchange behaviour would be the way to find
 out, or if it breaks something in the way wicket is working.

 Anybody has any pointers of what would be the nice way to implement,
 comments, or other ways to tackle the problem?

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