[videoblogging] Re: Help with pixellation?

2010-06-23 Thread compumavengal
I have a JVC Hard Drive Camcorder and you can reformat. It is in the menu 
system. I have to dig my camcorder to confirm out but if I recall correctly: 

you select the reformat option, 
a menu comes up asking are you sure, 
you select yes 
and it will do the deed for you. 

It may not solve the problem. It is worth a try. When you are ready let me 
know, hit me up with your required specs and we'll go virtual shopping.



--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Marguerita marguerita.mcma...@... 

 Thanks Dave, Tom  Gena!
 I suspected that it might be a hard drive/memory card issue.
 I kept saying to myself include the camera specs in the request for help 
 but then I forgot to do that!
 I am using a JVC Everio HDD (60 gig) that also has a 2 gig SD card, but I've 
 never even come close to filling up the hard drive and the video is set to go 
 to the hard drive, not the card.
 What I fear is that someone is going to say re-format the hard drive and I 
 would have no idea how to do that.
 I guess I will live with it until I can upgrade cameras, which I am 
 considering doing.  I tried various Google searches and searching the 
 archives here and didn't find anything that seemed to relate to my issue.  I 
 am watching the discussions here about cameras closely, and I checked out 
 Gena's blog for her equipment reviews  :)
 Thanks always for your thoughts and advice!
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Marguerita marguerita.mcmanus@ 
  Hi, I am experiencing something that I am calling pixellation on my camera 
  as it records 

[videoblogging] Re: camera

2010-06-14 Thread compumavengal
I can't resist a virtual shopping expedition for camcorders. So if I understand 
the needs and the budget these are some of the candidates.  At this price point 
2 out of 3 ain't bad or you can't always get what you want at under $130.  This 
is what I found:

At TigerDirect:

Creative Vado 2nd Generation C44-4412 $119 You get 720 HD and if you are a Mac 
person it is supposed to work on OS X. On the audio side it is built-in Mic 

Kodak ZI8 HD Pocket Video Camcorder $149 k23-4418
Killer video quality and yes, you can hook up external Mic. After shipping is 
tacked on it might be out of your price range. Look around the brick and mortar 
stores, some of them are selling it for $149 or less.

Flip Ultra Pocket Camcorder - Black, 120 Minute Video Capture, 640 x 480 $69.99 
P229-1050 Standard Def video and built-in Mic. If all you really want to do is 
record in an office AND you know that you will have to have additional light 
sources this could do it. If you are prepared for the limitations.

Be careful, there is muck in the camcorder category. There is one camcorder 
that records in PAL format. If you are Europe, no worries. If you are in the 
US, nope, walk on by the Toshiba Camileo S20. 

Kodak ZI6 1152537 Black HD Pocket Video Camera (Refurbished) $90
I've own this camcorder and it was sweet. Loved it. If I hadn't taken the I am 
not to buy another camcorder until the end of the year pledge I'd get this 
again. Downside is built-in audio and a quirky control panel on the front. 
Those are buttons, not icons.

Resist the temptation to buy junk cheap camcorders. Deep breaths. Oh, you do 
know you'll need a tripod and some lights right?

Happy Hunting,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Tom Dolan tomjdo...@... wrote:

 Hi Julian,
 I've saved the email that you wrote as a reference for the future. It  
 was the most considered and considerate response I got, and well, the  
 future rushed in the door this past weekend. Right off the bat, I'm  
 apologizing for this surprise email and if it's too much trouble to  
 answer, and it may well be, I am not offended. I do have a Skype  
 account w/video capability so if that's an option, I'm available at  
 your convenience.  Here's the reason for this rushed if not frantic  
   A non-profit org. where I volunteer, heard about a Training program  
 I've been developing. At one of their events this past weekend their  
 CEO requested that I run a couple of these workshops for their staff.  
 Although it came as a surprise, for all the right reasons I said...  
 Yes. Which brings this email to you.
 I know I'll need a video camera as that's part of the training  
 regimen. The main issue is $$. I really want to do the training but  
 the camera need couldn't have come at a worse time financially.  
 Nevertheless, what is, is. So I re-read your email, below and  
 consolidating all the suggestions I've read, I figured that I should  
 wait to buy a camera with an audio-in for an xternal mic. But, that  
 feature raises the camera price substantially as other features are  
 added also or upgraded.
 The training will take place in a conference room or office. One  
 person at a time. Camera on a tripod, maybe 10-15' away. I will record  
 the person speaking, then plug the camera into a handy computer,  
 theirs, watch it and comment, then move on. That's it, no iMovie  
 editing, no saving on the camera. So I need some advice if you could  
 be so kind.
 Under the described conditions, do you recommend an xternal mic or  
 would the built in mic suffice, and remember this is about speaking.  
 Does the video format matter if I'm simply recording to view on a  
 computer, mac or pc, not to edit?
 As a result of this request, I've been frantically investigating  
 alternatives on the web. I went to ebay and found a VPC-HD 1000, USED  
 up for bids. Takes an xternal mic, which I may/may not need. Cruised  
 amazon. Found a simpler xacti CG10 on sale for $124. but no xternal  
 mic. Than I began looking at the newer digital point-n-shoots from  
 Canon, Sony, Nikon that are both pic  vid with audio. Priced at  
 around $150 w/vid capability, if they work and they might, that's the  
 top end of my budget right now. Would prefer around $100-125 actually.  
 I could go on, but out of respect for you, I'll stop.
 OK, so if you have anytime this week to address this or if you think  
 using Skype would expedite this or make it easier for you please advise.
 If you've read this far, you're a gem of a person, and
 Thank you,
 Tom Dolan
 On Jan 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Julian Seery Gude wrote:
  Hi Tom,
  You mentioned the Sanyo's and their Xacti line is a big hit with  
  many on this list and I'm one of them.
  To get an external mic you can go with the VPC-HD2000 which has a  
  street price of $500 new (I think 

[videoblogging] Re: Send by email, share on Wordpress?

2010-06-13 Thread compumavengal
Have you looked at http://posterous.com? According to the web site:

We will transcode your video so that you can see it in a flash player right 
there in your browser. It will even play on an iPhone without flash.

We take almost all video files you can think of, and we'll host the file too, 
so you don't have to do any work at all.

If you can upload and they host too it could be a winner.

Hope this helps,



--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, gogen001 gogen...@... wrote:

 Sorry if this has already been answered and discussed, but since blip.tv no 
 longer accepts vids by email I'm trying to find another site which can accept 
 mp4 file by e-mail and distribute it to:
 - youtube
 - wordpress blog (my own domain)
 Using blip.tv's web uploading works fine but is a real pain when used on 
 mobile phone.
 Thank you very much for your help and suggestions!
 N97 mini

[videoblogging] Re: My Story

2010-06-12 Thread compumavengal
Don't think about it, do it. I'm constantly looking for accessible resources I 
can share with people. 

The technology is changing faster than I anticipated. There is going to be a 
split between web based produced video and mobile produced video because of the 
iMovie for iPhone4. 

There will be or are PC Clones coming down the road. Both groups will need 
contemporary easy to understand tutorials and guides. 

The next wave is on its way, surf's up.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Jones david.jo...@... wrote:

 You're welcome :)
 I hope it encourages other people to share their story.
 I'm actually thinking about doing a whole series of video blog
 tutorials and how to get started, what are the best low cost tools to
 use, how to get audio and lighting right, editing, posting etc. As
 there doesn't really seem to be much out there on a good step-by-step
 guide to setting up and producing a video blog (at least none that
 I've found satisfying).
 It's just a matter of finding the time!
 On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Marguerita
 marguerita.mcma...@... wrote:
  Hi Dave,
  I just don't have the words to thank you enough for this post!
  I am just starting out (well, 18 months into using video) and still 
  desperately trying to figure things out and learn.
  Your details and timeline are great! I am just now thinking about a better 
  camera and better sound and your progression is a wonderful guideline - I'd 
  have paid money for it - THANK YOU!
  In my niche, story is everything, starting with why and then how. 
  There's a great TED talk about it by Simon Sinek.
  I am keeping this digest and referring to it again and again. Good for you 
  with your BoingBoing shout-out and YT partnering and your progression - I 
  aim to follow your footsteps and enjoy learning from you.
  On thing that has held me back a bit has been my fear of losing my dial-up 
  viewers, esp. if I make HD vids, but I just checked my analytics and see 
  that only 4% of my viewers come at my blog on dial-up. Last time I had 
  looked (a year ago probably) it was a LOT more.
  Your post encourages me to move up to HD - so again - many, many Thanks,

[videoblogging] Re: Shooting In Public

2010-06-08 Thread compumavengal
This is not unexpected when you consider the number of times citizen have 
recorded police officers using excessive force. Those same videos that will 
wind up on YouTube to dispute the official findings.

It depends on the local laws and where you are doing at the moment.

If this is correct for Maryland residents:

a person may not willfully intercept what it calls oral communications. It 
defines oral communications as any conversation or words spoken to or by any 
person in private conversation.
Then to record the conversation would be illegal but recording the visual 
images would not be illegal. So if I was across the street and I see a police 
action but I can't record the sound I'm ok?

It makes no sense. Equally makes no sense that there is not a clear or specific 
policy that can be communicated to the public. You certainly do not want police 
officers interpreting their own understanding of the law.

There is a Gizmodo post about this:

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mark Villaseñor videoblogyahoogr...@... 

 Thought I might bring this up for discussion (the issue having recently made 
 national news), as some may not be fully aware of their rights while 
 shooting video in or on public lands and places. The ramifications of this 
 story are chilling, but not insurmountable if one knows their rights.
 On March 5th of this year Anthony Graber drove his motorcycle recklessly, 
 until being pulled over by a Maryland State plainclothes policeman. Graber 
 wore a GoPro HD helmet-cam, recording his antics prior and after the police 
 stop. He was on a public highway, in clear daylight and the camcorder was in 
 plain sight (GoPros are rather bulky and VERY obvious, if you've never seen 
 After the incident Graber posted his vid on YouTube, including scenes of his 
 stop by the policemen. This apparently rubbed law enforcement the wrong way, 
 who on April 7th showed up at Graber's door with a search and arrest warrant 
 for wiretapping under Maryland State law (resulting from Anthony's video 
 post on YT). Maryland wiretap law mandates two-party consent for electronic 
 recording. Police seized all Graber's computers, cameras and electronics as 
 purportedly containing or constituting evidence.
 ...Problem is Graber broke no wiretap laws!
 If you'd like to discuss WHY Graber broke no wiretap laws, post accordingly. 
 Otherwise, lacking that interest, one gets what they get should the 
 wrongfully cite of wiretapping ever come up, after shooting footage in 
 public. ;)
 Mark Villaseñor,
 Canine Adventures For Charity - sm

[videoblogging] Vimeo Festival and Awards in NYC

2010-06-06 Thread compumavengal
Could be a good opportunity for folks to meet up and connect in real time. All 
we have to do is show up. http://www.vimeo.com/awards/about

Seems like it has all of the prerequisite activities such as screening, 
parties, panels and how-to's.

There is a Vimeo contest with $25,000 grant to the winner. One of the judges is 
David Lynch and another is DJ Spooky. Whatever floats your boat is probably 
going to be accommodated. 

The festival/awards is in October 2010 so that might be enough time to figure 
out if you can afford the trip or hook-up lodging.



[videoblogging] Beet TV - Looking At the Other Side of the Fence

2010-05-30 Thread compumavengal
I'm always curious about the many forms of web video that are popping up by 
various stakeholders. I stumbled into http://www.beet.tv because I saw a post 
about Blip.tv raising $10 million in new funding. 

I messed around in the Devices section. This might be the place where folks 
want to visit for ideas, particularly about Android, iPad and other 
distribution channels for video.

Producing mobile content is not something to be ignored. I'm using mobile in it 
most expansive form; not specifically talking about cell or smart phones. 

Which reminds me. There is a site called Hand Held Hollywood 
http://www.handheldhollywood.com that looks at the Apps that professional media 
is using to create video on the iPhone and soon the iPad. 



[videoblogging] Re: Zi8 with ECM-DS70P

2010-05-08 Thread compumavengal
The first set with mic off I heard a high pitched sound in the background but 
the audio was clear.

In the second set there was something muting the sound or there was some kind 
of distance. Was the mic held at the same distance and position each time?

Just my 2 cents,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, MyFirstMemoryDotOrg 
myfirstmemory@... wrote:

 I recently bought this combination, and the results are disappointing.
 Can anyone give their opinion on the results?
 1st test:
 Just the camera: http://vimeo.com/11574151
 With the mic: http://vimeo.com/11574105
 I suppose the buzzing came from the two laptops operating very close, so we 
 did a second test.
 2nd test:
 Just the camera: http://vimeo.com/11574258
 With the mic: http://vimeo.com/11574273
 Why is the sound quality worse with the mic? What am I doing wrong?

[videoblogging] Re: Comments On Celtx

2010-05-06 Thread compumavengal
I started playing with it a year or so back. It was way more than I needed in 
terms of formal script structure but for the cost, $0.00 I couldn't kick about 

It seems that they are adding features for a reasonable cost. I would like to 
try out the writing module with the virtual 3x5 cards.

I say give it a test run. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mark Villaseñor videoblogyahoogr...@... 

 Hi Group:
 I wonder if anyone here has used Celtx (http://celtx.com) and would care to 
 comment on experience using the device? I was searching for a cost-effective 
 scripting program (other than the standard fare) and came across Celtx, 
 which at face value appears impressive (and one can't beat the price). So I'm 
 wondering if any of you fine-folk have any opinions concerning its 
 Thanks in advance.
 Mark Villaseñor,
 Canine Adventures For Charity - sm

[videoblogging] Re: VLMC for Windows nopw available

2010-04-24 Thread compumavengal
Hey John, how come you don't use MPEG Streamclip or Super(c) to convert the mp4 
video to .avi? I don't know if you have tried those options or not, just 

I'm testing out Magix Movie Edit Pro 16 Plus HD, it seems to bring stuff in 
native to video format. It has the feel of old school Bin video editing. GUI 
folks might not care for it.

From the Magix Help Menu:

Import/Export formats
Video files: Videos for Windows and DV-AVI type 1/2 (*.avi), MPEG-1 and 2 
(*.mpg,*.mp2,*.MPEG), QuickTime (*.mov), MAGIX Video (*.mxv), Windows Media, 
VOB streams from DVD (unencrypted), AVCHD (import only, only in the Plus 
version), MPEG-4 (*.mp4) (after fee-based activation). Activation is free in 
the Plus version.

Note: To import and export AVC and MPEG-4 files, the MEPG-4 codec must first be 
activated. A dialog will open if the codec is required. Files with a horizontal 
resolution of more than 768 pixels can only be loaded in MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 
16 Plus.

I'm just messing around with it at the moment. There are pluses and minuses to 
the program. Like I said I'm just checking it out to see if it is a video 
editing option. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, johnle...@... wrote:

 I downloaded and installed it on my 3-year old WindowsXPHome system that is 
 not particularly powerful.
 It ran fine, and imported some MP4 clips from my Xacti HD1010, the import was 
 very fast. I was able to put a few clips on the time line. Playback was 
 smooth, but the timeline control stick was a little flaky.
 The transcribe feature was turned off. No obvious transitions or effects. 
 Cutting clips and deleting segments was a little flaky. 
 It took about 15 minutes to output 2 min. to a file with H264 codec in an AVI 
 container. This was the only output format choice. The avi file played fine 
 in VLC, it would not import into MicroSoft Movie Maker 2.1.
 Verdict: needs a lot more work to be useful.
 I am still trying to find a no-cost editor/low-cost that will take my Xacti 
 mp4 files directly and edit them. Currently the workflow of converting 
 files to edit in Windows MM is too time consuming. I just tried Womble MPEG 
 Video Wizard, which work fine but it costs $100. Premiere Elements 2.0 came 
 with the camera, but that program simply does not run on my computer in a 
 stable fashion--PE acts like it wants me to spend $10-15k for a new computer 
 and five or six hard drives for its various needs. I could get a $100 plug in 
 for PE that deshake the Xacti's very shaky video, but PE is too demanding for 
 my simple computer. Any recommendations, other than getting a camera with 
 better stabilization? (Which one?)

[videoblogging] Re: Happy VideoBloggingWeek2010

2010-04-13 Thread compumavengal
Day 3 with a bit of music and art http://bit.ly/cHxJGd Watching other videos 
when I can. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, mgmoon mgm...@... wrote:

 Well, it's Sunday.
 It starts today... Videobloggingweek2010.
 April 11-17
 Grab your camcorders and shoot some video.
 p.s. Here's Day 1's vlog:

[videoblogging] Re: Happy VideoBloggingWeek2010

2010-04-12 Thread compumavengal
Day 2 up and running. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Sullivan sullele...@... wrote:

 Sophie Flying Cheap Kite
 On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 12:18 PM, mgmoon mgm...@... wrote:
  Well, it's Sunday.
  It starts today... Videobloggingweek2010.
  April 11-17
  Grab your camcorders and shoot some video.
  p.s. Here's Day 1's vlog:
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Happy VideoBloggingWeek2010

2010-04-11 Thread compumavengal
I stumble in but I got one up. It ain't pretty but it is done.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, mgmoon mgm...@... wrote:

 Well, it's Sunday.
 It starts today... Videobloggingweek2010.
 April 11-17
 Grab your camcorders and shoot some video.
 p.s. Here's Day 1's vlog:

[videoblogging] Re: vlog research - low income/urban

2010-04-03 Thread compumavengal
Hi Lisa,

Kids and teens are creating video content independent of school. Finding 
classroom appropriate videos would mean a lot of YouTube slogging through um, 
yeah, whatever... type videos. 

Start with skateborders and go from there. That is part of the key to finding 
content. What would the students want to see? After eliminating the first and 
second things coming out of their mouths you could find gems.

The costs has dropped dramatically. Yes, still expensive for a school district 
cramping for funds but editing software is already on the computers for Mac and 

There are inexpensive web camcorders between $50 - $100. You don't need 
anything else but time.

On the education vibe:

The projects can be teacher initiated or as part of an overall educational 
program. Because kids are involved many of the projects are behind school 
district intranets. There are a few video projects that are on-line but tend to 
have older students as participants.

It helps to look for the teachers as creators/initiators in order to find the 
projects or dive into the educational non-profits that showcase these type of 

Edutopia http://www.edutopia.org/video and 
http://www.edutopia.org/digital-generation where you can find examples of 
education based video projects that involve students.

Also there is TiltTV http://tilttv.blogspot.com

Shannon Miller of Van Meter Library is constantly finding new media 
applications and projects that can be adapted for educational use
http://vanmeterlibraryvoice.blogspot.com She is a virtual jump point for all 
kinds of classroom 2.0 activities.

From Canada - Living Archives http://livingarchives.ca/
Smart History on using technology to teach 

Can you be more specific as to what exactly you are looking for? Are you 
searching for how-to do this, what do you need or how much is this gonna cost 
and can it be done?

The resources are out there but they are spread out across multiple disciplines 
and interest groups.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Lisa Harper lisa...@... wrote:

 Hi, I'm researching a topic that has to do with encouraging kids from
 low income and/or urban landscapes to express themselves with video.
 This could be both singly or as part of an educational program. I
 vaguely remember a few years ago a number of interesting projects that
 focused on videoblogging from both within the US and also less
 developed nations. Can anyone point to such projects/sites -- or does
 anyone know how successful such efforts have been? I'm imaging that a
 significant challenge would be funding such an effort and also giving
 access to cameras and editing software to the kids.

[videoblogging] Re: vlog research - low income/urban

2010-04-03 Thread compumavengal
I think I have something about teachers doing grassroots video participation 
with kids. I have to dig through a pile of bookmarks so it might be a day or so 
for me to fish it out.

If I find it I'll let you know.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Lisa Harper lisa...@... wrote:

 Very helpful pointers, Gena and Jay.
 I'm a bit embarrassed to say this is research for a final project in an
 information architecture class. The makers of a small, independent film
 focused on events surrounding a middle school, urban kid want to develop
 their original concept into an educational series -- but in a participatory
 fashion. They would like to encourage kids (likely through educators) to
 learn about film and contribute original footage.  Anything beyond this
 basic concept appears to be the stuff of research and imagination. I though
 to reach out to the the video blogging community on grassroots projects that
 might offer insight. Certainly, not only questions concerning IA (scenarios,
 design, etc) important, but also questions such as feasibility, cost, etc.
 On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 10:04 PM, compumavengal
  Hi Lisa,
  Kids and teens are creating video content independent of school. Finding
  classroom appropriate videos would mean a lot of YouTube slogging through
  um, yeah, whatever... type videos.
  Start with skateborders and go from there. That is part of the key to
  finding content. What would the students want to see? After eliminating the
  first and second things coming out of their mouths you could find gems.
  The costs has dropped dramatically. Yes, still expensive for a school
  district cramping for funds but editing software is already on the computers
  for Mac and PCs.
  There are inexpensive web camcorders between $50 - $100. You don't need
  anything else but time.
  On the education vibe:
  The projects can be teacher initiated or as part of an overall educational
  program. Because kids are involved many of the projects are behind school
  district intranets. There are a few video projects that are on-line but tend
  to have older students as participants.
  It helps to look for the teachers as creators/initiators in order to find
  the projects or dive into the educational non-profits that showcase these
  type of projects.
  Edutopia http://www.edutopia.org/video and
  http://www.edutopia.org/digital-generation where you can find examples of
  education based video projects that involve students.
  Also there is TiltTV http://tilttv.blogspot.com
  Shannon Miller of Van Meter Library is constantly finding new media
  applications and projects that can be adapted for educational use
  http://vanmeterlibraryvoice.blogspot.com She is a virtual jump point for
  all kinds of classroom 2.0 activities.
  From Canada - Living Archives http://livingarchives.ca/
  Smart History on using technology to teach
  Can you be more specific as to what exactly you are looking for? Are you
  searching for how-to do this, what do you need or how much is this gonna
  cost and can it be done?
  The resources are out there but they are spread out across multiple
  disciplines and interest groups.
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com,
  Lisa Harper lisah2u@ wrote:
   Hi, I'm researching a topic that has to do with encouraging kids from
   low income and/or urban landscapes to express themselves with video.
   This could be both singly or as part of an educational program. I
   vaguely remember a few years ago a number of interesting projects that
   focused on videoblogging from both within the US and also less
   developed nations. Can anyone point to such projects/sites -- or does
   anyone know how successful such efforts have been? I'm imaging that a
   significant challenge would be funding such an effort and also giving
   access to cameras and editing software to the kids.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] VideoLan Movie Creator - Open Source Video Editor

2010-03-31 Thread compumavengal
This is the link to the software page: http://trac.videolan.org/vlmc/

Videomaker has a posted about the new open source video editing software:



[videoblogging] Re: AVCHD HDC-1080 PocketCam

2010-03-30 Thread compumavengal
Glad it worked out for you. I sill think it is dodgy when no one wants to claim 
ownership of a product. All I could find were third and fourth tier vendors.

Vlog on...


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Doctor Mason majick...@... wrote:

 Gena that looks exactly like mine. That $55 eBay gamble seems to be paying 
 off. Borrowed some 2GB SanDisk SDHC cards from other equipment and they fit. 
 Tried using another USB cable, and it worked fine, now I'm able to charge the 
 battery. Today it took a great demo video, and the sound quality surprised 
 me.  It says 1080p on the viewfinder. This Wikipedia article gives more 
 general data; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVCHD 
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, compumavengal compumavengal@ wrote:
  I found one company that has a similar name Digit Tronics that sells a 
  camcorder with similar features. 
  There is a product description but no support or information page, just a 
  phone number.
  When there is no primary web site or even product reviews of a camcorder I 
  hear the warning bells.
  I can look later for a site that has an driver for XP but Digitronics is 
  one of those common names. Is there any other manufacturing name on the 
  device? Or a serial or product number? 
  Oh, I just thought of something. How about you search for the battery and 
  see what similar camcorders come up that use that specific battery. That 
  might give you a clue as to the original manufacturer.
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Doctor Mason majick4u2@ wrote:
   Anyone have any data on this device purchased on eBay? Digitronics HD 
   AVCHD HDC-1080 PocketCam Full HD 1080 8.0 Mega Pixels
   Arrived in mail with nothing but the pocketcam, and doesn't seem to show 
   up on google. Plugged it into my USB but WindowsXP doesn't like it. Won't 
   even recharge the battery.
   Any assistance appreciated.
   Thanks from Los Angeles.

[videoblogging] Re: Video Blogging Week 2010

2010-03-25 Thread compumavengal
I have a quick post on CVNB about videoblogging week. I will tweet, repeat and 
not be discrete about getting more folks to participate.

She who needs to bust out of L7


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Josh Leo josh...@... wrote:

 The dates are set, prepare yourself, start forming ideas for videos, and get
 ready to pose 1 video a day for 7 days!
 Josh Leo
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Generate your own music

2010-03-06 Thread compumavengal
Wow, on Stoop it went total atonal and on Create Video Notebook it was 

I like it. When I get a chance, I'll record and play with it in Audacity.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Jones david.jo...@... wrote:

 I've been looking for some new intro music for my blog, and one of my
 viewers pointed me to this site:
 It generates music based on the site contents, and it turns out my
 site main page generates quite good music!
 There is no info on usage of the music, so presumably it's free to use.
 I thought others might be interested in playing with this neat tool!

[videoblogging] Re: Historical Slide Preentation Recreated (Suggestions)

2010-03-06 Thread compumavengal
I am so happy to hear your good news! In a sense it is a tribute to both the 
Distillery and your father's work. I look forward to seeing the completed work. 

You might also look for local historian/genealogy folks that might want 
something similar done with their photo/historical content. You would have a 
demonstration copy from Corby's to prove that you can do it.

Which also might have you investigating a whole type of video you can produce. 

You have the voice for it, so let it rip.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, mgmoon mgm...@... wrote:

 I sent an email to Corby's Distillery yesterday and today I received a 
 telephone call from the company's Vice President of External Affairs, Howard 
 He's quite excited about the find and would be more than happy to include a 
 copy of the video on their website and intranet, with links back to me.
 Mr. Kirke said that through the years they have concentrated their marketing 
 on the brands they carry (Wiser's, Lambs, Seagram's etc) , apposed to the 
 distillery itself. Regardless, it's an historical find that needs to be 
 captured and celebrated. They are working on an historical building honoring 
 there history and contributions to Canada.
 So, no money, but could still be great exposure for myself. It'll fit nicely 
 in my video portfolio.  
 At the end of the day, I was going to recreate the presentation anyways. I've 
 crossed the first bridge by receiving their blessings.
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, mgmoon mgmoon@ wrote:
  Thank you fro the reply. I will contact Corby's and play it by ear from 
  I like the idea of splitting into smaller portions... but again, I'll wait 
  to see how things turn out with The Distillery.
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, compumavengal compumavengal@ 
   Since the slides were created to support the business this might have 
   been on of those photographic work for hire situations. The original 
   photographer was hired by the company to take the photographs. My feeling 
   is that the company owns the photos.
   Unless your dad took them off the clock in which case you own the photos. 
   I think if you asked permission you would be on safer ground. Why not 
   send the corporate PR department a letter or e-mail with the same short 
   video and let them mull it over?
   I can't imagine a company turning down free publicity and promotion of 
   their product. They might be delighted that the photos exist and that 
   there is a historical connection that people have about the whiskey.
   Will they pay you for it? Maybe. Wouldn't count on it but it may happen 
   that they want to purchase the photos for there own use. Who knows?
   Possible viewers, I do think that there would be folks who grew up around 
   the area or who have a connection with the brew who would check it out. I 
   also think that historically the photos have a great value demonstrating 
   the environment at that time, processes and what that space and time 
   looked like. 
   I think you should go for it but bust it up in 4 minute segments. You can 
   do a 12 minute video for those that want to see the whole thing but I 
   think dividing them into segments would work better.
   My 2 cents,
   --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, mgmoon mgmoon@ wrote:
Tom asked me some questions, off list, that might be beneficial to 
others reading this thread...

 I think your slide2video idea is a good one if the slides
 are appealing, meaning more graphic than power-point

All the slides are pictures of the equipment and processes. No 
PowerPoint style slides. Here's a sample, the first minute (of 12:30).

Are the slides bw or color? 

The slides are BW with some colored.
As far as the process, I used a slide copier connected to my Xacti -- 
here's my video showing the process...

 Do you have the rights to use them? 

Well, now on the question of ownership... umm, I really don't know. My 
Dad worked at Corby's and would have presented the slide show to the 
visitors. He passed away, while still employed by them, in 1978.
How do I approach this question of ownership?

Who's the audience? Well, that depends. 
Perhaps Corby's would like to sponsor/buy? 
If not, I'd be just as happy sharing with family, friends or old 
Corby's employees/neighbors. 
I really don't know. I want to leave my options open..

What is the best way to approach Corby's about utilizing my video 
production abilities? Sponsorship? 


--- On Thu, 2/25/10

[videoblogging] Mefeedia State of the Vlogosphere 2010

2010-03-01 Thread compumavengal
Not sure if folks saw this or not. I searched the archives and didn't see a 
mention. http://blog.mefeedia.com/vlog-2010

Also mentioned at Tech Crunch 


[videoblogging] Re: Historical Slide Preentation Recreated (Suggestions)

2010-02-27 Thread compumavengal
Since the slides were created to support the business this might have been on 
of those photographic work for hire situations. The original photographer was 
hired by the company to take the photographs. My feeling is that the company 
owns the photos.

Unless your dad took them off the clock in which case you own the photos. I 
think if you asked permission you would be on safer ground. Why not send the 
corporate PR department a letter or e-mail with the same short video and let 
them mull it over?

I can't imagine a company turning down free publicity and promotion of their 
product. They might be delighted that the photos exist and that there is a 
historical connection that people have about the whiskey.

Will they pay you for it? Maybe. Wouldn't count on it but it may happen that 
they want to purchase the photos for there own use. Who knows?

Possible viewers, I do think that there would be folks who grew up around the 
area or who have a connection with the brew who would check it out. I also 
think that historically the photos have a great value demonstrating the 
environment at that time, processes and what that space and time looked like. 

I think you should go for it but bust it up in 4 minute segments. You can do a 
12 minute video for those that want to see the whole thing but I think dividing 
them into segments would work better.

My 2 cents,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, mgmoon mgm...@... wrote:

 Tom asked me some questions, off list, that might be beneficial to others 
 reading this thread...
  I think your slide2video idea is a good one if the slides
  are appealing, meaning more graphic than power-point
 All the slides are pictures of the equipment and processes. No PowerPoint 
 style slides. Here's a sample, the first minute (of 12:30).
 Are the slides bw or color? 
 The slides are BW with some colored.
 As far as the process, I used a slide copier connected to my Xacti -- here's 
 my video showing the process...
  Do you have the rights to use them? 
 Well, now on the question of ownership... umm, I really don't know. My Dad 
 worked at Corby's and would have presented the slide show to the visitors. He 
 passed away, while still employed by them, in 1978.
 How do I approach this question of ownership?
 Who's the audience? Well, that depends. 
 Perhaps Corby's would like to sponsor/buy? 
 If not, I'd be just as happy sharing with family, friends or old Corby's 
 I really don't know. I want to leave my options open..
 What is the best way to approach Corby's about utilizing my video production 
 abilities? Sponsorship? 
 --- On Thu, 2/25/10, Tom Dolan tomjdo...@... wrote:
  From: Tom Dolan tomjdo...@...
  Subject: Historical+Slide+Preentation+Recreated+(Suggestions)
  To: mgm...@...
  Date: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 11:55 AM
  Hi Mike,
  I think your slide2video idea is a good one if the slides
  are appealing, meaning more graphic than power-point
  informational. Seeing a sample slide would help gather more
  comments. I would design the show according to the
  person/organization/audience you would like to approach for
  selling/renting/funding. Are the slides bw or color? Do
  you have the rights to use them? Would your show be part of
  a larger presentation or a stand alone show?
  Ken Burns has made a career from old photos and slides, so
  there is a market.
  I'm curious about the technology or the equipment you're
  using to digitize the slides. Please let me know as I have a
  long-standing project I'd really like to dig into.
  Good Luck, and Thanx,
  Tom Dolan
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, mgmoon mgmoon@ wrote:
  Hey folks,
  I was digging through my Dad's old photographic slide collection 1957-1978, 
  making digital copies of my childhood and family moments to share online. 
  It's wonderful remembering these family times.
  Anyhow, I came to a box that contained a slide show presentation of the 
  making of whiskey at Corby's Distillery. I grew up across the street from 
  the Distillery where my Dad worked as a Manager. The slides include the 
  printed narration that visitors to Corby's would have heard while the 
  slides lit the screen. 
  I've recreated the 1970 slide presentation into a 12 minute video using the 
  original narration visitors would have received. Most of the slides were 
  shot in the early '60s.
  Now what? Should I add a minute to the start (or end) of the video 
  explaining what it is? Should I just add it in the notes? Do I put my Mike 
  Moon 5 second trailer at the end? Sorta wrap it in Mike Moon'ism?
  Since then, Corby's Distillery has expanded into a huge company with 
  offices world wide.
  Now what? Can I turn 

[videoblogging] Re: Electronic Engineering Type Question for David Jones

2010-02-20 Thread compumavengal
Thank you for explaining it. I feel that Sony just should have said that the 
battery last for 70 minutes or so.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Jones david.jo...@... wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 3:00 PM, compumavengal
 compumaven...@... wrote:
  I was looking at the specs for the Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5:
  I don't know how to convert a 3.6 volt into watts to find out how long the 
  battery will last. Under power consumption it states that 1.9W @ 720 30p 
  My experience tells me that the battery time is about 60 to 90 minutes in 
  recording before the battery conks out.
  Can you sling that number hash and tell me how long the battery can 
  function before heading south?
 You can't tell just from the voltage rating, you need to know the
 watt-hour rating.
 According to:
 the battery is rated at 3.4Wh, which means ideally it can deliver 3.4W
 for 1 hour, or any ratio there-of.
 So if the camera takes 1.9W that's a battery life of 1.8 hours
 continuous recording (3.4Wh/1.9W).
 There are other technical factors involved, but that's a fairly good
 best case approximation.

[videoblogging] Electronic Engineering Type Question for David Jones

2010-02-19 Thread compumavengal
I was looking at the specs for the Sony Bloggie MHS-CM5:


I don't know how to convert a 3.6 volt into watts to find out how long the 
battery will last. Under power consumption it states that 1.9W @ 720 30p 

My experience tells me that the battery time is about 60 to 90 minutes in 
recording before the battery conks out.

Can you sling that number hash and tell me how long the battery can function 
before heading south?



[videoblogging] Re: short-film ideas using a 360 degree lens

2010-02-15 Thread compumavengal
I'm looking at the specs and I'm not entirely sure that the camcorder shoots 
360 video. It might shoot mjpeg images or just hundreds of jpegs.

My clue is that if it was total video recording why would it need a photo 
motion browser?

If the photo motion browser is needed to convert the 360 images into video then 
that isn't necessarily a deal breaker but how are they doing the compression?

If they are promoting this feature why don't they have video examples?

Nope, too many questions. I'd hold back a bit until I could see what the device 
can actually do.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Tom Sparks tom_a_spa...@... wrote:

 I seen 1000's of these panorama videos [1][2]
 I am trying to think of a story/drama that would make a 360 degree lens worth 
 Currently I am think of a docudrama/LARP[3]/reality tv style vampire hunt
 are there any ideas you can think of?
 [1] http://gardengnomesoftware.com/pano2vr_sample.php?demo=video
 [2] http://www.eyesee360.com/videowarp/flash/
 [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_action_role-playing_game

[videoblogging] Re: short-film ideas using a 360 degree lens

2010-02-15 Thread compumavengal
Thanks for the video links. I think I'm in no danger of camera lust on this 
one. I like the mods that some members of the PanoTools group are doing to make 
the camcorder functional.

At this time I don't feel like I should be investing in RD for Sony. 
I'm sure there are creative uses for the 360 videos. I can even see a use for 
it in crowds or protest videos.

But the quality just isn't there yet. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, tom_a_sparks tom_a_spa...@... wrote:

 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, compumavengal compumavengal@ wrote:
  I'm looking at the specs and I'm not entirely sure that the camcorder 
  shoots 360 video. It might shoot mjpeg images or just hundreds of jpegs.
  My clue is that if it was total video recording why would it need a photo 
  motion browser?
  If the photo motion browser is needed to convert the 360 images into video 
  then that isn't necessarily a deal breaker but how are they doing the 
  If they are promoting this feature why don't they have video examples?
  Nope, too many questions. I'd hold back a bit until I could see what the 
  device can actually do.
 pano video create with bloggie
 here are some videos in MP4 (H.264)
 some comment abou the bloggie from a panorama group

[videoblogging] Re: 2010 the year of the flip?

2010-01-11 Thread compumavengal
I stumbled into Retro Thing a few days ago, it took me two hours to find my way 
out. Seriously, I was deep in the archives.

Retro camcorders and assemble edit systems? Oh my I was having a public access 
tv flashback!

Way cool,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Bohuš bo...@... wrote:

 Jim Turner wrote:
  I bought two when they came out.  One didnt work out of the box and the
  other is now dead.

 I've got four of them, and I did have one croak on me during an 
 upgrade.  Their software zorched the firmware during the upgrade. I 
 think that it was part of a known problem at the time.  Flip reluctantly 
 replaced the camera, though it was out of warranty.  I have been 
 unexpectedly happy with the results of those cameras.  I'm mostly 
 accustomed to pro stuff, and this has encouraged me to be way more 
 spontaneous with shooting than normal.
  I am headed to the Kodak Zi8 and it has mic in.

 I have this one as well.  The mic jack is very nice.  It's SO close to 
 being the perfect pocket camera...  The VU meter doesn't stay on while 
 you're recording, and I found it to be pretty inaccurate.  I recorded a 
 whole conference with one, and the audio all came out pretty crummy even 
 though the VU meters showed that I was well below distorting.
 My other complaint is that there's no way to connect a headphone up or a 
 monitor while you're recording.  Plugging anything into that jack 
 automatically shunts the camera into playback mode. 
 One more thing.  The 1080 mode isn't ready for primetime yet.  While 
 we're all used to there being some shearing with left and right rapid  
 movement of the camera, at 1080 it doesn't take much at all to get the 
 image to get VERY wonky. If you're filming a talking head against a 
 static background, you'll be fine. Anything else and you'll really 
 exaggerate the shearing.
 Using it as a 5MP camera is an unexpected bonus.  I'm not a camera phone 
 guy, so this is the first time I feel like I hav a camera with me 
 anywhere I go.  The macro function is GREAT too.  For my website at 
 retrothing.com I do a lot of closeups of gadgets. I think that this 
 camera will come in very handy for that.
 For what it costs, it's pretty amazing.  I will do a video review of it 
 one of these days, especially pitting it against the Flip HD.  Both have 
 very pleasing pictures, and both yield video formats that are hard for 
 me ot edit (G).  I'm also interested in the Sanyo camera.  Can't 
 recall the model # - it's something 2000 I think.  It's ability to use 
 external mics and larger lens really interest me.
   Bohus Blahut
   (BOH-hoosh BLAH-hoot)
 modern filmmaker

[videoblogging] Re: Twin Camera

2010-01-10 Thread compumavengal
I can kind of see this for maybe product demonstration or repair videos. Travel 
video applications? Possibly. Police documentation videos? Now this could work.

There might be a niche for the product; it just might not be the one that Ion 

If this is a competitor to the Q3 then the Q3 has nothing to worry about. I was 
quickly able to get the Q3's product specs without registering. I don't like 
having to struggle to find out what a product does or what it can and cannot 

The Ion isn't that special for me to fork up info and future junk mail. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Kevin Lim brainop...@... wrote:

 Wow, it's Charles Trippy  Alli Speed!
 This dynamic duo has been producing Youtube vids (many interactive ones)
 almost everyday. It's be so suitable for the kind of videos they shoot, but
 I wonder if it's everyone's cake.
 The low-distortion mic and dual cameras aren't going to make it cheap for
 Here's the new product page I found:
 (DON'T BOTHER downloading the 'product overview' PDF. It's the same
 picture/info as the web site)
 Incidentally ION also has a single-camera version:
 If I were to do this cheap, I'd shoot with an off-angle reflective glass so
 I'd appear as a ghost image over the intended scene ;)
 Kevin Lim
 This email is:   [ ] bloggable[X] ask first   [ ] private
 email locator: â•â•—â•â•â•¦â•— â•`╚╣â•`â•`╚╗ ╚═╩═╩═╝
 On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Steve Rhodes srho...@... wrote:
  Gizmodo has a photo
  And here's a video from ION
  Unfortunately, the actual video from the camera is just brief shots
  Steve Rhodes
  http://flickr.com/photos/ari/ photos
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Vloggercon - why only two times?

2009-12-05 Thread compumavengal
Oh, my yes - vloggercon was very successful. Some of the success is intangible 
that is hard to measure. There was industry attention to what we were doing and 
they were taking notes. 

Some of those notes turned into Hulu and others like Joost and a few more like 
that bit the dust.  M$M is still trying to translate old content moniterization 
into a new medium but some day that will change.

Consumer camcorder and video editing products were adapted to the needs of new 
video users instead of just following the traditional linear editing program 
method of production. 

We were doing this before YouTube. There are the ripples in the pond that we 
forget to notice. 

The other intangible was expanding the dialog and the shape of the discussion. 
Yes, meeting in mass is great and I hope we can do it again. But from tech, 
ascetics, law and collaboration we rock and roll with the tide. 

We always talk. Most times via keyboard, sometimes visually but the 
communication has never stopped.

Folks come in and out of the room. I don't think you necessarily need a 
physical conference to have the passion. It doesn't hurt either.

I'm debating with myself to attend SXSW this year. If I do, I know that I will 
run into folks from this group. 

Perhaps having stealth meet-ups at larger conferences might be the way to do 
this in a cost saving manner. 

It is a hell of a lot of work to have a convention. There are lot of legal and 
financial responsibilities to take on as well.

Wow - still thinking about the ripples. Anybody else?


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jay dedman jay.ded...@... wrote:

  I have went through some old messages within this group but apart from 
  some, let's say passionate conversation I haven't found the answer why the 
  vloggercon had taken place only two times. What happened in 2007? I think 
  it was Steve who wrote (not literally!) we need a bit time to have energy 
  for the next passionate conference. But if it had been an overwhelming 
  success wouldn't it have taken place in 2007?
  - Wasn't the vloggercon successful?
  - Did the vloggercon mean too much effort (maybe for earning no money - I 
  don't know the details for the organisers)?
  Hopefully it's not a redundant topic - I was searching and reading for one 
 No good answer. I think because they were so fun, it created a lot of
 expectation for the next ones to be better. Difficult to live up to.
 Also putting on events with little money takes its tool. It's several
 months of full-time work. There was something special about how
 spontaneous and crazy Vloggercon was.
 An ambitious mix of Europeans have put on Vlogeurope every year since
 2005: http://vlogeurope.com
 Adam has put on http://vloggercue.blogspot.com/ a couple times. (2005/2007)
 http://pixelodeon.org/ was a related event put on by this community in 2007.
 Bill Streeter did a great job organizing
 http://twitter.com/vloggercamp in 2008...but the crash of the economy
 and high gas prices cancelled it.
 There are other online video events that have popped up as well like
 New Media Expo (http://www.blogworldexpo.com/) and NewTeeVee Live
 (http://events.newteevee.com/live/09/). Different beasts though.
 Events seem to happen when they need to happen.
 917 371 6790

[videoblogging] NaVloPoMo Day 21

2009-11-21 Thread compumavengal
And she did it, or something...


Mike Moon, day 22 is calling.


[videoblogging] Re: NaVloPoMo Day 19

2009-11-20 Thread compumavengal
Jay, that was amazing that told that story.
Thank you.

Adam, for the love of God man, lower the bar, lower the bar!


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jay dedman jay.ded...@... wrote:

 Here's my contribution to the project:
 Ernmander...I almost doubled your length. Screw the rules!
 Adam...tomorrow is yours.
 917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Re: Slow HD editing

2009-11-09 Thread compumavengal
Congratulations! This was a good experience for both of us I think. You don't 
necessarily have to accept what others are telling you or you can use it as 
information but keep looking for your own answer.

I wouldn't have changed Smart Proxy because I don't quite know what it means. I 
assure you that I prowled the Ulead website for answers but at the time .mp4 
videos were not common. I had issues with JVC's .mod which is .mpeg2

Anyway, glad you found a solution that might help others with similar settings 
in their editing packages. I still think the size is too honking big for web 
video but I'll go with the flow. 

Good to have an engineer in the group. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Jones david.jo...@... wrote:

 Well, it turns out the solution has been under my nose the whole time!
 My current editing software Ulead Video Studio Pro X2 *CAN* edit HD
 without too many problems at all on my current (not high end)
 I found an option in the program preferences called Smart Proxy
 which was caching(?) video if it was over 720x576 SD. All I did was
 disable this and HD editing directly on my 1280x720 MP4 files now
 works a treat!
 And this is still with all my other programs open in the background, I
 haven't optimised my system yet, nor put in more RAM.
 Trimming is still not as smooth and instant as SD, but certainly quite
 usable now. Previews are seamless.
 I'm yet to give it a full run on a blog from start to finish, but
 loading and playing with an existing project it now looks good, a big
 improvement from before.
 As a bonus I also found that the output render option for HDV 720p
 (25fps) is about 10 times quicker than the previous manual 1280x720
 MPEG2 option I was using. So my rendering is now lighting quick as
 I still have the hassle of having to convert the outputted 1280x720
 MPEG2 into my final 1280x720 MP4, but there are plenty of solutions
 for that. MPEG StreamClip is faster than before with this different
 output encoding too, so that helps. But I'll look into faster programs
 to do this.
 So there you have it, YOU CAN edit MP4 files directly on ordinary hardware!
 I can film my blog in HD 1280x720 30fps MP4 on my Xacti HD1010 and
 copy the MP4 files directly to my drive and drop straight into the
 timeline in VS Pro X2 and trim and edit without any conversion or
 other messing around. Then just hit the output option which renders
 MPEG2 really quickly, and then I convert to MP4 using whatever
 standalone program.

[videoblogging] Re: Slow HD editing

2009-11-08 Thread compumavengal
David J. I get it, you want what you want how you want it. I might have found 
an option that isn't gonna cost money to try the demo. 

VoltaicHD  http://shedworx.com/voltaichd

I haven't used this program so I can't attest to the quality. It states that it 
can convert to any Mac and PC option so it seems that you can import, light 
edit and export via .mp4

http://shedworx.com/voltaichd-howto has videos of the product in Mac format but 
there is a PC version of the software program.

The Sanyo Xacti 1000HD and a bunch of the consumer HD camcorders are listed. 
This is a list of the supported camcorders 

You could try using Virtual Dub http://www.virtualdub.org/ and then download 
the QT plugin. 

There is a discussion of it on a VideoHelp forum page. 

There is nothing wrong with Virtual Dub. This could work if you use another bit 
of software. Which isn't what you want.

I'll keep a look out for a .mp4 editing/export program. In the meantime, I 
think you are going to have to be open to the possibility that you will have to 
transcode and possibly downsize the videos.

Sure more RAM is always good but if the current editing packages don't truly 
support the newer HD video formats then you have to go in search for workable 

Eventually as more HD camcorders flood the market there will be complaints 
lodged at the video editing vendors. They will get their act together when one 
of the vendors figures out how to do it and then market to that population. 

I come in peace,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Jones david.jo...@... wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Rupert rup...@... wrote:
  Amused as I am by you telling David H that he's off the mark, just as
  he sounds like he's about to blow... (wait - 3, 2, 1, I think I can
  hear him popping like Krakatoa from 7000 miles away)
  He's actually right.   MP4 - particularly H264 MP4 - are notoriously
  bad to edit with.  They *look* editable, but they grind and crunch and
  take forever to render and slip out of sync and won't be trimmed and
  cause your software to crash.  Getting a faster processor won't help
  you.  Even people with blazing fast Macs and Final Cut Pro can't cut
  So you *do* have to transcode them first.   It will speed *everything*
  else up. It's one of the reasons I edit all my clips from little
  cameras  phones in iMovie or Vegas.  iMovie converts to DV codec as
  it imports - and in my opinion the absolute best thing about Vegas is
  that it doesn't do any conversion - you put the clips in the timeline
  and cut.  Which is why I recommended it to you.  Although there's
  still a chance that it would have trouble editing big H264 MP4 files
  because H264 is a bugger to edit.
  Weirdly I had a conversation a bit like this - but the other way round
  - with David H on Twitter about 2 years ago when I complained about
  not being able to edit my point  shoot and phone MP4s in Final Cut
  Pro.  Lots of other people were complaining about it - but David's FCP
  was editing his MP4s fine at that point.   I think that was before he
  got his Xacti - and Xacti files for some reason seem to cause more of
  a problem than most.  In fact, I just remembered, one time I did have
  trouble editing Xacti files on Vegas.
  Unless you want to try Vegas, you're going to have to transcode the
  clips.  It's like taking things off tape - but you don't have to watch
   log while you do it - you can batch convert a bunch of clips while
  you sleep or do something else.
  Honestly, Google it online - in almost every type of editing, there's
  some kind of preparation of clips.  It seems like an insane waste of
  time, I know - why can't the editing companies adapt their software so
  we don't have to do this whole extra step, when it seems so close?
  But at the moment, it's necessary.
  If your editing software won't output a good enough video file, that's
  another truly unnecessary extra step - and one that's costing you an
  extra level of compression.  Vegas (or Premiere) would be able to
  export a good quality MP4 direct from your timeline.  Just download
  the trial of Vegas and try it.  It's great.
 I already said I *have* tried Vegas (Platinum) as recommended, and for
 the life of me I cannot find a way to output MP4 in 1280x720. If it's
 there then please point me to where...
 I've hardly used it, but I go to the obvious Make Movie output screen
 and it only gives me 1440x1080 or higher for Sony AVC which seems like
 the only MP4 option. Perhaps I'm missing the obvious?
 If I have to convert first and editing 1280x720 H.264 direct is an
 absolute waste of time, then so be it. But really, with Video Studio I
 feel so close, I can't help pushing until I get it. Sorry if I seem
 overly stubborn, but also please remember that everyone has different
 requirements. What might be not 

[videoblogging] Re: looking for Cit Journo toolkits and how-tos

2009-11-07 Thread compumavengal
You build it, I'll post the link. I'm trying to get a little bit of everything 
but yeah, CJ stuff is going to be increasingly important for people to do 

All hands on deck.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, schlomo rabinowitz schl...@... wrote:

 Thanks all for the links!
 Interestingly, there is not a great one stop shop highlighting all this
 work. May have to do something about that.
 Happy NoVloSchloHo Month to you all!
 Schlomo Rabinowitz
 On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 4:50 AM, compumavengal
  I have a few:
  Knight Center for Citizen Journalism/Citizen News Network -
  YouTube CJ Reporter's Center http://www.youtube.com/user/citizennews
  Media Shift from PBS http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/
  Reuters Handbook of Journalism
  NewsU - Sometimes they have free courses in Journalism topics that CJ's can
  adapt http://www.newsu.org/
  HuffingtonPost Stuff for their CJ reporters
  and this is what I have posted on CVNB, I'll add more when I get the chance
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com,
  michael@ wrote:
   Sent via BlackBerry by ATT
   -Original Message-
   From: schlomo rabinowitz schlomo@
   Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 12:55:25
   To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [videoblogging] looking for Cit Journo toolkits and how-tos
   Hey all
   Looking to give a friend a collection of sites that teach Citizen
   Best Practices. Like how-tos, CC, toolkits, etc.
   Do you know of some to recommend? I'm kinda bummed that there is not more
   info on this out in the wild.
   Schlomo Rabinowitz
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: NatVlogMonth

2009-11-01 Thread compumavengal
Oh my, I tried adding Adrian's video early Sunday morning so there may be 

The first time I didn't seen the embed box but I added a second video and the 
embed box appeared.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, cherylcolan cherylco...@... wrote:

 I tried to add Adrian's video (first in the monthly game) but I don't know if 
 it worked. The form expanded like you said, but there isn't really any embed 
 code on his site, so I put the video URL there again.
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Verdi michaelverdi@ wrote:
  I just set up http://videobloggers.mirocommunity.org/
  We can collect the videos here is you wish. Just click submit a
  video and put in the url and any tags. If you use something like your
  blog url instead of a blip or youtube url, the form will expand to let
  you fill out the info manually.
  You can subscibe here: http://videobloggers.mirocommunity.org/feeds/new/
  Maybe there will even be a feed for whatever tag people decide to use.
  - Verdi

[videoblogging] Re: I got my new cam!

2009-11-01 Thread compumavengal
I have VS12, your best bet is to covert in MPEG Streamclip, I send it over as 
an .avi and then work with it in VS12. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Jones david.jo...@... wrote:

 I've got my new cam for my blog!
 I opted for the Sanyo Xacti HD1010 over the Kodak Zi8 due to the
 bigger and brighter lens, flip screen, and high speed 300fps mode. I
 really like it so far, I'm very impressed.
 A few test shots show it works great, although I'll have to tweak the
 white balance somewhat.
 Will post a comparison to my old Canon DV when I get a chance.
 My first problem though is that I want to shoot in 1280x720, which is
 of course the new YouTube HD standard, and the cam handles that easily
 of course and gives great results.
 But I've found my video editing software Ulead VideoStudio 12,
 although promoted as HD capable, only supports MP4 output up to
 640x480. I can output MPEG2 at 1280x720, but the file size with a data
 rate of the default 8000 gives me an approximate file size of
 60MB/min. This is just too big I think, and the quality/compression is
 pretty terrible when something moves. So I want to be able to generate
 and MP4 output at the full res.
 Does anyone know of any suitable free MP4 codec that will work with VS12?
 I've asked on the VS forum, but nothing forthcoming yet.
 As a last resort I'll have to switch video editing software, but
 that's certainly not my preferred option.

[videoblogging] Re: OMG I'm so excited to be here + feedback much appreciated

2009-10-31 Thread compumavengal

Wow. Seriously. I like it. Just a copy of quickies:

I tried to copy the embed code. I clicked the one on the side of the TV but it 
won't let me. Can't highlight it or anything. I can see the embed text but it 
seems to be an image. There isn't any actual text.

I can't close the embed box either.  The embed code from Vimeo works fine.

Question, are you trying to get the domain digest.tv? I was curious so I 
flipped over and got a spyware warning so I backed out real quick.

Otherwise, Welcome aboard and keep them coming,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Kirstin kirstinbut...@... wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I wanted to introduce myself because I'm just joining the list. Many of your 
 names are familiar, though, and I'm so excited to be here.
 I bought Secrets of Videoblogging right when it came out but it took me until 
 this year to get up enough courage to actually start my vlog. (Yup, that 
 means I sat on my hands for three years--pretty crazy.) In any case, I've 
 been posting videos regularly for the last four months or so and it's great 
 to be joining a community of other vloggers.
 Any feedback on my vlog and site are much appreciated. It's at: 
 http://youdigest.com. I definitely have technical issues to work out, and I'm 
 hoping to migrate it to digest.tv soon to strengthen the branding. I really 
 would be grateful for thoughts, ideas, and criticism.
 Thanks and it's a pleasure to meet you all!

[videoblogging] Re: Where to Host Videos Now that My Beloved Blip.tv Doesn't Love Me Anymore

2009-10-28 Thread compumavengal
Yes, this has me concerned as well. I'm learning to do tutorial/screencast 
videos but I'm not going to be selling a product just demonstrating how the 
software and hardware work, i.e. maybe a screencast of Super(C) for an overview 
of compression for newbies. 

I do understand that there are commercial screencasts that are product demos 
and sales motivators. Those I can see being held to a different standard. But 
educators, nerds and equipment junkies not being able to screencast? 

Naw, misunderstood for sure.
Please, pretty please let this be a misunderstanding.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Adam Warner awarne...@... wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm disappointed to learn that Blip.tv is discouraging me from hosting my 
 videos. I'm especially disappointed because I have been using Blip since the 
 beta days (under two accounts). I feel like I've just been kicked in the gut. 
 This email to the group is intended to ask your opinion on whether I should 
 continue with Blip.tv and if not, I would really appreciate your opinions on 
 alternatives for hosting my videos as it relates to my requirements to keep 
 some private and some public. 
 Here are the details. I am developing a new site which will contain a lot of 
 video. While I was poking around in my Blip.tv account I happened across 
 their FAQ and saw something that I wanted to get some further information on 
 before I started hosting hundreds of videos. I sent Blip.tv this message 
 through their contact form:
 I have a Pro account and have been using it mostly for testing some
 video tutorials I've been making. The reason (I'm paying) for the Blip Pro 
 is because of the private feature and the ability to turn off embedding
 in the player settings.
 While browsing around in
 the Dashboard today I came across the content policy and it has me a
 bit worried as it may relate to my intended usage of Blips service. I
 hope you can clear things up and advise.
 intention is to utilize my Blip account to continue to host my tutorial
 videos for a learning site in development. The site is named LearnWebTools 
 and is located at http://learnwebtools.com.
 The site's focus will be to provide video tutorials on various web
 technologies. My desire is for some of these videos to only be
 available on this site (ones marked as private), and some to be
 available to through the show page (ones marked as public) and to take
 advantage of your video distribution service.
 am looking for verification from Blip as to whether or not my intended
 usage constitutes a show in Blip's terms and if not, what steps I
 would need to take to become compliant.
 The first reply from Blip Support:
 Thanks for reaching out.  We are a free platform, provided your content meets 
 our terms of service.
 We are not a good solution for marketing or commercial videos. See our Terms 
 of Service: 
 Prohibited Content section, fourth bullet. You can read this at 
 It looks like you have a really interesting business, and I hope you find a 
 good match for a service provider.
 Best to you in your endeavors!
 ***Fourth Bullet of the tos says this***
 Content that has as its sole or primary purpose to advertise a
 particular product or service that, in the sole judgment of Blip.tv,
 does not otherwise have redeeming value to the community. Blip.tv may
 allow the uploading of some such content for a fee, at its sole
 discretion. Such advertising content may be treated differently than
 other content (i.e. through indications that it is an advertisement, or
 exclusion from some indices or searches).
 I replied with this:
 I'm not sure I was clear on my intent. My intent is
 to create a show that showcases my video tutorials. It wouldn't be a
 show in terms of actors and such, more of a helpful Reality show. It
 is not to market commercial videos. I was asking if this would be
 considered a show under the Blip tos? I really do hope I can continue
 to use the Blip.tv service.
 ...and received this response:
 We're not a good solution for screencasts. If it is determined a
 tutorial is meant as advertisement for a product the account would be
 Is it just me, or am I being misunderstood by this support person? If you do 
 a simple search for tutorials or better yet screencasts, you will see 
 many examples of tutorial screencast shows. Maybe the issue is that I 
 actually asked permission? I'm just so disappointed. I plan to reply to the 
 latest response with some further questioning (and perhaps begging), or maybe 
 someone from Blip will see this and chime in (Mike do you still read these 
 I welcome your thoughts everyone, and if I'm just plain wrong in my thinking 
 that I should be able to continue using Blip, then so be it. I'll start 
 looking for alternative ways to host my videos. Maybe I 

[videoblogging] Re: Kodak Zi8 for blogging?

2009-10-23 Thread compumavengal
I'd like to bring something up that is often forgotten about under $200 
camcorders. These camcorders were originally designed for point and shoot 

Having said that the features of the Zi8 are stunning:

# 1080p (1920 × 1080, 30 fps)
# 720p/60 fps (1280 × 720, 60 fps)
# 720p (1280 × 720, 30 fps)
USB 2.0 (high speed), AV out, HDMI, DC in, external microphone jack (support 

in an under $200 camcorder. I don't expect it to do low light shooting. I don't 
have expectation of white balancing. There is no optical zoom. I won't ever use 
the digital zoom.

I've owned a Xacti camcorder, never a problem with it. I have a Zi6 and I love 
it. But I understand the constrictions these camcorders by imposes on me.

If I shoot hand held I'm gonna get jerky video unless I'm really careful. I 
have to be next to the person I'm talking to or no more than 4 feet away. 

I have to be creative in finding ways to stabilize the camcorder as I walk; 
like having the camcorder on a very small tripod braced in a handbag pocket. 
This may or may not work for you.

If I am recording an event or lecture I'm taking my 30x optical zoom JVC Hard 
Drive Camcorder and a tripod.

My point is that comparing $1,200 features to a $200 camcorder is inherently 

If you need more stuff then you'll have to willing to jump to the next price 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Jones david.jo...@... wrote:

 My quest for a cheap new videoblogging camera continues...
 I came across the Kodak Zi8 HD pocket camcorder:
 Test footage looks really good:
 and the main benefit is that it has an external mic jack.
 It even has a remote which is essential for solo video blogging.
 Only downside seems to be lack of swivel head, so I won't be able to
 see myself in the video. That would be annoying, but not a
 showstopper. At least it would stop me looking off-lens all the
 The real test will always under my own conditions of course, I shoot
 in mostly the same location indoors in a fluoro lit workshop.
 I was considering the Canon FS200 SD card camcorder (looking for
 second hand because new is out of my price range), but the sensor is
 only 1/6 so most likely has fairly horrible low light performance,
 and the reviews mention this as well.
 I don't need the full HD, but 720 HD would be nice.
 Any comments on the Zi8 for video blogging?
 Anyone know of any other pocket video cams with an external mic jack
 like the Zi8?
 My current cam is an old Canon Optura60 DV (NTSC), not exactly a
 stand-out performer, so I figure a good pocket cam today will likely
 beat it.

[videoblogging] Re: Kodak Zi8 for blogging?

2009-10-23 Thread compumavengal

Valid points Mr. Howe, very valid indeed. I don't disagree with you in 
principle. SD or HD has nothing to do with making a good or great video. 

My issues about some tech based sites is that there are people spewing crap 
about camcorders; mixing apple, oranges and iPhones into the mix. 

Yes, the Apple Nano records video. It is not a camcorder. I will never call it 
a camcorder. But we both know some person is going to make a heartbreaking good 
video some day with it. 

I have a concern about about being an equipment tech-elitist. Back in the day 
(wow, almost 4 years ago?) I started out on a $99 camcorder that shot in 
320x240 .avi 

Other folks were recording on much better equipment. The leveler was that for 
entry level folks like myself could gain experience and those with the good 
stuff showed what could be done. 

New folks are coming and they will own these camcorders. The technology of the 
camcorders are going to progressively get better. The $200 camcorders out now 
days are so far away from my old faithful DXG. (RIP 2006)

We need to be honest about capabilities and limitations. Vloggers need to step 
up and say Hey in these recording situations these are gonna be great and in 
others it will be crap. 

We know equipment and actually use it. We aren't just looking at specs. I 
should probably take this rant to Engaget.

Skills, ability and desire will trump good equipment. Sometimes even plain 
vanilla equipment. 

Now I have put it out their about the hand cranked/solar camcorder. I have told 
the Universe that it would be a good thing. It is in the pipeline and the Muse 
in charge of technology will give me the heads up.

Give me a decade or so to work on the power infrastructure. Can't decide 
between biomass or recycled non-toxic nuclear waste. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert Howe rup...@... wrote:

 OK.  I've got to get this off my chest.
 I think that HD is massively overrated for shooting videoblog posts of  
 people talking.
 Or even videoblog posts of pretty things.
 That beautiful video I posted by Jay the other day, with all those  
 super detailed little moving photographic moments - that was 320x240.
 If you're Robert Croma, and you're doing something insanely visually  
 beautiful at a large scale, great.
 But it's about the skill and artistry, not the resolution.  Liss  
 produces more beauty than most of us can handle, at 640x360.  Speakman  
 at 320x240.
 If you only want a cheap pocket camera for videoblogging, why is  
 resolution your priority?
 Why not get a camera that shoots much better images and colours at  
 lower res video?
 And is great in Low Light - surely one of the most important things of  
 all for videoblogging?
 I've always been impressed by the visuals and low light capabilities  
 of the good Canon point and shoots.  Although they are getting sucked  
 into HD now.
 Nokia's blogger marketing people sent me a Nokia N86, which their ex- 
 Kodak imaging chief has put a lot of effort into - a beautiful Zeiss  
 lens and great processor.  Shoots lovely video at 640x480, and great  
 photographs at 8MP.  Or even 5MP.  That's a *phone* that shoots better  
 quality video than your Kodak or your Flip.
 If you're not convinced by any of that, but you believe in energy  
 conservation and limiting your emissions, then consider this: a report  
 by McKinsey published before the explosion in HD video predicted that  
 data centers would outstrip airlines in carbon emissions by 2020.   
 Think about the energy costs of uploading *and* transcoding *and*  
 storing *and* delivering all the multiple formats of your video  
 (YouTube converts to and stores 3 copies: flv, mp4, HD) hundreds or  
 thousands of times.  And the power required by your computer to edit  
 and playback HD.  All to see your face in 1920x1080.
 On 23-Oct-09, at 1:10 PM, compumavengal wrote:
  I'd like to bring something up that is often forgotten about under  
  $200 camcorders. These camcorders were originally designed for point  
  and shoot users.
  Having said that the features of the Zi8 are stunning:
  # 1080p (1920 × 1080, 30 fps)
  # 720p/60 fps (1280 × 720, 60 fps)
  # 720p (1280 × 720, 30 fps)
  USB 2.0 (high speed), AV out, HDMI, DC in, external microphone jack  
  (support stereo)
  in an under $200 camcorder. I don't expect it to do low light  
  shooting. I don't have expectation of white balancing. There is no  
  optical zoom. I won't ever use the digital zoom.
  I've owned a Xacti camcorder, never a problem with it. I have a Zi6  
  and I love it. But I understand the constrictions these camcorders  
  by imposes on me.
  If I shoot hand held I'm gonna get jerky video unless I'm really  
  careful. I have to be next to the person I'm talking to or no more  
  than 4 feet away.
  I have

[videoblogging] Re: NaVloPoMo 2009

2009-10-21 Thread compumavengal
I'm liking the 1:30ish kinda thing. Um, this does bring up time zone questions. 
Y'all cross the creek have the advantage of 8+ hours or more ahead of the rest 
of us. 

There are going to be interesting time zone overlap or Where is the video? Oh 
yeah, he/she isn't up yet.

Is it gonna be the time zone the person records the video? Or do we want to 
pick a spot on the globe and everyone uses that as the official time marker?


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert Howe rup...@... wrote:

 It's that time of year again.  I've reverted to calling it NaVloPoMo  
 because after all the umming and ahhing about names and last year, we  
 came up with VloMo, which just didn't have the same ring to it.
 Given all the things going on in my life, there's absolutely no way on  
 God's Earth that I'm going to be able to make a video every day in  
 November.  And I know a lot of you will feel the same.  Which got me  
 thinking about ways to make it work.
 Of course, if you want to go ahead and do one video a day every day in  
 November, that's GREAT.
 But in addition, I thought maybe instead of 30 people all trying to  
 make 30 videos, we could collaborate - 30 videobloggers each making  
 just one video.
 Some of the best stuff that came out of the first Navlopomo in 2007  
 was when people started responding to and remixing each others' videos.
 So... How about this?  You choose a day in November - and on that day,  
 you have to make a video inspired in some way by the previous day's  
 video.  A big linear game of videoblogging Consequences.
 What do you think?  Are there 30 people out there who are up for  
 this?  If you're up for it, reply here.

[videoblogging] Re: NaVloPoMo 2009

2009-10-19 Thread compumavengal
I'm going to regret this in some cosmic way. I'll take the 21st. Lord help me 
it is between Quirk and Moon. 

If no one takes the last three days then what about a free for all; whatever 
floats your boat?

Don't want to be too structured about this now do we?



--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert Howe rup...@... wrote:

 Six slots left.
 I'm off to bed.
 I imagine that everyone's too shy to choose the End.
 So it'll be left to whoever is last.
 That's OK, I think.
 I thought about suggesting that all the participants submit a video  
 for the final day.
 Or asking if anybody wanted to do a big mashup of the whole month.   
 But that seems a bit much to ask.
 What do you all think?
 And do you think there should be any other constraints?
 Time, maybe.  Perhaps there should be a 2 minute limit, so the whole  
 thing is watchable in an hour?  Or 1 min or 3 mins?  I'm thinking that  
 it can be embedded as a playlist in a Blip Show Player, and torrented  
 as a group of files or a DVD.
 I'm thinking that having one video inspire the next is enough of a  
 subject/theme constraint, that we don't need to introduce a subject/ 
 theme at the beginning?
 On 20-Oct-09, at 2:34 AM, Jay dedman wrote:
  Ill clean up after the new Brit and take Nov 19.
  On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Rupert Howe rup...@...  
   Given your impending exam, I figure even the mighty Mike Moon  
   be able to keep up a 30 day posting schedule... :)
   On 20-Oct-09, at 2:12 AM, mgmoon wrote:
I'll take November 22.
Sounds like a great idea.
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com videoblogging 
   Rupert Howe rupert@ wrote:

 It's that time of year again. I've reverted to calling it  
 because after all the umming and ahhing about names and last  
 came up with VloMo, which just didn't have the same ring to it.

 Given all the things going on in my life, there's absolutely no
way on
 God's Earth that I'm going to be able to make a video every  
  day in
 November. And I know a lot of you will feel the same. Which  
  got me
 thinking about ways to make it work.

 Of course, if you want to go ahead and do one video a day every
day in
 November, that's GREAT.

 But in addition, I thought maybe instead of 30 people all  
  trying to
 make 30 videos, we could collaborate - 30 videobloggers each  
 just one video.

 Some of the best stuff that came out of the first Navlopomo in  
 was when people started responding to and remixing each others'

 So... How about this? You choose a day in November - and on that
 you have to make a video inspired in some way by the previous  
 video. A big linear game of videoblogging Consequences.

 What do you think? Are there 30 people out there who are up for
 this? If you're up for it, reply here.


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  917 371 6790
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[videoblogging] Re: FTC rules on blogger Payola

2009-10-09 Thread compumavengal
Nope. I used to work for a newspaper. Books were sent unsolicited by the 

Usually said PR folks and publishers that did not actually read the newspaper 
to know that a standard cookbook isn't going to be reviewed by an alternative 

The books were free to review or not. Most time they wound up on a shelf after 
the book reviewers glanced through them and the staff was free to glean what 
they wanted.

The books that folks wanted to review were either bought or acquired by other 
means. I would think at a major newspaper they get books by the truckload. Same 
concept with with music, movies and television screeners.

Do they disclose that they get freebies? No. They didn't request the freebies 
and they are under no obligation to do so or use the materials.

If a blogger requests freebies and writes favorably about the product that is 
an ethical question. If a blogger contracts with a PR firm to consistently 
write about goods and services for cash that is an ethical question. 

The same question when a bunch of television reporters get to go on paid for 
media junkets to review the new television season. Not sure they can afford to 
do that any more. Or travel reporters go on trips to Disneyland/Disneyworld. 

Why isn't that payola?


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Joly MacFie j...@... wrote:

 Here in NYC I occasionally read book reviews in reputable newspapers like
 the NY Times, New York Post etc. I'm yet to ever take notice of a statement -
 this book was supplied at no charge by the publisher - or something
 of that ilk,
 but I somehow have difficulty imagining those journals, or their
 writers,  coughing
 up the cash for the review copies.
 Am I missing something?
 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Tom Gosse bigdogvi...@... wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Adrian Miles adrian.mi...@...wrote:
  I don't think bloggers, on the one hand, can
  call for the same rights and privileges as the press, but then not
  want to actually be held to reasonable ethical standards.
  Well said!
  Tom Gosse (Irish Hermit)
 Joly MacFie  917 442 8665 Skype:punkcast
 WWWhatsup NYC - http://wwwhatsup.com
 http://pinstand.com - http://punkcast.com

[videoblogging] Re: FTC rules on blogger Payola

2009-10-08 Thread compumavengal
Ron, that does happen, the public ridicule thing to bloggers going one toke 
over the line. One of the Parental bloggers got ripped a new one when it was 
discovered that she was on the take and did not disclose her paid affiliations.

People do talk.

I'm not disagreeing with you; there is a great deal of hypocrisy about going 
after bloggers before you go after news and entertainment programs. Product 
placement has gone berserk. Sponsorship of news segments as well.

There are practices and regulations on the books about what you described. 

If they are not enforced for major media corporation then what is everybody 
getting so worked up about? There will be token bloggers snagged and then it 
will hit the vapors.

This is an extension of what has been applied to traditional media. Ideally 
they will target corporate blogs masquerading as personal blogs and vlogs.

Or not. 

I'm not defending the new regulations but I do know why it came into being. 
Because blogging is now recognized as an important communications medium. 

I guess I'm seeing beyond the regulations and looking at the larger message. 
Blogging is important. Blogging has not gone away; it is not a fad. The Feds 
have to be thinking What do we do about that? Should we do anything? If we 
make X require this why not bloggers/vloggers?

The playing field is changing. So are the rules of engagement. 

P.S. Don't get me started on GE and its ties to health care/insurance.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson k9d...@... wrote:

 Well then.
 I'd like to see disclosure on the Today Show when one of NBC's  
 musicians performs, or when a movie comes out that they review that  
 was produced by a GE subsidiary.
 I'd like to see disclosure on large clients of GE, or reporting on  
 investments of GE Finance on CNBC.
 I'd like to see disclosure on Pentagon PR hacks doing their daily  
 rounds on the Sunday shows.
 Disclosure of ADM as an advertiser on stories about GM foods from  
 every network.
 Ad nauseam.
 This whole thing is a joke, IMHO.
 The Nestle thing in someone or another's blog post is exactly how  
 Bloggers and their undisclosed corporate sponsors should be handled -  
 ridicule and peer/public review.
 Ron Watson
 On Oct 7, 2009, at 7:11 PM, compumavengal wrote:
  There are some bloggers on the other side of the fence, a few  
  (small, minority) Parental bloggers have been shaking down PR folks  
  for goodies, perks and pay for play.
  There have been raging debates about providing disclosure; i.e.  
  tell your visitors you are receiving compensation. Inform visitors  
  that the review, product or trip was given to you with expectations.
  Some have questioned why they need to do this. They feel it doesn't  
  matter that they get stuff free or have streams of $10 to $50  
  coming their way. Ethics is not their concern, getting money and  
  free stuff across the door and keeping their visitors. The money  
  has priority with them.
  Some of the Parental bloggers are chalking the whole thing up to  
  jealousy and interfering with their business interests.
  Special shout out to base level Internet marketers using blogs to  
  sell their crap. Yeah, I want the FTC to visit some of those  
  bastards. Not the ethical ones, just the scumbags.
  Many bloggers, myself included, want to know if you are on the  
  take. Tell me upfront and I can make the decision to stick around,  
  trust or take with a grain of salt.
  Don't do that and I find out you have been sucking at the PR/ 
  Advertising tap and I will be disappointed.
  The same way I was when the Washington Post tried to sell their  
  journalists for cash for that elite party of DC's finest, magazine  
  advertorials labeled in 1pt type and a whole host of video pr news  
  releases that are masked as news on local television stations.
  If you have a commercial blog you have responsibilities. This is  
  one of them.
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Markus Sandy  
  markus.sandy@ wrote:
   On Oct 6, 2009, at 3:38 AM, elbowsofdeath wrote:
I have not yet had time to read the full arguments of those who  
against this, though I start from the position of viewing their
stance with quite some skepticism.
   I think the handwriting on the wall is pretty clear:
   Make blogging something for only insured and licensed professionals
   under the guise of protecting people.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: FTC rules on blogger Payola

2009-10-07 Thread compumavengal
There are some bloggers on the other side of the fence, a few (small, minority) 
Parental bloggers have been shaking down PR folks for goodies, perks and pay 
for play. 

There have been raging debates about providing disclosure; i.e. tell your 
visitors you are receiving compensation. Inform visitors that the review, 
product or trip was given to you with expectations.

Some have questioned why they need to do this. They feel it doesn't matter that 
they get stuff free or have streams of $10 to $50 coming their way. Ethics is 
not their concern, getting money and free stuff across the door and keeping 
their visitors. The money has priority with them.

Some of the Parental bloggers are chalking the whole thing up to jealousy and 
interfering with their business interests. 

Special shout out to base level Internet marketers using blogs to sell their 
crap. Yeah, I want the FTC to visit some of those bastards. Not the ethical 
ones, just the scumbags.

Many bloggers, myself included, want to know if you are on the take. Tell me 
upfront and I can make the decision to stick around, trust or take with a grain 
of salt. 

Don't do that and I find out you have been sucking at the PR/Advertising tap 
and I will be disappointed.

The same way I was when the Washington Post tried to sell their journalists for 
cash for that elite party of DC's finest, magazine advertorials labeled in 1pt 
type and a whole host of video pr news releases that are masked as news on 
local television stations.

If you have a commercial blog you have responsibilities. This is one of them. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Markus Sandy markus.sa...@... wrote:

 On Oct 6, 2009, at 3:38 AM, elbowsofdeath wrote:
  I have not yet had time to read the full arguments of those who are  
  against this, though I start from the position of viewing their  
  stance with quite some skepticism.
 I think the handwriting on the wall is pretty clear:
 Make blogging something for only insured and licensed professionals  
 under the guise of protecting people.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging social network

2009-09-22 Thread compumavengal
I guess I want a way to find folks, and make it as easy as possible to 
recommend a video to a non-participant. It is one thing to set up a Ning group 
but you shouldn't have to join or plow though a list of videos. 

Would also like spam management too. Well maybe someday we will be able embed 
code into Yahoo groups. Right before the sale to M$.

Up since 3am and too tired to spell anything other than her name.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert Howe rup...@... wrote:

 I know we return to this every so often - how to add more  
 functionality to this list...  I just had a thought, so I wanted to  
 jot it down here while it was still fresh.
 It seems to me that we could benefit from a Facebook-style, Ning-style  
 or Drupal-based site where we could have this same kind of disussion  
 forum, but where we could also upload/link a lot of other content -  
 particularly videos - and connect in other ways.
 What I want is a bridge between RSS, Twitter, threaded discussions,  
 community hub and information archive.
 I want a non-corporate community-owned place where I can go, where  
 there are lots of online video people, where I can:
 a) post links to things of interest (i do that here sometimes)
 b) Bookmark videos I like (harder to do that here)
 c) chat in asynchronous twitter style but with preserved threads that  
 allow more than just statement  response  end
 d) talk about more serious internet video things (i do that here)
 f) Bookmark whole sites/channels/videoblogs, like a vlogroll, but much  
 larger, and with an aggregated directory of all sites for everyone to  
 browse, in categories.
 g) Form groups for different types of people/sites/channels/videos/ 
 h) post other types of content - photos, etc
 i) a place for people to come up with  coordinate collaborative  
 projects and challenges like vbweek
 j) an archive like the videoblogginggroup Wiki for sharing advice   
 Oh my god, this sounds like Facebook for online video people.  But I  
 HATE Facebook.  So how come?  I think what I hate most about Facebook  
 is the lack of boundary between people from different parts of your  
 life - work, home, hobbies, etc.  I want something like Facebook, but  
 that's a videoblogging ghetto.

[videoblogging] NPPA/NewsU Virtual Video Workshop Recap

2009-09-19 Thread compumavengal
Just finished attending this webinar at NewsU. The speakers were a news 
photographer, a reporter, an editor and a web/multimedia/video person.

Some of my thoughts and take a-ways:

It is about the story. For linear storytelling and for non-fiction storytelling 
it is about the story and the things you do to bring the story out. Many of the 
participants stressed this and one in particular stressed say it, prove it, 
establish relationship and visual display the active scene (in writing, the 
active voice)

One of them pointed out that you don't have to do the coal miner lighting thing 
with the camcorder. Especially at night recording. He mentioned using the LED 
flashlight, the kind that has 9 bulbs that you can get dirt check at the 
hardware store for environmental lighting. 

It does depend on the story but the point is look for alternative lighting 

Natural sounds is the way to go and can be used as transitional bridges. Sound 
+ Action = better videos but don't be afraid of silence.

Use the tools that you have, know their power and limitations. 

What else, oh yeah. It appears that the some of the reporters being trained to 
use cameras and camcorders do not know how to edit. Apparently they record and 
then give it to an editor to construct video. Which may or may not be usable.

Those reporters that wanted to learn have done so but a smaller population 
population of reporters may know the full process. 

So what does this mean for videobloggers?

Well if you produce video from start to finish you have the skills. They can 
always get better but you didn't have to be dragged, forced or encouraged to 
develop your skill set.

The multimedia person was self-taught. Pierre Kattar from the Washington Post 
does it all and his stuff was tight. Very nicely done. 

I think that for some of you who want to produce news content or kick up side 
income you might find that if you have an evergreen piece ready there might be 
a sale in you future; especially for web based news sites. 

Just an idea.
Anyway, gotta go. I've sat way too long.


[videoblogging] Re: Weekly virtual meetups

2009-08-29 Thread compumavengal
Oh please, yes work flow, anything on work flow and how to help mass quantities 
of newbies with FlipCams setting one up when they don't know a thing about 

I'm trying to find a way to do it for the new blog and it is a slow go. 

I'll be lurking or checking the archives because I'm not sure if I can get back 
home before it is over. There is a lot to yak about.

Still in alpha and nowhere near where I want it to be.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Markus Sandy markus.sa...@... wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 This is just a 24 hour reminder that video conference has been setup  
 for about this time tomorrow at this time.
 7pm-10pm GMT on sat august 29
 12noon to 3pm US west coast
 8pm-11pm in Britain
 3-6pm US Eastern
 Please chime in with your local time if you can and i will include in  
 here link to conference (and archive afterwards): 
 you can go to site anytime to see time or check audio/video
 no special requirements beyond browser with Flash support
 you do not need to have camera or mic, but it's more fun. there is a  
 chat window too.
 everyone is welcome, but capacity is about 22 at any time
 don't feel like you have to attend the whole thing. drop in/out anytime.
 some proposed topics (please suggest more)
 * open media initiatives
 * videoblogging workflows
 * upcoming events
 * share your latest project
 * show off your new equipment (or cat)
 * just come and say 'hi'
 if you need help getting in, feel free to contact me via email or chat.
 skype: msandy
 aim/ichat: markus [dot] sandy [at] mac [dot] com

[videoblogging] Re: Editing HD Video w Vegas on a Laptop

2009-08-25 Thread compumavengal
There are others who can give you the tech answer or have experience with Sony 
Vegas but I'm going to shoot for some functional ones. I don't think the 
problem is your laptop.

These are the system requirements from Sony Vegas 8

Microsoft® Windows® XP 32-bit SP2 (SP3 recommended) or Windows Vista™ 32-bit or 
64-bit (SP1 recommended)
1 GHz processor (multicore or multiprocessor CPU recommended for HD)
200 MB hard-disk space for program installation
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
OHCI-compatible i.LINK® connector*/IEEE-1394DV card (for DV and HDV capture and 
USB 2.0 connection (for importing from AVCHD, XDCAM EX, or DVD camcorders)

Your laptop is more than capable.

Next I hit the Knowledgebase and this is what I found:

AVCHD files play choppy in Vegas


Why don't AVCHD files from my Sony AVCHD camcorder play at a full 29.97fps?


AVCHD (AVC-HD, AVC HD) video is recorded using the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video 
compression codec. Audio is stored in compressed form Dolby AC-3.  Vegas does a 
great job of playing back these files on the timeline.  However, you might not 
be able to achieve a full 29.97fps playback rate for various reasons (weak 
processor, not enough RAM, too many video plug-ins in the project, lots of 
video tracks in the project, etc).  Because of your system limitations, you 
might need to create intermediate files.

1. Add the clips to the timeline.

2. Go to File  Render As.  The Save As Type should be set to Video For 
Windows (*.AVI) and the Template should be set to HDV 1080-60i Intermediate. 
 Now click Save.  The files will be saved as an AVI that utilizes the Cineform 
HD V2.5 codec.  It retains all the detail from the M2TS file.

If you do not see Video For Windows (*.AVI) and the Template HDV 1080-60i 
Intermediate in your drop-down menus, then you can render the file to MPEG-2.  
 Go to File  Render As.  The Save As Type should be set to MainConcept 
MPEG-2 and the Template should be set to HDV 1080-60i.  Now click Save.

After the file is saved (either AVI or MPEG-2), replace it with what's on the 
timeline.  Now you'll experience smoother playback and more precision over 
editing the project.

Oh my.

I tend to use MPEG Streamclip, get the portion of the video that I want and 
export it as an .avi. I know it can do Hi-def Mpeg 4 but not sure about the 

Anyway the principle is still the same, convert the video into an .avi format 
and then work from that point.

Hope you have an external hard drive or lots of DVDs for back-up.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jocelyn Ford jocelynf...@... wrote:

 I'm a radio broadcaster who is a newbie to video, and not much of a techie.   
 I'm trying to run Sony Vegas 8.0 on my Lenovo x61 thinkpad (Intel core 2 duo 
 cpu T8100 , 2.10 Ghz, 795 Mhz, 2.97 GB RAM) but the video is jerky, and the 
 audio and video are not in sync.
 I'm shooting HD AVCHD on the Canon Vixia HF100.  I've tried Vegas with 
 low-quality SD (from an old Sanyo xacti) and it's also jerky and out of sync.
 Should my x61 thinkpad be able to handle editing this on Vegas?   If so, any 
 suggestions  where to  begin trouble shooting?
 If not, what light-weight laptop would do the job?   Ideally, I'd like to be 
 able to file from the field.  (I'm based in Beijing and sometimes find myself 
 on very cramped buses in the hinterlands, and don't want to be loaded down 
 with heavy equipment.)
 I'd like to stick with Vegas, but may switch to Mac /FPC if I can't find a 
 workable lightweight solution. All advice welcome!
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]