Re: Stable Vim version 7.1 has been released

2007-05-13 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 13-May-07 6:01am -0600, Edward L. Fox wrote:

 I finally committed the two missing files from the's shell
 server. Let's blame the Great Fire Wall built by the P.R.C.

SVN now appears to be working nicely and appears to have the
full 7.1 code.  Thanks!

Best regards,

Re: Quickfix window not working anymore

2007-02-19 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Mon 19-Feb-07 7:21am -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 Works for me.

For me too.  BTW, Tony, I've never used :copen before - I
use :cw .  There look the same but the documentation doesn't
seem to indicate that they are the same.

What's the difference between :copen and :cwindow ?

Best regards,

Modelines: First Form

2007-02-13 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Vim Developers,

The help files specifies (see :help modeline):
There are two forms of modelines.  The first form:

[text]  any text or empty
{white} at least one blank character (Space or Tab)
{vi:|vim:|ex:}  the string vi:, vim: or ex:
[white] optional white space
{options}   a list of option settings, separated with white space or ':',
where each part between ':' is the argument for a :set

Yet most of the distributed help files fail to follow this
format (and are note second form).

Most end with a ':' which does not appear to be permitted

Others start with 'vim:' without the mandatory white space
preceding it.

Perhaps the docs should mention that {white} is optional if
[text] is empty - if that is true.  And a trailing ':' is

Also, for the second form, the same comment applies to its
{white}.  It should also be mentioned that the mandatory ':'
is preceded by [white] (optional white space).

Best regards,

Re: Modelines: First Form

2007-02-13 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 14-Feb-07 1:30am -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 Bill McCarthy wrote:

 Most end with a ':' which does not appear to be permitted

 It is. It just adds an empty do-nothing setting at the end.

Thanks, Tony, I didn't consider the do-nothing setting and
didn't read the exception at the bottom for vim: and vi:
appearing at the start of the line.

Best regards,

Re: 7.0.188 - problem with directory browser?

2007-01-26 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 26-Jan-07 10:46pm -0600, Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:

 in version 7.0.188 (I am on windows xp, us) nothing works when I select
 '..' when browsing a directory. has anyone seen this? is this something
 peculiar to my installation, a bug, or a feature?

I reported this problem to Chip on 1/9.  He responded with a
fixed version (108c) on 1/10.  It works fine here.

Do you have an older version?  You will need to go to Dr
Chip's Vim Page for the current one:

Best regards,

Re: 7.0.188 - problem with directory browser?

2007-01-26 Thread Bill McCarthy

On Sat 27-Jan-07 1:26am -0600, Bill McCarthy wrote:

 On Fri 26-Jan-07 10:46pm -0600, Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:

 in version 7.0.188 (I am on windows xp, us) nothing works when I select
 '..' when browsing a directory. has anyone seen this? is this something
 peculiar to my installation, a bug, or a feature?

 I reported this problem to Chip on 1/9.  He responded with a
 fixed version (108c) on 1/10.  It works fine here.

 Do you have an older version?  You will need to go to Dr
 Chip's Vim Page for the current one:

That site contains an older version.  I've copied Chip on
this note.  Hopefully he will update his site (unless other
problems were discovered with that fix).

Best regards,


2006-12-26 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Markus,

Thanks for updating your plugin.  It's working fine here on
Windows XP, except for one cosmetic problem.

Most of my text files have DOS EOLs (CR/LF).  When the
file is decrypted, all lines end with ^M.  If I save the
file, all lines end with CR/CR/LF - the only difference from
simply decrypting with GNUPG.  This can easily be fixed by
the user with :%s/^M where all references ^M are the
graphic representation of a CR.

Another minor cosmetic, perhaps beyond your control, is that
the shell window - that asks for the passphrase - comes up
behind Gvim.

Best regards,

^ vs 0 vs Home vs |

2006-12-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Vim Developers,

Here's what the docs say:

^   To the first non-blank character of the line.
|exclusive| motion.

0   To the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same screen
column (if possible).

*Home* *kHome*
Home  To the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same text
column (if possible).  Works like 1|, which differs
from 0 when the line starts with a Tab.  {not in

|   To screen column [count] in the current line.
|exclusive| motion.

(1) The sentence starting with When moving (in the help
for both '0' and 'Home' appears to also belong with
the help for '^'.

(2) The sentence starting with Works like (in the help for
'Home') does not appear to be correct.  'Home'
appears to work like '0'.  The movement is just like
'1|' (which is equivalent to '|') except for the
behavior of moving up or down.

(3) '0' and 'Home' appear to be identical.  Does anyone
see a difference?

Best regards,

Re: ^ vs 0 vs Home vs |

2006-12-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 6-Dec-06 6:24pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 Bill McCarthy wrote:

 (3) '0' and 'Home' appear to be identical.  Does anyone
 see a difference?

 (3) Yes I do. Notice the one mentions the same _text_
 column and the other the same _screen_ column. Hit 0 on
 a line starting with a hard tab, then j : Vim will try
 to keep the cursor in column 8 (except, of course, on
 lines shorter than 1 tab or 8 other characters). After
 Home or 1| it would try to keep the cursor in column 1
 (if possible: when the first character on a line is a hard
 tab the cursor will move temporarily to column 8).

Thanks Tony, that clears it up nicely.  Somehow I just
wasn't seeing the difference - I certainly see it now!

Best regards,

Re: Patching Issue

2006-11-21 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Tue 21-Nov-06 7:38pm -0600, Liu Yubao wrote:

 pad pv 168
 patching file src/memline.c
 Assertion failed: hunk, file ../patch-2.5.9-src/patch.c, line 339
 This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
 Please contact the application's support team for more information.

 I suggest you use CVS or SVN.

I actually run both.  The shell command 'cv  sv' write
their results to separate output files and open (or remote
to) a vim session in separate tabs.  This is handy if one of
them is down for a while and a patch doesn't work -
generally that happens only when patches include runtime
files which are automatically updated from the vim FTP site.

I like the email updates.  A keystroke from my email client
remotes a tab to vim with the patch almost ready to go (I
have to verify changes at times, with it executes:


But this lets my read Bram's notes in Gvim with syntax
highlighting of the diff.  You don't get that in CVS
(although you do get a very nice summary of Bram's notes in
the SVN log (for any sequential set of patches you want -
very nice).

The purpose of my email was simply warn Windows uses that
the GnuWin32 patch program chokes on UNIX patches to DOS
source code.

The solution is trivial.  My alias to patch the next version
looks like this:

pv 169

Inside the script is:

u2d 7.0.169  patch -b -p 0 -i 7.0.169

where u2d translates UNIX to DOS in place and does no harm
to DOS files.

Best regards,

Re: buffer list count

2006-11-13 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Mon 13-Nov-06 7:54pm -0600, Eggum, DavidX S wrote:

 Okay, try this, Matt (it is, again, lightly tested). Granted, it
 recalculates from scratch every time, but it only does it when it needs
 to and it should still be pretty fast. It also doesn't rely on the
 events to be called once every time a buffer is added or deleted. HTH.

 set rulerformat=%60(%=%{GetBufCount()}%)
 autocmd VimEnter,BufAdd,BufDelete * call UpdateBufCount()

 let s:prev_last = 0
 let s:prev_count = 0

 function! UpdateBufCount()
let lst = range(1, bufnr('$'))
call filter(lst, 'buflisted(v:val)')
let s:prev_count = len(lst)

 function! GetBufCount()
return s:prev_count

Using filter() speeds things up quite a bit - very nice.
Testing with 78 buffers and running 1,000 times (and
dividing the resulting time by 1,000):

Using for loop:  3.5 ms
Using filter():  .55 ms
On one line: .50 ms

Using a global variable, instead of global functions, and
using a one liner:

let bcnt = 0

function! s:CntBufListed()
  let g:bcnt = len(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)'))

autocmd VimEnter,BufAdd,BufDelete * call SIDCntBufListed()

Then the %{GetBufCount()} can be replaced by %{bcnt}

Although the function works fine, it still doesn't get
triggered when it should.  For example, given two files foo
and bar in the current directory (listed buffer counts are
from my statusline):

gvim foo 1 listed buffer
:sp bar  2 listed buffers
:bd  2 listed buffers :-(
:doau BufDelete  1 listed buffer

Best regards,

Re: buffer list count

2006-11-12 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 12-Nov-06 7:54pm -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well I'm reporting the above g:zbuflistcount in my 'rulerformat'.

Don't you think you should have mentioned that?

 I really don't think I can afford the baggage of calling your function
 from within my 'rulerformat'.

No, for 100 buffers, my function would take nearly 4 ms on
a 800 Mhz PC.  You could upgrade the function to capture,
for example, the number of existing, loaded, listed and
wiped buffers.  Then write is simple map to give yourself a
little report whenever you want it.

Or your map could also set a global variable to update your
ruler or statusline.

Best regards,

Re: gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Thu 2-Nov-06 5:11am -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm pretty new to this mailing list and I hope I'm posting at the
 right place. I just want to report a simple bug, easy to reproduce.

 I have only tested it on Windows.

 Open vim, write a single 1 characters line (filled with blanks for
 example), and just maximize the window.

 On my PC, I get the following error:

 Vi Improved - A Text Editor has encountered a problem and needs to
 close. We are sorry blabla...

 The details are:
 AppName: gvim.exe AppVer: ModName: gvim.exe
 ModVer: Offset: 0012c053

 Is the problem reproducible on your configurations?

Running Gvim 7.0.158 on Win XP, I get no crash for 10,000+
character lines.  I do get some unusual behavior.  With

set fileformats=dos,unix,mac

I see a ^J as the first character of lines 2 through n+1
(for an n-line file) and my 'fileformat' is set to mac.
[That would be expected behavior for reading a dos file as a
mac file, since the CR of dos's CR/LF would end the line and
LF (0x0A) would render as ^J.]

It rendered OK when I changes 'ffs' to dos,unix - IIRC,
Bram once mentioned that file format detection was a bit
weak on long lines.

BTW, I also see that Windows Explorer reports Gvim is at
version  Its copyright is for 1996-2005, its
trademark is Vim and the original file name is VIM.EXE?

Best regards,

Re: svn updates

2006-10-18 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 18-Oct-06 4:13pm -0600, Mark Guzman wrote:

 I hate to report problems w/o having solutions, but the svn repos is
 currently only up to patch 132. I'm wondering if whatever update script
 was maintaining it is broken... Hopefully someone with access can take a
 look at it.

That's updated by Edward Fox.  The last update was Friday
(13-Oct).  He's probably away.

You can also use CVS or get the patches here or at:

Also, simple one-line shell scripts have been posted to
update your runtime files from 'nix or Windows (4nt).

Best regards,

Re: svn vs rsync vs ftp

2006-10-17 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Tue 17-Oct-06 4:04pm -0600, Yakov Lerner wrote:

 Of different current methods to access vim sources (svn, ftp, rsync, etc)
 which one is fastest to be updated when new patch is issued, and
 also has most reliable/fast server ?

I wasn't aware that sources were on FTP.  Where are they?

Patches are available on FTP and patched sources are
available on CVS, frequently before the emailed patches are
received.  SVN patched files appear a little later.  FTP and
CVS are currently at patch level 145.  SVN is at 132.

Speed is more important getting updates to the runtime.  It
currently takes about a minute to check the runtime/dos tree
for updates (and not download anything).  I get them at - if you know of a faster site, I would
like to know.

Best regards,

Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-09 Thread Bill McCarthy
This was a response to a personal mail from Igor, but I am
unable to reach his address by mail.  I got my message back

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 553 5.7.1[]: 
host rejected: Big domain level
Giving up on

This continues the conversion with the same subject.  There
does appear to be a bug.

Please read on.

On Sun 8-Oct-06 10:42pm -0600, Igor Prischepoff wrote:

 Hello, Bill.
 Can you try _one more last time_ please ?
 gvim - whatever you prefer for clean vim without preferences
 set cot+=longest
 set cot-=menuone
 set complete-=t

After starting with:

gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N

I typed:

:se cot+=longest cpt-=t cot cpt

Gvim outputs:


which is hopefully the same state you get.

 one : word
 two : word

On the first C-N, 'o' is expanded to 'one', however I get
a message Back at original.  That is wrong.  The original
is 'o' not 'one'.  Gvim appears confused.  Typing any non-
whitespace printable characters continues its confusion and
another C-N, after typing one or more of these characters,
does nothing.

After the 'one' is completed from the first C-N, a second
C-N changes the message to The only match.  Now you can
continue typing - the completion text in the command area
will be cleared and C-N will work on 't' (but you'll be
in the same wrong state of completion with the incorrect
message of Back at original.

BTW, a C-Y is supposed to tell Gvim you are done with
completion.  It behaves strangely here.  After the C-N
completes the 'o' to 'one', a C-Y indeed ends the
completion but I am not left with 'one', I am left with

 what I've got is
 one : word
 two : word
 and message Back at original
 Please note that when you type C-N first time (after 'o')
 you should get 'one' expanded automatically because it's
 only match in this case. And when type C-N after 't' you
 should get nothing (that's a bug I think). In both cases
 you should get NO MENU. (because of longest and no menuone
 in completeoption)

I get no menu because there is no menuone, not because of
longest.  Don't you also see the problem begins with the
first C-N after the 'o'?

 If you got other result's can you please send you :ver output?

 mine is : vi Improved 7.0
 Included patches:1-118

Here the output of :version

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Oct  8 2006 13:02:44)
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-121
Compiled by Bill McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Big version with GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +autocmd +balloon_eval +browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent 
+clientserver +clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments 
+cryptv +cscope +cursorshape +dialog_con_gui +diff +digraphs -dnd -ebcdic 
+emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path +find_in_path 
+folding -footer +gettext/dyn -hangul_input +iconv/dyn +insert_expand +jumplist
 +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent +listcmds +localmap +menu 
+mksession +modify_fname +mouse +mouseshape +multi_byte_ime/dyn +multi_lang 
+mzscheme/dyn +netbeans_intg +ole -osfiletype +path_extra -perl -postscript 
+printer -profile +python/dyn +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind 
+signs +smartindent -sniff +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary 
+tag_old_static -tag_any_white -tcl -tgetent -termresponse +textobjects +title 
+toolbar +user_commands +vertsplit +virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo 
+vreplace +wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup -xfontset -xim 
-xterm_save -xpm_w32 
   system vimrc file: $VIM\vimrc
 user vimrc file: $HOME\_vimrc
 2nd user vimrc file: $VIM\_vimrc
  user exrc file: $HOME\_exrc
  2nd user exrc file: $VIM\_exrc
  system gvimrc file: $VIM\gvimrc
user gvimrc file: $HOME\_gvimrc
2nd user gvimrc file: $VIM\_gvimrc
system menu file: $VIMRUNTIME\menu.vim
Compilation: gcc -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 
-w -march=pentium3 -Wall -Ic:/util/MzScheme/include -DFEAT_MZSCHEME 
-DDYNAMIC_MZGC_DLL=libmzgc209_000.dll -DFEAT_PYTHON -I 
c:/util/python24/include -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL=python24.dll 
-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -freg-struct-return -s
Linking: gcc -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 
-w -march=pentium3 -Wall -Ic:/util/MzScheme/include -DFEAT_MZSCHEME 

Re: New Versions of 4nt and tcmd

2006-10-08 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 8-Oct-06 7:29pm -0600, Bill McCarthy wrote:

 New versions of 4nt and tcmd were recently loaded to the FTP
 site.  These are still called 8.00.49.  What is the

Sorry, I sent that to the wrong email address.

Best regards,

Re: Q: rsync:// - when?

2006-10-08 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 8-Oct-06 7:39pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 Bill McCarthy wrote:
 On Sun 8-Oct-06 5:42pm -0600, Alexey I. Froloff wrote:
 When current version of vim runtime will be updated for latest
 patches?  Patch 111 modifies autoload/gzip.vim and doc/eval.txt
 which are still outdated on ftp...
 The gzip.vim is clearly old, but comparing (vimdiff) the
 eval.txt on the FTP site to the patch version on CVS, they
 both share the same internal date of 22-Sep-2006 yet the one
 on the FTP site looks newer.
 I generally find it easier to ignore the patches to runtime
 files and, instead, rely on the FTP site for those.  They
 are usually updated fairly quickly.

 After checking, the new versions of the files mentioned in patch 111 agree
 with the latest versions I downloaded from the rsync server, except that the
 gzip.vim lacks the new datestamp (the rest of the file is OK though.)

After deleting gzip.vim and performing a copy update from
the ftp site, the gzip.vim downloaded is older.  It will not
use the new shellescape function.  It has this logic:

  if v:version  700 || (v:version == 700  has('patch999'))
return shellescape(a:name)

The patched version on the CVS, has the same code but the
has() has:


so it will use the new function.

Best regards,

Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 6-Oct-06 12:25am -0600, Igor Prischepoff wrote:

 Well, i still don't understand vim logic behind that process.

 Let's see more realistic example.
 gvim -U NONE -u NONE

Only last time, although I don't think it matters in this
example, you are working in 'cp' mode.  Many of vim/gvim
features will not work in that mode.  (Also, the -U NONE is
redundant.  See ':h -u' second paragraph for why you don't
need -U and the side effect of setting 'cp')

 Let's suppose that  I am a poor pascal programmer and typing code like this:
 :set completeopt+=longest
 :set complete-=t
 var one : byte;
  two : byte;
  two_and_three : byte;
  three : byte; 
 // may be this is a word?
 // or next one is a a word?
 // completion in second C-N still not working here...
 // so there is no word? not 'one:=t*' or 't*' words in buffer?
 // I still thinks it should be considered as a bug.

What action did you take on the first C-N?  Since 'o' is
the longest common, no addition completion is done.  If you
just want the 'o' type C-Y, if you want 'one' type C-N,
or if you want 'or' type C-P.

Why C-Y?  See ':h complete_CTRL-Y'

Now type ':=tC-N'.  What do you mean by still not

I see (since I picked 'one' for the first completion):


Nothing was added to the 't' because it's the longest

If I now want 'this;' I would type 'C-P;'.

My complete keystrokes from insert mode at the beginning of
that line are:


and my line reads:


and my cursor would be on the ';'.

Best regards,

Re: vim -u NONE

2006-10-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 6-Oct-06 12:15am -0600, Gary Johnson wrote:

 I also found this under :help gui-init:

 To skip loading the system menu include 'M' in 'guioptions'.

 So to avoid loading _anything_, at the expense of not having any
 menus, one could start gvim as

 gvim -N -u NONE -i NONE --cmd 'set go+=M'

Since I use Gvim with no menu - much better syntax
highlighting than Vim - my vimrc has

set guioptions=M

which speeds up loading a bit.  I also have a toggle in
gvimrc which, upon being toggled for the first time,

source $vimruntime\menu.vim

However, when I'm running Gvim to be as virgin as possible,
I keep the menu.

My actual aliases do the following (revised after wading
through all the existing startup docs and experimenting with
-V a few weekends ago):

gvim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N --cmd se rtp=$VIMRUNTIME +so $vim\_minrc


vim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N +so $vim\_minrc

where _minrc does some simple things like shut off bells and
screen flashing, gives me my normal 'rtp' and 'stl', and
sets 'gfn' (if has(GUI)) for normal and vimdiff.

Best regards,

Re: vim -u NONE

2006-10-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 6-Oct-06 12:38pm -0600, Yakov Lerner wrote:

 On 10/6/06, Bill McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu 5-Oct-06 8:54pm -0600, Gary Johnson wrote:
   gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N
  Setting -u NONE -i NONE -N is all that's needed.  See :help -u.

 I never noticed that 'vim -u NONE' ever read the .viminfo ?

It doesn't, you're in 'cp' mode and 'viminfo' is empty.

 For example, if I set 'set nocp' in 'vim -u NONE' then I don't
 see any command history that I'd see had .viminfo been read in.

That's the problem.  As soon as you change to 'nocp' mode,
'viminfo' is populated.  When you close, the viminfo file is

 Do you see any difference between  'vim -u NONE'  and  'vi -u NONE -i' ?

(Assuming the second is 'vim -u NONE -i NONE'.)

Both come up in compatibility mode.  If that is changed to
'nocp' during the session, the chance of overwriting an
existing viminfo file is greatly reduced by the second

Best regards,

Re: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-05 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 4-Oct-06 10:16pm -0600, Igor Prischepoff wrote:

 Hi, i think i have found a bug in vim 7.0
 Patch level 1-109. 
 Windows version +perl +python (i don't think this matters in this case)

 here is how to reproduce:
 gvim -u NONE -U NONE
 :set complete-=tdon't want complete from tags file - it's not
 important, just to switch off message
 :set complete+=longest  that's important
 i now we in insert mode

 one two
 oC-N:tC-Nnow trying to complete second time -  no completion, nothing
 i.e. i've got resulting text in buffer like this:

 one two

 and no 'two' on second C-N when trying to complete 'two' and message Back
 at original

 (First completion works as expected, but second didn't shown and not
 complete at all)
 if remove 'longest' from 'complete' then everything works as expected.

 Can you reproduce that bug? 
 Or it's intended behaviour?

I see two issues.

The first is independent of adding longest to
'completeopt'.  Whenever you get Back at original in the
command window, typing additional non-whitespace characters
keeps you in a complete mode until you either use
whitespace or backspace to the original.  I don't see this
behavior documented.

The second, using

 :se cot+=longest

causes Vim to complete to the longest common text among the
matches (starting from the beginning) and completes the
typing to that point.  Yet it calls this partial completion
Back at original even though it clearly is not the
original - so you are back to the first issue.

BTW, using

gvim -u NONE -U NONE

is both redundant (in the case of -U NONE), dangerous (since
default settings may truncate your viminfo on exit), and put
you in vi compatible mode.  Better is:

gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N

An even better approach to getting a more virgin Vim is:

gvim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N --cmd se rtp=$VIMRUNTIME +se rtp

That stops making access to personal rtp paths for starting
up, and restores the default rtp at the end of startup.

Best regards,

Re: vim -u NONE

2006-10-05 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Thu 5-Oct-06 8:54pm -0600, Gary Johnson wrote:

 On 2006-10-06, Peter Hodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  BTW, using
  gvim -u NONE -U NONE
  is both redundant (in the case of -U NONE), dangerous (since
  default settings may truncate your viminfo on exit), and put
  you in vi compatible mode.  Better is:
  gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N
 I wouldn't think the -i option is necessary, because 'viminfo' is
 empty by default anyway.  Perhaps there should be a shell script
 distributed with vim so that anyone can start up vim cleanly.
 vim -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd 'set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME' '+set rtp'
 gvim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME +set 

 Setting -u NONE -i NONE -N is all that's needed.  See :help -u.

 When {vimrc} is equal to NONE (all uppercase), all
 initializations from files and environment variables are
 skipped, including reading the |gvimrc| file when the GUI
 starts.  Loading plugins is also skipped.

 The viminfo file may be empty initially, but it probably is not once
 vim has been run.

Gary, the reason I use and suggested

   --cmd se rtp=$VIMRUNTIME

is to prevent customizations such as adding all of your
colorschemes, compilers, etc. in the Gvim menus, custom
icons, etc.  --cmd happens before menu.vim is sourced.

The reason I use:

+se rtp

is to have 'rtp' set as by default but without the side
effects mentioned above.

:h startup

For fun start with the above but without the --cmd above
but add -V99nocmd.  Then include the --cmd above and with
-V99wcmd.  Finally do a vimdiff on nocmd and wcmd.

Best regards,

Re: Patch 7.0.106

2006-09-14 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Thu 14-Sep-06 6:35am -0600, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Patch 7.0.106

I encountered a problem that has appeared before patching
files in runtime.  I received the following from my patch

patching file `menu.vim'
Hunk #1 FAILED at 2.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 885.
Hunk #3 succeeded at 912 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #4 FAILED at 942.
Hunk #5 FAILED at 1019.
4 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to menu.vim.rej
patching file `src/version.c'

I regularly update my local copy of vim with the following
copy update command (4nt under WinXP):

copy /u /s*; c:\vim\vim70\

I suspect your patches assume that users do not update their
runtime files.  Is this what's happening?

Best regards,

Re: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hex!

2006-09-11 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Mon 11-Sep-06 3:02am -0600, Nikolai Weibull wrote:

 This stream of thought mode you're using is more suited for IRC, see

Alternately, the vim list is a good choice.  And never add
return receipt requests in posts to a mailing list.

Best regards,

Re: Vimdiff Oddity

2006-09-10 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 8-Sep-06 4:11pm -0600, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Bill McCarthy wrote:

 To better understand what vimdiff is doing (and why it is so
 slow), I had my shell (4NT under WinXP) keep a log showing
 me just what was requested. [Note: I use '!' instead of ''
 for redirection because my 4NT is set to not overwrite
 existing files unless explicitly told to do so.]
 Invoking vimdiff with:  gvim -d file1 file2
 I can see that the following 3 shell requests are made:
 diff -a VIo2A3F.tmp VIn2A40.tmp !VId2A41.tmp
 diff -a --binary VIo2A3F.tmp VIn2A40.tmp !VId2A41.tmp
 diff -a --binary VIo2A3F.tmp VIn2A40.tmp !VId2A41.tmp
 The log shows about 4 seconds between commands.
 I would have thought that the first diff would provide
 enough information.  What is the purpose of the other two?

 Vim first tests to see if executing diff works, with the -a and --binary
 arguments.  Finally it does the actual diff.

 This should take a fraction of a second.  4 seconds indicates that there
 is something wrong in your setup.  Perhaps caused by 4NT. Try using
 another shell.

Thank you for your comments.  I had added using Windows
volatile environment variables supported by 4nt.  The
author (Rex Conn of JPSoft) simply uses an API call to
implement these.  They are deadly slow and account for
nearly all of the time delay.

4nt, without that baggage, is still a fraction of a second
slower that cmd (which itself is about the same startup
speed of sh or zsh).

I am curious about the necessity of those 3 shell calls to
do a diff - maybe I'll spend a little time with diff.c next
weekend :-)

Best regards,

Vimdiff Oddity

2006-09-07 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Vim Developers,

To better understand what vimdiff is doing (and why it is so
slow), I had my shell (4NT under WinXP) keep a log showing
me just what was requested. [Note: I use '!' instead of ''
for redirection because my 4NT is set to not overwrite
existing files unless explicitly told to do so.]

Invoking vimdiff with:  gvim -d file1 file2

I can see that the following 3 shell requests are made:

diff -a VIo2A3F.tmp VIn2A40.tmp !VId2A41.tmp
diff -a --binary VIo2A3F.tmp VIn2A40.tmp !VId2A41.tmp
diff -a --binary VIo2A3F.tmp VIn2A40.tmp !VId2A41.tmp

The log shows about 4 seconds between commands.

I would have thought that the first diff would provide
enough information.  What is the purpose of the other two?

Best regards,

Re: Help non-functional in 7.0.90

2006-09-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 6-Sep-06 8:01am -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 In (g)vim 7.0.90, when I try to invoke the help, let's say

 :help :help

 the program hangs; and when I finally hit Ctrl-C I get:

 E426: tag not found: :[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Similarly for F1

 E426: tag not found: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Both work fine for (g)vim on WinXP from both my normal
starting or from a pristine start (see below):

vim -u NONE -i NONE -N --cmd se rtp=$VIMRUNTIME

Best regards,

Re: Unwanted leading spaces in reltimestr()

2006-08-19 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sat 19-Aug-06 3:13pm -0600, Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:

 On 8/10/06, Bill McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The function reltimestr() return a string which may have
 leading spaces.  Is that a bug or a feature?

 The string returned by reltimestr() has leading spaces, because
 the following code is internally used to generate this string (on
 non MS-Windows systems):

 sprintf(buf, %3ld.%06ld, (long)tm-tv_sec, (long)tm-tv_usec);

 On MS-Windows, the following code is used:

 sprintf(buf, %10.6lf, (double)tm-QuadPart / (double)fr.QuadPart);

 A workaround for this is:

 function Reltimestr(t)
 return matchstr(reltimestr(a:t),'[0-9.]\+')

That code, from profile_msg() in ex_cmds2.c is also used in
several other functions to produce formatted text.  However,
the function f_reltimestr() is only used to perform for the
end user.

IMO the docs should disclose that the string returned has a
minimum field width of 10 characters padded on the left with
blanks OR any leading blanks should be stripped by the

I prefer the latter.  A patch is attached.

(However, since I don't think this list accepts attachments,
I have included this small patch as text below my sig and
copying the vim-dev list - beware of email client tab

Best regards,

*** eval.7.0.063.c  Wed Aug 16 15:21:55 2006
--- eval.c  Sat Aug 19 20:10:45 2006
*** 13001,13007 
--- 13001,13011 
  rettv-vval.v_string = NULL;
  if (list2proftime(argvars[0], tm) == OK)
+ {
rettv-vval.v_string = vim_strsave((char_u *)profile_msg(tm));
+   while (rettv-vval.v_string[0] == ' ')
+   rettv-vval.v_string++;
+ }

Description: Binary data

Re: Vim updates

2006-08-13 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 13-Aug-06 7:41pm -0600, Steve Hall wrote:

 A normal full install should have all or nearly all these (at least my
 install here on Fedora Core 5 does):


This is fairly close to what installs on a Win system.  We
don't have icon/ but do have nsis/ and src/.  Also the
print/ directory isn't standard with a Win installation - it
tagged along when I updated my runtime files with
runtime/dos on the FTP site.

I see bitmaps/ is not included there also.  Gvim, at
startup, checks for 20 separate .bmp files for each
directory in 'rtp'.  Not a startup speed enhancement.  Is
there a way to shut this bitmaps searching off?

Best regards,

Re: Bug in :runtime ?

2006-07-26 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 26-Jul-06 1:20pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 Morality: Whenever possible, use / as path separator in Vim, even on
 Windows. There are a few exceptions (where they don't work).

IMHO too many.  One common example is passing a file to a
program within Vim - the '/' appears to be treated like a
switch in many windows programs.

Best regards,

Bug in :runtime ?

2006-07-25 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Vim Developers,

I was timing the startup process by stepping though what I
think Gvim does (on Win XP Pro with 7.0.42).

gvim -u NONE -N

That starts up without _vimrc or _gvimrc or plugins and sets

:so $vim\_vimrc

worked fine.

:so $vim\_gvimrc

also worked fine.

:ru! plugin\**\*.vim

didn't seem to do anything.  Repeating the above as

:verb ru! plugin\**\*.vim

reports: not found in 'runtimepath': plugin\**\*.vim

Hmm, when I tried again with the unixy

:ru! plugin/**/*.vim

the plugins were finally sourced.


Best regards,

Re: using hidden unlisted buffer as transparently as possible

2006-07-23 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 23-Jul-06 7:09pm -0600, Marvin Renich wrote:

 At this point, I see the output from  exec b curbuf  but using
 :messages I can see that the echomsg did indeed display (before the
 output from :b).  I also tried redraw between the :b and the :echomsg.

I don't have an answer for you but I can commiserate :-)

I was working on the same kind of problem using a temp
buffer (bt=nofile) for a work area.  The script worked fine
except that the output was getting overwritten as if Vim had
issued :file at the end.  A work around was to echo an
extra blank line and let Vim overwrite it.  I tried all the
things you mentioned - I was quite surprised that :redraw
didn't solve it.

I finally changed my method slightly by switching windows
instead of switching buffers directly.  The echo problem
went away.

I will be following this thread for solutions.

Best regards,

Re: SVN and svn:eol-style

2006-05-11 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Thu 11-May-06 2:03am -0600, you wrote:

 Bill McCarthy wrote:

  When I checkout vim7 with svn under WinXP Pro, my text files
  are all coming out as UNIX files (using LF instead of
  The svn program is designed to handle proper EOL for an
  operating system when a property called svn:eol-stype is set
  to native.
  Am I supposed to do anything special to cause svn to give my
  text files to be stored as standard CR/LF files?
  Why do you want CR-LF files?  A single LF should work just fine.
 The svn docs explain this quite well.  Some programs fail to
 properly deal with LF only.  A good example is Microsoft

 In the context of Vim I don't think we should worry about notepad users.

Probably not, but there are other utility programs that
also fail on LF files.  As Mike wrote, the diff utility was
one of these - I haven't checked the new diff.exe that was
distributed with Windows Vim.

  Automatic LF to CR-LF translation always causes trouble somewhere.
 I have never had a problem with CVS doing this.  I believe
 the trick is to only mark 'native' those files which are
 indeed text files.

 Right.  So what if files aren't properly marked as text or binary?  And
 there always is a mistake somewhere (I recall there was an icon file
 that was broken for a year before someone discovered it should be marked

 I've seen too many files with mixed line endings, this can be a real
 mess.  Especially Unix files that were edited in Visual studio.

 Also remember that files on a USB stick will never adjust to the
 computer you plug it into.  Systems must be able to deal with both LF
 and CR-LF.

 There is only one solution eventually: Drop those CR-LF line separators.
 It just takes a bit of time before all MS-Windows programs can deal with

One big step forward is to (1) use the LF format in the
Window distribution and (2) use the same file structure for
Windows and UNIX.

Best regards,

Re: Patch 7.0.006

2006-05-10 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 10-May-06 10:27am -0600, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Patch 7.0.006
 Problem:Mac: make shadow doesn't make a link for infplist.xml. (Axel
 Solution:   Make the link.
 Files:  src/Makefile

From WinXP, I installed with the big exe file and unzipped
the src and lang files.  There is no src\Makefile.  What did
I miss?

Best regards,

Re: SVN and svn:eol-style

2006-05-10 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 10-May-06 9:43pm -0600, Anduin Withers wrote:

 Why do you want CR-LF files?  A single LF should work just fine.  The
 only place where I know it doesn't work is when you read Make_ivc.mak
 into Visual Studio.
 Automatic LF to CR-LF translation always causes trouble somewhere.

 CVS did it automatically, as long as binaries are properly tagged there
 shouldn't be (and wasn't, at least for me) a problem.

 One reason is consistency: This is the behavior CVS had, it is the format
 the releases are in on the ftp site, it also makes things look better when I
 edit my .vim files with notepad.

 Just another request for native line endings.

Some days it is better for me to read my mail from newest to
oldest - or at least read through everything before

Well stated.  I now wish I used a different example that
notepad - although that is indeed a good one, since every
Windows user has it and it is frequently a default in

Hopefully, the gentleman maintaining the svn repository
(Edward L Fox) will talk to the gentleman who properly
marked the files in CVS.

I have also had no problems with the CVS distribution

Best regards,

Re: Vim 7 pre-announcement

2006-05-07 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 7-May-06 10:58am -0600, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Vim 7 is out!


I looked at the release area and noticed that the vim70 tree
for Windows is still different from what is available by CVS
or SVN.  This remains a minor inconvenience for Windows
users - either we use CVS (or SVN with its unix text files)
and copy over to a separate Windows tree OR we use patch
files that we need to modify to get rid of the runtime/
stuff where appropriate.

Please consider putting these trees in sync in some future

Best regards,

Re: Install Fails on Windows

2006-04-30 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sat 29-Apr-06 3:49pm -0600, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 There are two setups, the Unix one and the MS-Windows one.

 If you use the Unix setup you need to do make install.  Thus uses the
 files in the ../runtime directory that were unpacked from the Unix tar

 If you use the MS-Windows setup you should unpack the
 file, which puts the runtime files below the src directory, without a
 runtime directory.  Then you can use the install.exe.

The problem with this is that there is only one current beta
and that is the the unix form of the Vim tree.

Even if I copy my executables to runtime\, install complains

This program sets up the installation of Vim 7.0f BETA

ERROR: Install program not in directory vim70f
This program can only work when it is located in its
original directory

The solutions provided by Suresh Govindachar and Georg Dahn
both appear to work, but involve copying the contents of
runtime\ on top of vim70.f\ (which should produce some
pretty ugly results when CVS is back again :-)

I was hoping there was a simple way of enabling dosinst.c to
work with the unix tree.

Since Alpha and Beta versions have worked just fine without
installing, and there are no patches to apply to the older
vim7 files that are are available, I'll just not install
until the release and subsequent patch releases.

Thanks to Suresh, Georg and you for your comments.

Best regards,

Install Fails on Windows

2006-04-29 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Vim Developers,

Compiling with MVC or Ming, the exe files are copied from
c:\vim\vim70f\src to c:\vim\vim70f (the usual place).  But
running install produces the following:

This program sets up the installation of Vim 7.0f04 BETA

ERROR: Cannot find filetype.vim in C:\vim\vim70f
It looks like you did not unpack the runtime archive.
You must unpack the runtime archive
before installing.

The problem is that unzipping the archive places
filetype.vim in c:\vim\vim70f\runtime (it would have been
placed in the same directory as the exe files in all release
versions of Vim - in this case in c:\vim\vim70f\).

Doesn't dosinst.c need to reflect this new placement?

Best regards,