Re: Feature suggestion: option for letting spaces match newlines in search

2011-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 24/02/11 8:49 PM, Ulf Magnusson wrote:


One problem with searching for phrases in files that contain wrapped
text (LaTeX source files, e-mails, source code comments, etc.) is that
you never know whether two words will be separated by a space or a
newline. Therefore, it would be handy to have an option that makes
spaces match newlines in searches.

I've looked at,
but those solutions have the disadvantage of either forcing you to use
an awkward pattern or not supporting incremental searching.

A solution to a more general class of problems would be to allow the
search pattern to be automatically rewritten (e.g. by a substitution
or a function) prior to being used. That way you could automatically
rewrite spaces to \_s or do other neat things like having foo bar
match foo {\it bar} in LaTeX documents.

I'm not experienced enough with vimscript to be able to tell how such
a feature could interact badly with other things, but perhaps it
wouldn't be as bad if you limited it to searches initiated with /.

Thanks for making Vim!

Since nobody has replied to this that I've seen, I'd just like to add a
+1 for something like this. It would be very handy for quickly searching
for a phrase you remember in prose that is hard-wrapped.


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Re: Gvim File/Close menu does not close tabs

2011-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Please open a file1.
Open a file file2 in a new tab.
Use the File/Close menu to close file2 tab.
The tab is not closed, instead an empty buffer with name No Name
replaces file2.

So the File/Close menu is not a synonym for :close.

Is it a feature or a bug ?

I think it's a bug. Here's the fix:

diff --git a/runtime/menu.vim b/runtime/menu.vim
--- a/runtime/menu.vim
+++ b/runtime/menu.vim
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 an 10.320 File.Open\ Tab\.\.\.Tab:tabnew:browse tabnewCR
 an 10.325 File.NewTab:enew :confirm enewCR
 an silent 10.330 File.CloseTab:close
-   \ :if winheight(2)  0 Bar
+   \ :if winheight(2)  0  tabpagewinnr(2) == 0 Bar
\   confirm enew Bar
\ else Bar
\   confirm close Bar

OK to include, Bram?


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Re: search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP not displayed in insert mode

2011-03-07 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Zero reaction on this thread.

Any idea what was in it? Nothing was quoted.

Please think of desperate EasyVim users who never see search hit
BOTTOM, continuing at TOP when using the menu Edit/find then Next.

Please think of busy mailing list subscribers who don't find it easy to go back 
through mail archives to look up conversation context. ;-)



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Re: 'wildmenu with problems

2011-03-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 10/03/11 9:20 AM, John Little wrote:

On Mar 9, 8:31 pm,  wrote:

Entering :echow[tab] in 7.3 138 is giving me - instead of the first
option starting with w - the following wildmenu expansion:

[1] [No Name]

7.3.135, I get warn, which I imagine you should be.

Also works for me in 7.3.125 and 7.3.138.

Maybe a plugin is causing this?


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Re: :version erroneous

2011-03-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 9/03/11 6:39 PM, Christian J. Robinson wrote:

On Tue, 8 Mar 2011, Axel wrote:


The same happens for

:set all

The OS is Windows XP.

Does it still happen if you do :set nolazyredraw? A recent patch to fix
something else seems to have introduced this problem with 'lazyredraw'. 
Bram will have a fix out soon.

I see the problem in console Vim on Mac OS X, only with lazyredraw set, and it 
only affects the Press Enter prompt, not the More prompt.


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Re: Proposed patch: NL in sub-replace-expression('\=')

2011-03-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

I would like to propose a patch which suppresses the conversion of
NL  toCR  when evaluaation ('\=') is used inside substitute()
Simply this patch is what makes x == y true in the following code.

  let x = substitute('a', '.', \n, )
  let y = substitute('a', '.', '\=\n', )

Regardless of whether the functionality change of the patch is accepted,
I think there should be a change to :help sub-replace-expression to
explain what is done when \= is used within substitute().


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Re: GVim accessibility

2011-03-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 9/03/11 1:00 AM, Sebastian Humenda wrote:


I would like to make a suggestion for the graphical Vim. When using
Orca, a screenreader for the graphical desktop, I can't use GVim.
Since the menu's and button's are written in GTK+, there are perfectly
usable, but not the main text body. This is quite logical: GTK+ has
built-in the ATK library to report information about the program
directly to AT-SPI -  Orca. As my understanding is, it would be only
necessary, that GVim reports the kind and the content of the text body
(the actual opened file) to AT-SPI, using the AT-SPI library. There
has just to be someone who has some experience with GTK and wants to
help out.

There are several blind and visual impaired people who have suggested
this, since they are forced to work on the command line (and the
terminal is no real alternative with Orca). Actually, the missing
accessibility in GVim is the reason for me to work on the console
instead of working at the graphical desktop.

I'd be really glad if someone could look into it.


I'm not sure this is all that easy.

Some similar issues were discussed with relation to MacVim on the vim_mac list, 
though. Search for posts by yvonne thomson on that list and you might find 
something relevant (you might not too).


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Re: Yank to + also yanks to * when suppressing a in guioptions in unix

2011-03-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Dear Patrick,
Your comment is not clear to me.
Help says:
a options results in a word selected using Visual is automatically
yanked to the selection register (*).
It works.
With a suppressed, a Visual selected word is no longer yanked to
the selection buffer (*).
It works.
Now, I see no reason why, with a suppressed, yanking a word to the
Unix Clipboard (+) using +yw (no selection) should also yank it to
the selection register.
But it is what it does.

Yes, I think like you, Jean, that it is a bug. Nothing at :help
'guiopions', :help 'clipboard', :help quotestar or :help x11-selection
suggests this strange behaviour should occur.

I do seem to remember reading something about it somewhere, but I can't
find it now. So, I could be imagining things, or it was an old bug
report I remember, or it is intended and documented somewhere


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Re: Supporting more key modifiers

2011-03-18 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 18/03/11 8:38 PM, Philippe Vaucher wrote:

As long as the two triplets of keypresses I suggested originally can all
be represented uniquely, and without reference to timing information in
the Escape vs Alt+ case, then I'm happy with whatever internal
implementation makes it happen.

The two triplets in question being


   Escape  C

Yes I am aware that on current byte-driven terminals there is no way
without using timing information to distinguish all these three cases in
the latter triplet here. This should not stop GUI systems from
distinguishing them however.

Can someone (Bram?) tell us if Bram's proposed solution would allow us
to map those triplets independently as wanted?

Of course it does. Bram wouldn't have suggested it if it wouldn't work
at all

I'm not familiar enough about vim's byte queue system to tell if the
modifier byte really answers our needs here.

I don't think we need to keep the same byte-stream representation as we
currently have, and I don't think that's what Bram meant. I think we can
change it. As long as it remains a byte-stream representation.

And I don't think it will be possible to do what we need without at
least extending it. At the moment, keys are a fixed length of 3 bytes
(one of which is the 'escape byte' 0x80, and the other two of which have
restricted values). There simply isn't enough value-space to do what we
need, and it's possibly not very future-proof even if we can squeeze it
in. It's also a bit of a mess, IIRC. It would be better to give it an
overhaul. And it probably needs to use variable-length sequences.

A thought occurred to me a couple of days ago: would it be appropriate
to actually use CSI as the byte-stream representation? Or something like
it. It is a byte-stream representation, right? And it's extensible,
right, so it is less likely to need a big overhaul in future? Does it
allow for 'private use' stuff? Because Vim needs a way to represent a
bunch of other events as keystrokes (mouse clicks, scroll wheel, its
magic script-local meta-character thing, representing the CSI escape
character itself, etc.). Also, is it easy to skip over CSI sequences if
necessary with simple logic?

I think there are some nice/helpful things that could be done
design-wise though. For example, Vim is often used with enc=utf-8 these
days. I think it would be wise to, if possible, ensure all key sequence
representations are invalid UTF-8 in their entirety. Then they could be
put in buffers and yanked back into registers without ambiguity
(hopefully), i.e. there wouldn't be the ambiguity of whether the escape
character was part of a key sequence that should be yanked as such, or
part of the buffer text which should be escaped upon yanking.

See, Vim already deals with the CSI character in its byte-stream code,
and escapes it, so some aspects of this are already somewhat accounted
for. But I wonder when precisely it is escaped, and whether at times it
is escaped when it shouldn't be, or not when it should be. It would be
good to design to avoid this problem.

(I happened to be hacking on some Vim code recently where this came into
play, so I noted it with interest.)


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Re: Color Support for :! and :Shell system command execution

2011-03-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 23/03/11 3:21 AM, Kevin wrote:

Wanted to suggest adding support for terminal colors to gvim.

I want this, too, and it's on my to-do list to investigate implementing some 

That certainly shouldn't stop anyone else jumping in and doing it, though. No idea 
when I might have enough time to look into it.

But it's something I care enough about that I'll probably eventually look at it.


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Re: vim v7.3.125 crashes when running a macro with a count in the thousands

2011-03-31 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 31/03/11 3:51 PM, Mun wrote:


My OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6
My configure command:
configure --with-features=huge --enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp 

I must apologize that I don't have too much to go on with this issue,
but I'll provide what I have and I will try to get more data if requested.

Obviously Vim's reporting something related to X. Were you using Vim's GUI at the 
time, or just console Vim?

Did your macros make use of the system/X clipboard at all, or does your 
'guioptions' or 'clipboard' setting mean that it would have been used for Vim's 
unnamed register?

Just a couple more pieces of data that might be helpful, though I have no idea 
what's going on.


I had a simple macro that would take a line and reformat it by adding
strings to the beginning and ending of the line.  Nothing tricky or

The file I was operating on had roughly 11,000 lines.  If I executed the
macro with a count of about 2,000 vim crashes on me.

When I use the following vim command:
% vim --nopluginfilename

I get the following lines outut to the terminal when vim crashes:

-- Delimiter BEGIN 

BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
Vim: preserving files...
Vim: Finished.
44;0MBadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
Vim: Finished.
--- Delimiter END -

And when I use the following vim command:
% vim -u NONE -U NONE --nopluginfilename

My terminal window fills up with the following repeating lines:

-- Delimiter BEGIN 

Vim: Got X error
BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Vim: Got X error
Vim: Caught deadly signal SEGV

--- Delimiter END -

One last piece of data: I compiled the same vim source files on a Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 4 system and used my same plugins and rc files and
ran the same macro in the same way and it ran without issue; even with a
count of 11,000 .

See below for the complete :ver information from both systems.

A core file wasn't written; thus, I can't provide a backtrace.


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Re: How to nowrap echo or echohl?

2011-04-06 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Rather than reinventing the wheel, have you tried using the :options

I don't think he meant *Vim* options. He's just wanting to present the
user with a menu of sorts, I think.


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Re: Suggestion: change how [count]@{register} executes

2011-04-10 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

So, what about executing

(where in turn 999@@ is executed as
and so on ... and 2@@ as
and 1@@ as

I like the idea. Hadn't thought of using recursion when I wrote about
the issue earlier, but yes, of course, that's an obvious and simple way
to implement it. Putting together a patch would only take a couple of

What do you think, Bram? I don't think anything could really
meaningfully make use of the current behaviour, so even though
technically it would break backward compatibility it wouldn't break
anything useful.


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Re: Suggestion: change how [count]@{register} executes

2011-04-11 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

So, what about executing

(where in turn 999@@ is executed as
and so on ... and 2@@ as
and 1@@ as

I like the idea. Hadn't thought of using recursion when I wrote about
the issue earlier, but yes, of course, that's an obvious and simple way
to implement it. Putting together a patch would only take a couple of

What do you think, Bram? I don't think anything could really
meaningfully make use of the current behaviour, so even though
technically it would break backward compatibility it wouldn't break
anything useful.

You can't rely on the register not changing in the first @@, thus the
following 999@@ may do something completely different.  Won't work.

Well, yes, but you could make 1000@a stuff @a999@a into the buffer and
avoid that problem.

If you mean the contents of the register changing, that was the point of
the suggestion. The contention is that if a macro changes the register
in which it is stored, it is expected that the change will take effect
immediately after that run of the macro, not after a counted number of
runs have completed. I think that's fair enough, because it's strange to
think @a@a should work differently to 2@a and hard to imagine where the
current behaviour would be useful (i.e. having only the 'last' change of
the register take effect).


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Re: Suggestion: change how [count]@{register} executes

2011-04-11 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 10/04/11 11:51 PM, Ernie Rael wrote:

Could that change affect undo chunking?

I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 16/04/11 12:45 AM, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:

Having recently dredged this topic up again - what is the current state
of plan? Are we happy we have a working model of how things will work
and are just awaiting time to write some code, or are there still
questions lingering about?

I think we've been making some good progress, but there is still plenty
that needs to be discussed. Some of my thoughts:

- It sounds like changing the internal Vim byte-stream representation
  for keypresses to actually be CSI could be a good idea. By making
  careful use of the private area we could ensure Vim can represent
  everything it needs to, plus almost by definition it can represent all
  the keys/modifiers required, plus it is somewhat future-proof. Does
  anyone have any objection to this?

- I have one possible objection: I'm interested in how close to
  losslessly we can convert between registers (which can hold
  keypresses) and buffers (which cannot). In many encodings, it cannot
  be done losslessly, but in UTF-8, which is very common these days,
  perhaps it can. I suspect perhaps CSI was designed with this in mind.
  Does anyone know if CSI sequences are ever valid UTF-8 or are designed
  not to be? If they are not ever valid UTF-8 we have the nice situation
  that there isn't an ambiguity between keypresses and characters. If
  not, perhaps designing something with that property would be wise,
  rather than using CSI.

- Whatever byte-stream representation we land on, though, we would need
  a more careful survey of what internal Vim things are needed, and a
  sensible design for using the private area. That shouldn't be too hard
  and probably doesn't need to involve the community too much.

- More importantly, though, we need some unambiguous specification of
  when to use the rich key representation and when not to use it. I
  think this needs a fair amount of further discussion. E.g. when Vim
  receives ^M from a terminal, should it leave it as ^M or should it
  convert it to a CSI sequence? What about in the GUI? What about when
  keys are stuffed into the input buffer? What about when storing the
  LHS and RHS of a mapping?

- Finally, we need to finish discussing how mappings will be triggered.

- My initial thoughts on this: Vim should use generic non-CSI codes when
  ambiguity exists: That includes when it receives codes from a terminal
  which are not CSI, so e.g., when receiving ^M which could be Enter or
  Ctrl-M, it should just store it as ^M. However, when it receives a key
  in the GUI or via CSI and it knows specifically it was produced by
  Enter or Ctrl-M it should store it specifically using CSI. For
  backward compatibility reasons, existing -notation should be
  considered ambiguous, but we should come up with an extension of this
  notation to be considered specific. Perhaps just adding an extra
  character after the opening ''--for instance !Enter could mean
  Enter, specifically. When interpreting keypresses, specific keypresses
  would trigger specific mappings, or ambiguous mappings if no
  corresponding specific one exists; ambiguous keypresses would never
  trigger a specific mapping. This means you could map Enter and it
  would work in dumb terminals and the GUI, and existing plugins would
  keep working in both, too, including when you actually press Ctrl-M.
  However, in the GUI/smart terminal, you could override that
  default/ambiguous map, by mapping !C-M which would take precedence,
  but only be active when we are sure Ctrl-M was pressed and not Enter.
  Do others think this approach would work?


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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Q1. Need to change the input queue structure?

A1. Changing this requires many other changes, and it's not clear that
there's a whole lot to be gained for doing (very) much work. The
current queue isn't so terrible, it's just not a nicely-packaged

Q2. Can current queue structure encode everything we want to encode?

A2. Sounded like a tentative yes[1].

It definitely needs some amount of redesign. How much is strictly
necessary, I'm not sure, but it seems to me it would benefit from more
consistency even if not strictly necessary, so changing the internal
representation to CSI or something very similar, could be worthwhile.
What it doesn't need, and really can't have, for reasons of efficiency,
is actually changing to use 16 or 32-bit 'characters' or structs. It
must remain a byte-stream representation.

Q3. Backwards compatibility - can we change the way keys are
specified, either through (i) a special modifier key? (ii) an option?

A3. (i) Sounds like a horrible idea to me, but no one responded when I
asked about it[2]. (ii) Sounded like a definite no[3], which seems
unreasonable to me (see same response-less email).

Personally, A3 seems like a showstopper. Fixing this set of
hysterical-raisin C-x = ASCII control character and all the related
key-mapping disabilities seems like a clear case of *desirable*
breakage of backwards compatibility.

Yeah, this might be worth further discussion/campaigning/diplomacy. My
initial thoughts in my previous email took an approach similar to the
'special modifier key' approach, but was actually an 'alternative
-notation' approach. I'm not sure if it's good enough, but maybe it
will be a suitable compromise. Maybe it is a bit better if current
-notation is considered specific if it couldn't be detected before at
all, e.g. C-S-M could not be detected at all, so could be considered
specific, but C-M and Enter must be considered ambiguous. Not sure.

I found your post [2] quite confusing, I'm afraid. Perhaps see what you
think of my ideas in my previous post and respond to those, and/or see
if you can do a simplified version of your thoughts in [2] that might be
a bit easier for us to digest and respond to?

If A3's not a showstopper, though, maybe the best next step would be
to start a test suite, to ensure things are working the way they're
supposed to work. Plus it gives a spec to shoot for. Things to include
would definitely be these sets:

Tab Ctrl-I Ctrl-Shift-I ^I
C-m Enter ^M
C-[ Esc ^[
M-i é
Alt-d Escape-d

Not a bad idea. Also specification of how all of these should behave/be
represented in buffers, registers, input queue, etc. would be worthwhile.

It'd need to include those sets both as entered literally and in key
notation in the various places in which they could appear. Ben Schmidt
laid out several of those places in his response[4].

Actually, the specific paragraph you referenced in [4] is not a good
one. That was part of an argument I was building against a specific
proposal that would've really messed things up which I think we have got
past now. A better list can be found in the same post, the paragraph
beginning This would be easier.





(Some things that are no[t] acceptable: - Have a setting to enable 'the new way')

(ś starting: So this [ed: a new struct-based input queue] would be a 
backwards-incompatible change.)

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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

For backward compatibility reasons, existing -notation should be
considered ambiguous, but we should come up with an extension of this
notation to be considered specific. Perhaps just adding an extra
character after the opening ''--for instance !Enter could mean
Enter, specifically. When interpreting keypresses, specific keypresses
would trigger specific mappings, or ambiguous mappings if no
corresponding specific one exists; ambiguous keypresses would never
trigger a specific mapping. This means you could map Enter and it
would work in dumb terminals and the GUI, and existing plugins would
keep working in both, too, including when you actually press Ctrl-M.
However, in the GUI/smart terminal, you could override that
default/ambiguous map, by mapping !C-M which would take precedence,
but only be active when we are sure Ctrl-M was pressed and not Enter.
Do others think this approach would work?

Possibly better: the LHS of a mapping if using -notation could map it
both specifically and ambiguously, and when used for stuffing keys into
the buffer (including RHS of mappings), -notation could always be
specific. This would mean if you mapped both C-M and Enter, each
specific key would trigger the appropriate mapping, but ambiguous keys
would still trigger whichever mapping was defined last. So old stuff
would continue to work as expected, but new stuff would work somewhat as
expected, too. The !Whatever notation, or perhaps some mapping
modifier like specific could be used to indicate that only the
specific LHS should be mapped, not ambiguous, giving a way of avoiding
accidentally affecting Enter when mapping C-M.


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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

- It sounds like changing the internal Vim byte-stream representation for
keypresses to actually be CSI could be a good idea. By making careful use of the
private area we could ensure Vim can represent everything it needs to, plus
almost by definition it can represent all the keys/modifiers required, plus it
is somewhat future-proof. Does anyone have any objection to this?

That sounds reasonable to me. I use rxvt-unicode, though, which is (apparently)
the only major holdout from the xterm-keycodes monoculture. So, I have a
particular interest in making sure the conversion to/from CSI works right.
(Volunteering services, here. Not complaining.)

Sounds good.

Err, if you're using the 7-bit Control Sequence Introducer (\e[ = Esc + [ =
\033 \133), then CSI sequences are virtually always valid UTF-8. The 8-bit
single-character variant does avoid UTF-8, though. In a properly formed stream 
bytes, 0x9b is never the first character of a UTF-8 sequence, since it has the
appearance of a continuation byte.

OK, great. It's internal and so completely under our control, so we can
use 0x9b always. Part of the input handling code would be to convert
known sequences beginning with \e[ to 0x9b. We then can ensure we never
accidentally interpret valid UTF-8 as keystrokes, as keystrokes will
always be invalid UTF-8.

There is a potential gotcha here. If you put a macro with special keys
into your .vimrc, it becomes invalid UTF-8, so the next time you open
it, it may be converted from latin1 or something like that, because Vim
falls back to the next encoding in fencs. The conversion would result in
valid UTF-8, and so the keystrokes would no longer be interpreted as
keystrokes. This is currently a gotcha anyway, though, so I don't think
it is a problem. I presume even if Vim would ordinarily fall back,
:scriptencoding forces its interpretation even if invalid UTF-8 is
encountered, so there should be no problem when actually sourcing

Single-byte encodings are a different story. IIRC, currently Vim takes
special care to avoid interpreting CSI in a buffer as keystrokes, but
interprets code point 0x80 in single-byte encodings as beginning a
keystroke. This would change if we used CSI, as CSI would be interpreted
as a keystroke, and 0x80 would not. I don't think this is actually a
problem. It only makes a difference if you play back a macro you've
yanked anyway (or something like that). A minor backwards

Out of interest, what is Unicode code point 0x80?

Something else to think about, though: What about users who set termcap
options which include CSI in their vimrc. Will they continue to work?
Will it continue to be easy to set termcap options by using CTRL-V +
press-the-key-that-is-giving-you-problems? It is almost certainly going
to be impossible to do this 100% backwards compatibly, but it's an issue
we should think about. My initial thoughts are that it would probably
work just as well (or badly) as it always has, but that the added input
filtering may make it a bit less transparent, and perhaps we should have
a mechanism for doing it more reliably.

I'll get to the rest later. As far as this part goes, though, I don't
think there are any compelling reasons not to use CSI for the internal
byte-stream representation. There are just a couple of minor
incompatibilities and rough edges to handle with care. Any other issues
anyone knows about that should be considered on this front?


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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt


- -notation LHS defines specific and ambiguous maps
- C-M defines ^M and CSI-Ctrl-M
- Enter defines ^M and CSI-Enter


- Ambiguous LHS defines ambiguous and specific maps
- ^M defines ^M, CSI-Ctrl-M and CSI-Enter
- -notation LHS defines specific and ambiguous maps
- C-M defines ^M and CSI-Ctrl-M
- Enter defines ^M and CSI-Enter

Note that because these approaches define multiple mappings for a single
piece of -notation, the number of mappings to be defined grows
exponentially with the number of -notation keys in the mapping. So we
need to view these specifications as conceptual, not actually as
implementation approaches.

AFAICT, this should be easy enough to overcome (just alter the mapping
lookup mechanism and LHS storage mechanism, which truly doesn't affect
anything else), and has no bearing on the previously-listed benefits and
drawbacks (enumeration difficulties and inefficiencies just happen at a
different point for approach 3, and approach 2 barely suffers).


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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

If A3's not a showstopper, though, maybe the best next step would be
to start a test suite, to ensure things are working the way they're
supposed to work.  Plus it gives a spec to shoot for.  Things to
include would definitely be these sets:

Tab  Ctrl-I  Ctrl-Shift-I  ^I
C-m  Enter  ^M
C-[  Esc  ^[
M-i  é
Alt-d  Escape-d

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by these sets, with regard to the
caret notation at the end. What do you mean byCtrl-I  vs ^I ? I'm
happy that this ought to be considered againstTab  andCtrl-Shift-I

I think Ben was drawing the distinction between receiving an 0x09 byte
(^I) and receiving something that was known to be Ctrl-I via CSI.
Judging from your earlier mails, the problem is not between ^I and
Ctrl-I, though, but between ^I and Tab, which even newer terminals
represent the same way, right? Nevertheless, we still have two things to
test here: the situation where Vim gets ^I and doesn't know whether it's
Ctrl-I, and the situation where Vim gets ^I and knows it can't be
Ctrl-I, because it knows Ctrl-I would have been represented by that
terminal as CSI.


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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

- Whatever byte-stream representation we land on, though, we would need
   a more careful survey of what internal Vim things are needed, and a
   sensible design for using the private area. That shouldn't be too hard
   and probably doesn't need to involve the community too much.

What things did you have in mind that would even need the private use
area? Would these be non-keypress events? The CSI model is able to
represent any of the keypresses already, so I'm not sure what's left to

You're spot on. Vim currently uses its internal keypress representation
also to represent mouse clicks, mouse scroll wheel, 'script specificity'
(i.e. SID used to access s: functions from mappings), representing the
CSI 'character' and possibly more that I've forgotten, so if we change
Vim's internal representation to be CSI, we would need to integrate
these kinds of things (or have two 'escape mechanisms', but that seems
like a very dumb idea to me).

The way libtermkey handles this is that it has a set of translations,
better names for some sequences. It renames 0x08 as Backspace, 0x09 as
Tab, 0x0d as Enter and 0x1b as Escape. Any of the other C0s take
their Ctrl-[letter] interpretation. This can be disabled by a flag.

I guess the puzzle for Vim will be knowing when to turn that flag on and
off. I guess it should be fairly simple to figure out from $TERM and/or
somehow querying the terminal.

This is important for terminals to still match users' expectations with
regards to the keys they press to get various termios handling. termios
can only store a single byte value for the various events, so, for
example, EOF has to be 0x04, the single-byte representation of Ctrl-D.

Mmm. Most importantly Ctrl-C for interrupt, I suppose. Others, like stop
and continue and status, are not really used in Vim, so don't really
concern us. O, I guess suspend is used, too. I suppose Vim deals with
both of these by intercepting signals rather than parsing the keys
though. But maybe not.

So, I would say, there are 4 keys which tend to go by different names:

  Ctrl-H  =   Backspace
  Ctrl-I  =   Tab
  Ctrl-M  =   Enter
  Ctrl-[  =   Escape

The others are relatively uncontentious and can be left as-is.

So, are you saying that these four keys are ambiguous? Surely not!

Are you saying that these four keys, when actually generated with Ctrl
use CSI, and when not generated with Ctrl use a single byte, but other
Ctrl letters always use a single byte, since they can't be generated
without Ctrl anyway?

I guess it doesn't really matter, as long as Vim knows what's going on,
so can correctly identify the key from the bytes it receives.

Though does that still handle such cases as the physical keys Ctrl-C
vs Ctrl-Shift-C? Can I ask to map !Ctrl-C to mean only the
lowercase, without the (implied) uppercase including shift?

I think that's a good idea. I guess in the end we aim for consistency,
so it could depend how things like meta and accented keys work whether
it's truly a good idea or not. I would prefer it if case didn't matter,


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Re: Modified keypresses

2011-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 19/04/11 12:43 AM, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:11:01PM +1000, Ben Schmidt wrote:

- Ambiguous key triggers ambiguous map
  - ^M triggers ^M
- Specific key triggers specific map, or ambiguous if none
  - CSI-Ctrl-M triggers CSI-Ctrl-M or ^M
  - CSI-Enter triggers CSI-Enter or ^M

No terminal would ever be sending Enter as a CSI, because if it did so
no real program now would recognise it.

Understood. The terminal wouldn't be expected to, though. As detailed in
an earlier mail, any non-ambiguous special key would be turned into some
kind of CSI representation by Vim at input time. So if Vim knows a
particular terminal only sends ^M for Enter (because it uses CSI for
Ctrl-M et al.), and therefore, for that terminal, ^M is specific, Vim
would represent it as CSI internally. At mapping lookup time, then, it
would encounter CSI for Enter, if and only if it was unambiguously known
that Enter was pressed (or the Enter was generated by code in Vim such
as another mapping or feedkeys() using -notation).

On receipt of the single 0x0d byte we cannot tell whether this is an
Enter key, or a user of a legacy (i.e. non CSI-sending) terminal
pressing Ctrl-M.

It should know by $TERM or somehow, though, or be able to find out using
a callback or something, that the terminal supports or is in 'CSI mode'
where it will use CSI for Ctrl-M, though, right, and therefore deduce
that ^M is definitely Enter for that terminal?



  - Old stuff only breaks where -notation is involved; in this
  case, the intent of the notation is clear, so breakages should
  not be unexpected (except by gurus who were exploiting the
  ambiguity anyway)

I foresee one major problem here - I suspect Bram himself is in this
camp, so is likely to raise significant objections if it involves him.


Not wanting to put words in his mouth, but Bram's pretty reasonable, and
I'm sure like all of us will gravitate towards the best solution, when
the others have significant flaws/drawbacks (which I think they do).

And this is a very minor break in compatibility. It only occurs when you
have clashing uses of -notation. C-M would previously override an
Enter map, and vice versa, but with this approach it wouldn't. But
without such a clash, i.e. if you just used C-M or just used Enter,
it would behave just the same way as it does now (a map of one kind
would be triggered by the other key). So it's only really if you had a
couple of clashing plugins loading in a certain order to do what you
want, or you have some plugin that is inconsistent in how it refers to a
given key, that you have problems. Both these situations should be very

- Drawbacks
  - Specific stuff will never work in an ambiguous terminal, so more
work for users to support both terminal types

You hit upon this here ;) No terminal would be set that way, so this is
a non-starter.

It doesn't require the terminal to be set any special way, partly
because of Vim converting to CSI at input time as I mentioned above. But
it does require more work by the user to support both old and new
terminals, and that would be a real pain.

Approach 2 looks like a clear winner to me so far. I think it would
be better with the specific map modifier than with !-notation,
though that would possibly cause problems if you want an LHS with
some specific and some possibly-ambiguous stuff; I doubt this would
be a problem in practice, though, and there is a workaround (use
intermediate mappings).

Is it possible to update approach 2, in light of the fact there are no
non-ambiguous terminals, as such? I.e. that we can never tell if we
received an Enter on a CSI-sending terminal, vs. Enter or Ctrl-M on a
legacy one..., etc etc..

I think a good part of this is already catered for by the stuff I
mentioned above, i.e. Vim converting 'ambiguous' to 'specific' at input
time, because it knows that for the particular terminal in use it is

However, perhaps it is better to do things a bit differently so that ^M
prioritises Enter, since that is its 'more normal' meaning.


- Ambiguous LHS defines high priority (P1) ambiguous map
   - ^M defines ^M-P1
- -notation LHS defines specific and ambiguous maps; priority of
  ambiguous map is related to how 'simple' the key is--more modifier
  keys mean a lower priority--keys that would usually be represented
  without CSI have P1, so they replace mappings from ambiguous LHS
   - Enter defines ^M-P1 and CSI-Enter
   - C-M defines ^M-P2 and CSI-Ctrl-M
   - C-S-M defines ^M-P3 and CSI-Ctrl-Shift-M
- !-notation LHS defines specific map only
   - !Enter defines CSI-Enter
   - !C-M defines CSI-Ctrl-M
   - !C-S-M defines CSI-Ctrl-Shift-M
   - (variation: :map specific instead of !...)
- -notation (or !-notation) on RHS is specific
   - Enter generates CSI-Enter
   - C-M generates CSI-Ctrl-M
   - C-S-M generates CSI-Ctrl-Shift-M
- Ambiguous key triggers highest priority

Re: no error raised for :let list[out-of-range] = value

2011-04-20 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 21/04/11 10:10 AM, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Apr 19, 4:40 am, Yukihiro

When assigning or deleting list item no error raised for out-of-range index.

:let list = []
:let list[0] = 0
:echo list

:let list = []
:unlet list[0]

I expected E684: list index out of range: 0 or similar error.

This one is a feature. It lets you easily grow a list.



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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Jason wrote:

There is no A record for the domain name That is,
this link shouldn't work:

That's correct, actually. Not only doesn't it work, but it shouldn't
work. It is a shame people have abused DNS and expect it to work.

Marc wrote:

There have been lot's of discussion about this on the mailinglist.
That this topic is being written about again and again is a reason to
change it. IMHO.

To some extent, I agree. It'd be nice to 'fix' this, just to silence the
noise on the mailing list.

But how?

We can't CNAME it; it would be against spec, and would break things. We
can't add an A record, because sourceforge might change it under us
and/or we don't know what magic they might be doing with load balancing,
etc. that we would irresponsibly bypass if we did that.

Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that
offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a server
listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably 301 in our
case) redirect (to in our case) whenever it gets
one. No smart URL rewriting or anything. We might already have it (it
commonly is included with domain names in my experience) and just need
to set it up. If not, in my experience, it's very cheap, something like
a year's worth of hosting for the price of a glass of fruit juice.
Because it's actually a webserver, not done in DNS, it bypasses the
DNS-related difficulties, and because it's such a simple task and it
should be low-traffic anyway, loading isn't an issue.


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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that
offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a
server listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably
301 in our case) redirect (to in our case)
whenever it gets one.

I've taken the liberty of doing just this for on my own
webhost. (I have ten domain names included in my plan, and I'm only
using eight). If an 'A' record for were created with the value ( =, this would work
instantly. I did what I outlined in my post[1] from the last time this
came up, but even more simply:

www5$ cat
Redirect permanent /

Verified; this is working.


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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 23/04/11 2:33 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:

Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that
offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a
server listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably
301 in our case) redirect (to in our case)
whenever it gets one.

I've taken the liberty of doing just this for on my own
webhost. (I have ten domain names included in my plan, and I'm only
using eight). If an 'A' record for were created with the value ( =, this would work
instantly. I did what I outlined in my post[1] from the last time this
came up, but even more simply:

www5$ cat
Redirect permanent /

Verified; this is working.

Just to clarify, I don't mean that it's working for end users; I just
mean it looks to me like the server is responding correctly, so if our
DNS admin agrees to make the change outlined above, things should go


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Re: is down

2011-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

I pointed out that it is a simple DNS issue, and gave some
examples of Sourceforge sites that have chosen to add an
A record for the domain ( for us) in their DNS.

Turns out you're right, John, though I couldn't find any actual evidence
in your mail or the thread you cited to prove it. :-)

However, this page does prove it:

Since SF recommend it, putting an A record for the bare domain must be
OK and not mess up their load balancing or anything (though without
checking their docs, we couldn't have known that; another project's
doing it doesn't make it right).

IMHO, it would be wise to update our config so that it matches SF's

I agree with the DNS admin that people *should* use www. I don't really
think people should use Chrome either, which is where the problem rears
its head because Chrome doesn't automatically add the www for you if it
has a failure. But that doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't support
it. In fact, IMHO, I have an opinion is a pretty poor reason not to do
something, and other good reasons not to do this seem to be vanishing.
Might as well take a few seconds to update the config and help these
guys out.


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Re: is down

2011-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 23/04/11 6:29 PM, John Beckett wrote:

Ben Schmidt wrote:

Turns out you're right, John, though I couldn't find any
actual evidence in your mail or the thread you cited to prove it. :-)

However, this page does prove it:

Interesting docs, thanks. BTW while in general defining an A
record for would not be sufficient when several websites
are hosted at the one IP address, the fact that putting the
entry that I showed in your hosts file works does prove that
adding the DNS A record would work (although of course it is
ideal to know that Sourceforge support that, and it will work in
the future).

O, I never said it wouldn't *work*. It just might not be reliable or
responsible. If SF changed things, it would break, and if they were
doing load balancing or geotargetting with DNS, we'd be bypassing it by
hard-coding in a static IP, so could screw things up for them.

I suggest you try Bram, and see if he wants to ask for the
change. I'm still in let sleeping dogs lie camp.

Well, I've given my opinion: I think it would be a nice thing to do for
those who want it, it is technically feasible, wouldn't hurt anything,
and I can see no good reason not to do it. But I don't actually care
about it, and it doesn't affect me. So, if anyone's going to actually
push for it, or put in extra work to convince Bram/our DNS admin (sorry
I don't know his name!)/anyone else relevant to make the change, it
won't be me.



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Re: Can't reproduce - 'lines' is 25 and 'scrolloff' is 12

2011-05-02 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 3/05/11 1:04 PM, sc wrote:

On Monday, May 02, 2011 20:02:03 Jean-Rene David wrote:

Can someone reproduce this item from the todo list:

When 'lines' is 25 and 'scrolloff' is 12, j scrolls zero or
two lines instead of one. (Constantin Pan, 2010 Sep 10)

I can't. And I didn't find a message on either mailing lists
on that subject around that date.

i confirm this:  for me j moves one line in the above

Me too. That's another one that's been fixed but not removed, then, it seems.


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Re: Patch to detect linewise selections from X clipboard

2011-05-03 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Well, what if I yank (in Firefox, say, or in Thunderbird) a multiline sentence
from the middle of a paragraph? As in the example below, I mean? With this
newfangled system, I won't be able to insert it in the middle of a different
paragraph in Vim, except by calling setreg('+', '', 'ac') to force it to

That is the thing I find frustrating, too. I find it easier to whack my cursor at 
the beginning of a line or open a new line than split a line, paste linewise, then 
join lines again.

Someone did note a workaround for this, though: going into insert mode and using 
Ctrl-R + to paste. This perhaps allows the best of both worlds (once the people 
who, like me, prefer characterwise clipboard pasting, put together some mappings 
to do it that way).



P.S. Tony, I think you just won the award for the worst quote trimming ever. ;-)

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Re: Logo / Icon contribution

2011-05-03 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

I love vim, but must admit to not being so fond of the fairly old
looking icon. I recently created a new logo for my own use, and
would be more than happy if you'd like to use it for an actual app
icon or logo.

I quite like the icon, too. I agree the old one (which in recent times, I've only 
seen in Windows), looks a bit dated if nothing else.

Another icon to look at/consider/etc. is the MacVim icon which, likewise, tried to 
modernise the old Vim icon somewhat, and I think did quite well. Can't remember 
when it was done, who did it, or anything. But it has been rendered at multiple 
sizes, and there are scripts that also create document icons with the MacVim badge 
and file extension printed on them for different file types. AFAIK, pretty much 
everything needed for this is in the MacVim git repository. The icon format is 
Mac-specific, I think, but it could probably be converted if other platforms would 
like to use it. I'm sure people are free to.


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Re: Can't reproduce - 'lines' is 25 and 'scrolloff' is 12

2011-05-03 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 4/05/11 12:11 AM, Jean-Rene David wrote:

* Lech Lorens [2011.05.03 10:00]:

On 03-May-2011 Jean-Rene  wrote:

Can someone reproduce this item from the todo list:

When 'lines' is 25 and 'scrolloff' is 12, j scrolls zero or two lines
instead of one. (Constantin Pan, 2010 Sep 10)

I can't. And I didn't find a message on either mailing lists on that
subject around that date.

I can reproduce it. However, I need to set 'ls' to 0 for the problem to

Still no luck for me, even with 'ls' set to 0. What version of vim are
you using?

I see the behaviour now, with 7.3.161.


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Re: [BUG] compiled with python, but has('python') returns 0

2011-05-06 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Here is the version information:


+python/dyn +python3/dyn +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind +signs


However, :echo has('python') returns 0.

Does the :python command work? If not, perhaps it can't find the python
library at runtime, as it's only dynamically linked.

Have you tried has('python/dyn') as well?

IMHO, though, has('python') should work.


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Re: [BUG] compiled with python, but has('python') returns 0

2011-05-06 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

:python command doesn't work. It gives the following message:

OK. So you need to install Python where Vim can find it. :-)

See :help python-dynamic

Once Python is properly installed, Vim should find it on startup, and
:python should start working and has('python') should return 1.

Also note that the :python3 command is different to the :python command.
If you only have Python 3 installed, only Vim's has('python3') and
:python3 commands will work, not the ones above, which are for Python 2.



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Re: Why is 'foldtext' local to window instead of buffer?

2011-05-13 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

I've recently been trying to write a 'foldtext' setting that is specific
to LaTeX and would include useful information like for a example the
caption information for a folded environment. But then I discovered that
the 'foldtext' setting is local to a window and not to a buffer, making
filetype-specific foldtexts pretty much impossible. So if I were to for
example edit my LaTeX file and a C file that I'm writing about in the
same window I can't have foldtexts that are tuned for those files,

Are you sure this is a problem? Have you tried it? :help local-options
explains how window-local settings are kept per-buffer so when you reuse
a window to edit a buffer you've edited before, the options for that
buffer+window combination are used, or if the buffer wasn't edited in
that window before, the options from the last window used for that
buffer. Window-local doesn't actually mean window-local irrespective of
buffer; it somewhat means window-and-buffer-local.


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Re: Syntax engine - 'extend' broken

2011-05-14 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

I've tried to look into the code to find the source of this behavior,
but eventually decided that trying to understand what it does would
take me too much time so I gave up.

I had a quick look, too, and haven't spotted the bug yet.

Note that your second example is a red herring:


is highlighted correctly. :syn match rules cannot nest (or overlap), so
the brackets correctly extend the match that originally spanned
characters 1-7 to span characters 1-9.

Your other two examples demonstrate the strange behaviour. Here's an
even simpler case:

sy clear

sy region braces
\ matchgroup=Type start=/{/ end=/}/
\ contains=parens keepend

sy region parens
\ matchgroup=Statement start=/(/ end=/)/
\ contains=parens extend

hi link braces Comment
hi link parens PreProc



I just have it in a single file and use :sou % to (re)load it.


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Re: Syntax engine - 'extend' broken

2011-05-15 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 14/05/11 10:27 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:

I've tried to look into the code to find the source of this behavior,
but eventually decided that trying to understand what it does would
take me too much time so I gave up.

I had a quick look, too, and haven't spotted the bug yet.

I have tracked it down now. The problem is that when an extend syntax
group ends, check_state_ends() calls syn_update_ends() which then calls
check_state_ends() again. However, that first call happens before
check_state_ends() has finished its current iteration which updates the
location where end-checking should continue. Thus the end-checking
commences too early, and a syntax group higher up the stack can end,
though it shouldn't.

As there is only one call to syn_update_ends() with startofline being
false, and that is from check_state_ends() which will continue its work
after the call, this one-line change can fix it:

diff --git a/src/syntax.c b/src/syntax.c
--- a/src/syntax.c
+++ b/src/syntax.c
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@
+if (startofline) check_state_ends();


However, I am a bit concerned this makes the code (even) less readable.
A comment in the middle of the function does draw attention to the fact
that startofline==0 when an extend item has just been removed. As I
mentioned above, this is the only time this is the case. It turns out
that there is also only one call when startofline is true, and this is,
funnily enough, when starting a line. The two situations are pretty
different, and even though some similar updating is necessary there are
plenty of differences, and the function is, though short, littered with
checks of startofline. I think it might be better to create two versions
of the code (corresponding to startofline being true and false), and
either put them in two functions, or even at the locations of the two
existing calls (I don't deem the functions too large for this). What do
you think, Bram? I would be happy to make such a patch.

While investigating the issue, I found an inefficiency, too; more
checking is done than necessary because had_extend in check_state_ends()
is only initialised at function start, not each iteration of the loop.
This fixes it:

diff --git a/src/syntax.c b/src/syntax.c
--- a/src/syntax.c
+++ b/src/syntax.c
@@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@
-inthad_extend = FALSE;

 cur_si = CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
 for (;;)
@@ -2583,8 +2583,7 @@

/* When the ended item has extend, another item with
 * keepend now needs to check for its end. */
-if (cur_si-si_flags  HL_EXTEND)
-had_extend = TRUE;
+   had_extend = (cur_si-si_flags  HL_EXTEND);




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Re: Patch 7.3.188

2011-05-15 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 15/05/11 9:07 PM, H Xu wrote:

On 05/10/2011 11:22 PM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

[snips entire patch description including 150+ lines of patches]

Hello Bram,


Another winner for the worst quote trimming ever.

I have no idea what you even wrote in your other messages, because I
couldn't easily find your reply amongst the patches.

Could you/others please trim quotes to the relevant portions when
replying? It would make following much easier.



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Re: Syntax engine - bug in 'containedin'

2011-05-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 18/05/11 1:50 AM, Radek wrote:

Another strange behavior of syntax engine. Though it occurs only when
there's at least one syntax group with 'containedin=' attribute, it
affects even completely unrelated syntax items. As before, I feel that
an example will explain it best.

Found it. Not sure if my fix is correct yet though. Stay tuned.

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Re: How about in-built camelcase movement support?

2011-05-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

The other question is whether a sizeable population works on camelcase
code and would like to have this solved :).

I would like to see a camelcase and/or underscore-seperation movement
commands. But I think if done, it has to be done really carefully so it
doesn't end up using obscure keys or mashes, or hideously complicated
options, or we turn Vim into Emacs


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Re: Syntax engine - bug in 'containedin'

2011-05-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 18/05/11 1:50 AM, Radek wrote:

Another strange behavior of syntax engine. Though it occurs only when
there's at least one syntax group with 'containedin=' attribute, it
affects even completely unrelated syntax items. As before, I feel that
an example will explain it best.

The patch below fixes it. I think the comment pretty much says it all. That it 
worked before/in other cases was a bit of an 'accident' really, due to the order 
in which various things were done.

Bram, I'm still awaiting your comments on the last syntax engine patch I sent 
through, to know whether I should rework it as I proposed or not.

I'd like to have these discussed, finalised and included sooner rather than later 
if possible, as I may not remember many details if too much time passes.



diff --git a/src/syntax.c b/src/syntax.c
--- a/src/syntax.c
+++ b/src/syntax.c
@@ -2566,6 +2566,9 @@
update_si_attr(current_state.ga_len - 1);

+   /* nextgroup= should not match in the end pattern */
+   current_next_list = NULL;
/* what matches next may be different now, clear it */
next_match_idx = 0;
next_match_col = MAXCOL;

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Re: Compiling Vim with X on Mac

2011-05-28 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

[redirected from vim_use to vim_dev]

Good idea!

OK, I got confused.  I think in vim.h FEAT_GUI should be defined even
when NO_X11_INCLUDES is defined.  If there is some place where FEAT_GUI
causes trouble then add a check for NO_X11_INCLUDES there.  That should
be a lot cleaner an avoids unexpected side effects.  NO_X11_INCLUDES
suggests only the includes are skipped, nothing else.

I agree. It is a much bigger and more complicated patch, though, as not
including those files has a lot of side-effects in terms of which
structures can be defined. I've done what I think is most sensible in
the attached patch. What do you think?

Phew, that's a mess.  I didn't expect so many dependencies.

Can we think of another solution?  Perhaps we can split os_macosx.c into
a part that conflicts with the X11 headers and doesn't contain any GUI
stuff and a part with the rest, that may use GUI stuff?  Or is there
code that both uses the GUI and conflicts with X11 headers?

I think that is essentially already the situation. The trouble is more
that once you don't include the X11 headers, a bunch of structures,
which aren't particularly GUI-related (i.e. they exist in console Vim),
such as Vim windows, syntax groups, etc., can't be defined, as they
contain GUI-related members. And even if they are unused in the .c file
being compiled, as they are defined in the header files, of which Vim
has few, they are somewhat inavoidable. Without adding an extra layer of
indirection to all these structures (to go via a pointer rather than use
the GUI members directly, so at least the strctures can remain constant
with or without the GUI/X11 datatypes defined), or splitting Vim's
header files up a lot more (so it is more modular and we can pull in
what, and only what we want/need in any given source file), we are a bit

I don't think the code that conflicts with X11 headers actually does
much, or uses many structures, so either of those approaches above could
potentially work (well, indirection will always work, and modularisation
could work or mostly work, and just fall back to indirection where
necessary). But both are quite a bit of work, for little gain, IMHO.

The current code, of course, is a bit dangerous--just turning off the
GUI features when compiling certain source files means a whole bunch of
structures are defined really very differently for just those files. If
any are allocated or members past where the two versions match are used,
things could go horribly wrong, and in a hard-to-find way. With the new
patch I forwarded, there is at least only one such structure (which I
reordered so that the one member that needs to be included/excluded is
at the end, so it's as safe as possible). So at least it's better. Still
not pretty, though.

All depends which risks you prefer, really, as I, like you, don't think
we should spend too much time on this.


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Fwd: Re: Keyboard left in a strange mode after ZZ

2011-05-29 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Below is a message from vim_use where we've partially identified the
cause of some bug. Maybe there's a Windows dev here who has some more
ideas, or could reproduce it and track it down? I'm afraid I'm pretty
useless from here.



On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:

On 27/05/11 1:02 AM, Richard Guse wrote:

I'm using Vim 7.3 7/20/2010 under Windows 7.

I usually start gvim from the command-line but sometimes from
Windows Explorer.

After I start, do my work then use ZZ to save/exit, it leaves
the keyboard in a strange state relating only to the window
which was used to start gvim:

   before:  abc123
   after:  ABC!@#
   after (shift key):  ABC!@#
   after (caps lock):  abc!@#

There seem to be two ways to fix it...

   1. exit and restart the window
   2. in a bad window, re-start vim then type any command...even
   typing : and exiting the window with the mouse works.  Just
   starting it then closing the window doesn't fix it -
   something must be typed.

This doesn't happen with vim.
This doesn't happen with gvim if exited with :wq or :x.

I haven't noticed this behavior with any other application.

I've noticed several tips and messages relating to mapping caps
lock to escape but I don't map default keys.

I'm hoping someone here has seen this before as its driving me
nuts.  It is incredibly difficult to retrain myself to :wq or :x
rather than ZZ.  I even tried mapping ZZ to :x and it still

Hmm. I guess it happens because Gvim does something keyboard-related
when it exits, but when you use ZZ, at that point the shift key is
depressed. To test the theory try doing

   :noremap ZZ 2gsZZ

That will put in a 2 second delay before exiting, which should be
more than enough time for you to release the shift key. See if that
helps. If it does, check you can reproduce the bad behaviour by
continuting to hold the shift key until after the 2 second delay
passes and Vim exits.

That's it exactly!

I can now re-produce it not only by the above method but also by typing
:q!enter but not lift the shift key when pressing enter.  Curiously,
some capital letter must be pressed as :xenter while shift is pressed
does not do it.  Explains why maping ZZ to :x doesn't fix the problem.

I reduced it to 1 second :normap ZZ gsZZ which appears to be plenty.
The delay is slightly annoying but much less annoying than funky caps
lock. :noremap ZZ :sleep 300CRZZ works even better.  :)

Still can't re-produce it in any other application.  It must be unique
to vim and my environment.


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Re: [?] echoe acts like an exception inside :catch and :finally blocks

2011-06-02 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 3/06/11 9:45 AM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

On 02/06/11 23:27, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

ZyX wrote:

Is this expected:
throw 'Throw'
echoe 'Echoe'
echom 'Echom'
will show only 'Echoe', but not 'Echom'? I though that «When used
inside a try conditional» refers only to the first section of
`:try...' block, not to `:catch' or `:finally' sections.

This indeed looks wrong.

:echoerr generates an error (which, inside a try block, is handled as an
exception). Depending on where the error happens, it may cause an abort of
whatever it is that it is wrapped in.

In the present case, the Echoe exception is not caught, so it will
propagate outside the try block we see here, to be caught by an
outside try block if any, or if there isn't, it may (I suppose)
propagate as an error, causing an abort of some script or function
around this try block.

Vimscripts do not normally terminate on errors, and that is the problem
here; it does, when it shouldn't. There is no mapping to terminate, no
function, no surrounding try/catch block into which to propagate the
error. It should just be ignored and the script continue, just as if you
issued the echoe followed the the echom on the commandline.


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Re: HOME variable in cmd.exe for vim compiled in an UNIX-like environment

2011-06-07 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 8/06/11 2:38 PM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

fabian greffrath wrote:

Am 07.06.2011 05:40, schrieb Bram Moolenaar:

This tries to expand a file pattern starting with ~/, which won't work
when $HOME isn't set.  However, it should not crash.

You say the shell chokes on the command, but how does that make Vim

I don't know. Maybe it's just Windows that for some reason *believes*
that vim has crashed [1]. However, I have just tried out with another
shell, i.e. the sh.exe from UnxUtils (which is a zsh) and it works
even if both PATH and HOME are unset!

   - Fabian

[1] These are the debug messages that Windows presents to me (in
German, sorry):

Anwendungsname: conhost.exe
Anwendungsversion:  6.1.7601.17514
Anwendungszeitstempel:  4ce79a18
Fehlermodulversion: 6.1.7601.17514
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4ce79a18
Ausnahmecode:   c005
Ausnahmeoffset: 1e65
Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID:   1031
Zusatzinformation 1:f7b2
Zusatzinformation 2:f7b24610852830221d2f973252451319
Zusatzinformation 3:1131
Zusatzinformation 4:11317911aee4606a99ac6986df83c9f2

Lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen online:

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unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen offline:

I guess what happens is that the shell dies, and takes Vim with it.
I don't think it is up to Vim to set $HOME just to avoid the shell from

You could try running that conhost.exe without $HOME in another context,
see what happens.

Can it be reproduced without Vim? If so, a bug can be filed against the
shell. If not, perhaps we haven't fully understood it yet?


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Re: Fwd: Numbered registers

2011-06-14 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Mar 22 2011 13:03:19)
MS-Windows 32-bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-142

Vim maintains the numbered registers 0-9.  These are maintained
automatically by Vim.

I had a request for the YankRing plugin to also manage these registers
and make sure the top 10 most recently used entries in the YankRing are
in those registers.

In attempting to implement this, I see Vim has it's own design on
these.  So even as I write to them:
let @2 = 'blah'

This will be overwritten with something else.

You can read about the numbered registers here:
:h quote_number

Though I am seeing some behaviour with the #2 register that I can't
really explain.  I was hoping someone familiar with the code could have
a quick look at tell me what Vim is putting in this register.  I have
not been able to determine when or why this one is updated with the text
it receives.

Is there any Vim option to turn off the management of the numbered

I don't get it (which is why I didn't reply on vim_use :-)). Numbered registers 
generally behave as I expect them to, including when I set them, except for @ 
(which works as documented, but just isn't convenient always!). Can you spell out 
more specifically what the problem is? What specific steps show what happens and 
what would you prefer to happen?


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Re: ALT_C and ã

2011-06-19 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 19/06/11 3:52 AM, Ian Liu Rodrigues wrote:

Dear list,

When I press ALT_C in GVim, it generates the character ã (a tilde).
This is problematic since I can't create an imap to ALT_C, for typing
ã will also trigger the mapping.

I'm interested in fixing this bug and providing a patch, but I've never
looked in Vim's code, so if someone could give me an entry point, I
would appreciate.

Yeah, this is a known limitation. We have planned out a roadmap to fix it, but it 
is quite a large job, and I don't think anybody is actually working on it yet. 
There are plenty of people interested in having it fixed, though, so I'm sure as 
soon as one of them has some spare time, it will happen!


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Re: ALT_C and ã

2011-06-20 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 21/06/11 12:13 AM, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 09:16:00PM +1000, Ben Schmidt wrote:

Yeah, this is a known limitation. We have planned out a roadmap to
fix it, but it is quite a large job, and I don't think anybody is
actually working on it yet. There are plenty of people interested in
having it fixed, though, so I'm sure as soon as one of them has some
spare time, it will happen!

_Do_ we actually have a roadmap.. really?

I recall various discussions going back and forth, but no real concrete
specifics, nor did anyone step up and say I will write some code.

Do we actually have either of these things?

Oops! I think you're right. I must've been thinking of another feature
where we got further (bidi text or smoother scrolling or something).

I think as far as we got is a 'model' for how mappings should work.
Approach 4 built on all our discussions and clearly set out how mappings
should conceptually work. There were a number of other raised but
unresolved issues, too. We should gather them together into a neat list,
resolve them (or agree not to resolve them) and then make some kind of
roadmap/implementation plan.


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Re: ALT_C and ã

2011-06-24 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 22/06/11 9:37 PM, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:45:57AM +1000, Ben Schmidt wrote:

I think as far as we got is a 'model' for how mappings should work.
Approach 4 built on all our discussions and clearly set out how mappings
should conceptually work. There were a number of other raised but
unresolved issues, too. We should gather them together into a neat list,
resolve them (or agree not to resolve them) and then make some kind of
roadmap/implementation plan.

This sounds like a good idea. Do you want to take charge of that bit? I
seem to recall we were heading in about the right direction, with just a
few minor questions here and there around the edges.

I'll see how I go. I might be able to do some work on it next week, but
if not, it'll be about a month before I get a chance. So if you want to
have a go yourself, just jump in.



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Re: [BUG] `verbose set sw?' is not working in help buffer

2011-06-26 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 26/06/11 11:15 AM, ZyX wrote:

Reply to message «Re: [BUG] `verbose set sw?' is not working in help buffer»,
sent 04:12:57 26 June 2011, Sunday
by Bram Moolenaar:

In help files the option values are set to sane values.  Option values
set in the program don't have a verbose location.

If I set 'sw' to 100 it will remain set to 100 in a help buffer. It does not
look like a `sane' value. And it is not a value defined by Vim itself, so it is
a bug.

The local option is set from the global option, not from a file, so has
no verbose location.

:verbose setglobal sw?

will show you whence the global option was set.

I wouldn't call it a bug.

But it could be a helpful enhancement to, when setting a local option
from a global option, also set the verbose location.


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Re: a problem with syntax highlighting in regexp.c

2011-07-15 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

I extracted a couple of lines from regexp.c (143,144): (vim 7.3.244)

#define BRANCH 3 /* node Match this alternative, or the
* next... */

and put them in a file junk.c. Then

vim -u NONE -N --noplugin junk.c
:syn on

shows the comment-ending pair of characters, */, in error highlighting.

No problem for me with Vim 7.3.219 and an updated syntax/c.vim which
hasn't made it into the official runtimes yet.

FYI: I found this due to my looking at line 2045, (2044,2045)

No problems around that area for me either.

So, if it's a bug, it's a new one!


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Re: Patch 7.3.258

2011-07-21 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Does this have some documentation with it? How will anybody find out about it 
if not?


On 21/07/11 1:27 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Patch 7.3.258
Problem:MS-Windows: The edit with existing vim context menu entries can be
Solution:   Let a registry entry disable them. (Jerome Vuarand)
Files:  src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp

*** ../vim-7.3.257/src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp  2010-08-15 21:57:29.0 
--- src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp 2011-07-20 16:48:09.0 +0200
*** 586,593 

   // Initialize m_cntOfHWnd to 0
   m_cntOfHWnd = 0;
! // Retrieve all the vim instances
! EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)this);

   if (cbFiles  1)
--- 586,608 

   // Initialize m_cntOfHWnd to 0
   m_cntOfHWnd = 0;
! HKEY keyhandle;
! bool showExisting = true;
! // Check whether Edit with existing Vim entries are disabled.
! if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\\Vim\\Gvim, 0,
!  KEY_READ,keyhandle) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
! {
!   if (RegQueryValueEx(keyhandle, DisableEditWithExisting, 0, NULL,
!   showExisting = false;
!   RegCloseKey(keyhandle);
! }
! // Retrieve all the vim instances, unless disabled.
! if (showExisting)
!   EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)this);

   if (cbFiles  1)
*** ../vim-7.3.257/src/version.c2011-07-20 16:36:35.0 +0200
--- src/version.c   2011-07-20 16:54:34.0 +0200
*** 711,712 
--- 711,714 
   {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 258,

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Re: [patch] move to next error

2011-08-03 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 3/08/11 6:30 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Christian Brabandt wrote:

this patch fixes this issue from the todo list:

| 8   Add a command to jump to the next character highlighted with
| Error.

It implements the [e and ]e movement commands, which move to the
previous or next error. And while I was at it, I also made [t ]t move to
the previous/next item that is highlighted with TODO highlighting.

Thanks, I'll put it on the todo list.

We are running out of command characters, taking two more from the ] and
[ list makes me wonder how many users will use them.  Perhaps we should
have one move to highlight command with an argument to specify what
kind of highlighting?  That would be more future safe.

I think something more future-proof and flexible would be better, too.

Maybe it needs to be an Ex command that a user can map if desired to
access in normal mode.


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Re: A few questions(accessing the Vim code in VimL)

2009-02-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Spencer Collyer wrote:
 On Sun, 8 Feb 2009 20:40:09 -0800, Garrett Whelan wrote:
 ... Oh, also what is this declaration structure:
  2038 static void
  2039 list_func_vars(first)
  2040 int *first;
  2041 {
  2042 if (current_funccal != NULL)
  2043 list_hashtable_vars(current_funccal-l_vars.dv_hashtab,
  2044 (char_u *)l:, FALSE, first);
  2045 }

 I've never seen that in C before. Declaring variables after the
 arguments but before the body?
 That is the original style of function declaration in C, from back in
 the KR first edition days.

Yes. Note, though, they are not variables being defined (or even
declared), but the types of the function arguments being declared. You
can't just define variables there, it is the place to declare the
arguments' types, though.


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Re: Feature request: Add a Diff option upon open when Found a swap file...

2009-04-17 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

 Adding the ability to easily diff the recovered buffer
 against the on-disk file (the action recommended to the user)
 is a valid request.
 I'm not proposing the following as a solution, but I will
 mention that there is a related tip:!_-_so_diff_it

And the 'Comment' at the end of the tip, IMHO, is the most useful part.

Here's what I usually do. When I'm confronted with the 'Swap file exists' 
I choose 'Recover' and then immediately issue :DiffOrig (:help :DiffOrig). Once 
I've considered the changes, I either (1) close the Scratch buffer that is the 
original file, to keep the recovered file, and delete the old swap file, or (2) 
edit the file again and choose 'Delete' when confronted with the 'Swap file 
exists' message.

Now, perhaps a good solution is to have (1) a 'Recover and diff' option that 
basically does 'Recover' and :DiffOrig in one step and (2) a :KeepThis command 
that you can run in the buffer you're interested in keeping, that writes the 
buffer you're editing to disk (you may have even edited it, e.g. to incorporate 
*some* changes from a recovered version), deletes all the stale swap files, 
any other buffers that were editing that file (to avoid 'Buffer already editing 
that file' issues, etc.), and re-edits the file so that its current swap file 
.swp not .swo and thus easily recoverable in future.

It would need a little support from Vim--i.e. a reliable way to determine what 
swap files are, both current ones for buffers being edited, and stale ones, 
ones from which recovery was done. That is probably easy to add. But apart from 
that, it could be Vimscripted, I think.

So, two big questions about it. (1) Would my suggestion be an appropriate 
interface? and (2) Would Bram be willing to have those small additions to Vim?


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Re: variable tabstops feature branch in vim_extended.git

2010-02-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Hi, Matthew,

Have you managed to do any work on this to bring it up to date?

If not, I'll volunteer, as I love this functionality, and have noted a couple of 
areas which need fixing/improving since the last patch I have.

Either way, could you send me the latest version of the patch? Or should I get it 
from vim_extended?


On 14/03/09 5:54 AM, Matthew Winn wrote:

On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 23:38:44 +0100, Markus Heidelberg  wrote:

patch 7.2.137 has rewritten half of the function shift_block() in
src/ops.c. This is the part, which was heavily modified by the variable
tabstops patch, so that I ended up with a merge conflict. I will at
first remove the feature from the branch, so that I can update the
master branch.

If someone who actually uses this feature or Matthew himself would
update the patch, I would be eager to include it again.

I've been meaning to work on the patch but ill health has intervened.
I'll see if I can find the time to bring the patch up to date.

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Missing redraw when changing 'ff'

2010-02-09 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Hi, Bram,

I'm getting back into doing some Vim coding, and mailing list
interaction and so on, and have come across this old patch (attached;
originally on vim_use).

The changes to ex_cmds.c are obsoleted by patch 7.2.082, but the change
to option.c is still relevant.

The problem is that when 'ff' is changed, the screen is not redrawn, so
any ^J or ^M in the buffer are incorrectly displayed until you scroll or


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For more information, visit -r 11ae7ca1e672 src/ex_cmds.c
--- a/src/ex_cmds.c	Sat Dec 06 10:45:15 2008 +1100
+++ b/src/ex_cmds.c	Sun Dec 28 19:13:21 2008 +1100
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 exarg_T	*eap;
 int		c;
+char_u  *transc;
 char	buf1[20];
 char	buf2[20];
 char_u	buf3[7];
@@ -92,9 +93,12 @@
 	buf2[0] = NUL;
+	transc = transchar(c);
+	if (c == CAR  get_fileformat(curbuf) == EOL_MAC)
+	c = NL;		/* we use CR in place of  NL in this case */
 	vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
 		_(%s%s%s  %d,  Hex %02x,  Octal %03o),
-	   transchar(c), buf1, buf2, c, c, c);
+	   transc, buf1, buf2, c, c, c);
 #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
 	if (enc_utf8)
 	c = cc[ci++];
diff -r 11ae7ca1e672 src/option.c
--- a/src/option.c	Sat Dec 06 10:45:15 2008 +1100
+++ b/src/option.c	Sun Dec 28 19:13:21 2008 +1100
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@
 			{(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}
 			(char_u *)p_ff, PV_FF,
 			{(char_u *)DFLT_FF, (char_u *)0L}},
 {fileformats, ffs,  P_STRING|P_VIM|P_COMMA|P_NODUP,

Re: Top of file not reached using ctrl-f + ctrl-b

2010-02-15 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt


Correct behaviour relies on a long overflowing, which it does on 32 bit
machines, but not on 64 bit machines.

From onepage(...) in move.c:

long n;
while (n = curwin-w_height  loff.lnum = 1)
n += loff.height;
if (n = curwin-w_height) /* at begin of file */

From topline_back(...) in move.c:

if (lp-lnum  1)
lp-height = MAXCOL;

From vim.h:

#if SIZEOF_INT = 4
# ifdef __MVS__
# define MAXCOL (0x3fffL) /* maximum column number, 30 bits */
# else
# define MAXCOL (0x7fffL) /* maximum column number, 31 bits */
# endif

In the usual, non __MVS__ case, on 32 or 64 bit machines, we have
MAXCOL=0x7fffL. On at least most 32 bit machines,
sizeof(int)==sizeof(long), so n overflows and becomes negative at
n += loff.height when we reach top-of-file, and the if is entered. On at
least some 64 bit machines, sizeof(int)sizeof(long) (4 vs. 8, it
seems), and so n does not overflow but just gets huge.

The code is clearly wrong, but I'm not 100% sure what the intentions

Perhaps the if should be

if (loff.lnum  1) /* at begin of file */


I don't have time right now to try it, and my build environment isn't
quite set up right yet and not worth the trouble to do so as I'm
thinking of doing an OS reinstallation in a day or two. Can someone else
review the change / test it / suggest something else if it's wrong?

I don't have a 64bit machine to try it on, but wouldn't it be simpler
just to change the declaration of n from long to int?

I thought of that, but suspect it would mess up 16 bit machines. Not
sure if anyone cares about that anymore.

It also wouldn't fix the __MVS__ case which will suffer from the same
problem for a different reason.

And to cross all the ts, the behaviour of overflow with signed integers
is undefined in the C language. But while it can be described as a dodgy
piece of code, for most hardware platforms there shouldn't be a problem.
I doubt this is the only place relying on undefined language behaviour.

I doubt it too. But surely it would be better to have a more sane test
than relying on platform-specific ill-defined oddities.

To really be picky, probably MAXCOL is not a good choice of value for
height in the 'above first line' case. Something like LONG_MAX (does
that macro exist?--and on which platforms?) would be more appropriate.
It would return us to relying on the overflow, though, which IMHO isn't
really the best solution.

Bram probably will have a preferred way of fixing this, I suppose. Now
the problem has been pinpointed it should be pretty trivial for him to
decide on a fix. Probably more helpful for him if someone can test a
proposed fix, though.


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Re: Building GUI Vim on MacOS

2020-07-11 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 11/7/20 2:36 am, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 5:00 PM Yegappan Lakshmanan  wrote:

Hi Tony,

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 7:37 AM Tony Mechelynck  

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 3:41 AM Yegappan Lakshmanan  wrote:

Hi all,

Is anyone able to successfully build GUI Vim on MacOS?

I am not able to build Vim with GUI enabled on MacOS. I tried athena and carbon.
I think the build instructions in src/INSTALLmac.txt file should be updated.

Note that I am able to successfully build MacVim 
with GUI support.


IIUC MacVim is _the_ version of Vim with "native Mac" GUI support. It
/may/ be possible to build other versions of gvim for OSX _with X11_
which is not the default; but AFAIK such versions have received little
or no testing ever since MacVim came into being, their GUI may or may
not still be usable. OTOH the procedure for building Vim without GUI
should be the same, or very similar, on OSX and on other Unix-like

Thanks for the reply. I do regularly build and use the TUI version of Vim
on MacOS (this is the system I use for Vim development).

If nobody is able to build or use the GUI version on Mac, then we should
remove that code (CarbonGUI).


I don't use the Mac myself, I'm on Linux; so all I know about Vim on
Mac is hearsay, which I got mostly by following the vim_mac newsgroup
in addition to vim_use and vim_dev; but you aren't the first one who
tried to build a non-MacVim gvim on Mac and failed. Did you get an
executable? If you did, have you tried to run it after starting an X11

I'm adding a few CC of people who "might" know the Mac better than I do.

Best regards,

Yeah, wow, that stuff is ancient. I didn't even know there was ever a
working Carbon-based GUI for Vim. There is vim-cocoa which was an
alternative to MacVim, but I believe it was poorly maintained, so
although Cocoa is still supported by macOS, you'd have trouble building
and running vim-cocoa. Carbon, being officially discontinued by Apple
now (after being deprecated for a number of years), will be even harder
to build and run.

I guess if there's an Athena-based GUI, it would require
X-Windows/X11/XQuartz, but I'm not aware of that ever running on the
Mac. Indeed, as far as I'm aware, MacVim is currently the only viable
GUI on the Mac.

My suggestion would be to remove the others unless anyone is out there
building recent versions of Vim for legacy OS versions (which is
probably futile, so I doubt it; building an older version of Vim for an
older OS would be a smoother road).



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