Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Nick Palmer uploads video on Climategate

2009-12-10 Thread Michel Jullian
  I'm asking because I can't recall anybody ever quoting documents from that

The NYTimes did (this must be the paper the French journalist refers
to in his blog and documentary):


2009/12/10 Stephen A. Lawrence

 On 12/09/2009 05:51 PM, Michel Jullian wrote:

 You're right Rick that suppression can occur even in the US:

 (in French, sorry)

 Intéressant, peut-etre, mais je parie que Rick ne trouverait pas ce blog
 très amusant.

 The example of Patrick Michaels, evil climatologist churning out dubious
 reports, would be more surprising if he hadn't been with the Cato Institute.
  I mean, everybody already knows those guys are just a mouthpiece for the
 far right and the oil lobby, don't they?

 I actually had a serious (though maybe rather dumb) question, regarding the
 last part of the blog:  What was Philip Cooney's actual impact with regard
 to the reports that he allegedly watered down?  I mean, who actually sees
 the publications produced by the Environmental Quality Council of the
 Whitehouse?  Was this stuff just being given to Bush (i.e., was this a way
 of manipulating the Prez)?  Or are their reports widely published and read?
  I'm asking because I can't recall anybody ever quoting documents from that

Re: [Vo]:neutron formation in LENR

2009-12-10 Thread Horace Heffner
Well, I had a good early night's sleep but I see the conversation  
train has moved well on down the tracks! 8^)

I would like to say that I think WL's approach is very different  
from mine. Perhaps I should re-read their articles, but I haven't  
seen anything in their approach that resembles mine.  As for  
attribution to my work, I am an amateur, and I write with amateurs in  
mind as an audience, though not for a popular literature audience.  I  
use mostly advanced high school level math, so expect anything I  
write to be accessible to advanced high school or early college  
students.  Being an amateur, I don't expect there will be any  
recognition or citations in journals, though that would be great if  
it happened. It has to be enough to stimulate the thinking of  
others.  If that contributes to solving the energy problem then that  
is good enough. My product is ideas, with some synthesis and  
analysis. Ideas alone have a limited value.

If you think about it there is really very little that can go on in  
hydrogen fusion. You have a limited number of isotopes which can  
interact in a very limited number of ways to produce a limited number  
of products, atomically speaking. You have a literature which has  
dealt with a very limited number of experimental approaches. For a  
field of this importance, there has been a very limited set of people  
dedicated to solving the problems.

What distinguishes one theory from another is a fine line to a casual  
observer, especially if it happens to be one that dismisses the  
entire field.

The principle problem in CF is how the Coulomb barrier is overcome,  
how two hydrogen nuclei can merge to become helium or tritium using  
chemical level energies.  I think there are basically four camps on  
this: (1) the barrier is breached by actual neutrons only, singly or  
in clusters, (2) the barrier is breached by electrons and hydrogen  
nuclei bound strongly enough, well below ground state, that the  
Coulomb force can't tear them apart before they get close enough to  
fuse by tunneling, (3) the barrier is breached by a group action,  
principally by formation of a quantum condensate in which the wave  
functions are spread out enough to fuse, and (4) the barrier is  
breached by separate electrons and nuclei which remain bound only at  
chemical energy levels or less, but by a means in which one or more  
electrons catalyze the reaction through Coulomb screening.  Another  
categorization is theories which describe CF as (A) as a surface  
effect only, or (B) a 3D effect within a lattice, or (C) both.

WL fall into group 1A, though their pre-fusion neutron formation  
process might fall into group 3A.  Deflation fusion is in group 4C.   
We are about as far apart in the spectrum of approaches as  
possible.   Another categorization might be (a) theories that explain  
with hydrogen fusion only and theories which (b) also explain heavy  
element transmutation. I expect this would be a sensitive and  
possibly not useful categorization because there are about as many  
theories as theorists, and each theorist seems to think his theory,  
and only his theory, explains everything. I put WL in overall  
category 1Aa, and deflation fusion in 4Cb because the WL theory  
ignores neutron activation, and neutron absorption can not explain  
the lack of signatures for heavy element transmutations, the energy  
deficit that must be created in the newly fused nuclei.

What sets my theory apart from most others is the recognition that an  
electron and hydrogen nucleus can overcome the Coulomb barrier by  
*jointly* tunneling through it.  The electron doesn't have to be  
bound to the hydrogen nucleus at above chemical energy to overcome  
the Coulomb barrier.  Another important principle is that a small  
wavelength electron is also necessary, even though its potential plus  
kinetic energy remains at near ground state.  This necessarily  
involves the high kinetic energies of an electron when near a  
hydrogen nucleus. The small wavelength electron is key to creating  
the energy deficit that exists in the fused products and which  
changes branching ratios and eliminates almost all high energy  

Ultimately it may be revealed there is a host of things happening in  
CF experiments. However, it is likely that only one theory will open  
the flood gates of practical progress.  It is only necessary to  
understand and control one robust mechanism for producing excess  
heat. I expect and hope the deflation fusion concept might help  
accomplish that.  It yields two major design principles: (1) increase  
tunneling diffusion in the lattice, hopping rates, *as opposed to  
ordinary atomic diffusion*, and (2) increase the probability of the  
deflated state by orbital stressing.  Achieving (1) involves using  
smaller lattice constant material, imposing diffusion barriers in the  
lattice that force tunneling, using lattice dopants which create  

[Vo]:Fiore cartoon on Science-gate

2009-12-10 Thread Jed Rothwell


This cartoon says it includes actual quotes from scientists such as 
Einstein, revealing their human side. I believe these are actual 
quotes. I recognize several of them.

- Jed

[Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Terry Blanton
(Move over Soylent Green.  How many kilowatt-hr do you weigh?)

Published: 4:20PM GMT 07 Dec 2009

Hastings Borough Council in East Sussex says it would be the first in
Europe to invest in technology which converts excess heat from
cremations into reusable energy.

It hopes new generators, being installed next summer as part of an
£800,000 refit, will save money in the long run by cutting energy

Hastings Borough Council amenities manager Peter Mead said the
recycled power would not come directly from the bodies but from the
machines used to cremate them and filter the fumes.

He said: A crematorium uses vast amounts of energy. We buy about
£25,000 worth of gas a year. Clearly we want to be as energy efficient
as we can be.

The first part would be to use that heat, but the second stage is to
use it to generate electricity.

They need to first see whether it will technically work, but if it
does it would be the first in the UK or Europe.


Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

 (Move over Soylent Green.

On the other hand:,1518,665824,00.html


Stone Age Mystery
German Excavation Reveals Signs of Mass Cannibalism

By Angelika Franz

Was it mass cannibalism, ritual slaughter or both? Archaeologists who
unearthed the remains of 500 Stone Age corpses in the German town of
Herxheim say the meat was cut off their bones as if they were
livestock. One conclusion is that the people were eaten -- after
volunteering to be sacrificed.


Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

 On the other hand:,1518,665824,00.html


 Stone Age Mystery
 German Excavation Reveals Signs of Mass Cannibalism

 By Angelika Franz
 Was it mass cannibalism, ritual slaughter or both? Archaeologists
 who unearthed the remains of 500 Stone Age corpses in the German
 town of Herxheim say the meat was cut off their bones as if they
 were livestock. One conclusion is that the people were eaten --
 after volunteering to be sacrificed.

For a less palatable interpretation of this practice see The Road

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Steven Krivit

This gives new meaning to heat after life

At 09:55 AM 12/10/2009, you wrote:

(Move over Soylent Green.  How many kilowatt-hr do you weigh?)

Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Steven Krivit

or  heat after death

At 10:16 AM 12/10/2009, you wrote:

This gives new meaning to heat after life

At 09:55 AM 12/10/2009, you wrote:

(Move over Soylent Green.  How many kilowatt-hr do you weigh?)

Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 12/10/2009 01:00 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Terry  wrote:

(Move over Soylent Green.

On the other hand:,1518,665824,00.html


Stone Age Mystery
German Excavation Reveals Signs of Mass Cannibalism

By Angelika Franz

Was it mass cannibalism, ritual slaughter or both? Archaeologists who
unearthed the remains of 500 Stone Age corpses in the German town of
Herxheim say the meat was cut off their bones as if they were
livestock. One conclusion is that the people were eaten -- after
volunteering to be sacrificed.

What -- we've got the waivers they signed or something?  How on Earth 
can anyone know that they were volunteers?

Ennit funny how the Fritzel family decided to live in the cellar, eh? 
We can't think of any other explanation that makes sense, though -- it 
must have been voluntary...


[Vo]:Falsifiability of cold neutrons in LENR

2009-12-10 Thread Jones Beene
It just occurred to me that the hypothesis of ultra cold neutrons in LENR is
falsifiable ! Not only that, it should be relatively easy to do, and with a
significantly large and obvious level of discrimination in side-by-side

As mentioned, according to the information on the Wiki site, some of it
going back to Fermi, the kinetic energy near absolute zero of 300 neV
neutrons corresponds to a maximum velocity of 7.6 m/s. Consequently, there
will be travel from point of origin, since even with high reflectivity at
first, the neutrons will be gradually thermalized and can move significant
distances if there is an outside influence. Which there always will be, if
you think about it.

Here is the key to falsifiability: Due to the small kinetic energy of an
UCN, the influence of gravity is significant. Kinetic energy of an UCN is
transformed into potential (height) energy with ~102 neV/m. which is a third
of total kinetic energy on formation, if they are very cold. This effect is
less in proportion, as the particle warms up, but it should allow a gravity
gradient to exist when capture occurs.

Thus, it would seem that a small CR-39 cell of the SPAWAR variety, designed
so that it can be rotated 180 degrees - so that the CR-39 is either down or
up will show a rather pronounced variation in tracks if UCN are involved,
due to the effect of gravity. There will be viewer per unit of time in the
up position than in the down.

Now that should be rather easy to pull off, no? ... or has this been tried

Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:07 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 For a less palatable interpretation of this practice see The Road

I see the movie was just released.

I sure you remember the ending to this one:


RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Nick Palmer uploads video on Climategate

2009-12-10 Thread Rick Monteverde
Michael -

Thanks for the link. Hardly anything smells as bad to a greenie liberal
these days as an oil company lobbyist, but the old saying: the enemy of my
enemy is my friend. I can appreciate anyone helping to reveal or hold forth
against the AGW hoax and the accompanying fraud being perpetrated against us
even if their contribution is discredited in many people's eyes because of
their industrial or political affiliations. I endorse the changes Cooney
made to the documents, as they were appropriate and truthful corrections to
lies and distortions such as may be (occurring) inserted in place of the
incorrect is (occurring). TMK Cooney and the Bush administration did not
actually suppress the reports or attempt to hijack science like these
climate hoaxers are doing and has been recently revealed, but I wish they
had since this stuff is completely fraudulent to begin with. Remember too
that this was for an administration based policy, and is subject to whatever
the administration wants to say or not - it's a political prerogative in the
first place. All administrations, current included, have the right to
control what they themselves say or release, and should continue to have it.

GW may be (has been?) happening, but there is no scientific basis to AGW
claims, although I believe people should have the general freedom to publish
for either one, or just about anything else for that matter in the proper
venue. That's one of the main points arising from climategate, but it's
not the only one, despite attempts by hoaxers and true believers to
spinimize the damage.


Re: [Vo]:neutron formation in LENR

2009-12-10 Thread Horace Heffner
Corrected response follows (replacement of NAA with NA where  

On Dec 8, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Steven Krivit wrote:


Have you considered the possibility of  neutral entities such as  


Yes, I have considered it.

Neutrons in the lattice can not be an explanation for the number of  
events required to produce even modest excess heat.  Neutrons produce  
neutron activation, i.e. make some nuclei radioactive.  If neutron  
activation were occurring in lattice material elements it would have  
been discovered long ago, because neutron activation analysis (NAA)  
is a commonly used and well developed technique.   The gamma spectra  
and delayed gamma production decay curves are well known and used in  
delayed gamma NA.  This information is used to sense trace amounts of  

Take a look at the sensitivity of NA for various elements in  
picograms (10^-12 g):

Consider the fact that the NA sensitive elements are not only present  
in trace amounts in CF electrodes or electrolytes, they are primary  
ingredients in some experiments, e.g.  Ag, Cl, Cu, Na, Ca, K, Pt,  
Ti,  S.  Also present in large quantities are sometimes: W, Ta, Th,  
U, V, Mo, Pb.  These things are readily detectable in microgram order  
quantities.  No matter how slow the neutrons, it  is not credible NA  
is not happening when fusion and heavy element transmutation clearly  
is happening.  The gammas should light up geiger counters even long  
after electrolysis is over. Further, the spectra and decay curves  
would be readily identifiable as to origin. One of the mysteries of  
CF is why significant high energy radiation doesn't happen as a  
general rule.

Note that this is not to say that NA could not happen in certain  
environments, even from deflation fusion. It simply does not happen  
to a sufficient degree in typical CF experiments, so is not an  
explanation for the primary processes that produce the excess heat or  
heavy LENR that has been observed.

I think the energy deficit which occurs in CF reactions, necessary to  
depress some He* fission channels, and the dissipation of the  
reaction enthalpy via multiple low energy gammas, can only occur via  
a free electron in the nuclear mix at the moment of fusion.  What I  
have proposed is a means for that happening which might be confirmed  
by looking for rare but detectable strange matter decays from CF  
cells.  This means not only explains the above effects, it explains  
how the Coulomb barrier is overcome as well.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

 For a less palatable interpretation of this practice see The Road

 I see the movie was just released.

 I sure you remember the ending to this one:

I most certainly do!

At least Harlan Ellison's story finishes with a Happy Meal!

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Falsifiability of cold neutrons in LENR

2009-12-10 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 10, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

It just occurred to me that the hypothesis of ultra cold neutrons  
in LENR is
falsifiable ! Not only that, it should be relatively easy to do,  
and with a
significantly large and obvious level of discrimination in side-by- 


As mentioned, according to the information on the Wiki site, some  
of it

going back to Fermi, the kinetic energy near absolute zero of 300 neV
neutrons corresponds to a maximum velocity of 7.6 m/s.  
Consequently, there
will be travel from point of origin, since even with high  
reflectivity at
first, the neutrons will be gradually thermalized and can move  
distances if there is an outside influence. Which there always will  
be, if

you think about it.

Here is the key to falsifiability: Due to the small kinetic energy  
of an
UCN, the influence of gravity is significant. Kinetic energy of an  
UCN is
transformed into potential (height) energy with ~102 neV/m. which  
is a third
of total kinetic energy on formation, if they are very cold. This  
effect is
less in proportion, as the particle warms up, but it should allow a  

gradient to exist when capture occurs.

Thus, it would seem that a small CR-39 cell of the SPAWAR variety,  
so that it can be rotated 180 degrees - so that the CR-39 is  
either down or
up will show a rather pronounced variation in tracks if UCN are  
due to the effect of gravity. There will be viewer per unit of time  
in the

up position than in the down.

Now that should be rather easy to pull off, no? ... or has this  
been tried


Using 300 neV = 300 x 10^-9 eV = 4.807x10^-26 J.

   1/2 m v^2 = (4.807x10^-26 J)

   v = (2*(4.807x10^-26 J)/(1.675x10^-27 kg))^(1/2)

   v = 7.6 m/s


The ultra low momentum neutron is created when a
heavy electron is absorbed by one of many protons participating
in a collective surface oscillation. The neutron
wave length is thus comparable to the spatial size of the
collective oscillation, say λ ∼ 10−3 cm.

As I noted earlier, their arbitrary assumption of a neutron  
wavelength of 10^-3 m yields the value of v:

  lambda = h/p

  p = h/lambda = h/(10^-3 cm) = 6.626x10^-29 kg m/s

  p = m * v

  v = p/m = (6.626x10^-29 kg m/s)/(1.675x10^-27 kg)

  v = 3.96x10^-2 m/s = 0.0396 m/s

Needles to say, the two velocities are highly inconsistent.

WL goes on to say in the above article:

An ultra low momentum neutron is thus absorbed within about ten  
nanometers from where it was first created. The likelihood that ultra  
low momentum neutrons will escape capture and thermalize via phonon  
interactions is very small.

In ten nanometers, 1x10^-8 m, even at the higher speed of 7.6 m/s  
neutron will exist a mean time of (1x10^-8 m)/(7.6 m/s) = 1.316x10^-9  
seconds.  The speed due to gravity s_g =

   s_g = g * t = (9.8067 m/s^2)*(1.316x10^-9 s) = 1.285x10^-8 m/s

and fall a distance d of:

   d = (1/2) * g * t^2 = (1/2)*(9.8067 m/s^2)*(1.316x10^-9 s)^2

   d = 8.41 x 10^-18 m

or about 1/100th the diameter of a nucleus.  That of course assumes  
the WL claim that neutron is thus absorbed within about ten  
nanometers is valid.

If a neutron of the nature WL claims survives it seems that  
thermalization would be the overwhelming effect - it would overwhelm  
gravity that is, and motion would be essentially be pure brownian in  

It strikes me as self-evident the lack of neutron activation  
thoroughly denies the WL theory.  It is also notable that NA is not  
mentioned once in their papers AFIK.  Beyond that, the WL theory has  
many criticisms, like this critique of the heavy electron hypothesis:

Response to the above:

and on and on in the blogs etc.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

RE: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Rick Monteverde

I sure you remember the ending to this one:

One of my favorites.

I heard from the media back in around 1980 that J. Falwell was a really bad
guy. No internet back then. He had a rally at the state capitol here and I
lived nearby, so I went down to watch him. Do you remember from the movie
the Michaels - androids with smiles stuck on their faces? Falwell had
several Michaels, and there was a scene almost out of the movie when Falwell
called someone out of the crowd he had previously met to come up onto the
stage, a slightly built Filipino man. The Michaels apparently didn't get the
memo, and as he climbed up the stairs to the stage one of them picked the
poor little guy up in the air and looked he was about to give him some sort
of farm accident (pop his head like a zit) with Falwell struggling from
behind to get the Michael's attention and release his victim. Through the
whole thing the sanctimonious smile on the Michael's face never changed! In
the movie the Dear Leader asked his security guy or engineer to see about
getting those smiles fixed, and so it seems he never did. Although the
incident was funny and amazing at the time, I believe that movie was made
some years before Falwell arose to notoriety but the similarities between
Falwell and the crazy religious dictator with his killer robots were
horrifying. I left the rally that day with the same feeling in my stomach I
got swimming in dark water near a harbor entrance and seeing a fin cutting
water towards me that was so big at first I mistook it for a submarine
conning tower. Glad it all worked out: the giant shark just wanted the fish
guts washed off deck by a returning sampan, and Falwell has since diminished
to nothing. And ... wait for least the shark had good taste!*


(*Spoiler alert: paraphrasing the last line from the movie)

RE: [Vo]:Falsifiability of cold neutrons in LENR

2009-12-10 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner 

 That of course assumes the WL claim that neutron is thus absorbed within 
 about ten nanometers is valid

As you go on to imply, that particular version is almost certainly not valid, 
due to NA, and is probably undergoing revision as we speak ... ;-) but of 
greater interest would be this: 

Is there a version of the broader UCN dynamic, using published characteristics 
of the same instead of a tailor-made invention, which stands up better to 
criticism and do involve NA ? 

This might go back many years. The weight of evidence for helium in LENR, based 
on known reactions prior to 1989 together with lack of ~24 MeV gamma - still 
favors alpha release from Pd via adsorption of a neutron - and a subthermal 
neutron and with activation fits the bill if it will emit no gamma ... which is 
in keeping with the 'virtual neutron' (Russel, 1991; Dufour, 1993; Kozima and 
Arai, 2000) and the related hydrex (Dufour et al., 2001). 

That would be as an alternative to other theories, or even other results with 
no theory - where both helium and NA are witnessed (via transmutation perhaps) 
and not forgetting ... of course ... that tomorrow's version of WL may be 
different, new  improved, and so on ... when they realize these old errors are 
insurmountable, and make the necessary changes.


Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Terry Blanton
I haven't seen it . . . yet; but, I'll put it in my Netflix queue.

What are you doing here with all those 50 ft. curls on the islands?!?
Don't body surf 50 footers?  :-)


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Rick Monteverde wrote:

I sure you remember the ending to this one:

 One of my favorites.

 I heard from the media back in around 1980 that J. Falwell was a really bad
 guy. No internet back then. He had a rally at the state capitol here and I
 lived nearby, so I went down to watch him. Do you remember from the movie
 the Michaels - androids with smiles stuck on their faces? Falwell had
 several Michaels, and there was a scene almost out of the movie when Falwell
 called someone out of the crowd he had previously met to come up onto the
 stage, a slightly built Filipino man. The Michaels apparently didn't get the
 memo, and as he climbed up the stairs to the stage one of them picked the
 poor little guy up in the air and looked he was about to give him some sort
 of farm accident (pop his head like a zit) with Falwell struggling from
 behind to get the Michael's attention and release his victim. Through the
 whole thing the sanctimonious smile on the Michael's face never changed! In
 the movie the Dear Leader asked his security guy or engineer to see about
 getting those smiles fixed, and so it seems he never did. Although the
 incident was funny and amazing at the time, I believe that movie was made
 some years before Falwell arose to notoriety but the similarities between
 Falwell and the crazy religious dictator with his killer robots were
 horrifying. I left the rally that day with the same feeling in my stomach I
 got swimming in dark water near a harbor entrance and seeing a fin cutting
 water towards me that was so big at first I mistook it for a submarine
 conning tower. Glad it all worked out: the giant shark just wanted the fish
 guts washed off deck by a returning sampan, and Falwell has since diminished
 to nothing. And ... wait for least the shark had good taste!*


 (*Spoiler alert: paraphrasing the last line from the movie)

Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Terry Blanton
Oh, now I remember.  Okay, I'm putting ABHD in my queue.


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 I haven't seen it . . . yet; but, I'll put it in my Netflix queue.

 What are you doing here with all those 50 ft. curls on the islands?!?
 Don't body surf 50 footers?  :-)


 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Rick Monteverde wrote:

I sure you remember the ending to this one:

 One of my favorites.

 I heard from the media back in around 1980 that J. Falwell was a really bad
 guy. No internet back then. He had a rally at the state capitol here and I
 lived nearby, so I went down to watch him. Do you remember from the movie
 the Michaels - androids with smiles stuck on their faces? Falwell had
 several Michaels, and there was a scene almost out of the movie when Falwell
 called someone out of the crowd he had previously met to come up onto the
 stage, a slightly built Filipino man. The Michaels apparently didn't get the
 memo, and as he climbed up the stairs to the stage one of them picked the
 poor little guy up in the air and looked he was about to give him some sort
 of farm accident (pop his head like a zit) with Falwell struggling from
 behind to get the Michael's attention and release his victim. Through the
 whole thing the sanctimonious smile on the Michael's face never changed! In
 the movie the Dear Leader asked his security guy or engineer to see about
 getting those smiles fixed, and so it seems he never did. Although the
 incident was funny and amazing at the time, I believe that movie was made
 some years before Falwell arose to notoriety but the similarities between
 Falwell and the crazy religious dictator with his killer robots were
 horrifying. I left the rally that day with the same feeling in my stomach I
 got swimming in dark water near a harbor entrance and seeing a fin cutting
 water towards me that was so big at first I mistook it for a submarine
 conning tower. Glad it all worked out: the giant shark just wanted the fish
 guts washed off deck by a returning sampan, and Falwell has since diminished
 to nothing. And ... wait for least the shark had good taste!*


 (*Spoiler alert: paraphrasing the last line from the movie)

[Vo]:Light show in Norway's sky

2009-12-10 Thread Harry Veeder

Possibly a failed test of a Russian rocket.

longer video:


Connect with friends from any web browser - no download required. Try the new 
Yahoo! Canada Messenger for the Web BETA at

Re: [Vo]:Light show in Norway's sky

2009-12-10 Thread Terry Blanton
Oh, come on Harry, we all know it was a worm hole opening for Lord
Kukulcan's return:


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:

 Possibly a failed test of a Russian rocket.

 longer video:


 Connect with friends from any web browser - no download required. Try the new 
 Yahoo! Canada Messenger for the Web BETA at

Re: [Vo]:Falsifiability of cold neutrons in LENR

2009-12-10 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 10, 2009, at 12:21 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner

That of course assumes the WL claim that neutron is thus  
absorbed within about ten nanometers is valid

As you go on to imply, that particular version is almost certainly  
not valid, due to NA, and is probably undergoing revision as we  
speak ... ;-) but of greater interest would be this:

Is there a version of the broader UCN dynamic, using published  
characteristics of the same instead of a tailor-made invention,  
which stands up better to criticism and do involve NA ?

This might go back many years. The weight of evidence for helium in  
LENR, based on known reactions prior to 1989 together with lack of  
~24 MeV gamma - still favors alpha release from Pd via adsorption  
of a neutron - and a subthermal neutron and with activation fits  
the bill if it will emit no gamma ...

I don't know why a neutron would not act like a neutron.

which is in keeping with the 'virtual neutron' (Russel, 1991;  
Dufour, 1993; Kozima and Arai, 2000) and the related hydrex (Dufour  
et al., 2001).

Do you have URLs on those?

That would be as an alternative to other theories, or even other  
results with no theory - where both helium and NA are witnessed  
(via transmutation perhaps) and not forgetting ... of course ...  
that tomorrow's version of WL may be different, new  improved, and  
so on ... when they realize these old errors are insurmountable,  
and make the necessary changes.


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

RE: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

2009-12-10 Thread Rick Monteverde
Terry -

Back in the day I'd go large. Now I hide from them along with the other sane

- R.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity

I haven't seen it . . . yet; but, I'll put it in my Netflix queue.

What are you doing here with all those 50 ft. curls on the islands?!?
Don't body surf 50 footers?  :-)


RE: [Vo]:Falsifiability of cold neutrons in LENR

2009-12-10 Thread Mark Iverson
Horace wrote:
I don't know why a neutron would not act like a neutron.

Let me take a stab at that one... 
Perhaps because it's in a fully D-loaded palladium lattice, where other things 
aren't acting like
they 'should'?  ;-) Yeah, I know, that wasn't much help...


-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Falsifiability of cold neutrons in LENR

On Dec 10, 2009, at 12:21 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Horace Heffner

 That of course assumes the WL claim that neutron is thus absorbed 
 within about ten nanometers is valid

 As you go on to imply, that particular version is almost certainly not 
 valid, due to NA, and is probably undergoing revision as we speak 
 ... ;-) but of greater interest would be this:

 Is there a version of the broader UCN dynamic, using published 
 characteristics of the same instead of a tailor-made invention, which 
 stands up better to criticism and do involve NA ?

 This might go back many years. The weight of evidence for helium in 
 LENR, based on known reactions prior to 1989 together with lack of
 ~24 MeV gamma - still favors alpha release from Pd via adsorption of a 
 neutron - and a subthermal neutron and with activation fits the bill 
 if it will emit no gamma ...

I don't know why a neutron would not act like a neutron.