Re: [Vo]:Magnetic Spin Vortex

2017-10-18 Thread Vibrator !
Curl and divergence of B are zero.  Maxwell's own metaphor of "vortices"
for dipoles is literally shown to be inaccurate by the theory.  Likewise,
there is no such thing as "field lines" inherent to the field, and their
formation is purely a feedback effect from dynamically self-organising
dipole chains of elementary dipoles or domains interacting with the field.

I'm familiar with the producers of the above videos.  In every instance of
these angular accelerations, they are being produced by the linear
accelerations of Mr Hand, either waving a stator ring or poking a magnet at
a field etc.

The torque is being produced in much the same manner as water draining down
a plughole, or a ping-pong ball trapped under a running tap etc., and hence
the conclusion mooted here is akin to suggesting that water molecules must
be vortices.

Converting ambient quantum energy into mechanical, thermodynamic energy
requires passively time-variant interactions, ie., drop a mass when it's
heavy, pick it up when light.  Obviously gravity and rest mass are
constant, temporally-invariant, and closed-loop trajectories through static
fields yield zero net energy / work, so that particular example's a dead
end.  But, find an interaction in which the input force*displacement
integral is unequal to the output Fd integral, and if d is equal for both
then F must be passively time-variant, and thus the closed-loop interaction
will gain or lose energy, to the quantum interactions manifesting the force
in question (ie. the gauge boson fields, and therein, ambient quantum
momentum, AKA 'spin').   This is, by definition, what would be happening in
any hypothetically over-unity system.

Trying to somehow summon or induce raw mechanical momentum ex nihilo
directly from the vacuum is like trying to light an oak tree with a match.
Or a rock, even.  Nature has already provided perfectly good transmission
systems in the form of virtual photon / charged particle interactions, the
Higgs, gluons and WZ.  The trick is simply coercing them to output more
work than input - breaking a CoE or CoM symmetry.  Which, again, is just
another way of saying "passively time-variant asymmetric interaction" or
"free energy motor / generator".  An ostensibly-closed system with
nonetheless non-constant energy or momentum.

But magnetic fields, like gravity fields and charge, are inherently static,
having no intrinsic motion, just field / energy density variation as a
function of source distance.  The only 'action' going on is the exchange of
positive or negative-signed units of ambient quantum momentum or 'spin',
traded in units of h-bar, between the mediator bosons and moving charges or
masses they interact with.  Even then, 'static fields' are just that, and
inherently conservative.

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 5:55 PM, <> wrote:

> Chris--
> I do not consider Thermodynamics addresses the conservation of angular
> momentum.
> In quantum mechanics per Planck  spin is a quantized parameter which
> exists in integral multiples of h/2pie (Planck’s constant divided by 2 pie)
> in  coherent systems.
> In primary particles it does not change as long as they remain primary
> particles.  For example electrons and positrons always have the same
> absolute spin and angular momentum, although one is minus and one is plus
>  ,  However. When they get close together they change into two photons each
> with one quanta of spin and angular momentum (a net 0 angular momentum
> given their respective polarizations established by the direction of their
> spin vector.)
> As far as I know, spin was not  a concept established at the time TD was
> formulated as a scientific theory.  I do not consider it was left out on
> purpose.  However, TD uses an energy term, enthalpy, which includes
> particle kinetic energy as in gases and liquids and phonic energy
> associated in QM’s  with molecular and nuclear “orbital” spin and angular
> momentum, which IMHO both  contribute to the heat (enthalpy) of a closed
> system.
>   (Nuclear orbital spin is a debated concept and may not entail “orbits”
> of sub-nuclear particles,)  The nuclear models that integrate the energy
> associated with spin are fuzzy at best IMHO.
> The models that take nuclear potential and kinetic energy (total energy)
> and transform it into phonic spin energy in crystals and other condensed
> matter as enthalpy are just as fuzzy.   That’s why LENR is not accepted by
> many physicists, since there is no theory they understand and does not
> contradict the existing “standard theory”.
> Bob Cook
> *From: *Chris Zell 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, October 18, 2017 7:38 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *RE: [Vo]:Magnetic Spin Vortex
> Angular momentum is a vector quantity and in QM has kinetic energy
> associated with it.
> Is angular momentum in particles conservative?  Does it violate laws 

[Vo]:Pondering epos and implications to the ether

2017-10-18 Thread Bob Higgins
Hi Robin,  Thanks for taking the time to read it and comment.  I can reply
on a few ...

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 1:27 PM,  wrote:

> In reply to  Bob Higgins's message of Wed, 18 Oct 2017 11:51:30 -0600:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >   - Epos are a spinor solution, and apparently the electron and positron
> >   are found to be different “phases” of the same elementary particle –
> the
> >   electron.
> >
> >
> >   - During the spinor orbiting of the electron and positron, the phase of
> >   each particle changes – the electron becomes a positron and at the same
> >   time the positron becomes an electron.  The result of this “switching
> >   phase” is that the epo can present a DC dipole electric field.
> No phase change is needed for this. A positron and an electron in close
> proximity already comprise a dipole.
Well, an epo is an orbiting pair - orbiting around their barycenter.  So,
it only appears as a dipole because of discretized time.  According to
Hotson, the discretized time causes the electron and positron positions to
blink back and forth between being a particle and a wave.  In particle
space, it orbiting pair appears like a polarizable dipole.  He says that
when they are waves they can pass through each other which implies

> >The
> >   phase where this switch occurs can be changed causing the dipole to
> point
> >   in any direction for an individual epo.
> >
> >
> >   - Since the electron and positron are orbiting, the pair produces a
> >   magnetic dipole.
> I think this is wrong. To be orbiting one another, they must either both be
> moving clockwise, or both anti-clockwise, in both cases they create no net
> magnetic field at a distance, sine they have opposite electric charges.

I will have to study Hotson's argument for this, but he implies that they
are counter-rotating.  Thus, they will produce a dipole magnetic field.  It
is somewhat difficult to follow the argument, because part of it is the
spinor solution of the Dirac equation.

> >This is the fundamental magnetic dipole.  There is no
> >   such thing as a magnetic monopole.  The fundamental particle is the
> >   electron and its phase shifted companion the positron which form
> epos.  Epos
> >   can only produce a magnetic dipole.
> >
> >
> >   - Like magnetized spheres, the epos will naturally form a lattice,
> >   primarily oriented by the magnetic dipoles.
> I think a better analogy would be an salt crystal, e.g. NaCl. bound by
> electrical forces, not magnetic.
> >
> >
> >   - Epos have no inertial or gravitational mass.
> I don't think we can conclude this. Just as a test mass in the center of
> the
> Earth would experience net zero gravitational force from the planet, so
> any mass
> in the universe would experience net zero gravitational force from the
> uniform
> epo field.

Hotson says that only positive energy charges have mass and the epos are
part of the negative energy sea.

> [snip]
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Pondering epos and implications to the ether

2017-10-18 Thread mixent
In reply to  Bob Higgins's message of Wed, 18 Oct 2017 11:51:30 -0600:
>   - Epos are a spinor solution, and apparently the electron and positron
>   are found to be different “phases” of the same elementary particle – the
>   electron.
>   - During the spinor orbiting of the electron and positron, the phase of
>   each particle changes – the electron becomes a positron and at the same
>   time the positron becomes an electron.  The result of this “switching
>   phase” is that the epo can present a DC dipole electric field.  

No phase change is needed for this. A positron and an electron in close
proximity already comprise a dipole.

>   phase where this switch occurs can be changed causing the dipole to point
>   in any direction for an individual epo.
>   - Since the electron and positron are orbiting, the pair produces a
>   magnetic dipole.  

I think this is wrong. To be orbiting one another, they must either both be
moving clockwise, or both anti-clockwise, in both cases they create no net
magnetic field at a distance, sine they have opposite electric charges.

>This is the fundamental magnetic dipole.  There is no
>   such thing as a magnetic monopole.  The fundamental particle is the
>   electron and its phase shifted companion the positron which form epos.  Epos
>   can only produce a magnetic dipole.
>   - Like magnetized spheres, the epos will naturally form a lattice,
>   primarily oriented by the magnetic dipoles.

I think a better analogy would be an salt crystal, e.g. NaCl. bound by
electrical forces, not magnetic.

>   - Epos have no inertial or gravitational mass.

I don't think we can conclude this. Just as a test mass in the center of the
Earth would experience net zero gravitational force from the planet, so any mass
in the universe would experience net zero gravitational force from the uniform
epo field.

Robin van Spaandonk

[Vo]:Pondering epos and implications to the ether

2017-10-18 Thread Bob Higgins
Greetings Vorts,

For some time I have been trying to understand some of the implications of
Hotson’s hypothesis for the epo as a solution to Dirac’s equation.  Here
are some fundamental observations which may prove to be too simplistic (but
they are fun to think about):

   - When a free electron and free positron approach each other, they do
   not annihilate, instead, they form a metastable positronium “atom” in which
   the electron and positron orbit their barycenter.  Positronium is
   essentially an excited state of this “atom”.

   - Almost immediately [absent special boundary conditions] the
   positronium atom gives up energy (2x511keV) to shrink to its lowest energy
   state.  In its naturally shrunken state, the orbit radius is at a
   minimum Planck scale – it can go now lower.  This is an “epo” as
   described by Hotson.

   - At such small scale, the epo is essentially a charge neutral particle.

   - Epos are a spinor solution, and apparently the electron and positron
   are found to be different “phases” of the same elementary particle – the

   - During the spinor orbiting of the electron and positron, the phase of
   each particle changes – the electron becomes a positron and at the same
   time the positron becomes an electron.  The result of this “switching
   phase” is that the epo can present a DC dipole electric field.  The
   phase where this switch occurs can be changed causing the dipole to point
   in any direction for an individual epo.

   - Since the electron and positron are orbiting, the pair produces a
   magnetic dipole.  This is the fundamental magnetic dipole.  There is no
   such thing as a magnetic monopole.  The fundamental particle is the
   electron and its phase shifted companion the positron which form epos.  Epos
   can only produce a magnetic dipole.

   - Like magnetized spheres, the epos will naturally form a lattice,
   primarily oriented by the magnetic dipoles.

   - Epos have no inertial or gravitational mass.

   - The epo lattice IS the vacuum ether.

>From an electromagnetic standpoint, the electric field is propagated by
stimulated electric dipole orientation of the epos – the epos all line up
their head-tail electric fields to go along the electric field solution
lines of the stimulated electric field.

   - Since the epo lattice is held in place by the magnetic dipoles of the
   epos, the forced alignment of the epos’ electric dipole to the external
   electric field causes a strain in the epo lattice.

   -  Notice that within the most fundamental “atom” of the universe, the
   epo, the electric and magnetic fields are orthogonal.  This is why an
   applied electric field always creates a strain in the magnetic field
   lattice and an applied magnetic field always creates a strain in the
   electric field.

   - The electric/magnetic stress-strain relationship is nonlinear at the
   epo scale, and as an ensemble, the nonlinearity becomes less and less
   significant as the whole lattice is strained on a larger scale.

Did you ever wonder what a photon IS?  I have looked for good answers to
that question, but all of the answers were unsatisfyingly circular,  and
only resulted in a description of photon behavior.  How is a photon
constrained in “free space” to have a finite size?  Some have postulated
that the photon is a soliton solution because such a solution can be
constrained in size and would not naturally spread out in propagation.
a soliton is a solution to propagation in a NONLINEAR medium.  Well, here
we have a ether lattice whose response at the small scale is fundamentally
nonlinear.  Thus, the epo ether would seem to support propagation of

An interesting observation of this hypothetical ether is that it is
comprised of a mass-less lattice of electron-positron pairs, each pair in a
degenerate Planck scale orbit.  However, the free electron and free
positron each have mass.  The electron and positron in a positronium orbit
(higher energy) have mass.  What changes as the positronium collapses to
form an epo, that allows it to become totally mass-less?  Is the loss of
mass the result of the spinor orbit solution in the epo’s most degenerate

Other ponder-ables:

   - How does zero-point energy fit into the concept of an epo lattice as
   the ether?

   - It is easy to see how EM waves propagate through this epo lattice as
   the ether, but how are gravitational waves propagated through such an ether?

   -  It is also easy to see how one can visualize pilot waves forming in
   such a lattice, obviating the need for the quantum mechanical wave-particle

   - If the epos have no mass, what constrains EM propagation in an epo
   ether to the speed of light?

   - What experiment could falsify this hypothesis of an epo lattice ether?

I would really like to stimulate a chain of discussion on this topic.

[Vo]:Re: Pre release video of next app Selfee video Start/Stop

2017-10-18 Thread Frank Znidarsic
opps wrong url.  Corrected link below

comments appreciated.

Frank Znidarsic

[Vo]:Pre release video of next app Selfee video Start/Stop

2017-10-18 Thread Frank Znidarsic

comments appreciated.

Frank Znidarsic

RE: [Vo]:Magnetic Spin Vortex

2017-10-18 Thread

I do not consider Thermodynamics addresses the conservation of angular momentum.

In quantum mechanics per Planck  spin is a quantized parameter which exists in 
integral multiples of h/2pie (Planck’s constant divided by 2 pie) in  coherent 

In primary particles it does not change as long as they remain primary 
particles.  For example electrons and positrons always have the same absolute 
spin and angular momentum, although one is minus and one is plus  ,  However. 
When they get close together they change into two photons each with one quanta 
of spin and angular momentum (a net 0 angular momentum given their respective 
polarizations established by the direction of their spin vector.)

As far as I know, spin was not  a concept established at the time TD was 
formulated as a scientific theory.  I do not consider it was left out on 
purpose.  However, TD uses an energy term, enthalpy, which includes particle 
kinetic energy as in gases and liquids and phonic energy associated in QM’s  
with molecular and nuclear “orbital” spin and angular momentum, which IMHO both 
 contribute to the heat (enthalpy) of a closed system.

  (Nuclear orbital spin is a debated concept and may not entail “orbits” of 
sub-nuclear particles,)  The nuclear models that integrate the energy 
associated with spin are fuzzy at best IMHO.

The models that take nuclear potential and kinetic energy (total energy) and 
transform it into phonic spin energy in crystals and other condensed matter as 
enthalpy are just as fuzzy.   That’s why LENR is not accepted by many 
physicists, since there is no theory they understand and does not contradict 
the existing “standard theory”.

Bob Cook

From: Chris Zell
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 7:38 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Magnetic Spin Vortex

Angular momentum is a vector quantity and in QM has kinetic energy associated 
with it.

Is angular momentum in particles conservative?  Does it violate laws of 
thermodynamics?  Is spin left out of conservative formulas because it 
unbalances the results?

RE: [Vo]:Magnetic Spin Vortex

2017-10-18 Thread Chris Zell

Angular momentum is a vector quantity and in QM has kinetic energy associated 
with it.

Is angular momentum in particles conservative?  Does it violate laws of 
thermodynamics?  Is spin left out of conservative formulas because it 
unbalances the results?

Re: [Vo]:Ultra dense hydride formation in micro cavities

2017-10-18 Thread Brian Ahern
Axil has a new take on conjugate variables.  It is a measure of uncertainty, 
not absolute values.


From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 1:59 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Ultra dense hydride formation in micro cavities

Being shorter than regular transition metal bonds and unbalanced, these 
microcavities that pit the surface of metal can be up to 10 times stronger than 
the bonds that connect a perfect crystalline lattice metal structure. In simple 
terms, the walls of a micro cavity on the surface of a metal is very strong.

When hydrogen atoms enter such a cavity, that atom becomes very energetic 
because such tight confinement produces extreme energy due to Heisenberg's 
uncertainty principle.

Ux Up >= ħ/2

(ħ is the reduced Planck constant h / (2π)).

Certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, known as complementary 
variables: position x and momentum p, can be known only to a fixed degree.

Because the hydrogen atom enters into a very confining space, its energy is 
driven to extremes by this quantum effect.

The metal bonds of the cavity absorb this energy of confinement and the atom's 
temperature eventually equilibrates with that of the lattice. As more hydrogen 
atoms enter the micro cavity, this new resident atom becomes even more 
energetic since it has even less space to occupy inside the cavity. This atom's 
energy will eventually be cooled by the lattice until its temperature 
eventually equilibrates with that of the lattice.

As more hydrogen atoms enter the cavity, the quantum effects pressure caused by 
the entrance of that new atom in its turn becomes so great that the pressure 
reaches a level sufficient to produce a crystal of ultra dense hydrogen.

The engineering takeaways from this quantum compression process:

There is an ideal size that a microcavity should be. That size should be just 
large enough to contain the finished UDH crystal and no bigger.

The LENR fuel preparation process that the successful LENR reactor builders 
undertake requires a long time for the production of ultra dense hydrogen to 
occur. If sufficient time for the long term absorption of hydrogen and 
associated quantum compression is not allowed, then the UDH will not reach the 
proper pressure for UDH formation to occur.

The hydrogen must be isotropically pure for UDH to form.

If lithium is used in conjunction with hydrogen, Ultra dense lithium hydride 
will form requiring just 1/4 of the quantum pressure. But both the lithium and 
hydrogen must be isotropically pure. Any isotope poisoning will kill the 
quantum compression process. That poisoned cavity will not from UDH from then 

LENR poisons like nitrogen will kill UDH formation, but after UDH formation, 
poisoning is no longer a consideration.

The UDH will slowly exit the microcavities in which they were formed and 
activate the LENR reaction. The micrographs of the me356 fuel shows that UDH 
process and UDH falls from the metal micro cavity containment onto the carbon 
substrate to catalyze transmutation of carbon into metal.

[Vo]:Ultra dense hydride formation in micro cavities

2017-10-18 Thread Axil Axil
Being shorter than regular transition metal bonds and unbalanced, these
microcavities that pit the surface of metal can be up to 10 times stronger
than the bonds that connect a perfect crystalline lattice metal structure.
In simple terms, the walls of a micro cavity on the surface of a metal is
very strong.

When hydrogen atoms enter such a cavity, that atom becomes very energetic
because such tight confinement produces extreme energy due to Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle.

Ux Up >= ħ/2

(ħ is the reduced Planck constant *h* / (2*π*)).

Certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, known as complementary
variables: position x and momentum p, can be known only to a fixed degree.

Because the hydrogen atom enters into a very confining space, its energy is
driven to extremes by this quantum effect.

The metal bonds of the cavity absorb this energy of confinement and the
atom's temperature eventually equilibrates with that of the lattice. As
more hydrogen atoms enter the micro cavity, this new resident atom becomes
even more energetic since it has even less space to occupy inside the
cavity. This atom's energy will eventually be cooled by the lattice until
its temperature eventually equilibrates with that of the lattice.

As more hydrogen atoms enter the cavity, the quantum effects pressure
caused by the entrance of that new atom in its turn becomes so great that
the pressure reaches a level sufficient to produce a crystal of ultra dense

The engineering takeaways from this quantum compression process:

There is an ideal size that a microcavity should be. That size should be
just large enough to contain the finished UDH crystal and no bigger.

The LENR fuel preparation process that the successful LENR reactor builders
undertake requires a long time for the production of ultra dense hydrogen
to occur. If sufficient time for the long term absorption of hydrogen and
associated quantum compression is not allowed, then the UDH will not reach
the proper pressure for UDH formation to occur.

The hydrogen must be isotropically pure for UDH to form.

If lithium is used in conjunction with hydrogen, Ultra dense lithium
hydride will form requiring just 1/4 of the quantum pressure. But both the
lithium and hydrogen must be isotropically pure. Any isotope poisoning will
kill the quantum compression process. That poisoned cavity will not from UDH
from then on.

LENR poisons like nitrogen will kill UDH formation, but after UDH
formation, poisoning is no longer a consideration.

The UDH will slowly exit the microcavities in which they were formed and
activate the LENR reaction. The micrographs of the me356 fuel shows that UDH
process and UDH falls from the metal micro cavity containment onto the
carbon substrate to catalyze transmutation of carbon into metal.