Greetings Vorts,

For some time I have been trying to understand some of the implications of
Hotson’s hypothesis for the epo as a solution to Dirac’s equation.  Here
are some fundamental observations which may prove to be too simplistic (but
they are fun to think about):

   - When a free electron and free positron approach each other, they do
   not annihilate, instead, they form a metastable positronium “atom” in which
   the electron and positron orbit their barycenter.  Positronium is
   essentially an excited state of this “atom”.

   - Almost immediately [absent special boundary conditions] the
   positronium atom gives up energy (2x511keV) to shrink to its lowest energy
   state.  In its naturally shrunken state, the orbit radius is at a
   minimum Planck scale – it can go now lower.  This is an “epo” as
   described by Hotson.

   - At such small scale, the epo is essentially a charge neutral particle.

   - Epos are a spinor solution, and apparently the electron and positron
   are found to be different “phases” of the same elementary particle – the

   - During the spinor orbiting of the electron and positron, the phase of
   each particle changes – the electron becomes a positron and at the same
   time the positron becomes an electron.  The result of this “switching
   phase” is that the epo can present a DC dipole electric field.  The
   phase where this switch occurs can be changed causing the dipole to point
   in any direction for an individual epo.

   - Since the electron and positron are orbiting, the pair produces a
   magnetic dipole.  This is the fundamental magnetic dipole.  There is no
   such thing as a magnetic monopole.  The fundamental particle is the
   electron and its phase shifted companion the positron which form epos.  Epos
   can only produce a magnetic dipole.

   - Like magnetized spheres, the epos will naturally form a lattice,
   primarily oriented by the magnetic dipoles.

   - Epos have no inertial or gravitational mass.

   - The epo lattice IS the vacuum ether.

>From an electromagnetic standpoint, the electric field is propagated by
stimulated electric dipole orientation of the epos – the epos all line up
their head-tail electric fields to go along the electric field solution
lines of the stimulated electric field.

   - Since the epo lattice is held in place by the magnetic dipoles of the
   epos, the forced alignment of the epos’ electric dipole to the external
   electric field causes a strain in the epo lattice.

   -  Notice that within the most fundamental “atom” of the universe, the
   epo, the electric and magnetic fields are orthogonal.  This is why an
   applied electric field always creates a strain in the magnetic field
   lattice and an applied magnetic field always creates a strain in the
   electric field.

   - The electric/magnetic stress-strain relationship is nonlinear at the
   epo scale, and as an ensemble, the nonlinearity becomes less and less
   significant as the whole lattice is strained on a larger scale.

Did you ever wonder what a photon IS?  I have looked for good answers to
that question, but all of the answers were unsatisfyingly circular,  and
only resulted in a description of photon behavior.  How is a photon
constrained in “free space” to have a finite size?  Some have postulated
that the photon is a soliton solution because such a solution can be
constrained in size and would not naturally spread out in propagation.
a soliton is a solution to propagation in a NONLINEAR medium.  Well, here
we have a ether lattice whose response at the small scale is fundamentally
nonlinear.  Thus, the epo ether would seem to support propagation of

An interesting observation of this hypothetical ether is that it is
comprised of a mass-less lattice of electron-positron pairs, each pair in a
degenerate Planck scale orbit.  However, the free electron and free
positron each have mass.  The electron and positron in a positronium orbit
(higher energy) have mass.  What changes as the positronium collapses to
form an epo, that allows it to become totally mass-less?  Is the loss of
mass the result of the spinor orbit solution in the epo’s most degenerate

Other ponder-ables:

   - How does zero-point energy fit into the concept of an epo lattice as
   the ether?

   - It is easy to see how EM waves propagate through this epo lattice as
   the ether, but how are gravitational waves propagated through such an ether?

   -  It is also easy to see how one can visualize pilot waves forming in
   such a lattice, obviating the need for the quantum mechanical wave-particle

   - If the epos have no mass, what constrains EM propagation in an epo
   ether to the speed of light?

   - What experiment could falsify this hypothesis of an epo lattice ether?

I would really like to stimulate a chain of discussion on this topic.

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