Re: [Vo]: Re: physics of the expanding Earth Theory

2006-08-16 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 8/16/2006 2:53:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 His solution is the expanding Earth Theory. His website has a series  of pictures showing how he believes this happened. The pictures look  good, but he is a professional artist. Then he mentioned subatomic particles. This webpage gives an  explanation of why this happened.
Konstantine Meyl in his book Scalar Waves available at,gives the math, and physicsbehind the Expanding Earth Theory, which he claims is due to neutrinos interacting with the Earth's crust by means of cold fusion to create more Earth and expand the planet. He gives exact expansion rates also. 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others


2006-08-15 Thread ThomasClark123

The V'ril Energy Generator  Fractal Perfect Societies

The V'ril Energy Generator as posted at by Buddhist Monks generates energy by replicating a model of the Universe and Solar system in it fractally. Our solar system is a Binary Starand so may be the Universe a Binary Universe. 

I have found that societies can be engineered to appear to be somewhat chaotic, and yet be very ordered as posted at - which is the Law of Fractals and Chaos Theory, where complex ordered structures can be generated from small simple structures. 

Fractal generators take a basic primitive like a cross symbol which if recursively iterated a certain number of times generates a Swastika, and iterated a few more times generates-the Microsoft Logo, as well as the Flag of the US Government that the Republican Party uses, that looks like a Nazi Flag. The Swastika is the basic energy circuit symbol that generates unlimited energy and is used in space ships to levitate them. Structures generated from the Swastika primitive may have a lot of recursive energy in them to help them replicate universally. 

Iam learning how to fractally generate legal systems, social systems, and architectural systems from the basic fractal primitives on computer models, so that a perfect society can be created and engineered to fit anyculture desiredfrom basic primitives, that makes the society look free and chaotic at timesbut really is super-ordered. Societies and legal systems can be engineered to be crime free, and virtually prison free, eternal,beautiful, and perfectly ideal and healthyfrom some very basic fractal primitives or simple rules, that few of the modern societies on the Surface of the Earth presently use. 

If one thinks about it, perfect birth control policies solves almost all problems. Children are only born when they are needed,and there is room for them, and are guaranteed healthy happy eternally youthful lives, and may rest in peace in protected cryogenic chambers when they desire by the community as a whole, otherwise they are never born at all. This is one very basic primitive amongst others. 

I have designed the basic model ofthe architectures of a neighborhood communityto match the binary star system, and the binary universal system, where two community center pyramids each representing a star are connected together in the center of the community so that it synchronizes with the binary stars of our solar system and universe to replicate fractaly in it. Each neighborhood being self-sustaining and self-governingis a mini-image of any other group of neighborhoods that make of a town, so that the town is fractal of any neighborhood recursion. 

[Prefabricated Community Model Schematic ] 
[Community Virtual Reality Model and Object Data Structures] 
[Prefabricated, automated, secure,  self sustaining community plans  technologies ] 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others


2006-08-15 Thread ThomasClark123

The V'ril Energy Generator  Fractal Perfect Societies- Resend Due To Title Missing 

The V'ril Energy Generator as posted at by Buddhist Monks generates energy by replicating a model of the Universe and Solar system in it fractally. Our solar system is a Binary Starand so may be the Universe a Binary Universe. 

I have found that societies can be engineered to appear to be somewhat chaotic, and yet be very ordered as posted at - which is the Law of Fractals and Chaos Theory, where complex ordered structures can be generated from small simple structures. 

Fractal generators take a basic primitive like a cross symbol which if recursively iterated a certain number of times generates a Swastika, and iterated a few more times generates-the Microsoft Logo, as well as the Flag of the US Government that the Republican Party uses, that looks like a Nazi Flag. The Swastika is the basic energy circuit symbol that generates unlimited energy and is used in space ships to levitate them. Structures generated from the Swastika primitive may have a lot of recursive energy in them to help them replicate universally. 

Iam learning how to fractally generate legal systems, social systems, and architectural systems from the basic fractal primitives on computer models, so that a perfect society can be created and engineered to fit anyculture desiredfrom basic primitives, that makes the society look free and chaotic at timesbut really is super-ordered. Societies and legal systems can be engineered to be crime free, and virtually prison free, eternal,beautiful, and perfectly ideal and healthyfrom some very basic fractal primitives or simple rules, that few of the modern societies on the Surface of the Earth presently use. 

If one thinks about it, perfect birth control policies solves almost all problems. Children are only born when they are needed,and there is room for them, and are guaranteed healthy happy eternally youthful lives, and may rest in peace in protected cryogenic chambers when they desire by the community as a whole, otherwise they are never born at all. This is one very basic primitive amongst others. 

I have designed the basic model ofthe architectures of a neighborhood communityto match the binary star system, and the binary universal system, where two community center pyramids each representing a star are connected together in the center of the community so that it synchronizes with the binary stars of our solar system and universe to replicate fractaly in it. Each neighborhood being self-sustaining and self-governingis a mini-image of any other group of neighborhoods that make of a town, so that the town is fractal of any neighborhood recursion. 

[Prefabricated Community Model Schematic ] 
[Community Virtual Reality Model and Object Data Structures] 
[Prefabricated, automated, secure,  self sustaining community plans  technologies ] 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Re: [Vo]: OT: The Secret of Life, Free Energy The Human Body

2006-08-02 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 7/21/2006 5:33:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Psychics offer a service that, scientifically, has yet to be provenactually exists, and that is just one aspect of proof it would take toconvince Shermer.
Russian scientists have already proven psychic ideas and techniques to be factual and scientific. 

The book- The Body Electric, Electormagnatism and the Foundation of Life, Robert 0. Becker, M.D., And Gary Seldon illustrated by David Bichell, Quill, William Morrow New York Copyright C 1985 by Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Seldon 

references many Russian and other scientific experiments that would support psychic ideas and techniques. 

Nikola Tesla and many other scientists from before World War II, had developed technologies that were published in the New York Times, that are now classified by the US NSA to be used in psychotronic warfare and to control the US population illegally. 

A simple variable capacitor and ultrasonic sound capacitors connected to a tesla coil and to a computer system using a software spectrum analyzer can be used to see the white noise region which is the regions where the aura, mind, andtime travel information is located and can be seen, heard,and modeled on a computer screen. Many animals like mice and cats which some people are related to can hear higher spectrum sounds and energies in the white noise region that allow them to hear sounds and thoughtsfrom the future and the past. 

The movie Black Moon (1975), showed how the world wars between the sexes, were used to kill off the telepathic French village and replace it with a non-telepathic post war culture which also covers up and classifies all science done before World War II to hide telepathic ideas. In the movie the Black Moon the telepathic grandmother speaks with mice, since she can hear their higher pitched voices that normal persons cannot hear but which mice and many other animals can hear and speak to each other with. The grandmotherly women is shown speaking to perhaps Richard Wagner in the past by means of a radio to warn Wagner of the outcome of the war between the sexes and World War II. 

The US scientists do not read and often ignore Russian science and pre-World War II science, since it would be used to also show what the US government mind and body control energy beamprojects are doing to the USA population. 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Re: OT: the political economy of energy distribution

2006-05-18 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 5/11/2006 4:51:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In the 24th century there is no need for money in Gene Roddenberry'sworld of Star Trek.Gene Roddenberry never really explained how such a society could functionwithout money, but a possible system was outlined decades before Star Trekfirst appeared on television...
Thanks for the above link. 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Re: OT: Bertrand Russell- In Praise of Idleness

2006-05-18 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 5/11/2006 11:44:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The Muslims think the west is their enemy. They think that all 'crusades' come from the 'west'. They are wrong. They forgot aboutHulagu Khan the avenging Nestorian Christian that almost wiped Islam fromthe face of the planet. They look guardedly at the West and ignore the East. When India grows desparate enough for energy, the road through Pakistan,Baluchistan, lower Iran, Iraq, Syria, and the Saudi lands will be all to open and irresistably inviting. With tens of millions of troops, what middle eastern army would have a chance against them. It took India all of threedays to finish off a huge army in East Pakistan in the troubles before theBangladeshi revolution. .
Thanks for the above information. Even though birth control has not worked, I still encourage it as the best alternative to solve overpopulation problems. If just one generation of Third World citizens can reduce the number of children in half, then they have reduced their population in half later on. With high technology we should be able to offer better if not perfect birth control options for free in the Third world and offer incentives and rewards such as better jobs for those who have fewer children. 

Others have sent me emails hinting that high tech viral warfare may reduce the overpopulation in the Third World. Unfortunately, in the West mind control and beam weapons slavery systems have been used secretly by the Third World and the US government and other governments to reduce the birth rate of the minority white cultures, while the majority nonwhites overpopulate and are not targeted by their own beam weapons systems to reduce their populations also. 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Re: History of Electrostatic motors

2006-05-18 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 5/17/2006 3:32:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
This link has more on the history of electrostatic motors.Includes several illustrations.
Thanks for the above link. 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Re: OT: Bertrand Russell- In Praise of Idleness

2006-05-11 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 5/11/2006 11:55:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 B.F. Skinner in his book Walden II, shows us how we can all live comfortably working only part-time. If only some rich millionaires had built B.F. Skinners Walden II towns 50 years ago, we would all be living in them today, and working  part-time with plenty of leisure time. Hi Thomas,While it would be nice I don't know how realistic the prediction of working part-time will turn out to be, particularly within my lifetime. Here's a related topic you might enjoy reading:Google: "cohousing"The modern day village concept is alive and well. From what I have read living in a cohousing environment makes a lot of practical sense. One of the best aspects of living within a cohousing environment is that the community, on a regularly chosen schedule, eats together within a large community building. Chores are shared among the community. Not everyone HAS to own their own lawn mower! Every family continues to maintain their own separate homes either in clustered apartment buildings or clustered free-standing independent homes. Privacy is maintained. However, the entire "village" is deliberately designed so that community members have easy access to a centralized communal building where everyone regularly gets together to eat and socialize. I believe Dennmark was one of the pioneering countries to begin constructing entire communities around this concept. Cohousing has caught on in a few places in the U.S. as well.I believe there is an African saying: "It take a village to raise a child."
Thanks for the above information. I am glad that others are allowed to get those communities started. The US government will not allow me to get such shared communities started in the US, since I am not part of their third world ape clan, and they target me to prevent me from getting them started. 

People from Denmark are related to the Lion/Angelic(Bird) clans from the planet Venus according to the royal crest of Denmark being a Cat/Angel crest as Mel Gibson's movie Hamlet depicts, who are not Black African Ape Clans, though some would have us think otherwise. Just like Shakespeare's Hamlet, many of us are being quietly genocided and replaced by communist ape clan impostors from the third world pretending to be Hamlet's father. 

Most of the Angelic clans and cultures in the United Kingdom that B.F. Skinner belonged to, have been quietly genocided since World War II, since those that won World War II were not Angelic clans but the non-Angelic communist Ape and other Tolkien like Mordor Orcishthird world clans. This may be why B.F. Skinner could not get such communities started for his people, though Communist China and AfricanApe clanscould. 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Re: OT: Bertrand Russell- In Praise of Idleness

2006-05-11 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 5/11/2006 10:43:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[Lloyd Miller Sez:] Skinner was TOTALITARIAN SCUM! Totally opposed by his own explicit words to freedom and dignity. [Lloyd said]

[Lloyd Miller Sez:] Bertrand Russell was environmentalist extremist, anti-industrialist. . . thought the British Empire could be preserved or replaced with World Government through his idiotic ideas. [Lloyd said]
B.F. Skinner does debate the totalitarian idea in his Walden II book, where the creator of Walden II, named Frazier,was compared to a fascist totalitarianlike Hitler, since he claimed that only a strong willed individual fascist leader could get such small socialistic communities started and keepthem running. B.F. Skinner was the professor in Walden II who at first strongly opposed Walden II, and the totalitarian Frasier but in the end decided to leave the University for Walden II. B.F. Skinner is a genius of the best sort since he criticizes his own ideas, and even hints that he is aware of some of their faults. I got the impression from reading Walden II, that B.F. Skinner was not at all like the ruthless scientistthat he is portrayed as publiclyin many biographies about him, but rather a very kind hearted person who would rather live in a world where people care about each other. 

Without B.F. Skinner's Walden II book, there would be not formal theoretical and academically supportedtext book on such ideas as are presented in the book. I can quote a famous psychologist like B.F. Skinner to support new shared community ideas. 

I will have to read Russell's ideas on world government. I would hope they are much better than the United Nations.I developed world governmental ideas whichare notcentralizednor nationalizedto protect only one majority preferred elite culture, but localized to protect each local minority culture and each individualworld wide and to end needless nationalized wars.

Much like B.F. Skinner, Bertrand Russell also was a revolutionary genius, who as a perfect example of Plato's Philosopher Kingshould encourage a world government that would end needless nationalistic world wars, and yet protect each minority cultureand each individualworld wide form the mass majority culture which presently is a communistic third and criminal underworldworld culture promoted by the United Nations. 

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Re: Chukanov updates his website

2006-05-03 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 5/2/2006 11:08:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Kiril Chukanov wrote: Dear Thomas, Please visit my web-site: What’s new. Best regards, Kiril Chukanov
Thanks for this link and the reference to the books on Quantum mechanics:The Unveiled Secrets of the Primary Substance

Best Regards, Baron Volsung, Thomas D. Clark, Email form:, Personal Web Page: Engineers, Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at Volsung, a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others

Natural force field technologies

2006-04-21 Thread ThomasClark123

Natural force field technologies - Radio Biology Secret of Life (Paperback) by Georges Lakhovsky, Mark Clement; Delands Magnetic Canopy (Antenna tuned to natural harmonics speed of light etc.)

[Enchanted Fairy Tale Forest Ether Force Field Energy Creation Plans] as posted at

Re: BP

2006-04-06 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 4/2/2006 4:18:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I think the gnomes of Zurich is a bit more likely. ;)Regards,Robin van Spaandonk provides the motivation,Cooperation provides the means.
If gnomes rule that's fine, since I get along with gnomes and the secret King of Germany who also lives in Switzerland. Gnomes make the best beer. 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2006-03-22 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 3/9/2006 7:01:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yes, this is the basis of Sir Grimer's Beta-atmosphere conjecture. However, if you actually read the posts (input vs. output) on this list you would know this.Regards,Terry
I tried to find the above conjecture at the vortex-l email archive at the find searchengine does not work. Then I did a complete word search of the VortexB 
2001 - present (.txt) (large!) and could not find anything. I then I did a google search and the only thing I could find with Sir Gimmer was below:

Northvegr - Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer 

Sir Grimmer  Sir Germer They push away from shore; Wild the storm-wind waxes,  loud the billows roar. GRIMILD'S REVENGE 191 - 38k - Cached - Similarpages

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2006-03-16 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 3/10/2006 8:33:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Then fnord what's the point of reading?Terry
When I speed read, I do pick up the general idea and remember the basic facts and figures. I then save all of the emails you post on DVD's, and print most of them on hard copy paper to save in files, and read the emails that interested me the mostlater when I have more time.I read most of the patents posted in detail. I planto use the patents, and other pertinent email poststo develop products for mypre-planned, self sustaining community ventures. I also hoped to start a library someday to preserve the email posts, and some of the books I have collected on alternative energy. 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2006-03-09 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 3/9/2006 7:01:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yes, this is the basis of Sir Grimer's Beta-atmosphere conjecture. However, if you actually read the posts (input vs. output) on this list you would know this.Regards,Terry
I read many of the posts but I missed the above. I also speed read, so that sometimes I miss much. 

Toyota Plant: BioPlastic made from sugar cane to replace oil based plastics

2006-03-02 Thread ThomasClark123 Toyota to Build Pilot Bio-plastic Plant Sugar Cane Based

Re: Cold Fusion, The New Rome, and The Saint

2006-03-02 Thread ThomasClark123

Thanks for the references to cold fusion and the Greek myths. It has been found that the process of cold fusion is no longer needed, since the energies obtained from cold fusion, can also be obtained from magnetic technologies (H.R. Johnson patent No. 4,151,431 on April 24, 1979 permanent magnetic motor)that are already patented but cannot be massed produced for political reasons, and atomic hydrogen torches similar to Prometheus's fire, whichare already being used in car engines in Japan, do not need a metal element such as Palladium to exit the free energy process. The Russians are the leaders in free energy technologies presently, and have alreadydeveloped a free energy crystal far superior to cold fusion. The Saint movie simply predictedsymbolicallythat free energy technologies will be available in the future as will Fairy tale like free spiritual polytheistic avenues, to defeat the oil well powers of the Roman Empire and the repressive monotheism of the Catholic Church. 

Re: Cold Fusion, The New Rome, and The Saint

2006-03-02 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 3/2/2006 9:03:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thomas, I missed the previous message you are referring to. What references?And your viewpoints fascinate me. Feel free to introduce yourself if you wish.Steve
Sorry, I did not include the comments by the other person which was on another list but was pertinent to this one. I have enclosed his comments below:"">

From: El Norte
Sent: 2/22/2006 9:48 PM

As I remember the whole plot revolved around his anger over the murder of his childhood sweetheart in a school for orphans? His life was an act of retrobution. Speaking of Cold Fusion, I was doing a search on the Paladium which was a likeness of Nike fashioned by Athena her sister, who killed her in a game of war. Athena fashioned it as an act of penance, and worshiped it in memory of her. But Zues became so jealous of her grief that he cast it into the Troad, where it was found by Dardanus, who founded the city of Troy on that very spot. The Gods said that as long as the Trojans kept it safe their City would never be destroyed, and when Aeneas fled to Italy he took what was left of it with him, where it was kept on the Palatine Hill and guarded by the Vestal Virgins until the Fall of The Western Empire. It's said that no man can look upon it without being blinded, although there were some notable acceptions. Including Aeneas and his Father Anchises, who was blinded but had his sight restored by Aphrodite, his lover and Aeneas' Mother.

Apparently there are theories of cold fusionfor which this metal is an essential element. Although I never heard of Paladium, or knew it was a precious metal before in my life. And I sat through the Iliad my Sophmore year of High School like everybody else. I did hear it's used for Class Rings, if I heard that right. It's about half the price of Gold on the market. About $200 an ounce. Not a Troy Ounce I would think because that refers to Gold, right? The root word even figures into Western Europeanfolklore as the Palatine, which was the French Legend cycle. I'm familiar with the name but not the story, as I've never had the time to devote to it. Remember "Have Gun, Will Travel", Paladin was the character's name. Figures, right?? Wow!

Come visit my site Lots of stuff on Xenophilia, The Western Phoenicians, The Einstein Revolution, and links tomany other sites

Re: Isodual nature of anitmatter

2006-02-21 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/19/2006 1:24:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Vortexians;You may recall my comments on the dangerous ideas webpage. IHMO, the idea of the antimatter generator that would fit in the trunk of an automobile fits that category. In the hands of a terrorist, it would give new meaning to car bomb.
Nikola Tesla built a handheld device which resonated at the Earth's resonant frequency, which he claimed could split the Earth in two. If it is this easy to build such a device then thewholeEarth and every person on it would have to be monitored split second by split second to ensure that no one tired to build such a device andsplit the Earth in two. 

Tesla also claimed to have builtan energy device which could send a very powerfulenergy beam to any planet and perhaps even further out to other star systems. If this is the case, then every planet in our solar system has to be monitored by ET'S to prevent harmful energy beams from being sent to other planets. 

Another book I read claimed that Earth sends magnetic energies to the sun which helps power the sun, and Earthreceives magnetic energiesfrom Jupiter which helps power Earth, so that the flow of magnetic energies between planets is important to well being of the whole solar system. If Earth becomes polluted then the magnetic energies that Earth sends out could also become polluted and damage the solar system. Earth has to remain healthy for the rest of the solar system to remain healthy. This means that E.T.'s who live on other planets have to monitor Earth. Another book I read claimed that E.T.'s from Venus and Mars invaded Earth recently, and perhaps have taken over Earth secretly. 

Cold Fusion, The New Rome, and The Saint

2006-02-21 Thread ThomasClark123

Cold Fusion, TheNew Rome, and The Saint

The movie the Saint starring Val Kilmer, shows the attempt of the Third World South America Drug Lords working with aRussian General who is alook alikeof President Eisenhower, attempting to establish aNew Rome in Russia, which fails due to the Saint encouraging cold fusion in Russia. Could this movie be predicting the future and the establishment of new alternative energies such as cold fusion or hydrogen power?

Re: Using atomic hydrogen and helium gas to make free energy

2006-02-16 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/9/2006 2:37:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have shown that the input energy of 103 cal./gram molecule is somehow either magnified to 109,00 cal/gram molecule of hydrogen as a medium, that the 103 calories is seed energy called the activation energy, triggering the atomic hydrogen's apprehension of a net 108,897 cal./gram molecule, from the "ether". An equally phenomenal atomic helium process reported in Space Aliens is 4.6 times this output. Quoted from Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, Pg. 90,91,96"
"BTU/lb for combustion of gasoline, molecular hydrogen, and atomic hydrogen:

Gasoline combustion (n-Heptane)  19,314 BTU/lbHydrogen combustion (H sub 2+ 0) 52,200 BTU/lbAtomic Hydrogen (H22H)196,200 BTU/lb

If a pound of gasoline could propel a car 30 miles, the consumption would be 666.6 BTU/mile. On the same scale a pound of atomic hydrogen would yield 315 miles. (Paraphrase) The atomic hydrogen can be re-used over and over since the Atomic Hydrogen process does not involve the consumption of hydrogen." Quoted from Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, Pg. 92"
"According to Van Norstrands Scientific Encyclopedia, 5th ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. (1976) simple electron bombardment of helium radioactive isotope of extremely short half-life, in this state, the helium atom unpairs its electrons, promotes one electron to the 2s state in which it remains for a very short time and afterwards releases 460,000 cal/gram atom per gram of helium on collapse of the excited atom back to its ground state. The heat is in the form of photons. This is similar to the process of atomic hydrogen. Apparently as the hydrogen passes through the arc, the electric and magnetic fields, plus heat, provide the activation energy triggering the molecules apprehension of an additional 108,897 calo/gram molecule of endothermic dissociation energy. On recombination the atoms shrink in volume as the excess gathered encompassing a greater volume of Omni Matter (ether). On recombination the atoms shrink in volume as the excess gathered energy is squeezed out of the ether as free (heat) energy. The endothermic dissociation absorbs only 103/cal gram energy, yet on recombination the atoms exothermically yield a net 108,897 cal/gram molecule. 

At the comparable 30 mpg for n-heptane, helium could produce 42.86 times as much or about 1285.8 miles per pound. Pg 97.Quoted from Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, Pg. 92""

If the above statements prove to be true, then palladium is not needed in the cold fusion process, and cold fusion may be replaced by a simple atomic hydrogen torch, which existed in the 1930's as a standard torch product, but was hidden and taken from us byoil well politicsand governmental propaganda distorting or hidingthe truths of science. The relativistic theories promoted by oil well politics hides the facts of free energy science and structure of the universe from us. I read in another book that stated that some E.T.'s who came to Earth, showed us how they simply separate a hydrogen atom to create atomic hydrogen, and then allow the hydrogen atoms to recombine to create free energy. There are other sources which verify the above claims. 

Re: TT Brown

2006-02-16 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/13/2006 4:34:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I don't think this fellow's effort is suffering from corona leakage,but there may be a simple prosaic explanation for his results. Withthe intermittent application of a high voltage source to his capacitor,there might be a physical flexing or twisting of the device. In thiscase, it would be the same as a person kicking his legs to make a swing work. If this is what was happening, no unusual physical theoryis required.
William Lyne in his book, Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It, mentions that the Biefeld-Brown theory was introduced as disinformation to hide the Tesla antigravity Theories. The book Nikola Tesla Free Energy and White Dove Abelard Productions Inc. 1992 Global Communications, mentions that TT Brown did demonstrate some of his devices to the US Military, and some of his ideas were immedialty classified. 

Re: Message for Thomas Clark

2006-02-10 Thread ThomasClark123

Update To The Powers That Be, Inner Earth Societies, E.T.'s, And Any Others 

From email conversations that I have had recently, and from other sources of information that I have received, I have decided to update my understanding of political trends, and of what others and information patterns have been encouraging me to consider and reconsider.

I recentlyread a bookwhich discussed the concepts ofAlternative 3 and Alternative 4, that involvepotentialalternatives to resolve thepotential global warming problems on Earth. Based on political trends, and actions up to last year 2005, it appears that the United Nations, and many other governments on Earth were encouraging the Alternative 3 option to relocate the elite and talented of Earth to Mars, while enslaving the rest with computerized beam weapons remote control of the past and present, andwhile destroying the atmosphere of Earth with pollutants to encourage global warming to create an ice age. But recent trends since 1995,and the notion of Alternative 4, seem to be indicating that Alternative 3 may no longer be implemented, since Mars may not be friendly to Earth groups especially those that encourage slavery of others, and destruction of the environment.

According to information that I received from Dr. Rich Boylan Reports, Mars seems to be tera-forming its land, and encourages highly ethical and peaceful societies not based on slavery, or beam weapons control andnuclear warfare, which may mean that Mars may not be to friendly to groups on Earth that encourage Alternative 3 (Beam weapons slavery and environmental pollution), and may prevent them from relocating to Mars to escape potential pollution and warfare damage on Earth. As a consequence, a combination of Alternative 1,2, and 4 (Cleaning up Earths environment by means of nonpolluting power sources, and by using advancedTesla and Haarp like technologies to cool Earth's Atmosphere and repair it)may be implemented on Earth, perhaps by new political powers on Earthjust recently coming into power. 

Recent trends in the media show Earth to be encouraging less polluting power sources, and information on magnetic technologies as posted at( ) and in patents (H.R. Johnson patent No. 4,151,431 on April 24, 1979 permanent magnetic motor) given to Earth societies from friendly E.T.'s associated with the Creator of the Universe at the Center of the Universe indicate that some E.T.'s of influence are encouraging Earth to use magnetic technologies and reduce its pollution to avoid global warming. Other trends indicate that Earth will have a golden age in the future due to trends encouraged by Nikola Tesla. 

From the above conclusions I noticed that myself and many othersbeing beam weapons victims were being targeted in part by generic trends encouraged by the groups encouraging Alternative 3 (Beam weapons slavery and pollution of Earth's atmosphere) which still may be in effect but gradually diminishing to be replaced by Alternative 1,2, and 4. 

Many friendly groups encouraged me to seek help from friendly E.T.'s like the Creator of the Universe, and other planets that believe in peace, relatively free societies, and such help was received in part in the form of information I found or that was given to meand otherssuch as the magnetic technologies and patents. Many other groups were also encouraging me to leave Earth with them, since they like myself may be a minority culture on Earth which is being repressed andgenocidedby the majority.

Also being a beam weapons victim since my birth, I am unable to easily be reintegrated back into any of Earth's surface societies, unless a friendly government should decide to support me as a victim of crime (beam weapons crime and others such as spying), and offer me protection, a new identity, help restore the damages done to my body, and offer social services until I recover and am able to find work, so that I could then associate with others in a more normal manner. Since I am unable to easily be reintegrated back into Earth surface societies, I am also encouraged to seek support from secret societies, inner Earth societies, and E.T.'s to potentially be integrated into their societies, some of which may also be on other planets, which further encourages me to work with those who are minorities on Earth who feel that they may have to relocate to other planets to live safe and happy lives.Since I havehad many email conversations with others about my plans to consider relocating to other planets, I have discovered only recently some groups encouraging me to stay on Earth at least for a while rather than leaving soon for other planetsif offered the opportunity. In considering staying on Earth longer, if I should find a friendly group or nation that would support me, Ihave made plans to run many company ventures as posted at such as architectural engineers at,if permitted 

Magnetic Car Motor Patent That Works

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

"H.R. Johnson patent No. 4,151,431 on April 24, 1979 permanent magnetic motor. Mr. Johnson has arranged a series of permanent magnets on the rotor and a corresponding series - with different spacing - on the stator. One simply has to move the stator into position and rotation of the rotor begins immediately. Johnson's patent states : " The invention is directed to the method of utilizing the unpaired electron spins in ferromagnetic and other materials as a source of magnetic fields for producing power without any electron flow as occurs in normal conductors and to permanent magnet motors for utilization of this method to produce a power source. ..the unpaired electron spins occurring within permanent magnets are used to produce a motive power source solely through the superconducting characteristics of a permanent magnet and the magnetic flux created by the magnets are controlled and concentrated to orient the magnetic forces generated in such as manner to useful continuos work such as the displacement of a rotor with respect to a stator. The timing and orientation of special magnetic forces at the rotor and stator components produced by permanent magnets to produce a motor is accomplished with the proper geometrical relationship of these components. Engineers of Hitachi Magnetics Corp. of California have stated that a motor run solely by magnets is feasible and logical but the politics of the matter make it impossible for the to pursue the developing a magnetic motor or any device that would compete with the energy cartels. Quoted from The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communications, Pg. 114 to 115."

Efficient Joseph R. Zubris electric motor patents No. 3,809,978 other patents

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

"1969 Joseph R. Zubris electric motor patent No. 3,809,978 with a unique wirting system that cut the energy drain at starting to 75 percent of normal and doubleed the electrical efficiency of the electric motor when operating. Quoted from The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins, Pg. 114 to 115." 
"1970 Ev-Gray generator which intensified battery current, the voltage being induced ot the field coils by a very simple programmer sequencer. By allowing the motor to charge seperate batteries as the device ran, phenomenally tiny currents were needed. The device was tested at the Crosby Research Institute of Bevery Hills, Ca., a 10 Horsepower EMA motor ran for over a week (9days) on four standard automobile batteries. The inventors estimated that a 50-horsepower electric motor could traverse 300 miles at 50 mph before needing a re-charge. Quoted from The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins, Pg. 114 to 115."

Using atomic hydrogen and helium gas to make free energy

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

Using hydrogen and helium gas to make free energy

In atomic hydrogen welding, "and the atomic hydrogen process, hydrogen is not really a fuel, but rather a medium used in the extraction of and conversion of energy from the ether, by transforming invisible radiation and electrical energy into infrared heat radiation. No wonder the process went out of use. With this process a home consumer would pay nothing for fuel, because he could produce a small amount of hydrogen in his basement, any time he needed it, and he could use it over and over, ad infinitum. .. The heat from atomic hydrogen is free, except unlike sunshine you could produce as much as you want... Pg. 90 and Pg. 91. I have shown that the input energy of 103 cal./gram molecule is somehow either magnified to 109,00 cal/gram molecule of hydrogen as a medium, that the 103 calories is seed energy called the activation energy, triggering the atomic hydrogen's apprehension of a net 108,897 cal./gram molecule, from the "ether". An equally phenomenal atomic helium process reported in Space Aliens is 4.6 times this output. Quoted from Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, Pg. 90,91,96"

Using atomic hydrogen and helium gas to make free energy

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

Using hydrogen and helium gas to make free energy

In atomic hydrogen welding, "and the atomic hydrogen process, hydrogen is not really a fuel, but rather a medium used in the extraction of and conversion of energy from the ether, by transforming invisible radiation and electrical energy into infrared heat radiation. No wonder the process went out of use. With this process a home consumer would pay nothing for fuel, because he could produce a small amount of hydrogen in his basement, any time he needed it, and he could use it over and over, ad infinitum. .. The heat from atomic hydrogen is free, except unlike sunshine you could produce as much as you want... Pg. 90 and Pg. 91. I have shown that the input energy of 103 cal./gram molecule is somehow either magnified to 109,00 cal/gram molecule of hydrogen as a medium, that the 103 calories is seed energy called the activation energy, triggering the atomic hydrogen's apprehension of a net 108,897 cal./gram molecule, from the "ether". An equally phenomenal atomic helium process reported in Space Aliens is 4.6 times this output. Quoted from Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, Pg. 90,91,96"

Re: Your Surrender has Been Ordered

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/8/2006 9:41:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Moving forward requires a  substantial attitude change, the good old American "can do" attitude.  This can do attitude is the opposite of that demonstrated by Exxon Mobil  Senior Vice President Stuart McGill. A united political position that we  have to break our addiction to foreign oil should go a long way toward  the needed attitude change. A fully united position is not there yet,  but with Bush's State of the Union address, the possibility of such a  united front seems to be there for the first time.
According to the Alternative 4 theory (4 Alternatives to avoid global warming), the elite and rich on Earth found that they may not be able to travel to Mars to escape global warming, and hence they may have to stop global warming on Earth by using magnetic car motors and other nonpolluting technologies as are available presently by patent(H.R. Johnson patent No. 4,151,431 on April 24, 1979 permanent magnetic motor)and are feasible according to Hitachi Motor Co. The Harp and Tesla energy beamtechnologies have been secretly used to cool the atmosphere to reduce global warming. Even though Tesla discovered through his radio communications with E.T.'s and time travelers, that there were groups trying tocreate an ice age onEarth by means of encouraging global warming through the use of fossil fuels, there are groups of E.T.'s associated with the Creator of the Universe at the Center of the Universe, who have sent designs of magnetic technologies to us-, so that some E.T.'s are friendly, and want us to use magnetic technologies to end global warming and prevent an ice age so that Earth remains habitable on the surface. 

Re: fossils on Mars

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/8/2006 7:04:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I heard this man interviewed on C to C AM. Click on the fossils link. I wonder if this is an example of seeing what you want to see,
What looks like rivers on mars are actually huge domed cities, which are covered and uncovered by sand storms. Many of the NASA pictures are doctored to hide the fact that plants and animals exist on Mars presently. Mars is also being terraformed presently by aliens according to Dr. Richard Boylan Reports. When the NASA astronauts landed on the Moon they were greeted by US, British, French, and Russian flying saucers andbases already on the moon. The NASA space program was used to continue building bases on the Moon to travel to Mars. The US secretly traveled to mars around 1962. But apparently relations between Mars and Earth do not seem to be so friendly lately, unless this is being used as a cover,to discourage Earth societies from thinking that they can travel to Mars to avoid global warming problems on Earth. 

Re: Message for Thomas Clark

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/4/2006 12:37:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have not slept at all in my life as far as I can tell, and I seem to enter a virtual reality world generated by computer systems on Earth when I become entranced into a state that looks like sleep but it is not, so that I may dream while I am awake.This sounds much like Thomas Hunter's situation in Ted Dekker's book "Black". Munchausen
Thanks for the reference to the above book. From the chapters listed at the website, it is written fairly well. I saw a shortanimation about what it would be like to dream while awake; and the main problem was how to determine if one was awake or dreaming, and the animation suggested that if you are dreaming-when you turn off and on the light switch it may not work, while if you are awake it normally does work. 

If you are associated with Baron Munchausen what a great honor. Sometimes I hope to meet Venus one day like Baron Munchhuasen did, however it seems that it would be better to meet Venus in disguiseand not know it, so that one can always imagine what Venus may be like, and never really know for sure - leaving the mystery forever alive, so that everyone I meet who may even remotely remind me of Venus such as Uma Thurman who played the role of Venus, may be Venus for the day, and those whom I meet who may be Venus in disguise, may come and visit me anew each day and I would not know the difference. That's the beauty of being a God they can change their form to look any way they want, and many may play the role, so that thosehoping to meet them are never disappointed and the mystery and romance lives ever on. 

Re: Dark Matter is Hot

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/5/2006 10:37:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
According to the Unity of Creation Theory as proposed by Leonard G. Cramp in his book The cosmic matrix piece for a jigsaw puzzle part 2, there was no big bang since the universe is perpetual in motion, and what we call dark matter, may be the ether:

"In 1948, three world famous cosmologists, Thomas Gould, Herman Bondi, and Sir Fred Hoyl, developed the steady state theory, which proposes that atoms are continually being created from which all matter, planet, stars, and galaxies are formed. ..

A prevalent feature in the cosmos - is that of rotary motion predomently exhibeted both at the microscopic and the macrocosmic scale - all rotate. The globular cosmic matrix rotates about the cosmic source. 

As the entire space forming matrix is rotating it follows that all material substances including dark matter are also rotating. 

In rotating systems particles which are radially flung out at the center meet ever increasing rotational speeds the further out they become... the outer galaxies will reach the highest speeds and thereby exhibit the red shift to watching astronomers.

By the time the outer galaxies enter these distances their attendant increase in mass is proportionally compensated by the ever-shrinking third dimension until they reach the outer limits of two dimensions and extinction back into pure energy state from which they were originally formed and this process is continuos .
The Unity of Creation system would generate a space matrix, and second that that would be of globular form. The principle elegantly covers an otherwise difficult to imagine change from state of something to a state of nothing by creating a three dimensional grid which changes to two dimensions or nothing. 
Gravitation is the natural tendency for a ray to travel towards the source.

Gravity - In the case of two equal masses V and Y, mutual unbalance by interference resulting in continual increase in velocity (acceleration) which is evenly shared. In the case of two unequal masses W and Y greater number of rays being modulated and greater mutual unbalance by interference therefore continual increase in velocity which is not evenly shared due to inertia resistance set up in w. 
Inertia - the resistance offered by the C rays to being modulated. The greater the mass the greater the number of rays to be modulated therefore the greater the resistance set up .. the greater the force needed. 

Velocity- rate at which modulations are transferred by resonance to intersecting rays. 

Momentum - Number of rays modulated in direction of motion times the rate of transference of modulation in intersecting rays. 

Acceleration - Unbalanced modulation by a continued interference or applied force. 
Ether and space are the same - space is formed out of nothing by a grid of extremely high frequency rays probably of having a wavelength of less than 10^-13 meters. Space even if it is empty posses the qualities of length, breadth, thickness, and time. Nothing has no qualities whatsoever, and cannot support any material or ray. In other words, creation of the universe takes the form of making space out of nothing, and the method adopted for making space is a network or grid of rays which I call creative rays. Taking the universe to mean all created space, there is nothing outside the boundaries of the created universe. Space is positive creation. Nothing is the absence of space and is purely negative. Space or ether is formed by the creative rays which emanate from one source in all directions and in all planes. Each creative ray covers a circuit from source back to source. 

When a ray travels through space it is merely a slight modulation or disturbance of the creative rays and of no importance. Although a modulation is normally a ray which travels in all directions from its source towards the source of the creative rays, the chord of modulations forming and atom are locked together in three planes. This lock prevents the modulations traveling in opposing directions as rays. 

Flying suacers - are vehicles which are based on the principle of unbalancing the extension modulations of material carried in the vehicles. 

All statements above in quotes are Quoted from Leonard G. Cramp in his book The cosmic matrix piece for a jigsaw puzzle part 2, Pg 100 to 130."

Re: Message for Thomas Clark

2006-02-09 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/3/2006 5:17:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Original Message-From: OrionWorksFreud, once made a statement in regards to the art of interpreting dreams and personal symbols: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Thanks for the quotes from Freud and Groucho Marx.

Strangely enouph today while visiting the Venus Mountain Book Store in Lansing, whichI referred to ealier where Ifound the peace pipe over a baby Dragon with his family statue, I came across a book which referred to quotes by Carl Jung associating him with Merlin the Magician in the book The 21 Lessons of Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic and Lore by Douglas Monroe (Paperback - Sep 1, 2002). The quotes by Carl Jung were very helpfull. 

It seems to me that Freud began the philosophy of psychology and B.F. Skinner began the science of psychology. 

If science simply observed people, and did not interfere with their natural lives to get the datathat is needed for science, then the science of psychology seems ethically acceptable. Even better than a science of psychology by means of experimentation, is a logical, geometric and mathematical knowledge of psychology, which can be modeled on a computer, and tested with virtual reality, so that no actual physical experiments may need be done. Many advanced E.T. societies seem to indicate that all the knowledge that could be obtained from scientific experimentation, is already available in the higher ether planes which seem to be pure forms of logic, geometry, and math that once accessed allow us to do virtual reality or ether plane tests to get the data, just as Nikola Tesla claims to have done. In the future, science as we know it, may change is method from one of experimental data, to one of pure logic, math, geometry, computation, modeling, and virtual reality ether data. Based on these preceding assumptions, and principles of ethics, most psychologists should be putting more effort into the logic, math, geometry, computation and modeling of the human mind than empirical experimentation. Most psychologists should not forget that to date, most of psychology is nothing but philosophy, and until it becomes more formalized, justified by logic, and mathematically modeled on computers, most psychologist cannot ethically and legally diagnose another patients, condition as being purely psychological. 

From books that I have read, many E.T.'s such as those from Venus, seem to have solved most of the problems that we have on Earth, by simply not needing to have children to help avoid overpopulation since they can create people out of pure light when they need more people; and by not needing or desiring to experiment on each other, since they have the knowledge they need to be happy and the ethics and wisdom they need to know that one should not experiment on others, and by using their spirit to access knowledge in the higher ether planes, they are not so dependent on physical empirical data. 

Earth can also achieve peaceful communities like Venus, by simply following the code of ethics that Venetians may follow as I stated above, and by developing highly advanced preconception birth control pills, that are 100 percent successful which are given away for free, and by rewarding people and cultures who should decide to have fewer children with better living conditions. And if Earth should become a space age society with highly refined ethics and social customs, then Earth persons may also be invited to travel to other planets. 

Re: Electron Flywheels and Turbines

2006-02-02 Thread ThomasClark123

Tesla used two high energy electron counter acting flywheels or alternatorsto power his flying saucers. The counter force to the excessive high electrical energy literally propels the ship through space. 

"Tesla worked out the problem of how to counteract the tendency of the ship to rotate due to the torque of the alternator or turbine, by using two turbines or alternators, turned on parallel axis in the same direction or counter rotated, as stated in his patent 1655114, Apparatus for Arial Transportation... a single alternator and turbine turning on separate parallel axis linked by a gear box would accomplish the same thing. Quoted From Pg 64, The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins"

"Every action is accompanied by an equivalent reaction and the effects of the latter are directly opposite to those of the former. Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curvature of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies and producing the opposite effects, straighten out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent it follows that the curvature of space is entirely impossible-however even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for them and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. Quoted From Pg 75 to 76, The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins"

If one reads the description of Tesla's various space ship designs, given in The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins, it becomes extremely simple to understand how they work. 

Re: Message for Thomas Clark Regarding Hitler

2006-02-02 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/28/2006 5:49:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
For example:The "beam weapons targeting [you]",Being "contacted by many powerful persons in emails and by phone like the Generals of all Time (such as Chronos  Hitler)",...and many other expressed thoughts... These are the internal dragons I am speaking of. These are the dragons generated from within you
I will take your advice, very seriously, about being more careful when around dragons. There are real dragons out there living in caves, and some of them are nice and some not so nice. Perhaps I have been to friendly to some very real dragons who may not be so nice. The dragons are not from within but from without. The very realdragons offered a very real peace pipe to me, which I took seriously and thanked them. The peace pipe was offered to me in a very real store in the Lansing Mall, called theThe Mountain which I associated with Venus. I did not buythe peace pipe but Iunderstood its message andaccepted it. If I bought the peace pipe I could have sent it to you. I have been communicating with real beings by means of a higher dimensional 4th dimensional language which many E.T.'s use. Some of the signs and symbols are my own, and some are not. That's the problem with such 4th dimensional telepathic gravitonic languages-its often hard to tell which symbols are theirs and which are yours. Odin treated his dragons very well, and they also treated him very will in return. Why shouldn't I do as Odin did. There are allot of different life forms in outer space, and if I cannot get along with an ordinary dragon, it would not make me look very good, since I would have to get along with many other far stranger and perhaps far more dangerous life forms, if I ever want to travel to another planet. 

I felt it was wrong and ungodlyto keep dragons or any other life form locked in caves on Earth, and so I truly believe that some hope should be given to dragons or any other life form locked in caves on Earth to allow them to leave Earth for a more friendlier home planet. I myself am not a reptilian dragon, but a mammal as far as I can tell related to the cat, bird, horse, and bear clans, but I feel that I should be sympathetic with other life forms as should all. I did see a Japanese anime moviewhich showed dragons as being mammals with furlooking like cats. There may be some dragons which are reptiles and some which are mammals.That Japanese anime movie showed such dragons living on an Island near Japan, where they are kept hidden from the rest of the world. 

You are one of the few who seems to want to limit my story to some chemical imbalance.
A Theology Doctorate from Scotlandsent me an email associating himselfwith Jesus Christ, who asked for copyrights to my story which has pictures of myself posted as evidence, so that he could place it in a play based on a real storymuch like movies that Walt Disney makes based on real stories. 

Iactually saw a doctor withburns on my body andgenitals (balls)claiming that energy beam weapons caused the burns while I was living in a tent on Mount Ashland in Ashland Oregon,miles away from anyone,and they were identified as burns that I could not have created myself, and these are not chemical imbalances. Just like China has got Bush by the balls, so has someone got me by the balls using energy beams. I have a great deal more evidence than this but I wont go into it. 

I may have been misinformed by the contents of the emails thatI received but I have copies of them and they are real emails.  The Hitler idea started since I made a comment on an email list that posted an email about when Hitlermay have beensymbolically castrated by a secret society - the Skull and Bones Nutcracker initiation,and to make Hitler look good for going through some secret society ordeal, Icompared him symbolically to aGod likeChronos being castrated symbolically, which was contained in a quote whichmentioned that Zeus had to work with Poseidon to keep his empire. Then another person sent an email which said - I can see you on that planet now, which I assumed was associated with a reincarnation of Hitlerassociating himself with Poseidon or Chronos making the commentbut it may not have been. In this case, one would have to assume that another person who sent the email, was forced to send the email due to subliminal messages sent to his mind which were associated with me, in which case one could the argue that maybe a reincarnation of Hitler did not approve of that statement. But the email is real, andif the email was coerced by subliminal messages itwas generated not be me, but by an artificial intelligentcomputer system pretending to be me, and attempting to predict my thoughts before I think them and then forcing others including myself at times, to realize the computer's prediction of my thoughts in email posts by sending subliminal messages to them, which looks likes its me but it is not me, at least not all of 

Re: OT: German Americans was: Hagelstein Lecture

2006-01-27 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/26/2006 9:52:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
How many more countries would you need to escape to before realizing that the persecution you sensed was actually being generated by the power of your own creativity, and not by the "southern US government" or their "beam weapons."
Thanks for the kind advice. I should not post so much and be more discerning. The beam weapons targeting me create a truth drug effect in me, and if I get excited by seeing an email post about Germans, I may loose my willpower as I did, and speak what is on my mind. 

I understood that by going to Germany I would not escape the persecution but I felt that I would be in a friendlier and more supportive country since Germany has a much more mature and ethical form of government and governing elite than the US does presently. By contacting Germany officially, and the US court officially,and the United Nations as I did in a petition, I gave Germany evidence of what may be happening to other Germans in the US and in Germany. I did travel to Germany to see the Wagner Tannhauser Opera in Berlina few days beforeWagner's Birthday last year, and I foundGermany to be far richer in culture than the US, but I also did have beam weapons attacks while in Germany from those who are hostile to Germans. However my relatives in Germany being German citizensdo get some more protection from the German government and treaties, than I do not being German. 

The main problem that I have with the US and UK Governments are theirpublic policies of torture which Senator Kennedy has a petition against as posted at if enacted in congress may prevent the US government from torturing its own citizens such as myself due to mere association based on ancestry. Germany does not have any public policies of torture like the US or UK does, so I can happily support the German government and be in harmony with it, while as long as the US and UK governments have policies of torture, I can never be supportive of such governments nor be part of them. I presently consider myself a USA citizen of a state, and not a US citizen. Since I do not support the US governments policy of torture, and oil well politics, then I may be considered by the US as nonfriendly to them. Whereas Germany has no oil well politics and is essentially a country that supports ethanol and alternative energies, and once again I am in harmony with Germany. 

Maybe I can try to limit my creativity and then those who are persecuting me may change but to date I have tried many avenues of change and they have hadsome but littlesuccess. I found that as I empower myself to become like a God I also seem to become more invincible and the beam weapons seem to have less effect on me. I also got the impression that those targeting which claim to be primarily criminal cultures and demoniac groups from the south, third world,and Texas,were targeting me due to my ancestrylinking me to Greekand Norse Gods in the past and potential future and as being the Lord God or the genesis of the Gods and the Adam of the Godsand Christ reincarnate,and that they would target me for life no matter what I did or did not due in my life, since they were demon cultures who love to target God like beings and their descendants and want to prevent such beings from living and descending on Earth and other planets nearby. 

Strangely enough it was the groups targeting me that turned me into a godlike being or awoke something in me that was sleeping that awoke a reincarnation of the genesis of the Gods from my birth to the present, where presently I am a reincarnation of Zeus/Jupiter being crucified by the daemon cultures from the south and third world, and earlier in my youth I was a reincarnation of Chronos, and Apollo as pictures of myself being transmuted into those forms show, and I plan to be reincarnated as a Norse version of Apollo in the near future which is unpopular in the south, and I seemed to be unable to give up the god like nature, until those targeting me also give up their daemon like nature and leave me alone.

However I have been contacted by many very powerful persons in emails and by phone like the Generals of all of Time (such as ChronosHitler), who claim that they can help me escape those targeting me which may involve leaving Earth for another planet or entering another timeline just as Zeus had to work with Poseidon to keep his empire, so must I work with Poseidon, Chronos, the otherChrist's from the pastand Hitler to leave Earth with them. 
Like Tom Cruz, I have been given a mission impossible to go to another planet much like Germany, and Tom Cruz seemed to communicate to me from his contacts sent to me that he could help me with this goal. 

Baron Volsung,\baron
Thomas Clark,\personal.html

Re: [A-albionic_Subscription] Re: OT: German Americans was: Hagelstein Lecture

2006-01-27 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/26/2006 9:52:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
How many more countries would you need to escape to before realizing that the persecution you sensed was actually being generated by the power of your own creativity, and not by the "southern US government" or their "beam weapons."
I received emails from persons from Texas, who felt that their state should rule all other states. Texas seems to be one of the few states that thinks that they should rule all others. Britain thinks much like Texas also as if Britain and Texas were one and the same. Although the popular mediaicons make andproject Britain tolook much more friendly and civilizedin the future than Texashas beenas a ruling power in the past. 

Beside myself and however my own creativity may be affecting me and my environment around me, there are groups from Texas and from the Mafia, attempting to secretly control Michigan and genocide Michigan residents to replace them with Texans, Mafia persons,and southerners, as well as third world cultures.It was my creativity to file a petition with Germany that may havecaused German Intelligence to send me an email stating that Germany was at war with Texas, but my creativity does not change the fact that Germany is at war with Texas. It wasmycreativity, that sent a letter to the FBI, Congress,and filed a case in US court that may have sent the persons to me claiming to be FBI and Congressional agents who quite the US government to help Michigan citizens file a case against the US government, claiming that the US military was targeting citizens in Michigan related to English, Norse, Canadians and Germans with beam weapons. 

Changing my creativity as to how I react to or envision the effects of beam weapons warfare obviously visible in my own state, does not change the US governments and the secret US governments policies. Since the beam weapons targeting me is run by a virtual reality computer system and virtual reality programed government agents to run in split seconds, then some of my thoughts may get intermixed with the virtual reality subliminal messages sent to me, so that some of my thoughts may overpower the virtual reality computer system at times, and in such a case, then I can change my creativity, and vision of things around me to change how some of the events effect me directly some of the time, but this may not change the policies of the US government targeting Michigan citizens with beam weapons to secretly control Michigan for the benefit of the southern oil well powers and third world drug lords. I received emails from persons who claimed that Texas was run by a secret court system controlled by demonic cultures, and underworld Wizard of Oz inner Earth and Mafiacultures, who control US citizens and their official leaders like zombie robots with beam weapons. The US government presently is associated with Demonic images, and leadership icons claiming that in order to work for the US government a person must make a deal with the Devil being the demonic south, so that it makes it hard for a citizen who is against all forms of daemonism and criminal cultures, to get along with such a government. I would have to envision that the US government is replaced in the future by a new government which is not controlled by secret underworld demonic cultures or Mafia criminal like cultures, which has been already projected to occur around 2008 or 2012. And Nikola Tesla claimed that his visions of the future of Earth and his deedsdid achieve a golden age to come. 

Re: Texans and Germans

2006-01-27 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/27/2006 10:04:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My great uncle was the last man hung in Crockett county for stagecoach robbery... it was sorta a going away thing since it was the last stagecoach ever making a runbetween Crockett and Lovelady in 1880. Those darn carpetbagging Yankees went and built a railroad and put an enterprising family in the poorhouse.
There are those of us, and many states such as Michigan which are neither Yankee or Union nor Confederate, and those in-between states get fought over by both Yankee Union like powers, and Confederate powers till this very day, since the civil war has not officially ended according to presidential directives. Michigan presently has Britishtrying to sneak in from Canada, to control Michigan, and both Yankees and Confederates fighting overcontrol of Michigan's fresh water supply which will be worth a great deal in the future, when fresh water becomes scarce. 

Re: OT: German Americans was: Hagelstein Lecture

2006-01-27 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/27/2006 8:15:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am not aware of what Tom Cruise has to do with all of this - would you kindly please explain this to me? 

Also, are you convinced that you are the second coming of Christ? - or perhaps the anti-Christ?

I am not trying to be malicious in any way but i wish that i could help you with your persecution problems. What has convinced you that you are, in fact, reincarnations of the Hellenic and Norse gods you mention? 
Respectfully - Linda
Tom Cruz is often associated with Christ to begin with, since his name is Tom Cross in English or Tom on the Cross like Christ. I saw a magazine where Tom Cruzremarked that he wasdoing the work of the Lord God. Tom Cruz came up in the email post, since in my life some of those who spy on me but who are friendly to me,wear glasses like Tom Cruz does in the risky business movie, to signify that they are like Tom Cruzand muchlike Christ watching over us.I had a doctor withthe name of Mr. Cruz, who saved my life and who looked like King Ludwig II of Bavaria who I think also sometimes looks like Tom Cruz whenKing Ludwig was very young. I also had a lawyer who looked like King Ludwig II of Bavaria when he was older, who again helped me out a great deal, when I had a similar problem that King Ludwig II of Bavaria had. King Ludwig the II of Bavaria is also associated with a reincarnation of Christ as was Richard Wagner in their day. King Ludwig II of Bavaria represented one image of Christ as the King which was also depicted in his Neuschwanstein castle, while Wagner represented the other image of Christ as the humbleCarpenter as his name implies, and the peaceful master musician.

The mind control and beam weapons targeting me at times can literally create and materialize objects in books, and in movies around me by projecting subliminal messages and images at me, which create the objects in the present as I encounter them. For instance, I was in a used record shop in East Lansing Michigan a few months ago, and I saw a used CD by Iggy Pop, and just a few minutes before, I had bought a sandwich in a shop next doorcalled Iggy's, which had posters in it of Tom Cruz, the Godfather, and some other notable Hollywood icons. Then I realized that the shop called Iggys was named after Iggy Pop. Then afew seconds later, I saw a German CD called Mission Impossible. I looked at the CD, and it stated that my mission if I should accept it, much like Tom Cruz in the Mission Impossible movie,was to go to a planet much like Germany. Then a few weeks later, I received an email from an underworld likeperson who looked like, and who was associated with Tom Cruz and other Hollywood movie stars such as Kenau Reeves from the Matrix movie, who invited me to his website, which stated that he sang songs about going to other planets, and he also said that he could help me if I listened. By listening I went to his web site and noticed the symbols at his web site associating him with Kenau Reeves, and Tom Cruz, and counter beam weapons security services,and wanting to travel to other planets. I do receive many emails at my website claiming to be from many movies stars directing me to their websites. 

I assumed from the above symbols that I encountered as explained abovethat Tom Cruz and others associated with him may want to travel to another planet and may be able to help. I even have a next door neighbor who looks just like a double ofRobin Williams, who works for the State of Michigan, and who I spoke with who noticed that he was being asked to come out doors with his dog, by subliminal messages shot at him to help me prove that such events were indeed occurring and I reported the matter to the police and sent a letter to the Michigan Attorney General.The Lansing police officer stated that the real evidence that I had was the persons beingforced to come out with their dogs by beam weapons and subliminal messages when I walked by. This makes the image that I encountered of Robin Williams as a Michigan Stateemployee look good since he now has evidence to give to Michigan secretly that such events are occurring in Michigan along with my letter sent to the Attorney General. I receive disability benefits for seizures from a Michigan government agent called Robinson associated with Robin Williams name, as if many Michigan residents may be related to Robin Williams being the son of Robin. In East Lansing, there are shops very similar to names of movie stars. There is a shop called Woody's Oasis, perhaps named after Woody Allen.Just a few shops down there is a shop called Gibson's book store similar to the name of Mel Gibson. Then further down the road, there is a restaurant called Harrison Road house, perhaps named after Harrison Ford. I could go on with a dozen other events and symbolsthat have occurred in my life associated with Tom Cruz and many other movies stars, most of which are very 

Quotes From Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity Water that rises uphill

2006-01-26 Thread ThomasClark123

Quotes From Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity  Water thatrises uphill
"Every action is accomanied by an equivalent reaction and the effects of the latter are directly opposite to those of the former. Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curvature of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies and producing the opposite effects, straighten out the curves. Since action and reaction are co-existant it follows that the curvature of space is entirely impossible- however even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for them and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. Quoted From Pg 75 to 76, The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins"

"In his article , Man's Greates Achievement, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity by saying that the luminiferous ether fills all space. The ether is acted upon by a life-giving creative force and is thrown into infitesimal whirls (micro helicals) at near the speed of light, becomming ponderable matter. When the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to ether (a form of atomic decay). Quoted from Pg 75, The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins"

"Tesla Lecture prepared for Institute of Immigrant Welfare, May 12, 1938 dealt with dynamic theory of gravity.

1.Dynamic Theory of Gravity - which assumed a field of force which accounts for motions in bodies, assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature, (ala Einstein), the ether has an indespensable function in the phenomena, (of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter. )

2.Environmental Energy - the Discovery of a new physical Truth: there is no energy in matter other than that recieved from the environment. (Which goes against Einstens E=mc^2). The usual Tesla birthday announcement on his 79th birthday (1935), Tesla made a brief reference, to the theory saying it applies to molecules and atoms as well as to the largest heavenly bodies and to "...all matter in any phase in existence from its very formation to its ultimate disintegration. Quoted From Pg 74, The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins"

"Modern theory about gravity suggests that when a heavey object moves it emits gravitation waves that radiate at the speed of light. 1980 -A study of energy loss in a double neutron star pulsar called PSR 1913 proved that gravity waves exist. Tesla's idea that gravity is a field effect is now taken more seriously. Quoted From Pg 76. The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins "

"To Tesla socalled atomic energy was in fact the result of environmental energy emanating from the cosmos, and made known to us via radioactive matter- this matter had the peculiar property of resonating and reacting with ubiquitous cocmic radiation. ... Today we call this zero point radiation from higher frequencies to lower. This radiation is of such a high frequency that it normally passes through space, the earth, and our bodies withouth harm or incident, in constant equilibrium, because its short wavelengths do not normally react or resonate with the atoms of most matter. It is radioactive matter, according to Tesla, which has a peculiar atomic structure which reacts with this radiation to produce readioactivity. Atomic energy, to Tesla, comes from the ZPR , not atoms. ... The relativists, with whom Tesla vehemently disagreed, believe that naturally radioactive elements spontaneously lose mass in the process of such decay, so that the energy released as radioactivity, is equivalent to the lost mass according to Einstein's equation, E = mc^2. Quoted From Pg 88 to 89. The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Harrp-- Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 Tim Swartz Global Communicatoins" 

"Since electrical processes are reversable, Tesla's methode consisted of using Hall MHD methode to cause a flow of current between a stationary system (relative to Earth) and the ether - as if there were a dynamic system- since it mimicked the currents of a moving system, and created a disturbance in the ether which could only be rectified by movment of the system. Once the current commenced to flow, the mangetic fields thus created, imparted the rotary forces which created the microhelical tubes of force drilled thier way around the irrotatoinal ether cores, and synthesized the momentum which propelled the system through the ether. Quoted From Pg 61, Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden 

OT: Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's

2006-01-26 Thread ThomasClark123

Quotes below from Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,

"Beam Weapons and the New World Order.1990 to 1992 , Sandista National Labratories

Project Aries, the Advanced Research Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator Site, where a two block long device was built for the Defense Nuclear Agency By Edgerton, Germhuasen,  Greer (EG G). The Emp weapon consists of 1 1/2 block-long barrel horizontially supported on a wooden (nonconductive tressle) 25 feet high, connected to a two -story tower building, connected in turn to an immense electrical aparatus with huge arms and massive connecting cables that look like a giant Van de Graf generator. ...Using fusion power and engineered to 100 trillion volt bursts, it could arguably overpower even the most exotic extraterestrial UFO technology. Quoted from Pg 71, Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,"

"1993 - Russian Technology- A plasmoid is an extremely high-energy concentrated force field that can tear anything apart. This increadible system directs two very powerfull energy beams: one consists of electromagnetic energy in the microwave range, the other consists of intense laser energy. These beams converge in space at a designated target - something like a minature hydrogen bomp inside the super dome. Quoted from Pg 71-72, Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,"

"A high frequency laser gun pulsating 10 jewels of beam power 100 times per second will incinerate a human eye, which uses a compact solid-state power generator. Quoted From Pg. 72-73 Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,"

"Mazer - Low Power Microwave directed energy weapons capable of cuasing the projection of auditory effects (hearing voices or subliminal suggestion) into the occipital cortex. Very low frequency VLF sound and ulstrasonics - pulses of 7-12 Hz are bounced off the 8 Hz ionospheric envelope around the Earth. - Many Federal Agencies(FBI,NSA,NRO, CIA, Army Intelligence, Navy Intelligence, Department of Energy, Defense Investigative Services, DIA, Justice Department, Department of Treasury, BATF, and others, and the Secret UN(NWO) Government use psychotronics, masers, nonlethal weapons, and beam weapon technologies. Quoted from Pg 87 Quoted From Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,"

"By 1960's remote control of brain was well underway of being realized. RHIC-EDOM (Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory). (Cyborgs) - Altered and controlled humans - which were used to assinate JFK. Quoted From Pg 97, Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,"

"All major desicions are made by the military, and NSA and the CIA is just a figurehead and scapegoat.There is a group of about 18 or 20 people running this country. They have not been elected. The elected people are only figureheads for these guys who have a lot more power than the President. Quoted From Pg 102, Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's Tesla Area 51 by Commander X Abelard Productions Inc. , Global Communications New Brunswick NJ,""

Re: OT: German Americans was: Hagelstein Lecture

2006-01-26 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/26/2006 11:55:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Not so amazing. WWI engendered so much anti-German feeling inboth the U.S. and Britain that people in both countries anglicizedtheir names and stopped speaking German even at home. Forexample, the British royal family changed their name from Saxe-Coburgto Windsor. In my case, the Schulzes became the Fosters.Kind of strange, if you think about it, since Ben Franklin suggestedthat German become the official language of the United States and the U.S. and the rest of the world would have been much better offwith no American participation in WWI.
My mother was born in Eisenach Germany, where Johan Sebastian Bachand Martin Luther once lived and my mother may be distantly related to them. Many Germans fled Prussian Militarism in the 1800 to found a settlement in Lansing, Michigan. Then my mother came to the USA after World War II, since my grandfather being a German Soldier died in the war (1941 in Poland), and my grandmother married another person who brought them to Lansing, Michigan. In Michigan, there was once a large population of Germans. There is the Frankenmuth and many other German towns besides Lansing. 

I had sent a letter to the German Embassy a few years ago, asking for asylum due to persecution in the USA by the southern US government targeting Germans with beam weapons and other types of harassment. The German government kindly responded and was very sympathetic, and stated that the United Nations does not recognize the US as a dangerousplace to live yet and hence no asylum can be granted, even though the United Nations is itself targeting Germans in the USA with beam weapons.  I then received emails from persons claiming to be working for the German Intelligence informing me that Germany was at war secretly with Texas which controls the US government presently, and the United Nations controlled by Texan oil well politics and Texan space based weapons systems. 

I then noticed and was informed by telephone fromgovernment agents sent to me claiming to be from the FBI and Congress, that the Texas Mafia, and the US militaryfrom the South using the space based weapons run by the space centers in Florida and Texas,was not only targeting my person for being German, but many other Germans, Canadians, Norse, and English persons as well as Professorsin Northern Universities in Michigan with beam weapons. I was once a programming teacher at a trade school, and was studying to become a professor in Philosophy and Logic but due to beam weapons attacks I had to postpone that career. The other parts of my ancestry on my father's side is English, Norse,Scottish, Irish, Frenchand Canadian some of whom are royalists perhaps distantly related to Prince Albert according to my official ancestry research. 

I then later discovered that the Nazi's of Germany and Rome, were created by Texan, Mexican, Mafia,and Third World time travelers, who traveled back in time starting around 1994 to 1997, to create Rome, and Nazi Germany as means to take over Germany,and Europewith Texan's, Indians, and Mexicans from the Third World. The end result of World War II, was that Rome (Mafia like Third World Nazi's) had gained a few more fiefs in Germany. Most of the Nazi scientists after World War II fled to Texas, New Mexico, and Florida to become part of the secret US government, since this secret US government created them by means of time travel. I received emails from white Nazi's, some who claimed to be the son of Hitler, who were friendly and sympathetic to my cause, who claimed that Mexican Nazi's using beam weapons, were targeting and genociding white Nazi's, Germans, Norse,and rich whites in California. There is a movie by Jackie Chan which shows the Mexican time travelers living in secret underground bases in deserts, coming from the partially controlled Mexican US government of today, as being the creators and controllers of Nazi Germany used primarily to genocide white cultures in Europe and the USA. Supposedly, some Nordic E.T.'s and others will aid and protect the white culturesin the near future so that the future will become controlled primarily by white cultures, and hence the nonwhite cultures and some whites who are not Nordic, are presently attempting to genocide all whites on Earth especially in the North, where most the Nordic's live.  Since the whites and whiteNordic's win out in the near future, the rest of the third world nonwhites, and whites that are allied with them travel back in time to create the fallen empires of Rome, and Nazi Germany.

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at 

Re: Incredible Technologies of the New World Order UFO's

2006-01-26 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/26/2006 3:42:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

we are protected from the socalled government intelligencia and their band of conspiracy buffs. The Second Baptist Church of Houston had the only organized response team on the ground ready to go after Katrina and Rita.. FEMA did what it was designed to do.. make excuses and point fingers.
Relax, we are safe.
I am glad to hear that there are some friendly groups in Texas such as the Church protecting people from the government. 

I had been lead to believe thatpart of Texas and part of the US government controlled by Mexican Drug Lords,had been taken over by third world Mexicans, Indiansand others, who were not very friendly to US citizens. I once admired Texas, especially Frank Shorter whom I met and who was my role model in high school, when I was a long distance runner. But I then started having problems with Mexicans, Mafia persons, and persons claiming to be from Texas, who were stalking me, causing me a lot of problemsand claiming to be secretly taking over Michigan by means of beam weapons warfare, since Michigan has a lot of fresh water supply which the South will need in the future, and since there is a lot of oil in Michigan and Canada. Hence the bad guys in the US government and in Texas must be the oil well powers, while the good guys in Texas must be anti-oil well groups. 

Hans Coler Converter (Gravitational Magnetic To Electromagnetic Energy)

2006-01-12 Thread ThomasClark123

Hans Coler Converter (Gravitational  Magnetic To Electromagnetic Energy)

Re: Hans Coler Converter (Gravitational Magnetic To Electromagnetic Energy)

2006-01-12 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/12/2006 6:52:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hans Coler Converter (Gravitational  Magnetic To Electromagnetic Energy)
At the same above website is given a link to a pdf file which gives the plans and drawings of magnetic technologies such as Magnetic Motors, Water Purifiers, Magnetic Light Boxes, Generators, and a special metal alloy(TiAlCo-B)that works with magnetic technologies. The authors claim that the ozone is really a neutrino energy field which is harmed by to much electrical energies from electrical technologies, whereas magnetic technologies used instead of electricalmay be more friendly to the neutrino ozone field and may repair it. The technologies were given to us as a giftby the Creator. 

Re: Schappeller Gravity Energy Device

2006-01-05 Thread ThomasClark123

"Since primary cold, this vast reserve of negative entropy potential, is responsible for both matter and energy and since all energy eventually degenerates into heat, it follows that, asnavson puts it, again on page 83:
"Primary heat, as may now be understood, is composed of cold energy".
...The reader may recall that something strange happens to electrical energy at absolute zero. For instance, if a disc of conducting material is held at absolute zero and the disc is given an electric charge, the electric current will circulate around and around the disc forever, never loosing its energy a sit would if the disc were sitting on an office desk at room temperature. This property of cold is instrumental in the storage of at least one form of energy. The vast stretches of cold interstellar vacuum must be seen as a vast energy storage sea in a state of heightened negative entropy. Schappeller called this undirected matter-energy reserve potential "latent magnetism.

Schappeller Gravity Energy Device

2006-01-05 Thread ThomasClark123

Aether Theory

2005-12-22 Thread ThomasClark123

I read some links on Aether Theory which described that there were7 Layers of Higher Aether, then7 Astral Layers, then thePhysical Layers, and7 Lower Ether Layers. The Lower Ether is said to have been 2000 times more dense than lead but passes through physical objects - perhaps due to being scalar or longitudinal whereas the physical emf waves and energies are transverse. The counter universe of the physical universe follows inverse laws to the physical, so that the more denser an object in the counter universe then the more it will pass through physical matter in the physical universe, whereas the more dense an object is in the physical universe the more it cannot pass through physical matter.

Nikola Tesla and Richard Wagner stated that they could connect their minds to an Aether information network and computer system located in secrettemples on Earth and between planets which allowed them to pull up information, do work, and save informationdirectly from their minds connected to the Aether information network computer system on Earth. The same book stated that Tesla was brought to Earth from the planet Venus. Tesla lived alone separate from others most of his life, since his spiritual body and energy frequencies were to high and sensitive that he could not be around others with lower frequencies for very long. The book also stated that Tesla faked his death and relocated to a secret city that he and some of his associates built in an empty underground cavern under a mountain in Venezuela, where they perfected their flying saucer technologies, and flew to the moon and mars around the 1940's to 1950's.

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation Antig...

2005-12-22 Thread ThomasClark123

"Occult Ether Physics Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, 2000:

Teslas technology which electromagnetically canceled inertia and synthesized a new momentum instantaneously

Inertia is the momentum which a body at rest already posses because it is in a state of uniform motion, but which to us appears to be at rest, Teslas technology uses the electromagnetic interaction, which is 10^40 times stronger than gravity to create a tremendous propelling force which instantaneously reprograms the atoms and molecules of a ship with new microhelical tubes of force along a new trajectory and destroys the memories of the tubes of force which created its prior inertia momentum. 

Electropulsion is a free energy process in which energy existing in the environment - gravity and momentum are overcome by and replaced with the naturally stronger force of electromagnetism to perform a greater amount of work during a given time which theoretically is 10^40 times more work using a smaller amount of input energy to trigger the change. 

The process which makes electropulsion possible, is the dynamis of the universe, which naturally exchanges weaker and stronger forces to conserve perpetual motion, with any lost momentum being resupplied by the ZPR. Quoted >From Pg 41 Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, 2000"

Re: Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation Antig...

2005-12-15 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 12/8/2005 4:42:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have listed a few quotes below explaining the basic principles of electrogravitatoin, antigravity, and how flying saucers may work, as quoted from the publication entitled the Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation  Antigravity Principles).

In addition to the above the book entitled, Nikola Tesla Free Energy and White Dove, Abelard Productions Inc., 1992 Global Communications,, gives very explicit details on how the Searl engine works on Pg. 44. It mentions that the Searl craft could travel faster than the speed of light, since it travels in its own negative ion created vacuum and space where the theory of relativity is inapplicable. The geometry of the Searl generator is such that it avoids flashover (maximum potential of ionization in air where energy is lost). The Searl generator creates an ether density below the craft which is higher than above it to repell it away from Earth Searl uses the law of squares to build the Searl generator. I have one copy of the books written by Professor Searl, The Law of the Squares Truth Table The Secret of Searl Technology by Prof. J.R.R. Searl, M. Inst. Pi., but there are 6 others which I do not have do to lack of funds. 

The book The Energy Grid Bruce L. Cathie, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1990 gives resonant unified field equations needed to understand antigravity and free energy perhaps as used in John Keely's inventions as quoted from the book below:

"All major changes of physical state anywhere in the world are brought about by harmonic interactions of those manifestations which we refer to as light, gravity, mass, and electrical and magnetic forces. The controlled manipulation of these resonant factors would in my hypothesis, make it possible to move mass from one point to another in space-time or to change the form of mass to a more, or to a less tangible state. Pg 5-6 The contraction or expansion of time could also be controlled by the same manipulations of harmonic pulsation's or resonance's, since time has a direct relationship with the speed of light. ...The speed of light is not a constant. Pg. 6The unified field concept has been incorporated in the UFO grid system, in a harmonic sense Pg 6. 

By doubling the c, or light values in the harmonic unified equation based on the equation E=MC^2, gravitational effect becomes possible. 

...I did extend my harmonics to 5 figures. I then found a harmonic unified field equation. 

Pg 6 to 7, The Energy Grid Bruce L. Cathie, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1990 "

The equations given by Konstantine Meyl in his book Scalar Waves also are very similar to the resonant harmonic field equations given above by Bruce Cathie in his book the Energy Grid. The Energy Grid book also discusses the theory of a Unified Field Grid on Earth used by UFO to travel through space by means of altering the frequency rate of matter-antimatter cycle as quoted from the book below:

"Light or any other radiant energy above or below light frequency, is therefore manifested by undetectable changes in the radius of the spiral motion of the electron during the antimatter cycle. If this hypothesis is correct, movement from one point in space to another, regardless of apparent distance - in other words, true space travel - is completely feasible. Pg 12, The Energy Grid Bruce L. Cathie, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1990 

If the frequency of pulse manifestation is altered even fractionally our awareness of reality in the physical sense will shift from one spatial point to another. In fact, we would travel from one point in space to another without being aware that we had traversed distance in the physical sense. Pg 12, The Energy Grid Bruce L. Cathie, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1990 

By manipulating the frequency rate of the matter-antimatter cycle, the time and speed of light can be varied in direct proportion to any desired value. This I believe is the method of propulsion used by UFO's, and it is at the core of the theory upon which I have constructed the global UFO grid system. Pg 13, The Energy Grid Bruce L. Cathie, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1990 "

A NASA article quoted below shows how to levitate objects in a cavity with microwaves. If we assume that the atmosphere of Earth is a cavity (ground to different layers of atmosphere) or we create an artificial cavity around an object or a ship in the air by means of ions, then we should be able to levitate objects in Earth's atmosphere if we can discover the proper electromagnetic resonant mode based on the dimensions of the chamber, the frequency of the microwave signal, the dielectricity of the object and gas or atmosphere around the object, and the limit of microwave heating of the object.

Microwave levitation of small objects, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena California, John L. Watkins and Henry W. Jackson of Caltech. 


Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation Antigravity

2005-12-08 Thread ThomasClark123

I have listed a few quotes below explaining the basic principles of electrogravitatoin, antigravity, and how flying saucers may work, as quoted from the publication entitled the Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation  Antigravity Principles).

"This phenonmon consists of the tendency of a charged electric condenser to move in the direction of the positive pole, despite the principle of action and reaction.

In an electric condenser, just as in a hydrogen atom, there is a direct flow of the ether from the positive charge to the negative charge. Since the ether is incompressible, its streamlines cannot come to abrupt ends within the charges. The positive charge must therefore take the ether in from the surroundings. This will necessarily diminish the external ether pressure on the positive side and increase it on the negative side. (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft Pg 1)"

"If we adopt the modern view that the force of gravity is due to a pressure gradient in the ether, then such a difference of ether pressure on the two sides of a condenser should force the entire condenser in the direction of the side that carries the positive charge, exactly as has been observed experimentally. A charged condenser should therefore weigh more when its positive side faced down than when it faces up. (Reprinted from Round Robin, Vol. XII No. 3, Sept-Oct 1957) (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Pg 1))"

"Electrogravitation effects and coupling as discovered by Townsend Brown do not obey the known principles of electromagnetism. (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft Pg 2)"

"For each electromagnetic phenomenon there exists an electrogravitation analogue. 

The triangular relationship between Electricity, Magnetism, and Gravity

ElectricityC Capacitance Condenser Biefield Brown EffectGravitationElectricityL InductanceMagnatismMagnatismR Resistance W Spin Effect Gravitation (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Pg 2))"

ElectricityC Capacitance Condenser Biefield Brown EffectGravitation

"The antigravity effect of vertical thrust is demonstrated by balancing a condenser on a beam balance and then charging it. After charging it, if the positive pole is pointed upward, the condenser moves up. If the charge is reversed and the positive pole pointed downward, the condenser thrusts down.1. The separation of the plates of the condenser, the closer the plates the greater the effect2. The ability of the material between the plates to store electrical energy in the form of elastic stress. A measure ofthis ability is called the K of the material. The higher the K, the Biefield Brown Effect. 3. The area of the plates the greater area giving the greater effect4. The voltage difference between the plates, more voltage more effect5. The mass of the material between the plates the greater the mass the greater the effect. (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Pg 3))"

"Electrogravatic Force C M (E A/d) or MC where c = capacitance in Farads.

The Earth creates and is surrounded with a gravitational field which approaches zero as we go far into space. This field presses objects and people to the Earth's surface; hence it presses a saucer object to the Earth. However through the utilization of the Biefield-Brown Effect, the flying saucer can generate an electrogravitational field of its own which modifies the Earth's field. This field acts like a wave with the negative pole at the top of the wave and the positive pole at the bottom, the saucer travels like a surfboard on the incline of the wave that is kept continually moving by the saucer's electrogravatic generator. (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Pg 4))"

"Since the orientation of the field can be controlled the saucer can thus travel on its own continuously generated wave in any desired angle or direction of flight. Since the saucer always moves toward its positive pole, the control of the saucer is accomplished by varying the orientation of the positive charge. Control is therefore gained by switching charges rather than by control surfaces. The method of controlling the flight of the saucer is illustrated by the following simple diagrams showing the charge variations necessary to accomplish all directions of flight:

- saucer + + saucer - + -
forward - - reverse saucer saucer - + UP ^ Down

 + -  + +- Saucer + - saucer+ +saucer- + saucer - - +  - +forward up forward down reverse up reverse down

Since the saucer is traveling on the incline of a continuing moving wave which it generates to modify the Earth's gravitational field no mechanical propulsion is necessary. 

The saucers edge would contain a number of conductor segments, and the saucer would turn in any direction simply by shifting the positive and negative charges to appropriate positions along its edge. The vertical thrush would be regulated by varying the positive charge on top of the saucer, the amount of thrust being regulated by 

Re: Scientists in a spin over curling clues

2005-12-01 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/22/2005 6:43:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The problem is why curling stones, which rotate clockwise, curl to  the right, unlike other objects, such as a glass spinning on a  table, which veer in the opposite direction. 
Thanks for the post. 

P.M.S. Blackett's law conneting the magnetic field of a body with its spin P=BG^1/2/2c * U where P is the magnetic field strength, B a new constant with magnitude near to unity for the unites chosen, G the universal gravitation constant, c the speed of light, and U the angular momentum may help us find a connection between right and leftcurls, gravity and rotating spinningmatter.

If we assume that the spiraling curling force in every atom may be associated with the gravity force, then if we were to counter the spiraling force in every atom by either using a counter spiraling force such as a counter spiraling sphere or gyroscopic force around the atom or a collections of atoms in a body or ship, then we may be able to counter gravity. Since many objects may have a spiraling force that goes in both left and right spiraling directions we may need a counter spiraling force that goes counter right and counter left as in a double left and right spiraling spheres or gyroscopes as used in the Nazi Bell antigravity device. We may also develope tinny left and right handed antennas placed in nanomade materials which capture the spiraling forces and creates and antispiraling force, to make materials that may jam out some of the gravity forces perhaps up to 80 percent. 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-12-01 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/20/2005 3:23:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 10/14/2005 11:43:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Here below is a link to an article that discusses how to make hoverboards and hovercars work based on Forcefield Air-cushion Technology: page is silly; it's about "ferrofluid-glob technology," not aboutair-cushions or force fields.This site strongly resembles one of the many "fake plans websites" thatplague the Free Energy arena. When "Back to the Future" first came out,there were some fake-plans companies selling stuff as well. The creatorsof these sites don't have any working technology, and their intent is tosell expensive plans which do not work. Don't trust them, and certainlydon't spend your money. See:
I had a chance to read more of the Hovertech Designs pdf. I purchased at, which discussed some experiments such as Electrostatic repulsion-Levitation Experiment, Magnetic Ion Containment-Magnetic Bottle Experiment, Electrostatic Ion Containment - Ion Pressure Experiment, Paramagnetic Levitation - Paramagnetic Gas Experiment, Multi-Surface Maglev - Maglev Experiment. And which gives plans to build a Van De Graaff Generator, a High Voltage Power Supply, an Ion Detector, a Gauss Meter as well as an Ion Cloud chamber to perform the experiments. 
They also have a program at their web site used to fine tune the containment coil used in the magnetic bottle experiment which traps a gas and liked charged ions with magnets to create a gasionic air cushion that reduces the overall charge needed to lift the same weight. They plan to publish a more detailed report on the above ideas later. 

The last names of some of the writers of the Hovertech Designs.pdf, Bertrandas in Bertrand Russelland Ford as in Henry Ford, hint that the Ford Motor Company and theUnited Kingdom's classified researcher's and scientists may beencouraging and leaking out some of the ideaspresented inthe above projects. 

With General Motors filing for bankruptcy and potentially moving to Mexico, the Ford Company may be the one last hope that the USA has inmaintaining its automotive industry. Perhaps Ford has plans to build hover cars in the USA in the future to provide more USA jobs.

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Defense contractor reticent on anti-gravity discovery

2005-11-23 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/23/2005 3:40:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
If either the Americans or Russians had antigravity they would have incorporated it into weapons, and they would be selling them.
Both the Americans and Russians have antigravity ships and flying saucers as Dr. Rich Boylan proves at his Website and in email evidence,but they keep them classified and secret just like the Nazi's did. The Nazi's had 3 secret levels of military weapons one's that were given to the standard military, one's that were given to a secret military, and ones that were given to a super secret military; and just as you stated, the secret and super secret Nazi military may not have been on the side of the Germans. The Nazi flying saucers were used by the secret and super secret military which fled in submarines to Argentina, and the south pole around 1945, and were laterhired by the US CIA in New Mexico to build a super secret US space program run by the third world brown shirt (Indian and Middle Eastarn)Nazi's and Mexicans who now control the US in part by means of secret beam weapons warfare, organized crime, drugs, and a secret maffia like third world police forcetargeting US citizens especially whites. Some of the darkerbrown Nazi's were not German but Middle Eastern, Mexican, Asian,and Third World. The other Black Shirt Nazi's (Blacks that are white) secretlyfled to be incorporated into the US Navy after 1945. 
NASA stands for (Nazi) and was created and run by brown and black shirt Nazi's who fled to the US after 1945 and is used as a cover organization to hide the super secret Nazi space program in the US. The Nazi's were used by the United Kingdom and Australia to secretly take over and collapse the USA. The British Flag is a nazi swastika if you look at it carefully, and Britain is associated with Frederick the Great who was an anti-German pro French socialist (Nazi)and who secretly founded the Nazi's in Germany and in the United Kingdom to take over Europe, the UK, and the USA. However Frederick the Great as was Hilter werealso taken over by feminist Australian, Asian, ThridWorld,and Canadian Nazi's who traveled back in time to forcethem to work for them. The secret Nazi's as does the Mafia really works for feminists in Australia, who control the whole world secretly from 
Australia. This is why there has not been a male King in the UK since world war II, because the Nazi third world feminists from Australia secretly rule the UK and the world since world war II and designate this by a female Queen as their symbol of power and control. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-10 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/7/2005 11:24:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I find these posts highly entertaining mostly because they remind me of the consultant gobbledygook generator...
Thanks for the above link. The gobbledygook generator has many potentials, that if improved with a little bit of Artificial Intelligence and expertise built in, could prove to outwit if not entertain Arthur C. Clarks computer called Hal as depicted inhis book A space oddesy: 2010. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: OT:Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-10 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/8/2005 9:18:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
To reinterpret a famous saying: Grant me serenity over the probabilities that I can't change, the courage to change the probabilities that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.Good comments, Baron.Regards,Steven Vincent
I hope that the forces in the universeof probabilities and knowledge grants us all what you ask for in your above saying.May the force be with you as Luke Skywalker would say. 

I appreciate your criticism. You caused to meconsider why I had give up science for mythology so easily, so as to confuse the two as you suggest. I then realized that I had given up my faith in science in part, when science seemed to fail us and I did not have time to wait for science to succeed, and I needed answers andinstant access toforces that seemed to tap into the root forces of the universe, where no formal understanding is needed. While at the same time I had also given up my faith in God, and myth in part, to discover sciences that could save us all, that few to this day dare speak about in any formal mathematical way, such as the science of law, constitutional theory, and social theoryfor space age split second societies. 

I have written a very fine paper on constitutional history and the proposed formal science of constitutional theory that should be developed to show which forms of law and government can be modeled on computers to govern society peacefully and civilly over the ages as posted at Some mathematician and engineer should refine the principles of law and government far further than I have considered them so that they can be formally modeled. Such a book on the science oflaw cannot be found in any law library to date, though it should be there by now, so that we could prove which laws and governments arethe bestat any moment in time for any type of society, and endsome of the need for wasted debate, politics and warfare. 

The one thing I did read and save on my computer about Carl Sagan as posted athis own website was his Baloney Detection Kit which lists some basic logical rules to follow to discover warning signs that suggest deception and bad science. I was fortunate to have studied under a philosphy professor at MSU, named ProfessorHerbertHendry, who wrote computer programs to teach logic and totest for flaws in logic which could be applied to read normal text in books and in papers to analyze thier logical flaws very quickly. 

Fifth Annual Computers and Philosophy Conference at Stanford ...Joseph Hanna and Herbert Hendry (Michigan State). Algorithmic Translation inPropositional Logic William Hanson (Minnesota) - 6k - Cached - Similarpages

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: OT - Is Hell Exothermic or Endothermic?

2005-11-10 Thread ThomasClark123

Who needs to use logic to argue about hell when the CIA has already promised in an email sent to me to end hell on Earth once and for all and make all of the caves in the underworld safe enough for a baby to crawl through. 

Re: Deriving Power from Atmospheric Pressure Differences

2005-11-04 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/27/2005 5:18:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Deriving Power from Atmospheric Pressure Differences over Geographically-Spaced SitesNew method of power generation will harness the difference in atmospheric pressure between locations 100 to 200 miles apart, with reliability comparable to coal, nuclear, gas, and hydro, but at a cost substantially lower, and with no pollution.
Thanks you just gave me some ideas on how JohnKeely technologies may work by using pressure differences in pressurized pipes to power the devices. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: OT:Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-04 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/4/2005 10:31:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Speaking of mythic interpretations of reality have you ever read any of Terry Pratchett's Disk World series? Now, here's an individual who knows how to harness the power of myth! ...and, of course, least we forget Douglas Adams.
Thanks for the references to the above authors. I will look into them. A series of books I really enjoyed was the River World Series by Philip Jose Farmer, which explained the history of Earth in a unique way by traveling along a million mile river that represented time travel through history to the end of history. 

You stated that you were an artist in addition to a computer programmer. Being an amateur programmer, I have been very interested in animation art, and virtual reality programming, to program virtual reality worlds that can be experienced by the viewers, which I feel will be the next trend in the entertainment industry. One of Bill Gates former employees wrote a book on game programming in which he explained the myth that long ago in unrecorded past history, the art of computer technology had been so advanced that they could literally create reality and life from computer programs and game animations that actually created the reality in which they lived. 

I have been focusing on myths to much as you suggest, and I should try to think more about the present and future than the past. In my case, perhaps I may have been tricked and seduced into walking into another if not many othervirtual reality timelines, where all things are possible, and what we think may come to be almost instantly. Those who have tricked me, may be encouraging me to focus more on mythology than I should, to bring the myths of long bygone daysback to life at times if not to idealize them and improve upon them, which is much like the Never Ending Story Novels where the reader of the book becomes part of the book to create the history, present and future around them as they read the book. The Sir Gewain and Green Knight myths mentions the Lost Land of Lionesse, which was part of Atlantis at one time, which also claims that some events in the past may also occur again in the future, as if the future creates the past but some pasts and futures are hidden from usunless wechoose to be part of themmuch like the Lost Land of Lioness. Since there may be many different pasts on Earth, then also there may be many different futures. We all may be in a time in history presently, were we may be choosing and fighting over which past and which future may come to be in our present and in our local region on Earth. Different regions on Earth each have different cultures, histories, pasts, and futures. Certainly those who do not prefer one past history, may deny its existence to hope to prevent its present and future. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Evolution and race

2005-11-03 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/28/2005 11:38:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The Rig Vedas speak of visitors to our world as well. Not 'gods', butvisitors.Standing Bear
Garrison Keeler claims that the garden of Eden and the Adam and Eve of the bible occurred near California and not in the Middle East and theywere not related to apes and have no ape genes in them since they were genetically engineered by star visitors. The wife that Adam had before Eve called Lilith allegedly came from the Amazon region nearMexico. Some of the bible clans then relocated to Minnesota to become the Norse tribes after the fall of Adam and Eve. Later the Norse and Aryantribes migrated toEurope and the Russia's, and then toIndia to mix with the Black Africans living in India to form the Indian races. Arabian scientists have found giant skeletons in the Middle East of the Giants spoken of in the bible but this data is kept hidden from popular science text books on evolution theory. Roman coins, and Celtic ruins have been found in Minnesota and Michigan to show that advanced Celtic and roman societies existed in the Americas thousands of years ago, which is also kept out of popular evolution text books to hide the evolution evidence of the Celtic races not related to apes. Genetic experts hide and repress all evidence of genes and persons not related to the ape clans on Earth to not only hide the evidence of Star Visitors living amongst us but to also hide evidence of advanced space age societies that existed on Earth long before the apes evolved and who still live in the inner hollow Earth today who genetically engineered some of us. Someone told me that persons related to the Bear Clans came from other planets than Earth since Bears were imported to Earth by star visitors.

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Evolution and race

2005-11-03 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/3/2005 2:31:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You failed to mention Reptoids. 

It's like, a Lizzie can't catch a break around here any more...
The wife Adam had before Eve called Lilith was allegedly from the Snake or reptoid Clans as were many Amazon Women in the Amazon region near California and Mexico. The children of Posiedonthat lived on Atlantis were alegedly related to the Bull, Fish, Bird, and Dragonclans. 

Re: [A-albionic_Subscription] Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-03 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/27/2005 2:55:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
More on J. Searl's devices and other topics are contained in articles at The Institute for New Energy website: 
Thanks for the links on the Searl engine. I read in the Scalar Waves book by Konstantine Meyl, that the Searl Engines captured and used neutrino energies that come form the sun. Some of the Searl tiny flying saucers which went out of control flew directly into the sun since they followed the neutrinos to the source in the sun. The sun being a black whole that leads to the center of the universe collects and resonates with neutrinos from the other stars at the center of the Universe. Ships made of light energy by means of tesla teleportation coils which transmute matter into light as in the Philadelphia experiment, can slip through the black whole in the sun to travel to the center of the universe and other star systems by means of the solar star network. Information made of light energy can also be transmitted between the universal solar star network from any sun to the center of the universe to any other sun. Traveling through the sun's black whole along the energyrifts and around energy vortexes that lead to other places in the universe in the 4th dimensioncan be dangerous since it is alleged that only machines or persons specially trained with brains genetically engineered to see the energy rifts in the 4th dimension may navigates ships safely. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: OT:Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-03 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/3/2005 11:15:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Your writings indicate to me that you either have a difficult time with, or you simply chose not to distinguish the difference between mythic reality and scientific reality. Both are in my view absolutely important for a fuller more balanced perception on reality, but only if one can distinguish the difference
You may be right. Earning a B.A. in Linguistics and a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering at MSU, I learned how to use historical and lingustic reconstruction to reconstructlanguages,and I also used the same technique toreconstruct the secret histories of Earthby reading between the lines of what myths said and what other science fiction writers hinted at, and what our history books said, and I may have made many great errors in confusing mythical accounts of history with more scientific accounts. 

I have read or browsed throughmost booksat the Michigan State University library on history, the origin of races, tribes and mythical cultures on Earth. AndI did read several well documented historical books about mythicalsocieties such asUtopias of the classical world Ferguson, John, 1921-London : Thames and Hudson, [1975] and Imaginary worlds; or the evolution of Utopia by Paul Bloomfield, which very specifically and clearly stated that the mythical Gods of Greece existed and left Earth during Plato's day, and that thereis a very real underworld society on Earth where supermen, dragons, angels, and daemons live whoare ruled and controlled not by governments but by computerized beam weapons systems in the inner Earth a few miles down or further. There are many more books about life in the inner hollow Earth such as the The Smoky God, or: A Voyage to the Inner World / by Willis George Emerson, and The Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, and The Journals of CIA Operatives who have visited the Inner Earth, and E.T. societies. Dr. Richard Boylan's website at email listvery professional provide official presidential documents, and reports from NASA, about E.T.s, advanced US secret flying saucer space ships and agencies, and E.T.'s presently teraforming Mars, as well NASA reports on how the US government spends trillions of dollars trying to cover up the fact that E.T.'s and star visitors live on Earth with us, which is causing the US government to go broke. 

The book by Francis Bacon called New Atlantis as posted at a visit to Atlantis after Christopher Columbus had discovered America, mentions that a holographic energy beam teleported a copy of the bible from the futureto residents of Atlantis (AngelicBeings)long before the bible was ever written. Bacon also mentions in the detail the technologies that the Atlantinians had and used such as advanced energy beam technologies and the means to study the energies in life forms. The Atlantinians had residences 3 miles down in caves, and 3 miles up in mountains on Atlantis, so that they could survive floods, meteor attacks, and earth quakes. The Atlantinians also claimed that around 3000 B.C. there were dozens of nations with thousands of ships sailing all around the world but that a flood occurred and that the sailing decreased so that knowledge of the America's and Atlantis was lost after 3000 B.C. Myguess is that this Atlantis spoken above may be in the inner hollow Earth or near the north pole, sincethe Atlantinians mention that their home was in God's bosom being perhaps the inner hollow Earth?

Voltaire in his book Candide, mentions that E.T.'s lived in South America in his day. George Washington in official congressional records mentions that he could remotely see into the future by means of Angelic remote sensing technologies given to him by Angels,and stated the vampires would attempt to ruin America as is happening today. 

I have read several other bookssuch as MYSTIC MICHIGAN. Written by JAGER, MARK. $7.95 ISBN: 9672, which describethe architectural accounts and findingsof Celtic ruins in Michigan and in other states which prove that a proto-celtic societies existed in the Americas, and which are kept out of main stream history books. I have recieved emails documenting skelotons of Giants being found in Saudi Arabia, and Roman and many other types of Classical Middle Eastern coins being found in Minnesota, USA. 

The fictional books The Eternity Code (Artemis Fowl): by EoinColfer also very clearly hint and specify that societies of Fairies, Leprachauns, and Elves live a few miles down in the inner Earth and utilize advanced space age technologies superior to ours. Lawhead's Pendragon Novel's give a very good historical account of Atlantis. The societies living in the inner Earth use advanced computers, teleportation and beam weapons technologies to literally create any type of life form imaginableand engineered on computers systemsconverting 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-21 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/21/2005 10:04:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Since we are talking about the writings of weighty authors might I suggest another individual, Carl Sagan, specifically his book "Demon-Haunted World" - Chapter 10 titled: "The Dragon in my Garage."Regards,Steven Vincent
Thank you for the reference to Carl Sagan. I liked his Contact 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-20 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/14/2005 11:43:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Here below is a link to an article that discusses how to make hoverboards and hovercars work based on Forcefield Air-cushion Technology:
I just bought a copy of their Hoverboard design notes at the above link, which is very professionally written. It mentions a patent that presently exists for electrostatically levitated vehicles (Patent 3,095,167, filed June 1975 by H.C. Dudley) to propel a missile from Earth by using a high charge on the order of 400,000 to 500,00 volts that can be used to raise the charge on a hoverboard to compensate for the difference in charge between the board and the ground. The problem is to maintain such a high charge with such close distance to the ground. 

The above design notes that I purchased also give a practical design answer that works using ions and microwaves with electrostatics but which has to be researched more andfine tuned tobemass produced. 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-20 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/20/2005 3:23:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Meaning, "they haven't tried it themselves, that's why they can't post anyphotos of their experiments." Go look at the J. L. Naudin site if youwant to see how genuine alt-science experimenters behave.
Thanks for the reference to the above website. I was looking for it but I forgot its location. I found a good article that was posted a few years ago at this site on a ufo plasma engine: 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-20 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/20/2005 5:28:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I think it would also be helpful to review and test the contents of Inspired Writing (including what some would call "channeled" messages) in the same rigorous manner that any collected scientific "data" must endure. This harkens back to my previous comment that if one can not or is unwilling to distinguish the difference between the two perceptions of reality then one is in danger of loosing touch with the unique strengths both universes offer and how, when understood, both can complement and nurture the growth of our individual psyches.
We all think with the two parts of our brain (logical) and (dreaming)at the same time which is bipolar thinking, and some think with many more parts of their brain in parallel which is multipolar and which creates a new form of logic and science which is multi-logicalthat defines truth as becoming trueor false in a more vague probabilistic manner depending on the data given for any given universe of being which defines our subconscious mind and our reality. Oxford University throws out any students or professors who dare teachlogicbased on five levels of truthhood that may define how our subconscious mind works, since then we may model our subconscious mind computationally so as to be able to engineer our present by means of computational dream engineering. 

I think along many different parallel timelines and possible realities all at once at every moment in time, since the future(s) and past(s) may always be changing due to time travel and other choices we all may make in the present(s). B.F. Skinner mentioned in his Walden II novel that in his communities the past is forgotten, and new archetypes of the present and future are engineered so that the members of the communities may live and think and dream in new ways. 

I do have a part of me which is purely scientific and logical, and another part which is mythological and dreaming, since we can not altogether forget our distant Jungian historical archetypes that we may have inherited from the past, which perhaps we should honor and upgrade and rewrite in a better way to make a better future for ourselves and others in the future and a better past for our distant ancestors whomay bedependent on what we do and think todayas we may be dependent on them. 

The Harry Potter novels speak about communities on Earth which make it illegal to speak about their communities if you wish to be a part of their community. In some communities which already know how to make cars fly, it is illegal to fly them due to the United Kingdom Ministry of Magic (Beam energy computer control of airspace on Earth) which prevents such cars from being made and used. However hover cars do not fly, they simply hover a few inches above the ground, and are not covered by UK laws that forbid flying cars. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-14 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/13/2005 8:36:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Here below is a link to an article that discusses how to make hoverboards and hovercars work based on Forcefield Air-cushion Technology:
I just bought a copy of their Hoverboard design notes at the above link, which is very professionally written. It mentions a patent that presently exists for electrostatically levitated vehicles (Patent 3,095,167, filed June 1975 by H.C. Dudley) to propel a missile from Earth by using a high charge on the order of 400,000 to 500,00 volts that can be used to raise the charge on a hoverboard to compensate for the difference in charge between the board and the ground. The problem is to maintain such a high charge with such close distance to the ground. 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-13 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/7/2005 5:15:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If you ever figure out what Keely was talking about, and get a design for that machine Baron we'd all love to see it.
In Keely's day in the 1800's, according to Konstantine Meyl, in his book Scalar Waves, there were more neutrino energies in the atmosphere than there are today. Keely's technologies may only work if the density of neutrino energies are higher than they are today. However I have figured out that the vortexpipes and funnels used by Keely in many of his devices, may have been used to amplify and focus electrostatic energies into a vortex to cause them to then increase the amount of neutrino energies in and around the devices to cause them work. 

I have postulated that if we were to place hundreds of pipes in seriesinside of an ovalpiece of metal used as a base for a hover car, and then placed a dozen tiny ram jet like funnels and bed spring like wiresinside ofeach pipe, then this may cause the electrostatic energies around the hover car to be increased and to form into thousands of tiny vortexes, which may increase the neutrino density energies under the hover car to form a cold plasma which if pressurized properly could form a high pressure field which could cause the hover car to levitate a few feet above the ground. If the above technologies were made to work, then we could miniaturize the pipes and ram jet funnels by using nanotechnologies, to increase the electrostatic forces, and neutrino energy forces millions of times more, by increasing the number of pipes and ram jets per square inch to many millions, which would allow us to get more power per square inch and define the levitation height desired preciselyby the number of nano-tech vortex chips placed in the metal bodyofeach hover car. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-13 Thread ThomasClark123

Here below is a link to an article that discusses how to make hoverboards and hovercars work based on Forcefield Air-cushion Technology:

The link above also sells plans to their hoverboard designs which include discussions on electrostatic surface repulsion, a magnetic bottle to contain ionized air, a rotating spark column, paramagnetic air cushion, diamagnetic repulsion, and ferrofluidic forcefields. 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-06 Thread ThomasClark123

Electrostatic Hover Cars

Electrostatic hovers cars which operate by utilizing high voltage electrostatic repulsion forces (Biefeld/Browneffect, Polarity plus on top side and negative on bottom side of thecar's shell with a neutral band around the middle edge.)are discussed in many models of flying saucer plans as postedat (

However an electrostatichover car which hovers just a few inches to a few feet above the ground and no more, may prove to be more practical,legaland easier to build than a flying saucer, since the cars strictly speaking do not fly but simply hover just above the ground and no flying license would be needed to use them.Someadvantages of electrostatic hover cars are that they are noiseless, do not wear out roads, nor needroadsor tires. 

Electrostatic hover cars if ever built to work, could only be practically and realistically developed for small preplaned communities which have been designed to use such cars and which collectively agreed to use such cars which would not effect the mass economy or car industry for at least a hundred years. A company trust which decides to build a preplaned community could then make an agreement with an automobile manufacturer to build the electrostatic car body and engine parts since the number of cars built would be many thousands and would not effect the mass market or economy so that automobile companies may be willing to builds such cars. 

Preplaned communities which have agreed to use electrostatic hovercars can also agree to use computer systems in the cars which are preprogrammed to monitor the speed limit of the car, and to cause the car to avoid all dangerous objects by slowing down or moving around them.

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-10-06 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/6/2005 4:49:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What do you mean "practical?" As far as I'm aware, nobody has everdemonstrated any sort of electrostatic "hover" effect which can lift largemass. (Have you?) On the contrary, a charged pair of planes as youdescribe should be attracted downwards towards the slightly-conductingEarth surface, no?
I have not tested such ideas yet but John W. Keely demonstrated a hover like car in 1800's which may have worked off of vibratory acoustics.I just assumed that the saucer pages that I read had tested some of their ideas. Also the Michael J. Fox Back to the Future Movies seem to indicate that hover skate boards work somehow in the near future? 

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Weather Control

2005-09-29 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 9/14/2005 1:46:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Weather modification and control might seem really outlandish. But, wecould be nearing the point where where weather modification and controlcould be possible.
I know for sure that weather control by means of computers and energy beams has existed in the USA since 1994. Around August of 1994, a person was sent to me claiming to represent President Clinton, who told me that the US government had me under surveillance because they thought I could control the weather and even political events with my mind. At the time President Clinton contacted me, his plane had had problems with weather attacks when President Gore had a broken leg, which signified that I had done something politically in the future that changed his politics, and which then went back in time by means of governmental computer time travel communication to change the weather around his planeas asign. The next day I saw a TV comedy which parodied President Clinton's plane being downed by a weather storm, with a priest in a temple who was used to control the weather to down the plain. Thereafter, I noticed that the weather around me changed from rainy to thunderstorms andto sunny based on my thoughts, actions and events in my life. I was able to evensnap my fingers and it would rain, and then snap my fingers and it would stop raining instantly. Later I discovered that the weather around me was not being controlled directly by my mind but by governmental computer systems which had me under surveillance and which captured my thoughts and filtered them before they were placed into a computer system,so that the computer system couldsimulate weather control around me by means of using energy beams to control the weather based on actions and events that occurred in my life and based on my thoughts. The governmental computer systems were attempting to make me believe that I could control the weather with my mind, and later the governmental computer system would reverse weather control to be the opposite of what I thought so that I had to work very hard to get the weather back to normal. I have noticed that weather control and weather warfare follows political patterns, and historical political cycles. I received an email from some persons working for President Bush claiming that there are computer systems which do indeed control the weather globally based on political cycles and other data at the time the hurricanes were hitting Florida. 

Re: Weather Control

2005-09-29 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 9/29/2005 2:32:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
gee you should talk to this guy who quit his job as a meteorologist to prove what you already know
Thanks for the above reference. It seems to me that it would be a simple matter to give local police officers in every town nation wide advanced remote sensing, weather monitoring and control technologies, and anti-atmospheric pollution electronic force field technologies. If local police world wide had a simple weather shield for their townas the Avengers movie hints at, then most towns would not only be warned but have a chance to prevent bad weather from occurring in their area locally.