Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-24 Thread LORENHEYER
Cut Cut... my statement below was intervened upon by 'someone' who can 
operate from within my feeble intelligence process, w/o my knowledge.  Two 
words, 'only'  and 'navigated' were somehow kept from being typed in the last 
sentence, and have now been re-included. 

 This is what I said to NASA about 3 years ago.  I also mentioned that 
 rotor they had gotten to spin at a sustained 60,000 Rpm's (1,000 Rps's) 
 in ' 2001 (?), was absolutely essential in-order to achieve the 
 State of Energy/Propusion in what I am convinced is the one system that 
 will not only enable us to travel space in the extreme, but as to how it 
 interpreted or navigated  

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-23 Thread LORENHEYER
Antigravity can 'only' have what might be considered an on-board 
application, and so, anyone who has either a vested-interest, or money, or 
great faith 
in it, simply doesn't   know about the enormous potential of the yet 
undiscovered system, that can have no equal.

   While it does require a moving part 
spinning at a very high rate of Rpm's, it's the only way to generate the 
principle dynamic force that will enable an altogether powerfully new efficient 
form of 'independent' propulsion that will enable a like vehicle/craft to 
travel space in the extreme, to anywhere that may be at anytime (read it  

 As I read of Jed and his predictions I wonder will his be bettor or 
worse.  They had the right idea in 1912 but the wrong implementation.  No one 
had a clue of the coming internet until it happened.  Some see only tragedy.  
I see anti-gravity and cold fusion. 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-23 Thread LORENHEYER
This is what I said to NASA about 3 years ago.  I also mentioned that the 
rotor they had gotten to spin at a sustained 60,000 Rpm's (1,000 Rps's) back 
in ' 2001 (?), was absolutely essential in-order to achieve the Independent 
State of Energy/Propusion in what I am convinced is the one system that 
will not enable us to travel space in the extreme, but as to how it is 
  It's a matter of 
powerfully energizing electromagnetic-force to compensate an equally powerful 
centrifugal or centripedal force, that will result in a whole new form of 
energy-field.  I doing so, will essentially enable a whole complete variety of 
functions to be performed, without any physical contact... it's simply a matter 
of a million years or so, of some serious in-depth RD. 

 Radio transmissions might be an ancient form of communications to an 
advanced civilization.  It could be like us talking to each other with smoke 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-23 Thread David Roberson

I am under the impression that the antigravity concept has been discussed in 
details on vortex before.  Unfortunately, I was not privileged to be involved 
in that discussion so I have one concept that seems to be required for it to 

Assume that a mass of material is shielded by an antigravity system of some 
type.  The same mass requires a certain amount of energy to raise it upward a 
meter without the system.  My suspicion is that at least this amount of energy 
must be expended by the antigravity device if the same final mass displacement 
is achieved.  The conservation of energy would require this to happen in my 
opinion.  Has this issue been covered before in the collective?


-Original Message-
To: vortex-l
Sent: Thu, Feb 23, 2012 11:49 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

Antigravity can 'only' have what might be considered an on-board 
pplication, and so, anyone who has either a vested-interest, or money, or great 
n it, simply doesn't   know about the enormous potential of the yet 
ndiscovered system, that can have no equal. 

  While it does require a moving part 
pinning at a very high rate of Rpm's, it's the only way to generate the 
rinciple dynamic force that will enable an altogether powerfully new efficient 
orm of 'independent' propulsion that will enable a like vehicle/craft to 
ravel space in the extreme, to anywhere that may be at anytime (read it  
 As I read of Jed and his predictions I wonder will his be bettor or 
orse.  They had the right idea in 1912 but the wrong implementation.  No one 
ad a clue of the coming internet until it happened.  Some see only tragedy.  
 see anti-gravity and cold fusion. 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-23 Thread fznidarsic
Yes antigravity has been discussed.  I went to the Marshall Spaceflight center 
and here is my report. 

This was 12 years ago and nothing much has happened since.

Frank Z

This is what I said to NASA about 3 years ago.  I also mentioned that the 
rotor they had gotten to spin at a sustained 60,000 Rpm's (1,000 Rps's) back 
in ' 2001 (?), was absolutely essential in-order to achieve the Independent 
State of Energy/Propusion in what I am convinced is the one system that 
will not enable us to travel space in the extreme, but as to how it is 

-Original Message-
To: vortex-l
Sent: Thu, Feb 23, 2012 12:22 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

This is what I said to NASA about 3 years ago.  I also mentioned that the 
rotor they had gotten to spin at a sustained 60,000 Rpm's (1,000 Rps's) back 
in ' 2001 (?), was absolutely essential in-order to achieve the Independent 
State of Energy/Propusion in what I am convinced is the one system that 
will not enable us to travel space in the extreme, but as to how it is 

  It's a matter of 
powerfully energizing electromagnetic-force to compensate an equally powerful 
centrifugal or centripedal force, that will result in a whole new form of 
energy-field.  I doing so, will essentially enable a whole complete variety of 
functions to be performed, without any physical contact... it's simply a matter 
of a million years or so, of some serious in-depth RD. 

 Radio transmissions might be an ancient form of communications to an 
advanced civilization.  It could be like us talking to each other with smoke 


RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Considering the never-ending conundrum of whether we are alone I came up
with the following 500 word short story. I submitted it to a local science
fiction community for a writing contest. While the story didn't win any
prizes it was one of the finalists.

I suspect Stephen Hawking might find aspects amusing... or not. ;-)




Were we alone? Surely that wasn't the case. But no one had ever answered our
calls. When we finally mastered interstellar space travel we felt it was
time to find out if that was truly the case.

We soon discovered life existed outside the nurturing confines of our home
system. Not only that, life was sprinkled everywhere, generously so. Then
came the surprise. DNA, appeared to be the only blueprint used to build life
throughout the universe. Even more astonishing was the fact that DNA samples
taken from all our travels revealed that life seemed to have originated from
a singular genetic source, origins unknown, including our own. Externally,
life everywhere looked different, but underneath tissue, hide, hair, scales,
and feathers, we were all related. How could evolution throughout the galaxy
have spawned such incredible genetic uniformity? We obviously don't know how
evolution really works; that's how we consoled ourselves.

We eventually discovered advanced civilizations, some having even achieved
space travel. They could have visited us long ago had they chosen to travel
our way. Why hadn't they visited us? Clearly they must have been aware of
our presence, our radio broadcasts. We had to know.

We chose a candidate; a civilization we had repeatedly transmitted greetings
to in the past. We dispatched our finest emissary ship and entered their
solar system as non-threateningly as we could, all the while continuously
broadcasting our peaceful intentions. We settled our ship as delicately as
we could, close to a metropolis, next to what appeared to be a hastily
gathered assemblage of officials - witnesses to the historic event. The
ship's hatch opened. Dignitaries and ambassadors filed out one-by-one. Our
greeters shuffled nervously, all the while remaining quiet. Eventually we
broke the silence. We extended warm greetings, wishing them peace and
prosperity. Finally, we asked them Why haven't you answered our calls? We
wish you no harm.

Leave, immediately! was their answer. It was too late for us, they added.
They demanded we cease all further communication, especially anything that
could give away their position. And then they scurried back to the safety of
their city, leaving us standing alone.

We raced home, entering our system just in time to witness the armada
assembling. Like a swarm of hungry hornets, black needles kilometers in
length fired deadly energy beams that screamed through our home world's
atmosphere, slicing through continents and oceans as if cutting through soft
butter. The tiniest bacterium to the largest leviathans in our oceans,
everything was sucked into vast geostationary interstellar refineries parked
above. Molecular structures evolved over eons were unraveled, then
recombined into new matrices more suitable to the nutritional requirements
of an unknown consumer.

After the armada's storage facilities were filled they sterilized our
ravaged planet with bursts of deadly gamma radiation. The surface was then
reseeded with a single bacterium possessing a unique genetic strain, a
hauntingly familiar source. 

And then they left, content to let evolution once again grow to fruition.

We discovered we were alone.

C 2012 Steven Vincent Johnson

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread fznidarsic
I don't know, but the first beeping signals have now reached 12,500 stars.
The fact of the matter is any civilizations out there able to receive our 
signal should have been transmitting at least 100 years ago and we should 
already have detected them.  It appears that we are unique.Many are predicting 
we will not be around to receive any answer.

Frank Znidarsic

So besides SETI attempts, what would be our best chance to detect ET life?
At least, i think they should emit low amounts of infrared (You've got to stay 
warm in winter, right), some kind of heat signature, but to see something you 
must be inside their cone, what do you think ?

Dont know. 


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread David Roberson

Radio transmissions might be an ancient form of communications to an advanced 
civilization.  It could be like us talking to each other with smoke signals.

At this point it can only be speculation as to what future technology will be 
invented.  Before radio, all we had was wire lines.  Who predicted modern 
digital communications over vast distances 100 years ago?  I am not more 
capable of this than the next guy but I leave the probability open for future 
advances since I have seen many during my lifetime.


-Original Message-
From: fznidarsic
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 10:18 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

I don't know, but the first beeping signals have now reached 12,500 stars.
The fact of the matter is any civilizations out there able to receive our 
signal should have been transmitting at least 100 years ago and we should 
already have detected them.  It appears that we are unique. Many are predicting 
we will not be around to receive any answer. 

Frank Znidarsic

So besides SETI attempts, what would be our best chance to detect ET life?
At least, i think they should emit low amounts of infrared (You've got to stay 
warm in winter, right), some kind of heat signature, but to see something you 
must be inside their cone, what do you think ?

Dont know. 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread LORENHEYER
 Ion-propulsion is highly inefficient, but because it produces only a 
limited amount of power, the equivalence of a piece of paper resting on your 
 (please, whatever you do don't sneeze), it has a limited use.  Now, 
Antigravity is believed to have great potential, especially because it has 
no moving-parts, but, it is not independent technology, and/or require a 
highly specialized condition/base in-order for a vehicle to operate, which, 
renders it mostly unuseable.  Now, the undiscovered potential of the system I 
propose, does consist of A single moving-part, however, it is the only way  
the essential principle force can be generated so an altogether  'different' 
 type of vehicle/craft to do what is currently sought-after in one way or 
another.  There is also an enthusiastic 'following' of people favor or 
support a 'nonlinear-mode' of travel (opposed to 'linear' ) for traversing the 
vast distances of space in a very reduced time-frame,,, that wil supposedly 
use  powerful electromagnets to produce a  gravitational- force so-powerful 
that it can  bend or distort space, so as to by-pass it altogether.  A 
wormhole, blackhole and/or hyper/warp-drive system (hint hint, there's only one 
that comes close), are presumed to enable F.T.L. (faster-than-light) travel, 
thereby much time and enormous amounts of food, air, liquids, etc, in-order 
to make even a trip to the nearest star.  Well now, it doesn't take a 
rocket-scientist to realize that this so-called time-saving method is at the 
very-least impractical if not suicidal, because such a device would require an 
unobtainable amount of energy, and only to end in self destruction.  Now, 
as it is  stands, electromagnetic-properties have the potential to 
attract/pull a thousand X's their own weight, and altho that is based-on 
direct-contact, a large percentage of that should be obtainable.  Also, when 
a very  
powerful electromagnetic-force is powerly used to controll C-force, it will 
uniqquesly combine to create or generate an all new form of  energy.  
Anyway,   given certain dimensions within a spinning rotor assembly,  1-lb of 
weight  can potetially generate several tons of Centrifugal (?) or Centripetal 
(?) force, and so it's very feasible that the overall weight of a certain 
highly efficient vehicle, can be overtaken   The task or goal is to utilize 
this principle within a system to eliminate mechanical-energy, which would 
enable a 'State' of Light Energy/Propulsion to be perfected, thus enabling 
some 'other'  vehicle-craft to travel space in the extreme, to any star, that 
may harbor intelligent life, that may be at anytime in evolution or 
technological progression.   This 'other' system is a highly efficient means 
generating a viable new advanced form of propulsion, or energy, that will not 
only enable any maneuver, but possibly reach speeds in the sub-light range, 
or ???  If some good in-depth RD was conducted, I am confident the 
potential of this system would soon be realized, thus enabling our current 
knowledge of propulsion  energy to be completely revised.  Presently, there 
various aspects at work in our society that are rather relatively easy to 
observe, such as the average household clothes-washing machine, which, if 
improperly imbalanced in the spin-cycle, will not spin fast enough, or at all. 
 Also, when a tire is put on the wheel of you vehicle at the local Garage, 
 and is computer balanced with  little  lead-weights, in order to spin or 
wear evenly.  Under normal circumstances, if a rotor-center was simply 
imbalanced, it would quickly start to shake, rattle, wobble, and at some point 
destroy whatever was holding it in place.  Simply, an imbalanced rotor 
assembly or wheel that trys to spin at high-rate or Rpm's, can generate a 
significant  amount of C-force, that will overpower or disable it.   And so, 
this 'other' system essentially enables a high rate of rpm's to be obtained, 
and to the point it will level-off to a stable controllable manner.  Then, 
it's a simple matter of regulating energy via a very exact/precise 
timing-order-sequence, and the sky is no longer the limit, nor sapce for that 
 All you have to do then is figure-out away of getting rid of 100 % of 
this bio-baggage, and/or obtain immortality thru technology,,, and you're good 
to go. (I know, I didn't 'believe' it either,, but, it's the only thing that 
hasn't even been considered, of which I am certain will work unlike 
anything anyone will believe.   . It will simply require an old dog (which is 
really only a spring chicken) to learn a new trick sure it must might be 
rough! rough! at first, but then you'll find that you'll be able to do alot 
more than just roll over, and fetch a ball... good boy! ... now speak!  

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Vorl Bek

  Ion-propulsion is highly inefficient, but because it produces
 only a limited amount of power, the equivalence of a piece of
 paper resting on your hand (please, whatever you do don't

vast snip

I have to killfile this guy. I guess he is trying to write in
html, but it comes across as a 65-line run-on sentence.

I checked the vortex-l website to make sure it wasn't just my email
reader and his posts there are the same unreadable globs of words
as they are in my email reader.

People should at least throw in a line of white space every 3 or 4

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread LORENHEYER
It's almost absurd to even think about waiting around for an answer, 
especially if our signals are being disabled,,, and (believe it or not) I think 
there may be a likely good reason for this.  SO, what if we got an answer... 
what do we do then?  Should we ask them if they have more advanced 
technology, or, if they can tell us things in which can actually only learn for 
ourselves, or, what it might mean to be indpendent or free of the limitations 
of this planet?...  So, ask a few questions that you'd like to have 
answered, and make sure they have some real meaning,,, otherwise you will not 
likely get an answer , and/or one you could even begin to understand.  Now, 
might be comparable to your long lost relative (if they could talk) asking 
you (human being) if you know where some bananas (or oranges) are, because 
you have a large family that requires almost a limitless supply. you know 
what I mean here ?  

 I don't know, but the first beeping signals have now reached 12,500 
stars.The fact of the matter is any civilizations out there able to receive 
our signal should have been transmitting at least 100 years ago and we 
should already have detected them.  It appears that we are unique.Many are 
predicting we will not be around to receive any answer. 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread LORENHEYER
Some people can't deal with certain matters, and will quickly change the 
subject.  By finding fault with words (which obviously give you immense 
comfort), rather than the matter at hand, I can only must conclude that you 
simply aren't meant to learn or 'know' certain things,,, so, please go ahead 
kill my file... I'll get over it.  

 I have to killfile this guy. I guess he is trying to write in
 html, but it comes across as a 65-line run-on sentence.
 I checked the vortex-l website to make sure it wasn't just my email
 reader and his posts there are the same unreadable globs of words
 as they are in my email reader.
 People should at least throw in a line of white space every 3 or 4

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread LORENHEYER
 Believe it or not, but this just might be a sort-of mandatory-step from 
which a whole new society emerges and starts a'new. times, they are a 

 Let's just hope that it is not typical for an advanced civilization to 
end itself with super weapons once it reaches a certain point in its 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread fznidarsic
As Jed has said we are now going radio silent.  Many of the highest power 
shortwave stations such as Deutsche Wella have gone off of the air.  They have 
been replaced with very lower power cellphone like gigahertz transmitters from 
local and satellite transmitters.In PA I pick up only one local television 
station now as compared with 4 regional stations with the old VHF system, UHF 
does not defract downward as VHF does.  Television may someday go to low power 
and cable only with the effectiveness of high power UHF digital air wave 
transmission being limited. 

Radar my go as all planes are equipped with transponders. 

It was proposed by someone, I forget who, that we make a circle of fire on the 
earth to signal Mars.   Tessla tried to signal Mars with his coil, what a 
waist, we now know Mars is dead.

Antigravity is coming someday, as all of the magnetic fields, including the 
gravitomagnetic, are not a conserved property of the universe.  There is 
nothing fundamental stopping us just the know how.  Maybe that will get us out 

Someone should do a story of this all with the 100 anniversary of the beeping 
transmitter and send it to IE.


Radio transmissions might be an ancient form of communications to an advanced 
civilization.  It could be like us talking to each other with smoke signals.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread David Roberson

I am not sure that going radio silent at local distances would be a good thing 
unless the new technology that replaces radio has major advantages.  It would 
be advantageous to eliminate the wires and fibers that are now strung all over 
the place but the speed of local communications does not appear to be a problem 
looking for a solution.  A network of small, inexpensive RF type transceivers 
conveniently located to cover the regions of interest could offer fast reliable 
communications for the future.  The low power required for short range 
operation would effectively make us appear as radio silent to outsiders.  Who 
knows, LENR power sources for these devices might very well allow them to 
operate indefinitely.

The thought of antigravity devices coming soon is tantalizing.  Do you suspect 
that we are just one discovery short of achieving that goal?  Or maybe it has 
already been observed within a laboratory somewhere but not confirmed, similar 
to our favorite subject LENR.  I wonder if anyone has made observations that 
suggest strange anomalies in gravitational measurements that have remained 
unexplained thus far?  

It is the unexplainable occurrences that hide the important discoveries and 
things we totally understand are at the level of our current technology.


-Original Message-
From: fznidarsic
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 12:46 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

As Jed has said we are now going radio silent.  Many of the highest power 
shortwave stations such as Deutsche Wella have gone off of the air.  They have 
been replaced with very lower power cellphone like gigahertz transmitters from 
local and satellite transmitters.In PA I pick up only one local television 
station now as compared with 4 regional stations with the old VHF system, UHF 
does not defract downward as VHF does.  Television may someday go to low power 
and cable only with the effectiveness of high power UHF digital air wave 
transmission being limited.  

Radar my go as all planes are equipped with transponders.  

It was proposed by someone, I forget who, that we make a circle of fire on the 
earth to signal Mars.   Tessla tried to signal Mars with his coil, what a 
waist, we now know Mars is dead.

Antigravity is coming someday, as all of the magnetic fields, including the 
gravitomagnetic, are not a conserved property of the universe.  There is 
nothing fundamental stopping us just the know how.  Maybe that will get us out 

Someone should do a story of this all with the 100 anniversary of the beeping 
transmitter and send it to IE.


Radio transmissions might be an ancient form of communications to an advanced 
civilization.  It could be like us talking to each other with smoke signals.

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Terry Blanton
Earth radio silent?  By no means.  There are literally thousands of
narrow-beam threads of RF energy directed at space satellites which
reach far beyond their intended listeners.  And when we went to DTV,
the amount of effective radiated power from broadcast stations

We radiate more RF energy than we have ever in the past and will
continue to do so for many generations to come.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 10:18 AM 2/20/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Advanced civilizations may not use RF communications. Or the signal 
may be so compressed it looks like noise. However, they will 
recognize it when they detect it. If they use radio telescopes they 
will probably realize they have intercepted a signal from a 
civilization, and not a natural signal.

Jef Poskanzer pointed out a few years ago that spread-spectrum 
encrypted radio traffic would be indistinguishable from white noise. 
This was when a broad-spectrum microwave stellar source was found, 
and there wasn't a physical explanation for it. (The astronomer 
didn't like his explanation). 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

 Jef Poskanzer pointed out a few years ago that spread-spectrum encrypted
 radio traffic would be indistinguishable from white noise.

That's not entirely accurate.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread fznidarsic
I guess you missed the whole thing about Podkletnov.  Its kind of died down 
right now but there may be things going on behind the seens with  this.

The thought of antigravity devices coming soon is tantalizing.  Do you suspect 
that we are just one discovery short of achieving that goal?  Or maybe it has 
already been observed within a laboratory somewhere but not confirmed, similar 
to our favorite subject LENR.  I wonder if anyone has made observations that 
suggest strange anomalies in gravitational measurements that have remained 
unexplained thus far?  

Were is Mike Carrol?  He would know if current signals at 100 years out are 
above the signal to noise ratio.
Mike write a story on this for IE..Jed could edit and add.

Frank Znidarsic


RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Alan J Fletcher 

 Jef Poskanzer pointed out a few years ago that spread-spectrum 
encrypted radio traffic would be indistinguishable from white noise. 

Isn't there always a preset packet size? That alone would provide regular
gaps in the rate of transmission, it would seem.

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Alan J Fletcher

 Jef Poskanzer pointed out a few years ago that spread-spectrum
 encrypted radio traffic would be indistinguishable from white noise.

 Isn't there always a preset packet size? That alone would provide regular
 gaps in the rate of transmission, it would seem.

Well, there *is* a limited bandwidth; so, SSC signals stand above the
surrounding noise floor like Ayer's rock.  Once you notice that there
is a signal there, then you begin to analyze the noise and find out
that it is not real noise.  Thar be intelligence there!

The CDMA cell phone signals I referenced previously are not unlike
spread spectrum communications.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Mauro Lacy

On 02/20/2012 10:32 PM, zer tte wrote:
Well if they use some kind of quantum entanglement transmission, how 
could we eavesdrop on them ?

So far our RF cone extends 100 light years behind us  ( 0
Quite a catch for a random alien in our galaxy to be at the receiving 
end, anyway if by chance some random alien picked up our signal which 
would only last as long as he stays inside the cone, then he has to 
compute where to reply, he probably would send something like, Sorry 
we're busy right now, please call back later.

So besides SETI attempts, what would be our best chance to detect ET life?
At least, i think they should emit low amounts of infrared (You've got 
to stay warm in winter, right), some kind of heat signature, but to 
see something you must be inside their cone, what do you think ?

I tend to think along these lines:

Extraterrestrians can be all around us right now, and we just don't 
notice them. That's what I tend to think.

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread David Roberson

It is not necessary to leave a gap in the transmission sequence.  I once worked 
upon a system that continued non stop with a pseudo random BPSK signal.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 3:15 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

-Original Message-
rom: Alan J Fletcher 
 Jef Poskanzer pointed out a few years ago that spread-spectrum 
ncrypted radio traffic would be indistinguishable from white noise. 
Isn't there always a preset packet size? That alone would provide regular
aps in the rate of transmission, it would seem.

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread LORENHEYER
Uhh... they're currently up in space, as in numerous vehicle/craft, that 
are utilizing an  altogether highly developed new form of sophisticated 
energy-field, that is tapped into all mass-matter/energy, and/or the earth's 
gravity  magnetosphere.
What we're essentially 
talking about is a capability that enables 'them'  to  interpret, anticipate, 
and/or operate not only every 'thing' , but all living creatures as well 
especially the neuro-activity or function of our brain.  Again,,, your 
talking about an ability that not only operates matter w/ ungodly precision, 
a very  considerable distance in space, but as-well from 'within' our very 
soul (if you will),,, and so, I'd say it's about as easy as when you flip-on 
a switch on an appliance talk about a set-up! maybe kind'a like 
Ohms  Resistance in electric current, only by speeding up or down all this 
'stuff' on some super micro-subatomic level.

Maybe this will help   if you were looking up into the 
nightsky thru a telescope, in their direction, they would have already been 
fully aware of you, and either moved-out of your view, and/or play around with 
in such a way that you aren't quick enough to even actually realize it  Case 
in point, some of these craft have a reflective surface on their outside 
skin, and/or a bulb-like dome on the underside,,, and so, a 'Flash' of light 
can be used in less-time it takes for you to wink, and distract or 
rediverting your attention I kid you not?   

  So anyway,  I suspect that  some highly developed 
form of cold fusion is being used to power the system that is enabling 
'them' to be up there, but I am not not an expert on this subject, but am 
well-versed in the abilities of 'those' powerfully capable highly advanced 
civilizations, that have to be at least 10 million years older, or somewhere 
between that, to multi-billions of years further along than us and/or we're 
 'new' on the block, that we might (I fear) be referred to as still in our 
diapers wah!!   

Extraterrestrians can be all around us right now, and we just 
don't notice them. That's what I tend to think. 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread LORENHEYER
 I am trying to write in  globs, because I know they're somewhat 
unreadable, but that just makes it that much more difficult to know what I'm 
about.   And please, in the future, try not to use the word  'kill' ,,, its 
too harsh. I also have this dinosaur of a computer, plus, I'm mostly 
computer illiterate.  I'll try to catch-on, so just give me a few million 
to catch-up. Thanks  

  I have to killfile this guy. I guess he is trying to write in
  html, but it comes across as a 65-line run-on sentence.
  I checked the vortex-l website to make sure it wasn't just my email
  reader and his posts there are the same unreadable globs of words
  as they are in my email reader.
  People should at least throw in a line of white space every 3 or 4

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Mauro Lacy

On 02/21/2012 07:01 PM, wrote:

Uhh... they're currently up in space, as in numerous vehicle/craft, that
are utilizing an  altogether highly developed new form of sophisticated
energy-field, that is tapped into all mass-matter/energy, and/or the earth's
gravity  magnetosphere.
 What we're essentially
talking about is a capability that enables 'them'  to  interpret, anticipate,
and/or operate not only every 'thing' , but all living creatures as well
especially the neuro-activity or function of our brain.  Again,,, your
talking about an ability that not only operates matter w/ ungodly precision, 
a very  considerable distance in space, but as-well from 'within' our very
soul (if you will),,, and so, I'd say it's about as easy as when you flip-on
a switch on an appliance talk about a set-up! maybe kind'a like
Ohms  Resistance in electric current, only by speeding up or down all this
'stuff' on some super micro-subatomic level.

 Maybe this will help   if you were looking up into the
nightsky thru a telescope, in their direction, they would have already been
fully aware of you, and either moved-out of your view, and/or play around with
in such a way that you aren't quick enough to even actually realize it  Case
in point, some of these craft have a reflective surface on their outside
skin, and/or a bulb-like dome on the underside,,, and so, a 'Flash' of light
can be used in less-time it takes for you to wink, and distract or
rediverting your attention I kid you not?

   So anyway,  I suspect that  some highly developed
form of cold fusion is being used to power the system that is enabling
'them' to be up there, but I am not not an expert on this subject, but am
well-versed in the abilities of 'those' powerfully capable highly advanced
civilizations, that have to be at least 10 million years older, or somewhere
between that, to multi-billions of years further along than us and/or we're 
  'new' on the block, that we might (I fear) be referred to as still in our
diapers wah!!

Something like that, yes, but without all the crafts and stuff. And 
without the childish and exaggerated tone, too.

Paragraphs. The 'globs' are usually called paragraphs. Look it up.

  Extraterrestrians can be all around us right now, and we just
don't notice them. That's what I tend to think.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Jouni Valkonen
I think that Radio signals are irrelevant, because alien civilisations did 
detect us back in 6000 years ago when we started agriculture and destroyed 
forests to the crops in larger scale due to urbanisation. Perhaps cities are 
directly visible from space?

Thus Alien's do not need radio frequencies for spotting a civilisations, but 
they can do it with normal optical wave lengths. We could already spot ourself 
nearby civilisations directly if we had build permanent colony to the moon 30 
years ago as was planed. 

When industrial revolution happened, also the chemical composition of 
atmosphere started to change into artificial, so this signature would also be 
easy to detect some 200 lightyears away from here, even for primitive Earth 
like civilisations, who has better sense for investing science and space 
exploration. I think that we could differentiate continent sized details, and 
of course we could detect traces of artificial chemical components from 


Sent from my iPad

On 21 Feb 2012, at 17:55, David Roberson wrote:

 Radio transmissions might be an ancient form of communications to an advanced 
 civilization.  It could be like us talking to each other with smoke signals.
 At this point it can only be speculation as to what future technology will be 
 invented.  Before radio, all we had was wire lines.  Who predicted modern 
 digital communications over vast distances 100 years ago?  I am not more 
 capable of this than the next guy but I leave the probability open for future 
 advances since I have seen many during my lifetime.
 -Original Message-
 From: fznidarsic
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 10:18 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens
 I don't know, but the first beeping signals have now reached 12,500 stars.
 The fact of the matter is any civilizations out there able to receive our 
 signal should have been transmitting at least 100 years ago and we should 
 already have detected them.  It appears that we are unique. Many are 
 predicting we will not be around to receive any answer.
 Frank Znidarsic
 So besides SETI attempts, what would be our best chance to detect ET life?
 At least, i think they should emit low amounts of infrared (You've got to 
 stay warm in winter, right), some kind of heat signature, but to see 
 something you must be inside their cone, what do you think ?
 Dont know.

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread Terry Blanton
2012/2/21 Jouni Valkonen
 I think that Radio signals are irrelevant, because alien civilisations did
 detect us back in 6000 years ago when we started agriculture and destroyed
 forests to the crops in larger scale due to urbanisation.

I think what they detected that really concerned them was Trinity.
They showed up en masse shortly thereafter.  Then the crash in
Roswell, NM (Demi Moore's birthplace) and the subsequent creation of
the CIA.

Or not.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-21 Thread fznidarsic
We would like to to find the signature of oxygen in other plants.  There was 
even some efforts given on how to do it.  I read of some kind of orbiting 
interferometer that could do some if it but was canceled.


-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 6:44 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012/2/21 Jouni Valkonen
 I think that Radio signals are irrelevant, because alien civilisations did
 detect us back in 6000 years ago when we started agriculture and destroyed
 forests to the crops in larger scale due to urbanisation.

I think what they detected that really concerned them was Trinity.
They showed up en masse shortly thereafter.  Then the crash in
Roswell, NM (Demi Moore's birthplace) and the subsequent creation of
the CIA.

Or not.



Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Andre Blum

On 02/20/2012 11:51 AM, wrote:
One hundred years ago in 1912 a new type of 5 KW wireless 
was introduced.  It had a spinning wheel with arcing contacts that 
broke the sparking RF circuit up into audio pulses.  It modulated the 
AM band radio frequency signal.

The system transmitted a beep beep beep instead of a 
crackle crackle crackle.  It was easy to hear and the sound of the 
signal was much different from other natural sources of RF static. 
 Those signals are out there just now at 100 light years in 2012.

Will we soon be getting a reply?

Frank Znidarsic

No, we will not.

But if we will, here's hoping that reply will not be in all caps, as we 
will have a hard time convincing people that these aliens really exist.


RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Robert Leguillon



Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 13:37:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

On 02/20/2012 11:51 AM, wrote: 
One hundred years ago in 1912 a new type of 5 KW wireless was introduced.  It 
had a spinning wheel with arcing contacts that broke the sparking RF circuit up 
into audio pulses.  It modulated the AM band radio frequency signal.  

The system transmitted a beep beep beep instead of a crackle crackle crackle.  
It was easy to hear and the sound of the signal was much different from other 
natural sources of RF static.  Those signals are out there just now at 100 
light years in 2012.

Will we soon be getting a reply?

Frank Znidarsic
No, we will not.

But if we will, here's hoping that reply will not be in all caps, as we will 
have a hard time convincing people that these aliens really exist.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread David Roberson

My suspicion is that our use of radio for communication would be considered 
extremely ancient to any civilizations that may be monitoring us.  The changes 
in carrier modulation that have occurred just within the last 50 years has been 

Any relatively nearby civilization(100 light years) would most likely be 
millions of years removed from us in technology.  I can not even begin to 
speculate as to where our world will find itself in that amount of time if we 
are still around to ponder things.

So, are there other means of communications that exist of which we are unaware? 
 How well do we in fact understand the physical world?  It was not that long 
ago when the laser was inventedsuch a simple in principle device that could 
have been discovered over 100 years earlier.  Now we are watching expectantly 
as LENR devices are about to become accepted within the physics community so 

On many occasions I give consideration to the questions that most haunt me: How 
many wonderful discoveries are there waiting for us to uncover?  How can I help 
to bring these into fruition?  Only time will reveal what lies just beyond our 
reach, but I think the journey along the path toward the future will be 


-Original Message-
From: fznidarsic
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 10:52 am
Subject: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

One hundred years ago in 1912 a new type of 5 KW wireless was introduced.  It 
had a spinning wheel with arcing contacts that broke the sparking RF circuit up 
into audio pulses.  It modulated the AM band radio frequency signal.  

The system transmitted a beep beep beep instead of a crackle crackle crackle.  
It was easy to hear and the sound of the signal was much different from other 
natural sources of RF static.  Those signals are out there just now at 100 
light years in 2012.

Will we soon be getting a reply?

Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Jed Rothwell
Advanced civilizations may not use RF communications. Or the signal may be
so compressed it looks like noise. However, they will recognize it when
they detect it. If they use radio telescopes they will probably realize
they have intercepted a signal from a civilization, and not a natural

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread David Roberson

This is an interesting discussion that mirrors my thinking as well.

I would expect that a civilization millions of years ahead of ours would have 
figured a way to construct biological appendages as needed for the tasks at 
hand.  Our somewhat limited understanding of the biological processes is 
advancing at a rapid rate and one day it will be standard procedure to regrow 
any injured organs as required.

On the other hand, it might be more convenient to develop mechanical components 
to assist our future selves since the power to weight ratio can be much higher 
than evolution has generated thus far.

Let's just hope that it is not typical for an advanced civilization to end 
itself with super weapons once it reaches a certain point in its development!


-Original Message-
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 12:07 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

It is very highly likely that advanced civilizations have times long-past 
bsoleted the mode of technology and/or means of transmitting  receiving 
nformation.  More than likely there are countless signals from civilizations 
ike ours traveling thru space right now, and we don't even know it take 
t from there as to what we're percieving it as.  Maybe, just white noise 
r background  radiation who know's.  One thing for sure I'd say, is 
hat what we think refard as ET or Aliens, are the end product of at countless 
illions og years of technologuical progression.. afterall our common 
ncestor is Chimp because it's been extablished that our DNA is about 98% the 
am, and so what would someone a million, 10 million, 100 million and/or even 
ulti- billions of years look like.  Just what would have transpired over 
hat amount of time and made everything we regard as typical or normal, as 
rchaic as the stone-aged caveman, and/or, as extinct as a Dinosaur .  Maybe 
o someone who is so capable and long since developed the technology that is 
nabling them to BE IN Space, as opposed to being down here among us 
umanosaurs, would simply say to us (if they actually used sound or a verbal 
anguage 'perse)  See you later Alligator!,,, After while 
r because they are operating in a whole complete highly sophisticated 
apacity its  Mind over matter my dear watson.Why, not only would we 
ot even believe it, we wouldn't even likely suspect what it meant  Now,  I 
ase all this on what I have seen with my own two eyes over the years, and 
herefore  am 100 % absolutely convinced that so-called modern man is indeed 
o far-back in time that IT is what is unbelievable.  To me, UFO no longer 
tands for Unidentified Flying Object, because I 'know' and therefore refer 
o it as an IFO,  which of course stands for   Infallible Foremost Obscurity. 

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread David Roberson

Lets just hope that they do not file a complaint with the UCC(Universal 
Communications Commission) demanding an end to our interference.


-Original Message-
From: Robert Leguillon
To: Vortex Listserve
Sent: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 1:07 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens



Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 13:37:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

On 02/20/2012 11:51 AM, wrote: 
One hundred years ago in 1912 a new type of 5 KW wireless was introduced.  It 
had a spinning wheel with arcing contacts that broke the sparking RF circuit up 
into audio pulses.  It modulated the AM band radio frequency signal.  

The system transmitted a beep beep beep instead of a crackle crackle crackle.  
It was easy to hear and the sound of the signal was much different from other 
natural sources of RF static.  Those signals are out there just now at 100 
light years in 2012.

Will we soon be getting a reply?

Frank Znidarsic

No, we will not.

But if we will, here's hoping that reply will not be in all caps, as we will 
have a hard time convincing people that these aliens really exist.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Advanced civilizations may not use RF communications. Or the signal may be
 so compressed it looks like noise.

Our cell phones already do:


RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Jones Beene

This is a bit off topic to the thread (ok, way off), but speaking of
advanced civilizations on earth which we did not know about till very
recently, this one is a full 6000 years ahead of what we thought was the
first advanced ones (i.e. the Fertile Crescent or Egypt). Look at the
detail in the carvings.

I am blown away by this ...

If they should find a copper tool or so-called Baghdad battery in the
relics, it will be only slightly more astonishing than the obvious one. How
could we have missed 6000 years of history which is lost between this, and
what follows, which is possibly less advanced?

From: David Roberson 

This is an interesting discussion that mirrors my thinking
as well.
I would expect that a civilization millions of years ahead
of ours would have figured a way to construct biological appendages as
needed for the tasks at hand.  Our somewhat limited understanding of the
biological processes is advancing at a rapid rate and one day it will be
standard procedure to regrow any injured organs as required.
On the other hand, it might be more convenient to develop
mechanical components to assist our future selves since the power to weight
ratio can be much higher than evolution has generated thus far.
Let's just hope that it is not typical for an advanced
civilization to end itself with super weapons once it reaches a certain
point in its development!

-Original Message-

It is very highly likely that advanced civilizations have
times long-past 
obsoleted the mode of technology and/or means of
transmitting  receiving 
information.  More than likely there are countless signals
from civilizations 
like ours traveling thru space right now, and we don't even
know it take 
it from there as to what we're percieving it as.  Maybe,
just white noise 
or background  radiation who know's.  One thing for
sure I'd say, is 
that what we think refard as ET or Aliens, are the end
product of at countless 
millions og years of technologuical progression.. afterall
our common 
ancestor is Chimp because it's been extablished that our DNA
is about 98% the 
sam, and so what would someone a million, 10 million, 100
million and/or even 
multi- billions of years look like.  Just what would have
transpired over 
that amount of time and made everything we regard as typical
or normal, as 
archaic as the stone-aged caveman, and/or, as extinct as a
Dinosaur .  Maybe 
to someone who is so capable and long since developed the
technology that is 
enabling them to BE IN Space, as opposed to being down here
among us 
humanosaurs, would simply say to us (if they actually used
sound or a verbal 
language 'perse)  See you later Alligator!,,,
After while 
or because they are operating in a whole complete highly
capacity its  Mind over matter my dear watson.Why,
not only would we 
not even believe it, we wouldn't even likely suspect what it
meant  Now,  I 
base all this on what I have seen with my own two eyes over
the years, and 
therefore  am 100 % absolutely convinced that so-called
modern man is indeed 
so far-back in time that IT is what is unbelievable.  To
me, UFO no longer 
stands for Unidentified Flying Object, because I 'know' and
therefore refer 
to it as an IFO,  which of course stands for   Infallible
Foremost Obscurity. 

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread fznidarsic

Let's just hope that it is not typical for an advanced civilization to end 
itself with super weapons once it reaches a certain point in its development!

Thank you Dave, I've been thinking about this in the present contest.  The West 
controls the world, we have Jaydams, F22's, drones, info tech war, we will win 
and it will be over fast with little fan fair.  The US reigns supreme.  

back up 100 years...beep beep beep

We have dreadnoughts, steam trains, cannons, biplanes, zeppelins and, or 
course, the Maximum machine gun.
War will be quick and fast in our (the UK in this case) favor.

What happened?  It was very bad for the next 1/2 century and I hope it does not 
repeat again with Iran as a the flash point.

I personally love the Chinese people and would never want to fight with them.  
I hope they side with us.

Least we forget.

I know this off topic but nothing much is happening with Rossi right now.

Frank Z

-Original Message-
From: David Roberson
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 1:22 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

This is an interesting discussion that mirrors my thinking as well.
I would expect that a civilization millions of years ahead of ours would have 
figured a way to construct biological appendages as needed for the tasks at 
hand.  Our somewhat limited understanding of the biological processes is 
advancing at a rapid rate and one day it will be standard procedure to regrow 
any injured organs as required.
On the other hand, it might be more convenient to develop mechanical components 
to assist our future selves since the power to weight ratio can be much higher 
than evolution has generated thus far.
Let's just hope that it is not typical for an advanced civilization to end 
itself with super weapons once it reaches a certain point in its development!

-Original Message-
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 12:07 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

It is very highly likely that advanced civilizations have times long-past 
obsoleted the mode of technology and/or means of transmitting  receiving 
information.  More than likely there are countless signals from civilizations 
like ours traveling thru space right now, and we don't even know it take 
it from there as to what we're percieving it as.  Maybe, just white noise 
or background  radiation who know's.  One thing for sure I'd say, is 
that what we think refard as ET or Aliens, are the end product of at countless 
millions og years of technologuical progression.. afterall our common 
ancestor is Chimp because it's been extablished that our DNA is about 98% the 
sam, and so what would someone a million, 10 million, 100 million and/or even 
multi- billions of years look like.  Just what would have transpired over 
that amount of time and made everything we regard as typical or normal, as 
archaic as the stone-aged caveman, and/or, as extinct as a Dinosaur .  Maybe 
to someone who is so capable and long since developed the technology that is 
enabling them to BE IN Space, as opposed to being down here among us 
humanosaurs, would simply say to us (if they actually used sound or a verbal 
language 'perse)  See you later Alligator!,,, After while 
or because they are operating in a whole complete highly sophisticated 
capacity its  Mind over matter my dear watson.Why, not only would we 
not even believe it, we wouldn't even likely suspect what it meant  Now,  I 
base all this on what I have seen with my own two eyes over the years, and 
therefore  am 100 % absolutely convinced that so-called modern man is indeed 
so far-back in time that IT is what is unbelievable.  To me, UFO no longer 
stands for Unidentified Flying Object, because I 'know' and therefore refer 
to it as an IFO,  which of course stands for   Infallible Foremost Obscurity. 


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 This is a bit off topic to the thread (ok, way off), but speaking of
 advanced civilizations on earth which we did not know about till very
 recently, this one is a full 6000 years ahead of what we thought was the
 first advanced ones (i.e. the Fertile Crescent or Egypt). Look at the
 detail in the carvings.

 I am blown away by this ...

Graham Hancock notes the water erosion on the body of the sphinx as
evidence it was carved 12,000 years ago when the area was wet.


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez:

 This is a bit off topic to the thread (ok, way off)...

... and as you well know that has never stopped the Vort Collective
from engaging in a good debate! ;-)

The following might be of interest to some here:

Michael Cremo Forbidden Archeology

Some of the artifacts that have allegedly been uncovering are
astonishing. I can't say that I believe in all of this stuff, but what
is discussed is fascinating never the less. IMO it deserves further
scrutiny. Unfortunately, that is not likely because it would be
politically incorrect to do so.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Here's some additional photos to wet the imagination!


 A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves
around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was
found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Orionworks sez:

 Here's some additional photos to wet the imagination!


  A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves
 around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was
 found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years

Here's Wikipedia's entry on the spheres:

Actually, it seems well written, and does a good job of debunking a
number of prior claims, misrepresentations, and misinterpretations.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:35 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 Here's Wikipedia's entry on the spheres:


from Oompa Loompa!


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

 Here's Wikipedia's entry on the spheres:


 from Oompa Loompa!

Oompartifacts ... or perhaps Loompartifacts.

Actually, the latter sounds like the name of an Italian restaurant I
use to go to. Great kitchen cacciatore.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread fznidarsic
Here is the story of the first modulated radio signals 100 years ago. 

Before that the emission spectrum of the spark transmitter what that of 
lightning and was dwarfed at interstellar distances by natural sources.  After 
the introduction of the rotating wheel with to interrupt the spark there was a 
unnatural beep beep beep that was different.  Twenty years later these things 
put out a megawatt.  If there wave ever to be a man made ball of lighting it 
should have came out of one of these fiery pin wheels.

Speaking of the time my neighbor gave me a set of encyclopedias when I was in 
the 5th grade from 1912.  

It had a picture representing New York sky harbor by 1950.  There were wooden 
sailing ships held up by balloons and a restaurant held up by balloons saying 
Eat at Joe's.  I believe I saw this picture again in Infinite Energy.

It had a warfare of the future picture.  Men carrying rifles were held up by 
flapping wing packs.  There was a sphere held up by a balloon with a cannon.

It had a story about the zeppelin stating that I could carry heavy guns and 
knock out any heaver that air craft before it came into the range of its small 

And of course there was the steam locomotive going a a mile a minute.  Who 
could believe that?  There were safety stories about the automatic  application 
of the breaks with a trip bar tied to the block system,,what a more 
wrecks..maybe not!!

The Titanic and the Olympic were in dry dock as the pride of the British 
empire.  The Titanic sunk after publication 100 years ago this April.  So did a 
third of the series the Britannic.

It had stores of the wondrous wireless.  These stories were shrouded in the 
mystery keep by the Marconi company.  Sort of like Rossi today.

My mother through out the books when I was in school in the 8th grade.  I have 
never been able to find another copy.

As I read of Jed and his predictions I wonder will his be bettor or worse.  
They had the right idea in 1912 but the wrong implementation.  No one had a 
clue of the coming internet until it happened.  Some see only tragedy.  I see 
anti-gravity and cold fusion.

Frank Znidarsic


Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread zer tte
Well if they use some kind of quantum entanglement transmission, how could we 
eavesdrop on them ?

So far our RF cone extends 100 light years behind us  (  0
Quite a catch for a random alien in our galaxy to be at the receiving end, 
anyway if by chance some random alien picked up our signal which would only 
last as long as he stays inside the cone, then he has to compute where to 
reply, he probably would send something like, Sorry we're busy right now, 
please call back later.
So besides SETI attempts, what would be our best chance to detect ET life?
At least, i think they should emit low amounts of infrared (You've got to stay 
warm in winter, right), some kind of heat signature, but to see something you 
must be inside their cone, what do you think ?