Change is in the details

2005-02-26 Thread Jones Beene
Waxing philosophical on ZPE and the divine architecture of
hidden reality this weekend (aren't all vortexians?) ...

Item ... the day-to-day practice of earth-bound Architecture
can tell us more about reality than is evident from graceful
lines and soaring spaces.

God is in the details,
--attributed to the architect Mies van der Rohe

contrast that with

The devils is in the details,
--attributed to the architect Buckminster Fuller

Both views are correct in their own way, and the two are not
really antithetical any more than are gender differences (OK
maybe that's not such a good example of the point I am
trying to make) but many dualities are demonstrative of the
janus-like visage and the self-same-ness of ostensibly
contradictory identities
Item. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has
studied the science of Chaos. After all, self-organization
and extropy often coalesce from the chasm of randomness by
means of a polarity-seed - a tiny bit attraction and
repulsion, a tentative bifurcation expanding into the
butterfly effect and the famous Lorentz attractor.
Therefore, it can be said that emergent dualities are the
very sine-qua-non of extropy. Mirrored-contrast, as is seen
in opposites is ubiquitous below the surface of reality, and
there is a very good reason for that in the vacuum of space,
wherein lies the original duality - the grand-daddy of them
all, the epo pair. Aha, once again, it all gets back to the

We see this basic similarity-of-extremes reflected
everywhere in life - specially in religion, science and
government. Were the Catholic popes of the inquisition any
less consumed with evil than the godless Stalin, for
instance? There is no doubt that many cops would be crooks
if they couldn't be cops. But roles can switch in mid
stream, and north become south (as will likely happen on
Gaia soon). But this probably cannot happen when one polar
extreme looses its extropy potential and becomes so doused
with entropy as to be intransigent - as in the profound
pig-headedness of the modern-day Luddites like Bob Park and
his ilk, which are in contrast to the brilliant and
open-minded horizons of eminent scientists like Brian
Josephson and the late Julian Schwinger.

Item. What are architects trying to tell us that transcends
beautiful spaces? It is not *just* that both the grandest
constructions projects depends for their success on a
plethora of seemingly insignificant components. But it is
also that getting the details right can create the
emergent property from simplicity itself. When one is able
to reiterate enough simple tasks like the tiny off-on
switches of digital electronics, then a beautiful picture
can emerge on a computer screen. Or, as Bucky Fuller also
opined on many occasions, The whole becomes far greater
than the sum of its parts.

Chaos theory was a big thing on the pop-sci scene almost two
decades ago, following James Glieck's book (1987) which
precipitated a trend that is ongoing today. Are there any
lessons to be had there for the vortex Zepmeister (the
tamer of the west-wind aether) either in Chaos or in the
properly organizing the details, which can be interpreted
here to mean imposing an intelligent structure on a spatial
geometry of a few nanometers?

Perhaps... (and finally getting to the point).

The story which precipitated this flight into philosophical
fancy and endless rambling can be found at:

If is kind of the nano-version of the old tuning-fork
scheme. You remember, the old Keely talk about when one
excited tuning fork, placed in a room of hundreds of
thousands of resonant tuning forks, would cause all the
other forks to  resonate to a similar intensity, thus
multiplying the energy expressed by this assemblage into
mechanical overunity.

In the case of the team of Boston University physicists, led
by Pritiraj Mohanty (thank Vishnu for foreign-born
engineers), who developed the nanomechanical oscillator
mentioned in the reference above, which set a record at for
mechanical vibration of 1.49 gHz, when pushed to the limit.
In this case, God is in the details. I find it immensely
interesting, in reading the particulars, that the technique
works at very **cold** temperature, not hot, and that the
vibration in the vicinity of a spectrum where this
particular observer is on record as expecting to finding
OU - which is 1.42 Ghz.

Are we getting closer to ZPE coherence, step-by-step and in

More later. Looks like I'm almost out of threadbare idioms
for today...


... the people who are crazy enough to think they can change
the world, are often the ones who do.

 -- from Think Different, an Apple Computer Ad

RE: Arie De Geus

2005-02-26 Thread Keith Nagel
Rereading the translation this morning, I wonder
if the device he is describing is a vacuum tube with
permanent magnet and electromagnet elements. One can easily
imagine seeing pipe spiral trajectories of the
ballistic electrons given the right applied fields.

Here's another grant, this one in 'Murica.

Abstract of US4204799

A horizontal wind powered electrical generator is disclosed in which a 
horizontal reaction turbine is disposed within an augmentor
cowling which extends downwind of the turbine. First stage curved stator blades 
interconnect the augmentor with the turbine cowling,
and secondary stator blades are spaced downwind from said primary stator blades 
to extend inwardly from the augmentor to terminate
short of the turbine cowling. These secondary stator blades have a greater 
angle of departure than the primary stator blades to
increase the rotational velocity of the air at the expense of its axial 
velocity while permitting the axial velocity of the air
moving inwardly of the secondary stator blades to be undiminished. A 
venturi-structured diffusor is carried by said augmentor in a
downwind position to lower the pressure generally and assist the action of the 
secondary stator blades.

-Original Message-
From: Grimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 3:03 AM
Subject: RE: Arie De Geus

At 12:08 am 26-02-05 -0500, Keith wrote:

 Thanks Frank,

 With God as his co-pilot, he can not fail.
 I seem to remember another Jesuit saying,
It is better to ask forgiveness than permission
 but I could be paraphrasing.

 More from Arie De Geus; this one seems to have been
 granted. You'll forgive the artificial Portugese-English
 x-lation. Any idea what this could be?

Well, I'm quite happy to speculate.   ;-)

I would guess that AMDG has realised magnetic flux lines
are not all the same. They are not the Euclidean lines as
commonly depicted but are tiny jet streams which have a
certain finite diameter. Presumably the diameter of the
permanent magnets and the electro magnets are different.
Lets say that the electro magnets have flux tube diameters
in the pico range and permanent magnets have flux tube diameters
in the zepto range.

By combining the two in the way he does it would appear that
one can develop considerable strain energy in the magnetic
field. After all, a normal magnetic field is simply the
difference between the fields of electrons pointing in
one direction and electrons pointing in the opposite
direction so the possibility of complex fields has always
been there.

What is new is the idea of scale.

This seems to suggest, for example, that the magnetic
fields produced by coils having different diameters
of wire are in fact different in fineness, albeit equal
in magnitude.

In the light of the discovery of such phenomena as
electron clustering this is not really so surprising.

It is simply a question of extropy, or as AMDG might
put it, Holy Orders.  G


Frank Grimer

Re: Practical application for BLP technology

2005-02-26 Thread Vince Cockeram
 Original Message - 
From: thomas malloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:03 AM
I contacted snip 
I suggested using hydrinos to harden the interior of cannon barrels.
snip..  I find it odd that BLP ignored me.
Odd? Not at all. 
If Dr. Mills has done his homework it's already been thought of.


Re: Change is in the details DVC

2005-02-26 Thread Jones Beene
- Original Message - 

 Perhaps you have followed Chaplin's link to Glastonbury
 the mystical significance of that weird Vesica Pisces

And way beyond there, Frank 

And speaking of religious symbolism, there are a few
observers not necessarily from the New Age, who imagine that
many features of reality could be loose (or not so loose)
metaphors - encoded by either the light-side or the
dark-side (trickster) to awaken certain seers, as group
consciousness evolves. Perhaps they are just meme-splices.
Anyway, this persistent imagery was undoubtedly part of the
attraction of  The Da Vinci Code...  Movie forthcoming,
starring Tom Hanks. It will be a blockbuster, for sure. Book
is addictive for the first 200 pages but on re-read it is
almost silly in its use of contrived coincidence and
layered, plagiarized BS. This is the kind of novel that
always makes you feel violated and manipulated, perhaps
months after reading (but definitely enjoying the first
read)  later realizing what ridiculous liberties were
taken, at the expense of some fairly crass entertainment.

Nevertheless, I wish I had thought of it first, after
reading  Michael Baigent's Holy Blood, Holy Grail ( with
Henry Lincoln Richard Leigh) many years ago, which is
essentially what Dan Brown did. His other novels range from
poor to terrible. He is probably one of the luckiest writers
alive today IMO, in the sense of going so far on so little
talent. And yet, this assessment does not mean that I didn't
enjoy the first read and even recommend it to others. ...and
will probably see the movie many times, if it is decent.

In December, the National Geographic channel carried a
special about the (borrowed) contention in DVC that Mary
Magdalene was really the wife of Jesus. Brown mentions the
Vesica and the more common symbol for Jesus, which appears
in icon form on millions of bumpers across middle America as
a fish shape, and in other less-proselytizing parts of the
US as a fish with legs, and a Darwinian smirk. The shape (at
90 degree rotation) is obviously reminiscent of female
genitalia, and that is what seems always to be glossed over
in these accounts of its popularity as a symbol.

If you turn the fish symbol for Christ on its side you
essentially have a Vesica Pisces - it is a part of Sacred
Geometry, but not any more so than many other shapes and
ratios - BTW the fourth image here is interesting for its OU
imagery, perhaps:

Biblical Scholars say there is little justification in most
of the DVC claims, especially in Dan Brown's not-so-tacit
conclusion that Mary Magdalene was really the wife of a
less-than-divine Jesus, had a child by him and their
descendants walk among us today.  What else do you expect
them to say? According to Brown's (plagiaristic) accounting
of Baigent et al., the truth was suppressed by the Catholic
Church, except in its strange worship of the other Mary (for
which there is a total of about three sentences in the NT to
justify this) but handed down through centuries by a secret
society, the Piory of Sion, that included Leonardo da Vinci,
and about every other famous European.

In the National Geographic Channel documentary, Unlocking
Da Vinci's Code: The Full Story, the surprisingly reclusive
author talks about his controversial theory... hey, give
us a break, Dan, its NOT yours except in your wildest
dreams.  He says I began as a skeptic.Right, and I
began as a single cell, so what? Within microseconds, we
were both on our way to gobbling up whatever resources were
available, and you kept right on going. He continues, As I
started researching The Da Vinci Code, I really thought I
would disprove a lot of this theory about Mary Magdalene and
holy blood and all of that. I became a believer. - it
should be added, a believer without giving much credit to
his sources. which maybe OK on the internet but not when
you are hauling in $50 million bucks based on capitalizing
on someone else's sensationalism. I expect either some
lawsuits out of this, or at least some under-the-table
payoffs by the film companies, probably already taken care

Many experts concede that the Church suppressed many early
Christian writings that may have differed from the official
version of events described in the highly edited Bible we
have now. They also contend that Mary Magdalene, while not
married to Jesus, was probably a lot closer than the Church
is comfotable with. Were not the apostles driven into a
jealous rage when Jesus kissed her on the lips? Surprised
that one got through. Back then, that kiss meant one heck of
a lot more than it does today. She has been depicted as a
prostitute, though there is no evidence in the Bible for
that - and it is probably part of the internecine politics
of making the other Mary, the chosen and official Pagan
Goddess substitue, that is into the Queen-Being, as it
were. Hey, this is as natural and magical as birth itself -
that humans personify the 

Re: Change is in the details DVC

2005-02-26 Thread Grimer
At 01:57 pm 26-02-05 -0800, you wrote:
- Original Message - 

 Perhaps you have followed Chaplin's link to Glastonbury
 and the mystical significance of that weird Vesica Pisces

 And way beyond there, Frank 




 Two congregants considering a religious vocation were having
 a conversation. What is similar about the Jesuit and
 Dominican Orders?  one asked.

 The other replied, Well, they were both founded by
 Spaniards -- St. Dominic for the Dominicans, and St.
 Ignatius of Loyola for the Jesuits. They were also both
 founded to combat heresy -- the Dominicans to fight the
 Albigensians, and the Jesuits to fight the Protestants.

What is different about the Jesuit and Dominican Orders?

Met any Albigensians lately?


 LOL - 8-)

 That's a good one Monsieur Flambeau - 
 I'll have to remember that for my 
 school reunion.  ;-)


A cause celebre?

2005-02-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
A mainstream CF researcher asked Ed Storms and I to tone down or remove the 
Manifesto we posted on Thursday, THE DOE LIES! I asked Mel Miles whether he 
thinks it is over the top. He replied with a very depressing message. He says 
he understands why traditionally minded academic researchers may feel this is 
excessive, but he thinks the Manifesto is justified, and he agrees we should 
leave it.

He also said the university stands by him, and would like him to work on CF 
full time. They have even agreed to release him from teaching. But without 
funding the project cannot begin. Miles has been looking for funding for years. 
He even considered going to China. He feels the DoE was his last chance. He is 
old, and he will probably retire for good now. He yearns to do another CF 
experiment, but he has no way to do it.

I have a feeling we -- the people who support CF -- should try to make this a 
cause celebre. Perhaps this time the public will see that the opposition has 
gone too far. Ed  I are trying to stir up the public with out bold red 
headline, but so far the response has been lukewarm. 150 copies of the 
Manifesto have been downloaded.

I am not sure what we should do, or what we can can do. But I have a sense that 
Mel is a perfect poster boy (as the dreadful modern cliche has it).  Consider:

The University supports him, and is willing to let him do research full time.
He has a stellar record.
He is old; this is his last chance.

As for what else we can do . . .  Does anyone here have suggestions? If there 
are steps that cost a few thousand dollars I would be willing to pay for them. 
The most effective steps probably will not cost much. Here are few ideas:

Expand the headlines and the document. Call upon the readers here and at 
LENR-CANR to speak up, contact their Congressmen, contact reporters. Of course 
we have all done this sort of thing before, but we have seldom had such a 
clear-cut injustice, and such a straightforward, reasonable demand. I think 
people will see that we are
not asking for much. We want the government to give a research grant to a 
scientist that the government itself nominated at Distinguished Fellow. If 
that is not a reasonable, sensible demand, what is?

Perhaps we could purchase advertising on Google. Not sure what, but whenever 
anyone types cold fusion, or energy we could have small ad come up saying:

[Link to]

Putting an ad like that in newspapers would be terribly expensive, but perhaps 
Google would be cheaper. I do not know.

If thousands, or tens of thousands, of people read the manifesto (and the HTML 
pages), and they contacted the authorities, perhaps it would have an effect.

Other CF researchers would prefer we do this quietly, behind the scenes, the 
polite academic old-school way. Ed  I feel that the time for that has passed.

- Jed

OFF TOPIC: Vesica Piscis addenda

2005-02-26 Thread Jones Beene
...or, in Gnostic understanding, was Christianity originally
a Pythagorean off-shoot?

One more thing about this particular religious symbol which
I forgot to mention, for those who enjoy religious
symbolism, Gnostic mythology and codes ... and thankfully do
not have to risk incurring the wrath of the Benedictines

Some have interpreted the Vesica Piscis as evidence of the
Gnostic contention that Jesus, his disciples, and the sect
he belonged to was a Pythagorean sect instead of an Essene
or other Jewish offshoot group (there is much debate as to
which sect), but this Pythagorean connection would be highly
doubtful, had not thousands died believing it, and had not
Jesus' brother James and others who took up his cause (Paul)
been practicing Jews. Most of the Gnostics slaughtered and
burned at the stake for believing in the Pythagorean
connection being the aforementioned Albigensians. Had Jesus
spoken Greek, however, instead of Aramaic, it would be a
closer call as brothers often do take separate spiritual
paths. So far as I can tell, there is some, but little good
evidence that Jesus spoke Greek, or if there is clear
evidence, it is buried in some catacomb under Rome that was
missed in Angels and Demons, along with the Gospel of Mary.

According to St. John, who was Greek, but is not believed to
a contemporary, Jesus performed his first public miracle at
a wedding feast in Cana, when he turned water into wine
(John 2:1-11). Side note  similarly, earlier Greek myth
had Dionysus turning water into wine at his own wedding to
Ariadne . Also in John, Jesus miraculously helped Peter and
other disciples catch a large number of fish at the Sea of
Galilee -- 153 fish, to be precise (John 21 : 11). Note:
Christianity originally first turned up in all the exact
places where Pythagorean sects were predominant (so called
Asia minor), leading some to think it spread through this
vector initially, before Paul and Peter took charge and
spread it to Rome.

The great mathematician Pythagoras, according to his
disciples - which sects had been spreading for 500 years or
so before Jesus, also performed this very same supernatural
feat with fish. Since far more ancient times, the original
fish story has been part of a mathematical ratio called
the measure of the fish, which produces the mystical
symbol of the vesica piscis (or pisces). This is the Icthus,
or sign of the fish, which of course, is still widely used
today as a symbol of Christianity. Icthus is a Greek word
long associated with the Pythagoreans for hundreds of years
prior to Jesus.

Pythagoras' disciples established religious communities
throughout the Greek world and some of them were in Galilee.
All were vegetarians but ate fish. The number 12 was a
common theme. Men and women were admitted equally, they took
vows of celibacy and all possessions were held in common.
Oil was used in the rites. Celibacy was defined somewhat
differently than we do today - basically it meant no
commitment to a single individual, what we would call a
romantic commitment. All wore white robes. Pythagoras
himself was reputed to have worked many miracles of healing,
including reviving several dead people. He was said to be
the son of a god, Apollo, and born of a mortal mother, who
was called Parthenesis, which means virgin. The word
Parthenon is a temple dedicated to a virgin, often her
name is Athena, but she is also called Madonna.

Like the great vegetarian miracle worker Pythagoras, Jesus
is strangely associated with fish, but not only real fish,
rather an allegorical code to explain a deep mystical
relationships. The Pythagoreans had a diagram of 2
intersecting circles, one above, one below, with the
circumference of one touching the center of the other. The 2
circles represented the spiritual and the material domains.
The transcendental region where the circles intersect
resembles a fish shape-exactly as used as the symbol for
Christianity. The Pythagoreans even gave this symbol its
latinized name, vesica piscis. The ratio of the height of
this fish symbol to its length is 153 : 265, which is the
*nearest whole number ratio to the square root of 3* (1.732
...) and the controlling ratio of the equilateral triangle.

Anyway, remember that key symbolic number =153. Now the
stories of both Pythagoras and Jesus have them telling
disciple fishermen - who have failed to catch fish all day,
to now cast their nets again. Miraculously, the nets come in
full. Pythagoras was said to have correctly predicted the
exact number of fish caught but the mystic number is not
revealed, after all it is a Gnostic story. But in the Gospel
story of Jesus the number of fish caught is given by St.
John, a Greek, as exactly 153.

Coincidence? Dan Brown missed his chance in Angels  Demons
(don't waste your time with that one) but the NT book of
John is my favorite by far, and if some new Dead Sea Scroll
should turn up with you-know-who speaking 

Re: a cause celebre'

2005-02-26 Thread RC Macaulay


There is a lot of research money out there in the " non 
profit foundation sector".

Interesting in they are looking at " matching" 
grants. Find a few bucks that some private industry groups will pledge and 
the foundations will match or sometimes provide up to 5:1 or 10:1 matching. They 
usually want the research funneled to a particular University.. but.. thats a 

Let me know at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will 
approachseveral foundationsin Houston and have our company sponsor 
some seed money. I will need the name of the University working with 
As we say down here...lets dont talk about in 
anymore..lets do it! Jed.. get it done!!


Blank Bkgrd.gif

RE: A cause celebre?

2005-02-26 Thread Akira Kawasaki
Feb. 26, 2005


I see Miles is making a presentation at the March APS is Miley
and others well known to him. I presume Miles is salaried at the current
university and they are generous enough to give a free hand in CF
experimentation.. Perhaps he can get a paid leave of absence to pursue CF
work. If so, he could join Miley or others as a visiting professor and he
could contribute his expertise. Perhaps he could make the contacts at the
March APS meeting.  
Remember Miley just received a large grant ($100 K) from the New Energy
Foundation that took over Infinite Energy. I would think Miles could make a
proposal to enable him to pursue his CF ideas together with  laboratories
involved with CF. This way foundation funds will not be wasted in duplicate
The New Energy Foundation should undertake a larger profile campaign
(fight) for CF while they solicit tax deductible donations for their non
profit efforts.


 [Original Message]
 From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2/26/2005 3:11:02 PM
 Subject: A cause celebre?

 A mainstream CF researcher asked Ed Storms and I to tone down or remove
the Manifesto we posted on Thursday, THE DOE LIES! I asked Mel Miles
whether he thinks it is over the top. He replied with a very depressing
message. He says he understands why traditionally minded academic
researchers may feel this is excessive, but he thinks the Manifesto is
justified, and he agrees we should leave it.

 He also said the university stands by him, and would like him to work on
CF full time. They have even agreed to release him from teaching. But
without funding the project cannot begin. Miles has been looking for
funding for years. He even considered going to China. He feels the DoE was
his last chance. He is old, and he will probably retire for good now. He
yearns to do another CF experiment, but he has no way to do it.

 I have a feeling we -- the people who support CF -- should try to make
this a cause celebre. Perhaps this time the public will see that the
opposition has gone too far. Ed  I are trying to stir up the public with
out bold red headline, but so far the response has been lukewarm. 150
copies of the Manifesto have been downloaded.

 I am not sure what we should do, or what we can can do. But I have a
sense that Mel is a perfect poster boy (as the dreadful modern cliche has
it).  Consider:

 The University supports him, and is willing to let him do research full
 He has a stellar record.
 He is old; this is his last chance.

 As for what else we can do . . .  Does anyone here have suggestions? If
there are steps that cost a few thousand dollars I would be willing to pay
for them. The most effective steps probably will not cost much. Here are
few ideas:

 Expand the headlines and the document. Call upon the readers here and at
LENR-CANR to speak up, contact their Congressmen, contact reporters. Of
course we have all done this sort of thing before, but we have seldom had
such a clear-cut injustice, and such a straightforward, reasonable demand.
I think people will see that we are
 not asking for much. We want the government to give a research grant to a
scientist that the government itself nominated at Distinguished Fellow.
If that is not a reasonable, sensible demand, what is?

 Perhaps we could purchase advertising on Google. Not sure what, but
whenever anyone types cold fusion, or energy we could have small ad
come up saying:

 [Link to]

 Putting an ad like that in newspapers would be terribly expensive, but
perhaps Google would be cheaper. I do not know.

 If thousands, or tens of thousands, of people read the manifesto (and the
HTML pages), and they contacted the authorities, perhaps it would have an

 Other CF researchers would prefer we do this quietly, behind the scenes,
the polite academic old-school way. Ed  I feel that the time for that has

 - Jed