[web2py] Re: How to set/reset administrator password (apache+wsgi+windows)

2012-12-25 Thread Paolo Caruccio
My simple way:

a) stop apache server
b) start web2py server in standard way by double clicking web2py.py in 
order that it creates its own files
c) in displayed window set the admin password
d) stop web2py server and check that in web2py folder there 
are options_std.py and parameters_8000.py 
e) open options_std.py and make sure of row password = 'recycle' is 
f) restart apache server 

Now you sholuld be able to access to admin interface.

If you are interested omi chiba has written a guide to setup a wamp server 
that supports web2py through mod_wsgi.

Il giorno martedì 25 dicembre 2012 15:25:38 UTC+1, at ha scritto:


 After setting up web2py+apache with wsgi on windows, I can see web2py 
 admin page at http://localhost/admin/default/index. But it is asking 
 password to log into the administrative interface. How to set a password? 
 Is there any default password for first time entrance?



[web2py] Re: How to set/reset administrator password (apache+wsgi+windows)

2012-12-25 Thread Paolo Caruccio

Il giorno martedì 25 dicembre 2012 19:41:17 UTC+1, Paolo Caruccio ha 

 My simple way:

 a) stop apache server
 b) start web2py server in standard way by double clicking web2py.py in 
 order that it creates its own files
 c) in displayed window set the admin password
 d) stop web2py server and check that in web2py folder there 
 are options_std.py and parameters_8000.py 
 e) open options_std.py and make sure of row password = 'recycle' is 
 f) restart apache server 

 Now you sholuld be able to access to admin interface.

 If you are interested omi chiba has written a 
  setup a wamp server that supports web2py through mod_wsgi.

 Il giorno martedì 25 dicembre 2012 15:25:38 UTC+1, at ha scritto:


 After setting up web2py+apache with wsgi on windows, I can see web2py 
 admin page at http://localhost/admin/default/index. But it is asking 
 password to log into the administrative interface. How to set a password? 
 Is there any default password for first time entrance?



[web2py] Re: Get url of uploaded file

2012-12-27 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Following code should work

{{=URL('download', args=audio.filepath)}}

Please read 
learn more about URL mapping. 

Il giorno giovedì 27 dicembre 2012 13:03:07 UTC+1, Eduardo Costa Lopes ha 

 Hi folks,

 I need to know how can I pass the url of an uploaded file. I'm using 
 jquery media to play mp3 or flv files and the code looks like this:

 a class=media href={{=URL('download')}}/{{=audio.filepath}}/a

 and the player is rendered by:

 $('a.media').media( { width: 300, height: 20 } );

 The script is loaded correctly, but the href value it seems to be wrong. 
 Any ideas?

 Eduardo Lopes.


[web2py] Re: Problems with the MENU helper function and HTML5

2012-12-29 Thread Paolo Caruccio
One possible solution (not tested).

1 step) in static/js create a new file named web2py_metroui.js having the 
following contents

  jQuery('.menu li li').each(function(){

2 step) in layout.html 
a) replace existing line with (note the voice menu)
{{=MENU(response.menu, _class='mobile-menu nav' if is_mobile else 'nav menu'
, mobile=is_mobile,  li_class='dropdown',  ul_class='dropdown-menu')}}

b) replace this line
script src={{=URL('static','js/web2py_bootstrap.js')}}/script
script src={{=URL('static','js/web2py_metroui.js')}}/script

c) remove all other refererences to bootstrap.

Il giorno sabato 29 dicembre 2012 16:11:29 UTC+1, Sverre ha scritto:

 I'm trying to write a layout plugin with the styles of 
 http://metroui.org.ua . A problem is, that he is using custom data in the 
 menu definitions like 

 ul class=menu
 li data-role=dropdown
 a href=#Item 1/a
 ul class=dropdown-menu
 lia href=#SubItem/a/li
 lia href=#SubItem/a/li

 So either I have to extend the MENU function or I have to find a another 
 solution. Has someone a hint?

 Thx in advance



[web2py] Re: Problems with the MENU helper function and HTML5

2012-12-31 Thread Paolo Caruccio
I noted that my previous post is uncomplete. In the following the missing 
 !-- The javascript =
   (Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster) --
  script src={{=URL('static','metroui/js/web2py_metroui.js')}}/script
  script src={{=URL('static','metroui/js/dropdown.js')}}/script

2) static/metroui/web2py_metroui.css
This file is needed to insert your customization or to override the rules 
in web2py.css and in original files of framework.

As #2 but applied when javascript is disabled in the browser. It's empty 
for metroui.

4) static/metroui/js/web2py_metroui.js
In this file we will write mainly the code to add, remove, replace the html 
tags attributes (classes, data-* and so on) generated automatically by 
web2py in order to comply with selected framework requirements
For example, since metroui requires the data-role attributes for the 
li.dropdown and the menu is generated with the MENU helper we need to write 
the following code:


5) views/default/index.html
{{=A(T(Administrative Interface), _href=URL('admin','default','index'),_class
{{=A(T(Administrative Interface), _href=URL('admin','default','index'),_class

6) models/menu.py
we need to remove the href from link, otherwise the click event to open the 
dropdown menu doesn't fire
response.menu += [
#(SPAN('web2py', _class='highlighted'), False, 'http://web2py.com', 
(SPAN('web2py', _class='highlighted'), False, '#', [

Final notes:
1) Classes you removed (web2py-menu-expand web2py-menu-first 
web2py-menu-last web2py-menu-active) don't influence the metroui menu
2) metroui framework doesn't support nested submenu if I'm not missing 
3) dropdown.js (metroui file) has a small bug on line 91: 
instead of 
4) attached w2p app is only demonstrative so my apologies in advance for 
eventual bugs you'll find

Happy New Year!!

Il giorno domenica 30 dicembre 2012 23:01:28 UTC+1, Paolo Caruccio ha 

 I don't think that MENU helper is the guilty in your case.
 I made a metroui version of welcome app (see the images).
 Follows the list of involved files:

 1) views/layout.html
 This is the main file to change if someone want apply a different html/css 
 theme to web2py apps
 Each css framework has its own layout scaffold so we have to adapt our 
 html structure.
 For example bootstrap menu html structure is (but the same is valid for 
 other parts of the layout. For details please check the file in attached 

!-- Navbar == --
   div class=navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top
 div class=flash{{=response.flash or ''}}/div
 div class=navbar-inner
   div class=container
 !-- the next tag is necessary for bootstrap menus, do not remove 
 button type=button class=btn btn-navbar data-toggle=
 collapse data-target=.nav-collapse
   span class=icon-bar/span
   span class=icon-bar/span
   span class=icon-bar/span
 {{=response.logo or ''}}
 ul id=navbar class=nav pull-right{{='auth' in globals() and 
 auth.navbar(mode=dropdown) or ''}}/ul
 div class=nav-collapse
   {{if response.menu:}}
   {{=MENU(response.menu, _class='mobile-menu nav' if is_mobile 
 else 'nav',mobile=is_mobile,li_class='dropdown',ul_class='dropdown-menu')}}
 /div!--/.nav-collapse --
   /div!--/top navbar --

 with metroui the menu becomes:

 div class=page
 !-- Navbar == --
 div class=nav-bar
 div class=nav-bar-inner padding10
 span class=pull-menu/span
 !--{{=response.logo or ''}}--
 a href=http://www.web2py.com/;span class=element brand

 div class=divider/div
 {{if response.menu:}}
 {{=MENU(response.menu, _class='menu', mobile=False, 
 li_class='dropdown', ul_class='dropdown-menu')}}


 Another important change is related to files (css, javascript) that the 
 theme will use. So:

   !-- include stylesheets --
  noscriptlink href={{=URL('static', 
 'css/web2py_bootstrap_nojs.css')}} rel=stylesheet type

Re: [web2py] geodal

2013-01-05 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Massimo, 
I have just tried a few examples but there is a bug in the getPoint 
function, please find attached a simple patch to fix it.

On Monday, December 24, 2012 7:21:12 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Thank you Denes. Would you please check my changes. I do not think I broke 
 anything but I tried to make it so that it always returns st_astext if not 
 specified and created Python functions to generate 
 geoPoint/geoLine/geoPolygon. I think it makes code more readable. 

 On Monday, 24 December 2012 12:13:39 UTC-6, DenesL wrote:

 The original post (Spatial / GIS support in DAL):


diff --git a/gluon/dal.py b/gluon/dal.py
index e0bf056..00db5f0 100644
--- a/gluon/dal.py
+++ b/gluon/dal.py
@@ -9736,7 +9736,7 @@ DAL.Table = Table  # was necessary in gluon/globals.py session.connect
 # Geodal utils
-def geoPoint(*line):
+def geoPoint(x, y):
 return POINT (%f %f) % (x,y)
 def geoLine(*line):

Re: [web2py] geodal

2013-01-06 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Massimo, I've tried the same 3 tests.
The first one failed, it was working before though, the ticket:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
exec ccode in environment
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 586, in 
print db(query)._select(db.test_geo.id, db.test_geo.loc_test)
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8928, in _select
return adapter._select(self.query,fields,attributes)
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1478, in _select
sql_f = ', '.join(map(geoexpand, fields))
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1477, in geoexpand
return self.expand(field)
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1312, in expand
return op(first, second)
TypeError: ST_ASTEXT() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

The other two test worked, but than the application failed raising the same 
ticket as the first test.
Hope it helps,


On Sunday, January 6, 2013 1:46:00 AM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 If something still fails, can you place post the result of print db(...) 

 On Saturday, 5 January 2013 18:45:26 UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I made some changes in trunk. Can you please try again?

 On Saturday, 5 January 2013 07:05:48 UTC-6, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi, I made a few more tests:
 from gluon.dal import geoPoint, geoLine, geoPolygon

 query = db.test_geo.loc_test.st_contains(geoPoint(1,1))
 print db(query).select(db.test_geo.id, db.test_geo.loc_test)

 dist = db.test_geo.loc_test.st_distance(geoPoint(45.0,11.0)).with_alias(
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)

 dist = db.test_geo.loc_test.st_distance(geoPoint(45.0,11.0))
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)
 The results are the following:

 The first query worked

 The second query failed with the following error:
 Traceback (most recent call last):

   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 589, 
 in module
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8975, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1636, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1601, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in 
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near AS
 LINE 1: ...GeomFromText('POINT (45.00 11.00)',4326)) AS dist) F...

 The third one failed with the following error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 586, 
 in module
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8975, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1636, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1601, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in 
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 ProgrammingError: function st_astext(double precision) does not exist
 LINE 1: SELECT  test_geo.id, ST_AsText(ST_Distance(test_geospan 
 style=color: #660;...
 Show original 


Re: [web2py] geodal

2013-01-06 Thread Paolo valleri
well done! All the former tests worked. I will investigate more the others 
functions as soon as possible.


On Sunday, January 6, 2013 4:28:13 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 One more try please. 

 On Sunday, 6 January 2013 02:11:09 UTC-6, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi Massimo, I've tried the same 3 tests.
 The first one failed, it was working before though, the ticket:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 586, in 
 print db(query)._select(db.test_geo.id, db.test_geo.loc_test)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8928, in _select
 return adapter._select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1478, in _select
 sql_f = ', '.join(map(geoexpand, fields))
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1477, in geoexpand
 return self.expand(field)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1312, in expand
 return op(first, second)
 TypeError: ST_ASTEXT() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

 The other two test worked, but than the application failed raising the 
 same ticket as the first test.
 Hope it helps,


 On Sunday, January 6, 2013 1:46:00 AM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 If something still fails, can you place post the result of print db(...) 

 On Saturday, 5 January 2013 18:45:26 UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I made some changes in trunk. Can you please try again?

 On Saturday, 5 January 2013 07:05:48 UTC-6, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi, I made a few more tests:
 from gluon.dal import geoPoint, geoLine, geoPolygon

 query = db.test_geo.loc_test.st_contains(geoPoint(1,1))
 print db(query).select(db.test_geo.id, db.test_geo.loc_test)

 dist = db.test_geo.loc_test.st_distance(geoPoint(45.0,11.0)).
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)

 dist = db.test_geo.loc_test.st_distance(geoPoint(45.0,11.0))
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)
 The results are the following:

 The first query worked

 The second query failed with the following error:
 Traceback (most recent call last):

   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 589, 
 in module
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8975, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1636, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1601, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in 
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in 
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near AS
 LINE 1: ...GeomFromText('POINT (45.00 11.00)',4326)) AS dist) F...

 The third one failed with the following error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 586, 
 in module
 print db(db.test_geo.id0).select(db.test_geo.id, dist)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8975, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1636, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1601, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in 
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in 
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 ProgrammingError: function st_astext(double precision) does not exist
 LINE 1: SELECT  test_geo.id, ST_AsText(ST_Distance(test_geospan 
 style=color: #660;...
 Show original 


[web2py] self join on postgres

2013-01-07 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi all, I've problems on defining self join queries on postgres, the query, 
works on sqlite, is defined as follows:

start = db.record.with_alias('start')
end = db.record.with_alias('end')
query = ((start.station_id == 11) 
 (end.station_id == 12))
rows = db( query ).select(start.gathered_on,start.mac, end.gathered_on, end.
 left= start.on( (start.mac == end.mac) ))
The table is:
Field('station_id', 'reference station'),
Field('log_id', 'reference log'),
Field('gathered_on', 'datetime'),

The generated query is:
SELECT  start.gathered_on, start.mac, end.gathered_on, end.mac 
FROM record AS end 
LEFT JOIN record AS start ON (start.mac = end.mac) WHERE ((start.station_id 
= 11) AND (end.station_id = 12)) 
ORDER BY EXTRACT(epoch FROM start.gathered_on);

and it fails raising the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
exec ccode in environment
line 655, in module
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 193, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
line 37, in index
left= start.on( (start.mac == end.mac) ))
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8966, in select
return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1636, in select
return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1601, in _select_aux
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in execute
return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in log_execute
ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near end
LINE 1: SELECT  start.gathered_on, start.mac, end.gathered_on, end.m...

What should I have to do?


[web2py] Re: self join on postgres

2013-01-07 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Niphlod, yes it solved the problem. 
Now I have an other problem, I need to make a self left join, but limited 
to 1 match only. Namely, I've just need to make the join only for the first 
matching row.  I've tried something like:
rows = db( query ).select(start.gathered_on,start.mac,start.id,
   end.gathered_on, end.mac, end.id,
   left= start.on(start.mac == end.mac),
   cacheable = True)
This actually works on sqlite but on postgres failed because on postgres 
you can group only onto the field expressed in the select. Moreover, even 
if on sqlite it works, It select the wrong rows. 
Online I have found this post: 
and now I am trying to understand how to define a sub_select with the 
limitby=1 to carry out the left join.

Any idea ?

On Monday, January 7, 2013 2:21:33 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 did you try changing start and end as aliases ? 
 while start on postgresql isn't reserved ( but is a reserved keyword for 
 t-sql:2003 and t-sql:1999), end is reserved even for postgresql.

 On Monday, January 7, 2013 1:21:27 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi all, I've problems on defining self join queries on postgres, the 
 query, works on sqlite, is defined as follows:

 start = db.record.with_alias('start')
 end = db.record.with_alias('end')
 query = ((start.station_id == 11) 
  (end.station_id == 12))
 rows = db( query ).select(start.gathered_on,start.mac, end.gathered_on, 
  left= start.on( (start.mac == end.mac) ))
 The table is:
 Field('station_id', 'reference station'),
 Field('log_id', 'reference log'),
 Field('gathered_on', 'datetime'),

 The generated query is:
 SELECT  start.gathered_on, start.mac, end.gathered_on, end.mac 
 FROM record AS end 
 LEFT JOIN record AS start ON (start.mac = end.mac) WHERE ((start.station_id 
 = 11) AND (end.station_id = 12)) 
 ORDER BY EXTRACT(epoch FROM start.gathered_on);

 and it fails raising the following error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
 line 655, in module
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 193, in 
 self._caller = lambda f: f()
 line 37, in index
 left= start.on( (start.mac == end.mac) ))
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8966, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1636, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1601, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in 
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near end
 LINE 1: SELECT  start.gathered_on, start.mac, end.gathered_on, end.m...

 What should I have to do?


Re: [web2py] geodal

2013-01-08 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi all, I have a simple problem, how I can extract values of a single point?
I found that there are the functions ST_X, and ST_Y.
Please find attached a patch that add them to dal and to the postgres 
adapter, I haven't put them neither to MSSQLAdapter nor to 
SQLITESpatiaLiteAdapter because I don't have those db to run tests.
Now you can do something like:
print db(db.city).select(db.city.latlng,

POINT(51.507335 -0.127683),51.507335,-0.127683
POINT(41.901514 12.460774),41.901514,12.460774
POINT(40.851775 14.268124),40.851775,14.268124
The geometry field MUST contain only point otherwise it raises an error.

Hope it helps


On Sunday, January 6, 2013 5:29:52 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi Massimo, I found an other strange behavior. I tried to capitalize the 
 name of a field, as follows:
 and I get this error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 585, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7977, in insert
 ret =  self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1175, in insert
 raise e
 ProgrammingError: column loc_test of relation test_geo does not exist
 LINE 1: INSERT INTO test_geo(loc_Test) VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POIN...

 and so I tried to insert without the capitalize and I get this error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 585, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7977, in insert
 ret =  self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7915, in _listify
 'Field %s does not belong to the table' % name)
 SyntaxError: Field loc_test does not belong to the table

 finally, I redefined the table as was before, (without any capital latter) 
 and I get this:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 583, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7313, in 
 return self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7281, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 965, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1068, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in 
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near SELECT
 LINE 1: ALTER TABLE test_geo ADD loc_test__tmp SELECT AddGeometryCol...

 Hope it helps,

 I changed the name of the field:

 On Sunday, January 6, 2013 5:01:32 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 well done! All the former tests worked. I will investigate more the 
 others functions as soon as possible.


 On Sunday, January 6, 2013 4:28:13 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 One more try please. 

 On Sunday, 6 January 2013 02:11:09 UTC-6, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi Massimo, I've tried the same 3 tests.
 The first one failed, it was working before though, the ticket:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 586, 
 in module
 print db(query)._select(db.test_geo.id, db.test_geo.loc_test)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8928, in _select
 return adapter._select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1478, in _select
 sql_f = ', '.join

Re: [web2py] geodal

2013-01-08 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Massimo, good to know that the patch is in trunk but I it is only for 
the postgres adapter, I can try to define the same functions for the other 
adapter but then someone has to check if they works or not.

For what concern the other issue I will open I ticket, the main problem is 
that web2py makes all the common fields name lower while it store the 'gis' 
fields as is. I have just tried this:
Field('name_P', 'string'),
In the db I have the field *name_p* and *location_P* respectively. To fix 
it, I added in dal.py .lower() at line 832:
ftype = ftype % dict(schema=schema,
 fieldname=field_name.lower(), srid=srid,
And now in the db I have the field *name_p* and *location_p* respectively


On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 3:48:56 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 In trunk. How about the previous issue? Is that still open? If so, can you 
 please open a ticket? Thanks.

 On Tuesday, 8 January 2013 05:31:28 UTC-6, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi all, I have a simple problem, how I can extract values of a single 
 I found that there are the functions ST_X, and ST_Y.
 Please find attached a patch that add them to dal and to the postgres 
 adapter, I haven't put them neither to MSSQLAdapter nor to 
 SQLITESpatiaLiteAdapter because I don't have those db to run tests.
 Now you can do something like:
 print db(db.city).select(db.city.latlng,

 POINT(51.507335 -0.127683),51.507335,-0.127683
 POINT(41.901514 12.460774),41.901514,12.460774
 POINT(40.851775 14.268124),40.851775,14.268124
 The geometry field MUST contain only point otherwise it raises an error.

 Hope it helps


 On Sunday, January 6, 2013 5:29:52 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi Massimo, I found an other strange behavior. I tried to capitalize the 
 name of a field, as follows:
 and I get this error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 585, 
 in module
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7977, in insert
 ret =  self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1175, in insert
 raise e
 ProgrammingError: column loc_test of relation test_geo does not exist
 LINE 1: INSERT INTO test_geo(loc_Test) VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POIN...

 and so I tried to insert without the capitalize and I get this error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 585, 
 in module
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7977, in insert
 ret =  self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7915, in _listify
 'Field %s does not belong to the table' % name)
 SyntaxError: Field loc_test does not belong to the table

 finally, I redefined the table as was before, (without any capital 
 latter) and I get this:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/applications/bikend/models/db.py, line 583, 
 in module
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7313, in 
 return self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7281, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 965, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1068, in 
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1714, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1708, in 
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
 ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near SELECT

[web2py] Re: external link in menu with target option

2013-01-11 Thread Paolo Caruccio
While waiting web2py developers solve the issue, you could simply comment 
the line in web2py_bootstrap.js and see if all works as expected.
In javascript a code line is commented when you put before it  //, so the 
interested line becomes:

// jQuery('ul.nav li.dropdown 

Il giorno venerdì 11 gennaio 2013 16:36:47 UTC+1, Wes Hall ha scritto:

 Along these same lines:

 response.menu += [
 (T('External Sites',), False, A('Web2Py', 
 =_blank), []),

 Gives the expected result of a new tab/window
 However, the following loads the link in both the current tab/window as 
 well as the new one.

 response.menu += [
 (SPAN('External Sites', _class='highlighted'), False, '#', [
 ('', False, A('Web2Py', _href=http://web2py.com/;, _target=

 It looks like line #25 from web2py_bootstrap.js is forcing dropdowns to 
 load in the current window regardless of any target.

 jQuery('ul.nav li.dropdown a').click(function(){window.location=jQuery(

 I don't know js well enough to suggest a change. Am I at least looking in 
 the right place?

 On Monday, June 25, 2012 9:31:35 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 You can control exactly what goes inside the li for a given menu item 
 by making the third element of that item a web2py HTML helper instead of 
 just a URL. So, instead of:

 ('External Link', False, 'http://somesite.com')

 You can do:

 ('', False, A('External Link', _href='http://somesite.com', _target=


 On Monday, June 25, 2012 9:06:20 AM UTC-4, Manuele wrote:

 What if I want to put a voice in the menu that link a page external to 
 my application that I want to open in a new tab? 

 thanks in advance 




Re: [web2py] Set up of db.py takes too long time

2013-01-15 Thread Paolo valleri
Try to add lazy_tables=True to DAL. Like:
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite', migrate=False, lazy_tables=True)


On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:06:03 AM UTC+1, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:

 No imports in the code-area profiled. Also, I am testing some requests, 
 but the time I am measuring is the time spent in the code-area that I have 
 provided. That is, in the define tables code. The controllers are of course 
 making use of the table definitions later, but that is not what I am 

 I have put a print time.time() before and after the define tables 
 code. So no controller is involved in my measurements.

 On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:56:57 AM UTC+1, rochacbruno wrote:

 It will run only when called!

 But if he is testing a form, the problem maybe there.

 There are some imports?


[web2py] Re: Auth with migrate=False

2013-01-15 Thread Paolo valleri
is on the db definition. 
db = DAL('postgres://web2py:web2py@localhost:5432/traffic', 


On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:38:49 AM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 migrate=False is on the db or on Auth define_table() call ?

 Il giorno martedì 15 gennaio 2013 11:07:49 UTC+1, Paolo valleri ha scritto:

 Hi all, I tried something odd.
 I pulled a fresh copy of my code from git and I connected the app to an 
 already 'working' database. 'working' in the meaning that both tables and 
 data are already in the database. In web2py this approach fails, because at 
 the first run it tries to create all the tables, and the db raises an 
 exception like 'table already exist'.
 In order to fix that I thought that migrate=False would help, however it 
 fails again. due to Auth that tries to create the tables. Ticket:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
 line 6, in module
 start = db.record.with_alias('start_point')
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7221, in __getattr__
 return self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7174, in 
 table = table_class(self, tablename, *fields, **args)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7594, in __init__
 field.requires = sqlhtml_validators(field)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 6338, in 
 referenced = db[field_type[10:]]
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7215, in __getitem__
 return self.__getattr__(str(key))
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7221, in __getattr__
 return self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7177, in 
 table._create_references() # must follow above line to handle self 
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7663, in 
 rtable = db[rtablename]
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7215, in __getitem__
 return self.__getattr__(str(key))
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7221, in __getattr__
 return self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 7189, in 
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 935, in create_table
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 2483, in 
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1709, in execute
 return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1703, in log_execute
 ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/contrib/pg8000/dbapi.py, line 246, 
 in _fn
 return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/contrib/pg8000/dbapi.py, line 317, 
 in execute
 self._execute(operation, args)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/contrib/pg8000/dbapi.py, line 322, 
 in _execute
 self.cursor.execute(new_query, *new_args)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/contrib/pg8000/interface.py, line 
 399, in execute
 self._stmt.execute(*args, **kwargs)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/contrib/pg8000/interface.py, line 
 169, in execute
 self._row_desc, cmd = self.c.bind(self._portal_name, 
 self._statement_name, args, self._parse_row_desc, kwargs.get(stream))
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/contrib/pg8000/protocol.py, line 
 943, in _fn
 return fn(self, *argsspan style=color: #660; class=styled-by...
 Mostra originale 


Re: [web2py] Re: Auth with migrate=False

2013-01-15 Thread Paolo valleri
I am using lazy_tables=True at DAL definition, actually I don't know how to 
enable lazy_table for auth. Does it exist?
As I can see, auth.define_tables doesn't take any lazy_table parameter, 
moreover in my code I have a few lines of auth.settings.* which needs auth. 
To customize my own tables without forcing their creation I am using the 
on_define function, as shown in the example below:

Field('question_id', db.questions),
Field('route_id', db.route),
Field('description', 'text' ),

on_define = lambda table: [
table.route_id.set_attributes(readable = False, writable = False),


On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:10:32 PM UTC+1, Anthony wrote:

 Good point. Even better, use lazy_tables. You should also compile the app.

 On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:11:48 AM UTC-5, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Thanks for clarifying it. 
 So that, to speed up web2py, we must use migrate_enabled=False instead of 
 migrate=False at DAL definition. Otherwise for all the auth_* tables, 
 web2py will access the disk to verify if the relative file in 
 databases/hash_tablename.table exists and is updated, right?
 If what I have said is correct I would suggest to update the book, 
 changing migrate=False with migrate_enabled=False


 2013/1/15 Anthony abas...@gmail.com

 DAL(..., migrate=False) does not completely turn off migrations but 
 merely sets the default migrate value for each table to False if it is not 
 set explicitly. The auth.define_tables() method, however, explicitly sets 
 migrate to True for each Auth table unless otherwise specified, so you 
 would have to do auth.define_tables(..., migrate=False). Another option is 
 to completely disable all migrations, regardless of individual table 
 settings, via:

 DAL(..., migrate_enabled=False)


 On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:35:14 AM UTC-5, Paolo valleri wrote:

 is on the db definition. 
 db = DAL('postgres://web2py:web2py@**localhost:5432/traffic', 


 On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:38:49 AM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 migrate=False is on the db or on Auth define_table() call ?

 Il giorno martedì 15 gennaio 2013 11:07:49 UTC+1, Paolo valleri ha 

 Hi all, I tried something odd.
 I pulled a fresh copy of my code from git and I connected the app to 
 an already 'working' database. 'working' in the meaning that both tables 
 and data are already in the database. In web2py this approach 
 fails, because at the first run it tries to create all the tables, and 
 db raises an exception like 'table already exist'.
 In order to fix that I thought that migrate=False would help, however 
 it fails again. due to Auth that tries to create the tables. Ticket:

 Traceback (most recent call last):

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 

 exec ccode in environment

  line 6, in module

 start = db.record.with_alias('start_**point')

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7221, in 

 return self.lazy_define_table(tablena**me,*fields,**args)

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7174, in 

 table = table_class(self, tablename, *fields, **args)

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7594, in __init__

 field.requires = sqlhtml_validators(field)

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 6338, in 

 referenced = db[field_type[10:]]

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7215, in 

 return self.__getattr__(str(key))

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7221, in 

 return self.lazy_define_table(tablena**me,*fields,**args)

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7177, in 

 table._create_references() # must follow above line to handle self 

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7663, in 

 rtable = db[rtablename]

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7215, in 

 return self.__getattr__(str(key))

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7221, in 

 return self.lazy_define_table(tablena**me,*fields,**args)

   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 7189, in 


   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 935, in 


   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/**gluon/dal.py, line 2483, in 


[web2py] auth.wiki menu

2013-01-15 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi all, 
I started using the wiki. I created my pages, and I edited the wiki-menu 
page as I like.
Now I want to have response.menu populated with the wiki pages too  in 
every page I have, is there a way to populate it calling somehow auth.wiki 
or I have to do that by hand, updating each time menu.py? 

Thanks, Paolo


[web2py] Re: How experimental is postgis?

2013-01-17 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi, I've tried few examples in last weeks. Gis support is getting better, I 
don't think is far from being stable but right now I don't have the 
possibility to say it is stable, i.e., a few functions are available only 
for postgis (i.e., st_x, st_y). Moreover the errors I found have been 
fixed, I suggest you to read more 
here: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/6DDLVv4jt0w/discussion

right now it is not clear if web2py is going to support only gis 2d or more 
( I like 3d). I need 3d, not only to define 3d points (which somehow can be 
defined as 2d more an other field for the elevation) but also to define 3d 
The 2d doesn't work with 3d, the 3d works well with 3d and 2d. The only 
problem is that the 3d is not backward compatible with existing 2d objects.
@Massimo, how would you go with that?


On Thursday, January 17, 2013 10:47:59 AM UTC+1, encompass wrote:

 I am hoping to use it in an upcoming application.  Does anyone here have 
 issues with this that still need to be resolved?


[web2py] Re: How do you change memcache session expiry?

2013-01-18 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi all, I have just tried the solution proposed on the issue but it doen't 
This is a really annoying bug not only because I have to login several 
times in a day but also because I can lose my edits if I don't save my 
changes in time (i.e, editing a wiki page).
It might be better to remove from the book the advise of storing the 
session in memcached unless we find a solution


Il giorno domenica 30 settembre 2012 00:54:03 UTC+2, Robert Clark ha 

 Thanks everyone, have added an issue

 On Sunday, September 30, 2012 3:51:10 AM UTC+13, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 It also looks to me memdb should not be implemented as it is. It should 
 be implemented as a plugin_adapter for DAL.

 On Saturday, 29 September 2012 09:50:37 UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I would prefer the syntax:

 session.connect(request, response, db=MEMDB(cache.memcache, 

 On Saturday, 29 September 2012 07:11:10 UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:

 yep, open a bug on http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list

 On Saturday, September 29, 2012 5:24:07 AM UTC+2, Robert Clark wrote:

 Thanks, I am not having any problems with the memcached api  python 
 interface, that part all works as advertised.

 The problem is that if you follow the deployment recipe for storing 
 sessions in Memcached, then they always expire after 300s and there's no 
 way to provide an expiry.  Here's what's the code from deployment recipe 
 chapter of web2py book:

 from gluon.contrib.memcache import MemcacheClientmemcache_servers = 
 cache.memcache = MemcacheClient(request, memcache_servers)
 cache.ram = cache.disk = cache.memcache


 from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB

 If you do this and connect to memcached with e.g. -vv you can see 
 that session data is passed in with 300s expiry.  I may be missing 
 something obvious.  Can I suggest altering the API to be something like 

 session.connect(request, response, db=MEMDB(cache.memcache), 


 On Saturday, September 29, 2012 12:27:55 AM UTC+12, Jose C wrote:

 The only way I've found to change this is to explicitly modify the 
 default value from this source file.

 Is there a better way to configure this value for session expiry 
 from within application code?  Cheers.

 Far as I know it's done like this:  

 set(key=key, value=value, time=seconds) 

 where (from the source):
 @param time: Tells memcached the time which this value should 
 as a delta number of seconds, or an absolute unix time-since-
 value. See the memcached protocol docs section Storage 
 for more info on exptime. We default to 0 == cache forever.

  Are you saying that doesn't work?


[web2py] problems with wiki create

2013-01-20 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi all, I've just updated web2py to trunk and it seems that wiki _create is 
broken. I got this ticket:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
exec ccode in environment
line 399, in module
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 193, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
line 18, in wiki
return auth.wiki(render='html')
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/tools.py, line 3344, in wiki
wiki = self._wiki()
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/tools.py, line 4903, in __call__
return self.create()
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/tools.py, line 5093, in create
  File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/web2py/gluon/validators.py, line 464, in 
(ktable, kfield) = str(field).split('.')
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

I moved back to 2.3.2 and my app worked well. 
I've tried truck with the welcome app adding the following code:
def wiki():
return auth.wiki(render='html')
and I got the same error. What's wrong?



[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.factory and uploaded files. where is the link?

2013-01-23 Thread Paolo valleri
add upload=URL('default', 'download') should solve the problem.

On Thursday, January 24, 2013 12:11:33 AM UTC+1, Ramos wrote:

 I dont know how to show the link to the uploaded files using 

 my code


 and in my view on of the fields apt_medica is an upload type field.

 It does not show the link to get the file.

 How to show it?

 Thank you


[web2py] auth.wiki how to format all fields

2013-01-25 Thread Paolo valleri
Dear all, I've just came across the fact that with the following code:
def wiki():
return auth.wiki(render='html')
and visiting something like app/controller/wiki/about
in the view I will get only the 'content' field without any 
other useful wiki's field such as Title, modified_on just to name a few.
Checking the code, I figured out that the problem is due to the test: 
 extension==html (see tools.py:5090)
Could we return the other fields too?



Re: [web2py] Re: new setup-web2py-nginx-uwsgi-ubuntu.sh

2013-01-25 Thread Paolo valleri
I am using memcached for caching cache.ram and cache.disk, the 
configuration is really easy, this is mine:
if not request.is_local:
from gluon.contrib.memcache import MemcacheClient
memcache_servers = ['']
cache.memcache = MemcacheClient(request, memcache_servers)
cache.ram = cache.disk = cache.memcache
but I don't know how to understand the gain of using it. Any idea?


On Friday, January 25, 2013 9:51:22 PM UTC+1, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 Oh, and what about memcache?
 Can web2py benefit from it? Is there somewhere an explanation about this?

 On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Arnon Marcus 

 10x for clearing things out - you're right, I didn't do too much resource 
 on uwsgi, and just assumed that it is, for nginx. what mod_wsgi is for 
 So I guess I had it wrong.
 My current (soon to be old) setup is running apache + mod_wsgi on 
 windows 7, so I know all about the headaches that comes from setting this 
 I would be more than glad to put apache behind me for good, if it would 
 offer not performance improvements to this script's setup the way it does 
 for php...

 On that note, how exactly is uwsgi handling web2py processes, as would 
 be configured in this script? Is it easily customizable after the fact?
 Are there any any pros/cons for different scenarios that one should be 
 aware of?

 On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Niphlod nip...@gmail.com javascript:

 seems you missed a point uwsgi here is not a module, is an 
 executable that does one job and it does it well (actually, very well, and 
 there's a lot of it that can be used that is outside the scope of this 
 It could be used as a standalone highperformance webserver, but nginx is 
 placed in front of it to serve static files and to take care of Ddos 

 If you want to use apache behind nginx instead of uwsgi behind nginx 
 you're going basically to suffer wasted cpu, ram, a much harder to maintain 
 If you want to run python on apache because it's your default webserver, 
 than mod_wsgi is the way to go. Have to install apache just to run python, 
 it's only a waste of resources.



[web2py] Re: auth.wiki how to format all fields

2013-01-27 Thread Paolo valleri
to keep track of that, I have opened an 
issue http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=1303

On Friday, January 25, 2013 3:32:55 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Dear all, I've just came across the fact that with the following code:
 def wiki():
 return auth.wiki(render='html')
 and visiting something like app/controller/wiki/about
 in the view I will get only the 'content' field without any 
 other useful wiki's field such as Title, modified_on just to name a few.
 Checking the code, I figured out that the problem is due to the test: 
  extension==html (see tools.py:5090)
 Could we return the other fields too?



[web2py] Re: auth.wiki how to format all fields

2013-01-27 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Massimo, the point is that, if I define the following code in a 
def wiki():
return auth.wiki(render='html')
In the corresponding view I will have only the 'content' field. As a result 
I will be able to format the wiki page by its content only no other fields 
can be retrieved; in order to 'format' better the wiki page, it would be 
nice to have at least information such as the fields title and modified_on. 

On Sunday, January 27, 2013 4:56:51 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I do not fully understand the issue. Can you post more code as an example?

 On Friday, 25 January 2013 08:32:55 UTC-6, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Dear all, I've just came across the fact that with the following code:
 def wiki():
 return auth.wiki(render='html')
 and visiting something like app/controller/wiki/about
 in the view I will get only the 'content' field without any 
 other useful wiki's field such as Title, modified_on just to name a few.
 Checking the code, I figured out that the problem is due to the test: 
  extension==html (see tools.py:5090)
 Could we return the other fields too?



[web2py] Re: Howto Multi file uploader

2013-01-30 Thread Paolo valleri
I don't think you will find something out-of-the-box. However, I advice you 
to start from here: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/

On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 10:48:57 AM UTC+1, Ramos wrote:

 Hello, what is the best way to add multi file upload functionality.

 This is very important for me.
 I have many apps that can be converted to web2py but i have a lot of 
  fields that need to upload multiple files.
 I want to use it inside company in a lot of colaborative apps.

 I would love to see this functionality out of the box in web2py.

 Thank you


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[web2py] Re: contribute: db diagram for web2py appadmin

2013-01-31 Thread Paolo Caruccio
first post updated: replaced following files

corrected CDN links. Now the diagram works on https too

db_diagram.py  [please note that you must copy the code within this file 
and paste at the bottom of web2py_app/controllers/appadmin.py]
deleted a print statement

Il giorno mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013 17:23:21 UTC+1, Paolo Caruccio ha 

 I was not able to succesfully install pygraphviz on my windows7 64bit 
 enviroment but I liked Jose's idea 
 https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/cFqD1M6rkc8/discussion, so I 
 wrote a simple addendum to appadmin in order to show a graph representation 
 of a database.
 It's not alternative to or a replacement of Jose's graph layout because 
 there are substantial differences.
 db diagram is interactive (nodes are draggable and clickable) but you 
 cannot save it as an image (anyway it's possible to use a third party 
 application for screenshoots).
 Moreover it is customizable via css (you will find here attached a css 
 theme for reference) and it's based on jqueryUI framewok.
 The nodes contain only the table name, so we can draw the layout of a 
 database with (moderately) numerous tables.
 In order to see table data you have to click on the node. I added some 
 infos like indexed columns (currently available only for sqlite but I think 
 it's not hard to implement for other database engines), the list of other 
 affected  tables when we delete a row in cascade mode.
 The layout (the position of nodes on the screen) is generated trough a 
 force-directed spring algorythm. Therefore the layout is generated 
 dinamically and it will be different each time you refresh the page.
 For this scope, I adapted and translated to jQuery the original prototype 
 source code freely distributed under the terms of a MIT-style license from 
 For a jquery version of this original source code you could visit 
 The edges are drawn by jsPlumb library ( 
 http://www.jsplumb.org/jquery/demo.html ). All 1.x.x versions of jsPlumb 
 are dual-licensed under both MIT and GPL version 2.
 Current main limitation: the database must have 'db' key in application 
 databases dictionary. In other words in our model we must have 
 db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
 and not, for example, 
 mydb = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
 The screen dimensions are important too: the layout will be messed on 
 small screens.
 The code has been tested on latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, 
 IE(7,8,9) and on a very limited number of databases. So please check for 
 errors and bugs.

 1) append the code within in the attached db_diagram.py  in 
 your_application/controllers/appadmin.py file
 2) put attached db_diagram.html in to your_application/views folder
 3) create a new folder in your_application/static folder and name it 
 4) in to latter put db_diagram.css, db_diagram_print.css, 
 jquery.dbdiagram.js, pencildiagonals.png (an image create by me only for 
 the css theme in bundle) (all these files are here attached)
 5) download jsPlumb (jQuery release) from 
 http://code.google.com/p/jsplumb/downloads/list and put 
 jquery.jsPlumb-1.3.16-all-min.js file in your_application/static/db_diagram 

 In your appadmin page you should see a new menu item diagram (see image 
 1), click on it and you should see the layout of your db.

 That's all Folks!


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[web2py] wiki: how to cache media files?

2013-01-31 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi all, 
today I discovered that wiki media, actually they are all images, they are 
always requested to the server and never cached by the client. In other 
words, even if I have already visited the page I do a get to download all 
the images instead of using those in the browser cache as commonly happens 
with for js or css. Is it a problem of my configuration or of wiki it self? 



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[web2py] Re: contribute: db diagram for web2py appadmin

2013-02-01 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Absolutly not, you are free to do what do you want.

Only one note. The db_diagram.css file is not optimized because it is a 
reference for the users which would like customize the theme.

Il giorno venerdì 1 febbraio 2013 17:31:50 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Would you be opposed to turn this into an admin plugin and allow appadmin 
 to access it?

 On Wednesday, 30 January 2013 15:04:06 UTC-6, Paolo Caruccio wrote:


 thanks for the compliments and for the suggestions.
 Actually, in my mind the posted code is a sort of appadmin plugin. For 
 this reason I separated db diagram static files from web2py ones.
 About the 'db' limitation, it's due to lack of time for testing.

 I'm attaching a w2p application (modified hotel management appliance) to 
 show better how it works.

 Il giorno mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013 19:55:53 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 This is really nice. How about we move all the static files and the view 
 into admin and he have the db_diagram.py code in appadmin just include form 
 admin? we can do that easily. 

 you can do

 dbs = [db in globals().values() if isinstance(db.DAL)]

 to get databases. There is a more efficient way:

 from gluon.dal import THREAD_LOCA
 mdbs = getattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'db_instances',{}).items()
 dbs = []
 for db_uid, db_group in mdbs: dbs += [db for db in db_group]

 On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 10:23:21 AM UTC-6, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 I was not able to succesfully install pygraphviz on my windows7 64bit 
 enviroment but I liked Jose's idea 
 https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/cFqD1M6rkc8/discussion, so I 
 wrote a simple addendum to appadmin in order to show a graph 
 of a database.
 It's not alternative to or a replacement of Jose's graph layout because 
 there are substantial differences.
 db diagram is interactive (nodes are draggable and clickable) but you 
 cannot save it as an image (anyway it's possible to use a third party 
 application for screenshoots).
 Moreover it is customizable via css (you will find here attached a css 
 theme for reference) and it's based on jqueryUI framewok.
 The nodes contain only the table name, so we can draw the layout of a 
 database with (moderately) numerous tables.
 In order to see table data you have to click on the node. I added some 
 infos like indexed columns (currently available only for sqlite but I 
 it's not hard to implement for other database engines), the list of other 
 affected  tables when we delete a row in cascade mode.
 The layout (the position of nodes on the screen) is generated trough a 
 force-directed spring algorythm. Therefore the layout is generated 
 dinamically and it will be different each time you refresh the page.
 For this scope, I adapted and translated to jQuery the original 
 prototype source code freely distributed under the terms of a MIT-style 
 license from 
 For a jquery version of this original source code you could visit 
 The edges are drawn by jsPlumb library ( 
 http://www.jsplumb.org/jquery/demo.html ). All 1.x.x versions of 
 jsPlumb are dual-licensed under both MIT and GPL version 2.
 Current main limitation: the database must have 'db' key in application 
 databases dictionary. In other words in our model we must have 
 db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
 and not, for example, 
 mydb = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'
 The screen dimensions are important too: the layout will be messed on 
 small screens.
 The code has been tested on latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, 
 IE(7,8,9) and on a very limited number of databases. So please check for 
 errors and bugs.

 1) append the code within in the attached db_diagram.py  in 
 your_application/controllers/appadmin.py file
 2) put attached db_diagram.html in to your_application/views folder
 3) create a new folder in your_application/static folder and name it 
 4) in to latter put db_diagram.css, db_diagram_print.css, 
 jquery.dbdiagram.js, pencildiagonals.png (an image create by me only for 
 the css theme in bundle) (all these files are here attached)
 5) download jsPlumb (jQuery release) from 
 http://code.google.com/p/jsplumb/downloads/list and put 
 jquery.jsPlumb-1.3.16-all-min.js file in 

 In your appadmin page you should see a new menu item diagram (see 
 image 1), click on it and you should see the layout of your db.

 That's all Folks!


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[web2py] Re: contribute: db diagram for web2py appadmin

2013-02-01 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Jose. thank you too for the amazing idea to draw a graph of the database.

I take the opportunity to ask you where I can download a working pygraphviz 
build for windows.

Il giorno giovedì 31 gennaio 2013 23:11:00 UTC+1, Jose ha scritto:

 Very nice. Excellent work Paolo.



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[web2py] Re: contribute: db diagram for web2py appadmin

2013-02-02 Thread Paolo Caruccio
thank you.

package downloaded from [1]
setup.py modified following istructions on [2]

After setup.py install command all worked fine.

Il giorno sabato 2 febbraio 2013 14:03:09 UTC+1, Jose ha scritto:

 El viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013 15:50:43 UTC-3, Paolo Caruccio escribió:

 Jose. thank you too for the amazing idea to draw a graph of the database.

 I take the opportunity to ask you where I can download a working 
 pygraphviz build for windows.

 Tried with this [1] or [2]?

 [1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygraphviz/1.1


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[web2py] Re: contribute: db diagram for web2py appadmin

2013-02-03 Thread Paolo Caruccio
first post updated with latest version.

Il giorno venerdì 1 febbraio 2013 21:21:28 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can you post a link to the latest?

 On Thursday, 31 January 2013 08:31:53 UTC-6, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 first post updated: replaced following files

 corrected CDN links. Now the diagram works on https too

 db_diagram.py  [please note that you must copy the code within this file 
 and paste at the bottom of web2py_app/controllers/appadmin.py]
 deleted a print statement

 Il giorno mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013 17:23:21 UTC+1, Paolo Caruccio ha 

 I was not able to succesfully install pygraphviz on my windows7 64bit 
 enviroment but I liked Jose's idea 
 https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/cFqD1M6rkc8/discussion, so I 
 wrote a simple addendum to appadmin in order to show a graph representation 
 of a database.
 It's not alternative to or a replacement of Jose's graph layout because 
 there are substantial differences.
 db diagram is interactive (nodes are draggable and clickable) but you 
 cannot save it as an image (anyway it's possible to use a third party 
 application for screenshoots).
 Moreover it is customizable via css (you will find here attached a css 
 theme for reference) and it's based on jqueryUI framewok.
 The nodes contain only the table name, so we can draw the layout of a 
 database with (moderately) numerous tables.
 In order to see table data you have to click on the node. I added some 
 infos like indexed columns (currently available only for sqlite but I think 
 it's not hard to implement for other database engines), the list of other 
 affected  tables when we delete a row in cascade mode.
 The layout (the position of nodes on the screen) is generated trough a 
 force-directed spring algorythm. Therefore the layout is generated 
 dinamically and it will be different each time you refresh the page.
 For this scope, I adapted and translated to jQuery the original 
 prototype source code freely distributed under the terms of a MIT-style 
 license from 
 For a jquery version of this original source code you could visit 
 The edges are drawn by jsPlumb library ( 
 http://www.jsplumb.org/jquery/demo.html ). All 1.x.x versions of 
 jsPlumb are dual-licensed under both MIT and GPL version 2.
 Current main limitation: the database must have 'db' key in application 
 databases dictionary. In other words in our model we must have 
 db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
 and not, for example, 
 mydb = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
 The screen dimensions are important too: the layout will be messed on 
 small screens.
 The code has been tested on latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, 
 IE(7,8,9) and on a very limited number of databases. So please check for 
 errors and bugs.

 1) append the code within in the attached db_diagram.py  in 
 your_application/controllers/appadmin.py file
 2) put attached db_diagram.html in to your_application/views folder
 3) create a new folder in your_application/static folder and name it 
 4) in to latter put db_diagram.css, db_diagram_print.css, 
 jquery.dbdiagram.js, pencildiagonals.png (an image create by me only for 
 the css theme in bundle) (all these files are here attached)
 5) download jsPlumb (jQuery release) from 
 http://code.google.com/p/jsplumb/downloads/list and put 
 jquery.jsPlumb-1.3.16-all-min.js file in your_application/static/db_diagram 

 In your appadmin page you should see a new menu item diagram (see 
 image 1), click on it and you should see the layout of your db.

 That's all Folks!


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[web2py] Re: login by ajax

2013-02-18 Thread Paolo valleri
+1 for auth,ajax_login()


On Monday, February 18, 2013 4:50:20 AM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Should we offer something like {{=auth.ajax_login()}} helper which submits 
 to /user/login? If would not be difficult to write. 
 How should it work?

 On Sunday, 17 February 2013 21:37:59 UTC-6, Anthony wrote:

 def login():

 if form.accepts(request,session=None):

 auth.login() already handles form processing, so you should not call 
 form.accepts(), as that will not work.

   form action=''
 div id='login_result'/div
 input name='email' id='email' type=text placeholder=Email 
 input name='password' id='password' type=password 
 button id='loginbtn' class=btn Onclick='login();return 

 web2py SQLFORM's (including the auth forms) include hidden _formname and 
 _formkey fields -- if you're creating a custom form, you need to include 
 those, or the form will not pass validation when submitted. If you want to 
 create a custom form based on a SQLFORM, you should follow 

 Also, rather than manually submitting the form via Ajax, you might 
 consider putting the login form in an Ajax component (or even a non-Ajax 
 component with ajax_trap set to True). In that case, web2py.js will handle 
 the Ajax submission for you. In that case, you may want to create a 
 login_onaccept function to avoid the usual post-login redirect (which 
 wouldn't be useful for an Ajax login).



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[web2py] Re: [Newbee] - Error message with plugin_Wiki : 'auth' not defined

2013-02-20 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Pibol, plugin_wiki is now deprecated, use auth.wiki() instead.


On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:17:42 PM UTC+1, open...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am beginner in Web2Py and I like it much. I have tried some 
 applications, like InstantPress... all is very interesting. But when I want 
 (after installation) run the plugin_Wiki  in the applications's liste, I 
 have one ticket that gives this error message :

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in restricted
   File C:\web2py\applications\Wiki\models\plugin_wiki.py, line 9, in 
 NameError: name 'auth' is not defined

 I know that this plugin_Wiki is on  steroid . Maybe I did a wrong 
 manipulation ?

 Thanks for your patience,


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Re: [web2py] Re: Scheduler: new plugin cs_plugin_monitor

2013-02-25 Thread Paolo valleri
Really nice job, +1 for shipping this with web2py.

On Sunday, February 24, 2013 3:34:03 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I think this plugin should ship with web2py. ;-)

 On Sunday, 24 February 2013 07:28:11 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:

 spoilers here

 On Saturday, February 23, 2013 10:17:22 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 Not until beta at least... 
 Graphs need a better look :-P


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[web2py] Re: [newbee] Wiki_plugin - WidgetBuilder-jqgrid : How to link data from db to jqgrid

2013-02-26 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Bruno, plugin_wiki is deprecated and it has been replaced by auth.wiki, 
have a look here: 

On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 5:09:06 PM UTC+1, open...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am new on Web2py and I try the plugin_wiki and the widget jqgrid with 
 the WidgetBuilder.
 I have created in db.py my table but my jqgrid in my page (my form) is all 
 the time empty. I have tried to do the select of my table in the 
 meta_code but my jqgrid is empty.

 My question:
 How and where can I give the link between my table (db.py) and the Widget 
 jqGrid in the Plugin_Wiki 's logic ?



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[web2py] Re: SQLFORM in Bootstrap modal

2013-02-26 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Vincenzo, 
I came across to the same problem with sqlform and modal. As far as I 
remember there is nothing 'automatic' to solve the problem.
However, so far I fixed the duplicate submit buttons by hiding the 
'original' one, namely the one belonging to the sqlform, and then adding 
just a few jquery lines that fire the click event to the original sumbit 
when the modal submit is clicked. This approach is not clear at all, it 
works though,
Something better would be nice to come.

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 3:59:36 AM UTC+1, Vincenzo Ampolo wrote:


 I'm looking to a way to use the available by default bootstrap modal on 

 It would be easy to integrate it, or any sort of lightbox like plugin, 
 with SQLFORM if there is the capability to give a template to SQLFORM(). 

 Looking at the documentation it doesn't seem that there is a way. 

 I tried to simply put a form into the body of a modal window but of 
 course i end up having duplicate submit buttons. 

 Any clue/suggestion ? 
 Vincenzo Ampolo 


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[web2py] Re: Optimising caching and enabling gzip for web2py on heroku?

2013-03-03 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Alec, 
if I were you I would remove the 'inline' parameter from both 
response.optimize_css response.optimize_js, just to keep the page lighter 
and to leverage on the browser cache for the external resources.
Moreover, +1 for having something 'automatic' for using somehow the browser 
cache, in this case the 'somehow' is not clear to me yet.


On Sunday, March 3, 2013 5:51:29 AM UTC+1, Alec Taylor wrote:

 Going through the Google PageSpeed Insights report 
 (https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights) to see what I 
 should optimise to improve my site-load speed. 

 The two high priority ones to worry about are: 
 - Leverage browser caching 
 - Enable compression 

 How do I deal with these internally to web2py and on heroku? 

 (e.g.: Rocket doesn't support gzip; so how do I configure this on 
 heroku? - All the guides I saw were for Django or Flask…) 

 FYI: I have also enabled these two lines in my db.py: 
 response.optimize_css = 'concat,minify,inline' 
 response.optimize_js = 'concat,minify,inline' 

 How do I optimize these High priority metrics PageSpeed found? 

 Thanks for all suggestions, 

 Alec Taylor 


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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.2 is OUT

2013-03-03 Thread Paolo valleri
Good works, I will try it later today.
I don't know if you have already discussed about that, just in case, I 
would suggest to start the use of git tags so it will be easier to update 
web2py and keep track of the different releases.


On Monday, March 4, 2013 7:58:19 AM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 That is not the expected behavior.
 I will check what is going on but the more info you can provide the better.

 On Sunday, 3 March 2013 23:09:22 UTC-6, Monte Milanuk wrote:

 So... running 2.3.2 on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.10... on both when I click 
 the 'Check for Upgrades' button in the admin dashboard, I get a message 
 'Unable to check for upgrades' that replaces the button, and is a link to 

 Is that the expected behavior?


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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.2 is OUT

2013-03-05 Thread Paolo Caruccio
I solved in this way: 

Maybe it helps you too.

Il giorno martedì 5 marzo 2013 18:27:09 UTC+1, Derek ha scritto:

 Tried to 'graph models' on a windows machine, old apps get the error:

 invalid function (appadmin/graph_model)

 Created a new app from the wizard, clicked 'graph models'

 pygraphviz library not found

 Tried to install pygraphviz on Windows (after installing Graphviz), get 
 this message:

 Your Graphviz installation could not be found.

 And the reason why:

 3) You are using Windows
There are no PyGraphviz binary packages for Windows but you might be
able to build it from this source.  See

 So, can we have it disable the 'graph models' if you are running on 


 On Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:38:19 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 The book will be out shortly describing this version.
 I am sure there are some corners to iron but I could not wait any longer.


 - 2D GEO API: geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - support for 'json' field type in DAL
 - schema export with db.as_json/as_xml, thanks Alan
 - graph representation of models
 - admin based on bootstrap, thanks Paolo
 - support for semantic versioning
 - new bootstrap based admin, thanks Paolo
 - improved scheduler (and change in scheduler field names), thanks Niphlod
 - graphiz support added to adm, thanks Jose
 - on_failure in grid
 - db.table.field.abs()
 - better wiki
 - geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - better reporting of 500 ajax errors
 - better grid
 - improved/fixed mongodb support
 - improved parse_as_rest(patterns=...), thanks Denes
 - improved IMAP DAL support, thanks Alan
 - improved security when cookies in sessions
 - Row.as_xml, as_json, as_dict, as_yaml thanks Alan
 - smarted custom_import
 - setup-ubuntu-12-04-redmine-unicorn-web2py-uwsgi-nginx.sh
 - added support for motor and pulsar servers, thanks Niphlod
 - added json-rpc2 support
 - added pypyodbc.py driver
 - allow auth.settings.ondelete='CASCADE'
 - new syntax IS_EXPR(lambda value: ...
 - using google for QR codes (although Graph API will be deprecated in 
 - upgraded fpdf to 1.7.1
 - bug fixes (including issues with calendar.js and archive tables)


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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.2 is OUT

2013-03-06 Thread Paolo Caruccio
For a similar project please see 
It uses javascript libraries and it is simple to implement.
I didn't tested extensively so please report your feedback. 

Il giorno martedì 5 marzo 2013 18:48:27 UTC+1, LightDot ha scritto:

 I know of some users that made it work on windows, so it wouldn't be 
 enough to just check the OS. Also, if the button is hidden in case the lib 
 import fails, then new users would never see it and be reminded that they 
 can install the library and use it.

 In both cases, the button serves a cause, IMHO.


 On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 6:27:09 PM UTC+1, Derek wrote:

 Tried to 'graph models' on a windows machine, old apps get the error:

 invalid function (appadmin/graph_model)

 Created a new app from the wizard, clicked 'graph models'

 pygraphviz library not found

 Tried to install pygraphviz on Windows (after installing Graphviz), get 
 this message:

 Your Graphviz installation could not be found.

 And the reason why:

 3) You are using Windows
There are no PyGraphviz binary packages for Windows but you might be
able to build it from this source.  See

 So, can we have it disable the 'graph models' if you are running on 


 On Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:38:19 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 The book will be out shortly describing this version.
 I am sure there are some corners to iron but I could not wait any longer.


 - 2D GEO API: geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - support for 'json' field type in DAL
 - schema export with db.as_json/as_xml, thanks Alan
 - graph representation of models
 - admin based on bootstrap, thanks Paolo
 - support for semantic versioning
 - new bootstrap based admin, thanks Paolo
 - improved scheduler (and change in scheduler field names), thanks 
 - graphiz support added to adm, thanks Jose
 - on_failure in grid
 - db.table.field.abs()
 - better wiki
 - geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - better reporting of 500 ajax errors
 - better grid
 - improved/fixed mongodb support
 - improved parse_as_rest(patterns=...), thanks Denes
 - improved IMAP DAL support, thanks Alan
 - improved security when cookies in sessions
 - Row.as_xml, as_json, as_dict, as_yaml thanks Alan
 - smarted custom_import
 - setup-ubuntu-12-04-redmine-unicorn-web2py-uwsgi-nginx.sh
 - added support for motor and pulsar servers, thanks Niphlod
 - added json-rpc2 support
 - added pypyodbc.py driver
 - allow auth.settings.ondelete='CASCADE'
 - new syntax IS_EXPR(lambda value: ...
 - using google for QR codes (although Graph API will be deprecated in 
 - upgraded fpdf to 1.7.1
 - bug fixes (including issues with calendar.js and archive tables)


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Re: [web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.2 is OUT

2013-03-06 Thread Paolo Caruccio
just submitted a proposal patch on issue tracker 

Il giorno mercoledì 6 marzo 2013 20:26:52 UTC+1, Fernando Lucas ha scritto:

 I had the same problem. In the Wizard 2.4.2 the buttons [+] end [-] don't 

 Thanks, thanks for the new version.
 Fernando Lucas

 2013/3/6 Marco Túlio Cícero de M. Porto mtcp...@gmail.com javascript:

 When using the New application wizard, cannot add new input row for new 
 tables at Step 2: Tables neither by clicking on the plus signal nor by 
 pressing ENTER. 

 Same happens on Step 3: Fields for table auth_user (1 of 1) and on 
 Step 4: Pages.

 Besides that, seems to be working properly...

 Thanks for the new version!

 Marco Tulio

 2013/3/6 Adnan Smajlovic adnan.s...@gmail.com javascript:

 Thanks for a new version. Will upgrade production tonight or tomorrow 
 morning :)

  On Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:38:19 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 The book will be out shortly describing this version.
 I am sure there are some corners to iron but I could not wait any 


 - 2D GEO API: geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - support for 'json' field type in DAL
 - schema export with db.as_json/as_xml, thanks Alan
 - graph representation of models
 - admin based on bootstrap, thanks Paolo
 - support for semantic versioning
 - new bootstrap based admin, thanks Paolo
 - improved scheduler (and change in scheduler field names), thanks 
 - graphiz support added to adm, thanks Jose
 - on_failure in grid
 - db.table.field.abs()
 - better wiki
 - geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - better reporting of 500 ajax errors
 - better grid
 - improved/fixed mongodb support
 - improved parse_as_rest(patterns=...), thanks Denes
  - improved IMAP DAL support, thanks Alan
 - improved security when cookies in sessions
 - Row.as_xml, as_json, as_dict, as_yaml thanks Alan
 - smarted custom_import
 - setup-ubuntu-12-04-redmine-**unicorn-web2py-uwsgi-nginx.sh
 - added support for motor and pulsar servers, thanks Niphlod
 - added json-rpc2 support
 - added pypyodbc.py driver
 - allow auth.settings.ondelete='**CASCADE'
 - new syntax IS_EXPR(lambda value: ...
 - using google for QR codes (although Graph API will be deprecated 
 in 2015)
 - upgraded fpdf to 1.7.1
 - bug fixes (including issues with calendar.js and archive tables)


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups web2py-users group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
 an email to web2py+un...@googlegroups.com javascript:.
 For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

 Marco Tulio 

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 web2py-users group.
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[web2py] Re: Slow DAL initialization

2013-03-14 Thread Paolo valleri
I am wondering why the pool_size is set to 0 by default 
Which are the side effect of having something greater than 0?
Is not worth to have it set for example as 5 by default?


On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:47:56 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 those are more or less in line with my old tests on my home rig.
 If you don't specify a pool argument, every request needs to establish a 
 connection with the db.

 On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:32:58 PM UTC+1, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:

 Great, thanks Niphlod!

 Now the setup times have been reduced to the 3ms (with some cases of 
 3ms, and even less over 10ms). I would say, discarding the initial pool 
 setup, the average is around 4 ms, with some spikes around 10ms (these are 
 not accurate stats)

 Anyway, looks like an improvement.

 On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:13:51 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 pool ?

 On Thursday, March 14, 2013 1:16:25 PM UTC+1, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:

 This codes in the model takes between 5ms and 24ms to complete:

 db = DAL(WEB2PY_DAL_STORAGE, migrate_enabled=False, lazy_tables=True)

 I am in a laptop with:

- 2 cores, 3300 bogomips/core
- 4 GB
- linux 2.6.32-5-686

 Is this expected?



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Re: [web2py] Re: Scheduler: new plugin cs_plugin_monitor

2013-03-15 Thread Paolo valleri
I have in plan to use it in a future project, today a started a very easy 
app but I ended up in the error: 'database is locked'.
The tests were done by using sqlite. What is wrong in my app? Please find 
attached the example test
The ticket:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/applications/scapp/models/scheduler.py, line 31, 
in module
scheduler.queue_task(test_rest, period=10, repeats=0)
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/scheduler.py, line 959, in queue_task
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8460, in 
response.id = self.insert(**new_fields)
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8443, in insert
ret =  self._db._adapter.insert(self, self._listify(fields))
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1201, in insert
raise e
OperationalError: database is locked


On Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:57:40 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 plugin just got beta status. 
 I'd gladly take patches for:
 - a nicer layout ?
 - removing all the javascript in template views and consolidate it in a 
 separate js file 

 As always, testers are more than welcome. 


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from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(db)

def test_rest():
	import urllib

	url = 'http://search.yahooapis.com/ContentAnalysisService/V1/termExtraction'
	appid = 'YahooDemo'

	context = '''
	Italian sculptors and painters of the renaissance favored
	the Virgin Mary for inspiration
	query = 'madonna'

	params = urllib.urlencode({
		'appid': appid,
		'context': context,
		'query': query

	data = urllib.urlopen(url, params).read()
	print data

	return 5

scheduler.queue_task(test_rest, period=10, repeats=0)

Re: [web2py] Re: Scheduler: new plugin cs_plugin_monitor

2013-03-16 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Niphlod, 
I am thinking that I do misunderstood the book because I put  this line
scheduler.queue_task(test_rest, period=10, repeats=0)
in a model file, this means that I have re-scheduled my task times and 
Btw, which should be the best place to add a new task (beside using your 


On Friday, March 15, 2013 11:29:26 AM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 maybe the fact that you're using sqlite :D
 If you have a recent sqlite distribution activate the WAL, it can zero out 
 the issues for normal loads (usually also for low loads SQLite ends up 
 Jokes aside, that's why I implemented multiple queries as regroupings in 
 python, to alleviate db pressure on normal db and to see if sqlite can 
 cope with it. 
 Where are you seeing this error? 
 If you were on the main page, did you try turning the autorefresh off ? 
 Did you try increasing the cache time ? 
 and setting GROUPING_MODE to python instead of database ? 

 PS: you did not used this as a model, right ? it queues a new task at 
 every request in that case

 On Friday, March 15, 2013 11:14:46 AM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 I have in plan to use it in a future project, today a started a very easy 
 app but I ended up in the error: 'database is locked'.
 The tests were done by using sqlite. What is wrong in my app? Please find 
 attached the example test
 The ticket:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/applications/scapp/models/scheduler.py, line 
 31, in module
 scheduler.queue_task(test_rest, period=10, repeats=0)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/scheduler.py, line 959, in 
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8460, in 
 response.id = self.insert(**new_fields)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 8443, in insert
 ret =  self._db._adapter.insert(self, self._listify(fields))
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1201, in insert
 raise e
 OperationalError: database is locked


 On Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:57:40 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 plugin just got beta status. 
 I'd gladly take patches for:
 - a nicer layout ?
 - removing all the javascript in template views and consolidate it in a 
 separate js file 

 As always, testers are more than welcome. 


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[web2py] Cache performance with computed columns

2013-03-25 Thread Paolo valleri
Dear all, I want to share with you some results. I implemented a query in 
two different ways. Given the following common code:
start = db.record.with_alias('start_point')
end = db.record.with_alias('end_point')
elapsed_time = end.gathered_on.epoch() - start.gathered_on.epoch()

The first query is (the constrain is in the query):
rows = db( query  (elapsed_time   86400) ).select(
left=start.on( (start.mac == end.mac)  (start.gathered_on  
cache=(cache.memcache, 3600),
cacheable = True
The second one is (the constrain is explicitly tested latter):
rows = db( query ).select(
left=start.on( (start.mac == end.mac)  (start.gathered_on  
cache=(cache.memcache, 3600),
cacheable = True
rows2 = [r for r in rows if (r.end_point.gathered_on - 
r.start_point.gathered_on  datetime.timedelta(days=1)) ]

From the timing results I got that the second query is always faster, with 
or without cache:
Q_1: 0.273243904114 
Q_1 with cache: 0.0182011127472
Q_2: 0.250607967377
Q_2 with cache: 0.0158171653748

Beside the fact that they are just a few milliseconds of difference and 
that all the rows satisfy the constrain, what is not clear to me is why 
even when the cache is enabled the first query is taking longer. The 
question that came to my mind is about computed columns, are they cached?



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Re: [web2py] Re: Cache performance with computed columns

2013-03-25 Thread Paolo valleri
Thanks for the very clear explanation.
I made the following:
t0 = time.time()
rows = cache.memcache ('q1', lambda : q1(query))
t1 = time.time()
rows2 = cache.memcache('q2', lambda: q2(query))
rows2 = [r for r in rows2 if (r.end_point.gathered_on - 
r.start_point.gathered_on  datetime.timedelta(days=1)) ]
t2 = time.time() 
print 'q1:', t1-t0
print 'q2:', t2-t1 
and I got from three different requests:
q1: 0.0104899406433
q2: 0.0106620788574
q1: 0.011244058609
q2: 0.0156059265137
q1: 0.010370016098
q2: 0.0133299827576
Beside memcache, I tried with cache.ram getting:
q1: 9.77516174316e-06
q2: 0.00217413902283
q1: 1.62124633789e-05
q2: 0.00206780433655
q1: 8.10623168945e-06
q2: 0.00120091438293
Given that, in a local env cache.ram is faster than memcache.


On Monday, March 25, 2013 11:54:07 AM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 well, when you plan to use cache you do it because:
 a) the additional roundtrip is negligible
 b) using the cache means your database is not used
 I'll explain it further
 A query that takes 0.18ms to get computed on the database side can very 
 well end up in 18sec as soon as your database gets hit by several 
 A cached query that takes 0.18ms to get stored and 0.18ms to get retrieved 
 (unpacked, decompressed, unpickled, choose your own term that suits the 
 job) will take, if the cache backend is proper, 0.36ms the first time and 
 0.18ms from the 2nd to the nth.
 Even so, some complicated queries (or uncomplicated for you, but 
 complicated for the db backend) can be speedied up just requesting less 
 fields or computing in raw python something that can be usually done on the 
 This kind of optimization (i.e. relying on python's datetime operations vs 
 an extract(epoch from datefield) on the db) will be less and less useful as 
 soon as the resultsets cardinality grows (i.e. the more rows you have the 
 better chance for the db to get the results faster than having a basic 
 query and processing the results in python). 
 Assuming your python filter cuts out the 5% on the total of the rows, as 
 soon as the number of rows grows you'll just waste time unpacking that 
 additional 5%, and the time difference will be more explicit.
 On a total unrelated note, remember that Python is fast, but dbs are fast 
 too, especially when leveraged by all their features (e.g. you could set an 
 index on the computed epoch and that query will probably gain a lot of 
 This is meant to explain why Q2 is faster than Q1. 
 On the reason why Q1 with cache isn't faster than Q2 with cache, since the 
 time difference is negligible, it's possible that the time difference gets 
 spent on calculating the automatic key for the cache of the query (on the 
 first implementation needs to add the elapsed time part) . Just to be 
 sure, try timing

 def Q1():
 your first implementation, without cache
 def Q2():
 your second implementation, without cache, without the check in python

 rows1 = cache('q1', lambda : Q1())

 . and, separately
 rows2 = cache('q2', lambda: Q2())
 rows2 = [r for row in rows ...]

 On Monday, March 25, 2013 11:12:50 AM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi Niphlod, thanks for the answer. I am not blaming on web2py I am just 
 sharing with you all these results.
 In both the cases I have the time constrain, in one case it is in the 
 query (Q1) while in the second it is explicit(Q2). With cache enabled, Q1 
 is no longer checking the constrain while Q2 is still checking all the 
 constrain for all rows. Moreover, computing the .epoch() should take a well 
 defined amount of time but for queries without cache, with cache it should 
 be stored the computed result.

 To sum up, when cache is enabled, with the same amount of rows (nearly 
 - Q2 is taking less time than Q1 even if it has to compute explicitly the 
 time constrain
  - Q1 is taking more time than Q2, but it has to retrieve from cache only 
 one field more than Q1 among a dozen of fields

 Given that, retrieving more data from memcached can be slower than 
 re-computing it for each request.


 2013/3/25 paolo@gmail.com paolo@gmail.com


 2013/3/25 Niphlod nip...@gmail.com

 I didn't get the point. 
 Q1 is slower (obviously) cause of the epoch() function and the 
 additional filtering
 Q1 with cache shows more or less the same duration as Q2 with cache. 
 the key point is even when the cache is enabled the first query is 
 taking longer ... longer than what ?
 Q1 with cache is speedier that:
 - Q1 without cache, and that's ok
 - Q2 without cache, and that's ok
 but it's slower than
 - Q2 with cache 
 however 3 ms (assuming those timings are in seconds) with all the 
 moving parts of a memcache instance seems unfair to blame entirely on 

 On Monday, March 25, 2013 9:48:14 AM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Dear all, I want to share with you some results. I implemented a query 
 in two different ways. Given the following common code

[web2py] scheduler sincronization

2013-03-25 Thread Paolo valleri
Dear all, 
I started to use scheduler. I've created a simple starting example task: 
and with the great niphlod's plugin cs_monitor_plugin I created an initial 
repetitive task.
However, although I set repeats: 0 and period: 300, tasks are not repeated 
as expected exactly every 300s. The first five tasks were executed at:
2013-03-25 15:34:43
2013-03-25 15:40:48
2013-03-25 15:46:52
2013-03-25 15:52:08
2013-03-25 15:57:22
The time between two consecutive execution is not so straightforward. what 
am I missing? Is there a way to impose more accuracy ?



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Re: [web2py] Re: scheduler sincronization

2013-03-26 Thread Paolo valleri
When yesterday I saw demo1 in timeout with ps auxf I have seen that a new 
process was created. For this reason I started to debug scheduler and I 
asked how to log etc. 
Moreover, I restarted the scheduler manually so I am not able to understand 
if the other different names are for an internal problem or something 
Do you think that should be fixed by using a different db engine?


On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:42:14 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 with the default logging.conf the timestamp is present as in all other 
 web2py-related logging 

 PS: are you sure that the worker is not killed/restarted by any chance 
 (see the worker_name in the scheduler_run table)

 On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:33:53 AM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 I executed again demo1, I run it several times, I got even in this case 
 elapsed time between two consecutive executions around 360 and even more 
 instead of 300. What can I do to understand what is not working correctly? 
 Moreover, I would suggest to add the timestamp to the scheduler debug log.


 2013/3/25 Niphlod nip...@gmail.com

 On Monday, March 25, 2013 10:46:12 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 I didn't get your point, with one repetitive task, should I start the 
 scheduler with two or more workers? If so, I will try it.

 The point is that the thread that manages some logic every heartbeat 
 seconds is the one in charge of waiting 5 loops to trigger the additional 
 logic to pick up new tasks (a repetitive task is just a new task to 
 execute). If the process doing the work is busy processing the task and 
 the underlying thread reaches the let's assign tasks loop, the logic will 
 be skipped (it's unuseful to assign tasks if a worker is already processing 
 them). So it can happen that even if the assignment time has come, if the 
 worker is processing tasks it will skip the assignment

 Actually I have just seen the stop time, on average the task completes 
 it cycle in just a few seconds (~1-2). Given that,  is what you have 
 suggested still valid?

 Nope. As I said it guaranteed that even in the case that the assignment 
 loop falls into the timeframe of a RUNNING task, at the next round it will 
 be picked up 

 Last but not least, demo1 has gone in timeout after one successful 
 cycle, this is very odd, How I can debug the scheduler application and 
 its errors?
 I am running scheduler as a linux service, as described here: 

 SQLite locking is the most probable cause.
 The fastest way is to see what's happening is starting the scheduler 
 with debug logging 
 web2py.py -K appname -D 0
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Re: [web2py] Re: scheduler sincronization

2013-03-26 Thread Paolo valleri
 import sqlite3
 print sqlite3.version
 print sqlite3.sqlite_version
But, if the db lock is not the problem, the test application is very easy, 
where is it supposed to be the problem?

On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 2:32:50 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 I find hard to believe that with a single worker, with that function that 
 basically just prints something and an execution every 300 seconds the 
 problem lies into a lock, unless the SQLite library available on your 
 system is reallly old.

 On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 2:21:21 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 When yesterday I saw demo1 in timeout with ps auxf I have seen that a new 
 process was created. For this reason I started to debug scheduler and I 
 asked how to log etc. 
 Moreover, I restarted the scheduler manually so I am not able to 
 understand if the other different names are for an internal problem or 
 something different. 
 Do you think that should be fixed by using a different db engine?


 On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:42:14 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:

 with the default logging.conf the timestamp is present as in all other 
 web2py-related logging 

 PS: are you sure that the worker is not killed/restarted by any chance 
 (see the worker_name in the scheduler_run table)

 On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:33:53 AM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 I executed again demo1, I run it several times, I got even in this case 
 elapsed time between two consecutive executions around 360 and even more 
 instead of 300. What can I do to understand what is not working correctly? 
 Moreover, I would suggest to add the timestamp to the scheduler debug 


 2013/3/25 Niphlod nip...@gmail.com

 On Monday, March 25, 2013 10:46:12 PM UTC+1, Paolo valleri wrote:

 I didn't get your point, with one repetitive task, should I start the 
 scheduler with two or more workers? If so, I will try it.

 The point is that the thread that manages some logic every heartbeat 
 seconds is the one in charge of waiting 5 loops to trigger the 
 logic to pick up new tasks (a repetitive task is just a new task to 
 execute). If the process doing the work is busy processing the task and 
 the underlying thread reaches the let's assign tasks loop, the logic 
 be skipped (it's unuseful to assign tasks if a worker is already 
 them). So it can happen that even if the assignment time has come, if 
 worker is processing tasks it will skip the assignment

 Actually I have just seen the stop time, on average the task completes 
 it cycle in just a few seconds (~1-2). Given that,  is what you have 
 suggested still valid?

 Nope. As I said it guaranteed that even in the case that the 
 assignment loop falls into the timeframe of a RUNNING task, at the next 
 round it will be picked up 

 Last but not least, demo1 has gone in timeout after one successful 
 cycle, this is very odd, How I can debug the scheduler application and 
 its errors?
 I am running scheduler as a linux service, as described here: 

 SQLite locking is the most probable cause.
 The fastest way is to see what's happening is starting the scheduler 
 with debug logging 
 web2py.py -K appname -D 0
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[web2py] Re: Just knew about Server-Sent Events and want to share it with you

2013-04-05 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Well, I just tested version 2.4.5 Stable ts 2013. and all 
worked for me. What issue have you encountered?
Anyway, the code was and is experimental (for example it doesn't work on 

If do you want something more tested please try comet messaging included in 
web2py as Derek suggested in an other thread.

Il giorno venerdì 5 aprile 2013 02:26:23 UTC+2, Arnon Marcus ha scritto:

 Can you post the actual files? The w2p can't be imported to the latest 

 Also, some questions:

 1. The way I understand this, an implementation would be via a 
 controller-action that receives the event-stream-request, then responds 
 with a 200 OK and that MIME thing, to affirm the connection. But from 
 that point onward, new responses should be sent over the same open 
 connection. How is the response-object being generated and sent without a 
 request? How does it know where to send it to?

 2. I would like to make a shared-collaborative view for multiple users, 
 that any changed done by one, is reflected automatically in all the others. 
 How would I go about doing that? Since web2py executes on each request, I 
 would have to hold connection-data of all open-connections, in some 
 semi-persistent location - would I have to use some 
 external/internal caching? Is there some automatic session-saving already 
 built-in web2py that can be useful?


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[web2py] Re: Server-Sent Events

2013-04-08 Thread Paolo Caruccio
When I wrote the small app SSE_clock I was searching a replacement for a 
long polling javascript code that I was using in order to push db's table 
update notifications to clients. I abandoned the project by lack of 
browser's support.
Anyway, the application is a simple translation from php to python. 
Original demo target is to show that SSEs reconnect automatically and that 
it possible send multiple events on a single connection. Here attached 
you'll find original code in php to compare with python version.
However SSE has other features not discussed in the clock example. 
Below some links that I collected during my research:


Il giorno lunedì 8 aprile 2013 17:48:31 UTC+2, Arnon Marcus ha scritto:

 Look, I appreciate you're trying to help-out, but it seems you are 
 answering the questions you know the answers to, instead of the questions I 
 It's OK to say that you don't know the answer. You are not alone in this 
 user-group, perhaps someone else does.

 We all got that. it's an external process, but it's implemented already, 
 it just works, has a simple yet powerful routing algo and its secure. 
 With SSE you have to do it yourself.

 I know that there is a somewhat-working solution for web-sockets, using 
 I know it would be better to use it, instead of trying to make SSE work in 
 web2py by myself.
 In the long-term I'll probably do something like that.

 But as you said, not in all scenarios, a web-socket is requited - 
 sometimes an SSE does what I need.
 And as it is HTTP-based, I thought it should have been easy to implement 
 in web2py.

 This is exactly the example shown on the videos about 
 websocket_messaging.py . the user receives updates through the ws, and he 
 sends to the default web2py installation with a simple ajax post its 
 message. web2py then queues that message to tornado, that informs all 
 connected users of the new message on the ws channel.

 Again, that is not an answer to my questions. My questions where referring 
 to how web2py can implement SSE, not how Tornado can implement web-sockets 
 and have web2py push stuff into it.

 On the SSE side, you'd have some controller that basically does:

 def events():
   while True:
  yield send_a_message

 you have to think to security, routing, etc by yourself.

 Basically in that while True loop you'd likely want to inspect your 
 storage (redis, ram, dict, database, whatever) if there's a new message 
 for the user.
 You can't exit from there and resume itall the logic needs to 
 happen inside that yield(ing) loop.

 That is answering the question : How does web2py keep a long-lasting 
 That is NOT answering the question: How can a different controller-action 
 activate this

 I found a way to extract the web2py-SSE example, here are the relevant 
 parts (I *bold*'ed the important stuff):


 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import time
 from gluon.contenttype import contenttype

 ### required - do no delete
 def user(): return dict(form=auth())
 def download(): return response.download(request,db)
 def call(): return service()
 ### end requires

 def index():
 return dict()

 def error():
 return dict()

 def sse():
 return dict()

 def buildMsg(eid , msg):
 mmsg = id: %s\n %eid
 mmsg += data: {\n
 mmsg += data: \msg\: \%s\, \n %msg
 mmsg += data: \id\: %s\n %eid
 mmsg += data: }\n\n
 return mmsg

 *def sent_server_event():*
 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
 response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
 * def sendMsg():*
 startedAt = time.time(); #http://www.epochconverter.com/
 * while True:*
 messaggio = buildMsg(startedAt , time.time())
 * yield messaggio*
 * time.sleep(5)*
 * if ((time.time() - startedAt)  10):break*
 * return sendMsg()*


Re: [web2py] Re: Server-Sent Events

2013-04-09 Thread Paolo Caruccio
just a crazy question: what about if you wrap the eventsource in a web 

Il giorno martedì 9 aprile 2013 22:56:51 UTC+2, Arnon Marcus ha scritto:

 The first yield WILL block the thread, but as you say, only the thread of 
 that connection. So the inter-thread communication would then be solved via 
 another shared process - Redis - which will act as a message broker, 
 listening to submissions and submit publications for subscribers.
 I guess I can live with that, for now, our user-base is small enough I 
 Apache is doing the same, right?

 P.S : Here is a nice lecture about concurrency and co-routines in python:


 On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 4:16 AM, Niphlod nip...@gmail.com javascript:wrote:

 ok, all clear!
 One point though: with a threaded webserver web2py can manage as many 
 connections as there are free threads: it's not blocking everything at the 
 first SSE yielding loop, it doesn't communicate with new connections as 
 soon as there are n open connections, with n == max number of threads. 
 I can't test it right now, but rocket (that is the embedded webserver 
 of web2py) unless specified explicitely, opens a new thread at every 
 connection (if you don't set the maxthreads option). Of course this can't 
 scale up to 1000 connections, but its nonetheless sufficient for testing 
 purposes or a small userbase.

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[web2py] Re: help with css

2013-04-14 Thread Paolo Caruccio
The first behavior (a small button is shown on narrow screen) is normal. 
The second no. Original behavior was to show all submenu when you clicked 
on small button. You could check this on web2py 2.3.0. Something broke this 
I'll investigate and submit a patch asap.

Il giorno sabato 13 aprile 2013 23:29:39 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 In twitter bootstrap and web2py when the screen is too narrow the menu 
 display as a single button which triggers a drop down. This happens to me 
  every time I give a talk and the menu disappears because the screen gets 
 narrower on a projector. Moreover when the menu is a dropdown, submenus do 
 not work?

 Any suggestions for changing this behavior?



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[web2py] Re: help with css

2013-04-14 Thread Paolo Caruccio
I found the problem causing the submenu display failure. Twitter bootstrap 
shows the submenu with the click. In web2py, instead we use the hover. 
Since bootstrap has implemented a js function that sets the height of the 
navbar, having the collapsed state, on click event we have to override it.
I added a function that adjusts the height of the navbar on hover event. 
Unfortunately there is a small initial spring effect, but I think that it 
is acceptable.
I will send a patch in the next few minutes.

Regarding the size of the small button you can increase it by simple css 
rules. For example:

. navbar. btn-navbar. icon-bar {
width: 36px;
height: 4px;
. btn-navbar. icon-bar +. icon-bar {
margin-top: 6px;

to be added to the section Overriding Bootstrap.css Rules in 
web2py_bootstrap.css. But I think it's a question of taste so it is in my 
opinion that it is preferable to leave the default values in the 
distributed version of web2py.

Finally, I noticed that in web2py we have an old version of jquery (1.8.3 
vs 1.9.1) and an old version of bootstrap (2.2.2 vs 31.2). I'm pretty sure 
that updating these technologies does not lead to side effects.

Il giorno domenica 14 aprile 2013 16:52:03 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can we increase width that triggers the first behavior (small button)?

 On Sunday, 14 April 2013 05:06:01 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 The first behavior (a small button is shown on narrow screen) is normal. 
 The second no. Original behavior was to show all submenu when you clicked 
 on small button. You could check this on web2py 2.3.0. Something broke this 
 I'll investigate and submit a patch asap.

 Il giorno sabato 13 aprile 2013 23:29:39 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 In twitter bootstrap and web2py when the screen is too narrow the menu 
 display as a single button which triggers a drop down. This happens to me 
  every time I give a talk and the menu disappears because the screen gets 
 narrower on a projector. Moreover when the menu is a dropdown, submenus do 
 not work?

 Any suggestions for changing this behavior?



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[web2py] Re: css-menu

2013-04-14 Thread Paolo Caruccio
The Niphlod's solution is better but add following rules 

.navbar-inverse .navbar-inner {

.navbar-inverse .navlia {

to the section other rules in web2py_bootstrap.css for a very fast and 
not complete customization.

Il giorno domenica 14 aprile 2013 07:40:56 UTC+2, mweissen ha scritto:

 I want to have another for color and backgroundcolor in the menu bar.

 I have changed bootswatch.css, line 83
 #navbar .auth_navbar, #navbar .auth_navbar a {color:*green*;}

 And in web2py_bootstrap.css, line 40
 /* auth navbar - primitive style */
 .auth_navbar,.auth_navbar a{color:*red*;}  /* inherit */
 .ie-lte7 .auth_navbar,.auth_navbar 
 a{color:expression(this.parentNode.currentStyle['color']); /* ie7 doesn't 
 support inherit */}
 .auth_navbar a{white-space:nowrap;} /* to avoid the nav split on more 
 lines */
 .auth_navbar a:hover{color:*red*; text-decoration:none;}  /* white */

 Any hints?
 Refards, Martin


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[web2py] Re: Where do I change the size of the editor object in admin?

2013-04-14 Thread Paolo Caruccio
A possible solution in order to hide the small vertical scrollbar displayed 
when the page is loaded:

in applications/admin/static/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css

please change line 13 from height: 300px; to height: auto;

the css rule after the change will be:

.CodeMirror-scroll {
  overflow: auto;
  height: auto; /*300px;*/
  /* This is needed to prevent an IE[67] bug where the scrolled content
 is visible outside of the scrolling box. */
  position: relative;
  outline: none;

Il giorno sabato 13 aprile 2013 21:04:25 UTC+2, Niphlod ha scritto:

 ok, long version ^__^
 there are 2 separate problems:

 every time the admin page is updated (i.e. new css, new structure, etc) it 
 is possible (and happened already) that your browser has the old version of 
 these assets in cache, so things are working weirdly.
 If you trigger the full-reload with ctrl+f5, the browser requests the full 
 page and discard the cached elements -- it reloads the admin app the way 
 it should be.
 Now, if you observe that the behaviour of a particular page of the admin 
 app is sometimes a, sometimes b, ctrl+f5 should fix it and the page will 
 behave consistently (i.e. always a or always b)

 If a full-reload didn't fix the consistent (after ctrl+f5) behaviour of 
 showing a scrollbar, then it's a problem of the structure of admin, 
 meaning either the markup and/or css and/or js is doing something that 
 shouldn't happen.

 Just to confirm, I can observe that behaviour too (scrollbar is there, as 
 soon as I click it goes away) but I didn't ever noticed it ^__^


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[web2py] Re: Where do I change the size of the editor object in admin?

2013-04-14 Thread Paolo Caruccio
No. My previous solution doesn't work in all circumstances.
The problem is more complex and involves the javascript code.

Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 00:35:19 UTC+2, Paolo Caruccio ha scritto:

 A possible solution in order to hide the small vertical scrollbar 
 displayed when the page is loaded:

 in applications/admin/static/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css

 please change line 13 from height: 300px; to height: auto;

 the css rule after the change will be:

 .CodeMirror-scroll {
   overflow: auto;
   height: auto; /*300px;*/
   /* This is needed to prevent an IE[67] bug where the scrolled content
  is visible outside of the scrolling box. */
   position: relative;
   outline: none;

 Il giorno sabato 13 aprile 2013 21:04:25 UTC+2, Niphlod ha scritto:

 ok, long version ^__^
 there are 2 separate problems:

 every time the admin page is updated (i.e. new css, new structure, etc) 
 it is possible (and happened already) that your browser has the old version 
 of these assets in cache, so things are working weirdly.
 If you trigger the full-reload with ctrl+f5, the browser requests the 
 full page and discard the cached elements -- it reloads the admin app the 
 way it should be.
 Now, if you observe that the behaviour of a particular page of the admin 
 app is sometimes a, sometimes b, ctrl+f5 should fix it and the page will 
 behave consistently (i.e. always a or always b)

 If a full-reload didn't fix the consistent (after ctrl+f5) behaviour of 
 showing a scrollbar, then it's a problem of the structure of admin, 
 meaning either the markup and/or css and/or js is doing something that 
 shouldn't happen.

 Just to confirm, I can observe that behaviour too (scrollbar is there, as 
 soon as I click it goes away) but I didn't ever noticed it ^__^


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[web2py] Re: help with css

2013-04-15 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Patch sent


Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 05:48:16 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can you send me a patch? thanks.

 On Sunday, 14 April 2013 10:36:40 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 I found the problem causing the submenu display failure. Twitter 
 bootstrap shows the submenu with the click. In web2py, instead we use the 
 hover. Since bootstrap has implemented a js function that sets the height 
 of the navbar, having the collapsed state, on click event we have to 
 override it.
 I added a function that adjusts the height of the navbar on hover event. 
 Unfortunately there is a small initial spring effect, but I think that it 
 is acceptable.
 I will send a patch in the next few minutes.

 Regarding the size of the small button you can increase it by simple css 
 rules. For example:

 . navbar. btn-navbar. icon-bar {
 width: 36px;
 height: 4px;
 . btn-navbar. icon-bar +. icon-bar {
 margin-top: 6px;

 to be added to the section Overriding Bootstrap.css Rules in 
 web2py_bootstrap.css. But I think it's a question of taste so it is in my 
 opinion that it is preferable to leave the default values in the 
 distributed version of web2py.

 Finally, I noticed that in web2py we have an old version of jquery (1.8.3 
 vs 1.9.1) and an old version of bootstrap (2.2.2 vs 31.2). I'm pretty sure 
 that updating these technologies does not lead to side effects.

 Il giorno domenica 14 aprile 2013 16:52:03 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can we increase width that triggers the first behavior (small button)?

 On Sunday, 14 April 2013 05:06:01 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 The first behavior (a small button is shown on narrow screen) is 
 normal. The second no. Original behavior was to show all submenu when you 
 clicked on small button. You could check this on web2py 2.3.0. Something 
 broke this I'll investigate and submit a patch asap.

 Il giorno sabato 13 aprile 2013 23:29:39 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 In twitter bootstrap and web2py when the screen is too narrow the menu 
 display as a single button which triggers a drop down. This happens to me 
  every time I give a talk and the menu disappears because the screen gets 
 narrower on a projector. Moreover when the menu is a dropdown, submenus 
 not work?

 Any suggestions for changing this behavior?



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[web2py] Re: help with css

2013-04-15 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Please replace the file web2py_bootstrap.js in welcome/static/js/ and 
admin/static/js folders with the patched one.

I added a function [adjust_height_of_collapsed_nav()] that adjusts the 
height of the navbar on hover mouse event when it is collapsed (screen 
width  980px based on default bootstrap threshold). Unfortunately there is 
a small initial spring effect, but I think that it is acceptable.
I removed the client width check: now hoverMenu() function works also for 
narrow screen.

The code is very simple but if you need more details I'll be at your 

Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 16:42:39 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can you explain how that works?

 Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 05:47:48 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio ha scritto:

 Patch sent


 Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 05:48:16 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can you send me a patch? thanks.

 On Sunday, 14 April 2013 10:36:40 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 I found the problem causing the submenu display failure. Twitter 
 bootstrap shows the submenu with the click. In web2py, instead we use 
 hover. Since bootstrap has implemented a js function that sets the 
 of the navbar, having the collapsed state, on click event we have to 
 override it.
 I added a function that adjusts the height of the navbar on hover 
 event. Unfortunately there is a small initial spring effect, but I think 
 that it is acceptable.
 I will send a patch in the next few minutes.

 Regarding the size of the small button you can increase it by simple 
 css rules. For example:

 . navbar. btn-navbar. icon-bar {
 width: 36px;
 height: 4px;
 . btn-navbar. icon-bar +. icon-bar {
 margin-top: 6px;

 to be added to the section Overriding Bootstrap.css Rules in 
 web2py_bootstrap.css. But I think it's a question of taste so it is in my 
 opinion that it is preferable to leave the default values in the 
 distributed version of web2py.

 Finally, I noticed that in web2py we have an old version of jquery 
 (1.8.3 vs 1.9.1) and an old version of bootstrap (2.2.2 vs 31.2). I'm 
 pretty sure that updating these technologies does not lead to side effects.

 Il giorno domenica 14 aprile 2013 16:52:03 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can we increase width that triggers the first behavior (small button)?

 On Sunday, 14 April 2013 05:06:01 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 The first behavior (a small button is shown on narrow screen) is 
 normal. The second no. Original behavior was to show all submenu when 
 clicked on small button. You could check this on web2py 2.3.0. Something 
 broke this I'll investigate and submit a patch asap.

 Il giorno sabato 13 aprile 2013 23:29:39 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 In twitter bootstrap and web2py when the screen is too narrow the 
 menu display as a single button which triggers a drop down. This 
 happens to 
 me  every time I give a talk and the menu disappears because the screen 
 gets narrower on a projector. Moreover when the menu is a dropdown, 
 submenus do not work?

 Any suggestions for changing this behavior?



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[web2py] Re: help with css

2013-04-16 Thread Paolo Caruccio
What do you mean? the button or the submenu?

On my system (windows7) the submenus are displayed correctly in IE10, FF 
last version, Chrome last version, Opera last version when the topbar menu 
is collapsed and you see the button with 3 horizontal lines. I can't test 
on narrow screen but on reduced browser windows only. 

The patch doesn''st change the button size.

Il giorno martedì 16 aprile 2013 00:58:09 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 I did ( committing now) but I do not see any improvement.

 On Monday, 15 April 2013 10:28:07 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 Please replace the file web2py_bootstrap.js in welcome/static/js/ and 
 admin/static/js folders with the patched one.

 I added a function [adjust_height_of_collapsed_nav()] that adjusts the 
 height of the navbar on hover mouse event when it is collapsed (screen 
 width  980px based on default bootstrap threshold). Unfortunately there is 
 a small initial spring effect, but I think that it is acceptable.
 I removed the client width check: now hoverMenu() function works also for 
 narrow screen.

 The code is very simple but if you need more details I'll be at your 

 Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 16:42:39 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can you explain how that works?

 Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 05:47:48 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio ha 

 Patch sent


 Il giorno lunedì 15 aprile 2013 05:48:16 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Can you send me a patch? thanks.

 On Sunday, 14 April 2013 10:36:40 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 I found the problem causing the submenu display failure. Twitter 
 bootstrap shows the submenu with the click. In web2py, instead we use 
 hover. Since bootstrap has implemented a js function that sets the 
 of the navbar, having the collapsed state, on click event we have to 
 override it.
 I added a function that adjusts the height of the navbar on hover 
 event. Unfortunately there is a small initial spring effect, but I think 
 that it is acceptable.
 I will send a patch in the next few minutes.

 Regarding the size of the small button you can increase it by simple 
 css rules. For example:

 . navbar. btn-navbar. icon-bar {
 width: 36px;
 height: 4px;
 . btn-navbar. icon-bar +. icon-bar {
 margin-top: 6px;

 to be added to the section Overriding Bootstrap.css Rules in 
 web2py_bootstrap.css. But I think it's a question of taste so it is in 
 opinion that it is preferable to leave the default values in the 
 distributed version of web2py.

 Finally, I noticed that in web2py we have an old version of jquery 
 (1.8.3 vs 1.9.1) and an old version of bootstrap (2.2.2 vs 31.2). I'm 
 pretty sure that updating these technologies does not lead to side 

 Il giorno domenica 14 aprile 2013 16:52:03 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro 
 ha scritto:

 Can we increase width that triggers the first behavior (small 

 On Sunday, 14 April 2013 05:06:01 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 The first behavior (a small button is shown on narrow screen) is 
 normal. The second no. Original behavior was to show all submenu when 
 clicked on small button. You could check this on web2py 2.3.0. 
 broke this I'll investigate and submit a patch asap.

 Il giorno sabato 13 aprile 2013 23:29:39 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro 
 ha scritto:

 In twitter bootstrap and web2py when the screen is too narrow the 
 menu display as a single button which triggers a drop down. This 
 happens to 
 me  every time I give a talk and the menu disappears because the 
 gets narrower on a projector. Moreover when the menu is a dropdown, 
 submenus do not work?

 Any suggestions for changing this behavior?



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[web2py] Re: @cache decorator

2013-04-18 Thread Paolo valleri
Basically it stores the output of the function, in your case the output is 
the rendered view.
For more info about cache, have a look here: 


On Thursday, April 18, 2013 6:17:36 PM UTC+2, BlueShadow wrote:

 Hi I got a site which calls some major calculating. So I thought lets use 
 the cache decoator to speed up second time loads.
 But it doesnt seem to have any effekt on pageloading times.
 @cache(returnDatestring()+Somepage, time_expire=86000, cache_model=cache
 def Somepage():
 #some time intensive calculations
 return response.render(l=l)

 So with and without the @cache decorator it takes about 25 seconds for the 
 page to load. (yeah my server is slow I know) As far as I understand it the 
 whole age should be stored on the disk and be served as a static page. 
 which should load instantly.
 Or is just the output of the function stored and the view has to be 
 rendered afterwards? (the view has a big table with like 100 rows, there 
 are calculated some sums too)
 If so can I cache the entire view?


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[web2py] Re: db select with rows

2013-04-21 Thread Paolo valleri
You get the last element simply because in the loop you have an assignment. 
So that you will get only the last element of the loop.
What about that:

rows = db(db.tableA. http://db.tableb.id/id_b==db.tableB.idhttp://row.id/


temp = []
for row in rowsA:
 temp.append( db(db.tableB.id http://db.tableb.id/==row.id).select() )


On Sunday, April 21, 2013 10:28:18 AM UTC+2, BlueShadow wrote:

 I can't get my head around this problem it's probably easy but I ask 
 I got rows(lets call them rowsA) from tableA and I want to select all 
 items from another tableB which have one of the ids in tableA
 I could do it with a for loop selecting one at a time like so:
 for row in rowsA:
  temp=db(db.tableB.id http://db.tableb.id/==row.id).select()

 but now I got only one element as a result.
 how can I get all those into one variable:rowsB


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[web2py] Re: bootstrap thumnails problem

2013-05-02 Thread Paolo Caruccio
This behavior is due to different number of text lines in labels.
You could use a jquery plugin (search the net for jquery equal height) in 
order to give to the div.thumbnail the same height as tallest one.
Or you could give to the div.thumbnail a fixed height and auto overflow-y 
by a css rule.

Il giorno mercoledì 1 maggio 2013 23:06:55 UTC+2, Omi Chiba ha scritto:

 Maybe this is not web2py issue but I'm trying to use thumnail class to 
 shows the three image blocks but the text in the paragraph inside is 
 strangely have too much space between the words.

 Does anyone know how to adjust it?

 h3How can we help you?/h3
 ul class=thumbnails
  li class=span3
 div class=thumbnail
 250px,_class=img-polaroid,_alt=Order Status)}}
   h4Order Status/h4
   pThumbnail caption.../p
   li class=span3
 div class=thumbnail
 250px,_class=img-polaroid,_alt=Order Status)}}
   pTo search the Frequently Asked Questions/p
   li class=span3
 div class=thumbnail
 250px,_class=img-polaroid,_alt=Order Status)}}
   pThumbnail caption.../p


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[web2py] Re: Dynamically change highlighted class for response.menu

2013-05-09 Thread Paolo Caruccio
for a pyhon solution (not involving javascript) you could check this 
argument https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/8AHYqV_EKy0/discussion 

Il giorno martedì 7 maggio 2013 17:56:10 UTC+2, Omi Chiba ha scritto:

 I have a following response.menu in my menu.py. By default Home is 
 highlighted but I want to highlight the menu clicked by the user. For 
 example, when user click contact, 'highlighted' class should be added to 
 contact and removed from home.

 response.menu = [
 (SPAN('Home', _class='highlighted'), False, URL('default', 'index'), 
 (T('Order Status'), False, URL('default', 'orderstatus'), []),
 (T('QA'), False, URL('default', 'qa'), []),
 (T('Contact'), False, URL('default', 'contact'), [])


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[web2py] Re: Bulk insert: how to improve performances?

2013-05-20 Thread Paolo valleri
I didn't know that as well, Is there a limit in the number of dicts passed 
to the bulk_insert?


On Monday, May 20, 2013 11:18:51 AM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:

 there's a bulk_insert method too.


 Il giorno lunedì 20 maggio 2013 10:36:32 UTC+2, Rocco ha scritto:

 Dear all,

 I've a loop to insert about 2K records into a postgres database (running 
 on same host).

 This is the used code:

 for row in cnv.data_matrix:
for element in row:

 It takes more than 20 seconds, sometimes... also more.
 I could change the database structure to reduce the number of inserts, 
 but there is a way to aggregate multiple insert o to improve the 
 Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


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[web2py] Re: Bulk insert: how to improve performances?

2013-05-20 Thread Paolo valleri
At least with sqlite wrapping a list of insert by adding respectively at 
the beginning and at the end
allows to speed up the performance, see: 
could we do something like that in our bulk_insert?


On Monday, May 20, 2013 2:57:30 PM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:

 this is the implementation

 def bulk_insert(self, table, items):
 return [self.insert(table,item) for item in items]

 no limits there, but it doesn't leverage any native BULK operation, so, 
 don't pass a list of 1 zillion dicts.


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[web2py] Re: Scaling + performance tips to prepare for launch

2013-05-21 Thread Paolo valleri
It is worth to check this too 


On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:40:20 PM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:

 the session.forget(response) will render all session related features 
 useless. Use wisely.
 I'd add lazy_tables=True to your points, as well as a good cache backend 
 and possibily the use of wise cache headers in the response.

 On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 7:34:28 PM UTC+2, smoggy wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I'm about to launch my site (http://nizen.net) and before launching i 
 would like some scaling tips.

 Right now i've done the following:
 - using cloudflare for CDN.
 - compiled web2py .py - .pyc
 - in 0.py session.forget(response)
 - settings.migrate = False

 I'm using openshift also. If i try to reach the big sites (engadget, 
 reddit, etc) i fear it may get the site broken.

 Any (other) tips ?


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[web2py] Re: Postgres users beware auth.signature is_active; bad problem, easy to fix

2013-05-24 Thread Paolo valleri
I agree, it would be nice to have is_active as a real boolean although I 
don't know how difficult could be its implementation without breaking the 
backward compatibility. Furthermore, I've just checked my instance and 
is_active is saved as 'T' with postgres 9.1


On Friday, May 24, 2013 5:06:19 AM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 This is a backward compatibility issues. The fact that it inserts a 't' 
 instead of a 'T' is more of a concern to me. How was the query built?

 The source clearly says:
TRUE = 'T'

 On Thursday, 23 May 2013 16:21:18 UTC-5, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 auth.signature appends a boolean field called is_active to a table. 
  The default is True.

 Under the covers it's not really boolean, it's char(1).  When you insert 
 a record, is_active is set to t.  That's right, a lowercase t.

 Today I had the kind of problem where queries were missing records.  It 
 turns out that the DAL was emitting queries looking for 'T' in is_active.

 The queries were missing records because Postgres is case sensitive in 
 char fields.  

 I don't really understand why the dal adapters for Postgres transmogrify 
 boolean fields to char(1) when Postgres supports boolean fields.  The nice 
 thing about that is Postgres boolean fields do not care about case.

 The easy fix for this problem is make sure that any fields you have 
 defined as boolean in your models are also boolean in Postgres.


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[web2py] Re: DAL Select constant field

2013-05-30 Thread Paolo valleri
actually, I couldn't see the reason of that :-P but anyway this seems to 
q=db( db.clients.id  0).select( db.clients.clientuuid, '%s' % 1)


On Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:23:34 PM UTC+2, Zach wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I am trying to run something in the form of :

 select clientuuid, 1 from clients ;

 q=db( db.clients.id  0).select( db.clients.clientuuid, 1)

 I can settle for select clientuuid, 'Y' from clients ;

 however web2py is bing picky and weird and complains that 

 AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'type' in the former case 

 OperationalError: (1054, Unknown column 'y' in 'field list') in the 

 Is there a workaround I can use in that situation ? Ideally I would not 
 like to add fields with constants to my tables.

 Thanks a lot for your time.

 Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.7 admin Recent Tweets not loaded

2013-05-31 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi, now it seems to work but it is different than the former 
implementation, namely the current shows only tweets posted by the user 
web2py, however the most recent one is more than two months old. As is I 
don't see this so useful, actually It is a matter of communication and 
which information we want to spread from the admin page.


On Friday, May 31, 2013 3:19:27 PM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Done. in trunk.

 On Thursday, 30 May 2013 22:39:10 UTC-5, 黄祥 wrote:


 just want to report that web2py 2.4.7 admin Recent Tweets not loaded.
 Unable to download because:
 local variable 'r' referenced before assignment

 def twitter():
 import gluon.tools
 import gluon.contrib.simplejson as sj
 page = urllib.urlopen(
 http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=%%40%s; % TWITTER_HASH).read()
 data = sj.loads(page, encoding=utf-8)['results']
 d = dict()
 *r = []*
 for e in data:
 d[e[id]] = e
 r = reversed(sorted(d))
 return dict(tweets=[d[k] for k in r])
 return 'disabled'
 except Exception, e:
 return DIV(T('Unable to download because:'), BR(), str(e))


 error is gone and also not showing any tweets

 if i'm not wrong twitter api had already deprecated, imho, if you want to 
 use twitter tweets please use the embeded one provide by twitter 
 (timelines, tweets, etc)


 please correct and forgive me if i'm wrong

 best regards


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[web2py] Re: Problem overriding bootstrap.min.css with customized submit button style

2013-06-03 Thread Paolo Caruccio
please try:

input.btn_auth {
 background:url('../images/button_02.png') no-repeat;
 border: 0px;
 position: relative;

input.btn_auth:hover { 

input.btn_auth:active {
 background:url('../images/button_active.png') no-repeat;

Il giorno lunedì 3 giugno 2013 19:05:02 UTC+2, Lio ha scritto:

 Hello there,

 I'm trying to use a customized submit button for login. The problem is in 
 normal status the button image is the correct one but width is controlled 
 by bootstrap.min.css; in hover status the width is correct but image is 
 overridden by bootstrap.min.css Driving me crazy...

 Code in view:

 Code in customized css file:
 .btn_auth {
  background:url('../images/button_02.png') no-repeat;
  border: 0px;
  position: relative;
 border: 0px;
  position: relative;

 background:url('../images/button_active.png') no-repeat;
 border: 0px;
  position: relative;

 Can someone please advise? Thanks in advance.



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[web2py] Re: css help

2013-06-04 Thread Paolo Caruccio
In order to eliminate the issue under point 1, we could modify slightly the 
interested code in layout.html in: 

!-- Masthead == --
header class=mastheader row id=header
div class=span12
div class=page-header
h1{{if response.title is not None:}}
small{{=response.subtitle or ''}}/small{{pass}}


About point 2, in order to change the color of the links it's enough to set 
the following rules in web2py_bootstrap.css (preferibly on top of the file 
below the first rule):

a{color: magenta;}
a:visited{color: pink;}
a:hover{color: red;}
a:focus{color: brown;}
a:active{color: darkmagenta;}

Of course please change the color value at your taste.

The same for the color of headers:

h1{color: green;}
h2{color: lightgreen;}

Finally, for the image under menu there are several ways in order to obtain 
the same result.

Replace the title with a big image:

!-- Masthead == --
header class=mastheader row id=header
div class=span12
div class=page-header
{{response.title = XML('img src=%s alt=web2py image /' 
% (URL('static','images/big_image.jpg'))) # this is only for example}}
{{response.subtitle = None # this is only for example}}
h1{{if response.title is not None:}}
small{{=response.subtitle or ''}}/small{{pass}}


In this case the image will not be as wide as the page width.
To obtain the right result we have to add a new element in layout.html and 
some css rules to web2py_bootstrap.css. Here attached the patched files.

Please note that the code has not been deeply tested, so please let me know 
if you'll find bugs.

Il giorno martedì 4 giugno 2013 16:20:21 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 I would like help with two css issues:

 1) In layout.html if there is no response.title, the page content slides 
 up and may disappear under the menu banner. Can we prevent this?

 2) In web2py_bootstrap.css I would like to have example code to change the 
 colors without changing the bootstrap.css (specifically color of links, 
 headers, menu banner, and add a page wide image under the menu banner. 
 These seems to be recurrent needs. 


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Title: {{=response.title or request.application}}


{{=response.flash or ''}}



	{{=response.logo or ''}}
{{='auth' in globals() and auth.navbar(mode="dropdown") or ''}}

  {{if response.menu:}}
  {{=MENU(response.menu, _class='mobile-menu nav' if is_mobile else 'nav',mobile=is_mobile,li_class='dropdown',ul_class='dropdown-menu')}}





{{#response.title = XML('' % (URL('static','images/bootstrap_idea2.png'))) # this is only for example}}
{{#response.subtitle = None # this is only for example}}
{{if response.title is not None:}}
{{=response.subtitle or ''}}{{pass}}

{{if left_sidebar_enabled:}}

{{block left_sidebar}}
Left Sidebar



{{block center}}

{{if right_sidebar_enabled:}}

{{block right_sidebar}}
Right Sidebar



{{block footer}} 
{{=T('Copyright')}}  {{=request.now.year}}

{{=T('Powered by')}}



  {{if response.google_analytics_id:}}


body{height:auto;} /* to avoid vertical scroll bar */




[web2py] Re: Fun with Scheduler

2013-06-05 Thread paolo betti
I agree Scheduler is great.

I use this technique:

in modules/lib.py:

def a_func(db):
   # some code
   # ...


in models/scheduler.py

def a_func():
import lib

return lib.a_func(db)

from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(db)

in controllers/a_controller.py

def a_func:
import lib

return lib.a_func(db)

so the code is centralized in modules/lib.py and i can call the same code 
from controller or scheduled task.



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[web2py] admin access password file

2013-06-12 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi all, I have to migrate a web2py app to a centos server. It has python 
2.6.6, uwsgi 1.9.12.  admin fails saying:

admin disabled because unable to access password file

the file (parameters_443.py) is there. I tried to debug the failure and I 
discover that, despite the fact that I use https, it tries to access 
Thus, I created the file parameters_80.py but then it fails saying to use 
https :(.



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[web2py] Re: Save rendered .html views to file system

2013-06-12 Thread Paolo valleri
you could use cache.ram or cache.disc. Start by replacing the
{{include 'footer.html' }}
with something like:
{{=response.render('footer.html', {your dict} )}}
and then wrap that like
{{=cache.ram( YOUR_KEY, lambda: response.render('footer.html', {your dict} ) 
, time_expire=YOUR_TIME_EXPIRE)}}
footer.html will be rendered either if the key hasn't cached already or it 
is no longer valid (expired).
Hope it helps


On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:04:07 AM UTC+2, Annet wrote:

 In my application the header and footer of the layout, contain more or 
 less static information (navbar, address, social etc.) Since this header 
 and footer are shared by all users, their content is stored in a database. 
 The problem is that on every request the database is queried for this 
 'semi' static content.

 I wonder whether it is possible to render the header and footer when the 
 user edits his navigation, address etc. in the cms and then store it in a 
 sub folder in the static folder and in layout.html have something like:

 {{include user_id_header}}


 {{include user_id_footer}}

 where user_id_header and user_id_footer reference rendered .html files in 
 'static/user_6/header.html' and 'static/user_6/footer.html' respectively.

 Kind regards,



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[web2py] Re: Spammers on web2pyslices.com

2013-06-15 Thread Paolo valleri
Personally I don't like captcha image, before delving into the 
implementation of whatever like that it is worth to try the honeypot 
mechanism namely a 'hidden field'. A field that if filled out allow you to 
distinguish between user and robots requests. The field it is hidden by css 
properties real users aren't able to fill it.
More here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_%28computing%29  Actually, 
I have never tested if that really works!
we could think about implementing it as an option for web2py, it would be 
very welcome.
Finally, it seems that web2pyslices.com registration has got a captcha, 
have you already implemented it?


On Saturday, June 15, 2013 6:40:50 AM UTC+2, rochacbruno wrote:


 recently we are having too many spams posted on web2pyslices.com

 I am deleting one by one, but started to be difficult to track this.

 We need to implement a captcha system or any other kind of spam blocking.

 is there any volunter? to do this for user registration form and also for 
 article post form?

 I am in a rush between work and medical treatments, I tried but I really 
 have no time now to develop this.

 If anybody can take this, please email me ans I give you access to the 
 development version of the code on pythonanywhere.




 Bruno Rocha


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[web2py] Re: Spammers on web2pyslices.com

2013-06-17 Thread Paolo Betti

is a different solution but have you ever tried CloudFlare (cloudflare.com) 

It is a kind of proxy-cache online.

I use it with my site that has very very low traffic :-) but open comments 
and spammers have disappeared.

{the site is made with Plone but I have to upgrade to web2py as soon as 
possible ;-)}


Il giorno sabato 15 giugno 2013 06:40:50 UTC+2, rochacbruno ha scritto:


 recently we are having too many spams posted on web2pyslices.com

 I am deleting one by one, but started to be difficult to track this.

 We need to implement a captcha system or any other kind of spam blocking.

 is there any volunter? to do this for user registration form and also for 
 article post form?

 I am in a rush between work and medical treatments, I tried but I really 
 have no time now to develop this.

 If anybody can take this, please email me ans I give you access to the 
 development version of the code on pythonanywhere.




 Bruno Rocha


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Re: [web2py] Re: admin access password file

2013-06-17 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Massimo, I've just tried but the issue hasn't gone :(
what can I do to debug it more, by who is the request.env.server_port 
setter ?


On Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:32:37 AM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:


  uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCHEME $scheme;

 you must add

  uwsgi_param HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO https;

 On Wednesday, 12 June 2013 09:09:01 UTC-5, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi Massimo, I used https. I expired the same behavior on both apache and 
 please find attached the condiguration file of nginx 


 2013/6/12 Massimo Di Pierro massimo@gmail.com

 In the URL, are you using http or https? Assuming you use apache, can 
 you show the config file?

 On Wednesday, 12 June 2013 01:53:25 UTC-5, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Hi all, I have to migrate a web2py app to a centos server. It has 
 python 2.6.6, uwsgi 1.9.12.  admin fails saying:

 admin disabled because unable to access password file

 the file (parameters_443.py) is there. I tried to debug the failure and 
 I discover that, despite the fact that I use https, it tries to access 
 Thus, I created the file parameters_80.py but then it fails saying to 
 use https :(.


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Re: [web2py] @request.restful() only works on localhost

2013-06-17 Thread Paolo valleri
that could be a problem of a generic view not correctly loaded due to the 
following line in db.py

response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else []

change it to

response.generic_patterns = ['*']


On Monday, June 17, 2013 9:50:58 PM UTC+2, Michele Comitini wrote:

 send example code to reproduce the error please!  model, controller and 
 iff you have modified routes.py send that too.


 2013/6/17 Eduardo Cruz educ...@gmail.com javascript:

 I have made an api using @request.restful() decorator but when I try to 
 use the api from another machine it gives me an 404, Im running web2py with 
 the built-in server at

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[web2py] Re: web2pyslice and PIL thumbnail quality

2013-06-20 Thread Paolo valleri
I am not sure but the quality option could be for jpeg only.
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 5:06:06 PM UTC+2, lesssugar wrote:

 A bit of offtopic but maybe someone knows what's going on. I'm using this 
 thumbnail generating slice I found:


 All works fine but the problem I face is the thumbnails quality. I upload 
 really high-quality images and the generated thumbs are definitely not HQ.

 I tried adding *quality=90 *argument to these lines of smarthumb.py:
 img.thumbnail(box, Image.ANTIALIAS)


 img.save(request.folder + 'uploads/' + thumb)


 img.save(request.folder + 'uploads/' + thumb, quality=90)
 img.save(request.folder + 'uploads/' + thumb, quality=90)

 -- no effect. Any ideas?


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[web2py] Re: disable left side panel in editor in 2.5

2013-06-24 Thread Paolo valleri
Are you looking for an hard-code option or for an easy-to-click button to 
reduce the whole panel?

On Monday, June 24, 2013 8:31:48 PM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Not sure but there should be. Please open a ticket and we will add it 

 On Monday, 24 June 2013 05:05:34 UTC-5, lucas wrote:

 hello one and all,

 is there a setting to disable the left side panel that shows the 
 filenames in the editor?

 my habits are used to it off.  lucas


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[web2py] Re: Can page/chapter titles be added to the online book ?

2013-06-24 Thread Paolo valleri
I would add the title in the url, not only for a better seo but also for a 
faster in-browser url matching against visited url while typing,
http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/02/The database abstraction 

actually even better without the 'default'


On Monday, June 24, 2013 8:31:11 PM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Good idea. Asap. It is easy to do.

 On Monday, 24 June 2013 05:01:11 UTC-5, Holger Schurig wrote:

 As I'm new to web2py, I usually have several tabs open to various web2py 
 chapters from the online book.

 Unfortunately, the page title for each tab is web2py. See the attached 

 Can those book pages get more descriptive titles?


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[web2py] datetime operation with dal (postgres)

2013-06-28 Thread Paolo valleri
Dear all, 
I am trying to run simple mathematical operations with datetime and 
postgres as backend 
I've prepared this simple example code:
from datetime import timedelta
Field('first_int', 'integer'),
Field('second_int', 'integer'),
Field('first_date', 'datetime'),
Field('second_date', 'datetime'),

db.test_sum.insert(first_int=40, second_int=30, first_date=request.now, 
diff_int = db.test_sum.first_int - db.test_sum.second_int
diff_date =  db.test_sum.first_date - db.test_sum.second_date
print db(db.test_sum).select(diff_int)
print db(db.test_sum).select(diff_date)
With postgres the first query is executed correctly, the second failed 
raising the ticket:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/applications/vtraffic/models/db.py, line 98, in module
print db(db.test_sum).select(diff_date)
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 9935, in select
return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1709, in select
return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1690, in _select_aux
return processor(rows,fields,self._colnames,cacheable=cacheable)
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 2093, in parse
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1908, in parse_value
return self.parsemap[key](value,field_type)
  File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1995, in parse_double
return float(value)
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number

To some extent the interesting ticket is that, the query generated works 
without problems (tested with pgadmin).
SELECT  (test_sum.second_date - test_sum.first_date) FROM test_sum WHERE 
(test_sum.id IS NOT NULL);

Moreover, I run the same example with sqlite, it worked well without error, 
the resulting values are wrong though. 
What can I do?



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[web2py] Re: datetime operation with dal (postgres)

2013-06-28 Thread Paolo valleri
Hi Massimo, can you point out how to write query with date diff?
I tried this:
db(diff_date  timedelta(days=4)).select()
and I got the same ticket, I don't know if this is there right way for 
expressing query with date_diff. 


On Friday, June 28, 2013 12:41:13 PM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Please open a ticket about this. Expressions like date_diff were designed 
 to be in the query, not in the list of selected columns. I think this can 
 be done but need to check what breaks.

 On Friday, 28 June 2013 03:02:06 UTC-5, Paolo valleri wrote:

 Dear all, 
 I am trying to run simple mathematical operations with datetime and 
 postgres as backend (
 I've prepared this simple example code:
 from datetime import timedelta
 Field('first_int', 'integer'),
 Field('second_int', 'integer'),
 Field('first_date', 'datetime'),
 Field('second_date', 'datetime'),

 db.test_sum.insert(first_int=40, second_int=30, first_date=request.now, 
 diff_int = db.test_sum.first_int - db.test_sum.second_int
 diff_date =  db.test_sum.first_date - db.test_sum.second_date
 print db(db.test_sum).select(diff_int)
 print db(db.test_sum).select(diff_date)
 With postgres the first query is executed correctly, the second failed 
 raising the ticket:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 212, in 
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/applications/vtraffic/models/db.py, line 98, in 
 print db(db.test_sum).select(diff_date)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 9935, in select
 return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1709, in select
 return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1690, in _select_aux
 return processor(rows,fields,self._colnames,cacheable=cacheable)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 2093, in parse
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1908, in parse_value
 return self.parsemap[key](value,field_type)
   File /home/pvalleri/src/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 1995, in parse_double
 return float(value)
 TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number

 To some extent the interesting ticket is that, the query generated works 
 without problems (tested with pgadmin).
 SELECT  (test_sum.second_date - test_sum.first_date) FROM test_sum WHERE (
 test_sum.id IS NOT NULL);

 Moreover, I run the same example with sqlite, it worked well without 
 error, the resulting values are wrong though. 
 What can I do?



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[web2py] Re: Stop menu from collapsing

2013-06-28 Thread Paolo Caruccio
This should work: replace navbar section in layout.html with

  !-- Navbar == --
  div class=navbar navbar-inverse
div class=flash{{=response.flash or ''}}/div
div class=navbar-inner
  div class=container
!-- the next tag is necessary for bootstrap menus, do not remove 
button type=button class=btn btn-navbar data-toggle=collapse 
data-target=.nav-collapse style={{='display:none;' if not is_mobile else 
  span class=icon-bar/span
  span class=icon-bar/span
  span class=icon-bar/span
{{=response.logo or ''}}
ul id=navbar class=nav pull-right{{='auth' in globals() and 
auth.navbar(mode=dropdown) or ''}}/ul
div class={{='nav-collapse' if is_mobile else 'nav'}}
  {{if response.menu:}}
  {{=MENU(response.menu, _class='mobile-menu nav' if is_mobile else 
/div!--/.nav-collapse --
  /div!--/top navbar --

In attachment the patched file. The code has not been tested in mobiles so 
please try before to use it.

Il giorno giovedì 27 giugno 2013 09:04:49 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 I would like to know it too. It should only happen when detecting a mobile 

 On Thursday, 27 June 2013 01:57:44 UTC-5, James Burke wrote:


 Is it possible to stop the menu from collapsing into a button when the 
 window width is resized smaller?

 Or do I have to start from scratch.




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Title: {{=response.title or request.application}}


{{=response.flash or ''}}



{{=response.logo or ''}}
{{='auth' in globals() and auth.navbar(mode="dropdown") or ''}}

  {{if response.menu:}}
  {{=MENU(response.menu, _class='mobile-menu nav' if is_mobile else 'nav',mobile=is_mobile,li_class='dropdown',ul_class='dropdown-menu')}}




  {{if response.title:}}

{{=response.subtitle or ''}}


{{if left_sidebar_enabled:}}

{{block left_sidebar}}
Left Sidebar



{{block center}}

{{if right_sidebar_enabled:}}

{{block right_sidebar}}
Right Sidebar



{{block footer}} 
{{=T('Copyright')}}  {{=request.now.year}}

{{=T('Powered by')}}



  {{if response.google_analytics_id:}}

[web2py] Re: Radio Buttons layout problem with trunk

2013-07-18 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Please put the following code in your custom css file (or in the bottom of 
web2py_bootstrap.css if you are using the welcome app scaffolding):

.generic-widget input[type='radio'] {margin:-1px 0 0 0; vertical-align:middle
.generic-widget input[type='radio'] + label {display:inline-block; margin:0 
0 0 6px; vertical-align: middle;}

Bootstrap framework has a html structure for radio controls different from 
web2py radio widget. For this reason the issue has been raised.

Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 10:12:20 UTC+2, Johann Spies ha scritto:

 I took the welcome app (trunk version), added the following model: 

 Field('yesno', requires=IS_IN_SET([(0, 'No'), (1, 'Yes')]),
 widget = SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget))

 And it produced this view there the radio button and the label are on two 
 different lines (see attached screenshot).

 Then I replaced the /static directory and /views/layout.html with a 
 version from an older app and the radio button and it's label was next to 
 each other as expected (see second screenshot).

 I was so far unable to determine what exactly causes this and have wasted 
 several hours to solve the problem in the trunk version.  I would 
 appreciate it if someone more knowledgable than me can solve this.

 The bootstrap version in the css that worked correctly was 2.04. 
 Unfortunately the web2py*.css files did not have a version in.


 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, 
 my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)


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attachment: radio_aligned.jpg

[web2py] Re: Radio Buttons layout problem with trunk

2013-07-18 Thread Paolo Caruccio
I answered to a specific question but you are right: the code should go in 
web2py_bootstrap.css in order to solve the conflict. Anyway we have to 
check that the patch doesn't break anything else. Therefore please give me 
a bit of the time and I will open an issue ticket on the issue tracker 
together with the patch.

Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 17:56:50 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 Should this go in web2py_bootstrap.css?

 On Thursday, 18 July 2013 10:51:15 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 Please put the following code in your custom css file (or in the bottom 
 of web2py_bootstrap.css if you are using the welcome app scaffolding):

 .generic-widget input[type='radio'] {margin:-1px 0 0 0; vertical-align:middle
 .generic-widget input[type='radio'] + label {display:inline-block; margin
 :0 0 0 6px; vertical-align: middle;}

 Bootstrap framework has a html structure for radio controls different 
 from web2py radio widget. For this reason the issue has been raised.

 Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 10:12:20 UTC+2, Johann Spies ha scritto:

 I took the welcome app (trunk version), added the following model: 

 Field('yesno', requires=IS_IN_SET([(0, 'No'), (1, 
 widget = SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget))

 And it produced this view there the radio button and the label are on 
 two different lines (see attached screenshot).

 Then I replaced the /static directory and /views/layout.html with a 
 version from an older app and the radio button and it's label was next to 
 each other as expected (see second screenshot).

 I was so far unable to determine what exactly causes this and have 
 wasted several hours to solve the problem in the trunk version.  I would 
 appreciate it if someone more knowledgable than me can solve this.

 The bootstrap version in the css that worked correctly was 2.04. 
 Unfortunately the web2py*.css files did not have a version in.


 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, 
 my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)


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[web2py] Re: better calendar.js?

2013-07-18 Thread Paolo Caruccio
How to Turn Off Form 

Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 21:46:46 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 I have no idea what version my calendar.js is.  Is that something that can 
 just be overwritten whenever you do an update of web2py?

 Also, has this been addressed in more recent versions of web2py?


 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 2:30:58 PM UTC-5, Willoughby wrote:

 I believe you can override that (it's a browser feature) with HTML5:

 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:32:47 PM UTC-4, Jim S wrote:

 My main complaint with the current datetime picker is that you can get 
 in situations where (in Firefox at least) you can have a dropdown of 
 previous entries appear over the calendar itself.  See attached screen shot.


 On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:28:14 PM UTC-5, Annet wrote:

 I had a look at the datetime picker, I miss the month and year menus 
 and the week of the year. Furthermore I find the 
 display of dates in other months distracting, the styling could be a 
 bit more calendar like.

 Kind regards,



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Re: [web2py] Re: better calendar.js?

2013-07-18 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Well, the automplete is a form | input attribute and therefore you 
could set in HTML code

form name=form1 id=form1 method=post autocomplete=off  action=... 


input type=text name=myfield autocomplete=off

w3c documentation:

for the form
for the input

Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 22:16:34 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 that may work for 1 browser but I can't require that all users of the app 
 turn off auto-complete.

 On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Paolo Caruccio 

 How to Turn Off Form 

 Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 21:46:46 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 I have no idea what version my calendar.js is.  Is that something that 
 can just be overwritten whenever you do an update of web2py?

 Also, has this been addressed in more recent versions of web2py?


 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 2:30:58 PM UTC-5, Willoughby wrote:

 I believe you can override that (it's a browser feature) with HTML5:

 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:32:47 PM UTC-4, Jim S wrote:

 My main complaint with the current datetime picker is that you can get 
 in situations where (in Firefox at least) you can have a dropdown of 
 previous entries appear over the calendar itself.  See attached screen 


 On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:28:14 PM UTC-5, Annet wrote:

 I had a look at the datetime picker, I miss the month and year menus 
 and the week of the year. Furthermore I find the 
 display of dates in other months distracting, the styling could be a 
 bit more calendar like.

 Kind regards,


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Re: [web2py] Re: better calendar.js?

2013-07-18 Thread Paolo Caruccio
I don't think so but you could set the autocomplete attribute of date 
inputs in your form to off by adding in the related controller:

inp_dates = form.elements('input', _class='date')
for inp_date in inp_dates:
inp_date['_autocomplete'] = 'off' 

Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 23:42:21 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 So it should be an update to the widget, right?


 On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Paolo Caruccio 

 Well, the automplete is a form | input attribute and therefore you 
 could set in HTML code

 form name=form1 id=form1 method=post autocomplete=off  action=
  ... /form


 input type=text name=myfield autocomplete=off

 w3c documentation:

 for the form

 for the input


 Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 22:16:34 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 that may work for 1 browser but I can't require that all users of the 
 app turn off auto-complete.

 On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Paolo Caruccio 

 How to Turn Off Form 

 Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 21:46:46 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 I have no idea what version my calendar.js is.  Is that something that 
 can just be overwritten whenever you do an update of web2py?

 Also, has this been addressed in more recent versions of web2py?


 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 2:30:58 PM UTC-5, Willoughby wrote:

 I believe you can override that (it's a browser feature) with HTML5:

 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:32:47 PM UTC-4, Jim S wrote:

 My main complaint with the current datetime picker is that you can 
 get in situations where (in Firefox at least) you can have a dropdown 
 previous entries appear over the calendar itself.  See attached screen 


 On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:28:14 PM UTC-5, Annet wrote:

 I had a look at the datetime picker, I miss the month and year 
 menus and the week of the year. Furthermore I find the 
 display of dates in other months distracting, the styling could be 
 a bit more calendar like.

 Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: real time graph

2013-07-19 Thread Paolo Valleri
Have a look at http://www.flotcharts.org/


On Friday, July 19, 2013 12:58:54 AM UTC+2, Vera Moreira wrote:

 hi everyone,
 I need some help, does anyone have examples on how to do a real time 
 graph. What I need is a graph to constantly show random numbers, I´m using 

 I already have this info:
 from Antonis Tzorvas
 an idea for a real-time approach graph you have to go with gifs 
 generated by the several .draw()s and save *.gif in static/images folder
 but i've just found this one:

 from Ovidio Marinho 
 A good option would also google maps. See this done with google maps and 
 web2py. http://mosaico.no-ip.org/mosaico/regionalizacao/regmapa . 
 For graphs with movements that would be better 
 are interactive and very good http://www.highcharts.com/


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Re: [web2py] Re: better calendar.js?

2013-07-19 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Anyway, we could take in consideration the button alternative that, in my 
opinion, is more flexible. I mean that the calendar popup should be shown 
when the user clicks a button near the control and not when the control is 
focused. In this way the autocomplete browser feature (that, in some 
scenarios, could be useful) will be preserved and, from a developer point 
of view, it's simpler remove a button or change its onclick action when 
he/she want use an other calendar or even use the html5 calendar feature.

Il giorno venerdì 19 luglio 2013 15:13:25 UTC+2, Paolo Caruccio ha scritto:

 We could also change web2py.js

 Attached the file modified.

 Il giorno venerdì 19 luglio 2013 10:40:44 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 

 How about we put this in web2py,js?



 On Thursday, 18 July 2013 17:11:19 UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:

 I don't think so but you could set the autocomplete attribute of date 
 inputs in your form to off by adding in the related controller:

 inp_dates = form.elements('input', _class='date')
 for inp_date in inp_dates:
 inp_date['_autocomplete'] = 'off' 

 Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 23:42:21 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 So it should be an update to the widget, right?


 On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Paolo Caruccio 

 Well, the automplete is a form | input attribute and therefore you 
 could set in HTML code

 form name=form1 id=form1 method=post autocomplete=off  action
 = ... /form


 input type=text name=myfield autocomplete=off

 w3c documentation:

 for the form

 for the input


 Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 22:16:34 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 that may work for 1 browser but I can't require that all users of the 
 app turn off auto-complete.

 On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Paolo Caruccio 
 paolo.ca...@gmail.com wrote:

 How to Turn Off Form 

 Il giorno giovedì 18 luglio 2013 21:46:46 UTC+2, Jim S ha scritto:

 I have no idea what version my calendar.js is.  Is that something 
 that can just be overwritten whenever you do an update of web2py?

 Also, has this been addressed in more recent versions of web2py?


 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 2:30:58 PM UTC-5, Willoughby wrote:

 I believe you can override that (it's a browser feature) with 

 On Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:32:47 PM UTC-4, Jim S wrote:

 My main complaint with the current datetime picker is that you 
 can get in situations where (in Firefox at least) you can have a 
 of previous entries appear over the calendar itself.  See attached 


 On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:28:14 PM UTC-5, Annet wrote:

 I had a look at the datetime picker, I miss the month and year 
 menus and the week of the year. Furthermore I find the 
 display of dates in other months distracting, the styling could 
 be a bit more calendar like.

 Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: Errors in form, please check it out....... HOW?

2013-07-22 Thread Paolo Caruccio
In the last trunk of web2py, the form input error message is more visible. 
See attached image.

Il giorno lunedì 17 giugno 2013 16:04:50 UTC+2, REM ha scritto:

 I'm attempting to understand a few things and decided to test out one of 
 the items at: http://web2py.com/appliances

 Specifically, the video library example at the bottom of the page. I tried 
 installing it from the URL feature on the admin page but I get the message:

 Errors in form, please check it out

 However, how in the world does one check it out? WHERE is it? WHAT, in 
 fact, am I checking out?

 I downloaded the referenced .web2py file and my (Ubuntu) system tells me 
 it's a gzipped file, but I can't open it with anything. I then tried 
 installing that locally downloaded file through admin: same error.

 So, I tried downloading and installing others and, in every single case: 
 no donuts!

 So, how does one even begin to figure out the cause of this?


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attachment: error_msg_more_visible_i.jpg

[web2py] Re: Google Analytics - 'analytics is not defined' error

2013-07-24 Thread Paolo Valleri
You found an issue, in the welcome app the analytics library is shiped as 
minified, given that the correct file name is 
btw, it is a bit out of date.


On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:12:34 PM UTC+2, st...@hurlingstats.com wrote:

 Wondering if anyone has seen this.

 I've set my tracking id in menu.py

 response.google_analytics_id = 'UA--X'

 When I load my site, I get js errors:

 SyntaxError: syntax error
 Line 4

 ReferenceError: analytics is not defined
 Line 2682

 This is what I have in layout.html

   {{if response.google_analytics_id:}}
   script src={{=URL('static','js/analytics.js')}}/script
   script type=text/javascript
 'Google Analytics':{trackingId:'{{=response.google_analytics_id}}'} 

 Using web2py v2.5.1-stable+timestamp.2013.


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Re: [web2py][share] ressources

2013-07-24 Thread Paolo Valleri

On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:47:37 PM UTC+2, Richard wrote:


 I recently discover these two lib :

 http://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/ (avoid jquery ui just to get 
 drag and drop capability)

thanks for sharing, I would try to use that with bootstrap tabs.

 http://fgnass.github.io/spin.js/ (a spinner lib)




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[web2py] Re: Err 24: too many files open

2013-07-25 Thread Paolo Valleri
dederocks, I've just tried to run lsof -p uwsgi pid# on a ubuntu server 
running web2py
In my case, it returns 138 opened files among libraries, sockets and so on; 
the most opened file is /dev/zero, opened 55 times.  


On Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:18:32 AM UTC+2, dederocks wrote:

 Thanks a lot for the link. Unfortunately it didn't help.
 @roberto: the uwsgi process is then indeed eating all the CPU - but I'm 
 not sure it means uwsgi is the culprit, at least at this stage (could be 
 the case earlier though).
 Is there in linux a way to know who opened which file and when? lsof gives 
 only the process, not the time.

 Le mercredi 24 juillet 2013 23:56:10 UTC+2, Niphlod a écrit :

 it's a problem on the layers at the base of web2py, such as the os, 
 nginx or uwsgi.
 let's see if @roberto (the developer behind uwsgi) passes by with some 
 useful tips too. 

 On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:30:51 PM UTC+2, dederocks wrote:

 I'm running web2py on nginx /uwsgi.
 And in a sequence implying frequent serveur calls, I eventually get an 
 error 500 from the server, which is actualy an error 24: too many files 
 open (see ticket in attachement).

 I checked former reports on this error, but none seems to match this 
 case: I'm not using rocket, and running the latest web2py stable version.
 I checked also on opening files myself, but that is never the case (e.g. 
 always done by web2py).
 I tried to increase the file opened limit (ulimit -SHn 4048), but to no 

 Any suggestion?

 Thanks in advance, Andre


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[web2py] Re: Err 24: too many files open

2013-07-25 Thread Paolo Valleri
I am not a redis expert and I don't know how web2py handles the interaction 
with redis, either.
However the scenario could be, either you instantiate one or more new 
connections for request or 'expired' connections are not closed. 
I am for the former case, could you post few lines where redis is 


On Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:48:37 AM UTC+2, dederocks wrote:

 Thank you Paolo for the benchmark!
 In my case, I start at 107, and at the end of the process the count is at 
 672!! nginx on the other hand is stable around 55.
 And the culprit is (drums ...): redis! The large majority of the files 
 opened are the redis port.
 Extract from lsof:
 uwsgi   2128 www-data  511u  IPv4  62305  0t0 TCP 
 localhost:56632-localhost:6379 (ESTABLISHED)
 uwsgi   2128 www-data  512u  IPv4  62536  0t0 TCP 
 localhost:56661-localhost:6379 (ESTABLISHED)
 uwsgi   2128 www-data  513u  IPv4  62361  0t0 TCP 
 localhost:56639-localhost:6379 (ESTABLISHED)
 uwsgi   2128 www-data  514u  IPv4  62377  0t0 TCP 
 localhost:56641-localhost:6379 (ESTABLISHED)
 uwsgi   2128 www-data  515u  IPv4  62392  0t0 TCP 
 localhost:56643-localhost:6379 (ESTABLISHED)

 Does someone know how to fix this?

 Le jeudi 25 juillet 2013 08:28:08 UTC+2, Paolo Valleri a écrit :

 dederocks, I've just tried to run lsof -p uwsgi pid# on a ubuntu server 
 running web2py
 In my case, it returns 138 opened files among libraries, sockets and so 
 on; the most opened file is /dev/zero, opened 55 times.  


 On Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:18:32 AM UTC+2, dederocks wrote:

 Thanks a lot for the link. Unfortunately it didn't help.
 @roberto: the uwsgi process is then indeed eating all the CPU - but I'm 
 not sure it means uwsgi is the culprit, at least at this stage (could be 
 the case earlier though).
 Is there in linux a way to know who opened which file and when? lsof 
 gives only the process, not the time.

 Le mercredi 24 juillet 2013 23:56:10 UTC+2, Niphlod a écrit :

 it's a problem on the layers at the base of web2py, such as the os, 
 nginx or uwsgi.
 let's see if @roberto (the developer behind uwsgi) passes by with some 
 useful tips too. 

 On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:30:51 PM UTC+2, dederocks wrote:

 I'm running web2py on nginx /uwsgi.
 And in a sequence implying frequent serveur calls, I eventually get an 
 error 500 from the server, which is actualy an error 24: too many files 
 open (see ticket in attachement).

 I checked former reports on this error, but none seems to match this 
 case: I'm not using rocket, and running the latest web2py stable version.
 I checked also on opening files myself, but that is never the case 
 (e.g. always done by web2py).
 I tried to increase the file opened limit (ulimit -SHn 4048), but to 
 no improvement.

 Any suggestion?

 Thanks in advance, Andre


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Re: [web2py] Re: Appending div class=error for validation using jQuery.

2013-07-25 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Please try;

jQuery(div class='error'Please Enter Name/div/div).appendTo(jQuery(


jQuery(div class='error'Please Enter Name/div/div).insertAfter(

Your code fails because the div.error is created inside the input element

Il giorno giovedì 25 luglio 2013 13:39:34 UTC+2, Prasad Muley ha scritto:

 has anybody got my question?

 On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Prasad Muley pmm...@gmail.comjavascript:

 Hello Joe,
   I made a mistake while pasting. // working isn't there in 
 updated code.
 actual code is
 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
 jQuery(document).ready( function(){
 var flag=0
 //Getting value from tracker status
 var get_data=jQuery(this).html();
 var get_name=jQuery('#taxpayer_name').val()
 if(get_name ==) {
   if(flag==0) {
   //Following are working 
 //alert(Please Enter valid Name);
 // jQuery(div class='error'Please Enter Valid 
 //jQuery(div class='error'Please Enter Valid 
   jQuery(div class='error'Please Enter 
 return false

 As per your advice I opened firebug and found no errors ( I've attached 
 screen shot)
 But When I opened Web console It shows me one error as Empty string 
 passed to getElementById().
 If it works on other fields then why it should work in field also.

 On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Joe Barnhart 

 It's probably just a typo, but shouldn't there be a semi-colon after the 
 line that is // WORKING as a comment?  You need to separate javascript 
 lines with semi-colons, except for the last statement in a function.  (But 
 even there it doesn't hurt anything if you put one in.)

 Get Firebug on Firefox and open the console pane.  It shows you if you 
 have any javascript errors.

 -- Joe B.

 On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 10:05:52 PM UTC-7, Prasad Muley wrote:

 Hello All,
 I am newbie web2py programmer. I tried to do custom 
 validation  using jQuery but not gettng expected result. Code is as 


 # I don't want use IS_NOT_EMPTY() in this table


  def taxer():
 if request.args(0) in ['edit']:
 if form.process().accepted:
 return dict(grid=grid)

 *View- default/taxer.html*

 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
 jQuery(document).ready( function(){
 var flag=0
 //Getting value from tracker status
 var get_name=jQuery('#taxpayer_**name').val()
 if(get_name ==) {
 if(flag==0) {
//alert(Please Enter valid Name); 
jQuery(div class='error'Please Enter 
 Valid Name/div).appendTo(#**taxpayer_name__label)  // WORKING
jQuery(div class='error'Please Enter 
 Valid Name/div).appendTo(#**taxpayer_name) // NOT WORKING
 return false

 Please help me for this.
 I want to display error message for 'name' field as IS_NOT_EMPTY() does.
 It successfully does for taxpayer_name__label even as well as 
 taxpayer_name__row but isn't working for taxpayer_name id.

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 Thanks and Regards
 Prasad M. Muley
 Programmer at One Delta Synergies Pvt Ltd. [ Themis Group ] | PICT 2013
 “Pretty much everything on the web uses those two things: *C* and *UNIX*,” 
 - Dennis Ritchie



 Thanks and Regards
 Prasad M. Muley
 Programmer at One Delta Synergies Pvt Ltd. [ Themis Group ] | PICT 2013

 “Pretty much 

Re: [web2py] Re: This javascript worked in older version of web2py - not in trunk version.

2013-07-25 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Yes the issue is due to jquery version. In your code, please replace 
.prop() to .attr() (for reference see http://api.jquery.com/prop/)

Below code worked in my test:


  console.log('table changed', jQuery('#a27').attr('checked'));
else {jQuery('#a2_other').hide();}


Il giorno giovedì 25 luglio 2013 12:12:43 UTC+2, Johann Spies ha scritto:

 I did that (again) now and immediately the javascript stopped working as 

 Then I just put back the file jsquery (*/*! jQuery v@1.8.0)* from the 
 older copy of the app and the javascript worked again as expected.


 On 24 July 2013 18:42, Richard Vézina ml.richa...@gmail.com javascript:

 Johann don't forget to update the other files too...



 On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:46 AM, Johann Spies 

 On Wednesday, 24 July 2013 09:54:28 UTC+2, Johann Spies wrote:

 I have not been able to determine the exact course of the problem.

 It seems that static/js/jquery.js is the problem.  Replacing the file in 
 the working app with the one from the Welcome app, breaks things.


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 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, 
 my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)


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