Re: [Wikidata-l] My WMF IEG proposal: data browser for Wikidata, etc.

2013-02-15 Thread jmcclure

Unfortunately my SOLRSearch proposal was deemed ineligible [5] the
reason given that extensions require code review from WMF to deploy so
I hope yours is more successful. 


On 14.02.2013 07:14, Yaron
Koren wrote: 

 Hi everyone, 
 If you hadn't heard, the Wikimedia
Foundation has started the first round of what is planned to be be a
twice-annual program to fund individuals and small groups to work on
projects that further the WMF's goals - individual engagement grants: [2] 
 I have a
proposal currently in place for a project that relates to Wikidata. It's
a Javascript data browser, that would provide a drill-down interface
to let users navigate through the data of Wikipedia, Wikidata, and any
standard MediaWiki-based wiki, without overloading the server with
queries. This would be accomplished by using browser-based data storage,
which would also enable fast navigation on mobile devices, and even
offline use. The downside is that it would mean, for the case of
Wikipedia/Wikidata, that it could only store a small fraction of the
overall data; but there could be multiple apps for different subject
matters - one for cars, one for buildings, one for politicians, and so
 You can read my proposal here: [3] 

 Any feedback is welcome, here or on the proposal talk page; and
there's a section at the bottom for endorsements, if you would like to
see this project happen. 
 WikiWorks ·
MediaWiki Consulting · [4] 

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Re: [Wikidata-l] Reification in Wikidata serialisation

2013-02-01 Thread jmcclure

Hi - Where can i see the rdfs/owl definition for o:Statement?

thanks - john 

On 01.02.2013 12:09, Daniel Kinzler wrote: 

01.02.2013 14:54, Nicholas Humfrey wrote:
 While the reification
makes sense, we thought that it looked a bit too much like
rdf:Statement. w:Berlin s:Population Berlin:Statement1 .
Berlin:Statement1 rdf:type o:Statement . Perhaps you could rename
o:Statement to o:Fact instead?
 But it's not a fact. It's a claim
someone makes.
 That may seem like a fine distinction, but it's
really fundamental to
 understanding how Wikidata/Wikibase is different
from DBpedia, Freebase, Cyc, etc.
 Wikidata doesn't collect facts.
It collects statements (sourced claims).
 -- daniel

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Reification in Wikidata serialisation

2013-02-01 Thread jmcclure

never mind - the previous note had a link. thanks 

On 01.02.2013
16:30, wrote: 

 Hi - Where can i see the
rdfs/owl definition for o:Statement? 
 thanks - john 
01.02.2013 12:09, Daniel Kinzler wrote: 
 On 01.02.2013 14:54,
Nicholas Humfrey wrote:
 While the reification makes sense, we
thought that it looked a bit too much like rdf:Statement. w:Berlin
s:Population Berlin:Statement1 . Berlin:Statement1 rdf:type o:Statement
. Perhaps you could rename o:Statement to o:Fact instead?
it's not a fact. It's a claim someone makes.
 That may seem like a
fine distinction, but it's really fundamental to
 understanding how
Wikidata/Wikibase is different from DBpedia, Freebase, Cyc, etc.

Wikidata doesn't collect facts. It collects statements (sourced
 -- daniel

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Re: [Wikidata-l] Data values

2012-12-21 Thread jmcclure

(if i knew the private email for Denny, I'd send this there)

Martynas, there is no mention here of XSD etc. because it is not
relevant on this level of discussion. For exporting the data we will
obviously use XSD datatypes. This is so obvious that I didn't think it
needed to be explicitly stated. 

Maybe you don;'t realize snarky
comments such as the last sentence are infinitely tiresome. It certainly
demonstrates your lack of understanding what Martynas is saying: build
on others work to the extent that you can and, if you can't, explain why

On 21.12.2012 09:14, Denny Vrandečić wrote: 

 Hi all, 

wow! Thanks for all the input. I read it all through, and am trying to
digest it currently into a new draft of the data model for the discussed
data values. I will try to adress some questions here. Please be kind if
I refer the wrong person at one place or the other. 
 Whenever I
refer to the current model, I mean the version as it was during this
 The term updated model refers to the new one, which is not
published yet. I hope I can do that soon. 
 == General comments ==

 I want to remind everyone of the Wikidata requirements: [3] 

Here especially: 
 * The expressiveness of Wikidata will be limited.
There will always be examples of knowledge that Wikidata will not be
able to convey. We hope that this expressiveness can increase over time.

 * The first goal of Wikidata is to serve actual use cases in
Wikipedia, not to enable some form of hypothetical perfection in
knowledge representation. 
 * Wikidata has to balance ease of use and
expressiveness of statements. The user interface should not get
complicated to merely cover a few exceptional edge cases. 
 * What is
an exceptional case, and what is not, will be defined by how often they
appear in Wikipedia. Instead of anecdotal evidence or hypothetical
examples we will analyse Wikipedia and see how frequent specific cases
 In general this means that we cannot express everything that
is expressible. A statement should not be intended to reflect the source
as close as possible, but rather to be *supported* by the source. I.e.
if the source says He died during the early days of 1876 this would
also support a statement like died in - 19th century. It does not have
to be more exact than that. 
 Martynas, there is no mention here of
XSD etc. because it is not relevant on this level of discussion. For
exporting the data we will obviously use XSD datatypes. This is so
obvious that I didn't think it needed to be explicitly stated. 

Tom, thanks for the links to EDTF and the Freebase work, this was
certainly very enlightening. 
 Friedrich, the term query answering
simply means the ability to answer queries against the database in Phase
3, e.g. the list of cities located in Ghana with a population over
25,000 ordered by population. 
 A query system that deals well with
intervals -- I would need a pointer for that. For now I was always
assuming to use a single value internally to answer such queries. If the
values is 90+-20 then the query 100? would not contain that result.
Sucks, but I don't know of any better system. 
 We do not anywhere
rely on floats (besides in internal representations), but always use
decimals. Floats have some inherent problems in representing some
numbers that could be interesting for us. 
 == Time == 
suggested to N/A some values of dates. This is partially the idea of the
precision attribute in the current data. Anything below the precision
would be N/A. It would not be possible to N/A the year when the month or
day is known though, as Friedrich suggested. 
 Friedrich also
suggested to use a value like April-July 1567 for uncertain time instead
of the current precision model. I prefer his suggestion to the current
one and will include that in the updated model. 
 The accuracy
though has to be in the unit given by the precision, we cannot just take
seconds, since there is no well-defined number of seconds in a month or
a year, or, almost anything, actually. 
 Note though that the
intervals that Sven mentioned -- useful for e.g. reigns or office
periods -- are different beasts and should have uncertainty entries both
for the start and end date. We have intervals in the data model, and
plan to implement them later -- it is just that they are not such a high
priority (dates appear 2.5 Million times in infoboxes, intervals only
80,000 times). 
 I am completely unsure what to do with a value like
about 1850 if not to interpret it at as something like 1850 +- 50, but
Sven seems to dislike that. 
 == Location == 
 After the
discussion, I decided to drop altitude / elevation from the Geolocation.
It can still be expressed through a property, and have all the
flexibility of a normal property (including qualifiers etc.) 

Re: [Wikidata-l] Data values

2012-12-21 Thread jmcclure

The xsd:minInclusive, xsd:maxInclusive, xsd:minExclusive and
xsd:maxExclusive facets are absolute expressions not relative +/-
expressions, in order to accommodate fast queries. These four facets
permit specification of ranges with an unspecified median and ranges
with a specified mode, inclusie or exclusive of endpoints, a six-fer.
For these reasons I believe the XSD approach is superior for specifying
value set when compared to storing the dispersion factors themselves, eg
the 3 of +/- 3. 
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Data values

2012-12-21 Thread jmcclure

I detect a need to characterize the range expression - most
important of which is whether the range is complete, or whether it
excludes (equal) tails on each end. XSD presumes a complete range is
being specified, not a subset, is the issue you're raising? 

Could an
additional facet for percentage-tails-excluded effectively communicate
this estimate? 

On 21.12.2012 10:41, Gregor Hagedorn wrote: 

 On 21
December 2012 19:36, wrote:
xsd:minInclusive, xsd:maxInclusive, xsd:minExclusive and
xsd:maxExclusive facets are absolute expressions not relative +/-
expressions, in order to accommodate fast queries. These four facets
permit specification of ranges with an unspecified median and ranges
with a specified mode, inclusie or exclusive of endpoints, a six-fer.
For these reasons I believe the XSD approach is superior for specifying
value set when compared to storing the dispersion factors themselves, eg
the 3 of +/- 3.
 yes, provided they are actually tied to the
semantics of min. and
 maximum, which the xsd examples are. As long as
the semantics of the
 proposed value bracketing in Wikidata is
unknown, their use is
 questionable if not impossible. If I know
something is plus/minus 2
 s.d. or plus minus 2 s.e. or 10 to 90 %
percentile ... I again can use
 them to the benefit of the query
system. But not without.

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Re: [Wikidata-l] Data values

2012-12-20 Thread jmcclure

(Proposal 3, modified)
* value (xsd:double or xsd:decimal)

* unit
(a wikidata item)
* totalDigits (xsd:smallint)
* fractionDigits
* originalUnit (a wikidata item)
* originalUnitPrefix (a
wikidata item)

JMc: I rearranged the list a bit and suggested simpler

JMc: Is not originalUnitPrefix directly derived from

JMc: May be more efficient to store not reconstruct the
original value. May even be better to store the original value somewhere
else entirely, earlier in the process, eg within the context that you
indicate would be worthwhile to capture, because I wouldnt expect alot
of retrievals, but you anticipate usage patterns certainly better than

How about just:

Datatype: .number (Proposal

 :value (xsd:double or

 :unit (a wikidata item)
 :totalDigits (xsd:smallint)

:fractionDigits (xsd:smallint)

 :original (a wikidata item that is a
number object)

On 20.12.2012 03:08, Gregor Hagedorn wrote: 

 On 20
December 2012 02:20, wrote:
 For me the
question is how to name the precision information. Do not the XSD facets
totalDigits and fractionDigits work well enough? I mean
that would be one way of modeling it. And I agree with you that,

although the xsd attributes originally are devised for datatypes,

there is nothing wrong with re-using it for quantities and

 So one way of expressing a measurement with
significant digits is:
 (Proposal 1)
 * normalizedValue
 * fractionDigits
 * originalUnit
 * normalizedUnit

To recover the original information (e.g. that the original value was

in feet with a given number of significant digits) the software must

convert normalizedUnit to originalUnit, scale to totalDigits with

fractionDigits, calculate the remaining powers of ten, and use some

information that must be stored together with each unit whether this

then should be expressed using an SI unit prefix (the Exa, Tera, Giga,

Mega, kilo, hekto, deka, centi, etc.). Some units use them, others

not, and some units use only some. Hektoliter is common, hektometer

would be very odd. This is slightly complicated by the fact that for

some units prefix usage in lay topics differs from scientific use.

If all numbers were expressed ONLY as total digits with fraction

digits and unit-prefix, i.e. no power-of-ten exponential, the above

would be sufficiently complete. However, without additional

information it does not allow to recover the entry:
 100,230 * 10^3
 (value 1.0023e8, 6 total, 3 fractional digits, original unit
 normalized unit gram)
 I had therefore made (on the wiki)
the proposal to express it as:
 (Proposal 2)
 * normalizedValue
significantDigits (= and I am happy with totalDigits instead)
 * originalUnitPrefix
 * normalizedUnit
 However I
see now that the analysis was wrong, indeed it needs
 fractionDigits in
addition to totalDigits, else a similar problem may
 occur, i.e. the
distribution of the total order of magnitude of the
 number between
non-fractional digits, fractional digits, powers of 10
powers-of-10-expressed through SI units is still not unambigous.
the minimal representation seems to be:
 (Proposal 3)
normalizedValue (xsd:double or xsd:decimal)
 * totalDigits
 * fractionDigits (xsd:smallint)
 * originalUnit (a
wikidata item)
 * originalUnitPrefix (a wikidata item)
normalizedUnit (a wikidata item)
 Adding the originalUnitPrefix has
the advantage that it gathers
 knowledge from users and data creators
or resources about which unit
 prefix is appropriate in a given
 I see the current wikidata plan to solve this problem by
 very critical, I do not see the data set that sufficiently
tests the
 heuristics yet. Gathering information from data entered and
creating a
 formatting heuristics modules over the coming years
(instead of weeks)
 will be valuable for reformatting. The Proposal 3
allows to gather
 this information.
 Note 1: The
question of other means to express accuracy or precision,
 e.g. by
error margins, statistical measures of spread such as
confidence intervals, percentiles, min/max etc. is not yet

 Given the present discussion, this should probably be separately
agreed upon.
 Note 2: Wikipedia Infoboxes may desire to override it,
this is for
 data entering, review, curation, and a default display
where no other
 is defined

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Re: [Wikidata-l] Data values

2012-12-19 Thread jmcclure

I suspect what Martynas is driving at is that XMLS defines
**FACETS** for its datatypes - accepting those as a baseline, and then
extending them to your requirements, is a reasonable, community-oriented
procss. However, wrapping oneself in the flag of open development is
to me unresponsive to a simple plea to stand on the shoulders of giants
gone before, to act in a responsible manner cognizant of the interests
of the broader community. 

And personally I have to say I don't like
the word clinging -- clearly a red flag meant to inflame if not
insult. This is no place for that! 

On 19.12.2012 09:47, Sven Manguard

 My philosophy is this: We should do whatever works best for
Wikidata and Wikidata's needs. If people want to reuse our content, and
the choices we've made make existing tools unworkable, they can build
new tools themselves. We should not be clinging to what's been done
already if it gets in the way of what will make Wikidata better.
Everything that we make and do is open, including the software we're
going to operate the database on. Every WMF project has done things
differently from the standards of the time, and people have developed
tools to use our content before. Wikidata will be no different in that
 On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Martynas
Jusevičius wrote:
sidestepping the main issue here -- every sensible architecture

should build on as much previous standards as possible, and build own

custom solution only if a *very* compelling reason is found to do so

instead of finding a compromise between the requirements and the

standard. Wikidata seems to be constantly doing the opposite --

building a custom solution with whatever reason, or even without it.

This drives the compatibility and reuse towards zero.
 This thread
originally discussed datatypes for values such as numbers,
 dates and
their intervals -- semantics for all of those are defined in
Schema Datatypes: [1]
 All the XML
and RDF tools are compatible with XSD, however I don't
 think there is
even a single mention of it in this thread? What makes
 Wikidata so
special that its datatypes cannot build on XSD? And this
 is only one
of the issues, I've pointed out others earlier.
 Martynas [2]
 On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Denny
Vrandečić wrote:

  could you please let me know where RDF or any of the W3C
standards covers
  topics like units, uncertainty, and their
conversion. I would be very much
  interested in that.
  2012/12/19 Martynas
  Hey wikidatians,

 occasionally checking threads in this list like the current one, I
  a mixed feeling: on one hand, it is sad to see the efforts
  resources waisted as Wikidata tries to reinvent RDF, and now
  triplestore design as well as XSD datatypes. What's next,
  instead of SPARQL?
  On the other hand, it feels
reassuring as I was right to predict this:
  Martynas [2]

  On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
   On 19.12.2012 14:34,
Friedrich Röhrs wrote:
   Sorry for my
ignorance, if this is common knowledge: What is the use
   sorting millions of different measures from different
   Finding all cities with more than 10
inhabitants requires the
   database to
   look through all
values for the property population (or even all

  with countable values, depending on implementation an query
   each value with 10 and return
those with a greater value. To speed
   up, an index
sorted by this value would be needed.
   For cars there
could be entries by the manufacturer, by some
magazine, etc. I don't see how this could be adequatly
represented/sorted by a database only query.
   If this
cannot be done adequatly on the database level, then it cannot
be done
   efficiently, which means we will not allow it. So our
task is to come up
   with an
   architecture that does allow
   (One way to allow scripted queries like this to
run efficiently is to
   do this
   in a massively parallel
way, using a map/reduce framework. But that's
   also not
trivial, and would require a whole new server infrastructure).

   If however this is necessary, i still don't understand why it
   affect the
   datavalue structure. If a index is
necessary it could be done over a
representation of the value.
   Serialized can mean a lot
of things, but an index on some data blob is
for exact matches, it can not be used for greater/lesser queries.
 We need
   to map 

Re: [Wikidata-l] .name = text property

2012-12-19 Thread jmcclure

Using the dotted notation, XSD datatype facets such as below can be
specified easily as properties using a simple colon: 

.anyType:equal - (sameAs equivaluent) redirect to page/object with
actual numeric value
 Property: .anyType:ordered - a boolean property

Property: .anyType:bounded - a boolean property
.anyType:cardinality - a boolean property
 Property: .anyType:numeric -
a boolean property
 Property: .anyType:length - number of chars allowed
for value
 Property: .anyType:minLength - min nbr of chars for value

Property: .anyType:maxLength - max nbr of chars for value
.anyType:pattern - regex string
 Property: .anyType:enumeration -
specified values comprising value space
 Property: .anyType:whiteSpace -
reserve or replace or collapse
 Property: .anyType:maxExclusive - number
for an upper bound
 Property: .anyType:maxInclusive - number for an
upper bound
 Property: .anyType:minExclusive - number for an lower
 Property: .anyType:minInclusive - number for an lower bound

Property: .anyType:totalDigits - number of total digits
.anyType:fractionDigits - number of digits in the fractional part of a

An anonymous object is used to represent namespace-qualified
(text  url) values eg_ rdf:about_: 

 Property: .:rdf:about - this is a
.url value for an RDF about property for a page/object
.:skos:prefLabel - this is a .name value for a page/object 

I suggest
that properties for precision can be found in XSD facets above.
- john

On 19.12.2012 12:41, wrote: 

 Here's a
suggestion. Property names for numeric information seem to be on the
table -- these should be viewed systematically not haphazardly. 
all text properties had a dotted lower-case name, life would be
simpler in SMW land all around and maybe Wikidata land too. All page
names have an initial capital as a consequence of requiring all text
properties to be named with an initial period followed by a lower-case
letter. The SMW tool mandates the properties from which all derive:
.text, .string and .number are basic (along with others like .page).
Then, strings have language-based subproperties and number expression
subproperties, and numbers have XSD datatype subpropertiess, which in
turn have SI unit type subproperties, and so on. 
 Here's a
Consolidated Listing of ISO 639, ISO 4217, SI Measurement Symbols, and
World Time Zones [2] [1] to illustrate that it is possible to create a
unified string-  numeric-type property name dictionary across a wide
swath of the standards world. The document lists a few overlapping
symbols then re-assigned to another symbol. 
 Adopting a dotted
name text-property naming convention, can segue to easier user
interfaces too for query forms at least plus impacts exploited by an SMW
query engine. What is meant by these expressions seems pretty natural to
most people: 
 Property: Height - the value is a wiki pagename or
objectname for a height numeric object
 Property: .text - (on Height)
the value is text markup associated with the Height object
.string - (on Height) the value is text non-markup data for the Height
 Property: .ft - (on Height) the value is number of feet
associated with the Height object
 Property: Height.text - the value is
text markup associated with an anonymous Height object
Height.string - the value is a string property of an anonymous Height
 Property: Height.ft - the value is a feet property of an
anonymous Height object

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Re: [Wikidata-l] Data values

2012-12-19 Thread jmcclure

totally agree - hopefully XSD facets provide a solid start to
meeting those concrete requrements - thanks. 

On 19.12.2012 14:09,
Gregor Hagedorn wrote: 

 On 19 December 2012 20:01, wrote:
 Hi Gregor - the root of the
misconception I likely have about significant digits and the like, is
that such is one example of a rendering parameter not a semantic
 It is about semantics, not formatting.
 In science
and engineering, the number of significant digits is not
 used to right
align numbers, but to semantically indicate the order of
 magnitude of
the accuracy and/or precision of a measurement or
 quantity. Thus, the
weight of a machine can be given as 1.2 t (exact
 to +/- 50 kg), 1200
kg (+/- 1 kg), or 1200.000 g.
 This is not part of IEEE floating
point numbers, which always have the
 type dependent same precision or
number of significant digits,
 regardless whether this is semantically
justified or not. IEEE 754
 standard double always has about 16 decimal
significant digits, i.e.
 the value 1.2 tons will always be given as
1.200 tons.
 This is good for calculations, but lacks the
information for final

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Re: [Wikidata-l] Data values

2012-12-19 Thread jmcclure

For me the question is how to name the precision information. Do not
the XSD facets totalDigits and fractionDigits work well enough? I

 .number:totalDigits contains a positive power of ten for
 .number:fractionDigits contains a negative power of ten for

The use of the word datatype is always interesting as
somehow it's meant organically different from the measurement to which
it's related. Both are resources with named properties - what are those
names? Certain property names derived from (international standards)
should be considered builtin to whatever foundation the implementing
tool procides. I suggest that XSD names be used at least for concepts
that appear to be the same, with or without the xsd: xml-namespace

But the word datatype fascinates me even more ever since SMW
internalized the Datatype namespace. Because to me RDF made an error
back when the rdf:type property got the range Class, when it should have
been Datatype (though politics got in the way!) It gets more twisted, as
now Category is the chosen implementation of rdfs:Class. The problem
that presents is that categories are lists and a class (that is,
rdf:type value) is, for some singular, and for others a plural, concept
or label. Pure semantic mayhem. 

I'm happy SMW internalized the
datatype namespace to the extent it maps to its software chiefly because
it clarifies that a standard Type namespace is needed -- which
contains singular noun phrases -- which is the value range for rdf:type
(if you will) properties. All Measurement types (eg Feet, Height 
Lumens) would be represented there too, like any other class, with its
associated properties that (in the case of numerics) would include
.totalDigits and .fractionDigits. 

Going this route -- establishing
a standard Type namespace -- would allow wikis to have a separate
vocabulary of singular noun phrases not in the Category namespace. The
ultimate goal is to associate a given Type to its implemention as a wiki
namespace, subpage or subobject; the Category namespace itself is
already overloaded to handle that task. 


On 19.12.2012 14:50,
Gregor Hagedorn wrote: 

 totally agree - hopefully XSD facets provide
a solid start to meeting those concrete requrements
 they don't.
They allow to define derived datatypes and thus apply to
 the datatype,
not the measurement. Different measurements of the same
 datatype may
be of different precision. --gregor

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[Wikidata-l] qudt ontology facets

2012-12-19 Thread jmcclure

The NIST ontology defines 4 basic classes that are great: 

_qudt:QuantityKind [11]_, _qudt:Quantity [12]_, _qudt:QuantityValue
[13]_, _qudt:Unit [14]_ 

but the properties set leaves me a bit
thirsty. Take Area as an example. I'd like to reference properties
named .ft2 and .m2 so that, for instance, an annotation might be
[[Leasable area.ft2::12345]]. To state the precision applicable to that
measurement, might be [[Leasable area.ft2:fractionDigits :: 0]] to
indicate say, rounding. However, in the NIST ontology, there is no ft2
property at all -- this is an SI unit though, so it seems identifying
first the system of measurement units, and then the specific measurement
unit is not a great idea because these notations are then divorced from
the property name itself, a scenario guaranteed to cause more user
errors  omissions I think. 

Someone's mentioned uncertainty facets, so
I suggest these from the qudt ontology: 


Other facets noted might include 

Property: .anyType:abbreviation
 Property: .anyType:description

Property: .anyType:symbol 


On 19.12.2012 08:10, Herman
Bruyninckx wrote: 

 On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, Denny Vrandečić wrote:

Martynas, could you please let me know where RDF or any of the W3C
standards covers topics like units, uncertainty, and their conversion. I
would be very much interested in that.
 NIST has created a standard
in OWL: QUDT - Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types in OWL and
XML: [5]
 I fully
share Martynas' concerns: most of the problems that are being

discussed in this thread (and that are very relevant and interesting)

should not be solved with an object oriented approach (that is, via

properties of objects, and inheritance) but by semantic modelling
 is, composition of knowledge). For example, one single data
 representation of a unit can have multiple displays depending
on who
 wants to see the unit, and in which context; the viewer and the
context are
 rather simple to add via semantic primitives. For example,
the Topic Map
 semantic standard would fit here very well, in my
opinion: [6].
 Herman Tel: +32
16 328056 Vice-President Research euRobotics
[7] Open RObot COntrol Software [8] Associate
Editor JOSER [9], IJRR [10]

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Re: [Wikidata-l] markup in Wikidata concepts.

2012-09-14 Thread jmcclure

Hi Max - why do you say now that Wikidata breaks the assumption
that pages store wikitext ? 


On 14.09.2012 08:06, Klein,Max

 Hello all, 
 I was wondering, now that Wikidata breaks
the assumption that pages store wikitext, has it been considered that
Wikidata concept pages could actually use markup? Wikidata
could possibly read in data from other web pages which use
markup, but what about the Wikidata pages themselves having the markup?

 Max Klein 
 Wikipedia in Residence 


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Re: [Wikidata-l] weekly summary #23

2012-09-14 Thread jmcclure

Hi Lydia - could you elaborate about this item in your excellent

* Added Type entity type, plus skeletons for its
associated Content, ContentHandler, ViewAction, EditAction and

I'm particularly keen to know how this facility relates to
fielding application-level ontologies.
thanks - john

On 14.09.2012
07:40, Lydia Pintscher wrote: 

 Heya folks :)
 Here's what's been
happening over the last week. (wiki version at

= Development =
 * Made new CreateItem special-page (also working
 * Special:ItemDisambiguation got lots of love and
awesome autocompletion
 * Special:ItemByTitle also got lots of love and
awesome autocompletion
 * The client-wiki now gets notified if a
connecting Sitelink gets removed
 * Wrote Selenium tests for
 * Editing/adding site-links will display a proper link to
the page again
 * Removed auto-expansion for description/label input
 * Tested setting Mediawiki to use HTML5 to make sure it works
as it should
 * Finished up work on new sites functionality in Wikibase
and moved it
 as a patch to core (which is still awaiting review)
Worked on ValueHandler extension which will be used for our data
 * Added Type entity type, plus skeletons for its associated
 ContentHandler, ViewAction, EditAction and UndoAction
Implemented safeguards against text-level editing of data pages
Allow Sitelinks to Wikipedia only (fixed regression)
 * Wrote
permission checks and edit conflict detection for ApiSetItem,

undo/restore, etc.
 * Fixed display of deleted revisions of data
 * Added --verbose option to pollForChanges maintenance script to
 change summary
 * Bug fixes and improvements for right-to-left
 * Updated demo system
The long format (more like the json output format) for wbsetitem API

module is now alive


what we're working on next.
 You can follow our commits at,n,z

and view the ones awaiting review at,n,z

 = Discussions/Press =
 * Sent note about Wikidata to all Wikimedia
projects via Global
 Message Delivery - generated quite some feedback
on Meta
 * Started page to coordinate discussions about bots around
 = Events
 * State of
the Map
 * Health 2.0 Berlin meetup
 * upcoming: Software Freedom
 = Open Tasks for You =
 * New stuff to hack on:

 Anything to add? Please share! :)

Lydia Pintscher -
Communications for Wikidata
 Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.

Obentrautstr. 72
 10963 Berlin
Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg

unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das

Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

 Wikidata-l mailing

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] markup in Wikidata concepts.

2012-09-14 Thread jmcclure

Thanks for the link. So Max's original question was whether a
content-type'd page containing (json-? xml-? rdf-?) -encoded data, can
have markup conforming to ontologies? Seems that if xml/rdf
is a supported content type then an opening does exist for such to be
implemented however only by individual wikipedia sites; because it seems
clear that wikidata will not process such rdf/xml in order to create
wikidata statements that can be displayed within infoboxes. 

It does
raise the question of whether wikidata defines a content type for its
json markup, that is, json markup that conforms to its SNAKs ontology?
Is there a list of the content types somewhere? I looked but could not
find one in ContentHandler.php. thanks - john 

On 14.09.2012 11:00,
Jeremy Baron wrote: 

 On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 5:56 PM, wrote:
 Hi Jeremy and Max,

 Would you please provide a link or pointer to documentation about
these types?
 Maybe some of these questions are answered at

 Wikidata-l mailing

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] markup in Wikidata concepts.

2012-09-14 Thread jmcclure

Your response doesn't direct me to a list of content types
(supported formats). But you know I'd suggest the answer to your
question wrt, is found in the published RDF [1]: 

s:Population Berlin:Statement1 .
 Berlin:Statement1 rdf:type o:Statement

 Note that we introduced two new properties, s:Population (s: like
statement) and v:Population 
 (v: like value) instead of the original
p:Population property (mind the namespaces). The original 
 property, in
the p: namespace, is a datatype property that connects items directly
with an integer 
 value (i.e. the domain is item). The s: property, on
the other hand, is an object property connecting 
 the item with the
statement about it. [1]


problem is this: s:Population is not published that I can find. So is
the question will s:Population be mapped to some
rdf:Property definition, if there were such a thing defined at But looking at, population is usually defined
as a p:Population kind-of-thing, not an s:Population kind-of-thing. In
wikidata, p:Population is an rdf:Datatype, s:Population an rdf:Property.'s population is a datatype, not a class in an ontology, so
they're not fitting together.

But as I've said, it's a problem that
s:Population is not defined. Is s:Population not closer to a
collection, a bag, that has restricted content that is, a bag of
statements (see quotation above), than it is to a functional definition
of Population as something more like a group of living individuals,
alive as per some specified context? Where does THIS concept of
population fit with rdf:Property rdf:about=wikidata/s:Population/

Hard to avoid that s:Population basically is just short-hand for
Population Statements. Using shorthand certainly has precedence, being
that q:Qualifier is short-hand for a category, an owl:Class, and thus
q:Draft is (very acceptable) short-hand for Draft Things... So we
need a crisp definition of s:Population please!

Thanks - john

14.09.2012 11:47, Jeremy Baron wrote: 

 On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 6:37
PM, wrote:
 I looked but could not find
one in ContentHandler.php. thanks - john
 The links at the bottom of
the page I just linked to work for me.

 Wikidata-l mailing

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata, ISO and chembox

2012-09-05 Thread jmcclure

Hi Nadja - 

To my knowledge ISO has not published, nor is intending
to publish, instances of topic maps representing the content of their
numerous publications, using either their (ISO's) standard for Topic
Maps (ISO/IEC 13250), or any other ISO or non-ISO standard. Forgive me
if I ever gave that impression. 

You provided a nice link to unofficial
topic map standards, thank you. Here's others: [3]. 

W3C is engaged in mapping Topic Maps to an RDF representation, but I've
not seen the fruits of that (important!) work. I hope when such is
published all questions about copyrights will be concommitantly

Regards - john 

On 05.09.2012 03:17, Nadja Kutz wrote: 

John McClure wrote:
 Nadja conflated our asking about ISO Topic
Maps as a base design standard with incorporating ALL ISO STANDARDS EVER
PUBLISHED into the wikidata database
 their publications are topic
maps? Because there exists a ISO Topic Map metamodel? wikidata people
have changed their min
 with RDF that is I think it may just be
quite a bit more messy moreover my impression is that there is more RDF
linked da
 ud (see e.g. moreover I didn't say to use ALL ISO STANDARDS
EVER PUBLISHED but suggested to use these 
 2px solid;
 s doesnt exclude that one could use in the end all ISO standards
ever published, but one could do so incrementally. rephrase it and ask
again? (The reference to previous email and link
border-left:#1010ff 2px solid; margin-left:5px; width:100%I restate
the questions of my posting:
ISO Standard phone number: [2]

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata, ISO and chembox

2012-09-05 Thread jmcclure

Hi Denny - your statement, that SNAKS can be related to RDF or
topic maps, is interesting to me, particularly your reference to topic
maps. I tend to interpret this as saying you believe SNAKS implements
the topic map data model, represented using RDF triples, that SNAKS is
informed by or itself anticipates the W3's RDF mapping for Topic Maps.

At some leisurely moment -- to the extent you have any! -- please
flesh that out. 

Thanks- john 

On 05.09.2012 04:01, Denny Vrandečić

The discussion in this thread so far has centered around the
data model that is described here: [1] This data model
relates to RDF or topic maps. 


Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata, ISO and chembox

2012-09-05 Thread jmcclure


You're right, and I apologize that I steered the discussion
from content classification back to an old wikidata data modelling
question -- SNAKS vs Topic Maps. Because I am ignorant about any ISO
classification standard whatsoever I thought the old bugaboo modelling
discussion was being resurrected, but I was wrong. 

On 05.09.2012
06:35, Luca Martinelli wrote: 

 Dear all,
 sorry but I think I
didn't correctly got the point of the whole thing.
 Probably, I was
overestimating my English competence, or my
 free-licensing competence,
or both.
 So, without ANY intention of being rude, or even
polemical, I would
 like to ask: what is this discussion about,
 If I got it right, someone expressed his/her doubts about
using ISO
 standards in classifying data on Wikidata because of [this
point may
 be challenged, but this is what I understood] potential ISO
 Now, the points are:
 a) Is my guess correct?
If no, what is the point this discussion is about?
 b) Is there anyone
who could answer this doubt, whatever it is?
 Just trying to follow
this thread, nothing more. Thank you.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata, ISO and chembox

2012-09-05 Thread jmcclure

"Why is the topic map standard at unofficial topic map standard?" Links can be found to working technical committee reports, which are generally re-titled as "standards" once voted and accepted by ISO. These TC reports vary little from what is published by the ISO community as a "standard".
"ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 is information-technology-neutral" means that information elements defined by the standard for learning resources can be represented using a concrete implementation syntax such as provided by the RDF or by Topic Maps or by SMW syntax or by JSON or by a variety of others. For instance, a data element defined by 19788 might be "Learning Resource" which has an attribute called "Minimum Education Level".
In RDF a given LearningResource would be exchanged viardf:RDF xmlns:iso="" xmlns:dc="dublin core"iso:LearningResource rdf:about="LR12345" dc:titleLithium/dc:title iso:minEducLevel12th grade/iso:minEducLevel/iso:LearningResource/rdf:RDFThe owl:Class definition for iso:LearningResource and rdf:Property definition for iso:minEducLevel are not shown.
In Topic Maps, exchange is had fromtm:topicmap xmlns:tm="" xmlns:dc="dublin core"tm:topic tm:itemIdentityLR12345/tm:itemIdentity tm:name tm:valueLithium/tm:value /tm:name tm:occurrence tm:type tm:resourceRef href=""/ /tm:type tm:resourceData12th grade/tm:resourceData /tm:occurrence/tm:topic/tm:topicmapMarkup for a "published subject identifier" -- eg -- is not shown.
In SMW, the page named "Lithium" might be exported aspage titleLithium/title revision text xml:space="preserve"[[Category:ISO 19788 Learning Resources]][[minEducLevel::12th grade]] /text /revision/pagewhile a page entitled "Category:ISO 19788 Learning Resources" is mapped elsewhere in the wiki to an import-able owl:Class definition and a page entitled "Property:minEducLevel" is mapped to an import-able rdf:Property definition.
It'd be interesting to hear from the Wikidata team what the SNAK API serialization(s) would be.

On 05.09.2012 09:45, Nadja Kutz wrote:

John McClure wrote:

"To my knowledge ISO has not published, nor is intending to publish, instances of topic maps representing the content of their numerous publications, using either their (ISO's) standard for Topic Maps (ISO/IEC 13250), or any other ISO or non-ISO standard. Forgive me if I ever gave that impression.
You provided a nice link to unofficial topic map standards, thank you. Here's others:"

thanks for the link. Why is the topic map standard at unofficial topic map standard?
They talk about that it is ISO 13250 standard.
You had drawn my attention to the ISO, thanks for that however the impression that they might have some standards is from their
where they write amongst others:
"The primary purpose of ISO/IEC 19788 is to specify metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the identification of data elements and the specification of their attributes."
since this thing costs 162 CHF i can't check what those guys are really doing there, however it would be strange to define
metadata which is not for automated processing. In particular they write a little later:
"ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 is information-technology-neutral and defines a set of common approaches, i.e. methodologies and constructs, which apply to the development of the subsequent parts of ISO/IEC 19788."
would they write this ifISO/IEC 19788 was information-technology-neutral as well?
moreover there exists also a
 N2448 Summary of voting on ISOIEC NP 18343, Learning environment profile for automated contents 
which is password protected at the webpage:
but where the word AUTOMATED appears explicitly.
but of course it would be nicer to have someone who knows explicitly what exactly they are having in mind there at ISO.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata, ISO and chembox

2012-09-05 Thread jmcclure

No sir, that is not right. As I said there is no ISO classification
scheme of which I am aware. And I've said I no longer have interest in
the wikidata team using ISO Topic Maps - that is a dead issue since the
team declined to discuss it. 

*At the time I wrote the emails you
referenced* I was interested in the SNAKS data model the team summarily
announced as the basis for Wikidata implementation, in preparation as I
recall for Wikimania. I felt the SNAKS data model was one that vaguely
resembled the already peer reviewed and internationally standardized
Topic Maps data model, while the SNAKS data model was surely not ever
going to be either peer reviewed or standardized -- yet another
discordant stovepipe not of remarkable benefit to the (LOD) technical

Both SNAKS and the Topic Map data models (abstract
syntaxes) can be serialized using the concrete RDF syntax (or so the W3
is said to be working on, for Topic Maps); both can/are serializable in
concrete JSON syntax. 

So the copyright concern arose *directly from*
that resemblance between the two data models. My suggestion *at the
time* was to purchase the ISO standard and modify it as necessary; doing
so would surely sidestep all concern about SNAKS infringing on the ISO's
copyright of an abstract syntax that does NOT attempt to reference other
ontologies, i.e., both in contrast to the RDF's data model which DOES
integrate one or more ontologies. Essentially, both SNAKS and Topic Maps
allow an author to define named-values without reference to any other

As an aside, assigning responsibility to the WP community
for how content is structured I think is so vague as to be
uninformative; you provide no definition of structure -- is it the
concept of ontology? Sure, by using Wikidata's parser functions (client
server APIs) WPs will determine how information is *presented in their
infoboxes, but the structure is surely going to be *only* that which
SNAKS allows -- that is, named values. Whether a page's named values
will be related to any ontologies, remains to be seen. For instance,
will Thomas Jefferson's named-values will be exchangeable with FOAF,
Dublin Core or SKOS processors? I dunno! 

best - john 

On 05.09.2012
14:13, Friedrich Röhrs wrote: 

 Hi Luca,
 as far as I have
understood Nadja Kutz and John McClure want the
 wikidata dev team to
somehow commit to using ISO topic maps for the
 classification of the
content of wikidata. The Dev teams position is
 that how the content
will finally be structured is not up to them but
 to the community once
the technical means to create the structure are
 As far as
the whole arguments about using or not using ISO goes, again
 as far as
I have understood one position is not to use them because it
force other wanting to adhere to the standard to also pay for it
to get the documentation about how it works) and wikimedia
 somehow to
pay for it too, while the other position is that wikidata
 should use
it because its an industry standard and the money that
 would have to
be paid wasn't all that much. Furthermore the argument
 is, is that if
its not done, some copyright could be infringed (not
 the ISO one but
some other).
 There are (IMHO) a multitude of topics about this
whole thing, most
 prominent: [Wikidata-l] [[meta:wikitopics]]
 it's a bit hard to follow in archive because it stretches
multiple months
 (starting points in case you want to read up)

 No one has yet identified as an attorney or copyright
expert; on the
 contrary most everyone has said they are not.
this helps,
 On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 3:35 PM, Luca
Martinelli wrote:
 Dear all, sorry but
I think I didn't correctly got the point of the whole thing. Probably, I
was overestimating my English competence, or my free-licensing
competence, or both. So, without ANY intention of being rude, or even
polemical, I would like to ask: what is this discussion about, again?
If I got it right, someone expressed his/her doubts about using ISO
standards in classifying data on Wikidata because of [this point may be
challenged, but this is what I understood] potential ISO copyright
issues. Now, the points are: a) Is my guess correct? If no, what is the
point this discussion is about? b) Is there anyone who could answer this
doubt, whatever it is? Just trying to follow this thread, nothing more.
Thank you. -- Luca Sannita Martinelli [1]
___ Wikidata-l mailing list [2] [3]

 Wikidata-l mailing

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata, ISO and chembox

2012-09-04 Thread jmcclure


The genesis of the legal question is the thread concerning
using ISO Topic Map precepts not SNAKs. Surely you know a number of
individuals on this forum feel that our challenge at that time was not
thoughtfully engaged. Instead we received replies focused on costs
associated with ISO standards, insisting that pirate ethics were
mandated by the WMF, to swat away our basic questions. For instance,
Nadja conflated our asking about ISO Topic Maps as a base design
standard with incorporating ALL ISO STANDARDS EVER PUBLISHED into the
wikidata database. 

Obviously I subsequently withdrew from engagement
with Wikidata when the design team failed to seriously engage in the
challenge at the time about a distinct technical orientation towards
transclusion instead of (imho archaic non-wiki needlessly complex)
client/server apis which, still to this day, I obviously consider a flaw
of the wikidata design. 

That said, the legal questions are likely
trivial; they were and are to me merely a prop for more important, but
now dead and past, issues. Wikidata has committed to specific
implementations; in the interests of community I support those while
hoping that (a) SMW doesn't wither and then die (b) individual WPs can
somehow participate uniquely in the semantic web (c) individual WPs
widely adopt what Wikidata has wrought. I do know (and am developing) an
SMW-based Topic Maps extension is feasible and practicable -- the
benefits of which are too obvious to ignore to those who care. 

on - john 

On 04.09.2012 01:42, Nadja Kutz wrote: 

 John McClure
 I don't think you're hearing the question. A reply y'all
gave on the issue was that any standard used by
 Wikidata needed to be
100% open-source -- no money required as in free. Even though what is
being charged by
 ISO to support its business model is a PITTANCE in my
humble opinion... So, the consequent question I asked
 then was, if
you're not going to use any (ISO or national) standard then how can you
assure the WP community
 that Wikidata is not violating someone's
 Hello Lydia,
 Unfortunately I have to agree with
John that you really do not seem to hear the question because that is
 what I read as your reply. Or was there another reply which I
missed somewhere in this hard-to-browse-and-search newsgroup?
please explain a bit more what you mean exactly by Unless something
changed on the freedom status of the documents needed nothing changed
since we discussed this last.
 I do not agree with John that the
ISOs business model is a pittance though.
 That is as I linked to in
this thread:
 the ISO
sells their items seperately and alone e.g. the basic description of Iso
inch screw threads:

 costs 80 CHF
 so this could add up rather quickly to quite an
amount of money.
 I thus asked
(here: wether
one shouldnt ask for packages or at least for the use of the ISO
classification scheme. I dont know how much copyright there is on
classification schemes in general though. (I could imagine that this is
a juridicial problem since big parts of a classification scheme
often trivial and unavoidable, like a hammer is a tool and it would make
no sense to give up this 
 classification just because there was
eventually some crazy copyright protection...however may be
do now think that a hammer could also equally well be classified as
wardrobe item (given what one sees 
 sometimes in jurisdiction I
wouldnt wonder anymore))
 Regarding the comment by Denny Vandrecic

 Because we ARE using standards like RDF or OWL (or HTML or URIs)
 are W3C and IETF standards, and which in turn have a well
 policy regarding patents and copyrights, see e.g. for W3C

 I hope that answers that question.
 By looking at
this page I can't really see why this is an answer to the questions,
could you please 
 explain this a bit more? 
 thanks nad

Wikidata-l mailing list

[Wikidata-l] extension:oversight

2012-08-17 Thread jmcclure


It has been replaced by core
functionality in the MediaWiki software (which was added in version


17.08.2012 06:50, Lydia Pintscher wrote: 

 Hey folks :)
 Here is
your fresh serving of Wikidata news for the week before
The wiki version is here if you prefer that:
Development =
 * Installed a lot of extensions on the demo system Let us

know if any important ones are missing.
 * Going to old versions and
undoing changes works as expected
 * The history and recent changes
show useable comments now
 * The Universal Language Selector is
installed on the demo and
 replaces the Stick to that Language
 * Updated Wikibase client code for fetching and displaying
links from
 a shared (with the repo) database table, and optionally
 them with interwiki links from local wikitext.
 * Improved
internationalization messages
 * Added selenium tests for undo,
rollback, restore, diffs, old
 revisions, history and a few more
Setup MAC to be part of our selenium grid testing environment
 * Fixed
many little bugs in the UI, including cross browser issues
 * Improved
modularity of client side caching and generalized it to
 work with any
type of entity rather than just items.
 * Wrote up interfaces for
snaks, statements and related stuff for the
 second phase of Wikidata

what we're working on next.
 You can follow our commits here:,n,z

and view the ones awaiting review here:,n,z

 = Discussions/Press =
 * Internationalization, localization and co
in preparation for
 deployment discussions on a rtl-language
 * Some mentions of Wikidata in relation to a re-design
proposal that
 became pretty popular:

 = Events =

* upcoming: Campus Party
 * upcoming: FrOSCon
 * We submitted a SxSW
proposal. It'd be awesome if you'd vote for us.
 = Other Noteworthy Stuff =

* Logo is settled and all good now after some modifications: and We'll be

making stickers and stuff next.
 = Open Tasks for You =
 * If you
want to code check

* Help spread the word about Wikidata in your Wikipedia if it's not

being talked about there yet.
 * Help translate the most important
pages on meta and the software on
 Anything to
add? Please share! :)
 Lydia Pintscher -
 Community Communications for
 Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
 Obentrautstr. 72
 Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur
Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
 Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des
Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
 unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als
gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das
 Finanzamt für Körperschaften I
Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

 Wikidata-l mailing

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] demo system updated

2012-06-21 Thread jmcclure


For the current demo system, how many triple store
retrievals are being performed per Statement per page? Is this more or
less or the same as expected under the final design? Under the suggested
pure-transclusion approach, I believe the answer is zero since all
retrievals are performed asynchronously* with respect to client wiki
transclusion requests. 

Are additional triple store retrievals (or
updates) occurring? Such as ones to inform a client wikipedia about the
currency of Statements previously retrieved from wikidata? In a
pure-transclusion approach, such info is easy to get at: clients query
the [[modification date::]] of each transclusion. Can you point me to a
(transaction-level) design for keeping client wikis in sync with
Statement-level wikidata content? 

I'm also concerned about stability 
scalability. What happens to the performance of client wikis should the
wikidata host be hobbled by DOS attacks, or inadvertent long-running
queries, or command line maintenance scripts, or poorly designed
wikibots or, as expected, by possilby tens of thousands of wikis
accessing the central wikidata host? Under the pure-transclusion
approach, my concerns are not nearly the same since all transcludable
content is cached on squid servers 

Thanks - john ___
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] demo system updated

2012-06-21 Thread jmcclure

Hello Martynas, 

Interesting to read about ESI at 

I recall that a query
facility is intended for Phase 3, but I have no idea the kind of store.
I'd think that a quad-store is appropriate to storing provenance data in
mind for each triple. It'd be interesting to know whether existing
quad-stores can handle the PROV namespace; I see some interesting
references at the end of
to explore! 

Best - john 

On 21.06.2012 14:27, Martynas Jusevičius

 I pretty much second your concerns.
 Do you
know Edge Side Includes (ESI)? I was thinking about using them
XSLT and Varnish to compose pages from remote XHTML fragments.

Regarding scalability -- I can only see those possible cases: either

Wikidata will not have any query language, or it's query language will

be SQL with never ending JOINs too complicated to be useful, or it's

gonna be another query language translated to SQL -- for example

SPARQL, which is doable but attempts have shown it doesn't scale. A

native RDF store is much more performant.

 On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:34 PM, wrote:

 Hello, For the current demo system, how many triple store retrievals
are being performed per Statement per page? Is this more or less or the
same as expected under the final design? Under the suggested
pure-transclusion approach, I believe the answer is zero since all
retrievals are performed asynchronously* with respect to client wiki
transclusion requests. Are additional triple store retrievals (or
updates) occurring? Such as ones to inform a client wikipedia about the
currency of Statements previously retrieved from wikidata? In a
pure-transclusion approach, such info is easy to get at: clients query
the [[modification date::]] of each transclusion. Can you point me to a
(transaction-level) design for keeping client wikis in sync with
Statement-level wikidata content? I'm also concerned about stability 
scalability. What happens to the performance of client wikis should the
wikidata host be hobbled by DOS attacks, or inadvertent long-running
queries, or command line maintenance scripts, or poorly designed
wikibots or, as expected, by possilby tens of thousands of wikis
accessing the central wikidata host? Under the pure-transclusion
approach, my concerns are not nearly the same since all transcludable
content is cached on squid servers Thanks - john
___ Wikidata-l mailing list [1] [2]

 Wikidata-l mailing

Wikidata-l mailing list

[Wikidata-l] transclusion v client-server

2012-06-15 Thread jmcclure

Dear all, 

With regard to the whitepaper/demo Gregor asked for, if
there's some real interest expressed by the wikidata team in this,
that'd be good to hear. So far little/no comment has been offered about
the wikitopics approach or transclusion. It's hard to get excited about
investing my time and energy if it's being met with a collective yawn by
the wikidata team. Seriously, I have no interest in academic exercises
nor talking to walls. I sincerely think that a transclusion-based design
is a strategic  tactical improvement that merits debate against the
client-server API the wikidata team is now creating. 

thanks - john 
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata Transclusions

2012-06-14 Thread jmcclure

Wikidata publishing infoboxes and Wikipedias using them is again
the client-server model. 

Not sure where this chestnut is coming from.
Transclusion is as close to client-server as my cooking is to being

There's NO API. so I don't understand your commenst at all,

On 13.06.2012 23:48, Nikola Smolenski wrote: 

 On 14/06/12
00:39, jmcclure@hypergrove.comwrote:
 Transclusion is surely
fundamental to wiki application design. The [[wikidata]] proposal by
contrast is a client-server API, such things an artifact of the 20th
century. What is the point of it here? Ultimately the problem you're
grappling with is not just just about infoboxes, it's about *anything*
other than article text that has multilingual requirements. For
instance, the same *pie chart* is to be shared among wikipedias, the
only difference being the graph's title, key and other labels...
[[wikidata]] is today doing format=table, later other formats. That's
alot to handle in an API.
 I don't think Wikidata will ever do other
formats. Wikidata will only 
 export pure data.
 So, it's highly
advised the client-server API approach be scrapped. At a minimum, it's
outdated technology, for good reasons. Instead, wikidata should
*publish* infoboxes that are happily cached on wikidata servers. That's
the best performance that can possibly be had.
 Wikidata publishing
infoboxes and Wikipedias using them is again the 
 client-server model.
And if Wikidata publishes infoboxes, pie charts and 
 the like, THAT
will complicate the API, not the current approach. Not to 
that Wikipedias have and want to have different infobox designs.

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata Transclusions

2012-06-14 Thread jmcclure

I strongly disagree with the demand to make this the only choice.

Gregor, I'm a bit confused -- are you talking about the transclusion
design approach in this statement? because, if so, I'd think there'd be
a number of infobox styles that can be selected by an author on the
wikidata platform when 'building' the infobox page. The author can
transclude any number/any specific infobox(es) on their wikipedia page,

{{wikidata:en:Infobox:Some topic/some custom imfobox}} 

14.06.2012 03:11, Gregor Hagedorn wrote: 

 While I agree that it is
desirable to support simple, preformatted
 Infoboxes that can, with
minimal effort be re-used in a large number
 of language versions of
Wikipedia, I strongly disagree with the demand
 to make this the only
 I think the present Wikidata approach to allow local
Wikipedias to
 customize their infoboxes by accessing wikidata
 property-by-property is the right path.
 The large
Wikipedias with many editors have invested considerable
energy into making quite a large number of infoboxes
information containers. That includes formatting, images and

hand-crafted links in both the field name and the field value

side. Some values are expressed through svg graphics, other values

expressed through background color coding, etc.
 Limiting the
usability of Wikidata to plain vanilla infox boxes could
considerable resistance in these communities. And although small

Wikipedia will profit a lot from Wikidata, without the engagement of

editors from the large Wikipedias into curating Wikidata content, the

increased synergies will not happen.
 Another issue is that (I
believe that) Wikidata does not have a notion
 of ordering properties.
Correct? This is no issue for the present
 Wikidata approach because
infoboxes remain curated in each local
 Wikipedia. However, in a
centralized one size fits all approach,
 replacing existing infoboxes
where information is presented in a
 logical order with an alphabetical
property order would create huge
 resistance (and would be a complex
issue that Wikidata would have to
 deal with, allowing property
ordering and filtering).
 I believe that Wikidata correctly aims to
provide a smooth transition
 path, where it is possible to obtain only
part of an infobox from
 wikidata and inject wikidata content into
existing infobox layouts.
 That said: I would encourage a third
party contributor to try to
 create a default Wikidata infobox
generator in a way (extension
 installable in multiple Wikipedias) that
enables a wikipedia to
 autocreate a good looking, plain vanilla
infobox with minimal effort.

 Wikidata-l mailing

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata Transclusions

2012-06-14 Thread jmcclure

Gregor says
Or are you proposing to simply use the existing
template programming
with the only the difference that wikidata is the
only mediawiki where
the properties can be accessed within templates?
Much of my argument
assumes that you are looking for a non-template
based infobox
renderer, I may be wrong there.

I am proposing that, from
the perspective of the Tiger article author, I would log on to wikidata
and create a page called Infobox:Tiger using a Semantic Form named
Taxobox whose fields track to the args for the Taxobox template. On
the form, one would select whether a genus, familia, ordo, ... regnum is
represented by the page... assume genus was selected,
fossil_range = Early [[Pleistocene]] - Recent (DUBLIN CORE: COVERAGE)
status_system = iucn3.1 (DUBLIN CORE: FORMAT)
| trend = down (DUBLIN
| status_ref =ref name=IUCN/ (DUBLIN CORE: IDENTIFIER)
image = Tiger in Ranthambhore.jpg (EMBEDDED {{IMAGE}} TEMPLATE CALL)
image_caption = A [[Bengal tiger]] (''P. tigris tigris'') in India's
[[Ranthambhore National Park]]. (PART OF {{IMAGE}} TEMPLATE CALL)
image_width = (PART OF {{IMAGE}} TEMPLATE CALL)
| regnum = [[Animal]]ia
| phylum = [[Chordate|Chordata]]
| classis = [[Mammal]]ia
| ordo = [[Carnivora]] (UNNECESSARY
| familia = [[Felidae]] (UNNECESSARY - LOOK IT
| genus = ''[[Panthera]]'' (DUBLIN CORE PROPERTY:
| species = 'P. tigris' (DUBLIN CORE PROPERTY:
| binomial = ''Panthera tigris'' (EMBEDDED {{BINOMIAL}} TEMPLATE
| binomial_authority = ([[Carl Linnaeus|Linnaeus]], 1758) (PART OF
center'Felis tigris' small[[Carl
Linnaeus|Linnaeus]], 1758/smallref name=Linn1758 / br
'Tigris striatus' small[[Nikolai Severtzov|Severtzov]],
1858/smallbr /
'Tigris regalis' small[[John Edward
Gray|Gray]], 1867/center
| range_map = Tiger_map.jpg (EMBEDDED
| range_map_width = (PART OF EMBEDDED {{IMAGE}}
| range_map_caption = Tiger's historic range in ca. 1850
(pale yellow) and range in 2006 (in green).ref name=dinerstein07 /
subdivision_ranks = [[Subspecies]]
| subdivision = (UNNECESSARY - LOOK
''[[Bengal tiger|P. t. tigris]]''br/
tiger|P. t. corbetti]]''br /
''[[Malayan tiger|P. t. jacksoni]]''br
''[[Sumatran tiger|P. t. sumatrae]]''br /
''[[Siberian tiger|P. t.
altaica]]''br /
''[[South China tiger|P. t. amoyensis]]''br
†''[[Caspian tiger|P. t. virgata]]''br /
†''[[Bali tiger|P. t.
balica]]''br /
†''[[Javan tiger|P. t. sondaica]]''

One could
create [[en:Infobox:Tiger]] and [[de:Infobox:Tiger]] to handle language
differences. Alternatively there'd be only [[Infobox:Tiger]] that has
language-qualified string properties, e.g, Title^en contains english
title for the page vs Title^de that contains the German title, with the
#ask pulling the correct one given the wiki's language eg

For links, use the same magic word eg


To be a bit fancier:


Now, the above is a traditional non-topicmap treatment without
provenance. Let's add provenance first: 


Now lets add the topicmap orientation


So there's certainly alternatives to look at. The basic theme though
is NOT to create a specialized factbox editor but rather is to use
Semantic Forms to capture the values of template args - values that can
be links, text, or template calls. And you're right, Gregor, the primary
way to access wikidata's triples for purposes of regular template
programming is to logon to wikidata. imho, that establishes wikidata as
a black-box, with no additional mechanisms/extensions loaded onto any
'transcluding' wikipedia, which I think is the ideal posture for
integrating wikidata resources into the wikipedias. 

re: the
whitepaper. Sure I'd be happy to put together a real demo. But as a
strugglin' contractor doing opensource dev since 1998, it'd be nice

Gotta run - john 

On 14.06.2012 09:29, Gregor Hagedorn

 Gregor, I'm a bit confused -- are you talking about the
transclusion design approach in this statement?

 Yes, in the sense that
it demands to be the only access to wiki data
 content in a Wikipedia.

because, if so, I'd think there'd be a number of infobox styles that
can be selected by an author on the wikidata platform when 'building'
the infobox page. The author can transclude any number/any specific
infobox(es) on their wikipedia page, eg {{wikidata:en:Infobox:Some

Re: [Wikidata-l] [[meta:wikitopics]] updated

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure

Hi Friedrich - IAANAA (I also am not an attorney)! and likely know
no more than yourself about the issues. 

1. [3]s gives links to iso/iec 13250

2. The 'community' includes developers who contractually/implicitly
guarantee the provenance of the tools/apps they deploy. 

3. Only the
author (the Foundation) of the wikidata tool itself would need purchase
the ISO license - noone else. 

4. This is about the methods  processes
embedded _within_ the tools, nothing about content managed by the tools.

5. It is certainly possible (if not likely) that the current
[[wikidata]] design steps on some patents - one doesn't know until a
search is done -- a search that presumptively we can believe has already
been performed by the ISO for 13250. 

regards - john 

On 13.06.2012
06:07, Friedrich Röhrs wrote: 

 1c. You're arguing over CHF
200 -- which extraordinarily-cheaply and
 fundamentally PROTECTS the
MWF from copyright infringement suits? Can
 the SNAK architecture
provide that reassurance to the MWF community?
 imho there are some
problems with this argumentation:
 First i don't really know what
standard you are talking about; i can't
 find any ISO Topic Map
metamodel. The only publication i found was
 on Topic Maps -- Data
Model which is shortened as TMDM (not TMM). Is
 that the one you are
referring to? There seems to be a whole group of
 standards based
around that specific one, for example ISO 18048:
 Topic Maps Query
Language (TMQL) and ISO 19756: Topic Maps
 Constraint Language
(TMCL) etc. (wouldn't that mean you would have to
 pay for them
 Then you seem to be mixing the MWF as an entity and the MWF
 as a collection of individuals. Even if the MWF somehow
purchased the
 documentation of the standard (or standards from above)
from ISO this
 would mean nothing to people not part of the MWF. The
community is
 not an official part of the fundation, i.e. they are
not members, so
 they would have no right to the content of the
 The same seems to be true to any third party wanting to
use the data
 from wikidata. They would need to implement the standard
(or even
 group of standards) if they successfully wanted to use the
 offered by wikidata. To be able to do this efficiently they
 would need to buy the standards themself. This seems to me to
 against wikimedias policy of ...the creation of content not
 to restrictions on creation, use, and reuse.. Having to pay
for a
 documentation to be able to understand the structure the content
 held in seems to be a restriction the use of the data.

Furthermore i don't really understand your copyright infringement

thread. Either we are talking about structure, which, to me it seems,

is not protected by copyright (didn't oracle just fail in court

because of that). Or do we talk about some sort of content that can be

protected by copyright? You explicitly said you where not talking

about content :You're citing a policy about CONTENT, I see, though I

was focusing on data models and technical interface designs...

Then again i am no laywer so don't really feel competent enough in

that field to give any real advice or have an opinion about what is

protected by copyright and what is not.
 tldr: To me it seems using
the ISO standard would force third parties
 wanting to consume wikidata
content to implement that standard too and
 thus having to pay for
information on how to implement it. This would
 mean a (financial)
restriction on the use of content which is in
 conflict with wikimedias
 On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:38 AM, Nadja Kutz wrote:
 Hello John, thanks for digging this out.
I see in the Brochure there is not only a postbox but they have even an
office where one could meat the ISO: 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse It would
be interesting to hear whats Wikimedia's opinion on this. Nadja
___ Wikidata-l mailing list [1] [2]

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Re: [Wikidata-l] SMW and Wikidata

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure

Hi James, 

thanks for the pointer to [1]. 

1. The main use case
of Wikidata (a centralised, multi-lingual site that serves as a data
repository) is different from that of SMW (a data-enhanced MediaWiki)
OK, SMW installations can be centralized repositories (try DSMW) and
obviously can be multilingual too. So what's the difference between
these use cases? The distinction of data repository vs data-enhanced
is too fine for me to understand. 

2. Also, the more complex
structures in Wikidata could be captured in SMW using internal objects.
Exactly, my, point. So build-out SMW don't trivialize SMW don't harm the
SMW community. See [[meta:wikitopics]] for my first cut at capturing the
more complex structures in SMW: storing Dublin Core records as
subobjects, containing (pointer-to) values-of the property. Hardly
rocket science! 

3. The user interface of Wikibase Repository will be
based on input forms, and thus quite different from SMW.  From this I
conclude that Wikidata forms will not populate any template (eg {{{for
template|Infobox}}}) - but invocation of the same machinery is being
done under the covers. From this I conclude that the entire approach of
Semantic Forms is being tossed away. It is saying that noone can use
wikidata to maintain structured data attached to a page via templates
nor use wikidata forms to implement their own forms -- so highly
specialized to what end I cannot fathom. 

4. It is not defined yet
what kind of query language Wikidata will support in Phase 3 (or
thereafter) -- yet another tack that makes SMW irrelevant in a
wikidata-world. Why not build-out SMW to more efficiently handle
multilingual values? SMW installations want that too! 

In summary about
[1], SMW installations want provenance data too, you know. We want to
keep using SMW, not install a new functionally highly similar extension
that can only lead to overlap confusion inefficiency. The operative
presumption of [1] is that SMW cannot/will not ever support provenance
data... surely the author should give more credit to creative SMW

_re_: performance - I am referring to duplicated
functionality between wikidata  smw... (I also am very thankful for
recent performance work going on)... See #5 in [1] for specific examples
of such duplication... and with that fact now documented, how can anyone
say that the audiences diverge? 

- jmc 

On 13.06.2012 09:41, James HK

 Hi John,
 Being only a minor member of the SMW
community, I'd like to respond
 to some of your assumptions you made
about the SMW community as whole.
 ... cessation of SMW
 Some of us where worried at beginning of the wikidata
project but I
 think Markus tried to ease those fears a bit in his
email from 01 May
 2012 (see [1]).
 SMW subjectively seems to be
encountering quality control issues lately
 SMW as a community
relies on its members to ensure quality control and
 if you look at the
commit/review statistics than you can see that only
 a handful of
people have actively committed work for SMW 1.7/SMW 1.8
 which means to
exercise quality control the community is relying on
 those actively
 ... performan
 ion to wikidata but I can see from a SMW
perspective that several efforts are being considered to cease
unnecessary overhead (see [3] [4] [5]). Of course some extensions t
basis such as Semantic Drilldown have yet to come up with an intelligent
caching strategy to minimize its impact on performance. (For example in
our case we have nearly 1.5M triplets and we can feel when Semantic
Drilldown is doing a database select with a large filter set). ...
[[wikidata]] is doomed for not creating stakeholders within the
wiki-user community that includes SMW developers 
 Some of the SMW
core developers are actively involved in the wikidata
therefore this fear mi common code base as it would help to ensure
quality control in future and those who know the wikidata code base may
feel encouraged to commit to SMW as well. SMW and wikidata certainly
have a divergent target audiences but as a communit
 pe to see a
symbiotic relationship between SMW and wikidata without having to refute
neither of both. [1]
[3] [2]
[4] [3] [5]
[6] [5]
[7] Cheers, mwjames On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:03 AM, [8] wrote: Denny said: On the other hand, you
are not the only person thinking that this (Wikitopics) is a good idea
(hello Gerard!), and in the long run Wikidata could be extended to such
a system -- but for now I regard this to be out of scope for Wikidata
and I 

Re: [Wikidata-l] SMW and Wikidata

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure

I do appreciate that Denny Jeroen and Markus cross-fertilize. But
the money is flowing now towards _REWRITING SMW FROM SCRATCH_, which
worries me as I am fairly sure there will be no good migration path at
the inevitable time SMW support is terminated. The fact that one (is
said) to be only for small wikis (which I dispute) and the other is not,
is hardly a functional difference that will prevent confusion overlap
inefficiency. As I've said elsewhere, saying one is capable of
multi-lingual support while implying the other is not, is simply wrong
-- smw is fine for multilingual support if the implemented data model
has appropriate language tags. (note: I am creating a multi-lingual wiki
now, based on smw, for a client). 

My point is that for maximum
success, wikidata should strive to welcome the smw community (back) into
the mw community, to have support from those who put their professional
faith in smw. By your own admission that there is substantial overlap,
Wikidata will consequently and permanently split the SMW community, and
this sickens me. 


On 13.06.2012 09:04, Lydia Pintscher wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 5:36 PM, wrote:

 Hi Lydia, 'We' are people who committed professionally to the SMW
(and Halo) approach to enterprise computing and 'we' are clients who
have invested in this approach. We'll want to install wikidata-client
along with smw to get at infobox data (if such is the ultimate design).
We'll want to install wikidata-host to stay current with where all the
investment dollars, the technical interest, etc, are flowing. Yet you
assert that smw  wikidata have different target groups (without
defining either).
 Ok then let me define it more clearly. Wikidata's
clear goal is to
 serve the Wikipedias. Use in other contexts will also
be possible and
 encouraged but Wikipedia is the main target. It is for
a project that
 values references for all the structured data and it is
supposed to
 serve a multi-language audience.
 SMW is well established
and used in professional and non-professional
 projects outside of
Wikipedia. It usually serves smaller wikis and has
 quite some use in
companies for their internal knowledge management.
 Obviously there is
overlap but in the end the projects are distinct
 enough to co-exist
just fine. Markus wrote a long email about this

 However, I believe they are the SAME because their objectives are
the same: to integrate structured data into the MW editing/display
environment. There's not room for multiple implementations of tools with
the same objective.
 If you define the goal that broadly then yes it
might be the same for
 both. But this is actually too broad. See


Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] SMW and Wikidata

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure


Sure there's plenty of people who can build a prototype
application of this sort -- most people pay mortgages though so it'd be
nice (if not required) to get compensated for such work, as you  the
wikidata team are. 

re the wikidata excuse: it's wise to change one's
heading before one's lost. Personally I think anyone creating an
smw-based extension will do so far more swiftly (and cheaply) than what
the wikidata team currently has in mind, ie, to rewrite SMW (and various
of its extensions) almost from scratch. I have proposed the outline of
such an application at [[meta:wikitopics]]. I'm even convinced that the
SMW-based application as proposed will be faster operationally. 


On 13.06.2012 00:52, Gerard Meijssen wrote: 

 There are
several points WHY a centrally administered info box makes sense. The
most important one can be found in what the Wikimedia Foundation aims to
achieve: Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely
share in the sum of all knowledge [1]]. This is what we are about,
everything that prevents this from happening are excuses 
 When you
consider the number of articles in most Wikipedias, it is easy to see
that the English Wikipedia has more info boxes then many of them have
articles. By providing the facility to have centrally maintained info
boxes, these info boxes will be extremely light weight as both the
information and the labels will be maintained in Wikidata. The result is
information that is available for localisation. This localisation
consists of translating the labels and possibly the information items. I
blogged about this in the past ... [2] 
 I am an advisor to the
Wikidata project and as such it is my job to make these arguments. Denny
is the project manager for the Wikidata project and it is his job to
ensure that his team will deliver on the agreed deliverables. Having
centrally maintained templates is not part of what his team has agreed
to or can be expected to deliver in the short term. This is a valid
excuse; it is valid for now. 
 An excuse for the Wikidata development
team does not prevent other people from developing this functionality in
stead. The basic requirement is for Wikidata to be able to have
translatable data items associated with a Wikipedia article. As each of
those items are uniquely identified, they can be identified in a
template. This template should only refer to the data items. 
this functionality is developed, the basic functionality is ready to
consider the use of such templates for real in Wikidata clients. 
 I am
confident that there are plenty people who have the expertise to make a
functional prototype. Such a prototype can be reviewed by any MediaWiki
reviewer for the usual MediaWiki criteria. When this is done, it is no
longer an unreasonable burden for the Wikidata team to consider the
functionality of such prototypes. 
 [1] [3] 
 [2] [4]

 On 13 June 2012 00:03, [5] wrote:

Denny said: On the other hand, you are not the only person thinking that
this (Wikitopics) is a good idea (hello Gerard!), and in the long run
Wikidata could be extended to such a system -- but for now I regard this
to be out of scope for Wikidata and I will not devote resources for
 I never see
the long-run! Anyway, to get real, be aware there are specific concerns
about [[wikidata]] within the SMW community in the here and now: 

* we worry that our sites are threatened by virtual cessation of SMW
development -- this may already be happening a bit as SMW subjectively
seems to be encountering quality control issues lately 
 * we
worry that, whenever we install the [[Wikidata]] extension, then the
performance of client sites will be affected by the burden of multiple
forms, query and format software modules, syntaxes, styles, artifacts
 * we worry that, since no specific problems experienced by
wiki-users have yet been identified that [[Wikidata]] will fix, in the
end, [[wikidata]] is doomed for not creating stakeholders within the
wiki-user community that includes SMW developers. 

 Wikidata-l mailing
list [1] [2]

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[Wikidata-l] Wikidata Transclusions

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure

I base my belief that [[wikitopics]] is operationally faster on a
basic difference between the two designs, as I think the wikipedias will
operate faster if they merely transclude infoboxes of their choice, at
their own speed, from the wikidata central repository. 

Transclusion is
surely fundamental to wiki application design. The [[wikidata]] proposal
by contrast is a client-server API, such things an artifact of the 20th
century. What is the point of it here? 

Ultimately the problem you're
grappling with is not just just about infoboxes, it's about *anything*
other than article text that has multilingual requirements. For
instance, the same *pie chart* is to be shared among wikipedias, the
only difference being the graph's title, key and other labels...
[[wikidata]] is today doing format=table, later other formats. That's
alot to handle in an API. 

So, it's highly advised the client-server
API approach be scrapped. At a minimum, it's outdated technology, for
good reasons. Instead, wikidata should *publish* infoboxes that are
happily cached on wikidata servers. That's the best performance that can
possibly be had. ___
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata Transclusions

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure

I don't understand why it's so unlikely, Lydia. ANY educational
article (science, math, engineering) can have graphics whose underlying
data is not language-sensitve. How about timelines on a bio article --
that's anothr example. Or a map within a place article? Or financial
data within a business article? I think these are more likely than the
scenario that concerns you, where the *data itself* used to construct
the graphic, is language- or country-sensitive. 

On 13.06.2012 16:03,
Lydia Pintscher wrote: 

 Hi John,
 On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 12:39
AM, wrote:
 I base my belief that
[[wikitopics]] is operationally faster on a basic difference between the
two designs, as I think the wikipedias will operate faster if they
merely transclude infoboxes of their choice, at their own speed, from
the wikidata central repository. Transclusion is surely fundamental to
wiki application design. The [[wikidata]] proposal by contrast is a
client-server API, such things an artifact of the 20th century. What is
the point of it here? Ultimately the problem you're grappling with is
not just just about infoboxes, it's about *anything* other than article
text that has multilingual requirements. For instance, the same *pie
chart* is to be shared among wikipedias, the only difference being the
graph's title, key and other labels... [[wikidata]] is today doing
format=table, later other formats. That's alot to handle in an API.

Other can probably comment more on the rest of your email but here's

one thing: It will very very likely not be the same pie chart. The

Wikipedias have quite different demands as to what they want to show

and what is important to them.
 So, it's highly advised the
client-server API approach be scrapped. At a minimum, it's outdated
technology, for good reasons. Instead, wikidata should *publish*
infoboxes that are happily cached on wikidata servers. That's the best
performance that can possibly be had.
___ Wikidata-l mailing list [1] [2]

Lydia Pintscher -
Communications for Wikidata
 Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.

Obentrautstr. 72
 10963 Berlin
Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg

unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das

Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

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Re: [Wikidata-l] SMW and Wikidata

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure

sorry daniel for saying that, lydia is right on. 

collegially yours
- john 

On 13.06.2012 16:15, Lydia Pintscher wrote: 

 On Wed, Jun 13,
2012 at 7:41 PM, wrote:
 Daniel - this
distinction between facts vs claims -- is happy bullshit merely meant to
calm the masses. A claim is a fact and a fact is a claim. It
 It is
not happy bullshit.
 is the existence of PROVENANCE data in the
Wikidata data model that distinguishes the two tools. Provenance data is
at the heart of the web-of-trust, the top rung of the Internet
architecture promulgated by the W3. So, if your view is that SMW is not
for provenance data, while Wikidata is for provenance data, then how can
I not conclude SMW is down-version? Why would I not toss SMW for
Wikidata since they BOTH handle structured data?
 I am not sure what
you want to hear really. You seem to have made up
 your mind. If you
need provenance data for a specific use-case and SMW
 doesn't give that
to you then it might indeed not be a good fit for
 that particular
use-case. That doesn't make SMW useless in any way
 however ;-) by the way.
And if I remember correctly some of the SMW devs even said that this
would be useful to have for SMW. It isn't something we're imposing on
anyone but that can be very useful once done. It's one of the ways were
SMW can benefit from groundwork done for Wikidata. More will probably
come up. Cheers Lydia -- Lydia Pintscher - [1] Community Communications for
Wikidata Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. Obentrautstr. 72 10963 Berlin [2] Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung
Freien Wissens e. V. Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts
Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig
anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer
27/681/51985. ___ Wikidata-l
mailing list [3] [4]

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Re: [Wikidata-l] SMW and Wikidata

2012-06-13 Thread jmcclure

Hi Lydia, 

Specifically I'm keen to understand that 

[[wikidata]] is committed to build-out smw for provenance data (and
ContentHandler, per SRF formats);
* [[wikidata]] is establishing a base
grammar for everyone to share via Type, Tag, Subject and other
* [[wikidata]]'s multi-language labels rquirement is met
via TopicMaps, whose focus is scoping topic-names; 
* [[wikidata]] is a
transcludable repository of infoboxes, SRF graphics, indexes, etc.
relevant to any topic. 

thanks - john

On 13.06.2012 16:15, Lydia
Pintscher wrote: 

 On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:41 PM, wrote:
 is the existence of PROVENANCE
data in the Wikidata data model that distinguishes the two tools.
Provenance data is at the heart of the web-of-trust, the top rung of the
Internet architecture promulgated by the W3. So, if your view is that
SMW is not for provenance data, while Wikidata is for provenance data,
then how can I not conclude SMW is down-version? Why would I not toss
SMW for Wikidata since they BOTH handle structured data?
 I am not
sure what you want to hear really.

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Re: [Wikidata-l] [[meta:wikitopics]] updated

2012-06-11 Thread jmcclure

1. as mentioned several times, a standard for us to be considered
must be free. Free as in Everyone can get it without having to pay or
register for
it. I can give it to anyone legally without any
restrictions. Free of patents. Free as in W3C.

2. I have taken another
look at your page, and after starting to read it you simply loose me.
You use so many terms without defining them. To give
just a few
* The NIF ontology is incorporated into the ontology for
Wikitopics which shapes API designs. I do not know what the Wikitopics
ontology is. The
section beneath just lists a few keywords, but does not
really explain it. I do not know what it means for ontologies to
incorporate one another. I do
not know what it means for an ontology to
shape API designs.
* Wikipage naming conventions are used to name
subobjects in an equally meaningful manner. Equally meaningful? To
what? What does this even mean? You completely lost me here.
* For the
key wikipage transclusions, you do not explain what a formatted topic
presentation is, a formatted topic index, or a formatted
infobox. I
think I understand the latter, but not the previous two. What are they?
And if I indeed understand it right, are you saying that
infoboxes have
to be completely formatted in Wikidata, as Gregor has asked?


1. There are likely several ways to accommodate your process
requirements. And btw, I asked last month but received no response for a
citation to relevant MWF policy on this issue, to detect whether your
statement reflects the team's ELECTIVE policy or a MWF policy. Where's
the benefit from imposing expenses magnitudes greater on everyone, to
design develop  socialize solutions already known? And please mention
how the wikidata community can be assured that the wikidata team's
designs themselves don't infringe someone else's patent or copyright, a
reassurance that would directly follow from MWF's purchase of rights to
use an ISO standard. 

2a. Surely you appreciate that Wikidata involves
fielding ''some'' ontology, at least as suggested by your intention to
include the (SMW) Property namespace. I don't know when you plan to
publish wikidata's ontology, but certainly it must be done so overtly
and soon, agile or not. I agree the ontology I proposed needs much
fleshing out, but chief goals of the proposed ontology are pretty clear
-- to provide a wiki-topic index, to support NIF tools directly, to
capture provenance data, to reuse existing SMW tools and key
international standards, and to establish various best-practices for the
wider community. 

2b. An ontology that 'shapes/controls API interfaces'
means that the APIs' information model must align with the information
model represented by the ontology. If the ontology includes an
expiration-date as a required property, for instance, then the API needs
to include an expiration-date as a required parameter in some fashion.

2c. One ontology incorporating another is perhaps a clumsy way to
describe the process of associating a class or property defined in one
ontology, to another in a different ontology, either through a
subclass/subproperty relation or a documented or implemented transform.

2d.Equally meaningful as the wiki-page naming conventions are, eg
interwiki:lang:ns:pgnm is quite meaningful ... I am proposing SMW
subobjects be named similarly, eg scope:lang:type:name, is the proposed
structure for SMW subobject names. 

2e. A 'formatted topic
presentation' is the content displayed on a page for a topic. Wikidata
will have a page called (Main:)Thomas Jefferson that displays a
formatted topic presentation, showing information harvested from other
wikis plus any information developed by the wikidata community itself.
Using transclusion, anyone can embed (Main:)Thomas Jefferson into their
wiki. A 'formatted topic index' (which certainly can be one part of a
topic's formatted presentation) is a snippet that corresponds to the
Thomas Jefferson heading in a subject index under which are many
subtopics eg 
 Jefferson, Thomas [1] [2] [3]
 -- Early years [4] [5]
 -- Birth [7] [8]
 -- Formative influences [9] [10]
 -- etc 

Perhaps you missed my immediate reply [1] to Gregor. Yes all infoboxes
(among other non/formatted artifacts) are '''transcluded''' from
wikidata, without the nonsense of cross-wiki API calls for individual
data-items, as I understand the wikidata team is now gearing to provide.

Best regards - jmc 

for instance ___
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] [[meta:wikitopics]] updated

2012-06-08 Thread jmcclure

Hi all! 

Am a bit mystified here! about the radio-silence to this
thread or, for that matter, to the [[meta:wikitopics]] [1] document

From wikipedia: [2] 

practice of unnecessarily engineering artifacts that provide
functionality already provided by existing standard artifacts
(reinventing the wheel) and ending up with a worse result than the
standard (a square wheel [3]). This is an anti-pattern [4] which occurs
when the engineer is unaware or contemptuous of the standard solution or
does not understand the problem or the standard solution sufficiently to
avoid problems overcome by the standard. 

Thanks ! 


Wikidata-l mailing list

[Wikidata-l] [[meta:Wikitopics]] posted

2012-05-23 Thread jmcclure

Dear all, 

Comments are welcomed about a page I just posted which
posits the use of the topic map metamodel (TMM) in the wikidata project.
I'll do my best to respond, but frankly my focus these days is on more
mundane topics like simple survival. 

Cheers - john
Belltower Wikis

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