[Zope] Big Work Ahead - any advise ???

2000-11-18 Thread George Osvald

Hello Everyone,

I have been playing with ZOPE for some time and I absolutely love it. I have
my own site running without a problem for about six months. Recently I was
able to demonstrate ZOPE to a "VERY" major player in entertainment industry
(music and video). I sold the idea to them and in about one month I am
supposed to start to redesign a major web site(and then may be another one).
It contains about 2000 pages at the moment. Is there anything I should be
aware of when designing a site of such magnitude in ZOPE? (streaming video
and music is not going to be served from the ZOPE site)

George Osvald

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] (no subject)

2000-11-18 Thread George Osvald

Hello Everyone,

I have been playing with ZOPE for some time and I absolutely love it. I have
my own site running without a problem for about six months. Recently I was
able to demonstrate ZOPE to a "VERY" major player in entertainment industry
(music and video). I sold the idea to them and in about one month I am
supposed to start to redesign a major web site(and then may be another one).
It contains about 2000 pages at the moment. Is there anything I should be
aware of when designing a site of such magnitude in ZOPE? (streaming video
and music is not going to be served from the ZOPE site)

George Osvald

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Z2.log question

2000-10-19 Thread George Osvald

Can I safely delete Z2.log file and replace it with an empty one? It is
getting quite big and it seems to me like a waste of space. I downloaded the
existing version for reference.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] ZSQL question

2000-10-17 Thread George Osvald

I have a table with lots of data in my Gadfly database. I would like to add
a couple of new columns to that table. Is it at all possible to add columns
to existing table or do I have to create a new table all together?



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] working crontab restart script on FreeBsd

2000-10-01 Thread George Osvald

I was trying to do this for a little while so in case anyone's interested,
here it is. Most of the code was kindly sent to me by other people so do not
blame me for the mistakes. This script(auto) checks ZOPE every 15'th minute
and if it does not run, it will restart it. It has been working without a
problem on FreeBSD 4.0 after I patched ZOPE's pidfile for LF's. (without
that little operation it returns an error message and restarts ZOPE every
time without checking it)

I am running this from crontab:

0,15,30,45 * * * * /home/user/auto

And this script(auto) is sitting in my user directory:



if [ -x $STARTFILE ]; then
  if [ -r $PIDFILE ]; then
PID1=`cut -d" " -f1 $PIDFILE`
PID2=`cut -d" " -f2 $PIDFILE`
kill -0 $PID1 2>/dev/null
kill -0 $PID2 2>/dev/null
  if [ $PID1ACTIVE -eq 0 -o $PID2ACTIVE -eq 0 ]; then
$STOPFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
date | mail -s"Zope restarted" $INFOMAIL >/dev/null 2>&1



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] using crontab to restart ZOPE - again

2000-09-23 Thread George Osvald

Some time ago I asked for help when setting up crontab to restart ZOPE. I
got a few answers and scripts. This one was sent to me by Adam Karpierz. It
works fine on my RED HAT 6.2 box but I can't get it working on FreeBSD 4.0.
On Linux it doesn't do anything if ZOPE is running. It only restarts when
ZOPE stops working. On FreeBSD it stops and then restarts ZOPE every time. I
wander if anyone knows what should be changed for this script to run on
FreeBSD. Any help would be appreciated.

#! /bin/sh


if [ -x $STARTFILE ]; then
  if [ -r $PIDFILE ]; then
PID1=`cut -d" " -f1 $PIDFILE`
PID2=`cut -d" " -f2 $PIDFILE`
ps -p $PID1 >/dev/null 2>&1
ps -p $PID2 >/dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $PID1ACTIVE -eq 0 -o $PID2ACTIVE -eq 0 ]; then
$STOPFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
date | mail -s"Zope restarted" $INFOMAIL >/dev/null 2>&1





[Zope] Using crontab instead of rc.d

2000-08-23 Thread George Osvald

Hello everyone!

My ISP where I have my web page, is running freeBSD 4.0. I do not know a lot
about it. I know how to use crontab to start ZOPE at certain time how ever
how do I use crontab to check on the script that is already running?
Starting ZOPE again when it's running produces an error message and I do not
know if that was a healthy solution.

to start it I would be using something like:

5   *   *   *   *   root./start

This would start the script every five minutes. Now how do I check if the
script is running after it's been started and if it wasn't to restart it
again. Also I was thinking to run ZOPE in DEBUG mode. That way it stays
attached to the terminal (crontab I guess).
I know about z2.pid. Nevertheless I find ZOPE down quite often every time
they do something at the ISP. I asked them what to do and they told me to
use crontab to check the script and restart it. For some reason they don't
want me to use rc.d
If I could guarantee to remove the z2.pid every time ZOPE goes down, I could
apparently include something like this:

if [ -x /home/virtuals/account/zope/z2.pid ]
// exit(0)

5   *   *   *   *   root./start

to check if the file is present and if not to run the script. That can't be
done when ZOPE exits abnormally though.

Is this setup at all possible?


George Osvald

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] (no subject)

2000-08-22 Thread George Osvald

Hello everyone!

My ISP where I have my web page, is running freeBSD 4.0. I do not know a lot
about it. I know how to use crontab to start ZOPE at certain time how ever
how do I use crontab to check on the script that is already running?
Starting ZOPE again when it's running produces an error message and I do not
know if that was a healthy solution.

to start it I would be using something like:

5   *   *   *   *   root./start

This would start the script every five minutes. Now how do I check if the
script is running after it's been started and if it wasn't to restart it
again. Can anyone help?


George Osvald

Ps: I know about z2.pid. Neverthless I find ZOPE down quite often everytime
they do something at the ISP. I asked them what to do and they told me to
use crontab to check the script and restart it.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] instead of SiteAccess

2000-08-22 Thread George Osvald

I am using ProxyPass configuration with Apache and SiteAccess. My web-site
is located on ISP's server in my user directory. Because I can't stay on
line for too long during a day(I have a phone on the same line) I tend to do
all editing off line and then at night upload the lot. The subdirectory of
my web site is 'okstudio'. Because I am using SiteAccess(with 'base' in the
folder 'okstudio'), none of the relative links worked on my local machine. I
like my links nice and short that do not include '/okstudio/'. It looks too
long in the address window of my browser. Before each upload to the server I
had to change the links.  I was trying to use SiteAccess on my home machine
but could not get it working. It would not work for http://localhost or
http://localhost:8080 ..and so and so. I tried several times without a
success. Then I decided to use a different approach. I created a property
'base' in the root folder of my site. The string is: http://localhost:8080/okstudio/">. Then I put  in my
standard_html_header and all the alternative headers I use (JavaScript and
stuff). All I have to do now is change the 'base' property to http://www.myserver.com.au/"> before each upload and all the links can
stay the same. I would not even have to use SiteAccess at all if I had a
little redirection method in my root directory. It is all OK but I would
like to know if there is a way how to make SiteAccess working on the local
machine so I can have almost identical setup locally. Can you help anyone?

I am also serving local files located in my original public_html directory
from ZOPE going directly to my user directory. The links look like this:
http://123.45.678.9/~username . Would that be considered a security risk
exposing my user directory like that?
George Osvald

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Dots versus underscore in DTML

2000-08-18 Thread George Osvald

I know dots  in file names are important when submitting the pages to the
search engines. When I use them however, I'll loose the view tab(folder)
when trying to view say index.html and I have to click on the file and then
view it. If the file was named index_html I could just click on the view tab
in the folder to view it. Is it possible to have dots in my methods and
still have the view tabs on my folders?



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] PROBLEM(100) ZServer Computing default hostname

2000-08-15 Thread George Osvald

I'm getting this when starting ZOPE:

2000-08-15T17:35:20 PROBLEM(100) ZServer Computing default hostname

ZOPE is running OK though. Is there a problem I do not see?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] ProxyPass - where ???

2000-08-15 Thread George Osvald

I'm having trouble configuring ProxyPass on my ISP's server. I tried to
follow the instructions in the appropriate HOW-TO's without a success. I
think they all assume that the user would have root access. I don't. I have
built ZOPE in my user directory.
Anyway ProxyPass takes two arguments, a virtual path and a URL. In my case
is the virtual path a local path to my user directory or zope install
directory ?

So if:
user directory is located @ /home/virtuals/myaccount/
and zope installation @ /home/virtuals/myaccount/zope
my web site is @ www.mydomaine.com.au
the server is demon.server.com.au
and sub directory in ZOPE with my web site is 'okstudio' (I've used
SiteAccess for this)
then is this correct?

ServerName www.mydomaine.com.au
ProxyPass /home/virtuals/myaccount/ http://demon.server.com.au:8080/okstudio
ProxyPassReverse /home/virtuals/myaccount/

or maybe:

ServerName www.mydomaine.com.au
ProxyPass /home/virtuals/myaccount/zope
ProxyPassReverse /home/virtuals/myaccount/zope

originally when using stuff copied from the HOW-TO I used:

ServerName www.mydomaine.com.au
ProxyPass / http://demon.server.com.au:8080/okstudio
ProxyPassReverse / http://demon.server.com.au:8080/okstudio

The result was this error message in my browser:

>Proxy Error
>The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
>The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.

>Reason: Could not connect to remote machine: Connection refused


OK Studio


[Zope] Install problems on FreeBSD

2000-08-09 Thread George Osvald

Please help!

Install problems on FreeBSD

I've installed ZOPE several times before on different systems
(win98, NT, Linux) for testing purposes. Always logged in as 'root'
I never encountered any problems. Recently I finally decided to upgrade
my web-site to a ZOPE-Site and that's when the trouble started.
Without the root privilege I had experienced every single problem
possible. But finally I managed to build both python and ZOPE. The OS
is FreeBSD 4.0-stable and I used both the binary and source package. I
how ever can not start neither of them. All I get is a bunch of error
messages. I also would like to use ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse
configuration. Do I use w_pcgi.py or wo_pcgi.py to build ZOPE. I think
since I will not be using pcgi it should be the latter. I am including the
junk I got after trying to start ZOPE. Any help would be greatly

Install from source:
demon:~/zope $ ./start
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/z2.py", line 554, in ?
exec "import "+MODULE in {}
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py", line 94,
in ?
import ZODB, ZODB.ZApplication, imp
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/ZODB/__init__.py", line 85,
in ?
import sys, ExtensionClass, TimeStamp, cPersistence, Persistence
ImportError: /home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/ExtensionClass.so:
 symbol "PyMethod_Type"
demon:/zope $

install from binaries:
demon:~/zope2 $ ./start
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope2/z2.py", line 524, in ?
import ZServer
ImportError: No module named ZServer
demon:/zope $

George Osvald
OK Studio
Ph: (02) 9792 8501
Fax: (02) 9792 8502
Mob: 0411 766 792
PO Box 552
NSW 2211

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] install_problems_on_FreeBSD

2000-08-09 Thread George Osvald

Please help!

Install problems on FreeBSD

I've installed ZOPE several times before on different systems
(win98, NT, Linux) for testing purposes. Always logged in as 'root'
I never encountered any problems. Recently I finally decided to upgrade
my web-site to a ZOPE-Site and that's when the trouble started.
Without the root privilege I had experienced every single problem
possible. But finally I managed to build both python and ZOPE. The OS
is FreeBSD 4.0-stable and I used both the binary and source package. I
how ever can not start neither of them. All I get is a bunch of error
messages. I also would like to use ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse
configuration. Do I use w_pcgi.py or wo_pcgi.py to build ZOPE. I think
since I will not be using pcgi it should be the latter. I am including the junk I got 
after trying to start ZOPE. Any help would be greatly

Install from source:
demon:~/zope $ ./start
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/z2.py", line 554, in ?
exec "import "+MODULE in {}
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py", line 94, in ?
import ZODB, ZODB.ZApplication, imp
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/ZODB/__init__.py", line 85, in ?
import sys, ExtensionClass, TimeStamp, cPersistence, Persistence
ImportError: /home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/ExtensionClass.so: Undefined
 symbol "PyMethod_Type"
demon:/zope $

install from binaries:
demon:~/zope2 $ ./start
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope2/z2.py", line 524, in ?
import ZServer
ImportError: No module named ZServer
demon:/zope $

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] (no subject)

2000-08-08 Thread George Osvald

Please help!
Install problems on FreeBSD
I've installed ZOPE several times before on 
different systems(win(win98, NT, Linux) for testing purposes. Always logged 
in as rootI never encountered any problems. Recently I finally decided to 
upgrademy web-site to a ZOPE-Site and that's when the trouble 
started.Without the root privilege I had experienced every single 
problempossible. But finally I managed to build both python and ZOPE. The 
OSis FreeBSD 4.0-stable and I used both the binary and source package. 
Ihow ever can not start neither of them. All I get is a bunch of 
errormessages. I also would like to use ProxyPass and 
ProxyPassReverseconfiguration. Do I use w_pcgi.py or wo_pcgi.py to build 
ZOPE. I thinksince I will not be using pcgi it should be the latter. I am 
including the junk I got after trying to start ZOPE. Any help would be 
Install from source:demon:~/zope $ 
./startTraceback (innermost last):  File 
"/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/z2.py", line 554, in ?    exec 
"import "+MODULE in {}  File "", line 1, in ?  
File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py", line 94, in 
?    import ZODB, ZODB.ZApplication, imp  File 
"/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope/lib/python/ZODB/__init__.py", line 85, in 
?    import sys, ExtensionClass, TimeStamp, cPersistence, 
Undefined symbol "PyMethod_Type"demon:/zope $
install from binaries:demon:~/zope2 $ 
./start'import site' failed; use -v for tracebackTraceback (innermost 
last):  File "/home/virtuals/gosvald/zope2/z2.py", line 524, in 
?    import ZServerImportError: No module named 
ZServerdemon:/zope $
George Osvald OK Studio [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.okstudio.com.au 
Ph: (02) 9792 8501Fax: (02) 9792 8502Mob: 0411 766 792 PO Box 
552Padstow NSW 2211AUSTRALIA