Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-23 Thread Chris Withers

Hugo Ramos wrote:

I don't know. What I do know is that I'm not a newbie AND I did my
homework (google+other sources) before coming here!

Then how come you managed to miss Paul Browning and Matt Hamilton's 
extensive documentation of the subject?


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-23 Thread Hugo Ramos
Maybe I just misspelled the word affinity and wrote it with just 1 f
Hey Chris.. Cheer up dude! Try not be this hard to people that just
want to learn a bit more... Specially because back in 2000 I had you
as a Zope icon in Europe.

I'm working in Brazil now... The entire Brazilian Federal Government
decided to move into Open Source.. More specifically Linux+Zope+Plone.
Here I'm learning something called respect for others. The rest of the
world has a lot to learn from Brazilian people about social relations.
Something I didn't even taste while living in England...

Anyway... There's a lot of jobs for good professionals like you!
Salary is much more than the average Brazilian makes... Maybe this
country could be good for you! :-)


On 3/23/06, Chris Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hugo Ramos wrote:
  I don't know. What I do know is that I'm not a newbie AND I did my
  homework (google+other sources) before coming here!

 Then how come you managed to miss Paul Browning and Matt Hamilton's
 extensive documentation of the subject?


 Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-23 Thread Andrew Milton
+---[ Hugo Ramos ]--
| Anyway... There's a lot of jobs for good professionals like you!
| Salary is much more than the average Brazilian makes... Maybe this
| country could be good for you! :-)

Don't worry Hugo, if Chris keeps going the way he's going, eventually he'll 
have to hide out in South America... d8)

Andrew Milton
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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-22 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Jeff Donsbach said the following on 2006-03-21 17:26:

Do you have any kind of comparison numbers of using CPU affinity
vs not for your particular case? Also, are you using ZEO or not?  It's
not that I don't believe you when you say it matters a lot for you. I
do believe you. Like Tino, I'm just generally interested in how much
it matters in measurable terms. I can imagine there are a number of
factors determining how much it matters, like Zope app/workload as
well as the underlying hardware architecture (how big of a penalty is
it to synchronize cache pages between CPUs) and the OS CPU scheduler
as Tino mentioned.

To be honest, we have never had the inclination to do much of research 
in this area. Our situation has mostly been such that we experience 
horrible delays in zope-responsiveness in testing that vanish as soon as 
we use taskset. This is on both Solaris (with the equivalent of taskset 
there) and Linux .

Since then (and for other reasons), we have migrated all of the central 
servers we manage from Solaris to Linux, so I cannot give any more input 
about Solaris.

Yes, we use ZEO almost exclusively, it is realtively easy to setup even 
fpr development and we don't deploy without ZEO anymore. It makes a fair 
bit of improvement as well.

We have an app (the one that tooks us on the road to zope) that for 
various reasons has not updated properly since 2002 when we first had 
our multicpu experiences.

This particular app receives quite a bit of load, and since it is built 
entirely thru the web with by now age-old DTML and 
ye-olde-zope-techniques, it is not the speediest in the world. Add to 
that the fact that we use DCOracle2(*) to do Oracle queries, and we 
sometimes expericence hangups on the ZEO clients.

For this app, we have successfully delayed it's demise and avoided 
total chaos by adding more ZEO clients (at the moment, these clients 
runt on two machines, four processes on one and two processes on the 
other). Well, we also have scripts that restart the nodes when the leak 
memory too much, and so on. BUT: the speed of the app has increased with 
each node we add.

I am sorry that I cannot give more numbers - I hear from the traffic on 
the list that there are other factors involved nowadays that may in some 
way obsolete the need to bind to a particular CPU, however I do not 
understand how this can have an impact on the GIL.

Let me be the first to admit my total lack of knowledge of kernel task 
schedulers, but generally speaking, unless the scheduler makes sure that 
a threaded python process never ever gets distributed over two 
processors simultaniously,  then the GIL *will* be an issue.

In any event, I'd love to be proved wrong about the need for taskset 
(especially if someone comes up with measurable data to that effect) 
because it means that my sysadmins can simplify their setup for managing 
Zope (making Zope even more acceptable :-).



(*) We have not been able to use the versions of DCOracle2 that ChrisW 
has worked on, because we expericend nother set of problems with them 
and we never had the opportinuty to really spend time chasing those 
bugs. I believe ChrisW's DCO2 does solve some of the issues that the 
original DCO2 has

Please note that the problems we had with it, may very well becasue of 
our particular setup (Oracle 8, bad code in our app, even worse sql, 
etc). I have heard that for other people Chris's DCOracle2 versions work 
better than the non-modified DCO2, so YMMV.

-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems  Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming  application design:
emancipate yourself from mental slavery - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-22 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Chris Withers said the following on 2006-03-22 01:36:

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:

Dario, I actually think your comment here is a bit out of order if 
you're referring to this post of mine:

yes, it was and I apologise for it, you did point to relevant 
information and I was unfair towards you.

In all fairness, the quality of newbies was better back then. Too many 
people come to this list nowadays asking about stuff without bothering 
to do any research and often asking about Plohn, whereas their own lists 
would be much better...

They then get arsey because people won't bend over backwards to help 
them answer the same question they asked before, even though they're not 
even paying the people they're expecting to help them.

Unfortunaltey, that is the ways things work, and I think we all have to 
prepare to be nice to those newbies too. Back then, when we are a select 
few that used zope and zope was not so on-topic as it is today, the 
ones that were on the list were interested in Zope-the-technology and 
thus could ask sensible questions.

Generally speaking, with the growing poularity of Zope-solutions, where 
Plone and CPS being popular solutions more or less hide the technology 
behind, we get a bunch of people that do not necessarily care about the 
technology behind plone/cps, they just wnat things to work.

Also, especially having the marketing zope discussions happening on 
other lists, we need to come to terms with the fact that zope does not 
exist in isolation from it's environment. Questions on the general Zope 
list about issues and successes in deploying Zope, Zope performance 
*ARE* legitimate questions on the list.

Even if the real answer is it's a python thing. If folks don't care 
for politeness and a will to help users, then they should see it as a 
technical issue. Zope is probably the largest Python Threaded app there 
is at the moment (perhaps the largest Python app, period?) - Zope has 
lead to bugs being discovered in Python that get fixed in newer Python 

So, questions and issues about threaded Pytohn apps are very likely  to 
be related to Zope, and shoudl not be dismissed ad-hoc-ly, in spite of 
the answer being google is your friend: zope+multi+cpu

enough sleep, yada, yada, yada... I fail to see how that is a newbie's 
fault, so no need to take it out on them.

It's a two way street...

Indeed, and in hindsight, I guess I reverted to this behaviour as well 
:P. Sorry about that.

Having chatted with both the author and the researcher of that paper, I 
don't remember the results being as clear-cut as you imply ;-)

having experienced this first hand, before the paper arrived (and it did 
help me find the solution), I think I disagree :-)

Still, had Hugo bothered to do even some cursory googling, would he not 
have found all that information?

I guess he was under the wrong impression that the zope-list was a 
friendly and safe place to ask questions and get community support :)

Joke aside, yes, he would have found the answer probably, but we cannot 
expect all netizens to be civilised and know proper behaviour. I think 
Checkov (or someone) said something along the lines of good table 
manners is not to not spill sauce on the table, but to not notice when 
someone else does.

I think we could do with something similar about netiquette.

Regarding all other advises you have gotten so far (get more memory, 
look at your disks, get a life, etc), I am sure that they have merits, 
but as far as I can see, they don't actually solve anything at all.

I think you're stepping outside the bounds of reasonable argument here...

The other advice, in fact, more often than not, has more impact on more 
zope installations...

I'd love to see more data and less opinion about this - and no, I am not 
being sarcastic here. If we can avoid taskset then the setup is *way* 
simpler for our sysadmins, so I have a real interest here.

Actually, most people run multiple zeo clients on multi-processor boxes 
and let the native task scheduler do the right thing. For most 
people this seems to work just fine...

See above.


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems  Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming  application design:
emancipate yourself from mental slavery - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-22 Thread Chris Withers

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
Unfortunaltey, that is the ways things work, and I think we all have to 
prepare to be nice to those newbies too. 

I think we have a right to expect those newbies to be nice back ;-)

Generally speaking, with the growing poularity of Zope-solutions, where 
Plone and CPS being popular solutions more or less hide the technology 
behind, we get a bunch of people that do not necessarily care about the 
technology behind plone/cps, they just wnat things to work.

If that's the case, they should either be prepared to pay someone.

Also, especially having the marketing zope discussions happening on 
other lists, we need to come to terms with the fact that zope does not 
exist in isolation from it's environment. Questions on the general Zope 
list about issues and successes in deploying Zope, Zope performance 
*ARE* legitimate questions on the list.

Yes, but when you point out more helpful forums to people and they just 
whine back, they deserve all the abuse they get, I'm afraid...

So, questions and issues about threaded Pytohn apps are very likely  to 
be related to Zope, and shoudl not be dismissed ad-hoc-ly, in spite of 
the answer being google is your friend: zope+multi+cpu

Not sure I agree. If people are expecting free help, they should at 
least have the courtesy to do the ground work.

Having chatted with both the author and the researcher of that paper, 
I don't remember the results being as clear-cut as you imply ;-)

having experienced this first hand, before the paper arrived (and it did 
help me find the solution), I think I disagree :-)

I think we can agree that this isn't consistent for everyone, which 
kindof proves the point that other options might be best explored first ;-)

I guess he was under the wrong impression that the zope-list was a 
friendly and safe place to ask questions and get community support :)

For the vast majority of people, it is. If you're rude and lazy, then 
maybe it shouldn't be ;-)

Checkov (or someone) said something along the lines of good table 
manners is not to not spill sauce on the table, but to not notice when 
someone else does.

Visiting someone's house without an invitation and throwing sauce in 
their face is not something I think covered by that phrase...



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-22 Thread Hugo Ramos
Many things were said here... Lots of Kb's spent going around the world...
The main question remained unexplained!

Maybe Chris didn't know the answer and just directed this thread to
another direction where he could be much more exposed as the father???

I don't know. What I do know is that I'm not a newbie AND I did my
homework (google+other sources) before coming here!
Maybe I'm a newbie regarding the use of Zope on top of 4 CPU's but
then again... Everybody is a bit newbie to something on this Earth!

I got to know Chris while I was living in London (working with Zope)
and he seemed a very nice guy having a pint of beer in front of him...
But I also know him from this mailing list... So...

When it comes to Chris answers I just ignore 80% of what he says and
try to learn the other 20% (the knowledge itself).
Having said this... Cheers!


On 3/22/06, Chris Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
  Unfortunaltey, that is the ways things work, and I think we all have to
  prepare to be nice to those newbies too.

 I think we have a right to expect those newbies to be nice back ;-)

  Generally speaking, with the growing poularity of Zope-solutions, where
  Plone and CPS being popular solutions more or less hide the technology
  behind, we get a bunch of people that do not necessarily care about the
  technology behind plone/cps, they just wnat things to work.

 If that's the case, they should either be prepared to pay someone.

  Also, especially having the marketing zope discussions happening on
  other lists, we need to come to terms with the fact that zope does not
  exist in isolation from it's environment. Questions on the general Zope
  list about issues and successes in deploying Zope, Zope performance
  *ARE* legitimate questions on the list.

 Yes, but when you point out more helpful forums to people and they just
 whine back, they deserve all the abuse they get, I'm afraid...

  So, questions and issues about threaded Pytohn apps are very likely  to
  be related to Zope, and shoudl not be dismissed ad-hoc-ly, in spite of
  the answer being google is your friend: zope+multi+cpu

 Not sure I agree. If people are expecting free help, they should at
 least have the courtesy to do the ground work.
  Having chatted with both the author and the researcher of that paper,
  I don't remember the results being as clear-cut as you imply ;-)
  having experienced this first hand, before the paper arrived (and it did
  help me find the solution), I think I disagree :-)

 I think we can agree that this isn't consistent for everyone, which
 kindof proves the point that other options might be best explored first ;-)

  I guess he was under the wrong impression that the zope-list was a
  friendly and safe place to ask questions and get community support :)

 For the vast majority of people, it is. If you're rude and lazy, then
 maybe it shouldn't be ;-)

  Checkov (or someone) said something along the lines of good table
  manners is not to not spill sauce on the table, but to not notice when
  someone else does.

 Visiting someone's house without an invitation and throwing sauce in
 their face is not something I think covered by that phrase...



 Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-21 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Martijn Pieters said the following on 2006-03-16 12:25:

On 3/16/06, Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey... but thank you Jens for spending all that time writing an email
that doesn't help any1 at all...!!!

check google for multiple use of exclamation marks.

Or look up Terry Pratchett quotes on


Martinj, Chris and others giving nonsential answers: Don't you guys have 
work to do instead of playing bullies on the newbies?.

To be honest, I find arrogant and pointless answers like yours way more 
annoying than a whole bunch of newbies asking more or less cluess questions.

I see a lot of this newbie bashing increasing; in fact it has been some 
years since the zope list was a good example on how to treat newbies 
politely and point them to the prope answers.

Sure, we all have loads of work and are way too stressed, we don't get 
enough sleep, yada, yada, yada... I fail to see how that is a newbie's 
fault, so no need to take it out on them.

For the benefit of all those that have tiny, tiny memory spans, the 
question of Zope's processes necessity to be CPU-bound is a horse that 
was resolved a couple of years ago (2002). It turns out that it is not a 
Zope problem (Oh, the Horror. He's bringing a non-zope question to the 

It is pythons fault, if you are grumpy old fart, or it is a feature 
if you are having a good day.

The need for threaded python processes to be CPU bound (yes, Zope is 
threaded, in case you have forgotten) arises from the fact that python 
has the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock).

For background see:


As far as I know, the GIL is still there and won't go away any time 
soon. Today, the only change from 2002 is that there is a heck of a lot 
more multi-CPU machines than there were back in 2002.

So, to make a long story short: on linux there is a userspace tools 
called taskset:

if there is no such command for your particular distro/kernelversion, 
look no further than:

I cannot tell you wich version to use, but I think you get the idea. I 
do believe that some distros allready include taskset in them.

So you have to write a wrapper script around zopectl (you are running a 
newer versionof zope, aren't you?) where you do this.

It has worked like a charm for us since 2002 (well, almost - since 
schedutils were new and cool back in 2002 we had regular fights with the 
sysadmins guys regarding the need to introduce 
non-redhat-aproved-kernel-hacks into the production systems. Nowadays 
taskset and related tools are included in the later RHE releases).

Regarding all other advises you have gotten so far (get more memory, 
look at your disks, get a life, etc), I am sure that they have merits, 
but as far as I can see, they don't actually solve anything at all.

The fact that the issue of the GIL is not more prominent in the Zope 
worlds, I think is because relatively few zopistas are aware that there 
is a problem; mostly, because not so many run multicpu-boxes in 
production, and also because of attitude, I suppose: since I don't have 
a problem with it, I don't care about it, and I'll inform you so.

/dario - yes... a bit annoyed at all the help some folks give...

-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems  Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming  application design:
emancipate yourself from mental slavery - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-21 Thread Tino Wildenhain

Dario Lopez-Kästen schrieb:

The fact that the issue of the GIL is not more prominent in the Zope 
worlds, I think is because relatively few zopistas are aware that there 
is a problem; mostly, because not so many run multicpu-boxes in 
production, and also because of attitude, I suppose: since I don't have 
a problem with it, I don't care about it, and I'll inform you so.

/dario - yes... a bit annoyed at all the help some folks give...

Otoh, I have yet to see the figures showing the CPU afinity
buys you anything in reality. We know the GIL, thats for sure
but I never saw a measureable difference binding a process
to a CPU (which is also highly depending on the OS scheduler)

I can imagine usefull applications of this - and thats for
tiny computing intense applications where you can assume
the CPU afinity keeps the program in the CPU cache.

Zope isnt by far a tiny application compared to the cache size
of actual CPUs.


PS: yes and I dont think newbs or anybody should easily get angry
if they dont get the answer they would like to read...

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-21 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Tino Wildenhain said the following on 2006-03-21 14:51:

Otoh, I have yet to see the figures showing the CPU afinity
buys you anything in reality. We know the GIL, thats for sure
but I never saw a measureable difference binding a process
to a CPU (which is also highly depending on the OS scheduler)

for us, it makes all the difference between zope sucks, why do we 
bother with this non-sense, non-standard, butt-slow appserver, and use 
Java or PHP instead and nice, zope based solutions are really nice, 
not only feature wise, but also speedy. And they are clusterable too, neat!


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems  Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming  application design:
emancipate yourself from mental slavery - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-21 Thread Jeff Donsbach
On 3/21/06, Dario Lopez-Kästen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tino Wildenhain said the following on 2006-03-21 14:51:

  Otoh, I have yet to see the figures showing the CPU afinity
  buys you anything in reality. We know the GIL, thats for sure
  but I never saw a measureable difference binding a process
  to a CPU (which is also highly depending on the OS scheduler)

 for us, it makes all the difference between zope sucks, why do we
 bother with this non-sense, non-standard, butt-slow appserver, and use
 Java or PHP instead and nice, zope based solutions are really nice,
 not only feature wise, but also speedy. And they are clusterable too, neat!


Do you have any kind of comparison numbers of using CPU affinity
vs not for your particular case? Also, are you using ZEO or not?  It's
not that I don't believe you when you say it matters a lot for you. I
do believe you. Like Tino, I'm just generally interested in how much
it matters in measurable terms. I can imagine there are a number of
factors determining how much it matters, like Zope app/workload as
well as the underlying hardware architecture (how big of a penalty is
it to synchronize cache pages between CPUs) and the OS CPU scheduler
as Tino mentioned.

Jeff D
p.s. I agree with the rest of your sentiments about newbie bashing.
Unfortunately, it seems to be a popular past time among some of the
l33ts on a bunch of the lists I monitor these days.
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-16 Thread Chris Withers

Hugo Ramos wrote:

I think these questions are very ZOPE RELATED since I asked them in a
Zope mailing list don't you think?

No, we don't. This has nothing specific to do with Zope. Process 
affinity is an OS-specific thing, and if you care about it you should as 
on an OS-specific forum. In your case, you're probably going to get help 
much more quickly and usefully on #debian on The guys 
there are really clued up.

However, as an aside, how have you established that processor affinity 
is the problem here? I'd suggest looking at your disk and memory usage 
patterns. i/o wait or swap death could quite easily see your processors 
only hitting 30% even if the affinity is locked down exactly as you'd 



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-16 Thread Martijn Pieters
On 3/16/06, Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey... but thank you Jens for spending all that time writing an email
  that doesn't help any1 at all...!!!

 check google for multiple use of exclamation marks.

Or look up Terry Pratchett quotes on

'Multiple exclamation marks, he went on, shaking his head, are a
sure sign of a diseased mind.' -- Eric

Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind. -- Reaper Man

And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of
someone who wears his underpants on his head. -- Maskerade

Terry doesn't like multiple exclamation marks.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-15 Thread Hugo Ramos
Yes... But I'm looking for more specific answers about how to create
the affinity between 1 of the zope processes and the CPU n.2, for
How to make that a permanent choice?


On 3/15/06, Max M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hugo Ramos wrote:
  I'm using Zope+Apache on a 4 xeon's/4GB ram machine running Debian.
  I've noticed that the CPU's never go beyond 30% top occupation... but
  on rush hours the site takes too long to load...
  I've been reading about process affinity and how it could speed up
  everything by making zope run on 1 CPU, Apache on another and so on...
  Has any1 tried this before? Can you point me to some documentation?
  What's your experience? is it true that not doing this the 4 cpu's
  will not be 100% used?

 You can set up zope with zeo and then assign 3 zeo clients on different
 processors that shares the zeo server.

 That should get you a lot of the way.


 hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
 IT's Mad Science

 Phone:  +45 66 11 84 94
 Mobile: +45 29 93 42 96

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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-15 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

On 15 Mar 2006, at 21:11, Hugo Ramos wrote:

Yes... But I'm looking for more specific answers about how to create
the affinity between 1 of the zope processes and the CPU n.2, for
How to make that a permanent choice?

This question has nothing to do with Zope. You will need to find out  
from your operating system documentation or from a forum that deals  
with it.


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-15 Thread Hugo Ramos
Has any1 tried this before? Can you point me to some documentation?
What's your experience? is it true that not doing this the 4 cpu's
will not be 100% used?

I think these questions are very ZOPE RELATED since I asked them in a
Zope mailing list don't you think?
I'm asking about Zope user/administrator experience related to Zope
use on a quad machine!!!

Of course if some1 tells me how to do it using OS related stuff this
is STILL Zope related!

Hey... but thank you Jens for spending all that time writing an email
that doesn't help any1 at all...!!!


On 3/15/06, Jens Vagelpohl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 15 Mar 2006, at 21:11, Hugo Ramos wrote:

  Yes... But I'm looking for more specific answers about how to create
  the affinity between 1 of the zope processes and the CPU n.2, for
  How to make that a permanent choice?

 This question has nothing to do with Zope. You will need to find out
 from your operating system documentation or from a forum that deals
 with it.


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-15 Thread Jeff Donsbach
On 3/15/06, Tres Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That question is not Zope specific -- you would need to modify the start
 scripts for your appservers to make whatever kernel / libc-specific
 calls are needed (on Solaris, it would be invoking the 'pbind' command).
 In the worst case, you would end up writing a wrapper binary which set
 the affinity mask and then exec'ed Python.

 I don't know what facilities the kernel in your Linux provides for doing
 that (and haven't tried on any recent kernels of my own, either).

On 2.6 kernels (and possibly some patched/backported 2.4 kernels) with
recent glibc versions, the API call to use would be
sched_setaffinity() ( see sched.h ) . I'm not aware of any existing
userland command on Linux equivalent to pbind of Solaris or
mpsched  or runon of other UNIX systems. It would be a pretty easy
little program to write though. You should be able to set the
processor affinity on your running Zope instance too, assuming
appropriate privledges.

- Jeff D
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine

2006-03-15 Thread Tino Wildenhain
Hugo Ramos schrieb:
 Has any1 tried this before? Can you point me to some documentation?
 What's your experience? is it true that not doing this the 4 cpu's
 will not be 100% used?
 I think these questions are very ZOPE RELATED since I asked them in a
 Zope mailing list don't you think?
 I'm asking about Zope user/administrator experience related to Zope
 use on a quad machine!!!
 Of course if some1 tells me how to do it using OS related stuff this
 is STILL Zope related!
 Hey... but thank you Jens for spending all that time writing an email
 that doesn't help any1 at all...!!!

Hahaha. And the time you are weeping would have been better spent
on googling your os cpu afinity  - and err. btw. also check
google for multiple use of exclamation marks.

Btw. I dont believe the cpu afinity buys you anything in zope
context. Try it and test it in your setup with your application.

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