Re: [Zope-dev] Two visions?

2006-03-06 Thread Jean Jordaan
 Or Zed is the part of Zope that can be used without Zope.

Yes, it's always been the Zed Object Publishing Environment. Now
the Zed can get a job :-](I'm neutral regarding the suggestion.)

Zope-Dev maillist  -
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Re: [Zope-dev] Where are all the good docs?

2004-07-20 Thread Jean Jordaan
Also have a look at: (aging but still useful)
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Unexpected Behaviour iterating over catalog search...

2004-03-08 Thread Jean Jordaan
Surely the thing returned by a Catalog search should be immutable?
Nope, it is lazy;  immutability would require realizing it first, 
which would be prohibitively expensive in many cases.
Yes .. thing is, wrapping with list() or tuple() will therefore
also be prohibitive in those cases, so can't be done routinely.
In those cases, what would be better? Something like
for brain in Catalog(some_index=some_value):
# delete the object, and then
brain_to_delete = Catalog(unique_index=brain.unique_prop)
.. can't really think why that would work if Chris's original
doesn't, though.
Jean Jordaan
/courses.html-- Zope/Plone training!
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Re: [Zope-dev] Environment for Python Development

2003-12-12 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hello. Do any of you know of an IDE(preferably open source) that I can use
to develop/debug/test python code in? Thanks.
Don't forget Boa Constructor:
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] xron does not work with python 2.2

2003-09-23 Thread Jean Jordaan
it seams that the Product XRON does not work with python 2.2.
Perhaps you should be thankful .. We tried to use xron a year
or so ago, and it bit us repeatedly. We dropped it and use
cron to tickle a Zope URL or to call an external method. For
those, see:
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Announce: new is LIVE!

2003-08-07 Thread Jean Jordaan
Yay :)  I'm sure this ushers in a new era of Zope UI
respectability ;
So, sorry to start with the quibbles already, but ..
 Too many pages are way too wide
This has always bugged me about Plone too.
It seems like every second page is way wider than
my browser window. This is partly the result of long
pre lines, which is made worse by the fact that
the content area is a table cell .. this means that
the longest pre line sets the width of all the text.
It would be much better if only the too-long lines
extended off the side of the screen, and the other
lines wrapped. IMHO this consequence of the table-
based layout is a major downer :/
The table on a member's page (eg. ) also gets much too
wide very easily.
I like to bump up the text size to 120% or so for easy
reading on my laptop, and on new I can't,
unless I want to scroll horizontally a lot.
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Mailinglists

2003-08-04 Thread Jean Jordaan
I fixed all lists this morning.
Dunno if this is related, but they're still AWOL from .. (only shows 6 lists now).
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: TALES idea: tuple unpacking

2003-07-24 Thread Jean Jordaan
I only use 2 because it's there :-)  Thinking more about it, it
occurs to me that python expressions in TALES provide a huge hole
in the separation of presentation from logic. 
Perhaps it's worthwhile for this thread to have a look at
and following to see what Phillip Eby is cooking up. 

The templates he proposes have only two or three attributes, 
keeping logic rigorously out of the template.

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: TALES idea: tuple unpacking

2003-07-23 Thread Jean Jordaan
It is absolutely amazing how slippery this stuff is to pin down.
The same ideas keep popping up and then slowly subsiding under 
the weight of exceptions, prefixes and caveats. 

I kinda suspect the only way is to deliver a specific take on
the whole thing, like Evan did with the current ZPT, and to see 
how that pans out, instead of teasing the current ZPT to creep 
after features.

That said (he continues blithely), the one bit about the current
one that bugs me is the behaviour of callables in path expressions.
This is the one I like::
 tal:define=value here/func/dict-returned-by-func/key
 tal:define=value here/obj/method/returned-dict/key
 tal:define=value here/dict/key/obj-stored-under-key/method
That's the one with the downer that func can't get parameters. 
I'm totally fine with that. For parameters:: 

 tal:define=dict python:here.func('parameter'); 
 value dict/key

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: TALES idea: tuple unpacking

2003-07-23 Thread Jean Jordaan
int:-- Look up an item by index
Hate this.  Looks like a typecast of some kind, int is way to overused
Aesthetically, I also find it ugly. The attractiveness of a *path* 
expression lies in its resemblance to a *path*. 

But I realise it's like the weird ++elements in Zope3 paths that
I hope never to need to deal with but will have to swallow sometime
willy nilly, and that no-one could think of anything better in that
case :|
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] registerClass ignoring permissions defined in the class?

2003-07-18 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi all 

For the second time in a couple of months, I found myself 
wrestling with security on FSPythonScripts (and eventually
thinking hell with it, and just moving the functionality 
to a class method). Anyway, I found this, which looks like
an inconsistency between docs and implementation:

In ProductContext.registerClass the docstring says:

   permissions -- Additional permissions to be registered
  If not provided, then permissions defined in the
  class will be registered.
However, registerClass only handles permissions that are 
passed in:

   if permissions:

It doesn't look at permissions defined in the class at all. Am
I missing something?
The reason I thought this matters is that this works fine in a
CMF .metadata file:


but this doesn't:

Use LDAPService=1:Anonymous

AccessControl.Role.manage_permission complains: 
Invalid Permission: The permission emUse LDAPService/em is invalid.
The permission does, however, show up on the ZMI security tab, 
and if I set it for Anonymous on a parent of the script, the script 
executes fine.

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZCatalog Indexes tab crawl reason confirmed

2003-07-17 Thread Jean Jordaan
so... would anyone mind?
Well, I've often been interested to note the numbers. It gave me
a feeling for which indexes are heavily used. Sure, I could figure
this out without looking at this page, but the (lack of) speed 
hasn't bugged me .. 

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: FHS, zopectl, #925, Re: [Zope-dev] 2.7 installation

2003-06-20 Thread Jean Jordaan
It *sounds* like it's being suggested that we replace make 
That's correct, though Aap can usefully do much more than make,
such as fetching remote sources and managing CVS checkouts/-ins.
Has anyone used SCons?
Well, they feature neck-and-neck in July, so if someone (or
someone someone knows) is around there, they could compare and
ask pointed questions:
2003 May 15: BOF session at O'Reilly conference
The proposal to organize a BOF session on A-A-P has been accepted. It 
will take place on Thursday evening July 10, from 8 to 9 pm. This is 
directly after the BOF session on SCons, in the same room. A nice 
occasion for people to talk about modern building tools! More 
information about the conference here.
(links at )

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: FHS, zopectl, #925, Re: [Zope-dev] 2.7 installation

2003-06-20 Thread Jean Jordaan
I think the default Zope install should not have dependencies other
than that Python is required and the user has some shell system
(bash/sh/MS batchfiles).
... and aap apparently ;)
I'm thinking that ZC needs a more capable make replacement. That
isn't quite the topic of this thread, but Aap (eg.) would be cool
already if it was just used by ZC to manage their checkout/builds,
and was available as option for outsiders to use. The releases
needn't have a new dependency.
It's based on the winning design for 
software construction tools (ie. make replacement) in the Software 
Carpentry contest 
Yes, like Roundup :)

It's certainly been around for longer than aap :)
I'd bet that Bram has been brooding on Aap for a long time, and he
certainly has masses of experience managing complex build environments,
with Vim compiling on about a million architectures with or without
myriads of compilation options, language bindings, GUI toolkits, etc.
, and is more stable than 0.14 alpha
I note with a grin that up until this month aap was at release 0.150 :)
That's the hundred and fiftieth release, ne :)

Jean Jordaan (using WindowMaker 0.80.2)
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: FHS, zopectl, #925, Re: [Zope-dev] 2.7 installation

2003-06-19 Thread Jean Jordaan
There's only one possible way! A-A-P! (A good match for Ape, Shane ;)
It's a replacement for make by Bram Moolenaar, the author of Vim, and
it looks like it does a lot of things Right.

In fact, Aap would fit very well with Gentoo. Gentoo's emerge system
takes care of package metadata, fetching the source, and unpacking
it. Once it's unpacked, it gets compiled, usually with the standard
.configure; make; make install steps. Individual packages could use
aap instead of make. Actually, Aap also takes care of the fetching
phase. Then Gentoo installs the compiled package, keeping track of
what files went where, so that they can be uninstalled, and queried
for what package they belong to. This Aap doesn't do, AFAIK.
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] The Return of the Son of Session Errors, redux

2003-05-29 Thread Jean Jordaan
Dieter Maurer wrote:
What have session errors to do with XMLWidgets?
XMLWidgets stores the state of the document that you're editing
in the session. We don't want to hack and fork XMLWidgets, so
we're not in a position to change the way it uses the session.
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] The Return of the Son of Session Errors, redux

2003-05-29 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi Chris

I just checked in a change that disables the low conflict connection
feature of temporary storage.
We've patched, and so far it looks good. We've seen one KeyError,
but that was after leaving the session to expire. Will 2.6.2 get
the patch?
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] The Return of the Son of Session Errors, redux

2003-05-28 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi all

We're being chowed heavily by the KeyError discussed from the
13th to the 18th March in this thread:
Has there been any definite resolution of that issue? We're running
Zope 2.6.1, has the issue gone away on Zope 2.6.2?
In that thread a patch to was suggested
to deal with ReadConflictErrors, but we don't get those. The
suggestions regarding the KeyErrors was:
 1) to move to a different storage, such as BerkeleyStorage or
DirectoryStorage, for the session data, or
 2) to touch the objects that are likely to change early in the
transaction. (Toby Dickenson).
Our errors are triggered in the bowels of XMLWidgets, so I don't
think 1) is a simple solution, and we don't want to do 2) if we
can avoid it. Have specific alternative session storages been
found to be free of this issue?
The initial report has been logged as a 'critical' error as
but it's still Pending.
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] The Return of the Son of Session Errors, redux

2003-05-28 Thread Jean Jordaan
Our errors are triggered in the bowels of XMLWidgets, so I don't
think 1) is a simple solution, and we don't want to do 2) if we
Err, swap 1) and 2) .. that'll teach me to use gratuitous lists :/

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Trying to understand the nuances of a VerboseSecurityreport ..

2003-03-04 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi Shane, Toby ..

Set Tardis for
All I can think is that that object 'basic' lacks context for
some reason (i.e. lacks an acquisition wrapper?). I can't think
why it lacks context .. we use that idiom all over the app, and
don't normally get any problems.
That's all I can think of also.  Try examining basic.aq_chain.
It looks like bad interaction with ZUnit:

(Pdb) license.propertysheets.basic
ZInstanceSheet instance at 9a6f350
(Pdb) license.propertysheets.basic.aq_chain
[ZInstanceSheet instance at 9a6f350, License_PropertySheetsClass 
instance at 9a6f128, License instance at 9e19038, Specialist 
instance at 99ae6d8, Specialist instance at 996acd0, Folder instance 
at 9cad3b0, *** AttributeError: testsRun

'testsRun' is an attribute that is set in ZUnit.TestMonitor
I'm poking about in ZUnit now .. benightedly ..
Here is the code context in which the above obtains::

# Create a new reminder and reference it from the License
reminder = container.addInstance(no_redir=1)
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #DBG We are here. This fails:
That is in a Script (Python). The 'license' instance was
created in the calling Script (Python), and passed in as parameter.
Calling sequence:
  addLicenses (called from a ZUnitExternal test suite) -
  addLicense (creates license instance) -
  doRemindersForLicense(license) (creates reminder instance;
 calls license.propertysheets.basic.manage_changeProperties)
Perhaps interestingly, reminder and AUTHENTICATED_USER seem to be
OK, and license and context do not:
(Pdb) reminder.aq_chain
[Reminder instance at 9c39bb0, Specialist instance at 99682a0, 
Application instance at 9968a48, RequestContainer instance at 8fd9e68]
(Pdb) license.aq_chain
[License instance at 9e19038, Specialist instance at 99ae6d8, 
Specialist instance at 996acd0, Folder instance at 9cad3b0, *** 
AttributeError: testsRun
(Pdb) context.aq_chain
[Specialist instance at 99682a0, Specialist instance at 99ae6d8, 
Specialist instance at 996acd0, Folder instance at 9cad3b0, *** 
AttributeError: testsRun
[jean, LoginManager instance at 996f588, Application instance at 
9968a48, RequestContainer instance at 8fd9e68]

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Trying to understand the nuances of a VerboseSecurityreport ..

2003-03-04 Thread Jean Jordaan
In case it's relevant, the Folder at the bottom of the aq_chain
for license is a ZUnit temporary folder:
(Pdb) license.aq_chain
[License instance at 9cca368, Specialist instance at 9aef630, 
Specialist instance at 98313c8, Folder instance at 9cb9468, *** 
AttributeError: testsRun
(Pdb) license.aq_chain[3].__dict__
{'title': '', 'id': 
'__ac_local_roles__': {'jean': ['Owner']}}

The two Specialists are just part of our app:
Zope root/Licenses/LicenseDocs
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Trying to understand the nuances of a VerboseSecurityreport ..

2003-03-04 Thread Jean Jordaan
Notice that the closing square bracket is not 
present, and something printed three asterisks.  
Myeah, 'grep -r \*\*\* *' in the Zope 2.5.1 source and
instance Products directories doesn't turn up any AttributeError
line ..
 I don't know what code would do that... perhaps Python 1.5.2?

It's running: python2.1 -V
Python 2.1.3
[EMAIL PROTECTED] creme.jean-ZopeTestCase-branch $ cat start
#! /bin/sh
reldir=`dirname $0`
INSTANCE_HOME=`cd $reldir; pwd`

-D -X -w 17085 -W 17805 \
-u jean  $INSTANCE_HOME/var/z2.log 21 
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Index errors revisited: KeywordIndex unindex_objectcould not remove documentId -883140122 from index ComponentVersions. Thisshould not happen.

2003-02-28 Thread Jean Jordaan
Yo Chris

 If not, please file a collector issue when you have a patch and I'll
 make sure it's applied on the 2.6 branch as well as the HEAD.

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] How to trigger Zope externally (mail)

2003-02-27 Thread Jean Jordaan
I can't remember where I cribbed from ;]
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Index errors revisited: KeywordIndex unindex_object could not removedocumentId -883140122 from index ComponentVersions. This should not happen.

2003-02-27 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi all

We've posted about this before, but never managed to pin down
the issue nicely. It doesn't interfere with our application,
as far as we could tell, so we've let it slide. Here's another
attempt at formulating the problem.
We run a script which iterates over 719 ZClass License instances.
For each instance, either one or two ZClass Reminder instances
are created and edited. The script completes, logging all the way:
2003-02-27T09:43:44 INFO(0) MyDebugLog
recreate_reminders INFO: creating reminders for License_99
Then, Zope starts spitting out 657 errors like the following:

2003-02-27T09:43:49 ERROR(200) KeywordIndex unindex_object could not 
remove documentId -883140119 from index ComponentVersions.  This should 
not happen.
Traceback (innermost last):
line 168, in removeForwardIndexEntry
(Object: ComponentVersions)
KeyError: -883140119

Most of these errors are identical. There are 172 unique errors,
the rest are all retries. The 172 keys are not in the catalog.
The only indexes involved are ComponentVersions and NodeNames,
both 'lines' properties of ZClass Reminder.
Does anyone know how to cause this, so that I can stop doing it?
I'm trying to narrow it down again ..
 (Zope 2.5.1 (source release, python 2.1, linux2), python 2.1.3, linux2)

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Index errors revisited: KeywordIndex unindex_objectcould not remove documentId -883140122 from index ComponentVersions. Thisshould not happen.

2003-02-27 Thread Jean Jordaan
The reason is very simple:
Indeed! You make it clear as day :)

The fix: fix KeywordIndex such that is removes duplicates
  from _unindex[documentId].
We're looking to see if we can fix it for us ..

Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Offtopic: it's vs. its

2003-02-25 Thread Jean Jordaan
 I'm sorry to bring forward the topic of grammar,

I, for one, think that proper grammar in checkins, source code
and wikis is wonderful, and beneficial in the same way as syntax
highlighting in editors.
While reading Zope source in the past, I have, a couple of times,
made diffs fixing niggly grammatical issues (I can be compulsive
that way .. ) but have always refrained from submitting them as
issues, because I was afraid they'd be considered noise. Is this
a justified fear?
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] ZLDAP and replication

2003-02-25 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi Jeffrey  all

I'd just like to check something ..

When running LDAP in a master/slave setup, if a client of the
slave tries to update the directory, the slave returns a referral
(pointing at the master) to the client, and the client has to
retry the update at the master. That's steps 3 and 4 in this

It doesn't look like ZLDAPConnection does this, or am I being
Jean Jordaan
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Trying to understand the nuances of a VerboseSecurity report ..

2003-02-20 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi all (and Shane in particular :)

I'm triggering this error:

  Unauthorized: The owner of the executing script is defined
  outside the context of the object being accessed.  Access to
  'basic' of (License_PropertySheetsClass instance at e204528)
  denied. Access requires Access_contents_information_Permission,
  granted to the following roles: ['Administrator', 'Manager',
  'Owner', 'Supporter']. The executing script is (PythonScript
  instance at e208eb8), owned by jean.

I can't understand why .. there is exactly one acl_users in this
Zope instance, in the root, where user 'jean' is defined. The
whole application normally works fine. Currently, the error is
being triggered by a ZUnit unit test. All the other unit tests
(adding, editing and deleting instances of various kinds) works
fine. The code where the error is occuring is this:

# Create a new License instance and grab its propertysheet
license_id  = context.ObjectCounters.newID('License')
new_license = container.newItem(license_id)
new_license_propertysheet = new_license.propertysheets.basic

All I can think is that that object 'basic' lacks context for
some reason (i.e. lacks an acquisition wrapper?). I can't think
why it lacks context .. we use that idiom all over the app, and
don't normally get any problems.

I'm trying to see if reading VerboseSecurity's source will
help, but all I've found so far is a suspect double negation:

def userHasRolesButNotInContext(user, object, object_roles):
'''Returns 1 if the user has any of the listed roles but
is not defined in a context which is not an ancestor of object.

Surely either one of those 'not's should go?

Jean Jordaan

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] ExternalEditor losing its lock?

2003-02-04 Thread Jean Jordaan
Hi all

A couple of times now, I've noticed this:

 - I open a Python Script using ExternalEditor. A GET is issued,
   My editor starts up, and a LOCK gets set.

 - Now I view and execute the script (more GETs) while editing
   and saving in my editor (PUTs get issued).

 - That's fine. But then the lock goes away, and I successfully
   edit the script in the ZMI: a POST goes thru. But there hasn't
   been any UNLOCK yet. This shouldn't happen, right?

(Zope 2.5.1 (source release, python 2.1, linux2), python 2.1.3, linux2)

Excerpt from Z2.log: - jean [03/Feb/2003:18:25:38 +0200] GET /externalEdit_/test 
HTTP/1.1 200 1088 http://blommie:17081/manage_main; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; 
U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20021212 - jean [03/Feb/2003:18:25:40 +0200] LOCK /test HTTP/1.1 
200 789  Zope External Editor/0.6 - jean [03/Feb/2003:18:25:56 +0200] PUT /test HTTP/1.1 204 
251  Zope External Editor/0.6 - jean [03/Feb/2003:18:25:58 +0200] GET 
/test/manage_workspace HTTP/1.1 302 467 
http://blommie:17081/manage_main; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; 
en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20021212 - jean [04/Feb/2003:10:32:25 +0200] PUT /test HTTP/1.1 204 
251  Zope External Editor/0.6 - jean [04/Feb/2003:10:46:11 +0200] POST /test HTTP/1.1 
200 12877 http://blommie:17081/test/ZPythonScriptHTML_editForm; 
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20021212 - jean [04/Feb/2003:10:46:11 +0200] GET 
/manage_page_style.css HTTP/1.1 200 3014 http://blommie:17081/test; 
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20021212 - jean [04/Feb/2003:10:46:16 +0200] PUT /test HTTP/1.1 204 
251  Zope External Editor/0.6 - jean [04/Feb/2003:10:46:18 +0200] GET 
/test/manage_workspace HTTP/1.1 302 467 http://blommie:17081/test; 
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20021212

Jean Jordaan

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] How about some details about SGI's Supportfolio?

2003-01-27 Thread Jean Jordaan
A couple of Zope Announce's ago, our attention was drawn to
this press release:

I was wondering if there are any stories behind that --- what
technologies were used, what problems there were, how many
people were involved in building it, what SGI's degree of
participation was in the design, whether SGI now has inhouse
Zope expertise with the ability to extend Supportfolio .. any
interesting bits that the community can learn from.

Actually, I'm not interested in Supportfolio exclusively ---
I'd appreciate any stories about significant Zope
implementations, if anyone has time to tell them, and is not
bound by confidentiality issues.

Jean Jordaan

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] vs Xron forcron-like functionality. Advice?

2002-10-05 Thread Jean Jordaan

  From the code it doesn't seem to do any strange things, but I would
 like to know if anybody has experience of using it in a production

We have seen the following happen a couple of times: we have Reminders,
subclassed from XronDTMLMethod. When a Reminder triggers, it sends
email (using MailHost). When this fails, Xron goes into a spin,
the Reminder retriggering forever, bloating Data.fs with a Gb or more
overnight. We've started looking at the code a couple of times, but
everything looked fine ..

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] KeywordIndex errors: This should not happen.

2002-10-01 Thread Jean Jordaan

 Have you tried it in 2.6? 
 Yeah, this'd be my suggestion having suffered more terminally from 
 exactly these bugs :-S

Hmm! That's interesting. I was worried that we might be causing it
by tickling the Catalog the wrong way .. Did you ever get to the
bottom of the bugs? Do they have collector issues, perhaps?

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] KeywordIndex errors: This should not happen.

2002-10-01 Thread Jean Jordaan

 It would be fine if we could get a reproducable testcase
 for this problem. 

Absolutely. When the error we see occurs, the RID that is looked for
has already gone missing. It looks like the real error happens silently
sometime before, and not in all cases: the majority of the instances of
the affected class are cataloged OK.

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] KeywordIndex errors: This should not happen.

2002-09-30 Thread Jean Jordaan

Hi all

Our app has been hitting these errors for months:

2002-09-30T11:06:27 ERROR(200) KeywordIndex unindex_object could not remove 
documentId -444153566 from index ComponentVersions.  This should not happen.
Traceback (innermost last):
/usr/local/zope/2-5-1/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/common/, line 
168, in removeForwardIndexEntry
 (Object: ComponentVersions)
KeyError: -444153566

Here is the relevant piece Zope code::

 def removeForwardIndexEntry(self, entry, documentId):
 Take the entry provided and remove any reference to documentId
 in its entry in the index.
 global _marker
 indexRow = self._index.get(entry, _marker)
 if indexRow is not _marker:
 if not indexRow:
 del self._index[entry]
 try: self.__len__.change(-1)
 except AttributeError: pass # pre-BTrees-module instance
 except AttributeError:
 # index row is an int
 del self._index[entry]
 try: self.__len__.change(-1)
 except AttributeError: pass # pre-BTrees-module instance
 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #DBG

I inserted that 'set_trace' just before the error is logged. At this
point, the app state looks like this::

 (Pdb) self
 KeywordIndex instance at 9544940
 (Pdb) p
 (Pdb) entry
 (Pdb) p indexRow
 IITreeSet object at 0x1355a3d0
 (Pdb) len(indexRow.keys())
 (Pdb) indexRow.remove(documentId)
 *** KeyError: -444153566

 (Pdb) [self._index.keys()[n] for n in range(0,69)]
 ['', ' 2.13', '1', '1.14', '1.22', '1.25', '1.3', '1.6', '1.8.7',
 '1.9.8', '17.9', '2.0.6', '2.1', '2.15', '2.2.1', '2.2.3m', '2.2.7',
 '2.2.7m', '2.3.4m', '2.4', '2.4.2m', '2.4.3m', '2.4.4m', '2.4.5',
 '2.5', '2.6.6m', '2.7.7m', '2.8.5m', '2.8.6m', '2.8.7m', '2.9',
 '20.13-37', '22.13-42', '22.42-47', '22.5-42', '24.12-49',
 '24.13-49', '24.19-49', '4.4', '4.9', '40.54e', '41.184', '42.95',
 '43.11', '43.96', '43.96 ', '44.120', '44.131', '45.11', '7.3',
 '7.7', '8.0', '8.1', '8.2', '8.4', '8.4.1', '8.5.9', '8.7.2m',
 '8.7.6m', '8.8.9m', '8.9.6m', '8.9.7m', '9.0', '9.12', '9.2', '9.3',
 '9.4   ', '9.8', 'x']
 (Pdb) [indexRow.keys()[n] for n in range(0, len(indexRow.keys()))]
 [-1948802264, -1018656130, -444153568, -111852827, -32258423,
 -32258421, -32258398, -32258397, -32258396, 226891955, (and so on)

 (Pdb) catalog = self.restrictedTraverse('Catalog')
 (Pdb) catalog.getpath(-444153566)
 (Pdb) catalog.getIndexDataForRID(-444153566)['ComponentVersions']
 ['2.4', '8.9.7m', '44.131', '44.131', '2.4.3m', '4.9', '9.12',
 '24.13-49', '1.25', '2.15', '9.3', '2.8.6m']

Rephrasing that, I'd say: we're trying to remove the RID -444153566
from the list returned by: indexRow.keys()['44.131']

That RID is absent from that list, which raises a KeyError that
should not happen. There *is* an entry in the Catalog for that RID,
which *has* '44.131' in the list under the 'ComponentVersions' key in
the dict returned by getIndexDataForRID.

Did the RID get removed from the KeywordIndex list of RIDs prematurely?
Or did it never get inserted? Can anyone shed any enlightenment? Where
else should I be looking?

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] KeywordIndex errors: This should not happen.

2002-09-30 Thread Jean Jordaan

 If you feel this is a bug, you should file a collector issue for it.

We don't have a deep enough understanding of the Catalog to diagnose :/
We're not sure if it's a Catalog issue, or something we're doing wrong;
i.e. we don't know how the Catalog gets into that state.

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Is the aliasing of 'hasRole' correct?

2002-09-25 Thread Jean Jordaan

In AccessControl/

 def hasRole(self, *args, **kw):
 hasRole is an alias for 'allowed' and has been deprecated.

 Code still using this method should convert to either 'has_role' or
 'allowed', depending on the intended behaviour.

 import warnings
 warnings.warn('BasicUser.hasRole is deprecated, please use '
 'BasicUser.allowed instead; hasRole was an alias for allowed, but '
 'you may have ment to use has_role.', DeprecationWarning)
 self.allowed(*args, **kw)

Shouldn't that be::

 return self.allowed(*args, **kw)


Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] find unused objects: hopefully the last misunderstanding...

2002-08-30 Thread Jean Jordaan

 I have lots of scripts, dtml methods etc. everywhere which are
 perfectly well-known to the ZODB, nothing wrong with that, but which
 are simply not used by me anymore. No usage from other scripts nor
 methods nor documents. And these buggers I'd like to find.

They're impossible to find :))  Take for example the 'index_html' of
a folder: nothing else in my Zope app refers to it. But whenever
someone browses to they see that
'index_html'. No automatic method can guess what objects have become

If you want to find everything that isn't refered to by another Zope
object, you could use 'sitecopy' to make a filesystem copy of everything
in your ZODB, 'ls -R' to get a list of filenames, and
'grep -r filename *' for each filename in the list. If the grep returns
nothing, nothing refers to that object.

You could do the same kind of thing ('ls -R' and 'grep') from the Zope
Management Interface using Jerome Alet's zshell.

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Marshalling of records in REQUEST.form

2002-03-14 Thread Jean Jordaan

Hi all

I've just noticed this. In my form I have, for example:

 input name='HostType:list' value='Sequential'
 input name='properties_to_show.ContactPerson:list' value='ContactName'
 input name='properties_to_show.ContactPerson:list' value='DirectEmail'
 input name='properties_to_show.Customer:list' value='CustomerName'
 input name='properties_to_show.Customer:list' value='CustomerStatus'

When I log this after submission, I see:

 {'HostType': ['Sequential'], 'properties_to_show': ContactPerson: 
 ['ContactName', 'DirectEmail'], Customer: ['CustomerName', 

In other words, not a valid dictionary. As a valid dictionary, that 
would be:

 {'HostType': ['Sequential'], 'properties_to_show': {'ContactPerson': 
 ['ContactName', 'DirectEmail'], 'Customer': ['CustomerName', 

Is a bug or a feature? Is the reason for the representation the fact 
that 'properties_to_show' is a record, and not a dictionary?

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope-dev] Marshalling of records in REQUEST.form

2002-03-14 Thread Jean Jordaan

Hi Dieter

Roughly, I do this:

  FSSession.set('query_form', REQUEST.form)
  context.log('query_form: %s'%FSSession(query_form))

where the 'log' external method is:

  import zLOG
  def log(message,summary='',severity=0):

The output I quoted in the previous message appears in the logfile. My
Zope is 2.4.3

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Required final newline in Script (Python) in Zope 2.4.3

2001-12-17 Thread Jean Jordaan

Hi people

I'm moving an app to Zope 2.4.3, and one thing I've discovered is
that methods that don't end with a final newline are invalid::

  Script line 13
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax

If I go press return after the ), everything is fine. 

Is this a feature? An inevitability? Is it Good For Me?

Jean Jordaan

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] ZMailIn patch (index 'date' as DateTime object)

2001-11-09 Thread Jean Jordaan

Hi Andy  all

There I was, trying to select last week's mail messages from
the ZMailInCatalog, when I realized that the 'date' index was
a simple string. 

Here's a patch, adding a property 'datetime', which can be 
used as an index of type DateTime. 

Anything I'm missing here? In particular, I'm not sure I
understand what 'sortableDate' is meant for. It's a string 
like this::

  str('%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' % (dateTuple[0],dateTuple[1],

But it's still a string, and can't be used in comparisons 
with DateTimes. Why not just use 'datetime', also sortable?

Jean Jordaan

[jean@blommie ZMailIn]$ diff -u ./ ./ 
--- ./  Tue Mar  6 12:33:03 2001
+++ ./ZMailMessage_hacked.pyFri Nov  9 11:42:32 2001
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
 self.subject = subject = date
 self.sortableDate = self._convertToSortableDate(date)
+# njj: index the date as a date.
+import DateTime
+self.datetime = DateTime.DateTime(date) = to
 self.sender = sender
 self.replyto = replyto

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope-dev] ZMailIn patch (index 'date' as DateTime object)

2001-11-09 Thread Jean Jordaan

Hi Steve

 Jean Jordaan wrote:
  But it's still a string, and can't be used in comparisons 
  with DateTimes. Why not just use 'datetime', also sortable?
 DateTime objects are huge.

Hmm, OK, I'll keep that in mind .. For sorting my mails, though, I'll
stick with the DateTimes. 

It would be cool if ZMailIn was more flexible as to which catalog it
uses and what properties are indexed, without requiring one to hack the
source .. I'll see if I can think of a way to make it so. 

Thanks for the answer,

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] RE: Component Architecture / A modest proposal: Replace medusa with Twisted

2001-10-11 Thread Jean Jordaan

Hi all 

I don't know if you're all familiar with this already, but reading 
about Twisted didn't immediately bring to mind Medusa, but rather
certain aspects (specifically, *aspects*) of TransWarp, and of the 
Component Architecture (interfaces).

I'm including a bite from



Adverb Oriented

Twisted is adverb oriented, which takes this one step further.
Using inheritance and a simple naming convention, Twisted classes
indicate what sort of events they are responding to.  This allows
for conveniently extensible protocols along defined vectors for 

Let's say you wanted an object to be both a Twisted Reality player, and
also an object accessible through Twisted PerspectiveBroker. You could
define a class that looked like the following::

class RemotePlayer(reality.player.Player, spread.pb.Referenced):
def ability_kill(self, sentence): #kills another player
def remote_killPlayer(self):  #remote callable method.

Reality objects can have abilities, which you define by making a method
prefixed with ability_. pb objects have remotely callable
methods, which you define by making methods that begin with
remote_; so this is effectively the same as a class, a
snippet from the configuration file for a multi-user dungeon, and a
remote interface definition file; the three of which are normally
defined in different languages.  Using adverb orientation and some
simple python features, we can avoid the need for macros or complex
parsing to achieve this effect.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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