[Zope3-dev] Re: Question regarding zc.relationship

2007-06-27 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Gary Poster wrote:

On Jun 27, 2007, at 12:21 PM, Jürgen Kartnaller wrote:

We store 100K relations this way.


ZODB loads the referenced objects on demand.

Very true.

Additionally, I imagine Jürgen is using integer tokens, such as intids, 
to represent the objects within the index.


  Using that approach in
particular, you should get the best results.  The 
zc.relationship.intid.Container factory creates a container like this, 
for instance.



Andreas Kopecky wrote:

Hash: SHA1
I got a question regarding the Relationship container part of
I realized that the Relationship class stores the objects which belong
to the relation (source and target) as normal (strong?) python reference
inside the Relationship object. My question: Is there and performance
issue or data integrity issue to be expected when i store 10k or such
relations with such behavior in the ZODB? I would have expected the
Relationship class to use weak references to store the related objects.
thanks in advance!
- -regards
Andreas Kopecky
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[Zope3-dev] Re: AW: publisher performance

2007-06-17 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Roger Ineichen wrote:

Hi Jürgen

Betreff: [Zope3-dev] publisher performance


With this new version I also measured the time with zope as a trunk 
checkout (no eggs involved).

The publisher is now twice as fast as it was before !

I'm writing this just to show everyone what can happen if not enough 
care is taken in really critical parts inside the zope core. 
newInteraction is called exactly once for each request but was taking 
50% of the time (without eggs) for the publisher.

What do you mean with and without eggs? Do you mean the
flat dotted page name structure used in eggs? Does the 
egg package structure perform different in some way? Or do 
you mean something else?

With without eggs I mean I used a trunk checkout for zope.

With eggs I mean I use the eggified packages from zope.

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[Zope3-dev] publisher performance

2007-06-16 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller
Here is a short story about the changes we made yesterday in the 
zope.security package :

Yesterday we deployed our first portal using buildout and eggs :) :)

Before we could do this we run into performance problems :( :(

On our development test instance we found that we got a 5% CPU load for 
each of our remotetask threads. Because we have 5 of them running per 
portal and we have 3 portals active... :(

After some investigation with the profiler :
lovely.remotetask throws an IndexError exception if there is no job to 
do. It is doing this once a second.
The publisher gets a traceback for the exception using python's 
traceback module.

traceback.extract_stack() uses python's linecache module.

Now here is the problem coming in :

linecache is extremely slow when using eggs !

We could measure 54 ms for the time spent in the publisher !

So we changed remotetask to not throw an IndexError.

But the publisher still took 27ms.

Profiling again showed us that traceback.extract_stack() was still 
called somewhere.

Finally we found it in zope.security.manager.py
newInteraction was storing a traceback to be able to print a nice 
traceback in case newInteraction is called a second time. This is really 
a good thing for the developer because you get a very detailed error 
report which shows you exactly from where newInteraction was called the 
first time.

But for which price:
Removing the extraction of the traceback put down the publisher time to

   ! 2ms !

So we decided to remove this feature.
The change is now in the newest egg for zope.security version 3.4.0b2

With this new version I also measured the time with zope as a trunk 
checkout (no eggs involved).

The publisher is now twice as fast as it was before !

I'm writing this just to show everyone what can happen if not enough 
care is taken in really critical parts inside the zope core. 
newInteraction is called exactly once for each request but was taking 
50% of the time (without eggs) for the publisher.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Bare excepts in z3c.zalchemy

2007-03-05 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Chris Withers wrote:

Jürgen Kartnaller wrote:

The fact that you get an error there is an indication that something 
in your tests still has a file open in some way, you should fix that ;-)

The something was/is sqlite !

I don't know what that's supposed to mean, since I have little context 
on the tests, but if a test has managed to get sqlite to open a file, 
then it should make sure that file gets closed again, surely?

Of course you are right.
It just means that I had no idea how I could solve the problem.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Bare excepts in z3c.zalchemy

2007-03-03 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

For the lack of a better mailinglist, I'm posting this to zope3-dev:

z3c.zalchemy is pretty cool, but the tons of bare except clauses make me 
a bit uneasy. When I see them, I wonder what this code is expecting to 
fail and why. Plus, there are no comments as to why a try/except was 
used in the first place.

I would offer my help if I knew enough about SQLAlchemy and what kind of 
things can go wrong in those cases. Either way, I'd feel better using 
and recommending zalchemy if it didn't have those bare except clauses...

Hi Philip.

datamanager.py: 2 try/except
They are there because it is possible that a table already exists when 
trying to create it or doesn't exist when trying to delete it.
As I remember when I wrote this I couldn't find a better way, but I'm 
there is a better way in the latest version of sqlalchemy.

container.py: 2 try/except
get speaks for itself, it think!
__len__ contains it to be able to view the container even if there is no 
database connection. Otherwise if the database connection is lost you 
even can not view the container in zmi.

So tons == 4 :)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Bare excepts in z3c.zalchemy

2007-03-03 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Jürgen Kartnaller wrote:

datamanager.py: 2 try/except
They are there because it is possible that a table already exists when 
trying to create it or doesn't exist when trying to delete it.
As I remember when I wrote this I couldn't find a better way, but I'm 
there is a better way in the latest version of sqlalchemy.

Good to know.

container.py: 2 try/except
get speaks for itself, it think!

Yes, those aren't bare excepts. Those make sense to me :)

__len__ contains it to be able to view the container even if there is 
no database connection. Otherwise if the database connection is lost 
you even can not view the container in zmi.

So tons == 4 :)

Okay, okay, I was exaggerating :). But there are some bare excepts in 
the tests as well:

  $ grep -nH -rI except: *

Maybe one can figure out which exception we need to catch here.


Yes these stupid except's are because of windows :(
I wrote the first version on windows and had the problem that windows 
didn't let me delete the files.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Bare excepts in z3c.zalchemy

2007-03-03 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Chris Withers wrote:

Jürgen Kartnaller wrote:

Yes these stupid except's are because of windows :(
I wrote the first version on windows and had the problem that windows 
didn't let me delete the files.

It is possible to do this right, I've had to in the past...

The fact that you get an error there is an indication that something in 
your tests still has a file open in some way, you should fix that ;-)

The something was/is sqlite !


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Bug in zc.catalog.index

2007-02-21 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Gary Poster wrote:

On Feb 21, 2007, at 8:10 PM, Roger Ineichen wrote:

Hi alga

Is this mine or is there something wrong with
zc.catalog.index, BTreeAPI or?

self._add_value(doc_id, value)
File D:\reflineRecruiter\app\trunk\src\zc\catalog\index.py,
line 115, in _add_value values_to_documents[added] =
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TreeSet'

Any hints?

Hi Roger.

zc.catalog 1.1 is stable, 1.2 is dev.

The trunk of zc.catalog, and the upcoming 1.2 release line, works with 
the ZODB trunk (ZODB 3.8, Zope 3.4), which is gaining some tools to 
manage the two new families there, the 64 bit ints (L) and the 32 bit 
ints (I).

The 1.1 release line should work with both ZODB 3.7/Zope 3.3 and ZODB 
3.8/Zope 3.4.  It sounds like that's what you want.

Currently pypi only has the stable 1.1 branch 
(http://www.python.org/pypi/zc.catalog).  There's also a 1.1 tag in 
svn.  I'll make a 1.1 branch from that tag if there are any bug fixes 
that need to go there (or you are welcome to if that helps your 
development or release management).

The current trunk of zc.catalog contains a change which is not backward 
compatible to existing catalogs and there is also no migration script !


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-01-09 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Hi there,

We had a Grok sprint in Germany over the weekend, and we got two 
reports   about it:

Rock on :)

What is the current state of the art in terms of Grok examples and 
documentation? What is the best place to look to find out about the 
latest development techniques and possiiblities?

Philipp has posted a blog entry with a good example of Grok code:


That looks really promising, looking forward to get more impressions 
from Phillip at the snowsprint.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: expected string or Unicode object

2006-12-04 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller
How should ZODB know how to serialize your xmpp.Client and /or 
xmpp.protocol.JID ?

If connectOnStartup is True your code creates these objects.


Florian Lindner wrote:

everytime I add my utility I get:

2006-12-04T22:44:26 ERROR SiteError 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/zope/publisher/publish.py, line 138, in 

publication.afterCall(request, obj)
  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/zope/app/publication/browser.py, line 78, in 

super(BrowserPublication, self).afterCall(request, ob)
  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py, line 
167, in afterCall

  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/transaction/_transaction.py, line 395, in 

  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/transaction/_transaction.py, line 495, in 

  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/ZODB/Connection.py, line 498, in commit
  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/ZODB/Connection.py, line 543, in _commit
self._store_objects(ObjectWriter(obj), transaction)
  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/ZODB/Connection.py, line 570, in 

p = writer.serialize(obj)  # This calls __getstate__ of obj
  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/ZODB/serialize.py, line 407, in serialize
return self._dump(meta, obj.__getstate__())
  File /home/florian/Zope3/src/ZODB/serialize.py, line 416, in _dump
TypeError: expected string or Unicode object, NoneType found - - [4/Dec/2006:22:44:26 
+0200] POST /++etc++site/default/+/AddJabberClient.html%3D HTTP/1.1 500 
89 http://horus.local:8080/++etc++site/default/+/AddJabberClient.html=; Mozilla/5.0 
(compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.5 (like Gecko)

I have already tried on zope3-users but got no solution. This is my code:


from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.schema import TextLine, Password, Bool

class IJabberClient(Interface):
JID = TextLine(
title = uJabber ID,
description = uJabber ID ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). You need 
to reconnect in order to take effect.,

required = True )

password = Password(

title = uPassword,
description = uPassword for the jabber account,
required = True )

connectOnStartup = Bool(

title = uConnect on startup,
description = uAutomatically connect when Zope starts 
and also when the object is newly added (what you are about to do).,

default = True)


from interfaces import IJabberClient
from zope.interface import implements

from persistent import Persistent
from zope.app.container.contained import Contained

import xmpp

class JabberClient(Persistent, Contained):

JID = u

password = u
connectOnStartup = True

status = uoffline

def finishInitialization(self):
 Finish the rest of the initialziation that can't be done in 

if self.connectOnStartup:

def setStatus(self, newStatus):

if self.status == offline and newStatus == available:
self.jabberID = xmpp.protocol.JID(self.JID)
self.client = xmpp.Client(self.jabberID.getDomain(), debug=[])
self.client.auth(self.jabberID.getNode(), self.password)

if self.status == available and newStatus == offline:

# disconnect

self.status = newStatus

def getStatus(self):

return self.status

def onObjectAdded(event):

if IJabberClient.providedBy(event.object):


configure xmlns=http://namespaces.zope.org/zope; 

class class=.jabberclient.JabberClient

set_schema=.interfaces.IJabberClient /


label=Add a JabberClient object
set_before_add=JID password connectOnStartup /

title=Jabber Client 

view=AddJabberClient.html /


[Zope3-dev] Re: strange behavior of intid-utility

2006-11-18 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Hi Tom.

The NotYet exception tells you, that the object you (or in this case the 
IntId utility) want to get a key refence for is not Not Yet connected 
to a database.

Your specific case is reported here : 


Tom Gross wrote:

Here is the traceback:

Error in test test_withoutintids 

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /usr/lib/python2.4/unittest.py, line 260, in run
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/var/zope/lib/python/myproduct/ftests.py, line 20, 
in test_withoutintids

line 357, in publish

   publish(request, handle_errors=handle_errors)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/publisher/publish.py, 
line 133, in publish

   result = publication.callObject(request, obj)
line 161, in callObject

   return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/publisher/publish.py, 
line 108, in mapply

   return debug_call(obj, args)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/publisher/publish.py, 
line 114, in debug_call

   return obj(*args)
line 142, in action

   content = factory()
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/component/factory.py, 
line 37, in __call__

   return self._callable(*args, **kw)
line 115, in __init__

   self.__states[self.getInitialStateName()] = initial
line 87, in __setitem__

   setitem(self, self.__data.__setitem__, name, object)
line 593, in setitem

 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/event/__init__.py, line 
23, in notify

 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/component/event.py, 
line 26, in dispatch

   for ignored in zope.component.subscribers(event, None):
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/component/_api.py, line 
130, in subscribers

   return sitemanager.subscribers(objects, interface)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/component/registry.py, 
line 290, in subscribers

   return self.adapters.subscribers(objects, provided)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/interface/adapter.py, 
line 535, in subscribers

 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/component/event.py, 
line 33, in objectEventNotify

   adapters = zope.component.subscribers((event.object, event), None)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/component/_api.py, line 
130, in subscribers

   return sitemanager.subscribers(objects, interface)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/component/registry.py, 
line 290, in subscribers

   return self.adapters.subscribers(objects, provided)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/interface/adapter.py, 
line 535, in subscribers

 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/app/intid/__init__.py, 
line 163, in addIntIdSubscriber

   key = IKeyReference(ob, None)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/app/component/hooks.py, 
line 96, in adapter_hook

   return siteinfo.adapter_hook(interface, object, name, default)
 File /mnt/zope/ldev/app/zope3/lib/python/zope/security/adapter.py, 
line 88, in __call__

   adapter = self.factory(*args)
line 41, in __init__

   raise zope.app.keyreference.interfaces.NotYet(object)
NotYet: zope.app.workflow.stateful.definition.State object at 0xb47b786c

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Tom Gross wrote:
   I have a site with some utilities. One is a 
zope.app.intid.UniqueIdUtility, which seems to be the cause of the 
problem (see the test). A NotYet-Exception is raised, when I try to 
add a zope.app.workflow.StatefulProcessDefinition-object to the 
container with the utilities. I can add a 
StatefulProcessDefinition-object to an empty container. I'm using 
Zope 3.3 and Python 2.4.3.

Got a traceback handy? (Remember: any error description should *always 
be acocmpanied by a traceback, otherwise it's not very useful)

I have a suspicion as to what this is about (something's missing a 
__parent__ attribute), but I'd like to see the traceback first for 
confirmation. Yes, I could execute the test somehow, but that would 
take me a couple of minutes on my slow machine, and you already know 
what the error is, so you can just as well describe it to me in detail 
:). Note that providing a test is highly appreciated as it helps with 
the reproduceability of the problem...

[Zope3-dev] Re: layers can't be new style classes?

2006-10-17 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Hi Chris.

Look at z3c.sampledata.layer, I provide a testlayer there.

Maybe you need to provide the __bases__!


Chris Withers wrote:

Hi All,

It would appear that Philipp's article is somewhat misleading in that 
layers can't be new style classes...

class MyLayer(object):

   def setUp(self): pass

   def tearDown(self): pass

..results in the following when used as a layer:

AttributeError: type object 'object' has no attribute 'setUp'

Is this a bug in Philipp's article or in the testrunner?



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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/dublincore/ Dublin Core property to use Dublin Core meta data as simple properties.

2006-08-15 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Fred Drake wrote:

On 8/14/06, Jürgen Kartnaller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It definitely doesn't obsolete the existing implementation.
DCProperty is the other way around.

DCProperty allows access to DC meta data via simple properties.

I agree that these should co-exist.  I'm not sure just what motivated
DCProperty, but it's clearly different from the partial adapter.  The
motivation for theh partial adapter was that for some content, some of
the data fields correspond directly to DC elements.  For those, we
wanted the DC adapter to use the fields instead of storing the
information outside the object.

When defining our content types we almost always end up with properties 
which are already defined in Dublin Core. Also the Dublin Core 
implementation of Zope 3 gives us a lot of meta data for free. Dublin 
Core has the advantage that the access to common information is 
standardized but it is not as easy to access DC meta data as it is to 
access a simple property of the content type.
So we decided to have the advantage of Dublin Core and the advantage of 
simple property access in one.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/dublincore/ Dublin Core property to use Dublin Core meta data as simple properties.

2006-08-14 Thread Jürgen Kartnaller

Florian Lindner wrote:

Am Montag, 14. August 2006 12:52 schrieb Jürgen Kartnaller:

Log message for revision 69463:
  Dublin Core property to use Dublin Core meta data as simple properties.

  A   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/dublincore/property.py
  A   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/dublincore/property.txt
  A   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/dublincore/tests/test_property.py

Do I understand this change correctly that it obsoletes 

It definitely doesn't obsolete the existing implementation.
DCProperty is the other way around.

DCProperty allows access to DC meta data via simple properties.

partialAnnotatableAdapterFactory allows access via DC meta data to 
content properties.

Quote from zope/dublincore/tests/partial.txt which describes the 

Sometimes we want to include data in content objects which mirrors one
or more Dublin Core fields.  In these cases, we want the Dublin Core
structures to use the data in the content object rather than keeping a
separate value in the annotations typically used.  What fields we want
to do this with can vary, however, and we may not want the Dublin Core
APIs to constrain our choices of field names for our content objects.

Should the partialAnnotatableAdapterFactory therefore be removed/deprecated?



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[Zope3-dev] traceback when running tests for zope.app.component

2006-03-05 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Trying to run

python test.py --package=zope.app.component

results in :

Running unit tests:
  Ran 318 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 6.118 seconds.
Running zope.app.testing.functional.Functional tests:
  Set up zope.app.testing.functional.Functional
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File test.py, line 61, in ?
result = testrunner.run(defaults)
  File /home/juka/zope/testtrunk/src/zope/testing/testrunner.py, line
240, in run
failed = run_with_options(options)
  File /home/juka/zope/testtrunk/src/zope/testing/testrunner.py, line
390, in run_with_options
setup_layers, failures, errors)


line 26, in ?
from zope.app import zapi, layers, skins
zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
/home/juka/zope/testtrunk/zopeskel/etc/ftesting.zcml, line 13.2-13.32
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
/home/juka/zope/testtrunk/src/zope/app/configure.zcml, line 8.2-8.30
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
/home/juka/zope/testtrunk/src/zope/app/meta.zcml, line 8.0-8.57
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
/home/juka/zope/testtrunk/src/zope/app/publisher/meta.zcml, line 5.2-5.49
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
line 90.4-94.10
ImportError: cannot import name layers

Running python test.py --package=zope.app or python test.py works fine.



Jürgen Kartnaller   mailto:juergen_at_kartnaller.at

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[Zope3-dev] Re: traceback when running tests for zope.app.component

2006-03-05 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Benji York wrote:
 I emailed the committer Friday about this, but no fix has been
 forthcoming, so I reverted the offending revisions.  Hopefully a revised
 version can be reapplied soon.

Still the same problem after your revert !



Jürgen Kartnaller   mailto:juergen_at_kartnaller.at

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[Zope3-dev] Re: rdb: Disappearing Connection

2005-12-15 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Dieter Maurer wrote:
 Jim Washington wrote at 2005-12-13 21:40 -0500:
Now, looking closer at the code, a ping like this might be not too bad, 
because isConnected() is only called when a connection is requested, not 
for every SQL statement executed.  So, it might not be so onerous as 
originally thought. Still not ideal, though.
 Be careful what you do when you find that isConnected() returns false.
 Note, that, in general, it would be a bug to just reopen a new connection
 in this case: previous operations against the connection might have
 been lost without notice when you simply reopen a new connection
 and do as if nothing bad had happened.
 Instead, you should reopen the connection and then raise an exception
 similar to ZODB.POSException.ConflictError. Hopefully, the publisher
 will handle this kind of exception correctly (by retrying the complete

MySQL::Ping will automatically reopen a closed connection in a way where
the existing connection object can still be used.
If MySQL::Ping fails something really bad is going on.

To reduce the number of ping's in my application I used a timer which
was tested before every call to a database function.
If the timer expired I did a ping to ensure mysql is reconnected.

This is the code sqlobject is using :

while (1):
   return cursor.execute(query)
except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e:
   if e.args[0] == 2013: # SERVER_LOST error
   if self.debug:
   self.printDebug(conn, str(e), 'ERROR')

So, checking for SERVER_LOST and then eventually using MySQL::Ping would
do the trick.



Jürgen Kartnaller   mailto:juergen_at_kartnaller.at

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Return of empty page

2005-11-16 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Jim Fulton wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 20:42 +0100, jürgen Kartnaller wrote:
When I do this in my page template with an unknown provider name :

tal:block replace=structure provider:unknown /

then I receive an empty page in my browser.

There is no error message and no traceback.
The same happens when I try to access a non existing skin with
++skin++someSkinName .

I'm running Zope from the trunk with the default settings in zope.conf .
 Look in the error log (errors link off of the zmi).

There is also no message in the log file.

 I've noticed lately that many errors in ZPT are causing empty pages.
 I think this might be recent.  I wonder if someone broke something
 in zpt lately.
 It would be great if someone could try to figure out if we have some
 general zpt error-handling problem, as I suspect we do.


Jürgen Kartnaller   mailto:juergen_at_kartnaller.at

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[Zope3-dev] Return of empty page

2005-11-15 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
When I do this in my page template with an unknown provider name :

tal:block replace=structure provider:unknown /

then I receive an empty page in my browser.

There is no error message and no traceback.
The same happens when I try to access a non existing skin with
++skin++someSkinName .

I'm running Zope from the trunk with the default settings in zope.conf .



Jürgen Kartnaller   mailto:juergen_at_kartnaller.at

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Deleting utilities in site management doesn't work correct

2005-11-11 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Hi Tres.

I could now manage to have a relatively simple test (see attached file).

I also found and fixed some other problems I encountered with the
utility registration.

Can you please have a look at the test implementation and let me know if
this look ok.

This test will not work with the current implementation of the
SiteManagementView !
I already fixed some problems in my sandbox.

Problems solved :
- adding a utility without name
- renaming utilities to a name another already renamed utility had
- deleting more than one utility
- better message support
   - show the message at the utility not just on top of the page
   - show UserError exception as message


Tres Seaver wrote:
 Stephan Richter wrote:
On Wednesday 05 October 2005 17:00, jürgen Kartnaller wrote:

When more than one utility is selected for deleting in the site
management view, only the first selected utility is deleted.

The problem is that the content of regManager is changed inside the
while iteratating over it.
Here is the fix which works for me :
If this is applicable, can please someone check it into the trunk ?
The file is in zope.app.component.browser

Could you create an issue in the bug collector for this? If you cannot 
a unit test for it, then I will. :-)
 I was in the midst of writing a 'tools.txt' doctest which would have
 provided the basis for such a test when I wrote my keening post.  In
 case you missed the attacment, here it is again.
 Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Palladion Software   Excellence by Designhttp://palladion.com


Jürgen Kartnaller   mailto:juergen_at_kartnaller.at

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Deleting utilities in site management doesn't work correct

2005-10-18 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Stephan Richter wrote:
 On Wednesday 05 October 2005 17:00, jürgen Kartnaller wrote:
When more than one utility is selected for deleting in the site
management view, only the first selected utility is deleted.

The problem is that the content of regManager is changed inside the
while iteratating over it.
Here is the fix which works for me :
If this is applicable, can please someone check it into the trunk ?
The file is in zope.app.component.browser
 Could you create an issue in the bug collector for this? If you cannot create 
 a unit test for it, then I will. :-)

Hi Stephan.

It's in the collector now, so you can start creating the unit test :)

I'm looking forward to see this code because I'm completely stuck on this.
The problem to build such kind of tests is to setup a test environment
which contains enough context for the test case. And this really takes a
lot of time for a none zope guru.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Keening for the poultry

2005-10-13 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Hi Tres.

I just want to show you what I have so far.
See the attached test file.

I took me really a lot of time to figure out all these things.
Currently I'm at a point where the view is missing the activeTool which
is set up in __init__.

How should a zope rookie be able to write such a test if the zope pro
gives up :)


Tres Seaver wrote:
 I have been trying to write a doctest for the tools stuff to show
 Jürgen Kartnaller how[1], so he could write a test for the bug he found
 in tool deletion[2].
 While writing the test, I found myself mourning for the huge flock of
 assorted fowl I was slaughtering, trying to get the planets aligned[3]
 so that the SiteManagerView could actually install a tool implmentation.

Hugh, this sentence really needs a dictionary for a non native english
speaker :)

 I have finally given up, and ask abjectly for elightenment from the
 hierarchs of Z3.  Please see the attached doctest and setup code for my
 efforts so far,
 [1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.zope.zope3/14477
 [2] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.zope.zope3/14459
 [3] No, I'm not mixing metaphors:  the ritual slaughter is precisely
 intended to cause the planets to realign themselves.
 Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Palladion Software   Excellence by Designhttp://palladion.com
The Tools View

   from zope.app import zapi
   from zope.app.component.browser.tools import SiteManagementView
   from zope import interface

   class IFooUtil(interface.Interface):
  ... pass
   class FooUtil(object):
  ... interface.implements(IFooUtil)

   from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory
   from zope.component.factory import Factory
   from zope import component

   from zope.app.security import protectclass
   protectclass.protectName(Factory, '__call__', 'zope.public')

   factory = Factory(FooUtil, 
  ...   'Utility for foo',
  ...   'This factory creates a foo utility.')
   component.provideUtility(factory, IFactory, 'IFooUtil')

   from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
   request = TestRequest()

   view = SiteManagementView('context', request)

   component.getUtility(IFooUtil, 'foo1') is not None

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Deleting utilities in site management doesn't work correct

2005-10-08 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Thanks Tres,
I'll give it a try.


Tres Seaver wrote:
 jürgen Kartnaller wrote:
Hi Tres,
I would really like to make a test for this but I have no idea how to start.

It took me 10 minutes to fix the problem but I think it will take me 10
hours to write the test.

If you can point me to a starting direction or just give me an example
test somewhere I will give it a try !
 Hmmm, the code in src/zope/app/component/browser has no tests at all.
 There is a 'xxx_tests' directory, which looks to have a bunch of
 now-invalid tests, moved aside by Stephan during servicegeddon.  I'll CC
 him just in case some of those tests were supposed to come back online.
 For your bug, I would start by writing a doctest for the tools.py
 module, something like:
  1. Create a 'tests' subdirectory in the 'browser' directory, and
 give it an empty '__init__.py'::
 $ mkdir src/zope/app/component/browser/tests
 $ cat  src/zope/app/component/browser/tests/__init__.py
 # Python package
  2. Add a 'tests/test_tools.py' module, with boilerplate to run
 the doctests in 'tools.txt':
 $ cat  src/zope/app/component/browser/tests/test_tools.py
 import unittest
 from zope.testing import doctest
 from zope.app.testing.placelesssetup import setUp
 from zope.app.testing.placelesssetup import tearDown
 def test_suite():
 return unittest.TestSuite((
 if __name__ == __main__:
  3. Start writing 'tools.txt', documenting the behavior of the
 methods of the SiteManagementView class.  You could write only
 a test for 'delete' first, which should fail until you apply
 your patch.  Look at 'src/zope/app/component/adapterregistry.txt'
 for an example doctest file.
 $ vim src/zope/app/component/browser/tools.txt
  4. Run the tests, iteratively, during development:
 $ python test.py -u zope.app.component.browser
  5. Check in the new tools.txt and tests/ directory:
 $ svn add src/zope/app/component/browser/tools.txt
 $ svn add src/zope/app/component/browser/tests
 $ svn commit -m Ensure that SiteManagerView.delete doesn't\
 bite it's own tail.
 Hope that helps,
 Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Palladion Software   Excellence by Designhttp://palladion.com

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Deleting utilities in site management doesn't work correct

2005-10-06 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Hi Tres,
I would really like to make a test for this but I have no idea how to start.

It took me 10 minutes to fix the problem but I think it will take me 10
hours to write the test.

If you can point me to a starting direction or just give me an example
test somewhere I will give it a try !


Tres Seaver wrote:
 jürgen Kartnaller wrote:
When more than one utility is selected for deleting in the site
management view, only the first selected utility is deleted.

The problem is that the content of regManager is changed inside the
while iteratating over it.
Here is the fix which works for me :
If this is applicable, can please someone check it into the trunk ?
The file is in zope.app.component.browser


Index: tools.py
--- tools.py (revision 38746)
+++ tools.py (working copy)
@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@
 tool = self.activeTool
 regManager = self.context[tool.folder].registrationManager
 names = self.request.form['selected']
-for reg in regManager.values():
+values=[v for v in regManager.values()]
+for reg in values:
 if reg.provided.isOrExtends(tool.interface) and reg.name in
 component = reg.component
 reg.status = interfaces.registration.InactiveStatus



 +1 for this fix, which should be applied to the 3.1 and 3.0 branches, as
 well (assuming that they have the bug).  A unit test which verified that
 multiple deletions actually worked would be ideal, of course.
 Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Palladion Software   Excellence by Designhttp://palladion.com

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[Zope3-dev] Deleting utilities in site management doesn't work correct

2005-10-05 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
When more than one utility is selected for deleting in the site
management view, only the first selected utility is deleted.

The problem is that the content of regManager is changed inside the
while iteratating over it.
Here is the fix which works for me :
If this is applicable, can please someone check it into the trunk ?
The file is in zope.app.component.browser


Index: tools.py
--- tools.py(revision 38746)
+++ tools.py(working copy)
@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@
 tool = self.activeTool
 regManager = self.context[tool.folder].registrationManager
 names = self.request.form['selected']
-for reg in regManager.values():
+values=[v for v in regManager.values()]
+for reg in values:
 if reg.provided.isOrExtends(tool.interface) and reg.name in
 component = reg.component
 reg.status = interfaces.registration.InactiveStatus



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Issue 363

2005-04-05 Thread jürgen Kartnaller
Is there really nobody willing to do this change or at least comment it ?
Am I completely wrong with this fix ?
jürgen Kartnaller wrote:
I did a check for issue 363 :
A GetoptError exception occures because of the uppercase L in the option 

zope ftp only accepts lower case options l,a and d.
As I can see the implemented LIST command only uses -d option.
Am I right ?
For now this issue can be fixed like this in zope/server/ftp/server.py :
--- server.py   (revision 29853)
+++ server.py   (working copy)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 opts = ()
 if args.strip().startswith('-'):
-opts, args = getopt(args.split(), 'lad')
+opts, args = getopt(args.split(), 'Llad')
 except GetoptError:
Someone with checkin rights can please do the cahnge.
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