RE: PROHIBITED_METRIC_IN_SELECT_OR_WHERE_CLAUSE for conversion_last_conversion_date

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Thanks for reporting this issue. Our documentation also states that this field should be selectable with customer, so it looks like this is unintended. I am investigating and will post here again when I have any information to share. Regards, Mike, Google Ads API Team

RE: Internal error occurred when getting feed mappings using google ads api

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Wang, This issue has been resolved. Could you please give this a try and let me know if you're still facing an issue? Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: 비공개 메시지 주제: I want to import only the Enabled data.

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, It looks like the shared request do not contain any predicates. This query will return all the campaigns which includes both Enabled and Paused. Please find below on how the sample query looks like:;> Id Status EQUALS ENABLED Let

RE: How to get contents of shared negative lists

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Charles, You will be able to use the Shared Set Report to get the details of the shared sets available in the account. You can then use the Shared Set Criteria Report

RE: AdGroupAd service mutate

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi TuyenVu, When you remove and create a new ad using the AdGroupAdService, you will not retain the historical data (including ID) of the ad. You can use the AdService to update your ads. Cheers, Anthony Google Ads

RE: Is there any type of ad extension that may cause to raise cost of click?

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Qaiser, This is more of a product related question rather than API. You can get assist on this over at the Community Forum . Feel free to reach out for any API related questions you have. Regards, Anthony Google

RE: Report download issues

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Praveen, I have used the predicate GREATER_THAN_EQUALS in my report definition and was able to fetch the report successfully. You will only be able to use this predicate for the numeric fields like AdGroupId, Impressions, Clicks, or Cost fields. If you are still facing the issue, please

RE: [PHP] Google Ads - How to link an existing Google Adwords (or Ads) Account to my Google Ads MCC ?

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Van, I am contacting our team internally regarding your issue. We will get back to you soon. Regards, SaI Teja, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: Creating Hotel campaign without shared budget

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Didier, Yes, you are correct. It is not possible to create a campaign without campaign_budget and campaign_bidding_strategy. These are required fields and cannot be avoided while creating the campaigns. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Our latest version for Google

RE: Placement Performance report has duplicate rows

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Oliver, Thanks for pointing out the documentation issue. Luis's response was accurate: the report is implicitly segmented by ad group ID. I'll make a note of this and update our documentation accordingly. Best regards, Josh, Google Ads API Team

RE: curl: (92) HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1)

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Shabeer, Your request looks fine. It looks like the issue is specific to the curl request. Please check this related post to help with this issue. If you're still having an issue, you could post your concern on the Github issue tracker

RE: AdWordsServices-giving-error:SOAP-Unauthrosed

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Naresh, Your code snippet seems to be fine. Please make sure the user authenticating the call should have access to the clientCustomerId mentioned in the API call. If you are still facing the issue, please share the email address of the user authenticating the call and the

RE: Google Ads API userListService.MutateMembers ?

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Sarah, MutateMembers operation is not yet supported through the Google Ads API. If you are looking to update the user list and not the members in the user list, you can use the MutateUserLists

RE: Equivalent of example in Google Ads API v0 via REST API?

2019-03-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, As a correction to my previous response, MutateMembers operation is not yet supported through the Google Ads API. If you are looking to update the user list and not the members in the user list, you can use the MutateUserLists

RE: [9-7289000025778] creating ad in adgroup

2019-03-26 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Frode, Thank you for reaching out. To further investigate this, could you provide the complete request and response logs when you encountered the error? You could reply via *Reply privately to author* option. If you haven't enabled logging, kindly tell me the client library you are using so

RE: Google Ads API V1.0 - CONTAINS operator

2019-03-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Jason, To better investigate this, could you provide the complete request and response logs when requesting using the Google Ads Query Language with CONTAINS NONE operator? Please reply via *Reply privately to author*. Also, I'm afraid the CONTAINS NONE operator is not available in the

RE: [6-4744000025765] Obtain Campaign Statuses

2019-03-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, these statuses cannot be obtained via Google Ads API. You may refer to this guide to see the campaign statuses that are obtainable in the API. Let me know if

RE: Accessible customers for MCC account are coming back incorrectly in Google Ads API

2019-02-18 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Phil, The CustomerService.ListAccessibleCustomers does not return the sub accounts under your MCC but rather the list of accounts that are

RE: How to add API to My Bussines Google

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Karol, Since your question is related to Google My Business, you could try posting your question on the GMB API forum . The support page for GMB

RE: How can I get the ClientCustomerId list of user?

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Are you trying to get the data from accounts where you are a user? If so, you will need to be authenticated to pull up account details from a MCC. Please refer to this section of the guide for

RE: Issue with adding members to the existing CrmBasedUserList using Adwords API

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Alexander, The error UserListError.CONCRETE_TYPE_REQUIRED indicates that you need to specify the type of user list used in your request. You may check

RE: Can't mutate youtube media id with youtubeVideoMediaIdsOps in UAC

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, The AdWords API currently does not support creating new YoutubeVideoMedia, so you need to manually set the campaign's YouTube Video assets through the AdWords UI. If you already have existing youtube media in your account, you will be able to use CampaignService.mutate() to add new

RE: Error [RequiredError.REQUIRED @ operations[0].operand.rules[0].ruleOperands[0].rule, RequiredError.REQUIRED @ operations[0].operand.rules[0].ruleOperands[1].rule] while creating logical user list

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, I'm Kevin's colleague addressing your concern as he is out of office. I understand you're looking to create an ExpressionRuleUserList. The error you're receiving indicates that you're missing to define some required entities in your request. In this case, the missed field is Rule

RE: Is there any API/service to get Bid Adjustment information for device, location, day of week, hour of day, placement, audience etc?

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Qaiser, Thank you Chirag for sharing the link. Could you please take a look at the shared link and let me know if you have any other questions? Regards, Bharani, AdWords API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: Google Ads Api Java Throw exception of Channel was not shutdown properly

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Stefan, Since this is an issue specific to the Google Ads Api Java library, we suggest that you post your concern on the Github issue tracker here . The library owners will be able to take a look and address your concern. Thanks,

RE: Will Get DynamicSearchAd (DYNAMIC_SEARCH_AD) still works after March 6, 2019?

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Please find my response below: 1. Is there any changes on AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT with this API upgrade? You should still be able to get the stats of the existing Ads using the Ad

RE: Promotion Extension via API

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Denys, You will need to create a PromotionFeedItem object and use the CampaignExtensionSettingService.mutate()

RE: how to specify a single day in Click Performance Report in Adwords api PHP

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello John, You can only get single day report for Click Performance report. The date range should be 20190222,20190222, please find sample report definition below: SELECT AdGroupId, CampaignId, GclId FROM CLICK_PERFORMANCE_REPORT DURING 20190222,20190222 The above query will return you

RE: Google Ads API (v0) - Shopping Performance Report

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Derek, Looks like the equivalent report for the SHOPPING_PERFORMANCE_REPORT is not yet available via Google Ads API. I will let my team know regarding your feedback. Meanwhile you could keep an eye on our blog for

RE: Conversion Counts with conversionTracker service

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Chirag, You will be able to pull the conversion trackers available in the account using the ConversionTrackerService.get() operation. This will return the specific conversion tracker name

RE: Updating the minimum required PHP versions for the Google Ads API client library for PHP (AdWords and Ad Manager)

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello John, Looks like you have created another thread for this concern. You could followup on that thread to avoid confusion and for better tracking. Mahir, The v201809 version

RE: Auction Insights API

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Dhananjay, The Auction insights report is still not available from the API. Please keep an eye on our blog for information related to future releases. For Data

RE: Get country name for Geo Performance Report

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Alexey, Some countries or territories are not targetable in AdWords but may appear in reports based on the user's area of interest or physical location. Looks like the mentioned ids 2192 and 2364 belongs to the restricted territories mentioned here

RE: Slow performance adding 25M+ users to adwords list

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Mitesh, The CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION error that you encountered could occur due to multiple processes that are trying to update the same entity at the same time. To be able to

RE: Equivalent of example in Google Ads API v0 via REST API?

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Jason, The mutate and mutateMembers are two different operations as listed in the code sample. You will first need to create a user list which will include the user list fields as listed here from L38 - L45

RE: Not things show in List possible operations in OAuth 2.0 Playground

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Manh, Could you confirm if you are following the Web App flow for setting up your OAuth2 credentials? If yes, then the list of operations would not be visible or can be used directly via the OAuth2 Playground.

RE: PolicyFindingError for "Phone number in ad text" happening for Expanded Text Ads that haven't a phone number

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Denis, So I can better investigate, could you provide to me the complete SOAP request and response logs that were generated when the issue occurred? You may send your reply via the *Reply privately to author* option. Thanks and regards, Peter AdWords API Team

RE: ManagedCustomerService - can get only 1 customer instead of multiple

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Vladimir, So I can look closer into the issue you are encountering, could you provide the complete SOAP request and response XML logs? You may reply to me via the *Reply privately to author* option. Thanks and regards, Peter AdWords API Team On 02/25/19 17:32:59 wrote:

RE: Huge latency when querying GEO_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Yes, it was recently fixed. So, you should be seeing better performance on this. If it's still persisting for you, could you start a new forum thread with some information of what is going on specifically for you? You may have a narrow case that may be affecting you at the moment.

RE: Campaign Setting "Content Exclusions" for "Sensitive social issues"

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Dilara, My apologies as the ContentLabelType for "Sensitive Social Issues" is currently not yet supported. You may follow our blog for updates. Thanks and regards, Peter AdWords API Team

RE: Google Shopping / Ad's API Help!

2019-02-25 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Ryan, If you want to specify the Id then I would recommend that you use ProductOfferId instead of the ProductBrand

RE: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2019-02-26 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Justin, You could set it to the the equivalent instant in your time zone of *20371230 235959 America/Los_Angeles* to set the infinite EndDateTime. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Regards, Sai Teja, AdWords API Team -- --

RE: Why those metrics doesn't support in device segment and how to download huge reports (Google Ads Api BETA)

2019-02-26 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Please find my response below: *1st question => We found "metrics.content_impression_share","metrics.content_rank_lost_impression_share","metrics.search_exact_match_impression_share" of ad_group why doesn't selectable with "segments.device" ?*You will be able to use segments.device

RE: Google Ads API Workshops 2019 availabilities

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Greetings! Our 2019 workshops do have waiting lists right now. Up to a week before, if someone cancels, we immediately go to the next person on the waiting list and ask if they would like to attend. We reach out to people before the workshops who have signed up making sure that they are really

RE: Frequent time outs while accessing Adwords APIs

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Chaitanya, Regret the delay in getting back to you with an update on this. The Engineering team found the source of the issue and the service is back to normal. Could you please revert back to us if you're still experiencing any timeouts, so we can take a closer look? Thanks, Bharani,

RE: Setting Campaign Bidding Strategy with REST (Ads API)

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Jonathan, Please find the attached sample request and response logs from the shared request. Could you please take a look and let us know if this addressed your concern? Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and

RE: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Martin, This feature will be available in the upcoming releases. But we are not sure about the exact time of availability. You could keep an eye on our blog for information related to the future releases. Regards, Sai


2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, If you like to use the BudgetOrderService via the API, the account should already be on consolidated billing. Also the mutate

RE: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Leon, Since this a product level change, the metrics may eventually not be available in the API as well. As recommend in the blog post it would be ideal to start using the new metrics Regards,

RE: Error [RequiredError.REQUIRED @ operations[0].operand.rules[0].ruleOperands[0].rule, RequiredError.REQUIRED @ operations[0].operand.rules[0].ruleOperands[1].rule] while creating logical user list

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, We understand that you're creating a LogicalUserList with a combination of ExpressionUserLists which are combined with UserListLogicalRule fields. The rules in the

RE: Equivalent of example in Google Ads API v0 via REST API?

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, The node.js library that you're using is a third-party library and we will not be able to pass a comment on this. Could you please elaborate if you need any additional assistance? Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our

RE: [1-1026000025441] Slow performance adding 25M+ users to adwords list

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Mitesh, Here are some workarounds to your issue: - Instead of passing 50K emails in each thread, you can pass up to 1 million emails in a single operation. That

RE: Setting Campaign Bidding Strategy with REST (Ads API)

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Jonathan, You may use the CampaignService and perform the MutateCampaignsRequest

RE: AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED error

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Omri, If you are using ManagedCustomerService and facing the USER_PERMISSION_DENIED error. Which means, you might be performing the actions to the account that you don't have access to. Please note that expanding invitation should be initiated via Manager account credentials and

RE: AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT is giving result which cannot be process for csv

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Chirag, Could you please share the CID, so I can take a closer look? You can share the details privately via Reply privately to author option. Regards, Bharani, AdWords API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Lib.GoogleAdsException (Status(StatusCode=DeadlineExceeded, Detail="Deadline Exceeded"))

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Could you *reply privately to author* with the client customer id and complete SOAP request and response , so that I can check further? Regards, Dhanya, AdWords API Team

RE: Get Keyword Idea API

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Zied, The keyword idea screenshot you shared is not the keyword planner. If the screenshot is from the display campaign's reach then those are not available via API. If that is not the case please share the SOAP logs and the entire screenshot please. You could use reply privately to the

RE: TargetingIdeaService -

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Harshitha, Could you run this code from the client library and reply back with the SOAP request and response

RE: Universal App Campaign not included to AdGroup Performance report

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Oksana, The AdGroup Performance Report is not one of the supported report types for Universal App Campaigns. You may refer to this section of the guide for all the supported report types. Let me know

RE: Can't mutate youtube media id with youtubeVideoMediaIdsOps in UAC

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Based on the error, it looks like you're missing the Youtube media Ids. You will need to do a MediaService.get() to get the specific youtube media Id and then use the UniversalAppSetting

RE: Incorrect image as a square logo

2019-02-27 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Are you able to share the logs of the API operation? You can enable the logs for python client library by following the steps in this guide . You can share the logs by using reply privately to author option.

RE: Where can I get Google Search Result API

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Srikant, You can use the TargetingIdeaService to request the historical stats of a specific keyword. You will need to pass the search query (keyword) and the RequestType must be set to STATS. Please check

RE: Failed to read from AdWords. Please wait a bit and try again.

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, As it is a scripts question, please reach out to the scripts forum from here . Regards, Dhanya, AdWords API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: Audience Type value in Adwords API

2019-02-28 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Pooja, Currently, we are aware that 'Detailed Demographics' and 'Others' Audience Types are not available via API. We have raised a Feature Request for it already. Remaining audience types should be available. However, I would recommend running the Audience Performance Report on the account

RE: AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT is giving result which cannot be process for csv

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Chirag, I was able to replicate the issue. I have shared this information with the team. I will keep you posted on the details. For your second concern: Could you please confirm if this Ad Headline is created from the API or the UI? If you're referring to the Description and the Long

RE: Failed to refresh access token. See inner exception for details.

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, As your same set of credentials are working with console app, could you please confirm that if your web app is pointing to the right property file? Also, you can try the CURL request provided below and see if you are able to generate the access token. If your credentials are correct, you

RE: USER_PERMISSION_DENIED,User doesn't have permission to access customer,"errorCode": { "authorizationError": "USER_PERMISSION_DENIED"

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Everyone, Looks like some of you have solved the USER_PERMISSION_DENIED error by adding the login-customer-id in the properties file. If you are still facing the issue, could you please go through this blog post

RE: How To Select Existing Product Partitions

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Ryan, You are right. To avoid this error, you could get the criterionId corresponding to the root and use that as the parentCriterionId in the next set of operations. A sample SOAP request is shown below:;>

RE: PHP example/reporting/GetHotelAdsPerformance of Google Ads API v0_7 not working

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Didier, Could you please try the code as in the sample and see if that fixes your issue? $googleAdsRow->*getSegments()*->getHotelCheckInDayOfWeek(),

RE: V0_7 Google-ads-api PHP library

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, If the MCC2 has customers underneath it, they will also show in the result with +1 level to the manager account level. Thats is if the MCC2 has level 2 and that manager has client accounts in its hierarchy then there should be records with level 3 in the result. If you still has concerns

RE: Google Ads API KeywordPlan vs Adwords TargetingIdeaService terms and RMF

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Tim, The API compliance team is better equipped to confirm this. Could you please reach-out to them via this form ? Thanks, Sreelakshmi, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and

RE: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Gerald, Looks like all the fields you mentioned are compatible with the KeywordPerformacneReport . Could you please confirm the clientCustomerId and the report definition you are running for

RE: Get maximum CPC for campaign with target spend bidding scheme

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, It seems your query is correct. However, to further investigate this, could you provide the complete SOAP request and response logs when you run this operation? Please reply via *Reply privately to author*. Thanks and regards, Luis AdWords API Team On 02/28/19 21:55:12

RE: Keywords Performance Report not returning URLs (ver. 201806)

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Jane, So I can better investigate, could you provide to me your clientCustomerId and the complete report definition you used to generate the report? You may reply to me via the *Reply privately to

RE: Get Keyword Idea API

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Zeid, As mentioned by Dorian, to get the real results you must use the production account in you API call. However, the keywords idea in your screenshot cannot be fetched via API. On the search menu of your account you can search for "Keyword Planner" is analogous to the API services.

RE: 504 Deadline Exceeded error

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Andrew, To help me assess the issue, could you confirm if you are using the AdWords API or the Google Ads API Beta ? Could you confirm if you are using a Basic Access


2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Please note that to perform operation using BudgetOrderService.mutate , you will need to whitelist the MCC account making the API call. If you are not sure about consolidated billing setup, then

RE: Blank Device value in Campaign Performance Report (related to CONNECTED_TV?)

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Thanks for following up. Let me check back with the team on this and I will get back to you once I have more information Thanks and regards, Peter AdWords API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: Bid Adjustments

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Chirag, Please find my response below: *1)Can I get Managed Placements using Any of the Service, I know I can use Placement Performence Report with IsNegative = FALSE AND Id > 0But can I get the data using Any of the Service like Adgroup Criteria Service or something?* The Managed

RE: How To Create Client Test Accounts

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Could you confirm if you've created a test manager account by checking if there is a *Test account* label on your Google Ads account page as seen on this guide ? If you can't see the Test account label,

RE: Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Lib.GoogleAdsException (Status(StatusCode=DeadlineExceeded, Detail="Deadline Exceeded"))

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi KDJ, Ok, no problem. Please reply back with API logs, next time you see this error. Regards, Dhanya, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: (502)Bad Gateway

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Matta, Could you confirm if the error is encountered on all service calls or just specific calls? Could you also provide the complete SOAP request and response logs when you encountered the error so I could better investigate? You may use the *reply privately to author* option. Regards,

RE: (502)Bad Gateway

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Matta, Could you confirm if the error is encountered on all service calls or just specific calls? Could you also provide the complete SOAP request and response logs when you encountered the error so I could better investigate? You may use the *reply privately to author* option. Regards,

RE: Geolocation Criteria ID Bug?

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Mariantonietta, Upon checking on the latest geotargets table , I could see that the criteria ID 1008560 (target type city) Naples is still available and active as well as the criteria ID 9072701 (target type municipality).

RE: Store Visits API Report

2019-03-01 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Alec, Before proceeding, could you provide the clientCustomerId you used to download your Campaign Performance Report so I could better investigate the issue? You may provide them using the *Reply privately to author* option. Regards, Dannison AdWords API Team

RE: 504 Deadline Exceeded error

2019-03-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Andrew, After your Standard Access has been approved by the AdWords Compliance Team, you could continue making your AP service calls. Should the issue persist, feel free to write back with the new logs or screenshots of the issue so I could further investigate this. Regards, Dannison

RE: can i use audience analytics for other websites?

2019-03-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Ian, In the AdWords API perspective, this isn't supported. Audiences can be gathered systematically by setting up remarketing which you can find out more by referring to this guide . I also cannot provide comments whether

RE: Internal API Error

2019-03-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Yulianti, Could you provide to me the complete SOAP request and response logs so I can further investigate? If you haven't yet, you may enable SOAP logging on your end by referring to this guide . Once

RE: Fetching fields after mutate in beta API

2019-03-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, After the Google Ads API server processes your mutate request, it returns a response that contains the JSON data representing the newly-added keywords. However, this mutate response normally returns the resource_name

RE: Remarketing API for display (not AdWords)

2019-03-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Serge, Our team could only provide support on issues/concerns specific to AdWords API only. My apologies as I am not familiar with the Google Remarketing API that you mentioned. However, in AdWords API, we have the Remarketing and Audience Targeting

RE: throwing DetailedReportDownloadResponseException with 400 Response code.

2019-03-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Could you share the date and time, including time zone, of the failed request below so I can look it up in our logs? Thanks, Josh, AdWords API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: RateExceededError rateName=RATE_LIMIT

2019-03-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, I see that you are getting rate limit with ACCOUNT scope. This means that the number of calls against the specific account is high in the short interval of time. You will need to slow down and wait atleast the time specified in the retryAfterSeconds parameter in the error and retry the

RE: How To Select Existing Product Partitions

2019-03-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Ryan, Glad that you were able to resolve the issue. Thanks for sharing your code snippet. It will be useful for other users running into the same problem. Thanks, Sreelakshmi, AdWords API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: when using Google API

2019-02-20 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Your issue seems to be specific to Java client library rather than the Google Ads API. This being said, I would suggest to post your issue here as the Java client library owners are better equipped to assist you here. Thanks and

RE: Detail demographics constant data & criteria id

2019-02-18 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, To implement these demographics, you could use both the AdGroupCriterionService and the CampaignCriterionService

RE: Accessible customers for MCC account are coming back incorrectly in Google Ads API

2019-02-19 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Phil, My apologies for the confusion. However, the main purpose of the CustomerService.ListAccessibleCustomers is to retrieve only the list of

RE: Importing Offline Calls Failing

2019-02-21 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Paul, The OfflineCallConversionError.INVALID_CALL occurs when we are unable to import a conversion for this call, since either this call or the click

RE: [8-9896000025626] [PHP] Google Ads Api Beta. Problems with ExpandedTextAd Update

2019-02-20 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Let me confirm with Engineering and will inform you on this thread. Best, Thanet, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: [8-9896000025626] [PHP] Google Ads Api Beta. Problems with ExpandedTextAd Update

2019-02-20 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, The mutate of headline isn't available yet in Google Ads API. We'll releasing this feature in the future. Best, Thanet, Google Ads API =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: Will Get DynamicSearchAd (DYNAMIC_SEARCH_AD) still works after March 6, 2019?

2019-02-21 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, As the blog post says, existing DynamicSearchAds will continue to serve. This said, you should

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