Re: Apache::ASP Mod_perl

2015-07-17 Thread Warren Young
On Jul 17, 2015, at 1:16 PM, Cris Boisvert wrote: > > Trying to get apache with asp and mod perl working. On what platform? Specifically, which versions of Apache, mod_perl, and Perl are you using? > I get this error in the logs. > > [asp] [1349] [error] error compiling test.asp: Can't modif

Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-22 Thread Warren Young
On 5/22/2014 11:01, Josh Chamas wrote: You know I have not much followed the routing paradigms. To me it seems that this would be an area I would have solved with a mod_rewrite or a mod_perl handler, changing up the URL destination on the back end. Routing is more than just an abstraction bet

Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-22 Thread Warren Young
On 5/22/2014 00:45, Tsirkin Evgeny wrote: It seems like the Dancer is following the famous MVC/Ruby on Rails where it can. Dancer is actually a Perl reimplementation of a Ruby framework called Sinatra. (Get it? Dancer? Sinatra? Ahahaha.) Dancer is very much *not* MVC, only V. The probl

Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-22 Thread Warren Young
On 5/21/2014 17:52, Josh Chamas wrote: I built Apache::ASP back in the day when both PHP and Java were toys (even Linux was half baked), and glue of the web and unix systems was often perl, my first love of a language. One of my requirements was in fact that the next framework be Perl-based,

Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-21 Thread Warren Young
On 5/20/2014 13:06, Josh Chamas wrote: So where does this put you in the consideration of platform migration etc? Plack, Mason, TT, etc. Shortly after I started this thread, I decided to just try one of the alternatives, for education value if nothing else. I narrowed my options to Dancer a

Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2013-12-27 Thread Warren Young
On 12/27/2013 17:04, Josh Chamas wrote: it does seem that there is some progress on getting mod_perl to work under Apache 2.4. I was aware of such efforts when I posted, but didn't mention the option since this third-party mod_perl work feels like a temporary solution. We don't want to use a

Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2013-12-27 Thread Warren Young
mod_perl no longer builds against Apache 2.4[1]. Consequently, the RHEL 7 beta doesn't include it[2]. The claimed replacement is mod_fcgid, but as far as I can tell from the Apache::ASP CGI page[3] the standalone CGI mode seems to require plain Perl scripts, not intermixed HTML + ASP/Perl fil

Re: Problem with Apache::ASP under Apache 2.4

2013-07-09 Thread Warren Young
Please send replies to the mailing list, not direct to the one who replied to your post. On 7/9/2013 15:32, Koebrick, Andrew (MNIT) wrote: httpd-2.4 has changed it's API somewhat, the Apache2::Connection::remote_ip method is now Apache2::Connection::client_ip." So what happens if you change

Re: Problem with Apache::ASP under Apache 2.4

2013-07-09 Thread Warren Young
On 7/9/2013 12:41, Koebrick, Andrew (MNIT) wrote: It looks like the Apache2::Connection API changed quite a bit in 2.4 How have you made that determination? Here's the original Apache2::Connection API reference: If you change

Re: Output character encoding

2012-07-02 Thread Warren Young
On 6/5/2012 5:30 PM, Josh Chamas wrote: On 6/5/12 2:02 AM, Arnon Weinberg wrote: How can I set the output character encoding of Apache::ASP output? I have gone over the thread and been stumped on this for a while. This answer by Tom Christiansen (yes, the guy who wrote that one book) may s

Re: Output character encoding

2012-06-05 Thread Warren Young
On 6/5/2012 3:02 AM, Arnon Weinberg wrote: How can I set the output character encoding of Apache::ASP output? There are several places where you set this, not just one, and they all have to agree to guarantee correct output: DB -> back end -> Apache -> HTML -> Apache::ASP -> browser

Re: Apache::ASP session clustering in progress

2012-03-02 Thread Warren Young
On 3/2/2012 3:25 PM, Josh Chamas wrote: Anyone been long awaiting this? If you have, how have you survived? No, but it's nice to know that I won't have to rewrite my web app in Erlang if we ever need to scale horizontally. Thanks. :)

Re: build of Apache-ASP 2.61 failing

2010-03-08 Thread Warren Young
On 3/6/2010 6:28 PM, Bruce Ferrell wrote: I'm doing this build on a system with a reiser 3.6 file system. More details, please. OS name and version, CPU type, etc. I don't remember seeing anyone else report that. - To unsub

Re: File upload problem

2009-07-07 Thread Warren Young
Andrew Koebrick (ADM) wrote: Any thoughts on getting them to play well together? The use of to construct file upload fields is a mere convenience. You can do the same thing by writing raw HTML. It's just uglier than the corresponding code, is all. As I said above, all other

Re: File upload problem

2009-07-02 Thread Warren Young
Andrew Koebrick (ADM) wrote: Can't locate object method "request" via package "Apache" Have you tried this patch:;#89060 ? - To unsubscribe, e-mail

Re: File upload problem / $Request->Form problem

2009-07-01 Thread Warren Young
Andrew Koebrick (ADM) wrote: asp title: cgi title: test title Would I be correct in guessing that this Apache::ASP application is brand new, and hasn't been running successfully for some time in the same configuration? If so, I would guess that you don't yet have Apache::ASP set up correct

Re: File upload problem

2009-06-30 Thread Warren Young
Andrew Koebrick (ADM) wrote: ( that the recommendation is to roll back to CGI v2.78. The docs are just giving that version as a known-working example. I've successfully uploaded files to servers running v2.89 and v3.15. I end up with an empty fil

Re: Undefined subroutine error

2008-11-10 Thread Warren Young
Roberto C. Sánchez wrote: [Mon Nov 10 19:44:59 2008] [error] [asp] [7796] [error] Undefined subroutine &Apache::ASP::Compiles::__ASP__srv_http_www_e_ample_com__x::get_image_data called at /srv/http/ line 2. <--> , /usr/share/perl5/Apache/ line 1521

Re: newbie question

2008-09-22 Thread Warren Young
k0STEk wrote: Function HrF (Link, Alt, Group) Would you be surprised to learn that your newbie question is answered in the FAQ? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: Getting ASP working

2008-09-16 Thread Warren Young
Tom wrote: I've googled and read for days but I'm still unsure of what I'm missing, I had mod-perl 1 which I have now uninstalled and am unable to install mod-perl 2 via easyapache3 in WHM (errors out). This is the problem with these control panels which aim to make things "easy". It's only

Re: Apache::ASP Installation Issue

2008-08-19 Thread Warren Young
Randy wrote: In the browser, I get the asp script. That means Apache::ASP isn't even being called for the page, which is an Apache configuration problem, not a problem with Apache::ASP. (Problems with Apache::ASP or the ASP pages themselves show up as complaints in error_log.) In all of

Re: Apache::ASP Installation Issue

2008-08-19 Thread Warren Young
Redirecting this back to the list. Please don't respond to me personally. I'm here to support Apache::ASP, not to support you in particular. :) Randy wrote: It now has Apache::ASP installed on it, but still won't run ASP scripts. What do you get in the browser? What do you get in Apache's

Re: Apache::ASP Installation Issue

2008-08-18 Thread Warren Young
Randy wrote: Any suggestions? (other than put it on a xxnix box) The common wisdom says that Windows is easier to use. In a lot of cases, this is true. This is not one of those cases. Apache::ASP is a native of *ix systems, and so it's far easier to install it there. You usually don't ha

Re: Peculiar problem with CompressGzip

2008-05-08 Thread Warren Young
Thanos Chatziathanassiou wrote: enable CompressGzip on that specific directory. What happens if you use mod_deflate instead? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache ASP question - RedHat Linux - Plesk8.2

2007-08-23 Thread Warren Young
hc_andy wrote: I've created a sample "test.asp" (code below) Where did you put it? What are the permissions on the file? What happens if you copy it to test.html and replace the Write() call with plain old static text? To get plesk/apache to display .asp pages, do I have to enable some

Re: apache::asp maintenance

2007-08-17 Thread Warren Young
Joshua Chamas wrote: I plan to push another release in the next couple of weeks Did you mean to type "months"? >:) - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apache::asp maintenance

2007-07-09 Thread Warren Young
Joshua Chamas wrote: If you have other needs please let me know. Well, for inertia reasons, we're still maintaining a lot of CentOS 3 and Red Hat Linux 9 type systems, with mod_perls of 1.99_07 and _09 vintage, which was before the big Apache2:: namespace reorg. As a result, when installing

Re: apache-asp request querystring help

2007-06-25 Thread Warren Young
Spn wrote: I have tried <%=$Request->QueryString('MyEmail')%> but it just write this to the textbox, not the value. Read the FAQ: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: apache::asp maintenance

2007-06-18 Thread Warren Young
Tsirkin Evgeny wrote: I was interested to know what is the apache::asp maintenance status? Is it still maintained?Is it dead? I have some applications here written in apache::asp and killing it ,for now ,is not an option.So ,are there people, except me, that are interested in the module?Are th

Re: Users on a web site

2007-01-12 Thread Warren Young
Adrian wrote: Google has yet to help me ... Sub Session_OnStart Why did you turn to Google before reading the documentation and the FAQ on the web page for this package? -

Re: Apache2.2 windows ans ASP vhost prob

2006-12-18 Thread Warren Young
turnbui wrote: I installed ASP 2.55 2.59, surely? So I then copied the C:\Perl\eg\IEExamples directory to my C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\iansthtdocs\asp\eg the DocRoot for my first VHOST and placing the ASP config parameters into an .htaccess file in C:\Program Files

Re: ASP/VBscript

2006-12-05 Thread Warren Young
Jaime Iniesta :: wrote: Hi, I'm new on this list, my name is Jaime Iniesta and I live in Madrid, Spain. I wanted to know if Apache::ASP lets you parse ASP/VBscript files on Apache. I mean, will this page render on Apache::ASP? Do they not believe in reading FAQs in Spain? h

Re: Apache::ASP Access!

2006-11-29 Thread Warren Young
hinanaseeb wrote: i want to remove this facility from global settings and want to allocate it to only those hosts which request for it.How can i do that? The same way you'd make anything specific to just one virtual host: put it inside the block. If you want something stronger than that, f

Re: Global not always global?

2006-10-24 Thread Warren Young
D. L. Fox wrote: In .htaccess I have... This is the only thing that stands out for me. I wouldn't expect things like globals to work if you don't set up Apache::ASP in the main httpd.conf file, or some file it directly includes. Per-directory configuration should only be used for overrides

Re: Apache 2 CPAN installation

2006-10-23 Thread Warren Young
teufboy wrote: Syntax error on line 177 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration It looks like mod_perl is broken. Try: $ rpm --verify apache2-mod_perl If it prints anything, follow

Re: asp host

2006-10-18 Thread Warren Young
D. L. Fox wrote: Does anyone have a list of web hosts that support Apache::ASP? You're narrowing your scope unnecessarily here. Unlike with the _other_ ASP, it isn't the case that Apache::ASP is either supported or it isn't. It would be nice if it were preinstalled and configured, but tha

Re: libapache-asp-perl

2006-08-18 Thread Warren Young
Marcelo Iepsen da Silva wrote: I use the module libapache-asp-perl in debian stable version. But I can't read asp files, have another configuration in httpd.conf or other file? Go to and read the manual. --

Re: Installation Errors

2006-07-19 Thread Warren Young
levik wrote: I did post my error log, didn't I? Sorry, I missed it. Here's the start of the relevant line: [Wed Jul 19 08:46:07 2006] [error] [client] can't open file /tmp/asp/server/internal.lock: No such file or directory at It's looking for /tmp/asp/... This isn't going

Re: Installation Errors

2006-07-19 Thread Warren Young
levik wrote: When I browse to the folder(located in my webroot) in IE I get HTTP 500 - Internal server error. Look in Apache's error_log, then. Post the entire error text if you don't understand it. It could be many lines. ---

Re: Cleanly separating applications vs. presentation using Apache::ASP

2006-05-03 Thread Warren Young
Steve B wrote: The most notable design flaw is the tight integration between the application and the display. Perl code is directly intermingled with the HTML page, making the external management of the page elements nearly impossible. You're right, there is a lot of religion on this topic

Re: Installation problems

2006-03-20 Thread Warren Young
Edward King wrote: However, I am unable to run the examples or any of my own ASP files. I don't suppose that these files you're not showing us are VBScript ASP files? If so, read the FAQ at - To unsubscribe


2006-02-27 Thread Warren Young
Joshua Chamas wrote: Do you know why it is that "use utf8" is needed at the top of each script? No, I'm not sure. At this point, I just know that there are pages where, if I remove the pragma, the UTF-8 characters get munged. I haven't tried to localize the Perl constructs in which this hap


2006-02-23 Thread Warren Young
I finally got around to converting our Apache::ASP application so that it uses UTF-8 throughout, instead of Latin-1. I learned a few things that aren't discussed in the archives, so I'm setting them down here for others to find. 1. It's best if you use newer Perls. 5.8.0 is adequate, but has

Re: Apache::ASP on Debian with Apache2?

2006-01-19 Thread Warren Young
Sadjied Idoe wrote: [Wed Jan 18 16:57:17 2006] [error] Can't locate Apache2/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/Apache2 /etc/per This indicates that you either do not actually have mod_perl2, or you are using one of the earlier 1.99* versions before they changed everything

Re: Running the asp demo example files

2005-10-24 Thread Warren Young
Andrew Yu wrote: For the httpd.conf file I added these settings to the bottom of the httpd.conf file I don't see that you changed the DirectoryIndex directive. Are you certain that mod_perl is working? Can you try a simple "Hello, world!" type program to prove it? -

Re: Install problem

2005-09-28 Thread Warren Young
Andrew Koebrick wrote: [error] Can't locate Apache2/ in @INC [snip] mod_perl-1.99_16-3 The current version of Apache::ASP assumes that you are using the new mod_perl 2.0 interfaces. 1.99_16 uses the old mod_perl 1.0 interfaces. One option is to upgrade mod_perl. The depen configuration error

2005-07-14 Thread Warren Young
It seems that is auto-generated, because it was different on two systems I have, both of which have the same versions of Apache::ASP (2.59) installed. Both of these systems have Apache 2.0.x and mod_perl 1.99_09 installed. On one system, this file referenced the older Apache

Re: migrating asp, .net application from IIS to apache

2005-05-04 Thread Warren Young
nsm100 wrote: I have an application done using ASP, .NET using IIS Web server. The customer wants to migrate the application to Apache server. Whats the best option which involves less time in migrating to the Apache ? ChiliSoft or some other such commercial thing, if your time is not free. Ap


2005-05-03 Thread Warren Young
sangeethvs wrote: suggestions of installing BerkeleyDB. But isn't that overkill. Do we really need to install the DB_File and BerkleyDB modules to work with Apache::ASP? There are alternate state storage models, but BDB is certainly a good choice. I seem to recall that one of the options is a

Re: Problem with PDF files

2005-04-25 Thread Warren Young
Jonathan Dixon wrote: SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::ASP PerlSetVar Global /storage/t212 PerlSetVar StateDir /tmp/asp PerlSetVar RequestBinaryRead On This declares *.pdf files as being ASP files. Apache::ASP is trying to interpret them directly! What you want to

Re: Arguments truncated semi-randomly

2005-03-04 Thread Warren Young
Joshua Chamas wrote: This is an Apache/mod_perl API, Ah, that was the clue I needed. From the mod_perl changelog, just one release past the one we are using: "fix $r->read to read all the requested amount of data if possible, adjust the test TestApache::read to verify that [Stas]" I haven't tri

Arguments truncated semi-randomly

2005-03-03 Thread Warren Young
We have an ASP application which mostly works, but on one particular form, POSTed updates are randomly ignored. I think we have the problem isolated, but we're stuck for another reason. I'll take you through the debug process so you know what the situation is so far. - The symptom is that whe

Re: Cross-over between sessions

2004-12-29 Thread Warren Young
Patrick Conroy wrote: (my $histtype, my $dsc, my $contactid, my $usrid, my $dbh) = @_; You want my ($histtype, $dsc, $contactid, $usrid, $dbh) = @_; here. my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_inserthistory) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr; For efficiency reasons

Re: UTF8 - Who is wrong? Apache::ASP or mod_perl or Apache or Perl?

2004-12-16 Thread Warren Young
k_berov wrote: Hi Boys. I think it's perl's fault, but if someone of you had such problems and tell mi what is wrong, I will be very gratefull. If you search the archives for a post I made less than a year back, you will find that I documented some interesting conversion chains in my application.

Re: Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-22 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: At this point, I would recommend setting Debug -1 and then Okay, I'll do that. School is out this week at the problem site, so I don't expect it to die this week. Also, if all this debugging is just taking too long, then you might do something like this just for this one serve

Re: Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-19 Thread Warren Young
Fagyal Csongor wrote: Are you sure you don't put "something wrong" into $Application / $Session? Could be, but if so, why is only this site locking up? You might also try to write a small script that dumps your *full* perl namespace in mod_perl, to see if something is "leaking"... Do you rememb

Re: Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-19 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: What is the state of the system when it locks up? These systems are installed in schools, so they're only being used from roughly 7am to 4pm. This problem is happening within that window, while it is being used during the day. We have never seen it lock up in this way over n

Re: Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-19 Thread Warren Young
Christopher Hicks wrote: You might be tripping over a bug in the db code. A bug in which db code? If it's part of the open source underpinnings of Apache::ASP, why is the bug still there? Why haven't you submitted a patch? Can you try the Apache::ASP on a Fedora Core 2 or 3 machine? We have

Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-18 Thread Warren Young
We have a site where Apache::ASP appears to be locking up every few days. If we rm -r /tmp/asp, the system begins responding again. We've upgraded to the latest Apache::ASP, and it doesn't help. The system is a Red Hat Linux 7.3 machine running Apache 1.3.27-4. None of our many other sites a

Re: file upload status bar (a la yahoo attachment status bar)

2004-10-22 Thread Warren Young
V.I. wrote: Please, tell me would be my best options to display the upload status as the files are being uploaded We ended up writing a Windows uploader that worked outside the HTTP stream. This works in our situation because we have tight control of the clients, we are uploading huge files that

Re: Help!

2004-10-07 Thread Warren Young
Mike Cantone wrote: might be using up a lot of memory, Stop guessing and measure! Does your platform have a top command? You can use that to see CPU time and memory usage. If not, you may have sar or some other system load testing utility.

Re: Can't undef active subroutine

2004-08-23 Thread Warren Young
Arnon Weinberg wrote: is to add a config option to control the script caching behavior so that people aware of the closure issues can use embedded subs more freely; I'd rather that Apache::ASP refused to run on an ASP page with subroutines defined by default, and let you flip a config switch to

Re: Can't undef active subroutine

2004-08-23 Thread Warren Young
Arnon Weinberg wrote: <% sub foo {} Don't do that! Put subroutines in either global.asa, or in a separate Perl module. If you search the Apache::ASP documentation, you will find where it specifically tells you not to define subroutines in your ASP files. It has to do with the way the ASP files

Re: Perl 5.8.x & Apache-ASP Problems

2004-08-12 Thread Warren Young
ballay ballay wrote: Until now, we used Perl 5.6.x without any problems. But now we decided to make the move to Perl 5.8.x and started R&D-ing it. The install is on a base RH Fedora or RHE3 box. It sounds like you moved a working solution from RH9 or earlier. I've done something similar, and

Re: Output formatting problem (text encoding?)

2004-07-20 Thread Warren Young
karl wrote: I have text output coming from a database and ' (apostrophes) are shown in the browser (IE6) as ? (question marks). There's apostrophes and there are apostrophes. There's ASCII code 39, there's Windows code page 1252 code 146, there's Unicode code The question is, which of t

Re: Porting from ActivePerl/IIS to Apache::ASP

2004-07-15 Thread Warren Young
Unknown wrote: Our problem is the original authors of the code assumed variables are not globally scoped. You mean one of the original authors doesn't understand Perl. Q1.1: How come in other languages, the scope of the variable is assumed to be for the page unless defined otherwise (e.g. PHP, Acti

Re: View contents of loaded global.asa

2004-07-15 Thread Warren Young
Nicholas Schuetz wrote: Does anyone know how I can view the contents of the global.asa loaded durring runtime. That would be chasing the symptom, not the cause. Instead, convince yourself directly that the global.asa you think is running is in fact being compiled. Add something like this to Scr

Re: Large file upload problems

2004-05-07 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: you might consider using the mod_perl interface directly for the file uploads, by first disabling Apache::ASP's file upload processing: What is the benefit from doing this? And then using the Apache::Request interface to get the $apr->upload data. I tried to install Apache::Requ

Re: Large file upload problems

2004-05-06 Thread Warren Young
Ian Cass wrote: I guess you could play with this... ... and see if you can get using it. Wouldn't you know it, but Lincoln Stein proposed something similar when I reported the problem to him. He says he'll be making that section of th

Re: Large file upload problems

2004-05-05 Thread Warren Young
Warren Young wrote: What code is to blame here? Just to follow up, the source of this limit appears to be with Perl itself. Perl won't use 64-bit ints unless it is compiled to do so, even if the platform will support 64-bit ints. Since uses a scalar to hold the expected length o

Re: Large file upload problems

2004-05-04 Thread Warren Young
Stuart Johnston wrote: Try setting this at the top of your script: $TempFile::TMPDIRECTORY='/target/location'; What is $TempFile? Do you mean something under $Request->{FileUpload}? Perhaps $Request->{FileUpload}{file}->{TempFile}? There is a mod_perl module you might find helpful: http://sea

Large file upload problems

2004-04-30 Thread Warren Young
I have an ASP page that needs to accept files which are typically rather large. (Average 2GB +/- 1GB.) These files ultimately need to be stored in a particular place in the web server's file system. I've set it up so that the temp file is kept around, so that I can simply do a system("mv $te

Re: Undefined subroutine

2004-04-19 Thread Warren Young
Søren Tauber Lassen wrote: Rename it to, and put it in the same directory as your global.asa. Say "use files" at the top of global.asa. Restart the web server. sub loadFileText Within, say "require Exporter;" and read the documentation on the Exporter module to fi

Re: Perl editor

2004-03-15 Thread Warren Young
John Drago wrote: Just out of curiosity, what editor do you folks normally use when writing perl? vim with syntax highlighting enabled. What editor do you used when writing perl inside HTML in ASP-style? Ditto, with these additions to my .vimrc file: function SetupASP() exe "set syntax=aspper

Re: UTF-8 problems ....

2004-03-12 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: PerlSetEnv LANG $LANG Does this resolve the UTF8 issues? It probably will. I really like it that you can keep the same LANG variable as the system uses. I wouldn't like to have hard-coded it. Right now, the stable version of my program has worked around this issue simply

Re: UTF-8 problems ....

2004-03-11 Thread Warren Young
Thanos Chatziathanassiou wrote: I have an interesting problem with UTF-8 charset and Apache::ASP The problem is that the ASP code runs with the LANG environment variable unset. (I'm not sure if it's Apache or mod_perl doing this.) In this situation, the Perl interpreter runs without Unicode su

Re: Application_OnStart not getting called

2004-03-09 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: This is a good point, and was the basis for the original implementation, that the application starts when the first visitor registers a session. This was the definition of the original Application_OnStart event in the ASP model. That's reasonable. If I understand things correct

Re: Automatic recurring events (think cron for ASP)

2004-03-08 Thread Warren Young
John Drago wrote: d) Use a cron job to execute code that sends an http request to an ASP page on the server? (Even though this works great, it seems wrong somehow). This is the right way. All the cron job has to do kick off the event: */5 * * * * wget -O /dev/null http://localhost/dosom

Re: Application_OnStart not getting called

2004-03-08 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: Currently, Application_OnStart only runs when the first Session gets initialized, and again after the last Session expires. Theoretically, this could never happen if your application is always busy. A big difference between Apache::ASP, and IIS/ASP is that sessions persist by d

Re: Application_OnStart not getting called

2004-03-05 Thread Warren Young
John Drago wrote: Make absolutely sure Apache::ASP is finding your global.asa to start with. All the other events I have in there are being called. PerlSetVar Global "/path" I had mine set to '.', with global.asa at the site's root. I tried setting it to the site root's absolute path, but the

Application_OnStart not getting called

2004-03-04 Thread Warren Young
I have some code I'd like to run just once when Apache::ASP comes up the first time; it computes a value that never changes over the life of the application. For some reason, this event never seems to be called. I dug into the Apache::ASP code a bit, and the only thing that struck me is how de

Semi OT: UTF-8 handling

2004-02-25 Thread Warren Young
It seems that the UTF-8 support in Perl is still transitional. By that I mean that there are situations where you can find strings being converted back and forth between UTF-8 and the local character set (Latin-1 in my case) several times as it passes through the system. Here's a chain I've ob

Re: RFC on proposed behavior change for $Response->{Status}

2004-01-26 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: The fix to this is to handle the status/status_line settings internal to Apache::ASP, and send back an OK to the Apache handler phase, To me, the proper fix is to get mod_perl to allow you to attach a custom status code to any returned page. Then one's ASP code could generate

Re: The Freakiest thing...

2004-01-12 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: Better yet, if you have common subs that you want to share between > scripts, put them into the global.asa file, ...or put them into a Perl module, which you can place in the same directory with the global.asa file. Import the library with a 'use' statement at the top of gl

Re: Very Basic Newbie Questions

2003-12-05 Thread Warren Young
Robin McDermott wrote: thought about Perl and php, but have been wanting to do more with asp so it ASP is just an API, it is not tied to VBScript. If it's important for you to be able to run the same code on both the Windows and Linux web servers, you may be able to run PerlScript ASP pages on t

Re: AW: Internal server error when viewing sample asp scripts

2003-09-12 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: However, I disagree with the premise that this will help the end user confusion. Most initial posts on this subject are with an internal server error resulting, as the developer has not yet set Debug 2 or 3 which are the settings which will result in a verbose HTML message goin

Re: AW: Internal server error when viewing sample asp scripts

2003-09-12 Thread Warren Young
Uwe Riehm wrote: Maybe for the time being a quick and dirty hack could be a solution to this: just search / match in the input file for some of the most used keywords of VBScript and in case one of those is found stop all the processing and output such an error message. A refinement on the idea:

Re: CPAN and Apache::ASP question

2003-06-08 Thread Warren Young
Farshid Dabesh-Khoy wrote: I am a bit uncomfortable with the fact that CPAN just installs the modules into directories of its own choice. It's not important for _you_ to be able to find the modules, it's important for _Perl_ to be able to find them. Therefore, CPAN puts modules into directori

Re: Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: In your perl section, you could try, "no strict qw(subs);" No dice. This seems like a bug on Apache::PerlSection, and you might report it to the mod_perl list if you get this to work. That was enough of a clue to fix it. I pounded out the "use strict" at the top of PerlSection

Re: Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
Warren Young wrote: Syntax error on line 1059 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: I should mention that line 1059 is the "" line. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
Randy Kobes wrote: I think also, at this time, Perl sections have to be written as blah in mod_perl 2 (with the explicit whitespace in the opening ). Surely they're not going to keep that syntax? I hope it's just a temporary bug they haven't gotten around to fixing yet. Anyway, I tr

Re: Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote: I believe the mod_perl 2 on RedHat 9 is a pretty early dev release. True. They shipped the _07 release, which dates back to September of last year. Try upgrade to the latest mod_perl 1.99_xx. I know that decent section support was only added more recently. I just installed t

Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
I just tried moving a working Apache::ASP application to a Red Hat Linux 9 system, and couldn't get the Apache::ASP->Loader() statement to work. Here's what I have at the end of my httpd.conf: Apache::ASP->Loader('/path/to/my/app', "asp\$", 'Global' => '.', 'Debug' => 0); When

Re: Mainframe Question

2003-03-18 Thread Warren Young
crazyday55109 wrote: 7.0 and Apache 2.x. I am trying to find a way to run ASP's on it but I have been working with Sun and they cannot run in a VM atmosphere. The ChiliSoft software will only run in an Intel environment. This implies that you already have these ASP pages, and that the script