Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

LOL I voted for file 1 as well. I mean, seeing as we can manipulate stereo signals such that when they come through headphones they trick the brain into perceiving them as coming from impossible directions, nothing surprises me.


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Re: Paid Columbia Research Study: Navigating in Games Using Sound

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid Columbia Research Study: Navigating in Games Using Sound

I would participate with no expectation of any kind of compensation if you were to open this up to international participants.


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Re: playstation text to speech for all regions

2020-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: playstation text to speech for all regions

Sony... sour grapes much? They were legislated to implement TTS in North America, so they put extra effort in to make sure the rest of the world didn't have it just to say FU?


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Re: password managers

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: password managers

@39 Idk. Maybe you have a really old version of the desktop app or are facing some accessibility issue with your particular screen reader.When you first launch the app and it asks for your master password, click logout.On this page your options should be:Email address, Master Password, Toggle Visibility, Login, Create account, Get master password hint, Settings.When you click settings, the first option in the frame that opens is server URL under the heading Self hosted environment.Actually that's the only option I have in the Mac OS version.I didn't face any problems setting it up under Windows or IOS either, so I don't know what's different about your environment.The only thing I notice is that the app doesn't hide the log in window from screen readers when it pops up the settings modal, so it appears below the log in fields.


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Re: password managers

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: password managers

Ethin wrote:while you can host it, you can't set the desktop app to your hosted instance to my knowledge.Yes you can. This is exactly how I do things.You simply click settings. Server URL is the first option.I choose to self host as much of my IT as I possibly can.The full list:Email system (nobody gets to sell my name, email and who I correspond with to known criminals),Nextcloud server (my files aren't that interesting to anyone but me, but I'm not putting all my eggs in the Apple/ Google basket and having them eventually pull a pricing bait and switch),Bitwarden server (I use it for very sensitive data, and I don't trust anyone who tells me they use end to end encryption and expects me to take their word at face value),Jitsi video conferencing server (Screw Zoom. They lied about end to end encryption. My conversations aren't that interesting but children should be kept off that platform for fear of who Zoom might sell their voices/ images to).


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Re: i need a free data recovery tool

2020-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i need a free data recovery tool

Story time.This just happened to me this afternoon while I was working on my Manamon II play through.I was trying to delete all of the junk files (like Sound Forge .sfk and Total Recorder .q). Accidentally selected one of my .mp3 files and performed shift +delete.Thank heavens for my Nextcloud server. Everything I save to my computer is automatically uploaded, and deleted files are stored on the server for as long as possible. In other words, I would have had months to realize it was missing and go mark it as restored from within the Nextcloud interface which would cause it to redownload to my machine. That's exactly what I did, and crisis averted.While you might not be in a position to run your own cloud system as I have chosen to do, most commercially available cloud backup services offer some form of file versioning and/or deleted file recovery.The moral of the story is as others have pointed out, a contingency plan is a must. Remote backups will save you from accidental deletion, hard disk failure, house fire etc, but they are vulnerable to ransomware. Local backups provide another Line of defence against exactly this provided your backup drive is unplugged when not in use. Both are essential for true safety.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Math is definitely the application where tactile is better. Though I learned it more readily with a larger tactile representation like strings/ pegs on a board as opposed to a braille diagram.I can't help but wonder how effectively you could represent graphs musically? I mean, you could do bar charts with tones which last for different durations depending on the length of the bar. You could probably do something similar with a pie chart. I can imagine a musical representation of a scatter plot as well using beeps and panning.I don't miss braille text books. Heavy, bulky, slow and fatiguing to consume.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Yeah. There's no such thing as normal. We're all different in our own special way.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

To the original topic:If this person is spending their own money on books and then erasing them, that's their business. If they're erasing borrowed materials/ stuff belonging to the general public then that's a different story.I have a multitude of weird fetishes, possibly caused by impairment of multiple senses. Some are sexual, some are not. While I don't care to admit to what these are in public, suffice it to say that while harmless, they make dating a bad idea.I think braille is important to learn. Personally I have limited use for it beyond labeling the buttons on the microwave etc. I used braille exclusively in school until grade 5. Come grade 9 or so, most everything was computer. For me, reading was never a pleasurable activity. It was tedious as hell. As fast as I listen to my synth I doubt very much it raises a candle to being able to glance at a page and get most of the pertinent information in seconds, but it sure is better than 30 - 45 words per minute.The behaviour described in the OP just sounds like typical sensory compensation to me. Is it any more unusual than say, ASMR? I don't think so. Yet that's not a blind specific thing.


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Re: Adding a domain to a server on Linode?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adding a domain to a server on Linode?

Oh man, Postfix and Dovecot.Last year when CPanel jacked up their monthly price and switched to account based instead of per server pricing (and I abandoned them in response), I had to give myself a crash course on how to set those beasts up.Worst apps I've ever had the misfortune of configuring, but once configured and secured they just work. Just keep them up to date and keep your emails backed up. For those who don't want to get their hands dirty, modern Docker based solutions provide something close to out of the box plug and play convenience. I've read good things about MailCow, but it demands a dedicated OS.The blatant disregard of corporate for the mere mortals living way down here on planet earth have turned me into something of an open source extremist. I love my FOSS mail server, Nextcloud server, Bitwarden self hosted password manager etc.To the OP's question though, I don't use Linode, but regardless of who you choose as a data centre/ web host and domain registrar, the steps are generally the same:*Set your name servers at your registrar (tell them where to find the servers that provide DNS for your domain). These could be servers you host yourself or hosted DNS solutions (I'm assuming Linode offers the latter).Configure those name servers to respond authoritatively for your domain (be the final authority on which hostnames map to which IP addresses).Set A records on your DNS servers to actually map to, etc.Then just wait. DNS propagation can take hours, or even as much as a full day to complete.


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Re: No patience for systemic BS

2018-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: No patience for systemic BS

Man, I just can't freaking wait for autonomous cars.That'll be the biggest freedom boost since the personal computer, maybe bigger even.


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Re: No patience for systemic BS

2018-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: No patience for systemic BS

I can only really afford to use Uber in a pinch (like when I get ditched by paratransit), not 4 times per day plus.They want us calling this stupid voicemail with complaints which I've done for years, but screw that, I've got someone taking me to their office this Thursday and I'm not leaving until they get down to some serious business with me.


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Re: No patience for systemic BS

2018-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: No patience for systemic BS

Yeah, you can try calling in.You are currently caller number, 15, waiting to speak to a representative. Thank you for your patience.Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock as boring hold music plays.By the time you're speaking to a representative the driver is long gone. They tell you that you missed it and will have to wait hours for another one.It used to work (I could tell the office they weren't getting out and coming to me before the timer ran out) but now they understaff the phones so much that there's almost no chance of getting through the queue that quickly.


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Re: Why I am 100 percent against schools for the blind

2017-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I am 100 percent against schools for the blind

I did half of my schooling in catholic school and the other half at a school for the blind. I can say I had good and bad experiences in both.In mainstream schools I didn't really have difficulty when it came to accommodation, and I wasn't bullied very often either. Actually I was well liked by my support workers who worked with me one-on-one most of the time.The problem lies in the fact I wasn't a part of anything. I was out of the classroom 90 percent of the time, because my braille was too noisy for the rest of the kids to learn and because my workers always had to be talking to me when teaching me math on the abacus. So the other kids weren't seeing me in class. At recess they would talk to me, but it was mostly curiosity about my cane and that sort of things. It wasn't like I was included in their play all that often.Then I got a computer in grade 5, and because it was a desktop it was permanently placed in a room. So I graduated from the hallway to behind closed doors most of the time.On the family front, it wasn't like they could put me in hockey or something like my brother and sister. Sometimes they'd try to teach me life skills, but not being themselves trained to teach it and having the extra burden of fears about my future, they had absolutely zero patience -- if I didn't master the skill in one or two attempts there'd be consequences. The consequences were never severe, but they were enough to make learning hard because you were in fear knowing you had one kick at the can or else your next few days wouldn't be so great.Then I left in grade 6 to go to blind school. It was my idea, I told my mother I wanted to try it and she let me go.For the first two years I didn't like it very much. There were 3 main classes of residence, based on age and maturity level. Back then they were called Junior, Intermediate and Senior, but since then the names have changed. After Senior there was a chance you could make it into a special house where independent living training was more intense, and there were a couple of other categories like deaf blind.As I started in grade 6, I begin in the junior residence. I hated it. It was bootcamp -or prison- like. Extremely structured like some of the earlier posters described. Every moment of your day was preplanned; exactly where you went and exactly what you did. When you played, when you did homework, when you changed into your pyjamas, when you ate, when you showered, when you exercised or did sports; all these things were scheduled to the minute.Needless to say I looked forward to the weekends when I'd go home (by commercial airline!).I don't know how I got through those first two years without saying Screw this, I want to go back to mainstream school at home; but I did, and I'm glad I did.Once you moved up to the intermediate class, things were much better. There was still some structure; there were specific sporting events and other things everyone attended. but that became not so bad because being intermediate gave you the freedom to make some decisions on your own and to have some choice over how you spent your time.As well, being part of things like extracurricular sports was nice. It was far more than I'd have ever had back at home.Even if I didn't enjoy all the sports all the time, there were the ones I liked and at least it was much better than never having the chance to participate in anything.I spent ten years there. I moved up to the senior class and then got into the house after that.In the house, we learned to cook our own meals, do our own cleaning, go grocery shopping, etc. The biggest problem I see with the school is that these things should be everyday activities right from the get-go, not just at the very end of your time there if you happen to make it that far up the residence "ladder".Instead of assembling in the lunch room and being served, students should be taught -- and expected -- to pack their own lunches in residence the night before and bring them to school with them like any other kids would do.We should have been involved in preparation of meals instead of having dinner delivered to us in residence on a big trolly at 5:00 every evening.Other than that, I'd say I got more out of my education there than I would have gotten back home. When I started there in 2001, it was all braille and then it slowly transitioned to being mostly computer based. For me at least, this was a welcome change. Reading and doing school work got much faster, and bringing your homework home was now a matter of carting a USB key instead of a massive heavy bag of books. It was almost exclusively Jaws. They got a few Macs towards the end of my time there, but I never really explored anything other than Jaws until much later.To the issue of being unprepared for the real world, unfortunately there's some truth to this. For me it was mostly the fact that I knew my home for the past ten years was just going to b

Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

2017-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

It's not exclusively a linux product. It'll work fine under Mac OS, or anything else for that matter that is based on a Unix kernel (so... anything but our favourite odd man out Windows).I've actually seen a decent amount of Linux open source that does take steps to accommodate Windows (though to be fair, Libraries are more likely to do this more so than applications). Liquidsoap is dependant on a library called Libshout (this is the library that actually provides the streaming to Shoutcast and Icecast servers) that strongly refuses to build under visual studio due to baked-in use of unix-specific APIs.Cygwin is the way around this, but it's not without it's caveats (external dependancies, executable becomes GPL-licensed, etc).In my free time I've actually been working on a scriptable audio streaming application which I use for my own needs. If I had a lot of time to work on it I'd strive to bring it to the point where I'd 
 be comfortable releasing it, but it too is dependant on libshout which ties it down pretty hard to unix like platforms. If I removed that dependancy and wrote the networking code myself I could make it build on Windows pretty easily.


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Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

OCaml is a programming language. Opam is a tool which finds and installs libraries for use with the language OCaml.There is probably no simpler way to install this product unless somebody has prepared a Windows installer for it, and I'd be surprised if that were the case.You'll have to learn some Unix commands in order to install and use it.


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Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

Are you trying to install it on Windows?If so, you're going to need to install Cygwin (which will give you an emulated Linux command terminal) and follow the rest of the steps from there.There are some accessibility annoyances with the Cygwin setup.. In Cygwin you don't install software using a command line package manager like you would with regular Linux. Instead you install it using the GUI installer that you use to install Cygwin itself. Accessibility-whise it works, but there's a lot of rooting involved and it's annoying.


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Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone Know How To Compile Liquid Soap

Install OCaml and Opam, then let Opam do the heavy lifting for you. If you're installing to Ubuntu you're package manager will be apt; if you're installing to a REL-based distro it'll be yum. Replace yum with the correct tool for your system. Basically you want to do the following:yum install ocamlyum install opamthen run:opam initand follow the instructions.then run:eval `opam config env`now run:opam install liquid soapThis command may fail multiple times because of missing system packages. Opam will name the required package so you can usually just install that with your package manager just like you installed ocaml and Opam.Eventually you will get the command to run to it's end.This is the method that Liquidsoap officially recommends.


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Re: Linux assistance center

2017-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux assistance center

If I install software by compiling from source, is there any way I can get pkg_config to recognize it?The configure script for a software application I'm trying to build from source uses pkg_config to find it's dependancies, but some of said dependancies aren't available in my distro's package manager so I've had to build those from their source distributions. Of course pkg_config doesn't know about software installed this way. Do I need to write the pkg_config files by hand or is there some way to generate them?


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Re: Linux assistance center

2017-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux assistance center

If I install software by compiling from source, is there any way I can get pkg_config to recognize it?A software application I'm trying to build from source uses pkg_config to find it's dependancies, but some of said dependancies aren't available in my distro's package manager so I've had to build those from their source distributions. Of course pkg_config doesn't know about software installed this way. Do I need to write the pkg_config files by hand or is there some way to generate them?


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

Never doing business with Code Factory again. I got my replacement key, but they won't answer me regarding why the DRM server is so slow that the program takes an entire minute to initialize.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

I did kind of wonder exactly what the custom builds and nanomites were all about.I remember that if you wanted a custom build, you were taken to a web page where you could pick from number 1, 2 or 3.So I couldn't really understand what made the custom builds "custom" as presumably anybody who visited the site at that moment in time would be given the same 3 choices?


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

If you were trying to protect a BGT application, I do remember that you had to enable a setting called "fake original data location" or something like that.Otherwise it just dies. I guess because BGT just glues it's data (like the compiled script byte code and pack file) to the end of the program, if Armadillo is permitted to obscure that then it confuses BGT.I actually did buy a license for Armadillo back in 2010 or so.@Orko, accessibility was actually quite alright up until that UI rewrite, after which it became unuseable.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

@FlackersI'm assuming you bought your Eloquence license from so, just contact them and tell them that codefactory isn't responding to you.They got a positive response for me in less than 24 hours, though now you might have to wait until Monday.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

@Orko yeah, I thought it made sense.I had a license for Armadillo (which I never really used). I remember getting a ticket response from a visually impaired guy when I raised an accessibility related enquiry, and I'm assuming now that it was probably you. Access wise, I found that the Armadillo interface itself was always okay, but if the Software Passport gui was useable with Jaws I never got the hang of it.Then when the final version came out, I found that more access issues had cropped up. I raised a ticket and got a phone call from someone at Silicon Realms promicing to investigate.After that I never heard back and I'd imagine it died shortly thereafter.I thought it was a pretty kool product.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

@Orko I understand.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

Orko wrote:@david_solomon1OK, by their messages, I couldn't tell what method they were using, I guess I missed it. It does seem kind of strange that whether you get a reply seems to be randomly hit or miss.It's interesting that they are using Themedia for their DRM. I remember them from my time as a senior developer in the DRM industry. Other than that they were a competitor, I don't remember hearing much about them good or bad, except that they were expensive compared to the product I worked on, which unfortunately is now dead. In it's day it was quite popular and effective.It used the old classic method of using your name and a matching key to unlock the software. No online checks or activation, unless the user of our software coded it themselves.@Orko, if you don't mind me asking, was it Software Passport/Armadillo that you worked on?


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

I have also achieved success by contacting They reached out to CF and got a key reset for me. I only use this for games, but I haven't seen many other viable options that are responsive enough for fluid gaming.Orko wrote:@joshknnd1982Unless I'm mistaken, somebody tried that, but the result was that it crashed any program that used SAPI.I wonder if that project still exists? There are probably just some bugs to be worked out to fix the crashyness.Though I personally would want more than a SAPI voice, but rather something cross plat that I could take anywhere and just render the voice to a stream of bytes.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

Seconded.I wrote them on Sunday explaining that my activations had been used up, one due to hardware failure and the other two due to automatic updates.It's now Thursday and I haven't heard.I emailed ATGuys and they sent an email to CF copying me on it. Hopefully that gets their attention. Otherwise I'll have to see if there's any other contact info for this outfit and maybe send them snail mail.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

flackers wrote:Maybe CodeFactory don't respond because with every licence they sell they get a support ticket in return and they're sick of them.and they are too brain dead to realize that debugging their sh*t would cost less time and money than answering all of the unnecessary support tickets from angry customers in the long run.I don't mind AP systems which require an initial server connection to get activated in the first place... but I resent the hell out of systems that continue to require access to a license server after the fact. It's a real slap in the face to have paid good money for a software product only to have them imply that they still don't trust me.


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Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

2017-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CodeFactory Eloquence

In the same boat re: codefactory.I lost one key to an HD fail, the other two for unknown reasons (presumably automatic Windows updates). Submitted a support ticket on Sunday and got no response. I'll probably try contacting as well and see if they are able to do something.Codefactory states that re-activating on the same licensed copy of Windows won't use up an extra key... but clearly this feature is bugged to the point of nonexistence.


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Re: The 10 Creepiest Audio Recordings

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The 10 Creepiest Audio Recordings

Here are a couple of nominations:the February 20, 1971 emergency broadcast system false activation. In a nut shell, instead of the regularely scheduled EBS test which used to be conducted by the air force each Saturday morning, the teletype operator accidentally picked the wrong tape off the hook (the one for a real national emergency) and set off a nationwide panick.You can hear two radio announcers dealing with this here: probably would have been a lot scarier if heard live during the cold war, but an interesting piece of history nonetheless.I would also nominate almost any PSA produced by the likes of Australia or New Zealand.They're probably a lot more frightening if you can see the visuals as well, but still try sleeping after listening to a youtube playlist of 50 of these things late at night. They tend to hold nothing back when it
  comes to gore and horror.


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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Nocturnus: likewise.Just out of curiosity, what is your theory on why one person (such as Bela) was granted such a profound miracle by the hand of god, but just a few short years prier Hitler was permitted to exterminate approx. six million jews, none of whom were shown even a fragment of the kindness shown to this one man and his wife?While it's true that he faced more than enough calamity to be more than deserving of some divine compensation, what made his parents and so many millions of other people less deserving than he was? and what about all the children who either died or were orphaned during that period, perhaps too young to understand God or what was going on in the world to cause there to be no one to hold them when they cried?Are we perhaps just puppets and it's all a game?


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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Nocturnus:I once had a profound miraculous, almost stranger-than-fiction encounter with someone under circumstances bazaar enough to strongly suggest the plausibility of a divine intervention. Not as miraculous as bela's story, but probably miraculous enough to be in the realm of once in a lifetime. Suffice it to say it strengthened my faith in a spirit world, perhaps divine beings -- just not in a universal one.My theory is that when we pass on to the afterlife, or the "next" life, that perhaps we are granted a little bit of clout to orchestrate events in the lives of those on earth who meant the most to us. So perhaps we all become "gods", with some amount of jurisdiction over those we touched or were touched by.Therefore, it is my theory that Bela's family, in whatever realm or form they now exist following life on earth, orchestrated the events which ultimately lead up to the reunion with his wife -- perhaps with the assistance 
 of a "god", perhaps as "gods" themselves, or perhaps just as spirits of another world with the power to grant a wish for the person most important to them back in the land of the living.By the way, that isn't something I read, it isn't something a preacher converted me to, it's just the conclusions I've drawn from the nature of my own divine/spiritual experiences. I don't know if there is a mainstream term for someone who believes that their god is someone who lived alongside them just a few short years ago, but I think it's just as plausible as any religious text -- and by that logic, Jesus Christ was probably somebody's divine angel, Mohammad was somebody elses, etc etc, and my dear friend Millie is mine, who's soul departed from this world on April 24, 2003 (may she rest in pease).If it wasn't 9:30 on the night before an exam I'd have probably posted the personal story to which I made reference abov
 e, and may do so later if anyone is interested.


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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Okay, so most of this is way over my head at this point and represents a level of learnedness far beyond what I could ever aspire to achieve, so I have to mostly bow out at this point. but first:@Andi93, while I do not wish to adversely alter the course of the topic at this point, I actually posted (directed at you) a few times on page 9 pertaining to homosexuality in nonhuman species. Suffice it to say that every! species that has been studied (thousands of them) has demonstrated that some portion of it is homosexual. Homosexuality is not! an exclusively human phenomenon. In fact it is quite to the contrary, as natural as sexuality itself.I hope you'll consider going back to page 9 and answering the question that I specifically addressed to you -- not for my benefit, but for your own enlightenment -- and because I'm cureous to know what your view on it would be.To summarize:Why does God create sertain groups of people for the soul purpose of damn
 ing them to a life of condemnation (being "wrong"), and subjecting himself to the torment of their existence? Many people would call that "sadomasochism", which is contrary to love, patience and compassion.If Jo Blow is wrong to be gay, then why did god make poor MR. Blow's brain work in a slightly different way such that he was born with same sex attractions? That's like saying that being blind is wrong -- unfortunate, but not "wrong" or "sinfull" -- when none of us have any say in the matter because, disabled animals and insects are born in the jungle too.I'd be happy to take this to PM if you prefer, because at this point it's more for my own curiosity and probably to the detriment of the topic, but I just can't except a hypothetical god who would create someone just so that the rest of his creations can condemn them for how their creater created them.


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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andi93, a few things:1. Gay is not how things were created? really? It exists in the jungle, of all places. It exists in populations of such things as primitive and natural as insects.Are birds and bees sinners, when their brains are far too primitive to comprehend much beyond how to seek food and respond to instinct/acute stimuli (fight or flight, etc)?Are you afrade of knowledge because it would challenge the norms that shaped your upbringing?If not, I challenge you to check this out: … in_animalsIt talks about hormones and genes in species such as the common fruit fly.So why would a loving god punish someone for their genetics, brain structure or prenatal exposure to hormones, when he himself made a conscious choice to set them on that course of development? Doesn't that sound just a little megalomanic? Kind of like how he punished the world for eternity because two people were tricked into eating the wrong piece of fruit? (spoiler: he scripted that event).2. God loves the sinner, not the sin-that's reasonable, except it poses the same question. Why would god define something as sin, only to create lives on a collision course with it and no means of changing trajectory? That sounds a kin to someone who hates violence inventing a new weapon of mass distruction, by virtue of free will, so he can live with guilt over his invention and so others can suffer the consequences of it. That's sadomasochistic.I fully respect differences of opinion. but I think it's disingenuous to outright call people bad -- just because your book of choice says they are-- and then dodge legitimate questions and take offence to opposition without being able to counter their points.Lastly, to something being either good or bad:God says that judgement is his duty alone, does he not?Therefore, according to your own rules:*homosexuality is bad because the bible says so,*taking God's job into your own hands is bad because the bible says so,*therefore, because any act has to be either exclusively good or exclusively bad, your actions must be, exclusively bad?For the record: I'm not saying you're a bad person. but you contradict your own rules, suggesting that you are yourself above god's law and the rest of the world isn't.


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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@andy93, so why does God create stuff that he can't stomach? so he can subject himself to torment over the relentless existence of abominable things (that he created) while also subjecting said abominable things to torment over being regarded as abominable?I can't help but see that as sadomasochism, a characteristic which when observed in humans is regarded as a mental illness.There's more proof that homosexuality is something you're born with than there is proof of anything else. All you need is the fact that humans are far from the only species of sexual being to feature homosexuality, and many of said beings are too primitive to make decisions based on anything other than instinct or acute stimuli. Can you honestly tell me that insects make a choice to have a same sex mate, based on a calculated desire to commit a wanton act of immorality? Sorry to say it, but being gay is just as natural as being blind.As to your statement that a group of 
 men, over the courseof generations, passed down a mass of stories from generation to generation and managed to write it down and translate it into multiple languages perfectly with absolutely no exaduration, misrecollection, misinterpretation or forgery? Proving that would be impossible. Studies show that when you pass a story along a chain of just a few people, it mutates -- we're emotional imperfect humans, not robots which are completely objective with perfect memory.So, I respectfully challenge you to consider --and answer-- the above question --not with emotions, but with logic-- why does God continue to create stuff that he himself hates, for the soul purpose of subjecting it to hatred and himself to torment over the existence of "sin"?


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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

The problem I have with any structured religion is:It's a book. It's a compilation of texts written by the hand of man, over the course of generations and generations, being subjected to translation errors, forgeries and no doubt insertions of the personal views of various authors along the way. So you don't know what you're reading, you don't know who wrote it, you don't know when it was written and you don't know which parts are original and which parts aren't.I don't dislike people for being religious, but I do *personally* frown upon the idea of condemning a big group of people based on unsubstantiated, subjective and bias clames from a book which we know has been tampered with in various ways over the course of history.In addition, I respectfully ask the following question (not to start any kind of flame war, but rather as food for thought):If god, the almighty divine creator disapproves of gays/lezbions/tra
 nsgender etc, then why does he deliberately mass produce things he doesn't like? Why does he create hundreds of species besides humans which feature a homosexual demographic?To my way of thinking, deliberately creating a human being in such a way as to subject them to a life of ridicule and persecution, and to subject yourself to a feeling of distaine towards their very existance is sadomasochistic. At least that's what we'd call a human who enjoys both being hurt and hurting others, and we'd consider them to be mentally ill. If that's who god is, then god isn't loving and sertainly doesn't create each and every one of us in his image.I also feel that it would be hypocritical of me to persecute an entire demographic just for the sake of persecuting, when I myself belong to a minority group (as in the blindness community) which experiences (and resents) baseless persecution. An exclusively conservative first world would show no mercy tow
 ards any single one of us who is a member of this collective community. There'd be no billions spent to provide us with screen readers, accessible transit, income support, etc etc etc.


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Re: Website owners: accessibility and management

2017-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Website owners: accessibility and management

Anyone else used CPanel/WHM?


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Re: Google mail and security to stupid levels!

2017-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google mail and security to stupid levels!

yep, asking the impossible, sadly. Even my generation didn't have internet safety in school (at least where I was). but yes, don't click on unexpected links in emails and check the URL in the address bar should be as fundamental as "look both ways before you cross". but unfortunately, even if it were that way data theft doesn't end there (drive-by downloads on hacked websites and such).I suspect that were frawd detection systems and the like eliminated, coverage and other protections would be as well. While I by no means trust big companies with sensitive data (but it's a necessary evil, to some extent) I appreciate the fact that I won't be held accountable for something done under my account by someone smart enough to defeat the security.


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Re: Google mail and security to stupid levels!

2017-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google mail and security to stupid levels!

My point was more about social engineering than whether or not your password meets sensible security requirements.My passwords have upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols and are quite lengthy. I would consider myself unlikely to fall for a social engineering attempt, but if I did, or if I got a keylogger on my machine, then the efficacy of my password becomes purely academic.Services have to protect themselves as well from unnecessary financial disputes caused by unauthorized access to an account.I would also hope that these protections would provide a last line of defense if heaven forbid someone found a bug in the site which allowed the password to be bypassed in some way (like a database injection).Given the efficacy of scams in general I say bring it on.


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Re: Google mail and security to stupid levels!

2017-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google mail and security to stupid levels!

She was traveling, so I don't see a problem with these precautions. The login attempt could have been her traveling, or somebody else who social engineered the password and logged in without permission. I'll take this over stolen personal information and someone impersonating me by email anyday.


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Re: Question about flac files

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about flac files

Flac is supposed to be lossless. This means you should be able to reencode it infinite times with no quality loss.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Thunderfist I can understand that, actually. Regardless of the extent, damage done is damage done and though accidental, it's still damage that wouldn't exist otherwise.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

afrim wrote:If people paid more attention to religion and its statements, believe me, things would be better for all.I disagree. Religion has created more hatred than it has prevented. I'm not religious, but I've been to my share of chearch services during which homosexuals were openly discussed and compared with murderers. If that's not hatred, I don't know what is, and this discussion took place right in the chearch sanctuary.Not to mention all the war and needless killing over which god is the one true god, etc, etc.The trouble is that humans are human. There's good and bad and everything else, and those who want to hate will just twist the words of whatever religious literature they supposedly believe in in order to justify their actions to themselves and others.Like anything else it's a tool with an intended purpose, but like any other tool from a computer 
 to a gun nobody said it could only be used for that purpose.


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Re: Any advice on cane problems?

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on cane problems?

Thanks. I'm Canadian, so we're talking lots of snow, ice, salt, sand and when it's all said and done, slush. Do you ever start to have problems folding your cane? Before it completely jammed up, it almost seemed to have ballooned right where one of the joints were. Then you start finding that when you unfold it, the parts don't fit back together quite right and so when you start tapping the ground with it, it gets stuck together.Hopefully somebody knows a fix or some preventative measure for this. I am about to get my 3rd cane since the fall.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Any advice on cane problems?

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Any advice on cane problems?

Hello.My canes only seem to last about four months before the joints get so jammed up that they become impossible to fold. I'm assuming it's in part because of the sand, salt and other hardships associated with winter?Is there some trick to maintaining them so that they last longer, or is everybody replacing their canes every few months?Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What ever you do,do not buy beats whireless headphones.

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What ever you do,do not buy beats whireless headphones.

I like wireless headphones for the freedom to move around the house, even go outside and still continue listening. In the summer I like to put on a record, plug my wireless headset in to the stereo and then go outside on the garden swing. The trouble is that it can be fiddly. The transmitter had to be facing just the perfect direction in order to mitigate the static. They tipically transmit a pretty week signal, and I can't help but think that wireless routers and other signals that have been introduced in to the home over the last few years probably make things worse.How much did you pay for those?It'd be nice to find ones with a stronger signal which could go further, but you'd probably pay a pretty penny for them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Battle of the audio formats and a quick question

2015-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Battle of the audio formats and a quick question

From a developer's perspective I like ogg because it doesn't impose licensing "red tape" on you, but seeking to a specific position in the file is a serious pain; you basically have to binary search at the page level to find the closest page, then switch to pulling out packets and using their size to get closer, then finally decode the target packet and throw away the samples that come before the one you want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

2015-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

If I recall correctly it was a Victrola (the wind-up style). Unfortunately they never played it. I'd imagine that given this was before the days of everybody and their dog having internet access in their homes, needles and other accessories would have been next to impossible to acquire (now you can just order them online).Come to think of it, the moder home we had when I was around 9 years old had an 8 track player, but again we never had the pleasure of actually using it (I seam to remember dad saying it didn't even work). Growing up it was pretty much cds, tapes and vinyl (of which mother has quite a sizable collection).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

2015-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

I've always loved that kind of thing. Turntables are nice; I'll take that over mp3 any day. My family also had a gramophone at one point, and I mostly listen to movies on vhs. I'd still very much be interested in checking out an 8-track player, a Betamax, a playtape and a wire recorder.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

2015-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

Could you fix it without someone helping you?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

What does it sound like when you're playing an 8 track tape and the glue holding the splicing foil to the tape (and keeping the endless loop closed) lets go? I've heard it causes the tape to get sucked in to the machine and jam, causing a spectacular mess. Since there are lots of youtube videos showing VCRs and other machines "eating tapes" I figured this would be no big deal to find, but apparently I was wrong. I just want to know what it sounds like, both inside your machine and through your speakers.I knew one blind fellow a while back who collected 8-track tapes. From what I've read (and listened to on youtube etc) I can't imagine all the maintanence being worth the (admittedly kool retro appeal). Opening up tapes to replace parts which have disintegrated over the years sounds like something that isn't fun (but people still collect and use them so some people must not mind all the effort). I love my turntable though, even with the occas
 ional maintanence requiring sighted help.If there's no recording to be heard, has anyone had this experience with 8 track tapes who can describe what it sounds like?


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Re: Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

I think Captcha itself has it's place but if you've signed up for an account on a site, you should only have to do it the first time you post. After that, you're either not a spambot, or you're a spambot who successfully solved the captcha once and can easily do it again so there's no further point in it.It just drives me up the wall to see members vote to close perfectly legitimate questions, which obviously come from noobies but are certainly not "Can you write this for me". The fact that those types of questions are the first things that come up on google when you search for the same information says something; that people really do need that information and to come across someone else who asked it and got accused of asking an illegitimate question makes you feel stupid even though you weren't the one to ask the question in the first place.


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Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

okay, so if you're learning a programming language or trying to solve a problem, you're almost sure to find a posting on Stack Overflow from someone who's had the same problem before. Admittedly that's pretty amazing especially when the documentation on the subject matter in question is... less than user friendly. In fact, I spent many an hour browsing Stack Overflow while I was learning PHP.One thing I couldn't help but notice is the number of questions which get voted down and closed (some for valid reasons, and a great many which are simply mind boggling).I feel that the condescention and outright hate coming from the seniors on that site is almost unbelieveable. For every question you come across that gets justifiably closed, you simply lose count of the ones that are closed because:*five trolls voted to close them (it only takes five member votes),*some supposedly tenured developers who think they're the only valuable huma
 n beings on the planet think the question's below them, so how dare the lesser mortal put finger to key,*a google search would reveal another site which could answer the question (that one's at least legit, however SO claims to desire to become a sort of one stop shop for programming questions so that kinda defeats the purpose).The worst part is some of the wording that's built in to the canned close reasons. Worst of which being "Not a real question". Really? Just because my question is too simple, too complicated, too vaig, too specific etc to you makes it "Not real" as in "Fake"?Sure, sometimes things get posted that truly are not real questions like actual requests for precoded solutions but this condescending message is thrown around the site freely and even targets legit and perfectly reasonable questions- questions you wouldn't be afrade to ask your prof.What do people think? If you asked a question and
  got told that your question is "not real" even when you feel it's valid, would you take this as belittling? To me, this is no different than if you have someone over for dinner and they tell you "This is not real food". Sure it's real food, all be it not pleasurable as per your own tastes but still it's still real human food.I think this is deliberate public humiliation. Even if the question doesn't fit the site's quality standards which are highly subjective to begin with, there are better ways of wording than "Not a real question". This just prompts arguments like "It does include a question mark" and cannot be reasonably considered constructive chriticism at all.Then there are questions which are closed for spelling and grammar mistakes. Most development resources are written in English and this is a huge barrier to entry for foreigners who's mother tongue isn't English but yet some guys who t
 hink they're the best thing since sliced bred feel that it's appropriate to obstruct one's ability to learn based on this alone?If you're good enough to be welcomed there, then you should be above asking for help anyway; at least that's the energy the community gives to an outsider.Any thoughts on this?


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