Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2020-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

github is accessible enough, but I imagine most people here don't have an account


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2020-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Thanks for trying it out! I really appreciate it. In voice, you can only support a limited vocabulary. If you try to recognize too many different words, it gets confused and accuracy falls off. So you keep the vocabulary limited. That isn't a problem in typed text. So I've got a lot of work to do to improve the usability by adding in more aliases. I've gone through the transcripts and started adding issue to the issue tracker! I don't know how accessible GitHub is, but I'll link to the issue tracker below if anyone wants to enter their own bugs or follow them. But also feel free to post them here and I will transcribe them over.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2020-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

hey, I just tried the webserver and actually enjoying my first glance at the game. I never played it, because I as I said in the developer room thread, I find alexa just impossible to tolerate for playing games. even this simple version is much much more enjoyable for me. only thing I miss is sounds, but I guess that is included if I download the standalone version.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2020-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I've put a temporary web sever up with access to Six Swords. It's a bit rough. Feedback appreciated.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hi there!Sorry that Amazon and Google both are giving ya trouble.I bookmarked the link and shall check this out in do time (earliest being this evening).


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Sorry for the radio silence. The lack up updates has mostly been due to Amazon and Google being less than supportive of audio assistant development.So I'm experimenting with taking a different direction and have produced a version of Six Swords ready for play testing that can be run standalone on your own machine. You will just need to have Java installed for them to work.Download and extract the zip file in the release below. You can then run six_swords_gui, six_swords_web or six_swords_telnet for the interface of your choice.If you get the chance to playtest, please let me know if they work for you, and which interface you find


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2020-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Serpent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

What happened to telnet it’s completely down


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Still no success connecting to the telnet interface for some reason.  Regarding the fact that i don't have an amazon echo it would be cool to play in this way.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

My apologies! I think the server must have rebooted or I didn't run my "kickstart" script. I've created an issue to tie its initialization to something more reliable. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

The telnet stuff seem's to be down?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Just Google. Some applications have come back already. I'm not sure where in the queue my apps are. They've been pretty opaque about it.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

just wondering is this outage affecting Amazon as well or just  google?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Head's up: Google is experiencing an outage with 6 Swords, as well as tens of thousands of other applications. They've given no real explanation why, but they say it could take a "few weeks" to resolve.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

The telnet server has been updated to run on port 5500. This was necessary for compatibility with MUDRammer.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

The Six Swords Editor is open for use!If you connect to you can create a log in, and then run Six Swords Editor. You can use this to create locations in Six Swords for people to experience. If you created castles during the castle building competition, I can connect up your telnet account to your voice app account, and you can tweak and customize your castle. Just drop me a line with your telnet ID and the name of your adventuring party.Let me know about bugs and how well it plays with your favorite telnet clients.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

A hat tip to Gamemaster for suggesting to connect "all my games" to telnet. It kind of clicked with me that they all use the same base level libraries. Instead of trying to wrap a telnet interface around each one, I could do it at a base level and do them all at once.And so I have.You can now telnet to port 65500 to connect to my games. The first time you should register an ID. After that you can log in with that. You can then list the games that are there, and pick one to play. (If you are already a player and want to connect up your telnet account to your Echo/Assistant account, drop me a line.)I'm not sure how well they will work. I've tried Six Swords and 5 Draw Poker a bit and they seem to do OK. The matching is pretty brutal though. It is case insensitive, but that is as far as it goes. Right now you have to spell anything out fully. I'll work on that, but please post any particularly laborious phrases and I will put in custom short cuts. And please report any bugs. I'm sure there will be lots.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

NBD. I should be playing it again soon.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hey bookrage. Finally worked it out. Same symptom, different problem. You weren't teleported to the saltwater dimension, you were teleported to the middle of the ocean on the same dimension. Doh. That explains why I *thought* I fixed, but it wasn't. I've moved you where you were and created issue #476 to fix it properly. Thanks for spotting this, and sorry for the time it took to correct. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Just got on and it says I am surrounded by saltwater depths, and I can go nowhere, so don't know where your thing says I am but my own says I'm in saltwater and I can't go anywhere.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I found the "Partnership of Federal Fighters" that appears to be you, but it doesn't looked trapped in the Saltwater Dimension. But I did find "One Kittens Academy" and "Sure Swords of Hunters" who were. Very annoying. It isn't supposed to do that anymore. I've reset those two. Try again and let me know if you are still stuckLooked a bit deeper. I think I found a soft coded place where that can happen. I'll roll out a fix for that right away. Very sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Joquinta,My "Partnership of Federal Fighters" is still trapped in a deep saltwater environment after taking a vortex. Could you please help.And I would love to play "six thieves"but some sort of area building thing might be fun. Maybe if you want to make things extra special, you could have dungeon packs. This would be things like buying different sorts of special room types for a dungeon or creature types for a dungeon that could either be bought for gold or real money, or maybe a bit of both or having both options. For example, we could get an ice caves set of rooms and then our characters could build ice caves as custom dungeons. but I like that idea.I'd go back to playing six sowrds. But I'm stuck in "saltwater depths" right now and can't go anywhere. You might want to put in a failsafe as this is the second time this has happened and it happened after it had happened another time when there were supposed to be things to keep it from happening.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

this game is still being updated? god damn i need to play this again, its been quite a while.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

FYI: I've done an update and "flattened" the shops. You can now buy things by walking to a cardinal direction. Too many people were having problems with the system recognizing the names of items. You can still sell things the same way.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

KenshiraTheTrinity wrote:What about letting people write new locations and build them up that way, kinda like a mud?Yes. That's how the location editor would work. Right now there is a fairly primitive system where you can use "land deeds" to make new areas, but with fixed titles and descriptions. The minimalist location editor I have works by letting you walk around in edit mode, digging new rooms and setting their title and descriptions. But there are plenty of ways it could be extended past that once working.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

What about letting people write new locations and build them up that way, kinda like a mud?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

So, a long overdue update. I have been doing a lot of unproductive thrashing of late. My problem right now is that I keep changing direction. I started Six Thieves, but no one seemed that enthusiastic. Then I found an open source version of Traveller, and started doing Star Trade. But I also worked out that I could do telnet interfaces, and that would be a good way to broaden participation. Star Lanes would benefit the most from that, since it is inherently multi-player. But it is on an old code base, so I started porting that. Then I got distracted trying to get my latest novel finished and out the door.But, now, I'm kind of gravitating towards another idea. I've tried to port my location editor for Six Swords to an audio or simple-web interface. I really want to put content creation into the player's hands. Especially blind players. You guys are audio natives! But the voice recognition of the platform just isn't good enough for location dictation. But it just clicked with me that a telnet based editor would avoid the problems voice transcription.I do kind of feel that I'm mostly going in circle and not really achieving much. So I'm giving you a long explanation here to solicit your input. What do you think?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Gamemaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hey.  Is it possible to connect all your other games to telnet?  Just curious but to me it's easier to use that way.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

forgot to tell you who I am.I'm the partnership of federalist fighters.And also, is Six Thieves still on the way?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

hello Joquinta,you said you were going to fix the issue with the portals and vortexes. I went through one again and it dropped me in "salt Water Depths" and there is nowhere I can go. Can you send me back and work a little more on making those vorteces not do that?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I'm glad you guys are having fun.Yeah, I'd like to be more sensible about the monsters. I was trying to get it done quickly and the monsters get populated just like any other feature. I'd like to cycle back and maybe create a special category of dungeon monsters. There's a lot of creatures that don't make sense to have on the surface anyway. And this would be a perfect place for them.Chests, Pools and Thrones give random payouts on a bell curve. Mostly nothing happens or you get a slightly good or bad things. But there are some really good (and really bad) effects. So look forward (and beware) of them!I never liked the idea of an exit at the bottom of a dungeon. A lot of this is inspired by Nethack, with its 40 level deep dungeons. You had to spend a lot of time slogging up and down stairs. That being said, Skyrim always had an exit at the the bottom. And I probably could do worse than to copy them. So I've done it. (It was actually pretty easy.) It will be there in the next update.Thanks for the feedback!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

hello,Yesterday played through one of your new dungeons. It was a sunken foundation dungeon and I wound up having to fight dinosaurs most of the way down.The depths of the dungeon were a funny epic fail though. I was starting out with ornothelustes (my favorite dinosaurs by the way) and then got to tougher ones as I got down. On the bottom two floors however, I wound up fighting very small groups of bats. This was not giant bats or magic bats, just a couple bats that my nearly level 10 guys took out easily.I got the key to chapter one of "Red Queen" and I will read it when I get to the right spot. I also found a few more treasure chests that gave me a lot of money,a nd one that exploded but didn't do too much damage considering.All I would change about the dungeons is that I would like a quick way to leave them once you get to the boss room on the final floor. Trekking back through them can be quite tedious, unless the long walk, with many monsters respawning is part of the point of them but once you'd fully explored the place, it isn't quite as fun heading back to the surface.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed six swords and paid for premium. Thanks for making such a goddamn awesome game that has given me countless hours of entertainment. LOL


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Oh! That helps me narrow it down. There is a forum you can post on linked below. It isn't as accessible as this forum though. So you (or anyone else) is welcome to post bugs here as well. I monitor this thread too. … discussion


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

This isn’t a new bug, it’s been happening for about nine months or so. I just didn’t know how to report it


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Thanks for reporting that, Jimmy69. It was a big, complicated update, and I have been concerned that there were going to be unanticipated consequences that I didn't find in testing. I really didn't mess with the combat area, so it's a confusing one. But I'll see if I can recreate it and fix it.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

One thing I’ve noticed is that for some reason the weapons that do freezing damage seem to display the damage before that character goes. For example, a beetle will take three damage and then Bob will go swinging a +3 of frost or hammer and then the next person will go. But it used to work normally and I’m just a bit confused


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Joquinta,though I haven't taken part in the Beta test, glad to hear and great to see some new content, eager to try it out soon.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Beta test is over. New content released for 6 Swords: new features have appeared across the freeplay and premium worlds offering classic dungeon crawls. Some chests in the dungeons offer keys to unlock chapters of the novel Red Queen. A new library feature in outposts, forts and castles allows you to listen to unlocked chapters from within the game.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-04-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Classic dungeon crawls are coming to 6 Swords. Along with incremental discoveries you can make in them to unlock chapters of a full length novel. This is a big expansion so I want to do a beta test on it first. If you are interested, drop me a line at, let me know if you use Alexa or Google Home, and give me the e-mail address you have linked to your device.This won't affect your normal characters!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

generally on this forum, if a developer has 2 different games, they do two different threads for them. It also serves the developer well. Someone might think 6 thieves is cool while they think 6 swords is not for them and vice versa, so you'd attract more people if you split your efforts and had a thread for each.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hey Folks! I've done some work on a parallel game call "6 Thieves", where you play thieves in a big medieval city instead of fighters roaming the country side. I'm at the point where I'm going to open it for Alpha use. There isn't much gameplay yet, but there is a massive city to explore. A quick question first: would people prefer I started a new thread for that and kept this one exclusively about 6 Swords, or should I use this thread for both?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hey Simon. Just say "OK Google, open Six Swords". We've been on Google home for about a year and a half. I was looking through my top 100 users and about 20-30% of them are on Google Home. So you are well covered!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hello!A little off topic I'm afraid, but do you plane to add support for google home ? It would be nice to see such a complex game on this platforme, since for now, we have a very small amound of games available on it.Best regard,Simon


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Erk. Sorry about that. That's not supposed to happen. I've entered a bug to fix that and moved you back to the Enuma Elish dimension. I also bumped up one of your companion's hit points a few as a bug finding bounty!If you have gotten an odd error in the last 24 hours it may be because I've been doing an old user purge. We had 100,000 user records in the database. 83,000 of them were clearly inactive, so I started deleting them. Although I did a sequenced delete, that still pushed the database load up. It should finish in the next hour or so and after that things might be a little faster.Also I just pushed a fix for a bug someone found for buying a house. The price was 10,000, but it wouldn't let you buy it unless you had at least 100,000.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2019-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hello Joquinta, hope you had good holidays and a good new year.I noticed something wrong when I went through a vortex. I arrived at freshwater coast in a new dimension but I am completely surrounded by a lake and cannot go anywhere at all nowhich direction I want to go. I think there might need to be some check system when a vortex sends you somewhere to keep that from happening to you because now I'm very stuck.Also if you could move me somewhere where I could get around again. I'm the Partnership of Federal Fighters.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

wow, i haven't picked this game up ina  while, i always found it north, north, west, west, and not finding anything at all


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Huh. That's kind of odd. I'll look into it. I've got an update to post (just bugfixes) but I'm in change freeze mode due to the holidays. December 26th is the biggest traffic day of the year. So I'm waiting to watch the hump pass before I do an update. So I've got time to look into this. Thank you for reporting.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hello, slight pattern I've been noticing in dungeons. Easily dealt with now but need to bring it up.Almost always when I enter a castle dungeon for the first time, especially if I am sent there by a bounty. There are literally no enemies in the dungeon. I usually have to leave the dungeon, stop playing for a while and then come back. This almost never happens in any other sort of  dungeon and happens almost every time with castle/tower/fort/outpost dungeons, particularly I've noticed it in the premium area, but I didn't see many of those catle dungeons outsie of the premium zone so just might be chance.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

have to tell you guys of the supervillain that was the boss of a group of evil creatures infesting an abandoned tower.My adventurers had just battled through dragons and specters to get to the tower dungeon, and then we stepped inside. The rooms were in total shambles, ruined without a trace of a person in sight. My heroes wondered, what sort of evil could've done this?They explored, looking for the key to the mystery, and then, in the laboratory, they found the boss monster, the one responsible for all this terrible ruination.1 mule.Of course! It had to be such a foul creature, there were no others in the castle to blame. The adventurers struck at the abomination and exacted vengeance for the cataclysm that had happened here.===It was perhaps the funniest dungeon experience I've had so far, even moreso than the wolly rhinos in the animal den.I'd like to hear funny dungeon adventure stories from you guys too.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hey Chris, in large towns (or just to the North of the starting point) you can find a tri-form arch. Entering this will give you an opportunity to move to the premium content area. There's a bit of back-and-forth with Amazon and you have to approve a subscription of $1 a month. After that you will be teleported to the premium content area.I think you get a week or two for free. If you cancel before that time, you won't be charged. You can cancel through the companion app or, I think, by saying "cancel subscription", in the game. If you have difficulty with it, drop me a line and I'll sort you out. I don't want anyone to pay of they don't think it's worth it.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hi:So I tried the web version of this game. I must have missed something, because I don't see anything that says link account. I was already signed into Amazon at the time andI had Alexa as an app on my iPhone. What am I missing? I alsotried going to the page with the microphone afterh confirming that there was no link an account link on my page. It keeps saying try again after I enter the phrase open Six Swords. The skill is enabled.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I need to give this game another shot. I haven't played in forever. I have a question about the premium version. How do I obtain it? Do I have to pay for it on your website? What do you get with premium?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

same.  I haven’t posted on this topic, however I do play the game a lot. Can anyone tell me how to restore wife energy? For example, one of my level five characters is level one right now, and I don’t know how true story. Can somebody help me? Also, any tips on leveling up faster?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hahaha, thanks for your answer. Yep I was right. It is so simple so it seems confusing at the beginning.The game looks great, but I haven't found any quests yet. I have traveled a lot, visited a lot of castles and killed a lot of enemies. Sadly, it could end up being pretty boring without any quests. Am I missing anything?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

You should be able to activate by voice. But it doesn't really matter either way.Don't worry about paying. You do that from within the game. And it hasn't been turned on yet anyway. I keep asking Amazon if they are ready to go, but they aren't so good at responding. And, as for breaking things, that's a great skill! Quality Assurance is an underserved field in programming. :-) Please, do break as much as you can, and give me the feedback so I can fix the stuff.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hi.I have just got a Sonos One speaker which supports Alexa. Alexa is totally new to me, and I'm just getting used to how skills works.I have logged in on and activated the 6 Swords skill, but I haven't given it a try yet. Is it really that simple to get started? I don't see any ways to pay for the game. How am I going to pay for the subscription, if I wanna do that later on? I have read through most of the topic, but don't find any answers to this question. My guess is that Alexa is so simple to use so it seems confusing at the beginning. I have used other skills on Alexa. that didn't required me to activate the skills from the website. I don't get why I need to activate the game like this, and not just by saying enable 6  swords. I thought I had to create an extra account, but I don't see this option either. So I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. It would be annoying to launch the game to find out my progress is not being saved, or if I manage to start it in a wrong way which might brake something. I'm good at braking things, especially when I don't know what I'm doing. 


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

This week's update has gone out. There's some behinds the scenes work on better integration with the premium content area, but I had to comment that off since Amazon hasn't rolled out their monetization stuff yet. Most of the rest was stuff that hasn't surfaced or bug fixes."About mission" and "About location" should work better now, at least on Google Home. Surface location descriptions are now more context aware, and take into account what direction you entered from.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

At some point there will be tri-form arches to the premium area in each town and city in the starting world. I'm still waiting for details from Amazon about when I can release the new stuff and if it requires certification. There is, indeed, a Mezoamerican region. It is called Yucatan, and it's an almost-island, only accessible by a narrow land bridge and by ferry. Head for 4 degrees 20 minutes South latitude and 7 degrees 16 minutes East longitude when you are in Enuma Elish. To address your balance concerns, I've tweaked the system where monsters are assigned challenge ratings. Before it assigned, say, challenge rating 5 if an average group of those monsters would defeat a part of level 5 about 50% of the time. Upon reflection, prompted by your comments, I've moved that to somewhere around 30-40%, which seems more reasonable. When the next release comes out, let me know if you think it's made a difference.And we just fought some Bugbears in the face-to-face D&D game I play and I thought the DM had his finger on the scales. But when I looked them up I found they really did do 2d8 damage. So I agree, they hurt!I've just finished an internal re-vamp of the combat system. If I've done things right, there will be no obvious change. Rather the effort was to introduce the capability for there to be "monsters" on the player's side. I did a test run and created the sword "Stormbringer" which has a 20% chance of summoning a minor demon to fight for its wielder on every hit. This should allow for some fun things!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

That's wonderful!Haven't been playing for more than a few months myself but that doesn't bother me at all.  and can't wait to see what you pull out. The Amazon guys helping you out is a great thing to hear too.I've still got a ways to walk before I get to the premium area, but going to getthere and expect maybe to have another level on me when I arrive. Right now I'm somewhere near 1' 27" degrees east 42" north, but that's not too rough a trek.  and I should be there soon enough.also, you mentioned a while back that you only had divine gifts for the Roman gods. Has that changed? Because of my own leanings I'm a big fan of Aztec/Mesoamerican stuff myself and you said you had a region for that so was thinking of hanging around there for a while once I got into the premium world.Also some more balance commentary.I think you might want to cut the number of bugbears down in the groups they show up in. Currently I frequently find 25 or more of them in one place in many cases. They hit pretty hard for monsters that appear in that number, as several giants I've fought are about as hardy and hit about as hard. They almost always hit me with double-digit damage and things could go pretty bad with that many attacks being made at your characters.If you do some test-fighting and think I'm wrong, on the other hand might want to increase the numbers of low-end giants that show up in groups, 11 giant trolls are significantly easier to deal with than 25 bugbears and 2 bugbear leaders.But I like the slight monetarization ideas you have, particularly the option for instant resurrection after a fight if things go really bad, just for those times you think you can take the giants, enormous army of mooks, or flock of wyverns only to find the digital dice are against you and things go horribly wrong.Thanks for making such a great game and glad to hear you're getting some help from amazon on this thing.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I'm afraid I'm going to have to walk back some comments I made earlier!6 Swords has been invited to participate in Amazon's monetization trial. We have accepted because it also comes with a promotional package, which is what we really need to get more users into the system.We're still plotting out the changes, and since this probably won't change our decision to be non-commercial, our primary focus will still be on making a great game for the visually impaired community. At the current stage of discussion we're looking at creating a subscription model, where you pay a modest of fee (currently looking at $2 per month) for access to the premium area. Play in the regular overworld will always be free. We'll probably also look for opportunities to add in other in-game purchases. Things like if a character dies you have a resurrection option right after the battle, and things like that.We want to grandfather in existing players who have spent quality time with the game and given us valuable feedback. We're talking about something like a number of months free proportional to the time you have been playing the game. That nicely gives our most dedicated players the most time. I've got to run some numbers and see how that all adds up.We welcome any feedback on what you think would be good options!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Just pushed the latest update. As above, the big new feature are more interesting cities in the premium section, including revamped temples. Temples in smaller cities may not have the healing pool in them. Larger cities are more likely to, as well as a confessional, in which you can choose to dedicate your team in service to the god or goddess of that temple. Once you have done that, some temples will have a nave which you can now enter. On one side you can tithe one tenth of your wealth to your god. Or you can go on a mission and deliver a message to a hermit. These will earn you "prestige points". Right now they just earn you badges. But in the future there will be a supplication room where you can ask your deity for favors and get your holy weapon improved.To your suggestion of benefits you can't buy, I've been thinking of support additional monsters being summoned in combat. My first thought was a curse to a weapon so when you use it a creature is summoned. I have to admit, the original aim was comic: "Where are all these chickens coming from?" But if I can support monsters fighting on the player's side, it could be a blessing. For example, when in battle and using your holy weapon creatures are summoned to your aid. Probably not chickens.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Nah, the trek will do me some good so I'll walk.One thing I was thinking might be nice to make quests matter is to have some of the rewards you can get from them better than stuff you can buy. Right now all the divine gifts are duplicates of good, but still duplicates, of other magical items. I was thinking perhaps in divine gifts or where you can trade this stuff in that there might be some hard-to-get, but truly unique things there.Just thinking.Happy working and happy gaming


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I mean to look up the location yesterday, but I normally deal with the internal coordinates. It game coordinates the tri-form arch to the beta area is at 0 degrees 10 minutes North latitude and 0 degrees 10 minutes East longitude. If you need to be moved, let me know.A new feature coming out this week is that in larger temples you can go into the confessional and take on the god of that temple as your patron deity. Once you do that, you will be allowed into the nave in larger temples. One room in there will let you gain prestige with your god by tithing your wealth. Another will give you missions to perform. Right now the only mission implemented is to take a message to a hermit. that's the "hermit mission". I have other missions planned, and further rooms in the nave to do things like trade in prestige for more powerful weapons from your god. But I had to iron out some difficult bugs and that took up some time. But they will come up the next update.Sorry about your insomnia. I've had waking-up-tired problems for a while now, even though my kids have been sleeping through the night for a few years now. So I feel for you!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

sounds cool, was wondering if you could give me the coordinates for the gate that will take me to the premium area.Also, what is a "hermit mission?"Probably not today because a bout of insomnia has left me drained, but I plan to try and get in that area soon if I can, I have just wandered so far east I don't know where the gate is anymore.Thanks.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Right now there are a number of new features that are present in the premium area. Roads come in multiple flavors, from paths to paved. There are also rivers. The geography is set, not generated, so there are mountain ranges, seas, lakes, and so forth creating a continent to explore. There are several countries spread across this landscape, each with their unique naming style, hierarchical structure, and gods. Large cities have tri-form arches that let you teleport between them. Coastal towns run a ferry service that lets you cross bodies of water.The geography is about 2000 miles wide and 1000 miles high. Beyond that is the outer wasted and vortex storms.Right now there is a tri-form arch due east of Veritas that will take you there. That's the biggest city near the starting area. It will take you there, and there is an arch on the other side that will take you back. I have in my list to remove that and replace it with an arch in the big cities of the overworld that will take you on a one-way trip there.Originally you were only going to be given access to this area if you paid. However, we haven't been able to get enough users to make monetization worth it. Our non-commerical aim is to make as substansive and cool a game for the visually impaired community as possible. As such, the permium area was where we planned all the high value stuff, so that's still where a lot of the focus is. Maybe someday we'll be able to monetize. If we do, we'll probably grandfather you all in. But for now it's only premium in terms of quality of content! At least I hope.I had some difficult bugs to work out with the temple missions. I thought most of them, but it looks like this week's release will only have hermit missions.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

hello Joquinta,Actually thought of going to the premium area and checking it out. Just a few questions.1. how is it different than the regular overworld. I have heard you say of some stuff in the future but immediately if I were to go there today.2. how big is it on the inside or however it is arranged.3. where is it?4. why are you calling it the "premium area?" This is going to be the area we pay for? Perfectly willing to pay, just wondering, again going back to wondering how it is different than the regular world and how things will be different. Also wondering at the size so I don't wander out of it once I'm there or exhaust everything there is to do there if it isn't very big right now.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I've gone ahead and reduced the damage from Dragon's breath weapons, reduced the frequency they use it with, and made Dragons more rare. See what it's like after the update and let me know what you think.This week's update is going to be a doozy anyway. Towns (in the premium area) are going to get a lot more interesting just like ruined temples got interesting in the last update. More layouts with back alleys and bridges. And in-city temples will also be more interesting. You can choose a specific God as your patron deity and then go on missions for them. I think your idea for wishes might work better for spells. Under the covers there is a way for an effect to be imparted to a character for a set amount of time. This is how potions work. I've wanted to have spells-as-a-service for a while; where you can buy a spell to be cast on you from a shop. So maybe something like buying elemental resistance for a day or more.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hello Joquinta, a bit more on dragons and why I think they need to be weakened and also another idea for a wish, if such a thing is doable or would help the players in any way.first, I cchecked the damage outputs of several of the dragons I am encountering, (level 8 party, not particularly dangerous areas) and found I usually run into 2 or 3 dragons, in addition, a lot of them can do mid-60s in damage on average, that is well above what most of my characters even have as a max, which is why I think they ought to be toned down a bit.Also, in regard to a wish shop thing you could offer, elemental resistances. For example, you could pay for a wish to get the first 5 points of fire damage taken off a character when they are burned or something like that and you could stack it for a while. This would allow the players to get some resistance up for some types of dragon breath, and also could help them avoid getting slaughtered by powerful fire enemies.They could also get elemental essence, which would add some sort of damage type to their attacks permanently  for example they could get that any attack they make if it hits adds 3 fire damage. If there are creatures that can be healed by such things, perhaps allow players to manually turn it off on their characters.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hi.Sooo, finally I can play this game after convincing my amazon echo to accept that my amazon account is set to English and that I can activate skills from the US skill store.I will give some feedback when I have played a bit.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I like the idea of temples infested with demons or devils. Maybe that can be a focus for Patron Deity based missions. There could be an interesting tie in with the civil war. The first novel in the Six Books of Magic deals with invading the demon planes.Wizard labs would need more curating. The special places right now are category driven. So I'd need to do some work and sort of create ad-hoc categories. Could be interesting though if they tended to hold magical loot.You can currently say "more" in a shop and get more info on items. Other than that, I've tried to introduce the "what is XXX" command. That's proved linguistically complicated though. Alexa and Assistant don't really like open ended questions. So technical problems have been holding those up.If you notice in the last release notes I implemented "autoEnter" and "visibleIf" tags on a feature location. These are the underpinning so that I write better quests. The next step is to create a sort of overlay so that I can create a location that's really a dialog graph. Saying "yes" sends you east, saying "no" sends you west. Then I can have proper NPC encounters. It's going to take a bit of time to get there. But I'm working on it.An aegis of Minerva is a +2 shield I think.Castles and forts are along roads. Outposts can be anywhere though. Try saying "what is nearby". It works reasonably well on Google Home, but I think less so on Amazon Echo. That will help you in your search for interesting places.I'm glad you noticed the temples! I re-jiggered some interior mechanisms when I create dragon lairs and giant halls. I didn't want to just have the hodge-podge of random rooms like for animal dens. I had a more structured way of doing temples. So I improved that, and in so doing, also added a few new templates for temples as well.I hope to do something similar with towns and cities. Right now they only have three basic patterns. They are a little trickier than fixed locations (since streets have unique names and run over several points). But I think I can extend the same mechanism.Keep the ideas coming! They help a lot.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

sounds great! Not much of a PVP person myself, but all for having a thing open for those who are with the arena.  Also, like both the wish shop and the patron deity thing. a couple of things I'd like to see though.1. desecrated temples and such with other kinds of evil beings. I know they are all undead right now. I was just thinking various kinds of fiends such as demons and devils would also fit.2. Abandoned wizard laboratories/towers/academies, or even lairs of evil wizards. These areas would probably need more managing to make them flavored appropriately but they would be the home of some of the more bizarre magical creatures such as golems, elementals, genies, and a rather eclectic bunch of things that probably wouldn't fit into a single category.3.  a better way to know about equipment you get. (more in personal questions below) because it is still hard for me to pin down what certain things do, especially the divine gifts which are renamed versions of other things but that don't respond to their renames.4. non-violent random encounters: Right now, unless you are talking about a gypsy camp, whenever you try to find something in the wilds or in a dungeon, it tries to kill you. I know the old and current editions of D&D pretty well and a lot of the stuff we're fighting are good-aligned and if acting like they do in-game in the D&D world, they would either attack nonlethally or scope you out before they actually try to hurt you at all. I think most encounters should continue to be combat, but just "you find monster X, it's going to try and kill you" needs some variety.5. an idea on how you can finetune dragon fights. You probably should up their challenge rating artificially because of the inherent difference in Six Swords and classic D&D. a. a lot of people took issue with older D&D stuff in the first place because of the frequent potential for instant kills, hence why most of that has been phased out now. 2. In D&D there are lots of ways to keep the dragons from breathing their breath weapons or you can bypass them in other ways that are not currently open to the relatively simple interface in Six Swords, thus a dragon, because all we have is the brute force option, is much harder comparatively than it would be in actual D&D. That probably would be true of other monsters too, but right now dragons and draining undead are the only ones with special abilities. (trolls have regeneration but it is relatively easy to bypass because it isn't super-strong.) (I have no experience with draining undead yet. I ran from a temple early game where there were some wights, and when I came back a couple levels later they were replaced with banshees or mummies or something less dangerous in terms of just hitting hard and having a lot of defense.also a couple personal stories from the wilds and also a question.1. What is an aegis of Minerva? I figure by the name it is some sort of shield but can't tell beyond that.2. Actually found a guard tower out in the middle of nowhere. Was pretty surprised because I thought things like outposts and  castles and towers were on roads only. So now I know I'll have to be even more careful to search diligently.3. I found that that tower also sent me to an enormous castle (a giant dungeon) which I cleared in short order (It just had giant trolls which go down pretty easy for a level 8 party.) but 64,000 gold for clearing it is nothing to sneeze at. I loved the atmosphere.4. also I was sent to a temple of Minerva. I've been to a ton of temples before but this one was entirely different. I was fighting mummies like usual as they tend to show up in a lot of temples I go to but this one had a lot of different rooms than I am used to. Usually when I go into a temple before then, they were all exactly alike, except in some of them the temple was served by priests rather than priestesses but they were all laid out exactly the same. This one had a very different layout and a whole bunch of rooms I had never seen before such as the Baptistry, the Cloister, and a couple others. Have you updated what temples can have in them recently Joquinta, (I mean in the past month or so.)


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

New release today! The biggest update is "wizard shops". In major cities you should now be able to find a wizard shop that sell wishes. For the princely sum of 100,000 gold pieces you can increase one of your stats, or bring a fallen character back from the dead.If you have other suggestions for wishes that can be sold, let me know.We had a planning meeting yesterday and discussed a few new major features. I like the idea of buying shops, founding towns and so forth, but that's going to take a bit of time to get the underlying stuff in place. But we did come up with two ideas that will be quicker to deploy and I'm interested in your opinions on them.Idea 1: Arenas. Large cities will have a new magical arena location. This will have rooms for three fighting companies. If there is an empty room, you can enter your team to be the resident challengers. This creates a magical copy of your characters in this arena. If a room is occupied, you can choose to fight against the magical copies in that room. We're still working on the details. Thinking of something like if a team fights another 5% of the loser's gold gets transferred to the winner's team. Idea 2: Patron deities. After being blessed by a god a certain number of times, a new room in the god's temple opens to you and you can enter to choose that god as your patron deity. After this you can choose to tithe money to your god and, hopefully, go on special missions as well. Doing these things will earn you further badges for that god. Maybe also for the pantheon.Further out, we're looking at doing more with the outposts/forts/castles in the premium area. These will be aligned with civil war factions, and you can join factions there, go on missions, etc, etc. (This is where we got idea 2 above, for gods.) We have to do some groundwork first to work out how player actions can "flip" outposts from one side to another.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

sounds good just in case things go bad. Love that the fights I had today were a bit harder after your update. I still stomp on through but 80 regular bandits and like 10 different elite ones vs a part of level 7 characters is pretty fun.Also starting to see a lot more other types of humanoid enemies, not just bandits, dervishes, and dwarves on the roads. Came near some giant trolls too but didn't fight them.also, a question, how exactly does the game determine what is in a dungeon? Today I found an animal den and it was a joke, the toughest fight my level 7 party had was with 4 jackals. I've found dungeons way on the other end of difficulty but not sure what determines what strength of monster goes where.also, is there any way you could manage it to let us know if we have  completed a dungeon we come across before? I range widely but also stick to the roads as my guide to a point, I might not recognize if I stumbled upon an animal den or something I've done before if I hadn't been back to the place in a while.also, I know one version of D&D had an open-ended level system and I thought it was part of this first edition, is level open-ended or does it cap somewhere?and one thing I noticed about the moon phases, on one of the days of the new moon (the one where it being high in the sky directly corresponds with noon," instead of saying "New moon" it says "Moon_ phase_ 8) instead actually saying "underscore" on the underscore parts. This only happens on that one day and the day before and after don't have that problem and it says "new moon" like it is supposed to.keep up the good work, still loving the game.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Surviving characters automatically loot the bodies of any fallen comrades. I think you only lose equipment if your entire party dies.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

just waondering since it has yet to happen to me. What happens to equipment if a character dies, does the equipment get destroyed or put in your inventory or something else?Also eager to try and see what I can do with what you're planning.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

First up: latest release is live. Dragon treasure is adjusted and they can breathe fire, acid, lightning and so forth. If a beloved character gets permanently toasted, talk to me and I'll arrange a resurrection for 100,000 g.p.Those other ideas are great. I like them. What you've done is push me in the direction of a highly accessible web site. That's really the only place to do open format data entry. I've made a start, and hopefully in the next week or so I'll have something to point you at to do an accessibility review. I'm brushing up on what to do to make it as screen reader friendly as possible. I've been looking for way to make the game more social, and I think being able to build towns and create spaces for other players would be really good for that.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

To be clear: the deaths in my dragon testing were by pure physical damage. It can already happen now, it's just rare. By straight D&D rules, if you get knocked down to -10 hit points, then you die. It's just that there are very few things that do more than 10 hit points of damage, so few opportunities for that to happen. The only time I've seen it in testing has been when a Wight has drained my level way down, and then hit me hard. Dragon breath does the same damage as a dragon's full hitpoints. One of the blue dragons I fought had 40 hit points. So that was a pretty big hit. However, if your character saves, it does half damage. Also they only have a 50% chance of using their breath each round, and they can only use it 3 times per day. And, for simplicity, they only breathe on one person, instead of the entire party. So it can still be pretty brutal... but it's also high reward. I probably should add in a "dragonslayer" achievement!I now have the structure to add in regional dungeon types, as you suggest. Right now I only have Demon, Devils, Dinosaur, Dark Grove, Giant Hall and Dragon Layer as specialty dungeon types. But the changes I've made will make it easier to add more over time. There are lots of things that can be done with a wish shop. Things like buying the naming rights to cities and so forth. But I just can't do voice data entry with the platform at its current quality level. So they are mostly going to be "buy this thing, and then send me an e-mail". I have to work out the details.I really wish I could solve the voice entry problem. I had a whole location editor written that I wanted to open up to the community. So we could start having community driven content. But the quality just wasn't there. I couldn't even dictate a two sentence description without there being annoying errors. I'm tossing around some ideas with a sort of mixed voice and e-mail system. But I haven't got a design I like. Maybe I should just make a highly accessible web site.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

okay, that dragon thing sounds pretty scary, So I'm definitely worried now, and in a good way, though in games like six swords, I'm not sure how much I'm for attacks that are instant kills. If they do so via hp damage, that's fine, but if they do it by just killing, I think there is something to be said that almost no D&D stuff in the current edition is permanent death. It is either that certain conditions must be met such as several consecutive saving throw failures, being reduced to 0 hp by certain types of attacks such as the disintegrate spell, or having below a certain amount of hp when getting hit.I also had a couple ideas that I wanted to share with you.1. Regional variant dungeon types: In D&D there are pretty much every  type of monster in every type ofenvironment. I know you did things like put fey groves so they couldn't show up in deserts. That makes perfect sense  but alternatively, come up with other types of dungeons that adapt to region. For example, maybe some sort of fey oasis rather than a fey grove in the desert. I also think some aquatic dungeons would be cool when we are able to go over water.2. in edition to the wish spell thing to bring characters back, maybe have a wish shop. I'll tell you things you might be able to sell in it later, but it could be something where you could sell stuff for gold or small amounts of real money. Either way since a lot of blind people are on fixed incomes, you should always have both options open to avoid annoying the community, just make the gold cost high enough you aren't shooting yourself in the foot.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Well, a lot of blind people use Windows, so if they have Windows 10, they would be able to play right from their computer.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

There's no technical reason I can't port 6 Swords to Cortana. I haven't looked into it before because they didn't invite me onto their beta, and there seems to be a pretty low adoption rate. (My wife also thinks it is creepy!) If you think it's popular among the visually impaired, I can talk to some of my friends who have developed for Cortana, and get a better idea of the effort.Game Development Update:I think I have definitively fixed the wimpy dragon problem. Their treasure now skewes across the age categories proportional to their experience point value, rather than linearly. Their challenge rating was too high, because of a bug, making you always meet ones that were much weaker than you should. (There was another bug that overrated challenges on all monsters that I fixed too.) Lastly dragons now have breath weapons.I can seriously say they are pretty brutal now. In my test fights, if there was just one dragon, my whole party got to go first and usually was able to kill it before it could attack back. If there was more than one, and the rest got to fight back, and one of them chose to breathe, and the character did not make its saving throw... it died. Not "fell unconcious". Died. Permanent death.Now, because I know some of you put a lot of time into your characters, I've also altered the code so that permanently dead characters are kept on file. I some point I'll put in some way that you can buy a wish spell for 100,000 to bring back a permanently dead character. For now if you let me know, I'll do it manually. Just be very careful approaching dragon lairs when I roll them out later this week!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Hey, is there any way six-swords could be added to Cortana as a skill?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I expected there would be a few mal-adjusted monsters with the new batch. Thanks for reporting this. I could nerf them down, but there are a few reasons I'd rather not.1) If I start now, I won't know where to stop. I'm trying to use the rules verbatim, with the assumption that they are reasonably balanced. if I start modifying things, well, there are 400+ monsters. That's a lot of work.2) The problem isn't really that the reward is too generous. The problem is the monster is not challenging enough. Right now, with the features implemented, a Dragon is just a lizard with wings. What these dragons really need are breath weapons! 3) I really do need a gold sink. You are right. After playing for a while, gold ceases to be much of a problem. I could make even more powerful weapons that are even more expensive, but that would just make it easier to make EVEN MORE money. What I really need are prestige purchases. Things you can buy as a player to show off that don't really come into game play. Castles were my first attempt at that. We brainstormed a bit at our lunch meeting and thought of things like buying titles, or even towns. I'm open to ideas.I'm just finishing up adding Giant Halls and Dragon Lairs. I also revamped the feature system so they are related to terrain. It's kind of dump to have a Dark Grove turn up in a Desert. I will try to slip in dragon breath as well. That might help remedy the Green Dragon problem.Slightly longer term, I'm going to short list what I need to do in order to move the main activity to the premium area. That's really were I want to focus on long term features. This doesn't mean we're going to start charging anytime soon. After we missed our goals in December it became clear we can't really commercialize this at this point in time. That's partially why the pace of feature addition has slackened off recently. We're been looking how to transition this project to a non-commercial basis. Today we decided since we've had the most engagement from the visually impaired community, we'll go with that. So, from today on, you guys are officially our main customer. Maybe someday we'll be able to look at a commercial direction again. (I'd love to hire three people to work on this full time!) For now we're going to focus on increasing our user base. So, to that end, if anyone can recommend other forums, web sites, or publications that target the visually impaired, and accept advertising or might be willing to write an article about us, please pass it on. And, please, do talk it if up if you are happy with your experience with the game. Write reviews, recommendations, etc, and pass it around. Any effort is appreciated!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

hello.I thought I would never be complaining about something I thought was too kind to the players but I'm going to do it here.I've been fighting a bunch of dragons now and I managed to fight off 4 huge mature adult green dragons with my party of well-equipped level 7 heroes. I got about 1000 or so xp from the fight, which is more than fair as they went down pretty easy and other dragon fights that were similar also ended with similar XP rewards as well as gold rewards.However, I got over 37,000 gold from the fight. I like having gold but I already have way more than I know what to do with when previous fights would on rare occasions net me a few thousand at most. I know that in D&D dragons hoard enormous treasures and should have a lot, but with the game as it currently is, the amount of gold I'm getting for some pretty easy fights is probably very unbalancing. I found some weapons that cost 15,000 in a couple stores, but I've got near half a million gold so even then I'm getting way too much money, especially because at my level and where I'm traveling, dragons are rare, but not that rare and almost all of the dragon fights I'm having are dropping these insane results..Even if the tables you are using Joquinta are saying dragons should have that much money drop from fights, I recommend for balance of the game you either introduce some majorly expensive things to buy or significantly drop how much those dragons are dropping. After that fight that netted me nearly 40,000 the most damage anyone took in my party was 5 hp, so I think the reward is way too high for the risk.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

OK. new release pushed. Please let me know if you find any bugs or wildly unbalanced monsters. Technically you can now say "about achievements" and it will give you your achievements, and after the "more" it will describe each achievement. But this is hard to trigger on Amazon. They aren't as good as Google on open ended requests.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

well keep us posted, and having some dark fey groves sounds fantastic!  and yeah, I keep running into bandits, dwarves, and merchants to the point that I am sort of getting sick of them. Not so much the dwarves as they are loaded with cash (though I'm not sure what I can do with the 200,000 gold pieces I currently have.  as most places I go have worse stuff than I currently own for my characters and  so I don't ever buy anything.Just a question though, is there any way you could insert descriptions into the badges so we know what they are for? I can guess for example that the hoarder badge you get for getting a ton of gold, but it would be nice to have specifics or even ways to say (you have the silver hoarder badge. You need a total of X gold to get the gold hoarder badge.) (just guessing at that.I also love achievements, so adding new ranks to old achievements or new types of achievements are all things I'd like to see, and a lot of people love achievements so I think they'd like to see them too.anyway, just keep up and post when you do stuff, and my love of this game continues to grow. as both my party grows and the game expands.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Issue #327 was "Dragons should be multiplexed differently". So we will, indeed, get Huge Ancient Red Dragons, along with Young Small Silver Dragons, and so forth. I have "Dragon Dens" on my list, and we need that variety to make it so all parties can encounter them.The aquatic monsters are mostly a place holder right now. You can meet some of them in swamps. But at some point I will introduce a ring of water walking and potion of water breathing. Then you can travel over water squares. This will be handy in the premium map, where there are oceans and islands.I was going to release it this morning, but in testing my first level adventuring party just meant 10 Treant, and got its butt handed to it. There was another parsing error that lead it the challenge rating for Treants 1 instad of 10! I think I'm going to do a little more testing first!In addition to 100+ monsters and the dragon varieties, there also will be Faerie inhabited Dark Groves as special locations. There's also a bug fix where monsters that occur in great quantities (e.g. bandits) were also biased to occur in great frequency and were crowding out other monsters of equivalent rarity. Overall this should create a greater diversity of foes to fight.I do hear you, Ironcross32. I try to split my time between game plot and game mechanics. Right now it's mostly mechanics, because that's easier to do with limited time. I need to shift focus at some point and do more plot stuff. It is just each time I think of some interesting plot point, I want another mechanic to support it!


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

actually I encountered class D demons and Shubs weeks ago, but only in smoke gates I found. Even so, In D&D I love fiends and recognize a whole bunch of my favorites here so If I'm seeing more of them, going to be pretty happy. Also love the wild animals, aquatic stuff, and dinosaurs.Just a question, with those dragons, will they come in different strengths, in D&D classic dragons like that vary wildly in strength based on age. A young black dragon is fairly easy while an ancient one is one of the scariest things you could find among any monsters.Lastly, how are we going to come into contact with those aquatic monsters? We don't seem to be able to enter the water as I generally have to turn back when I hit lakes (I've yet to find an ocean.) I really want to find them, just not sure. Is it that they might just show up on coasts? Either way happy.Also, I know you are working with an open source code thing for 1e D&D but it seems it might be updated somewhat. I think several of those dinosaurs were not known in the days of 1e and some of them are recent discoveries I believe. Yes Albertasauraus, Triceratops, Brontosaurus, and Diplodocus have been known for a long time, but a lot haven't.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I reformatted this out of pity for those with screen readers. Found a really stupid parsing error which stopped over a hundred monsters being loaded. Expect the monster diversity to go up a lot in the near future.The full list of added creatures is Afreet, Albertosaurus, Allosaurus, Animated Tree, Anklyosaurus, Apatosaurus, Archaeopteryx, Archelon, Argentinosaurus, Assagim, Babau, Barbed Devil, Baron Sahuagin, Barracuda, Bearded Devil, Behir, Black Dragon, Blue Dragon, Bone Devil, Brachiosaurus, Brass Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Brownie, Buccaneer, Buffalo, Bulette, Bull, Camarasaurus, Camel, Centrosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Cetiosaurus, Charonosaurus, Class A Demon, Class B Demon, Class C Demon, Class D Demon, Class E Demon, Class F Demon, Cloud Giant, Compsognathus, Copper Dragon, Deinonychus, Demonette, Devilcat, Diceratus, Dilophosaurus, Dimetrodon, Diplodocus, Dretch, Dryad, Dunkleosteus, Edmontosaurus, Ekivu,Elasmosaurus, Erinyes, Euparkeria, Eye of the Deep, Faun, Female Sahuagin, Giant Portuguese Man O War, Giant Sea Turtle, Giant Squid, Gorgosaurus, Horned Devil, Hypacrosaurus, Ice Devil, Iguanodon, Kraken, Kullule, Lemure, Leviathan, Monoclonius, Mosasaurus, Nothosaurus, Nymph, Ornitholestes, Pentaceratops, Pit Fiend, Pixie, Plateosaurus, Plesiosaurus,Polar Bear, Pteranodon, Pterodactyl, Quetzalcoatlus, Quickling, Rhamphorynchus, Rhinoceros, Saurolophus, Saurophaganax, Shaitan, Shantungosaurus, Shub, Soul Worm, Spiked Devil, Sprite, Stegosaurus, Storm Giant, Styracosaurus,Succubus, Tarbosaurus, Telmatosaurus, Titan, Treant, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, Uduk, Velociraptor, Whale, and Wild Cattle.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Ironcross:pretty much you are a group of six adventurers and your goal is to travel around, clearing dungeons and fighting monsters to get money to get useful things such as weapons, armor, and potions, as well as castle parts if you are interested in such things.If your early experiences are anything like mine, they probably started you with some really crappy adventurers so travel from town to town and check out the hiring halls for characters with better stats. I think character or stats will give your character stats. Get rid of guys with really crappy ability scores and low hp and replace them with better characters you find in hiring halls. Also, especially when you've got crappy equipment and crappy heroes, stay on the roads, the roads are the least dangerous areas in the game. Yes, the game does scale via difficulty (when you get stronger the monsters get worse) but the roads are relatively safe. compared to the middle of nowhere. Also, if you need money fast, kill dwarves, they aren't super hard and they are loaded with it. Try to get the best equipment you can. lower armor class is best because of the rules Joquinta is using so a -4 set of armor is better than a -2 set. I've also found that for weapons, generally the best ones I've found are simply the +# weapons such as +3 broadsword or +4 light pick and stuff like that. Get some decent equipment and then go dungeoning, there's going to be more to this game later but right now find dungeons, go in, slaughter monsters and get treasure to get better stuff. Also you can sleep to heal if you didn't know that. which should help somewhat. But the game is still making progress, Joquinta has recently added elite monsters leading groups of monsters such as kobold warchiefs or dwarf fighters with their respective regular monsters and recently they have added some new types of dungeons such as abyssal and diabolical portals and dinosaur valleys.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Eh, 6 swords in a web browser??Not a bad idea!By the way, for those who have an Android device, you can also play 6 swords now via the Amazon Alexa app itself, or my favorite way is to use:Ultimate Alexa - The Voice Assistant(Above link takes you to the app's "Play Store" page.)I will check out the "Google Assistant" version of 6 Swords more indepth, though I am wondering, if its mostly the same, though its a more softer voice than Alexa?


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

To be honest, I've tried this, and I've got no clue what it is you're supposed to be doing. I got in one fight ad get stomped on so hard it wasn't even funny, and I think once I realized it was not going to go my way, I tried several times to retreat but my characters got decimated. That's fine, not a big deal, but what's the goal here, what are we trying to do etc.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

20 Giant Wasps is the maximum! So I expect it is tough. Monsters are rated by fighting a trial mock combat against a team of six 'average' adventurers. The thing is the team is average, and the number used is the average appearing. Since it happened to roll max number, it was tougher than usual. I'm glad you survived!The computer tries to deploy your characters in the best way possible. But it also deploys the monsters in the best way possible for them too. If a player has a missile weapon, it is provisionally put into the second rank. If it has a hand held weapon, it goes in the first rank. (If it has no weapon, it goes in the second rank.) Monsters all go into the first rank. Then it pairs off monsters against characters based on their size. Six small creatures per character, four medium, and two large. If there are more monsters than there are front rank characters, then characters are pulled out of the second rank.So, if there are a lot of monsters, then everyone will end up fighting hand to hand. If there aren't as many, then your hand to hand fighters will hold the line and your missile fighters can attack without being attacked. By selectively activating characters you can control the "marching order". Players are deployed in the ranks in this order.The Castle competition ended in January. Monsters stopped dropping deeds at that point, but you can still buy them from shops. You can continue to use them to build castles if you like. This isn't going to be removed from the game. At some point, they will be a form of strategic interplay in the premium area. Building fortifications will allow you to create bases for your side in the civil war and make them stronger in that area. But it will probably be a while before we get there.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

thanks for the info, also had an encounter I thought would be easy but turned out not to be. Was walking off the paths and came across 20 giant wasps. All my guys were level 6 at the time but they all ganged up on one of my characters and on top of that those little nasties are surpisingly hard to hit and surprisingly durable. They actually did knock her out. I don't know how monsters choose to tattack people, I think she's got slightly worse equipment than the others so that might be involved in why she seems to be a frequent target.Also, in the past few weeks, haven't seen any castle deeds or door permits dropping from monsters. Is that over? I have a ton of those things but  I don't think I ever got an entryway thing. So since they weigh nothing, was wondering if I should still be holding onto them or whether they have been removed from the game and I should just sell them.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Well, I'm glad there are still some surprises there that can scare the crap out of you. :-) I some point I'll be adding in Giant based locations and Dragon based ones. Those should ensure there are always challenges to overcome!There are many gods in the world. Not all of them good. So pilgrims are not necessarily guaranteed to be good. However, it's a great idea to align pilgrims with gods and for you to get negative god points for killing their pilgrims!I'm glad you like the elite humanoids. I want to make it more general so that, for example, stone giants often come with cave bears and stuff like that. But I got bogged down adding in monster descriptions. You are supposed to be able to say things like "tell me about goblins" and so for to get a description. But it started to mess with the audio model.I believe the elites are spread out among the normal creatures in a sort of regimental way. Or it may be random. Or something in between. I can't quite remember. Monster morale is derived each round by comparing the total levels they started off with and the total levels left, and it also mixes in your total levels. So they typically won't fight to the last person, unless they are doing well and you are also nearly down to your last person. But, since it is based on levels, killing an elite does have an outsize effect on their morale.Frost and flame brands are straight out of the book. They are +1 magical weapons, and so have an extra 5% chance of hitting and do an extra one magic damage. But they also do an extra 3 frost or flame damage. So they aren't top tier weapons, but they are pretty nice against certain creatures.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

hey guys, just got back to playing more six swords and found one of those gates of smoke. I must say to Joquinta, fantastic experience.Most things in the game because I found some good money early on and some fortunate equipment for sale,  I plow right over. The gate of smoke (a gateway to demonic realms) was one of the first times in a long time where I had actually feared for my heroes. It was a small dungeon with only 3 effective rooms, with monsters only in 2 of them, but scary nonetheless. The text description is fantastic! also, those class D demons are no joke! It took me forever to wear those guys down. Thank god I only had to deal with 3 at the most at one time.also, should I feel evil? I went to a disused tower (a castle dungeon for those who haven't found them) and was exploring around when I started having to wail on pilgrims. They were probabl just on a journey to visit this as a religious martyr's site, and then I go in, they approach me and I murder all of them. It was an easy dungeon in contrast to the  gate of smoke, but just sometimes when the game tries to pick appropriate monsters, it can sometimes get a little crazy what it puts where. (don't change it Joquinta, it's delightful!)also, the elite humanoids are pretty cool. such as the new upper tier bandits, and the dwarf fighters. I'd like to see more like that. Also, what determines when we go after one of those elite guys, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. And is it my imagination or are group fights less likely to flee when they have more elites left?Finally, been wanting to ask this for a long time, but what are the current mechanical benefits of frostbrand and flaming weapons? it doesn't show up in their stats, they are very expensive (especially the frostbrand ones)  and my cheaper weapons are shown to do more damage right now.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

This game is available on Google Home (OK Google talk to 6 Swords) or Amazon Alexa (Alexa, open 6 Swords). We were kicking around the idea yesterday of making a web version using some off-the-shelf speech to text and text to speech technology from Watson/BlueMix. Chime in if you have opinions on that!The main plot involves a civil war. As such, each side thinks they are the good guys and the other side the bad guys. So it's more point-of-view than good-vs-evil. I could do more with religious factions, which are very important later. The problem is that the setting takes place before a bunch of novels I've written, which kind of ties things down. (The first novel is at the very end of the civil war.) But I'm trying to to be constrained by that, and to just let the game go how the game goes.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

well keep us posted on what changes you do make, I'm eager ot see what you make and I am very willing to pay for premium content. Also, not sure what you're doing with the main story, but was wondering if you could give us evil options. Basically having an evil adventuring party. We'd still fight monsters and stuff, but we could work for some evil nation if there is one.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : toto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

hi where i can find this game?thanks


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jjaquinta via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I've been talking with Google about the party ID problem. It appears they have a "feature" of recognizing individual voices. The problem is that if it doesn't recognize an individual voice, it generates a random ID. It's not clear to me yet if things will be better with this feature on or off. I'm seeking permission from them to go back to how I had the skill originally, where it asked the user for their e-mail and then used that as the common user ID. That was much more reliable. It broke some rule of theirs and I have to find out if there is a way to use it, or get permission, so it doesn't break their rules.


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Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Moomba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

Sweet. Okay so I'll likely just.. start over again eventually. I wish something could be easily done about the user ID mix up cause the last thing I want to do is keep hounding you for my party back. As for the shops, I tried all the basic names for things but it wasn't going anywhere with it.. Hopefully I can use one, two, three. However for the purposes of activating party members and equipping/removing items with unresponsive names does that fall back still apply? I did stop hijacking the playback when I started Special Serpents Club because it seemed to be causing most of the early game problems in other groups. I'm not too hung up on keeping the old party. It's been a while now and if the user ID problem gets fixed I'll definitely get immersed in it once more. All the other points I brought up were little annoyances that were manageable. If a fix is released for it, I'd love to hear when it happens. Thanks again for your time.


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