Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

One more post for now.Oh silly Americans, how we laugh at you, even sane americans do too. Here is a youtube list of Karens and a guy reacting to them, if you don't know what a Karen is, you will soon;


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@chrisnorman7, yeah, I doubt i'll be voting in the future.You bring up an interesting point about free speach, one mans curse word is another mans, meh, while i'd not going around calling black people nigger or anything like that, I think if it's amongst people you know and who won't beat the ever living crap out of you for it, why not?Here's another one for ya, isn't it funny how offended people get on blind peoples behalf, and then when we telll them we don't need their help because of that thing, they get offended, it's like they want us to thank them for being the great saver of the blind or something, it's strange.As for those who died in wars and all that for us to vote, I didn't ask them to go to war for me, so that's that argument done.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@dark, that is sad.It isn't surprising though, considering that there are some americans out there who are shocked when going to other countries and finding out that they don't have the same laws as you. I'm talking about  people who think America is the world, those peple confuse me, I understand flights are expencive but is american TV really all about America, and that's it?Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Americans, I just find their ways confusing sometimes.I think the muslim comment comes from how... sensationalised? They are/were in certain parts of america.As for your lady being "Europeanised", good, she'll be able to think for herself.I have no idea where my grandad was getting that voting fine thing from, I'm not going to ask him though and will just waight for voting time.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I'd like to speak up for the non-voters:I don't vote now, and can't see why I would ever start. Firstly, I have no idea about politics, and have no wish to learn. That said, I never complain about the political parties, in power or out. Like I say, I don't know anything about them, and I don't care.I did however vote on the net neutrality stuff (possibly in error as I've since discovered), and I'll vote on things I do care about. Most people (presumably people who know enough about the working of a country to vote and argue with utter confidence and conviction), don't know what sort of internet they use every day. They don't care, so they don't do anything about it. Why shouldn't I have the same right about who's running the country I was born into?Honestly, my only problem with "foreigners coming into this country" is that more of them haven't opened shops selling stuff from back home. I love foreign food! English fish and chips or Sunday roasts are comparatively boring.In addition, the only news I read is technological, medical, scientific, or culinary in nature, to the point where I was actually a bit surprised when I found out who our Prime Minister was a few months ago.I love the NHS too, not that I use it hardly ever. I love England, its seasons, its contradictions, it's people. It's doing a pretty good job of staying awesome without my help, so I'll let it pootle along. If it ever stops being the country I love, maybe I'll step in, and single-handedly change the course of the future by orating in the local pub.I get a lot of flack for this: Some people who don't know me - and many who do - tell me everything from I'm stupid to not vote, I'm selfish for giving up my democratic right, and I'm ungrateful, because people have died in wars to give me the right to vote.Also, while we're on the subject of freedom... Could someone remind me what that is please? Try making coughing jokes on a train these days. Try joking about the contents of your backpack in a crowded place. People say this stuff isn't funny, but isn't that the point of free speech? You get to say whatever you like, tasteful or otherwise. Other people get the right to disagree, as long as they're not violent, or unless you're a vegan, because who cares about those idiots?One of the lads on the cricket team I play for calls us all "niggers" and "pakis". he tells me he's perfectly happy being a paki - he is from Pakistan after all - and thinks that it's a perfectly acceptable abbreviation, in the say way chocky is a perfectly acceptable abbreviation for "chocolate". If I tried that, reckon people would nod their heads in respect to me for exercising my right to free speech?I made an anti welsh joke the other day, to a welsh friend. It latently occurred to both of us that it was technically racist. Neither of us minded. Free speech is conditional. Freedom is the same. Ask anyone who's ever been voluntarily sectioned.In short, be as pissed as you like with people who don't vote, but please don't tell me you've never done something contradictory in your life. We humans are full of them.We eat dead animals while defending our pets. We complain about beaches clogged with rubbish while eating from non-recyclable containers. We complain about people coming to our country who don't speak our language, then we go on holiday and use hand signals, or get pissed when we're not understood. The orgasm gap between men and women is staggering. We advertise drinking alcoholic drinks at every social occasion, yet frown on those who skin up a joint. Men say that gay people are disgusting, but love to watch lesbian porn. Women say they hate being objectified, but won't learn to play the guitar because they'll have to cut their nails and lose all that lovely soft skin the media tells them is so necessary to be fully appreciated in this social media dominated world. How many of us love going on holiday? How many of us want to live under a flight path?


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, nope, you don't have to vote, but neither do you have to go to the ballot building. I have got my dad listed as a signatory for my postal vote, which is how I've submitted my votes for the last few ellections. Also, I'm not exactly sure where your granddad is coming from on this business of a fine, since nope, as the link says, there is nothing of the sort, and I've not heard there ever was one either.In terms of America, it's not just the internet. When I was over there, it seems there are only two states for discussing politics, either profound, almost frighteningly borg like agreement, or  insult hurling disagreement. For example, my in laws asked me if it was true that there were parts of Britain where the police were afraid to go because of radical islam. I told them that no there weren't, there are dodgy parts of cities due to crime and so on, as with most big cities in many parts of the world (america very much included), but Islam had nothing to do with this, and indeed most muslims I'd met, (including my parents very nice next door neighbours), were perfectly reasonable people, and no more or less likely to break the law than anyone else.yet, my father in law still said "well I still think America is safer", completely disregarding what I'd previously said., it's something my lady gets very exasperated with her family about, while they in turn see her as having become "Europeanised", or being a "liberal," (a term they see as an insult), since she no longer believes whatever the republican party do is automatically always the best thing. In fairness, whilst my in laws are fervently religious to a point that actively became a little uncomfortable with the public prayers etc (even for someone who was bought up an Anglican and who at one time heavily considered becoming a priest himself), they're also far from the loopy insane cardboard cutout religious wackos of popular fiction either, which is unfortunately one reason I find their total inability to even hear different opinions rather sad, not to mention slightly worrying, since on both sides of the divide they're not alone. indeed one of my lady's favourite  phrases comes from Andrew Greely, the catholic novelist, who often spoke of the left wing cranks and the right wing crazies .


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, nope, you don't have to vote, but neither do you have to go to the ballot building. I have got my dad listed as a signatory for my postal vote, which is how I've submitted my votes for the last few ellections. Also, I'm not exactly sure where your granddad is coming from on this business of a fine, since nope, as the link says, there is nothing of the sort, and I've not heard there ever was one either.In terms of America, it's not just the internet. When I was over there, it seems there are only two states for discussing politics, either profound, almost frighteningly borg like agreement, or  insult hurling disagreement. For example they asked me if it was true that there were parts of Britain where the police were afraid to go because of radical islam. I told them that no there weren't, there are dodgy parts of cities due to crime and so on, as with most big cities in many parts of the world (america very much included), but Islam had nothing to do with this, and indeed most muslims I'd met, (including my parents very nice next door neighbours), were perfectly reasonable people, and no more or less likely to break the law than anyone else.yet, my father in law still said "well I still think America is safer", completely disregarding what I'd previously said., it's something my lady gets very exasperated with her family about, while they in turn see her as having become "Europeanised", or being a "liberal," (a term they see as an insult), since she no longer believes whatever the republican party do is automatically always the best thing. In fairness, whilst my in laws are fervently religious to a point that actively became a little uncomfortable with the public prayers etc (even for someone who was bought up an Anglican and who at one time heavily considered becoming a priest himself), they're also far from the loopy insane cardboard cutout religious wackos of popular fiction either, which is unfortunately one reason I find their total inability to even hear different opinions rather sad, not to mention slightly worrying, since on both sides of the divide they're not alone. indeed one of my lady's favourite  phrases comes from Andrew Greely, the catholic novelist, who often spoke of the left wing cranks and the right wing crazies .


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

So it turns out you don't actually have to vote, I just looked it up: … /5awesome! If I don't feel iether side is going to achieve the things I would like them to; I don't have to worry about fines.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@dark, hmm, maybe I'll just ask someone to write I don't care for either one of you on the paper then, but is it worth going into a building knowing you don't care just to go home and not care even more? My grandad tels me that if I don't vote there's a £1000 fine but I don't know how true that is.Oh well, when it comes around we'll see what happens.America confuses me with it's polotix, I've heard on vorale when I made a post about american polotix that Americans don't only discuss it, and i know that to be true but the amount of polotix related stuff on there... Oh and people can really get into it actually shouting maches and all that, it's crazy.Then again vorail is all blind people so there isn't much divercity, i'm leaving vorale next year because as much as I like scrolling through it, when I'm bored, it's just not for me anymore. Plus the dev is breaking some sirious EU and US laws with that app, you can't actuallly delete your data from that app, not even your account and as far as I understand it, EU law states that's no longer aloud and I'd not be surprised if the US says the same thing.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Can confirm: Trump is pretty far right. Biden and co. are...sort of a bit left of center.I'm not just a democrat. I'm a leftist. And if I had any power to take Trump down, I'd do it. The guy's trying to say now that his first term doesn't count for some reason and is trying to rally around getting an unheard-of third term. Getting the cart ahead of the horse a bit. I dunno. When he got elected I was pretty upset but thought "okay, maybe he'll do something worthwhile". But nope.Canada has more than two parties, but it's a first-past-the-post system. It's broken. We need electoral reform because right now everyone is generally convinced that we need either a liberal or a conservative government, when historically both keep paddling around in the same mess and driving the country further into debt and generally making life miserable except for corporations and the rich.To be clear, I don't hate Trump and the right because I'm a leftist. If someone from that political quadrant made a good point, I'd listen. It's just that it happens so, so rarely. Likewise, when people with whom I'm generally affiliated do stupid shit, I call them on it. There is a lot of blind following happening in American politics, and hell, even in Canadian politics, but I'm not a part of it.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@An idiot, I can't say I've made a big study of the democratic party, but what I have seen suggests as much, indeed I am always rather confused why the left/right wing description these days is used to colour so many issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the means of production. Interestingly enough, there used to be a site called the political index, with left/right wing across the bottom, Ie, whether a person believed in free market capitalism and centralised government, and authoritarian/libertarian up the side, IE, how much a person believed in government regulation of lifestyle, religion, beliefs etc. So someone like Carl Marx would be a left wing libertarian, whilst someone like stalen would be a left wing authoritarian, whilst as a contrast, Ayne rand would be a right wing libertarian, Hitler, a right wing authoritarian.Interestingly enough, I ended up about on the left wing libertarian end, actually I wound up on the same index as Mohatma Gandi which was nice .Even with this index though, there are still lots of things supposedly associated with the left/right distinction (particularly in the states), which actually have nothing to do with it at all, such as beliefs about race gender and sexuality or issues like a person's religious beliefs.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I don’t think the Democratic Party in the United States is very left wing either. People just think it is. So the American political spectrum is much more narrow than one would be led to believe. And so I Honestly wonder if people even know what sort of ideologies are on the left here, and what those ideologies actually stand for. Because the left is not the Democratic Party at least in my opinion.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I don’t think the Democratic Party in the United States is very left wing either. People just think it is. So the American political spectrum is much more narrow than one would be led to believe


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I don’t think the Democratic Party in the United States is very left wing either. People just think it is. So the American political spectrum is much more narrow than one might think.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Conor wrote:but it's better than living under a sadistic despot whose had his mind warped by a pampered upbringing and understands nothing of the world., since of course, people like that can never be elected in a democratic system (see my previous coughing fit). I'm afraid I disagree with you on party lines there Conor, simply because parties radically change. Case in point, you'd think as a marxist, I'd be supporting the labour party here in the UK, accept that under Tony blaire, nationalisation and hiving off governmental services to businesses became order of the day, and these days, well goodness knows! Indeed pretty much none of the british parties are left wing anymore, just varying flavours of right wing, pro big business, with more or less national bombast or environmentalism throne in. I will say though, for America your unfortunately right on partisan politics, things are so polarised it's not funny. However, what disturbed me when I was there, and indeed when my lady talks to her family, is the amount of genuinely  decent, reasonable, intelligent, otherwise perfectly nice people, who simply are! republican because it's what they are, end of story, and would not even hear an alternative viewpoint, or consider modifying their position on any issue at all, indeed I always felt I had to be careful around my parents in law so that they didn't realise their daughter was marrying a no good libreral hippy comy! Indeed, thanks to corona virus, I've now revived my pony tale, so I'm even a long haired liberal hippy comyy! Well I like piece, and lord of the rings, and have indulged in interesting weeds in the past :d.In terms of participating in democracy, I'm afraid I'm no longer sure that what we have is too much different from a dictatorship anyway, then again I've just about given up on power relations in the human disgrace changing any time soon, because people are stupid. it's one of the few advantages of not being part of society, I can sit on the outside and don't have to worry.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I can't see myself ever ceasing to vote if I can help it. My opinion is: If you can't be arssed to go and cast a vote during an election, you have no right to criticize those in power. I mean, if you live in a democracy, the right to say whatever you want is given to you by default, but if I know you haven't voted, I'm probably not going to take you very seriously.To those who put forward the argument that "my vote doesn't matter because I'm just one among millions." Please stop. If everyone thinks that way, democracy won't function. I'm not saying that it works particularly well at the moment, but it's better than living under a sadistic despot whose had his mind warped by a pampered upbringing and understands nothing of the world. Call me naive, but partisan politics sounds kind of stupid anyway. As a member of a certain party, you always have to stay within the party line and never cross it. I'd say this got out of control in the US. There, if you vote democrat you're a tree hugging godless vegan hippy liberal communist, and if you happen to vote republican, you're a racist sexist homophobic meat eating conservative capitalist.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@ironcross32, american politics with two parties is has always seemed crazy to me, and frankly after spending time in the states, it seems all the crazier for exactly the reason you have just given, namely that things over there are so polarised you are either a democrat or! a republican! and nothing else, irrespective of what the two parties actually argue, or who is put up as a candidate, or whether you  actually like the candidate your party puts up, because there are only two sides, and it's more important to support your side than anything else, and obviously what the other side do and think is always wrong!Btw, there's a great book my lady and I read together recently concerning Donald trump, the immoral majority bye Ben Hoe. This is a book written by a republican right wing christian (and one who is equally not fond of the democrats), but who details some of the down right scary versions of double think used to get trump into power and the ways the party has acted Obviously, we did not agree with Hoe on everything, but being written from the perspective it's written from, and given the extremely partisan nature of American politics, it was a really fascinating, and indeed frightening read. As to the above mentioned "criticism" argument however, it's not so much that I would argue anyone who did not vote cannot criticise their government, or would criticise anyone myself, it's just that I! personally feel better having actually done! something and made a statement via the democratic process, rather than having done nothing.For example, last election I asked my dad to write on the ballot "I don't trust any of you."Did it make a difference? I don't know, but I don't think voting for any of the major parties would've done anyway, however I can legitimately say that yes, I did! actually say something. Again, this is just based on how I feel about the generally crappy situation that is British politics, and society at large.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@dark, maybe you're fined if you're taken off the role thing, I'm not exactly sure but honestly for me, it's just to much confusion and I don't feel I should vote when the parties are always saying one thing and either half arsing it or just not doing what they said they'd do.@ironcross, I agree with you completely, I'll complain as much as I want  Not that I complain that much honestly, as much as I don't understand the whole thing with voting, I'm glad to be born here. Am I a proud brit? No, far from it, but I'm happy to have  the NHS and cheep pills and creams, although I have no idea how long that will last and if the NHS will stay around for another 5 or so years.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I've always hated that argument. Maybe it works in other parts of the world where there are more than two parties, but here? I mean, you could think they both suck, and just abstain. But why does that mean you can't criticize the government. If party A is doing things I don't like, I can vote for party B, but wait, what if I don't like them either? So then, how exactly does that mean I can't criticize them. If I believed enough in one party to vote for them, I would.I will tell you that me personally, I will never vote democrat. So yeah, in general, I do like Trump, but I don't agree with him in all that he's done. But at least I know him. You could put a gun to my head and say vote democrat or die, and I'd say just shoot me then, because hell no.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, I've never heard of any fines related to not voting, indeed in most elections you get informed of voter turn out, IE, what percentage of the adult population turned up to vote. I would always vote however, even if I was submitting a spoiled ballot as I said, since if I do not actually vote, then I have no right to criticise the government. Yes, admitting that far more power these days is held by corporations than any national governments who act increasingly in their own interest, and even in countries with a so called democracy, the size of the voting population makes each vote's individual impact closer and closer to zero whatever myths people like to tell themselves. Combine this with the fact that career politics (at least in Britain), is a cricket match so taken up by inter party debate and divorced from actual reality, that even the politicians refer to Westminster as "hogwarts", IE, a magical world completely cut off from the rest of the country.All of that being said however, if I do not vote, I don't feel I can legitimately claim to have an opinion on any political matter, since there is always the argument "well if you don't like the government, why didn't you vote against them?" and at least this way I can always claim I did. again, it's more principle than practical, and it's not really as if I'm treated as part of society anyway, but still it's a principle I like to maintain.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@dark, oh no, I was just thinking of not turning up at all.Honestly all this voting stuff confuses me and I don't feel it's changed my life enough to care about it.I'll not go this year or when ever it is and see what happens.And if I get a fine of £1000, I'll see what happens if I don't pay it, probably prison. I think that's disgusting, if you have confidence in your country as a voting people, then allow those that don't want to vote not to, thing is; they know that if they did that and didn't hold the fine over peoples heads, they'd lose numbers fast.@Jade oh yeah, if I were living in america, I'd vote against trump, even if I didn't read what the other party was saying, anything has to be better than that idiot.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I won't spoil a ballot. There's no point.If my vote actually matters, then I'll drop it. If it doesn't, then I won't.In the States, a lot of what happens is that folks sometimes feel like they need to vote not to support someone, but in order to shut someone else out. It's gotten so bad that I hope people who don't normally vote show up purely to push Trump out of office. If I were an American, I'd do that for sure, even if I'm not precisely happy with the democratic candidate either. He's going to be better than Trump, because any positive number is greater than zero by default.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, no prison involved, a spoiled ballot is quite a legitimate thing. In fairness, local Candidates actually do! do various forms of canvasing. I once had a very pleasant chat with the local liberal democrat MP where I used to live, and the labour MP for Nottingham where my parents came from was actually my old history teacher, and when my parents were having an issue involving my sister's wheel chair and wheel chair services, they wrote to him and he did! sort things out. the issue is more that because Britain has a first past the post voting system, your not really voting for the person, but for the party, since without ruining their career your local MP cannot go against what his/her party demands. Also, note that with the way laws are passed in Britain, many deals are done to pass one law, in which one party will have its members vote a certain way, in return for another party having its members support the first party on a different issue. This was one of the major issues Teresa May had, in that the conservatives had such a slim majority, she was constantly having to do deal with various other parties to get things passed, which is why the Brexit negotiations were such a disaster, and why Borris (who had far more of a majority), was able to push things through quicker. Unfortunately, the net result of this, is that you are essentially not voting so much for a person who represents your local area in a national assembly, as you are voting for that party to which the person belongs, whose over all policy and decision makin depend heavily upon both the ethos of the  party itself, and the over all cricket match of voting compromises which that party needs to get through, not to mention of course the individual interests of party members (it's  funny how rich most MP's are from private land investment, and how slow parliament is when it comes to things like regulation of private land lords or contract lease holders). At this point in time, while I would not be against! voting for a political party, either they would need to actually represent a cross section of my own political opinions (which seems fairly unlikely), or there would need to be a very horrible alternative which required my vote against it, but it'd have to be pretty dam horrible for me to actually sacrifice my principles in the name of a lesser evil, as I might were I living elsewhere in the world, *cough* trump! *cough*.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, no prison involved, a spoiled ballot is quite a legitimate thing. In fairness, local Candidates actually do! do various forms of canvasing. I once had a very pleasant chat with the local liberal democrat MP where I used to live, and the labour MP for Nottingham where my parents came from was actually my old history teacher, and when my parents were having an issue involving my sister's wheel chair and wheel chair services, they wrote to him and he did! sort things out. the issue is more that because Britain has a first past the post voting system, your not really voting for the person, but for the party, since without ruining their career your local MP cannot go against what his/her party demands. Also, note that with the way laws are passed in Britain, many deals are done to pass one law, in which one party will have its members vote a certain way, in return for another party having its members support the first party on a different issue. This was one of the major issues Teresa May had, in that the conservatives had such a slim majority, she was constantly having to do deal with various other parties to get things passed, which is why the Brexit negotiations were such a disaster, and why Borris (who had far more of a majority), was able to push things through quicker. Unfortunately, the net result of this, is that you are essentially not voting so much for a person who represents your local area in a national assembly, as you are voting for that party to which the person belongs, whose over all policy and decision makin depend heavily upon both the ethos of the  party itself, and the over all cricket match of voting compromises which that party needs to get through, not to mention of course the individual interests of party members (it's  funny how rich most MP's are from private land investment, and how slow parliament is when it comes to things like regulation of private land lords or contract lease holders). At this point in time, while I would not be against! voting for a political party, either they would need to actually represent a cross section of my own political opinions (which seems fairly unlikely), or there would need to be a very horrible alternative which required my vote against it, but it'd have to be pretty dam horrible for me to actually sacrifice my principles in the name of a lesser evil, *cough* trump! *cough*.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@dark, thanks, I'm honestly thinking of not voting at all, fine be damned and if they want to take me to prison for some reason, go ahead, I've never found the voting parties to represent who I am.BTW, when have you ever seen a member of a party get off their arse and actually walk among us mear mortals? That's what real voting should be like I think, where the person actually has some kind of meet up thing but I don't know how it would happen.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, for several elections, including the last one, I submitted a spoiled ballot, simply because none of the political parties ever represent me or my opinions.Btw, this is a really good option I wish more people would take, especially when you want to show dissatisfaction with the government and  alternatives available. If you submit a ballot paper, and instead of getting a name ticked, write a comment or in other ways deface the paper, the ballot paper is still read and counted. It goes into a pool listed as "spoiled ballots", which contributes to the over all total and thus decreases the percentages for all parties, as well as showing voter dissatisfaction with what is on offer. it has the advantage of not actually supporting any given party or candidate's agenda, and yet still being a legitimate way to participate in the voting process,  for whatever good the dam voting process does .


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@jade, ah, that makes sense.I hope you manage to pay both cards off.@dark, siriosly, old Boris is so confused, I have no idea how he became prime minister... OH wait; I do. Promisces he made that he either couldn't keep up with or just swept under the rug for others to deal with.I don't vote anymore, I honestly don't see a reason to do so but for those that do, I hope you vote for someone better than this idiot.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Honestly? The fact that overall, my living expenses are less than equal to the money the government provides.When I have a full-time job, this won't be such a problem. But to break it down, I get about eleven hundred dollars a month from the government. Nearly seven hundred a month goes to rent. Another seventy or so goes to my phone bill, and forty-five to my internet. I pay approximately forty to sixty dollars a month for electricity, depending on the season and how much I use my air conditioner. I pay about forty dollars a month for cat food and litter and such. Then about a hundred and ten to a hundred and fifty dollars a month on groceries, depending on what's on sale and such. So that eats up nearly everything. It doesn't factor in things like cab rides to doctor's visits if I have any, visits to my partner, going out with friends even just for a night of chess or karaoke...nothing like that. And that's not even figuring in both interest charges.The reason I got a credit card in the first place was because some online merchants like airlines won't accept payment in any other way, and I flew a lot there for awhile when I had a partner out west. I was fairly good about paying stuff back, but there's only so much you can do with a revenue stream like that.Seriously, if someone dropped five or ten grand into my lap as a one-time no-strings-attached thing, I would make my credit cards disappear.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Ironcross, I still see some of the bikes with adjuster knobs kicking around, though i admit I've not made a study of them myself. Again sounds like more of the modern tendency of putting touch screens on everything whether they actually make use or not, and not great for access unfortunately.@Brad, my lady  has   nicknamed old borris jellyfish jonson, because he just gives in to everything :d. The Newark factory outbreak made it onto the national news today, which again proves why we're still maintaining the lockdown. just to be even sicker, my mum asked me to order a huge amount of ppe on Amazon, and some of what she got, was not the brand she ordered, but a cheep flimsy knockoff obviously bought from china. whilst I have arranged replacement labels, it was fairly dire that Amazon forbade my negative review which stated we did not get what was asked for. Just proves Amazon is on the side of the profiteers and the scam artists, then again, Amazon is making out like a bandit from the outbreak anyway, so woe betide they have people actually criticising them, and in fairness dealing with Amazon themselves has been relatively okay at the moment, it's just obvious that they don't give a rat's rear about who sells through them so long as they get their cut, the scumbags! Still, we'll see, at least there are always books and games and so on. Ironically, I'm actually saving money at the moment since we're just not going anywhere .


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

yeah, that does sound like a good idea.I'd recommend once they're payed off, either not touching a credit card again or being very sure when you're buying something.We do have credit cards in the UK but I think Americans use them a lot more, although if I could buy myself a flat on a credit card, I'd probably do it but then I'd have to pay back huge amounts of money and I don't think that's possible anyway.Yeah, buying a takeaway once or twice a month is ok but as you said; know your limits.Those exersizes sound good for you.What did you get a credit card for anyway? I've thought about getting one but have never come up with a good enough reason, I want a laptop? I can wait for a couple months and buy one, amazon? Same thing. SO what got you into that trap?


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

What I really ought to do is see if my bank will consolidate my two credit cards into one. It was a stupid, stupid move to get a second one a few years back, because now I'm paying more interest, and that's ultimately what kills you. I'd have a little more money left over each month if I'd done this. Not necessarily for takeout, you understand, but it wouldn't set off the guilt spiral so hard if I did it from time to time. I don't think it's awful to do here and there, but knowing limits is a good thing.I hate push-ups but love sit-ups and crunches. I guess that would be a good start, to at least get some of my core muscles tightened up a bit.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@ironcross, yeah; you need the screen for the computer to allow you to make ajustments.@flameAlchemist, I'm sure you can look up how to do a situp.This is how I do it, act as if you're going to ly flat on your belly, but don't, put your feet on the floor, I'm not sure if you use tip toes or flat feet, then use your hands near your head, each hand should be either under or near each sholder, and push up and then lower yourself down, but don't touch the floor.I'm sure you can find a better video or something out there but that's how I'll be doing it from now on.@dark, oh yeah, the prime minister is an idiot, I know that's nothing new, according to what my nan's told me, because TFL lost out on a lot of cash because of people getting on busses for free; soon all teen cards for busses will be oister cards, any way to get money back, huh?Oh and I read on youtube on their virus heading that, The UK orders x amount of untested vaxenes, and now that's gone and replaced with the UK orders x amount of vaxenes.Oh and Boris has ordered that peple can't go to france and a couple other countries, who would try to go on holiday when this stuff is going on?Then again I don't know why I'm asking that question when as soon as the beaches opened up; people flocked to them and then... OH no! They had to close down again.@jade, it's really hard for me to not order food but I'll get there and so will you, do pushups, and squots and other in door exersizes.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

My dad and step mom have a bike. I noticed that when I was over around Christmas, it felt weird, like no resistance at all. That's when I realized the screen wasn't coming on. If the batteries are dead, you can't change the resistance because you do that with buttons on the control panel. It's not like the older style where you'd turn a knob.Sit ups yeah,you don't want to fully sit up, but you don't want to fully touch the floor on the way back down either. That's how you get the most benefit out of them.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@flameAlchemist, Yep, hands on ears, Zombies run had a really nice explanation as to this in their homefront videos.The idea is not to actually sit up, but to slowly move your upper body as far off the ground as you can, then ease down and repeat for as many times as you want (start with a few and then do more. Of course, you'll need some other exercises for different muscles around the upper body as well, and what you do with that depends upon you. As I said, I have two sets of hand weights,  and a regular routine I do, but obviously there are various different exercises kicking around. Just make sure to do both something anaerobic, something like crunches or pushups or weights which builds muscle, and something aerobic, something like running or biking or rowing which gets the heart rate increasing.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I have the same problem as Brad, albeit to a considerably lesser degree. If I'm not doing well mentally, it's sometimes too easy to just call for takeout, and then sometimes I end up not being able to eat everything I ordered.I'm about six feet tall, two hundred and twenty pounds, so I'm not huge, but I also don't have a great deep chest and brawny shoulders either, so the belly is kinda prominent. I really wish I had a bike or a treadmill to play with. My apartment has wooden floors that creak, so I can't just run in place or do jumping-jacks, or else Zombies Run would be right up my alley, I think. Because god knows I have to get into shape.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Dark if I read that right you said put my hands on my ears? I thought the arms staid folded or rapped around the knees. The thing is with the bike their are different modes I can set it to. What if I can't do a sit up?


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@flameAlchemist, no need to sit up all the way when doing sit ups, actually it's more difficult to do crunches. Lie on your back, then Put your knees up so your feet are flat on the floor, then put your hands on your ears and pull up with your abdominal muscles slowly.For the bike, it depends upon how it works,  most models I've seen, accept for the majorly expensive ones in gyms,  the screen is just a time/distance display, which you wouldn't really need if you used Zombies run since that would count time for you anyway.Rowing machines and weight benches and the like, take up a lot of space but I can recommend the mini trampoline since you can just lean it against a wall. This is another reason I use two sets of hand weights rather than the hole bench thing, since those just slot conveniently under the bed when I don't need them.@kjsisco, not sure where you are in the world. It's true that in the Uk, at least, official lockdown ended in June, however since my lady has had cancer (very much hopefully in the passed tense there), we've been on the major at risk list, which meant we weren't officially allowed out until the start of August. now however, the government are being such bloody morons, cracking down on restrictions one minute, then, pandering to the greedy execs and urging everyone to go out and spend money the next (never mind what the experts say), that we have no idea what is right at this point. Plus, our local town has just seen a surge in cases, admitedly, that's not a huge amount, but it's a small town. All of this means, until we hear different from a medical person we actually trust, lockdown is mostly continuing for us.Also admittedly, that is fairly easy since it's not as if we had a massive social calendar and tonnes of friends before all this crap anyway, but hay!


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@flameAlchemist, no need to sit up all the way when doing sit ups, actually it's more difficult to do crunches. Lie on your back, then Put your knees up so your feet are flat on the floor, then put your hands on your ears and pull up with your abdominal muscles slowly.For the bike, it depends upon how it works,  most models I've seen, accept for the majorly expensive ones in gyms,  the screen is just a time/distance display, which you wouldn't really need if you used Zombies run since that would count time for you anyway.Rowing machines and weight benches and the like, take up a lot of space but I can recommend the mini trampoline since you can just lean it against a wall. This is another reason I use two sets of hand weights rather than the hole bench thing, since those just slot conveniently under the bed when I don't need them.@kjsisco, not sure where you are in the world. It's true that in the Uk, at least, official lockdown ended in June, however since my lady has had cancer (very much hopefully in the passed tense there), we've been on the major at risk list, which meant we weren't officially allowed out until the start of August. now however, the government are being such bloody morons, cracking down on restrictions one minute, then, pandering to the greedy execs and urging everyone to go out and spend money the next (never mind what the experts say), that we have no idea what is right at this point. Plus, our local town has just seen a surge in cases, admitedly, that's not a huge amount, but it's a small town. All of this means, until we hear different from a medical person we actually trust, lockdown is mostly continuing for us.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

You know, at this point, we're not in total lockdown.  You can go outside.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

The house has a bike, but its kind of busted. I tried putting in new batteries for the screen and no dice. I kind of forgot how to do push ups. I'm kind of a bit heavy to do sit ups. I can't lift myself all the way up without moving my feat. I like zombies run so far. If I had my own place I would want to try waits maybe a rowing machine.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@flameAlchemist, No and yes.Zombies run is themed around, well running. The recent hhomefront lockdown workouts have workout exercises that aren't running, but they're very much the exception rather than the rule. however, you can also use zombies run with any exercises you want by setting it to automatic running and playing clips, thus giving you all the fun of the story, item collection and base building as you lift weights, do pushups, sit on an exercise bike, rowing machine  or whatever.Myself, I use the supply run, radio or lockdown workouts for 15 minutes on constant pace whilst I do my weight lifting, then switch to step counting for an actual 20-25 minute sprint on my mini trampoline. I will say though, heat and weerd sleep schedule have been getting in the way recently, but I do when I can, and when things cool down I'll be back to daily workouts as before.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I have a tredmill, but where its at it sometimes gets hot. other times I don't feel like going on the tredmil. Does Zombies run have  exercises that don't involve running on the tredmill. I usually set mine to just walking. I kind of want to do exercises in my room for those days where I don't want to put socks on just for the tredmill. Does anyone know if the apple watch does other workouts besides walking and running?


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, fair enough on zombies run, though I would still recommend the mini trampoline for running if you're interested in good exercises you can do in a small space.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@dark, zombies run isn't my kind of thing iether but thanks.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Brad, check out zombies runn's lockdown homefront series for some great exercise instructions.For running, I use a mini trampoline, which is actually rather harder than running on the ground because you take more weight with each step  and bend the nknees more, yet it's much easier on the joints since the surface your running on is bouncy. It also doesn't take up as much space as a treadmill either which is nice. I also do a weight routine with two sets of hand weights, though I admit those were showed to me by a physio therapist, and isn't something I'd recommend unless you've had the input since you could potentially do an injury. Btw, can anyone recommend any good Alexa workouts? My lady is looking for one, since zombies are less her thing. I did try eight minute workout, but the instructions for each exercise are not as informative if you've not done them before.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@UltraLeetJ, I should try to do more pushups and squots, thanks for the idea.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

oh there are  plenty of ways to exercise in an apartment, when there is little space.I was  excited when I did my first 10 pushups, now i manage to do about 60 non stop.You can also do jumping jacks, step touches, and all of the other things. You can do static running too but be wary of your knees as plyometrics are to be done slowly and in a controlled manner.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

well I am like #20. I think I should like walk more around the house or something since we don't have any space good enough I could run in, but even standing on my feet for 5 minutes makes it all cramped up.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@bgt lover, Same goes for me there, this however, is again where zombies run helps, I suspect I would be in the same fix without it,  indeed they've been putting up free weekly workouts corresponding to each week of covid lockdown which is good.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

I have the same problems, and I blame it on the covid, though I'm not sure if it's the case any more. Ever since this horible pandemic, I developed this habit. It's not that I eat too much or too unhealthy, I eat as I always did before, but the problem is that now, I am almost 24/7 in front of the computer, and the weight I didn't put on because of the little movement I did before, I'm doing it in full now.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@kjsisco, eat all you want is not healthy at all.You may only live once, in this body, but stuffing it to the extent you can't move each day is really bad, not only will you gain weight but you could have issues with your teeth and bones and heart, it's really not a good idea.@dark, it's not chocolate for me but if I ever want chocolate; I'll keep that in mind.@NevEd, oh I know  It's not good at all.Yeah; eating when you're board is totally a thing and it's horrible. You eat to feel good then afterwards, you feel like crap.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Gorilla, glad to hear it, also though my lady doesn't have breast cancer, it's nice to hear about someone whose okay, since yee gods! everytime you turn around in fiction someone is dying from cancer! You could almost get a complex .It is true that you shouldn't be generally paranoid about what you eat, and take time to enjoy yourself, however there is such a thing as a happy medium, indeed in this I'd follow Aristotle's philosophy about moderation in all things, since while we all know health freaks who see diets as a kind of personal identity and probably spend more time obsessing over food than the most hardened gourmet, there are also people who are the gastronomic equivalent of heroin addicts and have a genuine problem. Plus I'll say myself at least as far as exercise goes, I notice general benefits, especially at a point like this when other things in the world are so grim, it's like free antidepressants without the numming effects, which is definitely a good thing.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

No offense to OP because I honestly get it, but jesus fuck I thought I was bad those few times I ordered 1 meal a few days in a row.People really under-estimate how addicting the action of eating can be, Especially when you're stuck inside like this, and you're bored, or just down about other shit.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NortheasternGorilla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Thanks gents!  Wife has been doing great for the past 2 years, going strong.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

The best cure is don't watch the news.  My wife and I got so sick of the brainwashing during this virus so we just listen to music on the alexa while we're home.  It's good background while I work.  As far as the food thing goes, we are lead to believe that this is bad and that is bad.  Oh, don't eat this, oh, don't drink that.  You only live once.  Eat all you want and as my dad always said, "drink big, kids!"


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Gorilla, sorry to hear about your wife, hope she's okay. I'll admit having gone through six weeks of radio therapy just in time to be put on the kovid serious risk list wasn't good, neither was being just about kicked out of the hospital's cancer support group with a facile excuse which has nothing to do with them disliking blind people honest gov. We're coping with things as usual, but I will admit the last few weeks have been hard. Interestingly enough, I found while my lady was in radio therapy that games which were low key in terms of major engagement with the source were actually pretty good going, since just being able to whack away and win, or explore interesting landscapes was sort of what I wanted, even if the games themselves werent' necessarily the most inervative.Thus, I completely finished blind gladiator and did a lot of alien blasting on space encounter on my Iphone whilst waiting in hospital, and for the rest of the time, I think I'll always have a bit of a soft spot for blindquest, button smacky combat and over dramatic voice acting and all, just because it was sort of the perfect thing at that point. @Brad, one idea might be to consider making a couple of miner switches. For example, in my early twenties I lost a lot of weight when I switched to ultra dark chocolate, since I realised I had a coco addiction. i've also found myself zombies run helps a lot with exercise since it appeals to my generally gamer mentality, being able to complete missions, get supplies, build up my base etc, indeed I am probably doing more exercise now with zombies run (certainly more running), than I have at most points.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

i gained 10 kg when I was working in Madrid, because I was too lazy to cook sometimes. I ordered takeout twice or 3 tiems a week, + if I went out for lunch over the weekend... It was pretty bad.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Muhammad Hajjar, I'd recommend ppodcast, youtube, fan fiction, or walking around if you can. Buying food just to fill a gap for an hour or so isn't a good idea.It's hard to not buy food, but try your best and if you do buy takeaway, make sure its healthy as much as you can.@Dark, I'd not heard of this service, my nan still manages to buy food but htanks.I hope your wife feels better soon.@NortheasternGorilla, I hope your wife feels better.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NortheasternGorilla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Not pretending to know what you're going through, since everyone's situation and condition is different, but I hear you on the uncertainty of the next tests.  I'll say that I won't forget the day when mine called me to tell me she had breast cancer.  I was standing in a driveway at a jobsite when she called.  Those hospital stays, struggles, seeing your wife like that, man there were so many emotions going through me.  Seeing as how we're on a gaming message board, I'll say that we had some long nights of playing Mario Odyssey during her recovery, and I'm thankful for that game.  Now that I think about it, I can look back at certain points in my life, and can correlate games that had impact on me during some of the tougher times.  Like I said, I can't relate to whatever happened, but I definitely hear you.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@Muhammad  and Gorilla, thanks for the good wishes. Bare in mind when I say "recovering", here I sort of mean, that her last scan was negative, the side effects from the radio therapy are still slowly fading, and she's having trouble with anxiety and worries that the thing might or might not come back. This is part of the reason I've not exactly been diligent with the weekly updates recently, since things have honestly been quite difficult, heck, I've not really had the heart to even do much gaming, albeit hopefully things are improving somewhat now, and I'm at least getting back to games. Sorry to slightly derail Brad's topic there.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NortheasternGorilla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Wish you and her the best for the future.


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Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

On another side note, Dark I'm pretty glad to hear that your wife is recovering from cancer, wish you both a very happy and healthy life. Stay safe everybody.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

"Brad, if your living on your own, do you know about Morrison's new phone service for disabled people with troubles with Kovid? We've had a friend doing our shopping recently, since ordering online has such a massive kew, and actually going out in lockdown is a bad idea due to virus issues and not being able to social distance (as I've mentionned previously, with Mrs. Dark hopefully having just recovered from Cancer, and the bloody government not knowing what they're doing, we are being careful). You might want to consider looking at that, since that way you could order better things, and so not need to resort to takeaway as often, which might help. I've also mentioned previously that zombies run is awesome! I've been unable to do this for the past few days due to the bloody hot weather and/or my weird sleep schedule, but I was able to get back to it today, which was good.Really sorry to hear your having trouble with this brad, hope you can sort things out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Brad, I sometimes take food as a source of entertainment, I mean something that makes my mood-boosted and my boredom let go. You know we sometimes go through times where we struggle against boredom in our blindy life, especially in these Covid19 situations. Any recommendations?PS: I'm not necessarily whining about the blindness matter, but you know it's just those times at when you literally don't know what to do to break boredom.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

"Brad, if your living on your own, do you know about Morrison's new phone service for disabled people with troubles with Kovid? We've had a friend doing our shopping recently, since ordering online has such a massive kew, and actually going out in lockdown is a bad idea due to virus issues and not being able to social distance (as I've mentionned previously, with Mrs. Dark hopefully having just recovered from Cancer, and the bloody government not knowing what they're doing, we are being careful). You might want to consider looking at that, since that way you could order better things, and so not need to resort to takeaway as often, which might help. I've also mentioned previously that zombies run is awesome! I've been unable to do this for the past few days due to the bloody hot weather and/or my weird sleep schedule, but I was able to get back to it today, which was good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@jj, that's great!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Laughs in losing about 5 pounds overall and growing about 2.3 inches


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

@moaddye, I will try.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Don't eat to much because of covid19.

rofl you try to be safe with your foods 2.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Don't eat to much because of covid19.

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Don't eat to much because of covid19.

Hi everyone, I have a very bad takeaway/takeout adiction like thing I do when I get bored, I'm working on it but it's hard.I'm making this post to say don't be like me, make sure you eat small portion sizes, if you have to only use half the plate, do it, even if it doesn't feel or look right.Drink tuns more water than soda or sugary drinks.Go for a walk each day, if you can.I've ordered 3 or perhaps 4 croissants, 3 saussage roles, and I was meant to order a egg bacan sandwich thing but it didn't arrive, that's just tonight, this morning I ordered subway.yesterday I ordered a burger with chips.I know I've ordered more than that and really need to get my act together. I'm telling you all this to show you what not to do, don't become like me, please. It's not fun being overweight and having breathing issues plus a little bit of back fat and a big belly, it's really not a good idea.If you must drink sodas, drink diot sodas, from what I read they're not as bad for you, but the best thing to do is to drink water.This is very important, for those of you that htink you'll not lose weight or that you can't stop, you can, it's hard but the more you work on it the easier it becomes.


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