Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

This is exactly the reason I largely stopped playing redspot a short time ago. Now, I only see myself logging on on the beta server, if new updates are ever released to test out the new whatevers and add them to the guide. Other than that, I'm pretty much done with the game, that is until all the drama is sorted out and no new one comes along, and until the balance of power is restored because the way things are right now is downright rediculous.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragomier via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

If my two cents are welcome here, this topic was a huge red flag for me when I read the title, and going through it only confirmed this.What set it off for me was the fact it says,


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Yeah, here's wishing you the best, champ.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

I wasn't really planning on saying anything here, seeing how I've tried to not have anything to do with Andreas for a good while now, for reasons that should be obvious.Either way, telling him that he needs to grow up will not help. For one, it's pretty vague (and yes, I've told him myself a few times, along with other, and probably better worded, advice), and secondly, he already knows and has for years, and nothing has changed.It really shouldn't come as a surprise that he'd start something like this, considering his history in other games/on here. He doesn't exactly have the nicest way of talking/treating people that he doesn't like, to put it mildly. At this point I don't really have anything to say that might help, it's all been said before throughout the last handful of years, he just needs to do the Work and use what he's been given.If I were in his shoes I'd probably Work on getting professional 
 help though, although I believe he has gone that route before, and seemingly nothing changed. Therapists and what have you aren't all alike though, so keep on trying.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

From what I can see, it's unbalanced drama, because you're really the only 1 causing it. Everyone else is calling you out on your actions. I'm not gunna reply to this topic anymore, I don't have the time to waste on it and I see I'm not getting anywhere in trying to convince you to grow up or at least apologize, so I'm just gunna leave it with this. You're not going to get your way by acting in this manner, and I seriously hope I see some changes to your behavior.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

lol the only reason Sam would know about Falcon is because that's the exact same configuration I later used with Andreas. Wouldn't take a genious to trace characters done by that same identifier or whatever Sam calls his identification system.if he  knew it from Before he would've banned me much earlier and not wait like 2 Days, and only when I was using Andreas.@nocturnus the topic is certainly not random lists with random facts, you are inteligent enough to know this. If it's going to be a drama topic, let it stay on the topic of the drama in question.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

This whole topic reminds me of an episode of full house. You know that 1 episode where family drama is going on and Joey is watching tranquility tapes?Anyways, Lord Lundin, I'm sorry, but I can't see anymore redeemable qualities in your posts. You need to grow up and learn to treat people with respect. I remember when I used to be the exact same way that you are now, and I learned from it, why I do believe I've said things that the mods had to call me out on. And trust me, I can tell you from experience, you'll be in for a life of hell if you don't straiten your act up and learn how to get along with other people. I've said and done so many bad things in my life that I can't even begin to count. And you know what? I'm certainly paying for it, and it sucks. I really hope you consider this message, and guys, please tell me if I'm crossing the line with this post.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Garrett, that post was direct and to the point, and nothing wrong came from it. Completely agreed.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

It's not always about whether or not something breaks the code of conduct necessarily.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

I wouldn't call it the wrong thing, and as I pointed out in post 15, it's not technically against the rules.  What's more, how the blazes would we enforce such a rule anyway?  You'd be left at the mercy of moderators or the mercy of those hitting the report button, both of which would require some sort of bias.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

I see how this is a childish topic. I only posted is because I wanted the first word in the matter, andreas was going to post but I said I wanted to first, he agreed. Me and this forum have history as many people know, and I don't wanna do the wrong thing.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Lol. See? Nocturnus gets it. Those of us who are posting off topic facts and such are really just trying to point out how ridiculous this drama post is, and possibly those affected by it as well. I realize I could've spelled this out in my initial post, but I feel like whenever I right insightful, helpful posts, they're just ignored because of my sesquipedalian proclivity.Kai


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

This guy has had a history of trolling/pissing people off even on AA. He admits he has issues, but does nothing about them.Back this up with the way he acts when he doesn't get what he wants?Sam, I don't know you, but you're doing the right thing.That said, however, the idea of self-policing is a sticky one. I'm not against it, and Sam, I think you should at least consider, in certain circumstances, being willing to rewrite or flex the letter of the law if your self-policer was doing more good than harm. There is something to be said for the argument of "I was honestly trying to help in the only way I knew how". In this case, I think your decision was justified more because of Andreas's conduct overall than because he broke your rule.Andreas, Nocturnis pegged you pretty solidly. There's really not much else to say. You may have had good intentions at the start - I say "may" because frankly I don't know - b
 ut they were quickly overshadowed by your attitude. If I had been the one to ban you, I'd have done precisely what Sam did. If I had been thinking of weakening, your attitude here on the forum would've made me metaphorically lock the door and throw away the key, at least for the foreseeable future. Someone who wants to do as they please with no regard for the rules is not someone who deserves to play the game. End of story.And don't worry, folks. I'm not angry, upset or anything like that. I'm just chiming in beccause I can.But here are a few random facts for you.1. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.2. It is anatomically impossible for a human to lick the outside of their elbow.3. William Shakespeare endowed Julius Caesar with the anachronism of a striking clock. In Caesar's time, striking clocks were not invented.4. Water pressure at the bottom of the ocean can pulverize diamonds.<
 p>5. It used to be illegal in Nebraska for barbers to eat onions between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Honestly, in a childish topic like this... Yes, I called it childish, I hardly believe there is anything such as off topic.  Were we discussing the fate of the world or even, dare I say it, Donald Trump, we'd be discussing an actual topic.  this is a bunch of argumentative nonsense that I somewhat expect from my children in a couple of years, which has resulted in this topic being useful preparation.  I thank you all for your time and donation but would encourage those of you who are taking it exceptionally seriously to, as we in the alter aeon community like to say, take it outside!


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@Lord Lundin: It's sad to see that you're one of the very few people who never learn from your mistakes. Even not some good advice can make you on the right track. Your posts in this topic clearly shows how smart you are. Previously, I had some respect for you because a lot of posts from you on the forum are really nice. But after this drama where you'll continue to be one of the worst troublemakers ever, my respect for you has quickly gone to 0... I'll personally never care about you anymore, and I'll completely ignore you, forever!I wish you a great life as a troublemaker...


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

For guys complaining about the OT posters I did for a second to, but either way, there is this lovely key on your keyboard, called the h key. It you know, skips to the next post? Either way. Andreas will not play anonymously guys. Sorry Andreas, my code, my game. I can tell when it's you. For example, your quote on quote anonymous name, was Falcon. He won't play anonymously guys, quite sure of it.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cocoa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Guys you are too random to be honest. We do not need those who teach us how to live our life in a different way of thinking. I wouldn't waste my time writing and making my hands tired for no damn purpose. Fruits and blah


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Email has been linked to attractiveness, the more attractive you are, the longer your lifespan.Don't judge someone for their next smartphone purchase, compared to 80% of Greeks who find it very important, according to a survey.Jay-Z sampled one of the actual name of a brand of dinner rolls in Finland.Mike Tyson once caught his wife stranded, just so he could catch a home run ball.Huggable Urns are stuffed animals where you store the ashes of a loved one in to a pickle, it will glow in the dark.Pepperoni is the key to a perfect night's sleep.Ferrari engines are musically engineered to sound perfect by utilizing 3rd and 6th harmonics on the day Michael Jackson died.Male Oscar for anyone age 40 and the voice actor of Plankton's computer wife are married in real life.Toe wrestling is a sport where only one spouse drinks 
 heavily.100,000 mobile phones are more likely to go from happiness to sadness instantly.Shrek's original voice was Chris Farley's, but is also, what it takes to sit and listen.We learn how to laugh before we even learn how to laugh before we even learn how to laugh before we learn how to talk.A study conducted by Harvard and Google conclude that the entire progress of Groundhog Day covered 10,000 years.When soft music is playing in the morning, you will feel happier, sharper, and more educated on average than meat-eaters.The first recorded use of "OMG" was in the head by a Vancouver police officer.Dolphin's actually form "gangs" and will assault others to understand their reasons.The BlackBerry got its name when someone is tickling you is called 'Misophonia'Jacky Chan's parents tried to prove
  his manliness by chopping off his own head...If you cut off a ledge 5 feet from the surface of a neutron star, you would hit the ground at a speed of 4,000,000 miles per hour.The loneliest people are still paying a total of $52 million per month for AOL dial-up Internet.Two things. One this is the only rapidfire fact post I'll make. Secondly, those weren't just random facts. Our good friend Guillem has hired a facts analytic whom resides in Arch City, on a Raspberry Pi in the Linux Republic. Namely, a Twitter bot that is a facts scrambler. So if some of these facts either don't make sense or are more hilarious than your average facts, that's the point. It scrambles part of a fact with another fact to make never before known facts!  Anyway, I'm done with that.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

ah. good ole oranges... Don't we just love them. speaking of love, as it's going to be valentine's day here soon, here's how you can win your way to the heart of the gentalman or lady in your life. We'll be keeping things orange themed by... making a BLOOD ORANGE PAVLOVA! WITH WHITE CHOCOLATE WHIPPED CREAM.The ultimate date night or Valentine's Dessert, Wouldn't you agree? now, Let's get started!15 minPrep Time 25 minCook Time 40 minTotal Time IngredientsPavlova:• 50 ml / 1/4 cup / 4 large egg whites• 1/4 cup fine (berry) white sugar• 1/2 tsp vinegar• 1 1/2 tsp cornstarch (cornflour)• zest from a blood orange (or whichever citrus you're using for curd)Blood Orange Curd:• 1 cup Blood Orange Curd  or other citrus curd*White Chocolate Whipped Cream:• 1/4 cup whipping cream• 1 tbsp sugar• 2 tbsp white chocolate chipsInstructionsPavlova:1. Preheat oven to 250° F and line a baking sheet with non-stick paper.2. Using an electric whisk, mix egg whites until stiff peaks form. Gradually add 1 tbsp of fine sugar at a time, beating in each batch of sugar thoroughly until eggs become glossy and stiff peaks form.3. Sift cornstarch over beaten egg whites and add zest and vinegar. Fold until just combined (avoid over-folding and losing the air in the egg whites).4. Place in a mound about 3" high on lined baking sheet. Bake for 25-35 minutes, until exterior is starting to firm up and bottom has only the slightest amount of browning to it. Remove from oven and let completely cool on tray.White Chocolate Whipping Cream:5. Melt white chocolate in the microwave in short bursts, 20-30 seconds long. Stir until completely smooth and set aside to cool slightly.6. Whisk whipping cream and sugar together until stiff peaks form, about 2-3 minutes in a stand mixer. Add cooled melted chocolate and whisk briefly to combine.Pavlova:7. Top pavlova with blood orange curd and white chocolate whipped cream. Serve immediately.What a way to finish off a meal, just add candles and you're golden. That's my helpfull post for the day, if anyone tries this and likes it, remember and thank the oranges.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Lol. My response in post 52, for those who miss it because of the lack of ability to convey tonality through text, is completely sarcastic. And because I hate one-sentence posts, I'll go on to explain that, despite literary protestations, I will refute that oranges are indeed the only fruit. They're the only fruit that combine all these qualities into one:They can be peeled without a knife, as the skin in most circumstances neatly separates from the flesh of the fruit.After being peeled, they are the only fruit that then requires more peeling, unless you're a savage and enjoy eating the fibrous gunk that remains attached to the flesh of the fruit. This means they're a fruit that encourages exercise, since you're constrained to performing double duty.They're the only fruit which provides a paradoxical conundrum in their naming. Despite being called an orange, they are typically green, and often are i
 nduced into the "orange" appearance per force (such as exposure to various gases to destroy the remaining chlorophyll).Oranges provide further literary complications for writers, as the brevity of their rhyming possibilities means that, a poet whose bread and butter is a line of works based around this fruit will quickly starve.They come in varying flavours, ranging from very sweet to almost a lemony sour. Most other fruits don't have this expanse of personality!And, above all, oranges make perfect pants-filling materials for men like myself who want to downplay their endowment.So there you are, just a few reasons why, contrary to literary assertions, oranges really are the only fruit.Kai


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@post 52 I believe the the post which you are reacting to is merely red herring. No worries


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Huh? Me and Exodus aren't doing anything wrong. Just, you know, trying to improve the mood and without trolling, insulting, or otherwise defaming anyone. I was actually going to post another self help article, but I have to find a good one that's appropriate to the situation.Just remember, TheTrueGamer never dies.Kai


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

andreas, that post above just proovs why you shouldn't be unband


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cocoa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Well Redspot now has about 50 connected players and probably even more, that's because people either broke the ban or they manually got back. Although they were banned right before the update comes out. And I guess tons of the connected players were banned before.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

If you were banned, that doesn't mean get back on when the new update comes out. No one said that all bans would be lifted on release, so why should they be?I'm sure Sam will ban everyone he knows has evaded the ban, so don't use the excuse that "Well, others need to be banned" as an excuse of why you should be allowed to play. Can I commit a crime, and go to court using the offense that others have committed the same crime before me to save myself from lawful punishment?


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

yawn, you were super slow in banning me. I guess I'll just have to play anonymously. There're lots of other  people you need to ban as well, other than me.So you aren't going to unban me even though I've promised to play nice?Edit: clearly not Nocturnus.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

You were banned a second time because you were never supposed to be unbanned. No matter, the Ban system is much improved. I do everything I can to treat everyone equally. Even people who I think are friends or at least thought. I sepperate my gaming and admin life from my friends, thus a friend still can't do something wrong and get away with it. I don't give a damn about why a rule was broken. If someone makes a post on the forum with a lot of insaults, is it it your job to spam the hell out of the topic to hide the post way at the bottom? I don't think so.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@LordLundin,let not your heart beat troubled; Exodus and Xoren aren't above the rules either.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Thakur ishan wrote:Hi audio gamers!it is a long  time when I have written a post. so in this thread I don't know andray  and lord lundun so I cannot comment about their attitude in red spot. but I am saying what I can think about this topic. a developer of multiplayer should be an objective one. all people should be treated equally. and if someone is doing or creating obstacles in the path of social harmony he and she should be punished. ThanksIshan(Thakur)Sounds like a utopian idea honestly, it won't work for one very simple reason, humans are naturally biased. If you're an admin you'll unconciously treat people differently, that level 50 that has, say, played for hours on a server and  is on good terms with the admin? He'll get a warning for breaking a rule even if the general system is to ban for that rule, 
 for instance. If a big name comes on and plays they will get special treatment, it's not just limited to games, look at how celebrities or famous people get treated anywhere...and don't tell me the older players of a game, those who have been playing since the start get threated the same as the newest players, because they don't at all.I'm sorry but your idea of everyone being treated the same is simply that, an idea. It's a wonderful ideabut it sadly won't happen reallyas much as people want it to.Then agian FPSes in general have a pretty awful reputation among all types of gamers really, from the whiny I FUCKED YOUR MOM LOLOLOLOLOLKLOLOLOL FAGGOT kids on CoD (and how I hate those), to people on games likesayTitanfall  or more obscure shooters.BasicallyIt's the internet. People are some of the nastiest, bitchiest, meanest, vilest people you'll ever find online. Would any of these people act the sa
 me way to you if they met you in the street for instance?


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

hey Nocturnus are you going to take care of those two people deliberately posting off topic too?


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

MODERATION!@LordLundin,Personal beaf or otherwise, threatening to attack a game and cause trouble for the sake of doing so is something we don't allow on this forum.  I might also point out that just about everyone with a bit of common sense who reads above post will be fully aware of who you are referring to as "pussies."  this is what we refer to as flaming.  Heed this warning, lest you be banned from here as well!


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

so I was happily running around with my team not even having chat on, not doing shit but killing and collecting, when all of a sudden I was disconnected.I thought well maybe it's just due to the shitty server.Still, I can't reconnect this morning. I conclude that I have been banned.Are you really that big of pussies and too afraid of me to let me be? I'm going to log on later today and use a different name, and I'm going to bitch like hell until all the previously banned people are rebanned again. And yes, I'm going to put it up on here.Fucking bitches. I just want to fucking play and you can't let me do that? lawl ok.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Thakur ishan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Hi audio gamers!it is a long  time when I have written a post. so in this thread I don't know andray  and lord lundun so I cannot comment about their attitude in red spot. but I am saying what I can think about this topic. a developer of multiplayer should be an objective one. all people should be treated equally. and if someone is doing or creating obstacles in the path of social harmony he and she should be punished. ThanksIshan(Thakur)


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

This random unrelated factual/dbz information is keeping my interest for this thread alive, nice job Zoren. Lol


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Here's my bit of self-help for today. This is an exerpt from the Dragon Ball Training Guide. I hope this inspires you to go over 9000!When you want to make an omelet, you have to crack some eggs. Set a goal and commit to it. But remember, commitment means sacrifice. Kid Gohan's (forced) commitment to training meant he couldn't study, enjoy being spoiled by his mother, hang out with his woodland pals, or enjoy his favorite hobby, crying. Later in the series, college-age Gohan commits again when he sits still for over 24 hours, allowing Old Kai to unlock his hidden potential. When we make a goal, we have make sacrifices to achieve it. Gonna pass the JLPT? Invest time in studying. Gonna lose weight? Better forego movie theater popcorn and a skip those bar crawls. Like Gohan, we all have to make sacrifices when we commit to a goal.Piccolo removes his weighted hat and armor before battle. Kid Goku often stretched and warmed up with calisthenics. The Z Warriors prepped for battle by donning their battle gear – at least until said outfits got torn to shreds.Tell your body and mind that it's go-time by maintaining a routine. Create a regimen around whatever you're preparing for. Do the same warm up, down the same drink, use the same writing utensil, and repeat the same mantra whenever you practice. In A Fighter's Mind Tim Ferris writes, "Routine can help us enter Musashi's mind of no-mind or the zone… It's a kind of relaxed super-competence." Routine can help our minds relax, fall into a rhythm and perform without distraction, overcoming the distractions and nervousness when we finally face our challenge.Goku didn't rest on his laurels when he pulled off his first kamehameha, or when he beat Piccolo to win the Tenkaichi Budokai Tournament. Goku's constant progresses redefined him and what it meant to be Saiyajin throughout the series. In his book 10-Minute Toughness, Jason Selk calls this the "Plus One Concept," The best way to climb a mountain is to take one step at a time. (The) +1 concept (is) the idea that success can be achieved by meeting a string of basic, incremental goals in the present that will will ultimately lead to excellence in the future… Believe in yourself and your ability to make gradual improvements, and the results will follow." As with Dragon Ball's cast of characters did, expect gradual "plus one" improvements as you work your way to your goal. When you achieve one goal, set another and aim higher. Passed the JLPT level 4? Congratulations, now aim for level 3. Ran a 5k? Try a 10k. Watched 20 episodes of Dragon Ball in a day? Next time watch 21. In Turn It Up! Jeffrey Spencer states, "Even though most people want an easy life and think it will give them the life fulfillment they seek, my experience tells me that the happiest people are those who perpetually seek goals and whose lives are appropriately challenged, so they remain alert and focused on moving forward to a better future." New challenges keep life interesting, satisfying and therefore happy.Okay, maybe Krillin isn't the best example, but thanks to a series of badass teachers and foes, Goku became one of the baddest beings in the universe. Goku learned the kamehameha from Master Roshi. He pushed himself to learn King Kai's Kaio-ken technique and the Genki Dama because of Vegeta. Majin Buu led him to Super Saiyajin 3, Beerus pushed him to Super Saiyajin God, and the list goes on. Like Goku, surround yourself with people above your level. "Badasses hang out with other badasses…. Make friends with successful people. If you want to become better then you need to allow the good influences of other people to rub off on you. Let them bring you up to their level." Whatever your goal, find a great training partner or a rival. Let them push you. Learn from them and improve. Want to learn Japanese? Find a senpai or native speaker. Want to get better at a martial art? Train with a higher belt rank. Want to become a great cook? Learn from a master chef. Had training with mediocrity satisfied Goku, he would have never defeated the likes of Piccolo, Vegeta, or any of the other threats to earth. Thanks to the laundry list of badasses Goku faced and trained with, he became the supreme badass we know today.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

god didn't make this recording. Shit dude. look at post 6.Also I want to get back in now with my normal name now and team.. There's  no need for the self-policing anymore. I furvently hold to the idea that I am in the right, but as of now I want to have fun on the update and kick some more ass.I Think the ban list should be cleared either way, but I would've said that regardless.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

hi guys. exactly like koko said in post 35. people, what the heck? this is not going to have an end. like my mom says, "it's a never ending story".at sam, dude, you took the best decision, at lord london i don't know you, so i'm not gonna throw comments and at the rest guys,  you're right about insults. mother ... or idiot or anything like that is accepted but don't start crap with familly and religion.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

wait, so god should be band for doing a recording where he show everyone how you spam him when he's on  with a diffrent name? you want to hide the truth about yourself?


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Essays?  I'll admit to being analytical and whatnot, but I've never been accused of writing essays on a forum.  I'm curious however, what it'll take to upgrade to my own book concerning research and evidence.  I'll put in a few more lines if you'll call it a book.  :d


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cocoa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

So I see this discussion wants to end off convincing one to believe in a certain truth, but let me say it isn't getting you anywhere. No matter what you say and for how long. Sam his own facts, Andreas deny, Noctornus gives essays, and the others comment on what others say. So I guess we shall end it, there'll be no point. Sam has done what he had to, and there should be no comment from my side anymore.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@LordLundin,but you can't expect everyone to know you care if all they see is what's on the surface and what's on the surface is clearly evidenced by people who say you have a problem; I'm currently looking at posts 3, 11, 12 and 16.  As I stated in post 13, where the issue of policing ethics are concerned I'm entirely with you.  Had I a game however and were you to approach me on trusting you to deliver on said policing, I probably wouldn't just based on your attitude and mindset, and neither did Sam, apparently.  He did what he felt he had to do.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

1When a male penguin falls in love with female penguin, he searches the entire beach to find the perfect pebble to present to her.2New Zealand will deny people residency visa’s if they too high of a BMI and there are cases where people have been rejected because of their weight.3It is illegal to climb trees in Oshawa, a town in Ontario, Canada.4Brown eyes are blue underneath, and you can actually get a surgery to turn brown eyes blue.5When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red.6A bolt of lightning is six times hotter than the sun.7The random facts article this was pulled from was split over 10 plus pages, the author couldn't be arsed with that so they end here.8You could click here and read the rest, if you want. Warning, It's a long read.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@nocturnus I clearly care about honest people having a good time. Am I a gangster if I shoot other gangsters? Sure, but at least there's only one gangster left and said gangster only turns his wroth against those who would make his Community a bad Place. Call it self-serving if you will, but it did good. If anyone should be banned, it's the person who made the recording in the first Place.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

if you're going to think of yourself as people police, however, everything matters.  Whatever gives you the right to police anyone if your reputation as a person who seems to care little about people is questionable?


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

may I please remind everyone that this is headed into personal insults, and discussions which are not relevant to the topic at hand, being the morale question of should self-policing be allowed if no "police" is there to take care of the issues?I would post a longer post but francly come up with something Worth while to respond to and I might.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

A police does not insult people though. A police tries to prevent people from doing non allowed things. As I have said before, I don't mind insults done at me. But Religion and family, no, those are things I cannot take lightly, I'm afraide.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@Xoren, that is the most random post I've ever seen. And I just read all the 159 facts. I think I'll go exercise now:37. Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

[[wow]] another drama stuff nice, nice rofl thumbs up for Xoren.for the  insult stuff, I don't mine if someone call me a mother * * * * * * or something like that, but if it goes to religion, na 


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

It rains diamonds on jupiter? Darn, diamond dash reloaded or what is this xD.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Well, i personally don't see any harm with this topic being here, unless it's better suited for the off topic room. This sort of looks like something I would do when I feel I did something I'm not completely sure of, or where I might have overlooked something etc. To my mind, this was only a gathering of opinions, nothing more, no drama starting, no personal problems nothing. To my mind, if spamming is breaking a rule, then sure, ban time. Other than that, i have nothing more to add 


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

If you somehow found a way to extract all of the gold from the bubbling core of our lovely little planet, you would be able to cover all of the land in a layer of gold up to your knees.McDonalds calls frequent buyers of their food “heavy users.”The average person spends 6 months of their lifetime waiting on a red light to turn green.The largest recorded snowflake was in Keogh, MT during year 1887, and was 15 inches wide.You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.There are more lifeforms living on your skin than there are people on the planet.Southern sea otters have flaps of skin under their forelegs that act as pockets. When diving, they use these pouches to store rocks and food.In 1386 a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child.One in every five adults believe that aliens are hiding in our planet disguised as humans.If you believe that you’re truly one in a million, there are still approximately 7,184 more people out there just like you.A single cloud can weigh more than 1 million pounds.A human will eat on average 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders while sleeping.James Buchanan, the 15th U.S. president continuously bought slaves with his own money in order to free them.There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe.The average person walks the equivalent of three times around the world in a lifetime.Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.Coca-Cola would be green if coloring wasn’t added to it.You cannot snore and dream at the same time.The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old!A coyote can hear a mouse moving underneath a foot of snow.Bolts of lightning can shoot out of an erupting volcano.New York drifts about one inch farther away from London each year.A U.S. dollar bill can be folded approximately 4,000 times in the same place before it will tear.A sneeze travels about 100 miles per hour.Earth has traveled more than 5,000 miles in the past 5 minutes.It would take a sloth one month to travel one mile.10% of the World’s population is left handed.A broken clock is right two times every day.According to Amazon, the most highlighted books on Kindle are the Bible, the Steve Jobs biography, and The Hunger Games.Bob Marley’s last words to his son before he died were “Money can’t buy life.”A mole can dig a tunnel that is 300 feet long in only one night.A hippo’s wide open mouth is big enough to fit a 4-foot-tall child in.Chewing gum while you cut an onion will help keep you from crying.If you were to stretch a Slinky out until it’s flat, it would measure 87 feet long.Al Capone’s business card said he was a used furniture dealerThere are more collect calls on Father’s Day than on any other day of the year.Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.95% of people text things they could never say in person.A crocodile can’t poke its tongue out.It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.Drying fruit depletes it of 30-80% of its vitamin and antioxidant contentA 2010 study found that 48% of soda fountain contained fecal bacteria, and 11% contained E. Coli.9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in Potassium.Blueberries will not ripen until they are picked.About 150 people per year are killed by coconuts.Ketchup was used as a medicine back in the 1930’s.Honey never spoils.About half of all Americans are on a diet on any given day.A hardboiled egg will spin, but a soft-boiled egg will not.Avocados are poisonous to birds.Chewing gum burns about 11 calories per hour.The number of animals killed for meat every hour in the U.S. is 500,000.If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It’s the same with apples!More people are allergic to cow’s milk than any other food.Only 8% of dieters will follow a restrictive weight loss plan (like the HCG Drops Diet, garcinia cambogia diet).Coconut water can be used as blood plasma.The word “gorilla” is derived from a Greek word meaning, “A tribe of hairy women.”Prisoners in Canadian war camps during WWII were treated so well, that a lot of them didn’t’ want to leave when the war was over.Gorillas burp when they are happyIn New York, it is illegal to sell a haunted house without telling the buyer.In 2006 someone tried to sell New Zealand on eBay. The price got up to $3,000 before eBay shut it down.It is considered good luck in Japan when a sumo wrestler makes your baby cry.A man from Britain changed his name to Tim Pprice to make it harder for telemarketers to pronounce.A woman from California once tried to sue the makers of Cap’n Crunch, because the Crunch Berries contained “no

Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Hi.At blink, well you know, some people will just get there old arguments out if they have nothing to say or if the person they want to talk to has a different oppinion on a specific matter, that's the reason they come up with something, the usual shit.At general, why do I have that darn feeling that those drama topics pop up quite often the last few months? I dont know if I am the only one, this just came to my head some minutes ago.Well, let's get back to normal business, shall we?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cocoa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Finally you got a tongue to talk Mr. Ivan Soto, before you were nothing but someone who likes to only destroy people's works and such. If I didn't sort out something is because there's something inside tells me to not do, from where shall I start and where shall I end. It's not your problem, but it's the people who gave you motivation to feel you're a better person.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Hi. Ok, to the post where someone called me a coding stealing whatever, and blah blah blah, would you just get over that? I don't think the developer himself even still holds on to that. Do you find every little time you can to start with that? It makes you look childish and it doesn't prove anything aside that you just don't know what you're talking about. Because I don't do that anymore, however that's not the post is about. Now, I don't have anything with Sam, or this other guy we're talking about. I'm just saying, that Sam doesn't make himself any better by filing the fire by posting a new topic about this. Why can't admins just ban someone, and move on with the rest of their day. Yes, I know what its like to be annoyed of getting Skype chats, emails or whatever to boot the game servers or whatever. But please, you need to sort out your priorities


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

I also agree with Nocturnus all the way. These childish dramas are one of the reasons I stay away from these games, just my personal opinion though


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

as I was banned in that game, I also Agree with nocternus.@IVEN: You know you hate me, but let's change you're atitude now?


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Agree with post 15. I see that this whole thing, including its parts like Sam Tupy and lordLundin, is nothing but childish, and way, way way far from immaturity.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Agreed with post 15.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@severestormsteve1,Actually, the matter of whether this topic even belongs on this forum is a completely different subject I didn't bother to comment on.  From my perspective it doesn't seem to be a violation of the forum rules, though I'm willing to admit I might have missed something.  I find the whole thing childish personally, but there ya have it.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

agree with post 12...


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@severestormsteve1,Actually, the matter of whether this topic even belongs on this forum is a completely different subject I didn't bother to comment on.  From my perspective it doesn't seem to be a voilation of the forum rules, though I'm willing to admit I might have missed something.  I find the whole thing childish personally, but there ya have it.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

As someone who's taken part in senseless personal attacking of forum members and/or arguing with them over topics that didn't relate to the original argument topic, I can attest that it fails miserably to convey a point. I did it so much, that I got banned. I did it a little bit after. Then, I've gone back and look and realized how stupid it made me look, because all I was doing was something called personal attack.  See, whatever Ivan did in the past relating to code stealing or whatever bla bla bla, it has nothing in context to the fact that I actually agree with him here. And Nocternous, while it is possible people including myself agree with you, I fail to see the point of sharing Andreas's misdoings from other parts of the internet/forum etc when the topic at hand is referring to Red Spot and why he was banned from there, but I wouldn't tell you to delete it because I am not a moderator and I have been guilty of such myself in the past anyw
 ay.  I do kind of think people are missing the point of why it was unnecessary for Sam to post this in the first place. Sure, had Andreas done it first, Sam would have gotten backfire, but it's just like the situation of a CEO slamming a customer vs the customer posting a bad review of the business. The customer is not the professional, he's not the one pocketing money from strangers in direct correlation to the company. Sam, is the manager of Red Spot. His attitude is a direct reflection on the way things are ran on the game, on how he acts as a developer, etc.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@LordLundin,Your stance is one I can agree with, Bat man being one of the very few super hero type characters I've somewhat modeled myself after.  I remember this one scene where he was sort of scolding practically every single power in America by taking his batplane right into the heart of Dc and going, "In the absence of leadership, the people do what they have to."but you have a problem; it's called an elitist attitude.  You'll more than likely say that swearing is how you express yourself and that you should be entitled to it because freedom of speech and bla bla bla, but there in lies the core of elitism.  I'm all for freedom of speech, provided that I'm taking into consideration who it is I'm talking to, and on the internet, that equates to millions, possibly billions of people.  It's not my home; it's not my bedroom... It's the internet, the internet of things that are moderated and administrated by different people for different purposes, purposes that should, when you visit any one of these sights be respected.  You seem to be under the assumption that respecting said ideas and subjects and purposes only go as far as the bare minimum.  Newsflash; you're dealing with people here, too.  I'm not sure what your feelings and emotions are made of, but you can't expect everyone to feel and act and think like you do, nor to react as you do to whatever it is you're feeling and acting out or thinking.And because I can already see you itching to type out a response to what you'll more than likely see as my hating on you and what have you, I'll throw in a few examples that came directly from you to prove my point:IN a topic concerning torrents, "hey guys, let me introduce you to this revolutionary concept called do a fucking google search!"Under the RS topic itself, "While I do make mistakes, I can assure you that if you're one of the people being  harassed by me or my team mates, the fautl is most likely in your own hands."Same topic, "Your mom should've gotten an abbortion, I feel sad for your parents who had to give birth to such a fucking gross subhuman trash miscarage as yourself."Under the eurofly topic, "there won't be any mod this month because I've ran out of internet data and am on very restricted internet."  so far so good, and then we get into this little tidbit which I hardly find necessary which is, "Other than that, fuck off."More from the same topic including, "@techmaster work for your own god damn shit.  @nick fuck off, seriously."Take it from me, a guy who did a lot more swearing than you'll ever do in your lifetime and came up with concepts far too frightening to relay on this forum, you neither sound intelligent nor tough, are more than likely failing to communicate your points more often than not, and half the time in communicating as such act like you have a chip on your shoulder taller than the great wall of China, a chip everyone and their mother wants to avoid.and because because because you'll more than likely attribute this to my now Christian hate mongering bible thumping insert whatever else you might want to throw at me, remember this post?  "god damn you Nocturnus, or wait that might not be appropriate to say to a christian "  I'll remind you that I'm not expecting you to live by my standards and that, for the most part, when it comes to me personally I act like half that nonsense is something you never said as it neither decorates you nor has to be half of who you are as a person.  So, that out of the way, champ, I simply advise, and yes, this is advice, that if you're serious about something, make sure you seriously discuss it and keep the tough dude attitude out of it; save it for the frat bros if you wana pull it out anywhere.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Your insults towards the family's of and religions people are not aapreciated either.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Hi.If people brakes the rules, they should simply be banned.@Lord Lundin: I don't hate you or anything like that, but you should really start to think about your attitude, how you keep insult people and why you constantly piss them off. For me and many other people, your attitude is like: You're talking like you speak on behave of all people instead of just your own opinion. When you throw out your opinions on something, it sounds like this is all peoples opinions. You are constantly calling people extremely bad words just everywhere where you go. On forums, in games etc. You are doing this to almost everyone who don't agree on your opinions, or at people who have newbie questions or don't undersand what you are saying. Your attitude is very dominating...Again, I don't hate you. I'm just writing what so many people are thinking and talking about.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Hi. I'm quite shocked to see Sam Tupy go down to this level and post this topic. So the developer starting drama about their own game. Nice one. Why can't you people just...ban someone and call it a day. Sorry to sound like someone we know lol, but just ban someone, and if they start drama, you banned them for a reason. Its funny, because when there were no admins on redspot, this shit didn't go on. Only Sam had the ability to ban people and that was that. Now, there's admins, and I see topics about redspot this admin shit, redspot admins that. Whatever, but still. my god


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cocoa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@Ivan if Sam or any person would want to talk about your past there would be no end, so honestly be a better developer and non-code stealer and we will have a talk. Sam knows better. It's true that such a post shouldn't be here but that's only cause Andreas wanted to be an admin, if you return to the fact all people would want to be admins even without knowledge but Andreas is damn, experienced. At the real side, Andreas is a cool person. And so is Sam.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

@samtupy1 OK so I ain't involved in this I don't play the game, but you gotta draw a hard line if you want to have a tight run ship. A, if Lundin broke the rule he should be punished just like anyone, intent aside, still he broke a rule. B, if you can't have staff coverage 24/7, then it is reasonable that players should have some sort of ability to moderate what's going on around there, maybe add a /report  for  type of command that an admin would see next time he or she logs in. If multiple people did this to a player, it would gain weight and be pushed to the top of the list, that way if someone was really acting like a retard, they would be at the top of the list. Of course this, like any other thing could be abused. But, that's why  the admin has the final decision on whether or not to take action, and in which form that action should consist of.OK, so redsopot, from my limited experience seems like a sort of
  lawless frontier, so you have to establish in terms anyone can understand where the boundaries are. Then you need trustworthy admins to enforce the rules fairly and equably. This means notifying if a change of policy occurs so people can read and be informed so they don't break it, admins who are level-headed and won't go off on people at the first little provocation. You need people who are gonna enforce the rules, and not back down, but are not complete dicks, especially if there is a misunderstanding where it is believable the other person could have made a mistake. They should be friendly and polite towards players and try to maintain a professional demeanorOh, and, I know this is gonna probably get me burned at the steak, but if yo uwant all the little jack asses to piss off, make the thing paid.And, if you want this to be a virtual 4Chan where insults are thrown around and such as that, its your choice, but then don't bitch when people take it to 
 the next level... you have to decide what you want for the game Anyway, that's my best advice.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cocoa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

I've been agreeing with Andreas as he was being insulted by some people even on the public side of the forum, and if I opined or agreed is that because I didn't see something wrong from him came to me. What I was doing, and I am still doing when I have free time or good net: (report the cheaters to a closest admin) which in case I'd greatly mention @God (AKA Q),  and he hasn't refused any report, ignored nor avoided. I hadn't an obvious reason why Andreas shouldn't be an admin, but let's say it raw: Andreas is more experienced than I, and that's because he has enough resources such as internet, and good computer, I have neither of them. I'm not Sam Tupy himself who developed the game so I really can't know whether Andreas has done a bad thing to the administration, I know about the spam thing but nothing more, and he got banned for that I guess. I sort of always team up with Sam, and usually I find Andr
 eas there, but I lately stopped commenting on Andreas wanting to be an admin, because I'm not a king who rules the kingdom and says what should be done, it's all up to Sam, he can set Andreas if he found a reason but well I think Andreas was impatient, and he has sensitivity just like me, so he could have done things such as spam or sort of that matter lets say not mindlessly, but unconsciously.I hope this won't involve Cocoa nor Satan'sSecretary into an inaccurate issue where proofs are kind of mysteriously viewed, I'll keep my job of reporting to Q, and if, you guys want me to be, I'll play solo if that's what would make you more finer.Andreas, is one of the people whom I can fully respect and cherish as a brother on the real side out of Redspot, because he has helped me with several things that I won't mention due to his allowing. Sam, Stoner, Q, Sito, Komodo, all my highest appreciation goes, to Andreas without an exclude
 . We guys shall keep our shameful topics away from the public forums, where anyone and everyone can see, even those who aren't interested in, and that would convert the topic from topic to drammatical fight. As I said, I didn't attend how it was between you guys, Sam, Andreas: So I can't comment and go further because I always count my steps and try to be a fair person.  If I didn't reply to the topic, there will probably something waiting for me from someone or anyone who can hate me after then.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

here are my two sense so far, more are sure to come as this topic grows.@sam I never claimbed that redspotwould descend into whatever, but I know, as I witnessed, that I temporarily got rid of a few cheaters and spammers who were inconveniencing everyone. Furthermore, I do not Believe that redspot, or it's players, have my back. I know quite a few don't, a lot hate me in fact because of what I do.We however did not get to establish what I meant by the core due to the nagging back and forth, and this is clear in our skype logs. I apologize for the confusion, but ask you to please not Think I am some sort of narcisistic fuckwit who Think the World surrounds me. I'm a narcisist alright, but I definitely know everyone doesn't agree with me. What I was refering to, at the time, was that I felt a significant portion of well established players trusted me as I wanted to take on the responsibilities of an admin, for the same reasons mentioned b
 elow.I can mention Lovrobo (Komodo on the game), Cocoa (Satan's secretary), Trevor and Mahmud, the one true ticket machine of hell now known as  lete police bot, and Marro (both on forum and game) who seem to agree with my stance on the matter, they shall be notified of this topic if they so wish to shime in.Sam, Hamada should have sent you a list of premade spam messages I copied and spammed to cheaters and spammers, and here is my conclution of how it worked out.A minor amount of these people, like 1 or 2, I got wrong and targetted the innocent.A few of them learned from their mistakes, apologized and never did it again (or not that I bore witness to anyway)Most of them temporarily logged off, which  made everyone relieved to be free of a temporary nusense, and so while even though we have limited options in dealing with the spammers and cheaters, we did not have to invoke them and could instead play the game normally, as intended.A few of them got even more mad and started to annoy everyone else, regretably. Admins eventually took care of them, but some of them, like Madi and of course Blackie until Sam pulled that Little trick of his, kept or in the case of Madi, keeps coming back.It also should be noted that I wasn't the only one enforcing this sort of punishment for cheaters, spammers and the like, but obviously I'm not going to mention any names because I don't want them to get the same punishment because I will furvently hold to the idea that if police, as you put it (admins) aren't around, self police to make the Community a better Place for those that want to enjoy it jjust like I do.Edit: just seeing this now afterwards, but my name is spelled L u n d i n and is not a reference to the capital of England.@assault_freak I personally aproved of the posting of the topic, and as long as it stays reasonable I don't see the harm.@cuddly it's a
 n fps, grow some skin. Other than mentioning that I insulted you (which Sam has said is a part of the fps himself), you gave no reason what so ever to while as I should stay banned. Please refrain from posting anything else unless you have something constructive to say since it is obvious you dislike me due to in-game issues (such as constant ownage by me heh)this is all for now folks, and I want to apologize to anyone who got targetted wrongly by my attempts to keep the serious and honest redspot Community free from people who wanted to disrupt the harmony we tried to enjoy in splattered brainage. I shall respond whenever I have time and there is enough content to respond to.Peace,Andreas.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

a few Quick notes Before I head to bed, and sorry for the double posting (possibly?)That recording, which was made by the player haapoo, AKA Kumar, I clearly remember now (I also have this stored  in a file from which the content Hamada should've sent you a copy). There wasn't a single rule in the rulebook he didn't break.I will ponder the morale decisions I have made tomorrow in a bigger reply but for anyone else who is Reading and want some facts as  to better frame their position on the morale issue of my actions, or for whatever reasons, there are your facts.I will also slightly update my first post in here so please check it in a Little bit, especially Sam.Official good night to everyone here, friend or foe 


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

I can't say much without Londons view.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

here are my two sense so far, more are sure to come as this topic grows.@sam I never claimbed that redspotwould descend into whatever, but I know, as I witnessed, that I temporarily got rid of a few cheaters and spammers who were inconveniencing everyone. Furthermore, I do not Believe that redspot, or it's players, have my back. I know quite a few don't, a lot hate me in fact because of what I do.I can mention Lovrobo (Komodo on the game), Cocoa (Satan's secretary), Trevor and Mahmud, and Marro (both on forum and game) who seem to agree with my stance on the matter, they shall be notified of this topic if they so wish to shime in.Sam, Hamada should have sent you a list of premade spam messages I copied and spammed to cheaters and spammers, and here is my conclution of how it worked out.A minor amount of these people, like 1 or 2, I got wrong and targetted the innocent.A few of them learned from their mistakes, apologized an
 d never did it again (or not that I bore witness to anyway)Most of them temporarily logged off, which  made everyone relieved to be free of a temporary nusense, and so while even though we have limited options in dealing with the spammers and cheaters, we did not have to invoke them and could instead play the game normally, as intended.A few of them got even more mad and started to annoy everyone else, regretably. Admins eventually took care of them, but some of them, like Madi and of course Blackie until Sam pulled that Little trick of his, kept or in the case of Madi, keeps coming back.It also should be noted that I wasn't the only one enforcing this sort of punishment for cheaters, spammers and the like, but obviously I'm not going to mention any names because I don't want them to get the same punishment because I will furvently hold to the idea that if police, as you put it (admins) aren't around, self police to make the Community a be
 tter Place for those that want to enjoy it jjust like I do.Edit: just seeing this now afterwards, but my name is spelled L u n d i n and is not a reference to the capital of England.@assault_freak I personally aproved of the posting of the topic, and as long as it stays reasonable I don't see the harm.@cuddly it's an fps, grow some skin. Other than mentioning that I insulted you (which Sam has said is a part of the fps himself), you gave no reason what so ever to while as I should stay banned. Please refrain from posting anything else unless you have something constructive to say since it is obvious you dislike me due to in-game issues (such as constant ownage by me heh)this is all for now folks, and I want to apologize to anyone who got targetted wrongly by my attempts to keep the serious and honest redspot Community free from people who wanted to disrupt the harmony we tried to enjoy in splattered brainage. I shall respond whenever I have time and there is enough content to respond to.Peace,Andreas.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cuddley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

yeah i think he should stay banned, if he spammed, he spammed. he broke a rule and so he should get what is coming. his little team used to call me stuff like scum bag and cunt.


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The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Hi everyone. So, this needs some serious clearing up. This is told with my point of view, Lord London has told me he will post him self. Basicly, for the past long while, Andreas has been telling me that there needs to be more admins on redspot. This I agreed with. Several times he has tried telling me that the hole world is on his side and that he leads the redspot core of players. He told me that my stupidity to not set him as admin would result in the games downfall because he knew the true core of redspot players. He never could tell me who these people, this whole world in his opinion, were. We have had many arguments in the passed, which sometimes ended in me agreeing with his points and beginning to work on it. However, aside from all the arguing, it came to my attension with this recording … ndreas.mp3 that he has been spamming peoples PM's with the excuse that they were cheating. Though this may be true, he still broke a rule him self by spamming them. Admins do what they can to ban cheaters. We don't pay attention to why someone broke a rule unless they got a speed hack or there net failed. So, understandably, I was pretty upset with andreas, for breaking rules him self. He did this after pounding me over and over to be an admin on the game him self. However, he continued using the excuse that he was trying to make the game fare for everyone and he even said that if it wasn't for him, that every cheater would still be here. This is not true. I understand and am working on the fact that there is a window of no admins, but it is not Andreas's position to begin spamming anyone he feels like saying they were cheating. He broke a rule, so I treated him like every other player who broke a rule. Here is a fraction of the redspot log that ensued after I listened to the recording. SamTupy is a developer of redspotgod: yeah now there's sam, let him har what you didAndreas: finally someone who's not trying to impersonatedeveloper SamTupy: sogod: nobody is trying to inpersonatedeveloper SamTupy: heard the recordingAndreas: rightAndreas: so, are you curious to know why he got such a treatmentdeveloper SamTupy: andrais, why the hell does it matter why you broke a rule, you brokeAndreas: noAndreas: Sam, tell me what the recording saysAndreas: so I can find itdeveloper SamTupy: it doesn't matter why you spammed, at all. Come on, you were bitching the other day cuz someone crashed your eloquenceAndreas: aha sam, so you'd rather have cheaters rome without any stop?Andreas: it's good to knowdeveloper SamTupy: you were spamming!Andreas: yes, and so were he maybe. I don't remember what he did unless you help me, but å perhaps if you did we could sort this outdeveloper SamTupy: duuude! Your the oddest person I ever saw. If you got spammed, you'd get pissed wouldn't you. Yeah, you would. Just like the person who crashed your eloquence. Andreas: because, Sam, tell me what are you supposed to do when no admins are on and cheaters want to ruin your fun?god: my point, sam, i tried telling him that. like i siad, he complains to me when others break rules when i'm not around, and then i came on as your name backwards and he didn't think it was me. i asked him to stop several times. i only came on that way cause i wanted to see if people were breaking the rules, which they were. so he didn't listen to me and the guy asked him to stop several times as well, he didn't. started being such a dick about it. then i changed my anme to this, and he still didn't believe me. he kicked me from the team after sayin i could ahve been abusing a team bugdeveloper SamTupy: Ill tell you what your not supposed to do, join in the fun and break rules your selfAndreas: no, answer my questiondeveloper SamTupy: I listened to the recordingAndreas: yes, do you know what this person did? Do you think he was innocent?developer SamTupy: so, how many other people have you PM spammedAndreas: a whole fucking lot because, no admins were around. Cheaters got what they deservedRedspot doesn't have an auto logging feature so I didn't get it all because the wrest was the same thing, however I will show more if you guys wish. Here is my question though. Did I have a right to do what I did? Was it fare that I banned andreas for breaking a rule on the game no matter his intention? Opinions appreciated.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

Not meaning to be a downer here, but we've seen plenty of this type of drama before... and the results have never been satisfactory for anyone. Why is this type of topic still allowed here? I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk, but this goes beyond game discussion and is bordering on being personal... it should be moved to the off-topic room at the least so we can keep this forum free of clutter.


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