Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

hi together, now I bought the I love smugglers bündle and all the smugglers 5 things since I like the smugglers series. I am very happy to read here that smugglers can be played well with NVDA, since this is my main Screen Reader at the Moment. But, unfortunately the link to the Podcast seems to be broken. I got an error message. Can i get the Podcast anyway? And another question: are there new sounds in the Invasion add on as well? Thank you very much. Best regards Niklas


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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hi Niclas. I dont know what error you but I checked the sendspace link for the podcast and it is still working. Whether it was a miner glitch with ss I dont know. Im glad smugglers works with nvda as well, sinse its a shame for people to miss out on the game. You just need to remember to use insert, nvda plus numbpad 7 to get to the trade window from the main screen. Regarding the game, to explain exactly what Invasion is. Invasion is not so much an addon as a hole other game that takes place after Smugglers 5 Secession, detailing another war. Invasion does! however have addons, the new Downloadable dlc packs and as I said in new releases, the new that has just come out today is awsome!


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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hi Niclas. I dont know what error you but I checked the sendspace link for the podcast and it is still working. Whether it was a miner glitch with ss I dont know. Im glad smugglers works with nvda as well, sinse its a shame for people to miss out on the game. You just need to remember to use insert, nvda plus numbpad 7 to get to the trade window from the main screen. Regarding the game, to explain exactly what Invasion is. Invasion is not so much an addon as a hole other game that takes place after Smugglers 5 Secession, detailing another war. Invasion does! however have addons, the new Downloadable dlc packs and as I said in new releases, the new that has just come out today is awsome!Btw, for more on nvda see this topic:


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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

hi dark.which trailer for sarah?it is that trailer with the magic wands shop of olivander?kamochek.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Yep, thats the one, olivanda was one of the parts I did for the game, though Phil messed around with the voice to make me sound older.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@Brad, the way crew works is quite simple once you get the idea. that minimum crew figure is the number of crew needed to fly your ship. If you have less than this number of crew you will fly very slowly. Crewmen and officers are what you need for this. Officers give various bonuses to boarding combat and to targeting your guns, up to a level of 10 officers, but more officers than this is wasting your time. What I usually did was get 10 officers, then fill up the rest of the required crew with crewmen. Marines and battledroids dont count towards the number needed to pilot your ship, they are there purely for boarding and why your ship can hold more crew than is needed to fly it. Battle droids are the key to winning lots of boarding actions, but those are quite hard to get hold of sinse you cant just hyer them, you either need to win them in boarding actions, find them in special encounters or have a very friendly governer sell them to you. Thi
 s actually quite amused me sinse my wifes father was the best source for most of the droids I used, I sort of wondered if at our wedding my wife had a train of battle droid bridesmaids clomping down the ile behind her :d. So with boarding, basically get the minimum level of crew or officers, then fill up with marines, and battle droids when you have them. As to pirates, well theyre the there for piracy! sinse I think if you play long enough as a pirate the other types of crew refuse to join you, you can only recruit them at pilot outposts, but I dont believe they fight as well as marines.Hope this makes sense. Btw, make sure you keep checking your and the enemys levels of crew in each part of the ship as you board it. The columns are the same as on the hyering screen. Particularly make sure to use the emp strike when you see battle droids. I unfortunately sort of abandoned my pirate game, sinse I was finding things frustrati
 ng and I suspec I need a new stratogy, indeed right now Im deep in the middle of dragon pass.@Camochek, Yes, I played the chief and several other characters in Airic the clerric, as well as Julius in tdv. Ive also recorded some parts for Sarah 1.2 (you can hear one of them in the trailer on the pcs games site). There are no other podcasts about Smugglers 5. Indeed part of the point as to why i recorded the podcast in the first place was to give people an idea of the game.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Got any tips for sucessful boarding? I only have 10 crew. the default 6 crew and some other officers. should I get pirates or marines?URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

hi dark.ive hared your british accent in this podcast.but, maybe there is smugllers 5 podcast by someone american and canadian, so that ill heare a diferent?and dark, i know your made the voice of the cheaf in airik the cleric.kamochek.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hi Dark,Thanks for audio tutorials, I dont have money to afford it though. but I listen to your audio tutorial, it is cool..URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Glad you like Socheat. S5 is a very awsome game, Id recommend it if you ever get the chance.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

well,, speaking about the tutorials, I really like your s3 tutorial... because you are so funny in that tutorial... :dURL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

well,, speaking about the tutorials, I really like your s3 tutorial. because you are so funny in that tutorial. URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

I am having trouble getting the skills I want. and I could have sworn I got the boarding skill? cant find it...playing as fleet officer. should I stay with my paladin ship?URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Boarding is rather tricky, you need to wait for the skill to come up, then the ship needs to be stunned or below %25 shields (sometimes both). Quite often i found myself getting a ship down to under %25 shields then waiting for boarding to crop up. Im actually amazed you got boarding so quickly while in a paladin ship, usually I have to wait a couple of upgrades before getting it.The way upgrading ships works, is each ship class is a new section of the game, you get new missions, sometimes new skills etc. So yes, definitely look at getting a destroyer class ship, then a cruser, then a battleship.As regards corvettes though, the paladin is actually pretty awsome! other p[ professions cant get one without actually boarding and capturing it, so stick with your paladin until your ready to buy the destroyer,  probably the pattern if I remember rightly.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hi, is there any way to use the game with the jaws cursor in a organised way? When I for example right click on a skill to see what it does and hit the close button, I cant see the missile or other important items in the combat screen.Does anyone use the game with the jaws cursor and give me some tricks for the game? In the podcast everything looked nice and sorted out. Can I get that with jaws to?URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

I know this might be a silly question, but Im playing through Invasion at the moment and wondered how does one get ships like the Jeteysburg which is federation only while playing as a member of that faction without getting criminal flagged?Same with the carrier.I just hope that I dont play through invasion and then find the original s5 not worth going back to as it has less content.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@Simba, unfortunately the problem is to do with Jaws not with S5sinse Jaws doesnt reocgnize the on screen columns the way Supernova, and I believe Nvda and window eyes do. If there is a way around this with jaws Ive never heard anyone mention it, indeed some people say they prefer playing Smugglers with nvda.@Dan C, there was a bit in the manual about Fleet officers being able to buy battleships from their own faction, but as Ive not played that far with an officer I cant confirm this, and certainly nobody can buy a carrier. In my recent bounty hunter game I just captured the Jalkath battleship and carrier, though if you know anything about how the British, French and Spanish navies used to operate around the time of napoleon thats actually quite appropriate. Alternatively, criminal flags arent actually anything to worry about, they just mean that for 100 days or so you cant land on planets and will have ships of
  your own faction trying to kill you. You can go to a pirate hide out and hit hide if you want to wait off the criminal flag, after which time it will be completely gone. The problem comes for pirates when you end up getting multiple criminal flags which will take ages to ware off, then again pirates get the street rules ability which lets them have a chance of landing on planets, and later they can buy amnisty to avoid the flag, though I admit im still just working out the stratogy for pirate (one thing is it involves a great deal of running away!), .URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: No, its free for me to make those links, because I have a ProPlus account. Its just the Pro account that has to pay extra. And the point is that if people dont have AdBlock installed, send space attempts to install several bits of spyware onto there computers, and personally I am really uncomfortable sending people links that risk infecting them with AdWare or worse. Even with Adblock you have to remember to uncheck the little checkbox, because if you dont you will get SpyWare. But if youre not blocking ads, it tries to make you download that automatically without even asking, as though that were the actual download.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hmmm, I actually have a pro plus account, Ill have to look at those options sinse I thought they were paid only. As regards the spyware, well to be honest that accellerator thing only comes upp occasionally and it does ask you to use. Either way this isnt really the place to discuss the merrits of sendspace.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: the link you gave out is not a pro link. I just logged out of my send space account to check, and got bombarded by the 2 bits of spyware sendspace tries to install, and got the slow download servers with the ads on the download page.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

It is a pro link, thats why it says pro in the link http address not file. You still get the add page, but the download is at normal speed even if you dont have an ss account, and the adds dont really matter sinse you can skip streight past them with either going to the click here to download link or hitting the submit button.I will admit the adds are something of a pest, but no more than youd see somewhere like google and a lot less than hotfile or some of the other file sharing services.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: No, pro links go directly to the file, with no ads or anything. Like this: pro links have /pro/dl in them, not just /pro. Log out of your sendspace account and compare that link with yours to see the difference both in lack of ads, and much faster server speed. If downloaders see the ads first, they are not getting the faster servers.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dark: No, pro links go directly to the file, with no ads or anything. Like this: pro links have /pro/dl in them, not just /pro. Log out of your sendspace account and compare that link with yours to see the difference both in lack of ads, and much faster server speed. If downloaders see the ads first, they are not getting the faster servers.Edit: I looked at the website, and it looks like they renamed what used to be called SendSpace Max to SendSpace Pro, and renamed SendSpace Pro to SendSpace ProPlus. If I understand it correctly, it is now only SendSpace ProPlus, for $20CAD a month, that can create the ad free direct links to the faster servers. The plan thats only $9 a month just bypasses the ads on other peoples links for you.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hi I got a question for the pirate profecion. When I play as a pirate? Is my faction even allied with me? So I mean can I when I am with the syndicate attack syndica trader ships whitout any risc?URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@Fastfinge, that is if you specifically pay for a direct pro link on your download for that specific file as opposed to the basic pro account links, standard pro links are just the same as normal file links accept that they dont have the download speed restrictions, though to be honest Ive never seen the point of paying an extra couple of quid just to save people from having to click a link or a button when Ive already subscribed for a pro account anyway. @Simber yes, pirates are independent faction but that doesnt stop any faction from getting annoyed with you and flagging you as criminal if you go and blow their ships up, including your own. Actually this is what makes pirate such a hard profession at the beginning of the game.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Also remember you dont have to double click on something to travel, you can always single click (you know youve clicked it sinse youll get the ping sound in game), and then click on travel to this location towards the bottom of the screen near the info and trade menus.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Also remember you dont have to double click on something to travel, you can always single click (you know youve clicked it sinse youll get the ping sound in game), and then click on travel to this location towards the bottom of the screen near the info and trade menus.I dont think the war takes as much winning in standard s5 sinse there are fewer systems in the game and your faction only has to control 16 of them. Indeed if I calculate correctly at the moment the Federation is controlling 26 out of 31 systems. One thing we have been told however is that the background stories adodn for S5 invasion will put more ships in the game which will be interesting, and Im guessing will expand the last part of the game. I have also now played through the Aftermath miniquest which was fun and gives a good luck at what is coming up next in the smugglers series, lets just say resistance is hopefully not futile :D.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Well its done! The Jalkath empire has fallen and humanity is victorious! I copied all the retirement screens into a text file just to have a reccord as Ive been playing this for several days and am pretty pleased with the results. Here is the write up but obviously its a spoiler if youve not played the game and retired. I can say my final score was 22473522CRetirement (1/6)Step 1: FortuneAt the time of your retirement you are left with a fortune of $67,561,472. This includes your credits ($60,894,806) and your own ship ($6,666,666).__ Score: $67,561,472 / 10 = 6,756,ContinueRetirement (2/6)Step 2: AgeYou retire at the age of 44. You have some good years still coming.__ Score: 6,756,147 + 35% = 9,120,ContinueStep 3: PromotionYou reached the rank of Admiral and were <br /
 >awarded: 12 campaign ribbon(s), the Silver Star, the Gold Star, the Medal of Honor.Score + 60% = 14,593,202ContinueRetirement (4/6)Step 4: FamilyYou have married a beautiful wife and had2 children with her. Congratulations!__ Score: 14,593,202+ 10% = 16,05ContinueRetirement (5/6)Step 5: Your own planet or empireFor your good services the government had granted you the ownership of the planet Sargoth in the Finis system. However you were too loyal (or foolish) enough to found your own pirate empire.__Score + 12% = 17,978,822ContinueRetirement (6/6)Step 6: WarCongratulations! You won the war for yourfaction! You will always be known as a legendary hero.__Score + 25% = 22,473,522ContinueRetirement...Your flawless glorius career
  and excellentconnections allow you to gain a leading seat in thenewly founded Galactic Senate.SenatorContinueURL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

nice going dark!the problem Im having though is that I can go over treasures, data or ghostships with screen review, but I cant even focus on them to activate them. . any ideas?URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Sinse Victorious and fastfinge have been able to click on the treasure with NVda, its probably not an Nvda conflict with the game, unless your doing something different to what others are doing and I dont know enough about how Nvda works to suggest. I do wonder if it is something with your particular settings? Can you move the mouse pointer directly with nvda? With supernova I can literally position the mouse pointer at the Dolphin curser position (handy for reading mouseover text that doesnt come up automatically).If Nvda has this function try positioning your curser on the word treasure, moving the mouse curser and then physically double clicking. If it doesnt work with the mouse then there might be something up with your display or something else on your screen that is interfering somehow.What is the resolution of your display set to? Ive sometimes had that caused lables in the wrong place and though I believe s5 should 
 auto detect on opening if your display size is set to something whacky it might be causing trouble. Normal resolutions are 800 x600, (what I have mine set to), or 1024 x768. Can you fly to pirate hideouts when you find their location? and have you ever run into any perminant planets or asteroids in the game you cant click on? This is a very crazy problem!URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Sinse Victorious and fastfinge have been able to click on the treasure with NVda, its probably not an Nvda conflict with the game, unless your doing something different to what others are doing and I dont know enough about how Nvda works to suggest. I do wonder if it is something with your particular settings? Can you move the mouse pointer directly with nvda? With supernova I can literally position the mouse pointer at the Dolphin curser position (handy for reading mouseover text that doesnt come up automatically).If Nvda has this function try positioning your curser on the word treasure, moving the mouse curser and then physically double clicking. If it doesnt work with the mouse then there might be something up with your display or something else on your screen that is interfering somehow.What is the resolution of your display set to? Ive sometimes had that caused lables in the wrong place and though I believe s5 should 
 auto detect on opening if your display size is set to something whacky it might be causing trouble. Normal resolutions are 800 x600, (what I have mine set to), or 1024 x768. Can you fly to pirate hideouts when you find their location? and have you ever run into any perminant planets or asteroids in the game you cant click on? This is a very crazy problem!I hope you get sorted enough with the game to play it though sinse it really is awsome! Im now considdering trying a pirate just for the different experience.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Sorry for the doube post but...Success! apparently changing the screen resolution solved the problem. Dont know why mine was 1800+, but now its down to the lowest as you recommended Dark, and Im able to get to them no problem.Thanks for helping me work through this problem, as now I dont have to mail an unnecessary bug report.Im having some admiral Thrawn urges now, so off I gooo!URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Ill have a look at hideouts and the like, but so far Im having no issues in any other screen except this one.Its certainly a strange problem, which makes me think there might be a setting that Im not aware of or something I need to change as you said. Now theyre just appearing everywhere, tormenting me. URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hurrah! Im glad that worked. I remember having a similar problem myself in the past with one program which turned out to be caused by having too high resolution. If your display was set up that high that certainly explains why nvda was having trouble in the game, heck other parts of the display might have been wangled too. Hmmm, Bryan P was complaining about Window eyes missing out text when in mouse review mode, I wonder if that is a symptom of the same problem?Have fun with the game. Right now im really! tempted to try my own pirate empire, though Id also like to see what war is like from the Jalkath perspective.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

I love the music for invasion. Though I do wish there was another track or two in the games, but thats hardly a real conplaint.Though sadly with this lower resolution the screen is now more cluttered. Ah well, at least it works. Playing around in the original 5 now, will be interesting to see what the differences in invasion are when I get around to playing it.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

I usually have the music off these days, so all I get are the little stings when good events happen. Im trying a pirate in invasion but its quite tuff with getting constant criminal flags before I have the required skills, that being said combat is very different particularly against traders where its litterally hit and run, and when your hunted down by a stronger ship and needing to use flee to escape.The other thing that makes pirate slightly harder is you dont get the military meddles and easy skills from them either, so no instant skill boost when you take out your first corvette.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hi allIs it recommended to start out with original five for story purposes? Invasion looks pretty cool and some access seem to be improved from what Ive heard and I think Im finally getting the hang of NVDA screen review.Also Dark, if you want, I can put this podcast review up on my site so that it wont have to be downloaded off of slow Sendspace servers and also make it available as a podcast to play online on my site as part of my podcast, since my podcast is generally gaming stuff anyway. Figured Id get your permition first though.Thanks.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

What slow sendspace servers? The above is a sendsspace pro link, so downloads at normal speed even if you dont have a sendspace account, given that I dont particularly see need for more hosting but if you want to redistribute the file fair enough.As to access, there isnt anything to choose between standard smugglers 5 and s5 invasion, the interface is entirely the same, indeed its largely the same as s4 accept for several miner access tweaks such as a far less confusing skill tree.Original s5 does take place in the storyline before invasion, and is imho an easier game which is why i did my podcast on it. That being said Invasion does have some extremely awsome new stuff like the Carrier ships which you can capture after getting a battle ship which can launche bombers to attack the enemy, as well as some very fun skills not in s5 like the duelist skill that lets you deactivate one of your opponents skills, and of course all the new Jalkat
 h ships, though also a lot of the old syndicate, outer rim and coalition ships arent around anymore in s5 invasion either.S5 invasion is also due to have more content in terms of miniquests and I believe ships produced for it later. The first dlc (download content), pack was a short miniquest which gives an idea of where the smugglers story is going, and theres another, far more extensive one due out this month which Ive got on preorder. so its up to you. Id suggest starting with standard s5 while you get used to things, but eventually youll likely want both games.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Ive certainly noticed that, whenever I start to get tired, I have to stop myself from playing else Ill get blown up several times. Last time I tried smugglers a couple months back there were some access issues which I did email the dev about, so Ill download the newest version while doing the same with your podcast Dark and see if the issues are resolved.I sure hope so as Ive missed being able to play this one.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Well some of the access with nvda is more down to weerd Nvda commands than anything else, for example to switch to the trade window and indeed the tutorial window you need to apparently use nvda insert and numbpad 7 which is just crzy! I havent noticed any access fixes in smugglers 5 generally other than the skill tree making a bit more sense, and lots of those annoying freezing bugs being fixed. Id highly recommend the game though if you can get around to playing it. Right now Ive just captured an enemy carrier, which is a massive super battleship which even has the ability to launch bombers and escort fighters as well as packing massive damage. I didnt think Id be able to capture it as I only had 15 battle droids in my crew, but after lots of incidents with my standard battle ship going boom, I new I needed something bigger so gave it a try. Hopefully this should end the war once and for all.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

This is in invasion, right?Ive tried both again, and its all perfectly doable again, however I still cant seem to travel to treasures. Ah well, guess Ill just make do without free money. Great casting of the pod by the way as always. Loving the new combat system. ahah! youve activated my trap card!URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hmmm, well the treasures thing is weerd, Ive not had any issues with that at all, either in invasion or standard s5. Ill do a couple of experiments and see if I can find what exactly you need to click on. Now prepare to lose lots of time .there. Up and down buttons also work.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

that they do.however they do seem to disappear at times which is strange.Ive tried pressing every part of the word treasure, lifepod and so on, but no luck. I cant even focus on it for some reason, either with Jaws or NVDA.Other than that though, the game is perfectly doable, in fact while Jaws has improved, NVDA does a far better job of separating out information. Ah well, free money or no free money, right now my time will be disappearing very, very quickly.Im particularly looking forward to having a pirate empire somewhere down the line, for right now Ive got me a fleet officer on original s5.Though Invasion looks super tempting right now.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

@dan_c: How are you clicking? I have troubles if I rout the mouse to the word treasure with NVDA+slash and then left click, but if I use NVDA+enter, it works fine.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

to be honest I think Ive tried both? though if its working for you Im guessing not.I usually use nvda + whatever the click button is to rout it but theres no focus there.same if I just go over the word and hit NVDA + enter, says activate but nothing happens. might be doing it wrong though.I dontget why that works for planets and not treasure/other stuff on the map.Hope this can be sorted though, as that money can be extremely useful!URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

I use NVDAs screen review to move to the treasure, then do a double NVDA + enter to get to it. It worked fine for me.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Hi.[[wow]], nice man. Ill give this a listen for sure. Comments will follow.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fastfinge via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Downloading. Thanks!URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Thanks dark, downloading now.URL:

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Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

2014-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Podcast on Smugglers 5

Well I hope people enjoyed the podcast. I must admit Im getting very addicted to smugglers 5 invasion, its currently just after four in the morning and Im engaged in trying to get a battleship! which is quite an involved process, but well worth it, or at least I hope so. Its actually harder than in s4 (not sure about S5 secession sinse I never got that far in the game), but I think Ive nearly got enough battle droids, now its just a matter of getting around the battle ship itself!S5 is certainly a game that gets more interest as it goes on, heck sinse battles take your mental attention even the grindy parts of the game you cant just zone out for.URL:

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