Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula disk to tape config

2011-09-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Tue, 27 Sep 2011, René Moser wrote:

> Okay, it is not _really_ during day it is more like backups over night
> to disk and backup to tape should be finished in the morning. But this
> is just a detail. We did not have (yet) really (big) problems about
> consistency. But as you say these systems are live systems and if a we
> hit a bad timing, that is always a problem.

I'm not sure how your timings work out, but spooling might give you a
shorter overall backup window -- so the tapes would free up quicker, which
might allow you to run the entire process outside of work hours.  It's
difficult to tell from here though.

> This may be a limitation of the current backup software in use. It may
> be faster this way (we are using a tape changer). 
> We also have had troubles with some tape drives and this way (backup
> first to disk) was an advantage so the backup was already on disk and we
> just had to fix the tape changer and backup the disk volume to tape.

Not having extensively used tapes and spooling, I can't say if this will be
workable here.  You'd need to test.

> I am really open do to it the "bacula way" if there is a better
> workflow. 

I guess you'll need to do some testing and see what works best for you.  It
sounds somewhat promising anyway.

> > 3. Do you use Incremental backups at present or full backups each day?
> Actually mostly differentials.

Might incrementals be quicker in terms of limiting load on the live server?

Another feature you might consider is the ability to run Virtual Full
backups to consolidate an old full backup and subsequent incremental or
differential backups into a new full backup.  We do this using disk-based
backups, but I'm not sure it will be so practical on tapes.  You need to
have two devices too, one to read from and one to write to which you may
not have.  


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula disk to tape config

2011-09-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Tue, 27 Sep 2011, René Moser wrote:

> On Tue, 2011-09-27 at 16:51 +0100, Gavin McCullagh wrote: 
> > 2. It is apparently not possible to backup all 100 hosts straight to
> >tape, so you write them to disk first.  Why is that?  It sounds like
> >you're manually doing "Spooling", which Bacula has transparent support
> >for.  You could, in Bacula, set up a single job which copied the backup
> >data to disk first and then as that continues, spool them out to tape.
> Do you have an example, how the spooling like you described can be
> implemented?

We're only starting to use tapes ourselves now, so this is somewhat
theoretical still for me.  However, this is where the documentation is and
I'm pretty sure it's used by a good number of people who use tapes and the
feature has been in Bacula for a long time:


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula disk to tape config

2011-09-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Tue, 27 Sep 2011, René Moser wrote:

> We are currently using a proprietary backup solution, and we evaluation
> bacula to replace it. 
> We have some >100 hosts to backup up. The current "work flow" is like: 
> 1. backup server backups host files over working time to a disk volume
> on backup server.
> 2. During night, the disk volume is written to tape, verified, and the
> disk volume will be purged.
> The catalogue "knows" afterwards that the files have to be restored from
> tapes and no longer exists on disk volume.
> So during working day, the tape drive is accessible and we are able to
> restore files form the tapes.
> How can does be done with bacula? 

It sounds like what you're looking for could be implemented as:

1. A normal Full/Differential/Incremental job to a disk-based storage
   device to happen during the day.
2. A Migrate job to tape from disk to happen during the night.

It is important to note in the above that at present the disk-based storage
device and the tape device must be on the same Storage Daemon for the
Migrate to work.  This should achieve moreorless what you're looking for I
think (though I must say that I haven't used migrate jobs personally).

To be honest though, the above work-flow raises a lot of questions for me:

1. You're doing backups of your live servers _during_ working hours.  This
   is the opposite of what most people ordinarily do.  Does this not create
   load on the already busy servers?  Are the backups you get always in a
   consistent state?

2. It is apparently not possible to backup all 100 hosts straight to
   tape, so you write them to disk first.  Why is that?  It sounds like
   you're manually doing "Spooling", which Bacula has transparent support
   for.  You could, in Bacula, set up a single job which copied the backup
   data to disk first and then as that continues, spool them out to tape.
   This would need mean the two jobs happening at the same time, so you'd
   have to do it at night -- or else the tape drives would not be available
   during the day for restores.

3. Do you use Incremental backups at present or full backups each day?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] long-term archival of tapes -- growth of the catalog

2011-09-22 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 22 Sep 2011, Ben Walton wrote:

> Not sure if this would work for you (especially as it requires some up
> front choices) but this is what I'm looking at here.  I did some small
> tests with it and it seemed to work fine.
> Each host has a dedicated storage pool and storage device (I'm using
> all disk-based presently) with each pool/storage combo being an
> individual directory (/backups/pool/$hostname).  Each pool has a
> hostname-based media type.

That's pretty much what we do already.

> To move backups between SD's, I simply rsync'd the current set of
> volumes to the new SD and modified the host settings for the SD (and
> updated the path to the storage as appropriate in the device
> settings).

I wouldn't be so keen on that bit.  This will be happening on a regular
basis and on a schedule, so I'd really rather not have to modify the
running config.

If we were talking about tapes here, it doesn't seem crazy for Volume-X in
Pool-X which is normally seen in Device-X on SD-X to be placed in Device-Y
on SD-Y.  So what I'm wondering is, if I create an extra device definition
on the other SD which looks at the same volumes via an NFS mount, would
that be just like me moving a tape from one drive to another and would that
do the job.  

I would then specify the special DeviceY in my scheduled COPY job the
volume would be available on the same SD as the tape drive.

This is untested and I may be missing something here though, this entire
idea may be unworkable.  If it is unworkable, I'd love someone to point
that out :-) It would probably be a good idea to enable spooling, given
that the job is going to be read over the network.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] long-term archival of tapes -- growth of the catalog

2011-09-22 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Dan Langille wrote:

> > Do other people do this?
> I do Copy to tape.  Be aware: your tape drive must be on the same SD as
> your disk storage.  Copy and migrate jobs can involve only one SD.  You
> cannot copy/migrate from one SD to another.

Gah.  I had forgotten that, thanks.  That limitation is okay for about 80%
of our backups, but there is a second SD currently holding about 20% (and
ideally we planned it to take a greater share).

Is there any sign of development on shifting data between SDs?  I know we
had a conversation on this list about it about 18 months ago and there was
some interest and even some sponsorship.

In the meantime, has anyone got any sensible workaround?  I guess we could
run all backups to one SD but have it NFS mount some of its disk-based
volumes, but this would double the network traffic during a backup so I'm
not so keen on that.

Maybe we could leave backups as normal but just use an NFS mount and a
dedicated device during the COPY job so that the SD with the tape drive
also had the disks on a local device?

Thanks for any suggestions


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore performance

2011-09-21 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Erik P. Olsen wrote:

> I forgot to mention that my problem is with building the file tree. So 
> converting to postresql may be the best thing to do.
> Will the following scenario work?
> 1. Backup the catalogue
> 2. Remove mysql database
> 3. Build postresql database
> 4. Restore the catalogue
> Or is there more to it than this?

There is more to it than that.  You need to stop bacula, dump the mysql
database, load it into postgresql, install the postgresql version of
bacula-sd and bacula-dir and get that up and running.  If your database is
large this may take some time.

It's not entirely trivial to load a mysql dump into postgresql though.


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore performance

2011-09-21 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Marcio Merlone wrote:

> Em 21-09-2011 10:29, Gavin McCullagh escreveu:
> >A 150GB database.  That's pretty large.  How many clients have you?
> About a dozen clients - some inactive but still with valid backup -
> File Retention = 6 months, Job Retention = 1 year. Most clients have
> few or no changes, but my storage server has 2,825,101 files on a
> full backup and almost 100.000 on an incremental.

It's definitely the database that is 150GB, yeah?  We have 40 clients, some
of which have 5 million files and similar retention times, but our database
is 11GB.

> >Which database are you using (MySQL, Postgresql)?
> MySQL.


> >If you haven't seen it
> >already, this might be useful:
> >
> >
> Yes, I was there when you mail arrived. It made think about going to
> Postgres. Is there any upgrade path or helper to go from mysql to
> postgres? I am now optimizing File table and will then run dbcheck.

Check that you have the right indexes (and no extra ones).  The removal of
a couple of wrong indexes made a massive difference for us.

Bacula does seem to be better optimised toward Postgresql, but I'm not
convinced you can't get MySQL to work.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore performance

2011-09-21 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Marcio Merlone wrote:

> Em 21-09-2011 09:29, Gavin McCullagh escreveu:
> >On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> >>I am running a very smooth bacula 5.0.3 on Fedora 14. Everything seems to 
> >>be OK
> >>except restores which are incredibly slow. How can I debug it to see what's 
> >>wrong?
> >  - building the file tree for selection
> +1 on this.
> I am running bacula 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 on a Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS server.
> Database is about 150GB big and any restore takes 2 or 3 minutes to
> build the tree.

A 150GB database.  That's pretty large.  How many clients have you?

Which database are you using (MySQL, Postgresql)?  If you haven't seen it
already, this might be useful:


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore performance

2011-09-21 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> > I am running a very smooth bacula 5.0.3 on Fedora 14. Everything seems to 
> > be OK 
> > except restores which are incredibly slow. How can I debug it to see what's 
> > wrong?
> Start off by telling us what part of the restore process is slow:
>  - building the file tree for selection
>  - the actual restore of files to disk
>  - something else

A few minutes after replying I noticed that you asked this in more detail
back in February and said that building the tree was the slow part.

I have suffered similar problems with MySQL explored in the thread linked
below.  By logging slow queries I managed to identify a single query which
was the primary cause.

Then a couple of months ago I noticed a new detail in the wiki about
_removing_ bogus indexes.  It turns out that by adding extra indexes you
can slow down MySQL SELECT queries (I think someone said it doesn't always
choose the optimal/correct index).

It would be worth taking a look at that.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore performance

2011-09-21 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Erik P. Olsen wrote:

> I am running a very smooth bacula 5.0.3 on Fedora 14. Everything seems to be 
> OK 
> except restores which are incredibly slow. How can I debug it to see what's 
> wrong?

Start off by telling us what part of the restore process is slow:

 - building the file tree for selection
 - the actual restore of files to disk
 - something else


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[Bacula-users] long-term archival of tapes -- growth of the catalog

2011-09-21 Thread Gavin McCullagh

we've been happily using Bacula now for a few years, with a couple of big
disk arrays as the storage devices/media.  We use something along the lines
of what the manual documents for fully automated disk-based backups.  This
has worked well and is really quick and convenient for doing restores from.
It's expensive in hard disks though and none of the data is offline so a
particularly nasty online incident might take out the backups as well as
the live data.

Our plan now is to add a Dell LTO5 drive in and start using a COPY job once
per month.  Almost everything gets a monthly Full backup to disk, so we'll
then copy those jobs to tape and move them off-site.  A couple of tapes
will be retired from the pool each year and will be stored moreorless

Do other people do this?  If so, how do you deal with pruning?  Do you just
let the database grow over time or do you let the data get pruned and use
bscan or other low-level volume tools to read them if necessary?  Is there
another approach I'm missing?


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Re: [Bacula-users] My backup schedule overlaps. Can it be fixed?

2011-09-06 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Tue, 06 Sep 2011, Dan Schaefer wrote:

> This certainly will fix my problem. All my backups are in fact 
> disk-based and I have a separate process backing up to tapes (not 
> Bacula, atm). I like the idea of the virtual full option, because my 
> full backups usually take longer than I would like. Keeping the full 
> backup processing on the director will help out a lot, because the 
> backups are of the live servers and the diffs and incs will all finish 
> "after hours". I will try this VirtualFull option and report back.

This page is worth a look then

What I tend to do is along the lines of:

1. Enable the accurate option on the backup job.
2. Create two pools for full backups.
3. Create two disk-based storage devices in bacula-sd.conf, both pointed at
   the same directory.  You will read from one while writing to the other.
4. Define both Storage devices in bacula-dir.
5. Define two pools (P1, P2) for Full backups.  On each, set NextPool to be
   the other full pool.
6. Create two schedule entries
 Run = Level=VirtualFull Pool="P1" on 1  at 5:05 
 Run = Level=VirtualFull Pool="P2" on 16 at 5:05 

This will switch back and forth between writing from P1 to P2 and P2 to P1.

This is how I got it to work and seems to work well.  It's possible there's
a better way though, as it always seems a bit messy to have multiple pools
and devices.  On the other hand, if this were tapes, two devices would
obviously be required.  I'm less sure if you can get away with one pool
though, with itself as NextPool.

Any corrections or improvements to the above would be most welcome.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] My backup schedule overlaps. Can it be fixed?

2011-09-06 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 01 Sep 2011, Eric Pratt wrote:

> The incremental will run, but it shouldn't back anything up if nothing
> changed since the last time the job ran.  When it runs, it looks to
> see if anything changed and if not, exits with OK. There is no
> redundancy there.  Check the byte count of the job or list the files
> backed up by the job to see if it actually moved anything.  If the
> byte count is 0 and/or there are no files in it, then it's working
> exactly as you expect.

This should be right, assuming your data isn't changing much around the
time of the backups.

If you absolutely must only run the one live backup per day, you could
consider turning on the "accurate" backup option and using something more

   Run = Level=VirtualFull Pool="Full-Pool Developer-PC" on 1,16 at 5:05
   Run = Level=Differential Pool="Diff-Pool Developer-PC" sun at 0:15
   Run = Level=Incremental Pool="Inc-Pool Developer-PC" mon-sat at 0:15 

This will run live differential and incremental backups on the days you
specify , but rather than running a Full backup on the live data, it uses
the existing backup data to consolidate the last full backup and the recent
differentials and incrementals into a new Full backup.  As the live server
isn't involved, you can probably be flexible about what time that happens.
This also reduces the load and backup window on the live server in most

This should be pretty much equivalent to running a full backup at 0:15 on
the 1st and 16th.

This is pretty easy to do with disk-based backups, but you may need to
think a little if you're using tapes, to make sure all of the right tapes
are available.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] removing indexes on File table

2011-08-02 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Tue, 02 Aug 2011, Annette Jaekel wrote:

> Thats amazing, because I searched for reasons of bad performance in the
> last days both for backup (18 hours for a full of 300 GB with 5 million
> files) 

It seems unlikely that adding an index would noticeably improve backup
performance, as that is mostly an INSERT/UPDATE heavy procedure (with the
possible exception of accurate backups) and indexes generally slow those
jobs down.

A full backup job is made up of a few different steps.  In the main, it's
"sending the data from FD to SD" followed by "adding all of the metadata to
the catalog".  If you can work out how long each part takes (maybe look at
the timestamp on the volume if it's a file volume), you may be able to
better see which is the slow bit.  Optimising the database won't help if
the time is all spent on sending data.

It might help to create a test job with a smaller fileset which takes a
short time but gives the same rate so you can test quickly.

It sounds like the rate you're getting overall is about 37Mbit/sec.  A
few things to check.

 - Disk access -- is there anything preventing the FD from serving the data
   faster than this.  Fragmented filesystem, slow disks, low on memory, ...
   An incremental or differential is a bit complex, but you say it's a full
   backup, so it should be able to pull the data reasonably quickly.

 - Check the CPU load, I/O load, memory usage and network bandwidth during
   a backup on the FD and SD.

 - Software compression or encryption -- if you have either on, the FD's
   cpu might become a bottleneck.  Try turning them off as an experiment.

 - Network bandwidth -- use iperf to test a TCP connection from FD->SD and
   make sure the network is capable of taking the speed you expect.  Is the
   entire network path 100Mbit/sec full duplex or better?  Is it busy?

> and in restores (building the corresponding file tree from my postgres
> database take more than 10 minutes). One of the first hint I found was to
> create these indicies you just remove. So I create them, but without any
> influence corresponding to the performance.
> Can anyone tell me: Should these indicies (PathID, FilenameID) be
> advantageous for the database accesses or not? Or is this depending from
> database package (mysql, postgres)?

I wouldn't have expected that adding an index would ever slow down a query,
but it seems that with MySQL this isn't always the case and it's clear here
that the select query is faster with those indexes removed.  Bacula does
seem to be better optimised for Postgresql.

It would be worthwhile to check that your database has been tuned at least
away from the bare defaults.  In the case of MySQL, you can use this:

the key_buffer seems to be one of the most important parameters.

There are lots of howtos around for Postgresql too.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] removing indexes on File table

2011-08-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 01 Aug 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> It looks to me like I should remove the indexes "PathId" and "FilenameID",
> leaving the PRIMARY, JobId and jobid_index.  Does that seem correct?

Oooh.  I think I'm close to shouting Eureka.  Having dropped those indexes
(indices?), the same restore now takes about 6-7 minutes to build a tree of
6 million files instead of 25 minutes and more.  A 1 million file tree
takes under 2 minutes.  This leaves me a little slower than the graph on
the wiki page, but it's manageable nonetheless and is in the same ball park. 

The MYI file for that database has dropped from 4.1GB to 2.8GB. 

gavinmc@cuimhne:~$ sudo ls -lh /var/lib/mysql/bacula/File.MYI 
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 6.7G 2011-08-01 15:50 /var/lib/mysql/bacula/File.MYD
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 2.8G 2011-08-01 15:59 /var/lib/mysql/bacula/File.MYI

It looks like my day is made.  Sincere thanks to mnalis who appears to have put
that entry into the FAQ and to Eric and the others who worked on researching
this :-)


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] removing indexes on File table

2011-08-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh


I've reported before that we've had very slow restores, due to the time taken
to build the file tree for the console -- which is about 20+ minutes.

I've been looking at this again, particularly at a bug that had some
interesting debugging and at the FAQ page.

I don't recall seeing this detail before, but there is a suggestion to
removing additional indexes.  These are the indexes on our File table.

mysql> show indexes FROM  File;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name| Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | 
Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| File  |  0 | PRIMARY |1 | FileId  | A |   
 64154092 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | PathId  |1 | PathId  | A |   
   812077 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | FilenameId  |1 | FilenameId  | A |   
  2673087 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | FilenameId  |2 | PathId  | A |   
 12830818 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | JobId   |1 | JobId   | A |   
 1484 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | JobId   |2 | PathId  | A |   
  3207704 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | JobId   |3 | FilenameId  | A |   
 64154092 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | jobid_index |1 | JobId   | A |   
 1484 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

It looks to me like I should remove the indexes "PathId" and "FilenameID",
leaving the PRIMARY, JobId and jobid_index.  Does that seem correct?


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Re: [Bacula-users] possible memory leak in bacula/ubuntu/64-bit

2011-07-13 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Tue, 12 Jul 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> I stopped the file daemon, started it again and its memory usage fell quite
> dramatically.  Initially it looked like this:
> 12768 root  20   0 66512  1616   632 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 
> /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
> 12769 root  20   0 66512  1616   632 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 
> /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
> Some minutes later:
> 12768 root  20   0 74708  1856   860 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.01 
> /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf 
> 12769 root  20   0 74708  1856   860 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 
> /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
> where it seems pretty stable.

One day (and one backup) later:

12768 root  20   0 91800  2948  1260 S  0.0  0.1  0:00.09 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf   
12769 root  20   0 91800  2948  1260 S  0.0  0.1  0:00.03 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] possible memory leak in bacula/ubuntu/64-bit

2011-07-12 Thread Gavin McCullagh

I was looking at the output of htop today and noticed that the bacula-fd
process, although entirely idle was the highest memory process on the

The output was:

 3949 root  20   0  219M 63296   936 S  0.0  1.5  0:01.61 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
 3952 root  20   0  219M 63296   936 S  0.0  1.5  0:00.81 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf

I stopped the file daemon, started it again and its memory usage fell quite
dramatically.  Initially it looked like this:

12768 root  20   0 66512  1616   632 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
12769 root  20   0 66512  1616   632 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf

Some minutes later:

12768 root  20   0 74708  1856   860 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.01 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf   
12769 root  20   0 74708  1856   860 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 
/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf

where it seems pretty stable.

The server (and therefore bacula-fd process) had been up a couple of weeks and
has daily incrementals, weekly differentials and monthly full backups scheduled
with the accurate option on and compression and encryption off.  A full backup
is just shy of 500GB.  The FD listens on both IPv4 and IPv6 and the backups
generally happen over IPv6.

Any thoughts?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating form mysql to postgresql: Duplicate filename entries?

2011-06-29 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, Martin Simmons wrote:

> These duplicates in the File table are probably generated by the batch insert
> code.  Since each pair has the same FileIndex, it should be safe to elide them
> them.

Fair enough, thanks.

> > so perhaps this is safe enough.  Does anyone know how these duplicates may
> > have arisen and what the best way to proceed is?
> It is probably safe the remove the duplicates.
> It isn't clear how the original duplicates in the Filename arose though, but
> possibly you had table corruption at some point?  Was this database created by
> an old version of Bacula?

The database was originally made in Ubuntu Hardy which was v2.x as I recall
now.  We then upgraded to v3 (ubuntu packages built using the debian
package git archive as we needed volume shadow copy support under Win64)
and since then moved to v5 using the Lucid packages.

So, yes, made by old versions.  Am I missing a constraint I should have?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Client / laptop backups

2011-06-28 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Tue, 28 Jun 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> We do this in a somewhat manual way.  The client computer has a bconsole
> configured.  When the laptop owner wants a backup, they start bconsole,
> then type "run", "yes", "quit.  They then get a
> confirmation email when the backup completes.

I should probably spell out exactly what we do:

 - configure a console on the director specifically for that laptop
 - configure a corresponding bconsole on the laptop
 - create ACLs for that console to access only the job, pool, devices, etc.
   that relate to it
 - set the default backup to incremental for that job (assuming that's what
   you want) so that's what runs immediately
 - configure a monthly virtual full backup to consolidate the incrementals
   into a new full backup and allow you to rotate the volumes
 - configure a dedicated messages entry on the director for this job so
   that the user gets a copy of the backup confirmation

This has worked really well for us.  It would be nice of course if a backup
could magically start on plugin, but then if the user unplugs shortly
afterward, you get a broken backup so we kind of feel that the owner
deciding to run a backup is not a bad thing.

A nice GUI console client for Windows would perhaps be an improvement but
the console commands are so simple that it's easy enough to just write
these steps up.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Client / laptop backups

2011-06-28 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Tue, 28 Jun 2011, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:

> We're using Bacula for some backups with three SDs so far, and I wonder
> if it's possible somehow to allow for client / laptop backups in a good
> manner. As far as I can see, this will need to either be
> client-initiated, client saying "I'm alive!" or something, or having a
> polling process running to check if the client's online for a given
> period of time.
> Is something like this possible or in the works, or is Bacula intended
> only for server backups?

We do this in a somewhat manual way.  The client computer has a bconsole
configured.  When the laptop owner wants a backup, they start bconsole,
then type "run", "yes", "quit.  They then get a
confirmation email when the backup completes.


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Migrating form mysql to postgresql: Duplicate filename entries?

2011-06-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh

I've been experimenting with a migration from MySQL to Postgres.

One problem I've come across is that there are a handful of duplicate files
in the Filename table 

mysql> select count(*) as filecount, from Filename  GROUP BY 
Filename.Name ORDER BY filecount DESC LIMIT 30;
| filecount | name  |
| 2 | 0 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 2 | tt172.16.17.36-www_gmail_com.html |

mysql> select * from Filename WHERE name IN 
| FilenameId | Name  |
|   9247 | 0 |
| 101380 | 0 |
|   9248 | 1 |
| 101381 | 1 |
|   9249 | 2 |
| 101382 | 2 |
| 575752 | tt172.16.17.36-www_gmail_com.html |
| 625369 | tt172.16.17.36-www_gmail_com.html |

and there doesn't appear to be any constraint preventing this.

mysql> describe Filename;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| FilenameId | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| Name   | blob | NO   | MUL | NULL||
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table Filename;
| Filename | CREATE TABLE `Filename` (
  `FilenameId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Name` blob NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`FilenameId`),
  KEY `Name` (`Name`(255))

However, the postgresql table does have this constraint and complains when
I try to insert the data.

bacula=# COPY Filename FROM '/var/tmp/bacula-backup/Filename.txt';
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "filename_name_idx"
CONTEXT:  COPY filename, line 101380: "101380   0"

I could of course prune four duplicate lines from the data before
inserting, but I'm afraid of the possible effect on a future restore.

It appears there are duplicate entries in the File database for each time there
is a duplicate in the Filename table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM File WHERE FilenameId IN (select FilenameId from Filename 
WHERE name IN ('0','1','2','tt172.16.17.36-www_gmail_com.html')) ;
| FileId| FileIndex | JobId | PathId  | FilenameId | MarkId | LStat 
| MD5|
| 245079464 |207178 | 13471 |3870 |   9249 |  0 | gB iwKO IGk B 
Po Po A Hg BAA I BNTy22 BKRzfV BKR4jB A A E | R13Gb8BoM3TpapoeZW0FVQ |
| 245079465 |207178 | 13471 |3870 | 101382 |  0 | gB iwKO IGk B 
Po Po A Hg BAA I BNTy22 BKRzfV BKR4jB A A E | R13Gb8BoM3TpapoeZW0FVQ |
| 215364675 |173643 | 11277 |3870 |   9249 |  0 | gB iwKO IGk B 
Po Po A Hg BAA I BM/DvL BKRzfV BKR4jB A A E | R13Gb8BoM3TpapoeZW0FVQ |
| 215364676 |173643 | 11277 |3870 | 101382 |  0 | gB iwKO IGk B 
Po Po A Hg BAA I BM/DvL BKRzfV BKR4jB A A E | R13Gb8BoM3TpapoeZW0FVQ |
| 259000887 |290784 | 14315 |  745797 |   9248 |  0 | A A IH/ B A A 
A A A A BBg44b 22f3Y BBg44b A A M   | UumkJoY8ZKJd6/HfnwvCDg |
| 259000888 |290784 | 14315 |  745797 | 101381 |  0 | A A IH/ B A A 
A A A A BBg44b 22f3Y BBg44b A A M   | UumkJoY8ZKJd6/HfnwvCDg |
| 258833500 |123399 | 14315 |  807939 |   9248 |  0 | A A IH/ B A A 
A A A A BBamBf 22f3Y BBamBf A A M   | G4vlZvkmC8DFxl8y0RsnfA |
| 258833501 |123399 | 14315 |  807939 | 101381 |  0 | A A IH/ B A A 
A A A A BBamBf 22f3Y BBamBf A A M   | G4vlZvkmC8DFxl8y0RsnfA |
| 244900411 | 28129 | 13471 |1752 |   9249 |  0 | gB GgUm IGk B 
Po Po A DH BAA I BNTyw4 BJlpIE BJlpIE A A E | ohnd0rdHuoOlhnsfdNGaAw |
| 244900412 | 28129 | 13471 |1752 | 101382 |  0 | gB GgUm IGk B 
Po Po A DH BAA I BNTyw4 BJlpIE BJlpIE A A E | ohnd0rdHuoOlhnsfdNGaAw |
| 224916087 | 41066 | 

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating form mysql to postgresql: Loading the database takes very long

2011-06-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> It seems you need to drop --quick which is implied in --skip-opt.  The
> resulting command that I'm working with at the moment is:
> mysqldump -t -n -c --compatible=postgresql --skip-quote-names --quick \
>   --lock-tables --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options 
> --disable-keys \
>   --extended-insert --set-charset  -u bacula -ppassword bacula \
>   | grep -v "INSERT INTO Status"\
>   | sed -e 's/-00-00 00:00:00/1970-01-01 00:00:00/g' \
>   | sed -e 's/\\0//' > bacula-backup.sql`

I should clarify this slightly.  I needed to remove --skip-opt which
implies --skip-quick and add --quick:

  This option is useful for dumping large tables. It forces mysqldump to
  retrieve rows for a table from the server a row at a time rather than
  retrieving the entire row set and buffering it in memory before writing
  it out.

--opt (which is on by default) sets all of:

--add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options --disable-keys
--extended-insert --lock-tables --quick --set-charset

--skip-opt disables --opt, so presumably it negates the above.  My command
above doesn't go quite that far.  Things like table locking shouldn't
be necessary if the bacula director is actually stopped at the time.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating form mysql to postgresql: Loading the database takes very long

2011-06-25 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Tue, 21 Jun 2011, Marcus Mülbüsch wrote:

> I want to migrate my bacula installation from mysql to postgresql, 
> following the guide in 
> After dumping and converting the database the sql-file now has 9GiB.

One note I'd like to make on the page above is that the mysqldump command
includes the --skip-opt command.

This is not reliable to use if you have a reasonably large "File" table as
it includes an option to buffer query result in RAM before outputting to
file.  We have 65 million entries and our 6GB RAM + 2GB swap is not enough
to hold the buffer, so mysqldump ends up getting killed every time before
it finishes.

It seems you need to drop --quick which is implied in --skip-opt.  The
resulting command that I'm working with at the moment is:

mysqldump -t -n -c --compatible=postgresql --skip-quote-names --quick \
--lock-tables --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options 
--disable-keys \
--extended-insert --set-charset  -u bacula -ppassword bacula \
| grep -v "INSERT INTO Status"\
| sed -e 's/-00-00 00:00:00/1970-01-01 00:00:00/g' \
| sed -e 's/\\0//' > bacula-backup.sql`

That being said, this is untested so far -- I haven't actually done the
migration -- but this is the plan thus far :-)

Feedback/corrections welcome...


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Network speed between FD and SD

2011-06-24 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 24 Jun 2011, Craig Van Tassle wrote:

> I'm trying to increase the network speed between my FD and my SD.
> My Cacti graphs are showing that my network usage averages 60Mb/s and
> the connections between all the clients are on 1Gb links. I would think
> I would be able to pull more speed to my SD then just 60Mb/s. 
> Is there anything I can do to try to speed up the network transfer
> between the FD and SD. I would like to be able to get to near Gigabit
> speeds to my SD. I'm also running a couple of jobs at once, I would
> have though that would have helped me spool the data faster.
> Also I'm running on a Dell sc1425 for my SD and my Clients are Dell
> r610's.

I guess you need to start off by working out where the bottleneck is so you
know what to optimise.

Possibilities include:

 - you're using compression or encryption and the client's CPU can't
   compress/encrypt any faster.  You could turn either off, but if you
   don't compress, you have more data to ship and more to store, so this
   may be a false economy.  If you need encryption, you need it.
 - the client disk access is slow (could be due to fragmentation, a busy
   disk or just a slow disk)
 - the storage medium is slow to write to (doing a local backup from the
   storage server to itself would rule this out quite quickly)
 - the network isn't as quick as you think (an iPerf test between client
   and server would confirm/disprove this)
 - these are incremental backups which generally tend to give a slower
   data rate

There are probably other possibilities, but these are off the top of my


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] restore of large data set takes extremely long to build dir tree,

2011-06-24 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Fri, 24 Jun 2011, ted wrote:

> I have an issue when trying a restore of a large data set consisting of
> about 6.5TB and 35,000,000 files the console takes an extremely long time
> to build the directory tree, over an hr. After the tree is built I typed
> "mark *" and this command ran for about 18 hours before I hit ctrl-c; the
> mySQL server showed no activity and neither bconsole nor bacula-dir was
> not using any CPU, so I believe the process just petered out. I was
> wondering if anyone has been successful in restoring large TB data sets.
> Either ones containing a large number of individual files or ones that
> are 6TB or larger with small file lists and contain small number of large
> files? 

You are not alone.  I have one client in particular for whom building the
file tree takes about 25-30 minutes.  Like you, I'm using MySQL.  There
have been suggestions from a number of quarters which suggest that
Postgresql doesn't have this issue.

This may not necessarily be a criticism of MySQL, so much as that the
developers tend to spend more time working with Postgresql and therefore
Bacula is better optimised toward Postgresql.

There is a discussion here:

We plan migrating to Postgresql as that's the only solution I know of right


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] time since last non-virtual backup

2011-06-20 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Mon, 20 Jun 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> This seems quite close
>   SELECT Job.Name, MAX(Job.RealEndTime) 
>   FROM Job 
>   WHERE Job.Type='B' AND Job.JobStatus='T' 
>   GROUP BY Job.Name;
> but we have clients who manually trigger their own incremental (eg once per
> week) and then there's a scheduled VirtualFull which runs every month.


It would appear that RealEndTime is the actual time the job ended, but
StartTime and EndTime (in the case of a virtual full backup) seem to be the
corresponding start and end times of the previous backup.  That's at least
a partial solution, in that I can use the EndTime.  That previous backup
could also be a virtual full, but I guess I might settle for that.  


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Firewall traversal

2011-06-20 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 20 Jun 2011, Kevin O'Connor wrote:

> I understand how it's supposed to work (FD to SD), that's why I'm asking if
> there was some cryptic config option or something I was missing to make it
> do the reverse.  It exists as Active/Passive in FTP, so it's not too crazy
> to think something similar might exist for Bacula.  I guess not though.
> I'll look into the SSH tunneling, hopefully it won't be too bad!

An alternative, if the hosts aren't windows would be to set up IPv6.  You
could apply to sixxs or one of the other tunnel vendors for a tunnel on
each network and then apply for a /48 for inside the NATed network.  That
should be less CPU-intensive and more natural than ssh tunnels.

If you haven't used IPv6 yet this would be a bit of an adventure and take a
little research, but then, these days it's probably quite a timely


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Firewall traversal

2011-06-20 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 20 Jun 2011, Kevin O'Connor wrote:

> Bacula Server (DIR, SD) -> Firewall/NAT -> Server to be backed up (FD)
> The FD is accessible from anywhere, but the DIR/SD is not (NAT/FW).
> When I start the backup, the Director connects to the FD without a problem,
> but then when the Director tells the FD to connect back to the SD it fails
> because of the NAT.  I'm in a situation where I can't get the ports
> forwarded, but it would seem that there should be a way to have the SD
> connect out to the FD or something along those lines to get this working.
>  Is there a way to do that that I've missed in the docs or is really the
> only way to get this working is to expose the SD?

As far as I understand it, both backups and restores involve a TCP session
opening from the FD to the SD -- not the reverse.

What you could do is to have software on the SD open up a channel onto the
FD with a port forward.  There are different tools for this but one is ssh
or autossh.

sd-host%  ssh -L 9103:localhost:9103 fd-host

then have the FD connect to localhost instead of the sd-host (in the
director configuration).  With autossh if the connection dies it'll restart
itself.  I've done this in one case and it worked pretty well.  With SSH
you are adding the extra load of encrypting all of the data in transit
which might or might not be a problem, depending on your available CPU
cycles and the quantities of data you need to ship.

The same tunnel should work for a restore.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] time since last non-virtual backup

2011-06-20 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 20 Jun 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> I'm looking to work out a query or script which quotes me the time since
> the last live backup (ie I don't want to include virtual full backups) for
> each of our configured jobs.
> Not all of our backups are scheduled, some are triggered manually, so I
> need to produce a list of how long it has been in each case.  It would be
> no harm to also check the scheduled ones, just in case there were some
> configuration error.

This seems quite close

SELECT Job.Name, MAX(Job.RealEndTime) 
WHERE Job.Type='B' AND Job.JobStatus='T' 
GROUP BY Job.Name;

but we have clients who manually trigger their own incremental (eg once per
week) and then there's a scheduled VirtualFull which runs every month.

These would always appear to have a backup in the past month, even if it
was 6-8 weeks since the incremental last ran, as the VirtualFull would
appear there.


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] time since last non-virtual backup

2011-06-20 Thread Gavin McCullagh

I'm looking to work out a query or script which quotes me the time since
the last live backup (ie I don't want to include virtual full backups) for
each of our configured jobs.

Not all of our backups are scheduled, some are triggered manually, so I
need to produce a list of how long it has been in each case.  It would be
no harm to also check the scheduled ones, just in case there were some
configuration error.

Has anyone already been over this ground and care to share a query or


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula IPv6 status (unofficially)

2011-06-13 Thread Gavin McCullagh
Hi James,

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011, James Harper wrote:

> Not really directly bacula related, but one of the concerns I have with
> switching to IPv6 for LAN scale traffic is the performance of the
> various offload features in the network adapters. Did you do any
> throughput testing?

I haven't yet had time to look at performance in detail -- except to say
that none of the backups that have run since seem noticeably slower.  That
being said, it's hard to tell with incremental backups and some of our full
backups have other bottlenecks.

I'm guessing support for IP Checksum Offload, TSO et al will be driver
dependant so it may be quite messy to work out which the details of what
cards/kernels/OSes do and don't make full use of these in IPv6.

The tool to use for testing this is probably iPerf.  I must do some
investigation myself.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula IPv6 status (unofficially)

2011-06-12 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011, Kevin Keane wrote:
> The two problems I had:
> - The default setting for bacula was wrong. It would only listen on IPv4
>   but not IPv6 unless you explicitly added a
>   DIRAddresses/FDAddresses/SDAddresses section to the respective config
>   files.

This is still true, so we put in explicit IPv6 =  entries.

> - The Windows FD could not be configured to listen on IPv6 at all.

I hadn't got to the point of a test on Windows yet, but this does seem to
still be a problem alright.  If you put in an ipv6 fdaddress entry, the
bacula-fd fails to start, complaining about that line.  So I guess
bacula-fd for Windows doesn't support IPv6 yet.

> Both issues caused problems if you specified clients or SDs by DNS name
> rather than IP, and there was an  record in DNS. Bacula would use the
>  record and try to connect over IPv6, but that connection timed out
> and the backup failed. For Linux boxes, the workaround was to explicitly
> add the IPv6 addresses to the configuration files. For the Windows
> machines, I had to create a second DNS name for the same machine that
> only had an A record but not an  record.

On linux, you need to explicitly put in an ipv6 address before each daemon
will listen on IPv6.  On Windows, my experience is that the backup doesn't
fail if a  record exists for the client, there's just a bit of a delay
before things get up and running as the initial IPv6 connection times out.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula IPv6 status (unofficially)

2011-06-10 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> just a short note to say that I've been testing Bacula's IPv6 support of
> late and have generally found it to be good.

PS: well done to all the developers involved :-)


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[Bacula-users] bacula IPv6 status (unofficially)

2011-06-10 Thread Gavin McCullagh

just a short note to say that I've been testing Bacula's IPv6 support of
late and have generally found it to be good.

We have:

 - consoles connecting to the director over IPv6
 - director talking to SD and FD over IPv6
 - FD talking to SD over IPv6

As you might expect, if you configure Bacula to connect to a FQDN and
there's no  record, you just get an IPv4 connection.  If there is a
 record available, and a suitable IPv6 route, Bacula will generally try
to connect over IPv6 first and then if it gets a TCP reset (the far end
isn't listening on IPv6) or a timeout (maybe a firewall blocking the
connection), Bacula retries using IPv4 and life proceeds as normal.

A couple of things worth noting:

== Daemon Address Config ==

Thus far, we've found the best thing to do is to use the multiple address
configs with an explicit IPv4 and IPv6 record, eg (for the FD):

  FDAddresses  = {
ipv4 = { addr = my.fq.dn; }
ipv6 = { addr = my.fq.dn; }

If you just use ip = {}, I've found that it only binds to the IPv4 address,
you need to explicitly have an ipv6 entry.  The same applies to the
director and storage daemon.  I'm open to better suggestions.

I think Bacula usually listens on (all IPv4 addresses) by default,
but doesn't listen on :: (all IPv6 addresses).  I'm not sure if this is by
design, but I guess perhaps it's arguably sensible to only listen on IPv6
where it's explicitly enabled for now.  The main point is that it can be

With IPv6 addresses, if you use SLAAC (stateless address auto-config), the
host's IP address is based on its MAC address, so it doesn't change.  If
the host uses privacy addresses the address may change.  On Windows 7, as I
understand it there are two addresses, one is initially created randomly
when you plug into that network but it stays constant on that network (this
is the one you expect to receive connections on and which usually goes in
the DNS).  A second address is for outgoing connections and changes at each
reboot (or every 24 hours on Windows Vista apparently).

== TCP wrappers ==

In my experience at least, if you use TCP Wrappers on Linux, you need to
enter the IPv6 address of the Bacula daemons which will be connecting.
Although a FQDN will allow an IPv4 host in, you seem to need the IPv6
address.  At a guess, this probably has more to do with tcp wrappers than
Bacula though.

This is one situation where Bacula will fail over IPv6 and not revert to
IPv4 which might still work.  This is because it's not a connection
failure, it's an authentication failure, so that makes some sense.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Database performance issues

2011-06-09 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011, Jérôme Blion wrote:

> What tool do you use to perform restore ?
> I had such issues with BAT... With Webacula, I am not able to reproduce 
> this behaviour.
> Perhaps a bad query which does not use an index.

This conversation is not original.  We had a discussion about it here:

and we pin-pointed the exact query which was taking the time:


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Database performance issues

2011-06-08 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011, Jérôme Blion wrote:

> What tool do you use to perform restore ?

5   (Select the most recent backup for a client)
choose host

then building directory tree takes ages.

> I had such issues with BAT... With Webacula, I am not able to reproduce 
> this behaviour.
> Perhaps a bad query which does not use an index.

Sounds plausible.  Does your issue occur with bconsole?


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Database performance issues

2011-06-08 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011, Jérôme Blion wrote:

> You will see performance improvements if you have lot of concurrents 
> updates.

I don't imagine concurrent updates are really an issue for us.  Our backups
run fast enough generally for our purposes .  I daresay they could be
faster, but they're not causing us a problem.  It's the time for a restore
to build the file tree that's a problem.

The particularly bad restore in question is a Cyrus IMAP server with about
5 million files in a full backup.  The worst case would be a monthly full,
a weekly differential and 6 days of incrementals to assemble.


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
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Tel: +353 1 4163365

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Database performance issues

2011-06-08 Thread Gavin McCullagh


On Wed, 08 Jun 2011, Jérôme Blion wrote:

> > Assuming that version of MySQL, do you know if the case for InnoDB vs
> > MyISAM is still as cut and dry?  Would we likely see substantial
> > performance improvements?
> You will see performance improvements if you have lot of concurrents 
> updates.
> Which Bacula version do you have ? Perhaps it's an index issue.

Bacula package for Ubuntu v5.0.1-1ubuntu1


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

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Bellerophon Ltd, trades as Griffith College (registered in Ireland No.
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Database performance issues

2011-06-08 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> The very first thing I would do would be upgrade to MySQL 5.5.[current]
> (5.5.13, right now) if you're not already using 5.5, making sure it's
> properly configured (hint:  look at the new configuration directive
> innodb_buffer_pool_instances), then throw as much RAM as possible at the
> InnoDB buffer pool and convert all of the tables to InnoDB.  Then
> download MySQltuner ( and look at
> its recommendations for some basic tuning.
> MyISAM, frankly, *SHOULD* be deprecated at this point.  There is still a
> lot of FUD about InnoDB performance out there, most of it from people
> who don't actually understand the performance implications of the
> differences between MyISAM and InnoDB, but the truth is there is
> virtually no use case on a conventional MySQL server[1] for which "What
> primary storage engine should I be using?" has any answer other than
> "InnoDB".  It's probably not too inaccurate to say that unless you
> *NEED* either merge tables or full-text indices, you should be using InnoDB.

For simplicity of operation and patching, we're using the Ubuntu archive
packages which are MySQL 5.1.41.  I realise that's quite old now.  There
are one or two restores in particular which take a long time (like 30
minutes) to build the restore tree.  I'm guessing the reason is these

-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 7.4G 2011-06-08 13:24 File.MYD
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 5.1G 2011-06-08 13:24 File.MYI
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 233M 2011-06-08 13:24 Filename.MYI
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 161M 2011-06-08 13:24 Filename.MYD
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 153M 2011-06-08 13:24 Path.MYI
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql  99M 2011-06-08 13:24 Path.MYD

Addressing this with a move to PostgreSQL has been on my list but I might
try a move to InnoDB first as it's likely much simpler.

Assuming that version of MySQL, do you know if the case for InnoDB vs
MyISAM is still as cut and dry?  Would we likely see substantial
performance improvements?

Thanks for any help,


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Exclude = yes, or not?

2011-06-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Wed, 01 Jun 2011, Mauro Colorio wrote:

> what's wrong?
> FileSet {
>   Name = "my Set"
>   Include {
> Options {
>   Ignore Case = yes;
> }
> File = "E:/Shared/"
>   }
>   Include {
> Options {
>   Exclude = yes;
>   Ignore Case = yes;
> }
> File = "E:/Shared/foo"
> File = "E:/Shared/bar"
> }
> }
> the job using this fileset still tries to backup folders and file
> under E:/Shared/foo,
> any hint?

Should the stanza it's in not be an "Exclude" not an "Include"?

   Exclude {
 Options {
   Ignore Case = yes;
 File = "E:/Shared/foo"
 File = "E:/Shared/bar"


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] severity of warnings issued by Bacula

2011-05-05 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 05 May 2011, Jeremy Maes wrote:

> All you need to do to suppress those messages is add all the
> junction points on the given windows system to the exclude list of
> your filesystem.

I appreciate that I can do that, but it seems like having to create a mass
of wilddir entries in the fileset is rather ugly, given that all I want to
achieve is a simple "don't warn me about junction points".  Your own
fileset is impressive but its also a pretty good example of why I'd really
rather not do that.

> Once you edit your fileset you should be left only with "important"
> warnings.

Are junction points the only "unimportant" warnings?


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] severity of warnings issued by Bacula

2011-05-04 Thread Gavin McCullagh

like many people I imagine, we get various warnings from the Bacula
daemons, particularly the file daemons.  There are some which seem like
it would be nice to simply suppress them and some which are severe and I'd
actually like more attention drawn to them.

To give an example, on a director's laptop, every backup comes with a slew

04-May 15:50 yy-fd JobId 14235:  c:/Users/Default/SendTo is a junction 
point or a different filesystem. Will not descend from c:/ into it.
04-May 15:50 yy-fd JobId 14235:  c:/Users/Default/Start Menu is a 
junction point or a different filesystem. Will not descend from c:/ into it.
04-May 15:50 yy-fd JobId 14235:  c:/Users/Default/Templates is a 
junction point or a different filesystem. Will not descend from c:/ into it.
04-May 15:50 yy-fd JobId 14235:  c:/Users/Default User is a junction 
point or a different filesystem. Will not descend from c:/ into it.

There are no fewer than 163 of these messages, which makes the resulting backup
email very hard to read.  These warnings are totally benign and happen on every
single backup.  It would be great to have a way to suppress them so.

By contrast, I recently also noticed a bunch of errors of this form in a
Windows server backup:

01-May 05:00 saturnalia-fd JobId 14146: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="VSS 
Vista", Drive(s)="E"
01-May 05:00 saturnalia-fd JobId 14146:  Could not stat 
"e:/g.Avi": ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.
01-May 05:00 saturnalia-fd JobId 14146:  Could not stat 
"e:/gx.doc": ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.
01-May 05:00 saturnalia-fd JobId 14146:  Could not stat 
"e:/grx.Avi": ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.

This, it turns out was a backup seriously failing due to a filesystem issue
on that server.  Thanks to Bacula reporting it and me actually reading the
report email, we got to solve that.  I might easily have missed this

It would be great to have a feature which allowed us to say for specific
jobdefaults, jobs or file daemons that warnings or messages matching a
certain pattern were harmless, eg. 
/is a junction point or a different filesystem. Will not descend/

On the other hand, a "Could not stat" is a message I'd like to have my
attention drawn to.  It could indicate that a backup has effectively

I currently filter all bacula backup reports into a folder if they have
a subject header beginning "Bacula: Backup OK of ".  This means that I only
get bacula reports in my inbox where the backup fails.  If the headers
could somehow reflect this more severe error, that would be great.

Is there a way to do something like this?  It's difficult to catalogue all
warnings that might be bad, but one can quite quickly work out what
warnings are normal.  I guess I'm looking for something like a pedantic
mode which gives messages like:

Subject: Bacula: Backup OK (Warning!) of .

unless the warnings are ones I've already configured it to ignore -- in
which case they might even be left out of the body altogether.

Sorry to be demanding :-)


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] incremental backup

2011-04-14 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 14 Apr 2011, ruslan usifov wrote:

> I'm new in bacula world so have a question:
> If i do incremental backup. For example veri big file change only few bytes
> i it, what bacula do send all file, or only changed part of file?

It backs up the whole file each time a single byte or more changes.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Pool per client

2011-04-13 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Pablo Marques wrote:

> I guess I could modify bacula-sd an add/remove a file device per client
> as needed. I am not sure if I can "reload" bacula-sd.conf without
> interrupting running backups.

My understanding is that you need a restart, which is likely to kill any
running backups.

> When I add a client I have a "template" client definition with all per client 
> definitions that I need:
> I replace $CLIENT_NAME $IP_ADDRESS $PORT and generate a new file and then I 
> do a "reload" on bconsole, and the client is ready to go. 
> The clients, in my application, decide the backup schedule, and they run it 
> from their bconsole client.
> Each client can only run or restore its own backups. 

I do something similar actually, but it's not quite as big or dynamic so I
manually modify the bacula-sd and don't generally have to worry about
backups that are running at the time I restart the bacula-sd.

This might seem (or be) crazy, but in principal you could run a bacula-sd
for each client with its own bacula-sd instance running on a particular
ip:port.  That would avoid the issue of restarting bacula-sd.

Of course it might be possible to signal bacula-sd to re-read its config,
which would be much simpler :-)


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Pool per client

2011-04-13 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Pablo Marques wrote:

> But I would still have the problem that I need a device tied up backing
> up each client.  The problem I am facing is that I need to backup lots of
> slow clients, and I need to come up with something so I can back them up
> all at the _same_ time on one or maybe a few devices, and still have a
> Pool per client.

I'm not clear if you're trying to avoid lots of physical devices or lots of
bacula storage device definitions.  You could create one Device {} entry
per client in the bacula-sd.conf.  These each correspond to a different
directory on some filesystem.   You then run each backup to its own file
Device -- these can all happen concurrently.

You should then be able to migrate each one in turn to tape.

Or maybe I've missed something?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Feature idea : Advanced status of a current job;

2011-04-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 11 Apr 2011, Hugo Letemplier wrote:
> I imagine a command like "status job  jobid="

I presume you've looked at "status client=...".  

It does much of what you want (current job duration, data transferred,
rate, num files, current file), but without the predictive information
you're looking for (time/data remaining).  In principal, if you or bacula
ran an estimate beforehand, you could probably work out an estimated time
remaining but I don't think that feature is present.  Estimates are only
available for full backups.

*estimate job=CeartgoleorBackups-Job
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Connecting to Client ceartgoleor-fd at ceartgoleor.:9102
2000 OK estimate files=223,128 bytes=9,724,976,371


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Performance with latent networks

2011-04-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 11 Apr 2011, Peter Hoskin wrote:

> I'm using bacula to do backups of some remote servers, over the Internet
> encapsulated in OpenVPN (just to make sure things are encrypted and kept off
> public address space).
> The bacula-fd is in Montreal Canada with 100mbit Ethernet. I also have
> another bacula-fd in Canberra Australia on 100mbit Ethernet. The
> bacula-director is in Sydney Australia with ADSL2+ at full line sync. The
> latency to Montreal is about 300ms while the latency to Canberra is about
> 30ms.

The issue, I imagine with transfer rates is between the bacula-fd and
bacula-sd.  Do we presume the -sd is in Sydney?  You don't say what speed
the Sydney ADSL2+ link is (though apparently it can manage at least

Is that 300ms over the VPN?  If you run a long ping, is there any
noticeable packet loss?

> The problem I'm encountering. backups from the Montreal box will peak at a
> transfer rate of 100kb/sec despite my ability to do 2.2mb/sec via http, ftp,
> ssh, rsync, etc. from the same host.

Presumably these tests are between the -fd and -sd hosts along the same VPN.

Broadly AIUI, one bulk TCP transfer should be the same as another and the
two should be affected by latency in the same way.  This suggests to me
that there's something else going on.  Maybe the bacula-fd host is busy or
the bacula-fd itself is doing encryption or compression which is slowing
down its send rate?  Are these incremental backups or full?  Are you using
"accurate" backups (which need data to be sent to the fd from the dir)?

Have you checked the disk and cpu load on the bacula fd and sd during these

> So it appears the problem is network latency. Is there anything I can try to
> improve backup speeds from Montreal?

I may be wrong, but I'm not convinced it's just latency.


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Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd on windows 7 not listening on IPv6 address??

2011-04-06 Thread Gavin McCullagh

I've reported a bug based on this conversation, if anyone would like to add
anything to it


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd on windows 7 not listening on IPv6 address??

2011-04-06 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 01 Apr 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> The above config will makes bacula-fd listen on IPv6 only on my Ubuntu
> instance (which makes sense of course).  However, if you add the IPv4 in:
>   FDAddresses  = {
> ipv4 = { addr =; port = 9102; }
> ipv6 = { addr = :: }
>   }
> It no longer binds to any IPv6 addresses.

Interestingly also, when I set the above config on by Ubuntu Desktop, the
bacula-fd becomes quite unstable, crashing repeatedly (though not
immediately) with an email to root saying:

[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]   
[New Thread 0xb77fbb70 (LWP 3464)]  
0x0070c416 in __kernel_vsyscall ()  
$1 = 1918985571 
$2 = 135180360  
$3 = 135180400  
/etc/bacula/scripts/btraceback.gdb:4: Error in sourced command file:
No symbol "catalog_db" in current context.

Once I removed the IPv6 element, all seems stable again.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] RFC on how best to share pools, storage devices etc.

2011-04-05 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 01 Apr 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> When I was starting out, I came across a post somewhere on the lists that
> said it was a good idea with disk volumes to create a separate storage
> device for each client as it would avoid concurrency issues, etc.
> I went a little further with this and created multiple pools (full, inc,
> diff) for each client, a fileset for each client, a schedule for each
> client, etc.  


> I have a bunch of laptops to back up now and I'm thinking maybe I should
> try and be more disciplined for these and create a single storage device,
> pool set, jobdefs, schedule and (default) fileset for all.  This will allow
> me to delegate creation of new jobs more easily, as the config will be
> smaller for junior staff.  I will only be able to see the total shared
> volume sizes and mtimes which is a downside.  Are there any other
> disadvantages?  Is this a good idea or should I just keep going how I have
> been?  Should I try to do the same on our servers to reduce the config
> down?
> Many thanks in advance for any suggestions,

So I guess nobody has any opinion on whether it's better to create lots of
storage devices (directories), pools, etc.  for each backup or just share
one between them?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd on windows 7 not listening on IPv6 address??

2011-04-03 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 01 Apr 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> Ah, I just assumed this problem was with Windows only.  I never thought to
> check a linux host.  I can confirm this on Ubuntu with packaged bacula-fd
> 5.0.2.

It looks like the same problem applies to bacula-sd and bacula-dir.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd on windows 7 not listening on IPv6 address??

2011-04-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh

thanks for the follow-up.

On Fri, 01 Apr 2011, Matija Nalis wrote:

> > Indeed, not specifying either FDAddress or FDAddresses should listen on 
> > all available addresses. In the Linux client, it does. For the 3.x 
> Well, on my Debianu GNU/Linux, bacula-fd 5.0.2, it does not.

Ah, I just assumed this problem was with Windows only.  I never thought to
check a linux host.  I can confirm this on Ubuntu with packaged bacula-fd

> In absence of specified ipv6 addr in FDAddresses, it will listen only on
> (all IPv4 addresses).
> I must use:
>   FDAddresses  = {
>  ipv6 = { addr = :: }
>   }
> in order to make it listen to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (which is also
> probably what OP wanted to do, and what probably should be bacula default
> (which it currently isn't) if no FDAddress/FDAddresses are specified.

The above config will makes bacula-fd listen on IPv6 only on my Ubuntu
instance (which makes sense of course).  However, if you add the IPv4 in:

  FDAddresses  = {
ipv4 = { addr =; port = 9102; }
ipv6 = { addr = :: }

It no longer binds to any IPv6 addresses.


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

This E-mail is from Griffith College.
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] RFC on how best to share pools, storage devices etc.

2011-04-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh

we have bacula in use with about 35 different FDs now.  It works
brilliantly for us¹.

Our routine for each server is based on the example automated backup
routine described in the manual.  We're not using tapes which some people
may frown on a little, we're using disk-based volumes.  The convenience of
disks compared to tapes is something we value -- though I guess I would
like to introduce tapes at some point for offline archival.

When I was starting out, I came across a post somewhere on the lists that
said it was a good idea with disk volumes to create a separate storage
device for each client as it would avoid concurrency issues, etc.

I went a little further with this and created multiple pools (full, inc,
diff) for each client, a fileset for each client, a schedule for each
client, etc.  Probably overkill and I now have over a hundred pools,
thirty-something storage devices, schedules, filesets etc.  I keep each
host's config in a single file and include it into bacula-dir.conf so it's
quite easy to navigate but I suspect this isn't how it was meant to be.
It's really handy for me to be able to look at each directory on disk and
see the backups for that server, see how big they are, mtimes on the
volumes, etc.  Is this likely to present a problem at some point?  Should I
urgently mend my ways?  

I have a bunch of laptops to back up now and I'm thinking maybe I should
try and be more disciplined for these and create a single storage device,
pool set, jobdefs, schedule and (default) fileset for all.  This will allow
me to delegate creation of new jobs more easily, as the config will be
smaller for junior staff.  I will only be able to see the total shared
volume sizes and mtimes which is a downside.  Are there any other
disadvantages?  Is this a good idea or should I just keep going how I have
been?  Should I try to do the same on our servers to reduce the config

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions,


¹ Kern: if you're ever in Dublin (Ireland), we owe you a meal.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd on windows 7 not listening on IPv6 address??

2011-03-15 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 14 Mar 2011, Josh Fisher wrote:

> On 3/12/2011 5:15 AM, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> > On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> >
> >>> The bacula-fd daemon (according to netstat -na) doesn't appear to be
> >>> listening on the IPv6 address.
> >> Force it to listen on whatever address/port you desire w/ "FDAddresses = "
> >>
> >>
> > Thanks for the reply.  Is this considered a bug?  Admittedly not so many
> > networks use IPv6 yet so I can imagine it might not be very high priority.
> It seems you have a host name that resolves to both an IPv4 address and 
> an IPv6 address, no? So when DNS returns two addresses for that host 
> name, which one should be used? Should bacula-fd listen on the first 
> address returned, the second address returned, or both?

I would guess both?  That's how dual-stacking is generally done so that
IPv6 capable hosts can use the  record but hosts which don't support
IPv6 yet can still connect using the A record.

In the normal way, I haven't tended to specify the name or address for the
FD to listen on.  bacula-fd just binds to the available configured  
addresses (the v4 ones at any rate).  Is that not what people expect?

> FDAddress is retained for backward compatibility. I believe you should 
> use FDAddresses for IPv6 and/or multi-homed machines.

Surely defining the address at all is optional, no?

> Try using something like:
>  FDAddresses {
> ip = {
>addr = hostname
> }
>  }
> The ip keyword of FDAddresses allows selection of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
> An alternative solution that will work with both Bacula, and any other 
> software that may not be as configurable as Bacula, is to assign 
> different host names for the IPv6 network than are assigned for the IPv4 
> network. That removes the ambiguity, although I still think you will 
> have to use the FDAddresses directive as opposed to the FDAddress 
> directive. The older FDAddress directive may not support IPv6.

I'd been using FDAddresses alright, but would prefer to just have bacula-fd
bind to the available addresses.  Is that not a good idea?  I guess the
above hostname-based directive isn't too bad.

There is a potential race condition of sorts in that where you use router
advertisements, a host may not immediately pick up its IPv6 address at boot
time so when the bacula-fd service is started, the IPv6 address might not
yet be configured.  That said, I restarted bacula-fd with the IPv6 address
configured and bacula-fd still didn't bind to it.


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

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Bellerophon Ltd, trades as Griffith College (registered in Ireland No.
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Circular Road, Dublin 8, Ireland.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd on windows 7 not listening on IPv6 address??

2011-03-12 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

> >The bacula-fd daemon (according to netstat -na) doesn't appear to be
> >listening on the IPv6 address.
> Force it to listen on whatever address/port you desire w/ "FDAddresses = "

Thanks for the reply.  Is this considered a bug?  Admittedly not so many
networks use IPv6 yet so I can imagine it might not be very high priority.

Hard coding the IP is not an ideal solution.  This is a laptop running DHCP
without a reservation so while the IPv6 address probably won't change, the
v4 address will.  I can give this laptop a reservation, but we're heading
in the direction of setting up bacula backups for 20-30 laptops, so I'd
prefer not to give them all reservations.


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

This E-mail is from Griffith College.
The E-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be
privileged and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity
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Bellerophon Ltd, trades as Griffith College (registered in Ireland No.
60469) with its registered address as Griffith College Campus, South
Circular Road, Dublin 8, Ireland.

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] bacula-fd on windows 7 not listening on IPv6 address??

2011-03-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh

I have a Windows 7 computer running the bacula-fd v5.0.3.  The computer has
an IPv6 address (as does the bacula director and storage daemon.  

The bacula-fd daemon (according to netstat -na) doesn't appear to be
listening on the IPv6 address.  This doesn't kill us in that eventually
things time out and try IPv4, but it leads to annoying delays, particularly
if you're just running "status client=".

Have other people seen this?  I can't see a way to explicitly turn on ipv6

Thanks in advance,


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Slow backup even with a dedicated line

2011-01-10 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011, Oliver Hoffmann wrote:

> I did some tests with different gzip levels and with no compression at 
> all. It makes a difference but not as expected. Without compression I 
> still have a rate of only 11346.1 KB/s. Anything else I should try?

Are you sure the cross-over connection is operating at 1Gbps?  Are you sure
that route interface is being used?  It just seems coincidental that you're
still being capped to almost exactly 100Mbps.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Virtual Backups - Do we actually need full backups anymore?

2011-01-07 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Fri, 07 Jan 2011, Graham Keeling wrote:

> > Thank you for the clarification! That's what I thought before hand. 
> > *phew* otherwise my backup plans would be fubard! Why do you say, "may 
> > involve" creating a new volume?
> Because, depending on what bacula feels like doing, it may append to or 
> recycle
> an existing volume.

Bacula does many things, but I don't think it "feels".  What you may mean
"depending on what bacula is configured to do, it may append to or
recycle an existing volume".



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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Feature request

2010-12-12 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Sun, 12 Dec 2010, Guillaume Valdenaire wrote:

> Here is attached a feature request for that wonderful Bacula.
> Thanks in advance

> Item 1:Implement a functionality that permits to log which files were
> restored during a restore job (especially when using the Bweb
> interface).

I'd certainly add my +1 to this.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula not compressing some filetypes

2010-11-28 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Sun, 28 Nov 2010, bopfi68 wrote:

> i have backup jobs for a mashine who have a lot of jpeg , zip 
> and i dont want to compress them
> so is it possible to configure some filetypes for not compressing 
> zip, jpg ... in a the same fileset ?

This prior discussion is pretty relevant...


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Tuning for large (millions of files) backups?

2010-11-13 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 12 Nov 2010, Bob Hetzel wrote:

> I'm starting to think the issue might be linked to some kernels or linux 
> distros.  I have two bacula servers here.  One system is a year and a half 
> old (12 GB RAM), has with a File table having approx 40 million File 
> records.  That system has had the slowness issue (building the directory 
> tree on restores took about an hour) running first Ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 and 
> now RedHat 6 beta.  The kernel currently is at 2.6.32-44.1.el6.x86_64.  I 
> haven't tried downgrading, instead I tweaked the source code to use the old 
> 3.0.3 query and recompiled--I don't use Base jobs or Accurate backups so 
> that's safe for me.
> The other system is 4 yrs or so old, with less memory (8GB), slower cpus, 
> slower hard drives, etc., and in fairness only 35 million File records. 
> This one builds the directory tree in approx 10 seconds, but is running 
> Centos 5.5.  The kernel currently is at 2.6.18-194.11.3.el5.

That's an interesting thought.  It would be interesting to make an exact
comparison, something like:

 - run a restore with the slow query log on, capture the query text 
 - run the query manually in mysql
 - dump the mysql database
 - restore the mysql database on the older server
 - run the query there

It sounds like your database is quite large so this might be too
awkward in practice?  Strictly speaking the freshly sequentially written
database might have a slight unfair advantage, but if the results are
radically different then that would be useful to know.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Tuning for large (millions of files) backups?

2010-11-12 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 12 Nov 2010, Mikael Fridh wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Gavin McCullagh  
> wrote:

> > # Time: 10 14:24:49
> > # u...@host: bacula[bacula] @ localhost []
> > # Query_time: 1139.657646  Lock_time: 0.000471 Rows_sent: 4263403  
> > Rows_examined: 50351037
> > SET timestamp=1289485489;
> > SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, Temp.FileIndex, Temp.JobId, LStat, MD5 
> > FROM ( SELECT FileId, Job.JobId AS JobId, FileIndex, File.PathId AS PathId, 
> > File.FilenameId AS FilenameId, LStat, MD5 FROM Job, File, ( SELECT 
> > MAX(JobTDate) AS JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM ( SELECT JobTDate, 
> > PathId, FilenameId FROM File JOIN Job USING (JobId) WHERE File.JobId IN 
> > (9944,9950,9973,9996) UNION ALL SELECT JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM 
> > BaseFiles JOIN File USING (FileId) JOIN Job  ON    (BaseJobId = Job.JobId) 
> > WHERE BaseFiles.JobId IN (9944,9950,9973,9996) ) AS tmp GROUP BY PathId, 
> > FilenameId ) AS T1 WHERE (Job.JobId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT BaseJobId FROM 
> > BaseFiles WHERE JobId IN (9944,9950,9973,9996)) OR Job.JobId IN 
> > (9944,9950,9973,9996)) AND T1.JobTDate = Job.JobTDate AND Job.JobId = 
> > File.JobId AND T1.PathId = File.PathId AND T1.FilenameId = File.FilenameId 
> > ) AS Temp JOIN Filename ON (Filename.FilenameId = Temp.FilenameId) JOIN 
> > Path ON (Path.PathId = Temp.PathId) WHERE FileIndex > 0 ORDER BY 
> > Temp.JobId, FileIndex 
> ASC;
> Could you please do an EXPLAIN on this query?

I prefixed the query by the word EXPLAIN and ran it:

mysql> source bacularestorequery.sql
| id | select_type| table  | type   | possible_keys 
  | key| key_len | ref | rows| Extra
|  1 | PRIMARY|  | ALL| NULL  
  | NULL   | NULL| NULL| 4277605 | Using where; 
Using filesort |
|  1 | PRIMARY| Filename   | eq_ref | PRIMARY   
  | PRIMARY| 4   | Temp.FilenameId |   1 |  
|  1 | PRIMARY| Path   | eq_ref | PRIMARY   
  | PRIMARY| 4   | Temp.PathId |   1 |  
|  2 | DERIVED|  | ALL| NULL  
  | NULL   | NULL| NULL| 4277605 |  
|  2 | DERIVED| File   | ref| 
PathId,FilenameId,JobId,jobid_index | FilenameId | 8   | 
T1.FilenameId,T1.PathId |   4 | Using where |
|  2 | DERIVED| Job| eq_ref | PRIMARY   
  | PRIMARY| 4   | bacula.File.JobId   |   1 | Using where  
  | NULL   | NULL| NULL|NULL | no matching 
row in const table  |
|  3 | DERIVED|  | ALL| NULL  
  | NULL   | NULL| NULL| 4302683 | Using 
temporary; Using filesort |
|  4 | DERIVED| Job| range  | PRIMARY   
  | PRIMARY| 4   | NULL|   4 | Using where  
|  4 | DERIVED| File   | ref| JobId,jobid_index 
  | JobId  | 4   | bacula.Job.JobId|   41816 | Using index  
|  5 | UNION  | NULL   | NULL   | NULL  
  | NULL   | NULL| NULL|NULL | no matching 
row in const table  |
12 rows in set (16 min 15.79 sec)

I presume that's what you're looking for?

> Tuning's not going to get any of those 50 million traversed rows
> disappear. Only a differently optimized query plan will.

Well, if the above helps and/or if you'd like me to run an alternative proposed
query I'm happy to.  I must confess it would take me quite a few hours to
actually understa

Re: [Bacula-users] Tuning for large (millions of files) backups?

2010-11-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Mon, 08 Nov 2010, Gavin McCullagh wrote:

> We seem to have the correct indexes on the file table.  I've run optimize 
> table
> and it still takes 14 minutes to build the tree on one of our bigger clients.
> We have 51 million entries in the file table.

I thought I should give some mroe concrete information:

I don't suppose this is news to anyone but here's the mysql slow query log to

# Time: 10 14:24:49
# u...@host: bacula[bacula] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 1139.657646  Lock_time: 0.000471 Rows_sent: 4263403  
Rows_examined: 50351037
SET timestamp=1289485489;
SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, Temp.FileIndex, Temp.JobId, LStat, MD5 FROM ( 
SELECT FileId, Job.JobId AS JobId, FileIndex, File.PathId AS PathId, 
File.FilenameId AS FilenameId, LStat, MD5 FROM Job, File, ( SELECT 
MAX(JobTDate) AS JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM ( SELECT JobTDate, PathId, 
FilenameId FROM File JOIN Job USING (JobId) WHERE File.JobId IN 
(9944,9950,9973,9996) UNION ALL SELECT JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId FROM 
BaseFiles JOIN File USING (FileId) JOIN Job  ON(BaseJobId = Job.JobId) 
WHERE BaseFiles.JobId IN (9944,9950,9973,9996) ) AS tmp GROUP BY PathId, 
FilenameId ) AS T1 WHERE (Job.JobId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT BaseJobId FROM 
BaseFiles WHERE JobId IN (9944,9950,9973,9996)) OR Job.JobId IN 
(9944,9950,9973,9996)) AND T1.JobTDate = Job.JobTDate AND Job.JobId = 
File.JobId AND T1.PathId = File.PathId AND T1.FilenameId = File.FilenameId ) AS 
Temp JOIN Filename ON (Filename.FilenameId = Temp.FilenameId) JOIN Path ON 
(Path.PathId = Temp.PathId) WHERE FileIndex > 0 ORDER BY Temp.JobId, FileIndex 

I've spent some time with the script but to no avail thus far.
There's 6GB RAM so it suggests a key buffer size of >4GB which I've set at

This is an Ubuntu Linux server running MySQL v5.1.41.  The mysql data is on an
MD software RAID 1 array on 7200rpm SATA disks.  The tables are MyISAM (which I
had understood to be quicker than innodb in low concurrency situations?).  The
tuner script is suggesting I should disable innodb as we're not using it which
I will do though I wouldn't guess that will make a massive difference.

There are no fragmented tables currently.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Tuning for large (millions of files) backups?

2010-11-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 11 Nov 2010, Alan Brown wrote:

> What tuning (if any) have you performed on your my.cnf and how much
> memory do you have?

Thus far I haven't spent much time on this and haven't tuned MySQL.  The
slow build an annoyance, but not a killer so I've not really got around to
it.  The server has 6GB RAM (running an X86_64 kernel).

> >Have I done something wrong?  As FileId is a primary key, it doesn't seem
> >like I should need an extra index on that one -- is that wrong?
> It doesn't need an extra index.


> You've also got a duplicate pathid indeax which can be deleted.

Ah, I didn't spot that, thanks.

> This kind of thing is why it makes more sense to switch to postgres
> when  mysql databases get large.

I see.  Well, as long as I'm not missing some simple tweak to make MySQL
run quicker I guess I'll plan to do that.


Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College 
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

This E-mail is from Griffith College.
The E-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be
privileged and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity
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the addressee. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately
notify the sender by replying to this e-mail and delete the e-mail from your

Bellerophon Ltd, trades as Griffith College (registered in Ireland No.
60469) with its registered address as Griffith College Campus, South
Circular Road, Dublin 8, Ireland.

Centralized Desktop Delivery: Dell and VMware Reference Architecture
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Tuning for large (millions of files) backups?

2010-11-09 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Tue, 09 Nov 2010, Alan Brown wrote:

> >and it still takes 14 minutes to build the tree on one of our bigger clients.
> >We have 51 million entries in the file table.
> >
> Add individual indexes for Fileid,  Jobid  and Pathid
> Postgres will work with the combined index for individual table queries,
> but mysql won't.

The following are the indexes on the file table:

| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | 
Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| File  |  0 | PRIMARY  |1 | FileId  | A |  
  55861148 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | PathId   |1 | PathId  | A |  
735015 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | FilenameId   |1 | FilenameId  | A |  
   2539143 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | FilenameId   |2 | PathId  | A |  
  13965287 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | JobId|1 | JobId   | A |  
  1324 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | JobId|2 | PathId  | A |  
   2940060 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | JobId|3 | FilenameId  | A |  
  55861148 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | jobid_index  |1 | JobId   | A |  
  1324 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| File  |  1 | pathid_index |1 | PathId  | A |  
735015 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |

I added the last two per your instructions.  Building the tree took about 14
minutes without these indexes and takes about 17-18 minutes having added

Have I done something wrong?  As FileId is a primary key, it doesn't seem
like I should need an extra index on that one -- is that wrong?


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Re: [Bacula-users] Tuning for large (millions of files) backups?

2010-11-08 Thread Gavin McCullagh
Hi Alan,

On Mon, 08 Nov 2010, Alan Brown wrote:

> >When we do restores, building the tree takes a considerable time now.  I
> >haven't had a lot of time to look at it, but suspected it might be down to
> >this issue.
> That's a classic symptom of not having the right indexes on the File table.
> This is in the FAQ somewhere and it's the issue you mentioned as
> affecting mysql but not postgresql (Their index handling is slightly
> different).

Right you are

There is still an element of "move to postgresql" though

  "Moving from MySQL to PostgreSQL should make it work much better due to
   different (more optimized) queries and different SQL engine. "

We seem to have the correct indexes on the file table.  I've run optimize table
and it still takes 14 minutes to build the tree on one of our bigger clients.
We have 51 million entries in the file table.

> The other big contributor to long tree builds is insufficient ram.
> Keep an eye on swap and the bacula-dir process whilst building the
> tree. If it starts thrashing, you need more memory.

I think we should be okay on that score but it's something to watch out


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Tuning for large (millions of files) backups?

2010-11-08 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Mon, 08 Nov 2010, Alan Brown wrote:

> Mysql works well - if tuned, but tuning is a major undertaking when 
> things get large/busy and may take several iterations.

Some time back there was an issue with Bacula (v5?) which seemed to come
down to a particular query associated (I think) with restores taking a very
long time with large datasets on MySQL, but taking a reasonable time on

>From what I read of the conversation, there didn't seem to be any tuning
solution on MySQL.  The answer from several people was "switch to
Postgres".  We're using MySQL for Bacula right now but for this reason I've
had it in mind to move.  

Is this still the case or is there a solution now to those MySQL issues.

When we do restores, building the tree takes a considerable time now.  I
haven't had a lot of time to look at it, but suspected it might be down to
this issue.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] What happen if I delete a single incremental between the full and another incremental

2010-10-18 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010, Graham Keeling wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 09:33:13AM +0200, Hugo Letemplier wrote:
> > Hi thanks a lot for your answers
> > 
> > I have retried with a new test scenario its clear now and deleting an 
> > incremental is really dangerous.
> > But I think that a function that enable the administrator to "join" 2 jobs 
> > would be cool.
> > Imagine that one day lots of data manipulation are done on the machine that 
> > I want to backup, so there is a great difference between 2 incremental. The 
> > jobs are done, and deleting one job is dangerous for the jobs that follows
> > In this case, that would be great to mix 2 jobs.
> > Its quite complicated to explain I know.
> > Take a look at this little scenario, a classical Full with his incremental 
> > jobs : the client is typically a big file server

> > I hope that it can be understood more easily than the previous post !
> Perhaps a VirtualFull backup is what you are looking for?

Or a differential maybe?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Maildir and mysql plugin

2010-08-24 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:

> 2010/8/23 Marcio Merlone 
> > I was wondering... would be nice to have a maildir backup plugin, where
> > one could backup a maildir and have its contents indexed and restorable
> > by sender, subject, date, attachments, etc.. I could try to write one
> > myself, but wouldn't have the required skills and time. Has anyone ever
> > though about this? Is it doable?

We backup a cyrus imap server with Bacula.  It doesn't use Maildir, but
uses an MH-like format which also consists of a directory of files for each
mail folder.  I imagine such a plugin could probably support Cyrus also.

> It is a good idea. It should be easy. The problem is, who wants to use it?

If it were there and worked for cyrus, I would use it and it would be handy
to be able to restore specific emails.  Right now, the easiest thing to do
is usually to restore the full mailbox, reconstruct it and then pick out
the emails which one wants over imap.  On a very big mailbox (we have users
with > 5 emails in one mailbox), that could be a pain.

Whether that is sufficient utility to justify its implementation and
maintenance I'm not sure.  We don't do a lot of these single-email


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to do a remote rollback?

2010-07-26 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Sat, 24 Jul 2010, John Drescher wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Mister IT Guru  wrote:
> >>> What would be a method of restoring a remote linux based server to it
> >>> last full backup, (or even it's first!). Is such a move possible?
> >
> > I was thinking of a general approach, one that can be run on any linux
> > box - my end result would be something like, run a restore job on the
> > target client, and have it reboot, and it's now how it was when I took
> > it's first backup. It seems a full environment may be needed.
> A custom livecd with bacula on it and some predefined setup should go
> pretty far on this.

You could probably do something quite nice with PXE booting either.

If you are familiar with the LTSP, Clonezilla and (in particular) FOG
projects, they do similar things in certain respects.  FOG is a
network-based cloning solution.  You:

1. Set all of your desktops to PXE boot.  
2. Set up your DHCP server to point PXE clients at your FOG server.  
3. On boot, the FOG server then gets to decide whether each client boots
   the local hard disk as usual, or goes into some other mode such as
   uploading an image of itself to the server or downloading a new image to
   its hard disk (either unicast or multicast).

You control FOG itself using a web interface, though that's not necessarily
a requirement.

It seems plausible that you could have a similar PXE set up with a "bacula
restore" mode.  Most of the time the server just boots as normal, unless
you tell the PXE boot server that this particular computer should go into
Bacula restore mode.  It then boots a small linux OS which includes
bacula-fd and perhaps bconsole.  

A script could then format the partitions, trigger a full restore, set up
grub and reboot onto the restored image.

I'm not saying this would be a small piece of work, but a fair bit of it
could probably be lifted from FOG.  Generalising the detailed restore
process across all of your servers might be difficult and across servers in
general might be really tough. You have to deal with issues like which
partitions exist, which should be formatted/wiped, setting up software RAID
partitions, etc.  The "generalised bare metal restore" conversation has
come here before.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Compress speed

2010-07-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 01 Jul 2010, Derek Harkness wrote:

> Sorry I miss spoke in the original post.  I'm backing up a server which
> has 24x2.6ghz cpus and is barely using any of them.  

Sorry, on reflection, you were quite clear.  I misread :-)


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Compress speed

2010-07-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Thu, 01 Jul 2010, Derek Harkness wrote:

> I've seen a very significant slow in backup speed by enabling gzip
> compress, 32MB/s (without gzip) vs 4MB/s  (with gzip).  The server I'm
> backing up has lots of CPU 24x2.6ghz so the compression time shouldn't be
> a huge factor.  Is this normal for bacula or is there an optimization I'm
> missing.

As I understand it, the compression is done on the client (ie the file
daemon), not the server, so it's the CPU speed of the client you need to
consider, not that of the server.  Is the CPU maxed out on the client
during the backup?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Installing Bacula 5.0.2 in Ubuntu 10.04 with MySQL 5.1

2010-06-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010, Graham Sparks wrote:

> 26-Jun 18:01 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Could not open Catalogue 
> "MyCatalog", database "bacula".
> 26-Jun 18:01 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: mysql.c:194 Unable to connect 
> to MySQL server.
> Database=bacula User=bacula
> MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorisation is 
> incorrect.
> 26-Jun 18:01 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION

I'd suggest (if you haven't already) that you lift the exact username,
password, host and database name from the config file and try a 

mysql -u  -p -h hostname 

give the password at the prompt and make sure .  It could be, for example,
that the mysql database is listening on the eth0 interface but not the
loopback or vice versa.  By default, I presume bacula connects on the
localhost so if that's not specified you should probably use  


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[Bacula-users] verifying bacula mysql database schema post upgrade

2010-06-17 Thread Gavin McCullagh

I wonder is there a simple way to verify that Bacula's MySQL tables are as
expected by Bacula.

I was running Ubuntu Hardy on our main backup server but needed v3
(primarily for VSS).  I took a cut of the Debian maintainer's git archive
and created and installed packages for v3.0.2.  Now that the new LTS
release, Ubuntu Lucid, is available with Bacula v5 available, I decided to
upgrade.  The dbconfig-common script gave a complaint during upgrade:

mysql said: ERROR 1091 (42000) at line 3: Can't DROP 'Copy'; check that 
column/key exists

So I wasn't sure if the script ran cleanly to upgrade the database tables.
  ERROR 1091 (42000) at line 3: Can't DROP 'Copy'; check that column/key exists
  ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 4: Duplicate column name 'HasCache'
  ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 5: Duplicate column name 'Reviewed'
  ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 6: Duplicate column name 'Comment'
  ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 7: Duplicate column name 'HasCache'
  ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 8: Duplicate column name 'Reviewed'
  ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 9: Duplicate column name 'Comment'
  ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 11: Duplicate column name 'Severity'
  ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 19: Table 'PathHierarchy' already exists
  ERROR 1061 (42000) at line 26: Duplicate key name 'pathhierarchy_ppathid'
  ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 29: Table 'PathVisibility' already exists
  ERROR 1061 (42000) at line 37: Duplicate key name 'pathvisibility_jobid'
  ERROR 1061 (42000) at line 40: Duplicate key name 'basefiles_jobid_idx'
  Update of Bacula MySQL tables succeeded.

At a guess, these indicate that the script has already run.  I'm just keen
to verify that everything is now as it should be, rather than find out when
I start getting strange errors and problems with Bacula.

Is there some straightforward way to check the database schema?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bare metal windows server 2003 restore

2010-06-14 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Bob Hetzel wrote:

> I've never been able to get the bare-metal restore to work doing a restore 
> starting from a Live CD.  I last tried it over a year ago and people 
> responded a while later saying they got it to work that way and they would 
> update a web page with said info but it appears never to have happened. 

This is frustrating alright.  I've read similar claims but when you go to
try and do it or ask how it's done, nobody seems able to answer.

> Off the topic of bacula for a second, what did you mean by  "PS MS SQL 
> Server v5 is involved here." ?  Did you mean MS SQL 2005 or MySql 5?

It is MS SQL, version 2005 -- sorry not sure where I picked up v5.

> MySQL does not support VSS.  MS SQL does (but only in the 2005 and later 
> version I presume) 

Phew :-)  Though we do have sql server doing its own scheduled backups
overnight when things are quiet.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bare metal windows server 2003 restore

2010-06-14 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Sat, 12 Jun 2010, James Harper wrote:

> You really need a windows live CD (eg bartpe) or else you won't get all
> your NTFS ACL's and other stuff restored properly. Also, certain
> versions of mkntfs are broken wrt making a partition bootable.

That's a real shame.  Knoppix et al are so much more flexible than BartPE.
It would be really handy if one could restore Windows servers in that way.
I wrote down the steps as I did the restore from a knoppix cd and a nice,
short succinct list of commands gets you to an NTFS filesystem with all the
files restored.


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] bare metal windows server 2003 restore

2010-06-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh

we have a windows server 2003 server here and realised that its disk setup
is in such a bad way that we want to reinstall it.  Never having done one,
we thought it would be nice to try a bare metal restore of the machine from
the backups (to spare disks).  Both c:\ and d:\ drives are entirely backed
up by Bacula using VSS.

I was expecting to:

1. Put a linux live cd in the server and boot it.
2. Partition the disk(s) appropriately.  Format them appropriately (NTFS).
3. Start a bacula-fd in linux.
4. Tell the bacula-dir to restore that server entirely through the running
   bacula-fd (probably need to do c:\ and d:\ separately).
5. Restore the MBR somehow (windows recovery cd maybe?)
6. Cross my fingers and reboot.

However, when I looked at the wiki, I found this article which seems a
little more complex.

Are my steps [1-5] extremely naive?  Would that not work?  Do I have to go
the way the wiki page says?  I thought I recalled someone suggesting that
[1-6] should work.

Many thanks in advance for any info,


PS MS SQL Server v5 is involved here.  Should having VSS mean that's okay
to just restore directly?  We do have database backups if need be, but it
would be nice if that wasn't needed.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backups on Nas

2010-05-14 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 13 May 2010, mario parreño wrote:

> But I prefer not mounting a unit, I prefer  acceding to the nas directly,
>  because I have many folders of different accounts in the nas 
> and then I will have that to mount in Debian so many folders since has in the 
> nas.

Bacula's backups (as far as I'm aware), always run between the bacula file
daemon (client) and a bacula (storage daemon).  Restores do the reverse.
If you can't install the bacula file daemon on the machine you wish to
back up, you'll need to install it on another computer which mounts the
share you want backed up.

A cursory glance at the ReadyNAS 1100 suggests it runs Linux which means
you may be able to install the bacula file daemon on it.  This page in the
ReadyNas community suggests that work may already be happening to do that.

These guys seem to have managed to install a bacula-sd on a readynas:



Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bacula Consoles and ACLs

2010-05-13 Thread Gavin McCullagh

we have a number of servers (about 30) being backed up by Bacula now.  This
is working reasonably well.  We use disk-based volumes and a scheme based
on the example in the "Automated Disk Backup" chapter of the manual.  For
each backup we create a directory on the filesystem and a storage device.
We then create pools, a job, schedule etc.

This does mean certain things are a little unwieldy -- we have an
unreasonable number (>100) of pools.  But broadly, things are fairly

I've recently set up a backup which we want restricted access to.  Most of
our staff are allowed access to all backups for the purpose of restore,
etc.  This one is an exception.  I've created a separate console for each
user and some of us will have *all* access to jobs, pools, commands, etc.

Ideally, I need to create a console for some users with something like

  JobACL = *all* *except* RestrictedJob 
  ClientACL = *all* *except* RestrictedClient
  StorageACL = *all* *except* RestrictedStorage
  ScheduleACL = *all* *except* RestrictedSchedule
  PoolACL = *all* *except* RestrictedPool
  FileSetACL = *all* *except* RestrictedFileSet

but I'm guessing this is not possible.  I tried to list all of the other
jobs, clients, etc. but I got errors (which I will post if need be).

What would be nice is if one could create a group of jobs and assign an ACL
against the group.  I don't see a way to do this though.

Am I doing something wrong here?



Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Windows 2008/2008r2 Server backup

2010-05-12 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 12 May 2010, Kevin Keane wrote:

> Because Windows Backup goes down to the sector or block level, it can
> back up basically anything that is on your hard disk - Exchange, SQL
> Server, virtual machines, registries, active directory, junction points,
> case-sensitive files, files with multiple data streams, and all those
> other pesky things that needed special handling in NTBackup. It can also
> back up only a few changed blocks from right in the middle of a large
> file.

So I guess the question in my mind is, how does this differ from Bacula,
supposing you back up C:\, D:\, etc. using VSS?

 - It apparently can back up a "patch" to a changed file which Bacula
   doesn't currently.

 - It sounds like the restore method is more streamlined.  In Bacula (I
   believe) you need to manually set up disk partitions, format NTFS and
   set up a bacula-fd, then restore onto the fresh NTFS partitions and
   update the MBR.  This is tedious and a bit complex.

Is there something that Bacula can't do here?  Is the Bacula way likely to
go wrong in some way?

I'd just prefer not to have to deal with multiple different backup methods.
One of the great joys of Bacula is that we now have a single backup system
which we can teach any sysadmin to use and he knows how to restore files,
regardless of the platform.



Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula slow, possibly network

2010-05-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Tue, 11 May 2010, martinofmoscow wrote:

> Anyone have any experience with using compression on the client with
> Bacula?

Yeah, we use it almost everywhere.  The only exception is a video store
where the files aren't terribly compressible.  As you might imagine, it
uses considerable CPU cycles on the client but it also reduces the
bandwidth required.  Assuming the CPU can keep up, it may well relieve the
network bottleneck.

> Gavin McCullagh-2 wrote:
> > 
> >> Interestingly, I just noticed that the Bacula dir was able to reel off a
> >> backup of the fd on localhost of about 750Mb in under 10 seconds, 
> > 
> > That's about 8MB per second which is a little slower than what you see
> > above.  The fd might not be able to write the data as quickly.
> Although I'm not sure I agree with this! More like 80Mb per second. More
> like what I'd expect.

Ah, sorry yes.  I was confusing myself between Mb (usually Megabit) and MB
(usually Megabyte).  I see what you mean now, the above is 75MB/sec to the



Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula slow, possibly network

2010-05-11 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Tue, 11 May 2010, martinofmoscow wrote:

> I kicked off a [400Gb, full] bacup at 1am on Saturday and it completed 11
> hours later at mid-day.

At the risk of getting the sums wrong and looking silly:

  400GB in 11 hours 
~  36GB per hour
~ 600MB per minute
~  10MB per second
~  82Mbit/sec

There's some rough approximation there but it seems like you're not far
from saturating that 100Mb link for the full 11 hours.

Your bacula reports should include a transfer speed.  What speed is
reported (it's usually in Mbyte/sec)?  Do you have a record of how long
Amanda took?

> Interestingly, I just noticed that the Bacula dir was able to reel off a
> backup of the fd on localhost of about 750Mb in under 10 seconds, 

That's about 8MB per second which is a little slower than what you see
above.  The fd might not be able to write the data as quickly.

> Conversely, a differential of 6Mb from a client on the local LAN just
> took a few minutes to complete.

That's slow in terms of network bitrate, but with a differential or
incremental backup, the bottleneck is usually in the time to find what
files need to be transferred, not in the time to transfer the files.

> Another possibility is spooling. I've set up a spool directory on the
> director/sd but have never seen it used. Relatedly, the tape drive during
> backups is very stop/start, with a lot of pauses.

I'd say without an upgrade to GigE, you're not likely to massively improve
the rate you have.  It's unclear at the moment if the bottleneck is the
network or 



Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Feature idea feeler - bconsole "include / grep"

2010-05-07 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Thu, 06 May 2010, Steve Polyack wrote:

> These are certainly good points.  My thought is just that instead of 
> breaking out of bconsole to perform these tasks can be cumbersome.  
> Personally, I feel that it's something that I'd use a lot, simply to 
> prevent me from constantly breaking in and out of the interactive 
> bconsole session.  However, perhaps a solution would be to have bconsole 
> parse the pipe character and feed output into the command that follows 
> which could be any arbitrary *nix command (as opposed to 
> writing/including our own version of grep).

For comparison, the Postgresql and MySQL command line interfaces include
something similar to this.

MySQL offers the "pager" command which can be set to "less" or "grep ",
etc. as well as the tee command to also send output to a file.  Postgresql
offers a single:

  \o [FILE]  send all query results to file or |pipe

Neither allow anything as simple as

SELECT ... ; | grep blah




Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] VSS and Windows

2010-05-06 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Thu, 06 May 2010, Carlo Filippetto wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a problem with VSS, I receive this:
>   Warning: VSS was not initialized properly. VSS support is
> disabled. ERR=Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.

One cause of VSS problems like this is running 32-bit Bacula-fd on a 64-bit
Windows install.  Might that be the case here?


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Strategy for Laptops

2010-04-02 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010, Avi Rozen wrote:

> Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> > 1. Start bconsole
> > 2. Type "run"
> > 3. Type "exit"
> > 4. The messages are emailed to the user so they know when the job is
> >finished.
> Assuming the laptop is running a Debian based Linux distro: can't this
> be automated by running a backup script from  /etc/networks/interfaces
> using the post-up directive, or by placing such a script under
> /etc/networks/post-up.d ?

If it were a debian-based distro, perhaps.  However, this laptop runs
Windows.  I daresay you could script something similar in Windows too

The other disadvantage of that scheme is that I don't really want a backup
to trigger every time the user appears on the network (and a backup is
due).  I want them to be able to decide "I'm happy to plug in and leave the
laptop on the network for an hour now and I accept it will run a little
slowly during the time".  

In our particular case, if backups ran automatically, we'd have failed
backups because the laptop was unplugged midway through.  We'd also have
complaints that the laptop was running slow at times.

Of course, differently people will have different requirements here.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Strategy for Laptops

2010-04-02 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010, Avarca, Anthony wrote:

> I'm using bacula to backup desktop and laptop clients. The desktops work
> well with a schedule, but laptops are another story. Does anyone have a
> strategy to backup laptops? Is it possible to have the user trigger a
> backup?

It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but we get the user to trigger a
backup using bconsole.  Firstly, we allow console connections from the
client computer to the director, strictly only for the resources which are
relevant to that client.  When the user decides to run a backup, 

1. Start bconsole
2. Type "run"
3. Type "exit"
4. The messages are emailed to the user so they know when the job is

the default backup triggered in our case is always incremental and
accurate.  We then run virtual full backups on a schedule.

This scheme has solved a long-term problem for us.  It's a laptop for which
a full backup takes over 5 hours.  The user simply can't wait that long.
The incremental by contrast takes about 1 hour, which is workable and he
can work on it during the backup, albeit a bit slow.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] "Virtual Backup" feature

2010-04-01 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Thu, 01 Apr 2010, XZed wrote:

> As it keeps unanswered, i just wanted to have confirmation that "Virtual
> Backup" feature of Bacula, is the right one i'm searching to.

That's pretty much a description of Bacula's virtual full backup alright.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Dir/SD on Mac or Windows?

2010-03-24 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Tue, 23 Mar 2010, Bruce McCarthy wrote:

> Basically I would like to get the "server-side" apps (Director & Storage
> Daemon) running on either Windows or Mac OS X. There are binaries available
> for Windows up to 3.0.2 but everything I've read leads me to shy away from
> this unsupported implementation.
> On the Mac side, recommends Fink. Their latest package is at 2.x.
> DarwinPorts has a package for 3.0.3, and MacPorts has one with version
> 5.0.0. 

This is a pretty common situation.  For the sake of argument, if you were
to use a linux distribution such as Ubuntu Hardy, you'd be getting 2.2.8.
If you chose ubuntu Karmic (the latest) you'd get 2.4.4.  Debian Lenny is
2.4 also.

Personally, I don't get that hung up on being at the very major release --
though I do try to be on the latest bug-fixed minor release.  We needed to
have Win64 support with VSS, so I compiled debian packages for 3.0.2 and
our windows clients are all v3.0.3a.  At some point we'll move to v5, but
I'm not that much of a rush.  Hopefully Ubuntu/Debian will catch up with
our needs shortly (debian squeeze and ubuntu lucid both have v5) so
hopefully I'll be able to delegate the Bacula compilation back to the
package archive shortly and let them maintain testing, security fixes, etc.
It may mean we're a little late getting v5.1 or v6, but that's okay.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Enhancements Request

2010-03-16 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Tue, 16 Mar 2010, Bob Cousins wrote:

> - Data staged to disk on the way to tape -- allowing backups to spool 
> faster than tapes and when tape drives are full.

I'm pretty sure this already exists.

> - Explicit capturing of boot and partitioning information for easier 
> bare metal restores. (Bare metal restores should be easy and fast for 
> all OSes, but that is easier said than done.)

Do you mean backing up the MBR?  That might be nice alright.

> And a couple of really low priority but nice to have ideas:
> - Optional system shutdown after backup -- ideal for desktop machines 
> which would otherwise be idle for hours.

Can you not just use the hook to run a command after backup with whatever
shutdown command the computer uses?  Admittedly I guess the FD could do it,
but it's not massively difficult.

> - API for database backups -- backing up MySQL's files while live is 
> bad. Mysqldump output is big. We need a 'better way.'

One way is using a snapshot, where the system in question supports it.  For
example, if you have your MySQL database on an LVM partition you can stop
(or quiesce) mysql, snapshot, start mysql, mount the snapshot and begin
backing up the data files off the snapshot.  ZFS offers similar:


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Re: [Bacula-users] How to use another system disk partition as backup storage?

2010-03-10 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mar 11, 2010, at 5:12, vishesh   

>  I am new to bacula and implemented it on my RHEl server 5.2.  
> Everything is working great and now i want to use my another linux  
> system disk partition as backup storage. Should i use NFS or similar  
> network protocol or any other way?

I presume you mean a disk in another system. Mounting over nfs means  
all data must be sent to your storage daemon and then sent on to your  
nfs server.  It would probably make more sense to install a bacula  
storage daemon on the second machine which would allow backups to go  


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] what strategy for backing up files only once?

2010-02-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Sat, 27 Feb 2010, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> VirtualFull backups be a partial solution to your problem.   We have a
> laptop which we get very short backup time windows for -- never enough time
> to run a full backup.  Instead, we run incrementals (takes about 20% of the
> time) and then run virtualfull backups to consolidate them.  We never need
> to run real full backups.

... apart from the first time of course.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] what strategy for backing up files only once?

2010-02-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010, Ralf Gross wrote:

> I'm still thinking if it would be possible to use bacula for backing
> up xxx TB of data, instead of a more expensive solution with LAN-less
> backups and snapshots.
> Problem is the time window and bandwith.

VirtualFull backups be a partial solution to your problem.   We have a
laptop which we get very short backup time windows for -- never enough time
to run a full backup.  Instead, we run incrementals (takes about 20% of the
time) and then run virtualfull backups to consolidate them.  We never need
to run real full backups.

> If there would be something like a incremental forever feature in
> bacula the problem could be solved. I know the Accurate Backup feature
> but without deduplication (don't backup/store the same file more than
> once) it's possible that the space needed for backups will grow (user
> moves or renames a directory with 10 TB of data...) Accurate Backup
> will detect this and back up the data again (instead of just pointing
> to the new location inside the database).

Deduplication of this sort is not available as far as I know.

I suggested a feature some time back which might help.  I'm not sure if
there's enough interest in it though.  You can see this in the bacula
projects file:;a=blob_plain;f=bacula/projects;hb=HEAD

Item n:   Implement a Migration job type that will create a reverse
  incremental (or decremental) backup from two existing full backups.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Using two disks/problems using vchanger, what could be a good strategy?

2010-02-25 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, Administrator wrote:

> Is there any other solution, e.g. could i "close" a volume using a 
> script and then change the disk? Would bacula create silently a new 
> volume on the new disk if the last used volume was marked "full" before 
> the disk is removed?

Could you just use 

Maximum Volume Jobs = 1

and let it create/recycle a new volume each time?  Then set your retention
and maximum number of volumes in the pool appropriately?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore Dir/Files recursively

2010-02-10 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Ken Barclay wrote:

> Thanks Gavin, but
> $ mark "/public/share/120 SALES DIVISION"
> No files marked.
> $ add "/public/share/120 SALES DIVISION/"
> No files marked.

Sorry, I wasn't thinking.  I'd suggest you do:

cd public
cd share


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore Dir/Files recursively

2010-02-10 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Ken Barclay wrote:

> $ add /public/share/120 SALES DIVISION/*.*
> No files marked.
> $ add /public/share/120 SALES DIVISION/
> No files marked.

The command prompt you get from the bacula console is a little bit
primitive.  Off the top of my head, I'd suggest you try

mark "/public/share/120 SALES DIVISION"
add "/public/share/120 SALES DIVISION"


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Is it possible to configure bacula server to write backup data to another server

2010-02-09 Thread Gavin McCullagh

On Mon, 08 Feb 2010, Khalid Pasha wrote:

> I am new to Bacula, I am planning to install Bacula server on VM machine
> and storage ( for keeping backup data ) on other server on which we have
> mapped LUNs from EMC SAN, my question is it possible to configure Bacula
> in this way, if yes please share procedure of it.

There are 4 components to consider (director [aka server], file daemon [aka
client], storage daemon and catalog [a SQL database]).  Each one can reside
on a different machine in a different place.  Backups transfer directly
between the file daemon and storage daemon, they don't go via the director.

You may have many storage daemons and there's no need for any of them to
run on the same server as the director.  Position them where you have
suitable storage available.

> My bacula server is RHEL and clients to backup will be windows machines.

That should be fine.  The bacula file daemon on Win32 works very well.
Be sure to match (or at least not exceed) the file-daemon version with the
director version though, eg. a bacula-fd v5 may not work with a bacula-dir


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] virtual full backups on file-based devices

2010-02-05 Thread Gavin McCullagh

I'd just like to run something by you guys to see am I doing it right.

We have a senior staff member who exclusively works on a laptop and moves
around and travels a lot.  A full backup takes 5+ hours due mainly to the
relatively slow disk and large amount of data.  That's just not practical.
An incremental takes about an hour, which is workable.

I have created a bacula job for his laptop.  We're using file-based volumes
on a reasonably remote server.  His assistant starts bconsole and types
"run" to start an incremental, accurate backup weekly.  We schedule a
monthly virtual full to consolidate the incrementals.  To facilitate this,
I've created two pools and two devices, all writing to the same directory
on the backup server.

If I'm right, I think I need to alternate the Pool each month in the
schedule, so that the most recent virtual full is used, something like:

Schedule {
  Name = "X-Schedule"
  # Create virtual full backups monthly
  #Run = VirtualFull Pool=X-Full-Pool 1st sun at 21:00
  Run = VirtualFull Pool=X-Full-Pool   jan,mar,may,jul,sep,nov 1st sun 
at 21:00
  Run = VirtualFull Pool=X-Full-Pool-2 feb,apr,jun,aug,oct,dec 1st sun 
at 21:00

Does that seem about right?  Many thanks in advance for any comments,


# Default pool definition
Pool {
  Name = X-Full-Pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Storage = "X-Storage-1"
  Recycle = yes   # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 3 months # one year
  Label Format = X-Full-
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
  Maximum Volumes = 3
  NextPool = X-Full-Pool-2

# Default pool definition
Pool {
  Name = X-Full-Pool-2
  Pool Type = Backup
  Storage = "X-Storage-2"
  Recycle = yes   # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 3 months # one year
  Label Format = X-Full-
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
  Maximum Volumes = 3
  NextPool = X-Full-Pool

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula via NATed connection and Bacula docs

2010-01-27 Thread Gavin McCullagh
On Wed, 27 Jan 2010, Dirk H. Schulz wrote:

> Telnetting from external-fd to server-sd using the above mentionened FQDN
> and the port of the storage daemon (telnet 9103)
> outputs exactly the same as telnetting internally to that port.  Afaik,
> that means: bacula-fd on the external client should be able to connect to
> bacula-sd on the internal server.
> But it does not. Running a backup job for this client the director is 
> quite a long time "waiting for Client ... to connect to Storage ..." and 
> eventually gives up.

In this instance, I would be inclined to start a tcpdump like that below on
both the -fd and -sd, start your backup and see where exactly the -fd tries
to connect to.
tcpdump -ni ethX tcp port 9103

The first question I suppose is to see what IP address the -fd is actually
using to connect.  The second is does the tcp handshake happen correctly
and if so what happens then.  Perhaps the -fd is connecting to the wrong
IP, or it could be a firewall issue, or something else...?  


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How it optimize the transfer speed.

2010-01-26 Thread Gavin McCullagh

as a relative bacula newbie myself I have a couple of suggestions.

On Tue, 26 Jan 2010, Cyril Lavier wrote:

> Now that my exclude rule works perfectly (thank you guys), I just begin 
> to see a problem.
> Backups are made on a LAN 100Mbit.
> But the actual speed of bacula's backup is about 22GB/hour, it's about 
> 50Mbit/second, so it's the half of the actual capacity of the network.

The thing you need to establish here I think is where exactly your
bottleneck lies.  A few tests to narrow things down:

 - try an iperf test between client and server first, to check what speed
   the TCP stacks and the network can sustain a TCP connection going at
   higher than this speed.  Depending on your network, an upgrade to GigE
   may be quite affordable ... or not.

 - identify how quickly the server can receive and write data to disk/tape.
   Perhaps a local bacula backup from the SD to itself of some large
   sequential data might give you a clue (ideally don't read and write from
   the same disk).

 - identify how quickly the client can send data.  You could try a backup
   to an SD nearer (even on the client -- though on a different disk).

The above may not give absolute certainty but it may be enough to give you
a strong indication.

I've managed 10.67 M bytes/second (about 85Mb/sec) on 230GB with the client
on a 100Mb/sec link -- but I had to change a firewall out to do that as the
old firewall couldn't deal with the load.  Without the firewall in the way
and the same server, I've seen 1Mbyte/sec -- due to the client being too
slow (slow disk, fragmented filesystem and slow cpu).

Compression (if you're not already using it) might be useful, but it loads
the client cpu quite heavily so if the client were the bottleneck, this is
unlikely to help much.  It would help with either the network or the
storage daemon though.  If you are already using compression, cpu might be
your bottleneck.

> Now the problem is real, because I have a fileset which is 1.5TB big, 
> and I need to make a full backup once a month (the other backups are 
> incremental ones), and with the transfer speed I have now, the full 
> backup would last for about 3 days.

One workaround to this is to use virtualfull backups (which require the
accurate backup option).  With this method you can use an old full backup
and subsequent differential/incremental backups to construct a more recent
full backup -- without bothering the server.  In principal, this can allow
you to avoid running your 1.5TB full backup.


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