Re: Loss and Rebirth

2002-10-30 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hugh, Wow! That's quite the US military history lesson. If all U.S. citizens were better informed of their world doings things would certainly be different. But, this is not the case... and the U.S. media industry should be pointed out as wrong doing too. Not only politicians. Recently, I cam

Re: Impact BD Practices

2002-10-28 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hello, Congrads on finding such an exciting Ph.D. thesis! I suspect that there will not be much scientific literature concerning your topic here in America, but certainly more in Germany and elsewhere. Such a lack of information is WHY you are justified to study this topic as a Ph.D.. If we

Re: Loss and Rebirth

2002-10-28 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hi, Being a Canadian, we look at American's with our own cultural bias. While we like to think that we are different then you (better, wiser, and nicer), we are more alike then not. Most Canadians will not admit this, but I have no problem seeing our similarities. Goodness is everywhere in the

Re: forest to farm

2002-10-15 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hugh, Yes, you are right. And, I drink some of that forest understory organic coffee. M Good! Cheers, Robin - Original Message - From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: 14 octobre, 2002 05:15 Subject: Re: forest to farm > Dear Robin, > > I think yo

Re: forest to farm

2002-10-13 Thread Robin Duchesneau
All, Of course not! Transformation of forests to agriculture has been a disaster all over the world. This is because industrial agriculture systems are slaves to chemical and genetic industries. Thanks to Monsanto, and others... Forests converted to chemical agriculture is the main thing.

Re: Industrial Timber Plantations - Sustainable?

2002-10-13 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Philip, Sustainability is a question of values. Which values humans choose to sustain is both subjective and arbitrary. As such, it should be known that is practically impossible to sustain all values as often we face tradeoffs. A conformable compromise is often what we strive for; a balan

Re: Wood chips farming

2002-09-29 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Per Garp, All posts on BD Now are archived on the web. Wood chips and tellurian biology can be found at Cheers, Robin - Original Message - From: "COYOTEHILLFARM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: 29 septembre,

Re: Soil Test

2002-09-29 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Liz, It is difficult to advise based solely from the soil test numbers below. A better soil test is by looking at the performance of plants, and searching for macro-and micro-organisms (worms are the easiest bioindicator). A pH 7 seems good for most crops (interesting for a forest soils),

Re: Biodynamics and Darwin

2002-09-26 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Don, Interesting topic indeed. I have a few comments... I am surprised to hear that you ..."have been surprised with the intensity of resistance... within the anthroposophical movement itself, the one place where I thought they would be well understood". I'm not surprised at all! And...,

Re: Equinox Greetings

2002-09-22 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Thank you Jane, In my region, it is also the time to celebrate the cosmos and its plant crop harvests. A typical Quebecois tradition is that local people come together for a huge food gathering. This is to thank God for our crops. Out here we use Corn, amongst others. Anyway, soon I will be

Re: Acceptable GM?

2002-09-22 Thread Robin Duchesneau
C, J, et al.; I am also allergic to poison ivy. When I was '13' I caught 'pV' from playing in my backyard (Mt-St-Hilaire). The severe reaction led me to the hospital seeing that I'd had contaminated my entire body by dispersing the plant toxins through scratching my constant itches. Anyway, I

Re: Acceptable GM?

2002-09-21 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Tony, Perhaps acceptable things can sometimes come from a sick philosophy, world view, or scientific technique. There is no doubt that both biotechnology and molecular sciences have contributed to the emancipation of humanity from some world deadly material threats (...although often only for th

Hijacking Forests in BC, Canada

2002-09-09 Thread Robin Duchesneau
BdNower's, In beautiful B.C. (British Columbia, Canada), nature is still a dominant force. The forest entity is very strong, powerful, and everywhere. This is why people many want to come live here. The forest industry is also very strong, powerful, and everywhere. The combination is the env

Re: Wood chips

2002-09-04 Thread Robin Duchesneau
SStorch, It might be true although I'm not cetain for a fact. I can tell you that macromolecules with aromatic rings represents the energy part of forest soil food. Food = nutrients + energy. Also, that eucalyptus is used as fire starters. See

Re: Wood chips

2002-09-04 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Liz, Sstorch, Roger, Lloyd, and all, Pedogenesis under Australian eucalyptus is very similar to that of conifers. As such, eucalyptus has inherited some evolutionary aspects that have left them with lignin that has an asymetrical structure with aromatic rings composed of a single methoxyl group t

Wood chips and tellurian biology

2002-08-30 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hello, I found a good reference concerning wood chip usage. It's called: «Fundamentals of Forest Ecosystem Pedogenetics: An Approach to Metastability Through Tellurian Biology» and was written by G. Lemieux. What's more interesting is that the work is came out of a university!!! As to show th

Re: Steiner Books Free Forum

2002-08-26 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dave, Thank you. I'd never heard of "hungry ghosts". But, I knew that some Buddhist traditions, such as Tibet Tantrism, had a profound understanding of the dead and live after death. I read the Tibetan book of the Dead a while back. Some day I will write a paper on the parallels and diffe

Koliskos: The Calcium Process in Nature

2002-08-20 Thread Robin Duchesneau

Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-15 Thread Robin Duchesneau

Forms of Clairvoyance

2002-08-15 Thread Robin Duchesneau

Re: Eco-Footprints

2002-08-14 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Roger,   I got 7.1 from the quiz.   Although it seems like eco-footprints might also have a different meaning.  I'd learned that an eco-footprint was the legacy that nature left behind at the moment of human intervention.   For example, if you open a clearing in a forest for agricultural purp

Re: koliskos

2002-08-13 Thread Robin Duchesneau
ur BC BD AGM was on the premises but, the meeting regarding using the property was a total flop.  Michael - Original Message - From: Robin Duchesneau To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:03 AM Subject: Re: koliskos SS

Re: koliskos

2002-08-13 Thread Robin Duchesneau
SStorch,   Perhaps this is true.  But, I must say that I've observed positive change in the 'so called' scientific community.  For now, change is difficult to see because of its state of condition.   I'd say its more internal then external.   Many of the younger scientists are freely admitti

Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-11 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Allan,   You said:  -"...thanks for twisting the thread off from the finger and back to the moon. -Allan".   Bienvenue mon ami!  Thanks.   I agree.  People should not only focus on who is pointing the finger, but consider the direction of the finger .  Yes details are important, but only

Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-11 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hi all,   I'm up for the sharing, reading, and exchanging ideas on Kolisco's work.  I've read the book about 4 years ago.  The book was not mine so I don't have a copy.  Yes I enjoyed reading it.I'll participate according to the bits and pieces delivered on this list.   My comments for a

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Robin Duchesneau
  - Original Message - From: Lloyd Charles To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: August 11, 2002 5:28 AM Subject: Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies > The copyright of the book is owned by 'Kolisko Archive Publications'> which is an English

Biodynamic Spaghetti

2002-08-08 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hello,   Yesterday I found biodynamic spaghetti at my local grocery store in Montreal.  Not the organic type of store, but the super big corporate mega food store.  Perhaps a sign of encouragement!   The spaghetti is made by Eden in Clinton, Michigan.  Even DEMETER certified!!!   Does anyone

Re: 500, 501, 50x....

2002-07-29 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Stacey,   There is so much to say here it's not even funny!  First, it would NOT be wise to associate Biodynamic Preparations to food items (as you have done below)and NO they are not TEAS.   Second, if you have internet go to an official Biodynamic web site and have a good long read.  For e

Re: FW: [globalnews] Stop the Corporate Takeover of our Water

2002-07-28 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Christy (and allBDNOW'ers)   Can I add* to:   << "...Rudolf Steiner described these times as 'standing at the grave of civilization'...">>   Note:  The following quotes come from  "Wie erlangt man Erkenntniss der hoheren Welten? (1904-1905)"  (or How to Acquire Knowledge of the HIGHER Worlds)

Re: FW: [globalnews] Stop the Corporate Takeover of our Water

2002-07-28 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Merla,   I agree with:  "...turn things around by maintaining strong positive FEELINGS, even in the face of all kinds of things happening that you don't want or when you want something which is seemingly impossible; that attacking these "don't want" issues just makes them worse and longing f

Steiner's BD and the Forest

2002-07-24 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Bonjour and hello,   This one..., I hesitate to deliver, but I request opinions...   On the topic of biodynamic forestry... (yes, it's a long and complex post, but so should be all good efforts...)   For a very long time, and even more since I've worked at C-DAR WWF in BC, I've pondered the q

Re: BD 501 (5x)

2002-07-21 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Below comes from Steiner's Agriculture Lectures; and yes I had to loosely translate from my French book...,   Here I refer to stirring preps:   Steiner explains how 'Enthusiasm brings forth therapeutic effect".  In German it comes from "Enthusiasmus and Begeisterung".  How then to decide what

Re: The Wizards weekend (changing into subtleties)

2002-07-21 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hugh, and all who are following this thread,   About the usefulness, relevance, and subtleties of placebo effects...,   First let me reinstate that - what ever placebo is... it's totally fine by me if it heals  Once, when working on a BD farm, I was spraying Thun Prep. in a field and I was

Steiner Books Free Forum

2002-07-14 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Today I got lucky and found at my local used book store six (6!!!) books of Steiner.  I'm really excited to read them.  They are French translations of German publications.  I know this might sounds strange but Steiner happens to be very well published in French.  ... ?!   I'm very excited t

Re: Why have you taken me off the list?

2002-07-13 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Merla,   Below is my boring scientific answer (nothing spiritual...).   In my opinion, just make certain that you are up and up on experimental rigor.  That is:  finding your control, having sufficient replication, randomization of your treatment (Rapid Lightning), and an appropriate statist

Re: wood chips

2002-07-12 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Cordelia,   If you have a pile of wood chips, you must first figure out what kind of tree species were chipped in the first place.  Because, they all have different concentrations of various nutrients and components  that will eventually make your final compost (...assuming its for gard

Re: Lily's life/ health - was: The Wizards weekend

2002-07-12 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Lily,   Your essay touches the roots of many thoughts that have crossed my mind.  Indeed.  In response to your inquiry about "...finding of a modest (and modestly-priced) house/land combo of this nature in the USA...", I'm sorry that I can't help since I'm in Canada.  Perhaps, as a temp

Re: The Wizards weekend

2002-07-09 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dear Hugh,   Thanks for the effort.  That was very informing.  I guess that humans, like machines, also emit many types of vibrations.  That's why I was taught by a BD practitioner to have "good feelings" while stirring the preparations.  I wonder if the vibrations of "good feelings" by a pe

Re: The Wizards weekend

2002-07-07 Thread Robin Duchesneau
D&S,   The Radionics Wizard weekend must of been very interesting indeed.  The world of subtle energies certainly can spike our curiosity.  I have to admit, though, that I like to keep a grain of skepticism when it comes to certain subject.  Because, I'd only heard a bit about radionics, I d

Re: St John's Tide and bd remedies

2002-07-04 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Hi,   My boring answer to Peter, and/or all new comers to the celestial component of BD gardening, is to read the excellent web page of the Oregon Biodynamic Group.  There you will find all sorts of stuff namely classes.  Fortunately there is a class on  COSMIC INFLUENCES.  For those who kno

Re: Vam and boron

2002-06-27 Thread Robin Duchesneau
in NZ we are allowed (by org. certifier) around 10kgs of Borax perha per annum and in our 6 pH soils this appears to have a very minimalinfluence on the B levels even when applied over several years.Robin what ppm B levels do you consider 'normal'?Glen Robin Duchesneau wrote:

Re: Vam and boron

2002-06-27 Thread Robin Duchesneau
Dorothy,   Perhaps it would be wise to consider finding the source of the problem and a long-term solution rather then a quick fix (a.k.a. adding an external fertilizer source).   Here is a few items for you to ponder.   First why is your soil low on boron?   1. It's been shown that Alkalin