RE: Can I ask a question? (RE: Frameworks)

2007-05-03 Thread Richard Kroll
and wherever you get your job programming, you'll learn that they probably have procedures in place that you'll have to learn in order to work well with the team that you'll join. I guess that was our framework discussion. I think this all depends on what you are attempting to do, as each

RE: Problem Using CFC Within IFrame

2007-05-01 Thread Richard Kroll
Anne, I don't know of any specific problems with the technique that you are trying to use. I would suggest trying to make a really simple demo of what you are trying to achieve for demonstration purposes, and post that code to the list so we can see all the moving parts of what is going on, then

RE: Testing Database Connection within Application

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Kroll
There is a decent chance that the admin api functionality gives you access to the same thing that happens when you click the verify data source icon in CF Admin. Yes, you can get this from the adminapi: cfscript // you must log in before accessing other adminapi components

RE: Access my SessionService from Gateway (MG, CS, Reactor)

2007-04-12 Thread Richard Kroll
From your description, it seems like you are mixing layers (which will IMO bite you later). I would suggest keeping your components as focused as possible. When working on this type of problem, I create services that manage each of the entities in the domain. I generally separate user

RE: Access my SessionService from Gateway (MG, CS, Reactor)

2007-04-10 Thread Richard Kroll
I now need access to this session service from one of the Gateways. CS won't be able to autowire your model, but it can still wire those cfcs for you. In your services.xml file, define your façade and then define your gateway with the façade as a property like: bean id=yourGateway

RE: Access my SessionService from Gateway (MG, CS, Reactor)

2007-04-10 Thread Richard Kroll
I'm not using CS to access my gateway using the getBean() method, I'm accessing the gateway using something like this. LOCAL.gCredentials = getModelGlue().getOrmService().createGateway(Credentials); With that call you are talking to reactor I'm assuming. I've not worked with MG:U, so I'm

RE: ColdSpring From Within App.cfc (MG)

2007-04-10 Thread Richard Kroll
(Sorry if this is a double post, I waited a few hours and still had not seen it go through) I'm not using CS to access my gateway using the getBean() method, I'm accessing the gateway using something like this. LOCAL.gCredentials =

RE: Subversion questions

2007-04-02 Thread Richard Kroll
It seems as though your repository structure is working well for you, it seems the only problem is the project properties. I'm assuming for your flex projects that you are using eclipse, which creates .project files. This can wreak havoc if people have the workstations set up differently and

RE: date compare

2007-03-26 Thread Richard Kroll
Firstly, what you have to keep in mind is that you said you have date/time fields. When you are trying: WHERE myDate = '03/26/2007' what you are really saying is: WHERE myDate = '2007-03-26 00:00:00.000' This comparison will fail on a record such as '2007-03-26 17:56:22.000'.

RE: date compare

2007-03-26 Thread Richard Kroll
#Fix( your_date )# will convert the date to a float, and then cut off the hour/min/seconds... Then the CFQueryParam tag will convert the float back into a date/time object. I guess you learn something every day! Nice tip Ben Rich Kroll

RE: date compare

2007-03-26 Thread Richard Kroll
Thanks Rich. Tried to implement but recevd errors with Convert. Where does this command go pls? In the where? Tried that but still got errors. As Janet noted, that syntax is for MSSQL. I did a quick test in Access, and you can get similar results using the following: WHERE Format(myDate,

RE: You think you know OOP.. but you don't

2007-03-22 Thread Richard Kroll
I agree with most of your post, Dave. But one thing that bothers me about the 100 CF frameworks out there is that often times these guys make up their own dialect instead of trying to use existing terms that mean the same thing. I'm not a frameworks expert, but from the reading I've done,

RE: A quick referance guide to OOP MVC

2007-03-21 Thread Richard Kroll
I'm looking for someone to give me a rough rundown of some of the OOP terms that I keep seeing thrown around and yet still baffle me. I've got some elements of my application that I've been handed by other people, and they refer to them as 'Facades' or 'Utilities' or 'Services' what are the

RE: A quick referance guide to OOP MVC

2007-03-21 Thread Richard Kroll
But what's this with TO's being an object only containing properties? I thought that was a bean? So for instants I'd have a bean that containing only getters and setters, nothing more, is that a TO, or is a TO more like an active record that represents a row of table data? Rob, It's just a

RE: Help Desk / Trouble Ticket recommendation?

2007-03-16 Thread Richard Kroll
I highly recommend Jira ( Its Java based and once you purchase the application, you have access to the source. It is configurable to a degree that I've never seen in any other app. Has SVN integration, an active community of plug-in developers, web service availability, can

RE: Dynamic title In Model-Glue

2007-03-15 Thread Richard Kroll
Is there any reason behind doing this? I try to do this as well in my applications. The reason that I do it is that it places all framework dependant code at the top of the template so it is easy to get to. An additional benefit is that if I ever need to migrate the application to another

RE: SVN Dreamweaver

2007-03-13 Thread Richard Kroll
Seriously, what're people using to count lines of code? I gave a rough guess based on the number of templates X the average lines of code in a template. Not exactly accurate, but it did not need to be ;) Rich Kroll ~|

RE: SVN Dreamweaver

2007-03-12 Thread Richard Kroll
I believe the way you are using VSS is using the lock-modify-unlock model for source control. Subversion uses a different model, the copy-modify-merge model. We used VSS prior to moving to SVN, and some of the decision makers had concerns with switching to a model where multiple developers had

RE: Subject: How to invoke a method from inside another method in a cfc

2007-03-11 Thread Richard Kroll
All you need to do is simply call the method: cffunction name=method1... ... cfif... cfset method2() / /cfif /cffunction cffunction name=method2... /cffunction HTH, Rich Kroll ~| Deploy Web Applications Quickly

RE: Nesting CFCs?

2007-03-07 Thread Richard Kroll
Scott, There are two answers to your question. You can call methods in other CFCs in two ways. The first way is through Inheritance, take the following example: cfcomponent displayname=ObjectA cffunction name=aFunction cfreturn A / /cffunction /cfcomponent

RE: why Named Virtual Hosts in apache??

2007-03-05 Thread Richard Kroll
Virtual Hosts in Apache? On a development machine why do this? I use named virtual hosts on dev machine. I've got them set up to allow me to have a development 'playground'. For example when I start a new experimental project, I create a new directory and a matching virtual host in apache.

RE: Problem with Server Timing Out

2007-03-02 Thread Richard Kroll
I turned off pooling and I am still getting the time outs. I have upgraded the drivers. Ugh, any other suggestions? -JH Jim, We switched to jTDS drivers until Adobe can work with DataDirect to correct the problem, and they seem to be working well for us. You might want to give them a

RE: Problem with Server Timing Out

2007-03-02 Thread Richard Kroll
All you need to do is unzip the jar into your classpath, or add a mapping to where you unzip them. To test them open CFAdmin and create a new datasource of type 'other'. JDBC URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://******:1436/**databaseNameHere**;td s=8.0;lastupdatecount=true; Replace the

RE: DAO, Gateway Access

2007-02-28 Thread Richard Kroll
Robert, The 'traditional' way in which DAO's and gateways are implemented are that a DAO works with an individual bean and manages its persistence. A gateway manages retrieving sets of data, usually returned as a query. From what it should like you are doing, you are asking the gateway for a

RE: Queue Manager

2007-02-27 Thread Richard Kroll
I need some advice. I am working on a project. The cfm page in my project I call TheBrain.cfm this is the page that gets called by my task scheduler every 4 hours. TheBrain.cfm script then makes calls to a web service. I am allowed to have 15 simultaneous connections to the web service

RE: Problem with Server Timing Out

2007-02-23 Thread Richard Kroll
Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]A problem occurred when attempting to contact the server (Server returned: Connection reset). I'm assuming that you are connecting to a MSSQL server. We were

RE: Problem with Server Timing Out

2007-02-23 Thread Richard Kroll
Where can I find or how can I switch to the jTDS drivers? We are using SQL2000 and a fresh install of 7.02. Rich Kroll ~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade integrate Adobe Coldfusion

RE: Switching to Weblogic 9.2 on Java 1.5 - which version of CF to use?

2007-02-21 Thread Richard Kroll
So that's where i'm at for now: 1) Might work with cfmx 7, but not supported. 2) Will most likely work with CFMX 8, but no information of whether it will be officially supported (the Weblogic 9.2 bit, not the java 1.5 bit). 3) Some kind of one time automated migration to regular java web app

RE: cfcs defining datasource in application.cfm

2007-02-21 Thread Richard Kroll
Passing the dsn to the CFC in the create object?? Is this correct or should I change my ways? I think it depends on your requirements and personal taste. I have done exactly the same thing, but now I also need to pass not just the DSN but also the database I'm currently working on. I chose

RE: cfcs defining datasource in application.cfm

2007-02-21 Thread Richard Kroll
Sorta off topic, but this is one area where ColdSpring is pretty awesome. That's pretty much the only way I'm using CS right now-- Haven't even scratched the surface of Advice, which is just freaking cool. I agree completely! Rich Kroll

RE: ColdSpring - What's my DAO do?

2007-02-13 Thread Richard Kroll
Rich, so based on this, it means I should have a dogFactory for my dogGateway as well as my dogDAO, right? Nope, you would have a single dogFactory to handle creation of dog objects. In its simplest form, the dogFactory would simply return a newly created dog instance. When inside your DAO,

RE: ColdSpring - What's my DAO do?

2007-02-13 Thread Richard Kroll
Rich, I apologize for not making my question totally clear. What I am asking is if I you are suggesting injecting the dogFactory into both the dogDAO as well as the dogDG through CS. Yes, that is exactly what I was suggesting. Rich Kroll

RE: ColdSpring - What's my DAO do?

2007-02-12 Thread Richard Kroll
So - how do I create an object (or multiple) from within my DAO and DG without hard coding the path? After writing an almost complete example of how to set this up I realized that I missed the point of your question. You are referring to where you get a dog bean once inside your DAO / Gateway,

RE: Uploading files to one server, propgating them to many. Was: Client variables? reliable enough?

2007-02-06 Thread Richard Kroll
My company currently has multiple load balanced web servers. Each time we deploy code, we have to manually FTP it to each server. We'd love to be able to upload (or SVN) code to one location and have an automated process to replicate the code to the other servers. We currently have a similar

RE: Take a minute to Digg this story about the Smith Project

2007-02-05 Thread Richard Kroll
Of course it would be quite awhile before smith was anywhere near the quality of Macromedia's product. By taking the project open source, I think they would enable more rapid feature development. The quality I think would depend on who is running the project and how many quality contributions

RE: CFEclipse Setup Question

2007-02-04 Thread Richard Kroll
The F9/collapsing feature in HS allows for a larger viewable area and I use it all of the time. Instead of collapsing the file viewer, you can Ctrl-M to maximize the current view. Same objective, different path. Rich Kroll ~|

RE: Daily procedures for using Subversion

2007-02-01 Thread Richard Kroll
You said that you thought of putting the entire web root under source control. Is the web root one project, or do you have multiple applications running under it? If it is one project then can create a repository where the trunk would be your entire web root. The repository structure would look

RE: thread-saftey of application-instantiated components

2007-02-01 Thread Richard Kroll
There is the possibility for race conditions, so it depends what your component is doing. If your component has the following method: cffunction name=performMath cfargument name=num1 type=numeric required=true / cfargument name=num2 type=numeric required=true / cfset var

RE: thread-saftey of application-instantiated components

2007-02-01 Thread Richard Kroll
Yes, the separate calls could get inconsistent data. This is what the CFLOCK tag is for. This is true only if the method is calling / using instance data. Rich Kroll ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 MX7

RE: cfif vs cfswitch

2007-01-30 Thread Richard Kroll
We had the same problem that Jochem's post related to. We changed all our cfswitch/cfcase statements that worked with strings inside loops to cfif/cfelseif statements and saw increased performance and stability. This was on a CF7 set of servers. We noticed that when the cfswitch was outside of a

RE: cfif vs cfswitch

2007-01-30 Thread Richard Kroll
I agree with Jochem's suggestion of using cfswitch for numeric or perhaps single character searches. The problem as noted in the link Jochem provided is that when using cfswitch, CF under the hood attempts a toDouble(), which if it is numeric hums happily along. If you pass in any type of

Delimited list problems - a bug?

2007-01-26 Thread Richard Kroll
Hey all, One of my team members just brought to me something strange that to me seems as if it's a bug. If you use multiple delimiters to create a list, and then use a single delimiter to fashion a sub-list, CF treats the sub-list as two elements. Here is an example: cfset myList = 'element

RE: Delimited list problems - a bug?

2007-01-26 Thread Richard Kroll
But it is explained this way in the documentation. When you provide a list of delimiters it is not an AND list, it is an OR list. Thanks. I did not even consult the doc's on this, I made the assumption that multiple delimiters were treated in an AND fashion. I guess I now know what they

RE: Date Problem

2007-01-24 Thread Richard Kroll
That is what I want, nulls. If no date is selected, then I do not want anything there. I would suggest using the CFQUERYPARAM tag and using its NULL attribute. If not that then you will be forced to do a CFIF myDate eq ''NULLcfelse#myDate#/cfif Rich Kroll

RE: Date Problem

2007-01-24 Thread Richard Kroll
Based on the query you provided: UPDATE tblCouncilMember SET Fname = '#Arguments.Fname#', Lname = '#Arguments.Lname#', Address = '#Arguments.Address#', City = '#Arguments.City#',

RE: Date Problem

2007-01-24 Thread Richard Kroll
Yeah, guess I am gonna have to use the CFIF option. SP's are not allowed on the DB2 server for the city. We are getting our own SQL Server and CF Server soon though, so I get to re-write the app using SP's. As I understand it, using the CFQUERYPARAM tag is on the ColdFusion side and simply

Intro to e-commerce transactions

2007-01-24 Thread Richard Kroll
I'm currently working on my first e-commerce solution (don't ask me how that's even possible after this many years as a developer!). Much of the back end work I'm very comfortable with, but I've never worked with online payment processing. Can anyone suggest some resources to the payment portion

RE: Better way to send nulls to a Stored Proc?

2007-01-22 Thread Richard Kroll
null=#opposite[yesNoFormat(len(dateIn))]# I do something similar. I use: null=#NOT YesNoFormat(len(dateIn))# I've been looking for a cleaner way to accomplish this as well, but this works for the time being. Rich Kroll ~|

String Math Parser

2007-01-16 Thread Richard Kroll
I am currently creating a wiki style parsing engine for the lack of a better description. To date I have all the HTML elements parsing that I need, but one of the requirements that I have is to allow the end user to input variables from our system (kind of a merge field) and allow them to perform

RE: CF on Apache

2007-01-15 Thread Richard Kroll
Just one little problem. Apache 2.2.4 doesn't have an 'apache.exe' file in it's bin folder. Any ideas? All help is appreciated. When we moved to SVN I set up all our developers with CF7 / Apache 2. I found that if my configuration file had any problems in it that apache would fail to start,

RE: [RE-POST] IE6 CSS butting heads

2007-01-15 Thread Richard Kroll
They recommended the articles from A List Apart I'll second A List Apart, they have some great resources. They have a ASP / ASP.Net focus but their CSS work is great. Rich Kroll Senior Technical Lead SITE Manageware, Inc. 2841 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale,

RE: SQL Server Error 8179: Could not find prepared statement with handle x

2007-01-09 Thread Richard Kroll
George, We ran into the same problem a few months ago. What we found was the error was thrown on random queries that had CFQUERYPARAMs in them (which was almost every query in our application). Somewhere on the net I found an article explaining that it had something to do with the drivers. We

RE: SQL Server Error 8179: Could not find prepared statement with handle x

2007-01-09 Thread Richard Kroll
The drivers we used are located at Rich Kroll -Original Message- From: George Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 10:02 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: SQL Server Error 8179: Could not find prepared statement with handle x

RE: Werid cfqueryparam error...

2007-01-09 Thread Richard Kroll
Have you tried using the NULL attribute of CFQUERYPARAM? I've done something like NULL=#NOT YesNoFormat(LEN(ARGUMENTS.prodconsignmentprice))# to handle this type of thing. Rich Kroll -Original Message- From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007

RE: Getting changed fields from database using an audit table

2007-01-09 Thread Richard Kroll
In a SQL query without the dynamic column list, is this what you are trying to achieve? SELECT FROMusers u INNER JOIN users_updated up ON = AND up.lastupdated = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_date value=#since# WHERE IN (

RE: CF and OOP - Controller

2007-01-09 Thread Richard Kroll
Matt, Glad I could help. Good luck on your project and the OO adventure! Rich Kroll ~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2

RE: Getting changed fields from database using an audit table

2007-01-09 Thread Richard Kroll
Doug, After seeing your intended output the query will need to change a bit, but I think I understand what you are after. Could you do something like this: (beware this SQL psudeo-code it's untested) declare @User_modify table( UserID int, FieldName nvarchar(50), NewValue

RE: SOT. Formatting Excel

2007-01-04 Thread Richard Kroll
So, is there any way to specify no text wrap in this code: You can manipulate this with CSS. Here is the procedure I followed with good results: 1. Export the existing document to Excel. 2. Modify the columns to display how I want them. 3. Export to HTML from Excel. 4. View source and copy /

RE: Modifying an existing PDF

2007-01-04 Thread Richard Kroll
Is it possible, using the built in features of CF, to modify and add information on top of an existing pdf file? What do you mean by modify and add information? Are you referring to filling in PDF Forms? Adding additional pages to the end of an existing page? Modifying existing text inside

RE: Modifying an existing PDF

2007-01-04 Thread Richard Kroll
Thanks Rich. We actually have a certificate that will be put into a pdf. We will then place the customer's name and other information on that pdf when needed. In that case what you are looking for should be pretty easy to achieve. If you have access to add a JAR file to your server you can

RE: Issue with not of type numeric when sending value to CFC

2007-01-04 Thread Richard Kroll
Can you post the code that you have in your test CFC as well? Rich Kroll What's happening is that if I take a recordset row, and build a structure based on it's columns, and then pass that structure as an ArgumentCollection to a CFC, the method tosses a not of type numeric on a value that

RE: CF and OOP - Controller

2007-01-02 Thread Richard Kroll
Firstly, I applaud your work in attempting to truly understand how OO works and how to apply it to CF. I just wanted to chime in and give you a few things to think about when you are trying to understand / build an MVC app. I looked at the problem of building an MVC application and looked to

RE: cfqueryparam DECREASES performance?

2006-12-29 Thread Richard Kroll
The SQL output by a query using cfqueryparam is a prepared statement. He was suggesting that you compare the execution plan using cfqueryparam vs. not using it to see what the difference is. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place then. I know I can use MSSQL's SQL Management Studio to place

RE: Simple source control

2006-12-28 Thread Richard Kroll
Claude, I recently went through exactly what you are dealing with now. Our development environment began with all developers working against the exact same code base, where developers would overwrite each others changes as well as break code during the development process that would affect other

RE: Simple source control

2006-12-28 Thread Richard Kroll
Yes. But why would would you want to automatically download code from there? To make sure that a programmer will get the last version before he starts working on a file. At least, this should be checked by the system when a user request a lock on a file. Making sure that you are

RE: cfqueryparam DECREASES performance?

2006-12-28 Thread Richard Kroll
You might want to take a look at your query execution plan, and see what's different when using a prepared statement. I know how to see the query execution plan on MSSQL, but how do you see it compared to a prepared statement? Rich Kroll

RE: Certification

2006-12-18 Thread Richard Kroll
We've used Brainbench with some success. We have applicants take the tests on premise, so we proctor them ourselves. Rich Kroll Brainbench certifications are unproctored, so you can't even tell if the applicant actually took it, can you? Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

RE: Certification

2006-12-18 Thread Richard Kroll
Some companies actually have the applicant take the brainbench exam as part of the interviewing process. In that case it is proctored, and if controlled properly, might give a decent indication of the candidate's skill set. That's exactly how we perform and use the tests. Rich Kroll

RE: cffunction with a loop inside - need some advice

2006-12-15 Thread Richard Kroll
I was not sure if you needed to invoke this as a web service or simply an object, so I wrote up each. This makes one call for each 'class' that needs to be created. If you wanted to reduce hits on your database, I would refactor this to take an array of structures of 'classes' as an argument and

RE: CFC Assistance

2006-12-07 Thread Richard Kroll
You might want to try something like this: cfcomponent cfset variables.ncid = 0 !--- called when CFC is created --- cffunction name=checkNCID access=public output=false cfargument name=NCID required=no default=#variables.ncid# cfset var id

RE: Determine database field type

2006-12-07 Thread Richard Kroll
The first step would be to find out what type of field I am working with. I am don't know how to do that. You can use the information_schema if you are using MSSQL to determine the data type of the column. Then I'll have to figure out how to make it a date field for excel. You can create a

RE: cfinput validate=SubmitOnce

2006-11-28 Thread Richard Kroll
One way this can be solved is use a synchronized token to manage the submittal (Synchronizer Token, Core J2EE Patterns). The way this works is you create a unique token, for example a UUID and store this in the user's session. When the user reaches your form you store the token in a hidden input

RE: OT: Multiple Select Boxes (JS)

2006-11-08 Thread Richard Kroll
I'd be interested as well if you could put it up. Rich Kroll -Original Message- From: Wayne Putterill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:27 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: OT: Multiple Select Boxes (JS) Sent, I'd put it up somewhere but I can't from work

RE: Java ListIterator to CF Variable

2006-11-01 Thread Richard Kroll
..nextIndex() the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call to next, or list size if list iterator is at end of list it's not technically a length() or size() call, but you can get the same functionality from it :P Rich Kroll -Original Message- From: Dan Plesse

RE: Framework choices

2006-10-24 Thread Richard Kroll
I was specifically wondering if ANY of the frameworks support code re-use in the form that I mentioned in the orginal post. i.e. can I write the model and views for one system and keep them in one location accessile to several applications that mayuse parts or all of it's functionality. IMO

RE: Locales

2006-10-11 Thread Richard Kroll
Do you know any useful links on the java epoch offsets? Rich Kroll -Original Message- From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:47 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: Locales Mark Flewellen wrote: but you'd be better off ditching the localized strings

OT: JS i18n

2006-10-10 Thread Richard Kroll
Does anyone know of a JavaScript library that handles localized dates / currency? We're having problems with i18n and our users passing localized currency and date strings into JS and it's returning very strange results as it does not know how to parse the string. Any help would be greatly

RE: Bad use of DAOs and Gateways?

2006-10-06 Thread Richard Kroll
if all your objects are in the session Noo, never do this. Eats up memory fast, JRUN will crash. I had a CF 7.0.1 site that got thousends of page views/day doing this, and it was fine. We were using Weblogic though, which is a tad more industrial than JRrun, IMVHO. This is something I

JVM Server Memory

2006-09-28 Thread Richard Kroll
Hello all, I remember a post not too long ago talking about the JVM and it's max size on a windows 32bit server having a celing of 1.3gb. We've got a server that has 3gb of ram, and about 1.8gb of that is going unused even under peak load. One of my colleagues decided to up the -XmxNx value of

Currency Codes and Locale

2006-09-26 Thread Richard Kroll
I've run into a situation where I need to separate Locale from the currency used in our application. I found a few listings that use currency codes (ex. USD for US Dollar, GBP for UK Pounds, etc.). Is there a CF Function or perhaps Java library that I can use to get these codes and tie them to

RE: Currency Codes and Locale

2006-09-26 Thread Richard Kroll Thanks paul, that's exactly what I was looking for! I'm amazed when I see things like this, where we have many of the built in tools in CF, but are missing what to me seems like very necessary tools and must delve into Java to have

RE: CFLdap

2006-09-15 Thread Richard Kroll
Speaking of LDAP, I'm new to this and trying to integrate a few different applications we've got in house to use a central user repository that we can base security upon groups from AD. Is there a reference somewhere on how to do this, and perhaps a reference on the attributes you guys are

RE: cfquery sql= ...

2006-09-14 Thread Richard Kroll
This is for multi configuration, for a single instance configuration, you can find it in \wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags\META-INF\taglib.cftld Rich Kroll -Original Message- From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:16 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: cfquery

I18N and money

2006-09-08 Thread Richard Kroll
We have just picked up our first international clients and are beginning down the road of I18N. Initially we were planning to just support locale specific dates and money, which we would store in US dollars and in a US date format within our database. We offer a software solution that is a sales

Locale problems

2006-08-30 Thread Richard Kroll
Hey all, I'm currently working with resource bundles, and I've run into a problem with the implementation and am hoping that someone here can give me some insight. I've got a resourceBundle CFC set up that uses the Java ICU4J library to manage my RBs. My problem comes up when I'm using

RE: Locale problems

2006-08-30 Thread Richard Kroll
- From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:15 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: Locale problems Richard Kroll wrote: insight. I've got a resourceBundle CFC set up that uses the Java ICU4J library to manage my RBs. My problem comes up when I'm using why use

RE: Coldfusion and Java

2006-08-28 Thread Richard Kroll
This is a shot in the dark, but I know I've had problems with I did not cast things for java. Did you try JavaCast() on your passed arguments? Rich Kroll -Original Message- From: Mullai Subbiah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:56 PM To: CF-Talk Subject:

RE: OT: SVN, Ant, CruiseControl, and deployment

2006-08-28 Thread Richard Kroll
Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to start next week working with a few spare servers we have at the moment. I'm going to try to get the process set up across them to replicate our environment and see what I can come up with. I'll provide some feedback once I get everything set up. Rich Kroll

RE: Database design question

2006-08-21 Thread Richard Kroll
The one table design that Michael is describing will hold all your categories and sub-categories, as well as any further nesting that you might need. For example: Cat_id, category_name, parent_id 1, category 1, NULL 2, category 2,

RE: Global vars in CFC's :-)

2006-08-21 Thread Richard Kroll
I am a big proponent of method A. My reasoning is that it cleanly separates instance data from other data in the object. I create a debug() method in all my objects that return the instance struct, which gives a very clean way to see what data is within an object. Additionally you can use the

RE: Getting today's orders?

2006-08-21 Thread Richard Kroll
The problem you are seeing is that when you are comparing orderdate = now() that it's including minutes and seconds, which will not equal your record. You can use: WHERE CAST(CONVERT(varchar, orderdate, 1) as smalldatetime) = '8/19/2006' to get all valid orders from the specific date

RE: Changing views at runtime with mach-ii

2006-08-14 Thread Richard Kroll
:// Skype:callto:fraxxinus - |-Original Message- |From: Richard Kroll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 18:37 |To: CF-Talk |Subject: OT: Changing views at runtime

OT: Changing views at runtime with mach-ii

2006-08-11 Thread Richard Kroll
Hell all, I'm struggling to find a way to dynamically change a view at runtime in Mach-ii and hoped someone here could point me in the right direction. I've got clients that like to see different views depending on the situation and I was trying to create a plug-in to swap the called view at

RE: odd component issue

2006-08-09 Thread Richard Kroll
I've encountered some strange things like this on our server when we are caching classes. From time to time we need to remove all of the CF generated classes and then CF can see the missing page again. I've been unable to figure out exactly why it's caused, but at least I've found a solution


2006-08-09 Thread Richard Kroll
You can create the DAO, bean, and gateway CFCs by right clicking on a table and using a provided wizard. It's a great tool, there are some code inconsistencies (just style mostly) that are within the generated CFCs, but adobe is aware and I'm sure will fix them in an upcoming release. Rich

RE: Development Environment Setup

2006-08-09 Thread Richard Kroll
I feel your pain and have recently worked through many of the problems that you are currently struggling with. This is the solution that we found works for us and is in no way best practice or the right way, but hey, it works for us with 20 developers all working on the same set of code! We

RE: Announcing SeeFusion 4 (with Flex 2)!

2006-08-04 Thread Richard Kroll
* New 2-for-1 pricing model for individual servers. For any single physical server, every 2 ColdFusion instances that you want to monitor now require just 1 SeeFusion license. This is a quote from the email that webapper sent today. Rich

RE: cfproperty vs. setting variables for in a cfc

2006-07-28 Thread Richard Kroll
cfproperty is used in webservice calls, and if your CFC is not used for that, then the only benefit AFAIK is for introspection. HTH, Rich -Original Message- From: Ken Fused [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 1:53 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: cfproperty vs. setting

RE: OT: SVN Error

2006-07-13 Thread Richard Kroll
Here is my post-commit script, though I don't think the problem is here as most of the time it's working only chokes if one of the directories has been moved / deleted in the underlying file structure: @echo Processing Cleanup C:\progra~1\subversion\bin\svn.exe cleanup c:\webserver\site


2006-07-12 Thread Richard Kroll
I know I'd sign up for notification for when new tips are added. I know I don't check back that often, only when a need arises and I'm looking for a solution. My 2 cents, Rich -Original Message- From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:00 AM To:

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