Re: Remove all CF comments

2012-03-01 Thread denstar

If you need a tool that understands tags, the jericho html parser is
probably a good bet.  It won't get script comments though.


I don't think nationalism is alone holding the field; it's in contention
with a lot of different things.
Peter Singer

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Q re new CF9 Spreadsheet* functions

2011-04-29 Thread denstar

There's also JExcelAPI for generating Excel files.  Way nicer API than
POI, and I've got a custom tag somewhere around here for using it, if
you're interested.

Really though, I'd recommend using JasperReports.  It's an *awesome*
reporting engine, and has a *kick ass* GUI report editor (that is
cross platform, BTW).

You can export in PDF, Excel, PPT, and about 10 other formats.  Really
just excellent stuff, and way, *way* better than the sorta
hit-and-miss style editing required for many other solutions (like

Just thought I'd toss those out there.  Using JasperReports is great
for offloading processing as well (if you're going to be generating a
bunch of stuff).


Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of
weakness, and dies by chance.
Jean-Paul Sartre

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Dave Burns wrote:

 The Excel approach seemed like a winner but in the end, I had to ditch it. In 
 the end, I hit what appears to be a well-known problem and a known limitation 
 for cfspreadsheet. The current design of the spreadsheet functionality 
 makes it hard (impossible?) to optimally share cell formats across cells and 
 that makes Excel hit an internal limit. Excel then decides on its own which 
 cells will not receive any formatting. I am setting the cell formats for a 
 few hundred cells in the worksheet although there are only 4 or 5 truly 
 unique formats. That works fine until I then create many similar sheets 
 within the same workbook. When you open the XLS in Excel, you get an error 
 message re Too many different cell formats. (see
  for Adobe's bug report and for 
 background info)

 My theory then is that every time you call spreadsheetFormatRow or 
 spreadsheetFormatCell, the underlying library CF uses does not optimize how 
 the format is applied. I experimented but couldn't see a way through the CF 
 API to force it to be smarter. In the end, I had to back off to making a PDF 
 which, with CF's PDF library CSS limitations meant no rotated text.

 In the meantime, a few notes to help those in the future:
 - when setting a format struct's rotation value, use a string for negative 
 values, i.e. format.rotation = '-60' or you'll get an exception.
 - I could not get formats to work at all unless I set a cell value, even if 
 to an empty string. This leads to another problem:
 - Setting cell values is SLOW. I looped through a grid of 20x16 cells, 
 setting them to the empty string. That added generation time of 8 seconds.
 - Setting column widths and row heights was unreliable for me unless I did 
 that after all cell formats were set.
 - It's unclear what the value is that is passed to 
 spreadsheetSetRowHeight/ColumnWidth. The doc says it's in points. When I set 
 it to X and then look at the resulting spreadsheet in Excel, Excel tells me a 
 different value than X.


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Re: htaccess - 301 - wildcard and remove query string.

2011-04-27 Thread denstar

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 4:48 AM, Michael Grant wrote:

 So _part_ of it seems to work. However the query string is still being
 appended to the end. Is there a way to nix that?

Try adding a ?

RewriteRule ^([^\/]*)/sales/([0-9]){1}/(122)$2/$3/?

Dunno if it'll work, but mebbe.


To know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather
than what they say.
George Santayana

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Storing Arrays or Structures in a database

2011-04-06 Thread denstar

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 And you can pass it back and forth between cf and js with no fuss or muss.

Well, besides the weird is it a string or a number type of deal that
can change 8 to 8.0 and a few other oddities.  ;)


It is easier to make a saint out of a libertine than out of a prig.
George Santayana

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Storing Arrays or Structures in a database

2011-04-06 Thread denstar

I was mostly just being pedantic.  :)  It works fine out of the box
most the time.  And for the rest of the time, there's json.cfc, as
Andrew mentioned.  :)

No joke that it's way better than WDDX.  Three cheers for JSON!  Hip, hip, hip!

:den the pelvis uno

It is veneer, rouge, aestheticism, art museums, new theaters, etc.
that make America impotent. The good things are football, kindness,
and jazz bands.
George Santayana

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 Given. I have a tendency to always use parseInt anyway, so I don't generally
 suffer that woe.
 However your point is well taken... a teeny bit of fuss, with a pinch of

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Old School CFX (TextCrypt) and RSA Encryption

2011-03-19 Thread denstar

LOL!  Life is too short to not get excited whenever one gets a chance.
 It's the little victories that get me through the days.  :-)

Heh.  Funny you should mention class loaders.  Spent the last like 20
hours dicking around with this crazy classloader problem with embedded
jetty.  I'd think that, by this point, I shouldn't be having
classloader issues anymore.  Sheesh.  =)p

Anyways, since I'm up for air for a bit:

It looks like the delphi BigInts are 2d arrays with contents and
bytes (I think that's why it builds the hex in reverse?).  I'm
actually not sure how I can dump them other than the hex deal... it's
been over a decade since I've seriously messed with pascal-ish-ness
(it was the turbo variety :)).  I can see the values when I hover over
the var while debugging tho.  =]

I could try looping through the array, and dumping the elements as
ints I guess, but I honestly don't know how it's really implemented.
I don't have source file for it, or the TRSA library (there was a
binary version on the original site).  What I'm really curious about
is how he did his base64 routine, but that's in rsa.pas, which I don't

So even the hex didn't work, eh?  As far as how I got the output:  I
literally just dropped that function into the sample program that the
binary TRSA binary comes with, as that's apparently where it came
from, even though it's not in the sample.  Then I added a text box to
display the value.

Hrm.  I'll take a stab at dumping the values from the array... the
ultimate would be getting the rsa.pas file, so we could *see* what's
going on.

Darn.  I was really hoping that hex would do it.  Ah well.

It still /feels/ close...  ;-)


So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in
praise of intelligence.
Bertrand Russell

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Leigh wrote:

 The raw data seems to work:

 That is the point I was at before with the original base64 strings. Decoding 
 and encrypting *seemed* to work, but the final results did not match. I tried 
 several angles, but still no joy.

 I do not know what tool you used to test your changes to the delphi demo 
 program..? But a basic question would be what does the delphi library say all 
 of the BigInteger values are? ie Not in hex or base64, but as plain numbers. 
 Right now we do not have a complete before and after picture :)



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Old School CFX (TextCrypt) and RSA Encryption

2011-03-18 Thread denstar

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Leigh wrote:

 Cool. I was trying to play around with it, but did not get that far ;-)

 So that is a hex representation of the 512 bit
 RSA public key.  Theoretically.

 Could you print the modulus and exponent parts of the public key separately? 
 That is what is needed for cf/java.

 I am still trying to figure out how they arrived at that original string, 
 which is supposedly base64 encoded. Maybe seeing the modulus and exponent 
 parts will help.

I'm thinking you are right in guessing that the base64 routine isn't a
normal base64 routine.

The raw data seems to work:

var exponent = 
var modulus = 
var pubKeySpec = createObject(java,,exponent);
var factory = 
var keyInstance = factory.generatePublic(pubKeySpec);

But no matter how I played around with it, converting the original
base64 encoded string didn't come anywhere near that--

OMG!  I had a thought while typing this, and I think I had a
revelation.  Remember how the docs mention things being a byte shorter
to speed things up?  Yeah.

I just tried dumping the b64 stuff using sun.misc.BASE64Decoder, as a
bit of a sanity check, and I'll be damned if the string wasn't almost
what it should be.  My nips got hard.  By adding a 0, both CF and Sun
reported the same results!

cfdump var=#binaryEncode(binaryDecode('++11Ik','base64'),'base64')#
string  ++11Ig==
cfdump var=#binaryEncode(binaryDecode('++11Ik0','base64'),'base64')#
string  ++11Ik0=

Closer, neh?

I can freaking smell victory!  I gotta switch gears, but I figured I'd
toss this out there, even though it pains me to be so close
(theoretically) and not to be able to say SOLVED!.

If I was a selfish person, I'd wait till I figured it out myself, and
post the solution.  I'm a team player though.  The goal isn't personal
awesomeness, or whatever.  Plus, I'm mad awesome already...  ;)


Sin is geographical.
Bertrand Russel

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Old School CFX (TextCrypt) and RSA Encryption

2011-03-17 Thread denstar

This here is the output from that function for the public key:


Should help in tracking down a cf+java solution.  Assuming it's correct. ;)

Technically, I could probably write a batch converter in Pascal, er,
Delphi, but that wouldn't be as cool, IMHO.


Right discipline consists, not in external compulsion, but in the
habits of mind which lead spontaneously to desirable rather than
undesirable activities.
Bertrand Russell

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Brook Davies  wrote:

 Thanks for looking at this guys! I found the old website for the author of
 this component (but its now out of business) via the way back machine:

 Under the aecRSA component it says  Compatibility to standard RSA keys
 (example program here) and there is a link to:

 However, I have no experience in Delphi and am not able to review any of
 that source code. I've posted it as a job on Odesk, and I'll let you know if
 they figure anything out!


 -Original Message-
 From: denstar []
 Sent: March-16-11 2:45 PM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Old School CFX (TextCrypt) and RSA Encryption

 I played with this a little bit last night, just because I loves me a
 challenge like this, but didn't really get anywhere.

 Aren't they inverting the words when doing the hex conversion?  Did you try
 that too?

 Seems like the solution is right there, but I didn't solve it.  =/

 Brook, if you can get a copy of the TRSA library, what about using delphi to
 convert the existing keys with their example?


 Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for
 their country.
 Bertrand Russell

 On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Leigh wrote:

 In cf/java it would be something like ...

 Whoops, I hit send too soon. I was going to add: but reversing those steps
 with the TextCrypt string does not yield the correct results. Hopefully that
 example might help the author see what we are missing or what additional
 steps are needed to decode the string.



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Old School CFX (TextCrypt) and RSA Encryption

2011-03-17 Thread denstar

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Leigh wrote:

 This here is the output from that function for the public

 You lost me ;-) Which function and what value(s) does that string represent?

LOL :)  Sorry.

That is the output from the delphi function he posted.


Tweaked to this:
RSA1.GetPublicKey (TempModulus, TempInverse);
// show the hex value
Edit1.Text := TempString;

So I could copy and paste the result from the key. =)

Turns out you can just drop that function into the demo code for the
library, which Brook basically posted a link to.

So that is a hex representation of the 512 bit RSA public key.  Theoretically.

Pascal and assembly were the first languages I actually tried to do
stuff with, way back in the day.  Delphi is all fancy, but I wondered
if it would be easy to try out the function-- and it was.  Woohoo!

If you convert that hex, does it work?  That's the million dollar
question, I reckon.  I'll get around to trying it myself, but I'm
working on some other stuff right now.  Just thought that would be a
nice bit of data to have, theoretical or no.  :-)

I find challenges like this one specifically, enjoyable.  Nice break
from the we need it yesterday report for the IRS that burned a lot
of cycles.  ;-)


Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know.
Bertrand Russell

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Old School CFX (TextCrypt) and RSA Encryption

2011-03-16 Thread denstar

I played with this a little bit last night, just because I loves me a
challenge like this, but didn't really get anywhere.

Aren't they inverting the words when doing the hex conversion?  Did
you try that too?

Seems like the solution is right there, but I didn't solve it.  =/

Brook, if you can get a copy of the TRSA library, what about using
delphi to convert the existing keys with their example?


Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing
for their country.
Bertrand Russell

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Leigh wrote:

 In cf/java it would be something like ...

 Whoops, I hit send too soon. I was going to add: but reversing those steps 
 with the TextCrypt string does not yield the correct results. Hopefully that 
 example might help the author see what we are missing or what additional 
 steps are needed to decode the string.



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CF9 CreateObject() Maps From Current Directory First?

2011-03-13 Thread denstar

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:

 Perhaps I should just drink more.  :-)

The trick is to be at the same level of intoxication as you were when
writing the code.

Since this is third party code, it may well require a sorta brute
force approach to figuring out the correct level-- unless you've got
the BMI and # and kind of stuff drunk by the original author.

Hey, there's one for the release notes, neh?  When writing section X,
I'd had 6 shots of tequila over a span of 1 and a half hours.  I'm 6
feet 3 inches tall and weigh 185 lbs.

Might help to know what music was being jammed at code inception as
well, come to think of it.

I see a whole new paradigm opening up.


It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but,
if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the
door, and this dragon is religion.
Bertrand Russe

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CF9 CreateObject() Maps From Current Directory First?

2011-03-13 Thread denstar

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:

 LOL.  The great thing is, I know this dood that could totally automate all
 of that with this badass little thingy called cfdistro.  I should talk to
 him.  :-)

If only that punk would add some documentation and commit the stuff
he's got hanging out locally!  ;)

I heard that like 90% of that code was done to techno music too, so...



Italy, and the spring and first love all together should suffice to
make the gloomiest person happy.
Bertrand Russ

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Change in ColdFusion management

2011-02-15 Thread denstar

Wait, wait, I got one!

Ok, now we can move it.


I teach at Harvard that the world and the heavens, and the stars are
all real, but not so damned real, you see.
Josiah Royce

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:54 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Gerald Guido wrote:
 Worst. Thread. Evar.

 How do we move a thread to cf-community? :)
 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
 Railo Technologies, Inc. --
 An Architect's View --

 If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
 -- Margaret Atwood


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfx_pwtextcrypt CF9

2011-02-15 Thread denstar

There are examples of doing lots of weird PGP related things here:

This uses BouncyCastle (you have to add the jars), so it's sorta
stand-alone from what CF comes with.

It's butt-ugly, but there are some tests a couple dirs up and over...

Sounds like the original question was sorted, but I'll toss it out
there anyway, as there's examples in there of doing most the java-ish
conversions and whatnot (bytearray stuff, etc.).


Ideas any one can mould as he wishes.
Josiah Royce

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Brook Davies wrote:

 We've been using cfx_pwtextcrypt since 2002, its worked fine on all CF
 versions right up to CF8. However, it looks like on the 64 Bit CF9, it no
 longer works. I assume it's a COM related issue. Does anyone know for sure?

 The tag was able to generate a public/private key pair using RSA 512 bit
 encryption and subsequently perform encryption/decryption using the keys
 generated. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this with CF9 without
 this CFX?

 Brook D.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Re: Change in ColdFusion management

2011-02-14 Thread denstar

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:

 When Michael Grant comes out and posts in favor of a move by Adobe, you
 *know* that the world is perfect.  :-)



For the Absolute, as we now know, all life is individual, but is
individual as expressing a meaning.
Josiah Royc

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference? [spamtrap bayes][spamtrap heur]

2011-01-31 Thread denstar

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 10:34 PM, Paul Hastings wrote:

 On 1/31/2011 11:02 AM, denstar wrote:
 It was based on a percent.  So I guess the real number would be 170
 out of a 1000.  I think.  17%?  I suck at math.

 you said 17 out of 100 people who replied to that survey. that's a useless
 sample size.

Yeah, but I worded it more to sound statistical-ish.  Either way...
freaking statistics, neh?  Brian has a point about the survey, too.

 Still relatively useless, I reckon.  It's all about perspective (or

 1000 is a bit better but still tiny compared to the community.

My overall point was that surely there's *some* non-zero number of
people trying/using coldfusion that wouldn't before, if not just
because of the fact that it was a closed architecture.

 If the number had been 0, perhaps.

 no, a sample of 1 is still not really worth mentioning besides the fact that 
 really can't be the only reason for the swap.

Why not?  Surely money is a factor most places?  If you gotta choose
between paying a coder, and paying a license... well I guess that
sucks, and it should never be like that in Software Land, but hell, it

I'd rather have the coder.  Even if CFML gives one coder the strength
of ten.  =)

 once again be the engine powering said crap.  If I switch to PHP,
 there is, IMHO, markedly less of a chance for Adobe to ever be the
 engine powering my crap.

 perhaps but it's hard to say exactly why a shop would swap technologies.
 sometimes its a stupid a reason as what some clown wrote in one of those 
 rags like sys-con.

It can be all kinds of stuff.  I see hiring CF coders come up quite
often, but it's easy as snot to train folks.

People like the stuff they like though, be it just cuz they like it,
or they read about it in a blog or magazine or some such.

Having open source engine alternatives is more ammo for folks fighting
for CFML use, hands down.

How someone could see this as bad for the language, or us, as coders
in said language, is beyond me.

 And let us not forget that a lot of pointy-headed-bosses *love* big

 yes that's true but those same pointy-headed-bosses keep a lot of developers

Exactly.  And a lot of corporate help line call center employees
employed.  And a lot of lawyers employed.  And a lot of other big
muckity-mucks gainfully employed.  It's almost like a club or separate

Super-huge-corp-X would probably naturally gravitate towards Adobe, as
they'd be like, on the same team, sorta.  I'd guess that it's there,
where the Real Money is made anyways.  In The Enterprise.

I think there's plenty of room for both public and private.

 I still wouldn't mind seeing the figures.  Anecdotal-ish-ly, it seems
 like the number of OSS projects has exploded over the last couple

 perhaps but it's just as likely that there is now a place to put  publicize
 those OS projects (you know, the one that adobe sponsors). as i said my OS 
 has nothing to do w/either of those. and let me also point out that most of
 ray-the-OS-engine's apps predate railo/BD going OS. i don't see any causal

Causation, correlation.  Yeah.  I can dig it.  It personally effected
me, but I'm just an individual, like everybody else.

And to be clear, I'm not knocking Adobe.  I'm not saying that they
hate open source software or some such.

I think they do a lot of stuff that's good.  Way more than they get
credit for in general, on the list.

I like how if you search for CFML, the dev center is the second link
on Google.  No other language I looked at had that going for it.

I like how they sponsor open source projects for incorporating AIR
into things and whatnot.

It would be cool if more of the sexy CFML apps were listed under
Third Party Whatsists, and the category wasn't called Third Party
Stuff or whatever.  Sorta a showcase of sorts.

Neither of the open source engines are pushing things like Mango Blog
either, but hell, I could probably send either one a page to put up if
I cared that much.  That's what's awesome about open source.

Well, really, it's that, when I'm like, why the hell is this doing
that?, I don't have to get crazy with a decompiler (not that I'd ever
decompile anything, this is just an example).  Or, when I'm all like,
I want this to do that /I can make it happen/!  Self-reliance, even
if you don't take advantage of it, is a wicked-cool thing to have.
But so are stamp collections, to some people, so, take it with a grain
of salt.

 Deadly seriously.  =)

 you claim that prior to BD/railo failing as commercial projects there was no
 stability in CF? geez that's a stretch.

The kind of stability I'm talking of?  Obviously not, unless you think
whoever owned it at the time would have open sourced it, so it would
live on.

Would you put money on that?

Or would you just live with the bugs in the version that came out in
1999, as it were?  10 years later, saying it's not dead, the last
version was just perfect?

 Do most companies

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference?

2011-01-31 Thread denstar

Hi Adam!

I dream reality.  We all do.  Our perception of it is as powerful as
whatever it, in fact, is.  :)

I proclaim CFML is worth sharing!.

What you see as fragmentation, I see as coalescentation.

What you see as an attempt to tear down, I see as an attempt to build up.

We'll have to put all our data together now, to see the numbers, I reckon.

Working in a big corporation can suck.  I hate all the politics and
whatnot that seems to come with the territory.  Having to *repeatedly*
show folks what is quite obviously good logic, instead of them just
getting it the first time.
I honestly think that the open source engines can be leveraged to make
more money for Adobe than Adobe would have made otherwise, and in
turn, make more money for CFML devs that we would have made otherwise.

I don't want to see tons of jobs with low wages-- nobody at our diner
because there's too many people there, so to speak-- but I wouldn't
mind seeing CFML be a bit more visible.  It's probably gonna happen
just because of evolution.  Our language is swell, and keeps getting
sweller.  It's got that je ne sais quoi.

The free that comes with open source is not the kind of free that
most people attribute to it.  There's nothing wrong with making money,
or making various corporations money.  Frankly, it seems the most
successful open source projects currently have some type of corporate
partnership.  I think that's evolved, because it makes money.  It's
easier to have sorta separate entities than to wrap your head around
what open source is really all about.  But that's just speculation.

What I'm trying to get at, and probably achieving poorly, is the idea
that it's not an either/or proposition.

There's space for both, and indeed, together more can be achieved than
separate.  At least that's the way it looks.  I could be seeing things
incorrectly though.  Or processing them wrong.  It seems logical
though.  =)

The software landscape seems to be changing.  It took a while, but you
can't deny that Open Source is playing a major role now, when years
and years ago so many people proclaimed it couldn't work, even when
faced with the data which made the extrapolation pretty

People need money to eat, and drink, and be merry.  Sadly, currency is
not going to go away anytime soon, even though we should just skip the
middle man and trade in time.  Is your time worth my time?  Or
something like that.  Haven't quite worked that bit out, but what I'm
saying is there's plenty of loot out there to be had.  I guess I'm a
poor example, loot-wise, but that's my bad. :)

I genuinely feel that CFML developers are much better off today than
they were 3 years ago.  And 3 years before that.  And 3 years
before...  money-wise, I miss the dot com bubble, even though I never
took advantage of it myself, but code-wise, it's all positive
feelings.  The language continues get more fantastic, which is
fabulous, we've got that $$ option for people with $$, and the open
source element which seems so hip these days.  We're covered.

I think the work Adobe  your team has done on CFB is awesome.
There're not many people who know just how hard developing an IDE for
our lovely language can be (even when standing on the shoulders of
giants), but I'm one.  Kudos, to your team for making it happen, and
to Adobe for making it possible.

I think that the power lies in our hands.  Adobe is in a place plenty
of other corps wish they were in.  The positioning is swell... it's
their game to throw.  Played right, the future's bright.

But I guess if I knew all that and a bag of chips, I'd be rolling in
the dough, so... eh.

I keep meaning to make money a priority...  =)


It is a mania shared by philosophers of all ages to deny what exists
and to explain what does not exist.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Adrocknaphobia wrote:


 I think you see the world as you would hope it to be, not for the reality
 that it is. A commendable quality, but not one Adobe can choose to share
 with so many CFML careers on the line. It's been 3 years since OpenBD/Railo
 went open source and removed the price barrier to CFML adoption. 3 years
 since they gave up their attempts to compete with Adobe commercially. 3
 years since they proclaimed CFML is not worth paying for.

 At any time Adobe could have made (or will make) ColdFusion free. Problem
 is, cost is not the only barrier to adoption -- a reality many seem to
 ignore. So, 3 years later, our community for all intensive purposes seems to
 be shrinking (we have more CF jobs than developers). On top of losing CFML
 developers, we now have a large amount a fragmentation. It would seem that
 anything Adobe does in the CFML space is directly combated by the Open CF
 movement. Because of this, CFML has increasingly become more and more toxic
 for Adobe. I can't tell you how hard it is to fight for this community
 within Adobe when a small external faction is recklessly trying to 

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference?

2011-01-31 Thread denstar

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Dave Watts wrote:
 Now, I don't really have a dog in this fight - while I'm an Adobe
 partner, and resell Adobe products, I simply haven't seen any impact
 on that business from the open-source engines. But I haven't seen
 anything I'd qualify as abuse coming from either Adobe or anyone
 speaking on Adobe's behalf, even indirectly. It's not abuse to point
 out the cannibalistic effect that competing open-source engines may
 have on the ColdFusion market. It strikes me as kind of absurd for the
 people arguing in favor of these engines to say that they'll draw new
 developers to CF; perhaps they'll keep people on CF who would
 otherwise leave, but those are two different things. To me, really
 only one thing is certain - if ColdFusion does not continue to make
 money for Adobe, they'll drop it like yesterday's news.

My kind of dog fight involves air planes. :)

Cannibalistic sounds rather grim, but I guess grim is pretty hot these days.

Like Open Source--  The kids love it, and the girls go wild for it.

Patience doesn't seem to be a very popular virtue.  It's a shame, but
it's natural.

Why do you think it's absurd to think that open source engines will
bring more people?

Do you think the only thing that makes a language worth something,
is how much it costs?

What about my argument about one in the bush, vs. none in the bush?
Is that illogical?  Different, sure, but... everything's different,
relatively generally speakingly.

And say Adobe did drop CF-- do you think that would spell the end of
the language?

I don't consider myself outgoing, but I end up in various circles, and
pay a bit of attention... and the various circles, to me, seem to be
pointing at Adobe hanging with CFML to be a good idea.  Because,
obviously, I don't think it will go away if they drop it.  On the
contrary, I think they're in a good position to maybe, just maybe,
keep up with the evolution of the software industry.

At least as far as CFML is concerned, but take a look at the landscape
here-  the writing is on the wall.  There's a battle going on, re
public/private, open/closed, but it's not about the existence of one
or the other anymore-- it's about balance.  Adobe knows this.  They
haven't been contributing AIR stuff to open source projects just to
get warm fuzzies.

Bah.  I love to talk and talk.  Who really knows WTF is going on.  Not
I, surely...  but at least I didn't say mindshare. =)

FWIW, Railo follows the general theme of software development.  The
stable version gets more testing than the beta, which gets more
testing than the alpha, etc..

Bugs are part of the game.  Even Apple products fail sometimes, though
they do a pretty good job of downplaying it, IMHO.

Amazing; the power of perception!
/me looks amazed, emphasistically


Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference? [spamtrap bayes][spamtrap heur]

2011-01-31 Thread denstar

First off, this portion of the discussion probably belongs on cf-community.

There is a whole 'nother portion that I, like Charlie, think should be
discussed technically (or constructively).  I applaud the folks
doing so.

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Paul Hastings wrote:

 On 1/31/2011 3:05 PM, denstar wrote:

 My overall point was that surely there's *some* non-zero number of
 people trying/using coldfusion that wouldn't before, if not just
 because of the fact that it was a closed architecture.

 you have no proof of that. by your logic i can equally say that having open
 architecture drove away as many as it attracted. a way of thinking is not
 facts, that's another form of woo.

All I have is educated guesses.  Does it seem more logical to you that
folks would abandon a good language because there was an open source

 I'd rather have the coder.  Even if CFML gives one coder the strength
 of ten.  =)

 yeah i guess if you can grab a decent coder for the price of a cf license. but
 that's not even remotely true.

And that's not what I said.  If I'm incorrect, at least let me be
incorrect about what I was talking about.  :)

 Having open source engine alternatives is more ammo for folks fighting
 for CFML use, hands down.

 ammo doesn't mean squat if it's not used to hit what you're supposed to be
 aiming at.

The public numbers I've seen look good.  You keep telling me about how
you're on the inside, and what I see in not the reality, but all I
have is your word.  Or woo, if you prefer.  :)

And it only seems to be focused more on Adobe than CFML.  Are we
talking about different things?

 How someone could see this as bad for the language, or us, as coders
 in said language, is beyond me.

 it's been explained to you over  over. you even acknowledged it  said you
 didn't care (on twitter).

Ugh.  :)

You said something that sounded like hearsay, and I said even it it
were true, I felt that open source alternatives were good for the

 muckity-mucks gainfully employed.  It's almost like a club or separate

 those other parts are but a cf developer there is just as important to the cf
 community as a cf developer in a small shop. btw i don't see *you* declaring
 some vow of poverty, so might as well stop with these kinds of comparisons 
 you do.

Heh.  I guess if I lied and called it intentional...  ;)

 where the Real Money is made anyways.  In The Enterprise.

 why do you think enterprise is some kind of swear word? we built 
 level systems for municipalities here that helped increase their tax rolls (by
 helping make everybody who was supposed to pay taxes, actually pay them)  
 little things like track school kid vaccinations. the tax justice we helped 
 allowed those cities to buy more toys like fire trucks  have more money to
 waste on things like parks  youth programs.

Not at all.  Didn't you watch that South Park episode?  Enterprise
ain't evil.  Hell, it's the name of a mighty fine starship.

 And to be clear, I'm not knocking Adobe.  I'm not saying that they

 some of your previous remarks kind of sound like that.

You can be pro X without implying anti Y.  I can't control how you see
what I type, but I've tried to type stuff that's pro-CFML, regardless
of who's behind it, and emotion, belief, etc..

 sure but 99.99% of developers aren't going to go that deep or need to. and 
 what i've seen w/other OS projects some of the stuff produced from that 0.01%
 shouldn't be touched w/a 10 foot pole.

You think some of that can be bad, you should see my closed-source stuff.  =)

 Why the venom?  Even if that was the case, I'd still cheer my heart out.

 statements of facts are not in  of themselves venomous. why fall back to that
 as an argument?

I wasn't arguing, I was hinting that we don't *really* need to be
angry in our conversation.

 Do you have so little faith in the language?

 more nonsense from you. try again.

I worded it harshly, but I really don't understand the idea that good
ideas need huge corporations behind them to be successful in the ways
that matter.

 I don't.  I know you say it's not true, but I haven't seen the
 evidence.  Can you clue me in to anything solid?

 you acknowledged this on twitter  said you didn't care. remember?

I remember saying that even if what you said you'd heard through the
back channels was true, I would still be happy we ended up with an
open source engine out of the deal.

That does not make what you said you heard true and non-woo.

Do you have any data?  I asked on twitter too.

 Whatever you want to believe, I think it's a happier world with open
 source CFML engines.

 i would agree if they were bringing in new developers instead of munching on 
 cf community's liver.

Do you have some kind of numbers to back up this claim that open
source engines *aren't* bringing new people into the fold?

Looking at mailing list traffic, and other non-direct

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference?

2011-01-31 Thread denstar

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

 Why do you think it's absurd to think that open source engines will
 bring more people?

 Because it doesn't seem to have done so, so far. Because the niche in
 which CF is popular doesn't seem to care that much about open source
 or free. Because there are plenty of other open source engines in
 other languages, and people who care a lot about that seem to have
 mostly already moved to one of those.

There must be a lot of hard data out there that I'm not privy to.  :)

As far as the niche, /things are changing/.  Not that they're not
constantly changing, but you have to see what I'm talking about.  Open
source software is not going to go away.

Or maybe it will.  Hell, who really knows what the future will bring?
It /seems/ to be making more and more inroads, even though for years
people predicted it wouldn't, and indeed, couldn't.  Maybe it's all
smoke and mirrors?  It doesn't look that way to me, but I also think
that we really *did* go to the moon.  I'm not infallible.

Those other open source engines aren't CFML.  I believe there is a
difference.  But I'm a CFML fanboi.  :)

 Do you think the only thing that makes a language worth something,
 is how much it costs?

 No. I'm not sure where you got that from my previous responses.

The bit about it being absurd to think that open source might affect
adoption.  I

 What about my argument about one in the bush, vs. none in the bush?

 That's not an argument, it's speculation.

It's not speculation, it's probability.  One is more probable than the
other.  Anything is possible though, so... maybe it is speculation?

 And say Adobe did drop CF-- do you think that would spell the end of
 the language?

 Yeah, I do. I don't think that everyone would switch to comparatively
 unknown, new alternatives. If a big company like Adobe can't guarantee
 the future of CF, why would anyone think that these other people can?

Because they have the right ingredients?

Big companies fuck up all the time.  I still don't get this magical
power attributed to 'em.

Success isn't about the size of the boat, it's about the motion of the
ocean.  Or something of similar sentiment.  :)p


No man has any natural authority over his fellow men.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference?

2011-01-30 Thread denstar

On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

 I look at is as more of a break dancing crew scenario:  We battle each
 other to push ourselves, so that we can go out there and form like
 Voltron when battling the other crews (PHP, .NET, etc.).

 It doesn't need to be contentious.  Friendly competition is where it's at, 

 This is not how Adobe sees things, I'm sure. You're either using their
 product, or you're not. If you stop using ColdFusion, no one at Adobe
 is going to get warm fuzzies by thinking, well, at least they're
 still using CFML.

I know some people at Adobe wouldn't get warm fuzzies, but the ones
who pay attention to the long tail might.

Look at Refynr.  Aaron has a project there that has potential, which
he started with Railo.  He didn't have the cash for CF, but Railo
allowed him to develop in his preferred language anyway.

Adobe saw the potential, maybe noticed a bit of buzz, and donated some
CF9 and CFB goodness.  Now it's running on Adobe's engine, as that's
what Aaron is most comfortable with.

If Reyfner really takes off, that'd not only be good for CFML in
general (us), it'd be good for Adobe, specifically.

Or maybe not.  Maybe none of that matters.  I'm no marketing guru.
Hell, they donated the engine, so no direct, up front money was made.
Maybe they don't care about language recognition as a factor in engine
sales.  Or maybe they see a potential for future upgrades.

It seems logical to me that, if one is using CFML, there's more of a
chance for Adobe to be an engine running it, than if one is using,
say, PHP.

I dunno.  Put another way, I expect that folks change vendors more
often than they change platforms.  Before alternate engines, the only
option was another platform.

I'll take one in the bush and none in the hand, if the other option is
none in the bush or the hand, so to speak.

If I were Adobe, I'd be super stoked that there were communities like
the ones around Railo and OpenBD.  But I'm also a CFML developer.  :)

As a CFML developer, I prefer the vendor switch over the platform
switch.  As an Adobe stockholder, I'd-- well, I'd feel the same.
Because I feel that what's good for developers is good for the
platform, but perhaps I'm naive.  No, I *know* I'm naive.  Perpetually
so.  So feel free to discount all of this. :)


I hate books; they only teach us to talk about what we don't know.
Jean-Jacques Rousse

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference? [spamtrap bayes][spamtrap heur]

2011-01-30 Thread denstar

On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 10:24 PM, Paul Hastings wrote:

 On 1/29/2011 1:26 PM, denstar wrote:

 Not /exactly/ infinitesimal, but it ain't no flood of newbs, neither.

 that sample size is more or less useless to base the rest of your arguments 

It was based on a percent.  So I guess the real number would be 170
out of a 1000.  I think.  17%?  I suck at math.

Still relatively useless, I reckon.  It's all about perspective (or
context?), even in math.  Crazy as that sounds (I told ya I sucked at

 I don't know how much that has to do with the entrance of the open
 source engines as viable alternatives, but I feel it's factor.  It was
 for me, anecdotal-y.

 technically i'd think that would actually be a flight of fancy seeing it's
 based on a sample of one  taken as the sole factor in your shop staying w/cf.

If the number had been 0, perhaps.

I, however, am living proof of at least one, and unless the other
folks were lying, there *are* more than I.

The number of supported applications is a factor here too.  I don't
know if I'm an edge case, but I have lots of CFML powered crap.  So
long as it stays CFML, there's /at least the potential/ that ACF will
once again be the engine powering said crap.  If I switch to PHP,
there is, IMHO, markedly less of a chance for Adobe to ever be the
engine powering my crap.

And let us not forget that a lot of pointy-headed-bosses *love* big
corps like Adobe.  Makes 'em feel warm fuzzies (even if the paid
support is generally a lot more expensive and a lot less helpful).

 I attribute some of that to CFers realizing the *awesome* power of
 open source, but again, I think the engine alternatives have gone a
 long way towards helping as well.

 pretty much all my i18n stuff has been OS long before either BD or railo, has
 nothing whatsoever to do w/either. so in your anecdote based way of thinking,
 you are proven wrong ;-)

OMG!  Proof!  ;-)

I still wouldn't mind seeing the figures.  Anecdotal-ish-ly, it seems
like the number of OSS projects has exploded over the last couple

 CFML devs are no longer beholden to some commercial entity's
 well-being, which adds a *huge* bit of stability to the language that
 was just plain *not there* prior.


Deadly seriously.  =)

Do most companies donate the source code to their users when they go
out of business, in your experience?

 I don't know about top.  Unless the target is the existing
 static community, which would seem a rather backwards plan, IMHO.

 adobe, like any product producer, has to maintain it's base customers. railo's
 not producing much (if any) new cf customers but is instead cannibalizing the

I guess it's all relative.  And maybe that 17% is a lie.  Nobody likes
free good stuff.  ;)p

 existing market. it doesn't follow that adobe will be blowing sweet sweet 
 at railo.

It's not about Adobe and Railo having a love-in and making babies (
FWIW, it's us devs bringing the drama).

My point was, that not only would Adobe's base have shrunk, but the
CFML base would have shrunk as well, had I left.

If you only care about Adobe making money, then there is no real
difference between the two.

However, if you care about your fellow CFML coders putting food on the
table, so to speak, then there is a pretty big difference between the

 It doesn't need to be contentious.  Friendly competition is where it's at, 

 but you know that friendly competition is not true, even if you say don't 
 what railo's ultimate plan is. it doesn't seem friendly to me or will it 
 very friendly to their existing customers if they do indeed succeed with 
 their plan.

I guess I'm just coming from a different perspective.  I think that
friendly competition is true, and can be one of the bestest forces
for furtherance around.

Open Source Software is a powerful, driving force in today's software
world.  That is no conspiracy, that's just math (although the boring
way math is portrayed may itself be a conspiracy- but I digress).

I am amazingly super happy that there are open source alternatives for
CFML these days.  I think it's tits for us developers, and tits for
the language in general (a pair of tits, if you will).

Perhaps I don't have my priorities in order.  I would not be surprised
one whit.  I'm happy though, so, eh- screw it.  To each their own!


I have resolved on an enterprise that has no precedent and will have
no imitator. I want to set before my fellow human beings a man in
every way true to nature; and that man will be myself.
Jean-Jacques Rouss

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Anyone know anything about this new ColdFusion conference?

2011-01-28 Thread denstar

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Brian Kotek wrote:

 The reality is that Railo and Open BlueDragon are not growing the market for
 CFML. No one is *switching to* CFML from PHP, .NET, Ruby, or Java because of
 the OSS engines. To the extent that this might happen, it is an
 infinitesimally small number of projects. If any of the OSS engines have
 data to contradict that assertion, I'd love to see it.

Railo publishes stats rather regularly.  Mailing list activity, survey
results, etc..

I'm thinking they said that in 100 people who complete the survey on
download, 17 say they're coming from other language.

Not /exactly/ infinitesimal, but it ain't no flood of newbs, neither.

I predict that this number will increase over time.  Maybe even exponentially!

 The OSS engines, particularly Railo, were initially touted as a gateway for
 people working on other platforms, which is why their partnership with JBoss
 created such hope and expectation. This has not happened. What *has*

I for one, was not expecting thousands of new converts within the this
time-span.  =)

JBoss already had Seam, which is in a similar (but not as awesome) space.

As the quality open source CFML applications mature, I think we'll see
more converts.

I have been *very* pleased with the number and quality of open source
CFML projects hitting the streets in the last couple of years though.
I don't know how much that has to do with the entrance of the open
source engines as viable alternatives, but I feel it's factor.  It was
for me, anecdotal-y.

I see the availability of quality open source CFML software as a
forerunner to wider adoption.

Maybe Ray can publish some numbers from RIAForge?  I know Sean put
some data out there, not too long ago, which painted a pretty picture
of the transition from like 5 open source CFML projects to like 50
over the span of a year, or whathaveyou.

I attribute some of that to CFers realizing the *awesome* power of
open source, but again, I think the engine alternatives have gone a
long way towards helping as well.

CFML devs are no longer beholden to some commercial entity's
well-being, which adds a *huge* bit of stability to the language that
was just plain *not there* prior.

 happened is that a small but noticeable number of existing ColdFusion users
 have moved to the OSS engines. As an Adobe Community Professional, I'm privy
 to more internal information and direct communication with the Adobe
 employees. The primary drain on the Adobe ColdFusion user base is people
 moving to one of the OSS CFML engines. Not people leaving for PHP or .NET.
 People do leave for other platforms, and new people do come in, but that
 just means that the total size of the CFML community as a whole is fairly
 static in size. And now that total pie is being divided between CF, Railo,
 and OBD.

Perhaps.  Personally, I was about to ditch CFML.  If it wasn't for the
open source engines, I would have.

I don't know how often my story is repeated with others, but I know
I'm not alone.

I don't think we would have been (if indeed we are) static in number
without the open source alternatives.

 I personally like most of the individual people involved in the OSS
 projects. I've known many of them for years. So this is not personal at all.
 But if the biggest drain on the ColdFusion user base is coming from the OSS
 engines, then Adobe is absolutely right to treat them as their top
 competitors. To NOT do this would be foolish. If the OSS engines were
 actually pulling in droves of new users from other platforms, this whole
 dynamic would probably be much different. But that is simply not the case.

I don't know about top.  Unless the target is the existing
static community, which would seem a rather backwards plan, IMHO.

I look at is as more of a break dancing crew scenario:  We battle each
other to push ourselves, so that we can go out there and form like
Voltron when battling the other crews (PHP, .NET, etc.).

It doesn't need to be contentious.  Friendly competition is where it's at, yo.

Anyways, an open engine alone isn't going to pull in droves of people.
 We need that eye-candy (which, I'll add, I feel we're getting, in the
form of quality open source applications) to rope 'em in.

I dunno.  I look at it from a CFML developer's perspective.  If I had
stock in Adobe, perhaps I'd see things differently...  but I doubt it.

For me, it's not about the engine, or sales, or popularity, even.
It's about *us*.  And open source CFML engines are *nothing* but good
for us, as CFML devs, in my opinion.  Somehow, I feel that makes it
good for Adobe, too.

But I could quite possibly be mad as the hatter.  :)


God made me and broke the mold.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: why is cf_builder so expensive?

2011-01-28 Thread denstar

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I can sleep, no worries mate.

The strength of your opinion belies that statement.  You know you lie
awake at night, tossing and turning over this in agony.  Admit it.  =)
 I feel masking the use of php on any CF branded Adobe pages (NOT rewriting
 dozens of apps in CF) could probably be done for under 20k of internal
 resourcing. There's a number of ways to handle this either through code or
 through the webserver. URL rewrite anyone? To me that's a worthwhile
 decision. You may not think so. And that's fine. I won't be recommending you
 for a marketing manager any time soon. ;)

Maybe they're short on webmasters.  Or are worried about the search ranking.  :)

I'll do the rewrites for a mere 10k!

Hell, I'd do it for free, just to never see this raised as a topic
again.  And to avoid that ugh feeling whenever I see .php at the end
of a CF-related page.

No offense to PHP, which is a fine language- just less totes awesome than CFML.


 Well no one knows their business better than Adobe. They know what they're
 doing much better than you. You are handsome Mr. Grant.

You forgot modest.  I always include that in my responses when
speaking of your handsomeness, just for completeness.


Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: 6502 (was Is Coldfusion losing it biggest asset?)

2011-01-13 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:01 AM, Russ Michaels wrote:

 Believe it or not there is still a C64 scene going strong, people still
 writing demos etc. So maybe you can find your old games.

I always wanted to go to a demo party in like, Norway or some such.  *le sigh*

Guess I ain't dead yet, and they /are/ still happening, so...  =)


The world does not speak. Only we do. The world can, once we have
programmed ourselves with a language, cause us to hold beliefs. But it
cannot propose a language for us to speak. Only other human beings can
do that.
Richard Rorty

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: drag and drop widgets

2011-01-13 Thread denstar

My fav is Dojo.  It's just awesome.

Check out the syntax, too (view source).

The markup version will be pretty easy for CFers to pick up.


div dojoType=dojo.dnd.Source jsId=c4 class=container
copyOnly=true selfAccept=false delay=8
div class=dojoDndItemItem 1/div
div class=dojoDndItemItem 2/div
div class=dojoDndItemItem 3/div


Truth is simply a compliment paid to sentences seen to be paying their way.
Richard Rorty

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 3:12 PM, John M Bliss wrote:

 Hi, CF'ers.  What's your current favorite method (JS/CSS/etc library) to
 allow for dragging and dropping widgets (page sections) around pages like

 John Bliss -


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Is Coldfusion losing it biggest asset?

2011-01-13 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I truly fear it may be a day late and a dollar short.

I think it's the right time, at the right price.

OpenBD is also quite nice.  =)

With viable open source solutions, the idea that we, as developers,
are responsible for growing adoption, is finally true.

There are no excuses now.  At least not for us devs.

If you're paying for a license, sure, ladle some of that
responsibility on.  Though I'm not trying to imply there's a lack of
effort from Adobe.

Honestly... hell, I've been doing it for like, I dunno, 12+ years at
least, and I never really saw CFML out there, regardless of who
was at the helm.

Making something popular might not be as easy as it seems.  And isn't
necessarily a good thing-- what's that Yogi quote? Nobody goes there
anymore because it's too crowded.

I think MySpace was the most publicized I'd ever seen CF, and that
didn't end well, though no fault of the language.

The internet is a hell of a lot tamer than it was 20 years ago, but
it's still pretty damn wild.  Freaking *oodles* of the latest high
dollar (in worth), high profile sites/applications have come about not
because of the language used (or marketing of said language), but
because of like, one or two dudes or chicks with an idea.

CFML is *perfect* for such things.

And again, we didn't have a viable open source solution until the last
couple years, if that.  I note this because it seems like most, if not
all, of the recent *madly* successful web applications leverage open
source languages.

So... I guess I'm saying that time might be a localized phenomena.  =)

The sky is the limit, IMO.  We have not yet begunned to fight.  Sally
forth, and multiply!


All of my misfortunes come from having thought too well of my fellows.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: iCal Version 4.0.3/vCalendar Auto Accept Issue

2011-01-07 Thread denstar

If you want them all to be imported with one accept, vs. having to
do each individually, I think you need to have the uid match the
event, instead of giving each one a unique uid (maybe just eventid
instead of regid+eventid?).

Basically, I'd look into what you're doing with uid, and maybe check
out recurrence-id.

Kind of a shot in the dark, but it's all I got.  =)

(Well, I've also got some code for using ical4j w/CF, if you want to
go hardcore. =])


The greatest men of a nation are those it puts to death.
Ernest Renan

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Matthew Lowrey wrote:

 HoF iCal Version 4.0.3/vCalendar Experts:

 We have a tool for our students that will allow them to export an .ics file 
 to import into either their Google calendar, Outlook Calendar, or 
 iCal/Entourage for Mac/Macbook.  Recently we had a student that after 
 importing the .ics file into a MacBook iCal program had to manually 
 accept/deny every event in her calendar.  Is there a way to add in an auto 
 accept in our vCalendar code that will make that change?

 We have tested our code against the iCal Version 3.0.8 (1287) and it works 
 fine.  Then we tested Version 4.0.3 (1388) and the problem showed up here.

 I did find some documentation that I thought would work/help me find what I 
 needed (Ref: and it 
 had the option of participate accept/deny so I tried that and it didn't seem 
 to work.

 If any of you have experience working with this I would love any advice in 
 this matter.

 Thank you!



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Internationalization of Week() function in CF - Last resort to Java [spamtrap heur] [spamtrap bayes][spamtrap heur]

2010-12-23 Thread denstar

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:06 AM, Paul Hastings wrote:

 On 12/23/2010 1:12 PM, denstar wrote:
 You deal with it a lot.  I dabble, and went to a nifty presentation on
 Joda, so... works for me.  =)

 but joda has no functionality for using locales nor for figuring out week 
 days, etc based on locales. can't see how it would work for anybody in this 

You can plop the locale stuff in there as your own Chronology, to say,
have a week start on Sunday instead of Monday, neh?  Or maybe just do
a minus-1 somewhere?

It goes by the ISO deal, I guess, natively.  Which I think was part
of the purpose of it...

The nifty bits, as I recall from the presentation, had more to do with
doing math on/with dates, and the use of static, which avoids a bunch
of messy stuff you can get into with the normal stuff like Calendar.

I don't really remember all the details offhand, but it was a good
presentation, and pointed out how odd things can get when you're not
using staticly typed Calendar-thingies and whatnot.

Mostly because it's easy to forget how programming can work sometimes.
 Like that presentation those two guys give were you look at a
problem, and you're like, that looks like it would produce X!, and
they're like Gotcha!  It produces Z!.  =)

Like I said, I just dabble, so it's more of a theoretical deal for me.
 You work with it a lot, so I'd go by your suggestion.  It was a nifty
presentation though.  Thought I'd mention it.  =)


Vain hopes are like certain dreams of those who wake.
Marcus Fabius Quintili

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Re: Internationalization of Week() function in CF - Last resort to Java [spamtrap heur]

2010-12-22 Thread denstar

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Paul Hastings wrote:
 supplying a user's locale will ensure you get their week numbers correct 
 having to resort to universalities that aren't.


 final bit of advice, if you want to get the best/latest locale data, use the
 icu4j lib instead of core java.

Joda seems pretty swell too.


Those who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foolish.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Care to Beta test new ColdFusion Exception Manager App?

2010-12-22 Thread denstar

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Saman Jayasekara wrote:

 I just posted Kakapo: Enhanced ColdFusion Exception/error Manager App. Care 
 to Beta test anyone?

Seems nifty!

No time to test ATM, but does it have a throttle, so you don't
accidentally DoS yourself?


Though ambition in itself is a vice, yet it is often the parent of virtues.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Internationalization of Week() function in CF - Last resort to Java [spamtrap heur] [spamtrap bayes][spamtrap heur]

2010-12-22 Thread denstar

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Paul Hastings wrote:

 On 12/23/2010 11:19 AM, denstar wrote:
 Joda seems pretty swell too.

 always thought joda was kind of like swatting a fly w/a battleship  specific 
 this case it don't know no steenking locales ;-)

Heh!  =)p  I am partial to battleships as fly killers.  Giant, mutant
flies, obviously.

 icu4j is almost always the best choice when it comes to i18n functionality.

You deal with it a lot.  I dabble, and went to a nifty presentation on
Joda, so... works for me.  =)


To swear, except when necessary, is becoming to an honorable man.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Parsing transitional HTML using xmlparse()

2010-12-20 Thread denstar

Railo has a function called htmlParse() that will clean up html into
xhtml, but I /think/ it's only a Railo deal.

You can use something like JTidy, or Jericho HTML parser, etc., etc.,
if you're uncertain of what the input will be, and just need valid

If you *know* that it will only be elements X, Y and Z that need
cleaning, you could do it yourself as part of pre-processing.


In almost everything, experience is more valuable than precept.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I have the following code pseudo code as an example:



 Some text here and br's that don't close. br
 a href=urlimg src=url/a/td



 I would like to parse this with xmlParse so that I can use dot notation to
 traverse it as a struct. However when I use xmlParse I get an error because
 the img and br tags aren't closed. The doc type is transitional.

 What's the best way to accomplish this? I'm using cf8 developer edition on
 my home machine.


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Re: help with a rewrite rule

2010-12-10 Thread denstar

Might need to escape that slash:

RewriteRule ^\/scripts\/(.*)  /scripts/$1  [L]

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:41 PM, denstar wrote:
 I would think it would be something like this:

 RewriteRule ^/scripts/(.*)  /scripts/$1  [L]

 That's Apache style, but they're similar, right?



 The omission of good is no less reprehensible than the commission of evil.

 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Mark A. Kruger wrote:

 Come on folks... someone has to be know this...

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Re: help with a rewrite rule

2010-12-10 Thread denstar

I would think it would be something like this:

RewriteRule ^/scripts/(.*)  /scripts/$1  [L]

That's Apache style, but they're similar, right?



The omission of good is no less reprehensible than the commission of evil.

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Mark A. Kruger wrote:

 Come on folks... someone has to be know this...

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Re: index.cfm being hacked (now application.cfm)

2010-12-09 Thread denstar

Here's some Apache rewrites that do the same type of stuff the cgi
checks do, but since it happens at the apache level, it takes the work
off of the cfml engine:

For this particular occurrence, I'd check that all the latest hotfixes
have been applied (specifically the fckeditor file upload fix), and
any file upload related code, as it doesn't seem like a sql injection

Wouldn't hurt to look at the time the file was modified, as well as
the webserver logs, to see if you can see when, where, and how,


The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: REGEX hell

2010-11-25 Thread denstar

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Peter Boughton wrote:

 To be clear, CF uses the Apache ORO library, which is different to both Perl 
 and Java Regex.

I've found the QuickREx Eclipse plugin *invaluable* for regular expression work.

It supports several different regex engines, has libraries of
regexes... It's fantastic!


The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Where to put your code

2010-11-18 Thread denstar

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 12:16 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

 Adobe is a big company, with a bunch of products. Adobe's web site
 predates the Macromedia merger. Should they rewrite their site with CF
 to make it more prominent, or should they focus on building and
 selling their tools?

 Are the two mutually exclusive?  =)p

 Yes, in the very real sense that there is a finite amount of
 resources. I'd much rather have Adobe hire more CF product developers
 and testers, etc, than pay developers to rewrite their site.

I was mostly just poking fun, as I'm a two birds... kind of guy (to
a fault).  =)

I do feel that there is a lot more to a successful product than coders
and testers though.

And I really think CFML is a bang'n web language.

Maybe if the site is done, never to be modified or maintained,
there's little direct benefit to a rewrite, partial or otherwise...

Resources being finite doesn't really change the ratio of bang:buck.  =)

ColdFusion isn't just a product.  It's useful, too!

I wonder (pure speculation), if seeing more CFML powered apps would
somehow help sell more CFML engines, which would in turn pay for more
CFML engine development?  =)p

There's a lot of ways to skin a cat, they say, and far be it for me to
be telling anyone what to do.  I just don't see it as an either/or
type of deal, limited resources or no.

I'm pretty good at rationalizing though.  =)


Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the
mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to

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Re: cfscript based components formatting

2010-11-17 Thread denstar

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:
 (it doesn't affect my position that comments should never change the
 semantics of code - although, as noted by Ray, the example given only
 affects metadata so it would only affect the semantics of a program
 that tested that metadata... in other words, it could still change the
 behavior of code!)

I like JavaDoc.  =)

Something just strikes me as weird when I see hint=a lot of stuff,
maybe even hyperlinks and you know,
 * bullets
 * and
 * whatnot, all sorta mixed in there.  I like the idea of going with
something that works with the semantics of the ultimate program, the
programmer.  Maybe other people don't mind that kind of thing though.

Yes, JavaDoc rocks, IMHO.  =)


Man is a wingless animal with two feet and flat nails.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Where to put your code

2010-11-17 Thread denstar

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 8:58 PM, Dave Watts wrote:
 Adobe is a big company, with a bunch of products. Adobe's web site
 predates the Macromedia merger. Should they rewrite their site with CF
 to make it more prominent, or should they focus on building and
 selling their tools?

Are the two mutually exclusive?  =)p


Man never legislates, but destinies and accidents, happening in all
sorts of ways, legislate in all sorts of ways.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Closing Browser expires session/cookie

2010-11-06 Thread denstar

Naw, if I meant it like that I'd be all like, [lmgtfy] FOAD! vs.
[lmgtfy] HAND!.  :)

I'm down with Bentley, yo!

So there!  =)


Freedom is a system based on courage.
Charles Peguy

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 6:32 AM, Michael Grant wrote:

 OT: = what did the five fingers say to the face?

 On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 12:42 AM, denstar wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Tony Bentley wrote:
  So I have an app that uses cflogin, which works great if the user logs in
 and out from the same browser. Now here is where I am stumped:
  -User logs in, then closes the browser
  -System does not allow the same user to be logged in more than once
  -System logs all logged in users
  -System removes user from log onSessionEnd()
  How can I remove the user from the log when they close the browser?

 I think the best you can do is invalidate their previous session when
 they try to log in again.

 So they can still only be logged in once, but it's the current session
 that is the master, and the old session is discarded/invalidated.

 Due to the nature of sessions, this is the best you can do.  A thread
 on Ben's blog goes into a lot of depth about it.

 Probably the first hit on google:

 (enable javascript to see the nifty typing action)



 A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it
 from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket.
 Charles Peguy


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Formatting the output of a text datatype

2010-11-06 Thread denstar

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Russ Michaels wrote:

 You can also find useful functions on for formatting and remove
 word crap.
 Htmltidy may also help you, this is not a cfml tag though so use google.

Totally! roxors.

You can probably find something that sanitizes the input for XSS
attacks and whatnot too, which shouldn't be overlooked.

I'd google it for the OP, but the OP doesn't know me that well, and
thus I might be interpreted incorrectly.  ;)p


He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself
the accomplice of liars and forgers.
Charles Peguy

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Closing Browser expires session/cookie

2010-11-05 Thread denstar

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Tony Bentley wrote:

 So I have an app that uses cflogin, which works great if the user logs in and 
 out from the same browser. Now here is where I am stumped:

 -User logs in, then closes the browser
 -System does not allow the same user to be logged in more than once
 -System logs all logged in users
 -System removes user from log onSessionEnd()

 How can I remove the user from the log when they close the browser?

I think the best you can do is invalidate their previous session when
they try to log in again.

So they can still only be logged in once, but it's the current session
that is the master, and the old session is discarded/invalidated.

Due to the nature of sessions, this is the best you can do.  A thread
on Ben's blog goes into a lot of depth about it.

Probably the first hit on google:

(enable javascript to see the nifty typing action)



A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it
from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket.
Charles Peguy

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Getting rid of maliceous code embedded in a jpg

2010-11-05 Thread denstar

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Terry Troxel wrote:

 I am trying to allow perspective clients to try my templates
 image tools in order to see if it will help sway them.
 I do not have any image samples with malicious code nor do I want any.
 My question is if I use the coldfusion image tags or my trusty cf_imagecr
 after the upload will it remove any of this or how about I save it as a png?
 I do not want to open up any possible security issues.

There was an awesome thread on the Railo list, titled CFFile and MIME
types, that covered this issue a bit.

I think in the end, a virus scanner was the best bet?  Maybe trying to
convert the image to a different type would do the trick too, I can't
remember if that was covered.

There was a link for something that looked interesting:

But I don't know if it would work.  I never got around to writing a
wrapper for it to test with.  =)

I bet conversion would be enough, though you'd probably run into the
odd legitimate file that didn't convert, for whatever reason.  Better
that than the alternative though, I say.  There are potential
false-positives with virus scanners too, although I'd wager less.


Any father whose son raises his hand against him is guilty of having
produced a son who raised his hand against him.
Charles Peguy

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Question about using javascript in .cfm files...

2010-10-27 Thread denstar

It's pretty much exactly the same.  Even more exacter if you set the
content type to text/javascript or whatever using cfcontent.


Custom is our nature. What are our natural principles but principles of custom?
Blaise Pascal

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

 I've been using js files as .cfm files
 so I can intermix cf variables in the js.

 i.e., naming myJSFile.js, myJSFile.js.cfm, instead.

 This seems to work fine, but I've run into an issue
 that makes me wonder if this works in all cases as
 a regular js file would.

 Here's the question:

 If I have a js function in a .cfm file, would the
 declared function be defined by the browser
 upon first entering a page as it would if the function
 were in a .js file?

 e.g., should the function checkUserFavorites:

 function checkUserFavorites(USERID) {

        blah, blah, blah

 be defined if the js were in a .cfm file as readily
 as it would in a .js file?

 I keep running into a checkUserFavorites is not defined
 for which I cannot track down the problem.

 I'm reaching for an answer at this point, because I can't
 otherwise explain the error message otherwise, yet.

 Thanks for any feedback.



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Re: Apache Axis Upgrade

2010-10-18 Thread denstar

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Donnie Carvajal wrote:

 I'm running CF 9 and the default version of Apache Axis is 1.2.  I would like 
 upgrade Apache Axis to 1.4.  Does anyone know of any potential issues with
 upgrading the version of Apache Axis and CF 9?

Offhand, it'll probably affect web service related stuff.  Potentially
hazardous, let's say.

Can you use a javaloader instead?

Otherwise, replace it, and run some tests, and see if it affects
anything you're using.


There are no facts, only interpretations.
Friedrich Nietzsc

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Re: cfdocument text cuts off at page break

2010-10-17 Thread denstar

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 4:39 AM, James Holmes wrote:

 I'll +1 flying saucer. I've just implemented it using JavaLoader (the
 iText version required clashes with that on CF8) and it works well
 (better than cfdocument).

For some reason I didn't think about this until now, but I'm
relatively sure that there is a patch on the Flying Saucer site that
made it work at least with Railo's built in iText version, perhaps
CF's as well.

I'm pretty sure that these jars:

Have that patch compiled in.

Might want to give it a spin, see if it negates the need of the custom

FWIW, if any of you are running Railo, this project is available as an
Extension, installable from the Railo Admin.


The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others
is relatively an exception.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfdocument text cuts off at page break

2010-10-15 Thread denstar

This doesn't have the JavaLoader stuff, but handles some things that
might be useful:


The doer alone learneth.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CF jQuery Grid

2010-10-15 Thread denstar

Dojo's freaking ROXORS!

I've got a wrapper for cf somewhere 'round here, but it's not super useful.

Nothing compares to dojo, imho.  Nothing.



The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.
Friedrich Nietzsche

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Russ Michaels wrote:

 ave you looked at EXT JS, this is much better for all the grid/data type

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Re: CF jQuery Grid

2010-10-15 Thread denstar

Thanks for reminding me there is yet another browser to test crap in.

Really, thanks.



The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being
overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and
sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the
privilege of owning yourself.
Friedrich Nietzsche

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:

 Given that IE9 was first released in a public beta exactly one month
 ago, I think that Dojo can be forgiven for not supporting it yet.  I'm
 also not sure what you mean by outside the .Net world. If you are
 looking at javascript, .Net MVC bundles JQuery. If you are looking at
 a control, there are some decent ones, but for web pages they are all
 ActiveX which means they won't be cross-browser or cross-platform.


 On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:

 Except it doesn't work on IE9 in anyway shape or form.

 But I think ExtJS is by far the best outside of the .Net world.

 Andrew Scott

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Re: cfdocument text cuts off at page break

2010-10-14 Thread denstar

The solution?  JasperReports.  =)


The best author will be the one who is ashamed to become a writer.
Friedrich Nietzsche

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Tony Bentley wrote:

 Why didn't Adobe fix some of the simple needed changes in CF9 for cfdocument? 
 I have no idea.

 Known issues that suck:

 -THEAD does not carry over on page break. The solution? Use cfreportbuilder 
 (god help me).
 - Border collapse does not work. The solution? Write some really funky inline 
 styles at the first row of the table, last row of the table and first/last td 
 of each row. (How much has this cost our company?)
 -Table breaks in the middle of a row. No solution. (Shoot me)


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Re: cfdocument text cuts off at page break

2010-10-14 Thread denstar

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Rick Root wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:03 PM, denstar wrote:

 The solution?  JasperReports.  =)

 Why go with jasperReports when CFREPORT does the same thing (and
 actually is jasperReports under the hood)?

 And there are many cases where a true report writer like cfreport (or
 jasper) doesn't suit the needs when you just need to produce a PDF
 document.  If it's not tabular reporting, you pretty much *HAVE* to
 use cfdocument.  cfdocument and cfreport do not really compete with
 each other.

Sure, there's lots of cases where all you want is a quick and dirty
PDF, but if you're going through all this effort... and the reports
can be served as HTML...  ;)

But if you really must have a decent cfdocument replacement, there's
always flying saucer (  I've got
a custom tag for that, which probably works for ACF too (I've only
used it in Railo).

Really though, JasperReports is sweet for a lot of other reasons.  You
can export the hell out of those reports.  PowerPoint y todo.

And with jasperreports, writing the report XML by hand is totally
doable, which I don't recall as being doable with cfreport (I could be
wrong tho).

Anyways, Flying Saucer is nice because you can control a lot of stuff
with special CSS.


The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the
world ugly and bad.
Friedrich Nietz

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: report builder similar to ms access

2010-10-07 Thread denstar

The most dynamical thing I've found so far is using JasperServer.

It doesn't quite let you create free-form reports, but it has a lot of
stuff you can use that lets the end user configure a report, and can
produce reports in like 15 different formats.

It is awesome.

Eventually I'll get around to writing an HTML-based WYSIWYG
JasperReport editor, for use with the cfjasperreport tag, which *will*
be a free-form type of deal.  The XML used for JasperReports is pretty
easy to write, if you need free-form, you could whip up an editor and
use the cfjasperreport custom tag.

Another solution is to leverage iReport for the actual report design,
with the JasperServer plugin.

iReport is awesomeness too.


Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and
ages it is the rule.
Friedrich Nietzsche

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Richard White wrote:

 thanks for the reply. correct me if im wrong as although i have looked at it 
 i dont know it in depth, i thought it was inflexible as it wouldnt allow 
 users to quickly create their own reports as they would in ms access


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Re: Looking for the right SMTP server

2010-09-29 Thread denstar

There's this:

I've used bits of that project for doing mail stuff.  Very


Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
Friedrich Nietzsche

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:18 AM,   wrote:

  SendGrid is a third part smtp host.

 Thanks, but I'm not looking for a hosted service, but for a true server 


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Re: Working with a webservice. Help.

2010-09-24 Thread denstar

So I'm guessing a lot of your application relies on the XML, which
makes using the objects returned from the invoke not an appealing

There must be some way at getting at the XML, but I don't know how.

Maybe a tool like this: would help troubleshoot?
 Not sure why a http request won't work but a soap request will.
Maybe a header of some sort?

You could use a network sniffing tool and see what's going on, maybe.


Although the most acute judges of the witches and even the witches
themselves, were convinced of the guilt of witchery, the guilt
nevertheless was non-existent. It is thus with all guilt.
Friedrich Nietzsche

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 Same post, different title.

 Up until recently I hit this webservice with a simple CFHTTP and the
 webservice would return XML.

 For some reason now when I hit it with CFHTTP I get a Connection Failure
 message in the file content.

 So i thought I'd switch to use CFINVOKE instead.

 However I don't seem to know how to get to the actual XML anymore. When I
 hit the web service it seems to return an object and I'm at a loss as to how
 to get the xml I used to get. Any help would be great.

 There's a full description with example code and example response here:


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Re: cfinsert/cfupdate

2010-09-23 Thread denstar

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Michael Grant wrote:


 I feel exactly the same way and still write my SQL statements myself. IMO
 it's necessary when you start getting into multiple advanced joins, computed
 columns and inline equations.

This is actually where ORM shines.

You can do *crazy awesome* stuff with Hibernate.

You can model your model in a variety of ways, that can make things
really easy from a programming perspective.

It's like learning a new language tho, and a lot of it can still end
up being DB specific, so... eh.

I bet very few people are using HBM files, where a lot of the magic happens.


Through shallow intellect, the mind becomes shallow, and one eats the
fly, along with the sweets.
Guru Nanak

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: RTF generation by a scheduled task

2010-09-23 Thread denstar

RTF files are plain text, so you can create them pretty easily.

If your attempts haven't worked so far, you're doing something wrong.  :)

Back in the day, I would create an RTF template, and go from there.
Try creating an RTF that looks like how you want it, and put
placeholders in the spots you want to insert dynamic content.

Nowadays, I just use JasperReports, and export in RTF using
cfjasperreport (a tag I wrote for generating jasperreport reports from

JasperReports is WICKED COOL for doing reports.  Beats the pants off
of ReportBuilder, etc..  Cross platform y todo.


A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not
prove anything.
Friedrich Nietzsche

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Thomas Harper wrote:

 We're trying with CF9 on Windows Server 2008 to generate RTF files with font 
 information. So far, the approaches we've seen depend on going through a 
 browser to a user's desktop. What we need it to do is be able to generate the 
 RTF file via a scheduled task that will be run every 5 minutes or so onto the 
 server so that it gets put into a print queue.

 We've tried writing a straight text file with RTF font code but as it gets 
 sent to the print queue the code just comes across as plain text. Is there a 
 way to do make an RTF file without the browser? Thank you.


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Re: Removing new line from CSV?

2010-09-16 Thread denstar

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Rick Root wrote:

 Unfortunately, using your code (except using createObject instead of
 javaloader, as I have the library in CF's classpath), I get the same

Here's a function that uses opencsv 2.1,
another CSV parsing
deal (looks like there's a newer version, too!).  Works fer me on Railo.
Nasty CSV file in, clean CSV file out.

Don't get me started on poorly
formatted files.

cffunction name=cleanCsvFile output=false
cfargument name=csvFileIn required=true /
cfargument name=csvFileOut required=true /
cfargument name=separator default= /
cfargument name=quotechar default= /
cfargument name=escapechar default= /
cfargument name=lineseparator default= /
var fileReader =
var reader =
var myEntries = ;
var fileWriter =
var writer =
var csvstr = 
if(separator eq ) {
separator = writer.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR;
if(quotechar eq ) {
quotechar = writer.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER;
if(escapechar eq ) {
escapechar = writer.DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER;
if(lineseparator eq ) {
lineseparator = writer.DEFAULT_LINE_END;
if(quotechar NEQ ) {
reader =
} else {
reader = reader.init(fileReader,javacast(char,separator));
myEntries = reader.readAll();
cfreturn true /

In most things success depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed.
 Charles de Montesquieu

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Re: Vmware and CF 8+

2010-09-16 Thread denstar

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Brook Davies wrote:
 The only way that this makes any sense to me is if I can segment this
 machine into 2 or more vmware servers (for CF). I have zero experience and
 only a passing knowledge of vmware. Would it make sense to do this? Can any
 one offer their opinions and/or point me in the right direction?

I've been digging on Xen lately.  Before that I was using ESXi.

You can turn that machine into like, 4 to 8 VMs, easy, depending on
how much ram and processors you want to give each.

VMs freaking roxor.


In the infancy of societies, the chiefs of state shape its
institutions; later the institutions shape the chiefs of state.
Charles de Montesquieu

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Preserve HTML format when inserting into HTML

2010-09-07 Thread denstar

When verifying the dumped text throughout the process, you're looking
at the view source version, and not the one that's rendered by the
browser, right?


The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere,
is to be nowhere.
Michel de Montaigne

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Jake Munson wrote:

As far as I know, CF will not encode HTML unless you tell it to. Are
you 100% sure you aren't using htmlEditFormat on the data?

 I have traced the XML value from start to end, and it appears that the place 
 where the HTML is being converted is when I write the XML to disk.  I am 
 dumping the XML to the page all throughout the process, and it looks correct 
 all the way until I write it to the file.  Before the file write the XML has 
 the plain HTML, but once written to the file the HTML is converted to entity 
 characters.  To write the XML to file I am using cffile and then for the 
 output I use toString() on the xml object.


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Re: manipulating Excel files

2010-08-30 Thread denstar

There's JExcelAPI, too.  It's API is pretty straightforward.

I've got a custom tag for it... only tested on Railo recently though...


Make your educational laws strict and your criminal ones can be
gentle; but if you leave youth its liberty you will have to dig
dungeons for ages.
Michel de Montaigne

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Tony Bentley wrote:

 I started to write the code answer but I'm afraid I didn't have time today.
 The short answer is that POI is probably the only option since there aren't
 really any other options within Java and your binary conversion method

 To get the process going, I suggest reading your file in as a query object
 (using either Ben's POI utility or CF9). Then loop through the rows,
 columns. Mark each instance and store those coordinates (x,y). After looping
 through the sheets, columns and rows, use a method  that sets the value for
 each occurrence. Then rewrite your file and you're finished.


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Re: Licensing on CKEditor - included?

2010-08-19 Thread denstar

CKEditor is open source (or dual-tri licensed or some such, for folks
that need support).

You're going after the file manager plugin that isn't open source,
aren't you?  =-)


A wise man sees as much as he ought, not as much as he can.
Michel de Montaigne

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 9:51 PM, Mike Kear  wrote:

 Is this true? - we can replace the existing FCKEditor in our
 ColdFusion with the updates to CKEditor because it's already licensed
 to Adobe as part of ColdFusion?  (And therefore since we've paid for a
 licence for ColdFusion that in turn has paid Fred for a licence for

 True or not?

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
 AFP Webworks
 ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month


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Re: Anyone experienced with urlrewrite by Tuckey - question about rule that fails

2010-08-11 Thread denstar


No specific answer, and you might already have tried this; something
that has helped me a great deal when working out rewrites is to enable

This goes for mod_rewrite or URLRewriteFilter.

For URLRewriteFilter, here are some instructions for adding the
debugging/reload settings:

Dunno if that will really help or not.

Another thing to mention, and I don't know if this helps or not
either, but sometimes the ampersand can mess you up.  I notice that in
the first rule you escape the , and in the second one you don't- tho
I think the filter would throw an error if it was having trouble with
it, so...  *shrug*  just something to keep an eye on maybe.


mathematical knowledge indubitable.
Portraits from Memory

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Gerald Weir wrote:


 I'm having a problem with a rule.  We just updated the framework of our 
 ColdFusion website.  We've been using urlrewrite with CF and IIS for several 
 years .

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Re: ColdFusion 9 Tag info for CFEclipse

2010-08-11 Thread denstar

The dictionary file needs more updating!

I noticed a couple of these recently.  There's a few tags missing
argumentCollection (or is that attributeCollection? Bah.) too.

I'll updated what I remember, and push another preview build out Real Soon Now.


Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he
is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not
make messes in the house.
Heinlein, Robert A.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Eric Roberts wrote:

 I have that, but i keep getting errors listed for the cfimage tag and the
 tag looks syntactically correct.  Any ideas why?



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Re: getting path of not existent directory

2010-08-11 Thread denstar

In the rewriting guide, one way would be a variation on the Redirect
Failing URLs To Other Webserver example.


When I am violently beset with temptations, or cannot rid myself of
evil thoughts, [I resolve] to do some Arithmetic, or Geometry, or some
other study, which necessarily engages all my thoughts, and
unavoidably keeps them from wandering.
Edwards, Jonathon

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Matthew P. Smith wrote:

 Any way you could provide an example?

 I am looking here but did not see how to do what you stated.

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Re: Millions of Coldfusion sites need to apply patches

2010-08-11 Thread denstar

ISAPI rewrite (1st one)

This has lots of good stuff:

Hardening servers is a blast!  Everyone should do it.


Six is a number perfect in itself, and not because God created the
world in six days; rather the contrary is true. God created the world
in six days because this number is perfect, and it would remain
perfect, even if the work of the six days did not exist.
St. Augustine

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Syntax checking generated code: CF9

2010-08-10 Thread denstar

Anytime!  That's a worthy goal.

I got a good ~ three thousand words of documentation for my automated
build tool cfdistro done over the weekend.

Sadly, I was stupid, and then, Something Bad happened, so it's gone
with the wind.

Someday...  =)


We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavouring to stifle is
a false opinion; and even if we were sure, stifling it would be an
evil still.
John Stuart Mill

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 1:34 AM, Dominic Watson wrote:

 Perfect, thanks Den. Yeah, looking at this as a part of an automated
 deployment whole. Had googled for quite a while, just missing the
 keywords ;)

 Thanks again,


 On 9 August 2010 18:55, denstar wrote:

 Sorry, should have included the link the first time:

 The cfcompile utility shouldn't execute your code, just compile it.
 Theoretically throwing errors on bad syntax.  :)

 You could also create an Ant script for it.  Google knows...


 The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing
 which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable
 creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by
 the exertions of better men than himself.
 John Stuart Mill

 On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 4:08 AM, Dominic Watson wrote:

 Thanks guys. Certainly, compiling the code and checking for errors
 would be the ideal - just need to make sure the code does not execute.
 Any ideas about an explicit way to do that? I've thought of a hack,


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Re: Syntax checking generated code: CF9

2010-08-09 Thread denstar

Sorry, should have included the link the first time:

The cfcompile utility shouldn't execute your code, just compile it.
Theoretically throwing errors on bad syntax.  :)

You could also create an Ant script for it.  Google knows...


The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing
which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable
creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by
the exertions of better men than himself.
John Stuart Mill

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 4:08 AM, Dominic Watson wrote:

 Thanks guys. Certainly, compiling the code and checking for errors
 would be the ideal - just need to make sure the code does not execute.
 Any ideas about an explicit way to do that? I've thought of a hack,

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Re: Forums using CFCs?

2010-08-09 Thread denstar

CFDs nuts!  =-)

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:

 CFDs are hot, but not as hot as CFDDDs.  :-)


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Re: Syntax checking generated code: CF9

2010-08-06 Thread denstar

If I'm understanding right, you could compile the code and it should
throw an error if there's a validation problem.

But I might not be understanding correctly.


Of two pleasures, if there be one which all or almost all who have
experience of both give a decided preference, irrespective of any
feeling of moral obligation to prefer it, that is the more desirable
John Stuart Mill

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Re: (ot) Eclipse hangs on startup.

2010-08-03 Thread denstar

A few things to try:

1)  Close all open projects  (right-click on a project and select
'close') and restart.  See if that makes it start fast.

2) Check the network settings.  A long wait time might mean it's
trying to do something networky, and it's waiting for a response.
Like, for the help system, it starts a little local webserver, and
maybe there's a firewall issue or something.

3) Check the log, and see what it's doing when starting up.  I think
you can even turn on more verbose logging of startup stuff, but google
will know for sure.

And, that's about all I got.

As for CFEclipse, there should be a new release at the next full moon,
I think.  Pretty soon.

If you'd like to help test the preview release, which should be
working on Helios, the preview update site is:

Feel free to take it for a test drive and please let us know (on the
cfeclipse mailing list, preferably, tho wherever is clever, really) if
you run into any show-stopper type stuff.

Blessed be!

Judaism boasts of no exclusive revelation of eternal truths that are
indispensable to salvation, of no revealed religion in the sense in
which that term is usually understood.
Moses Mendelssohn

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Eric Cobb wrote:

 Over the last couple of weeks I've noticed that my Eclipse seems to take
 a really long time to start up.  It always hangs at the splash screen
 forever, then finally it starts loading.  Once the loading bar appears,
 it only takes about 15-20 seconds to load.  This morning I timed it and
 it stayed on the startup screen for almost 7 minutes before it started
 loading.  Once it finally opens up, I can close it an reopen it and it
 takes less than a minute.  But, that initial startup after I log in,
 reboot, etc.., always hangs at the splash screen for 4-7 minutes.

 I'm using Eclipse 3.5.2, 64 bit, on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit with
 4GB of RAM.  In an effort to fix the problem, I installed Java version
 6, update 21. It just came out last week and is supposed to have some
 bug fixes aimed specifically at Eclipse.  That didn't help anything.  I
 also have Eclipse 3.5.2, 32 bit, on this machine and it takes just as
 long to start up.  Just to see, I set up a fresh blank install of 3.5.2,
 64 bit, and it came up with no problems.

 I've searched the interwebs trying to find a way to tweak my eclipse.ini
 settings, and so far I haven't been able to find anything that fixes
 this.  I've even restored the eclipse.ini file back to the original and
 it's still slow.  At first I thought it may be a plugin that was causing
 this, so I uninstalled all unnecessary plugins, but that didn't fix it.
 I even made sure that my 32 bit and 64 bit didn't have the same plugins
 installed, and they don't.

 The only core features they have installed in common are:
 -Eclipse Data Tools Platform
 -Eclipse Mylyn
 -Eclipse Modeling Project

 So, I'm guess that one of these is the culprit.  I'm really not sure,
 though.  Does anyone know if there is any way to tell what's causing
 Eclipse to hang at the splash screen for so long?  Some way to get a
 behind the scenes look at what's going on?



 Eric Cobb
 ECAR Technologies, LLC


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Re: Regex Help

2010-07-27 Thread denstar

This is neither here nor there, but the URLRewriteFilter can go on the
actual application server, thus negating the need for IIS or Apache
intervention, and as an added bonus, can do outbound rules as well.

This means that you don't need to change your internal links from:
index.cfm?somevar=woohoo, and instead can do this:
getPageContext().getResponse().encode(index.cfm?somevar=woohoo) and
have the HTML href that is returned to the client look like this:
/somevar/woohoo (and obviously have incoming /somevar/woohoo requests
translated to index.cfm?somevar=woohoo).

You still have to wrap stuff with the encode() deal, so it's not
super-cool if you've got a lot of links various places, but it's
probably a pretty fast way to go pretty URL style without having to
do much more than wrap your links with encode().

Just food for thought.  I'm really liking it, and it doesn't add much overhead.

I know this probably doesn't make much sense, but I can elaborate if
anyone is actually interested.  :)


There is a specter haunting Europe, the specter of Communism.
Karl Marx

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Robert Harrison wrote:

 Why not use url rewrite instead?

 If it's this: that looks
 good but it also requires server IIS intervention. That does not solve the
 problem on all my sites and all the servers they are running on. Building
 them into my own CMS permanently solves the problem and keeps my tools
 portable for various server environments. In the long run it's I'm thinking
 it's probably best to make my CMS tools just work that way so I'm not
 thwarted by an uncooperative host.

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Re: jFileUpload - putting binary file fragments together (was: State of cffileupload)

2010-07-27 Thread denstar


You could potentially toss in the Apache FileUpload project.  I was
talking with someone about this over the weekend.

It looks like you could just stick the needed code in a CFML page,
CFML-ized from Java, and post the upload form to that CFML page and
let it handle the upload.

I suggested using the servlet approach-- you'd post your form to
/uploads and then have CF check the uploads directory for file
completion, or hack up the servlet to ping a CFM page when the state
of the upload changes.

Theoretically, you could test the basic premise out pretty easy by
just using a JSP example of FileUpload, as CF can run JSP pages
without much fuss, IIRC.

It appears that Railo uses FileUpload under the hood, I haven't
checked but I think Adobe uses something else.  Could be wrong tho.

Here's an example JSP that might get you going (using the servlet is
probably easiest tho):

It looks like the FileUpload library can tell you how much has been
uploaded, as it's uploading, potentially allowing for an accurate
progress bar, too!

Just a thought.


We should not say that one man's hour is worth another man's hour, but
rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another
man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing: he is at the
most time's carcass.
Karl Marx

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Thomas Harper wrote:

 Well, the issue I was having with cffileupload is now considered a bug 
 (83447) and while we're waiting for our platinum plan (if going that route 
 will even work), I'm checking out jFileUpload. What it does is split larger 
 files into chunks of a size designated by an attribute. In my case, I'm 
 splitting it into 256 MB apiece. Uploading is taken care of by a .cfm they 
 provide, but it doesn't put split-up files back together. Using cffile with 
 append would only work on text files. How would ColdFusion put the file 
 together? These files will be really big binaries of about 4 to 5 GB. Thank 

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Thread is a thread is a thread?

2010-07-27 Thread denstar

Just curious.  I'm sure Google could tell me, but what the heck:

Does the kind of thread matter?

Like, the reason I suggested using a separate servlet for doing the
FileUpload, was that I was thinking that a separate FileUpload servlet
thread would not take up a CFML engine servlet thread.  Be easier to
manage, provide some isolation, etc..

But I don't really know.  Would that make a difference?

Would that really be any better than just CFML-izing the java and
running it in the CFML engine?

I think yes, but I'm curious as to the real answer.

Not /very/ curious tho, obviously.


While the miser is merely a capitalist gone mad, the capitalist is a
rational miser.
Karl Marx

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Adobe no longer part of the OpenCFML committee

2010-07-22 Thread denstar

There doesn't need to be a big ceremonious board, but there does need
to be an official language spec, IMHO.

Maybe the cfdictionary project could be fleshed out... we could have a
nice list of what works like what with what... a single point of
reference type of deal...

Eh.  It's a personal goal at least, but I have oodles of those.  :)


Grief is only the memory of widowed affections.
James Martineau

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Adam Haskell wrote:

 I don't think it is that disappointing honestly. I do think we need to
 continue, as engine developers, to have a dialogue with each other.There
 doesn't need to be this ceremonious board to do it. We have a discussion
 group for conventional wisdom and things that need vetted could go there. We
 also have phones and email where we can collaborate, it is on the engine
 developers to be nice and courteous. If we're thinking about adding a tag or
 a feature we need to step up and reach out to the other engine makers and
 talk to them and get some feedback. That's easy for me to say being in the
 completely open source camp (even for us we could improve on this though) I
 understand if Adobe is working on something they don't want to get out too
 far they'd rather not talk to other engines. If an engine is looking at
 adding cfjavascript but not going to follow the conventional syntax OpenBD
 established a little phone call is a good idea. Same thing when OpenBD looks
 to implement CF9 features we should be following what has been set forth.


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Re: Adobe no longer part of the OpenCFML committee

2010-07-22 Thread denstar

Er, cfmldictionary?  ;-)


Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without
language, or music without atmosphere.
James Martineau

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:39 PM, denstar wrote:
 There doesn't need to be a big ceremonious board, but there does need
 to be an official language spec, IMHO.

 Maybe the cfdictionary project could be fleshed out... we could have a
 nice list of what works like what with what... a single point of
 reference type of deal...

 Eh.  It's a personal goal at least, but I have oodles of those.  :)


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Re: Adobe no longer part of the OpenCFML committee

2010-07-22 Thread denstar

It's just a java project right now, but the plan is to leverage it to
power a CFML application similar to quickdocs, etc., but with
different engines in mind, blah blah blah.

CFEclipse was the motivation for this...  I'm in the process of
switching the way dictionaries are handled to a more flexible and
collaborative type of deal.  Pull updates from a URL, add/update/share
dictionaries easily, etc..

It's a shame that a squatter appears to hold cfml dot org, it would be
really nifty to have, etc..

The CFML application/website is a bit of a pipe dream at this point,
but I'm actively working on the actual java library for interacting
with CFML dictionaries, which is more pressing for me ATM.

I really need to just bite the bullet and get a VPS somewhere,
otherwise the CFML applications will continue to be dreams.  Maybe
I'll try for now.  :)

Yes, I can do it all-- I'm special like that.  HOOAH! =)p

Should be done by about 2018.


A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of communism.
Karl Marx

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Maureen wrote:


 On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 12:40 PM, denstar wrote:

 Er, cfmldictionary?  ;

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Re: Adobe no longer part of the OpenCFML committee

2010-07-22 Thread denstar

Oh yeah, and it will allow editing of tags online.  That part will
probably come before anything else, and materialize pretty soon, as
I'm s tired of wanking with the dictionaries by hand, so to

Yeah, I know last sentence sounds funny if you're across the pond.
Byte me.  :)

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes
are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be
measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones
Karl Marx

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:46 PM, denstar wrote:

 It's just a java project right now, but the plan is to leverage it to
 power a CFML application similar to quickdocs, etc., but with
 different engines in mind, blah blah blah.

 CFEclipse was the motivation for this...  I'm in the process of
 switching the way dictionaries are handled to a more flexible and
 collaborative type of deal.  Pull updates from a URL, add/update/share
 dictionaries easily, etc..

 It's a shame that a squatter appears to hold cfml dot org, it would be
 really nifty to have, etc..

 The CFML application/website is a bit of a pipe dream at this point,
 but I'm actively working on the actual java library for interacting
 with CFML dictionaries, which is more pressing for me ATM.

 I really need to just bite the bullet and get a VPS somewhere,
 otherwise the CFML applications will continue to be dreams.  Maybe
 I'll try for now.  :)

 Yes, I can do it all-- I'm special like that.  HOOAH! =)p

 Should be done by about 2018.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!


2010-07-20 Thread denstar

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
 Is there an equivalent to onFocus?  Where are these options documented?

There is an OnFocus!

Personally, I'd switch to a ckeditor tag (I have one if you don't, but
it's literally two lines of code IIRC).  Then I'd use all the *new*
plugins and whatnot.  It's really easier to work with.

If you're married to cftextarea, then I'd take a look at the old
plugins for FCK 2.x, as well as the source (I love source.  I can read
it better than documentation most of the time).

There were plugins for doing just what you want to do, IIRC.
FitWindow springs to mind, but I think there were others... anyways,
those plugins would show you exactly how to do this stuff, I reckon.

There's a built in way to get to the iframe too, I think... maybe this does it?


Force be with you!

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
get at or repair.
Douglas Adam

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Re: bind a method to all remotely accessed methods in a cfc

2010-07-20 Thread denstar

I'm not 100% sure what you're after, but perhaps ColdSpring's remote
facade generation stuff would fit the bill?


Even he, to whom most things that most people would think were pretty
smart were pretty dumb, thought it was pretty smart.
Douglas Adams

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Tony Bentley wrote:

 Is it possible to bind a private or package method to any method with remote 
 access within a cfc? I want run checks on each request to lock down security 
 but not on the application level. I want to automate this procedure instead 
 of having to place the call inside of each method.

 I would use reflection in Java. Any thoughts?


 cffunction name=checkSomething access=remote returnFormat=JSON
 when this is called bind checkForRemoteness()

 cffunction name=checkIfRemoteOrPublic access=private
 cfif logic


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Re: (ot) changing the default for loading actionscript files in cfeclipse/eclipse

2010-07-19 Thread denstar

Eclipse has file associations:

Prefs | General  Editors  File Associations


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of
people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Won Lee wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 12:42 PM, DURETTE, STEVEN J (ATTASIAIT) wrote:

 Ok... But why should I have to do that? The default OS Application for
 .cfm files is Dreamweaver, but when I open CFE and double click a .cfm
 file it opens in CFE.

 Besides, in some companies, changing defaults like that are locked down.

 Thanks for the idea though, I might do that as a last resort. (where is
 my admin's phone number)

 I agree with you; I don't think one should be forced to change file
 association at the OS level.  It was the only thing I could think of
 while my CFBuilder was down.



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Re: Virtual Directories and cfinclude

2010-07-19 Thread denstar

The virtual directory will take care of the .css and image files, but
you'll need to add a mapping for the CFML to work, I think.


In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real
men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha
Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
Douglas Adams

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

 Recently, I've been trying to modularize all code needed

 for a particular function with a directory that exists outside

 the root directory of a website.

 I have some functionality that is common to many websites

 and need to reference the files on if a site uses said functionality.

 For instance, I have a real estate website that uses a

 subdivision function.  Not all do, but this one does.

 I decided to move the subdivision folder outside the root

 of all the websites that might use it and put it under its own

 directory in the webroot.

 I can create a virtual directory in IIS easily enough to reference

 files within the subdivision folder.

 However, if I try to reference files within the main websites

 structure from within the subdivision folder under the webroot

 using cfinclude, I can't.  At least not using relative links, as far as

 I can tell.

 I want to keep all content, .cfm's, .cfc's, .css files etc., outside of the

 main website folder structure so that if that function (subdivisions, in
 this case)

 is not used, then none of the files and assets need be part of

 the website's directory structure and content.

 Make any sense?

 In the end, it amounts to wanting to have a way for referencing cfincludes,

 such as menu structure file, from within the folder structure of the

 directory subdivisions as I can reference files from within subdivisions

 by using a virtual directory in IIS.

 Maybe I'm missing something very obvious.

 Any feedback would be appreciated.




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Re: (ot) changing the default for loading actionscript files in cfeclipse/eclipse

2010-07-19 Thread denstar

It's all in a day's work, good cf citizen.  =)


It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As
pretty as an Airport' appear.
Douglas Adams

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 12:19 PM, DURETTE, STEVEN J (ATTASIAIT) wrote:

 Thank you VERY much!

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!


2010-07-19 Thread denstar

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
 That saidif anyone has a solution...I'm all ears!

Use the hooks!

I don't remember what they are offhand, but for the amount of times
this comes up, you'd think it would be documented somewhere or that
some random person would shout use the force-er-hooks!.

Also, there are *tons* of nifty JS debugging utilities-- I use dojo
and it has very nice object dumping-- use them to see what methods and
whatnot are available on the thing you're trying to work with.

I'm seriously wondering if I'm just tripping out or what-- does no one
remember how to do this?

Don't make me search the archives.



You live and learn. At any rate, you live.
Douglas Adams

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!


2010-07-19 Thread denstar

I think this will get you the underlying object:


(I assume the equiv of: FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('InstanceName') ;)

Then, check this out:

And I remember doing something like this, long ago:

function FCKeditor_OnComplete( editorInstance )
editorInstance.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnSelectionChange', DoSomething ) ;

var counter = 0 ;

function DoSomething( editorInstance )
// This is a sample function that shows in the title bar the number of times
// the OnSelectionChange event is called.
window.document.title = editorInstance.Name + ' : ' + ( ++counter ) ;
That OnComplete being a special FCK function.

The new CKEditor is way niftier.  Looking at the old API brings back
memories.  =)

The last time anybody made a list of the top hundred character
attributes of New Yorkers, common sense snuck in at number 79.
Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!


2010-07-19 Thread denstar

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Maureen wrote:

  You totally rock.  This solves a world of problems for me.


Here's a complete, working example:

cfsavecontent variable=hook
function doIt() {
alert( Say cheese! ) ;

function FCKeditor_OnComplete( editorInstance )
editorInstance.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnSelectionChange', doIt ) ;
cfhtmlhead text=#hook# /
cftextarea name=fun id=fun onclick=javascript:alert('wee')
richtext=truetry me/cftextarea

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deaddocs (was Re: CFTEXTAREA onClick)

2010-07-19 Thread denstar

Now this is lame:  I went to livedocs to add the richtext binding
magic for cf8, and they've cut off comments for this version of the

That right there violates all that I thought was cool with livedocs.

Guess anything below 9 is really deaddocs.

Hey, I like that.  I'm going to create a live cfml documentation
site like cfquickdocs but call it cfdeaddocs.

Pretty catchy, neh?


The last time anybody made a list of the top hundred character
attributes of New Yorkers, common sense snuck in at number 79.
Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: mod_rewrite question: redirecting to from with dynamic domain names

2010-07-16 Thread denstar

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Jeff Gladnick wrote:

 Unfortunately, that didn't quite work :(

 Any other suggestions?

Maybe something like this (untested):

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.[a-z-]+\.[a-z]{2,6} [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ([a-z-]+\.[a-z]{2,6})$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://www\.%1/$1 [R=301,L]

Got the idea from here:


A man of courage flees forward, in the midst of new things.
Jacques Maritain

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Re: Validating an XML document to a schema using ColdFusion

2010-07-12 Thread denstar

This worked on railo:

cfsavecontent variable=xs?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
xs:schema xmlns:xs=;
 xs:element name=pur

xs:element name=File type=xs:string
minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1/

xs:element name=Data type=xs:string
minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1/


cfsavecontent variable=xm?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?

cfdump var=#xmlValidate(xmlParse(xm),xs)#

Note how I referred to the schema (it's the actual string content).


But a science is exact to the extent that its method measures up to
and is adequate to its object.
Gabriel Marcel

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Ian Skinner wrote:

 Small sample files that produce the error.

  XML Schema

 |?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
 xs:schema xmlns:xs=;
      xs:element name=pur

                     xs:element name=File type=xs:string minOccurs=1 

                     xs:element name=Data type=xs:string minOccurs=1 


 XML Test FIle

 |?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?

 These file, and the large files I provided previously will validate
 correctly according to this tool.


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Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-09 Thread denstar

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Won Lee wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:57 PM, denstar wrote:

 So /that's/ why my ascii art is all mangled!  ;]

     -   \O                                     ,  .-.___
   -     /\                                   O/  /xx\XXX\
  -   __/\ `                                  /\  |xx|XXX|
     `    \, ()                              `  |xx|XXX|



@Keven -- Awesome take on it.  I'm there dude.  =)

@Roger -- It's so good, we played it at our wedding (barefoot up in
the mountains).  T'was Perfecto!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

If there really is such a thing.  =)


As our bodies live upon the earth and find sustenance in the fruits
which it produces, so our minds feed on the same truths as the

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Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-09 Thread denstar

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:21 PM, denstar wrote:
 @Keven -- Awesome take on it.  I'm there dude.  =)

Er- Kevin, even.  :)


Do not fear lest you should meditate too much upon Him and speak of
Him in an unworthy way, providing you are led by faith. Do not fear
lest you should entertain false opinions of Him so long as they are in
conformity with the notion of the infinitely perfect Being.
Nicolas Malebranc

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Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-08 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

 Yeah, that may be the explanation, but IMO it's still dumb to do arrays that
 way.  Nobody calls their thumb their zeroth finger.

 Computers are different from hands, programming languages are
 different from natural languages, computers don't understand base-10

It's all just been in preparation for the day when computers program computers.

We're almost there, too.  Scary awesome.


The same is the case with those opinions of man to which he has been
accustomed from his youth; he likes them, defends them, and shuns the
opposite views.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-08 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Dave Watts wrote:
 This is basically the argument for COBOL, and look how that turned
 out. If you want to be a competent programmer, right now, you need to
 understand pretty well how computers work. That may not be the case in
 the future, but it is right now. CF hides a lot of the complexity of
 computers, but it can't hide all of the complexity. This is why, in my
 opinion, many CF programmers who don't have this deeper understanding
 write programs that fail as their scope, complexity or usage grow

How did it turn out?

It's not clear, but are you dissing COBOL?

More of a FORTRAN guy, eh?



The whole object of the Prophets and the Sages was to declare that a
limit is set to human reason where it must halt.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-08 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I for one think CF should have stuck to zero based indices.
 I've thought for close to 10 years that it would be AWESOME if this could be
 a CFAdmin setting.

It's never really bothered me much, and I do a lot a java/cfml stuphs.

What's really crazy is people doing if(len(string)) vs if(string != ).

Or something like that, IIRC.



To the totality of purposes of the perfect Law there belong the
abandonment, depreciation, and restraint of desires in so far as

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-08 Thread denstar

So /that's/ why my ascii art is all mangled!  ;]

 -   \O ,  .-.___
   - /\   O/  /xx\XXX\
  -   __/\ `  /\  |xx|XXX|
 `\, ()  `  |xx|XXX|

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I would want to do len(trim(string)) gt 0 or trim(string) !=  since
 technically   fulfills your if condition though remains undesirable.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-08 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

 I would want to do len(trim(string)) gt 0 or trim(string) !=  since
 technically   fulfills your if condition though remains undesirable.

 I think his point is that CF, unlike some other languages, supports
 implicit Boolean evaluation. Some people really don't like it.

Oh, you know I'm too well rounded to have a point.  =)

Really I was reminiscing about a conversation we had long ago, more
than contributing anything real to the conversation.

Programming is teh awesome.


While one man can discover a certain thing by himself, another is
never able to understand it, even if taught by means of all possible
expressions and metaphors, and during a long period; his mind can in
no way grasp it, his capacity is insufficient for it.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Looking for a CF Recipe script!

2010-07-08 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I see. My bad.
 To be fair I find Denny hard to follow at the best of times. :D

A snippet from a favorite song:

If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine
And my tunes were played on the harp unstrung
Would you hear my voice come through the music
Would you hold it near as it were your own?

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
I don't know, don't really care
Let there be songs to fill the air

Not that it really helps you, but it all makes sense from in here.  :-)


You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: ByteArray objects

2010-07-01 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Brad Wood wrote:

 If you want to be able to visually represent something that is a little
 cumbersome to display, why don't you try hashing it?  That may help
 comparing them as well.

+1 for hash()!

If it's binary data you'd just get gobbledygook when converting it to
a string anyways, with a hash you should be golden either way.


The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge of it.
John Lock

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Re: Regex Lin Break Oddness

2010-07-01 Thread denstar

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Ian Skinner wrote:
  Other then just breaking down and working this in IE does anybody have
 any other thoughs on what is going on here?

Assuming I haven't totally misunderstood what's going on:

You could drop to java and an XML lib that respects whitespace.

It's a common problem, I think.  Some people use Jericho (a tag
parsing lib) for XML because it respects whitespace some XML parsers
don't, if I'm remembering the comments right.

I wouldn't recommend that one specifically, as it doesn't do XSLT transforms. :)

It would probably be best if you used a java lib that isn't included
with other stuff, as those XML libs can be mad conflicting.

That's all I can think of, maybe there's some simple way to use built
in stuff tho.  Replace the new chunk with the old chunk after the
transform by hand? Etc.


The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property.
John Lock

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: ByteArray objects

2010-06-30 Thread denstar

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Sisk, Kris wrote:

 Is there a way to convert a java bytearray into something human
 readable? Everything I've tried has thrown a ByteArray objects cannot
 be converted to strings error.

yourByteArray.toString() maybe?  Depends if it's binary data or not, I think.

If you can provide more info, I'm sure I can help.  I do all kinds of
stuff like this in the various projects I work on.


When a man fails to see the truth of certain generally accepted views,
there is no law compelling him to provoke animosity by announcing his
George Henry Lewes

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