Re: [CODE4LIB] New books RSS feed / "badge" with cover images?

2010-04-09 Thread Alejandro Garza Gonzalez

Some ideas:
1) Use Feeds Imagegrabber ( 
along with Feeds to create nodes that include their enclosures (cover 
images) from the RSS feed. Once you have the items as nodes you can use 
Views and the plethora of Views carrousel-like modules to display them 
like the LibraryThing widget you prefer =) I think you can also set 
Feeds to delete nodes older than X days so you don't end up with old 
nodes lying around.

2) Write out a bit of PHP (or javascript?) in a custom block to "just" 
parse the current RSS feed's contents. You'd have to add in the 
Javascript/Jquery carrousel of your choice. Might be simpler--if you 
have a coder around or can find the appropriate PHP and/or JS code 
already available on the Internets.

I also thought of (but discarded) Millennium.module; it can create nodes 
from an ftlist URL, BUT you'd have to run it manually every so often (it 
has Views integration, so like Feeds you could use views and a carrousel 
to show the items).

Also, it'd be nice to just use a Millennium WebOPAC as a datasource 
(instead of local MySQL) for Views 3... maybe I can put that into 
Millennium.module =)


Laura Harris said the following on 09/04/2010 09:07 a.m.:

Hi, all - I suspect something like this is being done already, so I thought I 
would check in and ask.

Essentially, what I would like to do is display the library's new books on a 
web page in a graphic format - I'd like it to look very similar to the sorts of 
widgets that GoodReads or LibraryThing users can create. I threw up a few quick 
examples here:

Now, we have an RSS feed for our new books (Millennium is our ILS if it matters), and as 
I understand it, the images we get from Syndetic Solutions are parsed as enclosures to 
that RSS feed. Is there a way to take the RSS feed, and only show those enclosures (if 
they exist, and are not the default "grey box" we see if the book doesn't have 
a cover image) somehow?

Or perhaps there's a really easy way to do this that I'm overlooking.

Would appreciate your insight!



_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro in...@te, Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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Re: [CODE4LIB] faceted browsing

2010-02-09 Thread Alejandro Garza Gonzalez
If you are looking to build an application instead of getting an 
existing one, you can use Drupal and several modules to build it.

There are several faceted search modules available (see 

For a simple system, you can use:
* Apache Solr module or Faceted Search module for faceted search.
* Tagadelic for tag clouds
* Community Tags for... uhm, community tagging =)
* CCK to hold your content's fields
* Views to make, uhm... views of it =)


Earles, Jill Denae said the following on 08/02/2010 10:58 a.m.:

I would like recommendations for faceted browsing systems that include
authentication, and easily support multimedia content and metadata.  The
ability to add comments and tags to content, and browse by tag cloud is
also desirable.

My skills include ColdFusion, PHP, CakePHP, and XML/XSL.  The only
system I've worked with that includes faceted browsing is XTF, and I
don't think it's well suited to this.  I am willing to learn a new
language/technology if there is a system that includes most of what I'm
looking for.

Please let me know of any open-source systems you know of that might be
suited to this.  If you have time and interest, see the detailed
description of the system below.

Thank you,
Jill Earles

Detailed description:

I am planning to build a system to manage a collection of multimedia
artwork, to include audio, video, images, and text along with
accompanying metadata.  The system should allow for uploading the
content and entering metadata, and discovery of content via searching
and faceted browsing.  Ideally it will also include a couple of ways of
visually representing the relationships between items (for example, a
video and the images and audio files that are included in the video, and
notes about the creative process).  The views we've conceived of at this
point include a "flow" view that shows relationships with arrows between
them (showing chronology or this begat that relationship), and a
"constellation" view that shows all of the related items, with or
without lines between them.

It needs to have security built in so that only contributing members can
search and browse the contributions by default.  Ideally, there would be
an approval process so that a contributor could propose making a work
public, and if all contributors involved in the work (including any
components of the work, i.e. the images and audio files included in the
video) give their approval, the work would be made public.  The public
site would also have faceted browsing, searching by all metadata that we
make public, and possibly tag clouds, and the ability to add tags and
comments about the work.


_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro in...@te, Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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Re: [CODE4LIB] Choosing development platforms and/or tools, how'd you do it?

2010-01-06 Thread Alejandro Garza Gonzalez
Well, I'll quickly run down why we chose Drupal (hence, PHP). I mention 
Drupal because to me it's more of a framework which just happens to have 
a CMS built on top of it =)

Before Drupal, my team knew PHP. We had PHP books in the library, 
students were learning some PHP in classes, etc.

We were lured to Drupal because other libraries were using it (AADL at 
the time). It seemed to have good code, good security, and could be 
"hacked politely" (or "extended") and securely (if you follow the 
rules). Most of all, Drupal has good people behind it =)

Now, "even though" Drupal is PHP (and, as some say, PHP lets you be as 
insecure and as bad a coder you want...) the code that goes into its 
core has pretty strict coding standards. Of course you can find lots of 
modules which are not up to par, but you can depend on core to be tight.


marijane white said the following on 05/01/2010 05:04 p.m.:

Greetings Code4Lib,

Long time lurker, first time poster here.

I've been turning over this question in my mind for a few weeks now, and Joe
Hourcle's postscript in the Online PHP Course thread has prompted me to
finally try to ask it. =)

I'm interested in hearing how the members of this list have gone about
choosing development platforms for their library coding projects and/or
existing open source projects (ie like VuFind vs Blacklight).  For example,
did you choose a language you already were familiar with?  One you wanted to
learn more about?  Does your workplace have a standard enterprise
architecture/platform that you are required to use?  If you have chosen to
implement an existing open source project, did you choose based on the
development platform or project maturity and features or something else?

Some background -- thanks to my undergraduate computer engineering studies,
I have a pretty solid understanding of programming fundamentals, but most of
my pre-LIS work experience was in software testing and did not require me to
employ much of what I learned programming-wise, so I've mostly dabbled over
the last decade or so.  I've got a bit of experience with a bunch of
languages and I'm not married to any of them.   I also kind of like having
excuses to learn new ones.

My situation is this: I would like to eventually implement a discovery tool
at MPOW, but I am having a hell of a time choosing one.  I'm a solo
librarian on a content team at a software and information services company,
so I'm not really tied to the platforms used by the software engineering
teams here.  I know a bit of Ruby, so I've played with Blacklight some, got
it to install on Windows and managed to import a really rough Solr index.
I'm more attracted to the features in VuFind, but I don't know much PHP yet
and I haven't gotten it installed successfully yet.  My collection's
metadata is not in an ILS (yet) and not in MARC, so I've also considered
trying out more generic approaches like ajax-solr (though I don't know a lot
of javascript yet, either).  I've also given a cursory look at SOPAC and
Scriblio.  My options are wide open, and I'm having a rough time deciding
what direction to go in.  I guess it's kind of similar to someone who is new
to programming and attempting to choose their first language to learn.

I will attempt to head off a programming language religious war =) by
stating that I'm not really interested in the virtues of one platform over
another, moreso the abstract reasons one might have for selecting one.
Have any of you ever been in a similar situation?  How'd you get yourself
unstuck?  If you haven't, what do you think you might do in a situation like



_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro in...@te, Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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Re: [CODE4LIB] yaoss4ll

2010-01-04 Thread Alejandro Garza Gonzalez
I second John Fereira's comment re: putting this information into a CMS 
=) For instance it'd be awesome to browse by language...

And, Drupal actually has a series of library-related modules out there; 
you already mention the MARC module in ... here are two lists for 
more library-related modules:


John Fereira said the following on 22/12/2009 12:25 p.m.:

Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
Putting it on a wiki anyone can edit makes it, perhaps, somewhat more 
likely that it ends up maintained longer, making it easier for other 
people to get involved in maintaining it without technological 
barriers or proprietary feelings getting in the way.
I was thinking of something more along the lines of putting it into a 
CMS (i.e. Drupal) so that voting/ranking/tagging tools could be used 
to allow the community to rate the viability and discovery of each item.

I may actually need to  do something like this but for a different 
domain on a project that I'll be working on over the next year.

_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro in...@te, Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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Re: [CODE4LIB] Web analytics for POST data

2009-11-24 Thread Alejandro Garza Gonzalez
To get around XSS you can use GET requests to your logging script, 
sending the data as arguments by one of two methods (maybe there are 

   * one way is to just "get" an Image by setting an image's SRC to
 your logging script.
   * another is to have an inline IFRAME where you also change its SRC
 to your logging script's URL.

You might have to have some built-in delay to let the logging script 
have time to actually log the event before the form gets submitted... 
I'm thinking using setTimeout() in javascript.


Yitzchak Schaffer said the following on 23/11/2009 06:01 p.m.:

Alejandro Garza Gonzalez wrote:
1) You *can* use GA and some Javascript embedded in your III pages to 
log "events" (as they´re called in GA lingo). The javascript 
(depending on your coding wizardry level) could track anything from 
hovers over elements, form submission, "next page" events, etc.

Hi Alejandro,

Thanks for a great suggestion.  I tried poking around at it; it seems 
to me like Events aren't built for what I'm really interested in 
doing, namely systematic exploration and analysis of the search 
sessions.  IOW, let's say a form looks like


It looks like I could log this as three separate events, or one; but 
either way, how would one analyze this?  I'm not interested (solely) 
in how many times this particular query was entered.

I started looking at ways to funnel the params into my own tracking 
script, the prototype of which just writes a line to a text file with 
a JSON serialization of the form data; but I'm not a JS ninja, so I'm 
still trying to figure out how to get around the XSS problems.

Ruddy III turnkey...

_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro in...@te, Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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Re: [CODE4LIB] Web analytics for POST data

2009-11-20 Thread Alejandro Garza Gonzalez

I see two ways to do this:

1) You *can* use GA and some Javascript embedded in your III pages to 
log "events" (as they´re called in GA lingo). The javascript (depending 
on your coding wizardry level) could track anything from hovers over 
elements, form submission, "next page" events, etc.

2) Move all or part of your catalog traffic thru a reverse proxy which 
does the actual tracking. Of course, finding the proxy software is one 
thing, finding one that analyzes the specific requests or patterns is 
another =) More likely you would have to find an OSS proxy then modify 
it to do what you want =)

I'd go with GA first =) By the way, I've done a bit of snooping around 
this area, you can email me if you need help =)


Yitzchak Schaffer said the following on 19/11/2009 11:34 p.m.:

Hello coders,

I'm looking at tracking our III OPAC usage via a Google Analytics-like 
tool.  As far as I can tell, GA itself doesn't track POST data for 
privacy reasons.  Anyone here know of something for this?  I found an 
open-source GA-like, on-your-own-server PHP project called Piwik 
[] which I imagine does this, or could be modified 
easily enough.

_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro in...@te, Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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