Re: [QtExtended] Leonardo's keyboard

2009-06-09 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 18:02:17 +0200
"giacomo \"giotti\" mariani"  wrote:

> >> Hello,
> >> I would like to thank again all developers of QtExtended ?for your
> >> excellent work.
> >> I've some questions for you:
> >> -is there any "return key" on the Leonardo's keyboard (I'm not
> >> able to find it by myself)?
> >> 
> >
> > no
> >
> >   
> I wonder why...

because Leonardo didn't put that in, that's all :-)


> All I find is:
> ls -l /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/etc/dict/*
> -rw-r--r--1 root root 2340 Jun  1 19:54
> /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/etc/dict/internet.dawg
> /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/etc/dict/en_US:
> -rw-r--r--1 root root27988 Jun  1 19:54 common.dawg
> -rw-r--r--1 root root   497988 Jun  1 19:54 words.dawg
> Are that binary files the dictionary?

yes, these are the files. Now I need to look at the code to find the
correct move to reactivate predictiveness ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Leonardo's keyboard

2009-06-09 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:41 AM, giacomo "giotti"
mariani wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to thank again all developers of QtExtended  for your
> excellent work.
> I've some questions for you:
> -is there any "return key" on the Leonardo's keyboard (I'm not able to
> find it by myself)?


> -why, in that keyboard, there are 2 "u" keys?

a typo from Leonardo :-)

> -which is, now, the right name for the distribution? QtExtendedImproved
> or QtMoko or another one or both?


> -I can't remember how to switch between predictive and not predictive
> keyboards, would you please suggest it again?

slide diagonally, but whether it is left-down to right-up or the other
way around, I don't remember right now. Also for now, there's no
visual feedback.
And more: my install script removes the dictionaries (I think), so no
prediction if those are removed of course ...

> -is it possible, using Qmplayer in normal mode (i.e. non in full
> screen), to have the video centered instead of in the up-left corner?

Radek can answer this one.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-08 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 7 Jun 2009 19:43:40 -0500
Rene Horn  wrote:

> I just tried out this version.  I'm still having issues with GPRS.
> I'd like to be able to fix the issue myself if I could, or at least
> point out a possible fix.  I know it can work because it does under
> SHR-Unstable.
> Where should I be looking for this?  Where is all the GPRS code
> located? Where are the scripts?
> Rene

I never tried gprs myself (don't have an account), but you can always
look at the script in


The pppd daemon seems to be launched by this script via using sudo. You
might want to check that the needed ppp modules are up and running.
Also check if the ppp packages are installed.

The dialup source is in src/plugins/network/dialing
Also read the hint mentioned here:
and a small howto also here:

If you find anything, please let us know, so we can improve the user
experience for everybody!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-08 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 18:13:28 +1000
Chris Samuel  wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 05:23:41 pm Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> Hiya,
> > if this is true, then there's probably a kernel module issue in
> > 2.6.28 with QtMoko. This needs to be tested then.
> Could well be!  I did have TangoGPS working with OM2009 TR4 too
> (using their supplied 2.6.29-rc2 kernel, which has the wrong
> filename, claims to be 2.6.28!).
> > But again: I never managed to get a fix with any distro, so I don't
> > think it will be possible for me to do testing at all, but when I
> > get back from holidays I'll try to spend some time on this issue.
> No worries, if there's anything I can do to help then please let me
> know!  I suppose it could also be a hardware issue on your phone
> too.. :-(
> cheers,
> Chris

Well, I found the first issue at least: the neogps app uses an old path
to power on the gps device.
I changed this now, but until a new build arrives, use this script
(compatible with 2.6.24 and >=2.6.28):

if [ -e /sys/bus/platform/devices/neo1973-pm-gps.0 ]; then
  echo 1 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/neo1973-pm-gps.0/power_on
# for older kernels
if [ -e /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/neo1973-pm-gps.0/pwron ];
  echo 1 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/neo1973-pm-gps.0/pwron
Do an "echo 0" to power it down after usage.

Also, I've seen a bug report go by that tells me there's an issue with
gps and 2.6.28 kernels in that you can't reenable the gps after
unsuspend, so you might want to try without suspending as well.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-08 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Chris Samuel wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 11:26:01 am Chris Samuel wrote:
>> I can confirm that GPS worked on Qtopia and QtE for me, haven't tried it
>> under QtMoko yet.
> I can confirm the Mapping Demo program works for me in QtMoko with the
> 2.6.24mw-g291a9d50 kernel (uImage-gta02-g291a9d50_mwester-stable.bin and
> associated modules).
> cheers,
> Chris

Hi Chris,

if this is true, then there's probably a kernel module issue in 2.6.28
with QtMoko.
This needs to be tested then.
But again: I never managed to get a fix with any distro, so I don't
think it will be possible for me to do testing at all, but when I get
back from holidays I'll try to spend some time on this issue.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-07 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 7 Jun 2009 09:11:47 -0600
Ori Pessach  wrote:

> >
> Well, WiFi certainly doesn't work for me. As I said, I tried two
> different APs so far.
> One of them didn't connect at all (that's my home AP, using WPA2.) The
> other, an open network, wouldn't set the DNS server.

if you use encrypted wifi, make sure you have the needed modules for
your kernel, that's beyond qtopia itself.
> Any pointers on how to start debugging this?

At first, make sure you have the following file present on your phone
(it should be automatically generated):
The content of that file should contain something like this for an
open network:


Also the file /home/root/Settings/Network/eth0 should exist with the

The script that initializes the wireless is
at /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/bin/lan-network and creates a log
in /tmp/qtopia-network.log.
By default the usb0 interface on the phone gets disabled when you
connect the wireless, but if you comment out the line "ifdown usb0" in
the lan-network script, you can stay connected to your phone via pc-usb
while trying to connect to the wireless. When doing this, you can see
if the dhcp client runs or not ...

Also very important: what kernel are you using?

> At one point, GPS was working (with an older release of QTopia from
> Trolltech.) What's the thinking on that?

I've never gotten gps to work, no matter which distro I tried, so for
now, I accept this.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-07 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 7 Jun 2009 08:46:18 -0600
Ori Pessach  wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
> wrote:
> > (install instructions and script updated on 2090601: see below)
> >
> > It's been a while, but we haven't been sleeping :-)
> >
> > New website:
> > 
> > We have a new website now, thanks to Fale:
> > There you can find all the latest changes, report bugs, etc ...
> >
> Hi,
> Where's the best place to report and discuss bugs in this (and other)
> releases?
> I'm seeing a few problems so far: GPS doesn't appear to work at all,
> and when connecting to WiFi, the DNS server doesn't appear to be set
> at all. Setting it manually in /etc/resolv.conf didn't seem to do
> anything when I tried with two different access points.
> --Ori Pessach


gps is known (some say it should work ...), but the wifi should work
just fine. I just tried it here again: first I emptied /etc/resolv.conf
(when connected via usb), removed the usb cable and tried connecting to
my wireless lan (not encrypted). This seemed to work just fine, just
make sure your wireless router gives you an ip and the correct DNS
server in the DHCP reply. Also, most wireless routers seem to be
confused when you try connecting a wireless client that had another IP
in the past, so sometimes you need to reboot the router (I hate it
when that happens, but it happens even with my laptop from time to
For bugs: see


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-07 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 7 Jun 2009 08:25:50 +0530
Shashank Bharadwaj  wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Franky Van
> Liedekerke wrote:
> > download the script
> > , read the
> > comments at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko
> > (after having flashed the device and made sure internet works).
> > The script has 2 options: "install" or "update". An update will just
> > download the tgz file and replace your current qtmoko with it.
> I used the "update" option. It worked as expected. After the script
> was complete, and a reboot done, i was with the latest version.
> Thanks for this release!

you're welcome

> I tried qmplayer, it played mp3 songs from my computer using the share
> option. But it refused to play an avi file of a music video on the
> phone, though it could play it on the computer. How do i debug this
> and provide you with more information?
> Another new applications i tried was google contacts sync. I was
> successfully able to get contacts from my google account. Is there a
> way to upload the contacts on the phone back to google-contacts?

well, I didn't develop the app, just made it work :-)
For now it seems the app is only one-way.
I'm hoping to be able to try out a new app that uses syncml, that would
make it easier to sync with other apps as well (and 2-way).

> I've been trying the new applications out, will report back if any
> quires/comments. Keep up the good work!

Let us know the results,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-06 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 07:42:51 +1000
Chris Samuel  wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Jun 2009 11:56:14 pm Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > well, there we're indeed dependent on the kernel itself. Is this a
> > stable 2.6.28-based kernel?
> It's 2.6.24mw-g291a9d50 - much older!

2.6.24? Hmmm ... qtmoko will work, but you'll probably get double sms's
and indications of missed calls for every incoming call ...
O no, wait, I fixed those. Probably the issue will be that the system
will not unsuspend when receiving an sms, I believe that was kernel
related (modem). But there have been fixes in that area too, so you
might want to test some stuff:

- outgoing call
- incoming call
- incoming call while in suspend
- outgoing sms
- incoming sms
- incoming sms while in suspend
- alarm
- alarm wakes the phone while in suspend (see that the atd package is
  installed for this to work)
- bluetooth (since you run on 2.6.24 kernel, bluetooth should work as
  long as you don't suspend, but of course don't uninstall bluetooth as
  per my install script then)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-05 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Chris Samuel  wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2009 11:03:35 pm Chris Samuel wrote:
>> If I try the older kernel (uImage-gta02-g291a9d50_mwester-stable.bin) will
>> that break anything in the QtMoko image or install ?
> Well I've just given it a shot and it feels like it's roughly halved the
> amount of time it takes the phone to resume, which is great!

well, there we're indeed dependent on the kernel itself. Is this a
stable 2.6.28-based kernel?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-02 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:41:45 -0700
Jim Morris  wrote:

> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 2:07 AM, Jim Morris  wrote:
> >> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> >>> (install instructions and script updated on 2090601: see below)
> >>>
> >>> It's been a while, but we haven't been sleeping :-)
> >> FYI...
> >>
> >> I followed the instructions, and ran the script from ssh using the
> >> install option and it runs out of memory...
> >>
> >> lib/fonts/dejavu_sans_condensed_36_75.qpf2
> >> lib/fonts/dejavu_sans_condensed_10_50.qpf2
> >> lib/fonts/dejavu_sans_condensed_21_75.qpf2
> >> tar: write error: No space left on device
> > 
> > if this happens, it doesn't mean "out of memory", but out of disk
> > space, which means you have many things installed that are not
> > required. Probably you're using another kernel/rootfs and extra
> > stuff. Simple action: clean up ...
> > 
> Yes I know that, but this was a clean install from the images I
> downloaded with no extra stuff installed, I couldn't install anything
> as only the kernel was running anyway.
> Have you tried the full install? The problem looks to me like having
> the tar file on the device uses too much room and you cannot de-tar
> it. I got around it by piping the tar over ssh.

yes, I try that all the time. The tar.gz file is only 23 MB, so it
should be no prob ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-02 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 2:07 AM, Jim Morris  wrote:
> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
>> (install instructions and script updated on 2090601: see below)
>> It's been a while, but we haven't been sleeping :-)
> FYI...
> I followed the instructions, and ran the script from ssh using the install 
> option and it runs out of
> memory...
> lib/fonts/dejavu_sans_condensed_36_75.qpf2
> lib/fonts/dejavu_sans_condensed_10_50.qpf2
> lib/fonts/dejavu_sans_condensed_21_75.qpf2
> tar: write error: No space left on device

if this happens, it doesn't mean "out of memory", but out of disk
space, which means you have many things installed that are not
required. Probably you're using another kernel/rootfs and extra stuff.
Simple action: clean up ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-01 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Hi Goffi,

On Mon, 1 Jun 2009 23:22:40 +0200
Goffi  wrote:

> - I my knowledge, it is not possible to change the volume during a
> call, it would be nice to add a slider.
> I found the sound a little weak in the speaker, it's difficult to
> hear somebody in a noisy environment, is it possible to do a software
> boost ? I have already put 127 in control 4
> of  /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state, but it's not
> enough.

well, there exists a patch for this, I need to take a look at it ...
for now, just boost the volume in the settings

> - The alarm don't seem to awake the phone in deep sleep (need some
> tests: I will try again and fill a bug report)

since you do this manually: you need to install the atd package, that's
responsible for waking up the phone ... see the install script for this.
O btw: I again disabled deep sleep, it is now again normal "sleep" :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 12

2009-06-01 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
(install instructions and script updated on 2090601: see below)

It's been a while, but we haven't been sleeping :-)

New website:

We have a new website now, thanks to Fale:
There you can find all the latest changes, report bugs, etc ...

IRC channel:

For those wanting to talk: on, channel #qtopia is open
for business.

Things solved/added/changed:

See for the changelog
in detail

Problems found (more like small nuisances now):
- if you set the time back to something in the past, the clock service
  crashes and you need to restart qtextended if you want to use the
  clock again
- bluetooth is not working totally ok, only after initial boot it
  works, not after suspend/resume. Seems to be kernel/bluez3 version
  combo issue ... After suspend/resume bluetooth seems to work, but
  receiving files for sure doesn't.
- if you try to delete the "Wireless Lan", the system crashes ... cool
  huh, a crashed phone? So for now: don't do it :-)
- slow building up of the Contacts, because of all the sql queries for
  a*, b*, c*, ...

Install instructions:
download the script , read the
comments at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after
having flashed the device and made sure internet works).
The script has 2 options: "install" or "update". An update will just
download the tgz file and replace your current qtmoko with it.

For those who just want to replace their existing qtmoko manually,
here's the link: .



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QT Improved - sms messages stop being received

2009-05-31 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 31 May 2009 18:07:48 +1200
Glen Ogilvie  wrote:

> Hi Franky
> Thanks for the tip about activating the predictive dictionary.
> I've just been watching the installer, and it cannot download:
> Can you check the permissions on the server for this file?

hmmm ... it seems my provider refuses to serve files ending in
".config", so I renamed it to mplayer-glamo.conf. Download that file
and put it in /home/root/.mplayer/config
> That, and bluez-audio + bluez-utils packages are not in the
> repostories it configures, so the is a bunch of bluetooth errors.

yeah, it seems bluez3 has been removed from the repositories, so I can
no longer downgrade to that. As a result, bluetooth is not working for
I don't get it though, I've asked very politely to include bluez3
again, but got no response at all. Even if bluez4 is the standard, it
should be no trouble to still provide bluez3 ...

For now: both things have been adapted in the install script as well.
Btw: unwillingly, you're on the newest version, containing some new
apps, games, gqsync, etc ... tomorrow I will recompile for the latest
codefixes and then release the new version to the world.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QT Improved - sms messages stop being received

2009-05-30 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, 30 May 2009 22:48:42 +1200
Glen Ogilvie  wrote:

> I am running your release built on May 2.  QT Extended version 4.4.3.
> kernel: 2.6.29-rc2, and qte_20090502.tgz
> I'll update the latest version, as I see the is a new version out by
> the looks of it.
> Oh, one thing I noticed is it seems that the predictive dictionary on
> the keyboard is disabled.. Is that intentional?

yes it is, but you can reactivate again by sliding diagonal: left down
to right up (I think).


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QT Improved - sms messages stop being received

2009-05-30 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, 30 May 2009 19:15:16 +1200
Robin Paulson  wrote:

> 2009/5/30 David Ford :
> > Are you certain that is the reason?  Are you sure your SIM card
> > isn't full? 20, or 30, is a common number for the number of SMS
> > storage slots on a SIM card.
> does qtei store messages on the sim card, or in ~?
> is there any way to change this behaviour, if it stores them on the
> sim?
> i would suggest a sensible behaviour would be to store them on both
> devices, until the sim is full, when it continues storing them only in
> ~, perhaps with some unobtrusive notification

for now, it stores the sms only on the phone, not the sim. But this
behaviours wasn't there in the first versions of qtei. So the question
is: what version of qtei are you using, and what kernel?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-24 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 24 May 2009 10:52:15 +1000
Chris Samuel  wrote:

> On Mon, 4 May 2009 09:21:15 pm Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> >   - the building of the contact list is slow (because of too
> > many SQL statements)
> Could it also be related to the kernel sqlite performance regression
> that existed between 2.6.26-2.6.28 (fixed in 2.6.29) ? 
> Details (and patch) here:
> Benchmark results for 2.6.24 to 2.6.29 here (sqlite at the bottom of
> the page):
> cheers,
> Chris

Hi Chris,

the issue you refer to seems to be a write issue, but the problem that
we have here are relates to just queries, no writes.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-22 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, 21 May 2009 16:52:18 -0400
Warren Baird  wrote:

> I've been running this build for about a week now, and am pretty
> happy with it.   I installed it on my SD card on top of an OM2009 TR3
> install.   I don't know if that's an officially supported
> configuration, but it has seemed to mostly work.
> The only recurrent problem I've had is that it seems like my battery
> meter recently started always showing full - I've had the thing run
> out of battery a couple of times due to this.  Now I have to go to
> the terminal and run apm if I want to know what my actual battery is.
> However, just in the last couple of hours I've seen a new failure
> mode - when someone calls my FR I see the standard call indication -
> but if I click answer, it doesn't actually answer the call - the
> caller continues to hear ringing and eventually goes to voice mail.
> The entries I see in logread starting when I get the call look like
> this: May 23 16:53:04 om-gta02 user.emerg kernel: [65512.07]
> mapped channel 10 to 2
> May 23 16:53:04 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: QAudioOutput:
> snd_pcm_sw_params: err -22
> May 23 16:53:05 om-gta02 kernel: [65513.845000]
> fbcon_event_notify action=12, data=c7a75dac
> May 23 16:53:05 om-gta02 kernel: [65513.845000] jbt6k74
> spi2.0:  jbt6k74 unblank
> May 23 16:53:05 om-gta02 kernel: [65513.87]
> fbcon_event_notify action=9, data=c7a75de8
> May 23 16:53:05 om-gta02 kernel: [65513.87] jbt6k74
> spi2.0:  jbt6k74 unblank
> May 23 16:53:26 om-gta02 kernel: [65534.05]
> fbcon_event_notify action=12, data=c7a75dac
> May 23 16:53:26 om-gta02 kernel: [65534.05] jbt6k74
> spi2.0:  jbt6k74 unblank
> May 23 16:53:26 om-gta02 kernel: [65534.07]
> fbcon_event_notify action=9, data=c7a75de8
> May 23 16:53:26 om-gta02 kernel: [65534.07] jbt6k74
> spi2.0:  jbt6k74 unblank
> It's kinda annoying to not be able to answer calls...   :-)
> I'm going to reboot and hope that fixes it.
> Is it possible this is because I started with the OM2009 TR image,
> and not the one recommended in the install script?
> Warren


yes, this is very much possible, since the OM2009 TR image is a very
old kernel that has many bugs.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtExtended and losing network

2009-05-14 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Mile Davidovic
> Hello
> According to my understanding Qt handle calls using CPI messages.
> If Moko lost network coverage sometimes after reconnection to provider, Qt
> does not receive CPI messages and therefore
> application do not receive call status events and we are not able to
> recognize any incoming or outgoing call event.
> regards
> Mile

hi, which version of QtE are you using? And which kernel, etc ... ?


Openmoko community mailing list


2009-05-13 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, 13 May 2009 03:02:47 -0500
Rene Horn  wrote:

> Yeah, I already knew that.  I'm just wondering if anyone knows what's
> happened?
> Did they lose the domain?  whois records show Network Solutions as
> owning the domain.
host -t ns name server name server name server name server name server

So is hosted on dyndns ... and that one gives weird answers:


*** Can't find No answer


** server can't find NXDOMAIN

So, my guess is that it didn't get refreshed enough at dyndns. What a
way to promote a company though ... is still up, if you want the files.
But if doesn't exist, sending mail to
won't get you anywhere as well ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QTEi] battery duration

2009-05-11 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 2:22 PM, leonardo  wrote:
> Franky Van Liedekerke ha scritto:
>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Fabio Locati  wrote:
>>> Franky's QtEI last, on my phone, for 2/3 days... maybe your battery is
>>> going do die?
>>> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 6:24 PM,  wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Is it my impression or QTEi from Franky tree has a much shorter lifetime
>>>> then QTE? with standard QTE I could recharge once every 2/3 days, now it
>>>> doesn't really get to the end of day.
>>>> Franky, do you have any clue from where to start watching?
>> uh, that's also possible ... I remember having read that the battery
>> start decreasing after 500 recharge cycles.
>> And I recharge about every day, for new testing and stuff.
>> Maybe recharging when connected to the usb should be optional ...
> Not in my case, yesterday I've booted plin QTE and it lasted more then
> QTEi. But, in QTE you do not receive SMS while asleep, does that mean
> that it is saving energy from the GSM chip?

"old" QtE uses deepsleep I believe, that indeed saves battery but
misses out on a whole lot of stuff, because deep sleep has issues.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QTEi] battery duration

2009-05-11 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Fabio Locati  wrote:
> Franky's QtEI last, on my phone, for 2/3 days... maybe your battery is
> going do die?
> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 6:24 PM,  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is it my impression or QTEi from Franky tree has a much shorter lifetime
>> then QTE? with standard QTE I could recharge once every 2/3 days, now it
>> doesn't really get to the end of day.
>> Franky, do you have any clue from where to start watching?

uh, that's also possible ... I remember having read that the battery
start decreasing after 500 recharge cycles.
And I recharge about every day, for new testing and stuff.
Maybe recharging when connected to the usb should be optional ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QTEi] battery duration

2009-05-09 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, 09 May 2009 18:24:17 +0200
""  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is it my impression or QTEi from Franky tree has a much shorter
> lifetime then QTE? with standard QTE I could recharge once every 2/3
> days, now it doesn't really get to the end of day.
> Franky, do you have any clue from where to start watching?
> ciao,
> leonardo.

hmmm ... make sure bluetooth isn't on/activated.
To be sure: remove even the start script for bluetooth. For the rest,
it should be ok, but I never got 2+ days myself.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ain't it funny..

2009-05-08 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra  wrote:
> On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 03:34:40PM +0200, Marcel wrote:
>> I'm sorry to contradict you (am I really?), but using Nazi slogans in such
> I call for the rule of Godwin's Law!
> Rui

nice 1!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ain't it funny..

2009-05-08 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 10:44 AM, arne anka  wrote:
 Bitter much? : )
>>> nope. he's just a troll.
>> Before I bought My Neo, I was told by OM that it would work as a phone.
> dale, you told us all of this already -- at least ten times.
> you put up your freerunner for sale at ebay months ago.
> you don't write anything productive on this list.
> why don't you just shut up?
> unsubscribe from this list -- you don't use the fr, you don't contribute
> to either community or development.
> the only thing you do on this list is trolling.

Hmmm ... I do contribute and I do use my freerunner (sometimes, mostly
for testing only). So I want to react for once as well:

You see, in the end, Dale's not that wrong: a year after I bought the
phone, I would at least expect a stable simple phone (I couldn't care
less about the extras), but as a company, Openmoko didn't provide
this. Therefore community releases were born, but they shouldn't be
necessary, only additional (or as an alternative). In the freerunner
case, only the community provides software for the phone.
A year later, I have to admit, I sometimes think about selling my
phone as well. I'm still using my old phone as stable phone, simply
because I don't want to recharge each day or reboot my phone every now
and then because unsuspend fails again, or wsod, or risk having my
phone not waking up on incoming calls, etc ...
QtExtendedImproved is as close as it gets for me ... Koolu promised
many times a stable android release, but there also: no release,
months after original promise (I mean, really: low priority for the
"feature" 'entering your sim PIN' ???).
Sometimes people have to face the facts as well. I *love* opensource,
I don't even own a windows pc, look up my name in google if you want
proof. I've worked hard for this phone in the last months, but is it
really worth it? What will I do if the phone breaks? Dunno yet ...
Every project, even an open project, totally in the opensource hands,
can fail ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Bluetooth headsets in FSO

2009-05-06 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 4:11 PM, DJDAS  wrote:
> Franky Van Liedekerke ha scritto:
>>> Framework already supports BT headsets. The fact GUI is missing shows
>>> the lack of interest from end-users, well, i think it'll change soon.
>> hmm ... I thought end-users were people actually using the phone, not
>> unix-hackers ...
> That's why I wrote it ;)
>> but I saw the announcement of a bluetooth gui for
>> Om2008, aboeit for bluez3.
> Well those are "minimum requirements" as I couldn't test other distros
> but, as I wrote in the last post, I use only DBUS calls to Bluez so
> maybe it should work on other distros (probably in FSO to given I don't
> use FSO calls yet...). The only userspace dependency is PyGTK but I
> think almost every distro has it installed.
> I think the only real issue could be the power and reset /sys files
> which change between different kernel versions... I accept suggestions
> and patches too :P

sure you do :-)
DBUS calls have changed quite a lot between bluez3 and bluez4. I face
the same problem for QtEi, but I don't feel like doing all that work
on my own there (it's quite a big code change). So for now QtEi has no
bluetooth in newer kernels (if they don't provide the bluez3 package


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Bluetooth headsets in FSO (was: Re: [Om2008.x] Announcing BlueMoko 1.0b1)

2009-05-06 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Paul Fertser  wrote:
> Franky Van Liedekerke  writes:
>>> And BTW, FSO-based distros should now support bluetooth headsets out
>>> of the box, one needs to follow instructions from [1].
>>> [1] 
>> I beg to differ, but if those instructions mean "out of the box", then
>> all commandline things are "out of the box" as well. Commandline
>> instructions are very nice, but when you're in a car and try to pair
>> with the car bluetooth, this is not practical at all. You need a gui
>> there...
> You Qtopia guys seem to have a quite unusual (for a unix hackers) POV
> ;)

then you try to enter your commands on your FR in your car ... I think
I just as well can put my phone aside, drive to my destination, tell
them to wait half an hour, go back and start typing :-)

> Framework already supports BT headsets. The fact GUI is missing shows
> the lack of interest from end-users, well, i think it'll change soon.

hmm ... I thought end-users were people actually using the phone, not
unix-hackers ... but I saw the announcement of a bluetooth gui for
Om2008, aboeit for bluez3. Oh wait, that's what qtopia does as well
:-) But since the newer kernels are there: no bluez3, thus no qtopia
bluetooth ... hopefully for Om2009 final that'll change.

>> Also, the person that wrote that wiki says "However, I couldn't get an
>> actual voice over it, just crackling". If this is no longer true,
>> somebody should change it.
> Somebody should finally try to use this support and report the
> findings. Of course, Jan, who wrote the code, tried it and it worked
> for him. And BTW please take into account it seems that not all
> headsets are compatible with BT chip we use (at least it was the case
> some time ago, i guess i need to try again with my not-working headset
> and latest bluez and bluetooth-testing kernel branch).

heh, trying to get your non-working headset to work, are you? :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2008.x] Announcing BlueMoko 1.0b1

2009-05-06 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Paul Fertser  wrote:
> DJDAS  writes:
>> this is for announcing the first beta release of BlueMoko, a PyGTK GUI
>> handler for the bluetooth stack.
> ...
>> I still don't support FSO based distributions
> ...
>> Dependencies: PyGTK, Bluez-3.33
> OM2008.x was deprecated half a year ago (moreover, many people think
> it was dead-born), Bluez-3.x were put to "maintenance mode" for quite
> some time (a year?) too. I'm afraid you missed the train. :(
> And BTW, FSO-based distros should now support bluetooth headsets out
> of the box, one needs to follow instructions from [1].
> [1] 

I beg to differ, but if those instructions mean "out of the box", then
all commandline things are "out of the box" as well. Commandline
instructions are very nice, but when you're in a car and try to pair
with the car bluetooth, this is not practical at all. You need a gui
Also, the person that wrote that wiki says "However, I couldn't get an
actual voice over it, just crackling". If this is no longer true,
somebody should change it.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Tasks Client for FR

2009-05-06 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 11:59 AM, c_c  wrote:
> Hi,
> Vladimir Berezenko wrote:
>> Does it have an interface to add tasks from
>> other apps (e.x. PIM birthdays)?
>  No. Not yet. Haven't used PIM birthdays myself.
>  Though that shouldn't be difficult considering the data (for the tasks app)
>  is in a sqlite db.
>  Is PIM birthdays a debian app?

I think what Vladimir meant is "birthdays in the PIM application", not
an application called "PIM birthdays"


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Data call (aka CSD) with QtExtended

2009-05-05 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, 5 May 2009 22:44:49 +0200
Mile Davidovic  wrote:

> Hello
> My understanding is next:
> - qt extended have support for CSD but quite rudimentary (these words
> are from qt extended documentation)
> - sample qt application works fine with CSD but only first time (they
> have problem with releasing resources)
> In general, OpenMoko is capable of working with CSD but my
> understanding is that CSD (at least on Qt) is not preferable working
> scenario.
> Regards
> Mile

Hi Mile,

I'm sorry, but I'm not really familiar with CSD calls, could you
Also, it seems you've done some research in this. Care to join the
development of QtEi for this part?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-04 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Denis Johnson  wrote:
> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
>  wrote:
>> * keyboard: now that the keyboard prediction can be turned off, it is
>> already much more usable, but still needs a lot of "dragging
>> left/right/up/down" to make a real sentence with punctuation and
>> stuff. So some extra buttons and rearranging of existing ones would be
>> nice ...
> Is there any chance of ever getting the Qwo keyboard workring on QtEi ?

qwo needs xorg as a requirement ... so no, since QtEi doesn't/can't use xorg


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-04 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, 5 May 2009 05:51:17 +1000
Lorn Potter  wrote:

> > It is really
> > annoying because you write the whole SMS and then you throw it away
> > because you can't choose the number.
> >
> > This is a regression from Qtopia where it was possible to choose
> > among the addresses.
> >
> > It's in my to-do list after the visual feedback on the keyboard.
> Having to choose would add a few more clicks to actually sending an
> sms. But, being able to choose between "business mobile" and "mobile"
> might mean the difference between a won contract and a kick in the
> pants.

nicely put :-)
So, something else to add to the list ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-04 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, 04 May 2009 12:14:14 -0700
Ali  wrote:

> Hi, fyi,
> in the script is broken as you are missing the 2. The correct link is

well, it's only in the comment, not in the script :-)
But thanks, fixed it now!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-04 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:57 PM, giacomo "giotti" mariani
> Ciao,
> your work is great, as always.
> I'd like to ask to all of you involved in QtEI development: what do you
> think about something like a stable QtEI.tar.gz+kernel ready  for the
> FLASH (and/or SD card) memory?

sure, when you can find me a stable and working kernel :-)
For now I'm still on a kernel from April 4th, all newer kernels seem
to have some kind of issue (not unsuspending correctly ater some time,
WSOD, no wifi, ...) so for now I'm on an unstable kernel that is much
more stable than newer kernels :-)

But seriously, some issues still remain to be fixed before we can
release a "stable" QtE version:

* contact management:
  - I don't like it when SIM contacts get merged invisible, so I want
SIM contact import to be optional (and maybe also a SIM export should
exist as option)
  - the building of the contact list is slow (because of too many SQL
* bluetooth: 2.6.28 kernels like bluez4, QtE doesn't ...
* keyboard: now that the keyboard prediction can be turned off, it is
already much more usable, but still needs a lot of "dragging
left/right/up/down" to make a real sentence with punctuation and
stuff. So some extra buttons and rearranging of existing ones would be
nice ...

I'm still calling for help in any and all of these matters ...


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] bluetooth

2009-05-02 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Hi all,

if anybody is interested: I've done some initial work on getting qtopia
to talk bluez4 (qtopia was using bluez3 interface). This proves to be a
laboursome task, and for me more important matters await, so if anybody
feels up to the task of continuing this, I'll be more than happy to
hand over my changes regarding this so far. If not, I'll put these
changes aside for a distant future (I don't really need
I believe that anyone who knows a bit of bluetooth and programming in
qt can get this done much more quickly than I can, and I can assist
with anything I've learned so far in this matter.


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-02 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
New location for the files, watch out!
New install script, watch out!

(install instructions and script updated on 2090502: see below)

Problems solved:


- 20090430: deep sleep is now configurable and by default adaptive, see
etc/default/Trolltech/Modem.conf (values: always, adaptive, never)
- 20090502: mplayer frontend from Radek built
- 20090502: VOIP code built

See for the changes

Problems found (more like small nuisances now):

Install instructions:
download the script , read the
comments at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after
having flashed the device and made sure internet works).
The script has 2 options: "install" or "update". An update will just
download the tgz file and replace your current qte with it.

For those who just want to replace their existing QtE manually, here's
the link: .



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 10

2009-04-29 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:46 AM, kimaidou  wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. You said "Well, I personally don't use 2.6.24 kernels
> anymore, but my install". Why so ? Is there a better kernel to use ?

read the archives ... and the beginning of my install script: I use a
2.6.28 kernel from April 4th (but then: no bluetooth ..)

> Another question : i heard there are many different version (based on FSO or
> based on Debian). Is there a webpage with all the different versions, and a
> comparison to help choosing among them ?

openmoko wiki pages help you there

> I have juste tested the command lines you gave (thx !), and it worked well.
> Btw, should I use exactly the same command lines when a new version arrives
> ? (i think so, but just a confirmation)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 10

2009-04-29 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:29 AM, kimaidou  wrote:
> Hi
> I have just a question to clarify the installation process from scratch. I
> am now flashing my freerunner with the image and rootfs from qte 4.4.3 (
> )
> Then I will boot on my qte and activate the ssh connection with internet
> sharing
> Sould I download the tar qte_20090427.tgz and just extract it (could you
> give the tar command line please ?)
> OR should I use the script ?
> Thanks in advance

Well, I personally don't use 2.6.24 kernels anymore, but my install
script is still valid.
But indeed, doing it yourself is ok as well, since you use karadogs
image as a base.
The commands:

rm -rf /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/*
cd /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia
gzip -dc qte_20090427.tgz|tar xvf -
rm qte_20090427.tgz

bye now,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 10

2009-04-28 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Tomas Riveros Schober
> Franky,
> Thanks for all your hard work! Do you think it would be a good idea to
> adapt your script to "upgrade" installations? what I mean is that you
> could pass an option to the script and it would only upgrade the qt
> install and then apply relevant fixes (keyboard, prediction, etc), and
> not everything else that would not be needed for an upgrade (opkg stuff,
> fixing /etc/network, others). If that sounds good I will try to adapt
> your script to do that and then report it back to you for approval
> Tom

well, it's not really intended for that (in the hopefully
not-so-distant future only jffs2 files will be generated), but a
simple commandline option doesn't harm ... something like just the
word "upgrade" as option, nothing complicated.
I don't think it'll change much in time though (since the opkg
commands won't do anything anymore). But hey, ok :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 10

2009-04-28 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
New location for the files, watch out!

(install instructions and script updated on 2090427: see below)

Problems solved:



- 20090427: backspace key added to the keyboard, made the keyboard
faster in non predictive mode
- startup script adapted to correct for bluetooth patchs
differences in 2.6.24 and 2.6.28 kernels. But for the moment, openmoko
doesn't provide the bluez3 package anymore, so no bluetooth at all for
new installs for now

See for the changes

Problems found (more like small nuisances now):

Install instructions:
download the script , read the comments
at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after having
flashed the device and made sure internet works).
For those who just want to replace their existing QtE: just download
the QtE compressed file and replace your existing QtE with it:



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 10:39:07 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> I understand the concern, but when you type in a sentence (or multiple
> sentences) and you need punctuation characters, you're gonna need a
> lot of sliding ... so I would bring the most used keyboards under 3
> buttons as well. I'll try it, and if it clutters too much, I'll remove
> it again. I can always leave the code in, and just disable it in the
> layout.conf file ...
> For the buttons, any suggestions? I can take any html code ... see
> For uppercase/lowercase, I'll
> use an "fat arrow" up/down (x21E7 and x21E9), but what to use for
> letter symbol, special char symbol and cipher symbol?
> In the letters keyboards, I'll add: up/down, special char, ciphers
> In the special char  keyboard, I'll add: letters (lowercase), ciphers
> In the ciphers keyboard, I'll add: letters (lowercase), special chars
> Franky

Hmmm ... I changed keyboard.cpp to look like this (never mind I
could've used a case structure):

+++ qtmoko/src/plugins/inputmethods/predictivekeyboard/keyboard.cpp
2009-04-27 22:21:27.0 +0200 @@ -1577,6 +1577,16 @@
 } else if(c == QChar(0x2190)) {// backspace key
+} else if(c == QChar(0x21E7)) {// uppercase
+} else if(c == QChar(0x21E9)) {// lowercase
+} else if(c == QChar(0x2213)) {// Other
+} else if(c == QChar(0x2205)) {// Numeric
+} else if(c == QChar(0x2200)) {// Words
 } else {

And then I changed etc/default/Trolltech/PredictiveKeyboardLayout.conf
to use these characters, but it seems that "\x" notation is only
interpreted correctly in the "Others" keyboard, on the other keyboards,
the symbols don't show as expected (empty spaces are used instead).
Any hint is appreciated ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 9

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:03:28 +0300
Mikko Husari  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 17:55:00 +0300
> > Mikko Husari  wrote:
> > 
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> >>> from this url
> >>>, the
> >>> following rootfs and uImage:
> >>> uImage-2.6.29-oe10+gitr119800+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r3.4-om-gta02.bin
> >>> openmoko-shr-lite-image-glibc-ipk--20090423-om-gta02.rootfs.jffs2
> >>>
> >>> Franky
> >> Moi,
> >>
> >> I tried to compile qte from your git, it works nicely. Currently Im
> >> using 2.6.24 kernel and when I tried with the one you suggest
> >> above, qte keeps crashing on startup and then it tries to start
> >> again, only to crash again. It might be because Im using rather
> >> old rootfs, or is it possible that something else has gone
> >> wrong... I compiled same way as it says on the wiki page and then
> >> used "rsync -ar --delete" to move the files, that has worked
> >> before.
> >>
> >> Is it possible to just upgrade my root using opkg upgrade and then
> >> boot to the more recent kernel, or is reflash (rootfs) needed?
> >>
> >> ps. I have not read your install script since I would like to stay
> >> "pure" :p
> > 
> > well, that's the reason why it crashes: because you want to stay
> > pure :-)
> > In 2.6.28 kernels, the script is slightly different, and I
> > copy a modified version over to /etc/init.d in my install script.
> > But I could just as well change it in the sourcecode ... I'll do
> > that :-)
> > 
> > Franky
> > 
> Cool, Thank you very much :)
> /me waits for a commit...

arf  wait, you say you have problems in 2.6.24 kernels? Then you're
just missing some libraries, I would suggest you check out my install
script for "opkg install" lines:
opkg install libts-1.0-0
opkg install libstdc++6
That's why I made the script in the first place ... :-)
But the file needed changing anyway, to be able to work
correctly on 2.6.24 and 2.6.28 kernels. That has been commited now.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 9

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 17:55:00 +0300
Mikko Husari  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > from this url
> >, the
> > following rootfs and uImage:
> > uImage-2.6.29-oe10+gitr119800+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r3.4-om-gta02.bin
> > openmoko-shr-lite-image-glibc-ipk--20090423-om-gta02.rootfs.jffs2
> > 
> > Franky
> Moi,
> I tried to compile qte from your git, it works nicely. Currently Im
> using 2.6.24 kernel and when I tried with the one you suggest above,
> qte keeps crashing on startup and then it tries to start again, only
> to crash again. It might be because Im using rather old rootfs, or is
> it possible that something else has gone wrong... I compiled same way
> as it says on the wiki page and then used "rsync -ar --delete" to
> move the files, that has worked before.
> Is it possible to just upgrade my root using opkg upgrade and then
> boot to the more recent kernel, or is reflash (rootfs) needed?
> ps. I have not read your install script since I would like to stay
> "pure" :p

well, that's the reason why it crashes: because you want to stay
pure :-)
In 2.6.28 kernels, the script is slightly different, and I copy
a modified version over to /etc/init.d in my install script.
But I could just as well change it in the sourcecode ... I'll do
that :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] GITs

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:54 PM, giacomo "giotti" mariani
>> Fabio Locati wrote:
>> > I think that we should have a "complete list" of the QtEI GITs:
>> > -
>> > -
>> > -
>> > -
>> > -
>> > If you know others, please, report here.
>> Moro,
>> This is great! I have been hunting for such a list. What about the
>> differences between those, wikipage that explains which is most "stable"
>> and which is "most bleeding edge" would be nice.
>> AFAIK, karadog is supposed to be the stable one and others more or less
>> bleeding / dev..? Which ones are too bleeding to even consider and which
>> are meant just for the developer them selves to keep track on patches...
>> -- husku
> Moro,
> This (and also Franky  answer) is very interesting.
> A would also like to know something about the  different, already
> available, packaged QtEI distributions.
> Thank you very much from the NAND of my freerunner.
> Giacomo


there are 3 "distributions": karadogs, Radeks and mine. The same
comments as before apply to each: karadog runs on 2.6.24 and is behind
patches, radek (based on karadog) is running on 2.6.28 and behind on
patches, I'm running based on radek (patches included), but no binary
distro, just an install script.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] GITs

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Moro :-))),

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Mikko Husari  wrote:

> And of course this situation "lives" by the day and is not written on
> stone, so no wiki page would be possible. Now I understand the lack of it.

nicely put indeed :-)

>> As you can see here, only lpotter is ahead for now:
> Heh, I've been looking a different versions of that map and just
> understood how that mapping is supposed to be used. It matters on what
> you choose as your reference point, which I did not realize since in my
> mind there was no such thing. Thank you for clarification and an
> excellent insight on "who has what". I think im going to start tracking
> yours since karadog lacks patches.

feel free to do so :-)

> Is the trac at karadog the only bugrepoting place, besides this list?

For now it is, but since karadog is behing, most things there are
fixed already, also almost all on his todo list. But since they aren't
fixed in his tree, they can't be closed ...
I've actived the "issues" thingie on github for mine as well. The
mailing list is alo a good place to report these (I would always start
with the mailing list anyway).


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] GITs

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Mikko Husari  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Fabio Locati wrote:
>> I think that we should have a "complete list" of the QtEI GITs:
>> -
>> -
>> -
>> -
>> -
>> If you know others, please, report here.
> Moro,
> This is great! I have been hunting for such a list. What about the
> differences between those, wikipage that explains which is most "stable"
> and which is "most bleeding edge" would be nice.
> AFAIK, karadog is supposed to be the stable one and others more or less
> bleeding / dev..? Which ones are too bleeding to even consider and which
> are meant just for the developer them selves to keep track on patches...


first of all, what does "Moro" mean? I've seen you using that word
many times, but it doesn't exist in English :-)
For the rest: it's a difficult question to answer ... karadog is
stable, but using an unstable kernel and seems to be missing a lot of
late patches. But once he will switch to 2.6.28, he will be on the
same level as Radek is.
I'm ahead of Radek, in a way that I've been fixing lots of stuff, but
Radek is a busy man, and I was bored :-)
Lorn (lpotter) also pulled in all my changes.

So in short: my changes are stable ones (I only put things in the git
that are tested), for now Lorn is bleeding edge (has things that are
not working right now). Radek is also stable, but behind on patches.
Karadog is stable 2.6.24, but also behind on patches (and kernel).
Filip so far only put standard qtextended on github (because t that
time, karadog was very busy and unavailable), no patches are

As you can see here, only lpotter is ahead for now:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:22 PM,  wrote:
>>> I've already build a new image with this (not online yet, since I'm
>>> setting it up on a new space). A visual hint for prediciveness would
>>> be nice, but I leave that up to you :-)
>> btw, I also added code for a backspace key. I *know* that you can slide
>> to the left for backspace, but if you want to delete an entire
>> sentence (or just 10 letters), this becomes ridiculous. Therefore: the
>> backspace key is to be found in the same group as the return key.
>> I've updated the current image with it.
> you can select the text you want to cancel and leftslide, but it's very
> unconfortable.

true, even more because there's no visual feedback for selection (I
think, or I never succeeded into selecting naything yet)

>> Now just some buttons to quickly go from letters to ciphers and to the
>> sentence-characters (".","?", etc...). Instead of always needing to
>> slide up and down ... There's place for at least 3 extra signs on the
>> letters screen, I would use them for "uppercase" (and in the uppercase
>> version: "lowercase"), "numbers" and "sentence-characters". This would
>> work more reliable and quicker than the basic sliding ...
> we could use the other three diagonals. I think it's better then filling
> the keyboard with more buttons, or it will end up like matchbox keyboard.

I understand the concern, but when you type in a sentence (or multiple
sentences) and you need punctuation characters, you're gonna need a
lot of sliding ... so I would bring the most used keyboards under 3
buttons as well. I'll try it, and if it clutters too much, I'll remove
it again. I can always leave the code in, and just disable it in the
layout.conf file ...
For the buttons, any suggestions? I can take any html code ... see For uppercase/lowercase, I'll
use an "fat arrow" up/down (x21E7 and x21E9), but what to use for
letter symbol, special char symbol and cipher symbol?
In the letters keyboards, I'll add: up/down, special char, ciphers
In the special char  keyboard, I'll add: letters (lowercase), ciphers
In the ciphers keyboard, I'll add: letters (lowercase), special chars


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT Extended Improved] GPS Mapping Demo

2009-04-27 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Fabio Locati  wrote:
> What about looking into SHR or other openmoko distro to copy the
> compile options of SDL?
> I think SDL is a needed instrument, because it would allow the support
> of many applications that are not supported by Qt Extended because
> they need X.
> In any ways, I'll try to look into it as soon as I'll have time, but
> if someone want to do it before...he/she is completely welcome.

The problem is that we have tu use a framebuffer, and they can rely on
a X-server ...
I see that it is possible to compile SDL in, have you tried that yet?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR kernel] strange kernel messages

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 17:28:29 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3396
> (mediaserver), adj 15, size 2509, to kill
> Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3400
> (messageserver), adj 15, size 2591, to kill
> Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3406
> (qdsync), adj 15, size 2760, to kill
> Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3592
> (btsettings), adj 15, size 3678, to kill
> Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] send sigkill
> to 3592 (btsettings), adj 15, size 3678
> Does anybody know what these mean? I'm running the kernel version:
> uImage-2.6.29-oe10+gitr119800+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r3.4-om-gta02.bin
> openmoko-shr-lite-image-glibc-ipk--20090423-om-gta02.rootfs.jffs2
> from
> Franky

well, it got worse: using this kernel, all of the sudden (after 2 hours
of suspend), the phone wouldn't come back to life anymore. Only
battery removal worked ... not good ... so not a good kernel at all.
I'll stick with basic fso kernels after all ... the one from April 4th
never behaved like this.


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko kernels

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
To the people who maintain the script for daily kernel builds in
unstable/experimental at

Please, check your script: the generated images are useless, because
the usb0 interface on the phone is not activated. And this has nothing
to do with usb0=>ethX interface change on the host. It seems some
depmod's are forgotten, but eg. for the nox image it is impossible to
change anything about that (no X on the phone).
Therefore: please change your script (and test it) before bringing out
new images ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] Translation suggestion

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 23:14:05 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> I have looked around and it seems that QtEI should be translated with
> Qt Linguistic. Is this the best tool?

I don't know the tool, but I do believe there's much work to be done
here: many classes still use "" while I believe every class should
use "qApp->translate" for translations.
Thoughts, suggestions?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] LODI file

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 21:54:31 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> Is these 800 and some Kb really useful? It seems not updated and,
> maybe, not useful... what do you think about this file?

dunno, never cared about that LODI file :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR kernel] strange kernel messages

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 23:29:28 +0300
Timo Juhani Lindfors  wrote:

> Franky Van Liedekerke  writes:
> > Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] send
> > sigkill to 3592 (btsettings), adj 15, size 3678
> You are running out of memory and linux is killing processes.

huh??? Almost nothing is running, and I never experienced this before.
I *know* I can configure swap, but I don't want to do that, it would
dramatically decrease performance if the phone starts swapping ...
Weird though: this started after using SHR as base system for qtopia,
instead of fso. Is this a coincidence, or is the kernel really that
different? I also switched from the kernel of April 4th to April 23th.
This is interesting to follow up ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 15:15:07 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:36:26 +0200
> Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:
> > never mind ...  wrong copy, ok now :-)
> > Although I still believe no dictionaries should be updated when in
> > non-predictive mode. I would also like not to have to click on a
> > word before being able to enter a space and continue to the next
> > word, so default accept would be nice as well in unpredictive
> > mode ... Probably KeyboardWidget::acceptWord() and
> > OptionsWindow::acceptWord() can benefit from you changes :-)
> Hi Leonardo,
> I've changed your patch a bit:
> - no more dictionary updates for non-predictive keyboard
> - disabled the animation for non-predictive keyboard (where the
>   selected word was "pulled" into the correct place, it is nice but a
>   bit overkill and too slow).
> Please check it out, I provided a .so file here:
> For the changes:
> I've already build a new image with this (not online yet, since I'm
> setting it up on a new space). A visual hint for prediciveness would
> be nice, but I leave that up to you :-)

btw, I also added code for a backspace key. I *know* that you can slide
to the left for backspace, but if you want to delete an entire
sentence (or just 10 letters), this becomes ridiculous. Therefore: the
backspace key is to be found in the same group as the return key.
I've updated the current image with it.
Now just some buttons to quickly go from letters to ciphers and to the
sentence-characters (".","?", etc...). Instead of always needing to
slide up and down ... There's place for at least 3 extra signs on the
letters screen, I would use them for "uppercase" (and in the uppercase
version: "lowercase"), "numbers" and "sentence-characters". This would
work more reliable and quicker than the basic sliding ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 20:22:52 +0200
""  wrote:

> I didn't have time to check your patch. Anyway you cannot avoid a way
> to "accept" a word. If you slide right, you put a whitespace, if you
> click on the bar you accept the word and you have a free whitespace.
> I've noticed also that while you wait for the animation to end, you
> can type new letters, so you don't waste time.

Hmmm ... I didn't notice that before, and it works :-)

> > 
> > I've already build a new image with this (not online yet, since I'm
> > setting it up on a new space). A visual hint for prediciveness
> > would be nice, but I leave that up to you :-)
> I've checked it quickly, it doesn't seem really easy, I should get
> more ocnfident with Qt. I hope I will have time to make it visible.
> Is it better something like a "p" on a corner or a very short popup
> saying "unpredictive"?

well, I prefer something visible all the time, since the keyboard
maintains it's state across usage
> > And a question: wouldn't it be more logical to add a space by
> > default after each word? It was like that once I believe ...
> that's what it does. When you  accept the word you have a whitespace
> added.

I know now :-)
> > Also, the capitalization is not working that good, maybe that can be
> > off as well, or maybe that can be another option (left-bottom=>
> > right-up stroke + visual confirmation).
> capitalization doesn't work really ok. Well, it just doesn't work
> actually.

Well, it works, but it takes the first word you type as beginning of a
sentence (and thus capitalizes it), even if you correct a sentence and
restart in the middle ...
> Something I've noticed that could be improved is that if you type a
> single letter and you want to accept it it's quite hard to touch with
> your finger the letter, since it's quite little. I guess this is
> inherited from the predictive keyboard. It would be better to make the
> whole bar reactive instead of the single letter.

true, but sliding to the right accepts the word as well ...


Openmoko community mailing list

[SHR kernel] strange kernel messages

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke

I'm getting these strange messages in the kernel (I'm running qtopia,
but these message are kernel generated ...):

Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3396
(mediaserver), adj 15, size 2509, to kill
Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3400
(messageserver), adj 15, size 2591, to kill
Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3406
(qdsync), adj 15, size 2760, to kill
Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] select 3592
(btsettings), adj 15, size 3678, to kill
Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] send sigkill
to 3592 (btsettings), adj 15, size 3678

Does anybody know what these mean? I'm running the kernel version:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:36:26 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> never mind ...  wrong copy, ok now :-)
> Although I still believe no dictionaries should be updated when in
> non-predictive mode. I would also like not to have to click on a word
> before being able to enter a space and continue to the next word, so
> default accept would be nice as well in unpredictive mode ...
> Probably KeyboardWidget::acceptWord() and OptionsWindow::acceptWord()
> can benefit from you changes :-)

Hi Leonardo,

I've changed your patch a bit:

- no more dictionary updates for non-predictive keyboard
- disabled the animation for non-predictive keyboard (where the
  selected word was "pulled" into the correct place, it is nice but a
  bit overkill and too slow).

Please check it out, I provided a .so file here:
For the changes:

I've already build a new image with this (not online yet, since I'm
setting it up on a new space). A visual hint for prediciveness would be
nice, but I leave that up to you :-)

And a question: wouldn't it be more logical to add a space by default
after each word? It was like that once I believe ...
Also, the capitalization is not working that good, maybe that can be
off as well, or maybe that can be another option (left-bottom=>
right-up stroke + visual confirmation).


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] GITs

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 14:42:34 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> I would suggest:
> is very easy :)

And for remote git's, doing diffs and stuff:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtEI] GITs

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:33:07 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> Forgot mine -.-
> -
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Fabio Locati
>  wrote:
> > I think that we should have a "complete list" of the QtEI GITs:
> > -
> > -
> > -
> > -
> > -
> >
> > If you know others, please, report here.
> > --
> > Fabio A Locati

that's about it for now I guess. I hope this gets cleaned up once
2.6.28 is accepted by all :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 9

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 22:34:02 +1200
Glen Ogilvie  wrote:

> Hi Franky,
> Tried this by installing on Nand with QI, and it works pretty good.
> I Used the kernel and image from: 
> The link in the script to:
> no longer works, as it looks like they have had a cleanup.
> Regards
> Glen Ogilvie

Hmmm ... I can upload the nox image from that day as well I suppose,
but I only have 50 MB of space at my local internet provider, so I'll
find a new spot to put it all on.
But now I'm on the latest kernel using SHR specifics:

from this url, the
following rootfs and uImage:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:16:28 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 02:15:00 +0200
> ""  wrote:
> > Hi list,
> > 
> > I've changed strategy on the unpredictive
> > qtopia/qtextended/qtextendedimproved keyboard.
> > Instead of patching the matchbox keyboard I've changed the original
> > qtopia keyboard. I've stretched it a little to make it larger and
> > higher and i made it unpredictable. I added another gesture: if you
> > slide from bottom-right along the diagonal to up-left you can toggle
> > prediction.
> > 
> > here you can find the binary and the patch.
> >
> > 
> > the patch is on Franky's git tree but I guess it works with any Qt*
> > since the keyboard doesn't seem changed at all. The binary is for
> > the qt-extended-improved I'm using..
> > 
> > two improvements are possible:
> >  - give a visual feedback when toggling prediction on/off
> >  - well, there are three more diagonal gestures that could be used
> > if you have ideas.
> Hi Leonardo,
> it seems prediction is still being used ... I'm a dutch speaker, and
> it seems that when I enter the word "van", it predicts it to
> "een" (because that word is in my personal prediction dictionary, from
> before the changes).
> If prediction is off, you should disable the use of any personal
> dictionaries as well, as well as disabling saving to a dictionary.
never mind ...  wrong copy, ok now :-)
Although I still believe no dictionaries should be updated when in
non-predictive mode. I would also like not to have to click on a word
before being able to enter a space and continue to the next word, so
default accept would be nice as well in unpredictive mode ...
Probably KeyboardWidget::acceptWord() and OptionsWindow::acceptWord()
can benefit from you changes :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 02:15:00 +0200
""  wrote:

> Hi list,
> I've changed strategy on the unpredictive
> qtopia/qtextended/qtextendedimproved keyboard.
> Instead of patching the matchbox keyboard I've changed the original
> qtopia keyboard. I've stretched it a little to make it larger and
> higher and i made it unpredictable. I added another gesture: if you
> slide from bottom-right along the diagonal to up-left you can toggle
> prediction.
> here you can find the binary and the patch.
> the patch is on Franky's git tree but I guess it works with any Qt*
> since the keyboard doesn't seem changed at all. The binary is for the
> qt-extended-improved I'm using..
> two improvements are possible:
>  - give a visual feedback when toggling prediction on/off
>  - well, there are three more diagonal gestures that could be used if
> you have ideas.

Hi Leonardo,

it seems prediction is still being used ... I'm a dutch speaker, and it
seems that when I enter the word "van", it predicts it to
"een" (because that word is in my personal prediction dictionary, from
before the changes).
If prediction is off, you should disable the use of any personal
dictionaries as well, as well as disabling saving to a dictionary.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 02:15:00 +0200
""  wrote:

> Hi list,
> I've changed strategy on the unpredictive
> qtopia/qtextended/qtextendedimproved keyboard.
> Instead of patching the matchbox keyboard I've changed the original
> qtopia keyboard. I've stretched it a little to make it larger and
> higher and i made it unpredictable. I added another gesture: if you
> slide from bottom-right along the diagonal to up-left you can toggle
> prediction.

Hi Leonardo,

your patch is in my git now and I'm recompiling as we speak, thanks


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT*] unpredictive keyboard

2009-04-26 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 02:15:00 +0200
""  wrote:

> Hi list,
> I've changed strategy on the unpredictive
> qtopia/qtextended/qtextendedimproved keyboard.
> Instead of patching the matchbox keyboard I've changed the original
> qtopia keyboard. I've stretched it a little to make it larger and
> higher and i made it unpredictable. I added another gesture: if you
> slide from bottom-right along the diagonal to up-left you can toggle
> prediction.
> here you can find the binary and the patch.
> the patch is on Franky's git tree but I guess it works with any Qt*
> since the keyboard doesn't seem changed at all. The binary is for the
> qt-extended-improved I'm using..
> two improvements are possible:
>  - give a visual feedback when toggling prediction on/off
>  - well, there are three more diagonal gestures that could be used if
> you have ideas.
> now matchbox seems quite useless.
> feedbacks are most welcome.
> ciao,
> leonardo.

Hi Leonardo,

thanks alrady!
Btw: your patch (diff) is reversed :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: USB Kernel problem with latest SHR unstable

2009-04-25 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 22:05:35 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> ok, but how did you get to fiddle on the phone? Do you mean you
> actually used a terminal app, did some kind of modprobe on the phone
> and it started working? And now you don't remember what it was ...
> does this mean after the next reboot, you don't have ssh access
> anymore? Do the SHR people test these images? I've been told every
> time again it's the host (ethX instead of usb0), but I seriously
> believe something is wrong with the generated images ... my host
> fedora 10 system doesn't give any output in /var/log/messages when I
> plug in the phone with newer images (any "old" image reacts just
> fine), while it does give me info when I boot the phone in the NOR
> menu to flash it. To prove it myself, I will *again* flash my phone
> with the latest image/kernel found in

ok, I just tested this kernel and it seems to be ok now:  it is eth1,
and I've adapted my qtextended install script a bit, so it doesn't use
the alias for the "rm" command.
For the record, I tried from this url, the
following rootfs and uImage:

Although I don't like the following kernel messages, could somebody
explain these?

Apr 26 00:26:20 om-gta02 user.err kernel: [21474817.485000] HDQ error: 1
Apr 26 00:26:20 om-gta02 kernel: [21474817.50] HDQ
responds again


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: USB Kernel problem with latest SHR unstable

2009-04-25 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 20:37:50 +1200
Robin Paulson  wrote:

> 2009/4/25 Robin Paulson :
> > 2009/4/24 Denis Johnson :
> >> Flashing the latest SHR image and kernel from
> >> 23 April
> >>
> >> uImage-2.6.29-oe10+gitr119800+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r3.4-om-gta02.bin
> >>
> >> I could not connect via SSH over USB from my Ubuntu 8.10 host.
> >> lsusb on the host could see the neo but could not ifup usb0
> >>
> >> Only after reflashing just the kernel back to Apr 9, could I again
> >> reconnect via SSH. I have not tried kernels posted between those
> >> dates to work out where the problem starts.
> >>
> >> Howver to confirm it, I have reflashed back to the latest 23rd
> >> April but could not connect, then reflashed back to 9th April and
> >> worked again.
> well, i fixed it - i can now ssh into my freerunner.
> i'm not entirely sure what it was, but i think it was related to some
> fiddling i did with depmod and modprobe on the phone. i'm guessing
> some usb modules weren't loaded by default

ok, but how did you get to fiddle on the phone? Do you mean you
actually used a terminal app, did some kind of modprobe on the phone
and it started working? And now you don't remember what it was ... does
this mean after the next reboot, you don't have ssh access anymore?
Do the SHR people test these images? I've been told every time again
it's the host (ethX instead of usb0), but I seriously believe something
is wrong with the generated images ... my host fedora 10 system doesn't
give any output in /var/log/messages when I plug in the phone with
newer images (any "old" image reacts just fine), while it does give me
info when I boot the phone in the NOR menu to flash it.
To prove it myself, I will *again* flash my phone with the latest
image/kernel found in


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 9

2009-04-25 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
(install instructions and script updated on 2090425: see below)

Problems solved:



- 20090425: An incoming contact is now first resolved to a contact on
  the internal phonebook instead of the merged contact from SIM
- some minor tweaks and fixes, mostly not visible unless you stumble
  upon them.

See for the changes

Problems found (more like small nuisances now):

Install instructions:
download the script , read the comments
at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after having
flashed the device and made sure internet works).
For those who just want to replace their existing QtE: just download
the QtE compressed file and replace your existing QtE with it:



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Delete all contacts on sim/export to sim/import from sim

2009-04-24 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 05:39:24 +1000
Lorn Potter  wrote:

> On 24/4/09 10:53 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > it seems qtextended by default imports all contacts from SIM (wether
> > or not you want it). 

> I believe 4.2 used to be like that, with a menu entry for sim 
> import/export, but someone thought that too convenient.
> Please add to trak and I can look at reimplementing this, as it
> really bugs me too.

Hi Lorn,

ticket in karadog's trac created as an enhancement request.
For the rest, I think I tracked it down to the file
src/libraries/qtopiapim/qcontactsqlio.cpp, function

I added a comment to the ticket, maybe you can see if my rewrite of
that bit of logic is ok:

With friendly regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Delete all contacts on sim/export to sim/import from sim

2009-04-24 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Hi all,

it seems qtextended by default imports all contacts from SIM (wether
or not you want it). If the contact was already in the addressbook
(like in my case: I first imported my VCF file), it tries to merge the
two, but this sometimes fails (mostly because the name is shorter on
the sim than on the phone).
End result: 2 contacts in the list with the same number, but one with
a shorter name ...
Even the logic for updating the SIM is flawed: I have 200 contacts on
SIM (the maximum here), and these get imported. But when I try to edit
a contact that's imported from SIM, I get a warning that the SIM is
full and the contact can't be saved on the SIM, even though the
contact is on the SIM (this can be a simple bug, though).

So my question is: can I prevent this automatic import from SIM
contacts (make it optional via a config file or so)? Or is there a way
to delete all contacts on the SIM via the qtextended interface (I
might have overlooked something)?
Ideally, I would have 2 options: "export all to sim", "import all from
sim". No intelligent logic when a contact gets updated, that the SIM
needs updating as well ...
I don't care about merging and stuff, and my current SonyEricsson P900
does it like that as well :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT Extended Improved] GPS Mapping Demo

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
SDL isn't compiled (at least not in my image) ...
Feel free to try though :-)

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 23:07:00 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> what about working to allow framebuffer on SDL? maybe is only a
> compiling bug. If SDL could use framebuffer, we could use Navit...
> that is surely a very good navigation system :)
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
>  wrote:
> > On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 23:33:56 +0300
> > Mikko Husari  wrote:
> >
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> >> > But personally I haven't had any luck as well trying to get this
> >> > to work. Other people besides me are trying to build a better gps
> >> > application.
> >>
> >> Moro,
> >>
> >> I stumbled on a new (at least for me) gps app for qte while on a
> >> quest for some examples, I havent yet tested it but just thought
> >> you might like to know...
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> - -- husku
> >
> > yeah, I found that one as well, but it doesn't *do* much, now does
> > it ... showing gps numbers is nice, but I need a map :-)
> >
> > Franky
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: USB Kernel problem with latest SHR unstable

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 16:38:59 +1000
Denis Johnson  wrote:

> I'm not sure who or how to report this but since I have gone through
> the test and it has taken some time to resolve.
> Flashing the latest SHR image and kernel from
> 23 April
> uImage-2.6.29-oe10+gitr119800+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r3.4-om-gta02.bin
> I could not connect via SSH over USB from my Ubuntu 8.10 host. lsusb
> on the host could see the neo but could not ifup usb0
> Only after reflashing just the kernel back to Apr 9, could I again
> reconnect via SSH. I have not tried kernels posted between those dates
> to work out where the problem starts.
> Howver to confirm it, I have reflashed back to the latest 23rd April
> but could not connect, then reflashed back to 9th April and worked
> again.
> Both report 2.6.29-rc3 via 'uname -r'
> cheers Denis

have you tried "ifup ethx" (with x the number of the new interface)?
I've been told it is eth on the host now, but it doesn't work for me
either ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT Extended Improved] GPS Mapping Demo

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 23:33:56 +0300
Mikko Husari  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> > But personally I haven't had any luck as well trying to get this to
> > work. Other people besides me are trying to build a better gps
> > application.
> Moro,
> I stumbled on a new (at least for me) gps app for qte while on a quest
> for some examples, I havent yet tested it but just thought you might
> like to know...
> - -- husku

yeah, I found that one as well, but it doesn't *do* much, now does
it ... showing gps numbers is nice, but I need a map :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 8

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
If you don't see it doing much, then it probably *is* stuck :-)
I'm guessing it's stuck trying to get the ipkg updates, no?
Did your phone had internet connectivity configured correctly before
trying to execute the script (eg. try to do a nslookup of a domain on
the phone)?


On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:49:59 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> Franky, I think that your script should me more verbose... It seems
> stuck but, probably, is working. What's about an output line before
> executing each command?
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Fabio Locati 
> wrote:
> > with Qi the kernel of the 23rd April fails to run SSH. I'm going to
> > install the 4th April one ;)
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
> >  wrote:
> >> On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 19:52:59 +0200
> >> Fabio Locati  wrote:
> >>
> >>> sorry for double post:
> >>> uImage-2.6.28-andy-tracking+gitr20+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r4-om-gta02.bin
> >>> this one is the kernel, isn't it?
> >>>
> >>
> >> yes, that i the accompanying kernel, but I don't know if ssh works
> >> already when you install these (I use Qi, not uBoot).
> >> So, if you install them and use Qi, let me know the result.
> >>
> >> Franky
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Openmoko community mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Fabio A Locati
> >
> > Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> > Phone: +39-328-3799681
> > MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> >
> > PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> >
> > Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> >

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Qt Extended] Backup SMS and Contacts

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:06:21 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> Contacts: /home/root/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite
> SMSs: /home/root/Applications/qtopiamail/qtopia_db.sqlite

In my case, the sms's are also as plain text available
in /home/root/Applications/qtopiamail

> btw: on the last daily, the limit is still 140 or so SMSs or you can
> store as many as you want?

limit of 140 or so??? I never heard/read of this limit before ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 8

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 19:52:59 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> sorry for double post:
> uImage-2.6.28-andy-tracking+gitr20+0b9d21bf5d05d5dd909425a67a8be2eb1c1fc579-r4-om-gta02.bin
> this one is the kernel, isn't it?

yes, that i the accompanying kernel, but I don't know if ssh works
already when you install these (I use Qi, not uBoot).
So, if you install them and use Qi, let me know the result.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 8

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 19:16:18 +0200
Sound Freedom  wrote:

> I take a look at the script & it download the file
> qte_20090416.tgz instead of the file  qte_20090421.tgz

oops ... sorry, corrected and upgraded to qte_20090422.tgz (where more
dialogs are correctly taken input on their buttons now)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Git online

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 18:47:59 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> Is this meaning that you are dropping
> ?

no, it does not.
I've based my git on that of Radek, and Radek gets his from
Filip and Karadog. It's all connected :-)
Consider mine as "alpha", Radeks as beta and Karadog as production :-)
Not exactly true, but it helps.
Once Karadog switches to 2.6.28 his and Radeks git will probably merge
completely. And if Radek pulls in all my changes, then mine is obsolete
as well.


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Git online

2009-04-23 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Hi all,

I forked the tree of Radek and I've put all my changes online so far:

My current image is based on this code (except the screenshot app
isn't in my binary release yet, I'm going to take this in as well next
time I build it).
I've also made another change that fixes the problem where you can't
click on a OK or Cancel button in some dialog boxes. But I haven't put
it online yet (not a really big thing).
Now on to the next problem: it seems people don't get the gsm to
register anymore after switching from Airplane mode. Needs testing and
investigating, I will take this on.


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] gstreamer question

2009-04-22 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Hi all,

in qtextended, there are different kind of media engines:

- helix
- cruxus
- gstreamer

cruxus is the default, and using the libmad patch, it can play mp3's
But what's the advantage of gstreamer support? If I compile it in, has
it priority over cruxus if gstreamer libs are on the device?
And if gstreamer is installed, can I then just play mp3's (using the
correct codecs) without the libmad patch?
I don't think helix is of any use anymore ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 8

2009-04-22 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 17:51:28 +0200
"giacomo \"giotti\" mariani"  wrote:

> >   
> Yours work is great, keep it up!
> I'm sad: don't being a programmer I can't help you very much;
> I can only test your fantastic job.
> I have only a suggestion: like SHR is it possible to use opkg to keep
> our QTeI updated?


opkg can be used to update the base system, but not QtEI itself.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Qt Extended] Backup SMS and Contacts

2009-04-22 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Fabio Locati  wrote:
> How can I backup my SMS and my Contact list? is possible to export
> them in a CSV file, or in some other kind of portable file? (sql or
> something similar)
> Thank you
> --
> Fabio A Locati

according to me they are already in a sqllite database (location in
/home/root I believe)
But for contacts: you can go to your contacts and select "send all as
VCF" or something alike, I did this via mail, so the app created a VCF
file and sended it via mail to me (don't forget to first configure
your mail and send a testmail). Send via bluetooth should work as well
(remember the restrictions: only on first boot bluetooth works ok in a
2.6.28 kernel, not after suspend).
For the SMS's, I don't know if an export is available, haven't looked at it yet.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] call for help

2009-04-22 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Sound Freedom
> Hey Francky,
> thanks from the heart for all the job you give up !
> I'm really surprise by the possibility of QTEi since you work on it !
> Like Radek, I'm definitely staying in !
> About your call, I'm sorry. I'm just a network administrator not a
> developper, I know scripting but not coding ;)
> But I told you that I wanted to translate QTEi in French & change the aspect
> of applications.
> Please don't be so sad, Look at us, We are near you !
> Freedom Sound!
> 2009/4/21 leonardo maccari 
>> Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
>> Dear Franky,
>> Don't give up. It is astonishing how much the Qtei has improved in the
>> last month, since it has been abandoned from trolltech. My impression is
>> that it has improved much more in the last month then in the previous 2
>> releases. I suppose Trolltech in the last monthes diddn't really focus
>> on Freerunner support.
>> On my side, when April passess I will try to make a better keyboard :-)
>> by now I'm stuck with work (April is the cruellest month, as Elliot
>> said...)
>> ciao,
>> leonardo.

tx for all the kind words. Thanks to these (and of course the fix Lorn
mailed) I found the drive to continue.
I'm in progress of cloning the git of Radek and adding all my changes
to it. After that, we can accept any patches that seem usefull. I've
actived github "issues" for this, but that's for the future. First,
I'll bring all changes online and try to have a decent comment next to
each change (so as to know why something has been done).
After that, we're open for business. Anything is welcome then:
translations, small code cleanups, new apps (Radek and Filip seem to
be working on a new GPS and video player app), bugfixes (or the
reports), etc ... I don't accept money donations though, that's not my
thing :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 8

2009-04-22 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
nope, it's in there :-)
- 20090401: duplicate sms thing: solved (see also fix on 20090412)


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Fabio Locati  wrote:
> Awesome work :)
> I don't see in the list of the "fixed bug" the SMS duplication, but I
> read you fixed it. You forgot to put it in the list?
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
>  wrote:
> > (install instructions and script updated on 2090421: see below)
> >
> > Problems solved:
> > 
> > See
> >
> > Latest:
> > - 20090421: "save contact" now works from with the Call list
> >  overview (the dialog with the question to create a new contact
> >  was stuck on screen with "yes/no", fix thanks to Lorn)
> >
> > For those wanting a binary diff: sorry, I only changed 1 file
> > (savetocontacts.cpp), but I don't know which binary file changed
> > because of this.
> >
> > Problems found (more like small nuisances now):
> > ===
> > See
> >
> > Install instructions:
> > =
> > download the script
> > , read the comments
> > at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after having
> > flashed the device and made sure internet works).
> > For those who just want to replace their existing QtE: just download
> > the QtE compressed file and replace your existing QtE with it:
> >
> >
> > Enjoy!
> >
> > Franky
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Fabio A Locati
> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> Phone: +39-328-3799681
> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Qtei] Which IDE for Development?

2009-04-21 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 23:37:18 +0200
"Roland"  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I want to get a little more involved in development for Qtei.
> Especially after Franky's cry for help. Franky: I have to agree with
> Leonardo - great work! To you and everybody else working on Qtei -
> I'm really impressed with the improvements in the last months.


> So why am I writing this mail...
> I have downloaded the sources of Qtextended and also built it a
> couple of times. I also did a checkout of the new git repository and
> that worked for me as well. But any changes I made I had to type into
> a plain text editor and that is kind of annoying.
> Is there any IDE one can use for the development?
> Coming from software development with Qt Desktop I think I would be
> able to contribute, but working with a normal editor is not really
> fun.
> Also: Is there a way to debug the newly written applications?
> I am willing to install any Linux distribution and any package needed
> for development - but I have to admit I don't have a clue what to
> install.
> Any comment and recommendation is welcome!
> Roland

well, I'm a linux man, and a fervent vi-user. So I do all my work
commandline-based, no IDE :-)
But according to this:
it seems there exists at least one IDE for windows, and another for
linux. I have fedora 10 installed, and it has kdevelop in its


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: test QtEI

2009-04-21 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Then I recommend you first upgrade to a 2.6.28 based kernel (if you can
live without bluetooth) and the latest release (or at least the latest

For a 2.6.28 kernel, see these comments at the top of my install
script. I use this kernel:
and the fso-console-image from


On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 23:25:33 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> I am using a 2.6.24 kernel and your image from the 3rd of april
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
>  wrote:
> > On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:56:20 +0200
> > Fabio Locati  wrote:
> >
> >> *123#
> >> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> >> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T : "^Z"
> >> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> >> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : ""
> >> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : "OK"
> >> Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> >> Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T :
> >> "ATD*123#" Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> >> Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "OK"
> >> Apr 21 15:53:34 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> >> Apr 21 15:53:34 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  ? : "OK"
> >>
> >> *123*3#
> >> Apr 21 15:54:39 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> >> Apr 21 15:54:39 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T : "^Z"
> >> Apr 21 15:54:40 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> >> Apr 21 15:54:40 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : ""
> >> Apr 21 15:54:40 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : "OK"
> >> Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> >> Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T :
> >> "ATD*123*3#" Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> >> Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "OK"
> >> Apr 21 15:54:44 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> >> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> >> Apr 21 15:54:44 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  ? : "OK"
> >>
> >> I have no clue about what this means... I hope someone has...
> >> Please tell me if the report is missing info or is wrong.
> >
> > no clue either ... are you sure these are the correct numbers?
> > Which qtextended version are you using (where did you download it,
> > etc ...)? Is it based on a 2.6.24 kernel or are you using a 2.6.28
> > kernel (like in my install script)?
> >
> > Franky
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >

Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 8

2009-04-21 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
(install instructions and script updated on 2090421: see below)

Problems solved:


- 20090421: "save contact" now works from with the Call list
  overview (the dialog with the question to create a new contact
  was stuck on screen with "yes/no", fix thanks to Lorn)

For those wanting a binary diff: sorry, I only changed 1 file
(savetocontacts.cpp), but I don't know which binary file changed
because of this.

Problems found (more like small nuisances now):

Install instructions:
download the script , read the comments
at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after having
flashed the device and made sure internet works).
For those who just want to replace their existing QtE: just download
the QtE compressed file and replace your existing QtE with it:



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: test QtEI

2009-04-21 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:56:20 +0200
Fabio Locati  wrote:

> *123#
> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T : "^Z"
> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : ""
> Apr 21 15:53:30 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : "OK"
> Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T : "ATD*123#"
> Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> Apr 21 15:53:31 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "OK"
> Apr 21 15:53:34 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> Apr 21 15:53:34 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  ? : "OK"
> *123*3#
> Apr 21 15:54:39 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> Apr 21 15:54:39 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T : "^Z"
> Apr 21 15:54:40 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> Apr 21 15:54:40 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : ""
> Apr 21 15:54:40 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  W : "OK"
> Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::write()
> Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  T :
> "ATD*123*3#" Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> Apr 21 15:54:41 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "OK"
> Apr 21 15:54:44 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: Mux :
> QGsm0710MultiplexerPrivate::read()
> Apr 21 15:54:44 om-gta02 user.notice Qtopia: AtChat :  ? : "OK"
> I have no clue about what this means... I hope someone has... Please
> tell me if the report is missing info or is wrong.

no clue either ... are you sure these are the correct numbers?
Which qtextended version are you using (where did you download it,
etc ...)? Is it based on a 2.6.24 kernel or are you using a 2.6.28
kernel (like in my install script)?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: test QtEI

2009-04-21 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Use "logread" to see the logs, but yes, they are saved there as well. But
since the file rotates rather quickly, you won't save a lot of data.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Fabio Locati  wrote:

> these logs are saved in /var/log?
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Franky Van Liedekerke
>  wrote:
> > You can activate almost all kind of logging, just go to settings->logging
> > and from the bottom menu there you can select "Categories" where you can
> > activate all kind of logging.
> >
> > Franky
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Fabio Locati 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> @Franky: is there a way to see what phone is doing? if yes, I can do
> >> it and send here the results... who does this sounds?
> >>
> >> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> >> > Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> I don't know, I don't have a SIM card with which to check the status
> (I
> >> >> have a subscription, not a credit-based card).
> >> >> But it was to show that the dialer does support the "*" and "#"
> >> >> characters.
> >> >> And I believe these are normal calls, they just get interpreted by
> the
> >> >> phone company that then returns a special crafted message with the
> >> >> requested info.
> >> >
> >> > Hi,
> >> > i am able to show my credit by calling *22#
> >> >
> >> > My image is this one [1], but i dont think that the image is different
> >> > from any other images. It's probably operator specific or some other
> >> > factor is involved. It is possible to enable modem commands logging
> and
> >> > this could be used to debug the problem.
> >> >
> >> > Radek
> >> >
> >> > [1]
> >> >
> >> > ___
> >> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Fabio A Locati
> >>
> >> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> >> Phone: +39-328-3799681
> >> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> >>
> >> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> >>
> >> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> >> Sent from Rome, RM, Italy
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Openmoko community mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Fabio A Locati
> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> Phone: +39-328-3799681
> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT Extended Improved] GPS Mapping Demo

2009-04-21 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Mikko Husari  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Moro,
> I compiled my own qtei binaries from git-repo and tried to use the
> Mapping Demo program, but it gets stuck on "Connected, waiting for fix".
> If I use the "provided demo nmea log", it seems to work properly.
> I also tried with '-modules location' configure option before make but
> it did not improve the situation, what could be wrong or where would the
> hints be hidden?
> btw, where are the logs, I want to examine them by ssh.
> Thanks in advance.
> - -- husku

The following modules are compiled in by default for the neo device:

-add-mediaengine cruxus
-add-module bluetooth
-add-module cell
-add-module connectivity
-add-module devtools
-add-module essentials
-add-module games
-add-module inputmethods
-add-module location
-add-module media
-add-module messaging
-add-module pim
-add-module pkgmanagement
-add-module telephony
-add-module ui

so this means that adding extra "-modules location" won't change anything,
it's in already.
But personally I haven't had any luck as well trying to get this to work.
Other people besides me are trying to build a better gps application.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: test QtEI

2009-04-21 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
You can activate almost all kind of logging, just go to settings->logging
and from the bottom menu there you can select "Categories" where you can
activate all kind of logging.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Fabio Locati  wrote:

> @Franky: is there a way to see what phone is doing? if yes, I can do
> it and send here the results... who does this sounds?
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> > Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> >
> >> I don't know, I don't have a SIM card with which to check the status (I
> >> have a subscription, not a credit-based card).
> >> But it was to show that the dialer does support the "*" and "#"
> characters.
> >> And I believe these are normal calls, they just get interpreted by the
> >> phone company that then returns a special crafted message with the
> >> requested info.
> >
> > Hi,
> > i am able to show my credit by calling *22#
> >
> > My image is this one [1], but i dont think that the image is different
> > from any other images. It's probably operator specific or some other
> > factor is involved. It is possible to enable modem commands logging and
> > this could be used to debug the problem.
> >
> > Radek
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Fabio A Locati
> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> Phone: +39-328-3799681
> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> Sent from Rome, RM, Italy
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

[QtExtended] call for help

2009-04-20 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Ok, it seems my knowledge of qtextended has reached its limits. I'm
giving up on trying to fix issues that are definitely qtopia-core 
related. So, if anybody has the skills to help fix issue feel free to
jump in. I've spend too much time on these kind of things and since
even Trolltech didn't bother fixing it, why should I? I'm just one guy
that happened to put some stuff together, not a company with a bunch of
developers behind it.
The same goes for bluetooth.
So: every qtopia/qt/qtextended developer in this list, please jump in.
If no response is received, I might as well consider that
qtextended-on-freerunner is not wanted/needed anymore ... 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: test QtEI

2009-04-20 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
I don't know, I don't have a SIM card with which to check the status (I have
a subscription, not a credit-based card).
But it was to show that the dialer does support the "*" and "#" characters.
And I believe these are normal calls, they just get interpreted by the phone
company that then returns a special crafted message with the requested info.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Fabio Locati  wrote:

> @Franky: the numbers that Wind give me are not in the page you
> linked... Is this meaning that is "normal" that they do not work?
> btw: these calls are normal calls or are data calls or something else?
> Thank you for your time and your attention :)
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Franky Van Liedekerke
>  wrote:
> > Yes it does, I tried eg. the code for "call divert" status and it works
> just
> > fine.
> > All the ones mentioned at
> > should work just
> > fine (well, maybe not all functionality is implemented, but it should
> work).
> > Maybe try the 2.6.28 version I provide (it is of course based upon code
> from
> > Karadog).
> >
> > Franky
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 4:31 AM, Tuan TRINH 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> As far as I know, qt-extended currently does not support " * ", " # "
> >> chars in dial string.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Fabio Locati 
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I'm using:
> >>> Qt-Extended: 4.4.3 build by liho...@dashi-x02 on Apr 3 2009
> >>> Kernel: 2.6.24 compiled by bu...@barbie
> >>>
> >>> Thankyou for your fast answer :)
> >>>
> >>> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Joseph Reeves 
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > What OS are you using? These codes work fine for me (OM2009 &
> Vodafone
> >>> > UK SIM).
> >>> >
> >>> > Cheers, Joseph
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> > 2009/4/18 Fabio Locati :
> >>> >> My Phone operator (Wind Italy) have some numbers (ie: *123#,*123*3#)
> >>> >> to check various things (credit, sms left and so on).
> >>> >> After you make a call, should appear a sort of advice with the data
> >>> >> you requested. This advice appears afetr I make a call (in this
> case,
> >>> >> Wind update me about my credit), but does not appear if I call the
> >>> >> specific numbers.
> >>> >> How can I debug it to make a better report?
> >>> >> --
> >>> >> Fabio A Locati
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> >>> >> Phone: +39-328-3799681
> >>> >> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> >>> >>
> >>> >> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> >>> >>
> >>> >> ___
> >>> >> Openmoko community mailing list
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> > ___
> >>> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Fabio A Locati
> >>>
> >>> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> >>> Phone: +39-328-3799681
> >>> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> >>>
> >>> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> >>>
> >>> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> >>> Sent from Milan, MI, Italy
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Openmoko community mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Openmoko community mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Fabio A Locati
> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
> Phone: +39-328-3799681
> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] made it better !

2009-04-20 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Sound Freedom

> Hi,
> I'm thinking about how to contribute for this project.
> Some stuff which interesting me are a theming project (changing some or all
> aspects of QTEi) and Internationalization (for French). I'm just reading the
> documentation of QtExtended for the moment. But i need some answers.
> - Must have I to build QTEi every time I want to test anything or there is
> an emulation platform ?
> - How be staying with your latest changes without loosing mine ?
> - How can I send to you my work ?
> I don't know how works git and I don't want to do some bullshits.
> thanks

normally the git from Karadog or Radek  are the places to submit your
Mainly is used (although lots
of fixes have been made to make it work for 2.6.28 kernels and other
bugfixes ...)
I'll try to get Radek to make me a split for his 2.6.28 based version on
github, and then I'll put all the code online.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: test QtEI

2009-04-20 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
Yes it does, I tried eg. the code for "call divert" status and it works just
All the ones mentioned at should work just
fine (well, maybe not all functionality is implemented, but it should work).
Maybe try the 2.6.28 version I provide (it is of course based upon code from


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 4:31 AM, Tuan TRINH  wrote:

> Hi,As far as I know, qt-extended currently does not support " * ", " # "
> chars in dial string.
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Fabio Locati wrote:
>> I'm using:
>> Qt-Extended: 4.4.3 build by liho...@dashi-x02 on Apr 3 2009
>> Kernel: 2.6.24 compiled by bu...@barbie
>> Thankyou for your fast answer :)
>> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Joseph Reeves 
>> wrote:
>> > What OS are you using? These codes work fine for me (OM2009 & Vodafone
>> UK SIM).
>> >
>> > Cheers, Joseph
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 2009/4/18 Fabio Locati :
>> >> My Phone operator (Wind Italy) have some numbers (ie: *123#,*123*3#)
>> >> to check various things (credit, sms left and so on).
>> >> After you make a call, should appear a sort of advice with the data
>> >> you requested. This advice appears afetr I make a call (in this case,
>> >> Wind update me about my credit), but does not appear if I call the
>> >> specific numbers.
>> >> How can I debug it to make a better report?
>> >> --
>> >> Fabio A Locati
>> >>
>> >> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
>> >> Phone: +39-328-3799681
>> >> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
>> >>
>> >> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
>> >>
>> >> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> Openmoko community mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Openmoko community mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Fabio A Locati
>> Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
>> Phone: +39-328-3799681
>> MSN/Jabber/E-Mail:
>> PGP Key: 9EF6 3C79 F6DF 76CD 770A 43A1 DCCB 415C 9656 3334
>> Envolved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
>> Sent from Milan, MI, Italy
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7

2009-04-17 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Sascha Gering  wrote:

> Hi Filip,
> Here is my output:
> > r...@muhko:~# cat /proc/cmdline
> > loglevel=4 console=tty0 console=ttySAC2,115200 init=/sbin/init ro
> mtdparts=physmap-flash:-(nor);neo1973-nand:0x0004(qi),0x0004(depr-ub-env),0x0080(kernel),0x000a(depr),0x0004(identity-ext2),0x0f6a(rootfs)
>  g_ether.host_addr=00:1F:11:01:6D:2E g_ether.dev_addr=00:1F:11:01:6D:2E
>  rootfstype=jffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock6
> > r...@muhko:~# cat /boot/append-GTA02
> > rw rootdelay=5 loglevel=1 quiet
> Hmm, why is there a "loglevel=4" in my cmdline, but "loglevel=1" in my
> append file?
> Sascha
> Filip Onkelinx schrieb:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I know boot speed and resume speed is influenced by kernel boot
> > parameters: the more kernel/debug messages displayed (on rather slow
> > framebuffer), the slower the device will boot/resume. Might want to
> > compare boot params (cat /proc/cmdline , look for loglevel= and console=
> )
> >
> > F.

The FSO boots very quickly (without qte), what I've found is that it takes a
long time to launch qtextended. It seems to launch once, abort and then
launch again.
In the AtChat log output, I see that it tries different times to send a
Ctrl-Z command to the modem, and only succeeds on the third time, which
might explain the slow boot as well.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] how to import contacts

2009-04-17 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Petr Vanek  wrote:

> >> Hi all,
> >> I'm running qtextended improved as explained by Franky in the post
> >> "[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7"; I need to import
> >> my contacts (from vcf formats) in order to use it as a daily phone
> >> and to make some test. I'm trying to use the addressbook  command as
> i have prepared all my contacts into one large vcf file, then i sent it
> over to qte via bluetooth. worked like a charm.

yeah, but bluetooth only works at startup, not after suspend (for me anyway

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7

2009-04-17 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Sascha Gering  wrote:

> Petr Vanek schrieb:
> >> A new version is available that fixes the issue with incoming
> >> phonenumbers being parsed wrong (was a typo of me):
> >> .
> >>
> >> The new list with bugs is now at:
> >>
> Hi Franky, Hi List,
> first of all, thanks for this great release, i killed my "native"
> QTExtended for your version and doesnt regret it. Phoning works, SMS
> send/recieve works, Alarm works (important for me :)), its daily-usable
> for me.
> But there are some questions i need to ask.
> The only working kernel for me is the FSO
> "uImage-2.6.28-oe1+gitr34240a1c06ae36180dee695aa25bbae869b2aa26-r3-om-gta02.bin"
> kernel, any other kernel/modules combination gives me a blinking cursor
> in the upper left on black screen after boot.

I use this:
# Get fso-console-image from:

Does this kernel not work for you then? Remember that after flashing, you
need to reboot *twice* ...

But with this kernel i have a resume time from about 4secs, is this
> normal, or can i tweak it somehow?

I have that as well, maybe just 3 secs, but anyway :-)

Is it possible that you can provide us with patches for small changes
> like the "bin-only" ones? I hope i dont have to download ~30mb and copy
> them every time.

sorry, but for now, I try to bring out what I've got sofar, sometimes I
don't know which binaries changed, so this is easier for me. I always use my
own install script even :-)  Once everything is more "stable", this will
change of course.

Again, thanks for your great work.
> Sascha

glad you like it.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7

2009-04-16 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 20:45:39 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> (install instructions and script updated on 2090416: see below)
> Install instructions:
> =
> download the script
> , read the
> comments at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko
> (after having flashed the device and made sure internet works).
> For those who just want to replace their existing QtE: just download
> the QtE compressed file and replace your existing QtE with it:
> Enjoy!
> Franky

A new version is available that fixes the issue with incoming
phonenumbers being parsed wrong (was a typo of me): .

The new list with bugs is now at:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7

2009-04-16 Thread Franky Van Liedekerke
On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 13:53:36 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke  wrote:

> Although I found something weird: incoming calls say this:
> Name: unknown
> Number: Contact-name/m
> But when I call that number from the incoming-call list, that of
> course didn't work (it said: Dialing 'A', and that number doesn't
> exist). So the parsing of the incoming number is wrong ... probably
> something I changed yesterday evening ...

Ok, found it, new build has been made that fixes this. I will
also include a new wav file for alarms in my install script.


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