Re: Application idea: Bicycle computer

2007-12-02 Thread Giles Jones

On 2 Dec 2007, at 14:41, Christian Surlykke wrote:


I'm interested in using the neo1973 as a bicycle-computer, utilizing  
it's gps abilities.

Any comments/insights would be appreciated..

I have a Garmin Forerunner and the battery life is 10 hours. I'm not  
sure the Neo could last that long?

The software is possible, but I'm not sure anyone needs the screen on?  
it's better to download the stats after a run, not keep looking at the  
screen and risk an accident or just getting distracted. They say you  
should look far ahead and not at your front wheel, that way you don't  
get so tired :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo1973/OpenMoko as a laptop replacement

2007-11-19 Thread Giles Jones
AVee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
> Your not the only one. The Nokia N810 has 2 advantages compare to the NEO, it
> has a keyboard and a slightly bigger display. However, it does force me to 
> carry two devices, which is a major disadvantage. 
> Maybe one day there will be a NEO like device with a proper foldable display.
> Or perhaps a build in beamer of some sort. Then add the laser projection 
> keyboard thinkgeek sells and find all hope of a decent battery live is 
> gone ;-)
> AVee

Anyone after a laptop replacement should consider the Asus eeePc. It's Linux 
based, cheap (£220 UKP) small and fairly rugged.

It's a good unit for testing out mobile Linux ideas on since it has a smallish 
screen (7inch 800x480) and limited storage. It also has only flash storage and 
so it's close to being a mobile phone in effect.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo1973/OpenMoko as a laptop replacement

2007-11-15 Thread Giles Jones

On 15 Nov 2007, at 22:32, Steven ** wrote:

But the GTA02 is 400 MHz.

I've got a 650 MHz laptop at home that runs Windows XP just fine.
That's over 7 years old.  I think the 400 MHz processor could handle a
lot of the simple apps I'd want while on the move.  I plan to use the
GTA02 much as Erland describes (minus the lens).


But you're falling for the megahertz myth. The clock speed comparison  
doesn't work across different processor families.

The ARM core is a RISC design that originated in the Acorn Archimedes  
computer in the mid 80s. But there are many different core designs  
each with different MHz requirements.

It was the XScale which brought in the high clock speeds, but they  
were slower than the previous Intel ARM chips that were half the clock  

Anyway, so long as you're running Linux and complex apps designed for  
the desktop then you may not achieve the speed of a laptop.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko phone comparisons

2007-11-11 Thread Giles Jones

On 11 Nov 2007, at 17:33, Peter Naulls wrote:

For price comparison, the UTC is about $350 and Neo is $450.

HTC Universal?

If you want one of these get one, but OpenMoko is far from being as  
reliable and complete as the Windows Mobile OS on it.

It's a rather large phone, not exactly a fast device (it's a few years  
out of date now) and the final Neo device will be faster in numerous  

Perhaps a Nokia N800 or N810 is what you need at this time?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Is Google developing a phone after all?

2007-11-09 Thread Giles Jones

> 1) I think Google IS developing their own phone after all
> 2) I think that phone will be based on the Qualcomm MSM7K
> 3) I think Android will be using Kastor as a rendering engine
> 4) If so, Android will look a lot like the Kastor demos on tat's
> website. (e.g.

It's probably a reference platform and one for developers. A bare minimum 

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Innovative user interface idea

2007-10-20 Thread Giles Jones

On 20 Oct 2007, at 18:41, Ron Jeffries wrote:

We all love to hate Microsoft, but they have
a good idea with the soon to arrive
Windows Mobile 6.1 completely
revised user interface. 

We need to focus on usability if OpenMoko
is to become more than just a geek/nerd plaything.

Quite frankly, that carousel interface looks awful. WM smartphone has  
a good interface, it just needed animations and some polish.

The touchscreen version of WM is what needs the work and that  
carousel would be an awful interface for a touch screen.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: application idea -- anti theft system

2007-10-12 Thread Giles Jones

On 13 Oct 2007, at 00:09, Derek Pressnall wrote:

I have an idea for a simple alarm application.  The idea is that if
you leave your phone sitting at your desk plugged in charging, then
you can activate an app that will play an alrarm sound as soon as the
devices is unplugged (with a popup keypad to enter a disarm code).

A variant would use the gps to determine if the phone has moved more
than a few feet from where you left it.

All these ideas and more are on the wiki. You're not alone in  
thinking of the posibilities.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Some ideas for the accelerometer

2007-10-12 Thread Giles Jones
Dietz Proepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

>  Wouldn't it be more 
> comfortable to simply knock at the pocket (and therefore the phone), 
> detect the acceleration of the shock and shut off the bell? 

I'm sure such an idea is on the wiki already, if not add it.

I like the accelerometer, so many possibilities. 

I want to nudge the phone to wake it up. Would need to be configurable since 
you won't want it waking up when it's in your pocket.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: No Camera???

2007-10-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Oct 2007, at 21:05, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wow, you mean you've never seen anyone using the camera on their  
phone before? The little blighters are everywhere I seem to go.

Usually at concerts, idiots watching the whole concert through a 2.5  
inch screen instead of watching the band.

When I see people in clubs and pubs they have compacts, the reason  
being you need a proper flash or an SLR to get a good picture in low  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: No Camera???

2007-10-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Oct 2007, at 20:50, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So there's no way a tiny sensor in a phone is
ever going to be useful for much more than drunken shots in a pub/ 

I agree, and I'm sure that's what most phone cameras are used for.  
But people want to be able to take awful quality photos of their  
mates & family doing stupid things, spur of the moment.

Everyone I see taking such shots are using a compact camera.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: No Camera???

2007-10-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Oct 2007, at 20:21, Dylan McCall wrote:

Think of it in terms of modularity. You do not have to carry and  
think about a camera which will quickly become obsolete (or is  
already obsolete) compared to superior cameras that are available.  
Phone cameras are almost uniformly terrible, because they are  
tacked on as extra features with really no impact on the usability  
of the phone.

They also take up a lot of room and unless you go for a premium model  
with decent optics then they're just a gimmic.

SLR photography is a hobby and even an APS-C sensor is seen as just  
good enough. Canon and now Nikon both have 35mm sensors on some of  
their camera models. So there's no way a tiny sensor in a phone is  
ever going to be useful for much more than drunken shots in a pub/bar.

You can get tiny VGA cameras that fit on your keychain if you  
desperately need a camera.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: No Camera???

2007-10-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Oct 2007, at 19:39, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The neo will not penetrate the consumer market without a camera.  
Not a chance. So, intentional or otherwise, the neo is going to be  
a geek's toy and nothing more. What a shame.

It won't anyway, it's always going to be a power users toy. It's not  
a "branded" device and many people buy on contract.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: No Camera???

2007-10-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Oct 2007, at 18:16, Tilman Baumann wrote:

You could be right.
_But_ the Neo is in no way a phone for the average. This marked is  
well served with the usual suspects.

iPhone has a camera and yet it still gets slagged off. Having a  
camera doesn't make the difference between a good phone and a poor one.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: No Camera???

2007-10-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Oct 2007, at 18:06, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I've been following OpenMoko for nearly a year now and the thought  
has only just struck me - There's no camera!

Even the GTA02 seems to be missing a camera. Surely if this is  
intended to be aimed at consumers a camera is a must?

If you look on Nokia's website they have 35 phones listed. Filter  
that by "with camera" and you get 30. Consumers want cameras and no  
consumer is going to buy a phone without one??

When the Neo is finally launched as a consumer product (say early  
2009) it's not going to matter how open it is or how many 3rd party  
apps there are - People will not buy a phone without a camera. I  
think the whole project is in real danger of being a very big,  
expensive flop.

Please, someone put my mind at rest! :-)

Search the archives, this discussion has taken place many many times.

Needless to say there won't be a camera as standard since the case  
tooling can't be altered at this stage.

If every design change requested were to be incorporated then the Neo  
would be the since of a laptop and would be ready in 10 years time.

A survey on The Register (UK site) had camera at the lowest required  
feature with about 25% of people saying they need one and 25% saying  
the couldn't care less.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: AW: Apple's heavy hand an opportunity for Linux smartphones like OpenMoko

2007-10-03 Thread Giles Jones

On 1 Oct 2007, at 15:52, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:

which type of drugs do you use to loose reality and fairness?

People have different views on the world (even without drugs). And  
different goals for their life (e.g. Earn lots of $$$ vs. Freedom  
for Everything). Therefore, their conclusions what is correct and  
the "right" thing is different.

It does not help the OpenMoko project in ANY WAY to insult Steve  
Jobs personally. What helps is to be a different (and better)  
product than e.g. the iPhone and others.

Nikolaus Schaller

Indeed, if you were on the money Steve is, had the lifestyle he does  
then you'd do all to protect it.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: UI responsiveness, Hope its not like new Blackberry

2007-10-03 Thread Giles Jones

On 3 Oct 2007, at 20:17, Michael wrote:

Recently tried out the new Blackberry 8300, that a customer had  
purchased, and I almost wanted to throw it in the bin, but of  
course it was not mine. When you roll the ball there is about a  
quarter second delay before the indicator moves to the next icon,  
which means it hard to move to an icon quickly like in Marble  
Madness. Now I don't know if it is just me, but I just could not  
get used to that. Maybe it is because I am used to playing video  
games but if a Spectrum could do it at 3.5MHz then I dont see why  
an 8300 cant do it at 312MHz.
So, I was just hoping that the OpenMoko UI will at least have an  
instant response, even if this means you have to put up an egg  
timer to say that the system is busy and cannot respond straight away.


Qtopia on the Neo1973 seems very responsive. OpenMoko less so, but  
I'm sure it will improve.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple's heavy hand an opportunity for Linux smartphones likeOpenMoko

2007-09-28 Thread Giles Jones

On 29 Sep 2007, at 01:47, Pius A. Uzamere II wrote:

  Once you put a crappy form factor into the market, however,  
you're typically finished in the long term.  Remember, your  
competitors can iterate their software faster than you can iterate  
your form factor once units are put into production.

The iPhone is a big phone, bigger isn't always better. Yes it's good  
to be big when using fingers, but we have to do the best we can.  
OpenMoko isn't just the Neo either, there are bigger screened phones  

The big competitive advantage is innovation and freedom, we can add  
features that would be deemed too costly to write. No hardware needs  
to become obselete just to keep hardware revenues coming.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple's heavy hand an opportunity for Linux smartphones likeOpenMoko

2007-09-28 Thread Giles Jones

On 29 Sep 2007, at 00:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Very true, BUT... and this is a big but

FIC or some other smart manufacturer has to clone the iPhone's form  

details and performance points.

I have lived with my iPhone now for a few weeks and I simply LOVE  
it.  I
bought TWO more for my wife and daughter.  Yes, the software IS a  
big part

of it, but the hardware design is NOT to be discounted here.

What design? it's square, no keyboard and one button on front. Plenty  
of phones around with such simplicity.

The software and interface design are what counts, many phones have a  
simple design with minimal buttons but run a desktop style interface  
(eg. Windows Mobile). This doesn't work.

You need to forget pretty much everything you know about desktop  
computers before you tackle a UI design for a handheld device.

This is why Tablet PC didn't take off, why UMPC's are very niche. If  
an OS is designed for WIMP, you need the keyboard and mouse.

The iPhone is very ordinary hardware (even the screen res is bettered  
by the Neo) wrapped up in a nice casing with some well thought out  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple's heavy hand an opportunity for Linux smartphones like OpenMoko

2007-09-28 Thread Giles Jones

On 28 Sep 2007, at 23:39, Mike wrote:

Yea, and then they'll just open it up.  Problem solved.  Flick of a  
switch, a firmware upgrade at most.

Depends how big the negative reaction is. Apple rather wishes they  
didn't have to let people write software for the Mac. They would  
sooner write everything and not have badly written software crashing  
on their OS.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple's heavy hand an opportunity for Linux smartphones like OpenMoko

2007-09-28 Thread Giles Jones

On 28 Sep 2007, at 22:03, Jeremy G wrote:

While we're on the topic, check out the recent Gizmodo iPhone re- 

There's some serious dis-satisfaction brewing among the iPhone geek  


That's the problem, Apple doesn't want anyone to play around with  
their product. They're really moving towards the console market where  
the manufacturer thinks they own your product even though you paid  
them for it.

It will backfire, Apple will wonder why they are losing sales and  
that pot of cash they were filling will soon run out.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple's heavy hand an opportunity for Linux smartphones like OpenMoko

2007-09-28 Thread Giles Jones

On 28 Sep 2007, at 14:12, Ian Darwin wrote:

BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple iPhone warning proves true

With 40% of phone call money going to Apple then can you blame them?  
it will ruin their business model.

Not that it's an expensive phone to make anyway.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: 4 GB SD flash card does not work

2007-09-27 Thread Giles Jones
Ole Tange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> It does not show up in /dev.

Sounds like kernel/driver or hardware issues.

Probably best to log a bug in the bugzilla and supply your dmesg output.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: interface design suggestions

2007-09-23 Thread Giles Jones

On 23 Sep 2007, at 23:06, Dani Anon wrote:

I find exactly the same flaws I'm talking about in what you call  
the new
interface. Maybe we are not looking to the same thing? Could you  
an screenshot of the new interface or tell me how my suggestions  

relevant anymore?

And the header thing is obviously something I didn't do along the
missing things I mentioned but I forgot to mention that particular
detail. As I said, it's work in progress, but I wanted to discuss this
beforehand cause I don't have much time for something that isn't going
to be used.


See the bottom screenshot on this page:

You might try and get a Linux box and QEMU so you can run the  
software to have play.

Personally I think the graphic design isn't important, people will  
easily fix any issues as it's easy to create icons and good looking  

The hardest thing to fix and get right is the way the interface works  
and behaves.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: interface design suggestions

2007-09-23 Thread Giles Jones

On 23 Sep 2007, at 22:17, Dani Anon wrote:


I was thinking on getting an openmoko when it's done and probably
developing a couple of apps but before that I think there is a big
problem with the current graphic design so I thought I'd contribute a
mockup and some thoughts.

I think you should look at the latest version of the interface, the  
interface you have altered isn't present in the new release now.

Also, I think the colour scheme you have chosen isn't any better. Too  
many colours and making the dropdowns appear the same as the headings  
(instead of having them in 3d relief) is confusing, when something is  
clickable it should appear different to something that is not.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Help Request for our Webshop

2007-09-23 Thread Giles Jones

On 23 Sep 2007, at 16:20, Vincent wrote:

I didn't, but it is an option I presume.

Things like the amount of security auditing, speed of notification of  
risks and fix times are important. Most web applications are open  
source by the very nature that they are usually written in scripting  

No, but having him repay the damages isn't what I'd find comforting  
either. And anyway, as Ian said: most third parties will have a  
disclaimer and open source projects are mostly delivered "as is,  
without warranty of any kind", so you won't have someone to sue  
anyway. Mistakes happen.

What I think will be difficult is writing a new site engine without  
repeating all the security issues identified over the years in other  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Help Request for our Webshop

2007-09-23 Thread Giles Jones

On 23 Sep 2007, at 15:35, Vincent wrote:

And surely, you mean "someone to hold responsible" instead of  
"someone to sue"? Especially if we're talking about an open source  

Who says you should use open source? It's great when it comes to  
doing free development and community stuff. But when it comes to  
making money you have to look for the safest, cheapest and highest  
performing product.

If you get defrauded of thousands then a simple "I'm sorry" from an  
open source developer isn't enough.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Help Request for our Webshop

2007-09-23 Thread Giles Jones

On 23 Sep 2007, at 15:02, Vincent wrote:

I guess that is the reason why Sean asked for something new
preferably without PHP.
In PHP it is much easier to mix everything than to use a clear MVC
concept (although
someone could argue that a single PHP script contains all M=MySQL,

If you make use of a PHP framework then it is perfectly possible to  
use a clear MVC concept.

Let's hope they find a solution that is better and does not draw too
much from the
development budget and time they have. Developing something new from
scratch would
IMHO also be a waste of resources and does not guarantee that it is
finished within
a reasonable timeframe (e.g. October where we all await new devices
to ship :-).

My comments are they it's better to use an commerce engine that gets  
regular security testing and patches. If you roll your own then you  
need to be proactive in monitoring the system for intrusion attempts.

Decent security testing and auditing costs money. If you use an  
existing engine and you get hacked then you have someone to sue if  
they were incompetent.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Help Request for our Webshop

2007-09-22 Thread Giles Jones

On 22 Sep 2007, at 23:37, Ted Lemon wrote:

On Sep 22, 2007, at 1:22 PM, Ian Stirling wrote:

Paypal means that you never see the CC info at all.

This is called throwing the baby out with the bathwater...

Indeed, you don't want to have to deal with PayPal and Ebay if you  
can help it. Even if you suspect you are about to be ripped off, you  
still have to complete the sale or else they get shirty.

There's no way I'm going to post an item to a unconfirmed address  
with a CC name that doesn't match the buyer, but I got warned about  
not completing the sale.

Best not to build a business around PayPal/Ebay without knowing the  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: [-SPAM-] Re: application idea

2007-09-19 Thread Giles Jones
David Pottage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> But is the data freely available, or is it constrained by copyright or the
> like.
> In the UK, postcode (zipcode) data is restricted by copyright, and the
> post office makes money selling licenses to users. Even if we could get
> the data, we could not freely distribute it.

I'm not particularly bothered about free solutions to making sat nav work on 
the Neo. If someone can make the Tomtom map data and postcode file work on the 
Neo it would be good. It's not that expensive to get a licence for these day.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Giles Jones

On 18 Sep 2007, at 21:39, Lorn Potter wrote:

That greenphone guy was me. and if you read that actual post, I  
made no 'slagging' remarks about OpenMoko or their project. Some of  
my friends and colleagues, whom are very great engineers work for  
OpenMoko. The point I was making about that post is that the Neo  
was not the first open phone...

It just seems odd that you were suggesting OpenMoko wasn't that open,  
yet Qtopia was? yet it's all happy families now?

I don't mind, it's just a very surprising move and IMHO a very  
welcome one. The mobile market is a hard one to succeed in, almost as  
bad as the games console market.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Giles Jones
Michael Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Hi, great news, but what does this mean?
> We need a posting of the projekt management, will Neo s Menue switch to QT?
> This means a GTK application will not work?
> Or: Any QT-Applicaiton will work now automatically?

Quite simply if you have an X server running and you launch an app using QT it 
will read the libraries and launch. Same with a GTK app.

Of course there may not be room in the ROM for both, but it's possible to 
install the libraries on a memory card and use a symbolic link or entry in the 
library path so they can be found.

Typically the argument for QT is ease of programming, there's a good IDE called 
KDevelop. GTK's argument typically is that it's GPL and faster.

OpenMoko should stick to what it is doing already.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia coming for Neo1973

2007-09-18 Thread Giles Jones
Mauro Iazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> before someone beats me to it.

Ironic given one of their Greenphone guys was slagging the OpenMoko project a 
while back.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: 3 requests/questions for Openmoko: DVB-T / Buddylist / Batman-Mesh

2007-09-16 Thread Giles Jones

On 16 Sep 2007, at 22:58, Michael Schmidt wrote:

you missunderstood me, this is exactly my point, use DVB-T and not  
There is the Gsmart T600 phone in my first mail linked, which has  

It works, It works only not, i if you drive in a car with fast speed.
Only DVB-T allows an anonymous usage. DVB-.H has a and is
tracking users.
As well DVB-T2 Standard for high density Television is on its way...
so just DVB-T is needs for a start..

DVB-T barely works with a proper aerial, never mind with a headphone  

Right.. but this is the approach to a modern IPhone: Phone, mp3,
5MP-Photo, and Television. Data flatrates offer Instant Messaging, and
for Afrika we get a Mesh network, which could be B.a.t.m.a.n... so we
need three subteams to do some research in these fields.. as I see,
that even the DVB-T Request has not been understood.. all users want
free TV and watch PPLive sports and not encrypted TV... with DVB-T
this phone would be ahead  of all... Why paying, if all the country
has terrestrial TV for Free?

So the request is indeed to make right from the beginning the display
a little bit wider to the ends and not rounded ends, but cutted edges
at the phone, so that a bigger display is possible...

Most phones try to have as many features available in the processor  
itself and then with minimal external components. Cuts down power  
usage and board space, bigger board means smaller battery or larger  
case. People are so against brick phones and bulk.

It is best to stick to mobile chipsets, they are smaller and designed  
for low power situations. Not to mention as soon as you add TV you  
create a market specific handset, there are countries where this  
feature won't work. It's hard enough getting the phone connectivity  
to work in every market in the world.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: 3 requests/questions for Openmoko: DVB-T / Buddylist / Batman-Mesh

2007-09-16 Thread Giles Jones

On 16 Sep 2007, at 22:16, Michael Schmidt wrote:

DVB-T does not need any licence agreement, it is just terrestrial
recieving on a phone.
Therefore the display should be bigger... So this requires not a media
player, but as well some hardware adjusting, a DVB-T Reciever chip and
a bigger display.

It's DVB-H not DVB-T on a handheld. We've yet to see how each country  
handles the system. DVB-T has conditional access for some channels in  
the UK. Not sure about DVB-H.

There are higher priorities at this time. It needs hardware adding to  
the phone which joins a large list of other things people are asking  

Some people want media, some want messaging, others want compactness,  
others wants gaming, others want GPS etc... To add all results in a  
swiss army knife type phone, bulky.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: 3 requests/questions for Openmoko: DVB-T / Buddylist / Batman-Mesh

2007-09-16 Thread Giles Jones

On 16 Sep 2007, at 19:51, Flemming Richter Mikkelsen wrote:

To focus on tv support before movie playback support would be strange.
Right now it is important to get the software fast and stable, and add
basic support for sms, phone calls, etc.

This is only my opinion.

Indeed and I've had a phone with TV and it was totally rubbish. It's  
hard enough getting a decent phone signal on the move sometimes never  
mind TV?

You also run into issues of licencing, the TV phone I used required a  
licence fee each month, there's no way they would allow such a thing  
to be open source compatible as people would be able to hack it.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Plea to developers: Make data for all applications available to scripting languages

2007-09-16 Thread Giles Jones

On 16 Sep 2007, at 10:04, Jim McDonald wrote:

Only if the database supports concurrent access by multiple  
processes, which most don't.  You'd be better off supporting a  
single standard API to obtain the obvious data such as contacts/ 
calendar/todos (EDS being the one that I believe that the  
developers have settled on).

Which leads to a question: is there some way to extend the  
information held for each EDS entity so that calendar entries  
contacts and the like can have additional (arbitrary) fields?

Some databases have a locking mechanism, you can lock the table while  
you update it, the other process would get queued.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Plea to developers: Make data for all applications available to scripting languages

2007-09-15 Thread Giles Jones

On 15 Sep 2007, at 22:53, J F wrote:

What I would like to see is ALL programs having a way of getting at  
data from a scripting language. I don't know if it makes sense to  
have some
guidelines for developers to make it easier for this information to  
be got

at. This would be for someone more competent than me to suggest.

Quite simply, if long term storage utilises and embedded database  
then so long as the scripting language can access it then it will be  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: iPhone SIMlock broken :)

2007-09-15 Thread Giles Jones

On 15 Sep 2007, at 19:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is a great deal to learn from the iPhone, both in the things  
Apple has done right, and the things they have missed or done  
wrong.  I would encourage all OpenMoko developers who have the  
means, to get their hands on one and play with it.

As indicated below, this email was sent from my unlocked iPhone  
operating on T-Mobile's US GSM network.

Sent from my iPhone

Ie. Get the basics right and working solidly. As much effort as  
possible needs to be put into getting the phone and SMS functionality  
working, otherwise this phone is inferior to even a low end motorola.

I think this is what everyone wishes for right now?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: application idea

2007-09-12 Thread Giles Jones

On 12 Sep 2007, at 20:30, Jeff Andros wrote:

Last night, while I was looking at the monsoon blowing just outside  
the heat-island... in my open-top jeep... I had an application  
idea: GPS based weather feeds.

on a schedule/when you move into a new area, the phone will go out  
to a server and retrieve the weather information for the area  
you're in.

being able to glance at the today screen and see up-to-date weather  
data would be nice

What you suggest are what people call Location Based Services and  
there's plenty of ideas for such things.

Find local services, taxi, food, hotel.

Warn of weather.

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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: p2p/mesh cellphone network

2007-09-11 Thread Giles Jones

On 11 Sep 2007, at 22:23, Shawn Rutledge wrote:

On 9/11/07, Robin Paulson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

didn't we discuss this a few weeks ago?

I'm wondering what they had to do to the radio to make it possible, or
if it is at all with GSM.  Sounds like maybe they used something

Of course this phone could do it with WiFi or Bluetooth, purely in  

It could, but as discussed previously, there's all sorts of  
drawbacks. Drop outs, power usage etc..

With custom technology you can improve on that. It's not a technology  
that can be depended on like cell networks as it relies on a chain of  
people being between you and the destination.

Some technology info here: 

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: p2p/mesh cellphone network

2007-09-11 Thread Giles Jones

On 11 Sep 2007, at 21:33, Robin Paulson wrote:

didn't we discuss this a few weeks ago?

few details on how it works, the protocols underneath and so on, but
ericsson has put money into it

maybe it can be built into a later OM phone...

Given it's new technology I doubt it for a long while. I'm pretty  
sure the hardware won't be made available for open source people to use.

As predicted on here, the range is poor at 1km range.

It's not a solution for reliable dependable communications yet.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Advanced dev kit

2007-09-11 Thread Giles Jones

On 11 Sep 2007, at 21:01, poncenby wrote:

I've ordered the Neo Advanced GTA-01, which has not been delivered  
yet, and was wondering whether the development hardware/software  
which comes in this kit will be compatible/usable for development  
on the GTA-02 phone?

I don't suppose there is a way of tracking shipments or a contact  
for trying to track down where my GTA-01 is?

Many thanks

Even Palm hardware can be used for development. Openmoko isn't just  
for the Neo hardware.

While I'm sure many will get the second release of hardware, I'm sure  
many will still use the GTA-01 for development, possibly carrying the  
GTA-02 for proper use.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: The problem with touch screens

2007-09-11 Thread Giles Jones

In the wii GUI the controller will vibrate briefly when the cursor  
moves into a clickable area, so the user knows they can now click  
the button.  With a touchscreen though, when the user taps in the  
clickable area, the click has already happened.  There's no need to  
alert the user that they are in a clickable area.  It might be good  
to alert the user that there was a click though.  As you say, it  
should be something you can turn off.

Sound is better than vibration, you can use different tones. A  
vibration motor can't make much variation.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: The problem with touch screens

2007-09-11 Thread Giles Jones

On 11 Sep 2007, at 18:11, Alexey Feldgendler wrote:

I once tried a mouse with tactile feedback (built-in vibrator). I  
could actually feel the buttons I hovered the cursor over as being  
embossed; it felt like moving the mouse over a non-flat relief  
rather than simply vibration.

The Wii remote does it on the Wii menus, but it causes aches after a  
while so I turned it off.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: The problem with touch screens

2007-09-11 Thread Giles Jones

On 11 Sep 2007, at 17:27, Alexey Feldgendler wrote: 

The point of the article is that touch screens lack the tactile  
feedback that's inherent to physical buttons.

I wonder if it's possible to simulate some of that feedback using  
the vibrator built into Neo.

If the buttons are big enough and it beeps then it's not so bad.

I wouldn't want the vibrating action to cause someone to drop the phone.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: AT&T is cruising for a bruising

2007-09-10 Thread Giles Jones
Sander Van Grieken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Nah it should be more advanced than that.

True, but start with the basics. You have to build the logging into the GPRS 

> GPRS+roaming -> only check mail once a day, only download headers. no images
> download when browsing
> GPRS+no roaming -> check mail 4 times a day, download full mail but skip 
> attachments > 2MB
> Wifi+at home -> no limits
> public wifi -> use VPN/SSH tunneling
> wifi+in china -> use Tor
> etc

That can all be done via profiles. Have a profiles screen with Sound, Data and 
Radio options.

But you need to provide a global setting for things like Email, Web etc.. then 
allow the applications themselves to be able to read these settings and be 
notified when they change.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: AT&T is cruising for a bruising

2007-09-10 Thread Giles Jones
Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> This not because Apple or AT&T are evil. It's actually a bug (or call it a  
> design shortcoming) and could happen to anyone. 

I'd actually call it ignorance or lack of information from Apple. Apple like to 
make things simple even though the underlying technology is complex, this 
minimalistic approach often results in lack of feedback to the user.

OpenMoko should probably  
> include some system-wide network access management that avoids huge  
> roaming bills. 

Quite simply, build in a data counter that you can enter the cost of a data 
unit and have the phone show you your costs incurred. But also be able to deny 
access to all or specific applications.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple is going to beat all competitors

2007-09-09 Thread Giles Jones

On 9 Sep 2007, at 20:26, Georg Michelitsch wrote:

Well conlcluding after what I've seen here 
watch?v=5D6i6vLlhGA I would say that GPS is working ..

Nothing wrong with the hardware, there's just no open source GPS  
driver yet.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple is going to beat all competitors

2007-09-09 Thread Giles Jones

On 9 Sep 2007, at 20:03, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:

Am 09.09.2007 um 20:28 schrieb Dylan McCall:

The Neo is indeed behind the iPhone in almost every tech spec  
except one: Openness.

- replaceable standard battery - even compatible with Nokia batteries

It will work with one, but won't charge it.

- much higher screen resolution (pixels per square inch)

But smaller.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple is going to beat all competitors

2007-09-08 Thread Giles Jones

On 8 Sep 2007, at 17:55, Fabien wrote:

On 9/7/07, Nkoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can you remember of any free software product that became  
ergonomically mature before several years of ironing? Me neither,  
and Apple knows that as well.

That's because most open source projects just reuse existing software  
and write very little. Code reuse is good but sometimes you need to  
make major changes to a project to make it integrate nicely with your  
product. But this often doesn't happen as it makes updating to the  
latest version a lot of work.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Yet another keypad idea

2007-09-08 Thread Giles Jones

On 8 Sep 2007, at 14:47, OJW wrote:

On Saturday 08 September 2007 14:17, Giles Jones wrote:

I don't see how pressing three keys for one letter is faster than

As a contrived example, try typing ""; using  


For URLs you're best providing a custom method for entry yes.

For the web you can have a www button and a combo  
with .com,, .org and others which the user can predefine. You  
minimise typing that way and T9 does work for the domain name, you  
can hold a button to produce a list of symbols (Windows Mobile does  
this, it works quite well).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Yet another keypad idea

2007-09-08 Thread Giles Jones

On 8 Sep 2007, at 14:01, OJW wrote:

On Saturday 08 September 2007 13:44, Thomas Gstädtner wrote:
Interesting concept, but I can't see an advantage to the standard  

Maybe you can enlighten me? :)

Compared to the standard "444 for I,  for S"-type of keypad,  
it's ease of
learning/remembering the keystrokes (based on visual shapes of the  
rather than arbitrarily splitting-up the alphabet).  Maybe it's  
only me who

has difficulty remembering those without looking at the keypad.

Thing is there are 26 characters in the alphabet and 10 digits,  
that's a lot of shapes to remember.

The Graffiti (TM) input method used some special characters, but many  
of the shapes were the same.

I don't see how pressing three keys for one letter is faster than  

Adding it as an input option is fine, but make T9 the default as  
people know it, you don't want to add any obstacles to usability by  
not having familiar tried and tested input methods available.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Yet another keypad idea

2007-09-08 Thread Giles Jones

On 8 Sep 2007, at 13:30, OJW wrote:

Just playing with another idea for text-entry:

The idea is to be able to type mixed letters / numbers / symbols /
control-characters without having to look at the screen when  
typing.  It
takes a while to pick-up, but should be easy to use once you see  
how it


Only implemented as a javascript demo for now, but imagine it as  
(perhaps transparently overlaid on an application).  Only tested on  




I can see what you are trying to do, but can you provide any figures  
on text entry speed. The reason I ask it I believe there's no way  
that your method will be any faster than T9.

T9 persists for a good reason, it's fast and proven. Anything new has  
to be faster and easier to use. 

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Apple is going to beat all competitors

2007-09-07 Thread Giles Jones

On 7 Sep 2007, at 19:51, ian douglas wrote:

Andreas Utterberg wrote:

Better to get it out now with more bugs, then later with less bugs.

I disagree: having *any* noticeable bugs in a release product will  

a lot of criticism. Having "more bugs" just to get a release out the
door will generate a lot of bad press about the efforts put in by
everyone on the team, and will discourage a lot of people from trying
the Neo.

Depends on the bugs. Data corruption/loss must not be present, always  

Phone calls must always be possible, no call should ever be dropped  
due to a bug.

Text messages should not be sent due to a bug (again, failsafe), I've  
had this in a Windows Mobile phone where it repeatedly sent out the  
same message due to a bug.

Cosmetic and minor bugs can exist in the product. No severity 1  
(highest), 2, or 3 bugs.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Myth Busting FTW

2007-09-06 Thread Giles Jones

On 6 Sep 2007, at 18:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think there was demand, but if you look at how the number of  
posts on

this list has been downhill since a little after its release, I think
people might have changed their minds..

This is why I changed my mind - I have no interest in using this phone
until it has a reliable dialer.  Until then you cant really call it a
phone...  I just put mine on the shelf in its super cool looking  
proof case and maybe someday I will take it down and try to mess  
with it..

IMHO it takes a long time, too long to get the feel of the build  
system. Then you hit build problems and if you don't have much time  
to devote due to work commitments it is tough.

If the build and development was possible using a Gnome IDE it would  
save a lot of time.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: A guestion

2007-09-06 Thread Giles Jones
Andreas Utterberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Hello Community of OpenmokoDoes anybody know if the device in october is the 
> same device up for sale today? And will that device have the 
> same developer support as
> the 1973? So one can flash it and write apps to it?Thanx in advancebr Andutt

The next version has minor differences, improved graphics, wifi, one speaker 
instead of two, different GPS chip, less hardware bugs (hopefully).

It can be programmed and upgraded the same as the current version.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: 4 GB SD flash card does not work

2007-09-05 Thread Giles Jones

On 5 Sep 2007, at 22:27, Ole Tange wrote:

I just got a 4 GB SD flash card. It seems this does not work. It may
just be this model though.

SanDisk 4GB microSDHC 07190023400ZC

So if you try it out with a 4GB card, try to get another one.

In a SD adapter it works in a computer running Microsoft Windows.

It does not work in my 2 cameras and also not in a Linux machine that
is newer than the Windows machine.

I have a feeling it might just be a driver issue.


Does it show up at all or just doesn't mount? you may need to format  
as ext3 if it doesnt mount.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia 3362

2007-09-04 Thread Giles Jones
Joe Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Well...  not speaking for Giles, but the drivers I've seen for closed
> chipsets have generally involved a thin open-source wrapper around a
> closed binary driver.  Letting you write a real open-source driver
> while demanding NDA to see the specs you're writing the driver to
> seems odd on their part (but much better than the norm!).

It's odd and the only reason why I thought it was strange to go with this chip. 
I'm much happier now it's going to open source, seems like this is a good 
choice. It helps people maintain the driver if they have the code.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: gpsd and AGPS

2007-09-04 Thread Giles Jones
Mikko J Rauhala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Sigh. Broadcom acquired Global Locate. However, for whichever reasons,
> GTA02 will have a different GPS chip. On the IRC channel, I heard that
> the new chip/vendor is more co-operative with free software, at least.

That's good then. Sorry but not all of us have the time to spend on the IRC 

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia 3362

2007-09-04 Thread Giles Jones
Harald Welte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> So are you claiming the open source drivers that we are writing are not
> open source, merely by the fact that we are writing them?  Using this
> argument, the entire openmoko software stack would not be open source,
> because we are writing it.

I misunderstand the announcement over these drivers then. It wasn't clear that 
these would be released as source or if they would be a binary like the GSM and 

If you're writing these but referring to NDA documents and the drivers will be 
open source then there's no problem at all. 

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia 3362

2007-09-04 Thread Giles Jones
Harald Welte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Why do you think we have spent many weeks, if not months to meet with
> each and every graphics chip vendor?  We're not that stupid, eh.
> It was a very painful and long process to finally find one company that
> was not fundamentally opposed to free software drivers. one in the
> entire industry.

Not stupid, just wondering why an open phone shouldn't be totally open, even if 
that means keeping certain things simple?

Better optimising the 2D and having full control over the video hardware than 
having a 3D unit you can't "hack".

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: gpsd and AGPS

2007-09-04 Thread Giles Jones
Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Am I getting it right that while GTA01 used to contain a GPS receiver,  
> GTA02 doesn't have one?

I think he was referring to the fact that he works for broadcom and it would be 
easier for him to advice if it did.

GTA01 and GTA02 have a Global locate chipset.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: How "snappy" can the Openmoko GUI get using GTK?

2007-09-03 Thread Giles Jones

On 3 Sep 2007, at 18:32, Andy Poling wrote:

I haven't seen anyone else mention the obvious: some of the device  
drivers and
alot of the code have debugging output enabled.  Start the X server  
and watch the debugging info spew forth, and you'll get an idea  
where a bunch
of CPU cycles are going.  As an example, every stylus press results  
in at

least 4 debugging msgs printed, something happening in a place I would
consider latency-sensitive.  In addition various things complain  
constantly of
missing icon image files, etc... things that would surely be cached  
if they

were present, and those complaints take cycles.

It's all appropriate in a development environment - we just have to  

that in when considering the responsiveness of the device.  IMO it's
appropriate for the primary focus to be functionality and the  
secondary focus

to be user interaction effectiveness at this point.

I've found that using a stylus seems to help it recognise touches,  
maybe someone has tweaked something so finger presses don't register  
as easily?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: How "snappy" can the Openmoko GUI get using GTK?

2007-09-02 Thread Giles Jones

On 2 Sep 2007, at 15:58, Ted Lemon wrote:

This is definitely not true.   I mean, it's true that the QVGA is  
going to take less time to paint, but paint times aren't the  
problem - if they were, kinetic scrolling wouldn't look so nice.
No, there's something else going on that's making the UI so  
unresponsive.   Possibly something is timing out, or something's  
running in lock-step that should be asynchronous.

VGA is 4x times the data, not two times. That will have a noticable  
effect. The only VGA device I have owned was a Toshiba E800 PDA, this  
had an ATI chip and it was still a little sluggish.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: How "snappy" can the Openmoko GUI get using GTK?

2007-09-02 Thread Giles Jones

On 2 Sep 2007, at 14:57, denis wrote:

Watching a lot of videos about Openmoko and the GUI I saw that it is
very slow and yards away from being "snappy". (regarding the  

startup and the acting inside an application) I know that speed is not
the priority thing in developement  at the moment but how fast and
"snappy" can the Openmoko GUI using GTK get? I'm looking at this from
the user point of view, I'm not a developer so it would be very
interesting to me what can be expected in the future. What are you're
expectations? Will it get as snappy as the old PALM Pdas had been?

I'm really looking forward for your answers.

Regards, Denis.

Launch speed is something that can be fixed, I'm not sure if the  
build system is using pre-linking? if not it will be something to use  
as this is the cure to application launch speed delays on Unix like  

The interface is VGA and so there's a lot more to draw and this makes  
the GUI less responsive than QVGA. The acceleration in the next gen  
hardware will solve this.

The Palm PDAs were using task switching, it wasn't a full  
multitasking OS, so you have to realise that a Linux based PDA will  
always lag behind a very simple OS.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia 3362

2007-09-01 Thread Giles Jones

On 1 Sep 2007, at 19:15, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:

So if you want to use Linux on anything avoid ATI.

Well Intel seem to be getting praise on the graphics front for their  
support of open source. They've licenced PowerVR for embedded chips,  
so who knows.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia 3362

2007-09-01 Thread Giles Jones

On 1 Sep 2007, at 17:11, Mikko Rauhala wrote:

You're implying there are better choices...

I wouldn't know since I've not looked into such things. But ATI have  
mobile GPUs and are open sourcing desktop drivers, maybe they would  
do the same for their mobile devices?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia 3362

2007-09-01 Thread Giles Jones

On 1 Sep 2007, at 16:07, Ian Stirling wrote:

Shawn Rutledge wrote:

Is there any technical info available about this chip?
Is there an X driver for it, or one in progress?

There is as I understand it at the moment only a dumb driver for  
it, using it as a framebuffer.

Unfortunately, documents are only available under NDA.

This means that only FIC can write the drivers.

Seems like an odd choice of unit then for an open source phone.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Open moko round bottom Re: Convince me NOT to cancel my order.

2007-08-28 Thread Giles Jones

On 28 Aug 2007, at 23:01, GWMobile wrote:

Sounds like a great market for a small plastic slip on square  
bottom piece to solve the problem.

Or shirts with a rounded pocket, or a case with clip.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Convince me NOT to cancel my order.

2007-08-28 Thread Giles Jones

On 28 Aug 2007, at 21:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1) Shape.  The hemisphere on the bottom of the GTA01/02 phone will not
allow the phone to remain upright in a breast pocket.  It will  
always cant
to one side or the other.  The bottom needs to be pretty much  
squared off.

Indeed, I had a Mio A701 for 10 months, served me pretty well and the  
Neo reminds me of it. But as you can see, this is squared off.

Would be a good "inspiration" for a future Neo, but obviously make  
the Neo better :)

Photo of it here:

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software

2007-08-27 Thread Giles Jones

On 27 Aug 2007, at 16:05, Attila Csipa wrote:

Again, if you're a business and developing commercial software, the  
cost of a

SDK means nothing to you - quite the contrary of the case if you are a
tinkerer-open phone enthusiast. If you look closely at the  
licenses, you'll
see that you only really need to pay for licenses and SDKs if you  
plan on
developing proprietary, NON-GPL phone applications or you need  

support - nothing wrong with that either, IMO.

It means a heck of a lot if you can't earn back the outlay. Mobile  
software isn't always that lucrative and there's pretty much no  
installed userbase for the greenphone at present and probably won't  
ever be a huge market. It's a take it or leave it colour, not a brand  
people know and if the consumer pricing is like the developer version  
it will cost too much.

GPS software is probably the killer application and the engines plus  
map data cost even more.

Plus what if you get the SDK and then find the platform unworkable  
simply because you don't get the available APIs you need?

That's a precisely 100 Euros of difference, which is hardly twice  
the cost...

You're not comparing like with like, since Openmoko gives you all the  
source and freedom. You would need full commercial licence of the  
greenphone to get similar freedom.

Not to mention the OpenMoko has some better components, plus GPS. The  
cost of the greenphone isn't justified, its hardware is like average  
HTC (but with touch screen).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: At the risk of being flamed : State of software

2007-08-27 Thread Giles Jones

On 27 Aug 2007, at 13:56, Attila Csipa wrote:


Actually, considering the postage and customs costs of OpenMoko, it  
is roughly
the same for my location which not Antarctica but practically the  
center of

Europe :(

I'm in Europe and the greenphone is about twice the cost. You have to  
add in the price of the SDK and licences too. It's a really  
unimpressive deal.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Power on device after being powered down

2007-08-27 Thread Giles Jones

On 27 Aug 2007, at 14:15, Krzysztof Kajkowski wrote:

I wonder that this could be serioul hickup after going public... I can
already see all those frustrated users who left their phones for night
and in the morning they cannot make important phone call. And they
have to wait for 4 hours just to turn fast charging! That is not very

Indeed, most people don't care about the technical reasons for it.  
It's to be expected that the power management when the device is  
switched on may be weak, but why does the battery drain so fast when  
it's switched off?

Do we need to remove the battery to ensure the phone is definitely  
powered down?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Yet another finger keybord (gui mock-up).

2007-08-26 Thread Giles Jones

On 27 Aug 2007, at 01:39, Richard Reichenbacher wrote:

Well if this phone is going to make some kind of impact on the  

industry it needs to offer simple and easy to use text input primarily
intended for sms, adding contacts, etc.  Coders are in the minority  
90% of the time you're not going to be programming for the phone  

you're going to be texting or adding tasks and contacts.

I think a minute rule applies, if someone who's used a smartphone  
before can pick up a phone using openmoko and use the basic features  
in under a minute then it's all pretty well designed and logical

Obviously people who are used to awful interfaces like UIQ might  
struggle at first :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Power on device after being powered down

2007-08-26 Thread Giles Jones

On 27 Aug 2007, at 01:18, wim delvaux wrote:

I powered down my device a couple of days ago.

I want to power it back on ... HOW 

Remove battery for 10 seconds and replace. Charge phone for 4 hours.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Convince me NOT to cancel my order.

2007-08-23 Thread Giles Jones

On 23 Aug 2007, at 18:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why am I putting up with all this frustration reading about others who
-have- their phones and why should I not just cancel my order??

Convince me.

A few points, it's always been a developer release and a somewhat  
experimental project.

Secondly, you really need hardware to work on certain things. The  
hardware exhibits bugs and problems QEMU doesn't.

Are you actively developing? if not then you can probably wait.

I'm trying to develop, but getting a working build of 2007.2 has  
taken a few days, it seems like much of the core stuff I wished to  
contribute to has been designed and is "owned" now.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FM Radio

2007-08-23 Thread Giles Jones
Ian Stirling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> As to why not carry a seperate radio.
> It's another thing to lose, charge, and get tangled in my pocket.
> It doesn't vibrate to remind me when my favourite show is on.
> It needs batteries charged.
> It can't timeshift programs.
> It can't broadcast sound over bluetooth.
> Calls can't break into radio I'm listening to.
> It can't compress quiet programs to a high average volume.

True, but I'd rather such things were just the icing on the cake. If you're 
going to add extra chips there are much more important features that the Neo 
phone needs to be competitive and or best of breed.

Large internal flash storage (4GB plus)
High quality video recording
VOIP (transparent switching from GSM to VOIP)

I can buy a FM radio easily, but I can't buy 3G seperately and any of the above 
features easily apart from the memory (but having a free slot is very useful).

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FM Radio

2007-08-23 Thread Giles Jones
Nicolas Bougues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> It would be really cool to have RDS on a portable FM tuner. However, I'm 
> afraid RDS requires very good signal quality, which may, or not, be reachable
> using a mobile device.

Many PDA GPS solutions have RDS. I've had RDS work on a mobile device with FM. 
They all use the headphone socket and cable for an aerial.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FM Radio

2007-08-23 Thread Giles Jones
Ian Stirling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> It's valuable if it's very cheap or free.

But it's another chip on the already large board.

There's a wifi/bluetooth/fm combo chip from Broadcom which could be considered, 
subject to research into the open-ness of it (historically they've been closed).

FM radios are cheap, I have one the size of an earphone. DAB radios are more 
useful given the number of extra channels. 

There's no end of features you could implement, mobile TV would be another 
feature now that the EU have standardised on a format.

I suggested TMC simply because we are unlikely to see an open source turn by 
turn routing system for the GPS in this device, so we could at least have an 
application which could alert you of potential traffic issues ahead (would be a 
case of determining if you progressing towards a hotspot and displaying an 

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Buying Openmoko GTA02 from Europe

2007-08-23 Thread Giles Jones
Andy Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> My gut feeling was that Vodafone would probably be one of the last
> providers to support/distribute a linux-based 'open' phone given their
> reputation fro crippling devices with their own version of the software,
> none the less I also felt that the attempt was worth a shot - and
> hopefully he will see the potential of the device.

They can cripple and completely adjust the phone to suit their needs. All other 
phones have copyrights and patents on their phone. 

Also, now that HTC don't want their phones rebadged there's room for another 
supplier who doesn't mind.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FM Radio

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones

On 22 Aug 2007, at 22:37, D. Vicario wrote:

To listen for streaming radio I MUST pay for the download, and the
price of data isn't cheap... so, the FM module is the only way, for
me, to listen radio. And I see very much use of it.

FM is only worth doing if you can also use the FM circuitry for TMC  
to get realtime traffic information.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Screenshots

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones

On 22 Aug 2007, at 19:38, Xamindar wrote:

I just want to say that I can't stand the ubuntu colors.  Please  
don't suggest using ugly brown colors for a phone.  At the moment I  
like the dark version of the phone but the orange one could use a  
little change.

People will never agree on colours, icons etc. People like to be  
individual or to be able to customise.

Effort should be put into making theme support painless, then  
everyone can be happy.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Screenshots

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones
Amy Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> But, IMO, the color scheme is wrong! I know lots of amazing technical hurdles 
> are being cleared and political ones, as well. But, that color scheme is 
> going to hold this thing back. It should be snazzy and bright and colorful 
> and full of ENERGY! Not orange and black like Halloween. The added gray does 
> not help, either! 

Orange and black will get the spooky kids interested in buying one though :) 

But if it's all being done in a skinnable way it will be possible to change the 
colour scheme and appearance.

The orangeness does remind me of old CRT monitors. I'd much sooner see some 
blue, it's easier on the eye (and that's a scientific fact, eyes are less 
sensitive to blue).

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: WiFi vs. speaker

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones
Mark Haury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> C'mon, guys, do you _really_ need that big hole right through the case? 
> Why don't you keep the stereo speakers and put the WiFi in that wasted 
> space instead 

The GSM antenna is next to the hole, not the best place for a wifi module.

I do agree with the comment about stereo, it is one feature a lot of phones 
lack and there's a few that have stereo which makes ringtone playback clearer. 
If you're clever you can make ringtones where the bass is in the left and the 
rest of the signal in the right. Should be clearer with some music.

You won't see any case changes as it has been stated previously that changing 
the tooling would be too expensive (this is a new project and it needs to grow 

My comments on the Neo1973 hardware are below, I like this phone and want it to 
succeed, but at the same time being critical makes something better. If you 
aren't critical about a product before it gets to the press then you probably 
care more about money than success.

I don't really want to start off flamewars or have some of these design 
decisions explained to me as I don't think many of them can be explained (other 
than carelessness or for form factor reasons). Please just take the points on 
board when designing future hardware.


It's light for its size.

I like the rubberised surface, hard wearing.

VGA screen is superb.

No creaks or rattles.

Open source :)

Generous accessories for the price.

Seemingly decent headphones.


Back cover design is terrible and will easily break, especially given how 
tricky it is to remove.

Port layout seemingly done at random, poor layout. USB/power connector better 
at bottom of device.

Battery removal could be easier.

Memory card under the SIM card (why? there's seemingly loads of space).

2.5mm audio jack (use 3.5mm like Nokia N95 to get mp3 marketshare)

Power button location (location towards top is better, mine's also a bit 

Aux button looks like IR port (does it have any use outside of the bootloader?)

GSM speed

Battery it at top of the phone unlike pretty much every other phone.

GSM antenna is at bottom of phone, should be at top of phone.

No dedicated volume up or down (important during a call when the screen 
backlight has switched off).

Fiddly SIM card holder.

Earpiece hole, the ear piece foam is visible? (looks like black fluff).

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

GPL projects from Nokia

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones

Hi all,

Anyone taken a look at these projects? thought there may be things of  
use here.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPL projects from Nokia

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones

On 21 Aug 2007, at 18:50, Giles Jones wrote:

Hi all,

Anyone taken a look at these projects? thought there may be things  
of use here.

Just thought, will be Symbian based stuff, doh.

I guess some of the bluetooth protocol stuff might port over.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Really hard to keep the device usable

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones
Wim Delvaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> the dialout caused the device to go black again and now I cannot get it on 
> regardless what I do with the power button.
> I wonder how I can reset the device ?

Have you tried removing the battery for 10 seconds, then replacing the battery 
and charging the phone for 4 hours?

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Balancing simplicity with complexity

2007-08-22 Thread Giles Jones
Hi all,

Having tried 2007.2 it's a great improvement and moves the phone a long way 
into looking like a product.

I have some usability improvement suggestions that I will propose at some point.

Will the old 2007 be phased out? it's never going to get finished given most 
people will want to develop 2007.2 and beyond.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Some problems

2007-08-18 Thread Giles Jones

On 18 Aug 2007, at 20:10, andy selby wrote:

Do you not see it at all or does it disappear (i.e when you tap the  
gsm icon)

I've seen it vanish too. Usually when you select Power up GSM antenna.

On the top menubar (which, o.k., you don't seem to have) there is a
white patch which you tap to toggle keyboard visibility.

Needs an icon there really or have a button at the bottom of the  
screen for keyboard.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Motorola Charger

2007-08-18 Thread Giles Jones

On 18 Aug 2007, at 18:30, Richi Plana wrote:


I just received my phase 1 phone yesterday and now am wondering if my
Motorola cellphone charger (model: DCH3-05US-0300) will work in  
the Neo1973. It has a mini-USB interface with ourput rated at 5.0V  
up to

500mA. I'm just not certain if the pin-outs are standard USB on it.

I've used a Motorola charger before on HTC phones, the layout is  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Issues getting started

2007-08-17 Thread Giles Jones

On 17 Aug 2007, at 21:30, Casten wrote

Without having made any changes, I am wondering if I should just scrap
Fedora.  I really don't care which distro I use.  My goal is just  
to get up

and compiling and running.

Ubuntu was a doddle to get running.

It's whatever you're comfy with really. I've used Kubuntu and Gentoo  
the most. I don't like RPM at all.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: compile problem: OOM when compiling

2007-08-17 Thread Giles Jones
Andreas Jellinghaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> When compiling busybox (from memory need to check) cc1 started eating > 900M
> and soon my system was no longer useable.

Have you got plenty of swap space?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FM Radio

2007-08-16 Thread Giles Jones
Ashok Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Is there any FM radio support in Neo?
> Thanks,
> Ashok

Nope, it has no FM radio hardware.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-15 Thread Giles Jones

On 16 Aug 2007, at 00:07, Nick Johnson wrote:

The list server is clearly the issue here, failing to accept messages
in a timely fashion.

It's only affecting GMail messages.

Plus that RFC you quoted says recommended 30 minute retry but GMail  
is retrying every 8 minutes.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-15 Thread Giles Jones

On 15 Aug 2007, at 23:30, Nick Johnson wrote:

Wasn't it established that the problem was with the list server taking
ages to send an OK response to messages, and the gmail (and some
other) servers simply giving up? Seems like more of an issue with the
list than with the client.

That maybe so, but it's dumb for it to keep sending it. It should  
give up after 1 or more attempts and mail the sender to say it failed  
to deliver.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-15 Thread Giles Jones

On 15 Aug 2007, at 20:39, Dean Collins wrote:

Maybe not but at least we know not to resend the same email 20  
times….. over and over……and over….and over…..

That's an ongoing problem with GMail and this list.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-14 Thread Giles Jones

On 14 Aug 2007, at 21:35, Dean Collins wrote:

Lol - yep shortly followed by the human race all moving back to  

skins and living in rock caves.

Doing nothing as a 'reason' is about as dumb as you can get.

They have the discussions all the time on the Linux Kernel list,  
people asking why don't we use C++, why don't we tag emails etc..

Are you saying that list is stone age? it's not, it's just people  
liking how things are and seeing it work without some trendy new idea.

I filter this list perfectly fine without tags. Tags just let you  
give your email the one over and see if you have any personal mail.

See the Linux kernel mail list faq for the subject line mod :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-14 Thread Giles Jones

On 14 Aug 2007, at 19:48, Casey Harkins wrote:

Dean Collins wrote:
I do run filtering in Outlook - but I run it on subject - less  
processor intensive.

How is filtering on subject less processor intensive than using  
mailing list headers?

I said stuff like that years ago on the Amiga and was that they're  
fast enough to download and perform operations on the data in real time.

That said, you can actually get the subject lines of your emails  
using pop3 without downloading the message, not that many mail apps  
probably both.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Using Qemu

2007-08-14 Thread Giles Jones
Mathew Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

I am at the point where it is asking me to calibrate the screen by clicking the 
crosshair, but I can't click it.  

I think someone has made changes, I had a heck of a time clicking it last 
night. You have to just stick at it, click it about 5 or 6 times until it 

Saying that, I changed my xorg settings last night and it might be something to 
do with that.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: User Interface idea

2007-08-13 Thread Giles Jones

On 14 Aug 2007, at 00:48, Derek Pressnall wrote:

What I meant was that apps that would be "in use" would be split into
a piece that runs in the background, and a forground part that talks
to the display / input.  And the background part would only be running
when needed.

It's sorta done like that already, we have GUI applications and  
runtime libraries.

Now the phone app would always have a module running since it has to
listen for incomming phone calls.

gsmd handles the calls, there's a library too.

The UI portion of the phone app
that uses the "phone desktop" would be the default / primary app that
is always available on it when nothing else is running

Sounds like you use the phone a lot? while that's right for you,  
other people use messaging or PDA functions more. You might find  
additional clicks to launch a dialer annoying, if you make dialer  
default someone else may think multiple clicks to browse their files  

Lets not hardcode any form of functionality into the device, let  
people choose. Having a default desktop handler or a homescreen which  
can display plugins is the way to go about it.

OpenMoko community mailing list

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