Re: phranky 0.01 released

2012-04-06 Thread ed
On Friday 06 April 2012 22:40:55 Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> Ed Kapitein  writes:
> > More information and the download page are at
> >
> Are you using some version control system like cvs or git?
Just a private svn server, not publicly accessible, why?

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: phranky 0.01 released

2012-04-06 Thread ed
On Saturday 07 April 2012 00:54:30 Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> writes:
> > Just a private svn server, not publicly accessible, why?
> I'd just like to see the source code. The tarball that you linked seems
> to also include precompiled binaries. Just thought I'd ask if you had
> some version control system for generating this tarball automatically.

Ah, ok, the binaries are there so folk can just start it without compiling 
first, ( it takes 7 minutes to compile )
So i opened a project on SF, with just the sources, you can clone it with:
git clone git:// phranky-code

Have fun!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v44 for Freerunner now available

2012-04-15 Thread ed
Thanks for your great work!

Somewhat unrelated:
I found that suspending by echo mem > /sys/power/state sometimes fails and 
"hangs" the FR. (on a 2.6.34 Kernel, on a 2.6.29 kernel it works fine )
Do you or anyone else know if there is something else required to susspend the 

Kind regards,

On Sunday, April 15, 2012 14:23:47 Radek Polak wrote:
> Hi Freerunners,
> QtMoko v44 is now available also for your phone. You can get images from
> here [1] or you can upgrade existing system with simple:
>   apt-get update
>   apt-get upgrade
> There are not so many new features. Most of the work went to GTA04 HW
> adaptation, but still there is:
> * improved qmplayer
> * improved wifi GUI
> * support for oFono
> * some build and other fixes
> As the GTA04 HW adaptation is getting finished, there will be now again more
> of new features and fixes in future releases.
> I haven't tested this release much. I cant easily flash the ubi - so this is
> completely untested. If you find some regressions, please report.
> Regards
> Radek
> [1]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [dfu-util] who use it for flashing FR?

2012-05-07 Thread ed
On Monday 07 May 2012 14:58:24 Patryk Benderz wrote:
> Hi all,
> regarding recent discussion on [1] I am asking,
> how many of you are still using dfu-util for flashing your FR's internal
> memory?
> I also would like to inform you about new dfu-util release.[2]
> [1]
> [2]

Hi Patrick,
I use dfu-util to flash my device every now and then.
Will the new version be useable for flashing the openmoko?
The mail mentions "Many have switched to Qi", but qi itself needs to be 
flashed too right, and so is the root filesystem and the kernel, right?
Or did i miss something obvious?
Kind regards,
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Gta04-owner] [ANN] GTA04 Keyboard prototype

2012-05-07 Thread ed
On Monday 07 May 2012 15:44:00 Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Monday, May 07, 2012 a las 03:31:11PM +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 
> > The idea is that the keyboard is integrated in the back battery cover. And
> > if you remove it, both parts (main body and battery cover/keyboard) are
> > connected through a small ribbon cable.
> > 
> > I.e. you remove the keyboard, fold it by 180 degrees so that the keys show
> > in the same direction as the display and you can us the display in
> > landscape format.
> > 
> > If that works out with the snap mechanism of the battery cover and/or if
> > it needs some physical connection between both parts has to be worked
> > out.
> I don't want to be negative (just reaistic), the list of disadvantages
> of such a solution (keyboard in battery cover, or with hinge) is:
> 1) works only on desktop or table surface, i.e. not while walking or
> standing;
> 2) open the battery cover many more times (as for hard reset with battery
> lift) will break the case soon;
> 3) you are forced to use landscape applications, while most of the apps
> today are in portait;
> 4) perhaps your battery will fall out (if not secured with something) in
> a lot of cases, esp. if it is the most important situation :-)
> to be continued...
>   matthias

If thinking out loud is allowed...
If you move the battery  inside the keyboard part and make the hinge a bit 
bigger, you could use it as a screen protector if you fold the keyboard in 
front of the display.
And if you fold it the otherway, it could fit in what currently is the battery 
Just my 2 cents..

Kind regards,
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Phone wakes up after being powered off

2012-05-21 Thread ed
On Monday 21 May 2012 07:21:02 alonivtsan wrote:
> Hello kind members of Openmoko mailing list,
> I'm suffering from a very bizarre wake up problem related to the Neo
> Freerunner phone.
> The phone wakes itself up after being powered off a few hours later
> (e.g. if I shut the phone off before going to bed when I wake up the
> phone is already switched on).
> I thought at first this was a hardware problem related to the battery,
> but this doesn't seem to be the case as it has happened on two different
> phones after setting reminders in the QtMoko calendar (using v26).
> Unfortunately, even after removing the reminders the phone still wakes
> itself up. I'm wondering if it is possible to clear all data causing the
> phone to wake up.
> Thanks,
> Alon.

Hi Alon,

Are you sure the phone is completly shutdown e.g. did you issue "init 0" from 
a console or ssh session?
I'm currious if the phone  could wake from init 0.
You can try to clear the RealTimeClock by using the rtcwake command, if that 
is available on your phone.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Phone wakes up after being powered off

2012-05-23 Thread ed

Hello Ed,

Thanks for your replies.

Unfortunately the man command doesn't work with rtcwake on the phone
(but does with other software, e.g. 7zr). A specific command to try
would be very helpful. On the desktop running as root "rtcwake -m show"
shows the alarms that are on (but this command does not work on the
phone, specifically on QtMoko v26).

I noticed the issue regarding the phone turning itself on was reported
in Android on Freerunner's bug tracker here:

trevi55 suggested to switch off alarms and update hardware clock. I'll
try this (using "echo -e "W\n" > /var/spool/at/trigger").


Hi Alon,

check if you can use:
/usr/sbin/rtcwake --verbose --seconds 1 --mode disable

Or if disable is not available in your version of rtcwake:

/usr/sbin/rtcwake --verbose --seconds 1 --mode no
Using UTC time.
delta   = 1
tzone   = 0
tzname  = UTC
systime = 1337703739, (UTC) Tue May 22 16:22:19 2012
rtctime = 1337703738, (UTC) Tue May 22 16:22:18 2012
alarm 0, sys_time 1337703739, rtc_time 1337703738, seconds 1
rtcwake: wakeup from "no" using /dev/rtc0 at Tue May 22 16:22:20 2012

And you can check the RTC with:
cat /proc/driver/rtc

rtc_time: 16:25:13
rtc_date: 2012-05-22
alrm_time   : 16:22:20
alrm_date   : 2012-05-22
alarm_IRQ   : yes
alrm_pending: yes
24hr    : yes

And see if it has any effect.

Kind regards,
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Status OpenPhoneux / GTA04

2012-07-03 Thread ed
Thanks for your update!

It takes the open phone concept a little further, if we have even x-rays of 
the boards ;-)

Kind regards,

On Tuesday 03 July 2012 11:15:16 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Hi all,
> I did a long telephone call this morning to discuss the production situation
> of the GTA04A4 boards.
> Am 25.06.2012 um 20:56 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Am 25.06.2012 um 16:16 schrieb Gilles Filippini:
> >> Hi Nikolaus,
> >> 
> >> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller a écrit , Le 31/05/2012 17:36:
> >>> So please expect that it will become End of June for delivery...
> >> 
> >> Since we are near to End of June, time for asking how is it going? ;)
> > 
> > Neither good nor bad...
> > 
> > This means:
> > * we have already shipped some of the GTA04 Group Tour boards
> > * some friends have upgraded to a complete OpenPhoenux (we have a handful
> > reworked GTA02) * but we still have a list of open orders for roughly 90
> > GTA04 Group Tour boards
> > 
> > The production company had stopped again to do some more
> > analyses and the last status I received today is that they had
> > again made some X-Ray. Now they think they can again optimize
> > the soldering process a little so that we don't get so much broken
> > boards that need manual rework.
> So here is a copy of the latest X-Ray image of the DM3730CBP with short
> circuits:
> If you want to compare to the GTA04A3 board X-Ray (with one short):
> jpg
> or the GTA04A2 board (where only 1 unit exists):
> > Every rework ruins some components (unfortunately 1 DM3730
> > + 1 Memory chip > 50 EUR) and costs intensive working time.
> > And we simply can't afford that if it happens too often...
> > 
> > So the highest priority is to get rid of the root cause for these
> > soldering failures.
> After analyzing and discussing the X-Ray images we now think we
> understand what happens (but you never know if you are right...).
> The reason appears that the DM3730CBP gets some warp during
> the soldering process squeezing the balls in the middle of the BGA
> grid so that they may touch a neighbor and make a short circuit.
> And on the corners the balls lift off and this may result in interruptions.
> This theory correlates exactly with the error patterns we see:
> * some 50% of the boards come out of the soldering process with
> shorts on VDD1, VDD2 and/or VIO which are mostly available
> on the center balls
> * if the chip has no short on the power supply or is reworked some
> 50% of the boards have interruptions which makes a single function
> fail. Sometimes the SD interface has just 3 data lines, sometimes the
> WLAN chip. Sometimes some sensor is not working. Sometimes
> the USB is not working, or one display data link distorting the
> colors etc.
> Now comes the crucial question: how can this be improved?
> The specialists of the production company have spent whole weekends
> to do more experiments but did not yet find the right trick. It is not that
> they do not want to solve the problem (they see it as a challenge) they
> simply have not yet found the key.
> One factor is that our GTA04 board has exceptionally squeezed
> components (since we must be small) so the soldering of a OpenPandora
> or the BeagleBoard may be a little easier from heat distribution.
> I.e. we are pushing an experienced EMS to their limits...
> An EMS who has produced more than 2000 different products in small
> quantities (which is their strength) including some 0.4mm BGAs.
> A new experiment is scheduled for week 29 to use a different
> reflow soldering machine and process which uses a little lower
> temperature.
> Unfortunately, we can't contribute to this production improvement
> to speed things up.
> Unless one of the readers on these list knows some real specialist
> for such PoP soldering of BGAs who is willing and capable to
> consult (even if it costs money). So if you know someone, please
> let me know.
> > The good answer is that as soon as we decide to continue,
> So we had to decide to wait for the different reflow soldering process
> first.
> > it takes less than 4 weeks to produce, test and ship all missing
> > boards. They have planned that it works even if holiday season
> > is coming. And our shipment plan is by sequence of order. So
> > if you did order early, it is even a little closer.
> So it is a stony path towards a community driven independently
> developed and produced open smartphone platform. But Rome
> wasn't built in one day...
> And we have to solve this issue before we can start to think
> about a future quad core LTE device with multitouch... Please
> keep the faith.
> BR,
> Nikolaus
> __

Re: Navit - unusable?

2009-11-28 Thread Ed Kapitein
Jens Seidel wrote:
> Hi,
> I always wondered how people use navit. I started it already a few times but
> find it (in contrast to tangogps) completely unusable.
> Once I start it I just get an empty background. Shouldn't it display a map?
> I read and tried the described "Easy
> Way" but do not find the dialog to download maps. I haven't tried the
> command line solution yet as I believe a graphical application should not
> depend on it.
> How to add a destination? I select as Country Germany, and my City followed
> by Street and Number. And now? Any click on Map, Bookmark and Destination
> does nothing. I assume I have to be online for this step, this is fulfilled.
> I use version 1:0.1.0+svnr2735-r0.4 from the default feed.
> Jens
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi Jens,

I find navit very useful, both on a eee pc and on the freerunner.
Please take a look at the page for instructions
on setting up maps.
You need to edit your navit.xml file to use the maps of your area.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

bigger font for shr-messages

2009-12-12 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi all,

I would like to set a bigger font for shr-messages.
I am not using shr-unstable, but Gentoo with the matchbox window manager.

Any idea on how and where to set the font definition?

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QNavitCtl - Navit Bookmarks via dbus

2009-12-30 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Christian,

i am trying to use navit and dbus, but so far i haven't find out how to
do it.
I did download your source, but how do i build it?
( real noob here...)
Could you explain how to build it from source?
I am used to ./configure, make, make install

Can you give an example of dbus-send to set a destination in navit?
i want, like you, to have a list of waypoints and i want to set waypoint
2 as destination, as soon as i am near waypoint 1.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Kind regards,

Christian Rüb wrote:
> I wrote a little Qt app to send destination or position to Navit via dbus 
> (needs to be activated in navit.xml first) or center the map.
> package [1]
> source [2]
> screenshot [3]
> How to use it:
> create a file with name;lat;lon per line and start the program. If the file 
> is named bookmarks.csv and placed in $HOME or the directory where qnavitctl 
> is started this file is automatically loaded.
> Why a program that does what Navit already can do?
>  - for me it is a quick fix for #352 in navit
>  - for my 1k+ trip I have to prepare intermdeiate stops as otherwise route 
> calculation would take very long (if it would succeed at all), so I can have 
> my navit window and another window to set next destination easily
>  - it is an example how to talk to navit via dbus and could be used for other 
> apps (e.g. litephone) to get coordinates (e.g. from opimd) and start 
> navigation in navit through a button (e.g. you receive a text containing 
> coordinates, press "take me there" and the coordinates are send as 
> destination to navit via dbus)
>  - I am still learning Qt :)
> That's all
> [1]
> [2];a=summary
> [3]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QNavitCtl - Navit Bookmarks via dbus

2009-12-30 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Christian,

Thanks a lot for your explanation!
I think i had the same problem you had, i can't set a destination with
the current version of navit.
(Dbus is enabled)
So, i will ask the people from the navit team on how to use dbus with
the current version.

Thanks again and "happy new year" everybody.
Kind regards,


Christian Rüb wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> to build it on your PC, you need to have qmake (from Qt) installed.
> Then simply run
> #qmake
> (the name may differ, liket qmake-qt4 or something)
> This will create your Makefile, then simply run
> #make
> and you are done, you will get one binary called "qnavitcl" - that's it.
> If you want to build for your Openmoko phone, use my bitbake recipe here 
> (simply copy to your OE tree) and it will build the package for you.
> If you want a prebuilt binary - get it from here [1] (you'll also get 
> dependencies from there). It is built for SHR-U.
> Have you enabled dbus in navit.xml? This is essential.
> Use dbus-send to get a navit instance and then you can control it through the 
> path you get back. Have a look at [2] how I did it in Qt:
> registerNavitInstance() and setCenter() will be of most interest for you.
> If you use dbus-send, you also need to print the replies - otherwise you 
> cannot use them ;-) - see man page for futher details
> BUT - with current version of navit I could not get it to work as the dbus 
> interface seems to have changed - "iter" does not exist anymore and I have 
> not found a way yet to get an instance and set destination :(
> Cheers,
>  Christian
> [1]
> [2] 
>> Hi Christian,
>> i am trying to use navit and dbus, but so far i haven't find out how to
>> do it.
>> I did download your source, but how do i build it?
>> ( real noob here...)
>> Could you explain how to build it from source?
>> I am used to ./configure, make, make install
>> Can you give an example of dbus-send to set a destination in navit?
>> i want, like you, to have a list of waypoints and i want to set waypoint
>> 2 as destination, as soon as i am near waypoint 1.
>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>> Kind regards,
>> Ed
>> Christian Rüb wrote:
>>> I wrote a little Qt app to send destination or position to Navit via dbus 
>>> (needs to be activated in navit.xml first) or center the map.
>>> package [1]
>>> source [2]
>>> screenshot [3]
>>> How to use it:
>>> create a file with name;lat;lon per line and start the program. If the file 
>>> is named bookmarks.csv and placed in $HOME or the directory where qnavitctl 
>>> is started this file is automatically loaded.
>>> Why a program that does what Navit already can do?
>>>  - for me it is a quick fix for #352 in navit
>>>  - for my 1k+ trip I have to prepare intermdeiate stops as otherwise route 
>>> calculation would take very long (if it would succeed at all), so I can 
>>> have my navit window and another window to set next destination easily
>>>  - it is an example how to talk to navit via dbus and could be used for 
>>> other apps (e.g. litephone) to get coordinates (e.g. from opimd) and start 
>>> navigation in navit through a button (e.g. you receive a text containing 
>>> coordinates, press "take me there" and the coordinates are send as 
>>> destination to navit via dbus)
>>>  - I am still learning Qt :)
>>> That's all
>>> [1]
>>> [2];a=summary
>>> [3]
>>> ___
>>> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QNavitCtl - Navit Bookmarks via dbus

2010-01-01 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Christian,

Thanks a million, it works like a charm!

How did you come to use "default_navit" ?
I took a look at the source code, but i couldn't find out how to use it.

Happy new-year, my has started perfectly ;-)

Kind regards,

Christian Rüb wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> try this:
> dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.navit_project.navit 
> /org/navit_project/navit/default_navit 
> org.navit_project.navit.navit.set_center string:"12.1906 48.999"
> I had a look at [1] and after several tries this worked (on my PC). I will 
> update qnavitcl soon - New Year's Eve is too close right now ;-)
> Not sure if this is the correct way though - no reply on navit user ML yet...
> Cheers,
>  Christian
> [1] 
> Am Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009 schrieb Ed Kapitein:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks a lot for your explanation!
>> I think i had the same problem you had, i can't set a destination with
>> the current version of navit.
>> (Dbus is enabled)
>> So, i will ask the people from the navit team on how to use dbus with
>> the current version.
>> Thanks again and "happy new year" everybody.
>> Kind regards,
>> Ed
>> Christian Rüb wrote:
>>> Hi Ed,
>>> to build it on your PC, you need to have qmake (from Qt) installed.
>>> Then simply run
>>> #qmake
>>> (the name may differ, liket qmake-qt4 or something)
>>> This will create your Makefile, then simply run
>>> #make
>>> and you are done, you will get one binary called "qnavitcl" - that's it.
>>> If you want to build for your Openmoko phone, use my bitbake recipe here 
>>> (simply copy to your OE tree) and it will build the package for you.
>>> If you want a prebuilt binary - get it from here [1] (you'll also get 
>>> dependencies from there). It is built for SHR-U.
>>> Have you enabled dbus in navit.xml? This is essential.
>>> Use dbus-send to get a navit instance and then you can control it through 
>>> the path you get back. Have a look at [2] how I did it in Qt:
>>> registerNavitInstance() and setCenter() will be of most interest for you.
>>> If you use dbus-send, you also need to print the replies - otherwise you 
>>> cannot use them ;-) - see man page for futher details
>>> BUT - with current version of navit I could not get it to work as the dbus 
>>> interface seems to have changed - "iter" does not exist anymore and I have 
>>> not found a way yet to get an instance and set destination :(
>>> Cheers,
>>>  Christian
>>> [1]
>>> [2] 
>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>> i am trying to use navit and dbus, but so far i haven't find out how to
>>>> do it.
>>>> I did download your source, but how do i build it?
>>>> ( real noob here...)
>>>> Could you explain how to build it from source?
>>>> I am used to ./configure, make, make install
>>>> Can you give an example of dbus-send to set a destination in navit?
>>>> i want, like you, to have a list of waypoints and i want to set waypoint
>>>> 2 as destination, as soon as i am near waypoint 1.
>>>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Ed
>>>> Christian Rüb wrote:
>>>>> I wrote a little Qt app to send destination or position to Navit via dbus 
>>>>> (needs to be activated in navit.xml first) or center the map.
>>>>> package [1]
>>>>> source [2]
>>>>> screenshot [3]
>>>>> How to use it:
>>>>> create a file with name;lat;lon per line and start the program. If the 
>>>>> file is named bookmarks.csv and placed in $HOME or the directory where 
>>>>> qnavitctl is started this file is automatically loaded.
>>>>> Why a program that does what Navit already can do?
>>>>>  - for m

Re: QNavitCtl - Navit Bookmarks via dbus

2010-01-03 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Christian,

I hacked a script together, so you can now route from A to B via C.
( or via  C,  D,  E etc ;-) )
I put it on the navit website [6]
Please feel free to take a look and use (parts of) it for your own program.
Erasing the current waypoint would be nice to do in a gui, now you need
to edit the itinerary file.

Thanks for your help with this, i couldn't have done it without you!

Kind regards,


Christian Rüb wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Happy New Year as well!
> I found the path by looking at the newer wiki page example at the bottom [1] 
> and the source [2].
> Meanwhile I built a newer version of qnavitctl for SHR-U, you can find a 
> package here [3] and source here [4].
> I also enabled flickcharm "kinetic scrolling" [5].
> I also noticed, that on my Frerunner navit was started automatically if it 
> was not running yet, when passing a dbus call via qnavitctl...
> Cheers,
>  Christian
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3]
> [4];a=summary
> [5] 
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks a million, it works like a charm!
>> How did you come to use "default_navit" ?
>> I took a look at the source code, but i couldn't find out how to use it.
>> Happy new-year, my has started perfectly ;-)
>> Kind regards,
>> Ed
>> Christian Rüb wrote:
>>> Hi Ed,
>>> try this:
>>> dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.navit_project.navit 
>>> /org/navit_project/navit/default_navit 
>>> org.navit_project.navit.navit.set_center string:"12.1906 48.999"
>>> I had a look at [1] and after several tries this worked (on my PC). I will 
>>> update qnavitcl soon - New Year's Eve is too close right now ;-)
>>> Not sure if this is the correct way though - no reply on navit user ML 
>>> yet...
>>> Cheers,
>>>  Christian
>>> [1] 
>>> Am Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009 schrieb Ed Kapitein:
>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>> Thanks a lot for your explanation!
>>>> I think i had the same problem you had, i can't set a destination with
>>>> the current version of navit.
>>>> (Dbus is enabled)
>>>> So, i will ask the people from the navit team on how to use dbus with
>>>> the current version.
>>>> Thanks again and "happy new year" everybody.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Ed
>>>> Christian Rüb wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ed,
>>>>> to build it on your PC, you need to have qmake (from Qt) installed.
>>>>> Then simply run
>>>>> #qmake
>>>>> (the name may differ, liket qmake-qt4 or something)
>>>>> This will create your Makefile, then simply run
>>>>> #make
>>>>> and you are done, you will get one binary called "qnavitcl" - that's it.
>>>>> If you want to build for your Openmoko phone, use my bitbake recipe here 
>>>>> (simply copy to your OE tree) and it will build the package for you.
>>>>> If you want a prebuilt binary - get it from here [1] (you'll also get 
>>>>> dependencies from there). It is built for SHR-U.
>>>>> Have you enabled dbus in navit.xml? This is essential.
>>>>> Use dbus-send to get a navit instance and then you can control it through 
>>>>> the path you get back. Have a look at [2] how I did it in Qt:
>>>>> registerNavitInstance() and setCenter() will be of most interest for you.
>>>>> If you use dbus-send, you also need to print the replies - otherwise you 
>>>>> cannot use them ;-) - see man page for futher details
>>>>> BUT - with current version of navit I could not get it to work as the 
>>>>> dbus in

Re: [QtMoko] ringnote development

2010-01-31 Thread Ed Kapitein
Just a tought:

If you write the wav file to file, you can cache the phone numbers who
already called you, without regenerating the same ringtone over and over
(i am usually called by the same group of people)
On a cache miss, you can generate the new ringtone, play it and add it
to the cache.

Kind regards,

Brolin Empey wrote:
> Thomas Gstädtner wrote:
>> For my small tool epiano (which I haven't worked on in a while
>> unfortunately), I use fluidsynth.
>> You can easily use any soundfont you want and map a tone sequence to
>> it, it's absolutely trivial and nice.
>> If you plan to do this, use fluidsynth.
>> You can have it run in background and play your melody in realtime
>> with hardly any delay.
>> It also has a nice API, so working with it is easy.
> FluidSynth looks cool.  I had never even heard of it before today.
> I have researched how to implement ringnote (feel free to suggest a 
> better name! :)).  The QtEI GUI (in the Profile settings) does not 
> appear to support running a command on incoming calls.  AFAICT, a QtEI 
> client app is required:  see
> <>
> The client app has to use FluidSynth to play the MIDI notes 
> corresponding to the digits in the calling phone number.  The client app 
> (what should we call it?  ringnoteclient?)  could call an external 
> command, such as a bash/Perl/Python script, or interface with FluidSynth 
> directly.  Calling an external command would be more modular and maybe 
> easier to maintain, but having ringnoteclient interface directly with 
> FluidSynth may be simpler.
> I have 2 problems, though:
> 1. I do not even have a development environment/toolchain for building 
> ringnoteclient.  I know I could get one, but I am afraid I will be 
> starting Yet Another™ underestimated project. :(
> 2. I have little experience with C++.  I could learn more as needed, but 
> I still prefer C over C++.
> So, can anyone with the required tools and C++ experience help? :)
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?

2010-02-06 Thread Ed Falk
I bought my Freerunner over a year ago.  On the first boot, it made a 
very loud raucus sound which, as far as I know, blew out the speaker, as 
I have never heard an undistorted sound come out of it.

I discovered that the only way to adjust the volume was to log in 
remotely and run a command-line volume control application.

I tried to develop a GPS application for it, but GPS would not work if 
there was an SD card installed.

The device drew so much power that the battery was only good for an hour 
or so, and the device grew too hot in my hand to hold.

At this point, I realized that the Freerunner was not yet ready for 
prime time.  I put it back in its box and put the box on a shelf.  The 
battery is surely dead by now.

I hope someday that the software will become mature enough for me to try 
again, but unfortunately, I just don't have the time to work on it.

So no, I'm not still using my Freerunner.

Is there a "how to" document on the wiki that might tell someone in my 
shoes how to bring the device up to date so that I can try again?

-ed falk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [wikireader] Fully automated generation script

2010-02-09 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Thomas,

Since you are available for suggestions :-)
Perhaps it is a good idea to use the iso country codes from [1] to
define a language. be would fetch the belgium wikipedia in that case.

Kind regards,

On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 08:28 +0100, Thomas HOCEDEZ wrote:
> (This message was first send on the wrong tree, sorry)
> Hi wikireaders,
> As I told before, my automated script is ready !And this script is 
> totally "cronable" :!
> It manage every step, from downloading Wikipedia archive in your 
> language to the installation. 
> it is available here :
> Just modify with your ftp parameters (for ftp'ing images) & mail (to be 
> adverted on each step). then launch
> $ fr
> for french Wikipedia
> $ autowiki be
> for Biello-russian Wikipedia
> Some of you would say that it also could check if the wikireader folder 
> exists & install or upgrade source from the git, well, I let you some 
> work to do ;-)
> I'm still available for any suggestion or anything else.
> The code is following.
> #!/bin/sh
> # Automation script for rendering a Wikipedia image for the FR
> # Written by AstHrO  / /
> # V 1.0
> # Todo
> #  param1 : language (fr,en,be,lu)
> # =
> # Ftp host configuration :
> ftp_host=""
> ftp_login=""
> ftp_passd=""
> mail=""
> # Folder where the wikireader tools are installed
> wr_folder="/media/stocks/wikireader"
> # =
> # Language extension of the WP (fr,en, nl ...)
> if [[ "$1" = "" ]];  then
> lang="fr"
>  else
> lang=$1
> fi
> # You don't have to change following stuff, but you can ...
> cfile="${lang}wiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2"
> ufile="${lang}wiki-latest-pages-articles.xml"
> mail_msg="message.txt"
> sep="=="
> echo "---" > $mail_msg
> # Going to the working folder :
> cd $wr_folder
> # cleaning old treatments :
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 1 : CLeaning..."
> make clean &>/dev/null
> # downloading interesting WP :
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 2 : Downloading dump ..."
> rm $cfile &>null
> wget${lang}wiki/latest/$cfile 
> ls -l $cfile | mail -s "[WR] Wikipedia dump downloaded"  "$mail" < $mail_msg
> # uncompressing :
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 3 : Uncompressing ..."
> rm $ufile &>/dev/null
> bzip2 -d ./$cfile 2> log.txt &1> /dev/null
> #creating some folders :
> mkdir work &>/dev/null
> mkdir image &>/dev/null
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 4 : Indexing Articles..."
> # Creating index of articles :
> make index XML_FILES="$ufile" DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work 2> log.txt 1> 
> /dev/null
> # Parsing  :  (30>60 sec / 1000)
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 5 : Parsing Articles ..."
> make parse -j3  XML_FILES="$ufile" DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work 2>log.txt
> #mail -s "[WR] Parsing of $ufile complete !"  "$mail" < $mail_msg
> # Rendering the file : (60>200 sec / 1000)
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 6 : Rendering ..."
> make render -j3  XML_FILES="$ufile" DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work 2>log.txt
> #mail -s "[WR] Rendering of $ufile complete !"  "$mail" < $mail_msg
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 7 : Finalizing ..."
> # Combining articles indexes (few seconds)
> make combine -j3 DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work > $mail_msg
> # Generating a Hash (last few seconds dude !)
> make hash -j3  DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work >> $mail_msg
> # Going to output folder
> cd image
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 8 : Compressing files..."
> # Compressing  data files
> tar -cvf wr_${lang}_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y').tar.gz pedia*.*
> # a little HASH to be sure ...
> shasum wr_${lang}_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y').tar.gz >  sha_${lang}.txt
> #mail -s "[WR] Hash of your file..."  "$mail" < $mail_msg
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 9 : Let's FTP all this !"
> # Let's FTP all this stuff
> ftp -n << EOF
> open $ftp_host
> user $ftp_login $ftp_passd
> binary
> put wr_${lang}_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y').tar.gz
> echo $sep
> echo "Step 10 : Enjoy !"
> #mail -s "[WR] All done, WP image ready to use !"  "$mail"
> # That's it you can now send a mail to your friends.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> -- 
> Thomas HOCEDEZ
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: My FreeRunner’s USB port still works for power, but not data?

2010-03-03 Thread Ed Kapitein
Or try a diffrent hub/no hub at all.
My FR works fine with the same cable plugged into my desktop POC, but
when i plug the same cable in one of my hubs, it only charges and no
data connection is possible

Kind regrads,

On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 15:39 +0800, William Kenworthy wrote:
> I'll second that - bought two cables while on holiday as I forgot to
> pack one.  Neither will work for data, but will charge. The others I
> have at home work fine.
> BillK
> On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 18:11 +1100, Michael Smith wrote:
> > On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 11:19:35 -0800
> > Brolin Empey  wrote:
> > 
> > > Brolin Empey wrote:
> > > >Now my FreeRunner’s USB port works for power, so I can
> > > > still charge the battery, but not for communications, so I think a
> > > > solder connection must have come undone.
> > 
> > Have you tried a different USB cable?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: My surplus FreeRunner score!

2010-03-05 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Brolin,

If you are willing to sell, i am intrested in the 900Mhz one.
what would it cost me if you send one over to the netherlands?

Kind regards,

On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 11:22 -0800, Brolin Empey wrote:
> Hello FreeRunners,
> I just bought the following for 150 USD + UPS Ground shipping to 
> Washington from SDG Systems in Pennsylvania:
> * 5x GTA02A6 (4 GSM 850, 1 GSM 900) with buzzfix
> * 5x earphones
> * 5x travel cases
> * 5x batteries
> * 2x or 3x chargers
> No MicroSD cards, though, but those are cheap.
> The catch?  The FreeRunners were returned by customers because the 
> microphones do not work.  I still think 30 USD each for handheld 
> (Debian) Linux computers is an excellent deal, though:  how else can I 
> buy a handheld Linux computer with so much functionality for only 30 
> USD?  I can still try using a wired or wireless (Bluetooth) headset 
> instead of the handset too.
> Brolin

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [NEW DISTRIBUTION] Announcing NEOPhysis

2010-03-07 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Djdas,

Thanks for the new FR software.
I did try it just yet and ran into some problems.
Where am i supposed to put the software? SD card? Nand?  doesn;t matter?
I put it on the Nand and flashed the kernel to Nand as well, but it
doesn't boot at all.

Having a choice is a good thing and if this will be "just a phone" it is
good enough for me.
I have always felt that 56 layers of abstraction before talking to the
hardware is a mixed blessing.
If you want to support different hardware i think it is a must, but if
you want to make bleeding edge software just for the FR it is an overkill.
Just my 2 cents.

Kind regards,

djdas wrote:
> Dear Community,
> yes, you discovered us :D
> As the team leader of the Neophysis Dev Team I'm proud to announce you a 
> new distribution for our loved(?) Freerunner.
> We started working on it on last September, with the support of the 
> Italian community, and after 6 months (thursday was our 
> half-birthday :P) we want to share the effort of the 6 core members of 
> the team with you.
> What is Neophysis? It's a sort of Linux from scratch for the Freerunner 
> (although it could potentially run on any embedded system which runs a 
> bit of daemons and has libraries as per the following notes), we 
> re-thought the concept of “distro” aiming at boot speed and phone stability.
> To achieve these purposes we started with 3 key points:

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [E-devel] X11 dependencies hardcoded in ecore_evas

2010-04-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Carsten,

Thanks for all the time you take, answering questions about glamo in
this list, i really appreciate it.
I am sure i don't understand half of the technology bottle necks that
the glamo has, but if the limit is 512x512 for 3D and 2D, would it be
possible to just use 480x512 on the FR? or even 480x480?

480x512 would leave +/- 12 mm screen unused, but i think that could be a
fair trade-off if the rest of the screen is much faster ( for video and
such )
And perhaps the unused space could be used as status bar or top shelf.

Is this at all possible? i have no deep knowledge about graphic chips,
so the simpler the answer, there more likely it is that i will
understand it :-)

Kind regards,
On 04/18/2010 03:53 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 03:05:24 +0200 mobi phil  said:
>> Thanks for the detailed answer... You told me what I did not find out in
>> weeks :)... nevertheless:
>> if you are talking of directfb accelerated on top of glamo - good luck. last
>>> i
>>> checked it wasn't and you'd have something a LOT slower.
>> No.. there is nothing... was thinking to write sthg. on top of Thomas
>> White's:
>> drm/kms work.
>> My main point was to have sthg. that is common to both X world, and fb (Qt,
>> non-X elf etc, other lightweight fb apps), the lowest c. denominator.
>> And that could have been directfb, but I am more convinced that not. One of
>> usage of this c. denominator would have been to have a "global" keyboard,
>> that would cold be rendered on top of any application. "taping" the
>> rendering engine, probably would have been easy.
> dfb isnt common to fb and x11 - it is an enitre display system of its own.
> there is a specific xdirectfb server on top of dfb. but it is not a common
> component. i think you misunderstand directfb... :) but - you'd need all the
> acceleration written and even then the chip simply is not capable of many ops
> you need or it makes them needlessly complex (you will need to go via the 3d
> unit and that limits all pixel primitives to 256x256 as a source and output
> cant be more than 512x512 for any buffer - you'd need to do complex tiling of
> all input and output and that will wreak havoc on things like
> transforms/scaling to make it look right - and effectively make it 
> impossible).
> trust me - have full hw docs. had them from the day i started with glamo long
> before gta02 came out. after some reading i went from excited to despondent.
> glamo does not live up to what it seems to appear reading its checklist
> features. sure - it's possible to go accelerate some things and get some
> benefit. for each of those you now have a downside as u need a software
> fallback for the ones you can't - and... those now get more complex WITH more
> overhead. you make operation a 2x faster and operation b gets half the speed.
> and so on. my bet is that even if you do it all as optimally as possible with
> glamo+gta02 arch - you will have spent a mountain of effort going nowhere. ie
> not be able better in general. some things improved, some worse. and now you
> have a monster of complexity that has no future. glamo is a dead end chip.
> openmoko a dead end product line. a source base that will not be useful for 
> any
> future hardware developed nor even todays hardware. the future is mostly
> opengl-es2 based with the ability to punt off preparation pipeline stages to
> multiple cpu cores - or if you are lucky, some dsp cores. as such even without
> this punting off to multiple cores, with gl-es2 - things work damned well -
> silky smooth on a modern soc. thats including rendering everything at 32bpp,
> compositor in x11, and more.
>>> the hardware there is a dead end. sdl doesn't provide any acceleration
>>> itself anyway - sdl is a
>>> wrapper to get a dumb fb. evas's raw fb engine/support will be just as
>>> good, if
>>> not better.
>> in this situation, I admit, no point to have nor directfb nor sdl. Just a
>> broken illusion, that efl on top of directfb would make things faster.
> :)
>> But I can draw very fast the conclusion that in case of glamo, running
>> illume and other apps, there is no point to have X windows...
> i disagree. how do u think you get a vkbd up on screen separate to the app, or
> the top-shelf (place for app name, battery, reception etc.) ? i think you are
> under the illusion also that somehow windows have some massive overh

Re: FR as wifi access point

2010-05-26 Thread Ed Kapitein

I managed to set up ad-hoc networking between my laptop and fr with the
following scripts:

on the FR:
echo s3c2440-sdi >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c2440-sdi/unbind
sleep 2
modprobe -vr ar6000
sleep 2
modprobe -v ar6000 debuglevel=5
sleep 5
echo s3c2440-sdi >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c2440-sdi/bind
sleep 2
iwconfig eth0 mode ad-hoc
sleep 2
iwconfig eth0 channel 11
sleep 2
iwconfig eth0 essid happy
sleep 2
ifconfig eth0 netmask

on the laptop:
modprobe -vr iwlagn
sleep 2
modprobe -v iwlagn
sleep 2
iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
sleep 2
iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
sleep 2
iwconfig wlan0 essid happy
sleep 2
ifconfig wlan0 netmask

I hope it saves someone 5 minutes of scripting :-)

Kind regards,

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 12:50 +0400, Paul Fertser wrote:
> Chuck Norris  writes:
> > Is it possible make FR act as wifi access point?
> > Which utils can help?
> Only ad-hoc. iptables + iwconfig, nothing else needed i think. Set
> adhoc before setting ssid.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Neo 1973 - new battery?

2010-06-09 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Torinn,

I bought a bigger battery for my HTC magican once with this shop.
They shipped fast, no problem there, but my HTC was utterly confused
about how full the battery was. i was stuck on 30% for days :-)

But with the shop i had no problem whatsoever.

Kind regards,

On 06/08/2010 08:53 PM, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 9:36 PM, Torfinn Ingolfsen  <>> wrote:
> Where can I find a new battery for my Neo 1973?
> It is better if it is cheap, and it must charge in the phone.
> Hmm, is this store any good?
> Anybody have experience with them?
> -- 
> Regards,
> Torfinn
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: virus?

2010-06-17 Thread Ed Kapitein
well, our company virus scanner is also complaining, so it seems a real

The page you've been trying to access was blocked.

Reason: Virus Detected! The page or file you requested is infected with
the following virus: Troj/JSRedir-BD.

Kind regards,

On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 11:32 +0200, Fox Mulder wrote:
> Hi,
> since quite some time my virus scanner (avast) complains about a virus
> infection (JS:Illredir-AX[Tr]) when i try to surf to
> Can someone confirm this or is my virus scanner a bit mad?
> And if there is a virus then why didn't the owner of this site remove it? :)
> Ciao,
>  Rainer
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?

2010-06-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Shosholoza,

You could use tcpdump and analyze what the traffic is you are seeing.
That would give you a hint why there is data transmitted over your gprs

I hop this will help you.

Kind regards,

On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 00:16 -0700, Shosholoza wrote:
> I have a recent but not the last unstable shr lite. When I connect with gprs
> my Freerunner,randomly, receive and send a lot of byte. Why this? Can I stop
> this? I would like understand. Any suggest will be appreciated.  

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?

2010-06-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Shosholoza,

No time to panic, just time to get a new provider ;-)
Why would they send netbios sessions up your ppp link?
Especially when you are neither the sender or receiver of that session.
I think a firewall would be nice to have anyway, but as long as your
provider is sending you garbage, there is little you can do.
( except from complaining to them)
I seriously hope they don't charge you for the traffic you are seeing on
your end of the link!
Other than that, how is your connection? stable, fast?

Kind regards,

On 06/18/2010 07:47 PM, Shosholoza wrote:
> I reinstalled SHR lite. Now I can start on Gprs with settings -> Connectivity
> but the random sender and receiver of bytes not stopped. I installed tcpdump
> and after few seconds I obtain this:
> r...@om-gta02 /etc/ppp # tcpdump -v -i ppp0 
> tcpdump: listening on ppp0, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size
> 68 bytes
> 19:33:06.931371 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 38, id 15160, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> TCP (6), length 64)
> > Flags [S], seq
> 2243638647, win 53760, options [mss 1360,[|tcp]>
> 19:33:06.932024 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP
> (6), length 40)
> > Flags [R.], cksum 0x650e
> (correct), seq 0, ack 2243638648, win 0, length 0
> 19:33:06.956867 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 20189, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 74)
> > 64069+[|domain]
> 19:33:07.656310 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 241, id 35873, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 134)
> > 64069 NXDomain[|domain]
> 19:33:07.660352 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 20330, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 70)
> > 2568+[|domain]
> 19:33:08.300014 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 241, id 35874, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 130)
> > 2568 NXDomain[|domain]
> 19:33:08.319830 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 20462, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 73)
> > 61714+[|domain]
> 19:33:09.480119 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 241, id 35875, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 132)
> > 61714 NXDomain*[|domain]
> 19:33:20.527603 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 119, id 5232, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> TCP (6), length 48)
> > Flags [S], seq 3106167060, win
> 0, options [mss 1360,[|tcp]>
> 19:33:20.528435 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP
> (6), length 40)
> > Flags [R.], cksum 0x026d
> (correct), seq 0, ack 3106167061, win 0, length 0
> 19:33:20.542323 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 22906, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 71)
> > 53942+[|domain]
> 19:33:21.338760 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 241, id 35876, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> UDP (17), length 131)
> > 53942 NXDomain[|domain]
> 19:33:21.848942 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 119, id 5593, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> TCP (6), length 48)
> > Flags [S], seq 3106167060, win
> 0, options [mss 1360,[|tcp]>
> 19:33:21.849317 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP
> (6), length 40)
> > Flags [R.], cksum 0x026d
> (correct), seq 0, ack 1, win 0, length 0
> 19:33:22.929034 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 119, id 5894, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> TCP (6), length 48)
> > Flags [S], seq 3106167060, win
> 0, options [mss 1360,[|tcp]>
> 19:33:22.929415 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP
> (6), length 40)
> > Flags [R.], cksum 0x026d
> (correct), seq 0, ack 1, win 0, length 0
> ^C
> 16 packets captured
> 16 packets received by filter
> 0 packets dropped by kernel
> The IP Address of my PC was
> It is time for panic? :)
> I need of a firewall into my Freerunner?

Openmoko community mailing list

T-mobile even more plus

2010-06-22 Thread Ed Kapitein

I want to get a t-mobile "even more plus unlimited data plan" in the USA.
Is there anyone with hands on experience with this plan?
It says, unlimited web access, does that mean unlimited access to web
sites, or can i use ssh/scp/rsync to offload my pictures and videos to
my server at home?

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: T-mobile even more plus

2010-06-23 Thread Ed Kapitein
Ah, thanks a lot,
now i am quiet sure my setup will just work.
I know i could tunnel almost everything, but it would make it a bit more
In holland, where i live, ssh is also not blocked, so i can keep things
as they are right now.
Thanks for trying and the feedback!

Kind regards,

On Tue, 2010-06-22 at 17:50 -0400, Jim Ancona wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to get a t-mobile "even more plus unlimited data plan"
> in the USA.
> Is there anyone with hands on experience with this plan?
> It says, unlimited web access, does that mean unlimited access
> to web
> sites, or can i use ssh/scp/rsync to offload my pictures and
> videos to
> my server at home?
> I have a T-Mobile Even More Plus plan with "Unlimited Web for Phones".
> I just successfully ssh'd from my phone to an internet host, so they
> don't block port 22. I know common protocols like POP and IMAP work in
> addition to web, and with ssh, I guess you could tunnel anything else
> you might need. If you're going to be rsync'ing your video library,
> you may want to ask about data caps on a mobile forum site
> like, but it's hard to imagine you'll have a problem
> at GPRS speed with the Freerunner.
> Good luck!
> Jim
> Kind regards,
> Ed
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: T-mobile even more plus

2010-06-23 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 06/23/2010 06:09 PM, jeremy jozwik wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Jim Ancona  wrote:
>> I have a T-Mobile Even More Plus plan with "Unlimited Web for Phones". I
>> just successfully ssh'd from my phone to an internet host, so they don't
>> block port 22. I know common protocols like POP and IMAP work in addition to
>> web, and with ssh, I guess you could tunnel anything else you might need. If
>> you're going to be rsync'ing your video library, you may want to ask about
>> data caps on a mobile forum site like, but it's hard to
>> imagine you'll have a problem at GPRS speed with the Freerunner.
>> Good luck!
>> Jim
> this is a contract plan correct?
> im on t-mobile prepaid and anxiously await a prepaid data plan.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
It is not really prepaid, but it is a monthly contract, not an annual
contract, as far as i can tell you can take it for one month and cancel
it the next month.

And that is just fine for our holidays.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: T-mobile even more plus

2010-08-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi All,

I just came home from a wonderful trip trough the USA.
Lots of beautiful scenery and animals.
I also used my european FR to make calls and to have internet access.
The "even more plus unlimited data plan" was not available for my SIM
card, i would have needed a new sim card, but because i was traveling
this was not an option.
So i went with the prepaid "sidekick" plan, unlimited internet access
for 1 dollar per day.
It worked very well in california and was usable in the other states.
don't expect miracles, it is gprs and thus a bit slow, and in states
like nevada, you only have coverage near big cities.
This might be due to the fact that i have a European FR, i am not sure.
It worked well enough to send my gps logs back home while i was driving.

I also used my FR to track my transatlantic flight, from holland to
San francisco,  see [1] [2]
(with an external battery pack to cover the ten hour flight)

Kind regards,


On 06/22/2010 11:50 PM, Jim Ancona wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Ed Kapitein  <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to get a t-mobile "even more plus unlimited data plan" in
> the USA.
> Is there anyone with hands on experience with this plan?
> It says, unlimited web access, does that mean unlimited access to web
> sites, or can i use ssh/scp/rsync to offload my pictures and videos to
> my server at home?
> I have a T-Mobile Even More Plus plan with "Unlimited Web for Phones".
> I just successfully ssh'd from my phone to an internet host, so they
> don't block port 22. I know common protocols like POP and IMAP work in
> addition to web, and with ssh, I guess you could tunnel anything else
> you might need. If you're going to be rsync'ing your video library,
> you may want to ask about data caps on a mobile forum site
> like <>, but it's hard to
> imagine you'll have a problem at GPRS speed with the Freerunner.
> Good luck!
> Jim
> Kind regards,
> Ed
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> <>
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: T-mobile even more plus

2010-08-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Jeremy,

Take a look at [1]
The sidekick is actually a phone, but the service works on a FR as well.
You need to use the settings that are listed by the sidekick phone.
(the APN is:

Kind regards,


On 08/02/2010 08:41 PM, jeremy jozwik wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
>> So i went with the prepaid "sidekick" plan, unlimited internet access for 1
>> dollar per day.
> i have been looking for a contract-less data plan in the united states
> for some time. can you provide a link to the plan you used, i am
> having trouble finding it.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: T-mobile even more plus

2010-08-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 08/02/2010 09:18 PM, wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Congratulations for capturing the beautiful GPS track. Could you share how 
> you managed to do it? Did you wait for the plane to start or did you get on 
> the plane with a GPS fix?
> Both times I tried, the Freerunner lost fix just before the start.
> Cheers,
> rhn
> On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 20:36:23 +0200
> Ed Kapitein  wrote:


Actually i took two approaches, on the trip from holland to the USA i
used an external gps receiver [1] and used gpsd  on the FR with an
bluetooth connection.
I did had a fix just prior to take off.
( i did not hear the announcement "all electronic equipment must be
switched off now", a sudden attack of deafness i guess... ;-) )
The log is simply gpspipe -r > /some/file , nothing fancy there.
I do switch log files every 500Mb, so the files don't get too big for
rsync to be transfered over a not so reliable gprs connection at a later

At the very end of our holiday i lost my gps receiver ( i left it in an
rental RV...)
so on the trip from the USA to holland i jammed my fr between the window
and the "shade" ( a plastic curtain that covers the window to make it dark )
if you remove the back cover of the FR it fits even better.
I had a fix prior to take off, but i lost it after take off when i
checked the FR.
It seems the FR really needs to be close to the window to obtain and
keep a fix
But it did get a new fix after i put the FR against the window again and
after studying the GPX logs at home is noticed that i had a dgps fix
most of the time, so WAAS or EGNOS are really working on the FR.

I also noticed that  the elevation seems to be working too, i was on +/-
meter and that seems right.
( holland is flat and i never could use the elevation before ;-) )

Hope this answers your question?

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: T-mobile even more plus

2010-08-03 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 00:07 +0200,
> On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 21:47:18 +0200
> Ed Kapitein  wrote:
> > On 08/02/2010 09:18 PM, wrote:
> > > Hi Ed,
> > >
> > > Congratulations for capturing the beautiful GPS track. Could you share 
> > > how you managed to do it? Did you wait for the plane to start or did you 
> > > get on the plane with a GPS fix?
> > >
> > > Both times I tried, the Freerunner lost fix just before the start.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > rhn
> > >
> > > On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 20:36:23 +0200
> > > Ed Kapitein  wrote:
> > >
> > >   
> > ><
> > 
> > Sure,
> > 
> > Actually i took two approaches, on the trip from holland to the USA i
> > used an external gps receiver [1] and used gpsd  on the FR with an
> > bluetooth connection.
> > I did had a fix just prior to take off.
> > ( i did not hear the announcement "all electronic equipment must be
> > switched off now", a sudden attack of deafness i guess... ;-) )
> > The log is simply gpspipe -r > /some/file , nothing fancy there.
> > I do switch log files every 500Mb, so the files don't get too big for
> > rsync to be transfered over a not so reliable gprs connection at a later
> > time.
> > 
> > At the very end of our holiday i lost my gps receiver ( i left it in an
> > rental RV...)
> > so on the trip from the USA to holland i jammed my fr between the window
> > and the "shade" ( a plastic curtain that covers the window to make it dark )
> > if you remove the back cover of the FR it fits even better.
> > I had a fix prior to take off, but i lost it after take off when i
> > checked the FR.
> > It seems the FR really needs to be close to the window to obtain and
> > keep a fix
> > But it did get a new fix after i put the FR against the window again and
> > after studying the GPX logs at home is noticed that i had a dgps fix
> > most of the time, so WAAS or EGNOS are really working on the FR.
> > 
> > I also noticed that  the elevation seems to be working too, i was on +/-
> > 1
> > meter and that seems right.
> > ( holland is flat and i never could use the elevation before ;-) )
> > 
> > Hope this answers your question?
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > Ed
> > 
> > [1]
> >
> > 
> > 
> Thanks, this was a really exhaustive reply. I forgot to ask whether it's 
> possible to get a fix after takeoff, but you answered even that question ;)
> It seems that my problem was hiding the Freerunner underneath some cover on 
> my lap. Next time I'm going to try the shade trick and a deafness strike 
> (they didn't mind me taking photos, so I guess it's safe). I'll also try to 
> see if losing the fix is related to the start of the engines.
> What program did you use to capture the log files? I'm always using TangoGPS, 
> and I never saw any DGPS information in it. I didn't even know SHR (am I 
> guessing right?) supported DGPS!
> Cheers,
> rhn
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
The log is simply gpspipe -r > /some/file , nothing fancy there.
I am using gentoo, with the framework fso-gpsd. the nmea log can be
converted later with gpsbabel into a gpx format. the gpx file will show
the kind of fix you have 2d, 3d or dgps.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-15 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Nikolaus,

I would prefer pre orders to finance the next FR.
and with a discount for the pre-order i think it is possible to raise
the money for the development.
lets say 400 Euro with pre-order and 500 euro without pre ordering?

I might be one of the people who will preorder.
( or just buy a 50 euro nokia... :-) )

Kind regards,

On 08/13/2010 07:18 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Am 13.08.2010 um 12:35 schrieb Neil Brown:
>> On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 11:22:02 +0200
>> "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller"  wrote:
>>> Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of seamless 3D video 
>>>> and faster processor) is going to be released???
>>> Assume, you could get a motherboard upgrade board that fits into the 
>>> Freerunner (or Neo1973) case. Based on the TI OMAP3 SoC (OMAP3530 or 
>>> DM3730) and UMTS.
>>> Let me ask two questions to everybody:
>>> * How long could you be willing to wait for it to really become available?
>>> * How much would you think you could afford to pay for such a board?
>> Is there a serious possibility of this?
> I wasn't open enough, intentionally :) Yes, there is a serious possibility.
> The Openmoko Beagle Hybrid Board is a first step for those who want to be 
> early participants of this new era.
> In addition, we (a small project team in Munich, Germany) have mostly 
> finished our homework (i.e. doing prototypes and experiments like the OM 
> Beagle Hybrid, doing PCB layout) to be sure that it *can* be done. Really 
> building such boards will still cost a significant amount of money (for 
> paying components, professional PCB manufacturing and SMD soldering) and time 
> (therefore: my question how long you would wait).
>> I'm willing to wait a couple of years at least.  And the 500 Euro number that
> It will definitively not take several years.
>> people are throwing around seems OK.
> To finance the next phase, we are thinking about asking for donations or to 
> hold an auction for the first 5 or 10 prototype units. What would you think 
> of such an approach?
>> Would this be re-using the case, display and touch screen and replacing
>> everything else?
> Yes, that is the idea. More information (e.g. complete feature list) and 
> openness (as suggested by arne anka) is to come soon. Please watch out for 
> announcements in the next couple of weeks...
> Nikolaus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-08-29 Thread Ed Kapitein

A million thanks for setting up this project as successfully as you did!
I think the software on the FR is now starting to be as good
as i expected it to be when it was maintained by openmoko inc.

I will flash in about an hour, again many thanks for you and the others
that made this release

Kind regards,

On 08/28/2010 10:31 PM, Radek Polak wrote:
> Hello,
> qtmoko has new v26 release. You can get it from our sourceforge page [1].
> Qtmoko is distribution for Openmoko Freerunner phone based on debian and 
> qtopia. You can find more info here [2] [3] [4].
> Here is list of changes since previous stable version (v24):
> * Fixed WS (white screen) problem in qmplayer & QX rotation (Gennady Kupava)
> * Fixed unresponsive touchscreen after resume (Gennady Kupava)
> * Better mass storage scripts (Alex Samorukov)
> * Use blue indicator is used for wifi activity (Alex Samorukov)
> * Reconnect wifi after resume (Alex Samorukov)
> * Updated QtMaze with better graphics and other enhancements (Anton Olkhovik)
> * We use kernel modules for bluetooth
> * QMplayer supports command line arguments (Anton Olkhovik)
> * QMplayer support for youtube videos (Anton Olkhovik)
> * QMplayer can encode videos suitable for Freerunner's screen
> * More reliable GPRS connection (Alex Samorukov)
> * Dont mount /var/cache/apt for SD card images which makes apt work better
> * Working for bluetooth hands free for GSM calls
> * Shell scripts that are executed on suspend/resume (Piotr Gabryjeluk)
> * APGS and GPS standby support (Piotr Gabryjeluk)
> * Fixed "When locked" power management mode
> * Bigger QTerminal (no tabs whith only one session)
> * Support for A2DP bluetooth audio
> * Raptor - GUI for apt package manager
> * QMplayer - support for playlists (Anton Olkhovik)
> * New nice theme called finximod (Joif)
> * Stripped kernel modules for saving more space
> * Deleted unused dejavu fonts for more space
> * Use stylesheet for better html forms rendering in Arora (Ant+Alex)
> * Arora supports downloading and playing youtube videos (Anton Olkhovik)
> * Arora is smaller uses tab labels and better animation (Alex Samorukov)
> * Tab bar size and zooming as upstream Arora does (Alex Samorukov)
> * Fixed "not found error page" in Arora (Alex Samorukov)
> * We have kernel sources on github [5]
> * New apps - qweather (Anton Olkhovik) and qneoriod game (Bala)
> * PDF support in eyepiece (Alex Samorukov)
> * Fixed crashing qdictopia (Alex Samorukov)
> Most of the changes dont need comments, but some require explanation.
> First of all kernel fixes from Gennady deserve big credit. Finally after 
> years 
> you should not see any white screen. Watching videos in qvga and rotating X 
> server now works flawlessly. Thanks!
> Kernel sources with current .config can be found on github [5]. Updated 
> instructions for building are in rootfs howto [6].
> You can now watch youtube videos from Arora web browser. Nice howto is here 
> [7]. There is currently problem that mplayer cant handle flv files. I think 
> this 
> is due to changes in youtube videos format, because it worked with apt-get 
> installed mplayer before. But you can download the video and encode it to mp4 
> in qmplayer right on the device.
> QtMoko should now save AGPS data before GPS is switched off (e.g. after you 
> end 
> NeronGPS). After GPS is switched on, it will supply those stored data and you 
> will get fast fix. AGPS data is stored in /var/cache/agpsdata.
> Bluetooth headsets can be now used for both audio and GSM calls. GSM calls 
> needed fix because of kernel bug. The fix is userspace program 
> gta02-gsm-bt-fix 
> by Gabrys and is started/stoped when handsfree connects/disconnects. There is 
> problem that you must have incomming call first. If you make outgoing call 
> first, you will have no audio. This should be fixed in newer kernels but we 
> dont 
> know fix for 2.6.29 kernel used in this release.
> A2DP (bluetooth audio) support works too but with some glitches. You need 
> headset with A2DP support. After pairing press "Supported services" from 
> bluetooth device context menu. New button "Connect audio (A2DP)" should then 
> appear. Sometimes it fails to connect. For me it help putting headset in 
> pairing mode, restart phone and then the button works. If you make the 
> bluetooth audio device default it will work in all alsa programs, but expect 
> problems e.g. with GSM calls. If you dont make it default GSM will be ok. 
> However only QMplayer can detect it and use it now.
> Other changes should not need more explanation, but if you would like to know 
> some details i will be happy to answer questions.

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-08-29 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 08/28/2010 10:31 PM, Radek Polak wrote:
> Hello,
> qtmoko has new v26 release. You can get it from our sourceforge page [1].
> Qtmoko is distribution for Openmoko Freerunner phone based on debian and 
> qtopia. You can find more info here [2] [3] [4].
> Here is list of changes since previous stable version (v24):
> * Fixed WS (white screen) problem in qmplayer & QX rotation (Gennady Kupava)
> * Fixed unresponsive touchscreen after resume (Gennady Kupava)
> * Better mass storage scripts (Alex Samorukov)
> * Use blue indicator is used for wifi activity (Alex Samorukov)
> * Reconnect wifi after resume (Alex Samorukov)
> * Updated QtMaze with better graphics and other enhancements (Anton Olkhovik)
> * We use kernel modules for bluetooth
> * QMplayer supports command line arguments (Anton Olkhovik)
> * QMplayer support for youtube videos (Anton Olkhovik)
> * QMplayer can encode videos suitable for Freerunner's screen
> * More reliable GPRS connection (Alex Samorukov)
> * Dont mount /var/cache/apt for SD card images which makes apt work better
> * Working for bluetooth hands free for GSM calls
> * Shell scripts that are executed on suspend/resume (Piotr Gabryjeluk)
> * APGS and GPS standby support (Piotr Gabryjeluk)
> * Fixed "When locked" power management mode
> * Bigger QTerminal (no tabs whith only one session)
> * Support for A2DP bluetooth audio
> * Raptor - GUI for apt package manager
> * QMplayer - support for playlists (Anton Olkhovik)
> * New nice theme called finximod (Joif)
> * Stripped kernel modules for saving more space
> * Deleted unused dejavu fonts for more space
> * Use stylesheet for better html forms rendering in Arora (Ant+Alex)
> * Arora supports downloading and playing youtube videos (Anton Olkhovik)
> * Arora is smaller uses tab labels and better animation (Alex Samorukov)
> * Tab bar size and zooming as upstream Arora does (Alex Samorukov)
> * Fixed "not found error page" in Arora (Alex Samorukov)
> * We have kernel sources on github [5]
> * New apps - qweather (Anton Olkhovik) and qneoriod game (Bala)
> * PDF support in eyepiece (Alex Samorukov)
> * Fixed crashing qdictopia (Alex Samorukov)
> Most of the changes dont need comments, but some require explanation.
> First of all kernel fixes from Gennady deserve big credit. Finally after 
> years 
> you should not see any white screen. Watching videos in qvga and rotating X 
> server now works flawlessly. Thanks!
> Kernel sources with current .config can be found on github [5]. Updated 
> instructions for building are in rootfs howto [6].
> You can now watch youtube videos from Arora web browser. Nice howto is here 
> [7]. There is currently problem that mplayer cant handle flv files. I think 
> this 
> is due to changes in youtube videos format, because it worked with apt-get 
> installed mplayer before. But you can download the video and encode it to mp4 
> in qmplayer right on the device.
> QtMoko should now save AGPS data before GPS is switched off (e.g. after you 
> end 
> NeronGPS). After GPS is switched on, it will supply those stored data and you 
> will get fast fix. AGPS data is stored in /var/cache/agpsdata.
> Bluetooth headsets can be now used for both audio and GSM calls. GSM calls 
> needed fix because of kernel bug. The fix is userspace program 
> gta02-gsm-bt-fix 
> by Gabrys and is started/stoped when handsfree connects/disconnects. There is 
> problem that you must have incomming call first. If you make outgoing call 
> first, you will have no audio. This should be fixed in newer kernels but we 
> dont 
> know fix for 2.6.29 kernel used in this release.
> A2DP (bluetooth audio) support works too but with some glitches. You need 
> headset with A2DP support. After pairing press "Supported services" from 
> bluetooth device context menu. New button "Connect audio (A2DP)" should then 
> appear. Sometimes it fails to connect. For me it help putting headset in 
> pairing mode, restart phone and then the button works. If you make the 
> bluetooth audio device default it will work in all alsa programs, but expect 
> problems e.g. with GSM calls. If you dont make it default GSM will be ok. 
> However only QMplayer can detect it and use it now.
> Other changes should not need more explanation, but if you would like to know 
> some details i will be happy to answer questions.
> Thanks for everybody who helped with this release. I hope you'll like the 
> changes and new features.
> Cheers
> Radek
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6] 
> [7]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-08-31 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 08/31/2010 12:22 PM, Radek Polak wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 August 2010 11:28:46 Francesco De Vita wrote:
>> Radek please can you explain these commands in the devtools?
>> - AGPS dump
> You must have gps on and you must have fix. Then it takes data from GPS chip 
> and saves them to /var/cache/agpsdata
>> - AGPS lead
> You must have GPS on. It takes data previously dumped to /var/cache/agpsdata 
> and sends them to GPS chip. The chip can use the data to get faster fix.
> Both of the above scripts are used automaticaly by qtopia GPS manager (it's 
> called whereabouts or something like this) before turning GPS off and after 
> powering it on.
>> - Fast Charge Mod
> That's script from QtExtended 4.4.3 - i doubt it works.
>> - GPS standby enter
> When GPS is on it can put it in standby. In this mode GPS consumes very 
> little 
> power.
>> - GPS standy leave
> Leaves standby mode. You can normally use GPS then and it should get very 
> fast 
> fix.
>> Do you think to include a better wifi manager in next releases? the
>> default one still causes problem (alias you must be lucky to have a
>> working connection, at least for me).
> I dont plan any rewriting. I will accept fixes/patches or standalone 
> application for setting wifi (installable by Setting->package manager). But 
> since wifi works on my open network it's not very high priority (which means 
> someone else has to do the work ;-)
> Regards
> Radek
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi Radek,

I tried to do AGPS dump, but that gives no data in
Then i took a look at the sources and it says:
gta02-gps $GPS_ARGS --dump-agps $AGPS_PATH
(in qtmoko/devices/neo/src/devtools/scripts/

So i ran that manually, like this:
/opt/qtmoko/bin/gta02-gps $GPS_ARGS --dump-agps $AGPS_PATH
But that gives:
/opt/qtmoko/bin/gta02-gps: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

and ldd /opt/qtmoko/bin/gta02-gps shows a lot of missing libraries.

Am i doing something wrong, or is the code not yet functional?

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v26

2010-08-31 Thread Ed Kapitein
Nevermind, i forgot the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Kind regards,

On 08/31/2010 08:38 PM, Ed Kapitein wrote:
> On 08/31/2010 12:22 PM, Radek Polak wrote:
>> On Tuesday 31 August 2010 11:28:46 Francesco De Vita wrote:
>>> Radek please can you explain these commands in the devtools?
>>> - AGPS dump
>> You must have gps on and you must have fix. Then it takes data from GPS chip 
>> and saves them to /var/cache/agpsdata
>>> - AGPS lead
>> You must have GPS on. It takes data previously dumped to /var/cache/agpsdata 
>> and sends them to GPS chip. The chip can use the data to get faster fix.
>> Both of the above scripts are used automaticaly by qtopia GPS manager (it's 
>> called whereabouts or something like this) before turning GPS off and after 
>> powering it on.
>>> - Fast Charge Mod
>> That's script from QtExtended 4.4.3 - i doubt it works.
>>> - GPS standby enter
>> When GPS is on it can put it in standby. In this mode GPS consumes very 
>> little 
>> power.
>>> - GPS standy leave
>> Leaves standby mode. You can normally use GPS then and it should get very 
>> fast 
>> fix.
>>> Do you think to include a better wifi manager in next releases? the
>>> default one still causes problem (alias you must be lucky to have a
>>> working connection, at least for me).
>> I dont plan any rewriting. I will accept fixes/patches or standalone 
>> application for setting wifi (installable by Setting->package manager). But 
>> since wifi works on my open network it's not very high priority (which means 
>> someone else has to do the work ;-)
>> Regards
>> Radek
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> Hi Radek,
> I tried to do AGPS dump, but that gives no data in
> /var/cache/agpsdata.
> Then i took a look at the sources and it says:
> gta02-gps $GPS_ARGS --dump-agps $AGPS_PATH
> (in qtmoko/devices/neo/src/devtools/scripts/
> So i ran that manually, like this:
> /opt/qtmoko/bin/gta02-gps $GPS_ARGS --dump-agps $AGPS_PATH
> But that gives:
> /opt/qtmoko/bin/gta02-gps: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> and ldd /opt/qtmoko/bin/gta02-gps shows a lot of missing libraries.
> Am i doing something wrong, or is the code not yet functional?
> Kind regards,
> Ed
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Boot selection

2010-09-12 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi all,

Is there a way to select where to boot from, nand or uSD?
and i need a software choice, no the obvious boot select with the aux
button, which requires physical access to the freerunner.

So, given that i have no physical access to the freerunnner, how can i
select where to boot from?

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list


2010-09-29 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi all,

I recently bought another freerunner and i have a "plan" with my
provider that will give me free calls between my family members.

Is there someone who ever hookup up two freerunners, using phonecalls?
I took a look at [1] that uses a linmodem, software only modem.
With this software you can hook up two computers using the soundcards.
Is Something simmilar possible wit 2 FR 's? 

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: let's launch a FR into space

2010-10-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi all,

>From what  i understand the doppler effect on the gsm signal limits the
max speed to +/- 250 Km/h.
So even with GSM coverage i doubt if it will be able to connect.

Kind regards,

On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 16:15 +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Am 18.10.2010 um 16:05 schrieb Michal Brzozowski:
> > 2010/10/18 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller :
> >> 
> >> I did not at all disagree with that and said:
> >> 
> >>> Good idea for repeating :)
> >> 
> > 
> > Sure! So, first idea. Is it possible to live stream the video from the
> > launch?
> Very likely.
> > Would a FR be able to connect to GSM cells from 30km above
> > ground?
> I don't know but would doubt it from theory.
> Antennas on GSM base stations don't have a half-spherical characteristics
> but try to bundle the transmitter's energy to a location where it is
> needed mostly. And that is on earth's surface.
> But that could be part of the experiment. Just log the list of GSM base 
> stations
> found. And add a Freerunner Navigation Board to get barometric altitude. So
> you can see at which altitude which signals can be received.
> > Has anyone ever tried video streaming from the FR?
> The first questions is how to connect a camera.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-10-21 Thread Ed Kapitein
 Hi Grennady,

I notice two times  "menu_1=" , is that intenional or just a typo?
Kind regards,

 On 10/21/2010 08:21 PM, Gennady Kupava wrote:
> В Чтв, 21/10/2010 в 20:57 +0200, David Garabana Barro пишет:
>> Gennady
>> Is your "242-glamo-timings uboot" ubifs capable?
>> I cannot boot qtmoko v28 with it, even after changing bootargs...
> Hi, David.
> Sure, it works ok here. Basically, u-boot's job on nand is only load
> kernel from fsless partition, transfer boot params to it, and execute
> kernel, so it is completely indefferent to kind of fs you have. glamo
> timings has no relation to NAND at all too.
> Recheck your env params and you downloaded everything in right way
> (kernel, u-boot env). My updated u-boot env (xfs on sd card):
> Source:
> Binary:
> Gennady
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Carrier in Belgium

2010-10-22 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Atilla,

I use t-mobile in holland and have good experience with them for GRPS
and normal GSM calls.
I had also a good experience in the USA with t-mobile, also with both
GPRS and GSM calls.

So you could give them a try.

Kind regards,

i am in no way associated with t-mobile :-)

On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 23:36 +0200, Atilla Filiz wrote:
> (sorry for the duplicate)
> Hi list
> I am moving to Belgium in a couple of weeks and will buy a(probably
> prepaid) line from there. Can anyone tell which company plays well
> with FR hardware? I had problems with Vodafone NL before(GSM OK but no
> GPRS) also with Globul BG and I don't want this to happen again.
> --
> Atilla
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread Ed Kapitein
 On 10/26/2010 03:17 PM, W. B. Kranendonk wrote:
> --- On Tue, 10/26/10, Andreas Fischer  wrote:
>> On 26.10.2010 12:14, Dr. H. Nikolaus
>> Schaller wrote:
>>> How many new cases would you and your friends buy if
>> it costs:
>>> * 20 EUR
>>> * 50 EUR
>>> * 100 EUR
>>> * 200 EUR
>> (...) 20 Euros is
>> a no-brainer (...)
>> 50 Euros still sound ok to me. Anything above 100 Euros
>> seems to be a
>> bit steep for me.
> I agree on the 20 and 50 euro options, when talking just about the case. When 
> talking about (fictive) 350E for a complete phone, that seems OK if you don't 
> know that it's 150 for electronics and 200 for the case.
> Over 100E might be steep for only the case, but combined with the 
> "foundation" idea Nikolaus launched it might get interesting: 
> *  20 E
> *  50 E
> * 100 E and one share in the Opencase foundation
> * 200 E and two shares in the Opencase foundation
> or a similar scheme. In case (no pun intended) we use a production method 
> that scales well, the average case price will lower over time and after a 
> break even the foundation could pay the shareholders. Probably gives loads of 
> headaches in administration, but could be an option :-)
> Boudewijn
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi All,

Since it seems so hard to have a custom made case, why not use an
existing case for a HTC, nokia, iphone or the like?
(or a chinese replica)
The layout of the PCB needs to be alltered ofcourse, but it seems that
it might be an easier thing to do.
 Just my 2 cents.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread Ed Kapitein
 On 10/26/2010 05:05 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Hi All,
> Since it seems so hard to have a custom made case, why not use an
> existing case for a HTC, nokia, iphone or the like?
> (or a chinese replica)
> The layout of the PCB needs to be alltered ofcourse, but it seems that
> it might be an easier thing to do.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Interesting idea to think about.
> For me, this raises some questions.
> The first is: which one should we take? There are many candidates...
> Second one: do we want to become dependent on the availability of such 
> products and/or
> spare parts? We need a source for pure spare parts where none of the *big 
> five* can
> make our life even more difficult.
> Finally, it might become quite tricky to design a new PCB that fits into 
> their cases because they
> use even more special tools and components than the Openmoko design does. If 
> you look
> inside such a device they sometimes e.g. have multiple PCBs interconnected by 
> Flex PCBs.
> Or they have custom designed connectors, buttons, springs, screws etc. Which 
> is no problem
> if they produce 1 million units per month.
> Sean has given us a very important learning: we should use catalog components 
> (e.g. DigiKey,
> Farnell, Mouser, RS-Components) as good as possible. Unfortunately they don't 
> have a
> smartphone case.
> Nikolaus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi Nikolaus ,

I think all your points are valid, it would be just a start to get the
phone out to the "public"
And perhpaps a part of the price could be used to get the
parts/equipment to make a custom case.
I took a look at my old htc magican and the screen dimensions are the
same as the FR.
The "photo" button is almost at the same location as the AUX button.
The power button is somewhere else though.
a cover cost aprox 22 dollar at [1] and perhpas less if you order a 100
or so.

It wouldn't be a perfect sollution, but it might be a step on the road.


Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Always Innovating

2010-11-01 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi All,

A while ago there was intrest in the MID of always inovating.
They seem to be shipping the devices as of today. [1]
So get them while they'r fresh ;-)

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Always Innovating

2010-11-03 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Thomas,

A bit far off perhaps, but an similar effort has been done for the Ipod
touch [1]
Perhaps there are lessons learned from that project.

Kind regrads,



On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 10:28 +, Thomas HOCEDEZ wrote:
> The main idea I had was to plug everything through the 40pin connector. 
> All the stuff will be contained in a case in parallel of the MiniMoko 
> one. (a kind of 'slice' if you want).
> They wanted us to design the schema of what should be included & the 
> connections.
> For my part, I started with
> - 1 usb hub
>  |>  free miniusb connector (to connect the outside world)
>  |>  3G usb key (some of them are working out of the box, got to 
> find which)
>  |>  GPS USB dongle (no idea of which one for now)
>  \>  Internal USB Port
> - Powering capabilities (through USB / extra battery?)
> There will be a problem in what size all this stuff will be, and as the 
> MiniBook is 0.9cm wide, I don't want to make a hufghr sandwich !
> If you have any idea/reference, it'll be welcome !
> Thomas
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Address the WM8753 directly

2010-11-08 Thread Ed Kapitein
 Hi All,

I want to hack a bit on the Wolfson sound chip.
The ultimate goal is to make a FR to FR modem conection, using the GSM
voice band.
But the first step would be to generate a sine wave and feed it to the
wolfson chip.

I know i can use the alsa driver, but i would like to experiment a bit
by addressing the hardware directly.

Does anyone have pointers on how to address the hardware and its
registers etc?
I want to write the program in C and need a starting point.

Example programs would be great, but all help is welcome!

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Address the WM8753 directly

2010-11-11 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 12:57 -0800, W. B. Kranendonk wrote:
> --- On Wed, 11/10/10, Al Johnson  wrote:
> > From: Al Johnson 
> > > The ultimate goal is to make a FR to FR modem
> > conection, using the GSM
> > > voice band.
> > 
> > Why? Is this just to see whether it's possible, or how bad
> > the voice channel 
> > is as a data connection when compared to the data channel?
> I can imagine using such a solution on a flatfee subscribtion that does not 
> include data traffic. Just don't tell me you want to use the resulting 
> connection for VoIP :-P
> Boudewijn
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Hi all,

Yes, i would like to see if it is possible and refresh my C programming
It is indeed a flat fee voice subscription, data would cost extra.
VOIP is not what i had in mind ;-)
But i think i can use it to send GPS data from one FR to another.
Or use it for a commandline connection.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

WM8753 Speaker Playback ZC Switch

2010-11-12 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi All,

I am happily hacking on my FR and was toying with the wolfson.
I happen to notice that in order to get any sound from the earpiece i
had to switch on the Speaker Playback ZC Switch.
That switch is mentioned in the statefile, but i can't find it in any of
the diagrams on [1] [2]

Is there someone with an updated version of the diagrams, that includes
the two switches below?

control.9 {
comment.access 'read write'
comment.type BOOLEAN
comment.count 2
iface MIXER
name 'Headphone Playback ZC Switch'
value.0 false
value.1 false
control.10 {
comment.access 'read write'
comment.type BOOLEAN
comment.count 2
iface MIXER
name 'Speaker Playback ZC Switch'
value.0 true
    value.1 true

Kind regards,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-11-13 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Nikolaus,

The story reads like a novel, with another cliffhanger every time:-)

Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,

On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 08:50 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Hi all,
> time for another update.
> Am 06.11.2010 um 12:35 schrieb Sylvain Paré:
> > 
> > Thanks for the news
> > 
> > >
> > > Yesterday I received the second board where we
> > > did populate the TPS65950 (power controller).
> > >
> > > The results of measurements are:
> > > * the 32 kHz RTC clock is operating
> > > * when inserting a battery, most voltages are
> > >  available as expected
> > >
> > > Bad news:
> > >
> > > * we have a short circuit on the 1V8 rail
> > >
> > > I have spent most of the night and this morning to
> > > track this down. It appears to be a solder short circuit
> > > under the TPS chip (a 0.4 mm pitch BGA).
> > >
> > > So I am currently sitting at our SMD rework company
> > > and looking over the shoulder of the CTO who has
> > > a lot of experience. Unfortunately I can't make
> > > photos.
> > >
> > > We already have unsoldered the TPS chip (that needs
> > > a really sophisticated machine) and the short has
> > > disappeared.
> > >
> > > The next step is to solder it back again and do the next tests.
> > >
> > > If that works, i.e. we get all voltages from the power controller,
> > > the 26 MHz oscillator should also start working.
> > >
> > > If that is ok, the OMAP and the POP memory will be soldered.
> > > Maybe we manage to get it today. Then, we can see if the CPU
> > > is doing something.
> > 
> > Current status: the 1.8V is now working but the VDD2 (1.2 V) not.
> > The TPS chip aborts the power up sequence early.
> We could solve that by adding a jump start resistor.
> > > Rene will upload some photos of the board and we will
> > > post a link.
> > 
> > Here:
> >
> >
> Then, we soldered the OMAP3530 and Pop Memory chip and
> connected RS232:
> It did identify itself as "40W" on the RS232 but did not boot beyond
> that. Fortunately the OMAP has a ROM bootloader (which generates
> the 40W sequence) and we could use it to download a special
> second stage boot-loader that has a simple commandline console
> on RS232. Note that it must fit into 64k SRAM built into the OMAP
> chip. So we are back to C64 times :)
> With this tool, we could identify that the (external) SDRAM has a
> stuck-at-1 error on a single bit-line.
> So we expected another soldering issue and had the OMAP+Pop
> replaced on Monday. But the error pattern remained the same!
> Unexpectedly, we were able to put the board into a 3D X-Ray machine
> on Tuesday (during Electronica Fair). Here are machine & results:
> Fortunately it is *not* a soldering issue. And likely not a PCB production
> issue.
> Yesterday late at night we found the problem. It is a bad BGA ball assignment
> in our component library. VDDS_MEM (1.8V) is assigned to B17 instead of
> B18. And, B17 is data line 14 of the SDRAM and should have been left NC.
> Therefore we have tied one data line to a high-level...
> I think we can fix that for our samples but it needs some time and we
> run out of components for the samples. Especially memory chips have
> quite a long lead time. For the series version this will be very easy to fix.
> Nikolaus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Address the WM8753 directly

2010-11-14 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 21:03 +0100, EdorFaus wrote:
> On 11/08/2010 11:47 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> > Ed Kapitein  writes:
> >> Does anyone have pointers on how to address the hardware and its
> >> registers etc?
> >> I want to write the program in C and need a starting point.
> >
> > I think you need to write kernel space code to use it since there are
> > shared resources like i2c that can not be used without proper locking
> > (just guessing here).
> I don't know wether or not that is true, but there is nevertheless a 
> good suggestion between the lines here - for a working example of how to 
> use this hardware, you can look at the driver in the Linux kernel. :)
I also think it is a good suggestion, so i will use the alsa driver for
If i have build up enough courage i might try to replace the alsa part
with something of my own. 
So far it is great fun to get it working by trial and error!

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-u] "Your SIM storage is full..."/PIM problem

2010-12-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Bernard,

You could debug it with the following command:

dbus-send --system --dest=org.freesmartphone.ogsmd --print-reply 
/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.GetMessagebookInfo

Read message 1 with:

dbus-send --system --dest=org.freesmartphone.ogsmd --print-reply 
/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.RetrieveMessage 

Or delete message 1 with:

dbus-send --system --dest=org.freesmartphone.ogsmd --print-reply 
/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.DeleteMessage 

This will give you a lowlevel view of the messages on your SIM

Hope it helps.

Kind regards,

On Saturday 18 December 2010 13:14:34 Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Hi,
> i've just flashed my Freerunner to the latest SHR-unstable.
> Since a couple of days, (that is, with a previous SHR-u), I'm getting a
> message
> "Your SIM storage is full. Please delete some messages or you may not
> receive them anymore!"
> on a regular basis. The funny thing is, I did delete all my messages
> apart from two remaining ones, but SHR keeps complaining, and I really
> don't seem to be able to receive any text messages (SMS) anymore.
> Other than that, after starting programs like Contacts or Messages,
> they're showing that rotating indicator and an otherwise blank window --
> what could be wrong there?
> Bernhard
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

QI kernel parameters

2011-01-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi all,

I have a hard time with an SD card that will give errors whne running
fsck, even right after an fresh mke2fs.
So i am trying to slowdown the glamo, but that does not seem to work with QI
acording to [1] i should work for nand in the same way as it does for sd
card partitions.
But that doesn't seem to be the case.
Any other idea on how to supply kernel parameters while booting from NAND?

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QI kernel parameters

2011-01-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the tip, it seems like a hassle to recompile qi for setting
the glamo clock speed.
Anyway, i tried it, and i end up with:
neo qi # make
mkdir -p image
ld: cannot open linker script file src/cpu// No such file or
make: *** [image/qi--master_c38b062a609f1442.udfu] Error 1
I am building on the FR, so no toolchain there.

Did you manage to get your SD card to work? if so how?
Also in my case the error follows the SD card, another card (class 6)
works just fine, but the new (class 4)
is buggy.

Kind regards,

On 01/02/2011 06:14 PM, Phil Vandry wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 05:43:36PM +0100, Ed Kapitein wrote:
>> I have a hard time with an SD card that will give errors whne running
>> fsck, even right after an fresh mke2fs.
> I have one of those too :-( The problem follows the μSD card, not
> the Freerunner.
>> Any other idea on how to supply kernel parameters while booting from NAND?
> I needed to change the kernel command line and I found that it was easy to
> do by changing Qi's source code. Qi is very small so it's not daunting to
> modify and compiles in to time. All you need is a working toolchain.
> - git clone git://
> - find the function append_device_specific_cmdline_gta02 in
> src/cpu/s3c2442/gta02.c
> You can just add something like
> cmdline += strlen(strcpy(cmdline, " youroption=yourvalue"));
> - make
> - Use dfu-util to flash the result onto the Freerunner.
> -Phil

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA04 Wiki

2011-01-14 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Nikolaus,

What would be a good idea is to have a list with working functionality for the 
That would give people an overview on how usable the device is for  a certain 

for example:
 Yes  No
can send SMS   X
can make voice call   X
working X server X
has working GPS  X


I don't know if it is wise from a buisness point of view, but i would love to 
know how many people have ordered the device yet.

Kind regards,

On Friday 14 January 2011 14:09:45 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Behind the scenes a lot of things are slowly progressing.
> One part is setting up a web interface to important information.
> Therefore, we have now installed
> which is completely virgin..
> To start filling it with really useful information, please let us know
> which pages (keyword, short description) you would expect.
> Nikolaus
> PS: The early adopter offer is still open since we have not yet
> got a quotation for the memory chips (Micron MT29C or MT46
> in 168-VFBGA) and those appear to be the most critical to secure
> first. The more orders we have the easier it becomes to talk to the
> distributors.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS and QtMoko (v32): can't

2011-02-10 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi All,

I have had the same problem since i bought the freerunner, with all distros 
(OM200x, gentoo, qtmoko)
The way i work arround it is by disabling the multiplexer and use the modem 
That way i have a stable gprs connection.
And when i am done using the gprs connection i restart the multiplexer again.

Kind regards,

On Thursday 10 February 2011 09:24:58 Radek Polak wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 February 2011 18:28:48 Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> > This is which has been
> > worked around 4 months ago. Nobody has complained that the fix
> > wouldn't work :-)
> This fix is in qtmoko for long time. I tried it and i looked ok. But this
> weekend i was using FR for sharing internet with PC and the GPRS always
> hanged up somehow - it was ok for some web pages but i was unable to
> transfer anything bigger. I was trying ~2MB file transfer over sftp and
> after many attempts i had to give up. I also tried to limit sfpt upload to
> 1kb/s but that didnt help either - so did it over wifi ;-)
> Regards
> Radek
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Bind / unbind

2011-02-24 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi all,

I use to be able to unbind the wifi card with the following command:
echo s3c2440-sdi >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c2440-sdi/unbind

any idea what the command is for the newer kernel ( ) ?

I did try several in the /sys tree, but to no avail.

kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Bind / unbind

2011-02-25 Thread Ed Kapitein
Thanks, that is it !

Kind regards,

On Friday 25 February 2011 08:42:01 Radek Polak wrote:
> On Thursday 24 February 2011 12:24:03 Ed Kapitein wrote:
> > I use to be able to unbind the wifi card with the following command:
> > echo s3c2440-sdi >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c2440-sdi/unbind
> > 
> > any idea what the command is for the newer kernel ( ) ?
> > 
> > I did try several in the /sys tree, but to no avail.
> I think
> echo s3c2440-sdi > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c-sdi/bind
> echo s3c2440-sdi > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c-sdi/unbind
> but i cant verify now.
> Regards
> Radek
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: MicroSD cards support questions in gta02

2011-02-25 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 02/25/2011 10:08 PM, Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος wrote:
> Having spend a day and some trying to boot qtmoko or shr trying different 
> combinations (bootloader+ distributions + partition scheme )  from two micro 
> sd card i own,  without any success , and since the cards are accesible from 
> linux kernel i'd like to pledge for help in that issue.  I admit i havent 
> play 
> more with uboot enviroment and uboot prompt  but i've tries the rootdelay 
> option.
> Some questions:
> 1)For example why there is need each dist to have its customized bootloader 
> file? Doesnt that imply that there is no general bootloader working  like in 
> desktop pcs?
> 2)Why generally speaking its so difficult to boot from a sdcard? Is the 
> microsd 
> interface  closed and thus a libre drivers has holes?  Is it a card's fault ? 
> (in what way , shouldnt they comply with a standard? ).  Is it glamo hardware 
> thing?  Is the glamo mmc driver 's fault ? All the above in different 
> combinations?
> Some reports (the kernel? or the bootloader? stops and i get messages like 
> below)
> qi booting shr 
> SoftDog: cannot register miscdev on minor=130 (err=-16)
> EXT2-fs (mmcblk0p1): error: ext2_lookup: deleted inode referenced : 267697
> Kernel panic - not syncing : No init found. Try passing init=option to kernel
> uboot booting shr-
> card type  :SD 2.0 SDHC
> Manufacturer:
> Product name: "SA08G", revision 0.4
> Serial number:
> Manufacturing date: 4/2010
> MMC/SD  size : 3MiB
> Unable to read uImage.bin from  mmc 1:2 
> wrong image format for bootm command
> Error cant get kernel image
> Related reports:
> https://
> PS: my 2 cards are   8 GB microSDHC memory card Kingston (class 4 : 
> 15MBit/s-2MB/s) and a 1GB from a nokia phone with no company logo. Also i've 
> asked a friend and i'll try with a sandisk 4GB.
> Thanks!
> Alexandros
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Hi Alexandros,

I use sd cards to run a distro and it works "fine" ( there are some problems 
with the speed an reliability )
I would suggest to format the sd card as one partion with ext2  (on a pc with a 
sd card reader for example) 
and put the qtmoko kernel in the /boot directory of the card and name it 

And write "console=tty0 loglevel=3 rootwait panic=10 
glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=500 glamo_mci.sd_post_power_clock=500 
glamo_mci.sd_slow_ratio=16" in /boot/append-GTA02

Could you please report back what happens when you try to boot then from the SD 
It should start a kernel and panic at the end loading the kernel. ( there is no 
init yet)
Please hold the power button to get some diagnostics printed on your screen.

Kind regards,

cut and paste:
mke2fs /dev/sdb1 ( assuming /dev/sdb is your sd card )
mkdir /tmp/mpt
mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/mpt
mkdir /tmp/mpt/boot
cp /some/place/qtmoko_kernel /tmp/mpt/boot/uImage-GTA02.bin
echo "console=tty0 loglevel=3 rootwait panic=10 glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=500 
glamo_mci.sd_post_power_clock=500 glamo_mci.sd_slow_ratio=16" > 
umount /tmp/mpt
eject /dev/sdb

put the card in the freerunner and boot using qi.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: MicroSD cards support questions in gta02

2011-02-26 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 02/26/2011 09:41 PM, Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Ed.
> My gta02 boots every 10 sec and the last messages seen before boot is in the 
> image :
> The images i used for kernel and qi where from:
> I took the kernel from:
> qtmoko-debian-v31.tar.gz
> after extracting it in a local folder.
> Also if its usefull:
> #mke2fs /dev/sde1
> mke2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
> Filesystem label=
> OS type: Linux
> Block size=4096 (log=2)
> Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
> Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
> 486720 inodes, 1946368 blocks
> 97318 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
> First data block=0
> Maximum filesystem blocks=1996488704
> 60 block groups
> 32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
> 8112 inodes per group
> Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
> 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632
> Writing inode tables: done
> Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
> Στις Σάββατο 26 Φεβρουάριος 2011 01:14:02 Ed Kapitein γράψατε:
>> On 02/25/2011 10:08 PM, Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος wrote:
>>> Having spend a day and some trying to boot qtmoko or shr trying different
>>> combinations (bootloader+ distributions + partition scheme )  from two
>>> micro sd card i own,  without any success , and since the cards are
>>> accesible from linux kernel i'd like to pledge for help in that issue. 
>>> I admit i havent play more with uboot enviroment and uboot prompt  but
>>> i've tries the rootdelay option...
>> Hi Alexandros,
>> I use sd cards to run a distro and it works "fine" ( there are some
>> problems with the speed an reliability ) I would suggest to format the sd
>> card as one partion with ext2  (on a pc with a sd card reader for example)
>> and put the qtmoko kernel in the /boot directory of the card and name it
>> uImage-GTA02.bin.
>> And write "console=tty0 loglevel=3 rootwait panic=10
>> glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=500 glamo_mci.sd_post_power_clock=500
>> glamo_mci.sd_slow_ratio=16" in /boot/append-GTA02
>> Could you please report back what happens when you try to boot then from
>> the SD card. It should start a kernel and panic at the end loading the
>> kernel. ( there is no init yet) Please hold the power button to get some
>> diagnostics printed on your screen.
>> Kind regards,
>> Ed
>> cut and paste:
>> mke2fs /dev/sdb1 ( assuming /dev/sdb is your sd card )
>> mkdir /tmp/mpt
>> mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/mpt
>> mkdir /tmp/mpt/boot
>> cp /some/place/qtmoko_kernel /tmp/mpt/boot/uImage-GTA02.bin
>> echo "console=tty0 loglevel=3 rootwait panic=10
>> glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=500 glamo_mci.sd_post_power_clock=500
>> glamo_mci.sd_slow_ratio=16" > /tmp/mpt/boot/append-GTA02 umount /tmp/mpt
>> eject /dev/sdb
>> put the card in the freerunner and boot using qi.

Hi Alexandros,

Well, it seems good, the freerunner regonizes the card and loads the kernel.
The kernel panic is as expected, there is just a kernel on the card and no 
distro yet.
Could you try  to install the root files system from [2] ?
After you installed it make sure to install the kernel in /boot as 
and add the /boot/append-GTA02.
(you could make a tar file before installing the rootfs)

in cut and paste style:
mkdir /tmp/mpt
mount /dev/sde1 /tmp/mpt
cd /tmp/mpt
tar -czf /tmp/old_boot.tgz ./boot
tar -xzvpf /the/downloaded/qtmoko-debian-v31.tar.gz
tar -xzvpf /tmp/old_boot.tgz
cd /
umount /tmp/mpt
eject /dev/sde

put the card in the freerunner and boot using qi
That should give you a working distro.
Please let us know any success/failure!

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: MicroSD cards support questions in gta02

2011-02-27 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Alexandros,

Good to hear that!
Please try some other values for the clock settings in
/boot/append-GTA02, and some smaller values for the slow_ratio setting.
i think the system will be slow now, adjusting these values might make
your freerunner faster.
(or instable ;-) )

Kind Regards,

On 02/27/2011 02:27 PM, Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος wrote:
> Qi booted qtmoko from my sdcard in gta02 successfully .
> Thank you for the detailed instructions.
> Alexandros
> Στις Κυριακή 27 Φεβρουάριος 2011 00:23:11 Ed Kapitein γράψατε:
>> Hi Alexandros,
>> Well, it seems good, the freerunner regonizes the card and loads the
>> kernel. The kernel panic is as expected, there is just a kernel on the
>> card and no distro yet. Could you try  to install the root files system
>> from [2] ?
>> After you installed it make sure to install the kernel in /boot as
>> uImage-GTA02.bin and add the /boot/append-GTA02.
>> (you could make a tar file before installing the rootfs)
>> in cut and paste style:
>> mkdir /tmp/mpt
>> mount /dev/sde1 /tmp/mpt
>> cd /tmp/mpt
>> tar -czf /tmp/old_boot.tgz ./boot
>> tar -xzvpf /the/downloaded/qtmoko-debian-v31.tar.gz
>> tar -xzvpf /tmp/old_boot.tgz
>> cd /
>> umount /tmp/mpt
>> eject /dev/sde
>> put the card in the freerunner and boot using qi
>> That should give you a working distro.
>> Please let us know any success/failure!
>> Kind regards,
>> Ed
>> [2]
>> load

Openmoko community mailing list

Qtmoko and u-boot

2011-04-01 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi All,

I had a few problems with several uSD cards lately and i am trying to figure 
out what is going wrong.
It used to be much more stable than it is now, i have massive file system 
corruption on a weekly basis.
So i decided to downgrade to u-boot (was using qi) and back to an old andy-
tracking kernel. Also i reverted back to xorg-server using the fbdev driver 
instead of the glamo driver.

But i noticed that Qtmoko won't boot when using u-boot, it works fine when 
using qi.
Is there something i can do to use u-boot and qtmoko together?

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtmoko and u-boot

2011-04-01 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Friday 01 April 2011 14:52:02 David Matthews wrote:
> >I had a few problems with several uSD cards lately and i am trying to
> >figure out what is going wrong.
> >It used to be much more stable than it is now, i have massive file system
> >corruption on a weekly basis.
> >So i decided to downgrade to u-boot (was using qi) and back to an old
> >andy- tracking kernel. Also i reverted back to xorg-server using the
> >fbdev driver instead of the glamo driver.
> Ed - do you have a nand install and are the problems occurring after a
> reboot? If so it's probably the same issue I posted about several weeks
> back - I did post a work around as well, which for me at least, works
> fine.

Hi David,

Thanks for the reply, but my situation is different.
I have qtmoko on nand and gentoo on uSD, and qi as a bootloader to choose 
between the two,
Even without rebooting the FR it start to mess up my uSD card filesystem.
sometimes files that are unreadable are just fine after a reboot, sometimes the 
files are really messed up and need to be restored.
It might well be that the glamo is getting bad or that there is another kind 
of hardware failure going on.

I tried using ext2fs and ext3fs but hat does not change anything.

ATM i am booting the SD card form nor boot and qtmoko from qi.
But i would like to be able to use nand u-boot to boot from the SD card and 
from nand.

Kind regrads,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtmoko and u-boot

2011-04-01 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 04/01/2011 05:20 PM, Gennady Kupava wrote:
> В Птн, 01/04/2011 в 17:00 +0200, Ed Kapitein пишет:
>> On Friday 01 April 2011 14:52:02 David Matthews wrote:
>>>> I had a few problems with several uSD cards lately and i am trying to
>>>> figure out what is going wrong.
>>>> It used to be much more stable than it is now, i have massive file system
>>>> corruption on a weekly basis.
>>>> So i decided to downgrade to u-boot (was using qi) and back to an old
>>>> andy- tracking kernel. Also i reverted back to xorg-server using the
>>>> fbdev driver instead of the glamo driver.
>>> Ed - do you have a nand install and are the problems occurring after a
>>> reboot? If so it's probably the same issue I posted about several weeks
>>> back - I did post a work around as well, which for me at least, works
>>> fine.
>> Hi David,
>> Thanks for the reply, but my situation is different.
>> I have qtmoko on nand and gentoo on uSD, and qi as a bootloader to choose 
>> between the two,
>> Even without rebooting the FR it start to mess up my uSD card filesystem.
>> sometimes files that are unreadable are just fine after a reboot, sometimes 
>> the 
>> files are really messed up and need to be restored.
>> It might well be that the glamo is getting bad or that there is another kind 
>> of hardware failure going on.
>> I tried using ext2fs and ext3fs but hat does not change anything.
>> ATM i am booting the SD card form nor boot and qtmoko from qi.
>> But i would like to be able to use nand u-boot to boot from the SD card and 
>> from nand.
> Hi, Ed,
> I am using mine u-boot with few fixes, it's not without bugs, but it
> probably has less bugs than openmoko's u-boot:
> Also i'd suggest to try reducing sd card clock in kernel params (in
> u-boot env, glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=1500).
> And do backups. I am just removing sd card and do full dd dump of
> contents to hdd, this takes 10 mins, but 100% error-proof, easy, fast
> and painless recover. without any problems with partitions or anything
> else.
> Gennady.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi Gennady

Thanks i see that it uses the 2-4-2 timings, so i will try it after
running with the current setup for a while.
I do make backups, with rdiff-backup, so i have almost 2 years of
backups without wasting to much diskspace.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Neo RoadRunner

2011-04-01 Thread Ed Kapitein
Perhaps the date is suspicious ... ;-)

On 04/01/2011 09:19 PM, Kosa wrote:
> However, the site has not been updated. No info about it yet. is
> the right place to go?
> Thanks again.
> Kosa
> El 01/04/11 13:15, Kosa escribió:
>> :D:D:D ¡qué chido!!
>> Thanks for keeping the openhardware effort live and running :)
>> Kosa
>> El 01/04/11 12:58, Sean Moss-Pultz escribió:
>>> This email was sent via Anonymous email service for free.
>>> Message ID= 60854
>>> Dear Community!
>>> Today, with the greatest of pleasure, I am ready to share with you the
>>> birth of our new product -- Neo RoadRunner. The world's first MeeGo powered
>>> GPS road navigation in the palm of your hand. Accessible immediately,
>>> anytime,
>>> anywhere without requiring an Internet connection. No strings attached.
>>> With Neo RoadRunner you'll be prepared for those unexpected moments when
>>> curiosity strikes. And once you have it, you'll realize how often you
>>> get lost
>>> on road during the day.
>>> Neo RoadRunner takes our original ideas of openness and accessibility to
>>> an even greater realm. Neo RoadRunner is so amazingly simple. There really
>>> is no closed part. We built our software stack on top of MeeGo distribution
>>> and we use project as a source for our navigation data.
>>> You turn it on and instantly become discovered on the map at any place
>>> you are.
>>> It's perfect for all purposes.
>>>  From the "Aha!" moment when we held our first prototypes, to the last
>>> few months as we worked around the clock to polish every last detail,
>>> this product was a joy to make and even more fun to experience. We are
>>> head-over-heels in love with Neo RoadRunner. Never have I found so much
>>> fun in the little moments of curiosity life offers us. Try one and I'm
>>> sure you'll agree that we've delivered the essence of GPS navigation
>>> in an addictively simple form factor.
>>> Sales start today at Enjoy. Tell your
>>> friends. And let us know what you think!
>>> Sincerely
>>> Sean Moss-Pultz
>>> ___
>>> Openmoko community mailing list
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtmoko and u-boot

2011-04-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 04/01/2011 11:24 PM, W. B. Kranendonk wrote:
> --- On Fri, 4/1/11, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
>> On 04/01/2011 05:20 PM, Gennady
>> Kupava wrote:
>>> В Птн, 01/04/2011 в 17:00 +0200, Ed Kapitein
>> пишет:
>>>> On Friday 01 April 2011 14:52:02 David Matthews
>> wrote:
>>>>>> I had a few problems with several uSD
> Any chance all of them are broken? I got a "whole collection" of Sandisk uSD 
> cards that gave up the gost a while back, making me distrust my Freerunner, 
> my laptop, some camera's and some card readers.
> Do your filesystems only get corrupted when using it in your FR?
> Boudewijn
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi Boudewijn,

The card themselves are fine when used on my desktop computer, several
read write cycles give no errors at all.
So the corruption only happens in conjunction with the FR.
It is a pity that i can't trigger the corruption in anyway, so it is a
matter of waiting for a while and see if the FS stays clean.

so, i'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Another open hardware mod experiment: RFID-tag/Reader board for the Freerunner, Nanonote (?) and Beagleboard

2011-04-11 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Nikolaus,

Just an idea:
handheld scanner for pets (veterinarian, animal rescue workers etc)
It could read the animals rfid chip and do a lookup in the database to show the 

Kind regards,

On Monday 11 April 2011 09:59:38 Denis Shulyaka wrote:
> Hi Nikolaus,
> Great news!
> Here in Moscow, some of the tickets to public transport are basically
> RFID tags. Will I be able to "copy" them and use my Free Runner for it
> with this hardware?
> Best regards,
> Denis Shulyaka.
> 2011/4/11 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller :
> > Dear all,
> > besides the GTA04 and the Freerunner Navigation Board,
> > we have been working behind the scenes on a new hardware mod,
> > originally for the Openmoko Freerunner. It is a
> > 
> >RFID Antenna, RFID Tag (M24LR64) and a RFID Reader (TRF7960)
> > board. For 13 MHz (ISO14443, ISO15693).
> > 
> > The project is still in its beginnings, but the hardware is designed and
> > first samples have been built and appear to work (at least as far as we
> > could test them). And, a first U-Boot based driver running on a
> > BeagleBoard has shown that the RFID reader chip responds and sends
> > interrupts. The tag chip also works and has been tested with an external
> > USB based reader stick.
> > 
> > The boards have solder points so that it should be possible to interface
> > to different SoC and boards, e.g. BeagleBoard, Nanonote, OpenPandora...
> > 
> > The minimum wiring is that it nedds 3.3V power, 3 SPI wires and a INT
> > line to a GPIO. If power should be controlled or the SoC has 1.8V I/O,
> > more wires are needed.
> > 
> > For documentation and details I have uploaded some material to
> > this page:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Schematics and board layout are available in EAGLE format.
> > 
> > Now, what can you do with it? I don't know but would be happy to hear
> > about ideas...
> > 
> > We have the idea to sell these complete boards at 79 EUR (which
> > is approx. half the price of a TI eval board), if you are interested in
> > experimenting with this technology.
> > 
> > 
> > Nikolaus
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v35

2011-04-12 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Tuesday 12 April 2011 10:34:38 giacomo 'giotti' mariani wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> > [...]
> > 
> >> >  We had problems with ubifs too. Gennady talked to ubifs devs and they
> >> >  would like to see the kernel message and nandump so they could try
> >> >  too look into it.
> >> >  
> >> >  It seems that ubifs is not as stable as jffs2 which was 100% perfect.
> >> >  Only problem is that jffs2 cant do mmap and apt-get does not work
> >> >  without mmap.
> >> >  
> >> >  Jffs2 will never do mmap (according to the main devel it's a lot of
> >> >  complex work because of compression) so we have these options now:
> >> >  
> >> >  * live with bugged ubifs
> >> >  * patch apt-get so that it works without mmap
> >> >  * use the old trick with /var/cache/apt on tmpfs, but this has
> >> >  problems with limited memory and bigger upates/upgrades might not
> >> >  work * use some other flash filesystem - yaffs seems but does not
> >> >  support compression, i havent looked at logfs yet
> >> >  
> >> >  So any suggestions?
> > 
> > We could use jffs2 if we link /var/cache/apt to a tiny partition on SD.
> > Then while SD is in huge updates will work, if SD is removed ->  no apt,
> > but still a runing system.
> In my opinion ubifs is a great improvement: it looks faster than jffs2
> and less memory consumer than jffs2.
> It should be used, if possible. So I suggest to use it and to send
> kernel messages and nandump to ubifs guys in order to help them.
> And that's what I'm doing ;-)
> Cheers
>  Giacomo

Perhaps just a crazy idea: make a loopback file with a ext2/3 fs and mount that 
on  /var/cache/apt ?

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Nand neeeded ?

2011-04-24 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi all,

In order to investigate my SD issues, i decided to erase my nand today.
That went well and NOR booting from the SD card worked fine too.
But when the phone went into suspend, it would not wake up again.
When pressing the power button the FR started to make a hissing noise.
removing the battery helped and then i could repeat the whole procedure.
(booting, suspending and hissing)

After i flashed qi, the kernel and the qtmoko v35 version, booting from
NOR and suspending/resuming works fine again.

So the question is:
Is there a part of the nand needed after the phone is booted?
What part of the nand might be needed when resuming from suspend?

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Nand neeeded ?

2011-04-24 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 04/24/2011 11:34 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> Ed Kapitein  writes:
>> So the question is:
>> Is there a part of the nand needed after the phone is booted?
>> What part of the nand might be needed when resuming from suspend?
> The boot loader in nand is used also when you resume from suspend unless
> you hold AUX down. If you erased your nand boot loader it won't
> obviously resume :-)
Sounds like what happend to me!
So if i have qi as a boot loader, with the 242 timing, and boot the SD
card from NOR, i end up with the 242 timing after a suspend/resume cycle?

( i suspect the 242 timing to have something to do with the problems i
have with my SD cards.)
Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] amd64 compilation trouble

2011-05-16 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Giacomo,

There might be something wrong with the libraries,
can you check with:
ldd /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.3

Kind regards,

On Monday 16 May 2011 14:44:31 giacomo 'giotti' mariani wrote:
> > > >> >  and the "-verbose" option gives:
> > > >> >  [...]
> > > >> >  eval: 1: arm-linux-gcc: not found
> > > >> >  [...]
> > > > 
> > > > does this work for you like for me?
> > > > 
> > > > radek at rp-skunk:~$ /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gcc
> > > > arm-linux-gcc: no input files
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Regards
> > > > 
> > > > Radek
> > > 
> > > Hi Radek,
> > > 
> > >  Yes, it behaves quite exactly the same:
> > >   $ /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gcc
> > > 
> > > -bash: /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gcc: No such file or
> > > directory
> > 
> > Ehm quite exactly the same? You are obviously missing toolchain.
> > Please follow
> > once more the README [1], and make sure you did the step called
> > 
> > "* Download and install toolchain"
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > Radek
> > 
> > [1]
> Hi Radek,
>my message could give that idea, but I installed the toolchain
> following your README.
> In fact:
> jack@nb2-mariani:~$ ls -l /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gcc
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 jack jack 25 2011-05-13 11:52
> /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gcc -> arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.3
> jack@nb2-mariani:~$ file
> /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.3
> /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.3: ELF 32-bit
> LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses
> shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped
> jack@nb2-mariani:~$
> /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.3
> -bash: /opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.3: No
> such file or directory
> Thanks for your help
> Giacomo

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner as a mobile gateway -> shipping container

2011-05-24 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 05/23/2011 07:24 PM, Phil Vandry wrote:
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 03:19:16PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
>> Main application here is in a sea shipping container.
>> The key issues are RF communication (when in a GSM range of course) 
>> and power management due to the long haul journey including journey 
>> overland. Power supply has to be in the form of an additional battery.
>> Technical issue is to have minimal size OS and to be low in power
>> consumption.  And robust.
> If you sleep and only wake up at intervals, you should anticipate some
> difficulty acquiring a GPS signal every time you wake up. The GPS in
> the Freerunner is really designed to make use of A-GPS and if you can't
> do it because you are at sea and far from any network signal, it can
> take a long time to get a position. We have sometimes seen it take over
> 40 minutes to get a good fix (unit mounted on an aircraft glareshield).
> -Phil
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
You could overcome the TTFF problem by using the agps software from [1]
It loads the needed data from the gps chip and uses that the next time
you power on the gps unit.
I usually get a fix in 2 minutes.
If you send the log data to a server via GPRS, you might want to use
rsync with the --inplace option.
The logs will only grow i suspect and i use this method of transferring
the gps log from my car to my server at home,
while driving.
It also helps to chop the log files in smaller parts (+/- 2Mb per file)
in case the GPRS connection is not that reliable, a resend
will take less time.
Roaming data can be expensive, so you might want to look at that too,
with your mobile phone provider.

Good luck with your project, and keep us posted about the
successes/failures, we would like to learn from it.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner as a mobile gateway -> shipping container

2011-05-24 Thread Ed Kapitein


On 05/24/2011 02:42 PM, Ed Kapitein wrote:
> On 05/23/2011 07:24 PM, Phil Vandry wrote:
>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 03:19:16PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
>>> Main application here is in a sea shipping container.
>>> The key issues are RF communication (when in a GSM range of course) 
>>> and power management due to the long haul journey including journey 
>>> overland. Power supply has to be in the form of an additional battery.
>>> Technical issue is to have minimal size OS and to be low in power
>>> consumption.  And robust.
>> If you sleep and only wake up at intervals, you should anticipate some
>> difficulty acquiring a GPS signal every time you wake up. The GPS in
>> the Freerunner is really designed to make use of A-GPS and if you can't
>> do it because you are at sea and far from any network signal, it can
>> take a long time to get a position. We have sometimes seen it take over
>> 40 minutes to get a good fix (unit mounted on an aircraft glareshield).
>> -Phil
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> You could overcome the TTFF problem by using the agps software from [1]
> It loads the needed data from the gps chip and uses that the next time
> you power on the gps unit.
> I usually get a fix in 2 minutes.
> If you send the log data to a server via GPRS, you might want to use
> rsync with the --inplace option.
> The logs will only grow i suspect and i use this method of transferring
> the gps log from my car to my server at home,
> while driving.
> It also helps to chop the log files in smaller parts (+/- 2Mb per file)
> in case the GPRS connection is not that reliable, a resend
> will take less time.
> Roaming data can be expensive, so you might want to look at that too,
> with your mobile phone provider.
> Good luck with your project, and keep us posted about the
> successes/failures, we would like to learn from it.
> Kind regards,
> Ed
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: general SD card read/write problem

2011-06-02 Thread Ed Kapitein

On 06/02/2011 12:42 PM, Dmitry Shalnoff wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I have a periodically appeared problem with SD card writing/reading 
> functionality. I has several cards to try and found some correlation with 
> size and speed type of the card. '
> Problems are appers when I'm trying to write intensively on the card. Usually 
> on the next boot I found filesystem corrupted and cant' mount card anymore 
> till I fsck it (with predictable files damage) or reformat. 
> generally it's looks like 16GB cards almost 100% cases have problems. 
> and as I suppose 4 class cards more prone to problem than class 6. 
> Question is simple: Is my suspicions are correct (concerning class and card 
> size)? what is general recommendations? Who has any good/bad experience with 
> different types of cards?  
> I know about this topic 
> , but it's doesn't looks like relevant tutorial to buy fail-safe SD and 
> obviously this problem doesn't rely on brand name too. 
> thank you beforehand for any help,
> Dmitry 
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Hi Dmitry,

I also had some trouble with my SD cards. For me it seems that using u-boot 
with 4-4-4 timing settings gives a much more reliable use of the SD cards.
With the 2-4-2 timing i have a lot of file corruption, so i switched back to an 
old kernel and the old 2-4-2 timing and have had little or no problem with
the SD cards since i switched back.
I love to hear if your troubles are over too when you switch back.
I got my u-boot from [1]

I run my distro from the SD card, so corruption is really annoying for me.

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Broken Freerunner - repairable?

2011-08-03 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 08/03/2011 07:04 PM, wrote:
> Hi all,
> Last week I was unfortunate enough to have my Freerunner submerged in a lake 
> for a short moment. While I took out the battery immediately, it doesn't 
> quite work any more.
> It spent about 10 secs underwater, and after a few days of drying, it seems 
> to boot properly both from NAND menu and plain power-button method.
> The problem is, the screen goes gradually white at some points during boot 
> (but not on the SHR-Today screen, where the screen shows distorted copies of 
> the screen). I tried reflashing a newer SHR version, but apparently the 
> drawing methods are still the same.
> There's a video of the boot process here: 
> (5 MB).
> After the video ends, the screen goes white again. It doesn't show NAND boot 
> menu which works fine.
> Can anyone point me to which replaceable part may be broken? Is it the whole 
> screen module that needs to be replaced?
> Cheers,
> rhn
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi Rhn,

It doesn't seem to be that broken, it boots, but it shows no splash screen.
Did you try to leave it on for 10/15 minutes and see what happens?
The freerunner has three (?) splash screens, did you try to reflash them
as well?

I hope the FR will come to live again.

Kind regards,

i was not able to reflash my splash screens, so if it doesn't work as
per wiki, don't dispair. if you are able to reflash the splash screen,
please correct the wiki if it was incorrect.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: linmodem

2011-10-04 Thread Ed Kapitein
A while ago i tried to connect 2 freerunners over the GSM band.
But there was too much phase shift, to get a working signal, so i let it
rest for a while.
But last week i stumbled on this [1] page which stated that for a voice
call you need to
end the number with ;
so i tried it without the ; and you get a data call instead !
I managed to couple the two FR's in this way, but the connection is not
very stable.

Is there documentation on how to use the "data modem" part of the GSM modem?
I am looking for baudrates, compression, error correction etc.
So far i have it somewhat stable on +/- 1200 Baud, using tc to control
the bandwith.
(without it the modem will lockup, like it does when using gprs sometimes)

Kind regards,


On 09/29/2010 09:19 PM, Ed Kapitein wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently bought another freerunner and i have a "plan" with my
> provider that will give me free calls between my family members.
> Is there someone who ever hookup up two freerunners, using phonecalls?
> I took a look at [1] that uses a linmodem, software only modem.
> With this software you can hook up two computers using the soundcards.
> Is Something simmilar possible wit 2 FR 's? 
> Kind regards,
> Ed
> [1]

Openmoko community mailing list

Kernel Sources

2011-10-12 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Radek,

I want to build a kernel on the qemu buildhost, where can i find the
kernel sources you use?

kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: navit / making announcement not execute a command line call as well

2011-11-13 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Robin,

I have something like this in my navit.xml:

and /home/navit/scripts/ is a script  that does some post
processing for speech,
but you can make it do anything i guess.
The %s is passed on to the script as command line parameters, so you
could first handle
$* in the script and then dim/brighten the screen.

Kind regards,

On 11/13/2011 07:32 PM, robin wrote:
> Maybe someone from the openmoko list is using navit and has an idea if one can
> make the  but also to execute a command as well.
> My idea would be to have navit fully dimmed if one is travelling on the 
> correct
> path. Once a there are crossings and directions are announced the display will
> change brightness via a fso call. once travelling on the right track again the
> display should be dimmed again.
> anyone has any idea?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Navit for QtMoko

2011-12-15 Thread Ed Kapitein
big +1 !
On 12/15/2011 06:29 PM, Griera wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Dec 2011 16:00:34 +0100
> Radek Polak  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> also navit is now ported to qtmoko. Please check:
> Nice. Thanks a lot!! 
>> for install instuctions. It's still quite ugly hack. E.g. i modified 
>> QtGui.pc 
>> so that it passes -lqtopia but otherwise it should work quite nice.
>> I have to somehow solve automatic downloading of dependencies when .deb is 
>> clicked in browser so that install is even easier.
>> Regards
>> Radek
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: uSD corruption

2011-12-16 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Friday 16 December 2011 00:39:36 wrote:
> Il 15/12/2011 22:57, Boudewijn ha scritto:
> > On Thursday 15 December 2011 22:23:56 Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> >> writes:
> >>> experience, during a day of usage, several freezings. I mean, when it
> >> 
> >> 1) What kernel?
> >> 2) What boot loader?
> >> 3) What boot options?
> >> 4) What filesystem?
> > 
> > 5) uSD speed?
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> Sorry for the missing infos.
> OS: qtmoko v35 with kernel 2.6.34;
> bootloader: qi (shipped with qtomoko v35), no particular boot options,
> IINW; filesystem: ext2;
> uSD type: micro SDHC sdc4 8 gb class 4
> Regards
> Joif

Hi Joif,

Please take a look at [1] and [2] on how to set the SD clock to a lower value.
The drive strength param might have changed with the newer kernel, you have to 
google a bit to see what is the right one.

Kind regards,


PS I still have sometimes data coruption on the SD card ( once every 2 months 
or so) so it still is not perfect, but very usable.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia Glamo documentation officially released

2011-12-28 Thread Ed Kapitein
That sounds great!

Would this mean that someone can build a dedicated Xorg-server module
for the glamo?
Or was all this already a public secret through the leaked documents?

Kind regards and a happy new year,

On 12/27/2011 09:46 PM, Martix wrote:
> Hi,
> I just found link to SMedia Glamo documentation on[1] in
> already published Community Updates.[2]
> [1]
> [2]
> I didn't find any announcement on Openmoko mailing list. Maybe Sean
> planned an announcement on Christmas Eve and forgot on it.
> Best Regards,
> Martix
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SMedia Glamo documentation officially released

2011-12-28 Thread Ed Kapitein
So, would drivers written based on the released documentation overcome
these shortcomings?

Kind regards,

On 12/28/2011 09:12 PM, Martix wrote:
> What do you mean by "build"? xserver-xorg-video-glamo source code is
> released under GNU/GPL from begining, but it lacks of many features as
> OpenGL ES 1.5 support and DRI compatible MPEG4 decoding. Linux kernel
> have compatibility issues with some SD cards, which can be
> workarounded by setting lower glamo_mci.sd_max_clk. Don't know whether
> is it HW or SW problem.
> Best Regards,
> Martix
> Dne 28.12.2011 19:31, Ed Kapitein napsal(a):
>> That sounds great!
>> Would this mean that someone can build a dedicated Xorg-server module
>> for the glamo?
>> Or was all this already a public secret through the leaked documents?
>> Kind regards and a happy new year,
>> Ed
>> On 12/27/2011 09:46 PM, Martix wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just found link to SMedia Glamo documentation on[1] in
>>> already published Community Updates.[2]
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> I didn't find any announcement on Openmoko mailing list. Maybe Sean
>>> planned an announcement on Christmas Eve and forgot on it.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Martix
>>> ___
>>> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Marketing] Ideas / Plan

2011-12-30 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 12/30/2011 06:59 PM, Gerald A wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>>> wrote:
> The other strategy is the one taken by Apple. They have a very low
> marketing budget compared to other companies. And the media are
> still happy to report every small move at no cost...
> ... which is because Apple is super secretive, so even "rumors" become
> big news.
> While this is a great strategy, it becomes difficult to achieve if you
> are trying to have everything "open".
> What I think is lost in all of this is the question: Who is the
> intended customer?
> I've seen some people talk about linux geeks, etc etc. However, at
> least for the first rev of the GTA04,
> it's _hardware_ geeks, and hardcore ones at that, which is the focus.
> There are lots of unix-heads that would love a phone that is "free-er"
> then Android or Apple let you be.
> But having to buy a phone, then cannibalize it with another kit you
> buy? It's definitely outside the
> mainstream.
> Now, it's not that I don't want this project to succeed. I think it's
> a great cause -- I was one of the early
> GTA01 (neo) buyers.
> For me, I don't have time right now to assemble a Freerunner and a
> GTA04 to get a working phone
> "with possibilities". I want the completed package, then end result.
> The neo was shipped with the slogan
> "some assembly required", which gave you the right idea. I thought
> that it just needed a good software
> stack to make things great. (I still do).
> What might work is having people invest, rather then "buy" something.
> That's something I could wrap
> my head around. "Make the open phone happen -- Invest now". Don't make
> it complicated or expensive.
> "$10 in one 'block'" kind of thing. Maybe 40 blocks would allow the
> "investor" to see a completed phone,
> if one was to ever be produced. Make the risks clear -- the "open
> phone" might never come to market,
> but if we get 5000 blocks sold, we then have the muscle to negotiate
> with the big boys.
> The issue here is what is in it for the "little guy", and I'd be a bit
> fuzzy. 40 blocks gets a phone, but
> what if I buy 2? Do I get the use of a phone for a week? :P I also
> don't know the legal side of calling
> it an "investment" (rather then a donation or a purchase). But this
> would be simpler to "market", and
> would have better funding potential then selling the kit.
> As an aside -- if I have extra cash, I might be willing to buy a kit
> or two -- but they would either end up
> as donations to others, or as a dust collector. So it's not that I'm
> not willing to put money into it. But 
> I also realize that one or two more kits won't make this happen in
> isolation.
> Thanks
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

My thoughts too, set up a kind of micro credit, where people can lent
money, lets say 100 euro, and  with that money build the phones.
Once the phones are made, more developers can develop different aspects
of the phone and people will see the GTA04 become more mature.
I think success stories with video clips on youtube will convince more
people to buy a GTA04 then good stories on paper.
And the microcreditters can either get their money back once all phones
are sold, or can get a 110 euro discount when they buy a GTA04.

Just my thoughts..

Kind regards,

i guess you must be Dutch to come up with a micro credit plan in
west-europe ;-)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: hacky new year!

2012-01-01 Thread Ed Kapitein
Best wishes for everyone and may the GTA04 be a smash hit in 2012!

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

[OT] Raspberry Pi

2012-01-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi All,
Probably Off Topic, but for the ARM hackers among us, this [1] looks
very promising.

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Information about linux drivers for voice in neofreerunner........

2012-01-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Arslan,

A while ago i tried to write a software modem to communicate between 2
One of the things that went wrong was a 90 degree phase shift in the
audio signal.
So when you write audio software, please keep in mind that it might get
phase shiffted.

Kind regards,

On 01/18/2012 06:19 PM, Arslan Abbasi wrote:
> Simple recording and playback of recorded sounds can be done but, can
> anyone give me some clue if it has enough
> processing power to do real time voice processing and transmitting
> processed voice at the same time. And please, if anybody has any code
> related to voice manipulations on this phone or in particular real
> time voice processing while transmitting through gsm, share it. It'll
> be very nice of you.
> @Dave... Encrypting gsm is legal in our country, and as far as i think
> encryption shouldn't be illegal coz voice/data is your private
> property so protecting it further shouldn't be a problem with anybody
> as long as it doesn't affects their systems.
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Dave  <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know the laws of your country, however, encrypting GSM
> might be illegal.
> Dave
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 9:28 PM, Thomas Zimmermann
>>> wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 18, 2012 08:56:45 Radek Polak wrote:
> > On Wednesday 18 January 2012 07:16:06 Arslan Abbasi wrote:
> > > The Inter IC sound pins interfaced with the audio codec.
> > > I need help regarding any sound manipulation on this
> platform, if any
> > > code is available.
> >
> > IIRC there was a program which recorded phone call if this
> is what you
> > need. I dont know how it's done on GTA02 but on GTA04 phone
> modem is just
> > another sound card which can be used by alsa programs. E.g.
> you can play
> > mp3 instead of speaking.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Radek
> There was already somebody who developed a program to do
> encrypted GSM calls
> with two FR. But i don't remeber who it was.
> But one should find something in the archive of this mailinglist.
> Regards,
> Thomas
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> <>
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> <>
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM as car navigation

2012-02-26 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Robin,

One of the things i do before starting navit is:

if test -f ~/.navit/destination.txt; then
 rm ~/.navit/destination.txt

if test -f ~/.navit/center.txt; then
 rm ~/.navit/center.txt

With that i never have a "hanging" navit, without it it takes *forever*
to start and eat the whole CPU.

Kind regards,

On 02/26/2012 07:42 PM, robin wrote:
> One of the problems with navit though is that it very much likes to freeze the
> freerunner completely (battery removal needed :-( ).
> the best voices so far I found on navit for android on freerunner. so if 
> anyone
> has any suggestions for good voices for qtmoko or shr those would be most 
> welcome.
> robin
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Advance OpenStreetMap surveying with GTA04?

2012-03-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 03/18/2012 02:25 PM, Mayeul Kauffmann wrote:
> Le dimanche 18 mars 2012 à 14:34 +0200, Timo Juhani Lindfors a écrit :
>> I used another GTA02 to make audio notes and a cheap and small digital
>> camera to take photos. As long as all clocks are synchronized you can
>> combine all the data with your netbook later.
> Thanks a lot Timo! I already do this with my Garmin and gpscorrelate
> (GNU/GPL), but without HDOP nor heading.
> Can you save the HDOP [1] with the GTA02?
> Do you have access to heading in the command line (with possibility to
> pipe it)?
> Thanks!
> Mayeul
> [1]
Hi Mayeul,

If, on  a GTA02, you use a nmea log  and gpsbabel to translate it to gpx
format, you get:


Would that give you all the info you need? HDOP and course  are present.
( the above is just one sample of a track i walked yesterday, with a GTA02 )

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: microSD && ext3 file system

2012-04-03 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 04/02/2012 08:49 PM, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Monday, April 02, 2012 a las 08:32:51PM +0200, Jiří Pinkava escribió:
>> Hi,
>> after umout is the filesystem broken? I have experience where are writen 
>> some pseudorandom data, which overiwrite even forst sector (after 
>> restart disk partition are not show, SD card is "unformated").
>> Is this you case?
> Hi,
> Not exactly. It seems that through writing files to the ext3 file system
> it gets broken; and after this "fdisk -l" does not show the partition
> anymore;
> btw: when I format this with mkfs.vfat, all is fine; but the space is
> only 1GB while the partition is around 4GB:
> root@om-gta02 ~ # fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0  
> Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 3953 MB, 3953131520 bytes
> 4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 120640 cylinders
> Units = cylinders of 64 * 512 = 32768 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disk identifier: 0x0aecb0ac
> Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/mmcblk0p1   1  120640 3860472   83  Linux
> root@om-gta02 ~ # df -kh /dev/mmcblk0p1
> FilesystemSize  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mmcblk0p1 1022.0M394.0M627.9M  39% /media/card
> Why is this?
>   matthias
Hi Matthias,

A while ago i read this article on [1].
Perhaps this will help you to solve your problem.
( i have a hard time finding a working uSD card too )
Is your card on the supported card list [2] ?

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

phranky 0.01 released

2012-04-06 Thread Ed Kapitein
What is phranky?

phranky is a phone/SMS application written from scratch in c.
the gui uses Xlib.

What can you do with phranky?
* Start a phonecall
* Receive a phonecall
* Send a textmessage
* Receive a textmessage

What does it look like?
check out the video at [1]

Why phranky?
For most of the features of the GTA02 there is already good software.
gpsd for the gps, bluez for bluetooth, pppd for gprs, wpa_supplicant for
wifi, and alsa for the soundcard.
the only thing missing was a simple phone application to handle
phonecalls or
text messages.
So inspired by the great work of the FSO team and gsmd, i decided to
write a simple dialer/sms handler, with just a few commands and signals.
i tried to have as little dependencies as possible
(no dbus, framework,GTK etc).

What is used?
Phranky consists of 4 individual programs,
one for handling phone calls, 
one for handling textmessages,
one for talking to the modem and 
one for notifying the user of important events.
(incoming phonecall or incoming textmessage)

the programs are reading commands from stdin and printing responses on
this makes it easy to use a script to read or write a text message
or answer/start a phonecall.
it needs an X server for the notifications and the menu,
without a window manager or with a scaling WM like matchbox.

More information and the download page are at

Happy /Easter everybody/,


Openmoko community mailing list

Suspend issues [ was: QtMoko v44 ..]

2012-04-15 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Sunday, April 15, 2012 15:50:00 Radek Polak wrote:
> On Sunday 15 April 2012 12:33:47 wrote:
> > Somewhat unrelated:
> > I found that suspending by echo mem > /sys/power/state sometimes fails and
> > "hangs" the FR. (on a 2.6.34 Kernel, on a 2.6.29 kernel it works fine )
> > Do you or anyone else know if there is something else required to susspend
> > the FR?
> echo mem > /sys/power/state should be enough. I think i havent mentioned
> which kernel are you using?
> Regards
> Radek

Hi Radek,

With a 2.6.29 kernel it works fine.
With the 2.6.34 kernel from qtmoko V39 it sometimes hangs ( once every 10 
suspends or so )

So i will follow the ticket as pointed out by Lukas.
( upgrading to 2.6.39 seems like a good way forward )

Kind regards.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: big leap forward: Case-Kit and 3D printed case

2012-04-28 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 03/06/2012 04:10 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> we are coming close to the dream of getting unlimited availability
> of new and compatible cases!
> Thanks to the great work from Lukas I simply ordered a set
> of case components at Shapeways and they already arrived 
> today.

Today i stumbled onto this [1]  3D printer.
Would that make it easier to prototype or even manufacture casings?

Kind regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko servers

2012-05-06 Thread Ed Kapitein
Whooo Joerg,

take a beer!
I'm sure people are unaware of this, so it is good to explain it to them.
Don't take it personally, your help is really appreciated.

Kind regards,

On 05/06/2012 06:45 PM, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> openmoko inc. isn't handling anything related, since ages.
> A detail constantly ignored in all this debate.
> Please note that all (incl me / my mail addr) is no longer 
> directly associated to and openmoko inc.
> I'm actually thoroughly fed up with getting bitched at like I was a first 
> level helpdesk drone or CR-representative. I'm not going to answer any more 
> to 
> guys *demanding* things from me and accusing me of whatever weird mindset 
> when 
> I don't feel like jumping when they instruct me "jump". 
> I've been in to help, in my spare time, on a voluntary basis. I'll reduce 
> this 
> engagement drastically, since it earns me bitching and reproaches, instead of 
> at least appreciation or the satisfaction to feel I was able to help.
> /j
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ok Tread lightly please. I'm an end User.

2012-05-18 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 05/18/2012 02:27 PM, Travis Bachelder wrote:
> Ok, So I took your advise (Benjamin Deering). Used Neotools, wow: what
> a powerful tool, thank you very much... But, I think I did something
> wrong. : /
> _*This is my problem:*_
> My first attempt: I tried flashing the FR (NAND) with QI, Kernel, and
> the OS (Which was the SHR jffs2 image). Everything was successful,
> until I tried to turn on the phone when it was done. The phone turns
> on and random lines of code? accelerates from top to bottom (this was
> cool at first), until 3 minutes later it stops (with the screen full
> of code) and doesn't do anything else.
> Then I tried it another way: Flashing the FR (NAND)with the Kernel and
> QI, and installing the SHR OS on an ext3 partition of my micro SD
> card. I used the SHR tar ball for this one. And I got sort of the sam
> results.
> Should I not be flashing the kernel to the FR? Is the Kernel already
> apart of the OS?
> When I flash the FR NAND, Does this erase everything on NAND and
> replace it with what I am currently flashing?
> Has anyone had this problem, Am I the only one..?
> Thanks,
Hi Travis,

Perhaps it is a good idea to get more familiar with the FR by flashing
qtmoko first.
If you follow the steps at [1] closely, it will become more clear what
is involved in getting your FR alive.
And it will give you a working phone ;-)

Kind regards,
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: transcoding video for freerunner 240x320 mode

2012-07-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi, could you post the command you used to scale and play the movie?

Kind regards,

On 07/01/2012 08:59 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> Radek Polak  writes:
>> Freerunne has hardware switch for changing resolution to 240x320. But after 
>> switching you will get the strange colors.
> Indeed but after the gamma correction values that I posted the output
> looks much more reasonable.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: transcoding video for freerunner 240x320 mode

2012-07-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 07/02/2012 07:20 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> Ed Kapitein  writes:
>> Hi, could you post the command you used to scale and play the movie?
Thanks, i did read that mail, but looking at the command line, the
stream is dumped on stdout right?
i was wondering what you did use to play the movie on the screen.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: transcoding video for freerunner 240x320 mode

2012-07-02 Thread Ed Kapitein
Many thanks!
Very helpful commands in that script.
Kind regards,

On 07/02/2012 07:39 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> Ed Kapitein  writes:
>> Thanks, i did read that mail, but looking at the command line, the
>> stream is dumped on stdout right?
> Yes. I typically do
> mplayer-wrapper <(ssh server encode-to-theora
> where mplayer-wrapper is
> #!/bin/bash
> function cleanup() {
> if [ "$KILLER_PID" != "" ]; then
> fi
> sudo om screen glamo-bus-timings 4-4-4
> sudo fbset 480x640
> sudo om screen resolution normal
> sudo chvt 7
> exit 0
> }
> trap cleanup 1 2 3 15
> sudo chvt 2
> # disable blanking
> sudo sh -c "printf '\033[9;0]' > /dev/tty2"
> # disable cursor blinking
> sudo sh -c "printf '\033[?17;0;127c' > /dev/tty2"
> # hide cursor
> sudo sh -c "printf '\033[?25l' > /dev/tty2"
> sudo om screen resolution qvga-normal
> sudo fbset 240x320
> sudo om screen glamo-bus-timings 2-4-2
> sudo renice -2 -p $$ 2> /dev/null
> (dd if=/dev/input/power_button of=/dev/null bs=16 count=1 2> /dev/null; 
> killall mplayer) &
> mplayer -framedrop -ac -ffvorbis, -ao alsa -vc -fftheora, -vo fbdev 
> -nocorrect-pts "$@"
> cleanup
> You need theora 1.2.0 alpha release for decent performance.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] dpkg-reconfigure locale resizes most of the fonts and no gps fix possible anymore(?)

2012-08-25 Thread Ed Kapitein
On 08/24/2012 08:09 PM, robin wrote:
> hi all
> I wanted to have the new anki 2.0 flash cards on my GTA, but it always 
> complained that it the system was not set to UTF8. In the end I succeeded by
> running dpkg-reconfigure locale but since then my fonts are very large (not 
> everywhere but on most screens) and this is for all themes. Also since then
> I cannot get a fix for NeronGPS anymore ;-(  even though the finxi home
> screen tells me that /dev/ttySAC1 has up to 9 satelites and the output seems
> to show satelites as well. Same behaviour with navit.
> Any help welcome as I really like the GTA02 for navigating/maps and for 
> flashcard learing.
> Robin
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Hi Robin,

I am afraid i can't help you with the fonts, but perhaps with the gps.
Is there a gpsd running on the FR?
Or if it uses dbus, can you monitor if dbus gets location and satelite

If gpsd is running, you could save the nmea data to a file and use
gpsbabel to check if you have a fix or not.

Kind regards.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: problem with microsd

2012-09-27 Thread Ed Kapitein
Hi Davide,

Try (re)starting udev (or mdev) and see if you get any info.

Kind regards,

On 09/27/2012 11:17 AM, Davide Scaini wrote:
> Hi all.
> I asked on shr user list with no luck.
> I'm using shr-core, I have this problem: the device for the
> microsd is not created, i.e. /dev/mmcblk0p1 does not exist.
> Do you have any fast fix?
> This is the problem:
> root@om-gta02:~# fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0
> Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 7948 MB, 7948206080 bytes
> 4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 242560 cylinders, total 15523840 sectors
> Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disk identifier: 0x36c4
> Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/mmcblk0p1204812328959 6163456   83  Linux
> /dev/mmcblk0p21232896015523839 1597440   82  Linux
> swap / Solaris
> root@om-gta02:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/temp/
> mount: special device /dev/mmcblk0p1 does not exist
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

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