Re: [Germany] GSM Prepaid offer from "Tchibo": user2user calls free for next 24 months

2007-07-27 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ortwin!

Sorry for my bad english - and missing activitiy on
this list for the examens period...

Ortwin Regel schrieb am Friday, den 27. July 2007 um 15:22h:

> Only Tchibo - Tchibo calls are free, and only for 24 months if you buy
> before 2007-08-09.

Calls to old Tchibo sims and Sims sold after the promotion
periode of 9.8.2007 will be charged with 5 Cent/Minute:

Only Tchibo-promotion-SIM to Tchibo-promotion-SIM is free
for the next 24 month.

> To benefit from this you'd have to get two or more of
> this offer and give one to everyone you phone often.

Yes, but 5 Euro/SIM for such a solution is not much
and developing/testing phone function could be nice
to have two of such SIM cards. ;)

To be absolutly accurate, the SIM is comming with an asset/balance
of 1 Euro, valid for 12 month. I fear using this SIM longer then
12 month will make a rechage with the lowest amount of 10 Euro
So this time-limted offer means for a developer:
2x5 = 10  Euro for using Tchibo-promotion-SIM to Tchibo-promotion-SIM
  for 12 month
for month 13-24 you have to "invest" 2x10 Euro.

> SMS are relatively expensive and I wasn't able to find anything about
> data...

Your are right, SMS are relatively expensive,
my tip was not about the best tariff for all...
Just about the possibility to do free calls from one to the

And finaly, like all flat-rate tariffs, the contract "Allgemeine
Geschäftsbedingungen" says, that stationary gatways to forward
external calls are not allowed to do:

  4.1 Der Kunde ist verpflichtet
  h) die Leistungen von O2 nur zum Aufbau selbstgewählter
  Verbindungen zu nutzen; ihm ist insbesondere nicht gestattet,
  mittels einer SIM-Karte von einem Dritten hergestellte Verbindungen 
  Über Vermittlungs- oder Übertragungssysteme weiterzuleiten oder SIM-Karten
  in stationären Einrichtungen, gleich welcher Art, zu installieren oder
  unter Verwendung von SIM-Karten Telekommunikationsdienstleistungen
  anzubieten oder zu vermitteln.

Ok, no stationary gatway...

BTW this offer shows again that the tariffs have more
and more special profiles - the one it very cheap with
this - the other is very cheap with that - multiple SIM
inside a phone would help to profit from A and B comfortable,
without a second or third phone...

> > It's a pity that the Neo doesn't have a second
> > SIM card slot (and a second GSM tranceiver) so
> > cheap GPRS connections like Medion Mobile 0,24Euro/MB
> > needs to change the SIM or a second mobil (maybe
> > with Bluetooth, maybe a second neo)


OpenMoko community mailing list

[Germany] GSM Prepaid offer from "Tchibo": user2user calls free for next 24 months

2007-07-27 Thread Robert Michel

sorry that this is only a tip for OpenMoko people 
in Germany -  there is a quite interesting
offer since today:

Prepaid SIM for 5 Euro with free calls to other
SIMs (users) of this special sold offer for the
next 24 month. I haven't found a limitation of 

I think there is something like "fair-use"
so when you/I use this offer less intensive
then some teenies

This offer use the network of O2 and it could
be that this free calls are only valid inside
the O2 network in Germany. If the mobil use
the D1 roaming inside Germany it could be that
this calls are not for free... (I will check this)
and realy cool would it be, when datacalls from
Tchibo-SIM to Tchibo-SIM would be free as well.

The selling this special Prepaid-cards is anounced 
to run until 9.8.2007.

See also:   

BTW: the shops have mobils as well, I had the luck to 
get a Nokia 1112 with Prepaid SIM for 20 Euro.
The battery BL-5CA of this mobil is Neo1973 compatible 
(already tested) and has a charger that could
help when your are going to buy a stand alone 
battery charger from Nokia or third-party vendor.

The FIC GTC-01/GTA-01 battery is setting the
Nokia 1112 into "test mode" - so this
20 Euro inc Prepaid-SIM offer is not  realy 
likly to work as "Second Battery for the neo,
Battery Charger and Prepaid-SIM" deal

But the sim itself (with a second sim of this 
offer) would be very interesting to use with
the neo.

It's a pity that the Neo doesn't have a second
SIM card slot (and a second GSM tranceiver) so
cheap GPRS connections like Medion Mobile 0,24Euro/MB
needs to change the SIM or a second mobil (maybe
with Bluetooth, maybe a second neo)



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Multi-Touch

2007-04-03 Thread Robert Michel
Salve adrian,*!

*very* interesting thoughts... :)

On Tue, 03 Apr 2007, adrian cockcroft wrote:

> Two more thoughts...
> If you hold down one finger and tap the other one, the mouse pops over
> and back again. 

When you move this second finger the mouse/curser pops over and
move like your second finger. So the second finger can do something
like rotating around the first, or encrease or lower the distance
to the first = rotating and zoom for a map?

Jumping back is not very accurate, but when we have a special driver,
it could jump back to the x,y coordinates of the first finger.

> We may be able to set the sensitivity and sampling rate much higher
> than normal to support a more advanced algorithm.

Whats about doing a "virtual" calibration when on finger is on the
touchscreen? When changing of the touchscreen data is very small
(to this calibrated state) then discard the "virtual" state - when
the changing is over some level, then work with the virtual one
with positioning the second finger.

But when I move also my first finger (at my laptop touchpad) there
is no poping back So it will no real multitouch - first finger
position has to be handelt as fix - or?

Other idea would be that a double touch on one position (p1) followed
by a single touch on a different place p2 with a minimum distance from
p1 inbeween e.g. 1 second, will handel p1 as fixpoint.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Audio I/O questions

2007-03-28 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Gabriel!

Gabriel Ambuehl schrieb am Mittwoch, den 28. März 2007 um 08:38h:

> On Wednesday 28 March 2007 00:52:20 Robert Michel wrote:
> > Ahh.. I can hear it with the Neo1973 headset as well, wenn I pull out
> > the headset for 0,7mm - mybe my 2,5 mm 4 pin jack is not accurat enough.

I got the reason - the jacks I bought does haven has a ring with screw
thread (connected with ground) with a diameter of 7.5 mm
(and the 4-pole) pin is inside).

The first jack I soldernd had this ring a little bit more to the outside
- also both jacks I bought does not have accurate 90 degree between pin 
and ring and the ring has 7.5 mm in the diameter - the official headset jack
only 4.5 mm so that could be the reason for pulling out a bit more...

So the second jack works fine.

So comparing with 3.5 mm or 5 mm jacks the tolerances with 2,5 are
quite low and when you buy a jack in a shop IMHO would worth a deep look
about them.

Removing the ring and the 18 mm long GND banner give an adapter like the
one glued into plastic of the 90 degree angel jack of the official
headset. I would not encourage to use an jack without a 90 degree angel
connected to the neo inside of a pocket - this > 2.5 cm long adapater
would gave a to much high moment on the jack on the PCB.

> Not strictly what you asked, but working adapter jacks for Moto V360 (which 
> as 
> I understand would work) can be had on Ebay for 20cents plus shipping...

Yes, they also have a angel jack... :)
But they are only for headphones. Selfsolderd adapter will have the
advantage to be able to use the mic in as well ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Audio I/O questions

2007-03-27 Thread Robert Michel

I'm very happy that the Neo1973 has 
- stero headphone out
- mono mic in (for headset)
this give us much power for having
much fun with the neo. :
 Analog wired Headset
 There's a four-ring 2.5mm stereo jack which provides connectivity to
 old-fashioned wired headsets.
 The headsets used by Motorola smartphones (A780,A1200, ...) and the
 V-360 have a compatible configuration. 

Na this audio I/O is not only good for a headset,
playing the music from a Neo1973 on the next party
and more would be fun - so an adapter would be usefull
- but how?

I went to the electronic component shop just
around my corner and bought a 2,5 mm 4 pin jack
(Klinkenstecker) and 3 chinch jacks.
testing the headset with a (very cheap) mulitmeter:
1-2 and 1-3 has 33-35 Ohm
1-4 1170 Ohm
shows that I guessed right that the jack is used with:

-+1 2 3 4

2 l audio out (tested this with alsamixer and my adapter)
3 r audio out
4 mono audio in/ mic with bias

(is this correct?)

So 33-35 Ohm is quite low - my headphone has 600 Ohm
and the audio in of my hifi amp 60kOhm. 

  Sorry, I'm no electrical expert but I'm very interested in how 
  we can use the power of Neo1973's audio I/O - so excuse me when this
  mail raise more questions then answers...

AFIK does the resistant number of the connected device matter and
so the Neo1973 output should have different profiles to switch from
- neo1973 headset to
- headphone and line out.
Would does need the support of the hardware or could we change the
driver settings to get a good line output?

I thought my adaper would be fine, *but*...

1 and 2  gaves a very low output of the right channel- even when headphone 
and pcm are on 100% 
1 and 3 gaves a pulsating noise (about every 0,5s) but with the neo1973
headset it sounds fine.
   Hmm, does somebody have an idea? 
Ahh.. I can hear it with the Neo1973 headset as well, wenn I pull out
the headset for 0,7mm - mybe my 2,5 mm 4 pin jack is not accurat enough.

Does anybody else start to play to use the neo1973 audio for more
then the official equipement?

My plan was to have a good adapter to linie in of my usb audio device
egosys U2A and do some recorings of the neo1973's audio I/O (and to 
share this recordings) and to solder an adaper to normal headphones.


PS: My V3 has also some noice on the left channel in depandances
of the screen - alsamixer on the screen with much black gives
other noise than the shell..
ogg123 playback is bucking (ruckelt)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Master Studies in "Embedded systems" starts in Pforzheim/Germany

2007-03-24 Thread Robert Michel

Seems that this master courses are not given in

Is here someone on the list with good contacts
to the hs-pforzheim?
Do you have ideas how to make OpenMoko populare


OpenMoko community mailing list

I know why I dislike anonymous participants on mailinglists :((

2007-03-14 Thread Robert Michel
Mike (or better everybody new to this project/list)!

I'm in favor to welcome everybody on this list,
to respect him and to help that his interest,
effort and skills will be supported and answered
that it is most efficent for him and the community.

But as hard as I try to stay patient and friendly,
I can't -  I can see you only destructive here on
this list - please leave this list and go shopping.

So my mail is not motivated on two reasons
1. to please you to stop
2. and to replay in a way that new people comming to 
   this project because of Seans call will not be
   put off because of your unspeakable noise here
   nor because of our reaction. But I think that Sean
   has found the right answer
   So when you are new to this project/list don't spend
   to much (or any) attention to the demands from 
   anonymous "Mike".

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Mike wrote:
> Johnathon let me phrase it like this-
> I love the help of the open source community, I'm a part of it myself. 

Which open source community? Are you only consuming help
from communities?

When you would be a developer, part of another open source community,
why does you need to write anonoumous with a new mailaccount?

> But when it comes to whether or not I spend $350 plus an 
> officially-unknown monthly price, and likely with a two year contract, 
> then yea, I want big official advice with a golden seal of approval on a 
> silver platter with a company logo in a spotlight and smiling showgirls 
> on either side.

Sorry, I can't take you serious - please stop writing
anonymous here on this mailinglist (or better stop write
on this mailinglist in general) and do not continous to
kill an important threads with your %&§)"§

- who is paying you for creating silly noise on this list?

Who is saying that you need a two year contract for phoning?

I *would* have advices like:
So for just 10US$ you could get an GSM SIMcard with 6US$
account for dialing - vallid for 15 days to test any GSM 
device in this area for voice calls:
(Do not think that his coverage is eaqual to GSM in USA
general, nor that this orange coverage could not have
areas without working network inbetween)

Have you ever thought about to ask somebody of your town
about GSM coverage and experiances in your region befor you
bother us on this list? h?

Have you ever thought to borrow a GSM device from somebody,
or buying a cheap (used) GSM device and spend 10US$ to test
the coverage of your town, of your room before spending
more money - or singing a two year contract (that very likly
is not needed)?

But you do *not* worth any help - you are help--resistant
Please go to the next phone shop with smiling showgirls 
(they are smiling because knowing that they could sell 
persons like you everything... ) 
and stop flooding this important mail thread about Wifi chips
and call for GUI developers...

Better leave this list, now!

Thank you!


PS: Ahh, and when your aim is to sabotage openmoko (or someone
would try it in your style) your noise will not stopp anybody
here who is seriously active on/with openmoko - no it will/would
strengthen the community.
But who like to strengthen our community don't do it in the
style of Mike - there are more efficent ways to do this ;)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Creating a SIP client for the OpenMoko

2007-03-12 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Chuck!

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Chuck Pareto wrote:

> I was thinking about getting a Sip phone to use with the Gizmo Voip service
> (my friend is using it and loves it), but then thought about creating a
> Sip/Voip client to run on the OpenMoko. Does anyone know if this would be
> possible? 

Of course should be possible... and I expect that someone
will port an existing sip client to OpenMoko and that such
a client will get an integration into the dailer menue
But this work is hardware independent it could be done at
a later point or just by someone using the emulator¹...

Which Network connection you thought to use for Sip/Voip?
- GPRS to much delays/still to expensive
- Wlan - you still need a battery powerd hub and a USB Wifi
- usb cable - also not handy
- bluetooth! ;)

For your home there is IMHO a more smart solution with Bluetooth:
  Asterisk Channel Driver to allow Bluetooth Cell/Mobile Phones 
  to be usedas FXO devices. Wed Feb 14 15:49:56 CET 2007
With asteriks you could manage your incomming calls not only when you
are at home (forwarding to your Neo1973), but also when you are not
able to use Voip directly - switching between
- forward to GSM (you are paying)
- answering machine
- not reachable/rejecting
Using Voip on the Neo with asterisk on a 24/24h maschine allows
another trick - you do not need to have Bluetooth 24/24h on for
getting incomming calls - asterisk could ring you via GSM from
a special account - the caller ID used of your asterik will make
your Neo1973 switching Bleutooth on ;)

When it is not only about doing cheap calls, Paul Wouters is working
on doing encrypted calls via Jabberclient - the calls will be made
via GSM data calls.

What have been your ideas about using Sip/Voip with the Neo1973?



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Back from FOSDEM

2007-02-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Stefan,*!

On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Stefan Schmidt wrote:

> Hello.
> On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 16:57, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> > 
> > So we now know that the Nokia BL5C is a compatible battery which is
> > quite amazing, since those things are cheap and probably come in
> > variants with larger capacity as well...

I saw this and I can't believe that this was pure random and that 
Mickey and the other doesn't know that the battery is compatible to
an nokia one - but FIC must ask a component supplier for a battery
and this offerend a BL5C compatible one... :)))

I took an unsharp picture while Mickey plug in this battery into
the Neo:

This is a very good news - I think everybody feared like me to have
a non populare battery inside the Neo. ;
When I saw it correctly, the BL5C compatible battery was about 2 mm 
thinner than the Neo1973 ones.

> BL-5C gives even more hits on ebay. You should be able to get one
> around 5 Euro including shipping. Of course the battery only is 1 Eur.
> :)
> The highest capacity I found for this type until now is 1900mAH. IIRC
> the FIC one in your phone stated 1200mAH. So it's a nice upgrade. Of
> course some real life tests will show us more.

It's not only about the capacity when the accu is new, 
remember Jim's OLPC presentation - how many recharging
cycles will the accu "survive".

I found accus with an 3600mAh sticker on it:
3800mAh @ 3/4"

but the question is if it has it also in real live
or only the sticker on that. 1900mAH could be realistic,
but 3600mAh???
Says LiPo accus could have up to 130-200 Wh/kg

Here is a polnish forum about the allegro offeres:
(I can't understand it but Li-Pol 1600mAh = 9,2mm?)

IMHO it would be nice when beside of ebay, we would
have a (little more) trustworthy source for higher capacity
accus for our neos (without the danger of melting/exploding

What do you think, when 
- we would have an battery USB-Hub with the same battery format
- the USB-Hub is dual use - with BL5C and AA(A) ?
- the USB-Hub could work as (second) battery charger
- the neo would allows to replace the battery inbetween 10 seconds
  without reboot 


Another good hardwarenews is that it seems that the Neo1973
audio jack is stereo out *and* mono mic in :)))

OpenMoko community mailing list

also Re: Wiki is open

2007-02-14 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Tomasz,*!

On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Tomasz Zielinski wrote:

> It looks like is open to public :-)
GREAT stuff there :

Also under - I asked Mickey and all
pictures and documents there are also for the public :))
(sorry I was in a hurry much more there what I haven't seen)

:) what a great device :)

What a pitty that it haven't be anounced at the 3GSM,
but with a active community activity and feedback 
the public will notice it, at last the ICT people ;)
And the technical details on the webserver
is absolutly great stuff!


OpenMoko community mailing list

Asterisk Channel Driver to allow Bluetooth Cell/Mobile Phones to be used as FXO devices.

2007-02-14 Thread Robert Michel

A good friend of mine told me that there is a new
patch out for asterisk to use a mobile with Bluetooth
for *inbound* calls ;))) 

chan_cellphone-- Use Bluetooth cell / mobile phones as FXO devices

 Asterisk Channel Driver to allow Bluetooth Cell/Mobile Phones to be
 used as FXO devices.

 Multiple cell phones can be connected. Asterisk automatically connects 
 to each cell phone when it comes in range.
 Command to discover bluetooth devices. Useful for configuration Inbound 
 calls to the cell phones are handled by Asterisk, just like inbound 
 calls on a Zap channel.
 CLI passed through on inbound calls. Dial outbound on a cell phone 
 using Dial(CELL/device/nnn) in the dialplan.
 Application CellStatus can be used in the dialplan to see if a cell
 phone is connected. Supports devicestate for dialplan hinting.

The mobil must support the Bluetooth Handsfree Profile
As far as I saw on this webpage, yet supported/positiv tested
 phones are:

Nokia Series 40 phones
Nokia 6230i
LG TU500 CU500
RIM Blackberry 7250
Sony Ericsson 'T'&'K'&'V' Series phones
Motorola L6 
Motorola V3 

For more info, read the bugtrackpage about this patch:
and the cellphone.txt 

This patch is about inbound calls, IMHO a good starting point
for integrate outbound calls via Bluetooth into OpenMoko. 
I expect when routing calls over an asterisk server, that
even hand over from GSM to Bluetooth and Bluetooth to GSM 
will be possible :))


OpenMoko community mailing list

Just a personal feedback - I'm just writing for me Re: And please use a emailclients with working "Reference" Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Marcel,*!

This is a personal answer from me - I'm very sorry to started
this thread going into deep and I do not want to harm Openmoko
by dissmotivating people to join...

So, my style was not ok and I already asked for excuse me.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Marcel de Jong wrote:

> Sorry for not replying at the bottom...
> Why the open hostility towards GMail users?
> You all tout "we want freedom to choose" and all that, but still you'd
> like to stifle the same level of freedom of others.
> I choose to use GMail, that's a deliberate choice, because it's one of
> the few great _webmail_ applications, with which I can access my mail
> anywhere I want. (I'm not always at home reading my mail)
> I've tried Yahoo mail, didn't like it, I even tried Fastmail in the
> past. (which was slow)
> Gmail is responsive for me, and has a lot of good features that I like
> and that I use.
> And so far I have yet to see any proof of Google actively scr*wing
> over their customers, by violating their privacy. Yes they add ads on
> the side of the page by scanning your email, 

Yes, google is scanning *my* email and selling adds fitting to
the mail - maybe also selling informations about me to others...

You as gmail user has agreed that google is allowed to 
- scan *my* email
- to save *my* email as long as google likes.

I do not have a problem with this, as long it is only about
emails going to a public mailinglist - but when I want to
send a personal mail to that person the problems starts.

> like they also do with
> the ad-sense ads, there is no difference there, no human eyes are
> involved in that process. I have seen no proof of datamining,

Comparing with the spirit of the BBS times (with modems) 
a lot of interest of self-determined communication has
been lost, people using skype and gmail because it is
free - not caring what the price is that the have to 
pay or the people they are communicate with.

I can't understand why people so close-fisted not spending 
some US$/Euros a year for a mailservice without advertisement
and data mining. When more users would do this, better
services would be on the market.

And just agreed to Richards point:
>> Why so many people who believe in the ideals put forward by the
>> Neo/Openmoko project are happy to use Gmail astounds me..

> If you can't deal with gmail-messages, fine, block all

My sound was wrong - I just want make you think that you
are give away you and others privatcy for a free webmailservice.

And when the webmailer is also reason for trouble

I hope my comments against gmail does only cost
*me* sympathy points and *not* *OpenMoko*
and I also hope that even when my sound was wrong,
it creates reflection about decentral self controlled
services instead of big-players data-mining solutions.

OpenMoko has a big chance for *more* privatcy but
- because it is for free
- because everybody else is using it 
- becaus yzx is the biggest on the market
is narrow minded and will not be a good adviser 
to reach more privacy.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: REmove ME PLease

2007-02-13 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Josh!

You can unsubscribe yourself by sending a mail 
(from the same mailaccount which is subscribed)
with any or better no subject and body.
Then you will get an answer that you have
to confirm that you want to leave this list.

For more explaination see:

I hope that our formal discussion will not make
you want to leave and that you still stay interested
in OpenMoko/Neo1973.

(just a normal list subscriber)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: And please use a emailclients with working "Reference" Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Andrew!

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Andrew Turner wrote:

> As a Gmail user (all my emails route to Gmail), I found it the best
> because it is free, reliable, works on all my mobile devices, large
> storage, easy to use, good spam filtering, and has excellent
> threading.
> In fact, the only messages that become de-threaded are yours rob. Your
> habit of changing the subject line makes the email messages show up
> out of thread.

Then gmail hasn't excellent threading ;)
See our mailarchive:
It does not de-threading my messages :)

After 5 mails with the same subject - maybe with changing topic
it is hard work to find the right mail quickly - changing
the subject helps to choose if this mail worth to be read now
or later and makes it much more easier to refind interesting
mails - the subject should be meaningful.
To become ontopic to Openmoko - condsider using IMAP and
to descide to download a message for reading now - than
changing subjects does not only save time, it help to
save also money by being able choose to read the mail
now or later... 
(By consider this, I should choose shorter subjects...*g*)

Threading by subject could be only a backup - the smart
way is use proper working reference and do threading based on
references in the header.

> Now, perhaps this is the fault of GMail - or the Mail list application
> that the OpenMoKo list is using. But it isn't nice, or professional,
> to disparage people (especially an obvious majority) just because of
> the email service they use.

You are right, I already ask pardon for the style of my mail
it was not respectfull.

But webmailer and services payed with adverticement and data mining
are still sub optimal solutions and IMHO provoking when they are
producing problems - e.g. based on that the users does known only, AOL, gmail or outlook and does not know that there are
more and better solutions

Sorry for my negaive style on this list,
it was not my intention to be agressive,
or unproductive...


OpenMoko community mailing list

This explains the CC'ing but what's about the missing references? Re: Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working "Reference" Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread Robert Michel
Salve hank!

This explains the CC'ing.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, hank williams wrote:

> I just read the other email which started this discussion about gmail
> and think I understand the problem.
> The problem is with the list.
> I am on 15 tech mailing lists, and this is the only one which, if I in
> gmail say "reply to" replys to the sender and not to the list.
> I NEVER*** want to reply to the individual when responding to a
> post on the list.

Never say never - I would not call it "the problem is with the list"
I would call "the problem is with the user not looking who they are
sending an email".
Probably there is a lake of culture on a mailinglist and the listmaster
has to react because that many people does not take a second to check 
which adress they use for their mail. But I don't wan't to start
a big thread about formal stuff

The OpenMoko team is very busy at the moment, so we should life
with the CC`ing until the first Neo1973s are out ;)

Back to the brocken threads - this is not explaining why 
some gmail users hasn't a proper emailheader with working
"Reference". Does you have an idea for this as well?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working "Reference" Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread Robert Michel
Salve hank!

Thank you for your feedback ;)

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, hank williams wrote:

> You are misinformed if you believe that gmail does not handle threads
> properly. 
Maybe, it would be nice when other gmail users
explain gmail users how to use gmail proper,
instead  of that I have to inform myself about 

> In fact I think it is the best product on the market, free
> or otherwise, for handling threads. The  problem which you are
> referring to has nothing to do with gmail, but with the fact that some
> people mistakenly delete the "re:" from the mail header when
> responding.

This is only a backup for threading mails - threading by subjects.
The better way is threading with working "References" in the header.

Q: Is gmail killing this reference line in the header when the Subject
does not begin with "re:"? Realy? Can you test this?

BTW, it seems that e.g. Ryan is using "Apple Mail" as MUA.
(Mail user agent = email client)
AFAIK "Apple mail" can set "References" in the header.

So the question stil is, what make the "References" missing
for Ryan by using gmail.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working "Reference" Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread Robert Michel

Excuse me, I myself was writing once here on this list
about respect and to give everybody a warm welcome.

The best solution for mailinglist formal things would
be personal mails with explaination...

Robert Michel schrieb am Dienstag, den 13. Februar 2007 um 13:57h:
> The gmailers here on the list are also _rowdily_ by not using an
> emailclient with supporting working "References" :((

I don't mean every gmail user - I just wanted to express
that using gmail could become or already is a negative 
"business card"m "personal reference" like using hotmail 
or aol mailaccount.
I know that there are good reasons to use a separate 
freemailer account for a mailinglist, especialy when
you don't have a own mailserver...

My comment was a little to fast written, 
my intention was to motivate others - maybe
you, with the knowledge how to use gmail in
a good way to explainig it to people here on
this list doesn't having this knowledge or
caring about threads.

Hope this apology helps to motivate people to let this
mailinglist running with respect, but also with 
efficiency due working threads.

So how can write a short explaination for 
gmail users in the wiki?


OpenMoko community mailing list

And please use a emailclients with working "Reference" Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Richard, *!

I full agree with you! But dubbel mails from gmail is IMHO
not the worst - it is starting new threads with every answer
be not using working "Referneces" or "In-Replay-To"

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Richard Bennett wrote:

> Hi,
> Why so many people who believe in the ideals put forward by the Neo/Openmoko 
> project are happy to use Gmail astounds me... 

tzz, locking forward to have more ICT freedom with OpenMoko/Neo1973
but wasting personal freedom and privatcy by using the datacollecting 
monster google

>A nyway, aside from that minirant, is it possible when sending mail from
> Gmail  to not CC loads of people in the meantime? 

The gmailers here on the list are also _rowdily_ by not using an
emailclient with supporting working "References" :((
Maybe they are so ICT unskilled that they do not know that good
emailcinets support threading for efficient and civilised communication.

So either someone of the gmail guys explains the other gmail ICT-noobs
how to use an emailclient for a civilised participtation on a
mailinglist, or I will gooing filter all mails comming from
(Gmail users seems to become what AOL users has been known for)

Nice hints like:
S: Small hint:
Your Email hasn't a working "References:" or "In-Reply-To:"
in its header, so no email client could put it into the
right thread. Please check if you can answer with

Seems not to be understood or respected.

Sorry for my hard words,*
but as we known there are over 800 people on the list and a mailinglist 
without respecting References in the emailheader will making an 
unneccessary mess in our inboxes, but also on the webarchives.

So when you are using gmail and you know how to use gmail
civilised on a mailinglist, please explain other gmailers
how to do so

Which gmail user can help?

Thank you :))

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: You don't have to wait 8 years ; ) Re: [openmoko-announce] OpenMoko Challenges

2007-02-12 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ryan!

Sorry to confuse you ;)

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Ryan Kline wrote:

> Sorry, I didn't understand. Where is FOSDEM? 
Brussels, Belgium, Europe ;)

> I doubt I will be able  
> to attend any events unless they are in Dallas. I have too much going  
> on in school and I don't really feel like I am part of the project.  

My answer was not to
- motivate to drink alcohol
- not to travel to Bruessels
I just wanted to give you a feedback that even when we have
written about beer it is not neccessary to drink for joining
this community. (Just to wait 8 years to drink to that...)

And the level where you count to be part of the projet or not 
is quite low - it IMHO just starts with sharing ideas or wishes...

I don't know how much experiances you have with apple communities,
but Linux communities and their mailinglist it is not so much
focused on products and it's features - it's about knowledged and
sharing skills ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: You don't have to wait 8 years ; ) Re: [openmoko-announce] OpenMoko Challenges

2007-02-12 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ryan!

Ryan Kline schrieb am Montag, den 12. Februar 2007 um 14:54h:

> Actually, I will wait.
This is fine. ;)

But I fear, you got me wrong. 

> I think I will wait. I do  
> understand that this community drinks, but I do not feel pressured to  
> do the same.

>> and [when] you have someday the chance to meet someone
>> of us active with OpenMoko - don't doubt that would include
>> non alcoholic drinks as well - so don't [have to] wait 8 years to
>> drink to that ;)

So even when we are writing about drinking on a meeting or just
virtual together e.g. when the first phones are out - you don't
have to wait to salute/drink to that for 8 years - just chooce
some non-alcoholic drink and join.

> I also am very good with videography and would lend my services to  
> OpenMoko if they would pay for my plane ticket :-)

I hope Seans small presentation at the FOSDEM will be recorded
by the FOSDEM people - good point - I should ask them, I could
help them... think you was a bit kidding with the plane ticket,
right? But I'm shure there are more ways that you could bring
in your skills and ideas.
> I even tried to get a discount for being the youngest on the forum.  
> ( 
> 003155.html) I guess that didn't work very well.

But your answer about the mailinglist statistic was cool :)

You have read that Sean and the others of his team are *very* 
busy at the moment, so when the biggest problems solved and it
is clear, when the phase-1 can start it will be a better moment
trying to ask for discount for being a schoolboy or student
or asking about upgrade (price reduction) for buying 
neo1973-version2-phase1 in 2008 after already buying 
neo1973-version1-phase1 this year.


PS: Small hint: 
Your Email hasn't a working "References:" or "In-Reply-To:"
in its header, so no email client could put it into the
right thread. Please check if you can answer with 

OpenMoko community mailing list

You don't have to wait 8 years ; ) Re: [openmoko-announce] OpenMoko Challenges

2007-02-12 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ryan!

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Ryan Kline wrote:

> >>So I propose that all members of the Open Moko mailing lists may  
> have a
> priority on purchassing a phone for testing/troubleshooting (of  
> course) if
> theire is some devices left after develpppers. :):):)
> I'll drink to that (when i'm 21). 

You will wait 8 years to do this? 
No I don't want to push you to drink alcohol in early years 
- I just want to  relativise some statements like in the 
FOSDEM threat, the "Friday Beer Event" and statments like 
"I'll buy you a beer"...
For community is drinking the same thing not so important,
or when a community is based only on this - this community
does worth nothing...

So when we have talked about spending drinks each other,
because we are looking forward to meet Sean, the other developer
and each other... and you have someday the chance to meet someone
of us active with OpenMoko - don't doubt that would include
non alcoholic drinks as well - so don't wait 8 years to
drink to that ;)

So "10 Ideas from a Non-Developer" was your first mail on 
this list, right? ;)   
Then is your first ideas
" 1. (sort of like boost mobile but,) Locate your buddies using GPS on  

   a map system. Possibly non-neo phones too... "

IMHO a remakable one, because it include the wish with a good 
interaction of OpenMoko/Neo1973 with non OpenMoko devices 
- I share the importances that OpenMoko will make communications/
interaction also with non OpenMoko users more easy and that some
cool ideas could impress non-OpenMoko users and motivate/convice
them to choose OpenMoko/Neo1973 themself - because OpeMoko2OpenMoko
communication will be even more powerfull with much more possibilities.

Getting ideas and feedback from you about the zeitgeist¹ of kids
of your age will be interesting and helpfull for all of us
- very nice that you become active on this list ;)


¹zeitgeist, a word that came from German into English:
 spirit of the age

² of course non alcoholic ;)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Great ;) Re: Storage + Re: The actual release date of NEO1973

2007-02-12 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Harald!

Harald Welte schrieb am Sonntag, den 11. Februar 2007 um 22:21h:
> On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 04:05:03PM +0100, Sven Neuhaus wrote:
> > Any news on this? I'm not holding by breath for 4GB, but has 2GB been 
> > confirmed?
> Sandisk 2GB SDSDQU-2048-E10M works just fine.

Thank you for this good news :)

I don't want be unfair by talking about more memory,
I'm just intersted in the spezification of the Neo1973
- knowing about limitation of v1 does not mean that it
limited the real big step OpenMoko/Neo1973 as first
free GSM phone will bring into the live - it doesn't
matter if we can use 2 or 4 GB cards - even with 
1 GB cards or even without memory cards, 
OpenMoko/Neo1973 has high potential to do things
- with more security
- more privatcy
- better
- more fun...

But BTW memory cards, SanDisk anounced today in Barcelona the first 4 GB 
   SanDisk is now sampling the new 4GB microSDHC card to OEMs such as
   major phone manufacturers and mobile network operators (MNOs).
   Engineering samples are now available for evaluation, as mobile phone
   makers will need to upgrade the firmware in their handsets so that
   memory slots can support the new card.
   SDHC is the new designation for any SD(TM) or SD-based card that is
   larger than 2GB and adheres to the new SD 2.00 specification that is
   required for cards and hosts to support 4GB to 32GB capacities. The
   specification was developed by the SD Association, an industry
   standards board, which also defined three speed classes for speed and
   performance capabilities. These cards adhere to the SD Speed Class 2
   Rating specification which defines a minimum sustained transfer speed
   for SDHC cards.
   Retail release of the card is planned for later in 2007. OEM pricing
   has not been determined yet.

So microSD cards with 4GB or more are based on SDHC,
and the SD standards are not so open that writing 
drivers would be possible to everybody - right?
Wasn't it your meritoriousness, Harald, that the
SD driver from TomTom becomes public?

To avoid speculations and hopes, is it clear today,
that  phase-1-Neo1973s/phase-2-Neo1973s will have a
limited of microSD cards to 2GB? Or not?
Is it realy a firmware/driver only task, so that
phase-1-Neos could be upgraded to use SDHC later?

Best wishes!

OpenMoko community mailing list

[3GSM] Feb 6, 2007: Funambol Shows Open Source Push Email, Contacts and Calendars for Everyone at 3GSM World Congress.

2007-02-06 Thread Robert Michel

Funambol Shows Open Source Push Email, Contacts and Calendars for
Everyone at 3GSM World Congress
Funambol demos mobile email portal for consumers, open source Java
client for mass market devices and OpenMoko platform

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., February 6, 2007 ­ Funambol, the mobile open
source software company, today announced it will preview its new mobile
email portal for consumers at 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona, February
12 ­ 15, 2007. The company will also show the world's first open source
Java mobile email client for mass market phones and how its software
powers the email, contacts and calendars for the popular OpenMoko mobile
Linux platform. Funambol is the leading provider of open source push
email, contacts and calendars, and has been downloaded more than
1,000,000 times, tripling the size of its user and developer network
since 3GSM World Congress a year ago. "The market for consumer mobile
email exceeds today's enterprise mobile email market and remains largely
untapped," said Fabrizio Capobianco, CEO of Funambol. "Funambol gives
carriers the essential ingredient for unleashing this revenue potential
­ open source software. Funambol mobile open source software is
supported by 10,000 developers in 200 countries around the globe,
delivering unprecedented device compatibility at unprecedented cost."
Visitors to Funambol booth #1J46 will see the following demonstrations:
Sneak Preview: Mobile Email Consumer Portal based on Open Source
Platform The Funambol portal has been completely revamped as it takes
advantage of the new Funambol v3 open source mobile app server. The
portal makes it easy for users to setup their mobile phones for email
and to manage their mobile email, contacts and calendar info. It
automates Over-The-Air (OTA) configuration of mobile devices. To set up
a device for email, a user just enters their mobile number into the
portal. The portal sends an SMS message to the phone which the user
accepts to configure it. World's First Open Source Java Mobile Email
Client for Mass Market Phones For the first time, Funambol will be
demonstrating its J2ME client for delivering open source mobile email,
contacts and calendars on the world's most ubiquitous application
platform for mobile devices.

OpenMoko Communications Platform for Mobile Phones Since its November
introduction as the world's first fully open Linux-based software stack
for mobile phones, OpenMoko has received industry and community acclaim
as the open alternative to the iPhone. Funambol allows OpenMoko-based
phones to wirelessly synchronize mobile applications and content,
including PIM, push email, photos, video, ringtones, music and more.

About Funambol 
Funambol is the mobile open source company and is the
leading provider of open source push email and PIM for consumers.
Funambol is supported by a global network of users and developers
representing more than 1,000,000 downloads and 10,000 contributors in
more than 200 countries. The commercial version of Funambol's software
has been deployed at wireless carriers, Fortune 100 enterprises,
hardware OEMs/ODMs and ISVs including customers such as Computer
Associates. Funambol is headquartered in Redwood City, California with a
development center in Italy. See ### Media Contacts
Jennifer Cloer Page One PR 503.547.9451 [EMAIL PROTECTED] David
Rizk Page One PR 415.321.2345 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: enviroment friendly development for v2?

2007-02-04 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Oleg!

Oleg L. Sverdlov schrieb am Sonntag, den 04. Februar 2007 um 23:36h:

> All this is good.
> a) how the company (FIC) is supposed to make a profit by manufacturing 
> less phones?

Who is saying that FIC should produce less phones ;)

When FIC is producing phones which are usable 2-5 longer than
the other phones on the market, than this is a good argument
to choce a phone from FIC. Don't forget that FIC steps new
into a quite closed market.

> b) let's say my phone will last 10 years . How can I be sure that my 
> cellular provider will use the same technology for many years (with only 
> software upgrades required)?

You cant upgrade to UMTS, but for phoning with GSM it should be 
"good enough". When the GSM chip would be on a small module, even
network technologie would be upgradable.

> There are companies that create sell refurbished phones to 3rd world 
> countries for cheap, so the situation is not grim enough.

AFAIK less then 2% of the mobils are going to recycled.

My 12 years old hp48 calculator is still very usefull, so
I don't find any reason (from the consumer view)  why a live 
cycle of a smartphone couldn't be 10 years as well.

Not the hardware was the limiting factor on the phones of the
last years - the software was it. 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: enviroment friendly development for v2?

2007-02-04 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Joe!

On Sun, 04 Feb 2007, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:

> Robert Michel writes:
> >> 
> >> You can still use phones made in 60's, are you sure touchscreen will
> >> survive 40 years too? ;-)
> >
> >First I was comparing mobil phones, second, because the touchscreen
> >has no mechanical parts, I think it is possible to produce this
> >touchscreen in a way, that >> 80% are usable in 40 years.
> Resistive touchscreens do have the eqivalent of a mechanical part:
You are right about resistive touchscreens, but
will the Neo not have an optical touchscreen?
Or is the v1/v2 without multitouch?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: enviroment friendly development for v2?

2007-02-04 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Tomasz!

On Sun, 04 Feb 2007, Tomasz Zielinski wrote:

> 2007/2/4, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >Don't get me wrong, I don't ask for making all better from the
> >beginning - but on the longterm, it would be nice to promote
> >OpenMoko/Neo1973 also with ecological criterias.
> "Average OpenMoko user takes a bath once a week. iPhone user takes a
> shower twice a day! Buy Neo1974, save the Earth!"  :-]

Wow what a seriously answer. It seems that you haven'd used
the link:

Ok, when you are only interested in competing with iPhone 
- greenpeace is helping to seperate from Apple:

> >No keyboard is a good design to be able to use it for
> >a longer time :)
> You can still use phones made in 60's, are you sure touchscreen will
> survive 40 years too? ;-)

First I was comparing mobil phones, second, because the touchscreen
has no mechanical parts, I think it is possible to produce this
touchscreen in a way, that >> 80% are usable in 40 years.

And making the case strong enough to be able to use the mobile
outdoor and in the rain would help using the touchscreen in 40
years as well.

But you are not seriously it makes a big differance if the
devices are usable due crap keys or no softwareupgrade posibilities
for 2 years, or if the Neo1973 will be used for 10 years.

I was not kidding with a ecologicaly view on mobil phones, we can bring
OpenMoko and the Neo1973 into seriously science - influence of
OpenSoftware to reduce hardware cycles - it is absolutly unsmart to
produce devices only for 1-2 year use.

And your kidding replay let me thing that with OpenMoko it would be
possibe to go one stepp further - recycling of old smartphones
1. refurbishment and selling them with OpenMoko
2. desodering ICs and recycling of SoCs, GSM ICs, displays and

"I don't think there is any other consumer electronic device that is
generally replaced every 12 months."

Visit Nokia "Sustainable products":

And I think it is possible to find studies about the ecological
footprint of mobil devices like:

"In our mind, the mobile phone's not associated yet with the
environmental, social or economic problems that it leads to. However,
some figures are scary: nearly 30 kg of raw materials are necessary to
manufacturate a device of about 100 grams! And in the world, one
estimates that a billion devices are living!"

PC 764m^2  mobil phone 32m^2

BTW the ieee has an IEEE 802.3 Energy Efficient Ethernet Study Group:

The more I think about ecolgical points with OpenMoko/Neo1973 as more I
think it could be a good promoting argument.

1. OpenMoko/Neo1973 give the user the freedom to update and install new
   software - independent from the hardware producer or network
   provider. This gives a perspective to use the Neo1973 longer then
   any other smartphone with a fast changing market - mostly protocolls

2. The ecological footprint of a smart phone is much smaller than that
   of a PC or laptop - giving full Linux power to the Neo1973 it will
   reduce the need for a PC/Laptop

That could be combined with avoiding toxical chemicals during producing,
posibilities to repair devices and recycling ideas

So I would not talk about to aim a livetime of 40 years, but 
what about sinicicant longer livetime (5-10 years) than normal smart phones?

Green greetings,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Airplain mode Re: Cellular usage

2007-02-04 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Kyle!

Wellcome to the openmoko community mailinglist ;)

On Sun, 04 Feb 2007, Kyle wrote:

> I hope I am posting this properly. I was thinking about my infrequent
> airline trips and their dislike of cell phones. Is there any possibility
> to turn off the transmitter in software?

Yes the hardware will allows to turn off the GSM transmitter.
Inside the Neo1973 will be a GSM chip from TI. The System on a chip
(SoC) will communicate with this chip with at commands via a serial 
connection. One of this at commands (you maybe knows them from using
modems) will switch off and on the GSM transmitter.

To find more about "airplain mode" discussion we already had on this
list use our listarchive and/or google "airpain mode"

One of our ideas was to use GPS to switch the device on again
- or to remind the user to do so.

So your welcome to share your ideas, wishes and questions here
- maybe you will find some inspiring ideas in our list archive:

Last official announcement from the teamleader Sean Moss-Pultz:

Hope my mail helps you, Greetings
(just a student, active on this list)

OpenMoko community mailing list

enviroment friendly development for v2?

2007-02-04 Thread Robert Michel

I don't know how much enviroment friendly development
was criteria for the v1 - but this point would be nice
to consider - at last for v2:

OpenMoko will enable the user to use the phone much longer
and to add the software that he wants/needs instead of the
need to buy a new phone because of a new protocoll e.g. Wap.
This is already a big step for beeing an environment friendly

Don't get me wrong, I don't ask for making all better from the
beginning - but on the longterm, it would be nice to promote
OpenMoko/Neo1973 also with ecological criterias.

Like: Beeing greener then the Greenphone ;)

Supporting small companies to repair e.g. display demanges 
with different display types and a non-propritary battery 
format would help that the live-time of a Neo would be 
longer than the 12-24 month crap with included engineered 
end of live shortly after warannty.

No keyboard is a good design to be able to use it for
a longer time :)

So avoiding using high toxical chemicals for the production
it the one aspect - having a lower resources consumption
with a longer livetime another.

Green greetings,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Thoughts about Bluetooth equipement - does somebody knows a Bluetooth camera?

2007-02-04 Thread Robert Michel

It seems that
has a good overview - we could pick devices from their when they
are supported with Linux.
Somethink like would be nice.

Robert Michel schrieb am Sonntag, den 04. Februar 2007 um 15:34h:
> So what more? Are there digital cameras with Bluetooth on the market?
> Does some of them allows to send pictures directly via Bluetooth when
> pressing the release? Any inexpensive one there?

To be more focused/precice - do you know personal a camera like that?
What's your experiances with it?

Greetings, from a sunny Aachen,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Thoughts about Bluetooth equipement - does somebody knows a Bluetooth camera?

2007-02-04 Thread Robert Michel

Some thoughts about Bluetooth equipment:
-PC/Laptop/Router with Bluetooth
-embedded devices with Bluetooth
-other bluetooth mobiles to do converence calls or when the Neo1973 v1
 hasn't GPRS class A - to use GRPS while phoning *g*

So what more? Are there digital cameras with Bluetooth on the market?
Does some of them allows to send pictures directly via Bluetooth when
pressing the release? Any inexpensive one there?

Which devices did you also know with bluetooth?
- barcode scanner?
- sensor like thermomether
- medical sensor systems, e.g. for live controling of the heartbeat.

Link ideas for our wiki? 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: AT commands (Re: But wich GSM chip? Re: AT commands document (Was: Fax modem? Fax software? Neo as T.38 gateway?))

2007-02-03 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Harald!

Harald Welte schrieb am Samstag, den 03. Februar 2007 um 14:49h:
> > I put the list into the wiki - it would be fine to mark
> > out which are not the optional ones and how to use them.
> > So from this list, every contribution, commentation of
> > this commands are welcome.
> For everything but the few TI-proprietary ones, all this is in the GSM
> standard.  I don't think it's worth replicating that inforation.

For the standard we can takeover this informations

Not now - in some weeks a list and information about the TI-proprietary
ones would be fine.

> If the community learns something about the TI-proprietary commands,
> that's certainly a different thing.

> > E.g. the network quality - nearly non of us would run around 
> > (daily) with mobil/laptop/GPS device to monitor the networkquality,
> > but with the Neo1973 it could be an interesting thing.
> network quality is sent as event from GSM Modem to our gsmd, from where
> any process can get it over a unix domain socket.

Yes, and the community could collect some first step examples to
make starting the first step using the freedom on the Neo more easy :)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Other uses for the gsm/gprs hardware....

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Tim!

On Fri, 02 Feb 2007, Tim Newsom wrote:

> While the phone is not on a call, can we use the gsm audio codec or 
> other hardware/software to do useful work?  For instance, decoding of 
> some audio file or something like that.

Yes but not with the GSM IC - the Neo1973 itself has a quite powerfull
audio IC, to be accurate, wolfson WM8753 - see Seans mail:

> I know we don't have access to the bare metal of the chip, but its 
> probably at least an arm processor with some dsp or something right? I 
> would think it could be useful in some way other than just phone 
> calls/data transfer.
Of course ;) we had already several normal or freaky ideas what
to do with it. Sorry that not every idea is in our wiki yet..
but we have our mailarchive.

Just see the Neo as a 
mobil (embedded) computer + Linux + GSM/GPRS + AGPS + Bluetooth

Have you had something special in mind to do with the audio IC?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Re: Translators needed?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Vincente!

On Sat, 03 Feb 2007, Vincente Aggrippino wrote:
> I'm coming into this conversation late, as I just joined the mailing
> list, 
Then welcome to our openmoko community :)

> but I think I can offer a more general perspective on
> translation.

> My enthusiasm towards Open Source Software has at least piqued their
> curiosity and I've brought up the idea of translation.  Some of them
> would be willing to consider doing voluntary translation for products
> that would benefit less-advantaged kids.  The context for my
> discussion was, but would easily apply to other
> products.

The advantage of opensource is that good solutions could be used
on other plattforms/project. I think solutions from will be used with OpenMoko and vice versa.

I like your ambition to give children support - software, tutorials
books not in their mother language is a disadvantage...

 But somebody could replay why supporting a luxury device, a mobil
 with big screen, AGPS, ...
 Well I think you are good in charing, when you do something with
 your full heart and is a pleasure for your itself. So this 
 "luxury" device could enthuse many people to develop solutions
 for an embedded device. Comparing the price for the Neo with
 other small embedded starter kits is low and the Neo is powerfull.

Back to translation - several projects are now caring about
translation - this hour, I found a news about this project:

> The point I'm getting at is that I don't think there are many
> professional translators, but there are many people with the same
> qualifications.  They just didn't choose to become translators.

Good point. I was not speaking against professional people,
I just tried to encourage everybody (with good skills) to be
courageous to start a translation themself.

I was active on the German Wikipedia for a while and their
slogan for new peole was "Be courageous!" (Sei mutig!)

BTW I once thought for myself it is not important if I can
speak 3 or 4 languages, to know the 100 improtant words in
more then 50 languages would be better than just another
lauguange - why? Because saying some words in somebody mother
language is respectfull and polite.
So having the wikipedia article, but also a welcomeside about
OpenMoko in as many as possible languages would IMHO motivate
people to join the international community of OpenMoko.

So welcome, thank you for your perspective - there is no
"comming late.." :)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Crytped calls through 9600Baud GSM-data connections?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Paul!

Paul Wouters schrieb am Freitag, den 02. Februar 2007 um 20:43h:

> On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, Robert Michel wrote:
> > Did you discussed OTP, using less mobile device batterypower to add
> > to the voicestream to build an encrypted connection between on users
> > mobil and his homeserver?
> Nope. In general, devices these days have enough cpu power to just do
> AES. CPU isn't the limiting factor, latency and/or bandwith are. (for
> voice encryption at least)

CPU isn't maybe a limiting factor, I thought about the batterypower :)
And OTP would give an latency advantage as well. ;)

> > -would piping through such a connection possible without TCP or other
> >  overhead?
> If you do a gsm dat call, you can of course run your own protocol like
> cryptophone does. 

My question is, would it be possibe to run 2 low quality phone calls
via one GSM data connection with speex?
Or when not having a second phone call, the connection could be used
for data transmission.

> > PS: I made advertisement on this list for your presentation in Berlin,
> > and that this video is no online - but good that mention that it
> > is online again - it worth for the most here on the list to see it.
> I moved some files and removed the ASF file in favour of the mp4 file,
> since the ASF file caused a lot of problems for people to get to play.
But there are also other mirrors... see my mail and my downloadscript:


OpenMoko community mailing list

What more to add to ? Re: Voice over GPRS?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Paul!

Paul Wouters schrieb am Freitag, den 02. Februar 2007 um 18:13h:

> On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, Robert Michel wrote:
> > Does anybody has experiances/ideas about Voice over GPRS?
> See:

Thank you, I direcly put this good source into our wiki :)

Sorry for switching now to GPRS general:

For the GPRS connection in general would be more interesting:
- firewall on the Neo
- what is with GPRS push services?
- how to count the GPRS traffic (to count equal to the provider)
- a limitation of data/hour data/day data/week data/month with
  user warning
- statistic for GPRS traffic use  
- for prepaid cards automaticaly checking the prepaid credit/money on account 
--  before and after calls
--  each day/hour or each 10MB GPRS traffic

And just an idea in case that the Neo has only GPRS class B:
Using another old GSM mobil with GPRS and Bluetooth - so using
Internet connection while phonig whith the help of the second

BTW do you think two low quality phone connecitons would be possible
via 9600 Baud?


OpenMoko community mailing list

between 300ms and 10s - wow that is asyncron :) Re: Voice over GPRS?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Andreas!

Andreas Kostyrka schrieb am Freitag, den 02. Februar 2007 um 18:44h:
> Looks nice, BUT you don't have always a 14400 bps uplink. 
But even iax2 has a huge overhead - mybe still potential to 
optimize the protocol?

> > So my question would be how much delay will bring a GPRS
> > connection compared with normal internet connections?
> Somewhere between 300ms and 10 seconds. (I think I once that over
> 60seconds ping times in Munich ;) )
wow - so for browsing a proxy could become interesting to
preload the next newspages...

Thank you for you feedback,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Crytped calls through 9600Baud GSM-data connections?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Paul!

On Fri, 02 Feb 2007, Paul Wouters wrote:
> that's why our firmware will include both IPsec (with NAT-Traversal)
> as well as OpenVPN. If that wouldn't work often enough, we'll try and
> do encapsulation over port 443.

Did you discussed OTP, using less mobile device batterypower to add
to the voicestream to build an encrypted connection between on users
mobil and his homeserver?

I thought about that maybe GSM-data connections with 9600Baud would
be interesting: 
-would piping through such a connection possible without TCP or other

Then our old GSM with RS232 could becomme the GSM Gateway at home
and for both this gatway and our Neo we would choose a cheap prepaid
contract that allows internal connections for 4 Cent/minute.

I couldn't tested if the new Aldi-talk tariff allows 
1.) dataconnections
2.) dataconnections from mobile to mobile
3.) this data connection would also count with only 4 Cent/minute.

This GSM data connection is used by every commercial cryptophone
and avoid the delays of GPRS...

Can you tell something about his?


PS: I made advertisement on this list for your presentation in Berlin,   
and that this video is no online - but good that mention that it
is online again - it worth for the most here on the list to see it. 

OpenMoko community mailing list

Ok I should write _asyncrone_ Voice over GPRS in the subject from the beginning ... ; )

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Andreas!

On Fri, 02 Feb 2007, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:

> * Paul Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070202 18:18]:
> > On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, Terrence Barr - Evangelist, Java Mobile & Embedded 
> > wrote:
> > > Also, most data plans specifically prohibit VoIP usage
> > > and may even prevent it technically.
> > 
> > AFAIK, only T-Mobile did that, and they removed that clause a few months 
> > ago.
> Eplus does have that clause too.

Who cares? When the communication is asyncron we could store the
voice date in one file that even is encrypted...
.. when we talking about asycrone Voice over GPRS 
- voice chat with a little delay...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Voice over GPRS?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Terrence,*!

Terrence Barr - Evangelist, Java Mobile & Embedded schrieb am Freitag, den 02. 
Februar 2007 um 17:52h:

> VoIP calls typically require approx. 120 kbit/s *each*
> direction, that's 240 kbit/s for a two-way conversation.
[*] speex   
[*] iax2

Incoming Bandwidth
Calls: 1
RTP: 4.69 Kbps  
UDP: 3.13 Kbps  
IP: 7.81 Kibps  
Protocol: IAX2 REGULAR 
Audio Codec: 2 Kbps 
*IAX2 REGULAR is not using RTP or RTCP!

Outgoing Bandwidth
Calls: 1
RTP: 4.69 Kbps  
UDP: 3.13 Kbps  
IP: 7.81 Kibps  
Protocol: IAX2 REGULAR 
Audio Codec: 2 Kbps 
*IAX2 REGULAR is not using RTP or RTCP!

Incoming bandwidth: 14.5 Kbps
0.01 Mbps
1.81 KBps
0 MBps  

Outgoing bandwidth: 14.5 Kibps
0.01 Mbps
1.81 KBps
0 MBps
Total bandwidth (incoming and outgoing): 29 Kbps
0.03 Mbps
3.63 KBps
0 MBps

29Kbps = 3.625 kByte/s

VoIP over cellular is just not feasible at this point.

I was not speaking about VoIP, I was talking about
asyncron voice services like the buzzthingy
"Push to talk" - but I do not whant to push - 
"Talk to talk" would be more smart - no need to 
press a button.

Without syncron communication the overhead would be

> >On 2/2/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Salve!
> >>
> >>Does anybody has experiances/ideas about Voice over GPRS?
> >>How long is the delay? It could maybe used for asyncron
> >>voice communication Talk2Talk (instead of pushing a button)
> >>
> >>In Germany did three Prepaid Provider published new Tariffs
> >>with 0.24Euro/MB.
> >>German pages:
> >>
> >>data cost calculator:
> >>
> >>
> >>I think with this tariffs using mobil data becomes
> >>interesting ;)
> >>
> >>By using 1KB/s for audio and some overhead, let
> >>us say 2 KB/s 0.24Euro/MB = 24 Cent for 500 seconds,
> >>60 seconds makes then about 3 cents. When both using
> >>this 6 cents. Hmm that would be interesting when
> >>the user makes often make brakes/pause in their talk.

Sorry guys, I was not asking about codecs, I was just asking
about delay on GPRS. ;)

Should I start again with a more simple example?
I will send a voicemessage of 20 seconds to my friend.
My Tarrif would cost with 60/1 second counting full 16 Cent.

20 second audio with 2.150 kbit/s  will create a file of
43 kbit = 5.375 kByte.
0.24Euro/MByte GPRS traffic with 10KB block will calculate
10 kByte for the message to my frind, this makes
0.0024 Euro = 0.24 Cent for me.

So my question would be how much delay will bring a GPRS
connection compared with normal internet connections?



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Voice over GPRS?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve ROB!

ROB schrieb am Freitag, den 02. Februar 2007 um 11:37h:

> Bit rate=sampling rate x bit depth
> 1kb/s isn't going to get you too much audio.  
I wrote 1KB/s and I meant 1kB/s, or 8000 baud.
Already tested quality=0  speex and iax succsessful.

Maybe I did something wrong but this gives realy
a good enough quality - consider how old the GSM codec

From my /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf

; CBR encoding quality [0..10]
; used only when vbr = false
quality => 0
quality 0 = mode 1 = 2,150kbps. 

From asterisk CLI:

-- Executing Dial("SIP/rob-c7c7",
   "IAX2/astblufunk:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/17241") in new stack
-- Called astblufunk:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/17241
-- Call accepted by (format speex)
-- Format for call is speex
-- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from
   > requested format = speex,
   > requested prefs = (),
   > actual format = speex,
   > host prefs = (speex),
   > priority = mine
-- Executing Answer("IAX2/asttangop-10", "") in new stack
-- IAX2/asttangop-9 answered SIP/rob-c7c7

I promise to put examples on my webpage in 14 days.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Voice over GPRS?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel

Does anybody has experiances/ideas about Voice over GPRS?
How long is the delay? It could maybe used for asyncron
voice communication Talk2Talk (instead of pushing a button)

In Germany did three Prepaid Provider published new Tariffs
with 0.24Euro/MB.
German pages: 
data cost calculator:  

I think with this tariffs using mobil data becomes
interesting ;)

By using 1KB/s for audio and some overhead, let
us say 2 KB/s 0.24Euro/MB = 24 Cent for 500 seconds,
60 seconds makes then about 3 cents. When both using 
this 6 cents. Hmm that would be interesting when
the user makes often make brakes/pause in their talk.


OpenMoko community mailing list

What would be a realistic but challenging level for Bryce announced trophy money for video playback on the Neo1973? Re: h.264 format is now open?

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Bryce,*!

Some video information given by Sean in november:

On Fri, 02 Feb 2007, Bryce Leo wrote:

> >Yeah, for management.  Actual Video decoding is done by a dedicated
> >chip, Broadcom BCM2722.
> Good find. I guess i should have just checked wikipedia instead of
> googling would have gotten me much better information.
> I will however still bet $50 (first taker actually gets payout) that
> there will be a way to play  video on the phone. 

I think your $50 has to go to somebody of the core developer team:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> play robs-video.wav ; display robs-video-animated.gif


Which resolution and frames/s should have the video to win your prize?
In some way a low resolution should run quite soon - for full or have
resultion could external hardware help, or a much memory eating 

So let us find a realistic but challenging level for your trophy money?

I thought about to join with a more symbolic amount of 10 Euro (I'm just 
a student) but then I thought when 100 people would join and the trophy
money is a big prize, maybe the competion would disturb people of
charing their first success/ideas...
What do you think? Would it better instead of joining the
Bryce-video-prize when everybody is looking for an own (symbolic) prize?

And what about a deadline to reach it? March 11th + 3 month = June 11h?
Who is geeing all the unreached prizes? The Core developer team?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Let us un-stub an then translate it!

2007-02-02 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Michael!

On Fri, 02 Feb 2007, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:

> > I also never realized that FIC is not just some little startup
> > That makes it a lot more likely that they will still be around for V2 to get
> > released, and for V1 to actually work.
> I'm kind of surprised that FIC means so little to a lot of people I'm
> talking. 

Just look  or in anny other
languages then english. I wrote Sean yesterday an email
and pleased to add some more intresting stuff to: 

Official is this article count as:
" This computer-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by  
expanding it." 

> FIC was well-known to be a manufacturer of solid x86
> motherboards back in the 80s. Perhaps most people weren't into
> computers back those days? ;)

Could it be that to much production for other brands weaken the
popularity of the brand FIC?

End users are brand orientated, but IMHO this doesn't count...
for us it is important the quality of the hardwareproduction
and I have a feeling that FIC is a very good choice.

So before the wave on media response about the Neo we should
help with spreading some more informations about FIC - some
more details, some pictures...
Maby the decision of FIC to join/support/drive the 
OpenMoko/Neo1973 project and to develop and produce the Neo1973
could bring a popularity/image benefit for FIC? ;)
Just beside of the chance of profit with selling Neo1973s?

So expanding of
would help.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: data encryption + Biometric security

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Mark!

On Thu, 01 Feb 2007, Heilpern, Mark wrote:

> Watching things like tv's MythBusters defeat fingerprint sensors is
> interesting and entertaining, but when you know they're using several
> year old, out-dated technology for the sensors they evaluate, you might
> suspect that there's more to the story that they're telling you.

The German Chaos Computer Club is not a TV program,
that are quite good hackers - and also Bruce Schneier is.

Rodolphe gave allready a good feedback that lake of information
does not creats trust. E.G. the team of the GPG-crypto-card had
to sign a NDA - so I do not trust this cards that
- the algorithm didn't get extention
- that the random generator is good enough
- that this cards didn't have a backdoor
- that the encryption result doesn't have hidden the 
  private key inside.

I wrote I'm no crypto expert - but that does not mean that
I have my knowledge from the TV.

BTW I trust several years old CPU and network chips more
than "modern" chips.

> Disclaimer: I work for a fingerprint sensor manufacturer.

I doe very welcome that people of fingerprint sensor manufactures
are active here on this list. I'm just a normal member on this
list (btw a civil engineering student with some ICT interest)
I'm not speaking for more than for myself.

I will not negate that finger sensors could be interesting,
but security is not just a quetion of products and money you
spent into - the slogan you always get what you paid for is
definitve wrong for security.

For secure systems it is relevant good when everybody understand
how it is working - e.g. voting box and paper votings are IMHO
more secure then voting PC could be...

So the question is for what is the fingerprint sensor used on
the phone
1.) avoiding calls on your bill
2.) secure your adressbook
3.) secure your private keys 

For 1. and 2. a fingerprint sensor brings more comfort and would
But about 3 IMHO we are talking about a field 
- where simple and open solutions would be better
- and security is more important then comfort.

Let us assume I would become maintainer of some OpenMoko packets
and my private key to sign would be on my Neo1973 - I hope it
will be so trustworthy that this would not be seen as negligent/careless
how could a fingerprinter enhanced the security for this private key?

Don't get me wrong, there are many fields where not as much security
as possible would be neccessary and a Neo1973 with build in
fingerscanner could become a very interesting product, e.g. when
somebody has employees which he could/will trust less then
your company
So I do see a perspective for next generation Neos or Third party
modificated Neos with buildin fingerscanners - so playing with
external scanners to have some prototypes would help starting
this market field - and I personal would like to see individuell
modification of OpenMoko and the Neo1973
- train ticket device with printer
- barcodescanner for logistic task
- fingerscanner for...

So yes this topic is interesting for some markets.

I don't think that for normal skilled linux user a fingerprint sensor
could be a full replacement of his password protection - I only would
use it __only__ as additional feature, __not__ as password replacement
(for real secure task like protecting private keys).

Ok let us speak Tachels - the calculation of the iphone has become
publish and the AGPS chip producer GlobalLocate had published in his
presentation that when buying more than 10k chips the AGPS costs less
then 5 US-$. Can you tell us more about your products and which level
of security would be possible with costs of 5 US-$ or less.

Again, I'm just a student interested in this project and I would like
to compare the cost and benefit of additional components for further
Neo modells. ;)

But beside my direct question, I would like see this discussion 
going on, not only the next days - experiances with OpenMoko
and more information about fingerprint sensors could build a basis
that it will continous in weeks or month - so please stay active here ;)

Ah, and what you are thinking about the potential of multitouch 
screen sensors, could they be used for a fingersensor? This would
have the advantage that no additional sensor field must be in/on the


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Wish list: Call Forwarding from Neo

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Mary!

On Thu, 01 Feb 2007, Mary Stovel wrote:
> I can  set up my voip service to forward calls to my cell (or any or  
> multiple numbers).   Because my home phone calls are less expensive  
> than my cell calls...when I am at home, I would like my cell phone  
> calls to ring over to my home phone. It  would be good if the cell  
> phone could be programed to ring first.  I do not like to tell  
> people, who call me on my cell to call me back on my home phone, or  
> to ask them to hang up to let me call  them back.
>  At least this, until I get a Neo with voip and I use it as my ONLY   
> phone!

Asterisk PBX will help to do this:
When you have more than 256 Kb/s up and downstream you could
have e.g. a NSLU2 at home to let asterisk running - or, I do
have a Linux vserver for 3 Euro/Month.

Asterisk is a telephonyserver which can work with SIP and also
with ISDN cards Let me explain, what I use already:

I have a Voip with a land line number with is cheap for my
friends to call - just like normal land line numbers.
My asterisk forward this call to my VoIP ATA (Greandstream HandyTone
286, will be replaced with a AVM Fritz Box) and my GSM mobil.
When I'm at home I can pick up the call (without costs for me),
when I pick up the call with my GSM mobil, I pay less then when
my friends would call me from their land line...

With the Neo1973 some improvements become possible
1. probably it is possible to forward the call via Bluetooth
2. via GPRS can I transmitt the caller id to the GSM
3. when I'm at my parents place I can switch asterisk to 
   forward my incoming calls to my parents place. When a 
   incoming call is comming an asterisk script will inform
   my Neo is ringing and a Infoscreen (mayby Popup :) says:
   Mary is calling
   forwarded to your
   Parents line

So I can say before my parents phone ring
- next call is for me ... and pick up the call 

The same when I visit my friends who use VoIP, then
I can forward the call free of costs.

With AGPS I can automatisated this forwarding.

Asterik can play an intro when sombody picks up the call
at my parents place "This is a call for robert"

When you doing something like this with your office or
somewhere else - Asterisk can ask you for a Code
"This is a call for Robert, please enter your code"

I will write more about these scenarious in about two
weeks when I have more time. Consider that some of this
ideas needs some development.. but the Neo1973 has a
high potential to do nice things...

To answer your subject in a short way:

The best solution for forwarding calls would on a server,
not on the Neo itself. So not forwarding *from* Neo,
forwarding *to* the Neo.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: data encryption + Biometric security

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ben!

First it sounds a very smart idea to have biometric security,
but sorry, when I give you some sceptical feedback.

On Thu, 01 Feb 2007, Ben Burdette wrote:

> Here are a couple of items for the phone wish list:  data encryption and 
> biometric security. 

Biometric "security" wasn't discussed by the OpenMoko community yet,
I'm no crypto expert, but I'm not convinced that biometric worth 
the hardware... see:

When somebody wants to play with biometric "security"  the Neo1973
could be used for voiceanalysing - Print 7 random words to the 
screen and the user has to read them aloud ...

> I'd like the phone to be a secure place for me to 
> store passwords and similar information.  Are there plans to have some 
> security features like this, that would prevent someone from extracting 
> secure data from the phone if it was lost? 

A file could have an encrypted filesystem, acess is given
only for a while and only while GPRS connection is on.
If it is lost, use Internet or an asterisk server to 
unmount this file.

> Having a fingerprint scanner would be more of a convenience feature so I 
> wouldn't have to enter a password whenever I want use the phone, or 
> alternatively when I want to access encrypted data. 

Sounds nice, but I have doubts that a fingerscanner is given
real security.

I will going to play with my (Debian) Crytoflex card, but
not to make access more easy - to make it more secure.
So when I have to lost both - my Neo and my Cryptotoken. costs 199US$+Chiping for me to expensive.

But this is just my 2cents

When somebody has such a finger scanner and likes to make it
running with OpenMoko would be fine - but expect also some 
feedback that the fingerscanner concept is not so secure as
it looks like:
google "finger scanner"


OpenMoko community mailing list

One general wish - let us make encryption as easy then possible!

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sean!

Sean Moss-Pultz schrieb am Donnerstag, den 01. Februar 2007 um 19:28h:
> > Well, you're not wrong, certainly: people use MMS even though it _is_ 
> > horribly
> > broken (and expensive, etc.) I guess the point I'm attempting to make here 
> > is
> > that in addition to the challenges in just getting a working phone out the
> > door, you sign up to take on what seems, to me, anyway, to be a pretty
> > substantial educational exercise.
> Agreed. But we're trying our best to discourage the common user until phase
> 2 of our roadmap. This will give us time to see if this "educational
> exercise" produces something better than MMS. Both fingers are crossed ;-)

It doesn't matter if it is about SMS,(MMS),instant messaging
(jabber?),email, phonecalls or data connections

I would like to see a good security/encryption/keyhandling/OTP support
as core function in the OpenMoko design.
OpenMoko/Neo1973 has so much potential to achieve both - a high level
of security *and* usability.

E.g. the device modus of USB allows that the Neo1973 is a "virtual" 
cryptocard that protects your private key when you are working with
a workstation/server...

Meeting people would a great chance to exchange public keys and 
sign them. 

Non OpenMoko users you could give a J2ME applet and 140 KB random data
(SMS has 160*7 Bit = 140*8 Bit) as OTP for your next 1000 SMS 

For companies would it be interesting to hide even the information
which employee is communicate with whom - e.g. every 15 minutes
every employee upload and download a dummy packet with or without
information inside.

Can't understand companies trusting blackberry by giving them
all their sensible communication on blackberry servers.


It is not a question if you are paronoid,
it's a question if you are paranoid enough ;)

OpenMoko community mailing list

11 Lanuages :) Re: Wikipedia update

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sergio!

On Thu, 01 Feb 2007, Sergio Bessa wrote:

> OpenMoko in Portuguese

I have also seen that we have a finish version new
as well! Was it your work, Janni-Matti?

So that makes 11 languages now :)))

Hey this is fun and shows how powerfull our community 
already is - 11 languages strong! 


So it is easy to join and spend some minutes for translating,
and when someone finds some mistakes in any languages don't
blame the translator - just be productive and fix it yourself!

Any ideas how to make the english article better?

And that OpenMoko will be found by Wikipedia users,
we can gives OpenMoko some links inside the wikipedia
for every languages at pages that makes sence like:

 * Symbian OS   

 * Smartphone   

 * Embedded Linux   

 * Open source hardware 

 * List of smartphones  

 * TuxPhone 

 * Openmoko (redirect page) 

 * Neo1973 (redirect page)  

Mentioned on Symbion OS page? See: 

Maby this is not a neutral way to link OpenMoko,
IMHO it is better to have less links from other
articles but un-disputed.

BTW Whats the role of OpenEmbedded for OpenMoko?

So suggestion: let us first make the linking of the english 
version better, and then use this linking ideas for other

A list which is growin as well is: :)

At last the list of translated wikipedia articles could
grow with (Afrikaans),Hebrew,(Japanese) and Turkish.

This OpenMoko project makes much fun ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve denis!

denis schrieb am Donnerstag, den 01. Februar 2007 um 12:17h:

> Salve rob! :) 
> It's great that an implementation of LEDs is discussed. 
use google " LED" 
> My problem with flashing screens is the high amount of energy that
> it costs. At the moment I have a SE S700i and I always have to turn 
> the screen on in order to get to  know if there are messages or emails. 
> And blinking only two or three times is not enought because you're not
> looking at the screen all the time.
> Flashing LEDs have the advantage that they cost less energy and can
> blink over a large amount of time. So you just look at the LED and know 
> "ah" there is a sms or ah I got an email".
yes :) 
> In my opinion it's not much effort to integrate a LED into the
> hardware and it gives you a lot of options for telling the user something 
> about the status of its phone. 

Consider that the first devices will be send out in the next days,
so I would love to see a postponing of the release for adding some 
more nice hardware feature to the Neo, like flashing LEDs

But for many reasons it is important to start whith an working
device now (I don't want to restart a discussion about this,
just as an explanaitions for Denis) and the Neo1973 will be
much much more than I have dreamed about a hackable Linux phone
for a long time!

Let us be happy what all we can do with the first version ;)

Because the shipping of the first version is very soon, it
is now not the pefect time for hardware ideas for next generations,
but to give you a feedback that your idea will not got lost I started
a new page on our (temorary) wiki: 

But this LEDs are not soo important that you prefer to wait utill 2008
instead of getting the first hackable Linux phone in March - or?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Posibility to get status informations with the help of a LED

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve denis!

denis schrieb am Donnerstag, den 01. Februar 2007 um 11:03h:

> I searched the different hardware specs and archives of the mailing list but
> didn't find any information if LEDs will be one part of the hardware.

AFAIK the Neo1973 v1 will have no LEDs (beside the screen backlight and 
inside the touchscreen)

> One of
> the most important things, from my point of view, talking abount a mobile
> phone is the possibility to get a "silent" alarm with the help of a LED. 

A binking screen should be visibel enough.

> So is something like this planed?

We collected some ideas for the next version of the Neo and 
having one or more LEDs are already an idea/wish discussed


OpenMoko community mailing list

[moved to community mailinglist]Re: ruby in openmoko

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Fred!

Welcome to the OpenMoko community. :)

On Thu, 01 Feb 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am new to this mailing list. I have not seen any email mentioning Ruby and 
> Rails.
> Can anyone please forward old emails relating to ruby in openmoko?  
please use google with " ruby"

> I am a newbie to ruby. But heard that ruby is a programming language that can 
> make life of a 
> programmer a little bit comfortable. That's why I am starting to learn it.

When somebody makes a packet for ruby, it will be possible to install
ruby with OpenMoko - AFAIK is this not done yet and I can imagine that
ruby will be not installed by default (But I'm just a listmember 
and not memeber of the core developing team).

Of course ruby is a language with a great potential,
but consider that the Neo1973 is still an embedded device
with limited recources. So a concentration on some used
languages will save recources and will make cooperation
more easy. Developing and learning with OpenMoko could
be more fruitfull when using languages which are used
with OpenMoko regulary.

That I moved with your mail to the other list is not personal,
every idea or questions seems to deal with development, so
on the first view you have choosen the right mailinglist.

But what for what does we need then the community mailinglist?

We have a second development list to make it people who are
working on a concret programming project with OpenMoko
more easy to start - to find informations...
So a general question "will be xy comming with OpenMoko"
is a community question ;)

And don't get me wrong, on a long term (next months) it would be
very fine to have the power to use ruby with OpenMoko, that people 
having good programs/skripts with ruby could also use them with 
OpenMoko. With google you will find some talk about ruby on
the community mailinglist, and when the first Neos are shipped,
I think some of the first users will play/use Ruby so that then
it will be more to read/discuss.

Maybe some other ruby interested people on this community
list? (community list is older and has much more members)

Beside Ruby you are also welcome to share your ideas/whishes about
an open Linux Smartphone ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

2-3 flavours ; ) Re: the power of defaults Re: Any alternative ideas to fullscreen popup-messages?

2007-02-01 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Bryan,Mickey,*!

IMHO an important usergroup for OpenMoko/Neo1973 (in the beginning)
will be *nix administrators, developers and maintainers. 
A comfortable ssh client will makes their smartphone to a mobile
terminal - that the device is trustworthy is very important...

They are used to use Linux without GUI or with spartanic GUI and
they are used that the tools behave very predictable - a vim 
window will not be suddendy overlapped by a popup window.

Mickey wrote "it is still just a phone" - well, for me is the
mobil shell, mobil (emebedded) linux computing  more important 
than that the Neo1973 is a phone. I like it, that i can phone
with it and I also like to contribute ideas/solution to make
phoning more confortable:
 that not everybody is bothering me in just the moment when *he*
 wants to talk with me, while I'm
- eating
- learning
- paying in a shop
- changing the train
- I'm writing an SMS/Email
And I'm not thinking to swith off the phone or just rejecting the
incomming calls as alternative - I serveral cases just 2-10 seconds
would be perfect to finish something that I'm would doing with my Neo
as PDA or mobil computer/shell
I just want the comfort when I have PDA and GSM phone as two seperate

And I do not care about the need to have one step more to answer a call,
when I would work with a PDA I would have also 2 steps
1. get the phone into my hand
2. answer the call

With OpenMoko
1. swith to telephone mode/screen (with a keystroke for the
   austere/Spartan lovers, one icon as compromise (LED for the
   future would be interesting :)))
2. answer the call

While not using the Neo as PDA/mobil computer/mobil shell
it will behave just like a Phone, one step to pick up the call.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Bryan Fink wrote:

> On 1/31/07, Andrew Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> My preference would be some system whereby I could select a list of
> >> events that are allowed to interrupt me, and to what level they're
> >> allowed to interrupt - visual: fullscreen/halfscreen/footer/none;
> >> audio: interrupt/mix over/none.
> >
> >This seems like too much work to setup profiles/configurations etc.
> >Most users probably wouldn't bother. Very important to consider "The
> >Power of Defaults" :) See Flickr and default "Public" on photos vs.
> >private by all the other photo sites.
> >
> A *very* good point.  I fell into the typical developer trap of
> casting myself as an average user there for a minute.  Hell, now that
> I think about it further, even I'd get tired of switching options and
> settle on some, probably less than optimal, default.  :P

So when OpenMoko have 2-3 flavors like
-OpenMoko Normal (with bothering instant popups like every other
-OpenMoko austere/Spartan/Guru/Admin/Expert/

It would be ease to develope with just 2-3 different flavors.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Wikipedia update :) Re: We have alread 9 languages! :) Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Krzysztof!


Krzysztof Kajkowski schrieb am Mittwoch, den 31. Januar 2007 um 22:03h:

> 2007/1/31, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >
> >Please all visit:
> >
> >and add your name when you like to join.

Polnish seems to get a strong support :)

> I deceided to volunteer to do some polish translation. I translated several
> applications, my english is quite good (I use it all the time at work) and I
> think I manage ;)
> I also created polish wikipedia page:

Great now we do have OpenMoko in 9 languages in the wikipedia:

[[it:Openmoko]] <- does this realy exist, please check...

I have updated the "other languages links".

Also every language has now a Redirectto OpenMoko.
#REDIRECT [[OpenMoko]]_

And to giving a litle back to FIC, we could translate 
as well :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

I proposed to move to the community mailinglist Re: Please no crossposting! Re: Information regarding the Messaging Support in OpenMoko

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve David!

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, David Ford wrote:
> p.s. the subject line is "no crossposting!"  which list do people want
> this to remain on?

I think it is clear that it is a general talk about SMS/MMS 
and not the question how to use the SDK, how to crosscompiling.

Without a clear seperation of both list is having his 2 list
contraproductive. The core developer and the most active people
will read both list.

openmoko-devel would be good to have with a focus on concrete 
coding issus so that programmer find information fast and good
programmer will not unsubscribe because on to much general talk.

community means not just a fan-club, maybe this will change
with a shipping to endusers - but then I would be for a new
mailingist for "consumers": openmoko-users.

community IMHO should be a general discussion place,
and openmoko-devel when it is about coding problems or knowhow.

E.g. the question about FAX modem, AT commands and  GPRS class
is also in a way about developing - but IMHO this topic is without
any direct programming issue - so it is community.

Also translation is important, also for developing software to
have localisation, but the question who will could translate
which language is general talk, better on community - it could
also motivate people with low or no programming skill to 
join and support this great project.

Then openmoko-devel would be stay clear that hackers/coders/programmers
will find fast the information that they need.

So excuse my action on this point, but without care about
a clear separation, one list would be better then two.

When Harald, Sean or Mickey have another idea about
the use of community and openmoko-dev - please write
us how to use the two list in a clear and efficient 

let us see what Harald has written:

 2) openmoko-devel at


 This is a mailinglist dedicated to OpenMoko development.  From 

 developers, for developers, by developers. 


 Please do not ask questions related product sales, availability,   

 support, usage, wishlist items, licensing or any other topic that is   

 not related to technical development on this list. 


 Initially, we didn't want to start this list before 'Phase 0' (Feb.

 i.e. when there are actually developers with the device in their hands,

 and when the source code has been released.


 However, due to the large demand, we were convinced that it was

 important to start this list right now.  Nonetheless, keep in mind that

 the OpenMoko development team is extremely small.  


 Everybody is concentrating to make the 'Phase 0' release happen on 

 schedule.  Therefore, the amount of time that we can spend to deal with

2-3 parallel solution to choose by the user? Re: Any alternative ideas to fullscreen popup-messages?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel

Salve Mickey!

I think many users could live with popups,
but I would like to choose a solution that
would not nag me with full or havesize popups

I mean on the longterm, but as official design
of Openmoko, working with every aplication.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:

> Let's distinguish two types of popup-dialogs:
> a) informative (i.e. battery low, incoming sms, sms sent)
> b) confirmative ("Mickey calling. Answer / Ignore / Reject?", "Do you
> want to remove all contacts?")

b) I hope incomming call will not interupt me to do what I'm doing 

> Right now, we're leaning towards (ab)using the bottom status bar (in
> openmoko-language called 'footer') for informative dialogs and using
> half screen (480x320) popup dialogs for confirmative.

- I guess a third 480x210 is to small?
- could it be transparent?
- will it passiv so that I can go on typing my email/chat 
  and my external keyboard return will not activate the
  default of the pop up?
- where will be the virtual keyboard at that moment?

> What do you think?

I think for several application I would like to have 
*no* popup just a screen inverting flashing like with GNU
screen  and maybe a 1-3 pixel red or inverted frame around
the whole screen - mabey with fast inverting flashing 
mayby with vibra or sound alarm... but a chance to 
to continous with the full screen.

The user would swith with a special keystroke,
or with a keyboard a spechial key combination
to the "open" popup.

With transparency 
The popupmessage could be in the background 
and a special keystrokes on the touchscreen could
confirm, cancel or deny the popup
pickup - reject or ignore the call

Or "optional" the text of the popup
"Incoming call"
"Mikey is calling"
could be send to the speaker/headphone -
this would inform me and wouldn't disturb my work.

I thing 2 or 3 strong solutions could be forked and 
the user could choose in general of for a profil
or for special aplications how the device behave.
IMHO, one of the 2-3 solutions should be popup-free.

When I work with my laptop and the phone rings,
I can finshed what I'm doing and pickup the phone
then - the same freedom would I like when computing
and phone will be together in a smartphone.

Could you understand my point?

So in oposite to comercial products we have to chance
offer 2-4 different design solutions how to work with
the device. 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Is vim included out-of-the-box or shall i port? (was: Re: Development environment

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Richi!

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Richi Plana wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 08:52 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Speaking of vim, will vim (or another derivitive of vi) be among the 
> > included
> > applications, or shall I try cross-compiling it right now? (I can't live 
> > w/out
> > vim).
> > 
> > To justify this being on the developer list and not the community list I 
> > could
> > pretend that only developers will want vim on their Neo.
> Why would you want vim (or any source editor) running on your Neo? First
> of all, the primary interface to the Neo is still its touchscreen.
> Keyboards won't be available for a while.

This isn't true. Battery powerd USB hubs and USB Keyboards are on the
market and costs togehter less then 20Euro. And most text edior have
a uniq way how they behave - so having several ediors for the users
to choose that on that they used to - it will be a good solution for
everybody - no need to start an editor flamewar :))

And I'm realy happy about the desin without a keyboard but 
a great touchscreen of the Neo. Short text input / modification
with the touchscreen, writing more text = using an external 
normal keyboard, IMHO the perfect solution for a mobil computer.

I, myself like to use vim, I use vim to write my emails - mutt is
calling vim and so I would like when vi (with busybox) or vim is 
on the neo. Touchscreen is a point to think about that a virtual
keyboard could be optimized for different editors.. e.g. is ESC
often used, working with vim.. :)

BTW vim is also usable with the textbrowser elinks - when editing
text boxes...

So I see demand and use for vim with OpenMoko.


OpenMoko community mailing list

We have alread 9 languages! :) Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve José!

Your offer started a very fruitfull thread - thank you!

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, José Suárez wrote:

> Hi to everybody.
> I've been quite excited about the OpenMoko development and release
> schedule.
> I'm pretty sure I would like to buy one Neo1973 when they were
> available and
> became usable.
> I'm not a developer and don't know how to code, but I would like to
> contribute
> to the OpenMoko project to make it great. Given that the only way I
> think I
> could help at the moment is by translating some of the UI/GUI messages

Your mail started a very fruitfull thread, we have no the
offer of translation help for 9! languages :)

Please all visit:
and add your name when you like to join.
As more people like to help for one languages as better,
and less work for everybody ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Any alternative ideas to fullscreen popup-messages?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel

PC, webbrowser or mobil phone - hate popup messages,
while doing something they are overlapping what I was

-battery is low
-incomming SMS/Call
-alarm clock

it would be nice when the message wouldn't be
full sice, wouln't be on highest level so I can
finish my sms/email todo entry... and answer the
phone then...
Transparent windows would help and maybe when every
window have two sizes - full and reduced so that 
the big screen 480x640 have space for system message
without naging...

Does you¹ have ideas how this could look like?


¹should be clear that I mean everybody here on the
 list ;)

PS: I missed to add in my mails with mentioned
that it is __great__ that some people started to
write about OpenMoko :)))

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Engin!

I like your motivation and your will to find a some experienced in 
localisation/translation. You have the experiance with the 
localization of RSSOwl and that the help of 3 friends seems not to
be enought to reach a professional translation.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Engin Erenturk wrote:
> I think you got me wrong. I'm not against open translations, I know how 
> wikipedia works, and I really believe thats the true way for many areas. What 
> I want to say that, this is a phone and this phone can be used anyone... so 
> the localizations must be done very carefully, because you have to tell the 
> user the exact meaning or explanation of an icon, a small text, or a button. 

You are right, whe you are publishing it, you must be carefull.
I thought about to translate man pages into German, but I didn't
done it, because I saw this is to complecated - I don't find the
right words for 100%.
So when we have an open system, a translation into German would
be read by many people that I do not know - when they have a better
formulation they could change it  - maybe with a small comment 
why, maybe with a small hint where there have this expression from.

> This is what I'm facing at the Turkish of the devices I've got. Even some 
> world brand devices have really bad localizations.For example I've a Sony 
> handycam and the menu localization is terrible. I'm not saying that a pro 
> must do this and no one can change it. I say, someone experienced in 
> localization of this kind of devices can be very useful. 

Useful yes. A good friend of mine has one of his job at his company
to test software of mobiles for big companies... I'm telling him
about OpenMoko/Neo1973, but I do not try to get some help from him.
So manybe a professional translator does have some seperation of
business and freedomwork as well - I don't know.

I just tried to encorage you and other to do not think
"my skills are not good enough, we need a professional
for this.." no - OpenMoko is a training field where you
can join for fun, for getting some new skills, for supporting
this project and the reposablility of a good translation will
not belongs to you - it will belongs to the community.

When somebody take the time and did a translation as good as he
could - and nobody who read this will make some improvements
- then the others are reponsable for the bad localization.

Having very low barrier/hurdle to support this project is very
important - I hope everybody will be surprised what he could
contribute and how easy it was...

So I didn't want to stop you - I only tried to motivate and encourage
that everybody has skills good enough to contribute 
- no professional skills needed :)

best wishes from Aachen,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: [moved to openmoko-community]Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Jose!

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente wrote:

> And me could help in Spanish translation, but I suppose it's being done by 
> FIC.

I don't think so - FIC is just paing Sean, Mikey, Harald...
to do the SDK - so cool aplication must we crosscompile
or just programm and the documentation would be also "our"
community part.
But worry about "how much work this will be" - 
one programming philosopy is:

   "divide et impera" = "Divide and govern"

but OpenMoko is not about govern, nor does this the wikipedia.
The project itself is community driven - translation by FIC
would be slow and inefficent like the nuepedia

Making participation as easy as possible will make it easy
that many people are cooperate with translation.

The wikipedia is on stepp further than the GNU/Linux manpages.
Like "Translation a full manpage? I do understand only 50% of the 
  features... and I should be reponsable for the whole translation?"

I'm very optimistic that a cooperation with wikis as tool,
maybe an openmoko-wikionary will be more efficient and more
easy to join than cooperation work some years ago.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Frensh :) Re: [moved to openmoko-community]Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Foucault!

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Foucault de Bonneval wrote:

> Hi,
> I can do it in French ... :)
fine :) maybe somebody else Frensh speaking here?

When you like you can start now, or
we can first use 3 days to make the
english version better :)


OpenMoko community mailing list Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Engin!

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Engin Erenturk wrote:

> In my opinion the translations must be done professionally for such a product 
> like this. Instead of volunteers who are not professionals, volunteers who 
> are professionals and volunteer who can provide a professional translation 
> must localize this product. I localized RSSOwl into Turkish, and I gathered 3 
> of my friends and discussed every one of the phrases translated. But in the 
> end it is not like a professional translation. It's very important to give 
> the same meaning of the sentence in the localized language instead of pure 
> translation. Sometimes it is very hard to do such a thing. The best example 
> is the Microsoft products, even I don't support or like them, they did great 
> job in localization... They got a big book of meanings of words/phrases which 
> are used in Microsoft products, books etc. If someone wants to do a 
> translation for the books etc. they gave this didctionary to them to use it 
> as reference dictionary... As I said if there are volunteers who are
>  professionsals and who can localize it with professionals must be found... 
> I'll try to get in touch with a professional translator who is experienced in 
> technical translations if there is a need for Turkish localization.

I would like to disagre. Open translation has the big 
advantage that people could give feedback about the
translations - many opensource projects include the
wikipedia are working without the support of professional

Getting in touch with professional translators would help
in some rar cases of doubts/dispute. IMHO more important
is that the people who translate does know what the software
device do at that moment.

Some "meta" translation - creating an own specialised dictionary 
for mobil communications could help to do the translations.
Has anybody experiances with
Would it possible to join Wiktionary with having a 
specialised dictionary for mobil communication


OpenMoko community mailing list

Your " Re: Translators needed?" feeback is great! first start: *

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Jan,*!

Im very happy about all your feedbacks about translation.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Jan Van Vlaenderen wrote:
> I prefer using my phone, pc, pda, ... in english, but I can do translation
> in dutch ( or at least a part )
> I assume that a lot has to be translated.

I have seen how productive a community translation is
with people have joint the mailinglist/chat
and offered an translation of press releases in Italian
and got the feedback that already two people working on
this: contact Antonio and Andrea... to join

So when the people have ICT skills distributed cooperation
is very easy - and when the project have a wiki joining 
of people with less ICT skills are also easy.

It is important that even spending 15-30 minutes would
help, or just an evening - so that it is very easy to
start with the cooperation and it is easy - sorry, I have
to stop now - and somebody else will continous...

Then personal motivation and maybe a fix date helps to
be motivated to cooperate today/this week.
I have no doubts that we have high motivation... :))

IMHO a good starting point would be the wikipedia, to 
continous with
and to try to translate it in as many languages as we
could do (with the help of some friends or trying to 
find people with still needed language skills to translate
this page).

Also a welcomepage for in serveral languages
would demonstrate that behind OpenMoko is already a big,
active community - with members all over the world.

So there are some small pages about OpenMoko on wikipedia
* English
* Deutsch
* Español
* Italiano
* Nederlands
* Russian

I have in mind that at least Finish and Hebrew have been
offered here. IMHO Chinese would important :)

exist only in english *yet* - maybe we could help with a 
translation into other languages, as well? ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Please no crossposting! Re: Information regarding the Messaging Support in OpenMoko

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Suresh!

I'm just a listmember, but maybe my answer will help you.
The core developers are very busy at the moment so everybody
has to use patience when things will be published.

And also the official realease would create more feedback
when they are able to publish unpublished fakts ... :)

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Suresh Kumar Sugguna wrote:
> Can any one of the developer inform me about the messaging (SMS or EMS or
> MMS) support in OpenMoko? I was searching for the specification document or
> web address (link) regarding the messaging support in OpenMoko software
> code.

AFAIK when the first Neo1973 will be shipped to devleopers in
February/March SMS function will be running.
I don't think that EMS and MMS is limmted by hardware, so
it will be a question of time when this will be running as well.

Consider that full running devices for endusers will be shipped
in September - so the devices now are for pleople who like to
develope or testing - it should be not a mobile replacement
for productive use for pleople that only want to have a working

> Kindly mail me your responses at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 please consider that on mailing list could be thousands,
on some several ten thousands of subscriber. Crossposting is not
polite - better is to choose *one* mailinglist and wait for response,
and for question like this, the community mailinglist would be
the right one.

My formal reaction is not personl... I just try to avoid 
uncultivated crossposting that makes the separate developer 
mailingist contraproductive.

community = open community dissucssion about everything,
ideas, whishes, questions, documentation,
openmoko-devel = software design - SDK questions...

And the access to the OpenMoko deleloper launch box
is not restricted to openmoko-devel poster, this
box is also going to community poster ;)

> Waiting for your express replies,
Hope that my answer was quick and informative enough.

And don't get me wrong - I'm happy about your interest about 
OpenMoko/Neo1973 and the question about EMS and MMS is a good
one - but let us give the core team time until the 11th Februar
- see Sean's (project leader) roadmap anouncment:

So you are very welcome on the community mailinglist to share
your wishes and ideas what we could do with OpenMoko better then
existing smart phone solutions.

E.g. because you are interested in SMS/EMS/MMS - do you
have any ideas, what we could make better? How?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Mass Storage For Phones

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Jeroen!

Nice link/product :)

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:

> From slashdot
> (
This Links to wired articel with the info for 10GB Pricing may start at
about $150.

Can somebody convert the size in mm?
  "DAVE-based products will be about the size of a
 credit card and less than half and inch thick"
I do not understand  "less than half and inch"

Forums feedback:
 - stupid to have another device to be recharged..
 - flash is better

Storing data on hdds is and will be cheaper for a while,
so a combination of flash and micro hdd is not bad.

Quick search gave me:
  12 GB - 40mm x 30mm x 3.5 mm hard drive weighs in at a negligible 10.5
grams [...]
  The Dragon Series drive is available in volume quantities in Q3. List
  price is $85 per unit in quantities of 10,000 per year.

But comparing this $85 with the price of every other component in the
Neo1973 makes clear, that it is not only the matter of size why it is
not so likly to have such a hdd included in a smartphone.

So having a Bluetooth solution is smart because it could be sold to
many different users, so it will have a highter quantity then just
a special smartphone.

And by beeing an second device, it is a little more flexible that it
is a fileserver for multiple user.

Dave: Software to hook the drives up to cellphones has already been
  produced for J2ME, BREW, Windows Mobile, Symbian and XCCC. Palm
  compatibility is forthcoming. The platform is open source, which
  meansanyone will be able to create new apps on their system of

On their system... not on Dave - so the idea for multiple user and
securty could be points against Dave.

And does somebody know how much power costs to transfer 1MB via

The alternative to Dave would be an USB memory drive device.

But it is good that the Neo1973 v1 has Bluetooth :))
That is great!



OpenMoko community mailing list

Q: How does USB hubs work? Re: Multiple USB Devices

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Michael Fletcher wrote:

> >> I was wondering, I have been searched the mailing list, but can't seem 
> >> to find an answer.  Will it be possible to connect a powered USB HUB 
> >> into the 1973.  So that for example the phone can charge, have a USB 
> >> WiFi dongle attached and a USB mouse/keyboard all connected at the same
> time?
> >yes.
> Brilliant! Thanks for that :-)

So now the question, how does an USB hub work?
Can we plug in the host on any port?

The Neo1973 will have mini-USB-B

normal hubs powered USB-A for the adapter 
and one unpowerd USB-B for the host.

So to connect the Neo with a PC we have a mini-USB-B to USB-A cable. 
1.) Can we plug the Neo with USB-A it into the (battery powered) hub
and charge it whith it?  (I think yes)
2.) Can we plug the Neo with USB-A it into the (battery powered) hub
and use an USB device plugged into the hub?

So reducing the USB connector and adapter mess...
we could modifiy a (battery powered) hub in a way that on USB-A port
will be an unpowered one (or just switchable power). Then could
we deccide if we want to charge the Neo with the hub or not.
(And we don't need a mini-USB-B to USB-B cable/adapeter)

So how behave USB hubs? Just stupied forwarding to every port,
no special host port (internaly)?


PS: And what would happen when two hosts are connected to one hub?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: AT commands (Re: But wich GSM chip? Re: AT commands document (Was: Fax modem? Fax software? Neo as T.38 gateway?))

2007-01-31 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Harald!

Thank you for the list.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Harald Welte wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 09:11:53AM -0800, Dimitris Kogias wrote:
> > Isn't the AT-capable port going to be available to userland via a serial
> > abstraction?  If so, its AT command profile won't be a secret very long.
> there's nothing secret about that AT command profile.  The chipset
> supports all of the mandatory ETSI GSM TS 07.07 commands (use 
> to get it), plus some of the
> optional ones.

I put the list into the wiki - it would be fine to mark
out which are not the optional ones and how to use them.
So from this list, every contribution, commentation of
this commands are welcome.

> So I really don't understand all this fuzz.  It's really very much
> standard compliant.

"The fuzz" could be based on
- no documention yet what the chip supports
- experiances that GSM devices/chips from siemens have 
  own solutions
- that some vendors has not good support/services

Or positiv written that good documentations motivates to chooce a
device/project to test and hack some ideas. 

Maybe it was a missunderstanding when we ask about the chip,
it was not about secret things, just about normal open documentation
about it. Even when the Neo1973 is not shipped, this list and
e.g. the information about fax could motivate some people here
on the list to start playing with there eqipment and tools to
be a little bit prepared ...

E.g. the network quality - nearly non of us would run around 
(daily) with mobil/laptop/GPS device to monitor the networkquality,
but with the Neo1973 it could be an interesting thing.

So thank you for this list, it helps to think about the power
of the Neo1973 and motivats to play with AT commands... :)


OpenMoko community mailing list

some soundideas Re: Idea: ring tones and other non-software assets can be developed as CC content

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Michael!

Great idea to do reflection what else then coding could 
contribute to OpenMoko. You are right sound is important.

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> license. This got me thinking about ways that non-programmers could
> contribute, and because I hang out a lot on the linux audio mailing list, it
> occurred to me that ringtones might be such a way. For many people, having 
> the
> right ringtone seems quite important, and in a way ringtones are more
> ubiquitous than the phones themselves.
> On a purely subjective note, I find most cellphone ringtones absolutely
> dismal. I'm sure we can do better.

There is more fruitful sound design possible beside ringtones

> Comments?

Soundlibaries would help - just a family of different sounds,
so that GUI development or game developer could use this sounds...

Giving OK, next, Abourting  different sounds.

Then the Neo1973 has stereo - so the feedback could be stereo as well.

The family of sound could be electronic, instruments, unusal use
of instruments damped violin pizicato - african wooden instruments
but also natural sounds like wood, stone, wind, waterdrops..

What I dislike when the beep sounds everyday and everytime equal,
this is silly this is trash... 
So when the touchscreen gives not only information where somebody
has pressed, but also how fast, how big is the earea then every
screentouch could sound different.

When your are typing with your keyboard, every keypress will sound


So back to OpenMoko - whe have much power to do thinks better :))

It is not clear with data the touchscreen will serve, but in this
thread you will find serveral ideas and also videos to get imanigation
how the touchscreen could not only manipulate color/grafics also sound

Imagine the touchscreen would be a membran - touching every region
would create a little sound differances...

OK I know about efficiency, but the new sound could be loaded while
the user is searching the next key. And this sound system could
be optional

Anther inspiration:
Sorry I can't find the link - someone created sound based on the
network status - whats about
- opening the mail clint with much unread mail sounds with more
drive than when there are only a view?

I think closing the eyes and thinkning what could sound make
visibal would help.

And after doing something several times, it should sound not
so dominant as for the first time e.g
13:32 opening the Todo (the first time of the day): TSCHHHUUU!!!
13:37 opening the Todo again tschu!..

A personal/privat profile could also shange the sound, or
just the daytime - more rock during the day, more smooth jazz in
the night...

Diferent localisation, different sounds

Sound anlaysing in wich enviroment the Neo1973 is used...

And by sond / music development - be openminded, we already
had a thread while we talked about speak recongintion and
personalize the Neo with
No Moko! 
Yes Moko!
When it has an accelometer, it could say "Autsch - you hurt me"

It could become populare in asia, but not only there, when it
has nice melodies, graphic that creates vitality

Ahh easter egg - the user could be surprised with special sounds
on special days - christmas... (with christmas bells...)
- the user could activate sound surprisings...
- the official OpenMoko platform could select nice sounds and 
  encrypted it
- user could install the encrypted sounds
- small GPRS downloand on chrismas - the key for decryption of the

Small feedback - take the ideas that you like or feel inspired...

But your idea to motivate musicans for OpenMoko is
absolute grve! I like it!


PS: Vistas startsound was created in 18 month work - sounds equal
on everytime mashine - every time wtf uncreative is that...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Scanner, Printer... Sane, imagemagick Re: Fax modem? Fax software? Neo as T.38 gateway?

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve michael!

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >On 1/30/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I'm sure there are portable battery powered USB scanners.
Yes, I own one - this a canon printer with a scanner head - but I don't
know if it suported with Linux - 5 years ago it wasn't. But this
wouldn't be handy because it has a one paper feeder - so you can't
scan a book or a newspaper/magazin in the bibliothek without cutting...

Second, I'm not convinced to have a battery in every device I would 
use with the Neo - so a battery powered hub would solve the problem
for a view scans - otherwise a 230V should help.

So it would be interesting to have usb power adapter like
(600mA 4.50 Euro +2.50 chipping)
or with 1000mA for 9 Euro:
and combine this with small (battery powered) hup
- adding an additional port for power in and adding
a charging controll for the battery of the hub

1,5 kg is not realy mobil - but I guess I will look out for
a used Lide 25 scanner (<30Euro, new: 50Euro)  which is listed 
as "working" in device list of sane develop-cvs:

BTW seperate battery selfpowered  eqipement has disadvantages:
- expensive
- heavy
- mostly propritary batteries

Halt, when you realy want to spend 350 US$ into a battery powerd
scanner instad of a second Neo:
But consider how many scans you must do with this and if it would
not be cheaper to use a copy shop to scan the documents...

A small sheap, lightwight hand scanner for USB would be interesting

> >> I suppose Gimp would be a little too heavy for the Neo :-)
> >
> >Yay for geeks.  No problem carrying around a powered USB scanner, but
> >the GIMP may "be a little too heavy."  Sigh.  ;)

My laptop has only 128MB RAM and I can use gimp - so I would not
be surprised to see gimp running on a Neo.

> So no manipulating images after scanning and before faxing. No problem.
> >Meh - you'd only need SANE + XSane/xscanimage anyway.
> Excellent.
is a very nice tool, especialy when you will do something 
from the shell/remote.. and several times...

E.g. there is a webpage with a rain radar, with 
imagemagick you can cut a part of this picture,
maipulate, combine it... and make a weather background
for your Neo every hour...


Does somebody knows something about printing support for a brother
mw-100 (DIN-A7 thermo printer) here is something about a mprint SDK
for linux zaurus - but I can't read japanese and can't find a packet
to download...

And a good page for linux on mobil devices and equipment...

Linux and USB:

> Michael
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: idea: second SIM card support

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Myk!

Welcome to openmoko community :)

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Myk Melez wrote:

> I live in the US but regularly travel to Hungary, and I have a second 
> SIM card for use abroad.  I know it's too late for v1, but for future 
> versions of the phone, I'd find it useful for the phone to support a 
> second SIM card.

As longer we are active on this list as more difficult will it be for
new subscriber to do not write an idea that wasn't already written on
this list. About second SIM card we have several threads:  
(we had some more - take a look at the archive)

So it would be good when we add some more already discussed ideas
to the wiki to make it new subscriber a little more easy.

> There a few different ways it could do this.  Here are some options, in 
> order from best/hardest to still-useful/easiest:

Neo v1 will not have a slot for 2 sims, but probably you will be able
to use a two sim adapter with the Neo1973 ... let us see...

But I have do add an idea - when a Neo v1 or v2 support 2 ore more
sims - how to get the right incomming call

Some GSM provider offers a multicard (other names possible)

The same mobil number will be switched to several SIM cards - having
a multicard in an old mobile with RS232, connected to a server... 

Imagine you use two sims in the same country like A=business, B=privat
and you check your incomming SMS with B, that could your skript inform 
your Neo1973 that for A is an incomming call and the Neo will swith
to A.

Signalisation via GPRS would be perfect - but what when you are
calling with friends during office time? Than I hope the v1 (or v2)
of the Neo will have a GSM chip with "class A" GPRS
Class A allows to use GSM phone calls and GPRS simultanious

That we have already written about a second SIM is only speaking that
this would be realy a good idea. So I'm quite shure, that not every idea
is found and there is much more we can do with OpenMoko Neo1973, even
with the version 1.


OpenMoko community mailing list

[moved to openmoko-community]Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve José!

Welcome to Openmoko :)

I'm just a student tring to support the community,
so we do not have an official list moderator,
and the official openmoko team member are very busy.
Your mail was send to the wrong list...

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, José Suárez wrote:

> Hi to everybody.
> I've been quite excited about the OpenMoko development and release schedule. 
> I'm pretty sure I would like to buy one Neo1973 when they were available and 
> became usable.
> I'm not a developer

The mailinglist openmoko-devel is only about programming.

Your kind offer to support openmoko should be send to the
openmoko-community mailinglist. I was so free to answer
your mail on this other list. When you haven't subscibed
it yet, please subscribe openmoko-community, now.

Because the people are very busy, some better informations are 
missing - e.g. an automaticaly welcome message that
explains the use of the list a little better
this just have to wait until the first Neo1973 are ready ;) 

> and don't know how to code, but I would like to contribute 
> to the OpenMoko project to make it great. Given that the only way I think I 
> could help at the moment is by translating some of the UI/GUI messages (later 
> when the phone is out I would like to test the apps and report bugs) I want 
> to know if there is any need for translators. If so, I would like to 
> volunteer for the translation of whatever messages into Spanish.

Translation of GUI, of help/man pages and other documentations is IMHO
very important to make projects more populare. Even Debian and Ubuntu 
lakes whith translations and due this it has unused popularity


Just an example for english only sides, see an the pages about
Debian/Ubuntu installer for Windows32:

> Thanks for the effort and time you guys are putting into OpenMoko's 
> development. It will surely rock!

OpenMoko community mailing list

Email Push Service :) smtp+dnotify+Asterisk+... :)

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel

I can't understand why Blackberry and other has become
so big into the market, because the server side software
for a push service are normal linux admins tools.

But wait - the client side need some open programmable
devices - like OpenMoko and the Neo1973 :)))

When GPRS is always on, than it needs just a emailclient
checks regulary every n minutes for new mail - h
that's innovation - didn't we used to use this fetching
emails from pop, imap or mailboxes since years? 
(Myself since 1990)

Soo I'm not keen in having an email push service,
but I'm tired to hear the hype in the news about this.

Again, when GPRS is always on, push service is silly
buzzword, but what when GPRS is off? 

Than we can use 
1. smtp and some filter to get only the right mails 
   into /var/mail/rob2neo1973
2. dnotify will starts a script when a new file
   is in /var/mail/rob2neo1973
3. this script will copy a callfile with a seperate
   callerid into 
4. the Neo1973 gets a phonecall from this callerid,
   rejet this call and starts skript2 on the Neo
5. skript2 will switch on GPRS and fetch the new
   mail via POP or IMAP
   and after downloading the mail it will inform
   the user (depend on the dailingprofil)

So did I missed something? Why is push services
and the software for this such a hype?

I thing this populare solution did not worth a look
to see what we can copy - free imanigation will be
more creative :)

E.g. when having such a auto-download mechanism,
it would be good, when could work with different
cost and battery levels... - with hight data costs
(e.g. beeing abroud) or low battery level only short
information will be "pushed" - and wih very hight
data cost or very low battery it will only show
how many new mails/that new mails are in the servers

Giving different senders different priority would be 
fine - maye in combination of the profiles
work/spare time

And a way that the user cold set up it's server filter rules
remotly with its Neo1973.

I'm shure we will have much fun with OpenMoko/Neo1973
using standard tools on the Neo and on a server side :)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Thank you - and using GPRS while GSM phone/data connection? Re: Fax modem? Fax software? Neo as T.38 gateway?

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Harald!

Harald Welte schrieb am Dienstag, den 30. Januar 2007 um 17:44h:

> On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 12:02:42AM +0100, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:
> > * Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070129 22:58]:
> > > My question is: would the GSM chip has a modem
> > > for data connections and also fax support?
> >
> > Good question. And if it is, is it a standard class 1 faxmodem like
> > common with GSM mobiles nowaday?
> yes, the GSM Modem we use has standard AT command Fax modem
> functionality.

Fine :)

BTW will it possibel to use GPRS connction while phoning?
E.g. would be interesting for admins to give users a new passwort
via ssh or for non technical users: 
checking cinema program/train connection while phoning...

IMHO to be able to use this would be more important that fast data

Happy hacking!

PS: The OpenMoko/Neo1973 project is realy great, a dream I didn't expect
an Open Linux GSM phone so soon. Seans presentation convinced me that
the right spirit kicks this project - but as I heard, that you are
active with this project, I was absolutly shure, that this will be
great :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Ok fine, it will have a fax modem :) Re: But wich GSM chip? Re: AT commands document (Was: Fax modem? Fax software? Neo as T.38 gateway?)

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sean and Harald!

Thank you for your answers :))

Sean Moss-Pultz schrieb am Mittwoch, den 31. Januar 2007 um 00:38h:

> On 1/31/07 12:32 AM, "Robert Michel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So can you say us already a little more about the GSM chip?
> Sure. We're using a Ti Calypso chipset. Unfortunately this stuff is all
> under _super_ NDA :-(

You're right and please stay carefull.
Harald's answer (standard AT command Fax modem) helps 
to wait and see :)))
No I do not start guessing which chip now ;)

> AKA: If I post a datasheet I would get the CEO of FIC fired within 24 hours
> ;-)

Ohh nooo... stay carfull - your doing a great job!

But just a list of usable AT commands will be possible to
publish next month? As I already wrote, FAX is not the
very important function... but it would nice to use this
as well...

So fine, it will has a fax modem as well :))

Thank you and again, wish you the best!

OpenMoko community mailing list

Charging while using USB devices possible? Re: Multiple USB Devices

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Michael!

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Michael Fletcher wrote:
> I was wondering, I have been searched the mailing list, but can't seem to
> find an answer.  Will it be possible to connect a powered USB HUB into the
> 1973.  So that for example the phone can charge, have a USB WiFi dongle
> attached and a USB mouse/keyboard all connected at the same time?

Good question, I can't answer this answer but *if* the Neo1973 hardware 
would support this:

an external powerd (e.g. battery) USB HUB has ony one port for the host
and this one is not powered by this HUB - so the user would have to hack
the powered hub...


OpenMoko community mailing list

But wich GSM chip? Re: AT commands document (Was: Fax modem? Fax software? Neo as T.38 gateway?)

2007-01-30 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sean!

Thank you for your answer, but our quetion was not about AT commands
in general, it was 
- which GSM chip will be used
- which feature will it have
- which non general AT commands will this chip have.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> >>> My question is: would the GSM chip has a modem
> >>> for data connections and also fax support?
> >> Good question. And if it is, is it a standard class 1 faxmodem like
> >> common with GSM mobiles nowaday?
> > 
> > Related question: is it possible to have (a pointer to) the document
> > with the AT commands that the closed telephone module responds to?
> > Most probably, the description of the AT+FCLASS command should contain
> > info about fax functionality.
> Almost all GSM related documents can be downloaded from here:
> > Maybe, a repository with datasheets (I think about interfacing the
> > telephone module and the GPS subsystem, but there may be more) could
> > be already made available.
> Sorry but we not allowed to archive these things. They're pretty easy to
> download though. 


I would expected that you say that you will not publish *yet* what GSM chip 
be used, or to busy to publish some more information, but the open question on
this mailinglist is still 
-which GSM chip will be used
(when I overseen any mail with information, excuse me)

And by working with Siemens and Falcon GSM terminals I do know that AT
communications is not based on unique freestandards - it will differs
from vendor to vendor.

So can you say us already a little more about the GSM chip?

Happy greetings,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Fax modem? Fax software? Neo as T.38 gateway?

2007-01-29 Thread Robert Michel

I know that Fax is quite outdate and I'm not
shure that I will need this but Fax over IP FoIP
is not so easy to use like Voip today.
(E.g. Asterisk miss a T.38 implemention)

So for people without a landline telephone connection
sending FAX via GSM could become intersting.

And with the 480x640 screen, touchscreen, 
and the linux printer drivers potential it would
be interesting to send/recive/view faxs with
OpenMoko/Neo1973, let me say some day - hacking
this would need some work and others will have
more priority (IMHO).

My question is: would the GSM chip has a modem
for data connections and also fax support?


OpenMoko community mailing list

transparent effect to overlay two calender Re: idea: World Clock

2007-01-29 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Mary,*!

Nice idea :)

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Mary Stovel wrote:

> The pictures of the Neo show a clock.  Will this be a world clock?

I would like that the normal calendar shows time of daylight
- brigher background during the local day 
- darker background during the nigth (maybe including the
  influence of the moon of the nigth darkness..)
 dark background during solar eclipse :))

Some Linux desktops does have transparent windows,
another idea would be charing calender informtion with
partner/friends - to see when the best time would be to
call them, or to arrange a date having the calender
of the partner in the background.

Now when the partner's calender has dark background I see
when at his localisation the sun will go up/down so it wouln't
be so important to compare the numbers of hours to call at the
right time - the overlaping calender will make it more

Imagine a team/group of 7 people will have a (virtual) meeting and
they want to find the best date for everybody - instead of big
anoying discussion what is with Monday... transmitt the free
times via Bluetooth or GPRS (encrypted) to the others and everybody
can see his calender in front and the other layers with free times
from the team members so it will be visibil (maybe inverted=show
only the time when a person haven't time) for everybody when
the best date would be and when there is a good date where e.g.
only on person haven't time, the 6 can ask him directly if he
can move his date

What do you think? Will it possible to use transperent effects
to have several layers on the screen?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Silent mode timeout

2007-01-29 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ben!

Good idea ;)

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Ben Burdette wrote:

> A simple feature that I'd like to see is a silent mode timeout.  What 
> always happens with my current phone is I set it to silent mode because 
> I'm in a movie or a meeting, and then later I forget to turn the ringer 
> back on.  This leads to a lot of missed calls.  You could have a default 
> timeout for simply holding down the 'volume down' button (if there is 
> one on this phone), and this default would initially be 'no timeout'.  
> When you enter silent mode, the GUI could display this current timeout 
> and allow you to adjust it then.  A checkbox would allow you to make 
> this the new default timeout. 

But beside of time - localisation would be also working
- Leave this place +/- 50-100m  and the phone will ring again.

"Don't ring here, now"-modus

But GPS system could have errors, so I would like to see an GPS controll
network to warn OpenMoko/Neo1973 users when GPS is not working proper
way  - ok not ALARM! BEEEP ALARM! BEEEP ALARM!..non proper GPS could 
activate  unforseen  non-silent modus and maybe will trouble you

So the time methode would be a more trustable one ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Fancy animation with GPS power for promoting OpenMoko/Neo1973?

2007-01-29 Thread Robert Michel

walking across my university, passing all other students,
I thought that a fance animation with some information
and demonstration of the OpenMoko/Neo1973 power, especialy
with live GPS demonstration would be nice to promote
No not to atrac(?) the laydies... no, no - I just think
that everybody who's passing should see the power of
OpenMoko/Neo1973 and will 
- remember
- get interested in this device/plattform
and maybe get active himself.

When have some videos and some simulations
(runnable without installation with Java..) it could be
a way to promote OpenMoko/Neo1973 - at least to other
people who like to develope

IMHO the clue would be that the animation would include
the position - lates news - wether information and maybe
what food will be offered in the mensa/cafeteria...

Of course this would consume power, but for just 3-5 minutes
walk it would worth it ;)

Do you have more ideas? Do you have ideas how to make such
a animaiton? With which (non-flash) tools?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Q: desktop software?

2007-01-29 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Bryce!

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Bryce Leo wrote:
> >I would like to use FreeNX to use the Neo1973 from
> >a Workstation, and to have video projctor presentation
> >live from a Neo1973.
> That sounds like a fantastic idea. It should be pretty simple to get
> something like FreeNX up and running on the device.
> >Then a full emulation to use the full Neo1973 power
> >(beside the touchscreen) on a workstation as well.
> Other than the touchscreen what sort of power are you referring to?

Primary the touchscreen and that curser and the Neo GUI should
make visibel that a "virtual" finger has touched a button 
so that it is more intuitive to understand what happens.

Than screenrecordings with visuable virtual fingers and spoken 
comments would be nice, so that beside of live presentations,
people could get impression how the Neo and it's software is

> I'm probably thinking to literally as desktops are far more powerful
> than a handheld.

Routing of Sound would be a task as well - that the sound of the
Neo will transmitted with FreeNX to the workstation which is connected
to the fix-room-installed PA (room sound system).

> >So when the Neo1973 would get lost, lay at home/in the car
> >only access to any (trustworthy) workstation would be ok
> >to use the Neo1973.
> Remember for as trivial as that may be to set up for slightly more
> technical folks, imagine if a very non technical person (i'm thinking
> of my mother right now) were to have to buy a new computer and found
> herself locked out of her phone. Now it's simple to say that they
> should read the manual(s) that come with the device, however we do
> know that "no one" reads them and everyone loses them.

The documentation of OpenMoko/Neo1973 should be on the Neo itself.

> I will say that I would love love love to see that as an option!
> >Then do I think that client/server solution would become
> >more important then device/desktop software one, even for
> >normal user.
> I think that the client/server solution is far more powerful and
> flexible, however the simplicity of "Hotsync" the one touch backup of
> your palm device is what made it so popular in the first place. I can
> take my Treo 650 home every day, connect a cord, press one button, and
> It's connected, now that's convience. I feel that that's the sort of
> conveince and simplicty that we  should shoot for. One touch backkup
> is a fantastic convience and a big +1 when it comes to deciding on a
> phone.

This is a possible way but think about this

- installing new software
  you know apt-cache search IRC, apt-cache show epic3, apt-get install epic3
  so when there is a graphical solution that the very non technical
  person could choose directly on the device what he whants to
- back up
  because the Neo1973 has a USB host and device mode, it would be
  possible that the usr can define a virtual USB memory device.
  a Backup software on the Neo could behave like this:

  Welcome to your OpenMoko Backup tool.
  Your Backup will create 54 MB big file,
  which you could copy from the Neo1973 
  to your PC when you connect them with your
  No1973 via
  [USB] [Bluetooth] [GPRS]
  please select.

The file will be generated and you can copy from any other maschine.
The Neo1973 will reconginice that you have copied the backup-file

The same for storing the backup back... start the Restore tool and
copy back your backupfile.

Ah you mean there are users can't work with a shell or a filemanager?
A small application for copy 
back to the USB memory device with the name "OpenMoko-RobertMichel"?
A small Program that creates a Internet Routing for the Neo, when it
is connected to the PC?

I would like to see solutions as much as possible independent of the
Workstation systems and installation from the Neo1973 (maybe with 
autorun from USB-Stick) then from a CD-ROM.
And to do this on a secure way, that you can backup/sycronice
in an internet cafe with your server, your NSLU2 at home without
any risks and any problems due the restiction of normal Internet Cafes.

I think from smart client/server solutions will profit even non
technical persons.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Q: desktop software?

2007-01-28 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Oleg!

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Oleg L. Sverdlov wrote:

> What software is planned on desktop side? If any.

I would like to use FreeNX to use the Neo1973 from
a Workstation, and to have video projctor presentation
live from a Neo1973.

Then a full emulation to use the full Neo1973 power
(beside the touchscreen) on a workstation as well.

Very cool would be an emulation via web with java,
(maybe with FreeNX again) without any local installation.
(in this case with an own server running the emulation)

So when the Neo1973 would get lost, lay at home/in the car
only access to any (trustworthy) workstation would be ok
to use the Neo1973.

Mabye emulation including doing calls via Voip

Then do I think that client/server solution would become
more important then device/desktop software one, even for
normal user.

So before starting a seperate desktop software, my quetion
is, what more then standard desktop software would be thinkable?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hint for all webmail-user Re: Hint for gmail-users: How to mute a conversation

2007-01-28 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Declan!

Declan Naughton schrieb am Sonntag, den 28. Januar 2007 um 13:59h:

> You can also unsubscribe from the list @
> :)
> Other lists:

Will this help to let the community grow?

I don't know if webmailer offer threading the mails -
I just concerned that many mails without the right tool,
an email client with threading function, will bother the 
users. As more people will join this list, as more mails
will be posted.
Looking on an debian-user, asterisk or kernel mailinglist
people (used to get 5 mails a day) will be shooked when 
they get a mail flood - without seeing the overview who
is answering whom.

So the tip of unsubscribing is not the best one 
to let the community grown.

For somebody who don't know about to use mailfilter to
get the mails automaticaly in the right mailbox, a seperate
mail account like <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> helps. This
could be also a freemailer.

But viewing the mails without threading could be a big
mess... so I have only the experiances with mutt and give
this advice - but there are other mailclients which support
threading and maybe also webmailer which do this.

Sencers hint is IMHO usefull - don't take it personal that
not everyone is interested in every thread.

IMHO charing some skills will help that also people not 
experinaced with big mailinglist stay on this list 

Also I would appreciate that people would ask on this mailinglist
for help like 
  "I'm using Thunderbird for reading this mail, but this 
   mailflood is mixing with my privat mails - what can I do?" 
instead of unsubscribe.

Having people on this list, and having as early user of OpenMoko/Neo1973
without Linux Admin skills are important - we can profit from their
feedback to make OpenMoko/Neo1973 mass market ready
- so in return we should let them profit by beeing here
e.g. by learning how to mange mails more efficent.

When they unsubscribe we would be a big loss.


PS: Don't get me wrong with my tip of a vserver... I think
client server solutions will play an important role with
OpenMoko/Neo1973, also how to select and filter information
and mails to do not spend to much money on expensive GSM/GPRS

OpenMoko community mailing list

Hint for all webmail-user Re: Hint for gmail-users: How to mute a conversation

2007-01-28 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sencer,*!

First I thought your tipp would be to avoid >100 lines of quote by
using a webmailer

To avoid that non gmail-users thing that mailing with gmail is more
comfortable/better than with a normal emailclient my tipp:

On Sun, 28 Jan 2007, Sencer wrote:

> Hello fellow openmoko users,
> For all gmail-users there is an easy way to deal with the threads that
> just won't die.

Well when you use a normal (good) MUA (Mail user agent) it will thread
your mails. When you have a filter, that all mails from this mailinglist
came into jut one openmoko-community mailinglist it feels not like mail-
flood anymore.

So with such a 
- separate mailbox 
- MUA (mail client) that organize mail as threads
I've no problem with "thread that just won't die".

And when you want to access the mails of this list flexible - I use
the non-GUI MUA mutt, together with GNU-Tool screen and ssh on a
virtual server I rent for 3 Euro/month (1GB space, 1 Domain, unlimited traffic)
Feel free to ask me in PM (private mail) about this - I dislike
spreading popularity of big companies services like skype,
hotmail/gmail (doing money with analysing mails and personal networks)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Position of u-SD slot?

2007-01-27 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Michael!

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Michael Dickens wrote:

> I'm interested in making use of the u-SD slot with a card much like  
> the Spectec microSDIO WiFi 11g Card, but one developed "in house" for  
> more general wireless networking.  I assume that the u-SD slot is  
> accessed via the back side of the device, but does anyone know if it  
> will be behind the battery or on the side of it?  

Sorry, it will be behind the battery, so an USB hub with battery power 
and an USB WiFi Adapter will be an alternative

Of course WiFi is interesting, but I see it as advantage to concentrate
on Bluetooth solutions first. Bluetooth with a free hackable phone will
have general wireless networking potential as well ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

lightwight good XHTML webbrowser? Re: wap browser? any better one than wApua?

2007-01-27 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Jose!

Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente schrieb am Samstag, den 27. Januar 2007 um 

> WAP 2.0 supports XHTML-Basic and XHTML-Mobile Profile, so use a XHTML
> browser instead...
> Old WML is dead!

Hmm, e.G. the German Railway is still
using wml 1.0 so what will help me an XHTML browser to
use this wappage? XHTML browser wouldn't help - it would
be nice that OpenMoko helps to use even Old (dead) WML.

Ok the railway have also page with XHTML as well:

With apt-cache search I have only found Amaya this is
a XHTML webbrowser and editor - needs several libs
and 21,6 MB additional space...
And I haven't found the config to disable editing pages,
and maby because of WYSIWYG it has some graphicaly errors...

And which XHTML browser is lightwight and good to use
with OpenMoko/Neo1973?

When I look into the source - I would like to see a
client/server splitted XHTML browser that on a server
runs the backand and only the frontend on the Neo.
- pictures and same pages could be cached on the Neo
- the transmission beween back-front end compressed
- and long pages would be transmitted in parts (on

Some average using profile of XHTML e.G. for Germany
- (railway)
- (news)
could fill the cache automaticaly when having a cheap/free
internet connection

Ah and saving pages as an unvariable document, the chance to
beam (via Bluetooth) and printing would be something that
not every phones support.

At last - train/news/weather informations - our Neo1973 could
become a wireless mailbox for other users, where they could
download the train/news/weather informations that I had downloaded.
Maybe this could create trouble with lawers, let us call this proxy
and let us select some pages to publish with our proxy.

So a smart XHTML editor would become interesting, as well,
e.G. for changing the front page or adding some additional

The Bluetooth devicename could have up to 255 chars?


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: CallWave

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Peter!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Peter A Trotter wrote:

> It's clear the technology is available to make this possible without any
> crude hacks. We need to make friends with the carriers in so many ways to
> make this project fly. 

Why? The Neo1973 could become the voice mailbox in most of the cases.
In case of an area of no GSM service a second SIM at home or an asterisk
call forwarding could help that one of your devices will catch the
So to have a friendly carrier would be nice, but much of solutions
would be possible even without their support.

Just another idea for the voicemailbox 
- the system could anounce (your friends) that you hasn't heard the
  last message and it allowed to replace it with a new message.

"Hello, Peter, her is the mailbox of Robert.
 I haven't heard your last voice message,
 press 1 when you want to replace this message,
 or just talk after the beep when you want to
 add more. beep"

Imagine you are abroad on a conference and you are in a hurry
and your friends leve a many massages (>5 minutes) and the last one is
"sorry, forget it, John hasn't time - we will meet us
regulary in two weeks - bye.."


OpenMoko community mailing list

Glossary Re: Communications (was Re: Developers phone also fit for early adopters?)

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Richi!

Good point!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Richi Plana wrote:
> And with that, let me state that I think it important to use Figures of
> Speech as little as possible in these mailing list. For one thing, many
> of the members of these lists don't have English as their primary
> language (I know I'm one of those). Second, with so many people reading,
> it just increases the chances of miscommunication.

To add: not usal abbreviations (write in bracket what it is standing for)

E.g. when I had written FPGA (Fine Pitch BGA) it would have been clear
that I meant FBGA the packed layout and not Field Programmable Gate Array

GSM, GPRS, and GPS does have also abbreviations that would be unknows
for most of us - a abbreviations glossary would help, just started
increments are wellcome :)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Unified message menue? pictures? Re: CallWave

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Jesse!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Jesse Ross wrote:
> There was some mention on this list a while ago about an iPhone-style  
> Visual Voicemail system.
I wouldn't mention apple as refference for this idea - 
apple like to claim patents for solutions and like to sue...

> The following service could be a really good  
> replacement, if your carrier supports it:
> Discovered via: 

Looks like a Email inbox - so no need to name it 

Some ongoing ideas
-what about picutes with names?
-what about having a  SMS/Email/Voicemail=Unified message overview?
-what about filter so seperate what's most important - instead of lifo
 (last in, first out) or fifo
-voice meneu for the voice mailbox that the caller could leave
 an importance level and number of hours untill this messige have
 to be heard
- different pictures or freames around the picture for the
  importance of the calls
- from neo to neo some information could be transmitted during
  call, like relaxed, stressed, emergency, very sad/happy
- sound analysing if the caller sounds normal or stressed...
- picture of the wave form to separate the soundfiles better

- voice recognition - reading is quicker than listen, it 
  could be done externaly with commercial voice regongnition
- simple voice recognition could help to separate soundfiles better

-automaticaly merge messages from the same caller when playing back

-on/of switchable voice anouncment of time/date/person before playing

- quick play 1,5 speed

- skipping messages and move it into the folder "not so important yet"
  marked as new...

Just 3 minutes brainstorm what else would be nice with voicmail system,
much much ore then just iphone...
What more? :)))

Don't get me wrong, I like your mail with this link,
it is focusing on the core function of the phone:
calling / call management ;)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Some thoughts about the real importanted dates for OpenMoko/Neo1973 3GSM World 2007 Barcelona this year ...Re: Developers phone also fit for early adopters?

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Gervais!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Gervais Mulongoy wrote:

> I have to admit that I kind of agree with Marcus, especially in terms of
> leveraging the free marketing that will happen from an early release.
But please not with a buggy hardware... 

> But in order to do this properly, we need to better organize the OpenMoko
> support infrastructure.
> Support will be required for:
> * Hardware issues
> * Core software applications
> * Software stack issues
> Marcus, how do you propose this will be done?
> I think we need to first leverage the community to create a support
> infrastructure with at least the following minimum requirements:
> * a Bug/Feature tracking system per component of the software stack to track
> development/progress.
> * a Wiki which we can use to create the HOWTOs, FAQs, and other guides which
> we can publish in PDF (or whatever) as manuals etc.

Ahh haven't your read Sean mails?

2007-02-11 Phase 0: Developer Preview
We will give away free phones to selected members of the developer
community. At this point, the full source code to the OpenMoko Linux
Distribution will become publicly available. We are committed to
cooperating with the community in the interest of making the
official developer launch a smooth experience.

In the last month we've seen a huge increase of interest in
OpenMoko. To be perfectly honest, we're doing this give away as a
system of "checks and balances." We want to get the framework right,
the first time around.

Also, at this time, the following community dedicated websites
will be available:

* -- for the actual development community
* -- for an official wiki of the project
* -- for bug tracking
* -- for public mailing lists
* -- for an aggregated feed
* -- for user-contributed projects 
> What do you think about that?

Is it realy so hart to spend patients for 2-3 weeks? hu?

Now to Marcus answer:
> On 1/25/07, Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 03:42 +0100, Robert Michel wrote:
> >> I don't think that people buy a new phone to going on holiday with the
> >> new phone - AFAIK the most phones are sold November-January.
> >
> >People buy phones all year round. And those that do so before their
> >holidays will come back and make perfect mouth-to-mouth propaganda. And
> >when November comes the others will base their buying decision on
> >exactly that. It is perfect leverage at zero cost that you miss out.
> >
> >I bet that in the christmas season 2008 (not this year) you will have
> >plenty of phones with GPS and VGA screens. And plenty of big companies
> >throwing big marketing dollars at it.

But you don't want to start selling Neo1973s to normal users with
just only a dialer?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dial -now +492419968183

> >> After the flame ware GNU Linux I fear the next flame on this list.
> >> Marcus your sound was absolutly childish, ego-based and unproductive.
> >
> >Not at all. The best thing that could happen is a success of OpenMoko
> >and FIC. Waiting with the phone until after the summer season is a huge
> >loss in free marketing. Just keep my mail and re-read it in two years.

Hey guy! I was talking about your sound! And I'm quite shure that I
would say again in 2 years, that it was absolutly respectless.

> >> On the long term for nobody of us is it important to start in January,
> >> or March
> >
> >That's not true. It is a waste of first mover advantage. Once Google
> >comes out with a phone (unless they buy from FIC and use OpenMoko) the
> >market gets really tight.

Isn't the market already really tight and who is saying that Google will
bring a OpenSource mobile?

I'm absolutly shure that the team would prefer to ship the first phones
directly in November, instead of February or March...

And can you consider that by not beeing Google or Apple it isn't so easy
to start selling mass of devices? I have mentioned the GSM World in
Barcelona - even when OpenMoko/FIC is there not directly with an on
stand, I think someone will goe there and it will be important that
he could show a running device.
Can you consider that this is more important than shipping the first
devices to the developer now or in two weeks?

Are you reading
Have you seen 2007-01-24 three days ago, that the stereo speaker was
used the first time:

wap browser? any better one than wApua?

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel

In Germany is the using of wap pages quite expensive¹
and unpopulare (You better by a news paper then reading
some wap pages) and I would use elinks on my server 
remotly instead of using a wap proxy, but I think a
wap browser would be interesting for some user :)

With atp-cache search and a look on I
found only wApua:

I installed it on my system (Debian) and try to use - the wap page of the German railway,
but I couldn't fill in Station Name and Time... so
it was not successfully.

Searching for Zaurus "wap browser" let me find the Java
browser Wapaka
not tested yet...

Do you know another wap browser?


PS: Some GSM provider offers a GPRS data pack with e.g. 10 MB.
I had once such a data pack, but the provider conted the
connection as wap-click - every page count with 5 or 10 Cent!
10 pages=more expensive than a coffe or a news paper!
They argued this would be because I use an old browser...
OpenMoko will allows to use a VPN than you are free from
such bad tricks...

And BTW AFAIK every GSM-provider beside T-Mobile use a NAT
or firewall so communication could be started with incomming
connections - this avoid that someone send you traffic for fun
and you have to pay for it.

OpenMoko community mailing list

IMHO no need to discuss a list of pre-installed software right now - (virtual) server image e.g. for NSLU2 ; ) Re: Required Software

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Duncan,* !

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Duncan Hudson wrote:

> I'm sure that this has been discussed, but there will be a VPN client 
> pre-installed right? 

For the devices of 11-FEB and 11-March it isn't important what 
is pre-installed and what not and till 11-Sep it will be *much*
time to portated software, play and thinking which software will
be pre-installed and what not.

> I know it's open source and I'm free to put what I 
> want but don't you think there should be a pre-installed client that is 
> certified to work with the most popular business and prosumer router / 
> vpn boxes.

You are right, I would count it as one of the essiential networking
tools as well. But beside the pre-installed quetion I think it
is more interesting to discuss now how vpn could become *easy* usable
for users, which are no linux-admins or gurus.

When thinking about client server solutions to speed up the connection
and reducing the (expensive) mobil data traffic I think it will be realy
likly that OpenMoko add a network connected partner, server to the
- back up
- web proxy/with compression
- VPN connection
- 24/24h on server for being connection point for your friends
- ...

This could be just a virtual server immage, runnig with XEN, UML or 
linux-vserver, but also just a cheap device at your home: NSLU2.
(Rod, realy good to have you active with OpenMoko ;)

That break out box for encrypted communication to your Neo would
reduce complexity with your configurations, also your VPN connections.
Instead of > 100 different devices and to fight with too many propritary
solutions and trying to support the users, just one server-image
for a virtual use, or use on a NSLU2 as official OpenMoko solution
would keep the official system simple and homogenious.
Good for clear documentation and good to use for normal users.

What do you think?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Will the OSDL/MLI have a yearly report as well? Re: LiMo foundation

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve David!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, David Schlesinger wrote:
> ACCESS is a participating member of both OSDL's Mobile Linux Initiative and 
> of the Linux Phone Standards Forum--I'm acting chair of the MLI Steering 
> Committee and vice-chair of LiPS' Architectural Working Group--and we've 
> contributed to the requirements documents, API specifications, etc. for both 
> those groups.

I found this today and that the OSDL/DTL (Desktop working goup) has
published it's yearly report and came to the statement that 2006 has
been the year of the linux desktop:

Linux Organisation membership and organisation politics is not my
business, but from the linux-user point of view it is a little
confusing that OpenMoko/Neo1973 isn't mentioned here:

Maybe it is not the right time to ask/talk about this, but I think
that OSDL is doing good work for promoting Linux and that linking
and cooperation would be a bennefit for both OSDL/MLI and OpenMoko...

Or let it me say in that way, it would be nice to read about 
OpenMoko/Neo1973 in a yearly report of OSDL/MLI, at last in the
report about year 2007.

> So I don't think it's accurate to paint those as four different, 
> separate and unrelated "parallel" efforts. It's our plan of record 
> that the ACCESS Linux Platform will converge with both MLI guidelines 
> and requirements and the set of LiPS-specified applications APIs.

Can you, or Sean, when it doesn't take to much time,  say something about 
OpenMoko and OSDL/MLI?


PS: IMHO LiMo looks like powered by lawers and I think that this foundation
is not a cooperation by their hearts - so we will have several 
advantages/chances to have a better, more efficent cooperation. ;)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Combine a SoC and memory on a SD card or Usb device...Re: Possibilities for commercial software?

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Marcin!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:

> Dnia pi?tek, 26 stycznia 2007 13:55, Robert Michel napisa?:
> > For real paranoid sellers:
> >
> > Build a chip with memory and an embedded system on a microSD card or
> > mini usb device and sell this. Use an unique encryption for every
> > embdded system so that even hacking out the program from the embedded
> > memory wouldn't run.
> If part of application will run on this external device then it will be 
> quite good protection. 

I thought to let the  important part or even the full application 
running on the external device. Such an external SoC could also boost
up the power of the device, e.g. when you want to have a game or
more multimedia power...
Beside the Network/Webbrowser idea, it could be also FreeNX.

So when it is not about protection of software, 
take a NSLU2, a laptop or Playstation3 (5kg) with you,
plug it with 12/230V connect it with Bluetooth/USB to your
Neo and use your OpenMoko/Neo1973 as terminal with FreeNX


OpenMoko community mailing list

Combine a SoC and memory on a SD card or Usb device...Re: Possibilities for commercial software?

2007-01-26 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ortwin, *!

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Ortwin Regel wrote:

> I like open source and stuff but some things, especially games, are
> closed in many cases. What are the possibilities for selling closed
> software for OpenMoko devices? 

For real paranoid sellers:

Build a chip with memory and an embedded system on a microSD card or
mini usb device and sell this. Use an unique encryption for every
embdded system so that even hacking out the program from the embedded
memory wouldn't run.

This is not a joke - when you programm a very special program such
an effort could worth it. A positive effect, you will have a seriell
communication with the front end - so it will be flexible to portate
your solution to different operating systems - you have to change only
the front end. When your embedded system itself behave like a network
adapter, just a webbroser (with java) would be enough to use your
protected software. As more embedded systems come cheaper and powerfull
as much this way to sell software would become attractive.

Or spend your special software a battery and Bluetooth interface - so
having it somewhere in your pocket/rucksack/car... would be enough..

Wouldn't help when you want to sell a software licenece for just 10
Euro, but for expensive, special software solutions it could worth


OpenMoko community mailing list

Some thoughts about the real importanted dates for OpenMoko/Neo1973 3GSM World 2007 Barcelona this year ...Re: Developers phone also fit for early adopters?

2007-01-25 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Marcus,*!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Marcus Bauer wrote:

> On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 01:53 +0100, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> > Marcus, please watch your tone on this mailing list.
> It shall be.

Respect is the absolute basic for communication and cooperation.

> The fact that I didn't answer to that mail doesn't mean I didn't read
> it. Should I now say you obviously didn't follow your own annoucements
> and didn't read the topic you set on IRC because you said the phone
> would come out in January?
> But the point is not to get into a fight with you. GPS on a phone is
> still a unique selling point, as is the vga screen. People will be adore
> to have GPS in summer season while travelling. Publishing it in
> September is missing out a whole year.

I don't think that people buy a new phone to going on holyday with the
new phone - AFAIK the most phones are sold November-Januar.

> The competitors wont sleep and there will be at least 20 phones with a
> vga screen and GPS next year.
It's not just the hardware wich count. So it could be an advantage
when thousands of people buy a Neo1973 in Juni and traval with it 
into their hollyday.

> It is the most perfect opportunity for Linux (call it GNU or not) to be
> the market leader. Stop talking about releasing early, just do it. All
> that is needed is a dialing application.

Did you took a deeper look to the roadmap:
2007-02-11   Phase 0: Developer Preview
Why this date?

My guess:
   the most important date of the year for GSM communication.

   So even when 10 devices on the 2007-02-11 would be ready and running,
   it would be great. But just only with dialing application you would get
   laughter in Barcenlona.

   Probably the anouncment that *only* on 11. February the
   devices will give to some developers for free has boosted
   "I will have some of the first" on this list.

   On the other hand I'm shure that Barcelona is a very important
   date, so in the next week, we, the starting community is not (yet)
   so important, like some good talks in Barcelona.

So even when we have a close contact to Sean, Harald,
and even when there is no big marketing department or network provider
dictating when the device has to be ready, I think all of this guys
are under a high stress to have a smart running device ready untill

I head in mind that they wanted to have 100 preproduced devices, is saying about 50.
Small number production are quite expensive.

After the flame ware GNU Linux I fear the next flame on this list.
Marcus your sound was absolutly childish, ego-based and unproductive.

We should support the core developer team now with patience.
They need their full energie to bring this baby to the world
so they should get our full support with _patience_
and no stress, nagging or even abuse like your mail!

On the long term for nobody of us is it important to start in January,
or March - let us trust into Sean and his team to do the right in general,
especialy when to ship the first devices.

I was the first one who became active on this list, 
but I wouldn't worry if I would have to wait longer
then others, IMHO you should share my point/approach as well.

It would be a pitty when Linux GNU/Linux flamewares (at the most wrong time)
wrangling who's getting the first and who's getting one for free would
poisioning the atmosphere here on this list. That would kill creativity, 
motivation and the enthusiasm to share and cooperate.

So please everybody here on this list, while waiting for your device,
could you behave in a way that you are supporting the core team,
instead of dispossess them/their energie?

Thank you!


> Marcus
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Please no spreading flame wars about licence and free software in every thread!

2007-01-25 Thread Robert Michel

Salve Dave and all others who loves to discuss about eggs from an unborn bird!

I hope that this thread will not blow up like the GNU/Linux discussion,
by people which hasn't consider that Harald Welte is behind OpenMoko nor 
Seans presentation in Amsterdam that making money with OpenMoko/Neo1973 will
be possible.

I'm active on this list since the beginning, as a student very
interested in this project with absolutly trust in Sean and his team
that it will be a very good and open project.

My intention with my mails on this list was starting this mailinglist becomming
active and motivate people to join - to share their ideas. To find
together examples that shows how operfull OpenMoko/Neo1973 could be
when mobil computer, GSM/GPRS, (indoor)GPS, GNU/Linux and good and
creative people come to gether.

Since last Sunday I'm disappointed about this mailinglist - I never
thought that the GNU Linux thread would grow to such a flame war and
including starting become personal.

Huuu - hey did you forget that:
- this project is about creating something new? 
- And that this phone is around communications power based on open
- That is is about cooperation?

So this means:
- respect for the others,
- patience, e.g. untill this project starts for the public
- and the willingness to join compromises.

Dave Crossland schrieb am Donnerstag, den 25. Januar 2007 um 22:56h:

> On 25/01/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I was
> >> thinking, if the OpenMoko phone had an easy  way for people to add
> >> applications like the Widgets, the average user would like it.  ( I
> >> would be willing to pay the developer after a trial).
> >
> >I guess the most software will be free...
> Many free software projects accept donations, and if you are willing
> to pay the developers after enjoying their software, I feel it is
> important to donate a little.

I've not this feeling about money.

> Free software is about 'without restrictions' not 'without paying,'
> like "free speech" instead of "free beer" :-)

Please do not start here a general discussion here - when you will not
strengthen my feeling that some people start writing on this list with
the primary interest to harm OpenMoko/Neo1973. :(((

You are right, I wanted to write that I expect that the most core
software will be available without paying like openwrt or debian,
this is something that I want to stress because I have the feeling
that some people started to be interested in OpenMoko/Neo1973 without
having using GNU/Linux, yet.

And of course IMHO could a Neo1973 coustomer expect that the core software
will be free for him and get updates, especialy security updates. ;)

So my answer was just for those is unclear what we mean when talking about
apt-get install software
that e.g. Debian is a sytem/distribution with 15.000 precompiled packages,
getting all from one source - I choose between 15.000 programs, can get
them, install and use them without the need to pay 1 cent! 
Totaly leagal - and I get a more secure system, like with most of
commercial software - much more secure then normal 
M$+personalfirewalls+viruscans+shareware sytems.

Why do you started a new "flame war" here and adding the mail adress
of the original poster Marry again in the header?
Do you know what I thought as I wrote:
> > It seems that we haven't scare you away with all our "ideas" "maybe"
> > "next version..."
It seems that we haven't scare you away with this unsake GNU Linux

BTW please take a look here:

When you claim that everybody who is using free software is bind in honour
to donate (money) to the developers, that are you fare away from the
common sence of GNU/Linux.

You can't publish your software under a free licence and than yammer
that the users have the honour to donate.

AFAIK will OpenMoko not become a shareware portal, where the users
get software with the premission to test it for a while and than to
have to pay the developers.

When the user like the OpenMoko software instead of spending money 
telling others about it, helping others to start with OpenMoko, writing
(positive) about OpenMoko, helping with writing the documentation
could be more productive/better 

And short, when you do not see the sence to spend time without paiment
hacking and development should be fun, and about learning new skills.
Also consider, as more populare OpenMoko/Neo1973 will be, as more 
knowledge and reputation you have with OpenMoko as developer, as more 
likly is that you can get a well paid job like frome a agency which 
likes to  have 10.000 devices with a special software solution.

GNU/Linux adult and since years ready that commerial and non-commerial
projects are thrive and prosper parallel and in c

Re: Reactions From Other People to News of OpenMoko

2007-01-25 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Mary!

Welcome here on the OpenMoko community list :)

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Mary Stovel wrote:

> Just a few thoughts.  I recently  discovered  OpenMoko while  
> researching the Apple iphone.  I am not a developer, but enjoy  
> reading this forum.   

> I do not think  the average user knows much  
> about... the concept of locked and unlocked... much less open.  I am  
> your general user, looking for an innovative, easy to use phone 
It seems that we haven't scare you away with all our "ideas" "maybe"
"next version..."

> I was  
> thinking, if the OpenMoko phone had an easy  way for people to add  
> applications like the Widgets, the average user would like it.  ( I  
> would be willing to pay the developer after a trial).
I guess the most software will be free...

> I don't know  
> any average users that care about using their phone to browse the  
> web, but I do know a few that would like having a phone that would  
> let you use one phone at home and away ( like the T-Mobile  
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] project in Seattle)  
Because it will become Bluetooth (yepiieeeh) using Voip at home
will be possibe (to hack..)

> I would buy the  
> OpenMoko phone when it is available, because it has great  
> possibilities and I want to watch it evolve.

You could influence this evolvement, feel free to go on to 
chare your thoughts, questions, whishes or ideas...

Phoning will be an important core function of OpenMoko/Neo1973,
but it will be more than just a mobil phone or PDA or navigator...
it will be a powerfull combination of it.

On a PDA you could have a shopping list. Imagine you and your partner 
would use OpenMoko/Neo1973 than could this be a common task "buy milk"
and the one of both who came first to the shop can buy it and it will
be visual "done" for his partner. 
So no need to call the other one who may deep in stress ("ahh and you
are now calling because of the unimportant milk??")

Have you every used a PDA? Than expect to do all this with the Neo1973
but with the power of Connection and GPS localisation.
Passing a paper show will remind you to buy envelopes...

Or you a shopping organizer will route your through a city to buy
the 3 items you want with the most shortest way...

Beeing on holyday - the Neo1973 could become a tourist guide
"On your right side you see..."

So you were looking for a new phone, 
but OpenMoko/Neo1973 has the potential
to become much more


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Possibilities for commercial software?

2007-01-25 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Ortwin!

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Ortwin Regel wrote:

> I like open source and stuff but some things, especially games, are
> closed in many cases. What are the possibilities for selling closed
> software for OpenMoko devices?
Nearly the same like with GNU/Linux.

The PalmPilot hasn't DRM and commercial softare hast been sold 
succsessfull - I bought several licence.
For GNU/Linux I have a selfpaid student licence for microstation and 
maple and I would buy other close source for GNU/Linux - 
e.G. a navigation system with good maps. 

Of course would I let this close source software run in a own
vserver guest... ;)

So my motivation is not to get everything for free...
and when the commercial software is combinated with a good 
service.. it would become more attractive :) 

What I would dislike when the service page is full with external
advertisment and that it smells like
that this company is selling my adress, interests and my user behavior.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: intelligent (system-wide) profile switching. gestures and events (Was: Re: Why not switching automaticaly? Re: Gesture command)

2007-01-25 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Declan!

Maybe is a general system-wide profile switching not intelligent
enough? Of course it will be usefull but maybe there will be more

Declan Naughton schrieb am Donnerstag, den 25. Januar 2007 um 20:58h:

> Reading this, a potentially handy feature hit me, so I'm letting it out.
> We should (and we probably will/do.. my nokia 6310 or whatever it is
> does, like pretty much all nokias, and all phones) support multiple,

Just a system-wide profile is working, but not so flexible...

People you will have a date with in the next our could automaticaly
become a higher importance

The Screen has 480x640 pixel - good enough for how many pictures 
with names? So there is no need to stay on the low level of a nokia 6310.

> Also, events should be triggerable between/at specific times, and when
> the GPS system notices you've entered/are in a certain area... a 250m
> radius around my school, say, where I'd like to phone to stay on
> silent.

Consider the chance of a voice menue and answering machine - when you
select that your are busy your selection or your calendar can be used
for a smart voice meneu "Hello this is Declan, I'm busy - leave a
message with informations and questions and will care about this in
the next 2 hours - only if it can't wait, press 2."

So there will be no binare black/white solution, more will be possible

So we will play with new posibilities:
- VGA coulored touchscreen
- open source
- big creative community
- no filter of a marketing department
- no filter of network provider

Also the list of missed calls
Rob 104 times 20:58h
damm how was this counter this afternoon, 103 or 94?
Did he called now one or 10 times?

And much more on normal phones is unsmart.

We will have much fun and I'm convinced that looking on 
existing phones will not give us so much creativity like
looking on what will be possible withe OpenMoko/Neo1973
and what did I hate most, what did I wish...
what will be smart
And sharing our ideas - reading the ideas and seeing/using the solution
from others will create new ideas it will outperform existing
phone solutions :)) will be a good tool to play on the Neo1973 with new
ideas how to manage calls

We will have much fun, for shure! ;)


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