Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-14 Thread Darren Cook
1K ~ 100 K / sec is much faster than a dozen / sec of a conventional program. Do they calculate dragon safety (eyes, connections, patterns ...)? if not, the estimate will be VERY unreliable. No, because they play the game out to the end where everything is as safe as it can be. Then,

Re: [computer-go] Re: OpenMP / Quad Core experiments (repost)

2008-01-03 Thread Darren Cook
One more puzzle: this processor is rated at 2.4GHz, but cpuinfo tells a different story: It's because SpeedStep is working. You can stop it in BIOS setting. Thanks! I've the same CPU and just discovered mine is running at 1.6Ghz too! For linux users

Re: [computer-go] Lisp time

2007-12-15 Thread Darren Cook To clarify: I don't really like these non-scientific benchmarks (in many cases I assume no one or only really few people (not including me) really understand what each micro-benchmark is really measuring). I posted the link to the Shoot-out site as it

Re: [computer-go] Lisp time

2007-12-15 Thread Darren Cook
the OS is constant, they seem to offer benchmarks on 4 different hardware platforms Sorry for the noise. I mis-read the top page: they use two platforms, Gentoo on Pentium 4, and Debian on AMD Sempron. (They are very roughly the same, but java6-server stands out as being considerably quicker on

Re: [computer-go] Re: Lisp time

2007-12-14 Thread Darren Cook
:// Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash charting demos

Re: [computer-go] Python bindings for libego?

2007-12-13 Thread Darren Cook
I was thinking that it could be quicker to do prototyping in something like python, while having fast low-level functions in C. ... I have done a Python binding for the current libego. You can get it from . I did this as an exercise in using Pyrex

Re: [computer-go] low-hanging fruit - yose

2007-12-06 Thread Darren Cook
, they do have a concept of nakade. (I hope Remi, or one of the Mogo developers, will correct me if I've misunderstood what is going on.) Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work)

Re: [computer-go] GPUs and go algorithms?

2007-12-06 Thread Darren Cook
Joshua Shriver wrote: I've been looking into GPGPU for several years now, there was even some buzz in the comp-chess stream but the downsides seemed to be to much. Think the big problem is the latency on the PCI/AGP bus. Though that might not be as much an issue now with PCI-x, etc. Thanks.

Re: [computer-go] erm...

2007-12-04 Thread Darren Cook
9x9 games is a bit silly. it doesn't actually capture any extra information about the program, since there's no such thing as a 9x9 rank to compare with/against, much less a dan rank. I disagree. In my studies of 9x9, over a number of years, the human 19x19 rank generally carries over to 9x9.

Re: [computer-go] Re: compiler optimizations

2007-11-21 Thread Darren Cook
as all about safety. But it is about describing the problem more accurately to the computer so that it can not just find more bugs at compile-time but also so it can generate better code at compile-time. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free

Re: [computer-go] Language

2007-11-20 Thread Darren Cook
(I just joined this list last week, this is my first post) Hi Colin, welcome to the group. I still find it easier and faster to code in Java (using Eclipse) than with C++. The OP mentioned that Java is slow, but I have actually read that in the recent years it has become comparably faster

Re: [computer-go] OT: XML [was fairly OT: Language]

2007-11-14 Thread Darren Cook
[XML] is like going backwards to the 60ies (OK, there are some thing XML is good for -- is't developed as HTML successor and in this area XML has quite some advantages; in some cases it's also good as intermediate data exchange format, but not always; as an primary format to save data in

Re: [computer-go] OT: PHP [was Python bindings for libego?]

2007-11-13 Thread Darren Cook
But as one who has to program some php for living, I wonder why would you like to use a language like that? I am *so* tired of the way it happily declares a new variable when you mistype one, or finds mistyped function names only at run time, if you happen to call that function... Or

Re: [computer-go] Python bindings for libego?

2007-11-12 Thread Darren Cook
On Oct 2nd 2007 Heikki wrote: I was thinking that it could be quicker to do prototyping in something like python, while having fast low-level functions in C. Since we already have Lukasz Lew's ego library, I wonder if anyone has written a wrapper around it to call it from python (or ruby,

[computer-go] Mogo fixed playouts parameter (was: Crazy Stone on 19x19 CGOS)

2007-10-29 Thread Darren Cook
How does one configure MoGo to do a fixed number of playouts per move? I saw only time-based command line options. On Oct 7th Sylvain wrote: --nbTotalSimulations 3000 Once you set this option it ignores all other time settings. Darren ___

Re: [computer-go] XML alternatives to SGF

2007-10-23 Thread Darren Cook
yes. Allowing everyone to add non-standard properties means that you cannot validate the files in a meaningful way anymore. Also, I haven't really seen convincing use cases for non-standard properties. SGF defines (more than) enough, even if some of them are a bit underspecified ... I've

Re: [computer-go] IEEE Spectrum article by Deep Blue creator

2007-10-02 Thread Darren Cook
I wouldn't put it as strongly, but I also noticed that MC and UCT and suclike techniques were not mentioned at all. to be fair to the article, in fact they were. you just have to click on all of the links in the article to see it. For others, like me, who missed the link, it is here:

[computer-go] Mogo: nakade

2007-10-02 Thread Darren Cook
moves for black, and white's confidence rose to 0.6, but no higher. I.e. Mogo is seeing white is dead in some paths, but it is seeing white is alive in more paths. -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work

Re: [computer-go] Python bindings for libego?

2007-10-01 Thread Darren Cook
. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash charting demos) ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer

[computer-go] Mogo: tree preservation

2007-09-28 Thread Darren Cook
that says how many nodes it is carrying over?) Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash charting demos

Re: [computer-go] ego110_allfirst on CGOS

2007-09-28 Thread Darren Cook
Looking at the performance of hb-amaf-1k I suspect you have some serious bug(s) ... I'm starting to run out of ideas. ... As Magnus suggested, look at some of the games you are losing but should be winning. When I was testing libego vs. gnugo, and libego was losing everything, it wasn't until

Re: [computer-go] Mogo: tree preservation

2007-09-28 Thread Darren Cook
It preserves the tree if and only if you add: --pondering 1 If you don't want to use pondering, but you still want to keep the tree between moves, add --keepTreeIfPossible 1 (not documented, and from my memory, it may be not the right option :p) Good guess, that worked. It sometimes is

Re: [computer-go] Re: Update of MoGo binary release, and windows version available!

2007-09-20 Thread Darren Cook
Thank you for the releases of the Windows version and the Linux version for older processors. The Windows version, however, seems much weaker than MoGo that running on KGS these days on 19x19, even giving much longer time setting such as --time 300 for example. I guess some other

Re: [computer-go] Binary release of MoGo

2007-09-09 Thread Darren Cook
What are the options for someone who ... doesn't have a Linux system currently? LiveCDs ( ) allow you to do a temporary linux installation. Of course, then you have to decide which one, and which distro. I would think any of those marked for general in this

Re: [computer-go] GoGui and python

2007-08-24 Thread Darren Cook
?). A quick google confirmed python is buffering stdout, but I couldn't find the flush command. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash charting demos

[computer-go] OT: median of a data stream

2007-08-16 Thread Darren Cook
I can make the histogram and derive the median that way. E.g. 100 distinct numbers means I just need 100 counters. I also get the mode as a bonus. -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work)

Re: [computer-go] The Problem With Random Playouts

2007-07-26 Thread Darren Cook
What I am calling random playouts for the purposes of this article give all legal moves equal weight and randomly chooses one of them, and this process is used for both players all the way to the end of the game. I get the impression that this also includes filling single point eyes. Is

Re: [computer-go] The Problem With Random Playouts

2007-07-26 Thread Darren Cook
The statement will never give a strong computer go program. is rather devoid of meaning. You either should define strong ... OK, I'll add something. By strong I mean dan level. I definitely agree that once you've played a few thousand uniformly random games, there is little to be gained by

Re: [computer-go] Parallelism and Intel

2007-07-25 Thread Darren Cook
/license.html -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash charting demos) ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer

[computer-go] The Problem With Random Playouts

2007-07-25 Thread Darren Cook
be surprised if the UCT experts on this list will find much new there, but I hope some people will find it of value. Thanks to Magnus Persson for reviewing an earlier version. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About

Re: [computer-go] Go datastructures

2007-07-20 Thread Darren Cook
I always used a 1-dimensional 25x25 = 625 integer array with 0 for black 1 for white 2 for empty and 3 for border (everything else). This way I can have a 21x21 board with 2 rows of border cells surrounding it. David Fotland, on the other hand, seems to use a 19x19 grid, and detect

Re: [computer-go] Go datastructures

2007-07-20 Thread Darren Cook
I don't use functions to convert 0-n to x, y. I use arrays of constants instead. It's faster. APD.get_x(d), for instance, is doing a lookup in an array that is made by the constructor once when the program starts up. Everything is inline so it is the same. Darren

Re: [computer-go] Interesting Test Position (for UCT)

2007-07-13 Thread Darren Cook
I actually think that under Chinese rules White wins too because Black owes 1 point for playing the last (and first) move. ... I got this from the AGA rules which I (falsly?) assumed to use chinese counting ( I only saw this in section 4, on

Re: [computer-go] Interesting Test Position (for UCT)

2007-07-13 Thread Darren Cook
I got this from the AGA rules which I (falsly?) assumed to use chinese counting ( At one time, the Chinese rules compensated White with an extra point when Black got the last move. If Black's last move was to fill a ko he or she had won,

Re: [computer-go] Interesting Test Position (for UCT)

2007-07-12 Thread Darren Cook
Or did you mean it is too much bother to connect with gogui while also running your code in a debugger? That would be great! How do you do that (without going through a million zillion steps each time)? I use Visual Studio. Can Visual Studio connect to a running process? On linux you'd do

Re: [computer-go] Re: Why are different rule sets?

2007-07-12 Thread Darren Cook
I thought the rules for Go were rather simplistic when it came to scoring: Count all eyes, and spaces owned by each player and each captured stone counted as a point. Whoever had the most points wins. How does that differ from Japanese, Chinese, Korean? Hi Josh, Many of your recent

Re: [computer-go] Interesting Test Position (for UCT)

2007-07-12 Thread Darren Cook
New lesson learned. It depends on the rule set if something is correct or a blunder. So far the Go-masters told me, it does not matter, its practically the same. Obviously its not. This is not some weired, constructed position, it really happened and it does not look strange at all. I

Re: [computer-go] Go programming as a profession.

2007-07-10 Thread Darren Cook
At $39.95 that's just shy of $16 million. Wow Even at $1 a copy that's almost 1/2 a million dollars. I'm reminded of a post this list about 10 years ago (maybe by Mark Boon?), probably in the context of winning the Ing prize: if you are a very good programmer, there are easier ways to get rich

[computer-go] Genetic playout algorithms

2007-07-05 Thread Darren Cook
Don wrote: Presumably, if you run 1000 random play-outs from a given position you will get a fair indication of how good the position is. But what if you are able to prune out many of the bad moves in that simulation? Would this improve the accuracy of the simulation? Probably,

Re: [computer-go] scalability study - final results

2007-06-25 Thread Darren Cook
After throwing out the low and high ratings the top 5 players average about 132 ELO per doubling and the bottom 5 average an increase of about 210 per doubling. ... I suspect Lazarus at the highest level I tested is within a few hundred ELO points of perfect play. It's still a long way

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to GNU and to MoGoBot19!

2007-06-18 Thread Darren Cook
I thought the point being made was that the games were played without byo-yomi. Isn't that a time control not usually played in serious games? No, the other way round: all serious ama or pro games (at least, that I know of) are played with byo-yomi. In the two-day tournaments the byo-yomi

Re: [computer-go] Java hounds salivate over this:

2007-06-17 Thread Darren Cook
libego is a very optimised library. indeed, very hard to change. If it fits your needs, go for it. Its simply the best you can do. BUT, If you want to try different MCGO approachs with libego, I'm sure it will be far more hard to change than using slowish java. I've been refactoring the

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to GNU and to MoGoBot19!

2007-06-17 Thread Darren Cook
I think Remi was making the point that the CrazyStone games were played at a time control not usually played in serious games. Therefore he concludes the rating was inflated. ... If you spend too much time building up a won position, how can you claim a moral victory if you lose on time?

Re: [computer-go] results of computer olympiad 9x9

2007-06-14 Thread Darren Cook
In the second game against CrazyStone it played like a weak MC-program in the opening - playing all moves in the center and allowing Crazystone as white to make two rock solid groups which in my experience should be an easy win for white. But Crazystone then played some slow moves and made a

Re: [computer-go] ICGA 2007 MoGo-Steenvreter

2007-06-14 Thread Darren Cook
The game: Sylvain posted some anaylsis from MoGo side. Following are my comments (KGS 4k) as I understand the situation: After white (mogo) H2, MoGo was estimating 74%, and expecting: H2 G1 H3 B1 A1 B3 H1 F8 B5 H4

Re: [computer-go] Efficiently selecting a point to play in a random playout

2007-06-07 Thread Darren Cook
I've been messing around with where to apply heuristics. Candidates include: 1) In the UCT tree, since this is earliest in each playout. 2) In the moves beyond the tree (heavy playouts), since this is where most of the moves happen. Because this part is so speed-critical, ... Remi (using

Re: [computer-go] KO in Hashtable-UCT?

2007-05-23 Thread Darren Cook
Heikki Levanto wrote: I don't make any tests for the first 20 moves. Thereafter, I resign if - I have no stones left on board - I have less than half the number of stones my opponent has I also pass if my opponent has no stones left on board. Eduardo Sabbatella wrote: My cut logic was:

Re: [computer-go] KO in Hashtable-UCT?

2007-05-23 Thread Darren Cook
What is the most extreme example of being behind (either by X stones, or by some percentage, such as Heikki's 50% above) where the losing player can make a comeback and win the game (assume perfect play by both players from that point)? I realized this is quite trivial: a board position where

Re: [computer-go] Go and UCT: article in June 2007 SciAm

2007-05-23 Thread Darren Cook
I just received the June issue of Scientific American and found a 1.5 page article on Computer Go and UCT. Just so I'm ready next time a computer go question comes up at a pub quiz, it says the Monte Carlo method was First incorporated into Go Programs in the 1970s. I'd have guessed 30 years

Re: [computer-go] Idea for a strategy

2007-05-16 Thread Darren Cook
to be taken with a grain of salt. And Google won the competition because they tuned their algorithms using Bleu. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash

Re: [computer-go] Hello / Pondering

2007-05-01 Thread Darren Cook
smaller for larger boards. The only part of our program that is not strictly ANSI C++ compliant is is_there_input(), ... ... return select(1,read,write,except,timeout); ... If you are interested on a Windows equivalent, I might be able to provide one. Hi Alvaro, I'm interested in a

Re: [computer-go] The problem with random playouts

2007-04-27 Thread Darren Cook
Valkyria uses to methods to bias playouts towards better moves. Thanks for the reply Magnus. You said it will always try to react to the last move, and only if no reaction needed will it choose a random move. It sounds like that is something you only want late in the game, so is that what you

[computer-go] The problem with random playouts

2007-04-26 Thread Darren Cook
than 10% black wins). The above results were using libego out of the box, so it is easy to prove your theory experimentally. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work)

Re: [computer-go] The physics of Go playing strength.

2007-04-13 Thread Darren Cook ... I'm actually testing 2 programs - both of them UCT style go programs, but one of those programs does uniformly random play-outs and the other much stronger one is similar to Mogo, as documented in one of their papers. Hi Don,

Re: [computer-go] people are weaker at 9x9 go

2007-04-12 Thread Darren Cook
No one plays 9x9 go. There is no literature on 9x9 theory, and almost no examples of professional play. 9x9 *is* played by professionals, at least in Japan, but naturally with neither big prize money, nor students wanting to pay to learn it, it is not played that seriously, and usually with

Re: [computer-go] people are weaker at 9x9 go

2007-04-12 Thread Darren Cook
The best source of 9x9 professional games is the Mini-go TV series, which finished a few years back, but should have close to 700 games if you can track down the complete set. Where would one begin to track down this show? Others have already given the main links. While hunting for some

Re: [computer-go] OT: sudden death

2007-04-12 Thread Darren Cook
MINIGO ICHIBAN SHOUBU would be a reading of Japanese . (Translation would be Mini go sudden death.) Are you kidding? ICHIBAN SHOUBU means one game match. Eh, doesn't sudden death mean one game match in English? Sudden death means that as soon as one scores a point/goal they become

Re: [computer-go] Speed go next thing to explore

2007-04-12 Thread Darren Cook
Can anyone share their estimates of RAM used per 100k playouts, or other appropriate measure? As part of my study of libego I've had the same question. 100K playouts (from an empty board) creates an UCT tree of around 21,000 nodes, which is using 795K. The node class uses 20 bytes, which is

Re: [computer-go] The physics of Go playing strength.

2007-04-09 Thread Darren Cook
in alpha-beta. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash charting demos) ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go

Re: [computer-go] The dominance of search (Suzie v. GnuGo)

2007-04-06 Thread Darren Cook
not have a choice: google is giving me 0 hits on adaptable error filter. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About me and my work) (My flash charting demos

Re: [computer-go] MoGo

2007-04-05 Thread Darren Cook
is board-size independent. And the same applies even between top professionals: look at how many really top-class players claim their endgame is the strongest part of the game. Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary) (About

Re: [computer-go] professional knowledge

2007-04-05 Thread Darren Cook
everyone stronger than about 10 kyu to tie for first place. But what you will find is the ordering will be very close to 19x19 go rank. (You can also see this on go servers that maintain a different rank for each board size.) Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German

Re: [computer-go] professional knowledge

2007-04-05 Thread Darren Cook
Similarly, most kinds of endgame skill essentially vanish on a 4x4 board: Yes, my thesis crumbles on the tiny boards: I think 9x9 is the smallest board size where 19x19 playing strength is very significant. (Endgame skill is important at 9x9: I've found games where a mid-dan player has lost to

Re: [computer-go] MoGo

2007-04-04 Thread Darren Cook
programs play a weak opening then make up for it later. It'd be interesting to see the komi study using a full-strength version of Mogo and using an opening book (ideally with results split by first move). Darren -- Darren Cook (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free

Re: [computer-go] Re: Big board. Temperature

2007-03-01 Thread Darren Cook
it is a rather small picture, but do the terminal positions of 19x19 games between very strong players show more fractal qualities (or some other physics thing) than between, say, 15 kyu amateurs? Yes. Pro games are near a limit of (un)-stability. ... - Beginners are under critical - Pro

Re: [computer-go] Paper presents results on proximity heuristic

2007-02-10 Thread Darren Cook
This was not tested in any formal way, but including the book does seem to increase the chance that the program will open with E5 (which I believe is the correct opening move on 9x9) ... Just a side note, as I've spent a lot of time studying high-level 9x9 games. I've seen strong players win

Re: [computer-go] an idea... computer go program's rank vs time

2007-01-22 Thread Darren Cook
Note that professionals do not play perfect endgame, ... Enough, apparently, that it separates a world champion from a run-of-the-mill 9-dan. Also, post-mortem analysis of pro games published in go magazines routinely finds some game-result changing improvements in the endgame. Yes, though

Re: [computer-go] Cheap multiprocessing

2007-01-04 Thread Darren Cook
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud might be cheaper @ $0.10 per instance-hour consumed. doesn't the 'amazing amazon elastic waistband' require you to write all of your code using windows-based hooks? that kind've turns me off. You may be confusing with Amazon Simple Storage Service (which

Re: [computer-go] language choices

2006-12-05 Thread Darren Cook
I think stl vector implementation on my linux box takes much more memory than necessary (I mean using a memory pool, and a big time against memory tradeoff), so perhaps being carefull, with 16 GB we could reach 20 minutes. The STL vector is fairly efficient, especially if you are using

Re: [computer-go] Monte-Carlo is the future of 19x19

2006-11-30 Thread Darren Cook
I believe that MC will be the only way to write a GO program in the near future leaving the other stuff in the dust ... ... I am certain it is for 19x19. Just look at the KGS games of Mogo on 19x19. I played one game against it, and won. I got the feeling it was slightly easier to beat than

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