RE: New result in predicate encryption: disjunction support

2008-05-04 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Sun, 4 May 2008, Scott Guthery wrote:

One useful application of the Katz/Sahai/Waters work is a counter to traffic
analysis.  One can send the same message to everyone but ensure that only a
defined subset can read the message by proper key management.  What is less
clear is how to ensure that decrytion with the wrong key doesn't yield an
understandable (and actionable) message.

This is actually pretty easy to do by, e.g., padding all valid messages 
with sufficiently-many 0s. Decryption with an incorrect key will result in 
something "random" that is unlikely to end with the requisite number of 0s 
(and so will be discarded).

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Re: New result in predicate encryption: disjunction support

2008-05-06 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Mon, 5 May 2008, Ariel Waissbein wrote:

[Moderator's note: Again, top posting is discouraged, and not editing
quoted material is also discouraged. --Perry]

Hi list,

Interesting. Great work! I had been looking *generic* predicate
encryption for some time. Encryption over specific predicates is much
older. Malware (e.g., virus) and software protection schemes have been
using some sort of "predicate encryption" or "trigger" for over two
decades in order to obfuscate code. For example, an old virus used to
scan hard drives looking for a BBS configuration files in a similar
manner and some software protection schemes have encrypted pieces of
code that are decrypted only if some integrity checks (predicates) over
other pieces of the program are passed.

Triggers/predicates are very promising. Yet, they are only useful in
certain applications, since eavesdropping one decryption is enough to
recover the keys and plaintext.

I co-authored a paper were we used this same concept in a software
protection application ([1]) and later we formalized this concept, that
we called secure triggers, in a paper eventually publised at TISSEC
([2]). We were only able to construct triggers for very specific
predicate families, e.g.,
 - p(x)=1 iff x=I for some I in {0,1}^k
 - q(x,y,z,...)=1 iff x=I_1, y=I_2, z=I_3,...; and finally
 - r(x)=1 iff x_{j_1}=b_1,...,x_{j_k}=b_k for some b_1,...,b_k in {0,1}
   and indexes i_1,...,i_k (|x|>=k).
While these predicates do not cover arbitrary large possibilities, they
are implemented by efficient algorithms and require assuming only the
existence of IND-CPA secure symmetric ciphers. In [2] we came up with
more applications other than sofprot;)

[1] Diego Bendersky, Ariel Futoransky, Luciano Notarfrancesco, Carlos
Sarraute and Ariel Waissbein. "Advanced Software Protection Now". Core
Security Technologies Tech report.

[2] Ariel Futoransky, Emiliano Kargieman, Carlos Sarraute, Ariel
Waissbein. Foundations and applications for secure triggers. ACM TISSEC,
Vol 9(1) (February 2006).


Predicate encryption sounds very different from the work you are 
referencing above. (In particular, as we discuss in the paper, predicate 
encryption for equality tests is essentially identity-based encryption.) 
I refer you to the Introduction and Definition 2.1 of our paper, which 
should give a pretty good high-level overview.

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Re: Using a MAC in addition to symmetric encryption

2008-06-29 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Fri, 27 Jun 2008, Erik Ostermueller wrote:

Hello all,

If I exchange messages with a system and the messages are encrypted with a 
symmetric key, what further benefit would we get by using a MAC (Message 
Authentication Code) along with the message encryption?
Being new to all this, using the encrytpion and MAC together seem redundant.


--Erik Ostermueller

As the other posters have already commented, encryption alone does not
(in general) provide integrity. Furthermore, care must be taken in how
the encryption scheme and the MAC are combined, with
encryption-followed-by-MACing-the-ciphertext being the best choice
unless you know what you are doing. For further discussion, see the
textbook by Katz-Lindell (Section 4.9), and/or the following paper:

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Re: Decimal encryption

2008-08-27 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Eric Rescorla wrote:

At Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:05:44 +0200,
Philipp Gühring wrote:


I am searching for symmetric encryption algorithms for decimal strings.

Let's say we have various 40-digit decimal numbers:

As far as I calculated, a decimal has the equivalent of about 3,3219
bits, so with 40 digits, we have about 132,877 bits.

Now I would like to encrypt those numbers in a way that the result is a
decimal number again (that's one of the basic rules of symmetric
encryption algorithms as far as I remember).

Since the 132,877 bits is similar to 128 bit encryption (like eg. AES),
I would like to use an algorithm with a somewhat comparable strength to AES.
But the problem is that I have 132,877 bits, not 128 bits. And I can't
cut it off or enhance it, since the result has to be a 40 digit decimal
number again.

Does anyone know a an algorithm that has reasonable strength and is able
to operate on non-binary data? Preferrably on any chosen number-base?

There are a set of techniques that allow you to encrypt elements of
arbitrary sets back onto that set.

The original paper on this is:
John Black and Phillip Rogaway. Ciphers with arbitrary ?nite domains. In
CT-RSA, pages 114?130, 2002.

But he probably wants an encryption scheme, not a cipher.

Also, correct me if I am wrong, but Black and Rogaway's approach is not 
efficient for large domains. But if you use their approach for small 
domains then you open yourself up to dictionary attacks.

For a modern proposal to make this a NIST mode, see:


Full Disclosure: Terence Spies, the author of the FFSEM proposal,
works for Voltage, Voltage has a product based on this technology.
and I'm on Voltage's TAB and have done some work for them.

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Re: Decimal encryption

2008-08-28 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Eric Rescorla wrote:

At Wed, 27 Aug 2008 16:10:51 -0400 (EDT),
Jonathan Katz wrote:

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Eric Rescorla wrote:

At Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:05:44 +0200,
There are a set of techniques that allow you to encrypt elements of
arbitrary sets back onto that set.

The original paper on this is:
John Black and Phillip Rogaway. Ciphers with arbitrary ?nite domains. In
CT-RSA, pages 114?130, 2002.

But he probably wants an encryption scheme, not a cipher.

Hmm... I'm not sure I recognize the difference between encryption
scheme and cipher. Can you elaborate?

A block cipher is a primitive that can be used, in particular, to 
construct encryption schemes. But you can construct encryption schemes 
without block ciphers, and you can use block ciphers to construct other 
things besides encryption. Moreover, "good" encryption should generally 
be randomized, while a block cipher is deterministic.

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Re: Decimal encryption

2008-08-28 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Hovav Shacham wrote:

- "Jonathan Katz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But he probably wants an encryption scheme, not a cipher.

Jon, I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

If I am reading his message correctly, the original poster seems
to be asking for a format-preserving encryption over a domain
with 10^40 elements.  Format-preserving, it seems to me, implies
[a family of keyed] functions that are one-to-one and
deterministic.  In other words, the best security we can hope for
is a PRP on that domain, and this is what B-R gives, starting
from a PRP over a "somewhat larger" domain.

In this setting, what is the difference between an encryption
scheme and a cipher?

Yes, I can see this might cause confusion.

Just to clarify: I had emailed the original poster off-line and he
told me that he was willing to use other information already being
sent in the clear as a non-repeating IV. Given this, secure (and, in
particular, non-deterministic) encryption is possible.

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Re: combining entropy

2008-10-24 Thread Jonathan Katz

[Moderator's note: top posting is not tasteful. --Perry]

I think it depends on what you mean by "N pools of entropy".

Are you assuming that one of these is sources is (pseudo)random, but you 
don't know which one? Are you assuming independence of these difference 
sources? If both these assumptions hold, then XOR will do the trick.

If your only assumption is that one of the sources has high min-entropy 
(but may not necessarily be uniform), or if the independence assumption 
does not hold, then you may need to use some form of randomness 

On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, IanG wrote:

If I have N pools of entropy (all same size X) and I pool them
together with XOR, is that as good as it gets?

My assumptions are:

* I trust no single source of Random Numbers.
* I trust at least one source of all the sources.
* no particular difficulty with lossy combination.


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Re: combining entropy

2008-10-27 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Sat, 25 Oct 2008, John Denker wrote:

On 10/25/2008 04:40 AM, IanG gave us some additional information.

Even so, it appears there is still some uncertainty as to
interpretation, i.e. some uncertainty as to the requirements
and objectives.

I hereby propose a new scenario.  It is detailed enough to
be amenable to formal analysis.  The hope is that it will
satisfy the requirements and objectives ... or at least
promote a more precise discussion thereof.

We start with a group comprising N members (machines or
persons).  Each of them, on demand, puts out a 160 bit
word, called a "member" word.  We wish to combine these
to form a single word, the "group" word, also 160 bits
in length.

If you are interested in something with a formal analysis, you should 
check out work on (single-source or multiple-source) extractors.

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Re: Shamir secret sharing and information theoretic security

2009-02-20 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, R.A. Hettinga wrote:


I was going through the wikipedia example of shamir secret sharing which says 
it is information theoretically secure.

The scheme is defined over a finite field *not* over the integers. When 
Shamir's scheme is run over a finite field, it is information 
theoretically secure.

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Re: Shamir secret sharing and information theoretic security

2009-02-23 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Feb 23, 2009, at 1:05 PM, wrote:

Is it possible that the amount of information that the knowledge of a
sub-threshold number of Shamir fragments leaks in finite precision setting
depends on the finite precision implementation?

For example, if you know 2 of a 3 of 5 splitting and you also know that
the finite precision setting in which the fragments will be used is IEEE
32-bit floating point or GNU bignum can you narrow down the search for the
key relative to knowing no fragments and nothing about the finite
precision implementation?

I'm not sure what is the motivation for all this. Shamir's scheme is 
supposed to be done over a finite field (or else, as was previously 
pointed out, there are issues with sampling a uniform element of the 
field). Since we have fields of size 2^k for all k, any bit-string can be 
encoded nicely in a finite field of appropriate size. (And very long 
strings can be broken into shorter chunks, each chunk being shared on its 

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Re: How to Share without Spilling the Beans

2009-03-02 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Mon, 2 Mar 2009, Arshad Noor wrote:

Ali, Saqib wrote:

A new protocol aims to protect privacy while allowing organizations to
share valuable information:

Any links to the actual protocol itself?  The article is a little
vague on details.  Thanks.

I believe this is the paper describing the protocol in question:

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Re: End-of-chapter questions for "Practical Cryptography"?

2009-05-22 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Fri, 22 May 2009, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

The field really needs a new, thorough textbook suitable for a one year
course, or maybe an up to date one semester intro text and an up to date
one semester textbook on modern cryptanalysis.

Let me humbly suggest my own book: "Introduction to Modern Cryptography", 
co-authored with Y. Lindell. You may find it a bit theoretical for your 
taste, but it was written exactly to address the need for an introductory 
text covering modern cryptography. (And it covers some basic cryptanalysis 
as well.) See
for further details.

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Re: Question about Shamir secret sharing scheme

2009-10-05 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Sat, 3 Oct 2009, Kevin W. Wall wrote:

Hi list...I have a question about Shamir's secret sharing.

According to the _Handbook of Applied Cryptography_
Shamir’s secret sharing (t,n) threshold scheme works as follows:

   SUMMARY: a trusted party distributes shares of a secret S to n users.
   RESULT: any group of t users which pool their shares can recover S.

   The trusted party T begins with a secret integer S ≥ 0 it wishes
   to distribute among n users.
   (a) T chooses a prime p > max(S, n), and defines a0 = S.
   (b) T selects t−1 random, independent coefficients defining the random
   polynomial over Zp.
   (c) T computes Si = f(i) mod p, 1 ≤ i ≤ n (or for any n distinct
   points i, 1 ≤ i ≤ p − 1), and securely transfers the share Si
   to user Pi , along with public index i.

The secret S can then be computed by finding f(0) more or less by
using Lagrangian interpolation on the t shares, the points (i, Si).

The question that a colleague and I have is there any cryptographic
purpose of computing the independent coefficients over the finite
field, Zp ?

Just to add two comments to what others have already said:
- You can use any finite field. In particular, if your secret is a bit 
string of length k you can use the field GF(2^k) to get share size equal 
to secret size. (Whereas if you work mod p you lose a bit.)

- As you describe the scheme above, note that you actually leak an 
upper-bound on the size of the secret (namely, it is at most p). The setup 
for Shamir secret sharing (and any other scheme, for that matter) assumes 
the range of the secret is public knowledge already.

Re: TLS break

2009-11-16 Thread Jonathan Katz
Anyone care to give a "layman's" explanation of the attack? The 
explanations I have seen assume a detailed knowledge of the way TLS/SSL 
handle re-negotiation, which is not something that is easy to come by 
without reading the RFC. (As opposed to the main protocol, where one can 
find textbook descriptions.)

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Re: Question regarding common modulus on elliptic curve cryptosystems

2010-03-22 Thread Jonathan Katz

[Moderator's Note: please don't top post... --Perry]

Sounds like a bad idea -- at a minimum, your encryption will be 

What are you actually trying to achieve? Usually once you understand that, 
you can find a protocol solving your problem already in the crypto 

On Sun, 21 Mar 2010, Sergio Lerner wrote:

I looking for a public-key cryptosystem that allows commutation of the 
operations of encription/decryption for different users keys

( Ek(Es(m)) =  Es(Ek(m)) ).
I haven't found a simple cryptosystem in Zp or Z/nZ.

I think the solution may be something like the RSA analogs in elliptic 
curves. Maybe a scheme that allows the use of a common modulus for all users 
(RSA does not).
I've read on some factoring-based cryptosystem (like Meyer-Muller or 
Koyama-Maurer-Okamoto-Vantone) but the cryptosystem authors say nothing about 
the possibility of using a common modulus, neither for good nor for bad.

Anyone has a deeper knowledge on this crypto to help me?

Best regards,
Sergio Lerner.

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Re: Question regarding common modulus on elliptic curve cryptosystems

2010-03-22 Thread Jonathan Katz

[Moderator's Note: Please please don't top post. --Perry]

That paper was from 1980. A few things have changed since then. =)

In any case, my point still stands: what you actually want is some e-cash 
system with some special properties. Commutative encryption is neither 
necessary nor (probably) sufficient for what you want. Have you at least 
looked at the literature (which must be well over 100 papers) on e-cash?

On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Sergio Lerner wrote:

Commutativity is a beautiful and powerful property. See "On the power of 
Commutativity in Cryptography" by Adi Shamir.
Semantic security is great and has given a new provable sense of security, 
but commutative building blocks can be combined to build the strangest 
protocols without going into deep mathematics, are better suited for teaching 
crypto and for high-level protocol design. They are like the "Lego" blocks of 

Now I'm working on an new untraceable e-cash protocol which has some 
additional properties. And I'm searching for a secure  commutable signing 

Best regards,
Sergio Lerner.

On 22/03/2010 09:56 a.m., Jonathan Katz wrote:
Sounds like a bad idea -- at a minimum, your encryption will be 

What are you actually trying to achieve? Usually once you understand that, 
you can find a protocol solving your problem already in the crypto 

On Sun, 21 Mar 2010, Sergio Lerner wrote:

I looking for a public-key cryptosystem that allows commutation of the 
operations of encription/decryption for different users keys

( Ek(Es(m)) =  Es(Ek(m)) ).
I haven't found a simple cryptosystem in Zp or Z/nZ.

I think the solution may be something like the RSA analogs in elliptic 
curves. Maybe a scheme that allows the use of a common modulus for all 
users (RSA does not).
I've read on some factoring-based cryptosystem (like Meyer-Muller or 
Koyama-Maurer-Okamoto-Vantone) but the cryptosystem authors say nothing 
about the possibility of using a common modulus, neither for good nor for 

Anyone has a deeper knowledge on this crypto to help me?

Best regards,
Sergio Lerner.

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Re: What's the state of the art in factorization?

2010-07-09 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

There is some interesting work in public key cryptosystems that reduce
to a *random* instance of a specific problem.

Here is a very cool one:


Unless I misunderstand, if you read someone's plaintext without having
the private key then you have proven that P=NP!

It is not known, and considered extremely unlikely, that P \neq NP implies 
symmetric-key cryptography, much less public-key cryptography.

The paper you cite reduces security to a hard-on-average problem, whereas 
all that P \neq NP guarantees is hardness in the worst case.

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Re: What's the state of the art in factorization?

2010-07-09 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Samuel Neves  wrote
(on the list):


As one of the authors of the above paper, I have an obvious interest in 
this thread. =)

Later I discovered this paper [2] which appears to be an improvement
on that one in terms of performance (see Table 1 in [2]) while still
having a tight reduction to the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH)
problem. Strangely, this paper [2] doesn't appear to have been
published anywhere except as an eprint on I wonder
why not. Is there something wrong with it?

While I don't know of any attack, the proof of security does not appear to 
be correct.

On the other hand, there is one published scheme that gives a slight 
improvement to our paper (it has fewer on-line computations): it is a 
paper by Chevallier-Mames in Crypto 2005 titled "An Efficient CDH-Based 
Signature Scheme with a Tight Security Reduction".

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Re: What's the state of the art in digital signatures? Re: What's the state of the art in factorization?

2010-07-09 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

Anyway, although this is not one, there do exist proposals for public
key crypto schemes where breaking the scheme implies solving a worst
case instance of a supposedly hard problem, right?

Not to worst-case hardness of an NP-complete problem, no. Quite the 
contrary, there has been some body of work showing that a result of this 
sort is unlikely. (Though, as with all things related to complexity theory 
where our state of knowledge is so limited, such a statement must be taken 
wit ha grain of salt. In any case, such a result is well beyond anything 
we can currently prove.)

2. some kind of strong argument that it really is secure (the gold
standard would be reduction to a worst-case instance of an NP-complete

See above.

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Re: Question w.r.t. AES-CBC IV

2010-07-09 Thread Jonathan Katz
CTR mode seems a better choice here. Without getting too technical, 
security of CTR mode holds as long as the IVs used are "fresh" whereas 
security of CBC mode requires IVs to be random.

In either case, a problem with a short IV (no matter what you do) is the 
possibility of IVs repeating. If you are picking 32-bit IVs at random, you 
expect a repeat after only (roughly) 2^16 encryptions (which is not very 

On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Ralph Holz wrote:

Dear all,

A colleague dropped in yesterday and confronted me with the following.

He wanted to scrape off some additional bits when using AES-CBC because
the messages in his concept are very short (a few hundred bit). So he
was thinking about a variant of AES-CBC, where he uses just 32 (random)
bits as a source for the IV. These are encrypted with AES and then used
as the actual IV to feed into the CBC. As a result, he does not need to
send a 128 bit IV to the receiver but just the 32 bit.

His argument was that AES basically is used as an expansion function for
the IV here, with the added benefit of encryption. On the whole, this
should not weaken AES-CBC. Although he was not sure if it actually would
strengthen it.

While I am prepared to buy this argument (I am not a cryptographer...),
I still felt that the argument might not be complete. After all, 32 bits
don't provide much randomness, and I wasn't sure if this, overall, would
not lead to more structure in the ciphercode - which might in turn give
an attacker more clues with respect to the key.

Are there any opinions on this?


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Re: A Fault Attack Construction Based On Rijmen's Chosen-Text Relations Attack

2010-07-09 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Alfonso De Gregorio wrote:

The last Thursday, Vincent Rijmen announced a new clever attack on AES (and 
KASUMI) in a report posted to the Cryptology ePrint Archive: Practical-Titled 
Attack on AES-128 Using Chosen-Text Relations,

Err...I read that paper by Rijmen as a bit of a joke. I think he was 
poking fun at some of these unrealistic attack models.

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Re: Is this the first ever practically-deployed use of a threshold scheme?

2010-07-31 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Jakob Schlyter wrote:

On 31 jul 2010, at 08.44, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Apparently the DNS root key is protected by what sounds like a five-of-seven
threshold scheme, but the description is a bit unclear.  Does anyone know

The DNS root key is stored in HSMs. The key backups (maintained by ICANN) are encrypted 
with a storage master key (SMK), created inside the HSM and then split among 7 people 
(aka "Recovery Key Share Holders"). To recover the SMK in case of all 4 HSMs 
going bad, 5 of 7 key shares are required. ( 
section 5.2.4)

According to the FIPS 140-2 Security Policy of the HSM, an AEP Keyper, the 
M-of-N key split is done using a La Grange interpolating Polynomial.

I'd be happy to answer any additional questions,

jakob (part of the team who designed and implemented this)

This is "just" Shamir secret sharing, not "real" threshold cryptography. 
(In a threshold cryptosystem, the shares would be used in a protocol to 
perform the desired cryptographic operation [e.g., signing] without ever 
reconstructing the real secret.) Has real threshold cryptography never 
been used anywhere?

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Re: 2048-bit RSA keys

2010-08-17 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Sun, 15 Aug 2010, Paul Hoffman wrote:

At 9:34 AM -0700 8/15/10, Ray Dillinger wrote:

I'm under the impression that <2048 keys are now insecure mostly due
to advances in factoring algorithms that make the attack and the
encryption effort closer to, but by no means identical to, scaling
with the same function of key length.

You are under the wrong impression, unless you are reading vastly different 
crypto literature than the rest of us are. RSA-1024 *might* be possible to 
break in public at some point in the next decade, and RSA-2048 is a few orders 
of magnitude harder than that.

Many on the list may already know this, but I haven't seen it mentioned on 
this thread. The following paper (that will be presented at Crypto 
tomorrow!) is most relevant to this discussion:

  "Factorization of a 768-bit RSA modulus",

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Re: [Cryptography] Homomorphic encryption prototype by microsoft

2011-08-08 Thread Jonathan Katz
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Ali, Saqib  wrote:
> Two years after Dr. Craig Gentry of IBM published the proof for fully
> homomorphic encryption, Microsoft has come up with a prototype that
> utilizes the technique:

Here's the accompanying technical article:

They only implemented a "somewhat-homomorphic" encryption scheme, though.
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Re: [Cryptography] Books on modern cryptanalysis

2013-09-11 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Wed, 11 Sep 2013, Bernie Cosell wrote:

Anyhow, are there any (not *too* technical) books on the modern
techniques for attacking cryptosystems?

Really depends what you mean by "attacking"; there are attacks at the 
protocol level (e.g., padding-oracle attacks), at the crypto level (e.g., 
differential cryptanalysis), and at the physical level (e.g., side-channel 

As a general introduction to modern crypto that covers the first two 
categories a bit, I recommend "Introduction to Modern Cryptography" by 
myself and Y. Lindell (soon to come out with a 2nd edition containing even 
more attacks!).

For block-cipher cryptanalysis, I have been very impressed by the material 
in "The Block Cipher Companion" by Knudsen and Robshaw.

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