Re: [css-d] Beyond CC's, targeting Mozilla, Safari and Opera

2008-04-18 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Manfred Staudinger wrote:
 Hi list,

 Currently I'm thinking about a consistent and simple method for CSS to
 target not only IE's but also Mozilla, Safari and Opera, each of them
 separately and standards compliant.

 Up to now the CSS language actually available for developing web sites
 is limited by the weakest browser to be supported (IE 6, IE 7). Many
 great techniques have been generated and documented by web developers
 to overcome bugs and shortcomings.

 These constrains will not go away for years to come. But if we had a
 method to target the most advanced browsers, we would be able to _add_
 something new to the (technically) minimalistic approach dictated by
 MS. Web sites would then look differently in different browsers while
 functionally still equivalent (a must, I suppose).

 What are your pros and cons?

Hi Manfred,

As others have already said, there are no real advantages to browser 
detection and targeting.

However, your idea of giving more advanced browsers more advanced CSS 
does have advantages. It's called progressive enhancement, and it's 
quite possible without browser detection. I suggest Googling 
progressive enhancement for more on the general idea, and reading the 
book Transcending CSS for in-depth teaching of how to design and develop 
web sites with a progressive enhancement mindset. (The author states the 
transcending way of designing goes beyond progressive enhancement, but 
I think it's just mincing words -- same basic concept and techniques.)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Help With Nested List in IE

2007-11-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Steve LaBadie wrote:
 When I create a nested list the border-bottom disappears in IE. If I
 remove the border: none; a double border appears under the last item in
 the nested list. Is there a work around?

 #leftside #leftnav ul { 

 padding: 0px; 

 margin: 0px 0px 0px 15px; 

 list-style-type: none; 


 #leftside #leftnav ul li { 

 padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; 

 border-bottom: 1px dashed #c6c6c6; 


 #leftside #leftnav ul li ul li { 

 border: none; 


Hi Steve,

Without seeing your page, all we can do is guess, but have you tried 
using a hasLayout hack on the rule that sets the border? That's where 
I'd start, and if that didn't fix that, I'd try adding hasLayout to its 
ancestors too.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Use or not to use Css to layout form components

2007-09-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Marcos wrote:
 I'm primarily a web component developer and now I'm performing two roles 
 and one doubt always remain in my mind  Should I use tables to 
 layout form components such
 as combos, textboxes and so on ?

 I think the Css approach for forms very difficult to implement for 
 complex forms :-(


I don't think tables make sense unless you have a form where no 
checkboxes or radio buttons, and since I never have forms like this, I 
never use tables to lay out forms. Some good semantic list markup makes 
styling even complex forms not too difficult. This is a great tutorial 
describing one approach:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Displaying Applicable Styles on Element Mouse Over

2007-09-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Sasha H wrote:
 I would like to know if there is a means of writing JavaScript that will
 dynamically display the styles which are currently applied to any DOM
 element on a web page (i.e., those applied by ID, those applied by class,
 etc.) as the user moves their mouse over them.


I suggest you take this question to a list that deals with JavaScript in 
addition to CSS, such as webdesign-l. While CSS can handle the display 
of the boxes themselves, it's not meant for dynamically creating data. 
You'll need some sort of scripting language to pull that information 
from the DOM and insert it into the page with the proper markup.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] liquid equal height columns without tables [WAS Re: Use or not to use Css to layout form components]

2007-09-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Jason Das wrote:
 FWIW, As far as I'm aware, the only thing tables can do for layout  
 that you can't do with css is  liquid equal hight columns.

For the record, CSS can do this perfectly well using display: 
table-cell. It's just IE that can't do it.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Hover [reformulated]

2007-08-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
faramineux wrote:
 Here is the basic code I use for links:

 a:link {
 color: #5a0113;
 font-size: 13px;
 font-weight: normal;
 text-decoration: none;

 a:hover {
 color: #2B4058;
 font-size: 13px;
 font-weight: normal;
 background-color: #fffbdf;
 border-bottom-style: dashed;
 border-bottom-width: 1px;

 The 3 linked images - including the logo -  on the page show the  
 styling too on hover! For example when I hover over the logo, the  
 dash line/color appear under the logo. Something is wrong.


Nope, I'm afraid this is correct behavior. If you have this markup:

The border and background will show up on that a element that is 
wrapped around the img element, because it's just another a element. 
The styling is not showing up on the img element, but on the a 
element around it.

There is no selector in CSS 2.1 to select an element based on its child, 
so there's way to say select all a elements that have img elements 
as their children. Thus, the only way you can get rid of the styling on 
these particular a elements is to give them a class.

a.imglink:hover {
background: none;
border: none;

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Re: [css-d] Bottom of div disappears in IE6

2007-08-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ian Young wrote:
 In IE6 (what else), the bottom of the div is hidden behind the footer. On
 pressing f11 to show whole screen, the bottom appears again. When restoring
 to normal window size the bottom of the div is as it should be.

 I wasn't sure what to search for in the Wiki, but it must be something
 relatively simple.

 Page at


You have a min-height of 595px set on #content, but also set a height of 
575px for #content in a conditional comment. Change this to 595px and I 
bet the overlap will be fixed.

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[css-d] Setting color relative to another element [WAS Re: Is There A Way To Do This?]

2007-08-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Elli Vizcaino wrote:
 Was just wondering if there was a way to set the hex
 color of one element at 50% saturation of another 
 element's hex color? 

Nope, not with CSS. It's not a programming language, so it only deals in 
absolute values, not variables. The closest you could get would be using 
the opacity property, but even this wouldn't do what I think you want.

By the way, to start a new thread, do not reply to an existing message. 
When you do this, your message gets threaded on to the old thread, which 
messes up the archives and makes it less likely that others will see 
your message and subsequently reply to you. You must send a new message 
with an appropriate and descriptive
subject line to in order to start a new 
thread. Trust me -- this helps you as well as all the rest of us.

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Re: [css-d] IE7 Render bug?

2007-08-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Kent Broestl wrote:
 Hello all:

 I just put up this site:
 which displays fine in everything except IE7.

 In IE7, the only thing that is visible is the background image on the body
 tag. View it in any other browser to see what it is supposed to look like.

 Does anyone have any ideas what this could possibly cause this?

Hi Kent,

You have a bunch of validation errors in your XHTML. I suggest cleaning 
these up first and seeing if that fixes things.


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Re: [css-d] content little off in FF

2007-08-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
 I had trouble in the past displaying my content right in IE7, but that I 
 2 days ago...The funny thing now it though, that my content is a little off in
 FF, while before that was not a problem at all...

 It has to do with this little piece of coding:

 margin-left:80px !important; /* was 103, for IE only */
 margin-left:100px; /* was 80, FF */

 As you can see I have been playing around with the numbers, but cannot seem to
 get it perfectly played in both browsers?!




I suggest you simplify how you are doing things. That pattern image is 
simply decorative, right? Then make it the background of #content. Then, 
all you need to do is give #content some left padding and get rid of the 
left margins on the content inside, and you're all set.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Looks fine on my IE6 but not others

2007-08-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Tim Offenstein wrote:
 I'm hoping someone can detect and substantiate this issue for me 
 because I'm flying blind. The site is It 
 validates fine and looks fine in IE6 on my desktop but another person 
 on campus says when they look at the site (also in IE6), the main 
 content is pushed down until it clears the left-hand menu.

I can get the drop to happen if I narrow my window to about 750px, which 
this user is probably browsing at (remember that not everyone maximizes 
their window, not even on 800x600, and some people have sidebars, etc.). 
It's due to the photo under Graduation Celebration which cannot be 
broken. I recommend setting a min-width of about 760px on the page and 
using a JavaScript to get this min-width in IE 6 and lower.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Mixing fluid layouts and px padding

2007-08-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Richard Brown wrote:

 I have just completed the re-design of this site:

 I was at first using a fixed width design but wanted to regain a fluid
 width design. However, I ran into the problem of using widths = % but
 padding in px. It was breaking the design in that the columns were not
 sitting side by side. How do other folks get around this please? Is
 there a better method of padding elements than px when doing a fluid


You can set margins on the elements inside the columns instead of 
setting any padding on the column divs themselves. You can also nest a 
div inside each column div that has no width set on it and just give 
each of these divs padding or margin.

By the way, your left column is dropped down in FF 2 no matter what size 
I set my window to.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Banner getting cut off with horizontal scroll

2007-08-02 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 If I resize my browser so that I get a horizontal scroll bar, I'm
 noticing that when I scroll to the right, the banner at the top is cut off:

 I've tried many variations of auto, inherited and 100% widths on the
 various elements, and can't get it to work correctly.

 We don't want to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar, just make sure
 the top banner and toolbar are always maximum width. We also don't want
 to use overflow:hidden with our content. We just want to make sure that
 the top bar is always maximum page width.

 Is this a bug? Any ideas?


No, this is not a bug. Divs aren't like tables -- they won't 
automatically stretch out to hold their contents. The content is allowed 
to overflow out the sides or the bottom. Your attempts to make them do 
so using width: 100% merely make the divs match the width of the 
viewport, which is not what you want -- you want them to extend past the 
width of the viewport when content inside them does.

To force divs to stretch to hold their content regardless of the width 
of the browser window, you can try playing around with the float 
property or the table display values. However, in your case, it seems 
like an appropriate min-width is all you need, since the content inside 
your page is fixed in width. Your content is 985px wide, so a min-width 
of 1000px on the wrapper would be a good place to start. You'd need to 
adjust widths inside accordingly.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Odd verticle image spacing in FF

2007-08-02 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Schuyler Towne wrote:

 First post to the list, actually...this is my first post to any mailing 
 list ever, that I remember.

Welcome! - in-progress html/css page

I need a username and password to see this page. If you could send that 
through to the list, or post your page in a non-protected area, we can 
take a look and probably help.

 The problem I have, and I realize I'm rambling, only getting to the 
 problem at this point, is the section of photos in the lower right hand 
 corner. In IE7 they group together very nicely and either don't extend 
 below the bottom of their containing div, or do so relatively 
 unnoticeably, however, in FF 2 space is added between each row of 
 images, extending the photo section noticeably below it's containing div.

 I found this conversation in the recent archives: 
 but I'm not certain it applies to my situation, and if it does, I don't 
 fully understand the solution offered.

 I'm sorry I didn't dig further back, but it's a fairly daunting archive.

Yeah, I wouldn't bother with the private archive. See this page:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Maps, Google or Virtual Earth use

2007-07-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Mcdaniel, Brett wrote:
 I am wondering if anyone out there is using either Google Maps or
 Virtual Earth?  Have you been able to embed stuff into a CSS file if you
 have?  Just starting a project with maps and wanted to know how people
 are doing them.


Can you be more specific about what stuff you're trying to do with CSS 
to your maps?


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Firefox behaviour - Child element margins applied to parent elements instead

2007-07-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
 On Jul 25, 2007, at 8:05 PM, Tony Haddon wrote:

 My problem lies in the margin I've applied to the h1 element here.  
 It ought
 to offset the h1 block from the containing #inner element. In IE6  
 it works
 as planned, but Firefox appears to apply the margin to the element  
 two steps
 up the tree e.g. the #outer element.

 The behaviour in Firefox, and Opera, Safari, iCab, Konqueror and all  
 other modern browsers is correct and expected. It is called escaping  
 margins sometimes.
 IE is wrong because your parent container (#outer) has a width  
 applied, which trigger the dreaded 'hasLayout' property.


For more information about the concept Philippe is talking about, see 
this article:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] my CSS is often working offline but not online , why is that so?

2007-07-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
lavinia Ebert wrote:
 Hi, why is it that the behaviour from the browsers is offline different to 
 online? The browsers (testing on IE6, Opera, Fireforx2 and Netscape) are 
 interpretating my CSS often differently offline and online. 
   Can I do something about this? Its an annoying process to have to upload 
 everything again and again to see when the code is finally working 


Can you be more specific about how the browsers are interpreting [your] 
CSS often differently offline and online? Do they sometimes fail to 
show any styles? Do they sometimes fail to show just the updates you've 
made to the styles? Something else entirely? Etc.

Also, can you send us a link to a page we can look at?


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Problem with text content spilling out of container

2007-07-23 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Brett wrote:
 As a general question, it seems as though CSS only concerns itself with 
 width:% and does not really consider height:%, is that true?  If you 
 look at my link and adjust the browser window, it appears to change only 
 in relationship to the width of the window not the height.  

No to your first question, but yes, your second observation is correct. 
Height is liquid based on content. If you put more content into 
something that has no explicit height declared, it will grow larger in 
height. Remove content and it grows smaller. Same thing applies when the 
content is resized, rather than changing in amount (eg, the font size is 
changed, the width is decreased so content has to re-wrap onto more 
lines, etc.)

Now, if you explicitly declare a height, height no longer concerns 
itself with how much content there is (hence the reason why you should 
almost never declare a height). Percentage dimensions are based on the 
dimensions of their parent.

It looks as though you are wanting to make that pink div stretch to fill 
the height of the viewport, correct? Here's a tutorial on how to do that:

I personally recommend not bothering with it, though. Letting the 
content dictate your height is sufficient in most cases, especially 
since most pages on most sites are longer than the viewport anyway.


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Re: [css-d] iframes - who still uses them

2007-07-03 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ray Gresko wrote:
 If you're referring to my IFRAMEs and max height post - I'd love to
 find a way to use a div with overflow to perform a similar function. My
 page design is essentially a menu shell that browses through content by
 setting the target of the iframe. Is there a way to do something similar
 with CSS (without having to copy the shell for each page of content)?

No. CSS is about presentation, not controlling content or behavior. You 
can create a scrolling area of a page with CSS, but that scrolling area 
can't show a separate HTML document within it. Please see for other lists you can 
use to get ideas on how to use iframes or alternate programming methods 
to achieve the effect you are looking for.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: iframes - who still uses them

2007-07-02 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ross wrote:
 Does anyone still use frames or iframes? Is it a valid development technique?

It's not a valid question for this list. This thread is off-topic and 
needs to end now.

Zoe Gillenwater
css-d list moderator

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Re: [css-d] ID vs Class

2007-06-27 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Travis Killen wrote:
 Why should class be used to define an element vs. id?  I'm sure each one 
 should be used in different situations, and would like more information 
 on making the right choice.  Do child elements inherit properties from 
 there parent class?  from there parent id?  Any links to information on 
 this topic would be much appreciated.


We have a page on it in our wiki:

A quick reminder, while we're talking: To start a new thread, do not 
reply to an existing message. When you do this, your message gets 
threaded on to the old thread, which messes up the archives and makes it 
less likely that others will see your message and subsequently reply to 
you. You must send a new message with an appropriate and descriptive 
subject line to in order to start a new thread.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] image disappears in IE

2007-06-22 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Sandy wrote:

 When I browsercam this page to see it in IE6 and IE7 the logo in the top 
 left corner of the page disappears. It's in its own div, on top of two 
 other divs.

I see the logo in IE 6 and 7. Looks like Browsercam is wrong.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Problem centering div

2007-06-21 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Brian Crescimanno wrote:
 On 6/20/07, Lyn Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a problem centering a menu I have within a div. I have tried using
 many methods but I get no luck.

 have you tried:

 div#buttons ul{ width: XXXpx; margin: 0 auto; } where width is set
 equal to the menu's width?


I see you've taken Brian's advice and set a width. But I would recommend 
you change its unit to ems, as setting a width in pixels ensures that 
your buttons will drop down as soon as the text is resized, or any time 
a user doesn't start with the font size you started with and designed for.

Alternately, you can avoid widths altogether by using display: inline 
instead of float:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] expandable menu woes again

2007-06-21 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
 In general terms, how does one go about hiding styles from a aprticular 
 browser? I've not attempted to do it yet, but would like to know what is
 generally involved before I attempt it

The main browsers people seek to hide styles from, NN4 and MacIE, are 
pretty easy to hide styles from. See these sources for the variety of 
ways to do it:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] where to find info

2007-06-21 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Fiona wrote:
 Now I want to learn how to adjust the code to display in some of the older 
 browsers - is there a good reference site that any of you know of that 
 explains some of this ?

Hi Fiona,

You'll find that as you get better at CSS you'll find the need to hack 
older browsers decreases. You just learn how to avoid their problems in 
the first place by using more robust CSS. Using really solid markup is 
another great way to avoid browser inconsistencies, as is designing for 
standards instead of broken browsers in the first place (which it sounds 
like you're already doing, but just for the benefit of others) -- ie, 
don't test in IE first!

The one area where I still have hacks is for IE -- and not for older 
versions, but for IE 7 and 6. These are indispensable resources for 
learning how to deal with IE:

And here's the best site for dealing with MacIE:

I personally don't worry about older versions of any other browsers, as 
very few people use them, their problems are usually minor, and there's 
usually nothing you can do to hack them. Just writing good markup and 
CSS is usually the solution here.

Hope that helps,

Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] expandable menu woes again

2007-06-20 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Rita Crisafi, wrote:
 I checked progress of a page 
 : It's totally screwed up 
 in IE 5.5 (I have a screen shots here:, which is what my 
 client uses. is a mess 


Your problems are primarily stemming from IE 5.x's incorrect box model. 
Please read the following article, then take steps to feed IE 5.x 
modified widths:

Once you've hacked the box model, you may still have rendering problems, 
but this should get you most of the way there.

(You really should try to get your client to upgrade to IE 6 at least. 
Try telling them that their browser is several years old and thus 
vulnerable to lots of virus and spyware attacks. That usually works.)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] expandable menu woes again

2007-06-20 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Brian Crescimanno wrote:
 On 6/20/07, Zoe M. Gillenwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (You really should try to get your client to upgrade to IE 6 at least.
 Try telling them that their browser is several years old and thus
 vulnerable to lots of virus and spyware attacks. That usually works.)

 Good technique; and where I go here may be out of bounds--but I think
 it warrants discussion: is there a browser version you can point to
 and say look, I'm sorry, we just can't support that.  In my opinion,
 IE 5.5 has not been standard issue since 2000 or early 2001 at the
 very latest; that is, it is at the very least 6-7 years old.

 I would hope, at this point, we can all agree that attempting to
 support Netscape 4.x (released 1998) or IE 4.x, and probably 5.x is
 just out of the question.  But when is it reasonable for us to point
 to IE5.5, its broken box model, and its complete lack of support from
 Microsoft and say Nope, not doing it.  Quite frankly, I'm already in
 that boat personally, but I do see a lot of people still considering
 it at this point and I really do wonder why.

Hi Brian,

This is a frequently asked question on css-d (and in web design circles 
in general) but one that has no right answer, is entirely personal, and 
liable to get people upset at others opinions. Because of that, and 
because it's not really a discussion of how to use CSS, it's not really 
on-topic to discuss on the list here. If you wanted to talk about *how* 
to hide styles from certain browsers, instead of *if* you should, that 
would certainly be on topic.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] firefox2 and h1

2007-06-07 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
jaklitsch maya wrote:
 I just redesigned and it looks
 the way I want and have also validated both the css
 and the xhtml.

 I just checked it in my updated firefox browser and I
 have a PROBLEM!


You appear to have fixed the problems. Site appears basically the same 
in FF 2, IE 7, and IE 6 on Windows XP.

However, I wanted to point out for next time that you can save yourself 
a great deal of headache if you test in FF or another standards 
compliant browser first, and then fix any bugs that IE displays. IE, 
especially IE 6, is a very buggy browser, and if you develop for it 
you'll be developing for bugs that you can't make other browsers 
emulate. It's much more wise to develop for the standards, then hack IE 
where needed (or just tweak things so that no hacks are needed).


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Min-height, height, and viewport size

2007-06-07 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Dave M G wrote:
 Audra wrote:
 It should be...
 #whole { min-height: 100%; }
 You described it correctly at first so did you mis-type perhaps? 
 Yes, that was a typo. Thank you for catching it.

 Just to be double sure, I rechecked my CSS code and uploaded it again.

 The html and body tags are set to height: 100%, and the #whole 
 containter is set to min-height: 100%.

 But the problem as originally reported is still there.


Your #whole div *is* filling the browser window. But the red borders are 
not actually borders on it, but elements nested within it. You haven't 
told the bottom one to move to the bottom of its containing element, the 
#whole div. You could do so with absolute positioning.

The problem then becomes that the left and right red borders, again 
nested divs, do not stretch down the full height of #whole. This is 
because #whole only has a min-height on it, not a height, and they need 
their parent to have a height that they can base their own height or 
min-height on.

You can probably get it to work by messing with table display properties 
instead, then using the height stuff for IE hacks. Not sure how IE 7 
will handle that, though, since it doesn't have all the auto-stretch 
bugs that IE 6 has but also doesn't have support for table display 

I'm afraid I don't have time to try a whole new system that might be 
required in your situation, but hopefully that gives you additional 
understanding about what is going on and some ideas about where to turn 
next for a solution.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] ADMIN Re: test2

2007-05-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Normally I would respond to messages like this off the list, to scold 
the subscriber for wasting the list's bandwidth and clogging the inbox 
of over 8000 subscribers by sending them messages they can't do anything 
about, but this has happened far too frequently lately. So, let me state 
publicly, that test messages should *never* be sent to the list. If you 
are having trouble sending to the list, do something that will actually 
help you, instead of sending test messages: email the list admins at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a full description of your 
problem. We will look into it for you and make sure that your message 
gets through.

9 times out of 10 your message does not go through because you have done 
something wrong (sent it from the wrong address, tried to attach a file, 
not changed a digest subject line, ...), and in these cases your message 
gets caught in a queue that we admins manually go through to reject such 
messages with the reasons stated. So, if you just sit tight for a bit, 
you'll most likely find out why your message hasn't gone through and 
what you can do to fix it. Other times, the list is simply down for 
everyone, but again, if you are patient, it will come back up.

Let's please keep this list clean from junk and useful to everyone. 
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Zoe Gillenwater
css-d list moderator

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[css-d] ADMIN Re: page opening sizes

2007-05-03 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Phil, I already indicated to you and the whole list that your question 
is off-topic, and pointed you to other lists that could help you. 
Posting back to this list was not appropriate.

Everyone else, you also knew it was off-topic, so posting JavaScript 
solutions and commenting on usability is not appropriate. This thread 
needs to end now.

Everyone, please respect everyone else on this list by following the rules.

Zoe Gillenwater
css-d list moderator

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Re: [css-d] Liquid Adaptive Pullout

2007-04-27 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Sébastien FICHOT wrote:
 I wonder if someone knows how to make a liquid pullout. All pullouts i've 
 seen for now use fixed width, and floats columns, i let you imagine what if 
 the browser windows is reduced...

Hi Sébastien,

I don't know if you and I are using the same definition for pullout (I'm 
imagining a div containing a pullquote), but if so, all you need to do 
to make it liquid is change its width to a percentage value.

We could provide more pertinent information if you would provide a URL 
to an example of what you are talking about, or a mockup of what you 
want to do.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Centering a site which makes use of a fixed header and footer

2007-04-25 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
nico haitas wrote:
 I need to center the site to the screen, even if the user
 has set their screen resolution to 800 x 600px or 1280 x 1024px.


Have you tried the standard centering solution?

If so, and it's not working, we'll need to see the page to be able to 
help debug said page.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] research on styling links

2007-04-13 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Kelley Greenman wrote:
 I'm doing research on a problem we're having with links showing up in 
 different font sizes. The CSS someone else wrote for the links relies 
 either on the font size defined in the selector or on the font-size defined 
 by a. E.g., selector a {font-size: 12px;}.

  From my experience, the erratic font size, happening in IE 6 only, is 
 because the links for each selector haven't been defined as above. The 
 visited links are displaying in smaller font size, inheriting the font size 
 of the selector containing them. Sometimes this goes away, only to reappear 
 five minutes later. I haven't had time to fully experiment with the 
 behavior and nail it down.

 I've found the typical resources on the problem with IE and some places 
 where the LoVeHA mnemonic is mentioned. (list of links below). Are there 
 any other good resources for documenting this in the company WIKI?

 Of course, on that note, I could be all washed up, so please correct me if 
 I'm wrong about the above. 

Well, we have no way of correcting you without seeing the page. :-) You 
can correct yourself, however. Does your proposed fix work? If so, 
you're not all washed up. If not, then you are. ;-)

FWIW, I've never seen the need to specify each link pseudo-class 
separately. Of course, I've never seen the need to specify font sizes on 
the a element either -- the body and heading elements get font sizes, 
and occasionally a footer or sidebar div, but that's it. I've found that 
declaring font sizes on paragraphs, links, list items, etc, just causes 
undue complication and problems.

Post a URL to your page and we can give you some help.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Nested @import in IE

2007-04-13 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ingo Chao wrote:
 cFA wrote:
 On 4/12/07, Zoe ASHER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone ever experienced a problem with having style applied in IE
 when '@import's have been nested 4 levels deep?

 I've just tried to do this, and can't view the styles which are at the
 deepest level of nesting in IE6. Firefox works fine.
 Yes, it is a problem~ I have a test page for it, but havent found a way
 around it, other than of course importing what I can on the same level.

 With this testcase, IE7 shows the same problem. Plus a pretty long FOUC.

I didn't see any FOUC, but I can confirm that the bug still exists in IE 7.

It would be helpful, however, if we weren't comparing black to gray, 
but, say, black to yellow, or something more obvious. Otherwise, a very 
nice testcase, Clint.

a different Zoe (not used to that...)

Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] IE 6 Float Issue

2007-04-13 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Jeff Chastain wrote:
 Well, what I have ended up doing is floating everything left.  The example
 here is part of the page that is just 2 columns (the header), but below that
 is a three column layout.  If I float everything left, giving all blocks a
 defined width, everything appears to work.  As this is a fixed width layout,
 I can go with defining widths for each block.  Not the cleanest thing in the
 world, but it appears to be working.

Why do you think isn't this clean? Floating all blocks is a perfectly 
acceptable way of making columnar layouts, and no more messy than 
floating one block and assigning another one a side margin. As you've 
found, floating all blocks is usually the most reliable way, not just 
because you avoid the 3-Pixel Bug and other bugs, but also because you 
set up new block formatting contexts for each column, which is usually 
what is desired. If this works for your layout, great -- use it.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] changing the containing block for width reference

2007-03-30 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Hi all,

I'm suffering from a cold, which often results in me thinking and doing 
very ridiculous things. So, I'd like to make sure I'm not missing 
something very obvious in regards to CSS for a page I'm working on.

I just need to confirm that there is no way to change the containing 
block that an element refers to for its width, correct?

Note that I am *not* referring to a containing block for the sake of 
positioning (for in that case, it is possible and quite easy to change 
the containing block). Rather, I'm interested in whether it is possible 
to give a parent div a min-width, but have its child div not look to the 
parent div for its width but instead look to the viewport, or body 
element. I'm pretty sure it is not possible for the child div to skip 
its parent div and use the viewport as its containing block for 
calculating its width, but like I said, I'm not really thinking straight 
right now. :-)

Thanks for any help you can provide this sick lady.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] changing the containing block for width reference

2007-03-30 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
 On Mar 30, 2007, at 10:40 PM, Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:

 Note that I am *not* referring to a containing block for the sake of
 positioning (for in that case, it is possible and quite easy to change
 the containing block). Rather, I'm interested in whether it is  
 to give a parent div a min-width, but have its child div not look  
 to the
 parent div for its width but instead look to the viewport, or body
 element. I'm pretty sure it is not possible for the child div to  
 its parent div and use the viewport as its containing block for
 calculating its width, but like I said, I'm not really thinking  
 right now. :-)

 In that case, the width of the child div will always depend on the  
 computed width of the parent, unless the child div is absolute  
 positioned (and the parent is _not_ relative/absolute pos).
 Unless you are Internet Explorer, then you, Zoe, are probably  
 thinking straight. That browser does all kind of weird things, as you  

Ah yes, absolute positioning. I had considered that, but it won't do in 
my particular case since there is something under the block that would 
need to be absolutely positioned. There may be some tricky way to use it 
anyway, but the layout effect is not worth it -- nor can I be trusted to 
come up with any tricky CSS effects today.

Thanks for confirming my thoughts.

 Thanks for any help you can provide this sick lady.

 Take care of your cold.

Thanks! I'd still be in bed if I hadn't spent the first three days of 
this week so. Work calls!


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] pros and cons of separate css files for IE and non-IE?

2007-03-30 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
George Ornbo wrote:
 On 3/28/07, david [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Use a common style sheet, with one (or more) second IE-only stylesheets
 linked into the HTML via conditional comments. No hacks needed.

 I'd second that. Try and avoid hacks entirely if you can. The box
 model hack is easy enough to avoid if you code defensively. If you
 really need to hack use conditional stylesheets. Hacking in the same
 stylesheet can cause problems in newer browsers, especially IE7.

It can cause problems, but not if you do it right. For instance, if you 
use the star html hack in your main style sheet to feed a rule to IE 6 
and lower, and IE 7 doesn't need the different rule, then there is no 
harm in including it in your style sheet. You're only hacking dead 
browsers at this point, so you're safe. (I suppose you could argue that 
they could add back support for star html to IE 8, but even in that 
extremely unlikely case, you'd have to go back to all your sites anyway 
to fix other things if the IE team was that foolish, so it wouldn't hurt 
to have this one extra hack to fix.)

If, on the other hand, you need that different rule to be read by IE 7 
in addition to IE 6 and lower (which I find is usually the case -- IE 7 
needs almost as many hacks as IE 6), then you're probably best off just 
feeding that rule to all versions of IE via a separate sheet hidden from 
other browsers through conditional comments.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] ADMIN Re: CSS color names values versus accessibility

2007-03-30 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Let's make sure that this thread stays on topic. Please no more posts about:

-- the various spelling of words in the USA versus the UK
-- what may or may not be included in CSS 3
-- anything else off-topic

It's fine to discuss the accessibility implications of certain CSS 
rules, but please do not stray into discussing accessibility in and of 
itself. Keep the connection to practical CSS, or don't post it here.

Thanks for your cooperation,
Zoe Gillenwater
css-d list moderator

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Re: [css-d] perfect font sizes- any sample solutions?

2007-03-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
 On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, ~davidLaakso wrote:

 html {font-size: 100%;}
 body {font-size: 1em;}
 and set individual selectors in em.

 Does that really summarize the collective wisdom? Logically, setting font 
 size to 100% or 1em is equivalent to not setting it all, assuming that no 
 other style sheet sets it. Due to browser bugs, they might matter. But is 
 this really relevant nowadays?

 Moreover, why 100% in one rule and 1em in another? That sounds like 
 invoking _both_ the bugs in % implementation _and_ the em bugs.

 As far as I know, there are fewer bugs with % than with em, though this is 
 of course difficult to measure.

 So why not just set in % for anything that should be relatively sized, and 
 not set html or body size at all?

Exactly. I've never understood why some people set a base font size in 
percentages, and then duplicate it with ems. I set a base font size in a 
percentage, then use percentages throughout to size other elements 
relative to that base. Of course, the base is going to be different for 
every user because they have different defaults, but that's ok. My sites 
are made to handle a good degree or font and window resizing.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] Safari miscalculating bottom for absolute positioning

2007-03-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
I'm not a Mac user, so I'm not skilled at debugging problems in Safari 
and am wondering if some of the Mac CSS gurus can help me. I have a 
footer div, relatively positioned, that contains two anchor elements 
which are absolutely positioned to appear on its bottom. This works 
everywhere except Safari. Safari adds a great deal of space below the 
footer and positions the anchors at the bottom of the page.

The space is not filled with the background color of the footer div, so 
I know Safari is not extending the height of the footer div.

Also, if I change the bottom value to a top value, the anchors do sit at 
the top of the footer, so I know it is not a case of them not 
recognizing that they ought to be positioned in regards to the footer 
div and not the body.

If I change the font size, the gap between the bottom of the footer and 
the anchors widens or contracts accordingly. I'm not sure what this 
means, but it's another clue, perhaps.

The bug occurs on every page of this site:

Here's the CSS for the footer and its child elements.

#footer {
position: relative;
clear: both;
padding-top: 1px;
background: #e1eef0 url(../images/footer_bg.jpg) repeat-x;
font-size: 90%;
#footer p {
margin: 0;
margin-top: -8px;
padding: 20px 80px 10px 58px;
background: url(../images/footer_swoosh.gif) no-repeat;
#contact-btn {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
right: 75px;
width: 70px;
#sitemap-btn {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
right: 10px;
width: 57px;

As I said, I'm not an experienced Safari debugger, so I'm not sure what 
I should even try in order to squash this bug. The only thing I tried 
was giving the 0 values a unit, 0px, but that didn't work. I don't have 
any other ideas.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Safari miscalculating bottom for absolute positioning

2007-03-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Alex Robinson wrote:
 the problem seems to be related to #project-areas and #latest-news. 
 Remove those two blocks and the problem goes away. As do the two 
 blocks. Of the two blocks it's #project-areas which is doing the most 
 damage. Try setting #project-areas p and #project-areas ul to display: 
 none to see what I mean.

 I guess this is to do with fact that Safari somehow remembers the 
 height of the body element based on the dimensions of the elements 
 present at load time. I've seen this kind of thing happen when 
 removing elements with javascript and the same sort of thing seems to 
 be happening because of the absolutely positioned elements. I hadn't 
 seen this exact behaviour of yours before, but it certainly looks like 
 Safari is hanging on to its notion of where #footer starts out...

Ah yes, that makes sense. It's probably due to the negative margin 
technique this site uses that pulls the sidebar up into a hole (because 
not just the home page displays it, and the other pages don't have those 
two divs you mentioned).

 The good news is that the nightly builds of WebKit do not display this 

That is good. How often do updates to Safari come out?

 The way I work around this sort of thing at the moment is to target 

 so that the offending blocks are hidden and add a class onload so that 
 they get shown again. Not pretty, but the best I've been able to come 
 up with so far

 html[xmlns*=] body:last-child #project-areas, html[xmlns*=] 
 body:last-child #latest-news { display: none; }
 html[xmlns*=] body.enabled:last-child #project-areas, 
 html[xmlns*=] body.enabled:last-child #latest-news { display: block;

Thanks. I'll consider doing this.

 Alternatively, put the button links inside a div (or similar) and 
 position those. Safari doesn't seem to get things quite so badly wrong 

Yeah, I thought about doing this as well, but I hate mucking up the HTML 
just to kill a bug that will go away soon. I'll take another look at it, 
and my logs, and decide if it's really worth it to do anything or just 
live with it.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] default box margins for tags

2007-03-22 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Bradley Wright wrote:
 On 21 Mar 2007, at 18:21, ~davidLaakso wrote:
 Bradley Wright wrote:
 To alleviate cross-browser issues like this myself, I tend to use  
 a  reset CSS file which reverts all browser styling to a blank  
 slate,  allowing you to start from scratch and render them however  
 you  please. An example is the Yahoo! User Interface library CSS  
 Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
 I /do not/ agree with yours.
 Set only what is necessary to set.

 Sometimes resetting the styles is necessary for a better cross- 
 browser experience.

I think David was saying exactly that. Reset the styles that you need to 
reset for a better browsing experience. Don't reset the styles that you 
don't need to reset, or that the user ought to have the majority of 
control over.

 Keep the CSS lean, mean, and on-target.

 How is an extremely small CSS file resetting default styles going to  
 add much bloat to the overall styling of the page?

Again, I think what he meant is not that the global reset rule is 
adding a lot of filesize, but that your CSS file should only contain the 
bare minimum of things you need to change from the defaults, or, more 
broadly, the bare minimum of declarations to achieve a particular 
effect. When people use the global reset rule, they follow it later in 
their sheets with rule after rule adding back in those margins that they 
just did away with. That's fine if you want to do that, but David, 
myself, and others find it safer to keep everything in place until we 
need to change it, instead of the other way around. This isn't so much a 
filesize issue, for me anyway, but rather one of complexity: being able 
to keep track of all the things I have done, which rules are affecting 
each element, where a buggy behavior might be coming from, etc.

 It will be far easier to maintain and revise.
 And it will be more future proof.

 How will it be more future proof if the next version of IE, Firefox,  
 or Safari has different default styling? Do I then need to go through  
 all my style sheets and update them because the vendors decided to  
 use padding instead of margin to offset list elements? Why not just  
 do away with all vendor-based styling to begin with? That is much  
 more future proof in my opinion.

Well, this list is not a place to discuss what the vendors, or W3C, 
ought to do or not do, as it doesn't affect what we have to do to deal 
with the reality of vendors now. I can't really comment on whether the 
global reset rule is more or less future proof than any other 
approaches. I do agree with David that it is easier to maintain and 
revise when you don't use it, though, but this is much a matter of 
personal preference and habits.

There's no use trying to convert either side over: we can each offer 
what we find useful about our particular method, but in this case it's 
not really possible to assert that either is better than another 
inherently. It's really up to the developer and even the particular 
site. As David said, it's just an opinion.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] CSS Development General Question

2007-03-22 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Urb LeJeune wrote:
 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h5 { header rules}

For the benefit of the newbies, I think the selector Urb meant to write is:

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

Without the commas it would only select some remarkably invalid markup 
that most people are not likely to have. :-)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] aligning data with css

2007-03-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Rolf Mortenson wrote:
 What I've discovered is that I can't be sure how many columns I'll  
 have (dynamically generated), which means that setting alignment by  
 column won't work consistently. So I'm now thinking that the only way  
 I can do this is to add a class to each cell based on data type -  
 something like td class=date and td class=percent td  
 class=value, and define the alignment for those classes... which  
 might also give me an added hook for adding additional visual cues to  
 distinguish different data.

 Considering that I know what type of data it is and how I want each  
 type of data aligned (left, right or center), but I don't know which  
 column they'll appear in, is there a better, more efficient way?

That's the only way, other than using JavaScript to dynamically change 
your CSS to match whatever columns end up getting output. But that's a 
discussion for another list, of course. Anyway, there's nothing wrong 
with using classes like this if you have to.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Re Solved: IE6 Layoutgala 24 floats and percentages question

2007-03-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Tony Lush wrote:
 By reducing the data table size to 85% instead of 90 we created enough white 
 space cushion that IE6 behaves as well can be expected.

 Defined margins instead of Auto aligned the promotional boxes on the left 

 Thanks -- Tony


Something that often helps when dealing with IE problems miscalculating 
widths of tables is to wrap the table in another div and give this div a 
width. If you've found another solution that works in your case, that's 
great, but I just wanted to point out this tip for others who may be 
having similar problems.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Horizontal Rule Styling

2007-03-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
david wrote:
 Barney Carroll wrote:
 When I've been required to create horizontal rules I usually just create 
 a div.horizontalRule. However if you still want to keep the HR for the 
 sake of non-CSS agents, you could wrap your HR inside a classed DIV, and 


 .horizontalRule HR

 Question: With CSS off, would that leave extra space above and below the HR?

It shouldn't. Divs don't have default margins in any browsers that I 
know of. The div should only be as high as its horizontal rule when CSS 
is off.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] IE 6 Float Problem

2007-03-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Rodney Toliver wrote:
 Actually this problem manifests itself in IE6 and lower. I have posted a
 very simple SAMPLE page to illustrate the problem. 

 Note: Other problems will be evident on the page but please pay them no
 mind. This is only a test page used to display my problem. 

 I have a simple 3-column style layout with a header above. The left column,
 which I have named leftcol, is positioned fine. In the next column, I have
 a container that I have named rightcontain which I also floated left to
 position it beside leftcol. In IE7 and Firefox (the newer browsers), all
 seems to be fair and good. In IE 6 and lower, rightcontain slides up under
 leftcol. Is there a rendering bug that I am not paying attention to or
 have I neglected to do something? How can I fix this?




Actually, the page looks fine to me in IE 7 and IE 6. In Firefox, it is 
messed up. I'm afraid I don't have the time right now to look into why 
that is, but I can suggest you fix the XHTML validation errors you 
currently have. Those could certainly be part of the problem.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] font style in disabled text boxes ie

2007-03-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ross Hulford wrote:
 The font in disabled textboxes takes on a horrible grey indented look (ie) 
 does anyone know the property and how to overwrite it?


Many form elements are difficult to style -- and often with good reason. 
You can try the various links on our wiki page for more information:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Problems with custom image-bullets (IE of course)

2007-03-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Sarah McCall wrote:
 Can I just ask what kind of code the '[if lte IE 6] ... [endif]' is?  
 Even though it works, I like to know the details of how, and what  
 other programming languages I need to think about learning to enable  
 me to make the fullest use of CSS.


They're called conditional comments. See the link Jukka sent earlier:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Firefox !important Image Print Style

2007-03-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
L. Robinson wrote:
 I've set img to display: none; in the print style sheet of one of my 
 sites as I want no images on a printed page. There are, however, two 
 images that _do_ need to print out for the user. I've specified those 
 images (checkmarks and crossmarks within tabular data cells) display by 
 adding a declaration of td img { display: block !important; } to insure 
 that they do (otherwise they won't in IE).

 Problem solved? Hardly. Attempt to preview or print the page in Firefox
 and the browser freezes. IE, Opera, et al are fine with it, but FF 
 chokes on the contradiction.

Can we see a page that exhibits the problem? It may very well be a FF 
bug that you can do nothing about. You may want to search Bugzilla.

 What's the better way?

I suppose you could always reverse it: leave *all* images to their 
normal display values in the print sheet, and set the images you *don't* 
want to print to display: none. But I can't tell if your current markup 
would allow this without seeing your page. We can give you more relevant 
help if you show us exactly what you're working with.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] The width: expression(...) hack not working

2007-03-07 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
~davidLaakso wrote:
 Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
 I've seen many references to the trick of setting maximum width on IE 6 
 and older using an expression(...) value for width.
 I steal from Georg Sortun


I've never been able to get the width expression thing to work, ever. 
Now, I've never tried Georg's examples, but they boggle my mind in their 
complexity, so I haven't had the courage to. Instead, I just stick a 
good ol' JavaScript (usually the doxdesk one) in my pages that reads the 
max-width set in my CSS without any additional work from me. IE 
expressions are pretty much JavaScript, and they don't work when 
JavaScript is off, so I have no qualms about using a real script to 
handle IE's deficiency instead of maddening myself with expressions.

By the way, Jukka, to start a new thread, do not reply to an existing 
message. When you do this, your message gets threaded on to the old 
thread, which messes up the archives and makes it less likely that 
others will see your message and subsequently reply to you. You must 
send a new message with an appropriate and descriptive
subject line to in order to start a new thread.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Margin Padding: Best Practices

2007-03-07 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
~davidLaakso wrote:
 Spellacy, Michael wrote:
 I was just wondering what the best practice is for handling default
 user-agent margin and padding? ...trimmed]. 
 Just wondering what the right thing to do is.
 I do not know what the right thing to do is. My opinion is to only 
 declare what is necessary to achieve the goal or resolve a particular 
 issue or problem at hand.  In other words, do not kill the default 
 values. This is sometimes difficult (at first). But it is a better 
 learning experience in the long run. And it is more future proof 
 method--  far easier to maintain and revise.

I do what David and Georg do -- only override defaults when I need to, 
and leave the rest intact, since they can be very useful. There's 
nothing wrong with using one of those universal selector resets if you 
want, but I've never found it to be helpful, or at least not preferable 
to what I'm already doing and used to.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] ADMIN Re: Small-as-possible text in Opera?

2007-02-28 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Felix Miata wrote:
 On 2007/02/28 12:38 (GMT) Barney Carroll apparently typed:

 At a certain 
 point, it is reasonable to run out of sympathy, budget and realistic 
 conception for user-end customisation.

 Heaven forbid that anyone should choose to _personalize_ their _Personal_

Let's all please make sure that we keep this thread on-topic. If anyone 
has practical advice for Barney on how to modify his CSS to accomplish 
his goal, please share that. All other comments about users, etc, are 
not appropriate on the list.

Thanks for your cooperation,
Zoe Gillenwater
css-d list moderator

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Re: [css-d] negative margined sidebar moving when window narrowed in IE

2007-02-19 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Richard Grevers wrote:
 rhetoric value=2 cents
 Am I missing something here? Many posters to this list (and I'm not
 implying that Zoe is one of them) seem to get rather upset when floats
 drop in narrow windows, and I simply don't get that. The fact that
 floats can drop when there's not enough room to do justice to several
 columns is a primary reason to use floats - its why they are better
 than tables.
 The key, of course is to make the correct column drop, which I would
 say should be any column but the primary content, with main
 navigation having second priority for not dropping.

I completely agree with everything you've just said. The problem is that 
I've never been able to get a client to agree to it. They can't handle 
the idea of a column dropping and would much rather foist a horizontal 
scrollbar on their visitors. I do all the client education I can muster, 
managing to get them to agree to a liquid layout, real text for 
navigation buttons, etc, but the column dropping is beyond my powers of 
persuasion. :-)

 My only wish is for some property that would make the remaining floats
 expand into the space left by the dropped float.

I think there are such things that depend on JavaScript. It might be 
possible to get a layout like this from pure CSS using table display 
properties, but I've never tried.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] negative margined sidebar moving when window narrowed in IE

2007-02-19 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
~davidLaakso wrote:
 Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 I have moved leftcolumn into the bottom of contentwrapper, but the
 source-order is otherwise the same and nothing is added or 
 subtracted..., maybe it'll do.

 It is possible to turn this into a robust 3 column with the addition of
 one more wrapper. 

 Do you really need another wrapper though? Here's the same layout 
 with only a single div for a right third column added:

 Seems to work fine in FF 2, IE 7, IE 6, and Opera 9. Am I missing 


 I do not think you are missing something. But I sometimes think I 
 suffer from OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) :-) .
 Please see:

But that's not a problem -- the third column overlaps in all browsers. 
That's what it's supposed to do. It's just that in IE6, the middle 
column expands to hold the picture, so the overlap occurs not just on 
the overflowing pic but the entire column. In a real layout, I'd have a 
min-width to prevent these things, but want to make sure that even if 
someone puts content that is too big even for the min-width, the columns 
won't drop. That's all I really care about -- no columns dropping.

Georg, where would I add the extra wrapper you refer to? And would this 
prevent the overlap in all browsers?


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] IE Rendering Problem

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Jon Hughes wrote:
 On the left navigation for this page, the vertical spacing is the same on
 ALL of the pages, EXCEPT for the main page.  They do use a different css
 file, but it has the same content.

 Anyone know why?  This has been frustrating me for a long time now.



I'm not seeing this problem on IE 6 or 7. Did you fix it, or is it 
happening in another version of IE (please always specify versions of 
browsers)? Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding you -- are you referring to 
spacing between the list items, or the space above the list as a whole? 
Can you give us more details please?


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] header image size

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
jeffrey morin wrote:
 i have a header image which is 649px and i put it inside a div that is 660px
 wide then set a background image repeating horizontally to fill up the
 existing space.  now it works fine on opera and ff of course but ie6 is not
 giving me the extra header width. does anyone know why this is happening? i
 am so close to finishing this site and ie6 is killing me here!

Can you give us a URL to look at?


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] list-style-image horizontal spacing

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Steve Clason wrote:
 I recall list-style-image being problematic but I don't remember the 
 details. A search through the archives would probably turn something up, 
 but ...

It's problematic because you can't control the spacing or alignment of 
it at all. Which is too bad, because the nice thing about 
list-style-image is that if the user has images turned off, she gets 
regular bullets instead.

 The tip originated on this list, I think. If I'm going to use an image 
 for a list I put the image as a background-image for the li, then set 
 margins/padding on the li appropriately. Since you can adjust the 
 position of a background-image, that seems to provide the necessary control.

Yep, this is the standard way to do it. You'll need to suppress the 
bullets on the ul element, which means that if the user doesn't have 
images on she won't see any bullets. But this is usually not a showstopper.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Horizontal Navigation with Images

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Matthew Stoneback wrote:
 When lining images up horizontally, is there a inherit amount of padding or
 margin on the left and right sides?  Basically, why can I not line two
 images up flush against one another?  If an example is needed, I can post a

If your images are inline, which they are by default, and you have them 
placed on separate lines in the HTML, all browsers are going to add a 
gap between them. This is exactly the same as if you placed two words on 
separate lines in the HTML -- browsers automatically add spaces between 
inline elements in the same linebox.

If you want to change it, you can switch the images to blocks and float 
them side by side, or you can get rid of the whitespace in the HTML, or 
you can use negative side margins to close the space (which isn't very 


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Design repository less fancy than CSS Zen Garden

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
martin f krafft wrote:
 Thank you. I feel I may not have made myself clear enough: I know
 plenty sites with great layouts which serve as source of
 inspiration. However, what I am looking for are sites like, which have different designs all for the same
 XHTML file.

Hmm, I'm not sure why seeing the same XHTML gives you good graphic 
inspiration. I would simply recommend you peruse the thousands of 
well-designed real sites that are in the many CSS design inspiration 


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] negative margined sidebar moving when window narrowed in IE

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
 On Feb 15, 2007, at 12:39 PM, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 I have moved leftcolumn into the bottom of contentwrapper, but the
 source-order is otherwise the same and nothing is added or  
 subtracted..., maybe it'll do.
 For the large image (applies to IE6 on narrow windows) I wrap the  
 image in a box:
 .img {margin:0 -200px 0 0; position:relative; height:0;}
 /* right margin equivalent to size of sidebar */

 I'm not seeing the need for this -- the layout holds together fine in 
 narrow windows for me. What is this supposed to do?

Ok, so it's supposed to stop IE6 from expanding the div to hold the 
photo, right? But I actually like this sometimes, and wish I could use 
display: table-cell on the div for other browsers to get them to do the 
same thing.

 By the way, do any of you think we're ready to start using display: 
 table layouts, and just feed IE the alternate CSS for these negative 
 margin layouts? I've written article about it, but I haven't ever used 
 it for a real site. I'm getting ready to complete rebuild two big sites 
 that will probably not get rebuilt for several years after this, so I 
 want to choose my layout method wisely.

Hmm, I guess it wouldn't work for a page with a left sidebar, unless I 
change the source order so that the left column comes first in the 
source, which I don't want. I guess it's a good reminder why table 
layouts stunk: no control over source order, just cell after rigid cell. :-)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Design repository less fancy than CSS Zen Garden

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
martin f krafft wrote:
 also sprach Zoe M. Gillenwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007.02.16.1416 +]:
 Hmm, I'm not sure why seeing the same XHTML gives you good graphic 
 inspiration. I would simply recommend you peruse the thousands of 
 well-designed real sites that are in the many CSS design inspiration 

 I am not really looking for inspiration, rather for a collection of
 different CSS designs that I could interchange at will without
 having to change the XHTML.

Ok, but why, then? You said you were trying to make your own site, 
right? So won't you be making your own XHTML? Or do you mean that you're 
looking for tried and true XHTML structure of basic types of layouts 
with designs already applied -- aka you want to buy templates?


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] negative margined sidebar moving when window narrowed in IE

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 I have moved leftcolumn into the bottom of contentwrapper, but the
 source-order is otherwise the same and nothing is added or subtracted..., maybe it'll do.

 It is possible to turn this into a robust 3 column with the addition of
 one more wrapper. 

Do you really need another wrapper though? Here's the same layout with 
only a single div for a right third column added:

Seems to work fine in FF 2, IE 7, IE 6, and Opera 9. Am I missing something?


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Design repository less fancy than CSS Zen Garden

2007-02-16 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
martin f krafft wrote:
 also sprach Barney Carroll [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007.02.16.1712 +]:
 If you have massive difficulty finding resources you intend to sell, I 
 think getting your website together should come after a career rethink.

 Are you after, perchance?

 And what, exactly, are the skills you're trying to sell?

 My work has nothing to do with web design. I just want to have
 a nice looking, standards-compliant homepage and the ability to
 change designs without having to change the XHTML everywhere.

Ok, gotcha now. It sounds like you do want to use blogging software, 
then, or any sort of CMS system where you can easily change skins or 
themes. I recommend you look into that as your solution.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] min-width in IE 6 on inline/block element?

2007-02-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Sophie Dennis wrote:
 IE6 treats width as min-width

No it doesn't. This is a common myth. IE treats height like min-height, 
but not width like min-width. Case in point: make a page with a div with 
a red background. Give it min-width 500px. Observe that in Firefox the 
div will grow to fill the window at all widths except 500 and below, at 
which point it's fixed at 500px. Observe that in IE the div will never 
grow to fill the window but will always be 500px. Not the same at all.

Not picking on you, Sophie -- lots of people make this mistake -- but 
this myth continues to get propagated and it's one of my pet issues to 
squash it. :-)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] negative margined sidebar moving when window narrowed in IE

2007-02-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:

 Speaking of being proven wrong ;-), Georg, do you have an index on 
 your site indicating what each of your layout pages is demonstrating?

 Have I done something wrong..? :-)

No, you're just much, much smarter in CSS than I am, so you often prove 
me wrong -- which I like. :-)

 No, I have no index for those demo/test pages. That's my public
 playground and I thought each page was self-descriptive enough.

The pages themselves are, but I have to click through to every single 
one to see what it is and compare them with each other, instead of 
having an index that lists two column fixed header etc. If you don't 
have an index, no worries of course, just checking.

 Haven't studied in depth, but I think an article in the last ALA is
 somewhat close to what I'm doing...

This is basically the same sort of thing which I've been using for 
awhile. But I too haven't studied it in depth.

 Now I'll have a look at your latest...
 ...and who knows what may come out of _that_ ;-)

That is *not* mine. Like I said, it's just the exact same thing as the 
one I found on Dynamic Drive. I just put it on my server so I could test 
it with a big image inside. Don't want to take credit where it isn't 
due. :-)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] negative margined sidebar moving when window narrowed in IE

2007-02-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
 On Feb 15, 2007, at 12:39 PM, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 I have moved leftcolumn into the bottom of contentwrapper, but the
 source-order is otherwise the same and nothing is added or  
 subtracted..., maybe it'll do.

 How is IE7 doing, btw? (I really dislike blind hacking.)

 I use basically the same technique on a couple of sites. Holds well  
 in iExploder 7.

The technique I use is exactly the same, except I use a margin on the 
container div instead of padding. Padding is better because that way you 
don't need to add yet another container div if you want a background 
(especially faux column one) behind the columns. This holds up well in 
IE7 and IE6 with no problems that I've seen. I think I shall switch to 
it. Thanks!

 One note though; the wrapper should have position relative as well.  
 I've seen the sidebar jumping to the centre in IE when resizing.

I'm not seeing it on Georg's demo page, but I have seen such a thing on 
more complex pages I've made with my similar method. So yes, it's 
probably safest to include it.

 For the large image (applies to IE6 on narrow windows) I wrap the  
 image in a box:
 .img {margin:0 -200px 0 0; position:relative; height:0;}
 /* right margin equivalent to size of sidebar */

I'm not seeing the need for this -- the layout holds together fine in 
narrow windows for me. What is this supposed to do?

By the way, do any of you think we're ready to start using display: 
table layouts, and just feed IE the alternate CSS for these negative 
margin layouts? I've written article about it, but I haven't ever used 
it for a real site. I'm getting ready to complete rebuild two big sites 
that will probably not get rebuilt for several years after this, so I 
want to choose my layout method wisely.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] CSS to NOT cache a single image

2007-02-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Timothy Martens wrote:
 Wondering if there is someway to have an image NOT cache. I'm using  
 an animated gif as a background image on a link:hover. It works  
 consistently in Firefox, but Safari only plays it on the first  
 instance of hover unless the page is reloaded. Not sure about IE.

 Working example here:

Hi Tim,

Remember that CSS is a language for creating style, not an all-purpose 
web development tool. The caching of images is not a style issue and is 
controlled by a combination of your server settings and the user's 
browser settings. I suggest you Google for stop image caching or use 
another webdev list to find the solution to your problem:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Dead (or covered?) links in Safari (Was: Complex layout works on MSIE 5 6 but not 7

2007-02-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 10:46:20AM +0100,
  Stephane Bortzmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
  a message of 20 lines which said:

 Many thanks. I used the new one as a basis for my site. Now, has the new stylesheet. With Firefox and
 Konqueror, it is OK, I'll test with MS browsers later.

 A Safari user recently discovered a bug: the links in the left column
 are dead, they do not respond to clicks. (Other links, in the main
 column), are OK.

 It appears only in Safari, it seems.

This is a bug in Safari 1.3 and 2.0:

The workaround is to put position: relative on the sidebar, apparently.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] min-width in IE 6 on inline/block element?

2007-02-15 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Sophie Dennis wrote:
 In fact, isn't this the same as height/min-height? It isn't that 
 height in IE6 is *the same as* min-height. It's that IE will expand a 
 box to fit its content, regardless of height/width specified. So in 
 IE6 height: 500px won't give the same effect as height: 100%; 
 min-height: 500px will in other browsers, just as width: 500px 
 doesn't give the same effect as width: 100%; min-width: 500px.

No, you're right about the combination of height and min-height, but I 
was merely referring to each of those properties when used independently 
(which they usually are, or should be most of the time). So, IE will 
treat a div with height: 500px; the same as other browsers treat a div 
with min-height: 500px;. It treats height exactly like min-height. But 
yes, if you start combining properties, you can't always get IE to 
emulate what better browsers will do.

 Now I've engaged brain here I think I may need to join your mission to 
 squash sloppy thinking on this one ;-)   [hangs head in shame...]

No shame, but I would appreciate the backup on my mission. ;-)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Personalize predefined colors

2007-02-14 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Barney Carroll wrote:
 Alberto Garcia Quesada wrote:
 There are any way of create in my CSS a list of predefined colors, some
 rojo {color:#FF;}

 from more lated i can used it with:

 border-color: rojo;


 You cannot define terms in CSS. What you're asking for would be very 
 useful but is outside of the scope of pure CSS - you would need to use 
 an application ( - very simple and powerful tool to 
 manage CSS) that makes these associations for you, or some kind of 
 clever javascript to parse your CSS code and translate all your colours 
 back into hex numbers.

Right -- for an example of a programmatic approach, see our wiki page on 
the subject:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Divs misaligning in IE only

2007-02-14 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Anne E. Shroeder wrote:

 I'm sure this is super simple -- the main body text of my page is shoving 
 down below the left nav bar in IE. 

It's not just IE -- it happens in FF too. It's because you have a div 
between the leftnav and maincontent divs called nowrap. Get rid of 
this div. Then, get rid of the float on maincontent. Either float both 
the columns and give them both widths but not margins, or float the left 
column only and give the right column no width and a large left margin. 
You're mixing the two methods for creating basic two column float 
layouts, which doesn't work.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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[css-d] negative margined sidebar moving when window narrowed in IE

2007-02-14 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
I've been playing around with various negative margin layout techniques 
this afternoon, not because I don't like the one I typically use but 
because I like to see what else is out there every once in a while. I 
found a negative margin technique that differed from both my method and 
the famous Ryan Brill method, and it involves giving the sidebar a -100% 
margin in the same direction it's floated. Here are two instances of it:

However, my test for negative margin layouts is always putting a big 
picture in the fluid column and seeing how the various browsers deal 
with having the browser window sized down to the point that the image 
overflows. Basically, I'm trying to see if IE will drop a column or 
produce a horizontal scrollbar.

Curiously, when I applied the big-image-test to this new negative margin 
technique, it resulted in the left sidebar moving around when the window 
is narrowed in IE, both 7 and 6 (don't care about older versions right 
now). Here's the exact same Dynamic Drive layout, but with a big image 
added and background colors:

I know why IE is doing this: it expands the contentwrapper div instead 
of letting the image overflow. The -100% margin is based on the width of 
contentwrapper, so when contentwrapper is bigger than the window, the 
left sidebar is no longer placed against the left edge of the window. 
You can emulate this in Firefox and other good browsers by giving 
contentwrapper a min-width and decreasing past it.

What I'm interested in, then, is not why it happens but if there is any 
way to stop it (short of using overflow: hidden, which obviously works 
but kills the needed scrollbars). Like I said, I'm just playing around, 
so this is not urgent, but I'm curious. I've tried setting position: 
relative on various divs, giving contentcolumn layout (the others 
already have layout), and messing with margins. Haven't come up with 
anything, and I don't think there is a fix, but I'm happy to be proven 

Speaking of being proven wrong ;-), Georg, do you have an index on your 
site indicating what each of your layout pages is demonstrating? I'd 
love to take a closer look at your preferred negative margin layout 


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] CSS horisontal menu 100% width?

2007-02-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Stib AB wrote:
 I want an ulli menu to have 100% width.
 My problem is that it is dynamic numbs of li-items so i cant set a fixed 
 width, I also want the UL to be 100% fluid.
 All li on ONE row, so the li will share the 100%


Sounds like you are trying to emulate a table-based layout, which I 
don't advise, but can be done:

What I *do* advise, is letting the content adjust to its content and 
just centering the set of list items in their ul:

If you want to prevent the list items from wrapping to multiple rows and 
generate a horizontal scrollbar instead, you'll probably need to set a 
min-width on your layout in ems.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] 3px IE gap issue

2007-02-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Brian Middleton wrote:
 I am having an issue with a two-column layout and know that the  
 culprit is the 3px jog bug in IE/PC. I have gone through the PIE  
 tutorial on this issue and tried to fix this bug by adding dimensions  
 to elements in the sidebar and other bits of hackery, but have  
 produced no results. I was hoping someone could point me in the  
 direction of a fix for this and give a brief description on what was  
 causing the bug and why the fix worked.

 My layout is here..


The easiest way to fix the Three Pixel Text Jog is just to float both 
columns. When you float #sidebar, you'll need to remove its left margin 
and add a width. This should take care of the jog/gap.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] preventing table cells from expanding

2007-02-09 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Douglas Fraser wrote:
 At 15:16 -0500 2/2/07, Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 Douglas Fraser wrote:
  At 11:24 -0500 2/2/07, Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
  Douglas Fraser wrote:
   I have a set of the links the client wants displayed in a grid
   format.  Using a table is the obvious solution, even if it's not 
   correct thing to do presentation wise.   The issue is that they 
   the text of the links to turn bold as the mouse hovers over them.
   Ok, that's all fine, but the problem is the table cell gets resized
   width-wise and so the other columns shift around.  That looks 

  Access to the real page is controlled, but I went and made a static 
 page that
  does not have working links, but you can see the effect I'm (not)
  after.  Just hover
  over the director names

 I agree with Sophie -- you either need to set a width or stop bold on
 hover. The design is super tight as it is. It's not going to stand up to
 text resizing anyway, so you might as well set fixed widths for each of
 the columns.

 the client now wants to fiddle with fonts and the like, probably go 
 smaller, so
 that is going to help things.  some columns will be needlessly wide I 
 fear if width is set...

shrugs You'll still need to set widths. Otherwise, the content will 
overflow when you bump the text up (as people like me will do when you 
make it smaller, thus defeating the whole purpose of making it smaller 
;-)). It's going to be a very finicky layout no matter what you do.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] IE mac bugs

2007-02-08 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
jeffrey morin wrote:
 i am not too familiar with the IE mac bugs out there. i have a page with a 2
 column layout and the left column seems to have extra padding on the right
 pushing it out and causing the second column to not float up and rest next
 to it. i am confused because i have the padding-right set to 0.does
 anyone know what is causing this?

Not without seeing a page. Please post a URL to a live page to the list.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
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Re: [css-d] word wrapping in block element with set width

2007-02-08 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Sandy Gonzales wrote:
 hi guys, i have a question about word wrapping.  I notice when i set a 
 width to a block element that the text inside won't wrap, which makes 
 sense i guess since the element retains its size..
 for example:

 is there anyway after setting a width to the white box element 
 containing the text, i could resize the browser, making it very narrow 
 and have the text somehow wrap according to the browser size instead 
 of the element its in.

No. But if you want the width of that block of text to change size with 
the window, why not just remove its fixed with entirely or set it in 
percentages? I don't see why you would want the white background to stay 
a fixed width but its content inside contract and expand in and out of 
its background. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your question...


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Re: [css-d] Absolutely positioned element doesn't expand its container

2007-02-02 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
 I am trying to implement some simple design which basically 
 have: header, content, footer. They are one after another so I use div 
 for each of them with relative positioning. Inside the content I want to 
 have more flexibility so there I have several div elements with absolute 
 positioning. The problem is that the height of content does not expand with 
 the elements inside it. Therefore, footer which follow right 
 after content lies overlappingly with the elements of content. 

 The page below is the basic example of my problem:
 and its css:
 I put in solid border so that it's easier to identify the elements. 

Hi Reuben,

As Georg, explained, absolute positioned elements are removed from the 
flow. This is why absolute positioning is not a good way to create 
columnar layouts. Floating is the standard method. I suggest you learn 
float theory solidly and reconstruct your layout using floats. Here's a 
basic article on the subject:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Dreamweaver/css bug

2007-02-02 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Phil Turner wrote:
 Has anyone experienced their design view
 disappearing in Dreamweaver, seems ok with table based sites,
 but now I am positioning everything with css it doesnt like it


What version of DW are you using? I've never seen it display a 
completely blank page in Design View, even in DW 6, which had awful CSS 
support. The latest version, 8, is quite good at displaying CSS, but 
still messes up occasionally. This is ok because no one is going to be 
viewing your page in DW.

If you're getting a completely blank page, I suggest validating your 
markup and CSS and fixing any errors. If that doesn't fix it, and you 
have to work in Design View, you'll need to either upgrade DW or 
downgrade your page.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
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Re: [css-d] preventing table cells from expanding

2007-02-02 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Douglas Fraser wrote:
 At 11:24 -0500 2/2/07, Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:
 Douglas Fraser wrote:
  I have a set of the links the client wants displayed in a grid
  format.  Using a table is the obvious solution, even if it's not the
  correct thing to do presentation wise.   The issue is that they want
  the text of the links to turn bold as the mouse hovers over them.
  Ok, that's all fine, but the problem is the table cell gets resized
  width-wise and so the other columns shift around.  That looks bad

  Browsers don't do dynamic padding / margins, table cells can't take a
  max-width   Using a table does not look like the right thing to
  do.  I can make this grid using all divs - using all divs solves the
  problem of things shifting around - and positioning them nicely with
  PHP based logic (using the less supported display: properties is not
  an option (IE...)) but the problem is the width of the text / # of
  characters in a link is all different, so I can not easily make the
  columns to be spaced out nicely like when a table is used.

  I could write some javascript to get the browser to calculate the
  ultimate max width of a column and thus shift things around on page
  load to space out columns in a regular fashion, but if there is an
  easier way...   I have not tried table-layout:fixed yet, but I
  suspect that won't help as the client would like no forced breaks in
  the text (e.g. this-is-a-really-long-link not get broken in the
  middle due to a fixed width column).  And the number of columns may
  differ from page to page...   And would table-layout prevent the
  cell/table from getting redrawn / expanded anyways?

 Access to the real page is controlled, but I went and made a static page that
 does not have working links, but you can see the effect I'm (not) 
 after.  Just hover
 over the director names

I agree with Sophie -- you either need to set a width or stop bold on 
hover. The design is super tight as it is. It's not going to stand up to 
text resizing anyway, so you might as well set fixed widths for each of 
the columns.

Another thing you could play around with, but which probably wouldn't 
end up being robust enough, would be to use letter-spacing to space out 
the letters a little bit when not hovered in order to create space for 
the bolding. Then, when you hover, take the letter-spacing back down to 
zero. It might work, but probably not well enough to stop all text bumps.

 Also, to start a new thread, do not reply to an existing message. When
 you do this,
 your message gets threaded on to the old thread, which messes up the

 Interesting...  I did hit reply-all to something but only because I'm 
 lazy and didn't want
 to type css-d  I did change the subject and To: headers to that 
 of a new message
 but you're telling me there is some hidden header that gets brought over?  
 eudora didn't bother to display?  Software is just getting too clever 
 these days

Yep, Thunderbird was not tricked. :-)


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Footer fixed to bottom of browser

2007-02-01 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Daniel Hammond wrote:
 I'm trying to get this effect:
 (I want the footer to stick to the bottom of the browser window even with
 very little page content) using the techniques described here:

 I'm testing it here:

 My CSS is here:

 My relevant CSS looks to me like it should work correctly, but as you can
 see, it doesn't. Any suggestions?

FooterStickAlt is the newest method for this effect:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] CSS positioning

2007-02-01 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Miriam Battersby wrote:
 I have managed to fix the problem that was the subject of my earlier 
 question re css style sheet not showing up - it was a problem with the 
 Dreamweaver template - the link was within an editable region in the 
 header. However I now have a positioning problem seen in both Firefox 
 and IE, which occurred after I had been tweaking the left hand column! 
 I suspect it has a mathematical basis, but can't quite get my head 
 around it today. Any ideas?


Please remember when creating a new thread to insert your URL into it. 
It would also be appreciated if you would post back to the old thread 
first to report that you fixed it and how you did so. This will allow 
people who may come across your message in the archives later to know 
what happened.

On, you have a number of 
validation errors. I would clean those up first and see where that gets you.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Faux columns not even

2007-02-01 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ian Young wrote:
 The one in this article:

 Now, I admit that I have moved the header div in my example, but here is the
 three column original with color added and the columns are not even.

 Have I missed something?

Yes. The tutorial describes how to use background images to create the 
appearance of equal height columns. You're trying to use background 
colors, and that won't work, because the columns are never actually 
equal height. You've also removed the clearfix properties that allow the 
wrappers to contain their children floats and show their background 
images all the way down.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] thumbnail gallery with captions

2007-02-01 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
David Sharp wrote:
 Trish Meyer wrote:
 I do pics and captions for an art gallery, but each image is in its 
 own floated div - as in

 Thanks for replying Trish,

 This is a good solution and probably what I will have to end up going 
 with, but it does have two drawbacks compared to what I would /ideally/ 
 like to have. Firstly each picturebox is the same defined width - I 
 guess to create the illusion that they are centered when really they are 
 floated left. I would prefer the picturebox to be the width of the image 
 plus padding. Secondly (although I guess pretty much related to the 
 first) is that this solution again would look very left aligned when 
 dealing with either a variable number of images, or conversely a fluid 
 container width.

 Is there no way to do this inline, or conversely simulate a kind of 
 {float : center}?

Georg already addressed your concern about the overall left alignment of 
the gallery.

I wanted to address your concern about having a fixed width on each div 
that holds a photo, instead of leaving it widthless and having it 
shrinkwrap to the size of the picture. You can do this, but it doesn't 
work well if you have a caption within the div. If the caption grows 
wider than the photo, so will the div. This is why you usually see divs 
holding both photos and captions fixed in width. You'll often see the 
divs fixed in height as well (as the Eric Meyer-based examples cited 
earlier were) but this is problematic because the caption text can grow 
longer or larger and excede that height. The heights are set, though, to 
keep subsequent floats from catching on one another.

You could consider creating two classes, one called portrait and one 
called landscape, and setting the widths in these. I do a similar sort 
of thing in most of my sites where I float images within the text. I 
generally develop two set sizes for horizontal and vertical images 
respectively, and apply these classes to the image divs.

You'll still need to worry about the height issue, though. Using Georg's 
suggestion of inline-block gets around that:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Specificity

2007-02-01 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Chris wrote:
 I have obviously failed to understand a crucial aspect of CSS which deems 
 that the table row style declaration does not overwrite the previous style 
 for a specific cell within that row. Please enlighten me!

Not all CSS properties are inherited. Background color is one of the 
ones that is not inherited. The td doesn't inherit the background color 
of the tr, so it keeps its own color. This is an inheritance issue, not 
a specificity one.

You can see which properties are and are not inherited here:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] IE 6 breaks list

2007-02-01 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
 I am working on a box for text, constructed with a list, here:

 Looks great in Firefox, Mozilla, Flock, etc. But in IE 6 the top li with 
 its background separates from the next list item, creating an ugly gap. Is 
 there a hack for this? Here's the code and CSS:

 ul class=box
   li class=boxtop/li
   li class=boxmiddlep class=boxtext.../li
   li class=boxbottom/li

 } {
   width: 198px;
 .boxtop {
   list-style: none;
   background: url(images/boxtop.png) no-repeat;
   height: 10px;
 .boxmiddle {
   background: url(images/boxtile.png) repeat-y;
   list-style: none;
   width: 198px;
 } {
   margin: 0px;
   padding: 0px 0px 0px 12px;
   width: 170px;

 .boxbottom {
   background: url(images/boxbottom.png) no-repeat;
   width: 198px;
   list-style: none;
   height: 11px;

I haven't seen any responses to this, and I still see the problem in 
your page, so I'm posting this well after the original message.

I'm betting that the gap is coming from the fact that IE6 expands boxes 
to hold potential text, even if you set their height to something small. 
Give the first li a tiny font-size and line-height and see if that fixes it.

That being said, this should not be marked up as a list. It should be a 
series of divs:

div class=box-outer
div class=box-inner

Give the outer div the repeating center graphic. Give the inner div the 
top graphic. Give the p the bottom graphic.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] IE6 transparent PNG and RTL

2007-01-31 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ido Dekkers wrote:
 for some reason when i use the png fix (with the htc file) the 
 transparancy problem is fixed with no problem.

 the background image is pasted to the left instead of to the right as 
 the css tells it to ?


The hacked transparent PNGs in IE are not actual background images, so 
they don't respond to the background-position or background-repeat 
properties. In fact, they don't even tile like background images at all.

If you must have a transparent PNG on the right side of a container, 
your only option is to nest a div, position this div to the right side, 
then place the PNG background on this div.

Alternately, depending on your layout, you could just feed IE6 and lower 
GIFs and let them have a slightly less pretty experience.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Floats and Overflow

2007-01-30 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Tribou, Eric wrote:
 Anyone using floated layouts have any tricks to share regarding the use of 
 images or other objects within your floats that go wider than the float 
 allows? That seems to be my biggest problem; things like images are thrown 
 into columns that get too narrow and force columns to drop/wrap.

 I've used some tricks like negative right margins on images to fake their 
 width to 0 or setting an image as the background to a 100% wide DIV. 
 Hopefully there are tricks out there I'm just not aware of. Any suggestions 
 you might offer would be appreciated. 

Certain types of negative margin layouts will allow some browsers to 
auto-expand divs and prevent them from wrapping down, generating a 
horizontal scrollbar instead. Here's a really simple example:

In IE6, the yellow div with the big image stays propped open to the 
width of that image. In FF, it doesn't stay propped open, but at least 
the side float doesn't drop down or get overlapped. If you want FF to 
stay propped open too, you can feed it its own style sheet using table 
display values. I wrote an article on this a while back:

But, this article was written before IE7 came out. Unfortunately, IE7 no 
longer has IE6's bug of auto expansion, nor does it have FF's support 
for table display values. Does this mean this method is dead? Perhaps. I 
haven't had a chance to play with it since IE7 came out.

The best solution, of course, is to not let your structure get too small 
for your content, or to not put content that is too big for your 
structure into it. In other words, design for your content. The typical 
min-width solutions apply here.

By the way, to start a new thread, do not reply to an existing message. 
When you do this,
your message gets threaded on to the old thread, which messes up the 
and makes it less likely that others will see your message and subsequently
reply to you. You must send a new message with an appropriate and 
subject line to in order to start a new thread.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] IE7 truncates nav button text

2007-01-30 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Ian Piper wrote:

 the buttons look fine in IE6 but in IE7 the bottom third or so of the  
 button text is truncated. I think it might be because of the line- 
 height: 5px; but I seem to remember that without this the button text  
 looks wrong in IE6.

Do you mean the buttons in the left menu? If so, I cannot reproduce the 
problem in IE7 on Windows XP SP2. They are not cut off, and appear just 
the same as in Firefox.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Image height ignored for div height in IE6

2007-01-30 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Aleve Sicofante wrote:
 I'm experiencing a problem with IE6. I have a div that takes its size from
 its content, which is both text and one image. In Firefox and IE7 the height
 of the div is properly calculated, but in IE6 only text is taken into

 You can see the effect here:

 (This will be noticed in 1280 x 1024 or higher full screen. Lower
 resolutions won't show the issue.)


I suggest getting rid of the align=left on the image and floating it 
left instead. Then use your favorite float containment method on its 
parent div:


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] UL and LI Borders question

2007-01-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Fred Janon wrote:
 I have a UL with some LIs. I want a 1px border around all the LIs with no
 2px border between the LIs. I have been fiddling around with the UL and LIs
 borders but I can't find a simple solution to it. My best solution so far is
 to have no border on the UL and the top, left, right borders for all the LIs
 except the last one which has all 4 borders to get the bottom border.

Depending on the styles on your ul, you could simply assign the bottom 
border to the ul. This would allow you to avoid having to put a class on 
the last li.

The other ideas about negative top margins are fine as well; I just 
wanted to throw another option out there.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
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UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] New With Problems

2007-01-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater

One thing to note about all your pages: they contain a number of 
validation errors, and cleaning these up first should be done before any 
of the other things I mention. It's the best start towards a well 
rendering page.

Marian Rosenberg wrote:
 Looks great in Mozilla.  Text can be scaled up/down with no problems.  For
 some reason, however, IE refuses to align my 3 columns correctly.  I keep
 getting 2 columns + 1.  I thought the problem was that div id=main has
 margins of 4% and it isn't accepting that these divs are inside that div so
 is adding the percents together.  But, when I get rid of main altogether and
 change the column widths in the CSS so that it definitely adds up to 100% it
 still won't line up right.

IE has problems computing percentages when the parent element doesn't 
have a width declared (which is what the percentage widths are based 
on). Try declaring a width on #main.

If that doesn't work, I would suggest simplifying the layout you have 
now. If it's an acceptable source order, I'd move the left column first 
in the source and float it left with an assigned width and no margins. 
Move the third column second in the source and float it right with an 
assigned with and no margins. Then just let the third column be in the 
flow with no width declared so it just takes up the rest of the space. 
Give it some side margins to keep it from touching the side columns. 
Leaving this column flexible should leave room for IE to get dimensions 
wrong without falling apart.
 My nemesis.  Looks great in Mozilla.  Internet Explorer insists on having
 the table start right under the end of the paragraph introducing people to
 the beaches.  I had kept tables here in the first place because it was the
 only way I could figure out how to have Sanya start underneath the picture
 of the woman on the beach.

I don't know how to work with tables any more, but I know that if I was 
going to recreate this page with CSS, I'd float the Hainan image left 
and add a float containment method 
( to the Hainan div. 
Then I'd just add a clear to the Sanya header and it would start below 
the Hainan image.
 Hey, this one actually works in both browsers!  Yay!
 And it looks cool too.

The only thing I want to say about this page is *please* remove all that 
redundant and useless alt text on that sliced map image. It is making 
your page less accessible, not more: imagine using a text browser or 
screen reader and having to see or hear the text clickable sliced map 
of Hainan over and over again. It has nothing to do with CSS, I just 
noticed it and wanted to point it out.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] CSS and 508 compliance

2007-01-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Jim wrote:
 Would anyone in the U.S. have any tips regarding Section 508 compliance, or 
 any links to sites that may have CSS tips?

Section 508 and CSS have very little to do with one another. The only 
Section 508 requirements with a CSS implication is the rule to not have 
information conveyed only in color, and of course the rule to make sure 
sites are readable without CSS. This, however, is mainly accomplished 
with proper markup and logical source order. An easy way to test it is 
to view your page in a text browser or with the styles turned off (using 
the Web Developer toolbar or similar tools).

Now, if you're talking about accessibility in general, not just 508 
(which is really the bare minimum), there are more CSS implications, but 
most of it has to do with markup and scripting. I don't really know what 
you are specifically looking for, so I'll just recommend the book Web 
Accessibility from friendsofed as a good source.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Floats and 100% height ...

2007-01-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Grady Kelly wrote:
 I am building a UI for a web application.  I am using 100% heights for a lot
 of the outer elements, like this:

 wrapper - this has 100% height
 div1 - this has 100% height/div1
 div2 - this has 100% height/div2
 div3 - this has 100% height/div3

 this works all fine and dandy.  the problem that I am having however, is
 with divs inside div1, div2 and div3.  When I give these divs 100% height,
 they end up being 100% the height of the browser window, not the containing
 div.  When viewed in a browser, I end up with a certain number of pixels
 whitespace at the bottom of the page.  That make sense?  Is there a way to
 give divs 100% height of their parent?

That's what they are doing. Their parents have a height equivalent to 
the browser viewport because *their* parents (wrapper, and then body, 
and then html) have a height equivalent to the browser viewport because 
that's what 100% equals when there's no parent with a height other than 
viewport set. They each fill up their parent, and you haven't told any 
of them to *not* be the height of the viewport. We'll need to see a page 
to figure out what height you really want and help you set it.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Browser alignment differences

2007-01-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Daniel Hammond wrote:
 Sadly, none of that did anything to fix the problem. Any ideas on making the
 container extend down to 100% of the vertical space?

Keep in mind that once you have content in the page this will probably 
become a non-issue. I wouldn't worry about it.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] ul not stretching to accomodate inline lia element heights

2007-01-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
martin f krafft wrote:

 If you look at the top menu bar as well as the subcategories below
 the page's h1, you'll see how the vertical padding on the a
 elements (as well as li.current) I was using to try to make the
 navigation bars a bit thicker doesn't actually do what I want.

 How can I ensure that the ul (which has the outside border)
 stretches vertically to accomodate the taller li elements it

Give the ul the same amount of top and bottom padding. That's how 
padding works on inline elements -- it pushes out content to the left 
and right, but not above and below. The linebox doesn't expand to hold 
that padding. So you have to expand the linebox yourself.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] Using CSS for inline formatting

2007-01-26 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Christina Hope wrote:
 Basically this is close...I probably should explain it a bit better.
 Basically I'm looking for the look of tables but without using tables.
 So I need everything that should be a column ex - fn, department, role,
 note etc. to left align in what would be the cell in the table. 

No offense to the microformats advocates, but I think this data ought to 
be in a table. It will be much more accessible that way, and easier for 
you to style to boot.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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