Re: [CTRL] Fw: Fw: notsofast- sounds like a job for BOB

2001-06-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- 'What the hell you doing reading my mail then June if it is personal.. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing

Re: [CTRL] [Spy News] Another death in Zimbabwe farm invasions (fwd)

2001-06-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well for one thing the Zimbabwe's now plead for corn and food - for none of them have the brains to grow weeds. Second, they are dying from AIDS in South Africa and black professionals, the doctors and nurses, all flee to England and other parts of world. Africa is dying...t

[CTRL] Terry Nichols and his gold

2001-06-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Wonder how much gold he had and where he got it. I have two ittle Jade statutes and jade comes high - these right from the orientnow gold that is a different matter and for a guy that was so broke and in such financial stress, well he had something stashed away. Nichols wa

Re: [CTRL] The ghost of Tim McVeigh

2001-06-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- For anyone who read my last post, I forgot a big point - this Terry Nichols had a lot of gold, and it is said he got this gold in the Philipines.maybe some of the Marco's Gold? Now in the Philipines you have a virtual revolution in the making for the Moslems are

Re: [CTRL] The ghost of Tim McVeigh

2001-06-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Prudy, this "closure" stuff was overdone by the press, and it is though a police term "Case Closed"? For instance as of late Joshua2 closed the case on the USS Liberty himself - yet the case still remains open and for a hundred years because this matter was covered up - the

Re: [CTRL] Goodbye from '' (fwd)

2001-06-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Mr. Bacon - he still has Bob Worn with him always from what I have heard. Such a nice letter you should get a new name long enough to respond. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. P

Re: [CTRL] Quote by Abraham Lincoln - Civil War about Slavery - I doubt it!

2001-06-11 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Jefferson Davis, Bill said he would not fight the war if it meant destroying the Constitution. A lot of the old southern families died for the Constitution and all for which it stood. And the south never lost that war.they lost one battle but times they are a changing only t

Re: [CTRL] Steve accuses Amelia

2001-06-11 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Yes Amelia, Steve is uncouth (and Steve that means rude and crude). Get out the Ivory soap - how old is that guy anyway? Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic sc

Re: [CTRL] Idaho standoff: ex lawyer as Nazi ties

2001-06-11 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Nazi Ties? Where do you buy one - I want to get Joshua one. We could then have a necktie party? Saba You know understand he had suspenders with little swatstikas on them - he snapped them all the time and is very distracting.";> DECLARATION &

Re: [CTRL] 'I Want Bush Girls to Get Into Big Trouble'

2001-06-11 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Steve you are a lying little bastard. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters an

[CTRL] Fwd: Jesuit Victims of the Nazis

2001-06-11 Thread Aleisha Saba
Had it not been for Werner von Braun, the USA might be singing Russia My Native Land instead of the Star Spangled Bannerhe got us to the moon FIRST while communist agitators and spies were infiltrating orgazations under the flag of We Shall Overcome - overcome what? It was We Shall Overthrow

[CTRL] Fwd: Collective Bargaining Alinski Style

2001-06-10 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well I know now where Clinton got that "I feel your pain" crap; did he feel their pain at Waco? Or in the Balkans perhaps? Did he feel their pain, really feel their pain at Littleton for in a recent speech is said he felt the pain caused by little Buford, but failed to mention Littleton? So her

[CTRL] Fwd: Calamity About To Befall

2001-06-10 Thread Aleisha Saba
___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org News, Information, & Analysis Th

[CTRL] Fwd: War Warns Top Saudi

2001-06-10 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well according to scripture Israel must be destroyed - surrounded by 5 nations it will be brought low. It is all part of the bible plan but who set the plan into operation? Cui bono? Maybe Janet Reno tactics - and do it for the children? Prefer the old line with their motto "Not for Self, but O

[CTRL] Fwd: CIA Director Casey and the Grove

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
Here is one item on Bohemian Club - and other data you can pull up re meetings, etc. I think it is just another masonic order essentially, and maybe like old Hells Fire Club - also believe they have the hearta of Paul Whitehead of this Club, code named Paul the Aged - the met in the caverns at Hi

[CTRL] Fwd: In the end, McVeigh controls his fate

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
In the end, McVeigh contnrols his own fate? This is the most ignorant title to a story I have ever read, and only MSNBC would be capable of publishing same. So like a good little soldier, McVeigh will go to his death - his lips are sealed and there will be the writing of many more books. He is

Re: [CTRL] 'I Want Bush Girls to Get Into Big Trouble'

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Amelia - Steve does all his grazing at the local super markets and it does not cost him a dime no doubt? Besides for a man who saw the face of Christ in his own dung - imagine he grazes only in the organic section of the produce. Understand he lives like wild animal when at Gran

[CTRL] Fwd: Sex And Murder By AIDS In SF - Sex Clubs Go Unmonitored

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
I thought houses of prostitution and the like were illegal..but these gay pride bath houses are truly something of which Gay Pride can be proud. Wonder if PeeWee Herman has a membership or Rosie O'Donnell..well at least to date these "sporting houses" as they used to be called when il

[CTRL] Fwd: Doctors Flee Zimbabwe As AIDS Crisis Widens

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
Note: Cuba lends medical assistance to Zimbabwe? Seems these doctors flee from sheer greed for come to big rich USA and serve Hollywood movie stars? Or should they better serve in the ghettos of New York City and other cities in the USA.where the streets are still being made from gold? Tel

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] MH: Elián's family can sue the U.S.

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well maybe they should get out some of the old TV film showing little ditching a gun over the fence to unknown parties? The film was taken with some kind of long range camera - and oh so quiet. So the following day you could see someone pushing little Elian out of the door, wit

Re: [CTRL] Regret to announce the passing of Fletcher Prouty June 5th 2001

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- This is very sad news - what I liked at the end no flowers, send money to 'humane society". When my sister died, she had made the request that money be sent in lieu of flowers to Cat Welfare.her obituary covered in a few publications to do with commerce, etc., on the front pa

Re: [CTRL] Ira Einhorn~~Rather Long Article

2001-06-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- The was a good one Amelia - by the way, obvious like Larry Flynt made all his money from pornography? He is and was a front for the drug regime for he has established routes, rght? After all who was to feed the rich and famous their daily habits - this Einhorn is and was one o

Re: [CTRL] The stabbing Suspect Is A "Schizophrenic"

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- This means he was on drugs and maybe into something else - made me wonder thougoh - Job's Coffin appears in the sky in June.the sabeans murdered Job's kidsand in Job you have the "astrologer's mark of doom".and it is written "their children are far from safety. Now th

Re: [CTRL] FW: News Release

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Can't you just see that big blimp coming out of the clouds and like Jaws 3 ramming those planes? Bet it had flying tiger jaws with big fangs painted on front - So score one for 7 Up. The hell with the Pepsi Generation .";> DECLARATION & DI

Re: [CTRL] MRC: Dan Rather; Onset of Senility, or Rather Reveals Truth on TV?

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Dan Rather wants people to love him - way back in 1977 on the Fourth of July Celebration during celebration - the big one - he sat there in his expensive suit, smiled sadly and said the most wonderful thing about America was "the people" Then I remember what he had done to Nixon


2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Mike it used to be an oath to support the constitution was enough The flag is easily destroyed is it not and replaced with Gay Pride Flag? I give my oath to the Constitution of the United States.even the communists in Russia now fly the red white and blue flag?

[CTRL] And you can call me Al????

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
This letter the MER reproduces from the Church Leaders - they have delusions of granduer when they impose such names upon themselves as "The Most Reverend Jesse Jackson", let us say - first I question anyone who signs their name "The Most Reverend" for this is the way, you send a letter to one of

Re: [CTRL] AP: Davidian prosecutor sentenced to probation for withholding information

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Maybe Waco was Warsaw Ghetto Day? For the FBI and BATF specifically chose that date to incinerate the children and on their payroll was the Japanese sharpshooter who gunned down Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge after the little eighth grader and his dog were shot and killed? Of course

[CTRL] Fwd: 'All Hell Breaking Loose' In Nepal - A Resident's Version Of Events

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item - Nepal was visited by two Presidents - Papa Bush and Jimmy Carter - maybe roads have something to do with this. It is said Nepal is a poor Shangrah Li - three UN agenies make home there - vendetta, Russian style here did in entire family and of course we know how the communists

Re: [CTRL] Partners in Crime:Israeli Settlers riot under security force prote...

2001-06-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Prudy Holy Jihud - for it is written five Arab nations will arise out of the dust and blow Israel to hell and back per Mormon Church prophecy We have seen big mouths before - talk big with big guns and tanks behind them - but it took a Timothy McVeigh and a pile of ferti

[CTRL] Justice tempered with mercy?

2001-06-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Now these people were very humane - if at first you don't succeed - well, maybe they should find an old Westinghouse Electric Chair? Wonder if Bill Clinton has plans for visiting Afghanistan - or is this why he is scared of Osama bin Laden? Saba BBC News Online: World: S/W Asia

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Federal AIDS Funding

2001-06-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Don't you think your name is a little ostentatious ArkAngel - ArkAngel? You got to be kidding - if you are so holy, take a vow of poverty and go to Providience RI or South Africa for Aids is in full bloom, and it isn't even summer yet. Saba";>

Re: [CTRL] Siege At Sagle

2001-06-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- If the mother gets a good attorney, she will end up a very wealthy woman. If I were her I would also file a 50 million dollar lawsuit against MSNBC - for their coverage was such that it merits a little notice to say the least. This one woman was so excited - a Dr. Audrey - the p

Re: [CTRL] NYDN: Intern Stayed At Pol's Apt. - Report

2001-06-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- One would think this Congressman would be breaking down the door of the FBI to take lie detector tests by now. No crime they say? No habeus corpus or whatever they call that - no body for no crime? Well then, this young girl was over 18 - and considered an adult. Her mother h

[CTRL] Fwd: Chronology 2 of Lesbian Feminism: 1971-1976

2001-06-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
Example of past and present affiliations of those who would move in on the Boy Scouts. Why don't these lesbians form their own girl scouts and boy scouts - for they are bi sexual, right in some cases? Latest statistics now on the web show that gay 15 year olds - one third will be dead as a resul

[CTRL] Fwd: Scouting For All Protest Organizers & AIDS Vaccine Efforts

2001-06-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
This item is typical of protest movement with regard to Boy Scouts being invaded by Gay Pride.note the AIDS movement now they have also included. Link this movement up with other in this united effort and you find the truth behind what and who is behind same. So Gay Pride would push the Boy

[CTRL] The Mystics Dreams Come True?

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well this is interesting item, but keep in mind the son of FBI agent who made video tape of a trench coat Mafia murdering their little classmates with Uzis/AK's and blowing up their school as Klebold an Harris intended to dowell the FBI agent who had the son making this film,

[CTRL] Fwd: Google Search: The Stern Gang of Israel

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting items on the old 6 Point Gang..Al Capone was in old 5 Point Gan (stars with 6 and 5 points).. Red Star is the Star of the Slaughtermen.


2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
Sacrificing children in ghoulish blood rituals began in the Old does wonder if this story of the Stern Gang tactics behind slaughter of the Russian Jews at the dancing affair might not hold latent big germ of truth...Stern Gang used bible for lost boundaries - if this story

[CTRL] Fwd: AmerRuss II—World War III and the Plot to Merge the United States and Russia

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
Maybe this explains why Madelline Albright went to Putin to ask permision for the USA to build up their defenses against communist aggression potential? Maybe this explains why a KGB agent operated in the FBI for over 16 years undetected - caught on the Bush Watchand Freeh who visited Russia

[CTRL] The Stern Gang

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Israel has been asking for DNA samples of Russian Jews to prove their are jewish. It would make sense someone would not like this Russian Community - as this one Rabbi said foaming at the mouh - these jewish kids were slaughtered because they were dancine boys with girls -

Re: [CTRL] Hamas refuses to join Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire

2001-06-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Who really controls this Hamas? They fly the Red Star?";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordi

[CTRL] Japanese Sharpshooter may be tried...

2001-06-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
How much was Danforth paid to get to the truth of the matter? Maybehe should return a portion of his fee. Saba    The FBI scandal widens © 2001 It's time for Congress to call FBI Director Louis Freeh before an open-public interrogation, put him under oath and force him to an


2001-06-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- IS GAY PRIDE THE INSTRUMENT OF DEATH Aids as a Weapon of War by Dr. W. Douglas Introduction & Comments by Jim Shults INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTS I must admit I am just a little gun shy of doing this particular article. The reason is pretty obvious. Who in hell is going to plead

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Well, what did they expect?

2001-06-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Yes Jenny, Amadius also known as Nate Fischer had intended the remarks for me, for I sent information out with regard to homosexual/lesbians - in particular the homosexuals who want to invade the boy scouts flying their "Gay Pride" flag. Seems Amadius, the Lord of Flies the name

[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News & Views - June 5, 2001

2001-06-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
Looks like no apology from Bush to democrats what did you expect from an administration that uses oval office for lusting? To unsubscribe send "leave chuckmuth" in body of message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or hit reply with "remove" in subject or go to

Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Nate, aka Amadius - what does that mean again fo Amadeius was Lord of Flies, Beezlebub, etc.nice name for a "professional" businessman to take, but that is your business? Didn't exactly think you followed biblical teachings but again that is your business. I reserve the

Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Nate aka Amadius (hebrew god of lust and satanism - seems you could find a better name than that). You say you are frustrated? I have known that all along.only thing that activates you is symbolic burning of Gay Pride Flag and all for which it stands.Sodomy. h

Re: [CTRL] Reply to an Amelia Basher

2001-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Nate, or Amadius as you call yourself.I never shove until someone pushes. I am fed up with innocent children being tortured, murdered, as was done at WACO by those who belonged to a save the children order, and I am sick of watching the boy scouts being intimidated and t

Re: [CTRL] Answers overdue about USS Liberty (fwd)

2001-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- What is wonderful here THE USS LIBERTY WAS IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS.while our men lie on deck some dead, others wounded, the USS Liberty was napalmed and bombed for 45 minutesNAPALMED.. The idea was to blame the EGYPTIANS for the sinking of this great ship - but they c

Re: [CTRL] [EF] United Nations Attack On Gun Ownership

2001-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well this is what Hitler did..they want to take guns away from UN, fine - disarm the peacemaker's first for they have the arsenals, etc. Imagine my quiet suburb totally disarmed...even take away our Rotweilers and Pit Bulls.and hire a handful of police whose primary t

Re: [CTRL] Reply to an Amelia Basher

2001-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- wonder why Nate took name of Asmodius, a Hebrew God and Lord of Flies - lusty devil. Asmodeus, in Hebrew demonology, the chief of the demons, occasionally identified with the prince of demons, Beelzebub. He figures largely in later Hebrew tradition, appearing in the Book of Tob

Re: [CTRL] Well, what did they expect?

2001-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Amelia, the same old people come out from under the rocks - UN is meeting now, for AIDS is such a problem now. A black on TV last night complained an entire generation of blacks is about to be wiped out with AIDS - and he still does not get the message. AIDS is the means b

Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Ark Angel - Gay Pride and they are well organized, still pushes to destroy the boy scouts - using Jesse Jackson tactics, for they all have the same teacher. Now if anybody wants to take a vow of poverty, fly the Gay Pride Flag, and move into a lepor community I do not care -

Re: [CTRL] "The European Union is run by Freemasons and paedophiles."

2001-06-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- EU is run by a bunch of Nazis June - the real thing, and as usual, in disguise. When they get through with Europe we will see who and what nazis really are and who supports them - only this time the ones who control the gold also form the EU> Always remember, Hitler was an Austr

[CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- More for June's edification of why the Boy Scouts do not need sodomites for leaders of the little cub scouts.. Saba Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 1:16 PM Subject: [Conspiranoia!] Five Good Reasons Why The Boy Scouts Ban Gays [Homosexuals] Saturday, June 2, 2001 Five Good R

Re: [CTRL] Well, what did they expect?

2001-06-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So Gay Pride says Eleanor Roosevelt was a Lesbian and produces a disgusting letter to prove it..well she and Janet Reno would have made a lovely pair but Reno preferred under-age young girls. And Lincoln they say, is also one of their treasures - I believe that too, for our f

[CTRL] With a little imagination......

2001-06-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- With a alittle imagination see the widows and the fatherless children..see Israel now about to control the water situation whereby the arabs would be without water, if they have their chance. See the strangers in paradise - strangers in their own landfrom the Garden of Ed

[CTRL] Well, what did they expect?

2001-06-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Turn on your TV today and see sodomy and in schools teaching of sodomy to little elemtary children. See the end result of pushing the Gay Pride Flag in schools and oh won't it be lovely when these people (and I mean these people Nate) succeed in geting into the boy scouts? How m


2001-06-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Documentation Bible Versions Version: KJV [Pss 68:1] Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. [Pss 68:2] As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God


2001-06-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- "I will receive money as per instructions in the bible", so wrote Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. Sirhan's father said Sirhan came from a big famly dating back over 1,000 years - well so do I, our family kept careful records too and once you latch onto the royal line, you can go back as

[CTRL] Cincinnati War Zone

2001-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- During the recent rioting in Cincinnati my son had to make a trip for a meeting; he was told which way to his destination which would be safe. He said Cincinnati looked like a war zone,and people did not realize how very bad it was. Well I do not think the home of Proctor and Ga

[CTRL] Babies infected with Aids

2001-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Wonder how true this is - published on Jeff Rense news. Regardless Clinton has much for which to answer with regard to the polluted blood he permitted to be sold to Canada which went around the world.. Saba AIDS BioWarfare - Kadhafi Says Libyan Babies Intentionall

Re: [CTRL] Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas - About Win Rockefeller

2001-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- My goodness, a Rockefeller who will go through the eye of the needle? You got to be kidding? Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substa

Re: [CTRL] Nepal's King, Queen Murdered (by the crown Prince, it was reported?)

2001-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- NOTE: Communist connection to the Free Jamal and support of Peltier - the martyers.and Communists are for the people - as Marilyn Monroe once said after her marriage to Arthur Miller who appeared before House of Un American Activities (he was communist) - the press asked "

Re: [CTRL] Nepal's King, Queen Murdered (by the crown Prince, it was reported?)

2001-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Vicious vendetta - they better put armed guards around the Crown Prince. Reminds me of King Faisal, who was murdered by Black Nationalist from Berkley and the brother then took the throne? Kings and Queens and Crown Princes do no run around with Uzis or AK's...the following s

[CTRL] Nepal's King, Queen Murdered (by the crown Prince, it was reported?)

2001-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Nepal's king, queen killed by son 9 members of royal family shot dead; king's brother ascends to the throne King Birendra and Queen Aiswarya of Nepal were killed by their son Friday along with the rest of Nepal's royal family. MSNBC NEWS SERVICES KATMANDU, Nepal, June 2 — Nepa

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HIV surges among young gays

2001-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I understand, Nate. Providence RI is having a real problem now in instructing children how to avoid HIV and AIDS - spend more time down at the bottom of he bilge teaching about sodomy than they do reading, writing and arithmetic. The above story was carried on the news for your

Re: [CTRL] Sad story of a 3 year old....

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Monica, that is because the ADL (Anti Defemation League) prepared Hit Hate Lists for the FBI and it contains names of only groups who are considered "right wingers". The John Birch Society is included in this list so the ADL has a big propaganda machine and lots of big b

[CTRL] Fwd: HIV surges among young gays

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
Love this "Centers for Disease Prevention" yet they continually throw these people at the boy scouts and want to teach sodomy in the schools? Oh then they have the HIV and AIDS Cocktail - simply wonderful, how delightful. One would think under disease prevention they would consider the major cau

[CTRL] Sad story of a 3 year old....

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Recently police were condemned for arresting a mother who permitted her three children to ride in back seat of car, one of whom was only 2 or 3 as I recall, with their heads hanging out of the window alleged to be looking for a lost toy which one has tossed out the window. The Su

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Correction: Gemstone Was Not an Influence

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Might add in 1984 or 85, G Gordon Liddy was to start a detective/security agency and placed big ad in the Columbus, Ohio telephone book. Name of his Agency - he is such a smart ass - called GEMSTONE.. For some reason it never flew; however, at the time I thought he dropped i

[CTRL] No Wonder Freeh is Resigning?

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Lous Freeh signed a certification that all evidence has now been turned over? Does it make a difference? Maybe not in the case of McVeigh but what about others sent to Court hanged before the hearing and why conceal any evidence? What about KGB viritually having an office in t

[CTRL] Fwd: Israelis Plan Blitzkrieg

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
Maybe this will be the lit match to start a real holocaust in Holy Land? The prophecy of Mormon Church is that 5 nations will wipe Israel off the map - Syria will be a leader of the pack. As Sharon said the Arabs have the oil, but he has the match? And who will light the match? And who will b

Re: [CTRL] Listbabble

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Dr. Quack bit the dust along with her many other personalities (actually she had no personality). Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Su

Re: [CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Okay Kris and Frank Sturgis should ring the bell for anyone who likes conspiracies.. So in the background, you had the waiters or head waiter without faces showing - my son has my book yet and I am going to get after him - he had heard of Seal but this was something new for h

Re: [CTRL] Fw: BadTrans Worm

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I got the Hampster.Zip and someone used an old letter I had I have a web tv and have tracked down though from whence this came The usual suspects.";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange li

Re: [CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Sorry Magnetic Field - it is under above subjec matter - Barry and the Boys and you can purchase through Kris' Mad Cow Press (call him) or through Amazon.. If I have to get another copy would prefer to order through Kris for after all his material is in this book.These ar

[CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I got this book but did not have Kris sign, which I regret. Everyone interested in assassination, conspiracies, and government involvement and connections to illegal activities - need to read this. There is a chapter and information on Gordon Novel, whom I knew and still know wh

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CNN - Brazil launches media campaign to fight leprosy - Oct. 21, 1996

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Steve too many people go to these swimming pools today, adults in with little kids, and I would not permit my grandson and did not permit my children to go to these public pools. Years ago, the first thing my son did when he was 3 years sold was to walk up to the wading poo

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: 6 Kids and 27 Dogs in Standoff With Cops in Idaho] (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well at least June, they did not call for the dog catcher. They called for the kidnapers. Better to send the dog catcher after the kids, for at least they would be safe - that is until they got to the pound Saba There is a lot more going on here if you read between the lines..

[CTRL] Fwd: CNN - Brazil launches media campaign to fight leprosy - Oct. 21, 1996

2001-05-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well June 5 years ago Leprosy was considered contagious - further, it is on the rise according to latest statistics. The children of the country are in peril, in particular, in California. This is also another fact, for they are the most vulnerable. People have a right to know if their children

[CTRL] Missing Intern - Descendent of famous Russian Poet

2001-05-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Poet's Cry Sears As Bereft Mom Keeps Up Hunt For Lost Intern By SEAMUS McGRAW FORWARD CORRESPONDENT Susan Levy keeps a volume of poetry in her Modesto, Calif. home. It's an old, tattered book filled with melancholy odes crafted nearly a century ago in Russia by her great-great-u

Re: [CTRL] Leprosy Considered Health Hazard In USA Also

2001-05-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Obviously, June you are as illiterate as your plaguiaized writing - Leprosy is on the rise world wide.. It is on the rise in California, but then I do not have to live in California. It is coming to Texas from Mexico and from Mexico to California no doubt through illegal emm

Re: [CTRL] Leprosy on Rise

2001-05-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- June put away your encyclopedias for you are absolutely the most ignorant person I have ever encountered in my life. Or are you seeking a cure for AIDS in tea leaves? It takes sometimes 20 years for leprosy to make it mark..illegal immigrants from Mexico have brought more l

Re: [CTRL] A Plan for the UN's Gun Burning Party (fwd)

2001-05-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Think this is a very bad idea.for it is illegal to shoot off a weapon within most city limits? First the UN is without authority to abolish guns in the USAno way. And when people keep in mind that banana boat countries most of whom hate the USA have us outvoted - well, w

[CTRL] Leprosy Considered Health Hazard In USA Also

2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
So from where does this Leprosy originate? Asia, Africa and Japan today wants to remove the "stigma" of being a Leper? Soon will we be told to embrace a Leper as we would a homosexual or lesbian and welcome them into our boy scouts, and Churches and swimming pools? Now maybe I seem heartless i

[CTRL] Leprosy on Rise

2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Not bad enough every minute 6 people under age 25 ge HIV. Now I imagine the UN will demand we take in 18,000 Lepors a year in USA - for there are cases reported in USA as well. We import how many people from India and Asia on yearly basis and now we must bring over 18,000 Africa


2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well what would you say the answer is June - give everyone a shot of green tea or should they practice maybe some ofo the teachings in the bible. There are numerous articles backing up AIDS and the spreading of AIDSfor instance in Africa the Africians tried to blame AIDS on t


2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I am still wondering why the USA government bought $45,000,000.00 worth of vaccine from UK? Cui Bono? Will someone quadruple the price and sell it over here? UK just got caught using a lot of obsolete outdated vaccines which some say, could cause a problem kids now have t

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: ADL Says Tyranny Response Team Is "Hate Group" : Group Founded By Pro-Gu...

2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So I accuse the ADL of being Hate Mongers; further I accuse them of taking bribe money for the President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton. I accuse them also of putting people on their hate list for the FBI with whom they have been in collusion to destroy those who

[CTRL] No Lights At End of Tunnel?

2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So in this item with regard to the crisis in California, it is said the problem is so complex nobody will understand it? Maybe that is what is wrong? Time to give them all the boot? Do not know anything about when a government steps in to "nationalize" a utility, but it seems

[CTRL] NATO It's Time to Go

2001-05-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So the USA is to police the world, Save Israel, and continue to ignore its own defenses? Lots of people would like to see the USA let down their guard - like they did that day in Dallas? You see what happens when Eternal Vigilence is just a slogan.. Under the Constitution

Re: [CTRL] Erotic pictures to bring Bible back into fashion

2001-05-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well June shows here ignorance agan; here is item on Lennon and when one considers his big mouth cost him money, he back tracked.. Who cared?So Lennon bit the dust and no great loss. Lennon stated the disciples were "thick and ordinary"..the Beatles were as common as

Re: [CTRL] Erotic pictures to bring Bible back into fashion

2001-05-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Do these people have to get copyright permission and I have just the role for Monica Lewinsky - Deborah? Or will they have their own rendition of the King James Bible - even Jerry Falwell holds copyright on his bible which was borrowed from the real thing Well the Beatle


2001-05-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Too bad the Colonel cannot run for Governor of California or Alabama? If the people of California read anything other than movie scripts they would see a great light at the end of their long tunnel...but then, they are too busy attempting to disarm America or at least they we

Re: [CTRL] Most Corrupt US Military Plan Ever

2001-05-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well like USS Liberty - Israeli could blow up shit and sink same and blame on Egyptians? It did not sink same, but killed 34 and wounded 171 - Happy Memorial Day USS Liberty Then we have the USS Cole - now could someone have blown the hell out of the Cole to blame on the Arabs?

Re: [CTRL] Israel is running out of friends

2001-05-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- What was it Sharon said - the arabs might have the oil but he had the matches? Well he did set off the war did he not but imagine Syria will light the matces and Sharon might get burnt? Was this remark by Sharon a psychological slip and by the way, where does Israel get the bl

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Pearl Harbor Sucks (fwd)

2001-05-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- The USS Arizona went down at Pearl Harbour; a friend of the family was on that one. As for USA and England - my brother in law flew bombers over German from High Wycombe (home of Hells Fire Caverns) and later was on Jimmy Doolittles Staff in Asian part of war. Our men laid t

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Nessie Files - Mae Brussell & Mikey Aquino

2001-05-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Alex Constatine makes them all look like a bunch of whackos. Bud Fensterwald, of the Committee to Investigate Assassinations also had his Brutus, his Judas, and his spies within. Never heard of Mae Brussell until I entered into this list; this story by Constantine tears apart th

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