Re: [CTRL] CONTRAIL ALERT - N. California

1999-05-09 Thread T Nohava
-Caveat Lector- Received this from John Winston...he lives in Northern CA. [snip] Today started off nice but they starting spraying the area with Chemtrials at at about 9:30 am and quit spraying at 2:00 pm. Most of it has settled out to the upper air onto the air that we breathe now and it

[CTRL] Ru Mills: Embassy Hit On Purpose (fwd)

1999-05-09 Thread Brian Redman
-Caveat Lector- "RU MILLS": EMBASSY HIT ON PURPOSE == (CNNS, 05/09/99) -- Special correspondent "Ru Mills" (pseudonym) reports on the recent NATO missile attack on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade: --- NATO Purposely

[CTRL] Roswell Secret Message Decoded?

1999-05-09 Thread Bruce Fleming
-Caveat Lector- A week ago I got a mag called UFO Magazine published in Great Britain. Inside I saw the message called "Secrets Unlocked". It is about General Ramey holding a small memo looking over the "balloon debris" in the office. When the team (presented to the 1999 Mufon lecture)

[CTRL] Fwd: Wheel of Law

1999-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
The Boston Globe China looks to rein in sect By Charles Hutzler, Associated Press, 05/08/99 B]EIJING - Shocked by throngs of meditating protesters on their front door, Chinese leaders are preparing a methodical campaign to discredit and rein in the martial arts sect they now see as a

[CTRL] [1] STOA Report: Interception Capabilities 2000

1999-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector- from: A HREF=""STOA Report: Interception Capabilities 2000 /A - Awesome report. Site has oodles pix and drawings. Om K --[1]-- 7 May 1999. Thanks to Anonymous.

[CTRL] [2] STOA Report: Interception Capabilities 2000

1999-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector- from: A HREF=""STOA Report: Interception Capabilities 2000 /A - Awesome report. Site has oodles pix and drawings. Om K --[2]-- •3. ECHELON and Comint production 65. The ECHELON

[CTRL] [3] STOA Report: Interception Capabilities 2000

1999-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector- from: A HREF=""STOA Report: Interception Capabilities 2000 /A - Awesome report. Site has oodles pix and drawings. Om K --[3]-- •Technical annexe Broadband (high capacity

[CTRL] OEN 5/9/99

1999-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector- from: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A - Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia NATO Admits Chinese Embassy Was Deliberately Targeted "We thought it was an arms depot. Mistakes were made. Now... Bombs away!"

[CTRL] NATO: Bad Shots -- Or More Sinister? (fwd)

1999-05-09 Thread Brian Redman
-Caveat Lector- NATO: "BAD SHOTS" -- OR MORE SINISTER? == (CNNS, 05/09/99) -- Incomprehensible to many will be the thought that NATO is purposefully targeting civilians in Yugoslavia with its bombs and missiles. Because most people are basically good,

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

1999-05-09 Thread ric carter
-Caveat Lector- SkeptiNews 990509a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question : Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion. : Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # High-tech Kosovo war. (BBC)

[CTRL] Fwd: [FSNW-L] Kosovans fend for themselves

1999-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
Thursday 06 May 1999 London-UK [k27/599] From: Parveez Syed Shanti Communications, Global Media Monitoring Unit One Stuart Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 8RA1 UK Telephone: London-UK 44-831-196693 E-Mail INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Copyright 1998 (c) Shanti Communications news agency.

[CTRL] Parallel War In Yugoslavia?

1999-05-09 Thread Brian Redman
-Caveat Lector- US bombers target China embassy in Belgrade for strikes. LONDON, May 9 (Itar-Tass) - The strike on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was made by super-advanced B-2 strategic bombers of the U.S. Air Force, which flew from the Whiteman base in Missouri. They dropped three

[CTRL] Some Serbs Think They're Intentional Targets

1999-05-09 Thread Brian Redman
-Caveat Lector- Deadly NATO mistakes heighten insecurity in Serbia BELGRADE, May 9 (AFP) - A series of deadly NATO bombing mistakes and attacks on targets in residential areas have heightened insecurity among the population of Serbia and increased scepticism of the

[CTRL] MSG and Aspartate

1999-05-09 Thread 1lls0081
-Caveat Lector- Will send this within the next two weeks with all the links Carbohydrates - basically surgars, needed for muscle Protien - needed for brain Glutamate - part of protien, brain food, needed MSG - seperated amino acids, in this for will excite the brain cells to death Aspartate -

[CTRL] The LightHouse Press; Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives

1999-05-09 Thread 1lls0081 Title: The LightHouse Press; Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives The LightHouse Press A publisher dedicated toinformation on alternatives in lifestyle, health and

[CTRL] MigraineWeb - MSG

1999-05-09 Thread 1lls0081 Title: MigraineWeb HIDDEN NAMES OF MSG

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-09 Thread Colleen Jones
-Caveat Lector- Neurv and E Mael: I thought I told you two kids to knock it off...its Mother's Day Moo Moo DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are

[CTRL] Joshua2 on the right to arm bears.

1999-05-09 Thread nurev
-Caveat Lector- 5-9-99 ON THE RIGHT TO ARM BEARS: I think this is a good idea. I believe we citizens are much safer with armed bears than we are with armed drunken hunters. We'll never have to paint the words C O W and P I G on the sides of farm animals again. We will never have to listen to

Re: [CTRL] Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

1999-05-09 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: When I was 14 or 15 I read the O'Neil bio on Tesla. I had read a lot of books by that time about inventors and science. I became convinced then that Tesla was the one who really understood how the universe worked. I was disapointed to

[CTRL] Dr. Sarfatti on psiops and post modern physics

1999-05-09 Thread David Crockett Williams
-Caveat Lector- To bring this long forwarded post into subject perspective, first are a few excerpts: The major testing ground for this morality may well be the current non-lethal psychic-warfare research being conducted by the military intelligence community in search of a 'Manchurian

Re: [CTRL] Avalanche Of New Data On Balkans War (fwd)

1999-05-09 Thread Colleen Jones
-Caveat Lector- Gee Big Redif this is true, that that old bat Madeline the Butcher Albright is going out, it will be the happiest day of my life; then dump that whimp Cohen, and then of course Clinton will be goneand Goodbye Gore...or rather, goodbye blood and Gore I hope. Thanks and I

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #2

1999-05-09 Thread ric carter
-Caveat Lector- SkeptiNews 990509b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question : Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion. : Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # Aftercare and Clinical

[CTRL] Balkan War Urgent Warning

1999-05-09 Thread David Crockett Williams
-Caveat Lector- A WARNING from Steffan M. Bertsch Yesterday, I scanned the short-wave radio to see what others were saying about the NATO bombing of Kosovo. From that scan, it appears that India is strongly opposing the action, while

[CTRL] Fwd: Abt Associates (CIA Front) and Allend Overthrow

1999-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
Abt Associates (CIA Front) and Allendé Overthrow From: "Operation Condor: U.S. Responsibility for the Coup in Chile," By Daniel Brandt [...] A U.S. firm under contract to Project Camelot, Abt Associates, developed a simulation game called Politica, which was purchased by the Pentagon in

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Abt Associates (CIA Front) and Allend Overthrow

1999-05-09 Thread AOL User
-Caveat Lector- Anybody know anything about Booz, Allen and Hamilton? DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory', with its


1999-05-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey
-Caveat Lector- the Evil Teletubbies and Remote Mind Control. please forward to the MC list for comment In case those on the other side of the pond don't know, the Teletubbies are the UKs most popular childrens programme see: There are toys, videos,

Re: [CTRL] 'Wag the Dog' in Reverse

1999-05-09 Thread True Faith
-Caveat Lector- Americans weren't prepared for the horrors of Slobodan Milosevic's "ethnic cleansing" of Albanian Kosovars. Nor was the country ready for NATO's "surgical strikes" that inflicted hundreds of civilian dead by missing targets, by accidentally bombing the wrong targets - such as

[CTRL] Nato also bombs Iraq

1999-05-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey
-Caveat Lector- I saw in a leaflet by an International Socialist pressure group who wants to stop the bombing in Kosovo, that Nato is still allegedly bombing Iraq. Is this true ??? God help us if it is. Andrew Hennessey DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational

[CTRL] Star Fire: The Gold of the Gods - Pt. 1

1999-05-09 Thread Don Allen
-Caveat Lector- - STAR FIRE - The Gold of the Gods The true Grail bloodline originated with the Anunnaki gods in southern Sumeria at least 6,000 years ago and was sustained by ingestion of an alchemical substance called 'Star Fire'. Part 1 of 3 Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5,

[CTRL] Star Fire: The Gold of the Gods - Pt. 2

1999-05-09 Thread Don Allen
-Caveat Lector- Star Fire Part 2 - STAR FIRE - The Gold of the Gods Once the Anunnaki departed Sumeria, the preselected Master Craftsmen developed a substitute for Star Fire: a mystical bread made from the alchemical white powder of gold. Part 2 of 3 Extracted from Nexus Magazine,

[CTRL] Star Fire: The Gold of the Gods - Pt. 3

1999-05-09 Thread Don Allen
-Caveat Lector- Star Fire Part 3 - STAR FIRE - The Gold of the Gods Once the Anunnaki departed Sumeria, Master Craftsmen developed a substitute for Star Fire in the form of a mystical bread made from the alchemical white powder of gold. Part 3 of 3 Extracted from Nexus

Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-09 Thread nurev
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -Caveat Lector- Previous thread: Re: [CTRL] Remember to say "Guns save lives... In a message dated 99-05-01 12:27:43 EDT, Joshua2 spews: Now it's an " Unquestionable " human right to bear arms? Yes, it is unquestionable. Rather than providing

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-09 Thread nurev
-Caveat Lector- E Mael wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I answered you off list. Why did you go back on list smilin' tweezer boy? - J2 - just one of many dirty tricks you will learn when you play with me, monkey boy.

[CTRL] Aspartame Causes

1999-05-09 Thread Lloyd Miller
-Caveat Lector- -Original Message- From: Sean Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sunday, February 07, 1999 11:48 PM Subject: [afs] HEAL: Aspartame - Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 19:43:51 -0800 From: darryl avec une d [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sean Wood [EMAIL

Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-09 Thread Don Allen
-Caveat Lector- At 04:25 PM 5/9/99 -0700, nurev wrote: "Guns will make us powerful; butter will only make us fat." --Hermann Goering, radio broadcast (1936) Who is this Herman guy? Some fat NRA redneck from

[CTRL] Fw: UFOMIND: Prince Lazar - Hero of Serbia

1999-05-09 Thread CobolMage
-Caveat Lector- Further deepening the conspiracy in which we are all unwittingly engaged, here are two messages of current relevance. The first comes from an article in Friday's (5/7/99) Wall Street Journal concerning the Serbian view of history, titled "Political Situations Often Determine

Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-09 Thread Howard R. Davis III
-Caveat Lector- nurev wrote: -Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Whether they be pro-gun or anti-gun, most people would acknowledge that mankind has certain, Inalienable Rights. Not at all. Rights are a conceptual legal concept. If everybody plays along, you have rights. If

Re: [CTRL] Star Fire is NOT The Gold of the Gods

1999-05-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey
-Caveat Lector- Sorry but I have to disagree with what appears to be misinformation. Starfire is noted by Rosicrucian sources to be a drink of blood and other bodily secretions used in tantric magical ceremonies. This latest release appears to be an attempt to disincriminate the high society

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-09 Thread Howard R. Davis III
-Caveat Lector- nurev wrote: -Caveat Lector- "Howard R. Davis III" wrote: -Caveat Lector- nurev wrote: -Caveat Lector- Ah, here is the crux of the problem. This person, and and capitalists in general would like everyone to take on their belief system.

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-09 Thread Howard R. Davis III
-Caveat Lector- nurev wrote: -Caveat Lector- "Howard R. Davis III" wrote: -Caveat Lector- Ric Carter wrote: Does the concept of the primacy of "individual rights" preclude any individuals from joining in free association, incorporating as groups to engage in