Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2006-01-13 Thread pang tee
which section of the documentation teaches me how to   a. replace the random number generated with a name from a csv file in the format :     1,name1,2,name2,3,name3...     b. use coordinates to generate the sphere? like sphere(radius = 1,... ) etc..     thanks     Kamal Bhatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  There are various ways to do what you want. The example below uses an HBox.      I would suggest reading more about different containers and see what suits you best   for your appli
 The other choices could be a say a Canvas or a Grid.      {curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet    {compiler-directives careful? = true}}     {let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = ""}}{value c1}     {let message1:EllipseGraphic =     {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let message2:EllipseGraphic =   
 {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    height = 1in, width = 1in    }}     {let random:RolledRandom = {RolledRandom 0, 100}}{let f:Frame =    {Frame      halign = "center",    width = 2in,    color = "red",    font-size = 22pt    }}     {let box:HBox =     {HBox    {Frame halign = "left", message1},  &
 f,    {Frame halign = "right", message2}        }}     {do     let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in    {c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, box}    let start-time:DateTime = {DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 3s    {box.animate frequency = 60fps,    {on TimerEvent do    let elapsed-time:Time = {start-time.elapsed}    let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - drop-time}    let y:Distance =  start-y + 
 0.5 *
 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t)       {c1.move-to-xy box, start-x, y}    {f.add {}, replace? = true}    }    }||--    {c1.add||--    x = 2in,||--    y = 1in,||--    {text font-weight = "bold", Words}||--    }     }- Original Message -   From: pang tee   To:   Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 11:31 AM  Subject: Re: Bouncing balls in CurlThanks Duke and Kamal for the response.     I had added another bouncing ball to what was posted here earlier.  Can you tell me how i can make the 2 balls separated by a horizontal distance of 2in and the random number appears between the 2 balls?     Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. {curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet    {compiler-directives careful? = true}}{let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = ""}}{value c1}{let message1:EllipseGraphic =     {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let message2:EllipseGraphic =    {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},  &nbs
 height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let overlay:OverlayBox =     {OverlayBox    {Frame halign = "left", message1},    {Frame halign = "right", message2},    {Frame valign = "bottom",    height = 1in,    {huge color = "red",Lucky Number!}    }    }}{do     let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in    {c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, overlay}    let start-time:DateTime = {DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 3s    {overlay.animate frequency = 60fps,    {on Ti
 do    let elapsed-time:Time = {start-time.elapsed}    let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - drop-time}    let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t)     {c1.move-to-xy overlay, start-x, y}    }    }    {c1.add    x = 2in,    y = 1in,    {text font-weight = "bold", Words}    }}***To unsubscribe from this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To
 contact a human list administrator, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To recieve a list of other options for this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
		Yahoo! Photos 
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-29 Thread Kamal Bhatt

Here is the requested code. I am putting here two 
examples. In the first one the buttons themselves
animate, and in the second one they do 
Example 1. 
{curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes 
character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet    
{compiler-directives careful? = true}}
{let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas 
width = 10in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = 
""}}{value c1} {let message1:EllipseGraphic = 
{EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url 
"control-panel-logo.gif"},    height 
= 1in, width = 1in    }}{let message2:EllipseGraphic 
=    {EllipseGraphic    
fill-color = {url 
"control-panel-logo.gif"},    height 
= 1in, width = 1in    }} {let 
random:RolledRandom = {RolledRandom 0, 100}}{let f:Frame 
    halign = 
"center",    width = 
2in,    color = 
"red",    font-size = 
22pt    }}
{let timer:#Timer}{let box:HBox = 
{Frame halign = "left", message1},    
f,    {Frame halign = "right", 
{on Action 
{if-non-null timer 
set timer.repeat = 
{on Action 
{if-non-null timer 
set timer.repeat = 
}    }    
{do     let start-x:Distance = 
2in, start-y:Distance = 1in    {c1.add x = start-x, y = 
start-y, box}    let start-time:DateTime = 
{DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 3s    
set timer =    {box.animate 
= 60fps,    
repeat = 0,    
let elapsed-time:Time = 
let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - 
let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) 
{c1.move-to-xy box, start-x, 
{f.add {}, replace? = 
}    }    
{c1.add||--    x = 
2in,||--    y = 
1in,||--    {text font-weight = 
"bold", Words}||--    }}

Example 2.
{curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes 
character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet    
{compiler-directives careful? = true}}
{let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas 
    width = 6in, 
    height = 5in, 
    border-width = 1pt, 
    background = 
""    }}
{value c1} {let 
message1:EllipseGraphic =     
{EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url 
"control-panel-logo.gif"},    height 
= 1in, width = 1in    }}{let message2:EllipseGraphic 
=    {EllipseGraphic    
fill-color = {url 
"control-panel-logo.gif"},    height 
= 1in, width = 1in    }} {let 
random:RolledRandom = {RolledRandom 0, 100}}{let f:Frame 
    halign = 
"center",    width = 
2in,    color = 
"red",    font-size = 
22pt    }}
{let box:HBox =     
{HBox    {Frame halign = "left", 
f,    {Frame halign = "right", 
{do     let start-x:Distance = 
.1in, start-y:Distance = 1in        let 
start-time:DateTime = {DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 
3s    let timer:Timer 
=    {box.animate 
= 10fps,    
repeat = 0,    
let elapsed-time:Time = 
let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - 
let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) 
{c1.move-to-xy box, start-x, 
{f.add {}, replace? = 
}    }
    x = start-x, 
    y = start-y, 
}    {c1.add    x 
= 5in,    y = 
{on Action 
set timer.repeat = 
{on Action 
set timer.repeat = 
}    }    
-- Kamal

  - Original Message - 
  pang tee 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:32 
  Subject: Re: Bouncing balls in Curl
  I have tried to add 2 buttons,
  first button to start the bouncing balls and the random number 
  2nd button to stop the bouncing balls and the random number 
  But due to the arrangement of the variables/parame

Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-27 Thread pang tee
  Hi,     I have tried to add 2 buttons,  first button to start the bouncing balls and the random number generation  2nd button to stop the bouncing balls and the random number generation.     But due to the arrangement of the variables/parameters, i cant seem to get the button to work. (i.e the parameter t appears after the button definition.)     Could someone help me to quickly complete this portion please? My demo to the CEO if i want to show Curl will be 1.5 days away.     Thanks,PTKamal Bhatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   There are various ways to do what you want. The example
 below uses an HBox.      I would suggest reading more about different containers and see what suits you best   for your application. The other choices could be a say a Canvas or a Grid.      {curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet    {compiler-directives careful? = true}}     {let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = ""}}{value c1}     {let message1:EllipseGraphic =    
 {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let message2:EllipseGraphic =    {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    height = 1in, width = 1in    }}     {let random:RolledRandom = {RolledRandom 0, 100}}{let f:Frame =    {Frame      halign = "center",    width = 2in,    color = "red",    font-size = 22pt   
 }}     {let box:HBox =     {HBox    {Frame halign = "left", message1},    f,    {Frame halign = "right", message2}        }}     {do     let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in    {c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, box}    let start-time:DateTime = {DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 3s    {box.animate frequency = 60fps,    {on TimerEvent do    let
 elapsed-time:Time = {start-time.elapsed}    let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - drop-time}    let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t)       {c1.move-to-xy box, start-x, y}    {f.add {}, replace? = true}    }    }||--    {c1.add||--    x = 2in,||--    y = 1in,||--    {text font-weight = "bold", Words}||--    }     }- Original Message -   From: pang tee   To:   Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 11:31 AM  Subject: Re: Bouncing balls in CurlThanks Duke and Kamal for the response.     I had added another bouncing ball to what was posted here earlier.  Can you tell me how i can make the 2 balls separated by a horizontal distance of 2in and the random number
 between the 2 balls?     Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. {curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet    {compiler-directives careful? = true}}{let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = ""}}{value c1}{let message1:EllipseGraphic =     {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let message2:EllipseGraphic =   
 {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let overlay:OverlayBox =     {OverlayBox    {Frame halign = "left", message1},    {Frame halign = "right", message2},    {Frame valign = "bottom",    height = 1in,    {huge color = "red",Lucky Number!}    }    }}{do     let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in    {c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, overlay}    let start-time:DateTime =
 {DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 3s    {overlay.animate frequency = 60fps,    {on TimerEvent do    let elapsed-time:Time = {start-time.elapsed}    let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - drop-time}    let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t)     {c1.move-to-xy overlay, start-x, y}    }    }    {c1.add    x = 2in,    y = 1in,    {text font-weight = "bold", Words}    }}
***To unsubscribe from this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To contact a human list administrator, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To recieve a list of other options for this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
		Yahoo! Shopping 
Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping {curl 4.0 applet}
{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}
{compiler-directives careful? = true}

{let c1:Canvas =
{Canvas width = 10in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = "yellow"}
{value c1}
{let messa

Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-27 Thread Kamal Bhatt

There are various ways to do what you 
want. The example below uses an HBox. 
I would suggest reading more about different 
containers and see what suits you best 
for your application. The other choices could be a 
say a Canvas or a Grid. 
{curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes 
character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet    
{compiler-directives careful? = true}}
{let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas 
width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = 
""}}{value c1}
{let message1:EllipseGraphic = 
{EllipseGraphic    fill-color = {url 
"control-panel-logo.gif"},    height 
= 1in, width = 1in    }}{let message2:EllipseGraphic 
=    {EllipseGraphic    
fill-color = {url 
"control-panel-logo.gif"},    height 
= 1in, width = 1in    }}
{let random:RolledRandom = {RolledRandom 0, 
100}}{let f:Frame =    
    halign = 
"center",    width = 
2in,    color = 
"red",    font-size = 
22pt    }}
{let box:HBox =     
{HBox    {Frame halign = "left", 
f,    {Frame halign = "right", 
{do     let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance 
= 1in    {c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, 
box}    let start-time:DateTime = 
{DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 3s    
{box.animate frequency = 60fps,    
{on TimerEvent 
do    let 
elapsed-time:Time = 
let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - 
let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) 
{c1.move-to-xy box, start-x, 
y}    {f.add 
{}, replace? = 
true}    }    
{c1.add||--    x = 
2in,||--    y = 
1in,||--    {text font-weight = 
"bold", Words}||--    }

  - Original Message - 
  pang tee 
  Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 11:31 
  Subject: Re: Bouncing balls in Curl
  Thanks Duke and Kamal for the response.
  I had added another bouncing ball to what was posted here earlier.
  Can you tell me how i can make the 2 balls separated by a horizontal 
  distance of 2in and the random number appears between the 2 balls?
  Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo 
  Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

  {curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = 
  "windows-latin-1"}{applet    {compiler-directives 
  careful? = true}}{let c1:Canvas =    {Canvas 
  width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = 
  ""}}{value c1}{let message1:EllipseGraphic = 
  {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = 
  {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    
  height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let 
  message2:EllipseGraphic =    
  {EllipseGraphic    fill-color = 
  {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},    
  height = 1in, width = 1in    }}{let 
  overlay:OverlayBox =     
  {OverlayBox    {Frame halign = 
  "left", message1},    {Frame halign 
  = "right", message2},    {Frame 
  valign = 
  height = 
  {huge color = "red",Lucky 
  Number!}    }    
  }}{do     let start-x:Distance = 2in, 
  start-y:Distance = 1in    {c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, 
  overlay}    let start-time:DateTime = 
  {DateTime}    let drop-time:Time = 3s    
  {overlay.animate frequency = 
  60fps,    {on TimerEvent 
  do    let 
  elapsed-time:Time = 
  let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - 
  let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) 
  {c1.move-to-xy overlay, start-x, 
  y}    }    
  }    {c1.add    
  x = 2in,    y = 
  1in,    {text font-weight = "bold", 
  Words}    }}

  ***To unsubscribe from this 
  list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To 
  contact a human list administrator, send a mail 
  to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To recieve a list of 
  other options for this list, send a mail 
  to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-25 Thread pang tee
Thanks Duke and Kamal for the response.     I had added another bouncing ball to what was posted here earlier.  Can you tell me how i can make the 2 balls separated by a horizontal distance of 2in and the random number appears between the 2 balls?   
		Yahoo! Photos 
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.{curl 4.0 applet}
{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}
{compiler-directives careful? = true}

{let c1:Canvas =
{Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = "yellow"}
{value c1}

{let message1:EllipseGraphic = 
fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},
height = 1in, width = 1in
{let message2:EllipseGraphic = 
fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},
height = 1in, width = 1in

{let overlay:OverlayBox = 
{Frame halign = "left", message1},
{Frame halign = "right", message2},
{Frame valign = "bottom",
height = 1in,
{huge color = "red",Lucky Number!}

let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in
{c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, overlay}
let start-time:DateTime = {DateTime}
let drop-time:Time = 3s
{overlay.animate frequency = 60fps,
{on TimerEvent do
let elapsed-time:Time = {start-time.elapsed}
let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - drop-time}
let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) 
{c1.move-to-xy overlay, start-x, y}
x = 2in,
y = 1in,
{text font-weight = "bold", Words}


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Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-24 Thread Duke Briscoe

On Dec 24, 2005, at 9:53 AM, Kamal Bhatt wrote:

Go to Surge Control Panel.
Select the Security Options Tab.
Then click on "This Computer".
Click on "Add Privileged Directory".  This will bring up a Dialog box 
with a text field. In the text field type "c:\".

Press OK.
-- Kamal

- Original Message -
From: pang tee
To: Duke Briscoe ;
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

How do i solve the error below?
 - An error occurred while loading this applet.
SecurityException: An unprivileged applet tried to read the local 
file 'file:///c:/control-panel-logo.gif'. This message is caused by 
an error in the applet, not by a problem with Surge or your computer.

This is only happening because you are running the applet from a file 
rather than a web server.  Typically during development you would use a 
web server, perhaps http://localhost/.  The IDE provides a license you 
can use for http://localhost/.  Or you can just run the applet as a 
file: URL and privileged, although that may cause it to behave 
differently than the typical deployment situation where the applet will 
be at an http: URL and unprivileged.

-- Duke

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Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-24 Thread Kamal Bhatt

Go to Surge Control Panel.
Select the Security Options Tab. 
Then click on "This Computer". 
Click on "Add Privileged Directory".  This 
will bring up a Dialog box with a text field. In the text field type 
Press OK.
-- Kamal

  - Original Message - 
  pang tee 
  To: Duke Briscoe ; 
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:19 
  Subject: Re: Bouncing balls in Curl
  How do i solve the error below?
   - An error occurred while loading this applet. 
  SecurityException: An unprivileged applet tried to read the local file 
  'file:///c:/control-panel-logo.gif'. This message is caused by an error in the 
  applet, not by a problem with Surge or your computer.Duke 
  Briscoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
tee wrote:> > Can someone make this 3D ball bounce at the 
click of a button and after > 2 seconds stop the ball in mid air and 
make a random number appear on > the face of the ball while the ball 
becomes bigger?/nearer to the screen?> > Thanks.> 
> */pang tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:> > Is there 
any way to create bouncing balls in Curl?See my attached applet for 
part of what you want t o do. You could substitute an image of a ball 
instead of the image I used.> > I looked at the 
documentation and it seems sphere is used to distort> a picture or 
input.> > Seems easier for me to just to used flash... is it 
correct?Many animations are probably easier to do with Flash than 
with Curl's current tools.-- Duke{curl 4.0 
applet}{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = 
"windows-latin-1"}{applet{compiler-directives careful? = 
true}}{let c1:Canvas ={Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, 
border-width = 1pt, background = ""}}{value c1}{let 
message:EllipseGraphic = {EllipseGraphicfill-color = {url 
"control-panel-logo.gif"},height = 1in, width = 
1in}}{let overlay:OverlayBox = {OverlayBox{Frame 
valign = "center", message},{Frame valign = "center",height = 
1in,{huge color = "red",Lucky Number!{do 
< BR>let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in{c1.add x = 
start-x, y = start-y, overlay}let start-time:DateTime = 
{DateTime}let drop-time:Time = 3s{overlay.animate frequency = 
60fps,{on TimerEvent dolet elapsed-time:Time = 
{start-time.elapsed}let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - 
drop-time}let y:Distance = start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) 
{c1.move-to-xy overlay, start-x, 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-24 Thread pang tee
How do i solve the error below?      - An error occurred while loading this applet. SecurityException: An unprivileged applet tried to read the local file 'file:///c:/control-panel-logo.gif'. This message is caused by an error in the applet, not by a problem with Surge or your computer.Duke Briscoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  pang tee wrote:> > Can someone make this 3D ball bounce at the click of a button and after > 2 seconds stop the ball in mid air and make a random number appear on > the face of the ball while the ball becomes bigger?/nearer to the screen?> > Thanks.> > */pang tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:> > Is there any way to create bouncing balls in Curl?See my attached applet for part of what you want t
 o do.
 You could substitute an image of a ball instead of the image I used.> > I looked at the documentation and it seems sphere is used to distort> a picture or input.> > Seems easier for me to just to used flash... is it correct?Many animations are probably easier to do with Flash than with Curl's current tools.-- Duke{curl 4.0 applet}{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}{applet{compiler-directives careful? = true}}{let c1:Canvas ={Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = ""}}{value c1}{let message:EllipseGraphic = {EllipseGraphicfill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},height = 1in, width = 1in}}{let overlay:OverlayBox = {OverlayBox{Frame valign = "center", message},{Frame valign = "center",height = 1in,{huge color = "red",Lucky Number!{do <
 start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in{c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, overlay}let start-time:DateTime = {DateTime}let drop-time:Time = 3s{overlay.animate frequency = 60fps,{on TimerEvent dolet elapsed-time:Time = {start-time.elapsed}let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - drop-time}let y:Distance = start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) {c1.move-to-xy overlay, start-x, y__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-23 Thread Duke Briscoe

pang tee wrote:

Can someone make this 3D ball bounce at the click of a button and after 
2 seconds stop the ball in mid air and make a random number appear on 
the face of the ball while the ball becomes bigger?/nearer to the screen?

*/pang tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

Is there any way to create bouncing balls in Curl?

See my attached applet for part of what you want to do.  You could substitute an 
image of a ball instead of the image I used.

I looked at the documentation and it seems sphere is used to distort

a picture or input.
Seems easier for me to just to used flash... is it correct?

Many animations are probably easier to do with Flash than with Curl's current 

-- Duke

{curl 4.0 applet}
{curl-file-attributes character-encoding = "windows-latin-1"}
{compiler-directives careful? = true}

{let c1:Canvas =
{Canvas width = 6in, height = 5in, border-width = 1pt, background = "yellow"}
{value c1}

{let message:EllipseGraphic = 
fill-color = {url "control-panel-logo.gif"},
height = 1in, width = 1in

{let overlay:OverlayBox = 
{Frame valign = "center", message},
{Frame valign = "center",
height = 1in,
{huge color = "red",
Lucky Number!}

let start-x:Distance = 2in, start-y:Distance = 1in
{c1.add x = start-x, y = start-y, overlay}
let start-time:DateTime = {DateTime}
let drop-time:Time = 3s
{overlay.animate frequency = 60fps,
{on TimerEvent do
let elapsed-time:Time = {start-time.elapsed}
let t:Time = {abs (elapsed-time mod drop-time*2) - drop-time}
let y:Distance =  start-y + 0.5 * 2(cm/s^2)*(t * t) 
{c1.move-to-xy overlay, start-x, y}

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Re: Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-19 Thread pang tee
  Can someone make this 3D ball bounce at the click of a button and after 2 seconds stop the ball in mid air and make a random number appear on the face of the ball while the ball becomes bigger?/nearer to the screen?     Thanks.pang tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Is there any way to create bouncing balls in Curl?     I looked at the documentation and it seems sphere is used to distort a picture or input.     Seems easier for me to just to used flash... is it correct?Duke Briscoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On Dec 18, 2005, at 10:39 PM, pang tee wrote:> Thanks Kamal,>  >
 ; I
 tried to combine the two codes together, but ended with the errors > attached in randomgenerator.doc.>  > Actually i just to get the screen to appear like in > randomgenerator.jpg if anyone can help. The shape that is in the code > here is calling rectangles not spheres.>  > Thanks,> PTThe error is telling you that a View can only have one graphical child, while you have two, one is the random number and the other is the Canvas. So you need to choose some other layout.***To unsubscribe from this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To contact a human list administrator, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To recieve a list of other options for this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around {curl 4.0 applet}

{import * from CURL.GRAPHICS.SCENE}

{define-proc public
{sphere-vertices-normals hres:int, vres:int}:
({Array-of FloatDistance3d}, {Array-of FloatDirection3d})
let vertices:{Array-of FloatDistance3d} =
{{Array-of FloatDistance3d}.from-size
(hres + 1) * (vres + 1),
{FloatDistance3d 0f(m), 0f(m), 0f(m)}
let normals:{Array-of FloatDirection3d} =
{{Array-of FloatDirection3d}.from-size
(hres + 1) * (vres + 1),
{FloatDirection3d 0, 0, 0}
let n:int = 0
{for i:int = 0 to hres do
{for j:int = 0 to vres do
let azimuth:FloatAngle = -180f(deg) + i * 360f(deg)/hres
let elevation:FloatAngle =  -90f(deg) + j * 180f(deg)/vres
set vertices[n] =
({cos azimuth} * {cos elevation}) * 1f(in),
({sin azimuth} * {cos elevation}) * 1f(in),
({sin elevation}) * 1f(in)
set normals[n] = vertices[n]/1f(in)
{inc n}
{return vertices, normals}
{define-proc public
{mesh-faces hres:int, vres:int}:#{Array-of #{Array-of int}}
let faces:#{Array-of #{Array-of int}} =
{{Array-of #{Array-of int}}.from-size hres * vres, null}
let n:int = 0
{for i:int = 0 to hres - 1 do
{for j:int = 0 to vres - 1 do
set faces[n] =
{new {Array-of int},
i   * (vres + 1) + j,
(i + 1) * (vres + 1) + j,
(i + 1) * (vres + 1) + j + 1,
i   * (vres + 1) + j + 1
{inc n}
{return faces}
{define-class public Sphere {inherits PolygonSet}

  field hres:int
  field vres:int
  {constructor public {default
  hres:int = 20,
  vres:int = 10,
{construct-super ... }
set self.hres = hres
set self.vres = vres
set (self.vertices, self.normals) =
{sphere-vertices-normals hres, vres}
set self.faces = {mesh-faces hres, vres}
  {method open public
{paint renderer:Renderer3d,
viewport-width:Distance, viewport-height:Distance}:void
renderer.cull-face-enabled? = true
{super.paint renderer, viewport-width, viewport-height}

  {method open public
check-visibility?:bool = false
{Distance3d -1in, -1in, -1in},
{Distance3d 1in, 1in, 1in},
not check-visibility? or self.bounding-box-or-object-visible?
let scene:Scene = {Scene}
let camera:Camera =
let camera-target:Distance3d = {Distance3d 0ft, 0ft, 0ft}
let camera-position:Distance3d = {Distance3d 2in, -1in, 2in}
let camera-direction:Direction3d =
{(camera-target - camera-position).direction}
let up:Direction3d = {Direction3d 0, 0, 1}
camera-direction, up, position = camera-position}
set camera.projection = Projection.perspective
set camera

Bouncing balls in Curl

2005-12-19 Thread pang tee
Is there any way to create bouncing balls in Curl?     I looked at the documentation and it seems sphere is used to distort a picture or input.     Seems easier for me to just to used flash... is it correct?Duke Briscoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On Dec 18, 2005, at 10:39 PM, pang tee wrote:> Thanks Kamal,>  > I tried to combine the two codes together, but ended with the errors > attached in randomgenerator.doc.>  > Actually i just to get the screen to appear like in > randomgenerator.jpg if anyone can help. The shape that is in the code > here is calling rectangles not spheres.>  > Thanks,> PTThe error is telling you that a View can only have one graphical child, while you have
 one is the random number and the other is the Canvas. So you need to choose some other layout.***To unsubscribe from this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To contact a human list administrator, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To recieve a list of other options for this list, send a mail to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around