CS: Pol-BBC Question Time

2001-02-26 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Question Time will be in London, at the beginning of March (8th), seeing that the March is the weekend after the show, it would be worth som of us being in the audience. Infact it would be worth having some shooters at every Question Time show, to

CS: Legal-US Supreme Court refuses to hear California challenge

2001-02-23 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I thought the point of having courts was to "try the law" EW http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/02/20/scotus.assaultweapons.ap/index.html U.S. Supreme Court upholds California weapons ban February 20, 2001 Web

CS: Misc-Press Quote By Philosopher

2001-02-23 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The press today is an army with carefully organised weapons, the journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. The reader neither knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the role he is to play. Oswald Spen

CS: Misc-Prince Phillip's Cricket Bat View Is Justified!

2001-02-23 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just seen the advert for Time Team, to be shown next Thursday at 9pm on Ch4. In the program they investigate a burial chamber somewhere in England (I think) where the victims of a ritual killing have been buried. On examination of a skull, the woma

CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-22 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Did anyone else see "Murder Detectives" on Tues eve on Channel 5? The Forensic Entomologist (I think!) was called in to deal with the forensics surrounding a corpse that had been found in Hawaii. To do this he looks at the insects li

CS: Target-Reloading Kit & Questions

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Came across a web page that may be of use to reloaders in the UK - they seem to be mail order They have a catalogue that can be requested. Anyone have any experience with them? Also does anyone have any suggestions on what kit to buy as a basi

CS: Pol-March in March Quote

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Those claiming that gun ownership is only a privilege and not a right are in fact reserving the right to deny that privilege Picked up from a NG EW Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Misc-Mother's Magnum

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] An amusing story with the mesage of "never bet if you don't want to loose" Enjoy EW === http://www.gunsandammomag.com/dynamic.asp?intSectionID=212&intArticleID=1083 Mother's Magnum - Ma

CS: Pol-Is Freedom Lost on the Next Generation?

2001-02-21 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gunsandammomag.com/dynamic.asp?intSectionID=210&intArticleID=734 Is Freedom Lost on the Next Generation? By Charlton Heston We may be losing the next generation of Americans, as they lose an und

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] >I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number of black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to

CS: Misc-TV: Siege

2001-02-16 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just seen the Siege program on ITV tonight, why is it that the police marksman will only shoot when the target is pointing the firearm at the hostage with their finger on the trigger, about to kill the hostage? I'm thinking of the sho

CS: Crime-Time to take guns out of community

2001-02-15 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1169000/1169598.stm Wednesday, 14 February, 2001, 11:01 GMT Time to take guns out of community Harlesden has been plagued by gang-related shootings Harlesden in north west London recently

CS: Pol-Labour Arms Sales

2001-02-15 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Special report: Labour's ethical foreign policy Richard Norton-Taylor Wednesday February 14, 2001 The Guardian Gaping loopholes in Britain's weapons export controls remain five years after they were identified by Lord Scott

CS: Misc-Less Lethal Equiptment

2001-02-15 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] An interesting site, especially for the recent excuses that it's ok to practice on the public. Maybe if some of this stuff was issued... EW http://www.ozarkmtns.com/less-lethal/ Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershoot

CS: Crime-"the fashion for firearms"

2001-02-13 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/uk/2001/life_of_crime/police.stm It is a neighbourhood with a reputation for drugs and violence; a place where gang rivalry has led to shootings. The police officers patrolling these streets h

CS: Pol-Fishing

2001-02-13 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Animal activists set sights on angling 1:03pm Monday, 12th February 2001 Animal rights activists are launching a nationwide advertising campaign as part of a push for angling to be outlawed. Leisure fishing is a bloodsport, as bad as fox h

CS: Crime-Yard summit as gun gang crime reaches peak in London.

2001-02-10 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Mr Fuller said police 'were particularly concerned at the rise in the' number of "assassination style" weapons in London. Which are???Mobile Phone Guns >"However, London is not flooded with guns

CS: Misc-TV Anti's & Music

2001-02-10 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just seen the advert for "London's Burning" on ITV, which features 2 men shooting twice with a revolver at a door lock, & then in the next scene, a grenade rolling on the floor with the footage cut to insinuate that the gr

CS: Target-Knob Creek

2001-02-10 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.machinegunshoot.com/ The link for the Knob Creek website shoot, next MG shoot is 6,7,8 April EW Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Legal-Soldier's "suicide by cop"

2001-02-10 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Police 'lawfully' killed man armed with air rifle A FORMER soldier who was shot dead by police after repeatedly aiming an air rifle at them was lawfully killed, an inquest decided yesterday. Antony Kitts, 20, pointed the gun, resembl

CS: Misc-Another old rumor

2001-02-09 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can anybody shed any light on this one? During the Pistol bans Winston Churchill's Boer War Broomhandled Mauser was "handed in" (from a private collection I assume) & was subsequently witnessed being crushed! (same sour

CS: Pol-Conservatives? Listening?

2001-02-08 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Looks like I should email them back & ask them to answer the question!!! EW -Original Message- Sent: 23 January 2001 17:05 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Believing in Britain Is it not time an updated(?)version of the Bill O

CS: Pol-Interesting Views Of A Canadian

2001-02-05 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This was posted in can.talk.guns by Len McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I think some of his comments on jealousy have some relevance to us. EW = In the gun debate, it appears to me that the gun community has faile

CS: Pol-Shotguns & good reason, from the Lords Hansard

2001-02-01 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24 Jan 2001 : Column WA16 Shotgun Certificates: Requirement to Show Good Reason The Earl of Shrewsbury asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will provide details of all cases in the last five years in which chief officers

CS: Legal-McMurdo

2001-01-31 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So, IF McMurdo is still alive, then WHY HASN'T HE & THE OTHERS BEEN BROUGHT TO JUSTICE??? Surely it is not beyond our collective ability to bring (in each of these travesties of justice) Private Prosecutions in the form of "Field

CS: Crime-another two shot

2001-01-30 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2 men shot in Peckham 4am Monday 29 Jan - It's on the news but not on the BBC web site yet..H & not on the BBC news either..HMM The details are 2 men shot in the head by a "gang" of others 1 was DOA to hospit

CS: Pol-Nail bomb sent to farm

2001-01-30 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.msn.co.uk/UNICODEBLIP/PA/PAENNEWS09.ASP Army bomb disposal experts have defused a nail bomb sent to an agricultural firm in Yorkshire. A package, described by police as a nail bomb in a padded envelop, was delivered to a comp

CS: Pol-McMurdo

2001-01-29 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it true that McMurdo, after resigning, moved to Australia, & not long after moving there committed suicide by hanging himself? Supposedly due to the stresses involved with Hamilton/Dunblane? EW -- Last I heard he was still in t

CS: Pol-March Slogans

2001-01-25 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What Rights Do You Have..? Think Again Or What Rights Do You Have Left..? Think Again EW Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Pol-Fishing next

2001-01-24 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perhaps Mr Tony Banks MP (the keen fisherman who votes to ban all other sports) would like to see where his hypocritical stand on rights & past times has got him, his fellow anglers, the fishing industry etc! So will the ALF be targeti

CS: Pol-New police procedures - Caretaker

2001-01-24 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.the-journal.co.uk/cfm/newsstory.cfm?StoryId=227879 Guns in school prompts rethink Police are to change gun licence procedures after a caretaker was found to be keeping weapons at a mid

CS: Legal-English Bill of Rights 1689

2001-01-23 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.nhinet.org/ccs/docs/ebr-doc.htm --- English Bill of Rights 1689 An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of

CS: Misc-Language of the civil war era

2001-01-23 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] CIVIL WAR SLANG What if you could talk to someone who lived at the time of the Civil War? You would probably have a hard time understanding some of the things they said. Below is a list of words and phrases used during the Civil War. The

CS: Pol-Caretaker told to take his guns away from school

2001-01-23 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.the-journal.co.uk/cfm/newsstory.cfm?StoryId=227628 Caretaker told to take his guns away from school - Council orders urgent action by Philippa White Arural caretaker has been ordered to remov

CS: Pol-Death Of A Fox

2001-01-22 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is my sad duty to inform those who wish to know, that the recent bill to prevent the death of foxes, has failed. On my way home I saw, lying lifeless in the road at approx. 1:30am Sunday/Monday a young adult Fox which had I assume been re

CS: Pol-Mr Al Fayed's email if you want to become an MP

2001-01-20 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] As you may know, Mr Mohamed Al Fayed is sponsoring Independent MP's for the next election. This really is too good an opportunity to pass up, just think...all the wrongs that could be righted with us in Parliament!!! the email addres

CS: Pol-Tony Banks on Muggers

2001-01-20 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Did anyone see Tony Banks MP in the debate on Fox Hunting, mention his recent mugging by 3 "Black" youths (also stated on "Clarkson" - BBC2) Interesting to see how his view of muggings & violent crime has changed now -

CS: Pol-ban on hunting.

2001-01-20 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So, is this now how the "Labour" party now worksEvery 3 years it *HAS* to BAN an activity & Persecute a section of society - from past & present experience - the most law abiding sections? Oh, not to mention the infring

CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-18 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks everyone, here's the response from Winchester, does anyone know the specifications of the rifles with the large loop - Barrel Length, Calibers, Sights etc I think Franklin Mint was one of the places that said the large loop was

CS: Misc-Suggestions for Mark Thomas - CH4

2001-01-18 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] His email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] If there are any political suggestions for him to investigate send him an email!!! EW Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-18 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] No matter what, I WILL BE ATTENDING THE MARCH, as should everyone else with an interest in field/country sports & human rights - including the fishing sports supporters as they will be next for a ban. Though, I have considered taking a ca

CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-16 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello, I am trying to find out more about the Winchester underlever rifle that John Wayne used in several of his films. In "El Dorado" it was commented that it was a customised rifle. The outward appearance of the rifle is tha

CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-16 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What are the chances that when we all attend the March in March, that we will all be videoed, & that video used against us upon application/renewal as proof of unsuitability to hold a SGC/FAC??? EW -- How? It's not illegal to de

CS: Pol-The March In March - Registration & Info

2001-01-11 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I appreciate that everyone probably knows about the March on the 18th March & the debates for and against it (Lack of support in 1997 being one) Yes, I did borrow this information from the Sportsman's association Website, to send

CS: Pol-Govt Vs Comedian

2001-01-10 Thread Earl W
From: "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Whitehall official accused of dirty tricks against comedian 8:17am Monday, 08th January 2001 A Whitehall official has been reprimanded after asking colleagues to find information with which to smear comedian Mark Thomas. The unnamed civ

CS: Pol-"lack of energy in dealing with the knife problem"

2001-01-04 Thread Earl W