Re: newbie xlib/xt question

2007-02-28 Thread René Berber
Agostino Ruscito wrote:

> apologies for my poor English) I just installed cygwin.
> I'm trying to compile a program under cygwin, but I got some errors.
> gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lICE -lSM -lXext xhello.o  -o xhello
> xhello.o:xhello.c:(.text+0x42): undefined reference to `_XtSetLanguageProc'
> Do I missing some lib in the Makefile?

No, the problem is the order of the parameters, put your LDFLAGS at the end in
the makefile:

# rule to link the program
$(PROG): $(OBJS)
   $(LD) $(OBJS) -o $(PROG) $(LDFLAGS)

BTW those are not really "LDFLAGS" it's the flags and the libraries, the problem
with unresolved symbols is caused by the order in which the libraries are 
René Berber

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Re: X forwarding

2007-02-23 Thread René Berber
SteveS wrote:
> In Cywin I then do
> and get a command prompt from the Ubuntu server. Running a graphical app (eg
> gedit) returns
> cannot open display: (null)
> There are suggestions online to manually set the display, but as I
> understand that's incorrect if you are doing X forwarding.

The suggestion meant to set DISPLAY on the client side (Cygwin), you are correct
about not changing it on the server side.

Just do:

export DISPLAY=localhost:0:0
ssh -Y ...
René Berber

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Re: Xlib connection refused

2007-01-16 Thread René Berber
thom wrote:

> is the IP address of my xterm server. That is my windows
> box.

No, server is Linux server, not X server.

> If I don't set display, it ends up pointing to localhost, which is
> not what I want to do.

Wrong, localhost:10.0 is the correct value, and it is the one ssh sets for a
good reason: ssh itself is listening to the respective port on the remote side,
and will tunnel all the X protocol, encrypted and compressed or not, to the
client side, where it will connect to localhost:0.0 which is where your Cygwin X
server is listening.
René Berber

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Re: Xlib connection refused

2007-01-16 Thread René Berber
thom wrote:

> Thanks for the help. I was setting the display variable myself. I changed

Which is wrong, you shouldn't change it, ssh does the setting.

> it to be :10.0 and it took longer before giving me the error:
> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:

And no wonder, the IP address should be (or the IP of the server) not
the client address.

Many people gave you the wrong information, in short ssh takes care of setting
DISPLAY when you use -X or -Y or both, no need for anything else.
René Berber

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Re: Cygwin/X and cygrunsrv

2006-12-03 Thread René Berber
Igor Peshansky wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Dec 2006, Tomasz Blachowicz wrote:
>> Have a question to more experienced users. Is it possible to run
>> Cygwin/X as service on my XP box? Currently I've added startxwin.bat
>> to Windows Startup so it starts at the system startup. But I'd like to
>> run X server using cygrunsrv like httpd2, ssh and cron. Although I'm
>> not certain it's a good idea in general.
>> Every piece of advice is welcome, I'd appreciate it.
> Tom,
> Contrary to the popular belief and the unfortunate naming, the X server is
> not really a server.

Uh?  And it just happens to be based on Xorg-X11 (previuosly XFree86).

> It is an application that accepts requests from
> other applications (called the X clients) and draws them on the screen.

And the window manager is usually the X client sending requests.  The user
application goes to the middleman (window manager), which in Cygwin X is part of
the server (but another window manager can be used optionally, like WindowMaker
for instance).

> This means that it needs to have access to the Windows desktop (which is
> one of the reasons it cannot successfully run as a service).

And the -i parameter of cygrunsrv wouldn't help because...

>  You are probably better off with your current setup.

It is probably not easy to do what the OP asked, and I haven't even tried but I
think it is possible.

First you have to know what you really want: running X as service will not
magically produce a login window if you try to connect from another machine, and
setting up gnome-session/xsm/ksmserver is probably not easy.  But that is not a
good objective anyway, if you wanted something like that you use any Unix OS.

But, for an already logged in user, I think it just works (meaning a running X
server will allow to open X applications).  I do something similar, not a
service that starts on boot, but a background X server that is running without
the usual xterm that you can't close (the next step would be to test cygrunsrv
with, and w/o, the -i option).
René Berber

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Re: ERROR: Cannot open X display

2006-10-31 Thread René Berber
Luis G. Rivera wrote:

> I have used Cygwin/X on two computer in my office and it works
> with no problems.  There are several users who cannot use the
> softwared.  One in particular gets the following error messages:
> ERROR: Cannot open X display.  Check display name/server
> access authorization.
> This is the steps that I use in my office to run Cygwin/X:
> 1.Execute “startxwin.bat”.
> 2.On the window that opens I type: xhost +
>  Then I type: ssh –X
> 3.I type my password and get in with no problem.  Then I
> type: setenv DISPLAY myipaddress:0.0.

This is wrong, if you used "ssh -X" then DISPLAY is already set (by ssh) and it
has a different value, usually localhost:10.0 for the first connection.

The idea is that ssh will tunnel the X connection through itself (thus
localhost) and it uses a configurable display number (the 10.0).

The reason it works from some computers and not from others is that even if the
X server exists at myipaddress:0.0 it could be blocked by any firewall between
computers; the ssh tunnel is the way to avoid being blocked.

René Berber

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Re: Error

2006-10-27 Thread René Berber
Betancourt, Benjamin wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone could help me with this error.  I have no idea what 
> it means.
> _XSERVTransSocketINETCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
> _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running
> Fatal server error:
> Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already 
> running

It means literally what it says: you cannot start more than one X server at a
time (on the same ports).

You probably are running into another problem and when you don't see the xterm
or the application you were expecting to see you try to start it again... won't
work, the original problem is still there.  Wild guess: you have anti-virus or
"internet security" software that block the X server ports.
René Berber

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Re: xterm Xt error: Can't open display

2006-10-13 Thread René Berber
claire wilson wrote:

> i have installed the latest version of cygwin after removing my older
> version as i wanted to run the latest version. all i want to do is
> emulate linux on my windows machine. i start cygwin from the start
> menu, and then: try to run xterm.exe from the resulting cygwin window
> but this always fail with xterm Xt error: Can't open display. i have
> tried setting my display to localhost:0, and many other
> things none seem to work.

That is normal, if you don't have a X server running...

> try to run startxwin.bat i get the
> following error startxwin.bat - Starting on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 
> 11363 [main] run 5336 tty_list::allocate: No tty allocated 8 [main]
> run 4388 tty_list::allocate: No tty allocated (the contents of
> Xwin.log are listed below) however if i run startx, i do get an xterm
> but it lacks alot of funcitonality.

You mean it is a different xterm?  What functionality is missing?

> i have tried going back to my
> original install, this no longer works either.
> i have spent all day trying to work out how to fix this (googling,
> mail list archive searches etc) and have failed so any help you could
> supply would be very much appreciated!

I think in your old installation you had changed the startup or your user's 
.xinitrc; this last one is usually the one that opens the xterm.

If you don't have a ~/.xinitrc then it is a global script opening the xterm, 
that should be /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.  If that is the case you can copy that 
one to your .xinitrc and make changes there.

For instance you can edit the last line (commented below) and instead start 
xterm with your favorite options:

#exec xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l
exec xterm -sb -sl 1024 -rv -geometry 80x25+0+0 -name login

or even better, something like:

rxvt -rv -display localhost:0.0 -sl 1024 -e bash -li

(those are simple examples, you can do much more with other parameters).

> cat /tmp/XWin.log _XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory
> /tmp/.X11-unix will not be created. (II) XF86Config is not supported
>  (II) See for more
> winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY= winMultiWindowXMsgProc -
> pthread_mutex_unlock () returned. winMultiWindowXMsgProc -
> DISPLAY= winInitMultiWindowWM - Could not open display,

Any anti-virus or "Internet security" software blocking Xwindows ports?

If you did get a xterm, as you say above, then these errors are probably not 
important since that xterm means X was running fine, at least once.
René Berber

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Re: 1.5.21: works, startxwin.bat does not work

2006-10-01 Thread René Berber
Scott Fordin wrote:
> Strange thing though is that it does work on another machine.

Very strange, the differences you sent don't show an invalid script at all.  
One of the 2 files has \r\n endings (that's the reason for the first 2 
differences) but as long as they are being executed by it doesn't 

> Well, the way things install, a "Start X Server" shortcut is
> installed on the desktop. It's more handy than opening a bash
> shell and then running startx from there. I've tried configuring
> a similar shortcut for startx, but I can't get it to work.

You can create a shortcut to and then edit its "Properties" so the 
target ends up like: C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin/ bash --login -c 

I use a shortcut to start X Windows only (no xterm):

C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin XWin -multiwindow -clipboard 
-silent-dup-error -dpi 100

> Since
> startxwin.bat fails with the same error as startxserver.bat, I
> can't just use that on the desktop instead. I don't have a
> standalone version of Perl installed, so I can't run the .sh
> version of the script. I don't know how else to do it. I looked,
> but I didn't find an answer, but do you know of a way I can pass
> a shell command to bash.exe from the Windows command prompt?

If your path includes the location of Cygwin's binaries you can use run as 

> There are differences, but none seems significant vis a vis
> this particular problem. I've attached the diff output. I
> can't even figure out where the lapack libraries are being
> called...

Nowhere... so what is being run?
René Berber

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Re: 1.5.21: works, startxwin.bat does not work

2006-09-29 Thread René Berber
Scott Fordin wrote:

> Thanks for replying, René. My responses are embedded inline.
> René Berber wrote:
>>> When I tried running the C:\cygwin\lib\Singular\startxserver.bat
>> -^
>> That is not from the Cygwin distribution.
> Dunno. I ran the latest official Cygwin setup.exe, and chose to
> install *all* the packages at one of the mirrors listed in the
> install window:
> The Singular stuff came with that.

You are right.

I just checked and the startxserver.bat comes with 
singular-icons (strange, but then I don't use Singular).

>> So?  That means the above .bat file is trying to execute something
>> else that also doesn't come with Cygwin... and is not even an
>> executable.
> Again. Dunno. It's what came with the distro.

OK, it seems that the startxserver is not even a valid script (I haven't 
tested, I don't have Singular, I'm saying that from the result you had).

Question: Why were you trying to start XWin with that bat file?  I don't know 
what it is for, but seems redundant.

>>> I then tried the /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat script and got the same
>>> error.

Now to the real problem: are the files different?

They should be.  There is no reference to the Singular directory in the normal 
startxwin.bat file... check for symbolic or hard links, perhaps Singular's 
(post)installation is doing something wrong.

I see no other explanation for getting the same error message.
René Berber

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Re: 1.5.21: works, startxwin.bat does not work

2006-09-29 Thread René Berber
Scott Fordin wrote:

> I just rebuilt my Win2K machine and did a fresh install of all
> packages in the Cygwin and Cygwin-X 1.5.21 distributions.
> When I tried running the C:\cygwin\lib\Singular\startxserver.bat
That is not from the Cygwin distribution.

You seem to have installed something else on top of Cygwin.

> script, the X server startup failed with the following error:
> - Snip -
> 'C:\cygwin\lib\lapack' is not recognized as an internal or external
> command, operable program or batch file.
> - Snip -

So?  That means the above .bat file is trying to execute something else that 
also doesn't come with Cygwin... and is not even an executable.

> I then tried the /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat script and got the
> same error.

If you received the same error message then something, not Cygwin, messed up 
your installation.  Same error probably means you executed the same file, are 
they really named startxserver.bat and startxwin.bat, or is just a typo?

> Two things are weird about this:
>1. /usr/X11R6/bin/ works just fine; it's only the
>   bat file that fails.
>2. The same Cygwin/Cygwin-X distribution works just fine on
>   my XP machine. I even tried installing Cygwin on my Win2K
>   machine using the packages that I had downloaded to my XP
>   machine.
> I've tried totally removing and reinstalling Cygwin a couple of
> times already.

Did you check what was left on the above directory?  If Cygwin did not install 
whatever is there it will not delete it.

René Berber

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Re: XF86Config file

2006-09-27 Thread René Berber
Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:

> Stecher, Fred wrote:
>> On CYGWIN is there a config file equivalent to XF86Config?
> How about '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'?

Where did that file came from?  Its not from a Cygwin installation (just 

The answer to the OP is no (as shown in the messages when X starts and stored 
in /tmp/XWin.log: "(II) XF86Config is not supporte"), but look at the comments 
in /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat (i.e. you can specify your own  -- don't know 
if it works but that's what the file says).
René Berber

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Re: error

2006-09-27 Thread René Berber
Gennady Pekhimenko wrote:

> I've just installed cygwin with X11 and I have a non-regular error .
>  19 [main] X 12268 child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed, 
> 0x3D3000..0x3D4020, done 0, windows pid 2277572, Win32 error 487

This message was just commented on the main Cygwin list as being the result of 
running McAfee antivirus.  The solution is: disable the "buffer overrun 

René Berber

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Re: XWin -silent-dup-error not so silent

2006-09-09 Thread René Berber
Jeff Cook wrote:

> Anybody have a work-around for this super-annoying problem?

I you are using a script like the sample sent by Kenneth, why not doing
something simple as:

PID=`ps -a | grep XWin | cut -d " " -f 6`
if [ -z $PID ]; then
   \cygwin\bin\run XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error
   \cygwin\bin\run xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l

You can also use pgrep in PID=... if you have it (makes that part clearer and
more portable).
René Berber

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Re: Starting XServer

2006-09-07 Thread René Berber
Stephen Grant Brown wrote:

> I am having trouble starting the cygwin xfree server.
> I was running cygwin in e:/cygwin
> I deleted this via the setup program
> I installed cygwin in c:/cygwin.
> At this stage XServer was working but not bash.
> I went back into setup and reinstalled bash.
> Bash now works.
> XServerver throws up the following log file
> (WW) /tmp mounted int textmode
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
> winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress
> I then checked the font path.
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts exists
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID does not exist.
> What do I do to fix this?

What's the output of running "mount -m" ?
René Berber

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Re: Cygwin Error

2006-09-01 Thread René Berber
Ronald J. Duchovic wrote:

> Upon issuing the command
> startxwin.bat
> I receive an error message saying:
> "A fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X will now exit.
> Please open /tmp/XWin.log for more information."
> But Cygwin does not exit.

What do you mean, the terminal doesn't close? that's normal, the process that
will terminate (exit) is XWin which runs in the background.

> The log states:
> "Fatal server error.
> Cannot establish any listening sockets."
> Can you please help me understand this problem and make the
> appropriate correction?

Could be a permission problem, the user does not have the necessary permissions
to open the required ports (this happens in Unix, I've never seen it in Cygwin).
 Is your user a member of the PowerUsers or Administrators group?

What version of Windows are you using?
René Berber

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Re: Cygwin/X on multiple displays, nothing displayed

2006-08-29 Thread René Berber
Justin Patrin wrote:
> My LCD is the primary (can't be changed) and is at 1024x768. My
> secondary monitor is normally to the left of my LCD and is at
> 1280x1024. If I make it the left-most screen X windows work on the LCD
> perfectly but when dragged onto the second monitor they go blank. When
> I make my second monitor the left-most screen window contents display
> fine on that screen but only within the top-left 1024x768 of it.

For different resolution monitors you need to use -multiwindow and the -screen
option, take a look at "XWin --help":
-screen scr_num [width height [x y] | [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Enable screen scr_num and optionally specify a width and
height and initial position for that screen. Additionally
a monitor number can be specified to start the server on,
at which point, all coordinates become relative to that
monitor (Not for Windows NT4 and 95). Examples:
 -screen 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 2nd monitor offset 100,100 size 800x600
 -screen 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 3rd monitor size 1024x768
 -screen 0 @1 ; on 1st monitor using its full resolution (the default)
René Berber

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Re: Unfixable(?) fatal error with X Server

2006-08-22 Thread René Berber
Malina Kirn wrote:

> After a fresh installation of Cygwin on several computers, I continue
> to encounter the same error upon execution of the startxwin.bat
> script.  Unlike other users have reported, I always encounter it on
> execution, regardless of whether or not an X server is already
> running.  Unfortunately, this is a serious problem for me as I can no
> longer get X servers running on any of my newly updated/installed
> machines.
> "a fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X will now exit"
> XWin was started with the following command line:
> /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error
> I read up on this error, the best thread I found is here:
> Perhaps the reason my version will not execute at all is a new
> (vs. -1) problem?

I don't see a -4 version, I have the -1 and it works fine.


Looking at the log and from what you describe there are 2 differences with
respect of what I use, I start it with "startx" and I have cygserver running (so
XWin can use shared memory), also I have the environment variable CYGWIN=server 

Can you test that with

René Berber

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Re: Error: procedure entry point in cygreadline6.dll

2006-08-17 Thread René Berber
Esteban Valles wrote:

> I had the same problem after installing QNX (

What QNX product?

> First my HOME Cygwin directory was moved to the QNX home dir. 
> I uninstalled QNX to try to solve this but now, nothing works and I can't
> re-install cygwin. Every time I try I get the same error. 
> Perhaps some smart registry editing will help, but I trully don't know what to
> do. I erased all QNX references from the registry ans I still can't re-install
> Cygwin 

This question belongs to the main Cygwin list, where it already received at
least one answer.

You better add the information asked for problem reporting  .
René Berber

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Re: TCP/IP Security Limits - WinXP and XWIN.exe

2006-08-16 Thread René Berber
Alexander Gottwald wrote:

> René Berber wrote:
>> XWin only opens a couple of connections, with ssh -X it's only one
>> connection.
> XWin opens no connection (except for xdmcp). It's a server and will only
> react on incoming connections.

To clarify, and I knew when I wrote the above it wasn't quite correct, XWin
opens many connections but mainly to itself or for listening -- that's what
you'll see with netstat, but to find the cause of the original problem what we
are interested is in connections between the 2 computers, here (if I'm not
wrong) XWin will start a connection on the default xdmcp port then follow on
another port.

> The error results from a program which tries to open many connections at
> a time (SYN request). these connections must be acknowledged by the
> receiving end (SYN,ACK reply). as long as this reply was not received,
> the connection is in a half-open state. Windows XP does only allow 10 of
> these half-open connections. File sharing programs or worms which try to
> send mass mail may cause this problem. I don't see any reason why XWin
> would cause this behaviour.

Exactly.  Thanks for the explanation.
René Berber

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Re: TCP/IP Security Limits - WinXP and XWIN.exe

2006-08-15 Thread René Berber
Mark Edwards wrote:

> On 8/16/06, René Berber wrote:
>> Mark Edwards wrote:
>> My point was that you need to run netstat to make sure it is XWin...
>> saying
>> "seems" will not encourage anybody to look into this.
>> FWIW I don't think XWin is going to come out as the problem, as I said
>> I haven't
>> seen that problem (and I use ssh -X all the time) and something as big as
>> "TCP/IP has reached the security limit" would certainly come up in
>> this list
>> very often if XWin was the cause.  You're not using WinXP Home are you?
> the reason I say "seems" is that the symptoms given in the Microsoft
> document are not apparent when checking netstat, however the presence
> of the 4226 error is clear indication of a problem.

Then you didn't understood what I meant.

Using netstat is going to show clearly what program is causing the problem, how?
 by counting how many open connections a program has.

Something like "netstat -nb | grep XWin | wc" could give you a count.  But my
first try would be just using netstat to see what program has the most opened

In fact I've used this test before, about 2 or 3 years back Cygwin's dll was the
one leaving connections all over the place... every time a thread was created a
UDP connection was made an leaked (clamd was the program that I was tracing).
But this was corrected and doesn't happen anymore.  BTW this didn't cause the
problem you describe with MS security, it caused so many opened connections that
after a day or two (this was a server) no other connection could be opened.

> Just so that we get on the same page here, I am currently not using
> ssh -X, I am using the following:
> $ cat ..xinitrc
> xhost +
> ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'cd development/dialer; ./'
> ... to invoke the application. The '' script sets the DISPLAY
> environment variable and the GUI appears on my windows box. Right
> before the networking fails.

Your first post said something different: that when you exited the application
the network failed.

> tcgtest is on the same subnet as my windows box, so no firewalling or
> tunnelling required to get to it. Should I be using ssh -X  for this
> type of application do you think?

Again, your first post says something different: that you are using ssh.

Try to keep the facts clear, if you don't understand why using netstat can help,
say so, if you don't see anything on netstat's output maybe you are right or
maybe you don't know what to look for.

The description from Microsoft doesn't say clearly if it is the number of open
connections or the speed of opening connections.  If it is the number then it's
easy to see with netstat; if it is the number/time then the number will not be
that great but then the problem is probably a loop in your script or somewhere,
XWin only opens a couple of connections, with ssh -X it's only one connection.
René Berber

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Re: TCP/IP Security Limits - WinXP and XWIN.exe

2006-08-15 Thread René Berber
Mark Edwards wrote:

> On 8/16/06, René Berber wrote:
>> netstat -nb (and a lot of patience) or netstat -anb (which of course
>> will take a long time).

> Thanks for the comments René, however my point was that it is XWin.exe
> that seems to be invoking this behaviour. What is not clear to me is
> why, and if there is a configuration setting or work-around that can
> prevent it.

My point was that you need to run netstat to make sure it is XWin... saying
"seems" will not encourage anybody to look into this.

FWIW I don't think XWin is going to come out as the problem, as I said I haven't
seen that problem (and I use ssh -X all the time) and something as big as
"TCP/IP has reached the security limit" would certainly come up in this list
very often if XWin was the cause.  You're not using WinXP Home are you?
René Berber

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Re: TCP/IP Security Limits - WinXP and XWIN.exe

2006-08-15 Thread René Berber
Mark Edwards wrote:

> I am using cygwin on winXPSP2 to run a linux-hosted tk application.
> The application is invoked using a batch file which uses ssh to invoke
> the application remotely on a linux box and cause it to display its
> GUI on the windows desktop.
> Unfortunately, once I close the application down, I experience failure
> of the networking on the WinXP box. I can't make any connection in or
> out of the box and any attempt to 'repair' the interface results in
> the NIC not being able to obtain an IP address via DHCP. The only way
> to resolve the issue is to reboot the box or to disable/enable the
> network card.
> Inspection of the Windows Event Log reveals the following omminous
> warning...
> "TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of
> concurrent TCP connect attempts."
> * How do I resolve these issues?
> Stop the application that is responsible for the failing connection
> attempts.

And fix the application.

> Anyone run into this one before with XWin.exe?


> If so a nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated.

netstat -nb (and a lot of patience) or netstat -anb (which of course will take a
long time).
René Berber

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Re: Error: procedure entry point in cygreadline6.dll

2006-08-13 Thread René Berber
doublehelix wrote:

> Hello
> I'm a novice cygwin user running cygwin on a Dell PC with Windows XP.
> A couple of months ago an unrelated software package I tried to
> install on my machine must have corrupted cygwin, because since then I
> have been unable to run it. 

Do you know what package was that?   There are known problems with some
packages, so it may be helpful.

> Now when I try to start cygwin with
> cygwin.bat, I always get the error from the bash.exe window:
> The procedure entry point rl_variable_value could not be located in the
> dynamic link library cygreadline6.dll
> I've tried to uninstall and reinstall cygwin, but I get the exact same
> message during the preremove script runs.  A similar entry point error 
> question in the
> archive suggested that an extra copy of the .dll caused the problem, but my 
> searches yield
> only one cygreadline6.dll.I also get a bash.exe.stackdump file after I 
> attempt to open cygwin, which I've included below.
> Any suggestions on how to fix this problem, or cleanly uninstall/reinstall 
> cygwin without
> using setup.exe or cygwin bash (since this error persists on these actions)?

Look for duplicates of cygwin1.dll, that's what usually other packages install
and is what breaks a Cygwin installation.

I've cc'ed this reply to the main Cygwin list because this has nothing to do
with cygwin-xfree.
René Berber

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Re: XWindows version of Java?

2006-07-27 Thread René Berber
Igor Peshansky wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, siegfried wrote:
>> I notice the cygwin version of emacs runs in XWindows and is one of the
>> few XWindows programs I run frequently on windows.
>> I assume (I have not tried it yet) I can run the cygwin version of emacs
>> on my home windows machine from a remote machine with the xhost and "ssh
>> -X" commands. Is this correct?
> If it's X-capable, which I believe the Cygwin emacs executable isn't.
> And the Cygwin xemacs package uses Win32 instead of X.

Wrong, the xemacs shipped as Cygwin package can use both.

And the answer to the OP is yes.

>> Sun's javaw runs native windows, not xwindows. Is there a way I can run
>> GUI java programs on windows using xwindows so they are compatible with
>> xhost and "ssh -X"?
> Only via remote desktop (Google for rdesktop).

Uh?  Of course any Xwindows application can display on Cygwin's X server, java
applications are just that, except many have an ugly default setting on window
size and position (they use size 0x0 for instance) but that seems to be
corrected in newer applications.

>> I've been reading about gcj and that might work but it looks like I'd
>> have to recompile everything myself. I want to run eclipse on windows
>> from a remote machine and I see in fedora core 4 they have recompiled
>> eclipse with gcj. But I was hoping I would not have to recompile eclipse
>> from the source.
> You may have to (or use rdesktop).

Eclipse running in a remote Linux machine can be shown fine on a local X server.
 Yes, Eclipse is being compiled with gcj (version 4.1.x not available currently
under Cygwin) but that has nothing to do with showing Eclipse running on Linux.

>> Does cygwin have a javax program that runs GUI java programs under
>> xwindows?
> Unfortunately, no.  When and if Sun open-sources its Java VM, it may or
> may not be buildable on Cygwin.  But until then, you won't have Java over
> X from Windows.

Sort of a cross-compiler but instead of code the cross targets display
manager... sounds doable with gcj, even the old versions.  But AFAIK no body has
done it, all the development of gcj for Windows has been done under MingW, which
by the way also has its own X server, but even there the AWT and Swing stuff has
been replaced with SwingWT.
René Berber

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Re: modification of startx.bat not work

2006-07-26 Thread René Berber
Dirk Schleicher wrote:
>> So to run the application I would also need an icon/shortcut for the
>> application.
> I found out that the .xinitrc parameters are used with startx. I start
> the normal bash and type in startx. This start Xserver and SC. And SC
> works fine.

Yes that's what I meant in my message.  XWin seems to get the user's home
directory (perhaps only the user name) from the shell environment, so it can run
the user's .xinitrc .

An option that I have not tested is to change the global xinitrc and see if that
works.  Of course being the global one means that all users on that computer
will get the same application, but if you are the only user of X then that's no
problem.  The global script is in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc .

> C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin/ startx -display
> do not work because startx is a script not an .exe

Yeah, I tried that too.

> C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/local/bin/ sylpheed-claws.exe -display
>  start SC for a second. I can see this in the
> task-manager.

The message must be: "no DISPLAY found" since X windows is not running and by
default all applications try display :0.0 .

> I think it is not possible to start SC from one icon without typing
> something

Like I said: it can be done with 2 icons, one to start X and another to start
SC.  In fact you can start all the X applications you want after starting X.

Now for the network problem, that is really strange, I saw your other message
and understand that you can't troubleshoot the network.  I really was thinking
of troubleshooting in the regular way, on a terminal window, but if only SC has
problems then perhaps is a timeout or some option that can be set inside SC.
René Berber

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Re: modification of startx.bat not work

2006-07-25 Thread René Berber
René Berber wrote:
> You probably can just run a Windows shortcut to XWin with all the parameters,
> and use .xinitrc or .xsession to start up SC.

I made a little experiment and the above sentence is not true: if I start
XWindows from an icon/shortcut (using "C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin
XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error -dpi 100") XWin starts fine but
my .xinitrc (and .xsession) is not used... XWin does not know what user started 

So to run the application I would also need an icon/shortcut for the 
René Berber

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Re: modification of startx.bat not work

2006-07-25 Thread René Berber
Dirk Schleicher wrote:
> I try it. The only thing is that if SC is close the Xserver close too.

Yes, that's the way it works.  I mean, that's the way that the steps I showed 

> Again to start this I have to start a cygwin bash shell. I like to
> start SC without a shell

You mean "start SC using an icon"? like an icon to the bat file you showed...
because startx is a shell script (just like startxwin.bat is a
script) and it does more than just start XWin.

You probably can just run a Windows shortcut to XWin with all the parameters,
and use .xinitrc or .xsession to start up SC.  If you want XWin to stay after SC
is closed then just change the "wait $scpid" with "sleep 1d" or something 

>> Your original post says that you had a network problem, can you show
>> the actual message?
> no connection with POP3-Server:

That error has nothing to do with XWindows.  So, SC was running with your
modified .bat file, it just could not connect to that pop server; try regular
network troubleshooting, like "ping" if that server responds to ping,
traceroute, etc.

> It is not possible to start a xsever without having a shell window and
> to start SC?
> I was thinking that this is easy...

It probably is, I just don't use it that way, but what you describe seems
possible with CygwinX.
René Berber

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Re: modification of startx.bat not work

2006-07-25 Thread René Berber
Dirk Schleicher wrote:
> let me try to explain it once more. At the moment I start cygwin by
> startx.bat. Then I have a open xterm "window" where I start SC.
> This means that I have two "icons" or two programs (SC and Xterm) in the
> taskbar (hope taskbar is the right word) of my W2k. If I close the
> Xterm SC will be closed too.

Correct, the way XWin is started using startxwin.bat does make the whole server
execution depend on the xterm, so when the xterm is closed XWin terminates.

That can be changed easily by using startx (instead of startxwin.bat) and
creating a file in your home directory named .xsession like this:

# FILE: $HOME/.xsession

# exec SylpheedClaws

/usr/bin/sylpheed-claws & scpid=$!

# Now wait for program to terminate

wait $scpid
exit 0

You can also do the same at the end of your .xinitrc (that's what I use); in
that case you don't even need the wait, when SC terminates XWin terminates.

The reason I use startx is because it doesn't open an xterm, but if you copied
the global xinitrc (in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc) to your home .xinitrc it also has
execute xterm at the end... you'll have to comment that one too.

> What I try to get is one script where I can start a Xserver without
> any bash "window" and SC.
> More to explain I am not able with my English.

Your original post says that you had a network problem, can you show the actual
René Berber

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Re: problem when starting the X server

2006-06-30 Thread René Berber

> I am having a problem starting the x-server, see snippet below.  Would you be
> able to direct me to what needs to be configured or setup?

Your server started fine but you probably have a firewall blocking all 
René Berber

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Re: can't open fontforge--get error cygxml2-2.dll not found

2006-06-28 Thread René Berber
Naomi Gill wrote:

> I downloaded Cygwin and got it to work.

What worked?  A simple terminal or you were able to start XWin?

> Then I downloaded FontForge to
> run on Cygwin. All well and good until I tried to open FontForge. Then I
> got an error message saying that cygxml2-2.dll could not be found.
> From what I was able to gather from the Cygwin site, the above file is
> part of the libxml2 package. So I went through the setup.exe process
> again and made sure I downloaded and installed all the libxml2 packages.
> The thing is, I'm still getting that error. What can I do?

In Windows, to run, all programs need to find their components (.exe and .dll)
and the search is done by the Windows loader which uses the Windows PATH
environment variable plus the current working directory.

My guess is that you don't have Cygwin's bin directory in your Windows PATH, and
for XWin programs you also need the XWin bin directory in there.

My Windows PATH starts with

CYGHOME is "c:\cygwin"
René Berber

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Re: using cadence with xfree?

2006-06-02 Thread René Berber

> I am trying to use your xwin program to run Cadence (UNIX based CAD software)
> remotely on a WinXP laptop.  I am getting the following error: *WARNING* Atr:
> Failed to find 8-plane PseudoColor visual
> I searched the internet for a solution.  The solutions that I found say that
> this is a common problem, but I cannot employ the solutions mentioned. The
> lowest-color setting for my video card is 16-bit and I can't replace the
> video card with an older one.
> Is there any solution available?  Thank you.

Two options:

1.  Use the "--depth" parameter of Xwin (see the comments inside
/usr/X11R6/bin/, it only works with --fullscreen).

2.  Don't use XWindows use VNC.
René Berber

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Re: startx does not work

2006-05-12 Thread René Berber
Al Kelley wrote:

> startx does not work, am i doing something wrong?

Why do you think it is not working?

> it comes up with the following message and then exits:
>   Welcome to the XWin X Server
>   Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
>   Release:
>   Contact:
>   XWin was started with the following command line:
>   X :0 -multiwindow -clipboard
>   _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
>   winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
>   winCheckDisplayNumber - Cygwin/X is already running on display 0
>   Fatal server error:
>   InitOutput - Duplicate invocation on display number: 0.  Exiting.

Isn't this clear?

>   winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

It looks like you expect something to happen, since it did not you tried to
start XWin again, which is what you are showing.

Do you have a .xinitrc executable script on your home directory?  Do you have it
in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc?; one or the other should be executed and the one in
/etc does open an xterm at the end.
René Berber

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Re: i can't start wmaker on cygwin

2006-05-09 Thread René Berber
Cédric Bouttes wrote:
> Hello,
> I use startx to have an X session.
> Then when i try to start wmaker  i have
> the following errors :
> wmaker fatal error: it seems that there is already a
> window manager running
> waiting for X server to shut down winClipboardProc -
> Call to select () failed: -1.  Bailing.
> winClipboardProc - XDestroyWindow succeeded

Start by reading the user's guide, this section specially:

You are using startx, which uses multiwindow mode, if you want to use another
window manager you should change the start script.
René Berber

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Re: Newbie help

2006-04-03 Thread René Berber
John Rehill wrote:

> Total newbie here in relation to not only cygwin & cygwin/X but also to
> UNIX... I'm a total windows slave.
> Anyway I've been given the delightful task of trying to configure cygwin and
> cygwin/X server for use on our systems.  But I've run into a wall.  Well
> actually quite a few really but I'll get to the point of the first one...
> How do I enable cygwin/X server as a service on Windows 2k & XP?  I've read
> the help files and FAQ but although it said to use the cygserver-config
> script I'm at a lost as to how to do that.

Uh? where exactly did you read that?

> All I need for the moment is the ability to start the server first.  The
> rest I'll ask about later (if people are kind)

Type startx in a Cygwin window.
René Berber

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Re: cygwin gnome-terminal pty error

2006-03-17 Thread René Berber
Luis P Caamano wrote:

> I updated cygwin with the latest vte package and now instead of the
> pty error, gnome-terminal just hangs with no error.
> I'm installing packages from and from  Is it
> possible that the mix of packages is the problem?

>From two Cygwin mirrors?  there shouldn't be any problem.  And that is the
normal way if you use the ports repository.

> The only gnome package I selected was the gnome-terminal package,
> which then selected its pre-requisites.  Could it be that I missing
> something?

If you miss something you'll get a message about it.

> I'm running with CYGWIN="server ntsec".  Could it be that cygserver is
> not configured properly?

Not likely, but if you install syslog (comes with inet utils) you could see if
cygserver is logging messages.  If it is, and you don't have syslogd running,
the messages are in Window's event messages.

> Finally, is anybody running gnome-terminal on cygwin?

No, only in remote mode (gterminal running under Solaris).  Under Cygwin I use
eterm and it works fine.

> I'd appreciate any hint or clue about this.  Anything ...

How is gnome-terminal hanging?  You see the process but no window? or as before,
a window with no shell prompt?
René Berber

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Re: How to run _X_ Session from RH8 via ssh -X?

2006-03-17 Thread René Berber
Siegfried Heintze wrote:
>>> [snip]
> echo $DISPLAY
> Any other suggestions?

Check /etc/sshd_config on the server, configure it to forward X11:

# X11 tunneling options
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes

After restarting sshd try:

René Berber

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Re: How to run _X_ Session from RH8 via ssh -X?

2006-03-17 Thread René Berber
Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> [snip]
> Why does  /usr/X11R6/bin/xclock still say "Error can't open display:"?

That looks like an explicit unsetting of DISPLAY, i.e. somewhere, probably your
.profile/.bashrc/.bash_profile, has a "unset DISPLAY".

Starting in Cygwin:
$ echo $DISPLAY
# echo $DISPLAY

Notice that ssh created a pseudo display that will be used to tunnel the X
protocol back to your local X server.
René Berber

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Re: How to run _X_ Session from RH8 via ssh -X? How to run vnc via ssh?

2006-03-17 Thread René Berber
Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> > (2) For reasons I don't understand, there was a conflict between my router's
> > sshd and my cygwin's sshd so I resolved the problem by changing the cygwin's
> > configuration file to start sshd on a different port. Now, using a Red Hat 8
> > client, I can use both rdesktop and ssh to create two different simultaneous
> > sessions on my win2003 server.
> >
> > However, I cannot seem to start an X session from my "ssh  -X -p 892
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]" session. I tried running "explorer ." and that
> > just hung. OK, that was not an X program.  Then I tried
> > /usr/X11R6/bin/xclock and it said it could not open the display. Having
> > already done a xhost+  before running ssh I tried export
> > DISPLAY=:0.0 but that did not help: it still could not
> > open the display.

If you are using ssh -X or -Y you don't need to set DISPLAY, in fact ssh already
did set it.  But if you set DISPLAY then X uses the normal ports and those will
have to be opened/redirected on the firewall.

> > Do I need to punch a whole in my client's firewall? I doubt the will let me
> > do that.

Not if you only use ssh.  But take in consideration that you changed ssh to use
port 892, that one is the one that will have to be opened.

> > Don't I need to start the xserver?

In the remote system? no.

> > winCheckDisplayNumber - Cygwin/X is already running on display 0

It was running already but it's not needed unless you want to use VNC.

> > (3) What about vnc? I have installed RealVNC on both the RH8 client and the
> > Windows 2003 server.

For VNC you'll need to open port 5901 (or 5801 for http); this is only for the
first window, it really is 5900 + display number, in case you have more than one
user connecting to the same machine.

> > Is there also a cygwin VNC? I don't remember seeing one.


> > Can I make vnc tunnel thru ssh? Would I use the -L or the -R qualifier
> > on ssh? What would that look like?

Yes.  You have to start the VNC server and then (assuming display 1 is used):

client machine# ssh -NfC -L [EMAIL PROTECTED]

server machine# ssh -gN -L 15901:localhost:5901 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The numbers may have to be changed (as I said above) depending on what starting
the server reported as display number or how is setup to start if you start it
from the X server.

On the client you use as VNC server "localhost:1".

René Berber

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Re: I have a problem starting Xwin under cygwin on XP

2006-03-08 Thread René Berber

> each time I try to start Xwin this pops up:
> have I set this up incorrectly ?
> I have installed everything under c:\cygwin

Your log says you don't have fonts... did you install xorg-x11-f100,
xorg-x11-fnts, xorg-x11-fscl ?  Those are the one I have installed.

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Re: probelems with installation of kde

2006-03-08 Thread René Berber
alex wrote:
>>> <> ) under
>>> point 3.3 the problem starts. when executing the command i get the
>>> error massage that the command can not be found.
>> That would suggest that you have to install the rebase package.  Rerun
>> setup.exe to install it.
> The funny thing is that i do have one exe file (rebase.exe) and one file
> which is named rebaseall !?

Try to determine which command can not be found... it could be ash, you say you
have rebaseall so that's no it, it could be basename, grep, gzip, sed, rebase...
any other used by rebaseall.

Probably the easy way to do this is to add the parameter -x to ash, something
like this from the Windows command line:

bin\ash -x bin/rebaseall ... and all the rest.
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Re: "Xwin"

2006-02-27 Thread René Berber

> XDMCP fatal error: Session failed Session 68 failed for display 
> Cannot open display
> How to force display

I don't know how you started XWin but setting DISPLAY explicitly should work,
i.e. in a bash terminal, DISPLAY= xwin -query

or the equivalent changing the startx or scripts.
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Re: Problem Starting X-Windows

2006-02-22 Thread René Berber
wonder wrote:
> I have a similar problem with startx or whichever way to start X. It was all 
> ok before. The problem happened since yesterday. It probably has to do with 
> the installation of the McAfee Privacy Service module. This module might have
> changed some settings on my computer. The symptom is that you can launch X
> applications, but nothing pops out. There are one or more instances of sh.exe
> running with (nearly) 100% CPU usage. Once you kill all sh.exe processes, the
> xterms will show up on your desktop. But anything that relies on sh.exe will 
> not be able to run. For example, you can try SSH with X11 forwarding enabled. 
> But it will invoke sh.exe and therefore won't get connected until you kill 
> the newly
> invoked sh.exe. Unfortunately, the X11 tunnel will be broken after sh.exe is 
> killed.
> I hope I have described clearly. Anybody has a solution?

No, it's not clear.

1. Does XWin starts fine? (is your question really about a problem starting 

2. How do you "launch" X applications? (there shouldn't be any sh.exe started if
you run something else)

3. Does disabling McAfee helps?

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Re: Cygwin/X and AIX - client 6 rejected

2006-02-20 Thread René Berber
René Berber wrote:
> Looks like XWin access needs to be set, use either "xhost +" (that gives 
> access
> from all computers to your workstation, if you want to be more specific then
> it's "xhost + or xauth (I don't know how to use this).

I found how to use xauth.

On the remote server:

#xauth list
-> sample output
server1:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 796d707638793975614f785371674a52

On the local workstation:

#xauth add "server1:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 796d707638793975614f785371674a52"

I'm not shure if it needs to be inside quotes or not.
René Berber

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Re: Cygwin/X and AIX - client 6 rejected

2006-02-20 Thread René Berber
andrew pierce wrote:

> Hello. I am trying to use Cygwin/X for access to our AIX machines. I
> can successfully use Xceed to connect, export DISPLAY=, and
> run xclock or other x applications.
> I can't get the same results using Cygwin. Here are my steps:
> 1. Start Cygwin
> 2. type startx to open an xterm on my Windows machine
> 3. ssh -l  
> 4. Login
> 5. export DISPLAY=
> 6. Run xclock
> It doesn't work. If I could get this to work, this would be a BIG win
> for Open Source at my company.
> AUDIT: Mon Feb 20 16:00:12 2006: 2776 X: client 6 rejected from IP 

Looks like XWin access needs to be set, use either "xhost +" (that gives access
from all computers to your workstation, if you want to be more specific then
it's "xhost + or xauth (I don't know how to use this).

I usually do "ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]", as long as you have DISPLAY well 
defined at your
end ssh takes care of everyting.  Of course you need the sshd server on the
other side.

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Re: Problem Starting X-Windows

2006-02-17 Thread René Berber
Dean C. Tsai wrote:

> - NO, the Cygwin/X faq on keymap didnt solve my problem.
> - I have a Dell Laptop w/ XP running. I am guessing the keyboard map is not 
> the problem.
> Permission error or not, I am not sure. However, I have created my-test in 
> /tmp w/o problem...

OK, so you eliminated permissions and keyboard map as the cause.

> Do you have some idea about why and where "sh.exe" is called? I look through 
> Cygwin/X's faq, it says very little about startup configuration. And I am 
> embarrassed to admit that I don't know how to set option via command line?! 
>  I simple type 'startx' at the prompt. Do you know any good reference 
> for X startup configuration?

The sh you killed is the one running startx, which is a shell script.

The error message "Couldn't open compiled keymap file" comes from xkbcomp.exe,
but I'm confused here, in your first message the keyboard was recognized fine:

> (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
> (--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "0409" (0409)
> (--) Using preset keyboard for "English (USA)" (409), type "4"

then in your second message the error appears:

> (EE) Couldn't open compiled keymap file /tmp/server-0.xkm
> (EE) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap

so it looks like you changed something or what you mean is that startx hung just
after the keyboard messages and when you killed it the "(EE)" messages appear?

I think this is more of a Xfree86 problem but I don't know how to get more
information out of the startup.

One thing that may be usefull is to see what process is really hung.  It has to
be a child of the shell (startx) and it may be xkbcomp or something else.
René Berber

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Re: Problem Starting X-Windows

2006-02-16 Thread René Berber
Dean Tsai wrote:

> Thanks so much for your assistance... However it still didn't solve the
> problem :( I tried to spawn an instance of xterm via Programs > Cygwin-X > 
> Xterm... didnt work. I edited my own .xinitrc in the home directory... 
> didn't work. I reinstall X-startup-scripts-1.0.11-1 and Xterm... didn't 
> work either.
> The good news is, I have ways around the problem now. I noticed that when
> my Win32 prompt stop scrolling a "sh.exe" process is taking 99% of my 
> CPU processing. If I go ahead and kill that process... I got this display
>  from the screen followed by an xterm window!! 
> I did find something on Cygwin faq
> I will investigate into this a little more when I go home today. 
> Hopefully this will solve my problem...
> Do you think it will?

I don't know.  The problem is then somewhere in the startup and is caused by an
unknown keyboard layout?

> ...
> (EE) Couldn't open compiled keymap file /tmp/server-0.xkm
> (EE) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
> (--) 3 mouse buttons found

Or is just a permission error?  Try testing if you can create files in /tmp,
something like "touch /tmp/my-test" and see if the (empty) file was created.

René Berber

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Re: Problem Starting X-Windows

2006-02-15 Thread René Berber

> I need some help starting X-Windows under Cygwin :( After successfully
> download and install Cygwin, I tried to use a "startx" command to start
> the X-Windows. The following start to scrolling in my DOS win32 prompt
> (attached in the end). I can see a "X" icon showing up on my toolbars
> indicating that X-server is probably working, but nothing else happened... 
> The DOS win32 prompt just hung there... Now if I use a "startx&" command to
> start X-Windows, my DOS win32 prompt will be freed up, but nothing much else
> happened either. Can someone help me solve the puzzle? What is wrong? Is it my
> display setting? Or is it a XWin configuration issue?
> I am not a software engineer, and I dont know much about cygwin. I only
> know enough to use it to log-on to a server, and occassionally complie
> some c codes... can someone at least point me to the right direction?

XWin is running fine from what you describe.

If you want to test it you can use the Windows taskbar, do Programs -> Cygwin-X
-> xterm for instance.

If you want a terminal (or something else) starting when XWin starts, then
create ~/.xinitrc (you can copy the one at /etc/X11/xinit) and add a line like:

rxvt -display localhost:0.0

Your problem looks like you are missing /etc/X11/xinit (which opens an xterm);
you problably need to install X-startup-scripts-1.0.11-1, but that is the same
package that installs startx.  Could be a permission problem or a bad
installation, creating your own .xinitrc gets rid of the permission problem.

René Berber

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Re: Qt3 breakage since 1.5.19

2006-02-02 Thread René Berber
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> Actually, now that you mention it...
> I was in the middle of building kdelibs-3.5.1 when gcc choked on
> uic-generated code (this happened with both 3.3.4 and 3.3.5).  So I went
> back to rebuild 3.3.4, and now it won't finish either.
> g++ -c -pipe -I/usr/include/postgresql/server
> -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql/server
> -fno-exceptions -DPIC -Wall -W -O2 -D_REENTRANT  -DDESIGNER
> -I/home/Yaakov/src/kde/qt/3/qt-x11-free-3.3.4/.build/mkspecs/cygwin-g++
> -I. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I../shared -I../uilib -I../../../include
> -I/usr/X11R6/include -I.moc/release-shared-mt/ -o ./listboxeditor.o
> listboxeditor.cpp
> listboxeditor.cpp:32:7: warning: no newline at end of file

Yes, same problem I've been seeing.

> Looking at the generated listboxeditor.cpp (and at the KDE package), it
> seems that uic doesn't compile .ui files correctly, resulting in the
> above gcc errors.

Actually is more complicated than that, uic sometimes runs perfectly, then fails
like above (except that with a snapshot, previous to latest release, it
deadlocked on a mutex).  In fact if you look at the output above the failure,
uic ran many times generating .h files and I've seen that it does generate a few
.cpp files before it fails.

Even more strange, I've seen it run on the same file that it failed before when
I ran it by hand, but not always... I'm not sure if that means that it corrupts
something in the shared memory set by cygwin1.dll, I really don't know how that

> Running the uic command to generate this code in gdb, I get a bunch of
> SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex* functions in cygwin1.dll, then:
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x713f33a4 in QRealMutexPrivate::QRealMutexPrivate ()
> /home/Yaakov/src/kde/qt/3/qt-x11-free-3.3.4/.build/bin/cygqt-mt-3.dll
> The offending code is in src/tools/qmutex_unix.cpp (which has absolutely
> no changes from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5).


> Same story with 3.3.5, but it's still hard-masked unstable on Gentoo, so
> I'm holding it back (at least until I see how KDE 3.5 works with it).
> Qt4 is totally different and incompatible with qt3 (but will be parallel
> installable, once I get working on it).  Let's get this working first,
> though.

Looks like the path of least resistance is looking at cygwin1.dll changes.  I
prefer to use gdb, that's why I installed the cygwin code and made a debug qt

Any idea why the debug library works?  I already tought that the optimization
may be doing something wrong, but your notes above point in another direction.

René Berber

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Re: Qt3 breakage since 1.5.19

2006-02-02 Thread René Berber
René Berber wrote:

> The library is as close as it gets to a regular library, I separated the debug
> info, it's just not optimized.
> It would be interesting to test a rebuilt regular library, have you done that?

Answering my own question: no, it doesn't work.

Just tested it, rebuilt Qt with original script, build failed as always (uic
produced an invalid file, truncated but this time uic did not print the "mutex
failed..." message so it gets even weirder).  Scribus dies as before.

At the same time I also tested another idea, all the SIGSEGV signals that you
can see under gdb are caused by uninitialized variables passed as parameters, so
I added -Wall to CFLAGS to see if something jumps up.  I'l see what I can find
this way.
René Berber

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Re: Qt3 breakage since 1.5.19

2006-02-02 Thread René Berber
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:

>>>Running Scribus with the debug enabled cygqt-mt-3.dll the program
>>>works fine with no mutex failure message and using the latest Cygwin
>>>snapshot.  As mentioned in my reply to Brian, under gdb there are many
>>>SIGSEGV signals received but continuing results in the same behaviour
>>>as above: no problem.
>>>So there seems to be no regression, there must be something different
>>>btw. the original build environment and my PC.  I used the code (build
>>>script, patches and original code) downloaded using setup.exe.
> OK, we need to get back to this.  Now that cygwin-1.5.19-4 is out, I'm
> seeing the same breakage with qt3-3.3.4:
> $ scribus
> Mutex init failure: Device or resource busy
> [splashscreen shows, gets as far as loading plugins, then:]
> Mutex init failure: Invalid argument
> [exits silently]

Yep, exactly my original problem.

> $ convertall
> [this is a PyQt app.  It exits silently also.]
> But not everything is affected apparently:
> $ xxdiff file1 file2
> Mutex init failure: Device or resource busy
> [works, just like before]
> Mutex lock failure: Invalid argument
> Mutex unlock failure: Invalid argument
> Mutex destroy failure: Invalid argument
> 1) Something changed between 1.5.18 and the 20051207 snapshot to break
> qt3 threading.

Or the change exposed a bug in Qt.

> 2) It should not be necessary to have a debug library in order for
> ordinary programs to work.

The library is as close as it gets to a regular library, I separated the debug
info, it's just not optimized.

It would be interesting to test a rebuilt regular library, have you done that?

> 3) A threaded Qt is required for many packages, including KDE, so
> disabling threading is not a viable option.
> Ideas?

All those "mutex lock failure" point to the threads implementation.  If you want
to go from "what changed in Cygwin's dll" forward, it has to be something in

Going the other way, what I tried is using gdb trying to look at what breaks the
program.  The worst part is that under gdb they run fine many times, then break
(with the debug library).

Yet another approach could be to do the porting of the newer 3.x/4.x version.
René Berber

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Re: Mutex lock failure: Resource deadlock avoided

2006-02-01 Thread René Berber
jcliburn (sent by wrote:

> This is my first post here; if I'm in the wrong forum, pat me on the head and 
> point me off in the right direction.

Right forum for qt3, wrong forum for kde.

The distinction is that qt3 is an official Cygwin package while KDE is from the
Cygwin Ports project.

The ports project has its own mail list at:

but read below.

> I recently upgraded Cygwin (sorry, but I don't know what version I was 
> running before) and several packages to the current versions.  Now KDE 3.4 is 
> badly broken.  As part of the effort to fix things, I completely removed 
> Cygwin by deleting c:/cygwin and reinstalling from scratch (including kde3.4 
> and qt3.3, which was and is installed in c:/cygwin/opt).  When I try to start 
> a single kde app (or just about *any* kde app, for that matter), I always get 
> $ kwrite
> DCOP: register 'kwrite-3792' -> number of clients is now 1
> kio (KSycoca): kwrite : kapp available
> kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /var/tmp/kdecache-u4ih9jkc/ksycoca
> Mutex lock failure: Resource deadlock avoided

Looks familiar.

> Mutex lock failure: Resource deadlock avoided
> Mutex lock failure: Resource deadlock avoided
> kio (KLauncher): KLauncher: Got start_service_by_desktop_name('knotify', ...)
> accompanied by a pop-up error message in the X root window:  "A KDE 
> text-editor component could not be found; please check your KDE installation."
> I saw a similar thread in this forum about mutex problems, but it was 
> slightly different, and it involved a different app (scribus).  

The error after "Resource deadlock avoided" is probably meaningless.  My
experience with Scribus is that the application silently ended, another (QT3's
uic) deadlocked.

The solution I found for Scribus was to recompile QT with debug enabled, the
package building failed but the library was produced.  Using that QT library
results in Scribus working fine... but with uic is another story, a very strange
story: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I haven't debug any further but with gdb it looks like it's a thread problem
(the problem seems to be in some inline C++ code that is difficult to work
with).  So another solution could be to build QT with no thread support (if that
makes sense and works).

I'm interested in this, but don't have much time.  If I can help just ask, I
could show the way I built the debug version of the QT library for instance, and
I could do some testing if needed.

René Berber

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Re: I have a problem with cygwin's running

2006-01-16 Thread René Berber
Bernardi Simone wrote:

> I have written startx and than it is appear this message, how can I do?
> Cygwin/X
> A fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X will not exit.
> Please open /tmp/XWin.log for more information.
> Vendor: Thhe Cygwin/X Project
> Release:
> Contact:
> XWin was started with the following command-line:
> X :0 -multiwindow -clipboard

And what does /tmp/XWin.log says?  Sorry, my crystal ball ran is recharging ;-)
René Berber

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Re: Errors when starting Cygwin/X on Windows XP SP2

2006-01-12 Thread René Berber
Joseph Myers wrote:

> I am getting the following errors when I attempt to start the Cygwin/X
> system on my Windows XP SP2 machine:
> xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
> xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
> Have any other users reported this error?

I haven't seen that error message but it looks like it is a firewall problem:
xinit uses a tcp and an udp port (XWin uses a bunch of them).

Check if XWin is enabled in the Exceptions list of Windows Firewall.
René Berber

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Re: problems with xfree86 and x11 in Cygwin on notebook

2005-12-31 Thread René Berber
Daniel wrote:

> Thank you for giving me the possibility to post the startx output.

Your log looks fine, no problems there.

> Actually I am able to start the xserver and to start applications like nedit
> on my own localserver ( But I am not able to start the X11 
> forwarding
> and to get Terminals through ssh or telnet connections from other server even
> when I have added them with xhost.

That's a very different problem.

After you login to the remote machine execute "echo $DISPLAY", it usually is
wrong or at least that is my experience when using "ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
to a
Solaris server... I even put into the remote machine's .bashrc :

if [ $TERM = 'rxvt' ]; then
TERM=xterm; export TERM
if [ $TERM = 'xterm' ]; then
DISPLAY=`who am i | cut -f2 -d'(' | cut -f1 -d')'`:0.0;  export DISPLAY

Test it before you use it; as I said this was for a Solaris server (which didn't
know what a rxvt term was), it may not work on other Unix version.

René Berber

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Re: Can't launch an xterm under windows xp-pro

2005-12-27 Thread René Berber
Greg Moore wrote:
> I'm having trouble launching an xterm (indeed, any windows manager)
> under windows xp-"professional" and am hoping for even the smallest
> clues as to where I might go next.

Xterm is not a window manager.

> startwinx.bat produces only the message, "startxwin.bat - Starting
> on Windows NT/200/XP/2003"
> Other than an xserver icon in the taskbar ("Cygwin/X Server - 0:0"),
> nothing else seems to happen.

Have you tried to open the Xterm after running startxwin.bat?

How are you running Xterm?  From the start -> Programs -> Cygwin-X menu?

> After consulting the cygwin-x-ug, the cygwin-x-faq, and searching
> the archives I've tried the following, and all combinations thereof:
> 1. launching the xserver and a windows manager separately.  "xwin"
> does produce a fullscreen server window, but it's transparent and,
> though it can be minimised, just then sits in the taskbar.  The
> other window managers I've tried (twm, openbox) exhibit the same
> behaviour as xterm; though they show up as running processes,
> nothing is displayed.
> 2. checked /etc/hosts/ to ensure that localhost is indeed
> 3. made sure /tmp is in binmode
> 4. not running Zone Alarm
> 4. disabled all McAfee SecurityCenter "features"
> Any advice or leads very much appreciated.
> Best regards,

In your home directory, do you have a .xinitrc?

If nothing works you should look into the log produced by Xwin, it's in

René Berber

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Re: problems with xfree86 and x11 in Cygwin on notebook

2005-12-22 Thread René Berber
Daniel Schulte wrote:

> I have tried to install cygwin-x today on my notebook, but it failed
> unfortunately.  The installation process was ok, but I am not able to
> set a display resp. to initialize a x-server. I think that my graphic
> ship SIS 650 is the problem. But I don't know how to configure the X11
> enviroment of cygwin-xfree, so that the x-server will run and that I
> will be able to connect myself with my notebook to another Unix-server
> and to work with emacs or nedit on my laptop. The same installation on a
> PC with a more common graphic.ship was successful.
> Does anyone have an idea, which file I have to configure and which
> settings I have to use, so that the X-server will work?

All configuration is done in the parameters, as you can see in the messages that
appear starting X:

(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See for more information

Could you post the output of running startx?  The part about
"winDetectSupportedEngines ..." or just below that should indicate what is the
René Berber

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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-15 Thread René Berber
Brian Dessent wrote:
>   if ((static_ptr1 && *object == static_ptr1) ||
>   (static_ptr2 && *object == static_ptr2) ||
>   (static_ptr3 && *object == static_ptr3))
>   if ((*object)->magic != magic)

Changing the line above to:

   if ((*object) == NULL || (*object)->magic != magic)

reduces the number of SIGSEGV to just 2 (in the same place); that means this
inline function was de-referencing zero, like you said below.

>   return VALID_OBJECT;
> On the other hand, it would be nice to know what is calling
> pthread_key_create on a null pointer, since that sounds like a buglet,
> but due to the above it's a benign situation.

Looks like Qt3 does a pretty dumb initialization of what it calls pool of
mutexes, I'm still looking into this.  So far I've been unable to build the full
Qt3 toolset.

But thanks to your help I think I've advanced a bit.
René Berber

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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-11 Thread René Berber
Brian Dessent wrote:
> If I understand this right you can safely comment out the above check
> without affecting much of anything, just to shut up gdb.  Or you can try
> "handle SIGSEGV nostop, noprint, pass".  But then you'd miss a
> legitimate SEGV -- I don't know if that's what you're trying to track
> down or not.

No, the original problem was not a SIGSEGV, it was that the program just exited
silently after showing the splash screen and doing some initalizations.

This only happened with post 1.5.18 Cygwin dll, but I built the qt library (with
debug enabled) and the problem disapeared.  I'm rebuilding the library now w/o

Thanks again.
René Berber

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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-11 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Brian Dessent wrote:
> You can ignore that.  Just type "continue" and things will work fine. 
> There is probably a way you instruct gdb to automatically ignore this
> but I don't know what it is off the top of my head.

Thanks!  Using continue after 2 of those SIGSEGV the program finally started.
Then many more appeared before the splash screen appears (which is the first
thing you see while running this program)... every SIGSEGV is received after
doing a pthread operation.

> The reason you get that is because of the verifyable_object business
> where a data structure is checked for a magic number before continuing,
> but in this case the thing being checked is an uninitialized pointer. 
> However this is handled by design with the "efault" mechanism which
> installs a temporary SEH handler that allows the code to specify "if
> something segfaults in the current lexical block, don't bail out but
> instead do the following", as can be seen in
> verifyable_object_isvalid():
>   myfault efault;
>   if (efault.faulted ())
>   if ((static_ptr1 && *object == static_ptr1) ||
>   (static_ptr2 && *object == static_ptr2) ||
>   (static_ptr3 && *object == static_ptr3))
>   if ((*object)->magic != magic)
>   return VALID_OBJECT;
> On the other hand, it would be nice to know what is calling
> pthread_key_create on a null pointer, since that sounds like a buglet,
> but due to the above it's a benign situation.

It seems to be the qt3 dll use of threads, the first looks like this:

(gdb) where
#0  0x610ad5e8 in pthread_key_create (key=0x100e25f0, destructor=0)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
#1  0x6108d16f in _sigfe ()
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/cygserver.h:82
#2  0x59432d52 in ?? ()
#3  0x100e25f8 in ?? ()
#4  0x0001 in ?? ()
#5  0x100e25f8 in ?? ()
#6  0x0022edb8 in ?? ()
#7  0x610ae367 in pthread::once (once_control=0x100e25f8,
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
#8  0x610ae367 in pthread::once (once_control=0x100e25f8,
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
#9  0x6108d16f in _sigfe ()
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/cygserver.h:82
#10 0x0022ede8 in ?? ()
#11 0x714b6ef5 in
cygqt-mt-3!_ZN11QMotifStyle18qt_static_propertyEP7QObjectiiP8QVariant () from
#12 0x714b6ef5 in
cygqt-mt-3!_ZN11QMotifStyle18qt_static_propertyEP7QObjectiiP8QVariant () from
#13 0x714b4fe3 in cygqt-mt-3!_ZN11QMotifStyle18qt_static_propertyEP7QObjectiiP8Q
Variant () from /bin/cygqt-mt-3.dll
#14 0x711a990f in cygqt-mt-3!_ZN18QMetaObjectCleanUpC1EPKcPFP11QMetaObjectvE ()
   from /bin/cygqt-mt-3.dll
#15 0x714b27c2 in
cygqt-mt-3!_ZN11QMotifStyle18qt_static_propertyEP7QObjectiiP8QVariant () from
#16 0x61010263 in per_module::run_ctors (this=0x0)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
#17 0x0001 in ?? ()
#18 0x610102b1 in dll::init (this=0x6101067c)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
#19 0x716f0008 in ?? ()
#20 0x in ?? () from

Then there are several that look like:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
pthread_mutex::init (mutex=0x100e463c, attr=0x22edec, initializer=0x0)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
pthread_mutex::init (mutex=0x100fe44c, attr=0x22ea0c, initializer=0x0)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x610ad5e8 in pthread_key_create (key=0x715e4690, destructor=0)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x610ac5e5 in pthread_mutexattr_init (attr=0x22e0cc)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/
and so on.

On a second run it doesn't start the same, it goes into:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
pthread_mutex::init (mutex=0x100e463c, attr=0x22edec, initializer=0x0)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20051207-1/winsup/cygwin/

- From what you said, the "initializer=0x0" is what casuses the SIGSEGV.

I'll take a closer look at the qt3 library.

- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-11 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> (I, for one, won't be very happy if my programs stop working when 1.5.19
> comes out!)

Running Scribus with the debug enabled cygqt-mt-3.dll the program works fine
with no mutex failure message and using the latest Cygwin snapshot.  As
mentioned in my reply to Brian, under gdb there are many SIGSEGV signals
received but continuing results in the same behaviour as above: no problem.

So there seems to be no regression, there must be something different btw. the
original build environment and my PC.  I used the code (build script, patches
and original code) downloaded using setup.exe.

Problem solved.
- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-10 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> As this is an apparent regression, if you could track this down in the
> cygwin1.dll, I'm sure Corinna and cgf would like to know about it on the
> main list.
> (I, for one, won't be very happy if my programs stop working when 1.5.19
> comes out!)

Yes, I know.  But as I said, I'm unable to run this under gdb; tried strace on
scribus (when it was stuck) and there was no output at all.

I installed the .dbg file along with the latest snapshot.

>> I could not build qt3 with debug enabled because the build also fails
>> with a
>> mutex problem.

Actually the library builds fine with debug info, it's the Designer and its
plugins where the build fails... but I need gdb working, even tried 2 different
versions of gdb and also Microsoft's WinDbg, all show the same problem "Program
received signal SIGSEGV ... in pthread_key_create".  I'll look into this
tomorrow, I've used gdb under XWindows in HP-UX and Solaris but this is the
first time under Cygwin/X, perhaps something is different.

>> But those
>> messages and the uic hanging do point out that there are problems with
>> pthreads as used by qt3.
> This is with 1.5.18 or the snapshot?

With both cygwin1.dll, the message always appears the only difference is that
with the snapshot the program just terminates.

> I've been waiting on 3.3.5 since, when it first came out, it would not
> get along with KDE 3.4 (or the other way around), and it's still
> hard-masked in Gentoo.

I took a look at the 3.3.5 code using XEmacs egrep to see the difference btw.
3.3.4 patched (from Cygwin ports) and this one, there really is not much
difference, some double buffering used, some new calls that look like bug
corrections.  Anyway I was unable to build 3.3.5, early it complains about not
finding a qt_windows.h file, somehow even with the "-platform cygwin-g++" the
configuration code doesn't set the right defines.

> 4.0.1 (and the soon-to-be-released 4.1.0) are entirely different; these
> will eventually become a qt4 package (parallel installable with our
> qt3), but only after it stabilizes more.

Thanks for your reply.
- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: scribus: cygjpeg-62.dll not found

2005-12-10 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Sorry but it isn't up to Yaakov to decide if things that aren't part of
> the cygwin distribution are discussed here.  The fact that we advertise
> other people's cygwin efforts doesn't mean that we are automatically
> opening up the cygwin mailing list to discuss their efforts.

OK, understood.
- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: scribus: cygjpeg-62.dll not found

2005-12-10 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Since you seem to know something about scribus maybe you could point out
> where people should be going to get help with it since it isn't an
> official cygwin package.

The "Cygwin Ports project" site is listed on the main page,
is the first item on the News.

The Cygwin Ports repository:

I think Yaakov Selkowitz, which seems to be in charge of this, should say if
questions can be sent to the Cygwin/X list or...

- From Cygwin/X's main page you can also find the mailing list at CygGnome
project, which also looks appropiate:

BTW the OP problem was probably the result of not using setup.exe to install
Scribus, the instruction in should be followed.

- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: scribus: cygjpeg-62.dll not found

2005-12-09 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Erich Dollansky wrote:
> The new problem is now that Scribus consumes all of the CPU time and
> does not show up at all.

Have you tested any other X Windows application?

> I also noticed the .qt directory in the home directory of the user is
> empty. Shouldn't there be some kind of settings stored?

~/.qt is empty, no problem there, you can set some options running
/usr/lib/qt3/bin/qtconfig.exe but it's not necessary.

> Do I have to run first some kind of desktop to get Scribus running?

No, just start the X server.  But if you don't start the X server the
application just ends printing that it couldn't find the display, so that is not
the problem you describe.

In /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/scribus-1.2.3.README there is a list of requirements,
usually setup.exe just downloads the requirements if they are not already
installed but perhaps you have some old version of some of those, better check
manually (I mean using setup.exe or cygcheck to see what version you have

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René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: Serious X problem, cannot start xterm.

2005-12-09 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

> I have no idea what is happening, IIRC I updated recently the package
> X-startup-scripts, however I use and there no changes at
> all (why was the package updated?), all other X11 related package are
> current as before.
> Now when running the script I get this output when xterm should start:
> $
> $ _X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for tcp
> _X11TransOpen: transport open failed for tcp/
> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:
> Welcome to the XWin X Server
> [...]
> This is on my notebook with XP installed.  Also later after XWin strtup
> is finished (including the window manager twm) I cannot start xterm,
> getting the same error.
> Probably the same reason causes the issue I have with ssh here:
> $ ssh
> ssh: no address associated with name
> lost connection

Seems unrelated to the startup scripts.

The problem should be with whatever cygminires.dll depends on to resolve names
or with changed firewall settings (can't query DNS server because port 53 is not
open), it could also be in /etc/hosts for the case where localhost is not
defined as

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René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-09 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> René Berber wrote:
> FWIW, I'm just running with CYGWIN=server.

I copied that along with setting cygserver and it made no difference.

>> Thanks.  I'll report later if I find something.

I tried using cygwin1.dll version 1.5.18 and it works just like you said.  Then
I downloaded the latest snapshot, version 20051207, and scribus fails as before
(no error messages, the one I used as subject is only a warning, nothing).

I could not build qt3 with debug enabled because the build also fails with a
mutex problem.  The program uic runs many times in the build succesfully but
once it gets stuck with a "Mutex init failure: Invalid argument".

I'm unable to use gdb, every time I try gdb on scribus the program is killed at
the beginning (before the splash screen appears) while setting a pthread.

In the code (src/tools/qmutex_unix.cpp), as you have already said, the "Mutex
..." messages are only warnings so they were not related to my original problem,
the program should run but it doesn't with a recent cygwin1.dll.  But those
messages and the uic hanging do point out that there are problems with pthreads
as used by qt3.

I haven't seen if the changes to qt from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5 and to 4.0.1 address any
of these problems.

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René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-08 Thread René Berber
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> WFM:

Nice!  I don't get anything, but perhaps it has to do with my setting
CYGWIN=error_start:c:/cygwin/bin/dumper.exe (which is not catching anything).


> FWIW, I built scribus with stock Cygwin 1.5.18-1.  I'm almost certain
> this has to do with Qt itself, not with any individual program.  If
> you're interested in helping look into this, I'd say to grab the
> qt3-3.3.4-2-src package and try to find the problem there.

OK, I'll do a debug version of that lib.

> Wrt what I said earlier about all C++ Qt programs being affected, that
> appears to be not 100% true: xxdiff (yes, also available at Cygwin
> Ports) does not show this message; perhaps it doesn't use Qt threads.

Yes the "Mutex init" should be used only in threaded apps.

> In any case, I can't do it this minute, but I hope that early next week
> I can look into this further.

Thanks.  I'll report later if I find something.
René Berber

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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-08 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

René Berber wrote:
> You mean Scribus runs anyway?  Perhaps I missed something, I didn't see any
> window or anything else appear.

Nope, the program just dies.

> Anyway I'm recompiling Scribus from sources, let's see if the invalid argument
> is catched on the source, probably not but I want to rule out that the version
> of Cygwin I'm using (one of the snapshots) didn't change something that 
> affected
> this.

Nothing changed after building from sources.

I'll see if I can debug this.
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René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-08 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1

Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> Yes, I have as well.  It seems to happen with all C++ Qt or KDE apps;
> PyQt apps (e.g. convertall, also available through Cygwin Ports) don't
> generate this message.  Despite the message, the programs seem to run
> correctly anyways.

You mean Scribus runs anyway?  Perhaps I missed something, I didn't see any
window or anything else appear.

Anyway I'm recompiling Scribus from sources, let's see if the invalid argument
is catched on the source, probably not but I want to rule out that the version
of Cygwin I'm using (one of the snapshots) didn't change something that affected

Thanks for your reply.
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René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

2005-12-08 Thread René Berber
Hash: SHA1


I just installed Scribus from, no problem
with the install, but when I tried to run it I got the:

   "Mutex init failure: Invalid argument"

after the splash screen displays for a while and the application really starts.

Anyone seen this?  Any solutions?

- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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