Re: Twitter discloses national security letters (2015 and 2016)

2017-01-28 Thread grarpamp
As before thse corps and their ceo's all trying to get props
in the news are nothing but pussies. All they're doing
is meekly asking for permission to do the free speech already
written plain as day in the US Constitution. They're playing
the game for team gov on this and further eroding things.
Joint corporate disobediance in protest to bogus lower law, secrets,
and unethical unfair impositions via them upon others needs
to be a thing. It's not as if the gov will swoop in and close them
all down just for publishing some bullshit secret papers.
Those that don't fight secrecy will eventually be got by or
fall with it. History has made no mistake about that.

While the popularized lavabit, or calyx, et al may have been
novel or pesky fighters, they certainly weren't free.
Only the leakers of secrets hold that high distinction.

Re: Trump and election fraud - fake news

2017-01-28 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 11:57 PM, booty  wrote:

> > On Sat, Jan 21 2017 16:40:41 -1600
> > Cecilia Tanaka"  wrote:
> >
> > Another email account to be blocked, Mirimir and John. I don't know if
> you remember,
> > but Zzz created this account months ago to spread Russian fake news and
> conspiracy
> > theories against the USA. Same server, same writing, same sh_t, aff...
> Stupid trolls
> More snitching and blaming.
> You must find good company amongst the "John Youngs" on this list.

It would be a honor for me.  I do respect and admire John Young and I am
sure I would be in good company, Zenaan.  You, instead, are a childish
looser, a disgusting spammer who nobody wants nearby and will never
respect. ​

About the another disgusting message...  Yes, I am dying in this exact
moment.  Also you, did you know?  Probably not.  Hey, you are a very
slo-o-o-w-w-w creature, not much smart or intelligent, so I will give you a
good tip:  -  Learn more about Biology and Chemistry to understand my
point.  You will spend a good time studying and, without your harmful
presence, this list will be lighter and much more interesting!  Please take
that whining bitter bitch, Donald, with you.  It's pretty romantic to study
together and you both need to learn more about Science!  :D

I never understand how contradictory and confuse you can be.  You are
blaming, snitching and making disgusting 'ad hominem' attacks _all the
single days_, but at same time, you are always pretending to be an eternal
victim, mentioning how much you receive 'ad hominem' attacks like a little
scared girl.  You are the princess in danger here, not me.  Sorry, I don't
need to make lots and lots of drama to finally ask help to men like you do,
Zenaan.  I don't need it, I can do the same things that a man do, but using
make-up and high heels.  And glitter, yay!!!  :D

Please, stop being so destructive and disturbing the list with messages
full of hate and intolerance against black people, LGBT people, Muslim
people, women, etc...  You are always spreading hate against everybody
different from you and are so contradictory that, few months ago, you were
saying Razer was awesome protecting this list.  Now you are offending him
daily.  What happened?  Did he also reject your sexual and romantic
interests?  Did you also send your pics and a lot of cheesy messages to
him?  Did you try to stalk him too?  :))

Guy, you are really horrible doing this, hahaha!!  I am completely sure you
don't work to NSA because they definitely know to stalk a person, hahaha!!
I was stalked before, but you were the first guy who stalked the wrong
profile on Facebook to 'flirt' with me, hahahaha!!  Sorry, it was pretty
funny!  ;D

I never had an open profile on Facebook and _never_ would post my family
pics there or in other places.  That account was deleted, but I will keep
the memories of my deceased friends in my heart.  While I live, they will
live with me and I will love them until the last day of my life.  <3

Ah, Zenaan, talking about friends...  This message of Lauren WEINSTEIN is
much more interesting!  :D


"Donald Dump is now even *lying about the weather!*

Campaign Trail Trump On Display As He Goes To CIA On First Day As President

Trump also claimed that the rain should have scared people
away, "But God looked down, and He said, 'We're not going to
let it rain on your speech,'" and that, though he "got hit by
a couple of drops" when he started his speech that the rain
"stopped immediately ...and then it became really sunny."  In
fact, neither of those claims is true, and it was raining
during Trump's speech and remained overcast and cloudy."


I mentioned the rain in my message, when I talked about Trump' speech.  It
was visible for everybody, in the whole world.  The rain was there and the
sky was completely dark.  God, how many fanciful lies this racist jerk will
tell to the world?  "Alternative facts", aff...  Trump is a real "ignoranus",
a person who is both, a stupid and an asshole at same time, hunf!  >:(

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison​

Re: Fwd: UK Jobs And Collaboration: Local Data Lab + Curious Fact About White House Petitions

2017-01-28 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 7:57 PM, James A. Donald  wrote:

> On 1/27/2017 11:41 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> > I think it can be interesting for some of us.  In this era of
> > "alternative facts"  (Lieees, cof cof!),  the world does need more
> > investigative journalism than ever.
> Let me guess:  You are, like most of the women in the bitter bitches
> march, female, thirty or over, childless, single and running out of
> time to get married and have children.  You are looking at being alone
> and unloved in your old age, and are really really really angry at old
> men who marry cute young women and have children by them.
> You think to yourself "why don't those dreadful lustful lecherous men
> grab the pussies of someone more appropriate for their age"
> Like, perhaps, you.
> Female journalism is always, one way or another, on the topic that the
> writer should be considered hot, no matter what the ostensible topic,
> and that is the subtext whenever ageing bitter childless single angry
> nasty women speak of Trump.
> ​
Donald, please, stop being a disgusting hysteric whore.  Aff, so loud and
noisy, always whining and disturbing, blah blah blah...  You do need some
sex.  Unfortunately for you, disgusting
​and ugly ​
weirdos like you and Trump need to pay for it and I am sure he has
​much ​
more money than you to pay for it.  You, Zenaan, Trump  (and some more)
 are the living proof
​human ​
evolution can go in reverse
​, aff..​
​  :((​

Believe me, Donald, I am much younger, cuter, more beautiful and
intelligent than you.  No, I am definitely not a über model or a genius,
but you are only a bitter loser, who never will have a better partner than
rotten disgusting garbage like Zenaan.  Please, bitch, ask him to grab your
pussy with all his strenght and get out here you both!  Get a life!  >:((

Oh, you don't have a pussy?  You are wrong, because you are definitely a
cunt!  Just because you don't have a cunt doesn't mean you have to feel
jealous and act like one, hysteric whining loser!  If you have a problem
with me, instead discussing like a little girl, try to write it on a piece
of paper, fold it and stick it up your ass!  Good orgasms for you!  >:((

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison​

Re: Public Dissentiment

2017-01-28 Thread John Newman

> On Jan 27, 2017, at 8:34 PM, juan  wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:23:36 -0500
> John Newman  wrote:
>> /snip
>I'll reply to your message later, but there's something I feel
>curious about right now. 
>Do you think that the people who run the US central bank (or
>any other central bank), and all the 'economists' from 'very
>important' universities who take central banks and money
>printing for granted, are 'scientists'? Are so called
>'keynesian' 'economists' 'scientists'? 

No. It's a "field" that can be gamed and manipulated using analytical 
techniques, but fundamentally it would fall more in line as a form of sociology 
or some other study of people. Economic policy is dictated by the barrel of the 
gun, rules and charters and guidelines written out by corporate interests and 
enforced by the various governments in a very transparent attempt at keeping 
the rich man (and nation) rich and the poor man (and nation) poor. I have no 
deep understanding or insights on this subject (nor much interest) but these 
are the thoughts off the top of my head. 


Re: Public Dissentiment

2017-01-28 Thread John Newman

> On Jan 27, 2017, at 9:08 PM, booty  wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 27 2017 14:23:36 -1400
> > "John Newman"  wrote:
> > 
> > asperger's syndrome
> Is not real anymore, I don't think.
> > She couldn't talk
> Get that bitch some weed.
> > Was "curing" gays ever accepted as science by anyone, anywhere? 
> Yeah, here.  Depriving children of saturated fats and cholesterol fucks up 
> their hormone production;
> less testosterone for boys, less estrogen for girls.
> Reverse it.
> There is your "cure".

What another amazing addition to the list :)

I can't figure the attraction for scum like you to "participate" on cpunks. 
Actually I can't figure the attraction for scum like yourself to get up in the 


Re: Public Dissentiment

2017-01-28 Thread Razer

On 01/28/2017 03:55 AM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2017, at 9:08 PM, batty wrote:
> What another amazing addition to the list :)
> I can't figure the attraction for scum like you to "participate" on cpunks. 
> Actually I can't figure the attraction for scum like yourself to get up in 
> the morning.

Afaict this IS the reason. I wonder how much Torproject (et al) pays
people to disrupt lists that critique their product? I have all sigaint
mail (ie torprojects bffs) shitcanned at the server. There is no
over-weeening reason to use tor-based email for a public list. AND I'm
really disappointed in protonmail's response to my notifying them their
servers are being used for spam traffic. "aff aff".


Re: Twitter discloses national security letters (2015 and 2016)

2017-01-28 Thread Razer

On 01/28/2017 12:16 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> As before thse corps and their ceo's all trying to get props
> in the news are nothing but pussies. All they're doing
> is meekly asking for permission to do the free speech already
> written plain as day in the US Constitution. They're playing
> the game for team gov on this and further eroding things.
> Joint corporate disobediance in protest to bogus lower law, secrets,
> and unethical unfair impositions via them upon others needs
> to be a thing. It's not as if the gov will swoop in and close them
> all down just for publishing some bullshit secret papers.
> Those that don't fight secrecy will eventually be got by or
> fall with it. History has made no mistake about that.
> While the popularized lavabit, or calyx, et al may have been
> novel or pesky fighters, they certainly weren't free.
> Only the leakers of secrets hold that high distinction.

> It's not as if the gov will swoop in and close them
> all down just for publishing some bullshit secret papers.

Twitter is 'playing the game' in court. The only game in town. The US
government could and would shut twitter down just as fast as KimDOTCom's
first Mega went down, and the twitter people know it.

If you think the US government cares about the potential bad publicity
or other 'fallout' from an act that rash "In the name of national
security'... You're wrong. They might not drone strike twitter hq, but
YOU CAN BET you'd be seeing twitter execs doing the perp walk into a
federal detention facility or taking refuge in an embassy like Assange.
But they aren't that smart-on-their-feet, nor do they have friends in
the low places needed to 'evacuate' them so it would be the perp walk.


Ps. Re "/written plain as day in the US Constitution/"

The US government wipes it's ass with American's constitutional rights.
Always has.

The ioT Hates Donald Trump

2017-01-28 Thread Razer
Hackers took over DC police cameras ahead of inauguration

> Hackers infected 70 percent of storage devices that record data from
> D.C. police surveillance cameras eight days before President Trump’s
> inauguration, forcing major citywide reinstallation efforts, according
> to the police and the city’s technology office.
> City officials said ransomware left police cameras unable to record
> between Jan. 12 and Jan. 15. The cyberattack affected 123 of 187
> network video recorders in a closed-circuit TV system for public
> spaces across the city, the officials said late Friday.
> Sercet Service spokesman Brian Ebert said the safety of the public or
> protectees was never jeopardized.

More at the CIA-pwned Washington Post

Re: Twitter discloses national security letters (2015 and 2016)

2017-01-28 Thread grarpamp
As before, I wager it's at most a tolerable fine and a year and a
day in the rec room. At least for principled socialnets and other
services that have no major gov contracts to lose. And that the
social upside would be huge. Tim Cook at megacorp got quite
some props for relatively strongly opening his mouth on mostly
opinion only and being about the only such CEO among megacorps
to do so. Where are the ones on Snowden's PRISM list saying
"Hey gov be tryna troll us and u like dat'?
Any CEO publicly cop to that secret paper yet?

> asswipes

No shit. So treat all the Secret Charmin that chafes you the
wrong way like the toilet paper it is.

Re: The ioT Hates Donald Trump

2017-01-28 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 12:47 PM, Razer  wrote:
> Sercet Service spokesman Brian Ebert said the safety of the public or
> protectees was never jeopardized.

Which means the cams are only here to surveill, database, datamine,
checkpoint, harass, publicize, and control your life... not to offer any

To Protect and Serve.

OSINT Framework

2017-01-28 Thread grarpamp

OSINT framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources.

40+ Intentionally Vulnerable Websites To (Legally) Practice Your Hacking Skills

2017-01-28 Thread grarpamp

Re: Fwd: UK Jobs And Collaboration: Local Data Lab + Curious Fact About White House Petitions

2017-01-28 Thread James A. Donald
Notice that whenever one hears a woman fulminating about Trump grabbing 
women by the pussy, that woman is past the age when she is in danger of 
Trump grabbing her by the pussy.

Re: Fwd: UK Jobs And Collaboration: Local Data Lab + Curious Fact About White House Petitions

2017-01-28 Thread James A. Donald

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 7:57 PM, James A. Donald
Let me guess:  You are, like most of the women in the bitter bitches
march, female, thirty or over, childless, single and running out of
time to get married and have children.  You are looking at being alone
and unloved in your old age, and are really really really angry at old
men who marry cute young women and have children by them.

You think to yourself "why don't those dreadful lustful lecherous men
grab the pussies of someone more appropriate for their age"

Like, perhaps, you.

Female journalism is always, one way or another, on the topic that the
writer should be considered hot, no matter what the ostensible topic,
and that is the subtext whenever ageing bitter childless single angry
nasty women speak of Trump.

On 1/28/2017 7:54 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

Believe me, Donald, I am much younger, cuter, more beautiful and
intelligent than you.

I notice you did not tell us your age, nor tell us you had children.

You probably are much younger and cuter than I, for I have children and 
grandchildren and will soon have another child.

But you, I think, do not and will not.

[WAR] Google/Jigsaw/Alphabet was big proponent of overthrowing Syria

2017-01-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Dirty laundry always makes its way out in the days of leak soup.

Regime change of foreign nations must be so exciting for bored
American businessmen with nothing on their plates besides pizza.

Untold Story of Syrian Coup: Who is Really Behind the Plot to Topple

Then the Silicon Valley's ingenious planners stepped in. In 2010 Jared
Cohen, the President of Jigsaw ('Google Ideas') and an Adjunct Senior
Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, made a trip to Syria with
Alec Ross, technology policy expert who was Senior Advisor for
Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Summing up the results of their "business trip" to the Syrian Arab
Republic, Ross wrote: "When Jared and I went to Syria, it was because we
knew that Syrian society was growing increasingly young (population will
double in 17 years) and digital and that this was going to create
disruptions in society that we could potential harness for our

Clark turns the spotlight on the fact that "those 'purposes' were of
course 'regime change' and to break Syria's alliance with Iran."

In summer 2012, when the Syrian conflict spun out of control political
aide Sidney Blumenthal wrote to Hillary Clinton:

"The fall of the House of Assad could well ignite a sectarian war
between the Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in
Iran, which, in the view of Israeli commanders would not be a bad thing
for Israel and its Western allies."

Nearly simultaneously president of 'Google Ideas' Jared Cohen offered
the State Department a new digital tool aimed at bolstering defections
from the Syrian government, Clark notes.

"Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the
atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping the defections,
which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving
confidence to the opposition," Cohen wrote.

Just as well there are "regimes" to overthrow to add a little spice to
life eh?

"I don't know that they turned a blind eye, I think it was a decision. I
think it was a willful decision," Flynn said.

"WikiLeaks confirms that — as was the case in Libya and Iraq — almost
everything about the official "western establishment" version of the war
in Syria was false," Clark underscores.

"Far from being an innocent bystander, the US went out of its way to
destabilize the country and exploit ethnic and religious divisions," he

Re: Fwd: UK Jobs And Collaboration: Local Data Lab + Curious Fact About White House Petitions

2017-01-28 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
I said before that Donald is a living proof that human evolution can go in
reverse, but he can also be considered a proof that reincarnation possibly
exists.  Jeez, nobody can get this extreme level of dumbness in only one
lifetime, aff...  >:P

I changed my configurations yesterday and, for some hours, trolls' messages
were considered spam instead going to trash directly.  I was in doubt if I
should do it or not, and I regret my unwise decision.  After John's heads
up about the snipped part of one of the Donald's hateful messages, I was
curious to know how much the trolls are disturbing the list.
Unfortunately, the answer is "a lot"!  :((

​OK, I don't know if reincarnation really exists or not, but just in case I
will avoid more eventual negative karma.  I don't want to meet the same
garbage fire in my next lives.  Back to the trash can, useless garbage!  ;)

​Sorry, dear all, for responding to a jerk in public.​

Kisses, take care!  <3


"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

Re: Twitter discloses national security letters (2015 and 2016)

2017-01-28 Thread Razer

On 01/28/2017 12:24 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> As before, I wager it's at most a tolerable fine and a year and a
> day in the rec room. At least for principled socialnets and other
> services that have no major gov contracts to lose. And that the
> social upside would be huge. Tim Cook at megacorp got quite
> some props for relatively strongly opening his mouth on mostly
> opinion only and being about the only such CEO among megacorps
> to do so. Where are the ones on Snowden's PRISM list saying
> "Hey gov be tryna troll us and u like dat'?
> Any CEO publicly cop to that secret paper yet?
>> asswipes
> No shit. So treat all the Secret Charmin that chafes you the
> wrong way like the toilet paper it is.

Kind of is happening in another 'theatre of action' today.

Protests at international airports all over the US.

Dulles/DC, JFK, OHare/Chicago, SFO, LAX, Logan/Boston, must be others
... but DO NOTE that Donald Trump wrote an Executive order to cause a
Muslim Ban (Muslim ONLY... religion-based) from certain countries, all
of whom we're bombing and none of which has been involved in any
terrorist incident in the US in any known history, and HE NEVER EVEN RAN

As if an Executive order is some sort of Monarch's Decree, and all the
armed thugs America's tax dollar pay for MAY VERY WELL BE detaining,
deporting, and harassing immigrants unconstitutionally.

You know what that makes them?

Brownshirts. Traitors. Everyone knows it. No counterprotesters. Hiding
like the bigoted racist slime they are.

IF the Executive Order turns out to be illegal and Trump never ran it
through channels causing immigrants to be persecuted...
Abso-fucking-lutely impeachable.

Tech checks in on this. It hits them hard in their employee base, and

Any crack in the state's armor, it's tech industry alliances, is a
gd crack.


Re: Twitter discloses national security letters (2015 and 2016)

2017-01-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 1/29/2017 11:41 AM, Razer wrote:

Dulles/DC, JFK, OHare/Chicago, SFO, LAX, Logan/Boston, must be others
... but DO NOTE that Donald Trump wrote an Executive order to cause a
Muslim Ban (Muslim ONLY... religion-based) from certain countries, all
of whom we're bombing and none of which has been involved in any
terrorist incident in the US in any known history, and HE NEVER EVEN RAN

A lot of high IQ westernized Muslims who come in through channels like 
H1B visas for engineers have been inconvenienced.

Meanwhile, in flyover country, Obama has been dumping enormous numbers 
of black male military age Muslims screaming for infidel blood and white 
pussy on marginal electorates, to tip the vote Democratic.   From being 
peaceful and rural, they have suddenly gone to having an enormous crime 
problem, inner city levels of crime, and Rotherham levels of rape.

The ban has undoubtedly stopped enormous numbers of rapes of white women 

Why immigrants (legal and illegal) and poor "natives" want Trump's immigration ban

2017-01-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Thirdly, Borjas points out that illegals dramatically reduce the wages
of legal workers with similarly low skill levels.  These are legal
Latinos, blacks, and poor whites.  Why should companies pay legal
workers when they can get away with paying illegals less?

Re: Twitter discloses national security letters (2015 and 2016)

2017-01-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 12:02:27PM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 1/29/2017 11:41 AM, Razer wrote:
> >Dulles/DC, JFK, OHare/Chicago, SFO, LAX, Logan/Boston, must be others
> >... but DO NOTE that Donald Trump wrote an Executive order to cause a
> >Muslim Ban (Muslim ONLY... religion-based) from certain countries, all
> >of whom we're bombing and none of which has been involved in any
> >terrorist incident in the US in any known history, and HE NEVER EVEN RAN
> A lot of high IQ westernized Muslims who come in through channels like H1B
> visas for engineers have been inconvenienced.
> Meanwhile, in flyover country, Obama has been dumping enormous numbers of
> black male military age Muslims screaming for infidel blood and white pussy
> on marginal electorates, to tip the vote Democratic.   From being peaceful
> and rural, they have suddenly gone to having an enormous crime problem,
> inner city levels of crime, and Rotherham levels of rape.
> The ban has undoubtedly stopped enormous numbers of rapes of white women
> already.

Who could POSSIBLY have predicted a voter backlash?

Fwd: [liberationtech] Idea: Report Hateful / Racist Websites to Their Registrars and Hosting Providers

2017-01-28 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
All the times I read one of Donald's stupid racist messages, I want to
tattoo "Black Lives Matter" in one of my arms.  Or even better, in his
forehead!  >:(
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

-- Forwarded message --
From: Yosem Companys
Date: Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 10:24 PM
Subject: [liberationtech] Idea: Report Hateful / Racist Websites to Their
Registrars and Hosting Providers
To: Liberation Technologies
Cc: Evan Savage

Evan Savage 

Hello all!

I’ve put together a quick guide on reporting hateful and racist websites
to their registrars and hosting providers, which you can view here:

(I’m sure all of you already have the requisite technical expertise, but
if this spreads further it will hopefully be of use to those who don’t.)

The idea is simple: make it harder for these websites to operate, one
TOS violation email at a time.

I’m hoping to send a few TOS violation emails over this next week, and
figured the more the merrier!  Feel free to pass this link on to others
who might be interested.

Evan Savage
bit-manipulator extraordinaire :: savage internet, LLC

Re: Fwd: [liberationtech] Idea: Report Hateful / Racist Websites to Their Registrars and Hosting Providers

2017-01-28 Thread Razer
Unfortunately there's no law about being hateful or racist. There are
laws about inciting violence. ESPECIALLY if the violence is incited
across state lines, which the internet is intrinsically doing every time
someone spews. That's the Stokley Carmichael anti-riot act amendment to
the King Civil Rights Act that was uses to drag Black Panther Bobby
Seale, Yippie hippie Abbie Hoffman, and Gandhian pacifist Dave Dellinger
into court for the Chcago 7/8/13, whatever trials.


should war only ever be by referendum (not plebicite) (in a "democracy") ??

2017-01-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Perhaps now is a rare historical opportunity for the POTUS to implement
some form(s) of 'direct democracy'?

US Senator Blows the Whistle: Americans Kept in the Dark
as CIA Wages Covert Wars Across the Globe
Rand Paul reminds Americans that they are not allowed to know how many
covert wars the CIA is waging. In other words: the Agency is conducting
multiple secret wars with basically zero transparency or oversight.
Democracy in action!

Re: Why immigrants (legal and illegal) and poor "natives" want Trump's immigration ban

2017-01-28 Thread juan
On Sun, 29 Jan 2017 13:35:55 +1100
Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> "
> Thirdly, Borjas points out that illegals dramatically reduce the wages
> of legal workers with similarly low skill levels.  These are legal
> Latinos, blacks, and poor whites.  Why should companies pay legal
> workers when they can get away with paying illegals less?
> "

So? You know that the 'solution' for this problem is? It's
something called "equality before the law". But law doesn't
mean the dictates of nazi trump or any other (non) human turd. 

Now, if people are "equal before the law", the absurd and
criminal  distinction between 'legal' and 'illegal' immigrants
vanishes along with state borders, and there's only one market
where no one has any privilege for being 'legal' 


Re: Public Dissentiment

2017-01-28 Thread juan

> >That's an outragous claim for people like you. LMAO at you. You
> >are the poster child for circular 'reasoning'. 
> > 
> > 
> >> that children can't suffer from cognitive disabilities, etc. 
> > 
> >I never said that.
> > 

> Yes you did. In fact you called me a nazi after describing a young
> girl whom my girlfriend was the caretaker of who was profoundly
> disabled by asperger's syndrome. She couldn't talk, etc.. i'm not
> getting into it again, please just leave it alone.
> >So again, disagreeing with your stupid enviro propganda that
> >comes straight out of your fucking americunt nazi state doesn't
> >make me a bible thumper. 
> > 
> How ducking retarded are you? The us republican government DOES NOT
> believe in anthropogenic climate change. You are right in line with
> Trump and his cronies.

OK. Allegedly, the trump mafia, which is a subset of
the us gov't mafia, doesn't believe in global warming. I say
'allegedly' because I would be hardly surprised if they
flip-floped. But fine, for the time being they are on the
payroll of the oil mafia (oops a 'conspiracy theory')

However, other factions of the us gov't do believe in 'climate
change'. So my claim "you get your  propaganda from the
gov't" is still valid (more accurately, the source is a faction
within the gov't) - If I'm in line with the repuglicans, then
you are in line with the democrats. 

But OK, I see how you can turn my argument around and say that
I'm a shill for shell and exxon (and aramco I guess). Even if
you do that, my general point still stands. The 'climate
change' faction IS a faction. They are not honest and
'objective' 'scientists'. They are playing a political game.
And 'science' has always been manipulated by political
interests. Something you seem to completely ignore.

> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
>  Huge mistakes in medical sciences have most definitely been
>  made, 
> >>> 
> >>>Mistakes? Are you referring to the 'mistakes' of the
> >>> 'medical' 'science' of psychiatry? As I explained above those are
> >>> not mistakes. 
> >> 
> >> There have been mistakes besides atrocities like the lobotomy. 
> > 
> >Not mistakes. 'Curing' gays was not a mistake. And looks like
> >you are an accomplice of the shitbags who did that kind of
> >thing, by pretending they were not criminals but poor
> >'mistaken' altruists or something.
> > 
> > 
> I never said that or even implied it. Was "curing" gays ever accepted
> as science by anyone, anywhere? 

So you actucally don't have a clue about what 'scientists'
used to say? Here's ONE fucking datapoint for you.

"The World Health Organisation declassifies homosexuality as a
mental illness in the latest edition of its list of diseases
and health problems, the ICD-10." 

Now, was that 1992 BEFORE FUCKING CHRIST or after? I'm not
goind to do more of your homework. You gaagle the rest. 

> >> Early
> >> experimentation with radiation, heparin adulteration out of china,
> > 
> >AH the evil chinese. What the fuck has that got to do with
> >'science', fake or legitimate? 
> > 
> >
> Maybe mistakes is the wrong word for some of those examples - you
> love to pick at things with your pedantic little mind. The point is
> there have been all sorts of fuck ups in the history of medicine, and
> rational inquiry AKA science is how they get solved.

Keep up with your bullshit. You are doing exactly what I say
you are doing. You are making excuses for people who are
corrupt to the bone. The 'mistakes' (your word) or now 'fuck
ups' are not 'mistakes'. 

'Science' when done by people is not guaranteed at all to
really be science. It obviously can be political propaganda. 

> > 
> > 
> >> exploding breast implants, all sorts of toxic shit before the FDA
> >> came around, etc, etc. 
> > 
> >Before the FDA came around. Spoken like a True American
> >Anarchist eh John. Tsk tsk. You seem to be showing your true
> >statist colors. 
> > 
> Tsk tsk all you want dickhead, it's a fact. All sorts of toxic shit
> was passed off prior to the fda (and after, for that matter). 

So you just contradicted yourself in two senteces? Can't 
you make up your mind? =) Does the american anarchist FDA
'work' or not? 

> My
> anarchist utopia will have some sort of opt-in dope inspection line,
> but I'm happy for you to die of arsenic poisoning in yours.

'Alle Ding sind Gift und nichts ohn' Gift; allein die Dosis
macht, das ein Ding kein Gift ist."

> >By the way, radioactive 'cures' were aproved by your
> >Progressive Scientifc Anarc

Re: [WAR] ...

2017-01-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 10:27:30PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 06:17:12PM +0900, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:
> > We can have a shared (UN?) court
> Because fewer (but corruptible) institutions is better, right?
> > for determining things like permissible pollution and settling
> > lawsuits that are carried all the way up. For settling disputes
> > between nations, and their adherence to global law.
> Sorry, all your one world / new world order shit can go to hell.
> Not going to happen. Not going to fly here. Not going to be consented
> to by China nor Russia nor Australia.
> Simply, there's no point arguing for it any more since at the very
> least BRICS has stamped an unstoppable foot on the world stage - we
> are all going to get a multi-polar world, whether you Americans like
> it or not.
> I might be powerful, but even -my- words cannot stop BRICS now.

Russian victory lap for the multi polar world:

A Brave, New Multipolar World: Lavrov Declares End of US Regime Change

No significant insight yet from Zbig except "America should partner with
China" which certainly seems rather 'yesterday' - perhaps the
globalluminoligarchy has moved a bunch of their assets to the PROC?

Compassion. It's what makes the Federal Reserve so special.

2017-01-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The Trumpocalypse continues:

Federal Reserve Bankers Laugh and Laugh at Unemployed, Drug-Dependent

Re: Fwd: [liberationtech] Idea: Report Hateful / Racist Websites to Their Registrars and Hosting Providers

2017-01-28 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 2:14 AM, Razer  wrote:

> Unfortunately there's no law about being hateful or racist. There are
> laws about inciting violence. ESPECIALLY if the violence is incited
> across state lines, which the internet is intrinsically doing every time
> someone spews. That's the Stokley Carmichael anti-riot act amendment to
> the King Civil Rights Act that was uses to drag Black Panther Bobby
> Seale, Yippie hippie Abbie Hoffman, and Gandhian pacifist Dave Dellinger
> into court for the Chcago 7/8/13, whatever trials.

​Thanks for the information, dear.  In my country, we have heavy laws
against racism and similar hate crimes  (intolerance against religions,
genders, etc),  which are the same in all the Brazilian States.  No right
to bails, criminals like Donald and Zenaan are kept in jail until their
legal judgement.  It was the Brazilian society wish, not our government's.

You know, cultural differences again...  :P

[WAR] Trump negotiates contract with Russia for "10,000 beautiful MiG-35s" to replace F-35 boondoggle

2017-01-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness

Donald "Donat Ivanovich Trollstoyevski" Trumpenfuhrer begins the
inevitable naval vtol gazing.

KGB is proudski.

Re: Why immigrants (legal and illegal) and poor "natives" want Trump's immigration ban

2017-01-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 1/29/2017 2:29 PM, juan wrote:

Now, if people are "equal before the law", the absurd and
criminal  distinction between 'legal' and 'illegal' immigrants
vanishes along with state borders, and there's only one market
where no one has any privilege for being 'legal'

Whereupon four hundred million Africans move to the US.

Shortly after that your EBT card mysteriously stops working. (Because 
your EBT card is charged with taxes that are mostly paid by white males)

And suddenly four billion Africans can no longer buy fried chicked with 
their EBT cards, so they cook you and eat you instead.

Re: Why immigrants (legal and illegal) and poor "natives" want Trump's immigration ban

2017-01-28 Thread juan
On Sun, 29 Jan 2017 14:45:31 +1000
"James A. Donald"  wrote:

> On 1/29/2017 2:29 PM, juan wrote:
> > Now, if people are "equal before the law", the absurd and
> > criminal  distinction between 'legal' and 'illegal'
> > immigrants vanishes along with state borders, and there's only one
> > market where no one has any privilege for being 'legal'
> Whereupon four hundred million Africans move to the US.

I think it's time for you to shut down, asshole. 

Or are you on the payroll of obama, trying to discredit
libertarianism as much as possible? 

> Shortly after that your EBT card mysteriously stops working. (Because 
> your EBT card is charged with taxes that are mostly paid by white
> males)
> And suddenly four billion Africans can no longer buy fried chicked
> with their EBT cards, so they cook you and eat you instead.

Re: Public Dissentiment

2017-01-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 1/28/2017 4:08 AM, Razer wrote:

I'd like to point out here that the National Park Service was the way
the public initially was informed of global climate change when an
un-vetted--by-deniers memo to park managers leaked stating (Paraphrase):
'As the climate continues to get warmer over the years we should prepare
for more summertime activities' a decade or more ago.

I am pretty sure that under the new management, we will no longer hear 
that each year was warmer than the last, (by an amount much smaller than 
the various sources of error that occur in attempting to measure global 
temperatures, which sources of error are "corrected" by ad hoc guessed 
corrections) and instead this year, and subsequent years during the 
Trump presidency, will be significantly cooler than 2016.

We will also see during the Trump presidency a recovery in total area of 
the oceans covered by ice.  I will bet you a six pack of beer that 
measured and observed Global Warming stops during the Trump presidency, 
both global temperatures and global sea ice.

Will this shake your faith in:

1.  Government science?

2.  Global Warming?

Re: Public Dissentiment

2017-01-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 1/29/2017 3:29 PM, James A. Donald wrote:

I am pretty sure that under the new management, we will no longer hear
that each year was warmer than the last, (by an amount much smaller than
the various sources of error that occur in attempting to measure global
temperatures, which sources of error are "corrected" by ad hoc guessed
corrections) and instead this year, and subsequent years during the
Trump presidency, will be significantly cooler than 2016.

We will also see during the Trump presidency a recovery in total area of
the oceans covered by ice.  I will bet you a six pack of beer that
measured and observed Global Warming stops during the Trump presidency,
both global temperatures and global sea ice.

To be precise, I predict that the lowest area of global sea ice during 
the Trump presidency will always be higher, more sea covered by sea ice, 
than the lowest area of global sea ice during the Obama presidency.

Will this shake your faith in:

1.  Government science?

2.  Global Warming?

About trolls...

2017-01-28 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
Hey, cute guys and girls!  :)

Just in case of bizarre, creepy and/or pervert messages using my e-mail
address or the e-mail addresses of other "polemic" persons of this adorable
and sweet list, please, report me in private.  I'm not worried and I don't
care, but I need to show some respect for the other persons and keep their

Until now, I received only one message of this kind and nobody received
bizarre messages of this account, but I think a good heads up can be
useful.  Remember:  -  I am pretty exhausted.  Believe me, in this moment,
I just want to get some sleep, not having sex with you, or tattoo your
genital and /or mine, or doing something even stranger.  In case of doubt,
ask me, OK?  ;)

Good night kisses, dear all.  Wish sweet dreams to those who deserve them
and brutal insomnia to the bad guys.  Or creepy nightmares, perhaps.  Some
ancient religions believe that all the Gods visit us in our dreams to
protect us and to scare bad people...  <3

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

Re: Twitter discloses national security letters (2015 and 2016)

2017-01-28 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 8:41 PM, Razer  wrote:
> but DO NOTE that Donald Trump wrote an Executive order to cause a Muslim Ban
> (Muslim ONLY... religion-based) from certain countries, all of whom we're
> bombing and none of which has been involved in any terrorist incident in the

Some like to say Sauds did wtc. Assuming true as the only
country supported excercise and everything else is free agent.
Then all that's left is to run the stats on logical AND of
- All legally admitted entry persons from all places, broken down
by country, religion, economic status, social, psych, family, etc.
- All the [attempted] murders of three [perhaps two] or more people
in one event by all such admittees.
Then if you've no other tool but ban, and your goal is to reduce such
murders, then what do the stats tell you to ban 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc?
What are the actual stats here?

Tribranch repubs might bill a restore of federal 2ndA permitless
concealed carry as a defense against mass sprees in public so
aren't likely to last long. Perhaps as political alternate if ban fails.

Note any such current murder count is purely noise
floor next to the mountains of what are known by science or
spending to be entire classes of preventable deaths.
Like say free yearly body scans to find cancer and such early.