We will stop this attack on Iraq.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X

As troops gather in the Middle East and the US hypes up rhetoric for war on 
Iraq, an army of protesters across Australia is mustering its forces to 
fight for peace.

The latest poll shows only six per cent of the population backs a war in 
Iraq without United Nations approval, with 30 per cent opposing Australian 
involvement under any circumstances.

Tens of thousands will join rallies nationwide on February 15 and 16 as 
part of an international weekend of action against war.

If war is declared before that, it will trigger immediate action by 
thousands of protesters in every capital city.

The protests are set to be bigger than the Vietnam War demonstrations; a 
rally in Melbourne last November drew 45,000 and organisers are preparing 
for an even bigger turnout next month.

Most of those joining Australia's peace movement are not activists, just 
ordinary citizens spurred into action by their moral objections to the war.

Victorian Peace Network co-ordinator Damien Lawson said levels of anti-war 
sentiment in the community were unprecedented.

"There's never been this level of protest prior to a war even happening," 
he said. "People just think this is very wrong and they're starting to find 
ways to express it."

The Network was formed in September by more than 50 of Victoria's peak 
organisations to oppose the looming war with Iraq.

Its chief objection is that the war would result in "widespread slaughter" 
of countless Iraqi civilians.

"The second concern is that it increases the likelihood of terrorist 
attacks on Australian civilians; it is actually a threat to the security of 
Australian people if Australia supports a US-led attack," Mr Lawson said.

"The third reason from our point of view is that the war will be illegal 
and is clearly not going to increase security in the Middle East."

Mr Lawson pointed out that the United States "has more weapons of mass 
destruction - nuclear, biological, chemical weapons - than any other country".

He said America itself posed the greatest threat to world peace.

"The US is taking a completely unilateral course," he said. "It's saying 
that it can strike anywhere, any time, on the flimsiest of pretexts.

"It is the real rogue state in the world today and unfortunately it's the 
most powerful."

Sydney's Walk Against The War Coalition spokeswoman Hannah Middleton said 
unpopular US policy was propelling many into the peace movement.

She said people were fed up with the double standard of America targeting 
Iraq while possessing its own weapons of mass destruction and ignoring the 
weapons stockpiled by nations such as Israel and Pakistan.

"America says, 'We can launch pre-emptive strikes' - which of course is 
just the new buzz word for what the United Nations calls 'aggression'," Dr 
Middleton said.

"It's bully-boy destruction of international accepted standards and 
replaces the rule of law by the rule of the jungle."

The motives behind US warmongering also troubled Australians, she said.

"People see through the rhetoric and say it's not about democracy, it's not 
about weapons of mass destruction; it's about oil, and that's in America's 
interests and not ours."

The Walk Against The War Coalition expects up to 40,000 to join Sydney's 
protest in Hyde Park on February 16.

It also holds peace vigils every Friday at Sydney Town Hall.

Spokesman Nick Everett said the protest movement was growing particularly 
strong at local and regional levels, with people from every conceivable 
background united by their opposition to the war.

"In almost every country, the polls are registering majority opposition to 
this war," Mr Everett said.

"That passive opposition has built up and we're now starting to see a more 
active opposition, with many more people coming into the anti-war movement 
for the first time.

"A protest movement gives people a sense of their ability to change things, 
their potential to put pressure on a government."

Nikki Ulasowski, an activist in Perth's No War Alliance, said as military 
preparations for war intensified, so too did protest activity.

"As time ticks by and (US President George W) Bush looks more like he's 
going launch his war in Iraq you see the phones start ringing hot with 
people wanting to know what they can do, wanting to actively get involved 
with the campaign," Ms Ulasowski said.

She said the US and its allies, Australia and Britain, seemed "determined 
to push ahead with this war with no legitimacy".

"Even though there's massive opposition around the world, they seem pretty 
set on their agenda.

"When you've got that happening, people need to go out on the streets to 
actively oppose it and to force them not to wage a war on Iraq."

Ms Ulasowski said February's wave of national protests "will be by far the 
biggest ... we think the urgency's there".

"It's exploded in a big way in the last couple of weeks," she said.

"It's building up to the sort of movement that, in the end, will stop this 
war fro

Scalded Manatee's?

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
An Australian-designed, steam-driven jet engine is set to revolutionise 
water travel by providing a more efficient, clean and safer alternative to 
conventional outboard motors.
New Scientist magazine says the Pursuit Marine Drive - described as an 
underwater jet engine - could soon be powering dinghies and speedboats.
The drive system, invented by engineer Alan Burns, produces thrust by using 
the energy from high-pressure steam to draw in water through an intake at 
the front and expel it at high speed through the rear.
Burns' idea has been developed in Britain by engineers at Pursuit Dynamics.
The drive should be kinder to the environment as it does not leak oil like 
conventional outboards and has no propeller that could injure large sea 

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Pursuit Dynamics hopes to have licensed other manufacturers to make the 
engine by the end of the year.

Bulimic Rats.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Scientists have found evidence that fat and sugar may be addictive, 
possibly explaining why many obese people cannot get enough junk food, 
despite all the warnings.

Scientists already know that the area of the brain that moderates eating 
behaviour is influenced by the blood's level of leptin, a substance 
secreted by fat cells.

But a new study by a psychologist at New York's Albert Einstein College of 
Medicine has found that rats fed high-fat diets take only three days to 
lose their ability to respond to leptin.

"The fatter a person becomes, the more resistant they will be to the 
effects of leptin," says Luciano Rossetti in the February 1 issue of New 

The magazine reports that another researcher, Sarah Leibowitz, a 
neurobiologist at New York's Rockefeller University, found that the level 
of galanin, a substance that stimulates eating and curbs the body's use of 
energy, increases in the brains of rats that dine on even one fatty meal.
In another experiment rats developed "the shakes" when taken off a 
sugar-rich diet, developing symptoms similar to people withdrawing from 
nicotine or morphine.

When the rats were given drugs blocking their opiod receptors they 
displayed the same neurochemical patterns seen in humans in opiod withdrawal.

"The implication is that some animals - and by extension some people - can 
become overly dependent on sweet food," the researcher said.

A University of Wisconsin neuroscientist also reported that rats which 
over-indulged showed "long-lasting changes in their brain chemistry similar 
to those caused by extended use of morphine or heroin".

But Australian nutritionist Rosemary Stanton was not convinced. "I need 
more proof -
all this is based on rats," she
said yesterday, suspecting that eating problems had more to do with habit.

She feared the findings could send the wrong message to the obese. "People 
might think there is nothing they can do and will say, 'I might as well go 
and have three Big Macs'."

Andrew Byrne, a Sydney doctor who has worked with addicts for 15 years, 
warned that addiction was hard to define. However, if the symptoms of 
over-eating included being unable to cut down, needing regular consumption, 
suffering an adverse reaction, feeling guilty and attracting the attention 
of others saying "you are fat", then food was addictive.

Both Ms Stanton and Dr Byrne agreed that if fat and sugar were addictive, 
all fast-food ingredients should be listed on packaging.



2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
The suburbs of Washington, from Alexandria in the south to Dulles Airport 
in the west, make up the defense industry's fertile crescent.

Within a short drive of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the rest of the national 
security state, one immaculate office park after another rises above the 
oleander, gleaming facades capped with muscular logos - Raytheon, TRW, 
Bechtel. It's the neighborhood of choice for the nation's military contractors.

Michael Grecco
With war in the air and a new market in homeland security booming, many 
private firms are looking to expand their government work. Which is why 
Computer Sciences Corporation, a California-based technology services 
company, came to this part of the Beltway to do a bit of Christmas 
shopping. On a Friday in mid-December, CSC announced it would buy a 
little-known contractor named DynCorp in an acquisition worth nearly $1 
billion. Ranked 13th in the dollar value of its federal business - and 
dwarfed by Lockheed Martin by a factor of 16 - DynCorp has operated in the 
shadows of the capital for five decades. It is neither the most visible nor 
the most powerful of the companies that rely on government contracts. But 
it has thoroughly mastered the byways of Washington, and its purchase by 
CSC shines a spotlight on the modern military techno-industrial complex.

DynCorp represents nothing less than the future of national security. While 
outfits like Raytheon make their money developing weapons systems, DynCorp 
offers the military an alternative to itself. In 2002, the company took in 
$2.3 billion doing what you probably thought was Pentagon work. DynCorp 
planes and pilots fly the defoliation missions that are the centerpiece of 
Plan Colombia. Armed DynCorp employees constitute the core of the police 
force in Bosnia. DynCorp troops protect Afghan president Hamid Karzai. 
DynCorp manages the border posts between the US and Mexico, many of the 
Pentagon's weapons-testing ranges, and the entire Air Force One fleet of 
presidential planes and helicopters. During the Persian Gulf War, it was 
DynCorp employees, not soldiers, who serviced and rearmed American combat 
choppers, and it's DynCorp's people, not military personnel, who late last 
year began "forward deploying" equipment and ammunition to the Middle East 
in preparation for war with Iraq. DynCorp inventories everything seized by 
the Justice Department's Asset Forfeiture Program, runs the Naval Air 
Warfare Center at Patuxent River, Maryland, and is producing the smallpox 
and anthrax vaccines the government may use to inoculate everyone in the 
United States.

That security work earns DynCorp about half its bread and butter. The other 
half comes from serving as the information technology department of just 
about every three-letter national security, law enforcement, and 
defense-related agency of government, as well as the more peaceable 
kingdoms of the Departments of State and Justice, the Federal Aviation 
Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Centers for 
Disease Control. Among its lucrative contracts, DynCorp is networking all 
the American embassies abroad, taking the government's emergency phone 
system wireless, and building a 29,000-terminal computer network for the 
FBI called Trilogy. As many as three dozen companies do contract work for 
the Pentagon, and many more sell IT services to the Feds. But DynCorp is 
special, because it manages both bits and bombs for Uncle Sam.

All of this perfectly positions DynCorp to take advantage of the post-9/11 
trend to privatize almost every aspect of national security. And it 
perfectly explains why CSC came courting. At DynCorp, 98 percent of sales 
come from federal contracts. When the acquisition is completed this spring, 
CSC will feel that windfall, boosting its government business from 27 
percent of revenue to 40 percent. More to the point, CSC - a purely 
IT-focused operation - now gets a piece of a military market that so far 
has proved elusive. "CSC does infrastructure work," DynCorp CEO Paul 
Lombardi said the day the sale was announced. "But they don't have the 
capability to train troops and offer logistical support in real time."

Today, half of all defense-related jobs are done by private sector 
contractors, an increase of about 25 percent since the 1970s. But taking on 
this type of business will bring CSC controversies it never faced doing 
systems integration. That the Pentagon outsources management of military 
bases and IT tasks is not, in itself, troublesome. "It makes a lot of 
sense," says David Isenberg, a defense analyst who once worked for a 
DynCorp subsidiary. "You want the 101st Airborne training to kill people 
and destroy things, not figuring out how to create a Web site or link this 
database to that database."

It's the expansion of private firms into core functions of the military 
that is, for many, an alarming trend. A State Department spokesperson told 
me that DynCorp, with its "


2003-01-31 Thread sherrish


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See me and over x1000 hot xcollege girls pus

2003-01-31 Thread Sweetheart





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2003-01-31 Thread MR. OSAZUWA SALAMI

DIRECT FAX: 234 1 7590904. TEL; 234 -1-7763126



Dear Sir,

I am MR. OSAZUWA SALAMIMember Contract Award and Verification Committee
of the above stated Department

Terms of Reference

My term of reference involves the award of contracts to Foreign
Multinational Companies and Corporations.

My office is saddled with the responsibility of contract award,
screening, categorization and prioritization of projects embarked
upon by Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) as well as
feasibility studies for selected projects and supervising the project
consultants involved. A breakdown of the fiscal expenditure by this
office as at the end of last fiscal quarter of 2000 indicates that
DPR paid out a whooping sum of US$736M(Seven Hundred And Thirty Six
Million, United States Dollars) to successful Foreign contract
beneficiaries. The DPR is now compiling beneficiaries to be paid for
the first Quarter of the2003 fiscal year.

The crux of this letter is that the finance/contract department of
the DPR deliberately over –invoiced the contract value of the various
contracts awarded. In the course of disbursements, this department
has been able to accumulate the sum of US$38.2M(Thirty-eight Million,
two hundred Thousand U.S Dollars) as the over-invoiced sum. This
money is currently in a suspense account of the DPR account with the
Debt Reconciliation Committee (DRC). We now seek to process the
transfer of this fund officially as contract payment to you as a
foreign contractor, who will be fronting for us as the beneficiary of
the fund. In this way we can facilitate these funds into your
nominated account for possible investment abroad. We are not allowed
as a matter of government policy to operate any foreign account to
transfer this fund into.

However, for your involvement in assisting us with this transfer into
your nominated account we have evolved a sharing formula as follows:
(1) 20% for you as the foreign partner
(2) 75% for I and my colleagues
(3) 5% will be set aside to defray all incidental expenses both
Locally and Internationally during the course of this transaction.

We shall be relying on your advice as regard investment of our share
in any business in your country. Be informed that this business is
genuine and 100% safe considering the high-power government officials
involved. Send your private fax/telephone numbers. Upon your response
we shall provide you with further information on the procedures.
All enquiries should be directed to the undersigned by FAX and,E-MAIL
Trusting in a good and long lasting business relationship with you.



Blix screed..."I saw nothing..."

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Blix Says He Saw Nothing to Prompt a War
New York Times - 2 hours ago
UNITED NATIONS, Jan. 30 — Days after delivering a broadly negative report 
on Iraq's cooperation with international inspectors, Hans Blix on Wednesday 
challenged several of the Bush administration's assertions about Iraqi 
cheating and the notion that ...
Bush to Meet Blair on Iraq, Europe Divided on War Reuters
Don't go it alone, Graham tells US Toronto Star
The Globe and Mail - Washington Post - Kansas City Star - Financial Times 
(subscription) - and 1332 related »

FREE Richard C Reid.POW.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Reid, 29, remained defiant, describing himself as a soldier of war and 
denouncing U.S. policies against Muslim nations as justification for his 
attempted downing of American Airlines Flight 63 in December 2001. Nearly 
200 passengers and crew members were aboard the Paris-to-Miami flight.
In a dramatic climax to the two-hour proceeding, Reid was muscled out of 
the courtroom in handcuffs by four federal marshals after shouting at U.S. 
District Court Judge William G. Young.
Reid, partially shaven with straggly hair falling to his shoulders and a 
goatee, stood up immediately to his full, imposing height of 6-foot-4 and 
pointed at the judge. Several of the crew members and passengers who were 
on the flight looked stunned, glancing at each other and shaking their 
heads. One woman cried.
"That flag will be brought down on the day of judgment and you will see in 
front of your Lord and my Lord and then we will know," Reid said, in a 
heavily accented, rapid-fire cadence. "You will be judged by Allah."
When he pleaded guilty in October, Reid pledged his support to al Qaeda 
leader Osama bin Laden and declared himself an enemy of the United States. 
He declared that allegiance again today in a federal courthouse surrounded 
by bomb-sniffing dogs and armed federal agents.
"Your government has sponsored the torture of Muslims in Iraq and Turkey 
and Jordan and Syria with their money and their weapons," Reid said. "I am 
at war with your country."
Solidarity Richard,we'll try and swap you out for Dick Armitage or some 
other pig.

The Social Hack.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X

Kevin Mitnick: Consumer vigilance can thwart high-tech crooks
By Kevin D. Mitnick

CORPORATE security is an illusion. So is personal financial privacy. I 
should know; I spent five years of my life in federal prison for proving it.

A recent survey by the Computer Security Institute and the FBI found that 
90 percent of U.S. companies responding had detected security breaches 
during the preceding year. Many companies believe that they can protect 
their information and networks from the bad guys by acquiring security 
technologies such as fire-walls, anti-virus software and biometric 
authentication systems. But while it's essential to use technology to 
prevent and detect hackers, it is naive to rely on technology alone.

I know because hacking was what I did before March 2000, when I pleaded 
guilty to breaking into a series of computer networks around the country.

The greatest vulnerability for computer security doesn't come from 
technological flaws in hardware and software but from the weakest link in 
the security chain: people. And not just dishonest employees. Trusted 
insiders can be duped or deceived into giving away the keys to the kingdom.

An attacker, foreign or domestic, can easily take advantage of the trust we 
have in fellow employees and the respect we have for people in authority. 
For example: A caller tells you that there has been an ongoing problem with 
your server and you're in danger of losing all your data. He needs to put 
you on another server; you'll have to change your password and stick with 
it until the problem is resolved. He gives you a new password to use and 
waits while you make the change and verify that it works. You hang up, a 
little annoyed at the interruption but maybe feeling good that the people 
in information technology are taking such good care of you.

But was that really a man from IT, or a hacker who now has access to your 
computer system?

It's not just business and government agencies that are the targets. One of 
today's fastest-growing crimes, identity theft, often uses the very same 
techniques against individuals.

What's more, your personal information is not private at all. Anyone with 
Internet access and an anonymous prepaid phone card can, in just a few 
minutes, obtain your driver's license number, Social Security number and 
mother's maiden name and the names of your spouse, children and pets. Much 
of this information is readily available on the Internet or through one or 
two telephone calls.

In the movie ``Catch Me If You Can,'' protagonist Frank Abagnale Jr. 
illustrates the art of deception behind such social engineering attacks. By 
impersonating authority figures -- a pilot, a doctor, a lawyer -- he 
influences his victims' attitudes and gains their trust, enabling him to 
pass bad checks all over the world.

The hacker who uses social engineer tactics steals your trust in much the 
same way. Consider: Your phone rings and on the other end of the line is a 
man from the phone company. He says you have an overdue balance of $63.14, 
and if it isn't paid by 5 p.m., your phone will be disconnected and you'll 
be required to make a $300 deposit before service is restored.

You insist that you paid on time. The caller says no payment was received 
and that a disconnect notice was mailed to you. In the spirit of good 
service, the man offers to search the records to see if he can locate the 
payment. This drags on for some minutes while you hear him clicking keys 
and making occasional comments. He still can't find anything, so he asks 
you to get out your checkbook and give him the details of your bank, check 
number and amount of payment. Still nothing. He asks you to read off the 
numbers printed at the bottom of your checks.

You have just given him your checking account number. Before long, 
unfamiliar checks begin being cashed from your account or the hacker 
obtains access to your charge accounts by going through information 
gathered from the checking account. One key to preventing this from 
happening to you, at home or at work, is to be vigilant about verifying the 
identity of anyone requesting sensitive information.

``Loose lips sink ships'' was a slogan meant, during World War II, to 
educate military personnel and civilians on the importance of maintaining 
secrecy of troop movements. It is time to update it to promote awareness of 
tricksters who may want your company's secrets or to hijack your personal 
credit history: ``Be alert or you'll lose your shirt.''


Downtown Pripyat USA.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
'Dirty bomb' constructed
Al-Qaida did job in Afghanistan

LONDON -- The al-Qaida terrorist network successfully built a crude 
radiological device known as a "dirty bomb" in Afghanistan, the BBC 
reported yesterday.

British intelligence agents infiltrated the network and found documents 
that showed al-Qaida members had built the device near Herat in western 
Afghanistan, the BBC said, citing unidentified British government officials.

It was one of two major developments involving al-Qaida.

In Kandahar, a powerful bomb destroyed a bridge outside the southern Afghan 
city today, killing 18 people on a bus, a deputy police chief said.

Only two people on the bus survived the explosion on the Rambasi Bridge, 
some 10 km south of Kandahar, Ustad Nazir Jan said.

No one immediately took responsibility for the explosion, but Jan blamed 
fugitive members of the Taliban and al Qaida.

Meanwhile, in London, Britain's Foreign Office said the intelligent agents' 
report substantiates expert opinion that al-Qaida wanted to develop a 
nuclear weapon.

"The evidence presented in the BBC report speaks for itself," a spokesman 

"It provides proof to substantiate expert opinion that al-Qaida was 
interested in developing nuclear weapons."

In Washington, a U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said 
there was no doubt about accused terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden's 
interest in acquiring a "dirty bomb" -- a conventional bomb capable of 
spreading radiation.

But the U.S. official said: "We have no evidence to substantiate that he's 
built such a device."

The British intelligence agents did not find the device itself and it has 
not since been recovered, the BBC reported.

The BBC said the Taliban regime in Afghanistan helped al-Qaida construct 
the device.

The BBC report did not say where the agents found the documents, when the 
device was thought to have been constructed or how much radiation it could 

The documents were sent to the British government's weapons research 
facility in Porton Down, southern England.

Scientists concluded al-Qaida had built a small "dirty bomb," not a 
full-blown nuclear device.

There has been previous evidence of al-Qaida's interest in developing a 
"dirty bomb." Such a radiological weapon would be far less deadly and 
damaging than a nuclear explosion.

Computers found by journalists and U.S. troops at a variety of facilities 
in Afghanistan indicated al-Qaida had sought to obtain and develop nuclear 
and other potent weapons.


Central Europe Review - Ghost Town: Chernobyl Twelve Years On
... Pripyat is three things: it is the name of the town which had a 
population of 48,000
until the nuclear power station on its doorstep, Chernobyl, went into ...
www.ce-review.org/99/9/kinoeye9_horton1.html - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

UH-60 Recall.Sikorsky Aircraft urge owners to return all aircraft.RECALL.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
WASHINGTON -- A U.S. army helicopter with four Americans aboard crashed 
near the Bagram air base in Afghanistan yesterday and all four were killed, 
an American official said.

The UH-60 helicopter crashed several kilometres east of Bagram air base in 
an area known as the East Training Range, said Jim Wilkinson, director of 
strategic communications at Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Florida.

"I can confirm that there are U.S. casualties and at this time this 
incident does not appear to be related to hostile action," Wilkinson said.

He said all four aboard were killed, but he declined to provide other 
details about them or the circumstances of the crash. The helicopter and 
its crew were on a routine training mission, he said.

Wilkinson did not immediately have information on the military service or 
unit to which the four victims belonged.

Details were sketchy and officials said it was not immediately clear what 
caused the helicopter to crash. They stressed that it appeared to be an 

The UH-60, known as a Black Hawk, is a utility transport aircraft that is a 
key to the U.S. army's mobility.

Goodwill Hunting.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Jan. 30 — Bounty Hunter Billy Wells admits his profession has an image 
"There's a picture that pops up your mind when you say 'bounty hunter,'" he 
said. "You think of a thug."
It's an image that is not helped by regular — if infrequent — horror 
stories of bounty hunters' apparent abuses and mistakes, such as the 
killing of a Virginia man last month. Police say a bounty hunter with 
criminal record raided the wrong home and fatally shot an innocent man. And 
it's more than just an image problem for those who make their living as 
skip tracers. Pressure from lawmakers is slowly reining in the storied 
profession, eroding unparalleled freedoms born in the days of the Wild West.

Reality vs. ‘The Wild Bunch’

Bounty hunters are hired by bail bond agents to track down and arrest 
clients who have failed to appear in court as required. They haul in an 
estimated 30,000 bail jumpers every year, earning a typical fee of about 10 
percent of the bail amount.

The thousands of agents working in business range from private 
investigators and former police officers, to people like Crystal McElroy, a 
26-year-old mother of three who works as a bounty hunter in Santa Fe, N.M.

The profession has long been a fixture of the American imagination, 
appearing in movies such as The Wild Bunch, Midnight Run, and even Star 
Wars. But the reality is usually not very glamorous, those in the industry 

Bounty hunters spend days tracking down and staking out their prey. 
Professionals admit chases and high drama are rare, and many seasoned 
agents say they often just call the police when they've tracked down a 
particularly dangerous fugitive.

Only a few hundred agents around the country are able to support themselves 
as full-time bounty hunters, experts say.

"It's a tough business," said Wells. "I recommend to people — and I always 
have — don't quit your day job."

The ‘Rambo Approach’

Most bounty hunters are responsible professionals, but traditionally, 
virtually anyone could enter the field, and under a Supreme Court decision 
in 1872, they have enjoyed police-like powers. It's the freedom and the 
racy image that have attracted some of the wrong sorts of people.

"There's a lot of people who take the 'Rambo' approach," admits Dennis 
Bartlett, the executive director of the American Bail Coalition.

Something like that apparently is what happened in Virginia.

A bounty hunter named James Dickerson allegedly went to the wrong home on 
Christmas Eve while pursuing a fugitive. Dickerson and another man broke 
down the door, dragged a man outside and killed him, police said.

Dickerson had a criminal record; his alleged victim, Roberto Martinez, did 

In Virginia, as has been the case in many states, virtually anyone can work 
as a bounty hunter, without obtaining a license or undergoing a background 
check. Horror stories like the Martinez case are not new.

Earlier this year, two bail bondsmen in Fairfax, Va., were arrested after 
allegedly taking money from a couple they had recaptured after posting bond 
for them, police there reported.

In Houston last month, Thang Quoc Le pleaded not guilty to hiring a bounty 
hunter to kill a man who had been seeing his wife.

Last June, a 23-year-old man died after struggling with three bounty 
hunters in Kansas City. One of the men was charged with involuntary 
manslaughter and pleaded not guilty.

Breaking Down the Door to Your Home — Legally

The extensive power granted to bounty hunters stems from an 1872 U.S. 
Supreme Court decision, Taylor vs.Taintor. The high court ruled that a bail 
bond agent or bounty hunter can pursue bail jumpers across state lines, 
break into their homes, and arrest him or her at anytime.

These cases and others have highlighted the unusual police-like power and 
latitude given to bounty hunters.

Last year, the Ohio Supreme Court granted bounty hunter Michael Kole a new 
trial, on the grounds that he had the legal authority to arrest a defendant 
"at any time or place." Kole had been convicted of abduction and burglary 
after he and a partner had entered a fugitive's home and held the man at 

With Little Success Curtailing Their Power…

Lawmakers have repeatedly tried to curtail bounty hunters' powers, 
generally without success.

Efforts were jumpstarted in 1997, after a young couple was killed in their 
Phoenix, Ariz., home by men who claimed to be bounty hunters. The case 
prompted Arizona to pass a law requiring bounty hunters to be licensed and 
to obtain permission before entering a home.

Similar cases have periodically renewed interest in cracking down on the 
profession in other states, but bounty hunters have fiercely fought such 

Bartlett and other bounty hunter advocates insist it would be impossible to 
do the job without the power to make arrests and enter home without warrants.

"If you don't have some sort of coercive authority you're never going to 
pick the guy up," said Wells.

Bounty hunter

Homes made out of Ticky Tacky.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
US Department of State
International Information Programs
Washington File
29 January 2003
Bush to Create Terrorist Threat Integration Center
(White House fact sheet on strengthening U.S. intelligence) (1520)

President Bush is creating a new terrorist threat intelligence center,
combining elements of several different government agencies, to
provide assessments of the terrorist threat for the U.S. national
leadership, according to a White House fact sheet.

The Terrorist Threat Integration Center is designed to be one central
location where all foreign- and domestically-generated terrorist
threat information and intelligence is gathered, assessed and
coordinated, the fact sheet said.

The center will be composed of elements of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the new
Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense. It will
be headed by a senior U.S. government official, who will report to the
director of Central Intelligence.

In addition, the fact sheet provides details on progress made since
September 11, 2001, in the global war against terrorism by the FBI,
the CIA and the Defense Department, and on the proposed anti-terrorism
functions of the new Department of Homeland Security.

Following is the text of the fact sheet:

(begin fact sheet)

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
January 28, 2003


Today's Presidential Action

-- In his State of the Union Address, President Bush announced a new
initiative to better protect America by continuing to close the "seam"
between analysis of foreign and domestic intelligence on terrorism.

-- The President announced that he has instructed the Director of
Central Intelligence, the Director of the FBI, working with the
Attorney General, and the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Defense
to develop the nation's first unified Terrorist Threat Integration
Center [TTIC]. This new center will merge and analyze
terrorist-related information collected domestically and abroad in
order to form the most comprehensive possible threat picture.

-- Since September 11, 2001, our government has been working together
and sharing information like never before. The creation of the
Terrorist Threat Integration Center is the next phase in the dramatic
enhancement of the government's counterterrorism effort. The President
has now directed his senior advisors to take the next step in ensuring
that intelligence information from all sources is shared, integrated,
and analyzed seamlessly -- and then acted upon quickly.

-- The administration will ensure that this program is carried out
consistently with the rights of Americans.

The New Terrorist Threat Integration Center

-- Elements of the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI's
Counterterrorism Division, the DCI's Counterterrorist Center, and the
Department of Defense will form a Terrorist Threat Integration Center
to fuse and analyze all-source information related to terrorism.

-- The Terrorist Threat Integration Center will continue to close the
"seam" between analysis of foreign and domestic intelligence on

Specifically, it will:

- Optimize use of terrorist threat-related information, expertise, and
capabilities to conduct threat analysis and inform collection

- Create a structure that ensures information sharing across agency

- Integrate terrorist-related information collected domestically and
abroad in order to form the most comprehensive possible threat

- Be responsible and accountable for providing terrorist threat
assessments for our national leadership.

-- The Terrorist Threat Integration Center will be headed by a senior
U.S. government official, who will report to the Director of Central
Intelligence. This individual will be appointed by the Director of
Central Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the FBI and
the Attorney General, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of
Homeland Security.

-- The Terrorist Threat Integration Center will play a lead role in
overseeing a national counterterrorism tasking and requirements system
and for maintaining shared databases.

-- The Terrorist Threat Integration Center will also maintain an
up-to-date database of known and suspected terrorists that will be
accessible to federal and non-federal officials and entities, as

-- In order to carry out its responsibilities effectively, the
Terrorist Threat Integration Center will have access to all
intelligence information -- from raw reports to finished analytic
assessments -- available to the U.S. government.

-- A senior multi-agency team will finalize the details, design, and
implementation strategy for the stand-up of the Terrorist Threat
Integration Center.

Transforming the Federal Bureau of Investigation

-- Immediately after September 11, the President directed the FBI and
the Attorney General to 

Make money from surveys 1848dToC1-902-12

2003-01-31 Thread surrvveysfj871
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Mary Hatchet.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Peace Activist VS US Military Aircraft

As Ireland mobilises against war an Irish peace activist was arrested 
yesterday after attempting to disarm a US military plane parked at Shannon 
Airport in Ireland.
Mary Kelly (audio entered the airport last night and succeeded in damaging 
the nose of the plane with a hatchet before she was apprehended. Mary said 
that she felt compelled to act after the statement last weekend from the 
Irish Transport Minister that he was allowing the transport of US munitions 
through Shannon and because the Irish police were not doing their job, 
investigating and preventing illegal military use of Shannon, properly. Her 
actions, while controversial, have been supported by the Shannon Peace Camp 
and by Irish Green Party leader Trevor Sargent and highlight the US 
military's use of Shannon airport in the buildup to war on Iraq.
[ IMC Ireland | Shannon Peace Camp ]

Free Speech Coalition on techno-tyranny.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
VAN NUYS, Calif. - The first general meeting of the Free Speech Coalition 
for 2003 focused on cybersex issues and mainstream media's recent coverage 
of the adult industry.
FSC Executive Director Bill Lyon challenged a Jan. 12 Los Angeles Times 
Magazine cover story, which contended lack of government regulation has 
resulted in epidemic levels of sexually transmitted diseases such as 
chlamydia, plus several AIDs cases, among adult industry performers.
"The reason we've been unregulated is because we've done such a good job of 
self-regulation," Lyon said. He disputed statistics quoted in the article, 
"The Porn Scene No One is Watching" and criticized media bias and 
Ironically, perhaps, Lyon's remarks were videotaped by a mainstream camera 
crew, purportedly from the CBS news program "60 Minutes."
Increased adult industry media bashing comes as Bush-Ashcroft's Homeland 
Security and Total Information Awareness Network impose what First 
Amendment attorney Greg Piccionelli called "techno-tyranny," which could 
effectively spell an end to privacy. The Internet law practitioner said, 
"We're in grave danger on multiple fronts, maybe facing the greatest 
deprivation of civil liberties since the British. This is a scary future 
we're going into."
Lyon added, "Ashcroft convinced Americans security must precede liberty. 
The opposites true: Freedom's always been risky."
But all's not doom and gloom according to Piccionelli, who spoke about 
emerging technologies and e-porn's power. "Fox News' Bill O'Reilly is 
considered ultra-conservative, but Jan. 3, in debating someone opposed to 
distributing adult materials, O'Reilly said porn is the largest 
entertainment industry in the U.S., grossing more than all professional 
sports teams put together. Haven't the American people said 'we want this 
stuff; leave us alone?'" Piccionelli added, "More people know who Jenna 
Jameson is than who Germany or France's leaders are. Future historians may 
note adult entertainment saved our civil liberties."
Passionately invoking the Founding Fathers, lawyer Joe Obenberger compared 
today's adult industry to 1776's patriots, and likened repression of porn 
to Nazi persecution of Jews. Attorney Jeffrey Douglas, chair of FSC's board 
of directors, added, "Bush considers porn part of the 'axis of evil.'" 
Supporting privacy rights and legislation, Douglas cautioned adult 
Webmasters against collaborating with the government by revealing users' 
Ira Rothken of www.techfirm.com, an intellectual property lawyer with a 
video gaming background, warned adult sites against spam e-mails. He 
discussed 10 practical points Webmasters should follow, such as not sending 
bulk e-mails with hardcore subjects and/or content, which could be received 
by children or others not wanting explicit spam. "We're under a legal 
microscope," Rothkin warned.
As the meeting came to a close, Scott Tucker, president of FSC's board of 
directors, introduced FSC board members, including Danni Ashe. Other top 
pornsters, such as Ron Jeremy and Nina Hartley, were in attendance, plus 
new talent, and 100 FSC members and supporters.

Crypto streaming your home movies.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X





































































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Blair Today - Gone Tomorrow.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Blair Today Gone Tomorrow (english)
Paul White 11:52pm Thu Jan 30 '03
address: 63 Dundrennan Road Langside Glasgow G42 9SA phone: 0141 636 1532 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  article#232637

Why Tony Blair and ''New '' Labour are patently crucifying this country 
over Iraq and theyre victimisation of the poor--amongst other things

Blair Today Gone Tomorrow

Tony Blair possibly might be he Anti-Christ.With a war no-one wants but Him 
and Redneck Bush he blatantly defies public opinion.On matters of mental 
health and poverty he is a joke. Our transport infrastructure is crumbling 
we have thugs in the streets unemployment escalating widespread poverty the 
firefighters issue because Two Jabs can't be bothered getting oiut of 
bed--tough luck if youre granny burns to death(move on as Blair might say)...

On differentials between Rich and Poor Toady Blair is an appalling 
catastrophe thats already happened. I never thought I would be ashamed of a 
Labour Government--a primae facie case for revolution. Nonetheless we musy 
be patient and give him enough rope...not only can we tie him in knots but 
eventually hopefully he will hang himself . Presumably as the Wars death 
rattle goes on hopefully he can take Redneck with him...

Ultimately Bushs ''thinking'' is a joke--we need the oil babe. This is a 
man whom can hardly add 2+2 on a calculator. And we re not even fighting 
for truth or justice just the American Way.This Armageddon is self 
inflicted by The Ultra Right Wing in America.Hopefully we re not powerless 
or helpless...Change is possible.

In the end however we are temporarily stuck with Tony Blair--not a 
statesman but he is a spokesman for the elite.Not a Messiah then just a 
naughty boy. Ultimately he has no pretensions other than serving The 
System--over Mental Health the firefighters and Iraq--one could go on --he 
is patently lacking. How long can this atrocity of a government continue?.

Indeed from top -up fees as well-he incidentally has total support from The 
Tories --always a bad sign(Token resistance by some notwithstanding). This 
country is largely broken first by Thatcher and now by Toady. We have had 
enough. In the final analysis then is it ultimately a matter of Blair Today 
Gone Tomorrow?...


Throwaway E-mail threat to kill from a library and a net cafe.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Poison water threat claim
By Christine Caulfield

A MAN threatened to poison Melbourne's water supply unless his dwindling 
shares rose on the stock market, a court heard last night.

Prime Minister John Howard and Victorian premier Steve Bracks were woken in 
the middle of the night by the National Crime Authority with the news the 
city's water supply could be threatened.
But police arrested Cezary Robert Konarzewski, 42, at 10am yesterday, 
charging him with blackmail, extortion, threatening to contaminate goods 
and making a false report.
An out-of-sessions court heard last night Mr Konarzewski had accessed the 
National Security Council website, and e-mailed his threat to contaminate 
Melbourne's water with cyanide if his demands were not met.
Sen-Det Amanda Napier, from the Tactical Response Squad, told the court Mr 
Konarzewski had demanded the stock market be manipulated in his favour, an 
unspecified amount of money and advertisements every Saturday until the end 
of March with coded messages to Melbourne Water.
Man charged over threat to Melbourne's water
January 31 2003

A Melbourne man has been charged over an alleged threat to poison 
Melbourne's water supply with cyanide.

Cezary Robert Konarzewski, 42, of Tiber Close, Werribee, appeared at an 
out-of-sessions court hearing last night where he was charged with 
blackmail, extortion, making a false report to police and threats to 
contaminate goods with intent to cause public alarm or economic loss.

Police told the hearing Mr Konarzewski e-mailed the threat to the National 
Security hot-line from a Melbourne Internet cafe on January 22.

The e-mail said explosive charges connected to caches of mining-grade 
cyanide planted in three of Melbourne's water reservoirs would be detonated 
by remote control unless certain stockmarket share prices were manipulated, 
the court was told.

Detective Senior Constable Amanda Napier of the tactical response squad 
said money was mentioned in the alleged blackmail e-mail but not a precise 
The note demanded coded messages be inserted in advertisements in the 
Saturday Age newspaper every week until March to communicate with the 

Senior Constable Napier said police did not believe the accused had the 
means to carry out his threats.

Mr Konarzewski was arrested at his home yesterday morning by the tactical 
response squad.

The court was told the accused went to the Wyndham City Council library on 
Tuesday, January 21, and after supplying identification, used a library 
computer to open a Yahoo e-mail account and gained access to chat rooms and 
stockmarket websites.

The following day he allegedly went to a city Internet cafe and created a 
document, which he saved on to a floppy disk. That file, allegedly 
containing the threat and cash demands, was signed Mr Water.

Police said that he gained access to the National Security hot-line website 
at another Internet cafe and attached the file from the floppy disk.

He was then said to have phoned the terrorism hot-line, announced that he 
was Mr Water and drawn the hot-line staff's attention to the extortion threat.

Asked by bail justice Rob Taylor last night if he understood what was 
happening, Mr Konarzewski replied: "I'm not sure what is going on here now."

Mr Konarzewski was remanded in custody to appear in the Melbourne 
Magistrates Court this morning.


Why an attack now would be so very dangerous.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Why an attack now would be so very dangerous
January 31 2003

George Bush must wait for the weapons inspections in Iraq to run their 
course, writes Malcolm Fraser.

For many reasons, George Bush would be wrong unilaterally to attack Iraq 
before the United Nations weapons inspectors have completed their task.

It is not surprising, in the short time since they returned to Iraq, that 
they have not yet been able to inspect all facilities and all parts of the 
country. It would be wrong and irresponsible for President Bush to deny 
them time to do so.

It is not good enough for President Bush to say that Iraq has had 10 or 11 
years. In the past four years, the weapons inspectors have been out of the 
country. They have only just resumed their task, and the time scale must 
begin from their re-entry.

Nobody doubts the importance of this issue, but the way the process is 
followed is significant. In matters of this kind, the process by which a 
nation or the international community comes to a decision is almost as 
important as the decision itself.

If President Bush moves without UN sanction and before the inspectors have 
completed their task, the international community will be grievously 
weakened. The Security Council will have been snubbed and denigrated by the 
US, not because it was not doing what it ought to do, but because it was 
not able to do it within President Bush's time scale.

There will be many consequences from precipitant military action. It will 
be seen as an American action and not as an international action. While 
President Bush speaks of a coalition of the willing, the willing may be 
Britain and Australia alone. That hardly constitutes a balanced 
international force, as was the case in the first Gulf War. France and 
Germany have said they will not be involved. Russia will not be involved.

Importantly, if President Bush acts in defiance of the UN, it will 
seriously weaken efforts made over the past 50 years to establish an 
effective system of international law.

Very few Australians support a war in Iraq without UN sanction. Such a war 
will make it easier for Islamic fundamentalists to attempt to depict this 
as a Christian war against Islam, and perhaps too many will believe them. 
It will also make it easier for terrorists to gain recruits.

Opinion in Israel is seriously divided. Israelis have reason to fear the 
consequences of such a war. NATO allies will be disturbed. The prospect of 
a Kurdish state emerging from the ashes of the conflict would have serious 
implications for Turkey, which would oppose, possibly militarily, any such 
development. Autocratic regimes in the Middle East would have increased 
concerns about the prospect of terrorist actions from al Qaeda.

Some believe US soldiers will be welcomed by the Iraqi people. That may be 
so, but the West should not underestimate the capacity of the Iraq regime 
to persuade its citizens that America and the West are responsible for 
their difficulties.

There is talk of an American military government at the end of the 
conflict. It would not be long before such an occupation would come to be 
hated and opposed by most Iraqi citizens.

It is difficult to see how a unilateral war, led by the US, can avoid 
destabilising the Middle East to a much greater extent than is now the case.

There are other consequences for particular regions. To our north is the 
largest Muslim state. In Indonesia, moderate Muslims have been able to 
prevail over fundamentalists, but the Bali bombing was clearly a 
fundamentalist act and one designed to destabilise the Indonesian economy. 
A unilateral US invasion of Iraq will make it harder for the Indonesian 
Government to oppose and thwart the efforts of the fundamentalists. Up to 
this point, there must be praise for the way Indonesia has pursued the 
post-Bali investigations. Australia's capacity to work with Indonesia would 
be much diminished. Our association with the US would be cemented in 
people's minds. Our capacity to assist in regional difficulties would be 
much weakened.

Most of these negative factors would diminish or disappear entirely if the 
UN process is allowed to continue to its logical end. The fact that the UN 
inspectors have come across empty shells capable of carrying chemical 
weapons is not sufficient cause for going to war. Indeed, if the US is as 
sure as President Bush seems to be that Iraq still has weapons of mass 
destruction and still has a nuclear program, why can he not share that 
evidence with the weapons inspectors and point them in the appropriate 
direction so that proof could become public?

The fact that the US has been unwilling or unable to do so strongly 
suggests it does not have that capacity or firm knowledge. Despite the 
rhetoric from the US and Britain, the case is not yet proven.

Also, Iraq and al Qaeda are separate problems. Iraq went to war against 
Iran because of Iranian fundamentalism. In that conflict, Iraq had the 
support of

Sharman Networks in top ten net ratings.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Sealed Section January 30
Can this be right? An Australian website in the world top 10. Surely not. A 
particularly web-savvy Crikey friend writes from London:
"Few people realise this but the amazingly popular file sharing program 
KaZaA, and its parent company Sharman Networks, are in fact based in 
Australia. On its website, Sharman Networks is described as a consortium of 
private investors with multimedia interests. Both the Sharman Networks and 
the www.KaZaA.com domain names are licenced by a Phil Morle of Cremorne in 
According to Nielsen//NetRatings, Sharman Networks is one of the top ten 
biggest internet parent companies in the world, by volume of "unique 
audience", coming in at number nine. As you can see this certainly puts 
Sharman in the big leagues of online business, just behind online shopping 
giant, Amazon.
Top 25 Internet Parent Companies
Week end of January 19, 2003, U.S.
1. AOL Time Warner
2. Microsoft
3. Yahoo!
4. Google
5. eBay
6. United States Government
7. Amazon
8. Terra Lycos
9. Sharman Networks
10. About-Primedia
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings Audience Measurement Service.
Sharman's main product is the world's most popular person to person 
file-transfer application which allows people around the world to share 
files, such as music and movies. It was downloaded at www.download.com 
almost 3 million times last week alone, making it by far the most popular 
title on the site (the next best had only 610,000 downloads).
This popularity has placed KaZaA and Sharman at the forefront of the 
current debate about online piracy and copyright, which was sparked by the 
success of Napster. Sharman Networks is currently being sued in Los Angeles 
by major film and record companies for alleged copyright infringements, but 
launched a countersuit this week claiming that the entertainment companies 
had violated anti-trust laws by conspiring to control the online 
distribution of movies and songs.
The story has received coverage in the Fin Review and this San Francisco 
Chronicle article
Sharman must also have made a fortune for Telstra and other internet 
providers around the world, as an unattended connection to KaZaA,is the 
most common explanation for the huge bills, sometimes in the thousands of 
dollars, received by many new broadband users. This is due to the fact that 
all internet traffic, which includes uploading or sharing as well as 
downloading, is charged to your broadband account and it is not unheard of 
for more than 5 gigabytes to be uploaded through KaZaA in a single weekend.
Of course Telstra doesn't make this clear when you open your broadband 
account, as they charge 15 cents for every megabyte you use over your 
monthly allowance. So make sure you close your connection to any file 
sharing program such as KaZaA when you aren't using it."
A great feature about KaZaA entitled 'The Race to Kill Kazaa', can be found 
in the current issue of Wired Magazine.

Face of Jesus seen in turd.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
How long oh lord!...
Fathers, sun and the holy post
Hundreds of believers are flocking to the Coogee Beach headland to see what 
they say is an apparition of the Virgin Mary.
The PM is a turd...After watching our Prime Minister waffle and prevaricate 
with Kerry O'Brien, it seems the only comfort the Australian people can 
taken from his otherwise kow-towing blind support of George Bush and Tony 
'Some People I Know Think I'm Crazy' Blair, is that Australia won't lend 
support to a military war involving nuclear weapons. To think we should 
even need such reassurance?
Given that Blair must be off his rocker to even contemplate the unthinkable 
with his whatever it takes line of attack to topple Saddam Hussein, it was 
about the only unequivocal comfort you could take out of the PM's lapdog 
defence of an American industrial-military complex intent on an American 
war against Iraq.

Does anyone at this point seriously believe after the almighty build up of 
American and British military might, and now not even a token contribution 
from Australia, that somehow Saddam will blink in the face of such 
provocation? That regardless of any 'smoking gun' findings being produced 
by the UN weapons inspection team, that with no last minute and totally 
uncharacteristic change of heart from Iraq, the Bush war machine will not 
go to war? Sure there will be immense pressure on the likes of permanent 
Security Council allies Germany and France to change their currently 
strongly held position against war, but Russia and China will be far less 
likely to vote for war. For the US coalition to ignore potentially most of 
Europe is to invite political and diplomatic disaster for all concerned.

Yet that is exactly what Bush and Blair and Howard himself are ultimately 
prepared to do and why? Howard last night stated Saddam has weapons of mass 
destruction and he must be forced to give them up. So far he knows more 
than the UN. Plenty of other countries have them yet no such action is 
contemplated against them. But Iraq is a rogue state and we must remember 
they have gone to war against neighbours Iran and Kuwait. God knows the 
their own Kurds and many of his population live in dread of their dictator 
leader. But then the US had no problem when Saddam attacked Iran before so 
their outrage on that score is discredited. Worse Saddam is actually a 
former star pupil of American foreign opportunism.

As with the propping up of so many South American military juntas that now 
haunts the history of their foreign policy, it is part of the contagion 
abroad that now feeds if not hatred, then at the very least distrust and 
cynicism as to America's intentions. It is a consequence that seems to 
escape both the US Government and its people. Being internationally 
disliked or seen as the bad guy is simply not in the national psyche, and 
now Howard seems hell bent on Australian joining their company without the 
US financial and military might to say 'so what'?

The issue for Australia and its PM are these. Nobody elected John Howard to 
go to war yet he believes he has a moral right to do just that. Parliament 
has not sat and voted to go to war, and yet he is quite prepared to 
consider such debate when it is too late. Australian public opinion 
increasingly hardens against war unless it is specifically UN approved, but 
while he takes account of it, he makes it clear on the ABC is might be of 
little consequence should he so decide. His dismissive and seemingly 
unilateral leadership is frightening in its blind obedience to US interests.

Howard seems determined to carelessly involve Australia in a war where many 
think the real goals are less about toppling a dictator or rogue state 
(there are already plenty of those), than driven by America's future 
economic dependence on control or influence over foreign oil reserves. We 
have no business fighting for oil on the other side of the world, and why 
do we feel it's so necessary to be seen up front and centre as a primary 
lap dog of American economic/ political imperialism? Similarly we can only 
shake our heads and wonder why Tony Blair should revisit notions of empire 
by taking his own country to war where his countrymen are similarly 
unconvinced? How Iraq threatens our own interests when so many of our 
neighbours and trading partners will only view our complicity as hostile, 
is not only tragic but likely to be long remembered. As a small nation on 
the cusp of Asia, unlike the US we cannot just buy our way into future 
considerations when we risk massive alienation. The world does not owe 
Australia either a living or respectability when we lose our moral 
perspective or show scant regard for the broader feelings of that world.

The world does not need war and the war against terrorism is not predicated 
on the annihilation of the Iraqi military or Saddam as its head. They may 
not be our friends and yet the

Dream of Reason.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Histories of philosophy tend either to be prodigious, learned works, like 
F.C. Copleston's A History of Philosophy, or idiosyncratic tracts of 
scholarly obfuscation, like Bertrand Russell's A History of Western 
Philosophy, and they often present their subject through narrow, 
ideological lenses. Gottlieb's elegant survey brings a breath of fresh air. 
Executive editor of The Economist, Gottlieb mines primary sources with a 
remarkably even hand. He demonstrates that, while cosmological questions 
dominated early philosophy, Plato and Aristotle investigated metaphysical, 
epistemological and ethical conundrums as well. He shows how the later 
Hellenistic schools, like the Epicureans and Stoics; medieval thinkers, 
such as Augustine and Aquinas; and Renaissance philosophers, including 
Machiavelli and Bacon, built their systems either on Plato or Aristotle. 
But Gottlieb's book is not just another plodding survey. His attention to 
cultural context provides insight into why various thinkers thought as they 
did about certain matters. Plato wrote his Republic, for example, because 
he detested the kind of democracy in fashion in Athens, and he wanted to 
return to the oligarchy of his childhood. Unfortunately, the book suffers 
from a distorted perspective, covering almost 1,000 years of history, from 
late antiquity to the Renaissance, in just under 100 pages, while giving 
more than that to early Greek philosophy, most of which consists of 
fragmentary sources. Thus, Hobbes and Machiavelli, who deserve their own 
chapters more than do Democritus or Empedocles, are allotted only a few 
brief paragraphs. Gottlieb also engages in some debatable readings: many 
find that Kant's theory of self-consciousness, for instance, leads not to 
relativism but to absolutism. Nonetheless, this eloquent book offers a 
lively chronicle of the evolution of Western philosophy.


Security Threat.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Halfway through a first viewing of Canadian documentary makers Ted 
Remerowski's and Marrin Canell's riveting Security Threat — it's a 
cautionary examination of how America's home security policies and 
surveillance initiatives have swept aside long-cherished human rights since 
the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — I remembered a package that had 
arrived on my desk a few days earlier.
It was a press kit touting a Canadian software program that, when secretly 
installed in a target computer's keypad, notifies a snooper's computer in 
another location when a file is opened and tracks the text and responses, 
stroke by stroke, in a pop-up window. An act of privacy invasion that would 
have been criminal not so long ago is, in the new age of 
technology-fuelled, neo-Orwellian paranoia, offered up as a simple and 
functional appliance to secretly moniter people close to you.
Remerowski and Canell aren't surprised. In preparing Security Threat 
they've seen much more sinister devices as the American government hands 
out billions of dollars to develop surveillance systems that are the stuff 
of science fiction nightmares — unseen gizmos that connect us all to a 
massive global identification database via the use of millions of 
inexpensive, tiny, concealed digital video cameras, by credit card 
scanners, by unseen iris and fingerprint monitoring, by encoded information 
on our drivers' licences, by the digital examination of facial expressions 
and other forms of biometric lie detection ... even by the way we walk.
"We learned that there are two massive studies being undertaken by the U.S. 
government into what they call `gait recognition technology'," says 
Remerowski in the midtown Toronto office of Paradigm Pictures, the company 
he and Canell — both grounded in the ancienne régime National Film Board 
procedures set down by Donald Brittain in the 1960s and '70s — started 
seven years ago.
"That's worse than Orwellian ... it's Pythonesque. I wonder if they'll call 
it The Department Of Silly Walks?"
Security Threat airs tonight at 9 in CBC's Witness series.
What's most terrifying about America's anti-terrorism security and 
surveillance procedures, Canell adds, is how easily most people, even 
Canadians, have accepted them.
"It's very easy for a democracy under attack to justify the denial of basic 
rights and freedoms in the name of self-protection ... but who's watching 
the watchers? That's what we're asking in this documentary."
Few in even the most independent media have dared ask that question since 
Sept. 11.
The seasoned filmmakers know better than to encumber Security Threat with 
liberal cant, or even with a decisive editorial voice. That's not the way 
Brittain told his powerful stories.
Their point is made in two unadorned tales about Canadian citizens suddenly 
deprived of ordinary rights — a man born in Pakistan who was scooped off 
the street in the U.S. and held in complete isolation for four months, and 
five young Muslim students from Ottawa and Montreal who were detained, 
searched, interrogated and held for a day by U.S. immigration, FBI and CIA 
agents when they tried to cross the border — all with apparent Canadian 
Security Intelligence Service approval.
The material the documentary presents so objectively is in itself an 
impressive indictment of a mighty political system that has over-indulged 
itself with technological gimmickry for too long and has now found a way to 
rationalize its use in every corner of human life.
"An agenda for mass surveillance has been in the works for at least 10 
years," says Remerowski. "A secret National Security Agency satellite 
system has allowed countries to spy on each other but not on their own 
citizens — until now.
Until Sept. 11, profiling was commonplace, but never admitted to be 
official policy. That has changed now, as well. Bills and acts limiting the 
rights of certain groups of people weren't just thrown together overnight. 
They've been in a drawer waiting for an event like Sept. 11 to happen."
The filmmakers suspect they'll suffer some form of reprisal after Security 
Threat airs.
"There's a possibility we may not get into the U.S. again — at least (not) 
without difficulty," says Remerowski.
"We didn't set out to point fingers and call people names. We hope viewers 
will make decisions based on the evidence we've found. We're just 
inspectors. What happens next is up to ... well, it's up to you."
Additional articles by Greg Quill


Austrian Philosophics.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
From Publishers Weekly
In October 1946, philosopher Karl Popper arrived at Cambridge to lecture at 
a seminar hosted by his legendary colleague Ludwig Wittgenstein. It did not 
go well: the men began arguing, and eventually, Wittgenstein began waving a 
fire poker toward Popper. It lasted scarcely 10 minutes, yet the debate has 
turned into perhaps modern philosophy's most contentious encounter, largely 
because none of the eyewitnesses could agree on what happened. Did 
Wittgenstein physically threaten Popper with the poker? Did Popper lie 
about it afterward? BBC journalists Edmonds and Eidinow use the controversy 
as a springboard to probe the whys and whats of these two great thinkers, 
weaving biography, journalism and philosophy to produce one of the year's 
most entertaining and intellectually rich books. The authors show that the 
debate was a clash at several levels. First, of personalities: each was 
"bullying, aggressive, intolerant and self-absorbed"; in other words, 
accustomed to winning and unlikely to back down. Second, of class: 
Wittgenstein was an Austrian aristocrat, Popper was bourgeoisie (each fled 
Vienna to escape Hitler). And third, of ideas: Wittgenstein believed that 
philosophy boiled down to nothing more than a series of linguistic puzzles, 
while Popper thought philosophy involved real problems that immediately 
affected the world at large. Clearly, the stakes were high for both men in 
that lecture hall especially because their common mentor, the aging icon 
Bertrand Russell, was also in attendance. The debate thus took on the 
character of a succession for the throne. Tightly constructed and 
extraordinarily well written, this is a marvelous blend of lay and academic 
scholarship. It has every chance of becoming a classic of its kind. 
(Nov.)Forecast: Smart, general readers will gobble up this latest addition 
to narrative nonfiction. It will surely find a place for itself among The 
Professor and the Madman and An Eternal Golden Braid.

No one present at the start knew how it would turn out in the end.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
1) "No one present at the start knew how it would turn out in the end." 
This was fundamentally true for all; it was not just a case of a few 
doubting Thomases. George Washington was unsure that we up for the task; 
Washington in his last General Order, the author says, expressed his 
concerns about what would happen if the principles of federal government 
were not supported: "the honor, dignity and justice of the nation would be 
lost forever." Mr Ellis says plainly "what in retrospect has the look of a 
foreordained unfolding of God's will was in reality an improvisational 
affair in which sheer chance, pure luck - both good and bad...determined 
the outcome."
(2) Politically the period was marked by "shrill accusatory rhetoric, 
flamboyant displays of ideological intransigence, intense personal 
rivalries and hyperbolic claims of imminent catastophe." This reality is 
invariably overlooked when we grow wistful and nostalgic. We should 
remember that in the political culture of the day there was no formal 
recognition of the role of an opposition. As such there can be no doubt 
that the debates were vitriolic; Indeed, Mr Ellis says: "neither side 
possessed the verbal or mental capacity to regard the other as anything but 
treasonable." Statesmen and gentlemen they undoubtably were, but as this 
book reminds us, they were also political animals - sometimes savagely so.
It is against this backdrop that we can look at the first episode - "THE 
DUEL" - which illustrates the nature of the relationship between these men. 
This chapter refers to all the historical versions of the 1804 duel between 
Burr and Hamilton; the latter man we know lost his life. It explores all 
that led up to the duel and the fallout from it. Burr is shown to be a 
reckless opportunist whose influence swiftly waned following Hamilton's 
death. The author says that despite the differences between the men and 
their political passions "the energies released by national independence 
did not devour its own children"; the duel represents the only case in "the 
revolutionary generation when political difference ended in violence and 
death rather than in ongoing argument."
The famous DINNER between Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton in 1790, is the 
subject of the second chapter. Here the book develops on the men's opposing 
economic and political visions for the new republic. On one side were the 
Federalists (Washington, Hamilton and Adams) who advocated "the virtuous 
surrender of personal, state and sectional interests to the larger purposes 
of American nationhood." They saw the nation's economic future tied to 
commerce and manufacturing; Hamilton's fiscal plan favored bankers, 
merchants and the urban elite - it would create a national debt and a 
national bank and conjured up for the opposing Republican's (Jefferson and 
Madison), an image of the all powerful national government that they had 
just fought to overthrow. Jeffersonians favored an agrarian economy and saw 
the true spirit of '76 as a "liberation movement." Mr Ellis states that the 
outcome of the dinner was the Compromise of 1790 whereby Hamilton's fiscal 
policies were agreed on in exchange for assurances for Southerners that the 
nation's capital would be built on the Potomac River.
Another chapter episode is "THE SILENCE" where Mr Ellis sees further 
compromise. The chapter begins with the arrival of petitions to Congress 
calling for the abolition of slavery; one such petition was signed by the 
newly appointed president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society - Benjamin 
Franklin. The 1790 Congressional debates on the subject were very 
opinionated; Washington favored Abolition, because Mr Ellis says: "he 
tended to regard the condition of the black population as a product of 
nurture rather than nature - that is, he saw slavery as the culprit." Even 
slave owners such as Jefferson and Madison called the pro-slavery speeches 
invoking the defenses of biblical authority and racial superiority, by 
their proper name - "a moral embarrassment". They however went no further. 
Mr Ellis says that in the face of secessionist threats from South Carolina 
and Georgia, the founding fathers believed the question of Abolition had 
"the political potential to destroy the union." Thus the silence. Perhaps 
Mr Ellis is correct but it reads more like a clear sign (and to be fair, 
the only time) that the founders had a collective failure of statesmanship. 
They missed an opportunity to debate the issue; an opportunity that would 
never come that generation's way again.
The last chapter "THE FRIENDSHIP" explores the relationship between Adams 
and Jefferson. Mr Ellis is clearly an admirer of John Adams and he paints a 
glowing portrait of the man. "His refreshing and often irreverent candor 
provides the clearest window into the deeper ambitions and clashing 
vanities that propelled them all." Adams had been deserted by the others 
when he assumed the presidency; he relied on his wi

RE: Meeting notice

2003-01-31 Thread Collins, Senator (Collins)
 Thank you for your e-mail message.  I appreciate having the benefit of your views.
 This response is an acknowledgement that we received your message 
and will make note of your comments.  If you are from Maine and included a 
postal address in your message, you will receive a reply via U.S. mail 
as soon as possible.  If you are from Maine and have not included your 
postal address, please resend your original message and include your 
complete mailing address with zip code.
 If you are interested in more information about me or the State of 
Maine, please visit my Web site at:  www.senate.gov/~collins
 Thank you again for contacting me.
 Susan M. Collins
 United States Senator

Tim May is a Liar,thief and Jackass.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
But we all know that from the archives...What about this nazi cuckold?
Britain Opens Files on Royal Intrigue of 1930s
"POW" was the Prince of Wales -- soon to become King Edward VIII of 
England -- and "Mrs. Simpson" was Wallis Simpson, the married American 
woman with whom the prince had fallen in love. Special Branch -- Britain's 
equivalent of the FBI -- was on the case, seeking dirt on the future king's 
lover.( Washington Post, 30 Jan 03)
Mrs. Simpson Cheated on Edward, Papers Show
British special police spied on King Edward VIII before he took the throne 
and discovered that his American lover and future wife, Wallis Simpson, was 
two-timing him, documents released today show.( Los Angeles Times, 30 
Jan 03)
A Queen who never forgot or forgave Mrs Simpson
.The visit of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to Nazi Germany in 1937 
has remained a stain on their reputation. The newly released papers, 
however, contain scarcely any evidence that they nurtured Nazi sympathies 
(though I uncovered plenty about the then Prince of Wales when writing a 
life of George V)..( Daily Telegraph, 28 Jan 03)

I Pledge Resistance.

2003-01-31 Thread Matthew X
Energy Dept. Discusses Worker Suspension
Energy Department officials say a federal safety officer's suspension from 
Los Alamos National Laboratory was unrelated to his having called attention 
to radioactive material stored improperly at the lab..( AP, 30 Jan 03)
Drug czar spurns complaint over anti-drug spending
Federal drug czar John Walters is claiming immunity from the Nevada law 
that otherwise would have required him to file a campaign expense report 
for his efforts to defeat the Nevada marijuana initiative in the last 
election. -- Las Vegas Sun
Feds plan new database
A forthcoming government database, proposed by President Bush, will compile 
information from all federal agencies and the private sector on people 
deemed possible terrorist threats. -- Business Week
9-digit 'Social' overused as ID
For many American companies and universities, it's common practice to use 
Social Security numbers as unique identifiers. But growing concerns over 
identity theft are pressuring state legislators to limit the practice. -- 
Oregon voters reject tax increase
Oregon voters rejected a large, three-year income tax increase, turning 
aside arguments by government apologists that schools, state police and the 
needy would be hurt by new budget cuts. -- Oregonian
Israeli voters hand balance of power to secular party
Israeli voters handed a victory to the hawkish Likud party, but they also 
selected as kingmaker, Shinui, a party devoted -- imperfectly -- to 
individual rights, limited government and free markets. -- BBC
Anti-war rally: 2,000 say 'pledge of resistance'
There was a big turnout at a Madison, Wisconsin, peace rally, whereabout 
2,000 people sent a message to President Bush at the "Not in Our Name" 
anti-war performance. -- Channel 3000
Pittsburgh ponders adult entertainment laws
Strip clubs and X-rated video shops would be barred from most city 
neighborhoods and stricter rules imposed on other adult businesses under 
ordinances introduced to Pittsburgh's City Council. -- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
School officials consider drug-sniffing dogs
Officials at a Pittsburgh-area school are considering a controversial 
proposal to combat the use of illegal intoxicants with sniffing dogs. -- 
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Face scan set to replace passport check
A new air passenger identification system that uses automatic 
photo-matching technology instead of a Customs officer has been launched in 
Sydney, Australia. It could be coming to an airport near you. -- Australian 
Broadcasting Corporation

Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-01-31 Thread Tyler Durden
"One more reasons passenger rail lines are failing and are demanding massive 
subsidies. Real people won't wait for hours for late trains, or miss a day 
completely when the track is being repaired, or park their Lexuses and BMWs 
where bums and winos will key their paint jobs.
Railroads are for hoboes and untermenschen."

Basically true, except where its not. Here in the Northeast we've seen a 
resurgence in both rail usage as well as rail quality, as old roads simply 
can't be expanded through many towns to accomodate the increased traffic 

Not only are the express trains reliable and quite fast, some of the 
stations along the route have been rennovated and mall-ated, and are doing 
quite well. The DC station is quite nice (verging on spectacular)and offers 
lots of good food and shops. (Local trains, for the 'plebes', are a 
completely different story.)

Of course, the population densities along this route are very high, but the 
DC station gives one and example of what is occasionally possible with 
central planning. Basically, if the "commons" are allowed to deteriorate (or 
of no real use) people will of course find alternatives (if the alternatives 
are allowed, that is). This doesn't always mean those alternatives are 
inherently the best, however.

Next year the new/old Penn station is set to open on its original location, 
and that should make traveling through Penn much less of the claustrophobic 
chaos it is now.


Subject: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 21:44:32 -0800

On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 07:39  PM, Neil Johnson wrote:

On Thursday 30 January 2003 10:12 am, Declan McCullagh wrote:

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 07:32:10AM -0800, Marshall Clow wrote:

	3) Train - about 17 hours - $130 round trip.

Out here in the Midwest, we have people creating "committees" all the time 
encourage Amtrak to add/change routes.

As my dad says, "There's a lot of people who want to take a train ride, 
but no
one who wants to ride a train".

Amtrak does go through my town on it's way to/from Chicago/California. 
than the fact our departure was delayed SIX hours because the train was 
late, my wife and I had a nice trip to Chicago for our one year 

Besides the late schedules--which is made worse by the "once per day" 
schedule--and the time it takes, there's another issue.

I used to occasionally take the "Coast Starlight" from San Jose down to San 
Luis Obispo to visit a girlfriend going to Cal Poly at the time. The all 
day trip was OK, as I didn't trust my car at the time to make it the entire 
distance. It was fun for the few times I took it, though missing my arrival 
time by a few hours was not cool...I eventually just got to the point of 
calling her when I arrived instead of her planning to meet me. Various 
times the train was cancelled completely, for various reasons, though I 
escaped these bad situations on the days I travelled.

What was really bad was that the train stations in all of the cities I 
could have parked my car in were in really crummy parts of town. Leaving a 
car for several days in that scummy part of Santa Clara, or the even 
scummier part of San Jose, or the much more Mexican and much more 
crime-ridden part of Salinas, well, this was a major gamble. Amtrak had no 
security on the parking lot ("not our job") and ragged signs warned that 
cars were subject to vandalism and break-in.

There is simply no way today I would leave my Mercedes in one of these 
inner city mutant free fire zones. And taking a taxi from Santa Cruz to 
either San Jose or Salinas is not acceptable, for cost reasons. (Nor is the 
"shuttle," which requires me to travel by bus with my luggage to Santa 
Cruz, then another hour to the train station.)

A world of difference between these downtown parking lots and the 
protected, fenced, patrolled parking lots at all major airports I have 

Part of this is historical, part is logistical. Railroads typically go 
through the seedier parts of large cities, while airports are typically 
built on sprawling sites far from city centers. Downtown railroad stations 
are like downtown Greyhound and Trailways bus stations: filled with winos, 
addicts, drooling retards, beggars, whores, and welfare denizens.

One more reasons passenger rail lines are failing and are demanding massive 
subsidies. Real people won't wait for hours for late trains, or miss a day 
completely when the track is being repaired, or park their Lexuses and BMWs 
where bums and winos will key their paint jobs.

Railroads are for hoboes and untermenschen.

--Tim May

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Re: 3873ePJ-7

2003-01-31 Thread hghoffer1015786d10


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SSL to replace IPSec in VPNs

2003-01-31 Thread Tyler Durden
From the Lightreading newswire feed...

Any comments? Impact statement anyone?

SOMERSET, N.J. -- More than 75 percent of survey respondents believe that 
browser-based SSL (secure sockets layer) VPN (virtual private network) 
technology is “somewhat” to “highly” likely to replace IPSec-based VPNs for 
remote access to enterprise resources over the next two years, according to 
the latest survey on enterprise network security trends from The Tolly 
Group, a premier IT testing and consulting firm. Netilla® Networks, Inc., a 
leading provider of SSL VPN solutions for secure Web-based access to any 
corporate application, co-sponsored the survey along with Check Point 
Software, Nortel Networks, Ingrian Networks and Enterasys Networks.

Survey respondents also projected that the most likely future uses for SSL 
VPNs will be for securing Web services (67 percent), followed by securing 
extranets and e-business services (54 percent), providing remote access for 
business partners (50 percent) and enabling remote access by mobile and 
teleworking employees (48 percent).

SSL-based VPN appliances use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption 
engineered into today’s Web browsers to provide simple, browser-based remote 
access to centrally hosted corporate applications. Unlike traditional remote 
access solutions based on the IPSec standard, SSL-based VPNs do not require 
application or VPN client software to be configured and maintained on remote 
PCs, which reduces IT support costs while increasing usability.

“Overall, respondents demonstrated a significant surge in the usage of 
SSL-based VPNs,” said Kevin Tolly, president and chief executive officer of 
The Tolly Group. “Just two years ago, SSL VPNs were nowhere on the map, but 
now interest in the technology is starting to mature. However, these same 
users also cited a lack of general understanding on how to deploy SSL VPNs 
as a potential roadblock. Vendors must step up SSL education to help users 
better understand the benefits of this technology.”

Tolly Group

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Printer Cartridges - Up To Eighty Percent Off Retail - Free Shipping Offer

2003-01-31 Thread GreatDeals
Title: Printer Cartridges

Running low on ink? Up to 80% off 
retail prices.



Running low on ink? Up to 80% off 
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Re: Sovereignty issues and Palladium/TCPA

2003-01-31 Thread David Howe
at Friday, January 31, 2003 2:18 AM, Peter Gutmann
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was seen to say:

>   More particularly, governments are likely to want to explore the
> issues related to potential foreign control/influence over domestic
> governmental use/access to domestic government held data.
>   In other words, what are the practical and policy implications for a
> government if a party external to the government may have the
> potential power to turn off our access to its own information and
> that of its citizens.
And indeed - download patches silently to change the "disable"
functionality to "email anything interesting directly to the CIA"

Get Rejected often For $37,566

2003-01-31 Thread 0000ljc
Title: 1008-010


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Fw: Wowwwwwwwwwww check it

2003-01-31 Thread babyblue_13387

Whimps that are afraid of sales do not apply

2003-01-31 Thread 000068c
Title: 1008-011


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skills assessment

2003-01-31 Thread babyblue_13387

Description: Wave audio

I got 3 chicks and a camera look at me

2003-01-31 Thread Aly
Title: mailing_brunob

  HERE ...

Please take me off this stuff


2003-01-31 Thread Jon Capriola
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Jon Capriola
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your present financial circumstances.


Urgent Assistance

2003-01-31 Thread Tapio Makele
Tel: 31- 619-934-109


You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally. The purpose of my introduction is that I am Tapio Makele the son of Teti 
Makele , a farmer in Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in the land dispute in my 
country. I got your contact through network online hence decided to write you.Before 
the death of my father, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposit the sum of US8.5 
million (Eight million, Five Hundred thousand United States dollars), in one of the 
private security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe this money was 
deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much demurrage from security company. This 
amount was meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the Farms and 
establishment of new farms in Swaziland.

This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr.Robert Mugabe introduced a new 
Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and some few black farmers, 
and this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some 
lunatics in the
society. In fact a lot of people were killed because of this Land reform Act for which 
my father was one of the victims.It is against this background that, I and my family 
fled Zimbabwe for fear of our lives and are currently staying in the Netherlands where 
we are seeking political
asylum and moreso have decided  to transfer my father's money to a more reliable 
foreign account. since the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to 
open any bank account or to be involved in any financial transaction throughout the 
territorial zone of Netherlands, As the eldest son of my father, I am saddled with the 
responsibility of
seeking a genuine  partner that could assist me without the knowledge of my government 
who are bent on taking everything we have got. The South African government seems to be
playing along with them.

I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa for 
fear of going through the same experience in future, both countries have similar 
political history. As a businessman,I am seeking for a partner who I have to entrust 
my future and that of my family in his hands, I must let you know that this 
transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist me and my family, all I want you to 
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while I implore you to maintain the absolute secrecy required in this transaction.


Yours Faithfully

Tapio Makele  

Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-01-31 Thread Thomas Shaddack
> Railroads are for hoboes and untermenschen.

I don't know how it works in the US, but railroads are both comfortable
and pretty reliable in Europe.

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Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-01-31 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

> I don't know how it works in the US, but railroads are both comfortable
> and pretty reliable in Europe.

A bit too expensive, especially in Germany. I also like being able to work 
on the train -- given that here cities are only a few kilotons apart and 
ICEs are pretty speedy flying can take longer.

Otherwise I agree, bahning beyond 5-6 h starts to become tedious.

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2003-01-31 Thread gapokisxxqf
Title: ::M::
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[IP] State Department Link Will Open Visa Database to Police Officers (fwd)

2003-01-31 Thread Eugen Leitl
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 22:54:11 -0500
From: Dave Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [IP] State Department Link Will Open Visa Database to Police

State Department Link Will Open Visa Database to Police Officers

January 31, 2003


WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 - Law enforcement officials across the
country will soon have access to a database of 50 million
overseas applications for United States visas, including
the photographs of 20 million applicants.

The database, which will become one of the largest offering
images to local law enforcement, is maintained by the State
Department and typically provides personal information like
the applicant's home address, date of birth and passport
number, and the names of relatives.

It is a central feature of a computer system linkup,
scheduled within the next month, that will tie together the
department, intelligence agencies, the F.B.I. and police

The new system will provide 100,000 investigators one
source for what the government designates "sensitive but
unclassified" information. Officials see it as a
breakthrough for law enforcement, saying it will help
dismantle the investigative stumbling blocks that were
roundly criticized after the Sept. 11 attacks.

At the same time, they acknowledge the legal and policy
questions raised by information sharing between
intelligence agencies and local law enforcement, and
critics have cast a wary eye as well at the visa database.

One other effect of the new system is that for the first
time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other
agencies linked by it will be able to send one another
encrypted e-mail. Previously, security concerns about the
open Internet often caused sensitive information to be
faxed, mailed or sent by courier.

The changes come as the F.B.I. continues working to upgrade
its entire computer system, which is so antiquated and
compartmentalized that it cannot perform full searches of
investigative files. The bureau's director, Robert S.
Mueller III, testified at a Senate hearing last summer that
the technology allowed for single-word searches, for
example for "flight" or "school," but not for a phrase, for
example "flight school."

For all the ambitious technological proposals being debated
in the wake of the 2001 terror attacks, the new unified
system was cobbled from existing networks and has required
little new spending. "These are the networks that people
are already using," said Roseanne Hynes, a member of the
Defense Department's domestic security task force. "It
doesn't change jobs or add overhead."

A primary feature of the system is the State Department's
enormous visa database, whose seven terabytes give it a
capacity equivalent to that of five million floppy disks.
Until now, that database has been shared only with
immigration officials.

"There is a potential source of information that isn't
available elsewhere," said M. Miles Matthew, a senior
Justice Department official who works with an interagency
drug intelligence group. "It's not just useful for
terrorism. It's drug trafficking, money laundering, a
variety of frauds, not to mention domestic crimes."

Local law enforcement agencies seeking photographs have
typically had immediate access only to their own database
of booking photos. But to get photos of people not
previously charged or arrested, an investigator would make
a request to a motor vehicle department or the State

So officials emphasize that the State Department database
is not making any information newly available to law
enforcement, simply making such information easier to
acquire. But that increasing ease of accessibility raises
some concern from civil liberties groups.

"The availability of this information will change police
conduct," said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the
Electronic Privacy Information Center, which has advocated
more Congressional oversight of domestic security
operations. "You are more likely to stop someone if you
have the ability to query a database."

Or, as Mr. Rotenberg also put it: "The data chases

Critics also point to what they call the unwelcome
precedent of foreign-intelligence sharing with local law
enforcement, even if the intelligence community's initial
contribution to the new system may seem somewhat innocuous.
That component is the Open Source Information System, a
portal where 14 agencies pool unclassified information.
Such material in the new system will includes text articles
from foreign periodicals and broadcasts, technical reports
and maps. 

Two domestic law enforcement networks are also being tied
in: Law Enforcement Online, a seven-year-old system
established by the F.B.I., and the Regional Information
Sharing Systems, six geographically defined computer
networks that help local law enforcement agencies
collaborate on regional crime issues like drug trafficking
and gangs. 


Jane's Land Forces News Briefs - 29 January 2003

2003-01-31 Thread Jane's News Briefs
Title: Jane's Land Forces News Briefs: 29 January 2003


29 January 2003




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  LAND FORCES www.janes.com/defence/land_forces

  UK, USA must do more to reduce 'friendly fire' risk 
more here . . .
[Jane's Defence Weekly - 22 January 2003]
  KFOR strength could be halved this year 
more here . . . 
[Jane's Defence Weekly - 27 January 2003]
  Common Modular Missile heads towards system development
The US Army Aviation and Missile Command issued a draft request
for proposals
(RFP) in December 2002 to conduct the system development and
(SDD) phase of the Common Modular Missile (CMM). A full RFP is
to follow by March this year, with three years of SDD beginning in
Contract options will cover a potential effort to meet the US
Navy's specific
requirements, platform and launcher modifications, a second source
the seeker, and three batches of low-rate initial production.
First unit
equipped is scheduled for 2007-08.
[Jane's International Defense Review - first posted to
- 17 January 2003]
  More power for Leopard 2 MBT
The German Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank (MBT)
recently completed trials equipped with the latest version of the
EuroPowerPack. This develops 1,650hp at 3,000rpm (with a maximum
of 5,000N m at 2,000rpm) compared with the 1,500hp of the standard
[Jane's Defence Upgrades - first posted to http://jdu.janes.com
- 27 January 2003]
  US Army selects designers for combat vehicles
General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) and United Defense (UD) will
the eight configurations of ground combat vehicles in the US
Army's Future
Combat Systems (FCS), the army announced on 23 February.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com
- 24 January 2003]
  UK selects Javelin
The UK has selected the US Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin system
meet its requirement for a new Light Forces Anti-Tank Guided
Weapon System
for the British Army and Royal Marines. A contract, worth over
million ($485 million), is expected to be awarded next month.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com
- 24 January 2003]
  New bayonet for 


2003-01-31 Thread Jon Capriola
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Life Sentence for Medical Marijuana?

2003-01-31 Thread Eric Cordian

The Feebs are crowing over their latest victory, having just obtained a
conviction against a medical marijuana grower for the city of Oakland.

The individual was of course prohibited from any mention at his trial
of medical marijuana, that he was growing the stuff legally under a
1996 state law, or any other mitigating factors. 
   "There is no such thing as medical marijuana," said 
Richard Meyer, a DEA spokesman. "We're Americans 
first, Californians second."

Actually, I think that should be "Assholes First."

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: Life Sentence for Medical Marijuana?

2003-01-31 Thread Eric Murray
On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 04:50:00PM -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,77234,00.html
> The Feebs are crowing over their latest victory, having just obtained a
> conviction against a medical marijuana grower for the city of Oakland.

They went after Ed Rosenthal because he is the author of
a popular book on growing dope.

>"There is no such thing as medical marijuana," said 
> Richard Meyer, a DEA spokesman. "We're Americans 
> first, Californians second."

Interesting how selective the "states rights" crowd in Washington is.


Re: Life Sentence for Medical Marijuana?

2003-01-31 Thread Michael Cardenas
I think this is what you call "taxation without representation"

Note also, that the judge in the case was the brother of the supreme
court judge who bush appointed who's totally opposed to these sates
right cases. 

Great how bush's daughter, the cocaine addict, isn't in jail, but this
man, who was deputized by the city of oakland to grow this marijuana,
is going to be in jail for 20 years. Bush himself was arrested for
DUI, I wish he was rotting in jail instead of ed. 


On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 04:50:00PM -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,77234,00.html
> The Feebs are crowing over their latest victory, having just obtained a
> conviction against a medical marijuana grower for the city of Oakland.
> The individual was of course prohibited from any mention at his trial
> of medical marijuana, that he was growing the stuff legally under a
> 1996 state law, or any other mitigating factors. 
>"There is no such thing as medical marijuana," said 
> Richard Meyer, a DEA spokesman. "We're Americans 
> first, Californians second."
> Actually, I think that should be "Assholes First."

michael cardenas   | lead software engineer, lindows.com
hyperpoem.net  | GNU/Linux software developer
people.debian.org/~mbc | encrypted email preferred

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2003-01-31 Thread Jennifer
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2003-01-31 Thread DelphiForums Special Offers
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Re: Attack Is a Matter of Vulnerability

2003-01-31 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Steve Schear wrote:

> http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/khan4.html

Thanks, that was a fun read.  Won't change anything, but I liked it.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-01-31 Thread Tim May
On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 07:58  AM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

I'd love to see more and better train service in the US. Great way  
travel, work, read, watch the scenery. I don't mind at all taking a  
few days,
and, unless it's a real emergency, I'm very sure at this point I'll  
never fly a
commercial airline again.

By the way, if this has anything to do with the security hassles of air  
travel (someone, maybe you, mentioned it as well a day or so ago),  
don't count on this difference lasting for long.

Already there are calls to use "positive identification" for all train  

"Amtrak also requires that each person buying a ticket has photo  

"Passengers traveling between Boston and Washington DC can no longer  
purchase their tickets on board the train."

Expect more such moves. Expect much tighter security if and when a  
train is seized in the U.S. or Europe the way peace-loving Indians have  
been seizing trains and killing the occupants in peaceful India.

(Securing entry points to trains will be even more difficult than with  
airplanes, for the obvious reasons. Ditto for securing transfer of  
weapons onto trains--in large amounts of baggage, through open windows,  
when people step off trains at many intermediate "whistle stops," etc.)

The police state will extend to trains. Count on it.

I don't know if this is your reason for expecting not to fly  
commercially again, but for anyone who thinks trains will somehow be  
exempted from the national security police state, think again.

--Tim May

cities are only a few kilotons apart

2003-01-31 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 02:21 PM 1/31/03 +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>A bit too expensive, especially in Germany. I also like being able to
>on the train -- given that here cities are only a few kilotons apart
>ICEs are pretty speedy flying can take longer.

Is "kilotons" a typo or do Europeans enjoy a dark sense of cartography?

Cops to ignore burglar alarms from all but city "Officials"

2003-01-31 Thread Major Variola (ret)
City Leaders' Alarms Ring Louder for LAPD
A new policy of ignoring unverified calls doesn't apply to elected
officials and a few others.

By Matea Gold, Times Staff Writer

Despite a new Los Angeles Police Department policy that will end police
responses to unverified burglar alarms, the city's elected officials
still will
receive priority responses when alarms go off at their homes and
even if there is no confirmation that someone is breaking in.

The 15 City Council members, City Controller Laura Chick, City Atty.
Rocky Delgadillo and Mayor James K. Hahn  along with schools, city
buildings and firearms dealers  will be exempt from the new policy,
is expected to take effect at the end of March.

The officials need
more security to
protect them from
people who might
target them because
of the high-profile
nature of their jobs,
police officials said.


Can't disagree with that latter paragraph.. I wonder if their relatives
are similarly privledged..

professional steak knife clearance

2003-01-31 Thread Jeff
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New Automated Credit Repair

2003-01-31 Thread ClearCredit
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Re: cities are only a few kilotons apart

2003-01-31 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> Is "kilotons" a typo or do Europeans enjoy a dark sense of cartography?

"towns and villages are only 1-2 kilotons apart" is from W. Arkin, F.  
Von Hippel, and B. G. Levi, "The Consequences of a Limited Nuclear War in
East and West Germany", Ambio 11 (1982) : 172.

Re: punk and free markets

2003-01-31 Thread Tyler Durden
Michael Motyka wrote...

"Now to return your serve : back to NYC, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground 
1966. White Light White Heat 1967. As close to the egg as I can place any 
band in style and in spirit. If it were necessary to name one band as the 
progenitors of punk the Velvet Underground gets my vote."

Gold star. Velvet Underground is definitely ground zero for Punk to my ears, 
but with this recent set of pre-Velvets minimalist releases (eg, Dream 
Theater, with LaMount Young, John Cale--who helped start the band I was in, 
and others), the stage was somewhat set.

(Auto-edit on the history of early NYC-centric punk rock and its analogy to 
the Cypherpunks list.)


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Re: Content Altering DVD Players

2003-01-31 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 04:25 PM 1/30/03 -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:

>Dear Hollywood: Keep your hands off my DVDs
>By David Coursey, AnchorDesk

Thanks for posting this.  Very interesting.

Of course, the DVD CCA owns the DVD trademark just like
Phillips etc. owns the CD logo, etc.  So you can sell a "DVD" player
(including soft players built on eg DeCSS) but you can't use the
official logo
if they won't let you play.  Its a private trademark affair.

Just like Sony can sell "CD"s that don't follow the Specs and don't play

on CD (tm) Players, but it is *criminal fraud* for any such artifact to
display the
official "CD" compatability logo.

TiVo can sell the same service too ---and since noone owns the word
they can still call their censor-channel-enabled boxes TVs.

My VCR tuner lets you block whole channels.
I can shut off the volume and play a different audio track.  Its still
called television.

Modulo trademark issues (only), the box builders win, the content and
copyright folks
have nothing.  (Except maybe a few congressvermin in their pockets.)

Dog Tag Supplies

2003-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Digital Cash To Get A Fillip From Gambling?

2003-01-31 Thread Steve Schear
Jan 27 2003 : If the Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Act bill, banning 
credit card use in online gambling, is enacted after its recent 
resurrection, the case for digital e-cash could be validated, according to 
MSNBC. Since the act would forbid Americans from using payments like EFT, 
wire transfers, checks or money orders for online betting, "gambling site 
operators are scrambling for [options], such as digital cash, that can't be 
easily blocked", MSNBC reports. Consultant Melody Wigdahl, confirms that in 
"the next six months major players are going to step forward and fund their 
own [alternative payment project]" that is "and more or less independent of 
the banking system".


An offer '

2003-01-31 Thread 4johnney
Financial Director[INEC] 

Dear sir, 

It is my warmest pleasure in writing you this confidential letter 
with a view you will accept my request and give me a positive response, I am 
Mr.GODSON JOHN,the Financial director of Independent National Electoral 
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The last military Government of Nigeria gave our commission ONE 
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with funds disbursed to us by the Government.We utilized Eight Hunderd million 
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Hunderd million united States Dollars(US$200m)was left in our treasury account 
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As a matter of fact i have declared to the government authorities 
that the sum of one hundered and fourty-five million united states dollars 
(US$145M)only is remaining in our treasury account. With this development,a 
surplus of Fifty-five transfered to atrust foreign account.As civil servants, 
the code of conduct act of 1963 does not permit us to operate foreign account 
hence we cannot acquire this fund in our names. 
My two colleagues and I now require your assistance by allowing us transfer 
this surplus of US$55M to your personal or coporate bank account for proper 
disbursement and investment,as already another TEN MILLION DOLLars(US$10M)has 
been approved by the president for the next year election.All modalities have 
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DOLLARS out of the US$55M DOLLARS left, Hence we require your positive and 
immediate assistance. 
You will be entitled to 25% of the total sum of US $9.5 MILLION DOLLARS, for 
providing the account,my two colleagues and I will retain 70% while 5% will be 
used to defray any expenses that might be incurred in the couse of the 
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Best regards, 



Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-01-31 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 02:21:20PM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
> > I don't know how it works in the US, but railroads are both comfortable
> > and pretty reliable in Europe.
> A bit too expensive, especially in Germany. I also like being able to work 
> on the train -- given that here cities are only a few kilotons apart and 
> ICEs are pretty speedy flying can take longer.
> Otherwise I agree, bahning beyond 5-6 h starts to become tedious.

I'd love to see more and better train service in the US. Great way to
travel, work, read, watch the scenery. I don't mind at all taking a few days,
and, unless it's a real emergency, I'm very sure at this point I'll never fly a
commercial airline again. Trains seem to work quite well in the rest of the
world -- why not here? I'm not in favor of gov't subsidies for anything -- but,
as I said before, we don't live in a libertarian fantasy world, so if transport
is going to be subsidized, the trains should get their fair share. In fact it
wouldn't bother me one iota if the airlines went under, the greatest share of
the business travel is non-essential. Meetings can be teleconferenced much more

Harmon Seaver   

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and "minorities" is aQ

2003-01-31 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 10:59:02PM -, Tom Veil wrote:
> Tim May wrote on January 22, 2003 at 00:55:
> > I expect 20 million to die. Fortunately, 18 million of them will be the
> > usual Democrat, Commies, welfare recipients, negro activists,  and
> > Socialist fellow travellers. The other two million will be the Bushies.
> > And proably most of the remaining Jews will be scourged, as payment for
> > their support of thefts, of Zionism, etc. Sounds fair to me.
> >
> > Ain't gonna be a lot of negroes and Mexicans after this war is over.
> 20 million sounds a bit low. Given that the current US population is around
> 281 million, we're talking about only 7 percent of the population.
> According to the most recent Census data, blacks currently account for
> around 12.6 percent, or 35.5 million, and Mexicans, 7.3 percent, or about
> 20.6 million. On top of that are millions of commies, socialists, Demonrats,
> and welfare addicts that don't fall into the aforementioned "minority"
> categories.
> Even if 20 million are liquidated, there will still be plenty of vermin
> around to replenish their numbers.

   Let's not forget all the corporate welfare bums, we need to put all those
mega-corp executives and all the farmers at the top of that list. They get far
more welfare than anyone else. Also all the military, that's just another form
of welfare bum. 

Harmon Seaver   

Re: Senate votes against TIA funding.

2003-01-31 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 09:08:33PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> The history of nearly all such statist encroachments is that first  
> there is curiosity, then outrage, then a demand for more details, then  
> closed hearings, then "If you only knew what we know" comments on the  
> Sunday talk shows, then a vote to approve a stronger version of the  
> original statist plan.

I liked the Senate voting unanimously to place limitations (not a complete
ban, mind you) on Pondexter's TIA data-mining efforts.

And then applauding wildly when Bush proposed a more extensive version of
the same data-mining system in his SOTU address.

Nicely done.


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Re: the news from bush's speech...H-power

2003-01-31 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 11:24:13AM -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
> --
> On 30 Jan 2003 at 12:16, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> > I'll have to find the studies, but it was the same oil
> > geologists (not enviros) who used the same model to
> > accurately predict the peak of US oil production who did the
> > one on world oil production.
> Not true.
> Rather, what happened is that there have been thousands of
> overly pessimistic estimates, and one overly optimistic
> estimate for US oil production  (an over reaction to past low
> side errors) , and everyone who makes implausibly pessimistic
> estimates for world oil production likes to associate
> themselves with those who disagreed with the one overly
> optimistic estimate -- but the association is thin. 

   These geologists very accurately predicted the peaking of oil production in
the US,  and oil production has peaked in over 50 countries already. 

   Hubbert was a Shell geologist, working for Shell. Shell has put out a number
of reports acknowledging the upcoming peak and decline in world oil production,
as, I believe, has British Petroleum. Check Shell's website, they are doing a
lot of research into alternative energy and making a lot of investments in that
area, including synfuels and biofuels. 


Harmon Seaver   

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punk and free markets

2003-01-31 Thread Michael Motyka
Jim Choate wrote :
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:
> > Me? I grew up here in NYC in the 70s, where/when Punk began (please, no one
> > out in the sticks there try to tell me about the Brits inventing Punk, and
> Yeah, right...not.
> MC5 (1969, Detroit), Iggy Pop (1973, Detroit)...Kick out the jams brothers
> and sisters! I'd also include Blue Cheer (1968, San Fran) in the list of
> bands who don't
> get credit for starting stuff...in their case Acid Rock/Heavy
> Metal...Louder than God! I still have the original albums I bought as a
> pre-teen. Out of focus.
The Brits are definitely out of first round play. 

Now to return your serve : back to NYC, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground 1966. 
White Light White Heat 1967. As close to the egg as I can place any band in style and 
in spirit. If it were necessary to name one band as the progenitors of punk the Velvet 
Underground gets my vote. I keep meaning to set up my old B&O and digitize some 
nice old vinyl before it's dust.

> > This list, at least in the Fraunhoffer region, does on some level emanate a
> > Punk attitude, and tolerating the presence of a crypto-fascist or two is
> > something of a consequence. But I'm sick of seeing the Tim May cops come out
> > every time someone suggests a different political notion.
> 'Tim May cops'? Not a very punk attitude you have there. You give Tim way!
> too much credit.
I don't see much apart from anarchy and capitalism - the system is in place and 
WOT ( Wide Open Throttle ). Tim just doesn't like some of the players.


Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-01-31 Thread Tim May
On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 04:55  AM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

Railroads are for hoboes and untermenschen.

I don't know how it works in the US, but railroads are both comfortable
and pretty reliable in Europe.

Yes,  and I spent 7 weeks traveling around Europe with a Eurail Pass. 
Except in Italy, where the trains were noticeably grubbier and 
Americans were warned that armed robberies of passengers are common, 
the trains were well-run, clean, and "they ran on time."

Reasons for this are historical, political, social, geographical, and 
are well-known.

We're discussing here the situation where 95% of the frequent posters 
live, the U.S.

To a European traveler in the U.S., I would never recommend that that 
make Amtrak (our
"national socialist rail system")  their means of getting around the 
country. Here in California, for example, as I said, the train stations 
are usually in the inner city urban ghettoes. Not a lot of Europeans 
would be comfortable disembarking from trains with their families and 
finding themselves in a negro neighborhood with negroes yelling insults 
at "honkies" and "whiteys." Or in a Mexican barrio with cars sitting on 
their rims, with crack pipes littering the restrooms, with 15-year-old 
boys selling their 13-year-old sisters. And there are very few decent 
hotels within easy traveling distance of the rail yards in American 

All of my European friends who visit California either rent cars or 
have friends driving them around (several have been driven to my house 
for stays, for example). None of them rely on trains and buses to move 
them around...at least I have never been asked to drive to darkest 
Salinas to pick up a friend from Europe before he vanishes forever.

(I'm exaggerating slightly, of course, about the inner city dangers. 
But it is fact that in Europe the inner cities have tended to remain 
safe, and places where the museums and cultural attractions are. The 
inner cities in America are not like this at all, for the most part. In 
the U.S., many inner cities are welfare havens, where people collect 
money stolen from the suburban workers. And most European tourists come 
to see the Yosemite, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, the Golden Gate 
Bridge, the redwoods, the mountains, the rivers, Disneyland, Hollywood, 
etc. Few of these sites are reachable by trains. Tour buses are one 
popular approach, but not the subsidized mass transit system.)

--Tim May
"Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice."--Barry Goldwater

Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-01-31 Thread Tim May
On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 07:58  AM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 02:21:20PM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:

On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

I don't know how it works in the US, but railroads are both 
and pretty reliable in Europe.

A bit too expensive, especially in Germany. I also like being able to 
on the train -- given that here cities are only a few kilotons apart 
ICEs are pretty speedy flying can take longer.

Otherwise I agree, bahning beyond 5-6 h starts to become tedious.

I'd love to see more and better train service in the US. Great way 
travel, work, read, watch the scenery. I don't mind at all taking a 
few days,

Great, and when you can find enough other people who also wouldn't mind 
taking a few days, including the business travelers who make up the 
bulk of travelers, then you should have no problem creating the demand 
for such travel.

But of course you are in the minority. Very few families, even fewer 
business travelers, are willing to spend a few days on a train. You may 
be, but clearly others are not.

(The logistical and safety issues of children on a train are 
interesting to contemplate.)

and, unless it's a real emergency, I'm very sure at this point I'll 
never fly a
commercial airline again. Trains seem to work quite well in the rest 
of the
world -- why not here?

Asked and answered. You clearly are either not reading, or not agreeing 
with, the several posts which have already addressed this issue. Which 
is OK, that you don't agree. But asking the question yet again will not 

I'm not in favor of gov't subsidies for anything -- but,
as I said before, we don't live in a libertarian fantasy world, so if 
is going to be subsidized, the trains should get their fair share.

They do, for good transport. This is why there are so many railroad 
tracks in the U.S.

However, people, for the various reasons discussed in posts here 
recently, choose not to travel by train. Lots of reasons.

Both railroads and highways have logistical and national defense 
reasons they have been subsdized: trucks and freight trains, obviously.

However, for very obvious reasons, once highways have been built they 
can be used by automobiles as well as trucks. The same sort of thing 
cannot happen with trains. (Though there are a few specialized trains 
which transport passenger cars between New York and Florida, for 
example, thus allowing snowbirds and vacationers to have their own cars 
in Florida.)

The mixed use of roads--passenger cars, motorcyles, buses, freight 
trucks, delivery trucks, emergency vehicles, etc.--is why roads and 
highways are generally so much better a solution than fixed path rail 
lines are.

I understand your politics is lefty...this has been shining through for 

But your analytical skills are lacking. If you wish to persuade us that 
the world should be different than it is, you need better arguments 
than "I would be willing to spend several days traveling by train."

--Tim May

Re: Sovereignty issues and Palladium/TCPA

2003-01-31 Thread Dave Howe
I have seen this *five* times already - is there some sort of wierd mailing
loop in action?
I am fairly certain I haven't sent it five times spread out over two

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Brazil Nuts.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat
WSF Ends With Brutal Police Repression

Police did what police do best when they violently attacked protesters and 
bystanders on the last day of the World Social Forum. It started when a 
Mapuche woman who was attending the WSF and staying at the international 
youth camp was arrested with charges of "obscene acts" for bathing nude in 
a river. Activists saw this and organized over 400 people to protest by 
nonviolently taking their clothes off in solidarity. When the nude protest 
left the youth camp to march downtown the police attacked. After injuring 
and arresting some of the the nude protesters the police lashed out at 
journalists and bystanders. An unknown number of people were hospitalized 
or arrested as a result of the police assault.
At the end of a week of rhetoric about international solidarity this is a 
disgraceful example of intolerance. Unfortunately, this police repression 
is consistent with past years whenever groups have protested without the 
WSF and PT's (Workers Party's) consent. In protest of the PT's 
authoritarian dominance of Brasilian social movements and Lula's trip to 
Davos, a Brasilian anarchist pied the President of the PT during the WSF.
Video of the Protest [pt] | Deposition of a journalist wounded during the 
protest [pt] | Photos of the Nude Protest Against Police Brutality | 
Updates on the Prisoners [pt] | Video of people describing the attack [pt] 
| More Photos

[ Comment on this story | Brasil Indymedia | Offical WSF Website ]

Re: Life Sentence for Medical Marijuana?

2003-01-31 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Michael Cardenas wrote:

> I think this is what you call "taxation without representation"
> Note also, that the judge in the case was the brother of the supreme
> court judge who bush appointed who's totally opposed to these sates
> right cases.
> Great how bush's daughter, the cocaine addict, isn't in jail, but this
> man, who was deputized by the city of oakland to grow this marijuana,
> is going to be in jail for 20 years. Bush himself was arrested for
> DUI, I wish he was rotting in jail instead of ed.
> disgusting.

It's round one of the end of prohibition.  This will be overturned on
appeal eventually, and the feds will move as slowly as possible.  It's
pretty amazing Ed got away with it for so long.  I think it's proof the
feds see the end coming and are getting hopelessly desparate.

It's interesting that Canadian courts are forcing ganja legalization, and
Canadian business is using NAFTA to force the DEA into allowing hemp
products.  The US is becoming more isolated, but now it's because everyone
else is ignoring their stupidity, not because the US is ignoring everyone

The libertarians are going to have a field day with this one :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Stop aging TODAY!

2003-01-31 Thread tyoung34
686As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN,and even Oprah! The health discovery that actually reversesaging while burning fat, without dieting or exercise! This provendiscovery has even been reported on by the New England Journal ofMedicine. Forget aging and dieting forever! And it has a FULL MONEYBACK GUARANTEE! Reduce body fat and build lean muscle WITHOUT EXERCISE! Enhance sexual performance Remove wrinkles and cellulite Lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol profile Improve sleep, vision and memory Restore hair color and growth Strengthen the immune system Increase energy and cardiac output Turn back your body's biological time clock 10-20 years in 6months of usage !!! Completely safe and doctor endorsedJust press righthere to view our site, get more info andview our amazing testimonials from satisfied customers! 2033 

Waxis of Wevil.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat

Sorry "Axis of Evil."
Michael Palin's in town and I must have caught something.
Wouldn't a real axis of evil exchange information about each others 
dissidents and possible oppositionists? If this was oficially denied then 
wouldn't a real axis of evil simply spy on each others citizens and swap 
this data under the counter? Is this what Iraq,Iran and N.Korea do? Maybe 
on a small scale they do but the major axis of evil engaged in this 
despicable activity is the USA,UK and AU.They call it Echelon and in my 
sector,AU,20% of the communications traffic is spied on by this latter day 
STASI.This could be a hangover from when we were the UK's Gulag,(see,'The 
fatal shore',by Robert Hughes.)
Canada is also implicated in this 'workaround',democracies,it seems,need 
deniability.'Free nations' don't care to admit that they have secret police 
that spy avidly on their own citizens.With such massive collaboration using 
the worst tactics of totalitarianism can further widespread abuses of human 
and civil rights be far behind?
There is already far too much anecdotal evidence that the full panoply of 
the worst totalitarian states are manifesting themselves in our midst.There 
are individuals suffering cruel and unusual punishment right now for over a 
year without habeas corpus;one is my fellow countryman,David Hicks.
Habeas Corpus began,(for nobles only)with the Magna Carta.When Habeas 
Corpus disappears for one,then no one is safe.We are suddenly plunged back 
into the darkest part of the dark ages.
Can adult entertainment help?
VAN NUYS, Calif. - The first general meeting of the Free Speech Coalition 
for 2003 focused on cybersex issues and mainstream media's recent coverage 
of the adult industry.
FSC Executive Director Bill Lyon challenged a Jan. 12 Los Angeles Times 
Magazine cover story, which contended lack of government regulation has 
resulted in epidemic levels of sexually transmitted diseases such as 
chlamydia, plus several AIDs cases, among adult industry performers.
"The reason we've been unregulated is because we've done such a good job of 
self-regulation," Lyon said. He disputed statistics quoted in the article, 
"The Porn Scene No One is Watching" and criticized media bias and 
Ironically, perhaps, Lyon's remarks were videotaped by a mainstream camera 
crew, purportedly from the CBS news program "60 Minutes."
Increased adult industry media bashing comes as Bush-Ashcroft's Homeland 
Security and Total Information Awareness Network impose what First 
Amendment attorney Greg Piccionelli called "techno-tyranny," which could 
effectively spell an end to privacy. The Internet law practitioner said, 
"We're in grave danger on multiple fronts, maybe facing the greatest 
deprivation of civil liberties since the British. This is a scary future 
we're going into."
Lyon added, "Ashcroft convinced Americans security must precede liberty. 
The opposites true: Freedom's always been risky."
But all's not doom and gloom according to Piccionelli, who spoke about 
emerging technologies and e-porn's power. "Fox News' Bill O'Reilly is 
considered ultra-conservative, but Jan. 3, in debating someone opposed to 
distributing adult materials, Oâ??Reilly said porn is the largest 
entertainment industry in the U.S., grossing more than all professional 
sports teams put together. Haven't the American people said 'we want this 
stuff; leave us alone?'" Piccionelli added, "More people know who Jenna 
Jameson is than who Germany or France's leaders are. Future historians may 
note adult entertainment saved our civil liberties."
Passionately invoking the Founding Fathers, lawyer Joe Obenberger compared 
today's adult industry to 1776's patriots, and likened repression of porn 
to Nazi persecution of Jews. Attorney Jeffrey Douglas, chair of FSC's board 
of directors, added, "Bush considers porn part of the 'axis of evil.'" 
Supporting privacy rights and legislation, Douglas cautioned adult 
Webmasters against collaborating with the government by revealing users' 
Ira Rothken of www.techfirm.com, an intellectual property lawyer with a 
video gaming background, warned adult sites against spam e-mails. He 
discussed 10 practical points Webmasters should follow, such as not sending 
bulk e-mails with hardcore subjects and/or content, which could be received 
by children or others not wanting explicit spam. "We're under a legal 
microscope," Rothkin warned.
As the meeting came to a close, Scott Tucker, president of FSC's board of 
directors, introduced FSC board members, including Danni Ashe. Other top 
pornsters, such as Ron Jeremy and Nina Hartley, were in attendance, plus 
new talent, and 100 FSC members and supporters.
I may check into a mental hospital for a while...
Please circle your calendars for these international events
on transforming the mental health system, to be held
in San Francisco in mid-May:

* Saturday, May 17, 2003

Severino Di Giovanni

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat
1931 -- Severino Di Giovanni dies in a shoot-out with the police.
Typographer. He fled to Argentina in 1923 to escape Italian Fascism, where 
he joined the Anarchist Circle (Renzo Novatore) in Buenos Aires & printed & 
published the review "Culmine".
He organizes a demonstration for the release of Sacco & Vanzetti, but when 
they are executed on August 23, 1927, Di Giovanni turned to violent actions 
with the Scarfo brothers (Alejandro & Paulino); many bombs were set off, 
especially aimed at North American interests. For example, on December 25, 
1927, the National City Bank was bombed. On May 3, 1928, the Italian 
This spiral of violence was condemned by the anarchists of FORA & "La 
Protesta." See Osvaldo Bayer Severino Di Giovanni, the idealist of 
violencia (1970).
Following two warning letters that I was exceeding my 'fair use' limits,I 
have been cut off by nex.I will be complaining about them to the TIO and 
the ACCC as they advertise an 'unlimited' service.Some of you may want to 
alter your filters.

The capitalist free market holocaust.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat

[ 31 January 2003 ]
Nuclear weapons and pollution linked to 65
million deaths
'Pollution from nuclear energy and weapons programmes up to
1989 will account for 65 million deaths, according to a European
scientific committee headed by an
adviser to the British Government.
Research published yesterday by the European
Committee on Radiation Risk claims that previous figures
massively underestimate the nuclear industry's impact on human life' (
Independent )
See also this executive summary of
the research, this further
information (PDF), this
letter from Chris Busby published in
the Guardian in September, this BBC
article from 2001, the LLRC
website, the Green Audit
website, and Caroline Lucas's
website LINKS?

Review of shootings by police in England and Wales 1998 to 2001 (PDF)

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat

Review of shootings by police in England and
Wales 1998 to 2001 (PDF)
'Of the 24 cases in the review, 11 occurred in the MPS area of
which four were fatal – representing 46% of the shootings included in the
review. To assess whether this apparent disproportionality was consistent
over time, all police shootings over a longer period were also
considered. Between the start of 1991 and the end of 2001, the PCA has
supervised 66 shootings causing injury or death, of which 34 (52%) have
been in the Metropolitan Police area.
This difference is statistically significant as there is less than a one
in one thousand likelihood that this is a chance finding, suggesting a
consistently higher rate of shootings in the MPS area' 
( PCA )
See also this Guardian coverage

Orwellian permanent war alert.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat

Lie And Rely - A Martian View of The Media's
Pro-War Propaganda Bubble 
'It is at moments like these that the illusion of benign
leadership can begin to crumble. The projection of Blair as a
"reasonable guy" thinly conceals a Machiavellian intent to be
unleashed on defenceless people - human beings like us. We can't allow it
to happen. Even if we thought only of ourselves, even if we believed Bush
and Blair, war would be an insane option - attacking Iraq brings the
prospect of terror attacks against Britain very much closer. It thereby
offers hope of the kind of Orwellian permanent war on which all
authoritarian and exploitative power thrives. This, in turn, offers the
horrific prospect of an ever-deepening entrenchment of the forces of
irresponsible greed and violence' 
( MediaLens )
Iraq - What Next?
'Iraq’s failure to produce a complete declaration does constitute a material breach of Resolution 1441. The question, however, is whether it constitutes a wise, compelling, and necessary casus belli. We believe that it does not. Only if the administration’s true aim is to remove the current government of Iraq as a matter of principle would a turn to war at this moment make sense. If that is the case, of course the inspection and disarmament process now underway is irrelevant.' 
( Joseph Cirincione et al via CEIP )

Confectioners without Borders.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat

CHAPEL OF LOVE There were 100,000 people and a mind boggling 1,714
events. They were crammed into a Catholic University, football stadiums,
a gymnasium, five marquees and some dockside warehouses. Described by
some as the "People's UN," this was the World Social Forum
(WSF) which happened in Porto Alegre, Brazil last week. Since the very
first WSF three years ago, the event has become, according to Noam
Chomsky, "unparallelled in world history." So what is the WSF?
Conceived as a direct alternative to the corporate knees up globalisation
ball known as the World Economic Forum, the WSF is a week of workshops,
discussions, and brainstorming for social change without profiteering and
neoliberalism-and it runs at exactly the same time every year as the
World Economic Forum. In addition to WSF workshops, several
"parallel conferences" sprang up around the city, including an
anarchist convention and a youth camp in a nearby park where about 10,000
people pitched camp, including representatives of Indymedia from around
the world. The choice of Porto Alegre is symbolic too. For 15 years the
city's governing Worker's Party - which now rules Brazil through the
leftwing President Lula - has been deciding the budget through a process
of popular participation, redistributing wealth, reducing poverty and
eliminating corruption as a result. One SchNEWS hack sorting through the
myraid of events and opinions said that three issues seemed to stand out:
Palestine, opposition to the war on Iraq, and the Latin American issue of
the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas, which Bolivian Indian
leader Evo Morales described as a charter for "transnational
pirates." This year, Brazalian President Lula went to both the World
Social Forum in Porto Alegre AND the World Economic Forum in Davos. Many
weren't happy with that - the leader of Lula's Worker's Party, José
Genoino, received a pie in the face as a protest. As the Confectioners
without Borders who delivered the pie-ing said in their communique,
"The wave that carries Lula's Worker´s Party to electoral success is
not, in any form, the same wave that supports the movement against
capitalist globalization. Our movement is without leaders or
representatives. No one can speak in our name. If someone in Davos
'represents' the movement, it is ourselves, the thousands that occupy the
roads of Geneva in protest against the reunion of bankers, businessman,
and governments that the Worker´s Party legitimates. The hope for change
that we carry cannot one more time be co-opted and frustrated by
politicians and political parties that wish to promote themselves at our
expense. This time we are going to do things differently."
CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEK For writing about Cuba on the internet. When his friends attended an unsanctioned conference in Cuba and attracted the attention of the Treasury Department, Tom Warner, the 77-year-old secretary of the Seattle / Cuba Friends Committee was unsurprised. What did surprise him was when a letter arrived accusing him of 'organising' the event and threatening to fine him $20,000. This was all the more surprising due to the fact that he wasn't even AT the conference! Tom's major mistake was to put details of the conference on his website. Making his mark on history, Tom's nefarious actions have made him the first man to be arrested by the Bush Administration for using the internet to promote something against government policy. 
POSITIVE SchNEWS The government has just announced they have £10 million in grants for households and communities to develop their own renewable energy projects. Free info service availabe from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), for individuals and groups who would like advice about participating in the renewable revolution. 01654-705950 www.cat.org.uk DON'T ATTACK IRAQ! On the 15th of Feb, London will see Britain's biggest ever anti-war demo. There are 3 starting points: 12 noon @ Embankment or 12.30pm @ Gower Street. Or for cyclists, a 'Wheels against the War' critical mass, 12 noon under Waterloo Bridge. The march ends at Hyde Park. There will also be a mass sit-down at Picadilly Circus, meet 5pm Green Park. Transport to London is being organised from across the country - www.stopwar.org.uk. Tickets on coaches from Brighton can be bought from Community Base, Queens Road £7/£4. RAF AMERICA On Wednesday, the Defence Select Commitee agreed to the use of Menwith Hill and RAF Fylingdales in North Yorkshire for U.S. Ballistic Missile Defence systems otherwise known as the 'Son of Star Wars' (see SchNEWS 307). Fylingdales will house an early warning system and Menwith Hill will process the data. A public discussion paper on upgrading the facilities at these two sites was released in December, but even then it was clear that the decision to use the bases had already been made. Minister of War Geoff Hoon has come under severe attack from peace campaigners and even from his own backb

Dead Naked.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat
Injustice in Tottenham
Around a hundred people protested outside Tottenham police station on 11th 
January to mark the fourth anniversary of the death of Roger Sylvester, who 
died in police custody in 1999. The exceptionally cold weather served to 
remind people that Roger was carried naked from his home by eight officers. 
While he was being restrained by them, he fell into a coma and seven days 
later he died. After the protest the film Injustice, about deaths in police 
custody, was shown at a nearby church. The officers involved in Roger's 
death refused to answer questions during an enquiry carried out by Essex 
police, and a coroner's inquest has yet to be held. This is the longest 
delay ever for a death in custody on the mainland. Unsurprisingly the 
family have no faith in the justice system, saying they can't get on with 
their lives because of the emotional effect of not knowing what was done to 
Roger. They don't like the inquest procedure, but say they've no choice but 
to pursue it. An inquest would be their only chance to challenge the 
findings of the Essex police investigation, which seems to have found no 
criminal wrongdoing on the part of arresting officers. None of the eight 
have been prosecuted. RSJC Roger Sylvester Justice Campaign, PO Box 25908, 
London N18 1WU Telephone 07931 970 442 or visit www.rsjc.org.uk

** The A-Infos News Service **
News about and of interest to anarchists

Shocking news.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat
The innovative savvy of American electrical engineers always astounds. If 
something terrible can be built in the name of security, they never shirk. 
Who else would be brilliant enough to come up with a water gun that carries 
molar-rattling electrical shocks?
Jaycor's electrocuting water cannon falls under the black and moldy 
umbrella of nonlethal weapons technology, once again in the national 
security spotlight courtesy of a recent National Academy of Science report 
recommending more of it. Jaycor reports on such applications are the first 
two footnotes in the document of blighted science.
The aqueous electrocutor sprays a "high-pressure saline solution with 
additives" mixed in to maximize range in putting down that troublesome 
rabble. "[Debilitating] but not lethal shocks" move through the water jet, 
according to Jaycor's online brochure. The company hints the voltage can be 
turned up "to deliver potent electrical shocks to equipment as well as 
More conventional shockers sometimes leave hooks embedded in victims. With 
the electrical supersoaker, there's no need for surgery to take them out. 
Plus you can hit more people at once.
Jaycor certainly has expertise in this area. It has manufactured something 
called the Sticky Shocker, a technological annoyance that looks like the 
giant cocklebur from hell. It's designed to lodge on people with "tenacious 
glue" and barbs in order to dispense stunning volts.
Although the latest hazard to humanity hasn't been tested on live subjects, 
Jaycor material claims it is voltage-regulated according to some 
Underwriters Laboratories standard of acceptable partial electrocution. One 
can only wonder at the way such a remarkable standard was arrived 
at—perhaps by dropping hair dryers or radios into bathtubs occupied by 
It is patently obvious that a vehicle-mounted shocking water hose is an 
atrocious mechanism that would instantly doom the career of anyone who 
ordered its use on American streets. As with most nonlethal wonder weapons, 
there would simply be no way to make it look merciful on the evening news.
Sales to overseas tyrant-allies might be an option, though. Penn State 
University's Applied Research Laboratory runs an odious Web site devoted to 
shilling for nonlethal weapons, a function it claims is part of a trusty 
service to the military and public-at-large. The school suggests various 
technical means for putting down crowds, and provides a convenient vendor 
link to the Jaycor electrocutor along with other delivery systems for pain 
and discomfort.
"Penn State Applied Research Laboratory can assist you in developing a 
policy plan for using crowd control," advertises the school brightly. 
Strategies for electrical excruciations, fresh on demand from the academy.

Naomi Klein,whatever happened to the revolution.

2003-01-31 Thread professor rat

What Happened to the New Left?
by Naomi Klein
Published on Thursday, January 30, 2003 by the Globe & Mail/Canada
The key word at this year's World Social Forum, which ended Tuesday in 
Porto Alegre, Brazil, was "big." Big attendance: more than 100,000 
delegates in all! Big speeches: more than 15,000 crammed in to see Noam 
Chomsky! And most of all, big men. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the newly 
elected President of Brazil, came to the forum and addressed 75,000 adoring 
fans. Hugo Chavez, the controversial President of Venezuela, paid a 
"surprise" visit to announce that his embattled regime was part of the 
"The left in Latin America is being reborn," Mr. Chavez declared, as he 
pledged to vanquish his opponents at any cost. As evidence of this rebirth, 
he pointed to Lula's election in Brazil, Lucio Gutierrez's victory in 
Ecuador and Fidel Castro's tenacity in Cuba.
But wait a minute: How on earth did a gathering that was supposed to be a 
showcase for new grassroots movements become a celebration of men with a 
penchant for three-hour speeches about smashing the oligarchy?
Of course, the forum, in all its dizzying global diversity, was not only 
speeches, with huge crowds all facing the same direction. There were plenty 
of circles, with small groups of people facing each other. There were 
thousands of impromptu gatherings of activists excitedly swapping facts, 
tactics and analysis in their common struggles. But the big certainly put 
its mark on the event.
Two years ago, at the first World Social Forum, the key word was not "big" 
but "new": new ideas, new methods, new faces. Because if there was one 
thing that most delegates agreed on (and there wasn't much), it was that 
the left's traditional methods had failed.
This came from hard-won experience, experience that remains true even if 
some left-wing parties have been doing well in the polls recently. Many of 
the delegates at that first forum had spent their lives building labor 
parties, only to watch helplessly as those parties betrayed their roots 
once in power, throwing up their hands and implementing the 
paint-by-numbers policies dictated by global markets. Other delegates came 
with scarred bodies and broken hearts after fighting their entire lives to 
free their countries from dictatorship or racial apartheid, only to see 
their liberated land hand its sovereignty to the International Monetary 
Fund for a loan.
Still others who attended that first forum were refugees from doctrinaire 
Communist parties who had finally faced the fact that the socialist 
"utopias" of Eastern Europe had turned into centralized, bureaucratic and 
authoritarian nightmares. And outnumbering all of these veteran activists 
was a new and energetic generation of young people who had never trusted 
politicians, and were finding their own political voice on the streets of 
Seattle, Prague and Sao Paulo.
When this global rabble came together under the slogan "Another world is 
possible," it was clear to all but the most rigidly nostalgic that getting 
to this other world wouldn't be a matter of resuscitating the flawed models 
of the past, but imagining new movements.
The World Social Forum didn't produce a political blueprint -- a good start 
-- but there was a clear pattern to the alternatives that emerged. Politics 
had to be less about trusting well-meaning leaders, and more about 
empowering people to make their own decisions; democracy had to be less 
representative and more participatory. The ideas flying around included 
neighborhood councils, participatory budgets, stronger city governments, 
land reform and co-operative farming -- a vision of politicized communities 
that could be networked internationally to resist further assaults from the 
IMF, the World Bank and World Trade Organization. For a left that had 
tended to look to centralized state solutions to solve almost every 
problem, this emphasis on decentralization and direct participation was a 
At the first World Social Forum, Lula was cheered, too: not as a heroic 
figure who vowed to take on the forces of the market and eradicate hunger, 
but as an innovator whose party was at the forefront of developing tools 
for impoverished people to meet their own needs. Sadly, those themes of 
deep participation and democratic empowerment were largely absent from Mr. 
da Silva's campaign for president. Instead, he told and retold a personal 
story about how voters could trust him because he came from poverty, and 
knew their pain. But standing up to the demands of the international 
financial community isn't about whether an individual politician is 
trustworthy, it's about the fact that, as Mr. da Silva is already proving, 
no person or party is strong enough on its own.
Right now, it looks as if Lula has only two choices: abandoning his 
election promises of wealth redistribution or trying to force them through 
and ending up in a Chavez-style civil war. But there is another o

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