Re: Multiple passports?

2005-11-01 Thread Ken Brown
Bill Stewart wrote: When I saw the title of this thread, I was assuming it would be about getting Mozambique or Sealand or other passports of convenience or coolness-factor like the Old-School Cypherpunks used to do :-) Actually the only passports that are significantly more convenient than U

Re: The ghost of Cypherpunks

2005-09-19 Thread ken
James A. Donald wrote: -- From: ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Do you really think that politics only exists where there is a state? I'd have thought the opposite is true. Most states actively prevent most people participating in politics. The more authoritaria

Re: The ghost of Cypherpunks

2005-09-19 Thread ken
R.A. Hettinga wrote: You're damn right it's political. Especially if you're a Marxist, or some, shall we say "homeopathic" variant thereof: after all, "the personal is political", right? Assuming that you mean feminism is a variant of Marxism, what exactly do you mean by Marxism?

Re: The ghost of Cypherpunks

2005-09-15 Thread ken
James A. Donald wrote: That is it. This is the ghost of cypherpunks. Or maybe its counterpart fossil. As GK Chesterton said about most nominal Christianity in the world in his day - the original had rotted away leaving a space of the same shape and size. Like the impression of a leaf betw

Re: The Nazification Of America ("Show Me Your Papers" - Day 1)

2005-07-05 Thread ken
J.A. Terranson wrote: Durbin was right. And he didn't even scratch the surface! Anyone who thinks this "Real ID Act" is about getting false ID out of the hands of "The Terrorists" is an idiot: they will simply print their own drivers licenses - this is about forcing the regular population to g

Re: How to Stop Junk E-Mail: Charge for the Stamp

2005-03-03 Thread ken
My view - as controversial as ever - is that the problem is unfixable, and mail will eventually fade away. That which will take its place is p2p / IM / chat / SMS based. Which are easier to spam and less secure than smtp. SMTP is p2p by definition, though you can use servers if you want. SMS *IS*

Re: What is a cypherpunk?

2005-02-14 Thread ken
James A. Donald wrote: The state was created to attack private property rights - to steal stuff. Some rich people are beneficiaries, but from the beginning, always at the expense of other rich people. More commonly states defend the rich against the poor. They are what underpins property rights

Re: What is a cypherpunk?

2005-02-10 Thread ken
James A. Donald wrote: If, however, you decline to pay taxes, men with guns will attack you. That is the difference between private power and government power. But in most places at most times the state is run at least partly by and for the rich and the owners of property and supports and privil

Re: Fallujah: Marine Eye-Witness Report

2004-11-23 Thread ken
R.A. Hettinga wrote: Apparently, understanding the recursive minutiae of the Levant, et al., the old-fashioned "received", regurgitated, OxBridge way didn't help y'all too much when it came to Fabianizing yourselves back to the stone-age, either, since we're on the subject of neo-feudalist totalita

Re: Fallujah: Marine Eye-Witness Report

2004-11-23 Thread ken
The current war against western civilization started in the 1920's, when Qutb started writing his Moslem triumphalist blather in reaction to the complete collapse of the Turkish Caliphate in the wake of World War I. Eh? OK, I wouldn't have expected you to have heard of Uthman dan Fodio and the Ful

Re: A Tale of Two Maps

2004-11-22 Thread ken
R.A. Hettinga posted: > Tech Central Station > A Tale of Two Maps > By Patrick Cox Here is a map showing U.S. population density in 1990:

Re: China's wealthy bypass the banks

2004-11-19 Thread ken
James A. Donald wrote: -- ken wrote: And when was this stagnation? R.A. Hettinga wrote: Two words: Ming Navy For those who need more words, the Qing Dynasty forbade ownership or building of ocean going vessels, on pain of death - the early equivalent of the iron curtain. Which was a

Re: China's wealthy bypass the banks

2004-11-12 Thread ken
China stagnated because no thought other than official thought occurred. And when was this stagnation? And what were the reasons China did not "stagnate" for the previous thousand years?

Re: This Memorable Day

2004-11-10 Thread ken
James A. Donald wrote: So far the Pentagon has shattered the enemy while suffering casualties of about a thousand, which is roughly the same number of casualties as the British empire suffered doing regime change on the Zulu empire - an empire of a quarter of a million semi naked savages mostly ar

Re: Declaration of Expulsion: A Modest Proposal

2004-11-10 Thread ken
Roy M. Silvernail wrote: On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 23:30 -0500, R.A. Hettinga wrote: Declaration of Expulsion: A Modest Proposal It's Time to Reconfigure the United States Chuckle-worthy, if not outright funny. Interestingly, I could se

Re: Geodesic neoconservative empire

2004-11-01 Thread ken
Bill Stewart wrote: On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote: > This presupposes the US intends to rule Afghanistan and Iraq, > which is manifestly false. Since this chain started by ragging on RAH about it being a _geodesic_ neo-{Khan, con-men} empire, you're both correct - there isn't a confl

Re: "Ask yourselves why we didn't attack Sweden"

2004-11-01 Thread ken
R.A. Hettinga wrote: At 9:09 PM -0700 10/30/04, Major Variola (ret) wrote: I'm surprised the "Ask yourselves why we didn't attack Sweden" comment isn't discussed more HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE: The National Conservative Weekly Since 1944 [

Re: Geopolitical Darwin Awards

2004-09-17 Thread ken
Tyler Durden wrote: Who, the Iranians? Which ones are fanatics? I'll grant there are some fanatics left in Iran, but Iran seems increasingly dominated by fairly sleezy clergy/judges. Like any government, theirs is deteriorating into a mere racket. And if you ask me, fanaticism never lasts very l

Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?

2004-09-13 Thread ken
J.A. Terranson wrote: On Sun, 12 Sep 2004, Thomas Shaddack wrote: The forest fire claim sounds more plausible in this regard. An existing cloud could be used for masking, though. Wait a minute: since when does a forest fire create explosions? Or have enough ground force to push up a mushroom clou

Re: Texas oil refineries, a White Van, and Al Qaeda

2004-08-05 Thread ken
An Metet wrote: The person in question was just somebody with a weakness for industrial architecture. *I've* taken pictures of oil-company installations in Houston and Galveston and points between. Who do I turn myself in to? I also walk or cycle all over London & take photos of just about every

Re: "Terror in the Skies, Again?"

2004-07-26 Thread ken
Tyler Durden wrote: Sounds to me like Al-Qaeda is just getting the most mileage they can out of their little PR Event a couple of years ago. They don't even need to blow up anything to get the most bang for their buck. Hell, in this story the biggest threat was the incompetence of the airline. A

Re: All your data belongs to Redmond

2004-07-08 Thread Ken Hirsch
See and Major Variola wrote: >I am currently working as a security consultant at a major kiretsu >that makes printers/fax/copiers/scanners. Important eg in >a hospital where HIPAA requires that info

Re: My name is Jyyneh Do'ughh

2004-06-29 Thread ken
Padraig MacIain wrote: On Sat, Jun 26, 2004 at 10:13:00PM -0700, Major Variola (ret) wrote: How do you spell John Smith in Gaelic? In G`idhlig (Scottish Gaelic) it'd be at least starting as 'Iain' (which is the Gaelized John). The modern Scottish equivalent to John Smith would be Iain Gow. (Th

Re: Reverse Scamming 419ers

2004-06-15 Thread ken
Eric Cordian wrote: But Nigeria is a very poor country, with high unemployment, where people are forced by economic circumstances to do almost anything to try and feed their families. The 419ers aren't the starving poor - they know exactly what they are doing and have got the resources to do it

Re: Anonymity of prepaid phone chip-cards

2004-03-29 Thread ken
Thomas Shaddack wrote: [...] Suggested countermeasure: When true anonymity is requested, use the card ONLY ONCE, then destroy it. Makes the calls rather expensive, but less risky. Make sure you can't be traced back by other means, ranging from surveillance cameras in the vicinity of the phone boo

Re: Lunar Colony

2004-01-21 Thread ken
John Washburn wrote: I would think the problem with the camp X-Ray approach is the same as happened historically in Botany Bay or fictionally in the Moon is a Harsh Mistress. When (not if) the ongoing support of the penal colony collapses what happens? The children are in legal limbo; neither c

Re: spoofing Tomboy Ridge

2004-01-14 Thread ken
Major Variola (ret) wrote: At 12:21 PM 1/12/04 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: There was a mildly publicized incident in another part of Brooklyn recently where someone was ticketed after their child's balloon popped in public. I recently asked a NYC friend if he had popped off firecrackers in N

Re: Sources and Sinks

2004-01-09 Thread ken
James A. Donald wrote: -- On 3 Jan 2004 at 8:09, Michael Kalus wrote: Yes, the way this usually works is that the government builds the road, then sells it to a private company for some money and then the upkeep is handled by the company. It is rather seldom that someone builds a road for a bus

Re: Singers jailed for lyrics

2004-01-09 Thread ken
Trei, Peter wrote: Bill Stewart wrote: Michael Kalus wrote: Certain symbols (e.g. Swastika) are forbidden as well. As Tim pointed out, the Swastika symbol had long use before the Nazis picked it up. [...] Vaguely related I used to live in upper Manhattan. One of the subway stops I used was t

Re: Engineers in U.S. vs. India

2004-01-08 Thread ken
Steve Mynott wrote: Jim Dixon wrote: The term 'engineer' is far from precise; in the UK most people who work with tools can be called engineers but people who write software generally are NOT called engineers. There are further complications: for example, in I have had jobs as a "software eng

Re: U.S. in violation of Geneva convention?

2003-12-19 Thread ken
Nomen Nescio wrote: Let's face it: not even the Nazi war criminals were treated in the way Saddam has been treated. Eh? And have you heard about the Soviet Union?

Re: Speaking of Reason

2003-12-18 Thread ken
R. A. Hettinga wrote: At 2:58 PM + 12/12/03, ken wrote: Bruce is a lefty, but not a statist rghhht... That's like saying that he's a sow, but not a boar... grunt grunt

Re: Speaking of Reason

2003-12-12 Thread ken
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [...] Sterling makes a comment betraying what Ludwig Von Mises called the anti-capitalist mentality when he quipped to Godwin: "Sure, we hate Exxon because they're huge and they're everywhere." He was pointing it out, not preaching it. I think over in Austin they do se

Re: Speaking of Reason

2003-12-11 Thread ken
R. A. Hettinga wrote: At 4:57 PM -0800 12/9/03, Eric Murray wrote: I pretty much agree with your views, minus the racism and misogny. On days that the brilliant thoughtful Tim posts, I'm in awe. When Tim the asshole posts, I'm disgusted. Unfortunately these days the latter Tim isn't letting the

Re: Is Matel Stalinist?

2003-12-11 Thread ken
Tim May quoted Tyler Durden who wrote: Well, I wouldn't apply the word "oppressive" across the board to the cultures of big companies, but the fact is that modern American coporate culture more often than not imitates a top-down, 'statist' culture that is so universal we rarely recognize it. We

Re: Speaking of Reason

2003-12-11 Thread ken
Declan McCullagh wrote: I don't know what "entryist" means. It might be helpful to define your terms. Really? That's odd. Taking you at your word it means someone who joins (i.e. enters) a political party or another organisation in order to take it over and change it to their own point of view

Re: e voting (receipts, votebuying, brinworld)

2003-12-02 Thread ken
Thomas Shaddack wrote: On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Neil Johnson wrote: ""Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" -- Ben Franklin And if they are all armed ? They all starve. Lambs can eat grass, which is usually unarmed.

Re: Chaumian blinding & public voting?

2003-11-03 Thread ken
l parties/thugs in general preventing people voting, and if there is a postal vote scheme for people who really can't make it on the day. Most countries don't even have all that yet (big chunks of the USA didn't not that long ago), why complicate things unnecessarily? Ken Brown (resident evil lefty)

Re: Wipe your Lamo notes now

2003-10-01 Thread Ken Hirsch
From: "Tyler Durden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Tim May wrote... > > "If it's a felony for _me_ to say "Sources tell me that Valerie Plame, the > wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson, has been a CIA covert operative since > 1980," it is a felony for Robert Novak to do so." > > Hum. Particularly in the era o

Re: Duck Freedom Fighter (Terrorists), Euler SUV Graffiti

2003-09-22 Thread ken
Major Variola (ret.) wrote: This is *not* a spoof. Why should we think it a spoof? Maybe the USA is just catchiung up. In my home town, Brighton in Enlgand, people calling themselves the ALF used to do this sort of thing pretty regularly in the late 70s and in the 80s. Once they let some catt

Re: Encrypted search?

2003-09-22 Thread ken
Tyler Durden wrote: Let's say I push out a list I'd like to keep secret to some client machine. The user of that machine must enter some ID or other piece of information. I want the client machine to perform a search of that ID vs the contents of a list (again, resident locally on that machine)

Re: Digital cash and campaign finance reform

2003-09-09 Thread ken
Tim May wrote: In any case, campaign finance reform is essentially uninteresting and statist. Yes Tim, but as we happen to live in places where states make laws and employ men with guns to hurt us if we disobey those laws then we do have an interest (in the other sense) in who gets to run the

Look who's spamming now. [was falsely Re: JAP back doored]

2003-09-02 Thread ken
Whoops - apologies for stupid posting here caused by /me/ being a prat with my mail program. Though the message body it isn't entirely off-topic here - the subject line is quite unrelated to it. Mea culpa. Ken ken wrote: This piece of political PR was sent to a mailing list intende

Re: JAP back doored

2003-09-02 Thread ken
ibertarian Alliance I'd have thought Gabb & Tame (if it is them & not some spoof) were sussed enough to realise that spamming just makes you look like a prat. Ken Brown

Re: "domestic terrorism", fat lazy amerikans & ducks

2003-09-02 Thread ken
I'm keeping this one. It's tendng to the condition of poetry. John Young wrote: [...] Commies, now there's a diversion fabricated in the propaganda mills by ideological word-toolers of capitalists and socialists, heeding the marketplace rule 1: concoct a worse evil to send the pack howling at

Re: [eff-austin] Antispam Bills: Worse Than Spam?

2003-08-14 Thread ken
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nice! I've been thinking I should move there for a while. I also heard that by 2006 London and all the major cities will have seemless wifi coverage. The reason Europe is on the ball with this is the EU just passed five laws to deregulate emerging telecom companies so

Re: Trials for those undermining the war effort?

2003-04-04 Thread Ken Brown
Harmon Seaver wrote: > Translate/transliterate is irrelevant -- you don't change people's names, you > especially don't change the name of the god. This was a Jewish religion, after > all, and as I mentioned before, the Old Testament is simply awash with praises > for the *name*. The whole name th

Re: Trials for those undermining the war effort?

2003-04-03 Thread Ken Brown
Harmon Seaver wrote: > You > don't translate names. Especially you don't change the name of the god. Read the > Old Testament, see how incredibly many times you find phrases like "the holy > name of the lord", "blessed be the name", "the wonderful name", etc. You don't even know the difference be

Re: Trials for those undermining the war effort?

2003-04-02 Thread Ken Brown
the name is Iesous anyway. And the origin is the same Hebrew name that also comes to us as Joshua and Hosea. That sort of thing happens when you move between alphabets. Harmon Seaver wrote: > > On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 08:43:34PM +0100, Ken Brown wrote: > > Steve Schear wrote: >

Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-04-02 Thread Ken Brown
"Kevin S. Van Horn" wrote: > the side contributing the most corpses won. True of Vietnam of course. And of WW2, the dead being mainly in Eastern Europe and China. Arguably of WW1 as well, the Germans lost fewer men on the Western Front than the Belgians, French and British, but they had more de

Re: Silly wiccan, tricks are for kids!

2003-04-01 Thread Ken Brown
Steve Mynott wrote: > > Tyler Durden wrote: > > > Well, I think there's an obvious disconnect on this issue. Clearly, > > pre-Christian religious practices survived Christian persecution > > throughout the ages. From the little I know, some of the practicing > > Druids actually have received a ne

Re: Missile -launchers in iraq

2003-04-01 Thread Ken Brown
Tyler Durden wrote: [...] > PS: Anyone notice the conceptual similarity between "shock and awe" and > "blitzkrieg"? Yes, similar in some respects, though not the same. "Shock and awe" (terrible name for a quite sensible idea) was about a military force which is overwhelmingly stronger than its o

Re: hacked again?

2003-03-28 Thread Ken Brown
Nslookup now fails. As does ping Looks like they got them again Mike Rosing wrote: > > On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Ken Brown wrote: > > > It looks like they were blocked in the USA (or else suffered reallly > > badly from hacking) and have may

Al-Jazeera website [was: Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV]

2003-03-28 Thread Ken Brown
'Gabriel Rocha' wrote: > it is around 1130, local time, Geneva, Switzerland and > is working just fine. (well, it might be a > fake, but not having ever seen the original, I don't know) It looks like over here in Europe we're getting DNS to pointing to a F

Re: hacked again?

2003-03-28 Thread Ken Brown
Harmon Seaver wrote: > >Hmm, weird -- I just got on a lookup for, and the > same for, but now I'm getting nothing for both. So trying > from another server in AL, I get the same IP and can also actually lynx to the > site (which I couldn't do f

Re: hacked again?

2003-03-28 Thread Ken Brown
AJ are being hammered at the moment - I'm getting timeouts to them & the picture I'm trying to look at is loading at 91 bits a second Either they are very popular or else the DoSsers are onto them big-time.

Re: Things are looking better all the time [TERROR ALERT: Cerenkov Blue]

2003-03-28 Thread Ken Brown
John Kelsey wrote: > I wasn't thinking of Al Qaida. There are a *lot* of people who might like > to have a last-ditch deterrent against a US invasion or other action. I can think of a few workable deterrents against US invasion: - ICBMS - an army with a reputation of fighting nastily when att

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-26 Thread Ken Brown
Bill Stewart wrote: > > At 04:14 PM 03/26/2003 +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote: > >The RAF used an EFP in 1989 to assassinate the chairman of Deutsche Bank > > I assume that's some Italian or German group's acronym > and not Britain's Royal Air Force? :-) > (Besides, I thought assassinations were usu

Re: US may fabricate discovery of WMD

2003-03-26 Thread Ken Brown
Tim May wrote: [...] > The American CIA, DIA, FBI, ONI, and other groups are > quite capable of producing fake cargo manifest, fake credentials, fakes > of all other kinds, and of planting faked evidence. The kind of people who sell foreign foods to corner shops and ethnic restaurants are capabl

Re: [IP] Risks of Iraqi war emerging Some officials warn of a mismatch betweenstrategy and force size. (fwd)

2003-03-25 Thread Ken Brown
Eugen Leitl reposted an article by someone: > From: Dave Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Risks of Iraqi war emerging > Some officials warn of a mismatch between strategy and force size. > By Joseph L. Galloway > Inquirer Washington Bureau > Knowledgeable defense and administration officials say Rums

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-25 Thread Ken Brown
Declan McCullagh wrote: > >Or perhaps we'll see someone take a GPS-controlled small plane, which > >can carry 1,000 lbs, and turn it into a flying bomb or delivery system > >for something quite noxious. These planes can be rented by the hour at > >hundreds of small to medium sized airports around

Re: About Christers versus Ragheads

2003-03-25 Thread Ken Brown
iew amongst Christians though it might have got pretty near it in the 60s/70s/80s ("Eve of Destruction" (Barry McGuire became a Christian evangelist IIRC) Ken Brown (evil lefty Christian wimp) "Rumsfeld, Blix Barada Nikto!"

Re: Unauthorized Journalists to be shot at

2003-03-24 Thread Ken Brown
ews/236548.html Ken Brown wrote: > > "Major Variola (ret)" wrote: > > > I'd think that the troops would explain this to the reporters tagging > > along as they confiscate all their transmitters before an op. I simply > > wouldn't trust the rep

Re: What shall we do with a bad government...

2003-03-24 Thread Ken Brown
Vincent Penquerc'h wrote: > > > Tim - I don't think the cowboy (aka Shrubya) knows enough economics to > > realize that, in the long term, income and expenditure must > > be in some kind > > of rough balance. He's always been able to lean on daddy's money. > > I'm wondering whether the successiv

Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-21 Thread Ken Brown
John Kelsey wrote: > > At 07:42 AM 3/20/03 -0800, James A. Donald wrote: > ... > >The story you are telling is part of a big commie lie -- that > >the US aided the bigoted Taliban against the elightened > >communists who created a constitutional democracy where every > >man and every women have a

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread Ken Brown
Harmon Seaver wrote: >What sort of dictatorship is this where the people own automatic weapons > freely? Shades of Switzerland! Soviet Armenia? When they fell out with the Azeris they got their scratch army together in /days/ According to the Russian news they used "hunting rifles". I'd be

Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-20 Thread Ken Brown
Tim May wrote: > -- the truck bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983...about > 300 Marines killed. ("Tyler Durden" will probably claim that this was > not on U.S. soil, but it's a distinction without a difference.) There surely is a difference. They had walked into someone else's war.

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread Ken Brown
Despite what Eric Cordian and others have said here, I think it unlikely that there will be a big body-bag outcome for the US. The force balance is so overwhelmingly one-way, and most Iraqis really don't want the current Ba'athist government. A lot of them will give up quickly. Could be wrong of c

Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-15 Thread Ken Brown
Harmon Seaver wrote: > Ah yes, forgot about that -- the fancy condo right smack in the downtown > historic district used to be a while city block of historic buildings people > wanted to save, and, in fact, there were developers with money who wanted to > restore them, but the city, for some r

Re: Unauthorized Journalists to be shot at

2003-03-15 Thread Ken Brown
"Major Variola (ret)" wrote: > I'd think that the troops would explain this to the reporters tagging > along as they confiscate all their transmitters before an op. I simply > wouldn't trust the reporters, even though they're toast too if someone mis-IFFs. > Its a lot more serious than not sh

Re: Orwell's "Victory" goods come home

2003-03-15 Thread Ken Brown
So which American on the list is going to write to Congress to demand that the Statue of Liberty be sent back to France? Ken

Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-15 Thread Ken Brown
"Kevin S. Van Horn" wrote: > By the way, one piece of evidence that economics is maturing into a real > science is that it is becoming usable by "engineers"; in particular, it > has been applied to investment analysis and portfolio theory, resulting > in significant improvements in investment perf

Re: Blood for Oil (was The Pig Boy was really squealing today

2003-02-20 Thread Ken Brown
> I'm trying to think of something I'd personally be less interested in > investing my own money in than an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. Lots > of money invested up front, literally hundreds of small groups who could > threaten to damage it as a way of demanding a share of the loot, very hard

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and "minorities"

2003-02-19 Thread Ken Brown
ord of the pub? The member of parliament? The head teacher of the local school? All of whom, apart from the publican, I helped to appoint, and none of whom I feel in the slightest way deferential to or look up to for "leadership" whatever that is. Who are my "community leaders"? It's just a silly question. No-one would ask it. Ken Brown

Re: "Real Facts" and "Good Facts"

2003-02-04 Thread Ken Hirsch
Eric Cordian writes: > In another teletext moment on CNN, the shuttle was described as traveling > at "Mock 18." There was an interesting article in the New York Times ( back in Nov 2001 about stenographers working on 9/11--that was an angle I didn't see anywhere else. Whe

Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-02-03 Thread Ken Brown
Eugen Leitl wrote: > > On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Thomas Shaddack wrote: > > > I don't know how it works in the US, but railroads are both comfortable > > and pretty reliable in Europe. > > A bit too expensive, especially in Germany. I also like being able to work > on the train -- given that here cit

Re: Shuttle Diplomacy

2003-02-03 Thread Ken Brown
Thomas Shaddack wrote: > I just hope they won't mothball the ISS... Not if the scheduled Chinese manned launch goes ahead.

Re: Life Sentence for Medical Marijuana?

2003-02-03 Thread Ken Brown
Tyler Durden wrote: > And then there's the PERSISTENT rumors of him actually taking an accidental > DEA bust in a Florida airport after landing a fresh new cargo. Supposedly > this was a bit of a snafu and they had to let him go on the hush-hush...(And > I keep hearing there's video of that bust.)

Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-02-03 Thread Ken Brown
Steve Mynott wrote: > In the UK at least railway stations tend to have been built in the ugly > parts of towns for good reason -- simply because land is a lot cheaper in > the low rent parts of town. > > Also railways stations and the associated cheap hotels with a large > transient population te

Re: Passenger rail is for adventurers and bums

2003-02-03 Thread Ken Brown
Bill Stewart wrote: > Tim commented about railroad stations being in the ugly parts of town. > That's driven by several things - decay of the inner cities, > as cars and commuter trains have let businesses move out to suburbs, > and also the difference between railroad stations that were > built f

Re: punk and free markets

2003-02-03 Thread Ken Brown
> Gold star. Velvet Underground is definitely ground zero for Punk to my ears, > but with this recent set of pre-Velvets minimalist releases (eg, Dream > Theater, with LaMount Young, John Cale--who helped start the band I was in, > and others), the stage was somewhat set. Yeah, yeah, yeah; I love

Re: Who owns stuff that falls onto someone's property?

2003-02-02 Thread Ken Hirsch
From: "Steve Schear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > Expect the first EBay auctions of debris from the "Columbia" to be a > > > constitutional issue soon. (Actually, the censors at fascist EBay have > > > probably already flagged any transactions which mention "space shuttle" > > > and "Columbia" to be i

Re: Atlas Shrugs in Venezuela

2003-01-28 Thread Ken Brown
"James A. Donald" wrote: > Harmon Seaver: > >Why not the army? > > If it was only the executives and a handful of highly qualified > specialists, you would not need the army. Strikers are mostly oil industry. And better-paid workers, technicians, engineers & so on. They might include safety

Re: DNA evidence countermeasures?

2003-01-28 Thread Ken Brown
Thomas Shaddack wrote: > But now how to avoid leaving random DNA traces? What about giving up on > NOT leaving traces and rather just use eg. a spray with hydrolyzed DNA > from multiple people, preferably with different racial origin, thus still > leaving fragments like hair or skin cells, but con

Re: Indo European Origins

2003-01-14 Thread Ken Brown
Tim May wrote: > > All contemporary natural languages, like all biological species, are > > the same age. > > This statement is so silly it leaves me speechless... > > Getting my breath back, > > > Of course some might change more slowly than others (Greek seems to > > have > > a;ltered less t

Re: Indo European Origins

2003-01-13 Thread Ken Brown
"R. A. Hettinga" wrote: > > At 4:25 PM -0500 on 1/9/03, Trei, Peter wrote: > > > Basque is unique, as you say > > I remember someone saying somewhere, probably on PBS, that Basque is *very* > old, paleolithic, and lots of popular mythology has cropped up that it's > the closest living relative t

Re: citizens can be named as enemy combatants

2003-01-09 Thread Ken Brown
ect is that the legal protection of the whole system is reduced. If the process of removing someone's constitutional rights is not itself subject to those rights, then those rights are hollow and can be removed at will. Ken Brown

Re: Definitions, Proofs, Derivations

2003-01-08 Thread Ken Hirsch
"Sarad AV" writes: > there will be no inconsistency in a formal axiomatic > systems Huh? >-but can any one point me to a contradicting > set of axioms in an axiomatic system? In general you have to consider the whole system, including derivation rules, not just the axioms, although you can certa

Re: The trend toward "signing away rights"

2002-12-10 Thread Ken Brown
> Trei, Peter" wrote: > > If you put one of these stickers on your car, you are giving the > police permission to pull the car over without probable cause if > they find it on the road late at night (1am-5am, or something like > that), just to check that all is in order. > > I think it's being p

Re: Money is about expected future value....nothing more, nothing less

2002-12-09 Thread Ken Brown
Marcel Popescu wrote: > It does appear that the law in England is not as "demanding" as I believed: > > > > < opinion, legal tender is not a means of payment that must be accepted by the > parties to a transaction, but rather a legally def

Re: Akamai

2002-12-09 Thread Ken Hirsch
Harmon Seaver writes: >Anyone know anything about Akamai (, also > I was getting about a zillion hits on my web server > from them this morning. They seem to offer services to gov't agencies according > to their website. Their main service is serving stat

Re: ...(one of them about Completeness)

2002-12-05 Thread Ken Hirsch
Jim Choate says: > Godel's does -not- say mathematics is incomplete, it says we can't prove > completeness -within- mathematics proper. To do so requires a > meta-mathematics of some sort. You are mixing up what Godel says about proving consistency within a system, and his incompleteness theorem.

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-27 Thread Ken Hirsch
Jim Choate writes: > > It's not I who is doing the misreading. I sent this along because I don't > know -your- level, which considering your understanding of > 'completeness'... Peter Fairbrother has said nothing inaccurate about completeness, whereas your statements about completeness having to d

Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers

2002-11-19 Thread Ken Hirsch
> But you forget - the BATF agents were all beeped and informed to not > bother to come in to work that day, and instead met up elsewhere, suited > up so they could arrive just in time (a few minutes after the boom) to be > heroic. > > That indicates something, what exactly it indicates is left as

Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil. Who's ne

2002-11-15 Thread Ken Hirsch
Harmon Seaver wrote: > I don't see that Saddam is any less moral than Dubbya and Asscruft. What can you possibly mean by saying this? You lose all credibility for real criticism when you utter such inanities. It's like comparing a shoplifter with Jeffrey Dahmer. Either you're ignorant of wha

Re: eJazeera?

2002-11-11 Thread Ken Brown
t they will be rare. Mobile phones are now so ubiquitous that taking them away has come to seem as odd as asking visitors to remove their shoes or to wear face masks. Ken Brown Tyler Durden wrote: > > Well, the rason d'etre of 'eJazeera' as I see it is primarily for >

Some non-DRM uses of TCPA/Palladium

2002-10-25 Thread Ken Hirsch
I've thought of some non-DRM uses of TCPA/Palladium technology 1. Electronic voting machines (as in Brazil)--that way you can tell that the vote totals that are communicated to you were indeed generated using the authorized software. I still think there should be an auditable paper trail. 2. Pre

Re: was: Echelon-like resources..

2002-10-14 Thread Ken Brown
Tyler Durden wrote: [...] > Granted, Chonskty can be a little tiring on the ears His voice seems to have mellowed over the years. I heard him on the radio last week and he sounded just like Garrison Keillor :-) Ken Brown

Re: [OT Canute] Re: [LINK] [Fwd: Interesting KPMG report on DRM]

2002-10-08 Thread Ken Brown
In the interests of even more pedantry and accuracy can I point out that Canute (usually spelled "Knut" these days in solidarity with our Dansk brethren :-) was mostly a king in *Southern* England, living at Bosham near Chichester? Though at one point he ruled over all England, Denmark, and some

Re: Cypherpunks and Irish Travellers

2002-09-26 Thread Ken Brown
Eric Cordian wrote: > > Anonymous writes: > > > Terrific article below about the "Irish Travellers", an inbred gypsy-like > > society which has decades of practice in anonymity, multiple identities, > > secret languages, fake IDs, and other cypherpunk-like practices. They > > live in trailer pa

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