Re: Debianizar paquetes

1999-04-13 Thread Netman
On Sun, Apr 11, 1999 at 01:34:56PM +, Barbwired wrote:
 Mi consulta es la siguiente: 
 Tengo los fuentes de un programa y quiero hacer un paquete .deb, para
 instalarlo con dpkg y no romper mi base de datos de paquetes instalados.
 El paquete es gPhoto (GNU Photo) y no lo encuentro en formato .deb por
 ningún lado. 
 ¿Cual es el proceso a seguir? Cualquier explicación o link será
 infinitamente agradecido. 

1) Usar alien   - Muy útil en general para paquetes .rpm o .tgz ya compilados.
2) Usar deb-make - Cuando hay que compilar.
3) Leerte el New Maintaner HOW-TO, que trata este tema. El original está en, y creo que Javier Fernández-Sandino 
Peña [EMAIL PROTECTED] lo había traducido, aunque no sé dónde la tiene

 ¿Hay alguien en Debian dedicado a estudiar 'desideratas' de los usuarios?
 Un saludo 
 Barbwired  The Translatrix
 Universidad Complutense de MadridFilología Inglesa
 Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.2.3)Since Oct'98 de aenima Linux en un Laptop Dell
 Mereces poder cooperar abierta y libremente con otras personas
 que utilizan software. Mereces poder aprender cómo funciona y 
 enseñar a tus estudiantes con él. Mereces poder contratar a tu 
 programador favorito para arreglarlo cuando falle. 
 Te mereces el software libre. - Richard Stallman -

Salu2, Netman.

Windows98: a 32 bit graphical front end to a 16 bit patch on an 8
bit operating system written for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company
without 1 bit of decency...

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.36.

Description: PGP signature

Unidentified subject!

1999-04-13 Thread Mauricio E. Ruíz Font

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font

Varias preguntas...

1999-04-13 Thread Dragonbreath
Hola todos!

Cuando al fin logro configurar mis X, una avalancha de preguntas se me
vienen a la cabeza. Escribire algunas a ver si me pueden orientar:

1. Intente instalar un KDE que copie desde un CD y un archivo estaba corrupto.
Mi dpkg/apt-get a quedado siempre lanzandome el error del KDEBASE que esta mal
instalado y no logro desinstalarlo (dpkg -r KDEBase me da un error).
Como puedo corregir esto?

2. Justo despues de instalar el sistema base, y antes de dispararse el
dselect, sale una lista con perfiles donde uno puede elegir el perfil
que quiere para la instalación, ademas de los paquetes que se instalarán
en cada perfil. Hay alguna forma de volver a ver esta opción? (Quisiera
usarla para orientarme en que paquetes ir instalando, ya que voy
instalando poco a poco el sistema desde internet).

3. Las X corren, muy bien, y quisiera correr ahora el XF86Setup desde
dentro de ellas para cambiar la resolución/cantidad de colores. Pro,
me da el error de que no todas las extensiones del teclado están
instaladas, y se aborta el programa. Esto me pasa con las X
Algun paquete que me falta por instalar?

4. Creo que llego la hora de recompilar mi kernel. Me gustaria hacerlo
de ser posible desde un entorno X. Que necesito? Algunas utilidades??
Librerias? Recuerden que solo tengo la base y las X instaladas, y ademas
soy novato en Linux.

Gracias de antemano y disculpen que pregunte tanto!! :-)

Adrian E. Moya


Re: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, abr 12, 1999 at 08:18:18 +0100, Enrique Zanardi wrote:
 Hombre Javier, en vez de encargárselos a los de Datom, en Alemania, puede
 encargárselos a I+D Agora (, que están en España,
 también aparecen en las páginas del servidor de Debian (los únicos en
 España), los CDs también funcionan muy bien (el método de instalación se
 basa en el fantástico apt, no se basa en el dpkg-multicd que no gestiona
 predependencias), en I+D Agora también trabajan varios desarrolladores de
 Debian :-) y también tienen CDs con muchos añadidos (non-free, non-US,
 GNOME, KDE, ...). Además la instalación está en castellano y los CDs
 vienen con el manual de instalación (en papel), también en castellano.
 Vale, ya está bien de hacer publicidad de la Citius Debian, pero es que
 empezaste tú... ;-)

Un gallifante a I+D Agora si lo que contienen funciona bien, únicamente una
pega a la página web de Citius GNU/Debian, el pedido en formulario ¿vale?,
cuesta poco hacerlo y lo agradece el usuario (o cliente, como lo querais
llamar). En el hipotético caso de que la quisisese yo (no muy hipotético
:-D), ¿qué he de poner en el mail?:

¿Hola me llamo Pepito Pérez y quiero una Citius de 5 CDs para Sevilla, c/

No estaría de más una mayor información sobre lo que contienen los CDs y
unos enlaces e lo digo para el novato, a mi con lo que hay me
basta y sobra ;-)


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Varias preguntas...

1999-04-13 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 07:26:16PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:
 4. Creo que llego la hora de recompilar mi kernel. Me gustaria hacerlo
 de ser posible desde un entorno X. Que necesito? Algunas utilidades??
 Librerias? Recuerden que solo tengo la base y las X instaladas, y ademas
 soy novato en Linux.

gcc, as, libc6-dev, kernel-source-xxx, tcl, tk y muy recomendado

No sé si me escape algo, pero si así lo es, seguramente las dependencias

 Gracias de antemano y disculpen que pregunte tanto!! :-)
Para eso estamos! (creo) :^)

 Adrian E. Moya

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Problema al enviar post a las news

1999-04-13 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Apr 12, 1999,
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez...

 On vie, abr 09, 1999, 
Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:

  ¿Y estás seguro de que suck no se los envía al servidor?
 A *mi* servidor local claro, pero no a mi ISP.

  esp/comp/so/linux/2325 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  es/comp/os/linux/25398 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Eso no me aparece por nigún lado :-?
Pues eso deberá ser un problema de INN.

Podría ser porque cree que  los mensajes no deben distribuirse
hacia el  exterior. Hay que repasar  el `/etc/news/newsfeeds',
:-) Hay van unas líneas orientativas...

$Revision: 1.16 $
##  newsfeeds - determine where Usenet articles get sent





¿Que tal?

  El script de Suck para recibir  las news también se encarga de
  enviarlas,  y si  falla acaba  su ejecución  sin entregar  los
  mensajes recibidos a INN, y te darías cuenta.
 No  te entiendo,  si INN  es un  servidor y  suck es  el que
 tragina con usuario/servidor,  ¿por qué me voy  a enterar si
 suck ve al servidor para enviar posts a mi máquina y no a la
 de mi ISP?

Para que Suck sepa que mensajes  debe postear a el servidor de
tu  ISP  (o el  que  sea),  necesita  las líneas  del  archivo
`/var/spool/news/out.going/', con líneas del

esp/comp/so/linux/2325 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
es/comp/os/linux/25398 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

como te había mencionado.

Entonces,   al  conectar   a   internetes,   si  ejecutas   el
script  `get-news.inn',  éste  lo  que hace  es  conectar  con
`', mediante `suck',  y recoger los mensajes
nuevos. Cuando termina sale del servidor y crea un fichero con
la información necesaria para que, __más tarde__, al final del
script, se lance  `innxmit' y alimente a INN  con los nuevos
mensajes. Pero  primero,  se  lanza  en  medio  de  estos  dos
procesos a  `rpost', que conecta  de nuevo con el  servidor y,
utilizando la  info de  `../out.going/', lee
los mensajes y  alimenta al servidor de tu  ISP. Pero, si se
produce un error con `rpost', termina el script `get-news.inn'
y no se ejecuta la parte del `innxmit'.

Y por eso,  aunque tienes los nuevos mensajes en  tu HD, no se
han  entregado  a INN. No los verías con el lector.

Prueba lo del newsfeeds y nos lo cuentas.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

libjpegg6a ¿sobra una g?

1999-04-13 Thread David Charro Ripa
Marcelo E. Magallon escribió:
 On Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 02:49:49PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] dpkg -l|grep jpeg
  ii  libjpeg-progs   6b-1.1Programs for manipulating jpeg files
  ii  libjpeg62   6b-1.1The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime lib
  ii  libjpeg62-dev   6b-1.1Development files for the IJG JPEG library
  ii  libjpegg6a  6a-12 The Independent JPEG Group's jpeg runtime lib

Ayer intentaba instalar kde1.1 y uno de los paquetes, kdelibs2g, depende
de libjpeg6a. Al intentar instalarlo sólo encuentro libjpegg6a en hamm.
Me parece que una letra 'g' sobra ¿no? ¿o debe ser así? ¿Es el mismo
error del que se quejaba Marcelo? ¿Alguien lo ha solucionado ya? ¿Cómo?



Off topic: ¿Ha salido Linux Actual nº 7?

1999-04-13 Thread José Illescas Pérez

Re: Debianizar paquetes

1999-04-13 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 12:25:02AM +0200, Netman wrote:
 1) Usar alien   - Muy útil en general para paquetes .rpm o .tgz ya compilados.
 2) Usar deb-make - Cuando hay que compilar.
 3) Leerte el New Maintaner HOW-TO, que trata este tema. El original está en, y creo que Javier Fernández-Sandino 
 Peña [EMAIL PROTECTED] lo había traducido, aunque no sé dónde la tiene

Ummm... es Fernández-Sanguino, si no te importa :)
¡Es cierto! Y no me acordaba, el caso es que lo mandé a Santiago
Vila para que lo pusiera en doc-debian-es, pero no quiso. Se me había
olvidado que lo había traducido. De toas formas es un documento antiguo (en
el sentido de que utiliza debmake que ya casi no se utiliza)
Como me lo acabas de recordar y quiero empezar el día con buen pie
lo pongo disponible en, para
que lo descargeis de allí si quereis (sgml,txt y html). Recuerdo que mandé
la traducción al DDP pero no se por qué aún no está incluido en el servidor
del proyecto. (retomaré el asunto)



Re: Procesador ALFA para Linux

1999-04-13 Thread David Charro Ripa
En Barcelona no lo se pero en Granada está Catón Sistemas Alternativos y
tienen arquitectura Digital. Los distribuyen por todo España
preinstalados con SuSE o una distribución suya basada en RedHat. No se
si preinstalan Debian pero sería bueno que se lo pidieras, así seguro
que lo hacen ;-) Me dieron precios y me parecieron muy baratos en
comparación a prestaciones equivalentes en Intel. No recuerdo las
características pero en Intel andaba por las 45 ptas. (2710 euros) y
en Digital 350.000 ptas (2108 euros). De todos modos siempre es mejor
que tu mismo lo compares, en slug tenían la dirección web. Lo siento
pero yo no la tengo a mano.



Ramiro Alba escribió:
 Hola a todos:
 ¿Alguien sabe de distribuidores en España (provincia de Barcelona a ser
 posible) de procesadores Digital ALPHA para Linux? Y ya puestos, en la
 presente distribución de Debian que ya soporta ALFA, ¿tiene limitaciones
 con respecto a la i386?. Me gustaría, si alguien de vosotros ha
 trabajado con estos procesadores, que me hiciera un análisis resumido
 (pros y contras) de utilizar esta arquitectura con Debian 2.1 en lugar
 de la de la familia intel.
 Ramiro Alba
 Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica
 Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
 ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa
 C/Colom 11
 Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
 Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01
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RE: Cliente LPD

1999-04-13 Thread Manuel Trujillo
Bueno, en el curro tenemos un server SCO y yo, lo que hice fué bajarme las
fuentes del Samba 2.0.3, y me compilaron sin ningún tipo de problema.
Actualmente lo tengo instalado en el curro y en varias delegaciones más, con
lo cual nos hemos ahorrado la pasta de otro server + el soft del NT Server

Have a nice day  ;-)

 -Mensaje original-
 nombre de Hypatia
 Enviado el: sábado 10 de abril de 1999 5:41
 Asunto: Re: Cliente LPD

 Ximo Nadal wrote:


  Aunque tengo instalado Samba y las impresoras me funcionan
  perfectamente con Debian, necesito un cliente LPD en algunas
  impresoras que quiero compartir con un SCO.

 Segun entiendo, hay Samba para SCO, por favor revisa el sitio, o tu mirror de preferencia. Si mas no recuerdo, lo vi en
 su sitio ftp.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: sistema de archivos udf

1999-04-13 Thread Fernando
Hola de nuevo:

Fernando wrote:
 He leido en algun sitio que para poder usar CDs regrabables
 existe un módulo ya.
 ¿ Permite este módulo tratar el cd como un disco duro ?
 ¿ que versión del kernel es necesaria ?
 ¿ como se montaría el disco ?
  No hay caminos para la paz,
 la paz es el camino 
-- Gandi
  Caminante no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar
-- Machado
  No hay caminos para la paz,
se hace camino al andar 
-- {:-{D

¿ Nadie utiliza grabadoras de CD-RW ? :-

Quisiera poder hacer copias de seguridad.



   Kamikazes do it once.

Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-13 Thread Raul Perez Justicia
   Hola a todos:
   Creo que se está buscando un nuevo logotipo para Debian. y tengo
 una idea, aunque programar no sepa a lo mejor con esto puedo colaborar,
 pero necesito alguna información sobre el tema.
   Hasta otra y gracias.

Los trabajos hechos estan en pero me parece que el
periodo para entregar logos ya se termino y estan (o ya han acabado) votando
a los mejores.



1999-04-13 Thread frodo

Estoy pensando instalar gnome ahora que ha llegado a la primera versión

El problema es que la versión 1.0 aún no existe en paquete debian. Por
ello, estoy barajando tres opciones:

1.- Compilar e instalar los tgz. ¿Alguien lo ha hecho? El problema es
que son un montón de ficheros y perdería bastante el sistema de
paquetes de debian, sobre todo si tengo que actualizar librerías que ya
tengo instaladas como paquetes deb.

2.- Instalar la versión 0.99 que está en potato. ¿Sabe alguien en que
nivel de estabilidad está? Yo tengo debian 2.0, aunque he actualizado
bastantes paquetes de slink.

3.- Convertir los pquetes rpm de redhat o suse. Esto me convence poco.
De suse no he usado, pero todas las conversiones que he hecho desde
rpms de red hat me han dado como resultado paquetes deb poco estables.

¿Alguna opinión?
¿Alguien sabe cuando puede aparecer el gnome 1.0 en paquete deb?

Gracias y saludos


Nicolás García - Pedrajas
Department of Computing and Numerical Analysis 
University of Córdoba

e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Tlf. (Fax): 034 57 21 10 32 (034 57 21 83 16)
A chance meeting, as we say in middle earth
Get out of the new road if you can't lend your hand


1999-04-13 Thread Manuel J. Gamero Peso

Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-13 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

El hecho es que no gusto mucho el resultado de ese concurso. Y se
han elegido otros cuatro logos como candidatos (no se si alguno salió del
concurso). El Presi ha dado un plazo de una semana para decidir entre ellos
(un periodo de discusión al que le sigue la votación).
Para más info lee, debe estar la propuesta de
Wichert y luego un enlace a la página donde tiene él los logos puestos.
Supongo que si quieres hacer uno, y lo tienes antes de que termine
el plazo (y le gusta a la gente que está en la lista de debian-logo) podrías
entrar tú también.
Ponte en contacto con la gente de [EMAIL PROTECTED]



On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 09:59:57AM +0200, Raul Perez Justicia wrote:
  Hola a todos:
  Creo que se está buscando un nuevo logotipo para Debian. y tengo
  una idea, aunque programar no sepa a lo mejor con esto puedo colaborar,
  pero necesito alguna información sobre el tema.
  Hasta otra y gracias.
 Los trabajos hechos estan en pero me parece que el
 periodo para entregar logos ya se termino y estan (o ya han acabado) votando
 a los mejores.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Off topic: ¿Ha salido Linux Actual nº 7?

1999-04-13 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Yo no lo he visto en ningun kiosko, estaba empezando a pensar que este mes
no tocaba

 -Mensaje original-
 De: José Illescas Pérez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 13 de abril de 1999 9:19
 Para: Lista de Debian
 Asunto: Off topic: ¿Ha salido Linux Actual nº 7?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Gnome

1999-04-13 Thread cesar . talon
On 13-Apr-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Estoy pensando instalar gnome ahora que ha llegado a la primera versión
 El problema es que la versión 1.0 aún no existe en paquete debian. Por
 ello, estoy barajando tres opciones:

Los paquetes Debian de la 1.0 (en realidad la ultima vez que mire estaban hasta
la 1.01) estan en

Si usas el apt puedes indicarle esa direccion para bajartelos. Esta version
esta en fase de desarrollo, se supone que cuando este mas probada la mandaran
directamente a Potato.

El problema es que como dices tienes las Debian 2.0 y para poder usar en
condiciones esta version necesitas al menos la Debian 2.1 con bastantes
librerias de la 2.2 (es decir Potato, que no se si sera 2.2 o algo mas). En
particular hay muchas cosas que ya estan compiladas con la glibc 2.1 y eso
hace que sea mas que complicado intentar usarlo.

Otra opcion que puedes hacer es intentar compilar los tgz y debianizarlos con
el deb-make, pero eso es algo bastante complicado tratandose de librerias y
demas. Otra opcion es coger los *rpm e intentar convertirlos con el alien a
paquetes deb, pero la ultima vez que probe creo que tambien dependen de la
libc6 2.1.

En cualquier caso creo que la distribucion de citius Debian incluye el GNOME
1.0 y el KDE 1.1, lo que no se es si estan o no en *deb. Enrique Zanardi a lo
mejor lo sabe.

Un saludo

Cesar Talon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas / Dpto.Física de la Materia condensada
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 397 4756 /  Fax:   +34 91 397 3961

If you aren't rich you should always look useful.
-- Louis-Ferdinand Celine


Duda de Instalacion

1999-04-13 Thread Manuel J. Gamero Peso
Quiero instalar Linux en una maquina conviviendo con win9x. Se por supuesto
que me dara problemas, pero existe la posibilidad de hacerlo arranque dual,
tipo OS2/Warp?
 Es mejor utilizar un paquete tipo Partition Magic para hacerlo?
Que distribucion es mejor para realizar esto?

Muy agradecido

Manuel J. Gamero

Re: Problema al enviar post a las news

1999-04-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, abr 12, 1999 at 09:35:14 +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
 El Mon, Apr 12, 1999,
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez...
  On vie, abr 09, 1999, 
 Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
   ¿Y estás seguro de que suck no se los envía al servidor?
  A *mi* servidor local claro, pero no a mi ISP.
   esp/comp/so/linux/2325 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   es/comp/os/linux/25398 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Perdón por la confusión mia pero si, si aparece en 
la línea:
es/comp/os/linux/5105 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Eso no me aparece por nigún lado :-?
 Pues eso deberá ser un problema de INN.
 Podría ser porque cree que  los mensajes no deben distribuirse
 hacia el  exterior. Hay que repasar  el `/etc/news/newsfeeds',
 :-) Hay van unas líneas orientativas...
 $Revision: 1.16 $
 ##  newsfeeds - determine where Usenet articles get sent
 ¿Que tal?

Yo tengo:
##  This file is complicated -- see newsfeeds.5! 
# Te lo pongo como el mio   
# tienes el original en newsfeeds.ORIG   


crosspost:*:Tc,Ap,WR:/usr/lib/news/bin/crosspost -s -  

# Muchas gracias a Pedro Pablo  ;-)

¿Qué tal este?, me lo pasó un amigo ;-)

   El script de Suck para recibir  las news también se encarga de
   enviarlas,  y si  falla acaba  su ejecución  sin entregar  los
   mensajes recibidos a INN, y te darías cuenta.

Pues ya ves que no, tengo dos formas de bajarmes los mensajes de 
* Desde Netscape Communicator a pelo y no veo mi post (el que aparece en
* Con suck y lo veo o bien desde slrn o desde Netscape y si veo ese post.

Está claro que sigue quedándose el mensaje en mi máquina y no sale a Internet.

 Para que Suck sepa que mensajes  debe postear a el servidor de
 tu  ISP  (o el  que  sea),  necesita  las líneas  del  archivo
 `/var/spool/news/out.going/', con líneas del
 esp/comp/so/linux/2325 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 es/comp/os/linux/25398 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 como te había mencionado.

En mi caso el servidor de noticias local es y el remoto, ¿qué debería aparecer en newsfeed?, es decir, ¿debería cambiar (que no se ni lo que es) y (que tampoco)
por Por otra parte, que aparezca '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' en 
/var/spool/news/out.going/ no me da buena espina, ¿no
debería de poner [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mi dirección real de correo)?. 

Otra cosa en mi post aparece:

y en los que envío desde Netscape (sin pasar por INN), aparece:

Con lo cual aquí hay algo que no tira como debe :-(

 Entonces,   al  conectar   a   internetes,   si  ejecutas   el
 script  `get-news.inn',  éste  lo  que hace  es  conectar  con
 `', mediante `suck',  y recoger los mensajes
 nuevos. Cuando termina sale del servidor y crea un fichero con
 la información necesaria para que, __más tarde__, al final del
 script, se lance  `innxmit' y alimente a INN  con los nuevos
 mensajes. Pero  primero,  se  lanza  en  medio  de  estos  dos
 procesos a  `rpost', que conecta  de nuevo con el  servidor y,
 utilizando la  info de  `../out.going/', lee
 los mensajes y  alimenta al servidor de tu  ISP. Pero, si se
 produce un error con `rpost', termina el script `get-news.inn'
 y no se ejecuta la parte del `innxmit'.
 Y por eso,  aunque tienes los nuevos mensajes en  tu HD, no se
 han  entregado  a INN. No los verías con el lector.
 Prueba lo del newsfeeds y nos lo cuentas.

Probado y contado :_(  ...Ayuda porfa porfa

Saludos y gracias.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

RE: Gnome

1999-04-13 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

En la siguiente URL hay versiones para slink y potato (ver el


  On 13-Apr-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Estoy pensando instalar gnome ahora que ha llegado a la primera versión
   El problema es que la versión 1.0 aún no existe en paquete debian. Por
   ello, estoy barajando tres opciones:
  Los paquetes Debian de la 1.0 (en realidad la ultima vez que mire estaban 
  la 1.01) estan en
  Si usas el apt puedes indicarle esa direccion para bajartelos. Esta version
  esta en fase de desarrollo, se supone que cuando este mas probada la mandaran
  directamente a Potato.
  El problema es que como dices tienes las Debian 2.0 y para poder usar en
  condiciones esta version necesitas al menos la Debian 2.1 con bastantes
  librerias de la 2.2 (es decir Potato, que no se si sera 2.2 o algo mas). En
  particular hay muchas cosas que ya estan compiladas con la glibc 2.1 y eso
  hace que sea mas que complicado intentar usarlo.
  Otra opcion que puedes hacer es intentar compilar los tgz y debianizarlos 
  el deb-make, pero eso es algo bastante complicado tratandose de librerias y
  demas. Otra opcion es coger los *rpm e intentar convertirlos con el alien a
  paquetes deb, pero la ultima vez que probe creo que tambien dependen de la
  libc6 2.1.
  En cualquier caso creo que la distribucion de citius Debian incluye el GNOME
  1.0 y el KDE 1.1, lo que no se es si estan o no en *deb. Enrique Zanardi a lo
  mejor lo sabe.
  Un saludo
  Cesar Talon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas / Dpto.Física de la Materia condensada
  Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid
  Phone: +34 91 397 4756 /  Fax:   +34 91 397 3961
  If you aren't rich you should always look useful.
  -- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain

Re: libjpegg6a ¿sobra una g?

1999-04-13 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 08:59:31AM +0200, David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Marcelo E. Magallon escribió:
  On Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 02:49:49PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] dpkg -l|grep jpeg
   ii  libjpeg-progs   6b-1.1Programs for manipulating jpeg files
   ii  libjpeg62   6b-1.1The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime 
   ii  libjpeg62-dev   6b-1.1Development files for the IJG JPEG library
   ii  libjpegg6a  6a-12 The Independent JPEG Group's jpeg runtime 
 Ayer intentaba instalar kde1.1 y uno de los paquetes, kdelibs2g, depende
 de libjpeg6a. Al intentar instalarlo sólo encuentro libjpegg6a en hamm.
 Me parece que una letra 'g' sobra ¿no? ¿o debe ser así? ¿Es el mismo
 error del que se quejaba Marcelo? ¿Alguien lo ha solucionado ya? ¿Cómo?

Esa g de más indica que esa versión de la biblioteca libjpeg es para
usarla con la libc6 (glibc 2). Me temo que los del KDE se han liado con
las dependencias...

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-13 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 10:38:00AM +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   El hecho es que no gusto mucho el resultado de ese concurso. Y se
 han elegido otros cuatro logos como candidatos (no se si alguno salió del

??? Si no me equivoco _los_cuatro_ salieron en el concurso. Según lo
entendí yo, el concurso era para seleccionar un pequeño número de
candidatos, de los que luego se elegiría por votación el logotipo oficial
y el de uso libre. Y en eso estamos...

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gnome

1999-04-13 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 11:00:42AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 13-Apr-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Estoy pensando instalar gnome ahora que ha llegado a la primera versi?n
  El problema es que la versi?n 1.0 a?n no existe en paquete debian. Por
  ello, estoy barajando tres opciones:
 Los paquetes Debian de la 1.0 (en realidad la ultima vez que mire estaban 
 la 1.01) estan en
 Si usas el apt puedes indicarle esa direccion para bajartelos. Esta version
 esta en fase de desarrollo, se supone que cuando este mas probada la mandaran
 directamente a Potato.
 El problema es que como dices tienes las Debian 2.0 y para poder usar en
 condiciones esta version necesitas al menos la Debian 2.1 con bastantes
 librerias de la 2.2 (es decir Potato, que no se si sera 2.2 o algo mas). En
 particular hay muchas cosas que ya estan compiladas con la glibc 2.1 y eso
 hace que sea mas que complicado intentar usarlo.

Como ya comentó Jesús, hay versiones para slink también. Hay que buscar a
partir de 

Cuando esté terminada la fase de pruebas se sacará también un conjunto de
paquetes GNOME para slink.
 En cualquier caso creo que la distribucion de citius Debian incluye el GNOME
 1.0 y el KDE 1.1, lo que no se es si estan o no en *deb. Enrique Zanardi a lo
 mejor lo sabe.

Sí, están en *.deb
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Más problemas con suck

1999-04-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola amigos, debo ser 'el pupas' por que ahora después de lo os he contado
que me pasa con el envío de posts a las news, acabo de hacer un 'get-news'
y esto es lo que me pasa:

Attempting to connect to
Using Port 119
Official host name:
Connected to
200 lola InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.2 21-Jan-1999 ready (posting ok).
Skipping Line: #comp.os.linux.announce -1
Skipping Line: -1
Skipping Line: #gnu.announce -1
Skipping Line: #news.announce.newusers -1
Skipping Line: #news.newusers.questions -1
es.comp.os.linux - 58455...High Article Nr is low, did host reset its counter?
Elapsed Time = 0 mins 0.28 seconds
0 Articles to download
No articles
Closed connection to
You can hang up the modem now

y he comprobado que en inn sólo tiene posts hasta el 11 de este mes (lo que
veo desde slrn) en es.comp.os.linux, cuando desde Netscape puedo comporobar
que hay mensajes con fecha del 12 y de hoy por un tubo... debo de estar volviendo jilipollas o algo así, ¿que leches he hecho


Saludos y gracias.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Duda de Instalacion

1999-04-13 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 11:21:08AM +0200, Manuel J. Gamero Peso wrote:
 Quiero instalar Linux en una maquina conviviendo con win9x. Se por supuesto
 que me dara problemas, pero existe la posibilidad de hacerlo arranque dual,
 tipo OS2/Warp?

Sí que se puede poner como arranque dual, y no da ningún problema (en mi
departamento en la universidad hay varios usuarios que se resisten a
abandonar el Scientific Word for Windows). 

  Es mejor utilizar un paquete tipo Partition Magic para hacerlo?

El MBR que se instala por defecto con la Debian es muy fácil de usar
(por defecto arranca uno de los dos, y si quieres arrancar el otro, basta
con pulsar tres teclas durante el arranque).
También se puede configurar el LILO fácilmente para que muestre un menú
tipo Partition Magic.

 Que distribucion es mejor para realizar esto?

Debian, por supuesto. ;-) (Quedaría feo que yo dijese otra, ¿no?).

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gnome

1999-04-13 Thread Raul Perez Justicia
 Estoy pensando instalar gnome ahora que ha llegado a la primera versión
 El problema es que la versión 1.0 aún no existe en paquete debian. Por
 ello, estoy barajando tres opciones:
 1.- Compilar e instalar los tgz. ¿Alguien lo ha hecho? El problema es
 que son un montón de ficheros y perdería bastante el sistema de
 paquetes de debian, sobre todo si tengo que actualizar librerías que ya
 tengo instaladas como paquetes deb.

Puedes encontrar la 1.0 en

 2.- Instalar la versión 0.99 que está en potato. ¿Sabe alguien en que
 nivel de estabilidad está? Yo tengo debian 2.0, aunque he actualizado
 bastantes paquetes de slink.

Esta bien... pero hay muchas diferencias en la 1.0 que merecen la pena.
Yo estoy utilizando la 1.0 desde hace unas 3 semanas y no me ha dado ningun
 3.- Convertir los pquetes rpm de redhat o suse. Esto me convence poco.
 De suse no he usado, pero todas las conversiones que he hecho desde
 rpms de red hat me han dado como resultado paquetes deb poco estables.

Eso no lo haria.

 ¿Alguna opinión?
 ¿Alguien sabe cuando puede aparecer el gnome 1.0 en paquete deb?

En unstable no lo se 

 Gracias y saludos



latex no puede con la \SS alemana

1999-04-13 Thread Conrado Badenas

Tengo instalados la versión 0.9.981113-2 de los paquetes tetex-{bin,dev}
y la versión 0.9.981113-1 de los paquetes
tetex-{base,doc,extra,nonfree}. La semana pasada imprimí una
bibliografía y uno de los autores de un artículo no salió bien. En la
entrada del .bib tengo:
author=J. Straka and Kloko\v{c}ník and H. Gra\ss{}l

y he imprimido STRAKA, J., KLOKO`C'NÍK, AND GRASSL, H.. No obtengo una
beta mayúscula para gra\ss{}l sino dos S. El estilo bibliográfico que
uso es para la revista IJRS, la cual requiere que los nombres de los
autores estén en smalcaps. Estos son los resultados de unos tests que he

   roman: \ss (beta) \SS (SS)
smalcaps: \ss (ss)   \SS (SS)

Es extraño porque en el documento LaTeX2e for authors (11 june 1997)
(usrguide.dvi.gz) en las páginas 19-20 (sección 3.14 Text commands: all
encodings) leo (pero no traduzco): \SS: This command produces a German
`SS', that is a capital `beta'. This letter can hyphenate differently
from `SS', so is needed for entering all-caps German.

Para saber qué está pasando decidí latex'ar el fichero fontsmpl.tex con
la familia cmr (Computer Modern Roman). En las 22 páginas de texto
muestra obtuve exactamente los mismos resultados que antes (\ss no
funciona para small caps ---shape sc---, y \SS nunca funciona).

Entonces leí el documento LaTeX2e font selection (17 april 1998)
(fntguide.dvi.gz) y descubrí que hay ocho familias de fuentes más, así
que latex'eé el fichero fontsmpl.tex con las otras familias. Obtuve los
mismos resultados que antes excepto para la camilia cmtt en codificación
T1. Para la familia cmtt (Computer Modern Typewriter) en codificación T1

   roman: \ss (beta)\SS (una SS con la anchura de un carácter)
smalcaps: \ss (una ss de un carácter de anchura) \SS (como arriba)

Mis preguntas son:

a) ¿Por qué?
b) ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de imprimir una SS mayúscula alemana? ¿Una
beta mayúscula?

Hasta que tenga respuesta a estas preguntas, he corregido la entrada
.bib así:
author=J. Straka and Kloko\v{c}ník and H. Gra{\textnormal\ss}l

Ahora se imprime bien, a no ser que en alemán no se utilice una beta
para la SS mayúscula.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: latex no puede con la \SS alemana

1999-04-13 Thread Tomás Bautista
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Conrado Badenas wrote:



 Tengo instalados la versión 0.9.981113-2 de los paquetes tetex-{bin,dev}
 y la versión 0.9.981113-1 de los paquetes
 tetex-{base,doc,extra,nonfree}. La semana pasada imprimí una
 bibliografía y uno de los autores de un artículo no salió bien. En la
 entrada del .bib tengo:
 author=J. Straka and Kloko\v{c}ník and H. Gra\ss{}l
 y he imprimido STRAKA, J., KLOKO`C'NÍK, AND GRASSL, H.. No obtengo una
 beta mayúscula para gra\ss{}l sino dos S.


 Es extraño porque en el documento LaTeX2e for authors (11 june 1997)
 (usrguide.dvi.gz) en las páginas 19-20 (sección 3.14 Text commands: all
 encodings) leo (pero no traduzco): \SS: This command produces a German
 `SS', that is a capital `beta'. This letter can hyphenate differently
 from `SS', so is needed for entering all-caps German.

Lo que creo que quiere decir es que nunca va a intentar poner un guión
entre una S y la otra.


 Para la familia cmtt (Computer Modern Typewriter) en codificación T1
roman: \ss (beta)\SS (una SS con la anchura de un carácter)
 smalcaps: \ss (una ss de un carácter de anchura) \SS (como arriba)
 Mis preguntas son:
 a) ¿Por qué?
 b) ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de imprimir una SS mayúscula alemana? ¿Una
 beta mayúscula?

Pues... Espero no meter la pata, pues gramática alemana como para saber
eso no he estudiado. Pero según me parece recordar, no creo haber visto
ninguna palabra en mayúsculas con una beta en medio: siempre se cambiaba a

 Hasta que tenga respuesta a estas preguntas, he corregido la entrada
 .bib así:
 author=J. Straka and Kloko\v{c}ník and H. Gra{\textnormal\ss}l
 Ahora se imprime bien, a no ser que en alemán no se utilice una beta
 para la SS mayúscula.

Yo que tú lo dejaba como antes.


P.D. ¿Conoces la lista [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
 /  )_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (  \  Home page URL:
 \ _)  |   Applied Microelectronics Research Institute, CAD Division.
   (__/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Murphy's Law of Research:
Enough research will tend to support your theory.

Re: latex no puede con la \SS alemana

1999-04-13 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Conrado Badenas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  y he imprimido STRAKA, J., KLOKO`C'NÍK, AND GRASSL, H.. No obtengo una
  beta mayúscula para gra\ss{}l sino dos S. El estilo bibliográfico que
  uso es para la revista IJRS, la cual requiere que los nombres de los
  autores estén en smalcaps. Estos son los resultados de unos tests que he

 Si no recuerdo mal, en alemán no existe la letra ß en mayúscula.  O
 más bien, la letra ß en mayúscula es SS.  O al menos así aparece en
 las cosas que tengo a mano.

  b) ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de imprimir una SS mayúscula alemana? ¿Una
  beta mayúscula?

 El caso es que ß no es la letra griega beta.
  Ahora se imprime bien, a no ser que en alemán no se utilice una beta
  para la SS mayúscula.

 Estoy casi seguro que este es el caso.


RE: latex no puede con la \SS alemana

1999-04-13 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
   Ahora se imprime bien, a no ser que en alemán no se
 utilice una beta
   para la SS mayúscula.

  Estoy casi seguro que este es el caso.


Aqui en el trabajo (una empresa alemana, me confirman que asi es.


Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-13 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 El hecho es que no gusto mucho el resultado de ese concurso. Y se
 han elegido otros cuatro logos como candidatos (no se si alguno salió del

Que fue lo que no gustó? Por lo que se el concurso todavia no
ha terminado. Los cuatro finalistas fuimos escogidos, por un grupo
predeterminado (siguiendo las reglas del concurso), entre los logos
hasta la fecha limite. Ahora comienza la votación entre los developers
de debian.

 Supongo que si quieres hacer uno, y lo tienes antes de que termine
 el plazo (y le gusta a la gente que está en la lista de debian-logo)
 podrías entrar tú también.

pues el plazo terminó el 28 de Febrero y no creo que acepten mas
concursantes. Si los aceptan, te aseguro que todos los que concursamos
nos sentiriamos burlados.

Claro, se trata de escoger algo que agrade a la mayoria, pero ya que se
abrió un concurso con reglas definidas deberán ser cumplidas. Que
el logotipo ganador sea o nó usado eso ya es otra historia.


Re: Duda de Instalacion

1999-04-13 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 11:21:08AM +0200, Manuel J. Gamero Peso dijo:
 Quiero instalar Linux en una maquina conviviendo con win9x. Se por supuesto
 que me dara problemas, pero existe la posibilidad de hacerlo arranque dual,
 tipo OS2/Warp?

Hasta donde sé, OS/2 tiene su propio boot manager. Mira los HOWTO.
 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-13 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Perdonad, parece que estoy bastante desinformado respecto al tema...
y es que hace poco he vuelto de Cuba (Viaje fin de Carrera) y me he puesto
rápidamente al día de más de mil mensajes de correo de la lista de
Siento la desinformación que he causado... no puedo decir más que
oops :P Y como excusa que eran poco más de las nueve de la mañana cuando lo
he enviado y me acababa de despertar...



On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 04:45:16PM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
  El hecho es que no gusto mucho el resultado de ese concurso. Y se
  han elegido otros cuatro logos como candidatos (no se si alguno salió del
 Que fue lo que no gustó? Por lo que se el concurso todavia no
 ha terminado. Los cuatro finalistas fuimos escogidos, por un grupo
 predeterminado (siguiendo las reglas del concurso), entre los logos
 hasta la fecha limite. Ahora comienza la votación entre los developers
 de debian.

Ya instale, ahora que puedo hacer?

1999-04-13 Thread Mauricio E. Ruíz Font

Acabo de instalar Linux Debian 2.1, que puedo hacer o por donde me
recomiendan empezar...:-

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font

Re: Mutt y direccion de correo

1999-04-13 Thread Luis M. Cruz
El día Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 02:40:56AM +0200, Alfredo Casademunt escribió:

  ¿ Como le digo al mutt que mi direccion de correo

  Edita tu .muttrc y añade esta línea:

my_hdr From: Alfredo Casademunt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Saludos del General...
 ___ _ .-.-. .-. .-.---.---. -  Coordinador de LiMa  -
(   ) \| | | | | | |) _ )Asociación de usuarios de LiNUX de Málaga
| |_   / _ \ | |_| \_/ |   \  _)
|  _ )/_/ \_\|___)\___/|_|\_\___)-
| |Correo-E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX Reg. User #58539
|_|Web: failure en IRC-Hispano
   PGP keyID's: 0x6848D470 (DSS) / 0x255E9505 (RSA)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ya instale, ahora que puedo hacer?

1999-04-13 Thread Dragonbreath

MRAcabo de instalar Linux Debian 2.1, que puedo hacer o por donde me
MRrecomiendan empezar...:-

Bien, yo hace poco lo instale, pero solo la base. Sin embargo, he estado
siguiendo un esquema de configuración/instalación como sigue:

- Instalar sistema base del Debian. (Hecho).
- Configurar arranque doble W98/Linux (lilo).
- Configurar modem.
- Configurar conexión al ISP.
- Configurar apt (editar las líneas /etc/apt/sources.list)
- Instalar y configurar el ambiente gráfico X-windows
- Configurar periféricos PNP.
- Recompilación del Kernel (2.2.x) y configuración de ip-masquerade.

Ya he pasado todos los pasos menos los dos últimos, que estoy por hacer. Si
deseas alguna ayuda en alguno de ellos, no dudes en preguntarme.

Estoy por hacer una página web dirigida a los novatos (me incluyo)
dirigida a explicar que pasos seguir y como ir haciendo la instalación
desde internet, espero en poco tiempo montar la primera parte.


Adrian E. Moya


Re: [Configurando modem pnp]

1999-04-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 12 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 09:52:21 +, J.E. Marchesi contaba:

De hecho, el 
'Cabezazo de Vulcano' (o ctrl-alt-supr) esta definido en /etc/initab, 
definicion que se puede cambiar a cualquier otra combinacion de letras. 

 ¿Sí? ¿O  sea que en  el inittab puedo  poner que al  pulsar las
 teclas que yo quiera, se ejecuten los comandos que yo quiera?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 12 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 22:53:31 +0200, Juan Ramón Larrea contaba:

   Creo que se está buscando un nuevo logotipo para Debian.

 No no n!!  :-

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: no utmp entry available

1999-04-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 12 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 20:35:04 +0200, Ricardo Villalba contaba:

no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME.
Este mensaje me sale siempre que creo un paquete .deb o debianizo un rpm.
¿Qué es eso del utmp?

UTMP(5)Formatos de ficheroUTMP(5)

   utmp, wtmp - registro de sesiones

   #include utmp.h

   El fichero utmp nos permite obtener información de quiénes
   están usando  el  sistema  actualmente.  Puede  haber  más
   usuarios  usando el sistema en el momento actual ya que no
   todos los programas usan utmp como registro de sesiones.

 Yo pregunto, ¿a qué se debe el error?


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Error al cargar imagen de fondo en WindowMaker

1999-04-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 12 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 14:49:49 +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Al intentar colocar una foto como fondo del escritorio de WindowMaker me ha
sucedido algo que antes no me pasaba, la imagen no es cargada:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wmsetbg -t Akira1.jpg 

 ¿Y no puedes con xsetroot o xv?


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at


1999-04-13 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante

Oi Pessoal,

Eu estou tentando instalar o SATAN na minha máquina (um Pentium
comum rodando Debian 2.1) e estou encontrando alguns problemas.

Eu peguei duas versões do SATAN: uma é a original (do site do
SATAN) e a outra é de um ftp que informa que essa versão é fixed em
relação à original, para rodar no Linux.

O problema é que eu não consegui compilar nenhuma das duas :(

Alguém por aí tem alguma dica (ou já conseguiu compilar o SATAN)?


Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network  System Manager

CECM - Curso de Ciências Moleculares - USP
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of São Paulo - Brazil

Re: Debian DHCP for intallation

1999-04-13 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I would tend to agree with you (strongly) that a dhcp client should come on the
install disks. I just wonder if it's possible with all the stuff that has to be
crammed onto the things!

olivier wrote:


 Is it possible to use DHCP to set up the network layer during
 the installation of Debian ?

 If not, would'nt be a good idea to add a dhcp client in the base
 package ?



 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: mounting floppy disk

1999-04-13 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
This would seem to indicate your kernel lacks floppy drive support!? What do 
you get
from: 'cat /proc/devices | grep fd'?

Daniel González Gasull wrote:

 Hi all.
 I have problems mounting /dev/fd0:

 # mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
 mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/fd0 as a block device
(maybe `insmod driver'?)

 Any thoughts?  TIA.

 Daniel González Gasull   Signature  O OA friend is a
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  under /\=,---.  T/\   present you give
 PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69construction /\   `O'   U /\  yourself.
-- Robert Louis
 |  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: LyX 1.0 for slink?

1999-04-13 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 05:22:51PM -0400, Navindra Umanee wrote:

 You know, I tried almost exactly this but bailed when one of the
 commands wanted root priviledges and then started doing some
 unexpected /usr/bin/install's (which failed because my
 /usr/bin/install is atypical).  I mean, all I wanted was to build a
 package to generate a .deb not *install* it or do *anything* that
 would require root privileges.

It doesn't really require root - install fakeroot and use -rfakeroot
when building.  It thinks it needs root to set the ownership of files to
root (among other things), but in actual fact dpkg will do the right thing 
without.  I gather it's a legacy 

What package building does is very much like installing using a tool
like stow - you build the package, and then install it into its own
directory tree.  This usually uses whatever procedures the package uses,
so a lot of times install is involved.  After this the appropriate wands
are waved to pull everything into .debs and source package.

Take a look at the developer's reference and other maintainer
documentation - most of this stuff is documented or pointed to, but the
information isn't pushed at users.

  Personally I always found dpkg easier than RPM for building packages,
  but perhaps it's just me.

 IIRC all it took to build SRPMS is one single rpm command.

I know, but I never felt like I was in control.  It also seemed very
attached to using /usr/src and leaving files around there.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: LyX 1.0 for slink?

1999-04-13 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
1.  go to the source section of your favorite Debian mirror

2.  for each package you want to recompile, download the *.orig.tar.gz,
 *.diff.gz and *.dsc
NOTE: Not all source packages have the same name as the binary package
they create. E.g. the c-client-dev package comes from imap.  Also the
source package may be in a different section than the binar.  E.g.
c-client-dev is in devel, imap is in mail.  Use the mirrors
Packages.gz file to sort out what comes from where.

3.  if you haven't already, download and install the dpkg-dev package from
devel to get the basic package building tools.

4.  run:

  dpkg-source -x whatever.dsc 

This should give you a whatever directory.  cd into it.

5.  run (as root or using fakeroot, sudo etc.):

 debian/rules binary

cd up one level and if all has gone well you will see a .deb.  One problem
with the current Debian system is that there are no source dependencies so
you may need to experiment a bit to determine what exactly you need
installed for the build process to work.  (A good packager will have
documented this in debian/README.debian.

Also--and this is important!--DO NOT give out .debs created in this manner
to other people without changing the maintainer address in
debian/changelog to your address, bumping up the version number in
debian/changelog. (The usual practice is to use decimal numbers for
example if the debian package was 1.0-1, yours would be 1.0-1.1) and
signing the package with your PGP key.  Also you might want to notify the
Debian maintainer so he knows there are pirate .debs floating about out


On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You could still get the unstable source packages and build the deb
 from them.  Now I really wish I could figure out the damn details as
 to how to do this.  Any one care to explain?  I'm lost in a maze of
 manpages all alike.
 [dpkg-source -x? dpkg-buildpackage -b? dpkg-deb??  Red Hat makes this
  so easy it's not funny.]
 These download files are in Microsoft Word 6.0 format.  After unzipping, 
 these files can be viewed in any text editor, including all versions of 
 Microsoft Word, WordPad, and Microsoft Word Viewer.  [Microsoft website] 

Re: setting up DNS

1999-04-13 Thread debian
No offense taken, but notice your keyword, I updated bind.. This machine I
have is not a updated version of bind, and the distro did not include any
such, so you can see why I asked for a little help.

I did however have the file close, just required an extra };


No offense, but what does Slackware vs Debian have to do with it?  The
machine from which I cadged my example was originally installed with
Slackware 1.2 in 1995.  (At least I think it was 1.2.  It's been a long
time and I've long since lost track of the disks I actually used.)

In any case, the machine in question has, to my knowledge, no .debs on it
except those that may be temporarily stored while in transit.  I installed
an updated bind from a tarball months ago and that tarball included the program to which I refer.

help with final setup...

1999-04-13 Thread Jayson Baird
To finalize my debian installation, I've installed KDE and the newest
version of XFree-SVGA, but now I need to get sound setup, my CD-ROM
recognized, and my modem setup. I'm new to linux and alot of the sites I've
travelled to have explanations that I would say are way over my head (i.e.
isapnp) or else my comprehensions are running slow (years of MS
brainwashing :) ) If someone can point to some good web-sites for users
about these points, It would be greatly appreciated.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cyillic only)
ICQ UIN: 19560609   


1999-04-13 Thread Jesse
I cant seem to understand the man pages very well so I'll ask my
questions here :-)

I once saw a post about how to let normal users access the
floppy/cdrom/extra hard drive/sound stuff.
Could someone help me out?
what should my fstab say?

better yet. How do I create a new group, add things to that group, and
then addusers?

I'd like to be able to do it both ways (knowledge is kneat)

Thanks in advance exeryone

Jesse Lee

Re: Windows NT Samba

1999-04-13 Thread Shao Zhang

I wouldn't install samba just for storing mp3 in NT partition. I will make a 
separate partition with FAT system, then I
can just copy them over in Linux.

Wayne Topa wrote:

 Subject: Windows NT  Samba
 Date: Sun, Apr 11, 1999 at 12:35:58AM -0500

 In reply to:Chris Hoover

 Quoting Chris Hoover([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  I was wondering if it was possible to use samba and have my linux box be 
  able to read/write on my NT box.  I would like to do this since my NT box 
  has more hd space right now, and I'm in need of a place to store my mp3's.


 A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming is
 not worth knowing.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re:[SOLVED] ipmasqadm question

1999-04-13 Thread Jay Barbee
At 3/5/99 07:46 AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoting Ralf G. R. Bergs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:52:34 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I checked with dselect and found I have ipmasq 3.3.1 installed already.
 There is NO sign of ipmasqadm on my system anywhere.
 I have run 'find / -name ipmasqadm' with no hits.
 I do appreciate your help.  Please don't stop now, but I am in no big
 hurry.  Perhaps there are others out there that have the needed info.
 Ok, another day, another try. :-)
 Here's the info you want, but you may not like it:
   #dpkg -S ipmasqadm
   netbase: /usr/sbin/ipmasqadm
   #dpkg -l netbase
   | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config
   |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,
   ||/ NameVersionDescription
   ii  netbase 3.12-2 Basic TCP/IP networking binaries
 As you see it's the unstable version of netbase. Don't worry you can 
 install it without having to fear that it breaks your system (at least it 
 didn't on my system ;-)

Thank you Ralf,

You have found the missing ipmasqadm for me.  I am not getting the same
returns you are showing using the 'dpkg -S' and '-l' commands, (I will
leave that for another thread).

I don't have any problem playing with the new toys.  I just have not
installed from potato untill needed.

I know it has been way over a month... but I just got around to doing this
upgrade to slink from hamm.  Then I started to read this thread!

hummm, this is a problem, and due to my lateness, I cannot get a netbase
3.12 from POTATO.  The unstable release is 3.14-1, but that requires you to
install libc6 from potato, and that requires ldso (followed by
libstdc++2.9, apt, development clibs). 

Long story short most the libs basically need to be upgraded just to use
ipmasqadm.  That is not a good thing in my opinion.  I should just run
potato if that is the case.  Now dselect reminds me of all the programs
that I have broken (not really but it bitches).  

If slink's netbase is not going to include ipmasqadm, then there needs to
be a package for ipmasqadm. To go to potato's netbase cleanly, involves
many iteration.

Just my $.02
--Jay Barbee

Re: help with final setup...

1999-04-13 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 To finalize my debian installation, I've installed KDE and the newest
 version of XFree-SVGA, but now I need to get sound setup, my CD-ROM
 recognized, and my modem setup. I'm new to linux and alot of the sites I've

Ok, lets take it one thing at a time:
1. CD-rom: For CD support you need to compile your own kernel.
Install kernel source package and configure it. I think there is a HOWTO
on that (Or used to be, didnt metalabs site go down?).

2. Modem: If your linux box can't reach it right now, and it is not a
Winmodem, then you have to use isapnp to get it work.
On my page I have an explanation on how to do it...hope it's not too hard.

3. Soundcard. If it's a pnp card, you need to use isapnp again.
If it's not pnp, then chances are you can get it to work by including
support for it in kernel, for which yu have to compile kernel. So you can
actually do one big compilation where you get rid of stuff you don't need,
include CD support and sound support.

 travelled to have explanations that I would say are way over my head (i.e.
 isapnp) or else my comprehensions are running slow (years of MS
 brainwashing :) ) If someone can point to some good web-sites for users
 about these points, It would be greatly appreciated.

Try mine, if you havent yet. I don't have the kernel compilation stuff on
it, but at least I tried to explain how to use isapnp to get modem and
Sound detected. There is a CD-HOWTO on sunsite site which explains how to
set up the CD support in kernel. Like I said, dunno if it's still up yet.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

scroll bar resource?

1999-04-13 Thread John
Hi Folks,

I've got two distributions of Debian running on separate
hard drives (hamm and slink) and have noticed that the
scrollbars for the xterm box (among others) is different
even though the xterm configuration seems to be the same. My
hamm distribution has an up/down arrow at the bottom of the
scrollbar plus a sliding bar.  The slink version has only
the capability of clicking the left or right mouse buttons
to scroll (make that jump) up or down. Evidently I've
loaded/configured something differently when I installed

My question is where is the configuration for the scrollbar coming from?
Is there a package that I haven't loaded that controls this?  I'd sure
like to be able to have the hamm scroll bars in slink.

Thanks for any assistance
John Carline

Re: Help!

1999-04-13 Thread Will Lowe
 floppy/cdrom/extra hard drive/sound stuff.
 Could someone help me out?
 what should my fstab say?
I have:

/dev/fd0 /floppyfat16 user,noauto0   0
/dev/sonycd  /cdrom iso9660   user,ro,noauto 0   0

In mine.  Obviously you'll need to change /dev/sonycd to whatever your
CD drive is.

 better yet. How do I create a new group, add things to that group, and
 then addusers?
adduser user
to add a user.  if you want the user to be in a specific group,  do
adduser --ingroup group user
If you're trying to add an existing user to an exisiting group,  do
adduser group user
addgroup group
to add groups.

|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |


1999-04-13 Thread Pall Magnusson
Can sumone tell me why a package of identd isn't available in the
stable section??

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Slink PPP with no defaultroute

1999-04-13 Thread John Hasler
Jay Barbee writes:
 Yes I do, and that [not overriding an existing defaultroute] is the error
 I got in the log about not over writing the default route.

That has always been the behavior of pppd, and IMHO it is correct.

 However, hamms pppd and now potato's pppd do not have that problem!  very

Do you still have a defaultroute to your ethernet?  You almost certainly
don't need it.

 Do you know how this ability (or lack of ) is defined?

Compiled into pppd, so far as I know.

 Would it take a recompile of Slinks ppp package to get it functioning
 like hamms and potaots?

I doubt that would make any difference.  Besides, if pppd-2.6 and ppd-2.7
are overriding existing defaultroutes, they are buggy.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Help: serial port/minicom

1999-04-13 Thread daishi

Thanks for the reply,
Unfortunately, that didn't work
(auto was in /etc/modules, and I commented it out).
Do you know if statserial would fail if the serial device wasn't happy?
(if so, how?) I'm trying to isolate where the brokenness is, and statserial
seems to indicate that the serial port is fine. (When I start minicom with
statserial running, the status flags toggle as if the machine were properly
sending bits to the device). On the other hand, I know the device itself
isn't the problem, since things work under redhat ...
Could minicom be doing something wrong?
Is there a simple way to check?

From: Bruce Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Help: serial port/minicom
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 16:32:07 -0600 (MDT)

   Checking /etc/modules and commenting out auto if it is there.
 With my box,
 kerneld doesn't get the serial module loaded up fast enough.
 If that is not it... any error messages?

Re: identd!

1999-04-13 Thread Dpk
On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Pall Magnusson wrote:

   Can sumone tell me why a package of identd isn't available in the
   stable section??

It is included in the package netstd.

Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU
353-4844 (phone)
222-5875 (pager)

Re: Help: serial port/minicom

1999-04-13 Thread daishi

Actually, this is getting weirder.
I've managed to get minicom to work when invoked from an xterm,
but it still *doesn't* work when invoked from console.
What does this mean? Is/was this all some terminal problem?
(How might I go about fixing the problem is that's the case?)

An idea...

1999-04-13 Thread John Galt

Perish the thought--I'm going to originate a thread!  I was just messing
with /etc/apt/sources.list for the umteenth time to make sure that I could
apt-get this package or that one, when it struck me: wouldn't it be nice
if there were a web page or somewhere all valid sources.list lines for
mirrors and/or non-official packages: is there such a thing?  If there
isn't, is it worth trying?  Thanks for your feedback.

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

Re: An idea...

1999-04-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 12 Apr, John Galt wrote about An idea...
 Perish the thought--I'm going to originate a thread!  I was just messing
 with /etc/apt/sources.list for the umteenth time to make sure that I could
 apt-get this package or that one, when it struck me: wouldn't it be nice
 if there were a web page or somewhere all valid sources.list lines for
 mirrors and/or non-official packages: is there such a thing?  If there
 isn't, is it worth trying?  Thanks for your feedback.

A source.list of all the official mirrors(I think it has not been
updated since slink went from frozen to stable):

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: lock and ppp options?

1999-04-13 Thread John Hasler
Jayson Baird writes:
 Using KDE and it's Kppp dialer, what does it mean when it says that it
 sees a lock option in /etc/ppp/options?

Just what is says: /etc/ppp/options contains the 'lock' option, telling
pppd to lock the serial port so that another program will not try to use
it.  This as it should be.  Does Kppp object to this?  If so, it is buggy.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: LyX 1.0 for slink?

1999-04-13 Thread Navindra Umanee
Mark Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 when building.  It thinks it needs root to set the ownership of files to
 root (among other things), but in actual fact dpkg will do the right thing 

Ahh, that actually makes sense.

 What package building does is very much like installing using a tool
 like stow - you build the package, and then install it into its own
 directory tree.  This usually uses whatever procedures the package uses,
 so a lot of times install is involved.  After this the appropriate wands
 are waved to pull everything into .debs and source package.

I've heard of stow not too familiar with how it works though.  Thanks
for the info.

 information isn't pushed at users.

This is a real pity.  I've known at least a couple of Debian users
who've struggled to build .debs from source packages or who've wanted
to roll their own .deb so that the system could keep track of the
files ultimately they give up in disgust...  There is certainly no FAQ
I could find dealing with this.

  Personally I always found dpkg easier than RPM for building packages,
  but perhaps it's just me.
 IIRC all it took to build SRPMS is one single rpm command.
 I know, but I never felt like I was in control.  It also seemed very

I guess if you wanted that control then you'd have to edit the SRPM
(SPEC file, I believe).

 attached to using /usr/src and leaving files around there.

Ugh, typical Red Hat.

These download files are in Microsoft Word 6.0 format.  After unzipping, 
these files can be viewed in any text editor, including all versions of 
Microsoft Word, WordPad, and Microsoft Word Viewer.  [Microsoft website] 

perl question

1999-04-13 Thread Shao Zhang
I want to use perl to display a list a directories in the tree
format, so that I can display them on the web. What is the best
way to do it. Later on, I want to make the users be able to click on
these tree nodes and to be able to set the permission
on each directory.

Thanks for any help in advance.



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

problems w/pppd 2.3.7

1999-04-13 Thread Jeremy
Last night, I ran apt-get dist-upgrade before I went
to sleep.  When I got up today, I logged in and tried
to execute pon.  I received an error, which I think
had something to do with .ppprc.  This file didn't
exist, so I did 'touch .ppprc' to create it.  Also,
I had to make pppd setuid root again.  Now, only root
can run pon, even though my users are in the dip group.

When I try to run pon as a user, this is what shows up
in the logs:

Apr 12 22:11:33 jgaddis pppd[24083]: Can't open options file
/etc/ppp/peers/provider: Function not implemented

-rw-r-   1 root dip   579 Feb 27 23:51 provider

As you can see, this file is readable by group dip,
which my user belongs to.  Has anyone else had any
similar problems to this?

I'm running potato w/ 2.0.36 kernel.

To automatically retrieve my PGP key via e-mail, send a
blank message with the subject line fetch pgp key.

Re: Help: serial port/minicom

1999-04-13 Thread Bruce Sass

I don't do X, and therefore don't know about any differences between an
xterm and the console.

The only way I can get minicom to fire up without error messages, yet
not work, is if I tell it to use a serial port that doesn't have a modem
attached to it.  i.e., I have modems on ttyS0 and ttyS1, if I configure
minicom to use ttyS2 it starts up ok but nothing happens. 

All I can think of is for you to triple check that your serial port does
have a modem hanging off of it and that you are talking to it at a speed
it will respond to... beyond that I am at a loss with what more you can

Good Luck,


On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, this is getting weirder.
 I've managed to get minicom to work when invoked from an xterm,
 but it still *doesn't* work when invoked from console.
 What does this mean? Is/was this all some terminal problem?
 (How might I go about fixing the problem is that's the case?)

Re: scroll bar resource?

1999-04-13 Thread ktb
John wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 I've got two distributions of Debian running on separate
 hard drives (hamm and slink) and have noticed that the
 scrollbars for the xterm box (among others) is different
 even though the xterm configuration seems to be the same. My
 hamm distribution has an up/down arrow at the bottom of the
 scrollbar plus a sliding bar.  The slink version has only
 the capability of clicking the left or right mouse buttons
 to scroll (make that jump) up or down. 

If you push down on both the left and right mouse buttons at the same
time you can drag the scrollbar.  

Evidently I've
 loaded/configured something differently when I installed

I had the same thing happen.

 My question is where is the configuration for the scrollbar coming from?
 Is there a package that I haven't loaded that controls this?  I'd sure
 like to be able to have the hamm scroll bars in slink.
 Thanks for any assistance
 John Carline
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

kern pkg 2.0.34 doesn't offer is09660 fs

1999-04-13 Thread David B.Teague
Hi Debian Folk, Carl and Jason:

My system is a 486-66, 16 MB RAM, SCSI only 1Gig HD,
SCSI  CD ROM, SCSI tape. Runs Debian 1.1

I crashed this 1.1 system Good Friday. I HAD to have it
back up quickly, so I installed from 2.0 CDs I have, since 
I only had slow  phone connection to the outside world. 

To get ppp, I rebuilt the kernel. That worked well. However 
I did not notice until the system refused access to my CD 
ROM drive that I did not have CD ROM access. In fact, I tried
to reconfigure to get iso9660 file system support. 

I am  NEVER offered an iso9660 filesystem by the kernel 
package's make config nor make menuconfig. It appears 
iso9660 support for SCSI disks is not an option. I am 
ceratin this pessimisitic attitude is not correct.

I have the following kernel related packages installed,
according to dpkg -l

ii  kernel-headers- 2.0.32-5   Linux kernel headers.
ii  kernel-image-2. custon.1.0 Linux kernel binary image.
ii  kernel-package  4.11   Debian Linux kernel package build
ii  kernel-source-2 2.0.34-4   Linux kernel source.

HELP! Please! I need to get to the CD ROM other that through
the MS DOS Side of the system. I have several more packages
I'd like to install, and I would like to upgrade to 2.1, 
once my CDs arrive.

Debian GNU/Linux

DHCP routing - HELP!!

1999-04-13 Thread Jim Campbell
Hi, folks --

I have successfully set up DHCP client (dhcpcd) on my Debian Linux box.  I
was then able to make a connection to my Road Runner service through my
cable modem, and reached machines on the server's network.  However, I was
not able to reach beyond the immediate network - I could not see from my machine  In other words, the DHCP
configuration did not set up my routing to get off the subnet.

What do I have to do to configure routing through DHCP so that I can go
beyond by cable provider's subnet?  Do I need them to give me a router
addres - or is there another way?  I have not seen this topic explicitly
mentioned in discussions of cable modem use and DHCP on Debian Linux.

Thank you.

- Jim Campbell.

Re: identd!

1999-04-13 Thread Shaleh

On 13-Apr-99 Dpk wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Pall Magnusson wrote:
Can sumone tell me why a package of identd isn't available in the
stable section??
 It is included in the package netstd.

In potato there is also midentd and oidentd.

X-Windows xf86config setup for Gloria Synergy monitor

1999-04-13 Thread Jim Campbell
I can see from that for the ELSA Gloria Synergy
monitor, they've recommended the use of the X3DL server.  I was able to
download this.  However, I am still stuck getting my xf86Config file set up.
Can anyone give me some information about this?  I am using Debian Linux.


- Jim

OT: Need help with Makefile definitions

1999-04-13 Thread kaynjay
I apologize for this note but this list has been far better to me than
Usenet, and I'm hoping someone knowledgable with programming could make some

I need to compile parts of a program which requires appropriate
modifications to the Makefiles' lines setting the various options for
compiling.  While interested in learning some basic skills in C/C++ at some
point, my last real program was in APL about 20 years ago.  I have no idea
what is good/bad/ugly about the options given.  

I know that I could simply run with what's there and see if that works, but
I'm concerned both about what any error messages may mean, and whether the
compile is the best I could do.  [The application is designed to perform
quantum mechanical and molecular dynamics calculations leading to
understanding interactions between macro- and micromolecular structures; 
these are very extensive, time-consuming runs.]

I'm up to slink when in Debian.  

I'm sorry about the length of the post.  I've attached the two (edited)
Makefiles as one (OS/2) gzip'd file.  Some of the options I think I know
(isn't the C++ compiler actually g++ ??), but mostly I'm clueless ...  

Would someone mind greatly giving me their best shot at these?  I'd _Really_
appreciate it!

Kenward Vaughan

Description: Binary data

POP3 Server? HOWTO?

1999-04-13 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
How do I set up a pop3 server?  What software do I use?  Is there a HOWTO?
I couldn't find one on  

Secondly, I'm running exim as my mta, and while I can use linux based
email clients to send mail on my LAN, my windows clients will not send
email to the server.  Or the server does not recognize the windows
clients.  What can I do about this?  Thanks

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

RE: OT: Need help with Makefile definitions

1999-04-13 Thread Shaleh

On 13-Apr-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I apologize for this note but this list has been far better to me than
 Usenet, and I'm hoping someone knowledgable with programming could make some

Hmm, are these supposed to work on Intel machines?  Seems to be mostly mips and
other non-Intel hardware options.

A makefile is a list of items and the commands to run when that item is needed.

foo: a.o b.o c.o
\tgcc a.o b.o c.o -o $@

a.o: a.c a.h
\tgcc a.c -c

b.o: b.c b.h
\tgcc b.c -c

c.o: c.c c.h
\tgcc c.c -c -lfoo -lbar -lbaz \
\t-L/look/here/for/lib -lX11

The \t means tab and where you see one, one MUST exist.  c.o has a \ after the
second line because the line is split over two lines.

The syntax is:

name: depends on

if command needs to be more than one command that is ok.  Each command must
have a \t before it.

g++ is indeed the correct c++ compiler.

RE: POP3 Server? HOWTO?

1999-04-13 Thread Pollywog

On 13-Apr-99 Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 How do I set up a pop3 server?  What software do I use?  Is there a HOWTO?
 I couldn't find one on  
 Secondly, I'm running exim as my mta, and while I can use linux based
 email clients to send mail on my LAN, my windows clients will not send
 email to the server.  Or the server does not recognize the windows
 clients.  What can I do about this?  Thanks

Perhaps you have not allowed relaying in your exim.conf ?


[PGP5.0 KeyID 0x5EE61C37]

RE: OT: Need help with Makefile definitions

1999-04-13 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 04/13/99 
   at 01:10 AM, Shaleh [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Hmm, are these supposed to work on Intel machines?  Seems to be mostly mips
and other non-Intel hardware options.

It has reportedly been compiled under Linux.  I (perhaps mistakenly) believe
that to be the Intel flavor.

A makefile is a list of items and the commands to run when that item is

Yes, I recognize this.  I simply have no knowledge of appropriate arguments
here.  I toasted a great number of lines in the files for brevity.  


If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?

RE: POP3 Server? HOWTO?

1999-04-13 Thread Shaleh

On 13-Apr-99 Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 How do I set up a pop3 server?  What software do I use?  Is there a HOWTO?
 I couldn't find one on  
 Secondly, I'm running exim as my mta, and while I can use linux based
 email clients to send mail on my LAN, my windows clients will not send
 email to the server.  Or the server does not recognize the windows
 clients.  What can I do about this?  Thanks

To run a pop3 server all you need is the pop daemon.  qpopper is prolly the
best bet for now.  In a few months my ids-pop3d package will be dependable.

Laptop clock skews after suspend

1999-04-13 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
After I bring my laptop out of suspend or (sometimes) when I reboot my
laptop either the clock or the date will skew.

How do I fix this?  Right now is skewed two hours.  I'm not sure if the
skew is always the same.  I haven't been keeping tally.  Thanks.

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: lock and ppp options?

1999-04-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: lock and ppp options?
Date: Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 06:05:27PM -0400

In reply to:Jayson Baird

Quoting Jayson Baird([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Using KDE and it's Kppp dialer, what does it mean when it says that it sees
 a lock option in /etc/ppp/options? any ideas? thanks.

My idea would be to read the pppd man page. Kppp uses pppd, /etc/ppp/options
are described in pppd manual page. Ergo read the fine manual! 

C, n.:
  A programming language that is sort of like Pascal except more like assembly 
except that it isn't very much like either one, or anything else.  It is either 
the best language available to the art today, or it isn't.
-- Ray Simard

Re: urlview always uses Lynx

1999-04-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: urlview always uses Lynx
Date: Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 09:55:24AM +0200

In reply to:Daniel González Gasull

Quoting Daniel González Gasull([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Wayne Topa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Quoting Daniel González Gasull([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   You need a .urlview file in your $HOME:
   # ~/.urlview
   # regular expression to use to match URLs
   #REGEXP ht|f)tp)|mailto):(//)?[^ \t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t]
   PROTECTED]/~\-]+[^.[:space:][:punct:]]+|[EMAIL PROTECTED]/\-]+
   # command to invoke for selected URL
   COMMAND netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'
When I installed urlview on Slackware I was able to use it to
  run Lynx (if X and/or Netscape wern't running) and ncftp for ftp
  downloads. Doesn't the above .urlview only use Netscape?
 Yes.  How can I use a different program depending of the URL type?
 change COMMAND netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)' 
to COMMAND /etc/urlview/ %s

That should do it but I think there may be a problem with
/etc/urlview/url_handler.  All I can get to work is lynx right now.

 BTW, what I really use is mozilla.

For that you would have to add it to the options in
/etc/urlview/url_handler.  Or just put mozilla in place of Netscape.

But as I said, It doesn't work correctly.  When I am in X with
Netscape open and use the urlview in Mutt or Slrn, I get the darn
xterm with lynx in it.


User n.:
A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.

Time problem

1999-04-13 Thread Mans Joling
The time under linux and win is different under linux +2h.
How do I make them both the equal.

Re: pgcc Debian package?

1999-04-13 Thread Mark Brown
On Sun, Apr 11, 1999 at 07:43:55PM -0500, Matt Garman wrote:

 First question: I've noticed there are several replacement gcc
 compilers, and I'm not sure what the differences are (if any).  egcc,
 egcs, pgcc, perhaps more.  I've seen that there is a egcc Debian
 package, but not a pgcc one.

 What are the differences between these compilers; is there or will

There's only two major gcc versions other than gcc itself - egcs and
pgcc.  egcs is intended to do exactly the same job as gcc, it just uses
a more open developement model.  As a result, it contains a large number
of improvements over plain gcc.  It also rolls in the Fortran front end
(the FSF one is distributed seperately from gcc), and when version 1.2 
is released it will also have front ends for Chill and Java.

pgcc is targeted at the Pentium.  It's much less stable on other
processors (last time I tried it wouldn't even build on anything except
i386) but on ix86 chips it should produce faster code.  The improvements
vary, but typical figures seem to be about 5-10%.  Improvements are
gradually being folded into egcs, but often things need reimplementing
in a more general fashion and there are problems with the licensing of
some of the code which mean it can't go into FSF gcc or egcs.

There is another compiler called pgcc out there, the commercial Portland 
Group C compiler, but that's nothing to do with gcc.

 there be a pgcc Deb package?

Perhaps.  If someone packages it, I guess.  You could ask the Debian
egcs maintainers.  The main technical argument against it would be

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: Time problem

1999-04-13 Thread John Galt

From Linux tzconfig would be where I would start, from Windoze, the
config.sys call that you use setting up pgp would be where I'd start (pgp
is timezone dependent, so the installation for pgp has a part that tells
you how to configure the timezones on startup, but it's been years since I
tried pgp/win)

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Mans Joling wrote:

 The time under linux and win is different under linux +2h.
 How do I make them both the equal.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

help on finding information on codepages

1999-04-13 Thread Giuseppe
A friend of mine needs some help to write a codepage.
Does someone know how to do it or where to find informations about it?

Thanks a lot,

original message

How do I write a new codepage for 2.2
I went through the sources of the kernel and i see that there are
codepages for various languages basically consisting of hex character
maps from Unicode. But i hav'nt the slightest clue as to how I could
make my own.
I want to make a codepage for Sanskrit(Devnagari) and have got the appropiate
charecter set codes from Unicode, could someone tell me how i could
Alternatively direct me to a site that has info on that.
Or if someone has already made a code page for Sanskrit can you please
send it over to me.(highly unlikely but hey it's worth a try ;-)

PHP3 and Solid?

1999-04-13 Thread Cees Dekker

Dear reader,

In the PHP3 manual Solid is mentioned 
extensively, but in the php3.ini file one finds nothing. Even a dll (I work 
under NT) is present in the PHP3 package. 

As a result I get (of course):
Fatal error: Call to unsupported or 
undefined function solid_connect() ...

What must I do/change/type-in ?

Or to which person I'd better forward this question (I am just 
a newbee) ?

Kind regards,

Cees Dekker

PHP3 and Solid?

1999-04-13 Thread Cees Dekker

Dear reader,

In the PHP3 manual Solid is mentioned 
extensively, but in the php3.ini file one finds nothing. Even a dll (I work 
under NT) is present in the PHP3 package. 

As a result I get (of course):
Fatal error: Call to unsupported or 
undefined function solid_connect() ...

What must I do/change/type-in ?

Or to which person I'd better forward this question (I am just 
a newbee) ?

Kind regards,

Cees Dekker

Re: Mail system all fouled up

1999-04-13 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Pollywog wrote
 On 10-Apr-99 Pollywog wrote:
  On 10-Apr-99 Chris Hoover wrote:
  sender_host_reject_relay = *
  unset that guy.
 I have it set, but like this:
 relay_domains = *

I don't know if it should have been necessary, but I had to
add localhost to relay_domains (for fetchmail, if memory serves).

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Document processing? (TeX/SGML?)

1999-04-13 Thread Dr. Paul E.M. Huygen

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Jeff Noxon wrote:

 I'm looking for the best tool to create a professional-looking document
 once, and then render it in the following formats:
 I'm not concerned so much about a learning curve as I am about flexibility
 and results. [..]
 What tools can tackle this kind of chore and what are their relative
 merits?  Should I be looking at TeX or SGML tools?  Or should I just stick
 with plain HTML?

I would suggest TeX/LaTeX. TeX is extremely flexible. LaTeX has the
advantage of functional markup. (La)TeX to Postscript is the default way
to proceed, at least within the Linux environment. Furthermore, there
exist tools to convert (La)TeX to HTML (notably latex2html and tex4ht)
and a LaTeX that creates directly PDF (PDFlatex, I have not used it yet).
To create formatted ASCI file from LaTeX I use a utility called dvi2tty.

Paul Huygen.

Any way to convert Word 7 files?

1999-04-13 Thread Anthony Campbell
I've a nasty feeling the answer is going to be  no, but I wonder whether
there is any way to convert or read a Word 7 file on linux?

Or do I have to borrow a Windows machine and convert it to txt?

Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Any way to convert Word 7 files?

1999-04-13 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
I believe that WordPerfect8 StarOffice5.0 (both for Linux) could do it. Did
you tried?


Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I've a nasty feeling the answer is going to be  no, but I wonder whether
 there is any way to convert or read a Word 7 file on linux?

How do you re-install dpkg?

1999-04-13 Thread David Nelson
Hullo there,

1) How does one re-install dpkg? Can I use dselect (which itself uses
dpkg) or should I use dpgk-deb?

2) If I'm getting segmentation errors each time I use dpkg and
apparently only when I use dpkg, is it likely to be due to dpkg being
corrupted in some way or is the format of my entire file system


latex cannot typeset a german \SS

1999-04-13 Thread Conrado Badenas

I have installed version 0.9.981113-2 of packages tetex-{bin,dev} and
version 0.9.981113-1 of packages tetex-{base,doc,extra,nonfree}. Last
week I printed a bibliography and one of the authors of one article
didn't printed OK. I typed in the .bib entry:
author=J. Straka and Kloko\v{c}ník and H. Gra\ss{}l

and I got printed STRAKA, J., KLOKO`C'NÍK, AND GRASSL, H.. I don't get
a Cap beta for gra\ss{}l but two S. The bibliographic style that I use
is for the journal IJRS, which requires author names in smalcaps. I have
made some tests for \ss and \SS in roman and smallcaps. These are the

   roman: \ss (beta) \SS (SS)
smalcaps: \ss (ss)   \SS (SS)

It is strange because in the document LaTeX2e for authors (11 june
1997) (usrguide.dvi.gz) in pages 19-20 (section 3.14 Text commands: all
encodings) I can read: \SS: This command produces a German `SS', that
is a capital `beta'. This letter can hyphenate differently from `SS', so
is needed for entering all-caps German.

In order to know what's going up (down ?) I decided to latex
fontsmpl.tex file with cmr (Computer Modern Roman) family. In the 22
pages of sample text I obtained exactly the same results than above (\ss
doesn't work for small caps ---shape sc---, and \SS never works).

Then I read the document LaTeX2e font selection (17 april 1998)
(fntguide.dvi.gz) and discovered that there are eight more families of
fonts, so I latex'ed the file fontsmpl.tex with the other families. I
got exactly the same results than above except for family cmtt in
encoding T1. For family cmtt (Computer Modern Typewriter) in encoding T1
I got:

   roman: \ss (beta)\SS (two SS with a one character width)
smalcaps: \ss (two ss one character width) \SS (as above)

My questions are?

a) Why?
b) What is the right way to typeset a caps german SS? A big beta?

Until I get these questions answered, I have fixed the .bib entry this
way: author=J. Straka and Kloko\v{c}ník and H. Gra{\textnormal\ss}l

Now it prints OK, unless in German there is no caps beta for SS.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: Any way to convert Word 7 files?

1999-04-13 Thread David Nelson
I had heard that StarOffice is able to read them. In any case, text format 
would be a
pity: you'd lose all the formatting. I haven't done it myself yet, but I expect 
or RTF would be a better choice 'cause you'd keep the formatting (I expect 
could handle RTF).

Anthony Campbell wrote:

 I've a nasty feeling the answer is going to be  no, but I wonder whether
 there is any way to convert or read a Word 7 file on linux?

 Or do I have to borrow a Windows machine and convert it to txt?

 Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
 Book Reviews:

 The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
 Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: POP3 Server in LAN?

1999-04-13 Thread Tony Crawford
Bob Nielsen wrote (on 12 Apr 99, at 11:37):

 drwxrwsr-x   2 root mail 1024 Jan 25 16:03 pop
 qpopper created this with the right permissions.  /etc/inetd.conf should
 specify that qpopper is run by root, so you shouldn't be getting the
 pop-3   stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd 

Thanks for your interest, Bob!

Check-OK on the permissions. My inetd.conf line is also same as 
yours, but ... if I understand it correctly, the man page says once 
the POP3 connection is authenticated (which mine is--a wrong password 
gets me a whole different error), qpopper changes its ID from root to 
the incoming POP user. Anyway, a couple of people have answered now 
who seem to have the same setup and no problems, but I still get this 
stupid error. I guess this is the famous Linux being picky about who 
its friends are.


-- Tony Crawford
-- Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
-- Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

Re: problems w/pppd 2.3.7

1999-04-13 Thread John Hasler
 Now, only root can run pon, even though my users are in the dip group.

What are the permissions on /etc/chatscripts, /etc/chatscripts/provider,
/etc/ppp, and /etc/ppp/peers?

What is in your /etc/ppp/options file?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Any way to convert Word 7 files?

1999-04-13 Thread dyer
David Nelson wrote:

 I had heard that StarOffice is able to read them. In any case, text format 
 would be a
 pity: you'd lose all the formatting. I haven't done it myself yet, but I 
 expect HTML
 or RTF would be a better choice 'cause you'd keep the formatting (I expect 
 could handle RTF).

 Anthony Campbell wrote:

  I've a nasty feeling the answer is going to be  no, but I wonder whether
  there is any way to convert or read a Word 7 file on linux?
  Or do I have to borrow a Windows machine and convert it to txt?
  Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
  Book Reviews:
  The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
  Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

WordPerfect does a pretty good job for both word7 and 8, also look at the 
package, I haven't used it, but it's supposed to work with word8 files.



Re: latex cannot typeset a german \SS

1999-04-13 Thread Egon Schmid

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Conrado Badenas wrote:

roman: \ss (beta)\SS (two SS with a one character width)
 smalcaps: \ss (two ss one character width) \SS (as above)
 My questions are?
 a) Why?
 b) What is the right way to typeset a caps german SS? A big beta?
 Until I get these questions answered, I have fixed the .bib entry this
 way: author=J. Straka and Kloko\v{c}ník and H. Gra{\textnormal\ss}l
 Now it prints OK, unless in German there is no caps beta for SS.

In German with have no capital \SS. In caps the correct looking for \ss
should be SS. The \ss is no beta character, it is a scharfes S.


Latex Envelope

1999-04-13 Thread Richard Harran
Since there seems to be a bit of a document processing theme on the list
at the moment, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and ask: how do I
produce an envelope using Tex/LaTeX (pref. LaTeX) so that it will print
correctly.  (I had to do this with MS Word by printing at the top in the
middle of a page, which was a highly disturbing experience)


mount partition or disk

1999-04-13 Thread Jiri Baum

is there an easy (or canonical) way of (auto)detecting whether a disk is
partitioned, please?

What I have is a SCSI magneto-optical disk drive (230MB removable disks)
and a bunch of disks. With some of the disks, I need to mount /dev/sda1,
with others /dev/sda directly.

(The disks have existing data on them, written under DOS, obviously various
versions of either DOS or the driver.)

Any suggestions?

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Any way to convert Word 7 files?

1999-04-13 Thread Ookhoi
 I've a nasty feeling the answer is going to be  no, but I wonder whether
 there is any way to convert or read a Word 7 file on linux?
 Or do I have to borrow a Windows machine and convert it to txt?

strings document.doc  document.txt  works fine and fast.

Groetjes, Ookhoi

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