Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-29 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Nov 23, 1999,
Miguel A. Vallejo...

 Estas en la misma situacion que  yo, P133 pero el mio con 64
 Mb de ram,  w95 vuela, kde se arrastra, tanto  que su uso ya
 se hace incomodo... :-( , de

A mi  me pasa que  W$ va  más rápido que  WMaker, visualizando
(que no  bajando) webs con  el Netscape, por  ejemplo. Pero es
debido  al  soporte limitado  de  la  tarjeta. En mi  caso  la
diferencia es grande y se nota,  y quizás se trate de eso, que
W$  va  más rápido  sencillamente  por  que soporta  mejor  el

Es  que me  cuesta  un poco  digerir que  W$  sea más  rápido,
teniendo en  cuenta que en  el software libre se  depura mejor
el  código  antes  de  liberar  nuevas  versiones  que  en  el
propietario, por aquello de  plazos de lanzamiento, exigencias
ajenas al objetivo del programa en sí, etc.

Habría  que hacer  pruebas  más específicas  para  ver qué  es
realmente  lo que  hace a  uno más  rápido que  al otro. Y  la
targeta gráfica es clave.


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Fundación Manantiales-Campaña de Prevención

1999-11-29 Thread Fundación

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Fundacin Manantiales

Centro de Diagnstico y Tratamiento de las Adicciones

Primera Campaa de Prevencin de la Drogadiccin por Internet






Sede Central Argentina

Florida 440 4 piso

1005 Capital

4393-3535/2187/1839 4394-1651


BUENAS NOTICIAS:Las Obras Sociales y medicina prepaga por ley debe cubrir el tratamiento de la drogadiccin de sus afiliados y beneficiarios 
Cmo Prevenir la Droga desde la Familia 
Test para Saber si su Hijo se Droga 
La Recuperacin es Posible 
Legalizacin o Penalizacin 
Los Costos Sociales de la Drogadiccin 
Programa de Prevencin de la Drogadependencia en mbitos Laborales 
Qu es Fundacin Manantiales

Las Obras Sociales y medicina prepaga por ley debe cubrir el tratamiento de la drogadiccin de sus afiliados y beneficiarios
Los afiliados y beneficiarios de obras sociales y medicina prepaga ven cubiertos sus tratamientos por drogadependencia, por la ley 24.455 y las resoluciones conjuntas del M.S. y A.S nmeros 361 y 362, SEDRONAR 153 y 154, reglamentadas por la resolucin Nro. 001/98 del ANSAL (APE). Esto tipo de leyes son un avance en la prevencin y asistencia de los que padecen de esta problemtica similares a las que existen en los EE.UU. y Europa.

En 1990 la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas ( O.N.U.) crea el Programa para la Fiscalizacin Internacional de Drogas ( PNUFID) para coordinar e implementar estrategia contra la produccin, trfico y consumo de drogas. En 1991 comienza con el programa: Proyecto de Prevencin al Uso de Drogas en el Trabajo y en La Familia ¨ , siendo implementado, de acuerdo a realidades locales, en pases como Mxico, Egipto, Polonia, Sri Lanka y Namibia con un universo de 730.000 trabajadores con un xito que anim a aceptar este programa y tecnologa, creado por el Dr. Sverre Fauske- Universidad de Bergen - Noruega, a otros pases. En el ao 1996, en el Estado de Ro Grande do Sul Brasil, 39 empresas con mas de 45.000 trabajadores, aplicaron este programa adoptado por SESI ( Servicio Social de la Industria Brasilea) con total eficacia no solo en el mejoramineto de la calidad !
 de vida del empleado sino tambin una importante reduccin en los ndices de ausentismo, llegadas tarde, accidentes laborales, hurtos dentro de las empresas y manejo del stress. 
Actualmente la PNUFID, ante el xito obtenido, decidi extender el traspaso de su tecnologa a los pases integrantes del MERCOSUR, suscribiendo un acuerdo con FUNDACION MANANTIALES 

El da 4 de diciembre de 1998, en la ciudad de Porto Alegre , Brasil, la de FUNDACION MANANTIALES suscribi el acta de acuerdo final con ambos Organismos Internacionales, el Servicio Social de la Industria Brasilea (SESI) y la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas 
( PNUFID), con el fin de implementar en la Repblica Argentina y la Repblica Oriental del Uruguay la tecnologa y programa de prevencin mencionado. 

El da 16 de marzo de 1999 se realizo en el auditorio del Diario "La Nacin" el lanzamiento formal, de tan importante Programa en la Repblica Argentina, donde se present el Programa, sus alcances, objetivos y resultados, dentro del marco de una nutrida concurrencia de autoridades nacionales, dirigentes de empresas y sindicatos, organizaciones no gubernamentales y representantes de organismos internacionales. 


Todos sabemos que en la actualidad existe en nuestro pas y todo el mundo un grave problema: la drogadiccin. A muchos de nosotros nos preocupa la forma en que el mismo pueda afectar a nuestras familias. Como padres deseamos lo mejor para nuestros hijos: que crezcan sanos, felices y bien preparados para enfrentar los desafos del futuro. Pero muchas veces no sentimos impotentes para proteger a nuestra familia de la amenaza de la droga.

Formar una familia, criar y educar a nuestros hijos es , sin lugar a duda, una de las tareas mas importantes y trascendentes que una persona puede desempear durante la vida , pero para las cual existe menos preparacin formal. La mayora de nosotros aprendemos a ser padres solamente a travs de la experiencia y siguiendo el ejemplo que nos dieron nuestros padres, aunque algunos padres hagan justamente lo contrario, si no estn de acuerdo con la educacin recibida.

En la actualidad, el uso difundido de las drogas somete a nuestras familias a presiones desconocidas hace tres o cuatro dcadas Es importante que los padres de familias nos preparemos para hacer frente a este problema desde el seno de nuestro hogar. 
Las familias han cambiado, hace tiempo atrs las relaciones entre padres e hijos eran muy rgidas y en estas no haba espacio para la libre iniciativa y la creatividad. Los hijos 

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-29 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
 El Tue, Nov 23, 1999,
 Miguel A. Vallejo...
  Estas en la misma situacion que  yo, P133 pero el mio con 64
  Mb de ram,  w95 vuela, kde se arrastra, tanto  que su uso ya
  se hace incomodo... :-( , de
 Es  que me  cuesta  un poco  digerir que  W$  sea más  rápido,
 teniendo en  cuenta que en  el software libre se  depura mejor
 el  código  antes  de  liberar  nuevas  versiones  que  en  el
 propietario, por aquello de  plazos de lanzamiento, exigencias
 ajenas al objetivo del programa en sí, etc.
Ami esto tambiñen me duele un poco, pero sencillamente es
que son formas de resolver las cosas diferentes. El sistema
de ventanas de W siempre será más rápido porque está pensado
para funcionar solo de modo local. Tiene muy pocas capas y
en muchos casos accede directamente al hardware. Esto hace
que sea más simple y, por tanto, más rápido. Aunque eso si,
también lo hace más incompatible y dependiente del hardware,
menos portable y, en general, menos seguro.

El XWin por el contrario es un sistema muy complejo pensado
para aislar los programas del hardware e incluso de la
maquina en que se ejecutan o muestran su salida. Asi un
programa de Sun en una estación Sparc puede mostrar su
salida por un PC con linux o viceversa. Esto hace más
complejo el sistema y necesariamente más lento. Quizás, lo
que más ralentiza a X es que todo tiene que enviarse por
socket al servidor, lo cual hace que los comandos graficos
tengan que dar una buena vuelta por el kernel antes de ser
ejecutados. En W lo que se hace es una simple llamada a una
libería, pero claro, eso imposibilita que funcione todos de
forma remota o, si se hace, que sea aun menos eficiente que

Un saludo,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Procmail en el ISP

1999-11-29 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 09:11:29PM +0100, Agustin MuNoz contaba:

Sip, de hecho ese .forward con el exim (mta por defecto en slink) casca
cosa buena (comprobado)

El EXIM es de estos MTA que no utilizan la Shell. Pero se le puede
activar, y entonces comportarse como el 'smail' o el 'sendmail'
(aunque hay sendmails que tampoco aceptan estos comandos).

Lo que pasa es que en ese caso es mejor definir el 'procmail' como
sistema de distribución de correo.

Por cierto en el Exim es:

  driver = pipe
  command = /usr/bin/procmail -u ${local_part}
  user = mail 

  driver = localuser
  #transport = local_delivery
  transport = deliver_pipe 

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

11/28   (11/28/1895) 1st US auto race (Chicago to Evanston  back) (winner avg. 
7 mph). 
11/28   (11/28/1929) Berry Gordy Jr, Motown Records founder. 

Re: Fundacisn Manantiales-Campaqa de Prevencisn

1999-11-29 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, nov 28, 1999 at 11:20:18 -0300, Fundacisn Manantiales wrote:
[Documento pegado de 70Kb]

Esto ya me parece pasarse mogollón de la raya, un mensaje basura de 70K me
parece una grosería de tamaño descomunal, ¿el próximo de 2Mb?... me estoy
cabreando más de lo que aguanto pacíficamente.

Saludos de un debianero con mucho aguante tela de mosquedado.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Problemas con dselect

1999-11-29 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
El dselect se está comportando de un modo un tanto extraño.
Hace unos días instale una nueva versión de libc6. Al ver
que algunos programas que tenía no funcionaban con esta
versión la borré y reinstalé la antigua. El problema es que
ahora dselect, cada vez que intento seleccionar un paquete
para instalar, me da una lista enorme de paquetes que
dependen de libc6. Todos estos paquetes están ya instalados
y funcionan sin problemas. Incluso la libc6 está instalada y
también aparece en esta lista.

Hay alguna forma de decirle al dselect que reconstruya la
lista de paquetes instalados y sus dependencias?

Un saludo,
P.D. Esto es lo que aparece en dselect

 *** Std net 
 *** Opt graphics
 *** Opt graphics
 *** Req base libc6The GNU C library version 2
(run-time files).
 *** Req base libreadlineg GNU readline and history
libraries, run-time libr
 *** Req base procps   The /proc file system
 *** Std net  netstd   Networking binaries and
daemons for Linux
 *** Opt base psmisc   Utilities that use the proc
 *** Opt graphics gimp The layers-based, non-Motif
GNU Image Manipulatio
 *** Opt libs aalib1   ascii art
libc6installed;  install (was: install). 
libncurses4 depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u-6)
talk depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
talkd depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
telnet depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
telnetd depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
libjpeg62 depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
mesag3 depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
aalib1 depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
libgpmg1 depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
libreadlineg2 depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
interrelationships affecting libc6  -- 52%, press d for

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Bash Fuera

1999-11-29 Thread jvicente
¿Como llegaste a esa conclusion? Tenes la pagina web del ash o algun site
donde haya comparaciones entre shells?
Vi la unix-faq/shell/shell-differences pero el ash
Tengo instalado en mi sistema las dos. Y tengo usadas las dos.
   - La memoria: sólo hace falta hacer un 'ps' para ver que 'ash'
   ocupa la mitad de memoria (y como además trae la décima parte de
   documentación, ahorras espacio en el disco duro cosa buena).
   - La velocidad: hago un script y lo ejecuto con 'bash' y con
   'ash'. 'ash' tarda como 2 segundos menos y usa menos CPU. La
   diferencia es muy pequeña, pero si es un script que se repite
   bastantes veces puedes ahorrar bastante. (Mediciones con GNU
   - Es POSIX porque sí, lo pone la documentación y aparte yo no veo
   que incumpla ninguna norma POSIX.
Existe algun site del ash?

Deje de Spamear!

1999-11-29 Thread Jordi
Está enviando correo no solicitado a una lista de distribución sobre el
Sistema Operativo Debian. Esto no tiene nada que ver con la drogadicción y
es muy molesto para cientos de lectores de la lista recibir correo no
deseado, y más siendo de ese tamaño.

Por favor, sáquenos de su lista de destinatarios.

Un saludo,


Re: Fundacisn Manantiales-Campaqa de Prevencisn

1999-11-29 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 01:25:02PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 On dom, nov 28, 1999 at 11:20:18 -0300, Fundacisn Manantiales wrote:
 [Documento pegado de 70Kb]
 Esto ya me parece pasarse mogollón de la raya, un mensaje basura de 70K me
 parece una grosería de tamaño descomunal, ¿el próximo de 2Mb?... me estoy
 cabreando más de lo que aguanto pacíficamente.

Fijo, mira, he contestado bastante amablemente porque estoy de buen humor.
Sé que no va a cambiar nada, pero bueno, supongo que es lo que nos toca

Yo flipo con esta peña... me gustaría tener cerca al que hizo el cdrom ese
de direcciones que nos comentaba el compañero argentino...

 Saludos de un debianero con mucho aguante tela de mosquedado.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-29 Thread Aleck Romero
Me queda una duda, tienes servicios adicionales a tu wmaker como demonios
de samba o servidor sql o algun servicio que funciona en debian y no en M$, yo
tengo una caja Pentium-s de 150 con 48MB y corre perfectamente las X con
Wmaker y ademas la uso como servidor de archivos con samba y otras cosas.
Además no la he tenido que resetear desde que la encendi la primera vez.

Usuario Linux 140962-32649

Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:

 El Tue, Nov 23, 1999,
 Miguel A. Vallejo...

  Estas en la misma situacion que  yo, P133 pero el mio con 64
  Mb de ram,  w95 vuela, kde se arrastra, tanto  que su uso ya
  se hace incomodo... :-( , de

 A mi  me pasa que  W$ va  más rápido que  WMaker, visualizando
 (que no  bajando) webs con  el Netscape, por  ejemplo. Pero es
 debido  al  soporte limitado  de  la  tarjeta. En mi  caso  la
 diferencia es grande y se nota,  y quizás se trate de eso, que
 W$  va  más rápido  sencillamente  por  que soporta  mejor  el

 Es  que me  cuesta  un poco  digerir que  W$  sea más  rápido,
 teniendo en  cuenta que en  el software libre se  depura mejor
 el  código  antes  de  liberar  nuevas  versiones  que  en  el
 propietario, por aquello de  plazos de lanzamiento, exigencias
 ajenas al objetivo del programa en sí, etc.

 Habría  que hacer  pruebas  más específicas  para  ver qué  es
 realmente  lo que  hace a  uno más  rápido que  al otro. Y  la
 targeta gráfica es clave.


 Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Spam (era Fundacisn Manantiales-Campaqa de Prevencisn)

1999-11-29 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Javier lleva razón con el tema del spam.  Hace unas semanas un amigo
argentino (gracias otra vez) nos puso sobre la pista del origen del
spam.  En mi lector de correo (NetScape) he puesto un filtro chapucero
que me elimina cualquier mensaje que contenga la cadena
(que es el programa que emplean estos spammers) y me entero de ellos por
el registro de mensajes eliminados y las nuevas quejas a la lista.
Aún no dispongo de correo a través de Linux (por necesidades de trabajo
tengo Windows en mis PCs), pero si algún alma caritativa cuenta como
implementar esto mismo desde fetchmail o similar, algunos lo
agradeceremos (sobre todo mis usuarios cuando les monte un sistema de
correo chachipiruli con poco spam).
Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Spam (era Fundacisn Manantiales-Campaqa de Prevencisn)

1999-11-29 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Javier lleva razón con el tema del spam.  Hace unas semanas un amigo
argentino (gracias otra vez) nos puso sobre la pista del origen del
spam.  En mi lector de correo (NetScape) he puesto un filtro chapucero
que me elimina cualquier mensaje que contenga la cadena
(que es el programa que emplean estos spammers) y me entero de ellos por
el registro de mensajes eliminados y las nuevas quejas a la lista.
Aún no dispongo de correo a través de Linux (por necesidades de trabajo
tengo Windows en mis PCs), pero si algún alma caritativa cuenta como
implementar esto mismo desde fetchmail o similar, algunos lo
agradeceremos (sobre todo mis usuarios cuando les monte un sistema de
correo chachipiruli con poco spam).
Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-29 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:

 Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
  El Tue, Nov 23, 1999,
  Miguel A. Vallejo...
   Estas en la misma situacion que  yo, P133 pero el mio con 64
   Mb de ram,  w95 vuela, kde se arrastra, tanto  que su uso ya
   se hace incomodo... :-( , de
  Es  que me  cuesta  un poco  digerir que  W$  sea más  rápido,
  teniendo en  cuenta que en  el software libre se  depura mejor
  el  código  antes  de  liberar  nuevas  versiones  que  en  el
  propietario, por aquello de  plazos de lanzamiento, exigencias
  ajenas al objetivo del programa en sí, etc.
   Ami esto tambiñen me duele un poco, pero sencillamente es
 que son formas de resolver las cosas diferentes. El sistema
 de ventanas de W siempre será más rápido porque está pensado
 para funcionar solo de modo local. Tiene muy pocas capas y
 en muchos casos accede directamente al hardware. Esto hace
 que sea más simple y, por tanto, más rápido. Aunque eso si,
 también lo hace más incompatible y dependiente del hardware,
 menos portable y, en general, menos seguro.
   El XWin por el contrario es un sistema muy complejo pensado
 para aislar los programas del hardware e incluso de la
 maquina en que se ejecutan o muestran su salida. Asi un
 programa de Sun en una estación Sparc puede mostrar su
 salida por un PC con linux o viceversa. Esto hace más
 complejo el sistema y necesariamente más lento. Quizás, lo
 que más ralentiza a X es que todo tiene que enviarse por
 socket al servidor, lo cual hace que los comandos graficos
 tengan que dar una buena vuelta por el kernel antes de ser
 ejecutados. En W lo que se hace es una simple llamada a una
 libería, pero claro, eso imposibilita que funcione todos de
 forma remota o, si se hace, que sea aun menos eficiente que
   Un saludo,

No se si esto que dices puede interpretarse beneficiosamente para
Linux. El entorno XWindows permite todo lo que tu dices y el de
Windows solo sirve para lo que tu dices, pero dado que muchos equipos
domésticos y ofimáticos funcionarán con Xwindows resulta que Linux
obligará a usar una cantidad respetable de recursos tanto si se van
a utilizar como no. Debería de existir una forma de sustituir las
Xwindows por algo totalmente compatible y mucho menos pesado. Se
que estoy pidiendo algo bueno barato y bonito pero en la comunidad
Linux eso no debería ser un problema. Cuando se diseño Xwindows no
se pensó que llegaría a usarse en entornos domésticos.

 Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
 Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043
 La medida de programar es programar sin medida
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Sobre gnus/emacs

1999-11-29 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
 Solo es una pequeña cuestion:
 Cuando intento mandar un fichero, gnus me lo parte en trozos, y a la gente que 
no usa emacs, no sabe como recomponerlos (si tienen linux, les mando unas
 instrucciones para que lo hagan con un cat  mensaje), pero es engorroso,
 ¿Alguien sabe la configuración para que mande los ficheros anexos en un solo 
trozo?, (por aqui he visto algo de mime-article/grab-message/partials, pero no 
le hago funcionar).


Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-29 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 07:46 PM 1999-11-29 +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
[descripción del porqué X es mas lento que MSWIN]

No se si esto que dices puede interpretarse beneficiosamente para
Linux. El entorno XWindows permite todo lo que tu dices y el de
Windows solo sirve para lo que tu dices, pero dado que muchos equipos
domésticos y ofimáticos funcionarán con Xwindows resulta que Linux
obligará a usar una cantidad respetable de recursos tanto si se van
a utilizar como no. Debería de existir una forma de sustituir las
Xwindows por algo totalmente compatible y mucho menos pesado. Se
que estoy pidiendo algo bueno barato y bonito pero en la comunidad
Linux eso no debería ser un problema. Cuando se diseño Xwindows no
se pensó que llegaría a usarse en entornos domésticos.

Los entornos domésticos no estaban dentro de los objetivos del
diseño de XWindows.
Lo que estás pidiendo ya lo están haciendo, y se llama el Proyecto
Berlin. Está muy crudo todavía (al fin y al cabo toca desarrollar
todo el API necesario para crear aplicaciones sobre el).

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

No puedo con tar

1999-11-29 Thread Barbwired
La página de manual es infumable, /usr/doc/tar no ayuda mucho, y la info es
tan pesada de navegar (llamadme vaga, lo merezco).
¿Alguien ha visto algún tutorial sencillito para empezar a hacer cositas
más avanzadas que empaquetar y desmpaquetar?

Un saludo!
 Even if you do learn to speak correct English, 
 whom are you going to speak it to?-- Clarence Darrow
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Problemas con dselect

1999-11-29 Thread Gustavo CR
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 01:45:57PM +, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:
   El dselect se está comportando de un modo un tanto extraño.
 P.D. Esto es lo que aparece en dselect

Como no pones el final de las dependencias  no estoy seguro, pero se me ocurre
que puede que la libc6 que tienes en el sistema sea una versión menor que la 
que te está pidiendo (= 2.0.7u-6). Si este es el problema al final debería 
darte un mensaje que diga que la libreria que tienes instalada es x. 

}:-) mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

sources.list para kde

1999-11-29 Thread daniel
¿Alguien sabe una dirección en la que pudiera añadir al
/etc/apt/sources.list para tener al día el kde con la última versión

Un saludo

   Daniel Ferradal
  Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322

X-Window (Antes: Freeze de Potato)

1999-11-29 Thread Ricard Sierra
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 08:34:38AM +, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:
   Ami esto tambiñen me duele un poco, pero sencillamente es
 que son formas de resolver las cosas diferentes. El sistema
 de ventanas de W siempre será más rápido porque está pensado
 para funcionar solo de modo local. Tiene muy pocas capas y
 en muchos casos accede directamente al hardware. Esto hace
 que sea más simple y, por tanto, más rápido. Aunque eso si,
 también lo hace más incompatible y dependiente del hardware,
 menos portable y, en general, menos seguro.
   El XWin por el contrario es un sistema muy complejo pensado
 para aislar los programas del hardware e incluso de la
 maquina en que se ejecutan o muestran su salida. Asi un
 programa de Sun en una estación Sparc puede mostrar su
 salida por un PC con linux o viceversa. Esto hace más
 complejo el sistema y necesariamente más lento. Quizás, lo
 que más ralentiza a X es que todo tiene que enviarse por
 socket al servidor, lo cual hace que los comandos graficos
 tengan que dar una buena vuelta por el kernel antes de ser
 ejecutados. En W lo que se hace es una simple llamada a una
 libería, pero claro, eso imposibilita que funcione todos de
 forma remota o, si se hace, que sea aun menos eficiente que

  Esto no es del todo cierto. Hay programas que utilizan la memoria
compartida para acceder directamente a zonas de la pantalla y asi tener
buenas velocidades de impresion (generalmente todos los emuladores de
oredenadores y consolas lo usan).

  Por otra parte no estoy seguro pero creo que lei en un sitio que las
mismas librerias de X detectan cuando el cliente se ejecuta en el mismo
ordenador que el servidor X en cuyo caso pasan de sockets y usan una
comunicacion directa con el servidor.

  Como ves que sea distribuido no tiene por que afectar a la velocidad.
Lo que creo que pasa es que las X se han quedado un poco anticuadas
frente a la vertiginosa evolucion de las tarjetas graficas de los
ultimos años. Esperemos que con la llegada de la version 4.0 se ponga un
poco al dia.

  Finalmente comentar que hace unos años nacio el proyecto Berlin con la
intencion de desarrollar un sistema grafico moderno (CORBA, unicode,
aliasing de fuentes, ventanas de cualquier forma no necesariamente
rectangulares, etc.). Para mas informacion mira en Y aunque al principio se buscaba hacer
algo mas rapido que X con la utilizacion de GGI y orientado a una
estacion personal, creo que no sera muy rapido si usan CORBA


Ricard Sierra Rebull

Re: Bash Fuera

1999-11-29 Thread Ricard Sierra
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:55:45AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Existe algun site del ash?

  Es el shell oficial de BSD. Busca en Free/Open/NetBSD.


Ricard Sierra Rebull

Re: Seleção de teclado Português no sistema de Instala ção da Debian Potato

1999-11-29 Thread Ruben Leote Mendes
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 09:43:05PM +, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Daqui para baixo falo sobre o teclado de Portugal:
 Algum tempo atrás uma pessoa da lista enviou uma mensagem falando 
 sobre os mapas de teclados de Portugal disponíveis no pacote 
 kbd-data. Eu infelizmente não possuo mais a mensagem.

Acho que fui eu. :)

 Algum usuário de Portugal pode me passar os tipos de teclados utilizados
 em seu país, os arquivos que utiliza e uma descrição, por exemplo:
 pt.kmap.gz  - Teclado padrão Português
 pt2.kmap.gz - Teclado padrão Português 2...

Em Portugal utiliza-se apenas um teclado (que eu tenha conhecimento). 
O mapa correcto é o pt-latin1.kmap.gz que se encontra no package 
console-data da potato.

 Como eu não sou de Portugal, também não sou a pessoa mais indicada 
 para decidir qual é o mapa correto para o teclado de vocês, mas se 
 alguém me passar as instruções sobre os tipos existentes, eu posso 
 adicionar imediatamente o suporte na instalação da Debian ;-). 

Isso seria fantástico. Muito obrigado!

Ruben Leote Mendes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Seleção de teclado Português no sistema de Instalação da Debian Potato

1999-11-29 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Ruben Leote Mendes escreveu:
Em Portugal utiliza-se apenas um teclado (que eu tenha conhecimento). 
O mapa correcto é o pt-latin1.kmap.gz que se encontra no package 
console-data da potato.

Ótimo! Estou colocando a descrição do teclado na instalação como:
Portugal (default)

Verifiquei que também existe o mapa pt2-latin1.kmap.gz, se alguém
utilizar este mapa de teclado entre em contato e me explique qual 
a diferença deste para o pt-latin1.kmap.gz para que possa inclui-lo
na instalação.

 Como eu não sou de Portugal, também não sou a pessoa mais indicada 
 para decidir qual é o mapa correto para o teclado de vocês, mas se 
 alguém me passar as instruções sobre os tipos existentes, eu posso 
 adicionar imediatamente o suporte na instalação da Debian ;-). 

Isso seria fantástico. Muito obrigado!

Já incluido na Potato! :-)

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

size of /var partition

1999-11-29 Thread Howard Mann
This message was sent from by Howard Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Be sure to reply to that address.

Hi All,

I am planning an installation of Debian and 
solicit recommendations for the size of a 
separate /var logical partition. I plan to use 
apt-get to install packages and to upgrade my 
distribution when appropriate.

In section 3.3 of the Debian FAQ, there is a 
recommendation for a /var of 100Mb. However, I 
have seen posts on this list from users who have 
reported failures in dist-upgrade because the 
associated space requirements are much larger.

What would you recommend ?

After creating a large /var partition, I plan 
to create a symbolic link between /tmp 
and /var/tmp. ( ln -s /tmp /var/tmp ) Is this 
O.K. ?


Howard Mann. - The Knowledge Archive


1999-11-29 Thread Oki DZ

I have installed Gnome and Enlightenment on my Pentium 133/64MB RAM; I
think Gnome is doing fine; there's no need to use dual Pentium machines.
Currently it's pretty basic, no browser or file manager. But it seems
that Gnome would work best on a plain window manager. Using E, I think
the colors don't go together.


Re: Kernel

1999-11-29 Thread Oki DZ

aphro wrote:
 On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Neil D. Roberts wrote:
 koala Where can I find a manual on Internet about compiling kernel's ?
 The README file that comes with the kernel was sufficient guide to teach
 me how to compile the first time around.  

I think make menuconfig will do the job.
But, on i386 potato distro, I couldn't do it because there was no
string.h or something. Was it due to the inavailability of curses


Re: How to install pine on slink from source

1999-11-29 Thread Oki DZ

John Pearson wrote:
 I don't know what editor Mutt uses as a built-in default, but you
 can ask it to use whatever you like by adding a line like
 set editor=/usr/bin/joe
 or whatever to your .muttrc file.

Thanks a lot.
I think I'm to lazy to do man mutt or cd to /usr/doc/mutt.


Re: gnome-pager loses windows and freezes X

1999-11-29 Thread Oki DZ

Herbert Ho wrote:
 *grin* yeah, forgot to method i tried this. when X froze it took the
 keyboard with it. no C-A-F1 or C-A-DEL.

If your machine is on a network, you can telnet to it, and do
killall X
kill X's pid


Re: National fonts under their own dir?

1999-11-29 Thread Changwoo Ryu
Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Where can I find the X font policy?
 On Sun, 3 Oct 1999 18:32:03 +0900 
 -9910/msg0.html) Changwoo Ryu [EMAIL PROTECTED] says the X 
 font not-yet policy.


Changwoo RYU

Re: Gnome/E

1999-11-29 Thread John Miskinis


  I run E on a Pentium 100 w 24 Mb RAM.  As far as the colors
not going together, you can change the appearance of the
gnome applications, by changing the GTK themes.  The gnomecc
application makes installing and changing themes quite easy.  You
can also preview them, and try them right away.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: pppd died unexpectedly. Where to look?

1999-11-29 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Hans wrote:

 biggerSystem: Acer Travelmate 512T running Slink. Generic PCMCIA
 Goal: setting up ppp connections to two different ISPs.
 Done: configured pppconfig, kppp, resolv.conf (for DNS)
 The problem: pon/poff dials in, but refused to connect. kppp the same,
 and the log from pppd is as follows  for both ISPs):
 Nov 28 19:07:19 mack pppd[407]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
 Nov 28 19:07:19 mack pppd[407]: Using interface ppp0
 Nov 28 19:07:19 mack pppd[407]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
 Nov 28 19:07:20 mack pppd[407]: peer refused to authenticate
Somehow your ISP uses different approach than your configuration.
Try adding -debug option to the pppd options in the kppp, and see if this
produces more info.


Re: size of /var partition

1999-11-29 Thread Martin Fluch

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Howard Mann wrote:

 I am planning an installation of Debian and 
 solicit recommendations for the size of a 
 separate /var logical partition. I plan to use 
 apt-get to install packages and to upgrade my 
 distribution when appropriate.
 In section 3.3 of the Debian FAQ, there is a 
 recommendation for a /var of 100Mb. However, I 
 have seen posts on this list from users who have 
 reported failures in dist-upgrade because the 
 associated space requirements are much larger.
 What would you recommend ?
 After creating a large /var partition, I plan 
 to create a symbolic link between /tmp 
 and /var/tmp. ( ln -s /tmp /var/tmp ) Is this 
 O.K. ?

I have partitioned my 5GB hd at home as follows:

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 129M   68M   58M  54% /
/dev/hda3 364M  205M  151M  58% /var
/dev/hda6 893M  681M  213M  76% /usr
/dev/hda7 3.0G  1.5G  1.5G  49% /home

/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp, /usr/src a symlink to /home/src, so that
/ and /usr usualy don't change...

120M on /var are used by wwwoffle (this can be reduced very easy by giving
wwwoffle limitations on the cachesize).

If desired /var could be smaller on my system (but due to my installation
history it happened do be 360MB and isn't disturbing), the size of / is
also very static, so it could be easyly 40MB smaller, if the space would
be needed otherwise...

The problems which arises if the space on /var patition is to small for an
apt-get download is easyly to solve: You only have to make
/var/cache/apt/archives a symlink to some place on a partition with
enougth space for the download. At this place you have to have a directory
called 'partial', otherwise apt-get will complain about it. I have had
once this problem when I've upgraded to potato and had to download about
240M deb files...


- -- 
Where do you want to go today? - As far from Redmond as possible!

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread Sven Esbjerg
After a long battle with an upgrade to potato from a very customized slink am
allmost happy. I just miss one thing:
I cannot start gdm due to some wierd problem. It complains about the user and
group for /var/gdm. Supposedly they should be nobody:deamon but that doesn't
work either. In Slink it was root who owned everything regarding to gdm. Has
that changed?

Another thing. When I install new packages from dselect I get an error:
Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Term/ line 305

Is this a general error (I haven't seen it on any other potato-machines)?
Sven Esbjerg

[no subject]

1999-11-29 Thread Carl A. Fahsltrom

How do I download and install Debian Linux using a multiboot 
system between Linux and Windows.

Carl A. Fahlstrom

Re: apt-get removing unnecessary packages?

1999-11-29 Thread Shao Zhang
This is not a problem.

libqt2 conflicts with qt1g. So apt wants to remove qt1g. But if
qt1g is removed, then all of your old kde apps have to be

It is the time to upgrade your kde apps using qt2.


Jon Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This morning I'm attempting to install the licq
 package.  done this before so it's no problem.  This
 time it said i had to get the licq-plugin package, so
 mno problem there, but when i attempt to grab that, it
 gives me the following message:
 Note, installing licq-plugin-qt2 instead of
 The following extra packages will be installed:
   libqt2 licq-plugin-qt2
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   kdeadmin kdebase kdebase-i18n kdegames kdegraphics
 kdelibs-doc kdelibs2g
   kdelibs2g-dev kdemultimedia kdenetwork
 kdenetwork-dev kdesupport0g
   kdesupport0g-dev kdetoys kdeutils kdm korganizer
 qt1g qt1g-dev
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   libqt2 licq-plugin-qt2
 0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 19 to remove
 and 129 not upgraded.
 Need to get 1525kB of archives. After unpacking 55.1MB
 will be freed.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
 Is there a reason for it to uninstall all of my KDE
 packages at all?  I've had licq working through kde
 before and this just seems like it's a very stupid
 thing for it to do
 God, Root. What is the difference?
   Pitr, User Friendly
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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: G400 high-res problem

1999-11-29 Thread Mark Zimmerman
I'm using a G400 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with XFree86 3.3.5 and have
no problems with it. My monitor is a Sony 400PS. I also recall that I
used 3.3.4 for a time without incident. The 3.3.4 experience was with
slink; now using potato.

Sorry to have been no help.

- Mark

On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 07:13:51PM -0800, Greg Schulein wrote:
 I'm running a Matrox G400 with a Sony G500 display, on a slink system
 that's been upgraded (via apt) to XFree86 3.3.4.  The problem I'm
 getting is dark bands that flicker on the screen whenever the on-screen
 image is changing.  The scanlines under the dark bands also seem to be
 displaced a few pixels to the left compared to the rest of the
 scanlines.  The picture is fine whenever the image is not changing.  A
 changing image can be an animation, scrolling a window, or even typing
 (like now).  This problem is most pronounced at [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 but is present at lower resolutions and color depths as well.  Is there
 anyone else out there running a G400 under XFree 3.3.4 that is or is not
 having similar problems?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

problems with potato and X11

1999-11-29 Thread Craig_Askings


I upgraded my system last night from slink to potato and now X11 will not start.
First off it was complaining that the 75dpi fonts was missing a fonts.dir file.
Which I manageged to fix.
However it is now complaining that it can't open the default font fixed.
Where do I find this font? or where do I change the default.

Craig Askings.

Re: what happened to netstd?

1999-11-29 Thread Brad
On Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 03:31:46PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 Tell me about it. I had to go all over the place stamping out things like
 rwhod, rsh-server, rthisd and rthatd.

i didn't have any trouble with this. dselect told me it was going to
install all kinds of rpackages, so i put netstd on hold until i got
around to making myself a fake package to fix it.

 That netstd package is a major security problem. I fail to see why it
 installs all that crap on installation OR on removal. I can understand a
 metapackage installing a bunch of things but 1. It should be clearly
 spelled out in the package description what new daemons have been added to
 the meta package and 2. that REMOVING the package will cause a bunch of
 stuff to be installed anyway.

It installs all those rpackages because the old netstd package included
all those. The maintainer decided to split netstd into components for
each daemon, so we CAN remove the rpackages without removing every other
standard daemon.

Nothing was added to netstd, it's just that netstd went from being a
package containing those rservices to a metapackage depending on the
packages providing those same rservices.

netstd won't install anything on removal, AFAIK. However, once its
dependancies are marked for install, just removing netstd won't mark
those for removal.

 r services should, in my personal opinion,  never be part of a
 meta-package unless the meta package clearly shows this in its name ...
 something like rservices-std would be acceptable.

If you look in slink, you'll see that all rservices are in the netstd
_package_. Potato's netstd metapackage does nothing but depend on the
packages containing the programs the netstd package used to contain.

For now, the best solution is to install a fake package that provides
netstd, and remove the netstd package itself. If you felt like it, you
could download the sources for diald, correct the dependancy, and
recompile. Someone has already filed a bug report against diald, so
hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

  finger for GPG public key.
  16 Nov 1999 - new key generated, please stop using the old.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gnome/E

1999-11-29 Thread Adam C Powell IV
Oki DZ wrote:


 I have installed Gnome and Enlightenment on my Pentium 133/64MB RAM; I think 
 is doing fine; there's no need to use dual Pentium machines.  Currently it's 
 basic, no browser or file manager.

For the file manager, you need to install gmc.  There's a slightly functional 
in gnome-help-browser, it dies or hangs on a lot of complex html, but does a 
nice job
of formatting man, info and of course GNOME help documents.  It doesn't seem to 
progressed in over a year, because its replacement will use a CORBA wrapper 
over the
mozilla gtk widget (ready RSN...), so it will be a first-class browser.

I think if you install task-gnome-desktop you'll get both of these (file 
manager and
help browser).


-Adam P.

New users looking for sources.list

1999-11-29 Thread Robert L. Harris

I just installed debian this morning.  I've got gnome installed, but 
apparently on a much older version of Enlightenment.  When I do a
dpkg --list | grep enlightenment it doesn't show as installed, and when
I try to install it, it complains that there's about 5 incompatabilities 
such as imlib (which is too old).  Right now I've got this in my 
sources.list file:

deb slink-update main 
deb enlightenment/
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable non-US
deb dists/proposed-updates/

I moved the first 2 to the front hoping it might clear things up.

Anyone have a well built list that my help clear some of thise up?

Robert L. Harris|   A person is smart;
Senior System Engineer  |People are dumb, panicky
  RD Consulting.   \_dangerous animals  - Agent K

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: problems with potato and X11

1999-11-29 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 29 Nov, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about problems with potato and X11
 I upgraded my system last night from slink to potato and now X11 will not 
 First off it was complaining that the 75dpi fonts was missing a fonts.dir 
 Which I manageged to fix.
 However it is now complaining that it can't open the default font fixed.
 Where do I find this font? or where do I change the default.

When I upgraded from 3.3.4 for slink to 3.3.5-1 for potato I had
similiar problems with 'fixed'.  All I had to do was restart the font
servers and then restart X.  Try running '/etc/init.d/xfs restart'.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: pppd died unexpectedly. Where to look?

1999-11-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 08:02:02PM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
 On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Hans wrote:
  biggerSystem: Acer Travelmate 512T running Slink. Generic PCMCIA
  Nov 28 19:07:20 mack pppd[407]: peer refused to authenticate
 Somehow your ISP uses different approach than your configuration.
 Try adding -debug option to the pppd options in the kppp, and see if this
 produces more info.

I believe this is caused by trying to have the ISP authenticate itself
to you, which will never happen. You should add a line containing the
word 'noauth' to your /etc/ppp/peers/provider config file.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Windows moving active partition mark

1999-11-29 Thread Ethan Benson

On 28/11/99 Micha Feigin wrote:

I am tring to run linux and windows 98 together on the same drive using
I installed lilo on a partition containing the kernel.
I then set the active partition mark to that partition.
As long as windows isn't started then this setup works greate (the lilo
boot prompt comes up and I can chose betwin linux and windows).
The problem is that when ever windows starts it moves the active partition
mark back to its partition.
Is there a way to stop this behaviour?

just install lilo on the MBR then the active partition flag becomes 
irrelevant, lilo gets control immediately.

boot=/dev/hda  ## change to your hard disk device
timeout=40  ## 4 seconds till auto boot of default image

root=/dev/hda1  ## change to your real root partition


other=/dev/hda4  ## change to the partition holding win98
table=/dev/hda ## change to the same value as boot=

rerun lilo and lilo will now be loaded by the BIOS immediately.  LILO 
does not care about active partitions and will follow the lilo.conf 
file whatever image you pick (linux, linux.old, win) it will load.

the only time you will have problem is if you reinstall win98 in 
which case it will overwrite the MBR without asking and you will have 
to use your boot floppy (which you already made right? :) ) to boot 
linux and reinstall lilo.  AFAIK win98 does not do anything stupid 
like reinstalling the MBR every time it boots...

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Weird Routing/IP-Masquerading issue

1999-11-29 Thread Stephen Pitts
orwell has two ethernet cards and serves as the router for my home
network. eth0 connects to a cable modem with IP 24.x.x.x.x (assigned via
DHCP). eth1 connects to the home network with ip The routing 
works fine, and I never have any problems getting to the outside world from
any of the other systems on the network...except for orwell. 

When I'm actually physically logged into orwell, I'm sometimes unable to
establish TCP connections with the outside world. I just ran
fetchmail on magellan ( and it connected to my ISP's POP
server fine. But, even as I speak, fetchmail on orwell is blocking on the
connect() call because it cannot establish a TCP connection with the
outside world. I'm totally bewildered. Twenty minutes from now, it could
work fine.

Instead of using the ipmasq package, I setup the network and some
special IP-Masquerading hacks (for Napster, DirectX, and ICQ) through
/etc/init.d/network, which I've attached. I also use portfw to forward
orwell:81 to magellan:8080 to let others access my Zope server, but I
don't think that that is an issue either. I'm running Debian potato and
kernel 2.2.12 on orwell. 

Does anyone have any ideas? Please CC me as I'm not currently subscribed
to debian-user (I can only handle one high-traffic list, and zope takes
the cake!)
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -
#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo

# internal network is hard-coded; external is setup by DHCP
ifconfig eth0  /dev/null
ifconfig eth1 netmask

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# for DirectPlay games :-)
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 2300 2400 -h
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r tcp 2300 2400 -h
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 47624 47624 -h
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r tcp 47624 47624 -h  

# for napster
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r tcp 6699  6699 -h

# for ICQ
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r tcp 31000 32000 -h

Re: Netscape configuration; Fortify

1999-11-29 Thread Brad
On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 10:14:35PM +0100, Matthias Hertel wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 09:50:02PM +0100, Matthias Hertel wrote:
   I can't get Fortify (fortify 1.4.5-1, fortify-linux-x86 1.4.5-1) to
   patch my Netscape Navigator (navigator-smotif-47 4.7-14). Is it
   possible that this particular Navigator binary
   (/usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator.smotif.real, 7220976 bytes,
   timestamp Sep 16 07:58) is not supported by Fortify? Or am I doing
   something wrong?
 Fortify's /usr/share/fortify/Index file contains quite a lot of
 entries for 4.7 versions (both Communicator and Navigator). There is
 even a line with a file size of 7220976 bytes:
 7220976  - 74c337138775c23a067444a69cff00eb nav 4.7 0 2 \ morphs-1.2 
 x86-unknown-linux2.0 -
 But fortify's install-script failed to patch my Navigator, and
 manually invoking fortify doesn't work either. Any ideas what I could
 try to verify that the above line indeed matches my Navigator binary?
 And if it does, how do I explain that to fortify?

I had this same problem, if you use md5sum on the navigator-smorif.real
binary you'll find that the sum is different from that in Fortify's
Index file.

It worked for me just changing the sum in the Index file. YMMV.

  finger for GPG public key.
  16 Nov 1999 - new key generated, please stop using the old.

Description: PGP signature

Re: fetchmail, exim and pine

1999-11-29 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 08:39:41PM +, John wrote
 I still have difficulty with email configurations. Although I can
 send and receive mail, things are very basic. Would someone
 kindly help me a little further along by explaining/answering:-
 a. My .fetchmailrc contains 'warning 3600' at the end the basic
 config. (i.e. poll with proto POP3user 
 there with password  is  here warning 3600)
 b. I understand a .forward file (in my home directory) will enable 
 me to sort incoming mail. Can I create it in a text editor (say
 pico or ee - my favourites) and are there any special rules
 and examples.

At its simplest a .forward file contains one or more addresses, one
to a line; your mail is forwarded to each of them (instead of being
delivered to your local mailbox).  Exim, procmail and various other
mail delivery/processing software allow you to place more complex
rules in there, to do all sorts of fancy sorting tricks; you should
refer to their documentation for the specifics on each one.

 c. What are RFC 821 and RFC 822.

RFC 821 and RFC 822 are technical documents ('Requests for Comment')
that propose standards for (RFC 821) SMTP, the protocol used to transfer
mail from one host to another (also used by most internet client
mail programs for sending mail) and (RFC 822) the format of internet
mail messages.  As an end-user you probably don't need to read them, 
unless you're especially interested in the nitty-gritty of how these
things work, or want to find out (e.g.) exactly what you're allowed to 
put in your from address.  They are in the (15Mb) package 'doc-rfc'.

 d. As a very inexperienced novice, I still find it best to study
 the printed word. I don't have a printer attached to this 
 installation, so I use mtools and take text onto a floppy
 for printing by another machine. Is there any easy way to
 make man pages (e.g. 'exim.8.gz' after unzipping) capable
 of being reproduced without the 'weird bits' which I don't
 at present understand.

Man (via groff, which does the hard work) understands several output 
formats; if you have access to a postscript printer you can create
a ready-for-printing copy of a man page by (e.g.)
  man -Tps exim
or, if you have an HP LaserJet 4 or other PCL5-compatible printer,
  man -Tlj4 exim  exim-man.lj4

This should produce a file that you can just copy to the printer
for neatly-formatted output.  See man groff for a complete list of
output types, although they are the ones that you are most likely 
to use.

You would print these files by copying them to the printer, with 
 C copy lpt1:
Check the name of the printer; it's been a long time since I did that...

If you're printing on a Mac there is no simple way of copying a 
file directly to the printer; if your printer does postscript, you 
can use the Download commands to the printer (?) menu item in
the LaserWriter utility to print a raw postscript file.

If the printer you are using doesn't do postscript or PCL but is supported
by magicfilter or apsfilter, you might want to consider installing 
magicfilter/apsfilter and printing to a file; you could then use something
  man -t exim | lpr
to format the man page ready for your printer, and then copy the file
that is created to the non-print-challenged PC.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Newbie: slink-to-potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 10:35:52PM +0100, Svante Signell wrote
 I recently installed slink on a new SCSI disk for my dual oc 450 MHz
 Celeron machine. (suse 6.2 is already on an IDE disk).
 Since I'm new to .deb-based systems I would like to ask a few questions:
 (I have been running RedHat since 5.0 up to 6.1 and rawhide, mandrake
 6.1 and suse 6.2 on different machines, but all of them are rpm-based)
 I need to upgrade to a kernel supporting dual CPUs and also to
 XFree86-3.3.5 to get support for my TNT2-based graphics card.
 1. What is the name of the kernel package: dpkg --list only gives
kernel-headers and kernel-source.

If you want a SMP kernel (or if you know what you're doing) it's best
to build your own kernel, using the kernel-package package.  That will
create a .deb containing specifically the kernel you want, with excellent
installation scripts that will ensure that everything goes smoothly.

The procedure:
  - Install kernel-source-2.2.13*.deb and unpack the kernel source under
/usr/src/linux, or get it from wherever you normally do;
  - cd /usr/src/linux; make menuconfig; make-kpkg kernel-image
  - dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image-2.2.13*.deb

This doesn't replace your existing kernel if it's a different kernel
version, and it maintains a link to your 'immediate past kernel' at
/vmlinuz.old so you can leave yourself a 'safe option' by including
a stanza in /etc/lilo.conf to boot /vmlinuz.old.

To build the kernel on x86 you need the make, gcc (that's 2.7.2, not egcs), 
binutils and bin86 packages; to do 'make menuconfig' you need libncurses4-dev 
and libc6-dev, and to do 'make xconfig' you need tk-dev (e.g., tk4.2-dev or 
tk8.0-dev).  And kernel-package, of course.

 2. Which command to use for kernel upgrade?

If you use kernel-package just install the .deb, answer the questions
and reboot.

 3. Which tools to use, apt, dselect and/or dpkg?


 4. Which tool correspond to rpm and yast?

Depends what you mean.  Dpkg does low level package manipulation
on individual .deb files, dselect  apt do high-level package 
manipulation using package repositories and dependency checking.  
If you want to install .rpm'd software, alien builds .debs on-the-fly 
(but you have to be a little careful about differences in filesystem 

 5. I installed the scientific workstation, thereby missing the install
of eg. gnome. I want to run Windowmaker/Enlightenment and
gnome. What to do?

If you have apt installed, you can try something like this:
  apt-get install wmaker-gnome enlightenment gnome-session control-center
which should drag in most of the binaries you need to start.  The 
gnome in 'slink' is pretty old now, and later 'unofficial' package sets
are around that give slink a more recent gnome suite; if you migrate to
potato, that has more recent copies.  Potato and most of the unofficial
gnome sets have 'meta-packages' with names like task-gnome-network that
simplify package selection by requiring reasonably complete, coherent
suites of packages relevant to the role suggested by their name.

I suggest that you look over the archives of this mailing list for
posts pointing to these, and also to other unofficial and semi-official
package repositories.  These include package sets for October GNOME,
XFree86 3.3.5 and so on.

When you look at a package repository you can download and browse through 
the Packages.gz file that it includes to see what packages are there, what 
they rely on, and so on.

 6. How can I get a comprehensive listing of the packages installed
on my computer?

dpkg -l | less

 7. How can I easily get rid of the unwanted ones?

dpkg --purge unwanted-package 
dpkg -r unwanted-package (leaves config files behind, useful if you will be
re-installing later)
apt-get install unwanted-package-
(the trailing '-' says to uninstall it).

Both dpkg --purfe, dpkg -r and apt-get install can handle multiple
package names on the command line.

 8. apt-get upgrade + apt-get dist-upgrade ends with some files not
found. The suggested fix was to add --fix-missing. How can I
update the missing parts or remove the no longer supported packages.

Umm... pass.  This may relate to the fact that Potato is being updated
continuously, and at any one time the Packages file provided may not 
quite line up with what's available.  Try again may be enough.

 9. dselect interface and beginners guide are not informative enough to
guide you to an upgrade easily.

Agreed, but I think it is assumed that people upgrading already have enough 
debian experience to do OK.  Maintenance of dselect seems to be a real
problem; I haven't looked, but I understand that it isn't very clean or
clear at the source level, and it is no longer maintained by its original
author.  While it clearly has its deficiencies, what it does it does well
enough that people are reluctant to start tinkering with it.

 10. dselect is confusing with its immediate help screen if something

Re: [Jetmail System ] Mail Error

1999-11-29 Thread John Pearson
On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 09:34:25AM +1100, Brian May wrote
 Anyone knows what this error means?
 This message *was* posted to debian-user, despite the error. I
 got replies...
 Also, note that the address the bounced message was posted to
 an illegal address.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]doesn't exist, nor have I ever used it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  missing 

You can tell that the post to debian-user was successful, by the 
Received: fields in the returned copy of your mail:
 Received: from[]) by
   with SMTP id /aimcque/jmail.rcv/5/jm0383de3cf; Thu, 25 Nov 1999 
 22:18:17 -

It looks like the message you received was generated by a list
recipient in; a quick whois shows this to be somewhere 
in Guandong, China.

I'd guess they are running a poorly-configured end-user mail filtering 
tool, or perhaps a badly mangled/configured MTA, as:
 - The return address they have chosen is a composite of the fields
   in your own From and Sender fields:
   (best guess: take the first work from From:, and qualify it with
the Sender: domain).
 - They are objecting to the recipient as listed in the text of the
   message, not to the envelope recipient.

Further breakage at their end is evident in that they used
(the host that handed them your message) as a relay for

Depending on which web pages you read, JetMail is either a FidoNet-oriented
list manager for the Atari ST, or a powerful Internet standards-based
email server for small companies, businesses, and corporate remote offices. 
It is designed to be simple for the novice administrator to setup and
configure.  Sounds like one to avoid, in either event :-).

I'd guess that the message you got reflects either someone's badly broekn
attempt to prevent mail relaying, or a failure of their mail filtering
setup due to not being able to deal with To: fields that don't correspond
to known local addresses (perhaps it is a local unbundler, handling mail
as a gateway for a hidden domain, that requires recognisable To: addresses
to allow forwarding to appropriate recipients?).   

I wouldn't worry about it, unless it keeps happening; it looks like it is 
Someone Else's Problem.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

who broken?

1999-11-29 Thread Dave Wiard
After upgrading to potato, it appears as though who may be broken:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/dave] who --count

# users=0

Any idea why this might have happened or how I can fix it?

Dave Wiard

questions about slink to potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread Dan Christensen
Last night I upgraded my fairly stock slink machine to potato using
apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade.  I have various questions.
The last group of questions is about all the errors that occurred.

o Does potato contain all of the Y2K upgrades in slink and a half?
  And all current security updates?

o I'm curious why 15 packages were kept back.  How do I find out what
  caused this?  (The packages are: libmime-base64-perl fvwm eperl
  libtime-hires-perl libpgperl eterm libcurses-pe rl
  libterm-readkey-perl perlmagick mixviews kbd liblockdev0-perl pdl
  libcompress- zlib-perl perl-tk.)  Are they just old?  Should I
  remove them?

o I also downloaded, configured, compiled and installed kernel 2.2.13.
  I found that I now have trouble accessing my pcmcia modem card.
  Sometimes changing the irq with setserial fixes it, but sometimes it
  doesn't.  I've now turned off various other ports in the BIOS to
  free up more irq's, but I still get irregular behaviour.  Did
  something change that could cause this?

o A lot of errors occurred during the upgrade, and I had to intervene
  manually several times.  Do these things represent bugs in apt,
  dpkg, or some package control files?  Here are a few examples:

  - Throughout the upgrade I got the following messages:

  ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file 
or directory), skipping
  ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink
  ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink
  ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink
  ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink

What do they mean?

  - Throughout the upgrade I got the following message:

  Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at 
  /usr/lib/perl5/5.004/Term/ line 305

What does it mean?

  - I also got this a lot:

  dhelp_parse: You can add only directories under /usr/doc!

  warning: error occured during execution of /usr/sbin/dhelp_parse 
  -a at /usr/sbin/install-docs line 241.

(For example, it occurred right after the line
Installing new version of config file /etc/imlib/imrc )

  - The most annoying part was the following error, which stopped the

  install/dpkg-dev: Byte-compiling for emacs20
cd: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dpkg-dev: No such file or directory
  emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/
emacsen-common-install emacs20 failed at 
/usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.
  dpkg: error processing emacs20 (--configure):
   subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29

In the end, the only way I could find to get around this was to
uninstall dpkg-dev and the things that depend on it, configure
emacs, and then reinstall those packages.  What went wrong above?

  - When emacs 20.3 was replaced with 20.4, some stuff got left behind
in /usr/share/emacs/20.3/etc/bbdb/*, .../20.3/site-lisp/debview,
.../20.3/site-lisp/psgml and .../20.3/site-lisp/python-elisp.
I just manually erased it all, but shouldn't it have been removed

  - Some of the startup files in /etc/{emacs,emacs20}/site-start.d/
have not been byte-compiled.  Is this correct behavior?  Also,
some of the byte-compiled files are older than their sources.
Are these old byte-compiled files, or were they simply installed
with old dates?

  - Is there a reason that the psgml package contains the empty
directory /etc/emacs19/site-start.d?  (dpkg -S emacs19 produces 
  psgml: /etc/emacs19
  psgml: /etc/emacs19/site-start.d )
I don't have emacs19 installed.

  - When the upgrade got to mgetty it produced:

  Preparing to replace mgetty 1.1.18-1 (using 
.../archives/mgetty_1.1.21-2.deb) ...
  Unpacking replacement mgetty ...
  dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mgetty_1.1.21-2.deb 
   trying to overwrite `/etc/mgetty/new_fax', which is also in package 
  Preparing to replace mgetty-fax 1.1.18-1 (using 
.../mgetty-fax_1.1.21-2.deb) ...
  Unpacking replacement mgetty-fax ...

and then the install stopped shortly thereafter.  I typed apt-get
dist-upgrade and the installed continued without a problem.

  - When the upgrade got to r-base it produced:

  Preparing to replace r-base 0.62.4-2 (using 
.../archives/r-base_0.90.0-0.deb) ...
  Unpacking replacement r-base ...
  dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/r-base_0.90.0-0.deb 
   trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/R/library/splines/R/splines', which is 
also in package r-cran
  dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)

The only way this would go away is if I remove r-cran and r-base.

If these errors aren't due to mistakes on my part, then 

Re: who broken?

1999-11-29 Thread Ethan Benson

On 28/11/99 Dave Wiard wrote:

After upgrading to potato, it appears as though who may be broken:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/dave] who --count

# users=0

Any idea why this might have happened or how I can fix it?

works for me TM

perhaps your utmp file is corrupt?

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

smail staff

1999-11-29 Thread Moe Thu Kyaw

I want to block the messages bigger than 150K in size.I've setup
max_message_size=150K option in smail config file and it's not
blocking.What should i change to make it enable?Could anybody plase give me
some solution?

Thanks  Regards,

Moe Thu Kyaw

How to auto-apply kernel patches

1999-11-29 Thread ferret

I would have thought this were explained better..
I have kernel-package installed and have kernel source for 2.2.13 and the
kerneli package installed. The documentation for kernel-package states
that make-kpkg can apply the patches during build, then remove them during
clean. What I can't figure out is how I use kernel-package to configure
the kernel WITH the patches applied. is it meant to do that?

-- Ferret no baka

man and non-80 columns displays

1999-11-29 Thread Taupter
Hi people.

I like to use some non-standard text modes, like 132x60, but when I use
man it aways show pages as if it were at 80 columns mode. HOw to fix it?


Re: problems with potato and X11t

1999-11-29 Thread Carl Fink
 However it is now complaining that it can't open the default font fixed.
 Where do I find this font? or where do I change the default.

I believe that's in xfonts-base.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: what happened to netstd?

1999-11-29 Thread Pollywog

On 29-Nov-1999 George Bonser wrote:
 On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Brad wrote:
 netstd won't install anything on removal, AFAIK. However, once its
 dependancies are marked for install, just removing netstd won't mark
 those for removal.
 Well, I saw the description that said it should be removed so I removed it
 and got rwhod and one other package installed as a bonus for removing it.

Me too.  And I lost diald.  I installed it again and got lots of junk I did
not want, so I replaced the r junk with fake packages.


bad alternatives symlinks after potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread Dan Christensen
I just upgraded my mostly stock slink machine to potato with
apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade.  Now I have both /usr/man
and /usr/share/man on my system, and neither is a symlink to the
other.  A quick glance showed no files in common between the
two directories, and they both contain around 7.5M.  man foo
works for foo's in either directory.  But the alternatives
system is messed up, with symlinks pointing to the wrong place.

An example is /etc/alternatives/editor.1.gz, which points to
/usr/man/man1/elvis.1.gz, which does not exist.  However,
/usr/share/man/man1/elvis.1.gz does exist.

What happened?  Would manually changing all the bad symlinks
in /etc/alternatives to point to the right place be the correct
fix?  Is there an automatic way to do this?

Thanks for any suggestions.


Dan Christensen

Re: Good UK spell checker?

1999-11-29 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 11:03:48PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 03:54:45PM -0600, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:
  Does anyone know of a spell-checker that only accepts U.K. (Canadian)
  English?  I need to be able to have a spell checking tool for school that
  will reject words like color, favorite, etc, and only accept colour,
  favourite, etc.
 Ispell with only the uk dictionary installed?  

That isn't strict enough.  It has to consider words like color to be
misspelled (the correct form being colour).
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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expiring threads in mutt

1999-11-29 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Anyone know how to get mutt to automatically delete messages after a
certain age, preferrably only if the entire thread has been inactive for
that time (I like to archive active threads).

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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Description: PGP signature

Re: bad alternatives symlinks after potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread Ethan Benson

On 28/11/99 Dan Christensen wrote:

I just upgraded my mostly stock slink machine to potato with
apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade.  Now I have both /usr/man
and /usr/share/man on my system, and neither is a symlink to the
other.  A quick glance showed no files in common between the
two directories, and they both contain around 7.5M.  man foo
works for foo's in either directory.  But the alternatives
system is messed up, with symlinks pointing to the wrong place.

you getting caught in the transition to FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy 
Standard) that defines that /usr/doc be moved to /usr/share/doc and 
/usr/man be moved to /usr/share/man

it sounds like you found a package or two with bugs not handling this 
transition properly, file a bug report.

An example is /etc/alternatives/editor.1.gz, which points to
/usr/man/man1/elvis.1.gz, which does not exist.  However,
/usr/share/man/man1/elvis.1.gz does exist.

What happened?  Would manually changing all the bad symlinks
in /etc/alternatives to point to the right place be the correct
fix?  Is there an automatic way to do this?

I am not aware of a automatic way to fix this but i could be wrong (I 
have not totally figured out this alternatives thing) it sounds like 
a bug in the package not fixing these symlinks.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: man and non-80 columns displays

1999-11-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
If your pager is less, maybe setting the columns environment variable
will do the trick. See man less.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread John Leget
Thanx but im aware of that, i ran setup for root and normal user so i
can run it as either if need be.

Anyway it used to work but somewhere along the line with upgrades it
broke :(. So i downloaded the latest SO from sun etc.. :(


PS i still dont have an answer :does anyone have it running on potato ?.

PS.PS yes... yes... i know its unstable but it has the files i would
otherwise have to keep up with manually, anyway i still prefer potato to
windows by a long shot ;0)

Aigars Mahinovs wrote:

 On Sun, 28 Nov 1999 07:29:37 + John Leget wrote:

 Installed using setup /net as root.

 RTFM of staroffice!

 If you install staroffice using setup /net then you MUST
 login as normal user and install using setup it from the
 dir you installed it as root to a subdir of your home dir .

 The setup /net install is supposed to be as a host for
 network installations.
 It means you can install it using setup /net to a server on
 the local network and then users will be able to install and use
 staroffice trought net while it whould take only 3-4 Mb on their
 own PCs.
 If you are not installing it on the server -- you should
 better install it with simple setup !


 Mail You Later,
 Aigarius (

 Origin: Invalid SysOp ! Replace and strike any key !

Re: bad alternatives symlinks after potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
The command 'update-alternatives' may help you sort out the mess. It may
be somewhat tedious to do though.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread John Leget
Hmm that sounds interesting, guess ill have a hunt there, im running kernel 

aphro wrote:

 This is a longshot, but what kernel are you running?  I saw in the
 linux-kernel mailing list a bug in staroffice that deals with the latest


 [from the site]
 It was pointed out that the latest stable kernels break StarOffice (or
 rather the Java tool StarOffice depended on).

 Andrea pointed out that the problem was only with accessing the
 nonexistant /proc file, not with sprintf(). He pointed out that
 allowing the quirk in 2.2.x would make no difference to anyone but
 StarOffice users.

 So, you are free to upgrade your kernel source to the latest, patch it to
 be Star Office compatible, and then go on having a happy
 day. If Sun cares about fixing SO, then they will provide new binary
 upgrades on their site.
 [end excerpt]

 On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, John Leget wrote:

 johnjl Just wondering if anyone here is able to run sun's staroffice on the
 johnjl current potato.
 johnjl Its dead for me
 johnjl --splash screen
 johnjl --desktop appears
 johnjl -- unrecoverable error appears
 johnjl Installed using setup /net as root.
 johnjl Same problem when run as root or user, also tested on virgin potato
 johnjl install some error.
 johnjl cheers
 johnjl PS ive noticed some of our local ISP's seem to be using debian, for
 johnjl their mail server anyway :) :) :)
 johnjl --
 johnjl Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
Vice President Network Operations
   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
Everett, WA 425-348-7336
 Powered By:
 Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
 -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
 11:55pm up 100 days, 11:34, 1 user, load average: 2.06, 1.82, 1.74

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: G400 high-res problem

1999-11-29 Thread Greg Schulein
On the contrary, every reply helps.  If others are using the G400
successfully, I'll conclude my card is defective and get a replacement.


Mark Zimmerman wrote:
 I'm using a G400 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with XFree86 3.3.5 and have
 no problems with it. My monitor is a Sony 400PS. I also recall that I
 used 3.3.4 for a time without incident. The 3.3.4 experience was with
 slink; now using potato.
 Sorry to have been no help.
 - Mark
 On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 07:13:51PM -0800, Greg Schulein wrote:
  I'm running a Matrox G400 with a Sony G500 display, on a slink system
  that's been upgraded (via apt) to XFree86 3.3.4.  The problem I'm
  getting is dark bands that flicker on the screen whenever the on-screen
  image is changing.  The scanlines under the dark bands also seem to be
  displaced a few pixels to the left compared to the rest of the
  scanlines.  The picture is fine whenever the image is not changing.  A
  changing image can be an animation, scrolling a window, or even typing
  (like now).  This problem is most pronounced at [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  but is present at lower resolutions and color depths as well.  Is there
  anyone else out there running a G400 under XFree 3.3.4 that is or is not
  having similar problems?
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Re: questions about slink to potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread Joey Hess
Dan Christensen wrote:
 o Does potato contain all of the Y2K upgrades in slink and a half?
   And all current security updates?


   - Throughout the upgrade I got the following message:
   Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at 
   /usr/lib/perl5/5.004/Term/ line 305
 What does it mean?

It's a harmless message produced by a bug in perl. You can install
libterm-readline-gnu-perl to make it go away.

I suggest you file bugs about most of the other problems.

see shy jo

Re: G400 high-res problem

1999-11-29 Thread Aaron Solochek
Well, for what its worth, I am using a g400max with no problem, but not with 
xfree, with

-Aaron Solochek

Greg Schulein wrote:

 On the contrary, every reply helps.  If others are using the G400
 successfully, I'll conclude my card is defective and get a replacement.


 Mark Zimmerman wrote:
  I'm using a G400 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with XFree86 3.3.5 and have
  no problems with it. My monitor is a Sony 400PS. I also recall that I
  used 3.3.4 for a time without incident. The 3.3.4 experience was with
  slink; now using potato.
  Sorry to have been no help.
  - Mark
  On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 07:13:51PM -0800, Greg Schulein wrote:
   I'm running a Matrox G400 with a Sony G500 display, on a slink system
   that's been upgraded (via apt) to XFree86 3.3.4.  The problem I'm
   getting is dark bands that flicker on the screen whenever the on-screen
   image is changing.  The scanlines under the dark bands also seem to be
   displaced a few pixels to the left compared to the rest of the
   scanlines.  The picture is fine whenever the image is not changing.  A
   changing image can be an animation, scrolling a window, or even typing
   (like now).  This problem is most pronounced at [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   but is present at lower resolutions and color depths as well.  Is there
   anyone else out there running a G400 under XFree 3.3.4 that is or is not
   having similar problems?
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Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 06:11:49AM +, John Leget wrote:
 Thanx but im aware of that, i ran setup for root and normal user so i
 can run it as either if need be.
 Anyway it used to work but somewhere along the line with upgrades it
 broke :(. So i downloaded the latest SO from sun etc.. :(

Were you running SO5.0? It's known to have many problems. Apparently
there were some calls to internal routines of the C lib that have
changed (or so I've been told).

 PS i still dont have an answer :does anyone have it running on potato ?.
 PS.PS yes... yes... i know its unstable but it has the files i would
 otherwise have to keep up with manually, anyway i still prefer potato to
 windows by a long shot ;0)

I have SO5.1a running fine for a few months now on a potato box. Got it
from the Sun website a couple months ago. Many fewer hiccups than
version 5.0. If SO5.1 still doesn't work for you, maybe try an strace to
find out where it chokes.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: PPP not working after reinstall

1999-11-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm sending this e-mail using Windowze because my Linux box was
 reinstalled (the primary HD was broken) and PPP isnt working. I used pppconfig
 to configure. I estabilish the connection with pon but the connection's
 velocity doesnt pass above 0 bytes, even pinging or ftping.
 What can be wrong?
 Thanks for any help. Using Windows is getting me nervous. :)

May be You need defaultroute option for pppd ?
Take a look at route output after connection and see if there a deafult route 

ppp0 ?


 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Information Technology Consultant
 Linux Solutions --
 Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

strange openssh behavior

1999-11-29 Thread Herbert Ho
its very odd, but every once in a while, the ssh connect that i make
(with openssh running on both ends) doesn't break.

i will log out and the shell will already have exited, but the fork of
/usr/sbin/sshd will not exit.  on the client-side, the keyboard
entries will be echoed to the screen, but will not affect the locked
state of ssh.

the only way i can exit is to kill the ssh process on the client-side.

i've tried killing (as root) the sshd fork on the server-side.  but this 
has the ill-effect of crashing sshd and ending all future ssh connections 
(the connection i used to kill the first fork is still active and will
exit correctly).  not mentioning the fact that the ssh connect still 
doesn't break on the client-side.

since i'm using openssh on both ends, could this be a config issue?
i'm pretty sure i replaced the config files w/ the package ones when i
upgraded, but i might not have.

since i don't have immediate access to the server (to restart sshd) i
can't get access to the config files for the server (closed everything
except ssh, =p), but i'll post them if you need them once i get ssh
back up on the server-side.

do you guys have any ideas?

thanks in advance,


Re: strange openssh behavior

1999-11-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Herbert Ho wrote:

 since i'm using openssh on both ends, could this be a config issue?
 i'm pretty sure i replaced the config files w/ the package ones when i
 upgraded, but i might not have.

This happens with real-ssh on the client, it is some sort of bizzar server
bug, if you strace the server you find it is looping in select with a
rather low timeout value.


VAX/BSD Emulator

1999-11-29 Thread Shigemaru Nishiyama
I heard the VAX/BSD simulator developed by Panasonic.MCI and Run on FreeBSD.
Shigemaru Nishiyama Shigemal   Staff Engineer
Qualcomm Japan Inc
Akane Bldg.6F,  4-1-31, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 
Phone:03-3224-2299, Fax:03-3224-2289

Re: Kernel

1999-11-29 Thread aphro
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Oki DZ wrote:

litban I think make menuconfig will do the job.
litban But, on i386 potato distro, I couldn't do it because there was no
litban string.h or something. Was it due to the inavailability of curses
litban package?

I get similar problems on my machine too when im at the console, but when
i run menuconfig from an xterm it works fine..not sure where the
differences exist..they should be all the same.. 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
11:44pm up 101 days, 11:23, 2 users, load average: 1.55, 1.38, 0.92

Re: who broken?

1999-11-29 Thread aphro
On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Dave Wiard wrote:

dave After upgrading to potato, it appears as though who may be broken:
dave [EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/dave] who --count

are you running that command from inside screen ?  I get teh same but only
when im inside a screen ..


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
11:44pm up 101 days, 11:23, 2 users, load average: 1.55, 1.38, 0.92

Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Eric G . Miller wrote:

 I have SO5.1a running fine for a few months now on a potato box. Got it
 from the Sun website a couple months ago. Many fewer hiccups than
 version 5.0.

well, i'm having same trouble, too. downloaded 5.1 from sun, installed it, was
running fine a couple of days, and then unrecoverable error  i'm updating 
potato every week, but the problem is still there.

 If SO5.1 still doesn't work for you, maybe try an strace to
 find out where it chokes.

i already took a fast look to strace's output, but didn't tell mee much i 
i should look somewhat closer


Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:05:44AM +0100, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
 well, i'm having same trouble, too. downloaded 5.1 from sun, installed
 it, was running fine a couple of days, and then unrecoverable
 error  i'm updating my potato every week, but the problem is
 still there.
 i already took a fast look to strace's output, but didn't tell mee
 much i understood.  i should look somewhat closer
 Well, on an off chance something weird got written to a startup file,
 try removing (or moving) ~/Office51 and rerunning the set-up routine.

 I agree that strace's output isn't easy to decipher.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: staroffice , potato , unrecoverable error

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Eric G . Miller wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:05:44AM +0100, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  well, i'm having same trouble, too. downloaded 5.1 from sun, installed
  it, was running fine a couple of days, and then unrecoverable
  error  i'm updating my potato every week, but the problem is
  still there.
  i already took a fast look to strace's output, but didn't tell mee
  much i understood.  i should look somewhat closer
  Well, on an off chance something weird got written to a startup file,
  try removing (or moving) ~/Office51 and rerunning the set-up routine.

äähhh, ja, forgot: i've tried that one too  when problems occured (but not 
i'll take one more...

  I agree that strace's output isn't easy to decipher.



where to find this bug: Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177, GEN20 chunk 2.

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
i try to apt-get upgrade and get this error since a week or two. and
since i don't understand perl enough i can't realy trace back. is it a
problem of perl perl5005, debconf, dpkg? what to do?

 apt-get upgrade
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following packages have been kept back
   debiandoc-sgml gnuplot guile1.3 libopenldap1 netstd ssh-askpass-ptk
 205 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.
 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
 Need to get 0B/82.7MB of archives. After unpacking 3555kB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 100% [Scanning packages]
 Configuring packages ...
 Use of uninitialized value at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177,  chunk 2.
 Use of uninitialized value at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 103,  chunk 2.
 This shouldn't happen at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Text/ line 45,  chunk 2.
 E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (255)
 E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt


Re: samba for a kids network-server

1999-11-29 Thread Patrick Kirk

Re: questions about slink to potato upgrade

1999-11-29 Thread Sven Esbjerg
On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 10:24:03PM -0500, Dan Christensen wrote:

   ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file 
 or directory), skipping
   ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink
   ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink
   ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink
   ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/ is not a symlink
 What do they mean?

I had somewhat they the same error. I stopped the installation and installed
theese libs by hand and then it worked.

   dhelp_parse: You can add only directories under /usr/doc!
   warning: error occured during execution of /usr/sbin/dhelp_parse 
   -a at /usr/sbin/install-docs line 241.
 (For example, it occurred right after the line
 Installing new version of config file /etc/imlib/imrc )

Will you file the bug? (I got the same error over and over).

   - The most annoying part was the following error, which stopped the
   install/dpkg-dev: Byte-compiling for emacs20
 cd: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dpkg-dev: No such file or directory
   emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/
 emacsen-common-install emacs20 failed at 
 /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.
   dpkg: error processing emacs20 (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29

Somewhere along from slink to potatto the dir-structure for Emacs got changed
but the install-script does noet reflect this. I fixed the problem by moving
the missing files/dirs from the old place to the new place. I shure hope this
is fixed when potato is released - it's not vere easy to figure these things
out if one is a newbee.

Still, fewer errors ocurred than I had expected.
Sven Esbjerg

Re: staroffice, potato (patching the kernel)

1999-11-29 Thread J Horacio MG


 I installed Star Office 5.1 in the /opt directory as root with the
 setup option /net.
 Then I ran setup as normal user from the /opt/staroffice-dir
 directory and the
 setup program installed basic files in my home directory.
 That's all, no problems under potato with 2.2.11.
 Did you install the files in your home directory or did you run
 soffice directly from
 your installation directory??

I've tried the installation both as user and as root, but all I get is a 
frozen staroffice installation screen.  Everything breaks, no Ctrl+Alt+BkSp 
or Ctrl+Alt+Del ... nothing works.

I recall having it working with 2.0.36, but nothing I can do with
2.2.10.  Since the installation attempts, sometimes, when I quit
X-Window, I get a striped screen and the system freezes (may be

aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something about a patch.  How do I apply
a patch to the kernel?  I mean, just by:

# cp patch.x /usr/src/linux/

# cd /usr/src/linux

# patch -p0 patch.x


Is 0 the right -pnumber?


Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

CD-Writer recomendation!

1999-11-29 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Hello again,

A friend of mine is interested in buying a CD-Writer. He asked me to
recomend a model to him, but I have no idea. Can anyone help me to go
through this situation?

Thanks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

Re: man and non-80 columns displays

1999-11-29 Thread Bob Vloon

 I like to use some non-standard text modes, like 132x60, but when I use
 man it aways show pages as if it were at 80 columns mode. HOw to fix it?

I'm using a quick hack: in the directory /usr/share/groff/tmac (slink/potato)
or /usr/lib/groff/tmac (1.3) there is a file: man.local 
Add the lines .ll linelength and/or .pl pagelength (you'll have to put 
instructions on seperate lines!)..

In the case of a resolution of 132x60 this would yield to
.pl 59
.ll 132

You'll have to define a pagesize minus one line: for the status-line of 

Have fun..

PS.: manual pages called earlier are saved in /var/cache/man/* or /var/catman. 
These are formatted using your current settings.. You'll have to delete these
first before seeing any change for these pages.. Next to that are the 
preformatted pages.. Same problem, but you shouldn't delete these :-)

Re: where to find this bug: Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177, GEN20 chunk 2.

1999-11-29 Thread Martin Fluch

Does an

  dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/debconf*



On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Gerhard Kroder wrote:

 i try to apt-get upgrade and get this error since a week or two. and
 since i don't understand perl enough i can't realy trace back. is it a
 problem of perl perl5005, debconf, dpkg? what to do?
  apt-get upgrade
  Reading Package Lists... Done
  Building Dependency Tree... Done
  The following packages have been kept back
debiandoc-sgml gnuplot guile1.3 libopenldap1 netstd ssh-askpass-ptk
  205 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.
  1 packages not fully installed or removed.
  Need to get 0B/82.7MB of archives. After unpacking 3555kB will be used.
  Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
  stty: standard input: Invalid argument
  stty: standard input: Invalid argument
  100% [Scanning packages]
  Configuring packages ...
  Use of uninitialized value at 
  /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177,  chunk 2.
  Use of uninitialized value at 
  /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 103,  chunk 2.
  This shouldn't happen at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Text/ line 45,  chunk 
  E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (255)
  E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt

- -- 
Where do you want to go today? - As far from Redmond as possible!

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Potato ISO-Images

1999-11-29 Thread Michelle Konzack

can anyone tell me, where I can get the 
ISO-Images for Potato with Kernet 2.2.13 ?

I was searching but without success.


Re: Potato upgrade [PERL]

1999-11-29 Thread J Horacio MG

 After a long battle with an upgrade to potato from a very customized slink am
 allmost happy. I just miss one thing:
 I cannot start gdm due to some wierd problem. It complains about the user and
 group for /var/gdm. Supposedly they should be nobody:deamon but that doesn't
 work either. In Slink it was root who owned everything regarding to gdm. Has
 that changed?
 Another thing. When I install new packages from dselect I get an error:
 Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Term/ line 305
 Is this a general error (I haven't seen it on any other potato-machines)?

I recently had a similar problem with xdm after trying to install
perl5005.  The problem was that perl5005 conflicts with perl_5004, and
the former couldn't be installed thereof, and the later couldn't be
removed due to many packages depending on it.

I wrote to the list and got no answer, and wrote to the perl maintainer
but no answer either.  Finally, I removed all packages depending on
perl_5004, etc, installed perl5005, and reinstalled (well, upgrades) all
previously uninstalled packages.

Now, the /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/... message at boot up is gone, and xdm is
up and working again.  Just FYI, I send you a `dpkg -l' with all my perl
related installation:

ii  perl-5.005  5.005.03-4 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and
ii  perl-5.005-base 5.005.03-4 The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish
ii  perl-5.005-debu 5.005.03-4 View internals of Perl and debug Perl
ii  perl-5.005-doc  5.005.03-4 Man pages and pod docs for Perl
ii  perl-5.005-suid 5.005.03-4 Runs setuid Perl scripts.
ii  perl-base   5.004.05-1 Fake package assuring that one of the
ii  perl-tk 800.015-1  Perl module providing the Tk graphics
ii  perlmagick  4.28-4 A perl interface to the libMagick
ii  perlsgml97.09.18-3 tools to build and analyze SGML

Check out dependencies and requirements, uninstall all packages which
depend on old perl (write down which ones and get the newer ones from
potato), uninstall old perl, and install everything new.


p.s.  btw, there was a fairly small perl... hold on... ok... I also had
to install the following:


Package: perl-base
 Version: 5.004.05-1
 Architecture: all
 Essential: yes
 Depends: perl5-base
 Installed-Size: 7
 Maintainer: Darren Stalder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Description: Fake package assuring that one of the -base package
  is installed
  This package depends on perl5-base that is provided by
  the various perl-...-base package. It's essential.

Good luck!

Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

OFFTOPIC Xemacs-Print-to-file HOW?

1999-11-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
I know this is a little off topic. I'm trying to figure out how to get
Xemacs(21) to pretty-print to file. The closest I came was setting the
lpr command to gv, with the argument '-'. gv comes up and displays the
file but menus like 'Save Document As' are greyed out. Any ideas here?
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: where to find this bug: Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/ line 177, GEN20 chunk 2.

1999-11-29 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Martin Fluch wrote:

 Does an

   dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/debconf*


oh, yes,  cycled  from .22 up  to .48  why didn't debconf update
throughout regular  apt-get update


[Linux: Router] What does I need ???

1999-11-29 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello and good day.

OK, today in the morning I have downloaded the Base-Installation 
of Potato.

Now, my Question is, WHAT DOES I NEED to install a simpel Router ???

I have 5 NIC's 3c509-TPO and a fixed IP-Adress from my Provider (eth0). 
The cable modem 2 will be installed next year but I like to install 
the Router complete. 
A small note: A cable modem can run ONLY 8 fixed IP-Addresses.

eth0Kabel-Modem 1
eth1Kabel-Modem 2   (Not availlable yet)
eth2HUB 1   192.168.1.x public network
eth3HUB 2   192.168.2.x private network
eth4HUB 3   192.168.3.x secure network  (Not availlable yet)

Curently I must work with IP-Masquerading only...
...but it runs.

OK, I have a LRP 2.9.4 box running which is based on Debian 2.1 (2.0.36). 
I have no knowledge from ipchains and ...

The last weekend I have tried RedHat and DLD but I almost gave me a shoot...

Back to Linux, - Back to Debian !!!

I hope you can help me 



Crash windows with ping?

1999-11-29 Thread Horvath Zsolt

I've heard windows will crash when I ping it. What parameters have ping in
this case?



1999-11-29 Thread Fish Smith

Apologies for the blank space up here.  I'm having
mailer problems.  Of course if I could type my
listserv addresses right I wouldn't have to forward
the bounce-backs twice...
Please CC replies to me, as I am not subscribed to
list. Thanx.

My /etc/profile reads like this:
# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for

s9x() { snes9x /.roms/$1 }
play() { mpg123 $*/dev/null }
l() { dir $*|less }
export PATH PS1
umask 002

With a few blank lines thrown in to mark off
but I have limited space in my mailer.  Every time I
login I get bash: /etc/profile: line XX (varies as
tinker trying to get it to work, but always the last
line): syntax error: unexpected end of file
I don't know what it expects me to put before the
of the file, because before it was just fine, and my
prompt, path and functions work now.  It looks just
about the same as my individual ~/.bash_profile
which also work fine.
Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
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Re: PPP not working after reinstall

1999-11-29 Thread Ookhoi
  I'm sending this e-mail using Windowze because my Linux box was
  reinstalled (the primary HD was broken) and PPP isnt working. I used 
  to configure. I estabilish the connection with pon but the connection's
  velocity doesnt pass above 0 bytes, even pinging or ftping.
  What can be wrong?
  Thanks for any help. Using Windows is getting me nervous. :)
 May be You need defaultroute option for pppd ?
 Take a look at route output after connection and see if there a deafult route 
 ppp0 ?

Last week I installed Potato, and I didn't get PPP to work. I check and
changed a lot in the ppp config, but nothing helped. It indeed doesn't
seem to create a defaultroute (but of course defaultroute was 'on').
It could still be silly me, but now I read this, it could also be a
Potato problem?


using X Toolkit API on slink - Pushbutton.h?

1999-11-29 Thread John Miskinis


  I'm trying to get a full X Development system put together
based on slink.  I am trying to get some simple XT examples to
compile.  (although I have lesstif and GTK working nicely)

  There is no Pushbutton.h file on my system anywhere, although
in the Xaw directory Box.h and Label.h are there.

**   Do I need to install more packages for XT development?

  All my books are X11 R5 based, but I doubt that the push button
widget went away in R6!



Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: char-major-5

1999-11-29 Thread Serge Gavrilov
On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 07:55:24AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One other char-major problem. When I start my ppp session with pon, I get a
 Can't locate module char-major-108. The session works ok. I tried compiling
 ppp as a module instead of in the kernel (it worked with char-major-5), but 
 didn't solve anything. I did modprobe -c, but the I could only find alias
 char-major-107 3dfx, no -108 anywhere.
 Do you know what char-major-108 is supposed to be? Is it part of ppp?


Do you resolve this problem? I have the same. I added /dev/ppp c 108 0, 
but nothing changes.

Serge Gavrilov 
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Hydroelasticity,
St.Petersburg, Russia |  URL:

Re: sorting and naming files

1999-11-29 Thread Marc Mongeon
The following should do approximately what you want:

$ i=1
$ for f in `ls | sort`
 mv $f text${i}.txt
 i=`expr $i + 1`

'man bash', 'man sort', and 'man expr' should give you some more
insight into what these commands do.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 Alexander P. Barkey (hypnotic) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/24 8:04 PM 
is there any way to sort and name the files in a directory?

for example...the files are all called like they have been downloaded...
now i want them to be like text01.txt text02.txt etc...

how can i do that?

Alexander P. Barkey

lost HDD space

1999-11-29 Thread debian
Hi all,

I have an 8.5 Gig HDD but my total partition space
comes to only 7.2 Gigs.  Id there a way for me to 
create a new partition to use the missing 1.3 Gigs.  

I've been using SAMBA to copy my kids games to the
Linux server and run them from the network instead
of the CD drive.  Great speed but I'm running out
of space :-(

Thanks in advance!


PS - just thought that there are two 125 MB swap 
partitions so that's 250 accounted for.

Re: char-major-5

1999-11-29 Thread mheyes

These were the steps I followed to solve the problem. Thanks to Colin for his

Michael Heyes

With ppp as a module, try putting the line alias char-major-108 ppp
into /etc/modutils/aliases and running 'update-modules' then 'depmod -a'
to see if that solves the problem. (modprobe reads from
/etc/modules.conf, which is generated from /etc/modutils/* by
update-modules, to determine where to find modules.)

Serge Gavrilov [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/29/99 08:19:52 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:   Debian User Mailing List

Subject:  Re: char-major-5

On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 07:55:24AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One other char-major problem. When I start my ppp session with pon, I get a
 Can't locate module char-major-108. The session works ok. I tried compiling
 ppp as a module instead of in the kernel (it worked with char-major-5), but
 didn't solve anything. I did modprobe -c, but the I could only find alias
 char-major-107 3dfx, no -108 anywhere.

 Do you know what char-major-108 is supposed to be? Is it part of ppp?


Do you resolve this problem? I have the same. I added /dev/ppp c 108 0,
but nothing changes.

Serge Gavrilov
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Hydroelasticity,
St.Petersburg, Russia |  URL:

Re: /etc/profile

1999-11-29 Thread Patrick Kirk

same-gnome kills sawmill

1999-11-29 Thread Pedro Sanchez
The following looks to me like a bug against sawmill: Launch the same
gnome game and click the maximize button. This always logs me out of
the gnome-session (which is my only command in .xsession) killing all
other applications except communicator which has to be killed manually.
This doesn't happen when running Enlightenment.

Can you verify this?


Re: PPP not working after reinstall

1999-11-29 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
The problem is already solved. I'm putting the gateway as the ethernet
Quoting Ookhoi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   I'm sending this e-mail using Windowze because my Linux box was
   reinstalled (the primary HD was broken) and PPP isnt working. I used 
   to configure. I estabilish the connection with pon but the connection's
   velocity doesnt pass above 0 bytes, even pinging or ftping.
   What can be wrong?
   Thanks for any help. Using Windows is getting me nervous. :)
  May be You need defaultroute option for pppd ?
  Take a look at route output after connection and see if there a deafult 
  route through
  ppp0 ?
 Last week I installed Potato, and I didn't get PPP to work. I check and
 changed a lot in the ppp config, but nothing helped. It indeed doesn't
 seem to create a defaultroute (but of course defaultroute was 'on').
 It could still be silly me, but now I read this, it could also be a
 Potato problem?

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant
Linux Solutions --
Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Re: OFFTOPIC Xemacs-Print-to-file HOW?

1999-11-29 Thread David Z. Maze
Eric G Miller writes:
EGM I know this is a little off topic. I'm trying to figure out how to get
EGM Xemacs(21) to pretty-print to file.

Use a prefix argument, like C-u M-x ps-print-buffer-with-faces.  This
will prompt you for a filename.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

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